arxiv:1608.04845v1 [cs.ds] 17 aug 2016 graph methods at uc berkeley during the spring 2015 semester....

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Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods

Michael W. Mahoney∗

∗International Computer Science Institute and Department of Statistics, University of California at Berkeley,

Berkeley, CA. E-mail:


These are lecture notes that are based on the lectures from a class I taught on the topic ofSpectral Graph Methods at UC Berkeley during the Spring 2015 semester.

Spectral graph techniques are remarkably broad, they are widely-applicable and often veryuseful, and they also come with a rich underlying theory, some of which provides a very goodguide to practice. Spectral graph theory is often described as the area that studies propertiesof graphs by studying properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices associated withthe graph. While that is true, especially of “classical” spectral graph theory, many of themost interesting recent developments in the area go well beyond that and instead involve early-stopped (as well as asymptotic) random walks and diffusions, metric embeddings, optimizationand relaxations, local and locally-biased algorithms, statistical and inferential considerations,etc. Indeed, one of the things that makes spectral graph methods so interesting and challengingis that researchers from different areas, e.g., computer scientists, statisticians, machine learners,and applied mathematicians (not to mention people who actually use these techniques), all cometo the topic from very different perspectives. This leads them to parameterize problems quitedifferently, to formulate basic problems as well as variants and extensions of basic problemsin very different ways, and to think that very different things are “obvious” or “natural” or“trivial.” These lectures will provide an overview of the theory of spectral graph methods,including many of the more recent developments in the area, with an emphasis on some of thesecomplementary perspectives, and with an emphasis on those methods that are useful in practice.

I have drawn liberally from the lectures, notes, and papers of others, often without detailedattribution in each lecture. Here are the sources upon which I drew most heavily, in rough orderof appearance over the semester.

• “Lecture notes,” from Spielman’s Spectral Graph Theory class, Fall 2009 and 2012• “Survey: Graph clustering,” in Computer Science Review, by Schaeffer• “Geometry, Flows, and Graph-Partitioning Algorithms,” in CACM, by Arora, Rao, and

Vazirani• “Lecture Notes on Expansion, Sparsest Cut, and Spectral Graph Theory,” by Trevisan• “Expander graphs and their applications,” in Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., by Hoory, Linial,

and Wigderson• “Multicommodity max-flow min-cut theorems and their use in designing approximation

algorithms,” in JACM, by Leighton and Rao• “Efficient Maximum Flow Algorithms,” in CACM, by Goldberg and Tarjan• “A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering,” in Statistics and Computing, by von Luxburg• “A kernel view of the dimensionality reduction of manifolds,” in ICML, by Ham, et al.• “Laplacian Eigenmaps for dimensionality reduction and data representation,” in Neural

Computation, by Belkin and Niyogi• “Diffusion maps and coarse-graining: a unified framework for dimensionality reduction,

graph partitioning, and data set parameterization,” in IEEE-PAMI, by Lafon and Lee• “Transductive learning via spectral graph partitioning,” in ICML, by Joachims• “Semi-Supervised Learning Using Gaussian Fields and Harmonic Functions,” in ICML, by

Zhu, Ghahramani, and Lafferty• “Learning with local and global consistency,” in NIPS, by Zhou et al.• “Random Walks and Electric Networks,” in arXiv, by Doyle and Snell• “Implementing regularization implicitly via approximate eigenvector computation,” in

ICML, by Mahoney and Orecchia• “Regularized Laplacian Estimation and Fast Eigenvector Approximation,” in NIPS, by

Perry and Mahoney• “Spectral Ranking”, in arXiv, by Vigna• “PageRank beyond the Web,” in SIAM Review, by Gleich• “The Push Algorithm for Spectral Ranking”, in arXiv, by Boldi and Vigna• “Local Graph Partitioning using PageRank Vectors,” in FOCS, by Andersen, Chung, and



• “A Local Spectral Method for Graphs: with Applications to Improving Graph Partitionsand Exploring Data Graphs Locally,” in JMLR, by Mahoney, Orecchia, and Vishnoi

• “Anti-differentiating Approximation Algorithms: A case study with Min-cuts, Spectral,and Flow,” in ICML, by Gleich and Mahoney

• “Think Locally, Act Locally: The Detection of Small, Medium-Sized, and Large Commu-nities in Large Networks,” in PRE, by Jeub, Balachandran, Porter, Mucha, and Mahoney

