asheville squadron - nov 2008

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  • 8/2/2019 Asheville Squadron - Nov 2008



    G a z e t t eVol.1 Issue 6 Semper Gumby November, 2008

    Media catches ight with CAPOn a clear October

    Saturday morning localtalk radio personality MattMittan and his producer,Agnes Cheek, made theirway to the Asheville Air-

    port and the headquartersof the Asheville Compos-

    ite Squadron of the CivilAir Patrol.

    Media ights for CAPare a rare item having to

    be cleared at wing leveland national too.

    However, the squad-ron saw an opportunityto introduce Cheek tothe joy of ying. Cheek,an earthbound had never

    been aloft before.Mittan, the afternoon

    talk jock for WWNC 570

    AM and a former memberof the Air Force, has helpCAP in the past with sev-eral on air interviews.

    Matt has been afriend to the squadron andwe wanted to introducea member of his teamto ying, said Lt. ClintParker, Public AffairsOfcer with the AshevilleSquadron.

    Lt. Col. Wally Court-ney was the pilot in com-

    mand of the ight and

    Matt Mittan and Agnes Cheek get a photo with Lt. Col. Wally Courtney beforethe flight.

    allowed Mittan and Cheekto help plan the ight.

    Mittan and Cheekchose a route that wouldtake them over theirrespectively residents andover their radio station.

    They were given their

    ight brieng and thentaken to the aircraft for a

    preight of the air plane.Lt. Col. Courtney hope

    to give the two a realisticexperience of what CAP

    personnel have to do toget a plane in the air andthat theres more to yingin an airplane than just

    jumping in and off yougo.

    Mittan said that hourlong ight was great and

    that was very little turbu-lence excepts on some ofthe high ridges.

    Now when Mattreports on activities ofthe CAP he has a deeperunderstand of how ourgroup works and abouta professionalism in thearea of aviation, Parkerstated.

    Cheek ended up yingseveral more times duringthe month of October, but

    in commercial ights.

    CAP member passes

    leaving lasting legacy

    Lt Col Eggers.

    Civil Air Patrol (CAP)Lt Col William HermanEggers, age 74, of Flat Rock,

    for over 40 years. Duringthat period in Civil Air Patrolhe served as an Group Com-mander, Inspector General,Information Ofcer, FlightRelease Ofcer, and FlightOperations Ofcer.

    In August of this yearLt Col Eggers transferredto Asheville Squadron inAsheville, North Carolina.During that period beforehis passing he observed

    the active cadet programin the squadron and wasso impressed by the cadetcorps that he has generouslydonated a sum of money to be set up as a scholarshipfund to be used in ighttraining of cadets in thesquadron.

    The name of the fund is to be The William H. EggersCadet Scholarship Fund inhis honor.

    North Carolina passed awayFriday October 3,2008 at theElizabeth Hospice House in

    Flat Rock.Col Eggers was laid to rest

    in Salisbury National Cem-etery in Salisbury, NorthCarolina.

    Lt Col Eggers was bornon September 23,1934 inOnieda,NY the son of thelateHarmon Eggers and thelate Rose Regan Eggers.

    He was a veteran of theUS Air Force and has been amember of Civil Air Patrol

  • 8/2/2019 Asheville Squadron - Nov 2008


    Halloween, Gumby styleEvery fth Thursday of a month the Asheville Composite

    Squadron enjoys a pot luck dinner at their headquarters.Octobers fth Thursday fell on the 30rd and in celebra-

    tion of Halloween, squadron members turn out ghoulishwith enthusiasm.

  • 8/2/2019 Asheville Squadron - Nov 2008


    Gumby Sq. at Wing ConferenceBy Clint Parker

    The Asheville Compos-ite Square was well repre-sented at this years North

    Carolina Wing Conferenceheld at New Bern.

    Lt Col Bob Bauer, whowas unable to attend thisyears conference because

    he was attending NationalStaff College, was happy tohear that all squadron mem- bers made it back withoutany incidents.

    The squadron also madeit back with several awardsincluding the First in FlightAward for orientation ights(24 rst rides, 15 other frontand 33 back seat rides) andNC Wing Aerospace Educa-tion Unit of the Year.

    Squadron member MajorJim Style received a Recruit-

    ing and Retention Ofcer ofthe Year and Major RichardAugur received Cadet Pro-grams Ofcer of the Year.

    Congratulations to thesquadron and to MajorsStyle and Augur.

  • 8/2/2019 Asheville Squadron - Nov 2008


    Asheville helps with

    Jackson Air ShowBy Lt. Nancy Greene

    Jackson County Air Show opens withCAP Drug Demand Reduction Red

    Ribbon WeekThe Jackson County Air show opened

    Saturday 10-18-2008 with a beautiful

    day and grand style. Planes from all overWestern North Carolina lled the air assounds of aircraft and excited onlook-ers, and watched as all kinds of aircraft

    landed including our Squadrons Cessna172. Pilots from left to right( ? MajorJoe Weinash, Lt Richard Freeman andMajor Jim Styles. Proudly displayed ouraircraft to local pilots and visitors.

    Lt Nancy Greene, Asheville Squad-rons Drug Demand Reduction Ofcerofcially opened Red Ribbon Week witha booth, and display. Lt Greenes displayhonored stained DEA Agent Enrique(Kiki) S. Camarena whose tragic kid-napping and death in 1985 shocked thenation. Agent Camarenas family, localschools and community wanted to honorhis passing by displaying Red Ribbons

    to express the importance of being drugfree.

    Lt Greene along with Asheville cadetscame prepared to answer questions andhanded out Red Ribbons to visitors,expressing the importance of spreadingthe word to live a healthy and drug freelife. Lt Greene felt visitors came awaywith a better understanding of the historyof Red Ribbon week and the message itsends.

    From Candy to Drugs to Kids

    By Lt. Nancy Greene

    News of a freighting new way to getdrugs in to kids came streaming through

    the Internet the other day.Its imaginable that Crys-tallized Meth is nding itsway into a candy form. Thisnew form of Meth so calledStrawberry Quick hasmade it into several statescausing numerous kids to become extremely sick andeven death. This warningabout sweetened and a-vored forms of Metham- phetamine that began land-

    ing in boxes in Nevada onApril 2007.

    It looks like the candyPop Rocks. The candythat sizzles and pops inyour mouth.

    In its current form it isdark pink in color and has astrawberry scent to it. It alsocomes in chocolate, peanut

    butter, cola, cherry, grape andorange. Please advise your children,their friends and other students neverto accept candy from strangers as thisis obviously and attempt to seduce

    children into drug use.Meth is not the only drug taking

    new forms, but something calledcheese

    Cheese is a combination of blacktar heroin and crushed up Tylenol PMtablets and hits of it sell for a buck ortwo. Like any typed of heroin, cheeseis highly addictive and deadly. Now ofcial realize cheese is all

    too real: at least 21 kids have diedfrom overdosing on it. The DEA saysthe whole act of marketing drugs tokids is a dangerous and relativelynew trend.

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