asan with autism now webinar march 20, 2012

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8/2/2019 ASAN with Autism NOW Webinar March 20, 2012 1/15

 A Very 

Necessary Book 

Shannon Des Roches Rosa

Carol Greenburg

Jennifer Byde Myers

8/2/2019 ASAN with Autism NOW Webinar March 20, 2012 2/15

Shannon Des Roches Rosa Carol Greenburg Jennifer Byde Myers

Shannon Des Roches Rosa writesabout autism, parenting,evidence-based approaches,iPads, and geekery,'s contributingeditor for parenting kids withspecial needs, and as a co-founder and Senior Editor of TheThinking Person's Guide toAutism. Her writing andinterviews have also been

featured in The New York Times,The Wall Street Journal, andParents Magazine.

She, her handsome husband,and their three capriciouschildren live near San Francisco

Carol Greenburg, executivedirector of Brooklyn SpecialNeeds Consulting, is a special

education consultant and layadvocate in private practiceserving the five boroughs of NYCand beyond. Her uniqueperspective as an adult withAspergers Syndrome and as themother of a severely language-delayed autistic child, informs allof her work. A frequent speaker

at National Conferences and areauniversities, parent supportgroups and community basedorganizations, she is a memberin good standing of Council of Parents Attorneys and Advocates(COPAA). Carol lives in Brooklynwith two humans: hermagnificent husband and son, aswell as two cats.

Jennifer Byde Myers is a writer,editor, and parent of a child withautism. She has been writing

since 2003, chroniclingher family’s journey fromdiagnosis to daily living with herson’s special needs. She is afounder and editor of TheThinking Person’s Guide toAutism. Her writing has beenfeatured at, Autism

Speaks,, and in severalbooks including My Baby Ridesthe Short Bus. She is a regularcontributor at Dandelion andlives on the San Franciscopeninsula with her supportivehusband, two wily children, anda dog named Gus.

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• The resource we wish we'd had when autism

first became part of our lives

• One-stop source for carefully curated,

evidence-based information

• Veteran and expert perspectives from autism

parents, autistics, and autism professionals

Why Create TPGA?

Shannon Des Roches Rosa

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• Carol Greenburg: Self-Advocate, autismparent, professional advocate

•  Jennifer Byde Myers: Co-founder, writer,autism parent

• Shannon Des Roches Rosa: Co-founder, writer,

autism parent• Emily Willingham: Science Editor, autism


• Liz Ditz: co-founder, educational advocate

Five Editors

Shannon Des Roches Rosa

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• Positive role modeling: get past stereotypes,

misinformation, negativity

• Clear, thoughtfully presented, balanced,

referenced information

• Promote autism acceptance: not merely noble

but necessary attitude

• Promote rights to medical, legal, social,

educational accommodation

Project Goals

Shannon Des Roches Rosa

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• Does this practitioner or vendor promise miraclesthat no one else seems to achieve?

Is the person promising the outcome also askingfor money?

• Is there any scientific research supporting theirclaims beyond individual testimonials?

Does the practitioner or vendor promise ablanket “cure” for unrelated disorders?

• Does the practitioner or vendor have strongcredentials as an expert in the therapies they’re

promising, or in the field of autism?

Evaluating misinformation

and pseudoscience

Shannon Des Roches Rosa

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• One of the most important actions we can take

• Embrace the best, fact-based autism

approaches and attitudes

• Critical attitude: “I love someone with autism

and…” not “I love someone with autism but…” 

• Critical, primary voices: Autistics themselves

Thinking Critically

Shannon Des Roches Rosa

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Self-advocacy is for everyone

Carol Greenburg

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Type of advocacy depends

on your goals

Carol Greenburg

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Think Rights. Talk Responsibilities.

Carol Greenburg

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Best advocacy works for

everyone involved

Carol Greenburg

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Parents, Adults, Professionals

Online and Offline

Fostering Community

Jennifer Byde Myers

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Setting up for success with

service providers

Knowledge is Power

Jennifer Byde Myers

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Take the best path

Jennifer Byde Myers

Learn from those who have

come before you

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Where to find more info


Jennifer Byde Myers

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