• “Towards a theoretical foundation for Laplacian-based manifold methods,” in JCSS, byBelkin and Niyogi

• “Consistency of spectral clustering,” in Annals of Statistics, by von Luxburg, Belkin, andBousquet

• “Spectral clustering and the high-dimensional stochastic blockmodel,” in The Annals ofStatistics, by Rohe, Chatterjee, and Yu

• “Regularized Spectral Clustering under the Degree-Corrected Stochastic Blockmodel,” inNIPS, by Qin and Rohe

• “Effective Resistances, Statistical Leverage, and Applications to Linear Equation Solving,”in arXiv, by Drineas and Mahoney

• “A fast solver for a class of linear systems,” in CACM, by Koutis, Miller, and Peng• “Spectral Sparsification of Graphs: Theory and Algorithms,” in CACM, by Batson, Spiel-

man, Srivastava, and TengFinally, I should note that these notes are unchanged, relative to the notes that have been

available on my web page since the class completed; but, in response to a number of requests, Idecided to put them all together as a single file and post them on the arXiv. They are still veryrough, and they likely contain typos and errors. Thus, feedback and comments—both in termsof specific technical issues as well as general scope—are most welcome.

Michael W. MahoneyAugust 2016



1 (01/22/2015): Introduction and Overview 11

1.1 Basic motivating background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.2 Types of data and types of problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.3 Examples of graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.4 Some questions to consider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.5 Matrices for graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.6 An overview of some ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1.7 Connections with random walks and diffusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

1.8 Low-dimensional and non-low-dimensional data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.9 Small world and heavy-tailed examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.10 Outline of class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2 (01/27/2015): Basic Matrix Results (1 of 3) 23

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.2 Some basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.3 Two results for Hermitian/symmetric matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.4 Consequences of these two results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.5 Some things that were skipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3 (01/29/2015): Basic Matrix Results (2 of 3) 31

3.1 Review and overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2 Some initial examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.3 Basic ideas behind Perron-Frobenius theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.4 Reducibility and types of connectedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.5 Basics of Perron-Frobenius theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4 (02/03/2015): Basic Matrix Results (3 of 3) 39

4.1 Review and overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


4.2 Proof of the Perron-Frobenius theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.3 Positive eigenvalue with positive eigenvector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.4 That eigenvalue equals the spectral radius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.5 An extra claim to make. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.6 Monotonicity of spectral radius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.7 Algebraic/geometric multiplicities equal one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.8 No other non-negative eigenvectors, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.9 Strict inequality for aperiodic matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.10 Limit for aperiodic matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.11 Additional discussion form periodicity/aperiodic and cyclicity/primitiveness . . . . . 44

4.12 Additional discussion of directness, periodicity, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5 (02/05/2015): Overview of Graph Partitioning 48

5.1 Some general comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.2 A first try with min-cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.2.1 Min-cuts and the Min-cut problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.2.2 A slight detour: the Max-Flow Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5.3 Beyond simple min-cut to “better” quotient cut objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.4 Overview Graph Partition Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.4.1 Local Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.4.2 Spectral methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

5.4.3 Flow-based methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5.5 Advanced material and general comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5.5.1 Extensions of the basic spectral/flow ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5.5.2 Additional comments on these methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

5.6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

6 (02/10/2015): Spectral Methods for Partitioning Graphs (1 of 2): Introductionto spectral partitioning and Cheeger’s Inequality 63

6.1 Other ways to define the Laplacian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6.1.1 As a sum of simpler Laplacians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6.1.2 In terms of discrete derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

6.2 Characterizing graph connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


6.2.1 A Perron-Frobenius style result for the Laplacian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

6.2.2 Relationship with previous Perron-Frobenius results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

6.3 Statement of the basic Cheeger Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

6.4 Comments on the basic Cheeger Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

7 (02/12/2015): Spectral Methods for Partitioning Graphs (2 of 2): Proof ofCheeger’s Inequality 72

