as media studies: evaluation question 4

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Who would be the audience of your media product?

TARGET AUDIENCEThe target audience of my film is male and females aged 12-18. I found that these were the most likely people to watch action thriller films. I carried out some research to find out why they like action thrillers and it was generally because of the fast pace and intriguing story lines.


My film is mostly suited to females because of the two strong female characters. Action thriller films often include males as the main, strong characters. However, I subverted this stereotype to make my film different but also more relatable for girls. Action films are generally targeted towards males so I wanted to make a film that is enjoyable for females as well. I think including female characters does this because girls feel they can understand them more.


My film is also suited to males because it is the stereotypical genre that males like. Also, it includes a weapon which, conventionally, is something that attracts males. This is because of the violence and power that it connotes. Although the use of female characters makes my film relatable for girls, I think the storyline is interesting for any gender so it is suitable for males as well

Therefore, my film is suitable for a tent pole audience as any gender is suited to watch it and can enjoy it.

BBFC RATING: 12I have rated my film as a 12 purely because of the use of a weapon. Other than this it fits under the criteria of a PG but the huge focus on the weapon and the suggested shooting at the end means it has to be rated as a 12.

Although the idea of violence/harm is suggested throughout the film, suicide, hanging or self-harm isn’t shown or suggested so it doesn’t have to be rated as a 15.

I’m glad to rate my film as a 12 because it increases the size of my target audience and the people that can watch it, making it more of a widely enjoyed film.

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