7.1 Proof of the easy direction of Cheeger’s Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

7.2 Some additional comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

7.3 A more general result for the hard direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

7.4 Proof of the more general lemma implying the hard direction of Cheeger’s Inequality 76

8 (02/17/2015): Expanders, in theory and in practice (1 of 2) 80

8.1 Introduction and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

8.2 A first definition of expanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

8.3 Alternative definition via eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

8.4 Expanders and Non-expanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

8.4.1 Very sparse expanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

8.4.2 Some non-expanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

8.4.3 How large can the spectral gap be? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

8.5 Why is d fixed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

8.6 Expanders are graphs that are very well-connected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

8.6.1 Robustness of the largest component to the removal of edges . . . . . . . . . 87

8.6.2 Relatedly, expanders exhibit quasi-randomness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

8.6.3 Some extra comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

8.7 Expanders are graphs that are sparse versions/approximations of a complete graph . 90

8.7.1 A metric of closeness between two graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

8.7.2 Expanders and complete graphs are close in that metric . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

8.8 Expanders are graphs on which diffusions and random walks mix rapidly . . . . . . . 93

9 (02/19/2015): Expanders, in theory and in practice (2 of 2) 96

9.1 Introduction to Metric Space Perspective on Expanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

9.1.1 Primal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99


9.1.2 Dual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

9.2 Metric Embedding into ℓ2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

10 (02/24/2015): Flow-based Methods for Partitioning Graphs (1 of 2) 105

10.1 Introduction to flow-based methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

10.2 Some high-level comments on spectral versus flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

10.3 Flow-based graph partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

10.4 Duality gap properties for flow-based methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

10.5 Algorithmic Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

10.6 Flow Improve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

11 (02/26/2015): Flow-based Methods for Partitioning Graphs (2 of 2) 115

11.1 Review some things about ℓ1 and ℓ2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

11.2 Connection between ℓ1 metrics and cut metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

11.3 Relating this to a graph partitioning objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

11.4 Turning this into an algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

11.5 Summary of where we are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

12 (03/03/2015): Some Practical Considerations (1 of 4): How spectral clusteringis typically done in practice 123

12.1 Motivation and general approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

12.2 Constructing graphs from data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

12.3 Connections between different Laplacian and random walk matrices . . . . . . . . . 125

12.4 Using constructed data graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

12.5 Connections with graph cuts and other objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

13 (03/05/2015): Some Practical Considerations (2 of 4): Basic perturbation the-ory and basic dimensionality reduction 132

13.1 Basic perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

13.2 Linear dimensionality reduction methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

13.2.1 PCA (Principal components analysis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

13.2.2 MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

13.2.3 Comparison of PCA and MDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

13.2.4 An aside on kernels and SPSD matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139


14 (03/10/2015): Some Practical Considerations (3 of 4): Non-linear dimensionreduction methods 141

14.1 Some general comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

14.2 ISOMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

14.3 Local Linear Embedding (LLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

14.4 Laplacian Eigenmaps (LE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

14.5 Interpretation as data-dependent kernels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

14.6 Connection to random walks on the graph: more on LE and diffusions . . . . . . . . 146

15 (03/12/2015): Some Practical Considerations (4 of 4): More on diffusions andsemi-supervised graph construction 149

15.1 Introduction to diffusion-based distances in graph construction . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

15.2 More on diffusion-based distances in graph construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

15.3 A simple result connecting random walks to NCUT/conductance . . . . . . . . . . . 151

15.4 Overview of semi-supervised methods for graph construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

15.5 Three examples of semi-supervised graph construction methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

16 (03/17/2015): Modeling graphs with electrical networks 156

16.1 Electrical network approach to graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

16.2 A physical model for a graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

16.3 Some properties of resistor networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

16.4 Extensions to infinite graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

17 (03/19/2015): Diffusions and Random Walks as Robust Eigenvectors 163

17.1 Overview of this approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

17.2 Regularization, robustness, and instability of linear optimization . . . . . . . . . . . 165

17.3 Structural characterization of a regularized SDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

17.4 Deriving different random walks from Theorem 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

17.5 Interpreting Heat Kernel random walks in terms of stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

17.6 A statistical interpretation of this implicit regularization result . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

18 (03/31/2015): Local Spectral Methods (1 of 4): Introduction and Overview 175

18.1 Overview of local spectral methods and spectral ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

18.2 Basics of spectral ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177


18.3 A brief aside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

19 (04/02/2015): Local Spectral Methods (2 of 4): Computing spectral rankingwith the push procedure 182

19.1 Background on the method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

19.2 The basic push procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

19.3 More discussion of the basic push procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

19.4 A different interpretation of the same process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

19.5 Using this to find sets of low-conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

20 (04/07/2015): Local Spectral Methods (3 of 4): An optimization perspective onlocal spectral methods 190

20.1 A locally-biased spectral ansatz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

20.2 A geometric notion of correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

20.3 Solution of LocalSpectral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

20.4 Proof of Theorem 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

20.5 Additional comments on the LocalSpectral optimization program . . . . . . . . . . . 197

21 (04/09/2015): Local Spectral Methods (4 of 4): Strongly and weakly locally-biased graph partitioning 198

21.1 Locally-biased graph partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

21.2 Relationship between strongly and weakly local spectral methods . . . . . . . . . . . 201

21.3 Setup for implicit ℓ1 regularization in strongly local spectral methods . . . . . . . . . 201

21.4 Implicit ℓ1 regularization in strongly local spectral methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

22 (04/14/2015): Some Statistical Inference Issues (1 of 3): Introduction andOverview 207

22.1 Overview of some statistical inference issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

22.2 Introduction to manifold issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

22.3 Convergence of Laplacians, setup and background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

22.4 Convergence of Laplacians, main result and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

23 (04/16/2015): Some Statistical Inference Issues (2 of 3): Convergence and con-sistency questions 217

23.1 Some general discussion on algorithmic versus statistical approaches . . . . . . . . . 217


23.2 Some general discussion on similarities and dissimilarities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

23.3 Some general discussion on embedding data in Hilbert and Banach spaces . . . . . . 221

23.4 Overview of consistency of normalized and unnormalized Laplacian spectral methods 222

23.5 Details of consistency of normalized and unnormalized Laplacian spectral methods . 225

24 (04/21/2015): Some Statistical Inference Issues (3 of 3): Stochastic blockmodels231

24.1 Introduction to stochastic block modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

24.2 Warming up with the simplest SBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

24.3 A result for a spectral algorithm for the simplest nontrivial SBM . . . . . . . . . . . 233

24.4 Regularized spectral clustering for SBMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

25 (04/23/2015): Laplacian solvers (1 of 2) 241

25.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

25.2 Basic statement and outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

25.3 A simple slow algorithm that highlights the basic ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

26 (04/28/2015): Laplacian solvers (2 of 2) 248

26.1 Review from last time and general comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

26.2 Solving linear equations with direct and iterative methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

26.3 Different ways two graphs can be close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

26.4 Sparsified graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254

26.5 Back to Laplacian-based linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 11

1 (01/22/2015): Introduction and Overview

1.1 Basic motivating background

The course will cover several topics in spectral graph methods. By that, I mean that it will covernot spectral graph theory per se, nor will it cover the application of spectral graph methods perse. In addition, spectral methods is a more general topic, and graph methods is a more generaltopic. Spectral graph theory uses eigenvectors and eigenvalues (and related quantities) of matricesassociated with graphs to say things about those graphs. It is a topic which has been studiedfrom a wide range of perspectives, e.g., theoretical computer science, scientific computing, machinelearning, statistics, etc., and as such it is a topic which can be viewed from a wide range ofapproaches.

The reason for the focus on spectral graph methods is that a wide range of problems are obviouslyspectral graph methods, and thus they are useful in practice as well as interesting in theory; but,in addition, many other methods that are not obviously spectral graph methods really are spectralgraph methods under the hood. We’ll get to what I mean by that, but for now think of runningsome procedure that seems to work, and if one were to perform a somewhat rigorous algorithmic orstatistical analysis, it would turn out that that method essentially boiled down to a spectral graphmethod. As an example, consider the problem of viral propagation on a social network, which isusually described in terms of some sort of infectious agent, but which has strong connections withspectral graph methods.

Our goal will be to understand—by drawing strength from each of the wide range of approachesthat have been brought to bear on these problems—when/why spectral graph methods are usefulin practical machine learning and data analysis applications, and when/why they (or a vanillavariant of them) are not useful. In the latter case, of course, we’ll be interested in understandingwhether a better understanding of spectral graph methods can lead to the development of improvedalgorithmic and statistical techniques—both for large-scale data as well as for small-scale data.Relatedly, we will be interested in whether other methods can perform better or whether the dataare just “bad” in some sense.

1.2 Types of data and types of problems

Data comes from all sorts of places, and it can be a challenge to find a good way to represent thedata in order to obtain some sort of meaningful insight from the data. Two popular ways to modeldata are as matrices and as graphs.

• Matrices often arise when there are n things, each of which is described by m features. Inthis case, we have an m × n matrix A, where each column is a data point described by abunch of features (or vice versa) and where each row is a vector describing the value of thatfeature at each data point. Alternatively, matrices can arise when there are n things and wehave information about the correlations (or other relationships) between them.

• Graphs often arise when there are n things and the pairwise relationships between them arethough to be particularly important. Let’s specify a graph by G = (V,E), where V is the setof vertices and E is the set of edges, which are pairs of vertices. (Later they can be weighted,

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etc., but for now let’s say they are undirected, unweighted, etc.) Examples of data graphsinclude the following.

– Discretizations of partial differential equations and other physical operators give rise tographs, where the nodes are points in a physical medium and edges correspond to somesort of physical interaction.

– Social networks and other internet applications give rise to graphs, where the nodes areindividuals and there is an edge between two people if they are friends or have someother sort of interaction.

– Non-social networks give rise to graphs, where, e.g., devised, routers, or computers arenodes and where there is an edge between two nodes if they are connected and/or havetraffic between them.

– Graphs arise more generally in machine learning and data analysis applications. Forexample, given a bunch of data points, each of which is a feature vector, we couldconstruct a graph, where the nodes correspond to data points and there is an edgebetween two data points if they are close in some sense (or a soft version of this, whichis what rbf kernels do).

In the same way as we can construct graphs from matrices, we can also construct matrices fromgraphs. We will see several examples below (e.g., adjacency matrices, Laplacians, low-rank embed-ding matrices, etc.). Spectral graph methods involve using eigenvectors and eigenvalues of matricesassociated with graphs to do stuff.

In order to do stuff, one runs some sort of algorithmic or statistical methods, but it is good to keepan eye on the types of problems that might want to be solved. Here are several canonical examples.

• Graph partitioning: finding clusters/communities. Here, the data might be a bunch of datapoints (put a picture: sprinkled into a left half and a right half) or it might be a graph (put apicture: two things connected by an edge). There are a million ways to do this, but one verypopular one boils down to computing an eigenvector of the so-called Laplacian matrix andusing that to partition the data. Why does such a method work? One answer, from TCS,is that is works since it is a relaxation of a combinatorial optimization problem for whichthere are worst-case quality-of-approximation guarantees. Another answer, from statisticsand machine learning, is that is can be used to recover hypothesized clusters, say from astochastic blockmodel (where the graph consists of several random graphs put together) orfrom a low-dimensional manifold (upon which the data points sit).

• Prediction: e.g., regression and classification. Here, there is a similar picture, and one popularprocedure is to run the same algorithm, compute the same vector and use it to classify thedata. In this case, one can also ask: why does such a method work? One answer thatis commonly given is that if there are meaningful clusters in the data, say drawn from amanifold, then the boundaries between the clusters correspond to low-density regions; orrelatedly that class labels are smooth in the graph topology, or some notion of distance in Rn.But, what if the data are from a discrete place? Then, there is the out-of-sample extensionquestion and a bunch of other issues.

• Centrality and ranking. These are two (different but sometimes conflated) notions fromsociology and social networks having to do with how “important” or “central” is an individ-ual/node and relatedly how to rank individuals/nodes. One way to do this is to choose the

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highest degree node, but this is relatively easy to spam and might not be “real” in other ways,and so there are several related things that go by the name of spectral ranking, eigenvectorcentrality, and so on. The basic idea is that a node is important if important nodes thing itis important. This suggests looking at loops and triangles in a graph, and when this processis iterated you get random walks and diffusions on the graph. It’s not obvious that this hasvery strong connections with the clustering, classification, etc. problems described above, butit does. Basically, you compute the same eigenvector and use it to rank.

• Encouraging or discouraging “viral propagation.” Here, one is given, say, a social network,and one is interested in some sort of iterative process, and one wants to understand itsproperties. Two examples are the following: there might be a virus or other infectious agentthat goes from node to node making other agents sick; or there might be some sort of “buzz”about a new movie or new tennis shoes, and this goes from individual to individual. Bothof these are sometimes called viral propagation, but there are important differences, not theleast of which is that in the former people typically want to stop the spread of the virus, whilein the latter people want to encourage the spread of the virus to sell more tennis shoes.

1.3 Examples of graphs

When algorithms are run on data graphs—some of which might be fairly nice but some of whichmight not, it can be difficult to know why the algorithm performs as it does. For example, wouldit perform that way on every possible graph? Similarly, if we are not in some asymptotic limit orif worst-case analysis is somewhat too coarse, then what if anything does the method reveal aboutthe graph? To help address these and related questions, it helps to have several examples of graphsin mind and to see how algorithms perform on those graphs. Here are several good examples.

• A discretization of nice low-dimensional space, e.g., the integers/lattice in some fixed dimen-sion: Zd, Z

2d, and Z3


• A star, meaning a central node to which all of the other nodes are attached.

• A binary tree.

• A complete graph or clique.

• A constant-degree expander, which is basically a very sparse graph that has no good parti-tions. Alternatively, it can be viewed as a sparse version of the complete graph.

• A hypercube on 2n vertices.

• A graph consisting of two complete graphs or two expanders or two copies of Z2d that are

weakly connected by, say, a line graph.

• A lollipop, meaning a complete graph of expander, with a line graph attached, where theline/stem can have different lengths.

Those are common constructions when thinking about graphs. The following are examples ofconstructions that are more common in certain network applications.

• An Erdos-Renyi random graph, Gnp, for p = 3/n or p & log(n)/n

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• A “small world” graph, which is basically a ring plus a 3 regular random graph.

• A heavy-tailed random graph, with or without min degree assumption, or one constructedfrom a preferential attachment process.

In addition to things that are explicitly graphs, it also helps to have several examples of matrix-based data to have in mind from which graphs can be constructed. These are often constructedfrom some sort of nearest-neighbor process. Here are several common examples.

• A nice region of a low-dimensional subspace of Rn or of a nice low-dimensional manifoldembedded in Rn.

• A full-dimensional Gaussian in Rn. Here, most of the mass is on the shell, but what does thegraph corresponding to this “look like”?

• Two low-dimensional Gaussians in Rn. This looks like a dumbbell, with two complete graphsat the two ends or two copies of Zn

d at the ends, depending on how parameters are set.

1.4 Some questions to consider

Here are a few questions to consider.

• If the original data are vectors that form a matrix, how sensitive are these methods to thedetails of the graph construction? (Answer: in theory, no; in practice, often yes.)

• If the original data are represented by a graph, how sensitive are these methods to a bit ofnoise in the graph? (Answer: in theory, no; in practice, often yes.)

• How good a guide is worst case cs and asymptotic statistical theory? (Answer: in theory,good; in practice, often not, but it depends on what is the reference state, e.g., manifoldversus stochastic blockmodel.)

• What if you are interested in a small part of a very large graph? E.g., you and your 100closest friends on a social network, as opposed to you and your 109 closest friends on thatsocial network. Do you get the same results if you run some sort of local algorithm on a smallpart of the graph as you do if you run a global algorithm on a subgraph that is cut out?(Typically no, unless you are very careful.)

1.5 Matrices for graphs

Let G = (V,E,W ) be an undirected, possibly weighted, graph. There are many matrices that onecan associate with a graph. Two of the most basic are the adjacency matrix and the diagonal degreematrix.

Definition 1. Given G = (V,E,W ), the adjacency matrix A ∈ Rn×n is defined to be

Aij =

Wij if (ij) ∈ E0 otherwise


Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 15

and the diagonal degree matrix D ∈ Rn×n is defined to be

Dij =

kWik if i = j0 otherwise


Note that for undirected graphs, i.e., when Wij equals 1 or 0 depending on whether or not there isan edge between nodes i and j, the adjacency matrix specifies which edges are connected and thediagonal degree matrix gives the degree of ith node at the (ii)th diagonal position.

(Given this setup, it shouldn’t be surprising that most spectral graph methods generalize in niceways from unweighted to weighted graphs. Of interest also are things like time-evolving graphs,directed graphs, etc. In those cases, the situation is more subtle/complex. Typically, methods forthose more complex graphs boil down to methods for simpler undirected, static graphs.)

Much of what we will discuss has strong connections with spectral graph theory, which is anarea that uses eigenvectors and eigenvalues of matrices associated with the graph to understandproperties of the graph. To begin, though, we should note that it shouldn’t be obvious thateigenstuff should reveal interesting graph properties—after all, graphs by themselves are essentiallycombinatorial things and most traditional graph problems and algorithms don’t mention anythinghaving to do with eigenvectors. In spite of this, we will see that eigenstuff reveals a lot about graphsthat are useful in machine learning and data analysis applications, and we will want to understandwhy this is the case and how we can take advantage of it in interesting ways.

Such an approach of using eigenvectors and eigenvalues is most useful when used to understanda natural operator of natural quadratic form associated with the graphs. Perhaps surprisingly,adjacency matrices and diagonal degree matrices are not so useful in that sense—but they can beused to construct other matrices that are more useful in that sense.

One natural and very useful operator to associate with a graph G is the following.

Definition 2. Given G = (V,E,W ), the diffusion operator is

W = D−1A (or M = AD−1, if you multiply from the other side).

This matrix describes the behavior of diffusions and random walks on G. In particular, if x ∈ Rn

is a row vector that gives the probability that a particle is at each vertex of G, and if the particlethen moves to a random neighbor, then pW is the new probability distribution of the particle. Ifthe graph G is regular, meaning that it is degree-homogeneous, then W is a rescaling of A, butotherwise it can be very different. Although we won’t go into too much detail right now, note thatapplying this operator to a vector can be interpreted as doing one step of a diffusion or random walkprocess. In this case, one might want to know what happens if we iteratively apply an operatorlike W . We will bet back to this.

One natural and very useful quadratic form to associate with a graph G is the following.

Definition 3. Given G = (V,E,W ), the Laplacian matrix (or combinatorial Laplacian matrix) is

L = D −A.

Although we won’t go into detail, the Laplacian has an interpretation in terms of derivatives. (Thisis most common/obvious in continuous applications, where it can be used to measure the smooth-ness of the Laplacian and/or of some continuous place from which the gradient was constructed—if

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it was—in a nice way, which is often not the case.) Given a function or a vector x ∈ Rn, theLaplacian quadratic form is

xTLx =∑

(ij)∈E(xi − xj)2.

This is a measure of smoothness of the vector/function x—smoothness of x, in some sense, condi-tioned on the graph structure. (That is, it is a statement about the graph itself, independent ofhow it was constructed. This is of interest by itself but also for machine learning and data analysisapplication, e.g., since labels associated with the nodes that correspond to a classification functionmight be expected to be smooth.)

Alternatively, we can define the normalized Laplacian matrix.

Definition 4. Given G = (V,E,W ), the normalized Laplacian matrix is

L = L = D−1/2LD−1/2 = I −D−1/2LD−1/2.

(Note that I have already started to be a little sloppy, by using the same letter to mean two differentthings. I’ll point out as we go where this matters.) As we will see, for degree-homogeneous graphs,these two Laplacians are essentially the same, but for degree-heterogeneous graphs, they are quitedifferent. As a general rule, the latter is more appropriate for realistic degree-heterogeneous graphs,but it is worth keeping the two in mind, since there are strong connections between them and howthey are computed. Similar smoothness, etc. interpretations hold for the normalized Laplacian,and this is important in many applications.

1.6 An overview of some ideas

Here is a vanilla version of a spectral graph algorithm that will be central to a lot of what we do.We’ll be more precise and go into a lot more detail later. The algorithm takes as input a graph, asspecified by a Laplacian matrix, L or L.

1. Compute, exactly or approximately, the leading nontrivial eigenvector of L or L.

2. Use that vector to split the nodes of the graph into a left half and a right half.

Those two pieces can be the two clusters, in which case this algorithm is a vanilla version of spectralgraph partitioning; or with some labels that can be used to make predictions for classification orregression; or we can rank starting from the left and going to the right; or we can use the details ofthe approximate eigenvector calculation, e.g., random walks and related diffusion-based methods,to understand viral diffusion problems. But in all those cases, we are interested in the leadingnontrivial eigenvector of the Laplacian. We’ll have a lot more to say about that later, but for nowthink of it just as some vector that in some sense describes important directions in the graph, inwhich case what this vanilla spectral algorithm does is putting or “embedding” the nodes of thegraph on this line and cuts the nodes into two pieces, a left half and a right half. (The embeddinghas big distortion, in general, for some points at least; the two halves can be very unbalanced, etc.;but at least in very nice cases, that informal intuition is true, and it is true more generally if thetwo halves can be unbalanced, etc. Understanding these issues will be important for what we do.)(Make a picture on the board.)

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We can ask: what is the optimization problem that this algorithm solves? As we will see eventually,in some sense, what makes a spectral graph algorithm a spectral graph algorithm is the first step,and so let’s focus on that. Here is a basic spectral optimization problem that this problem solves.

min xTLGx

s.t. xTDGx = 1

xTDG~1 = 0

x ∈ RV

That is, find the vector that minimizes the quadratic form xTLx subject to the constraints that xsits on a (degree-weighted) unit ball and that x is perpendicular (in a degree-weighted norm) to the“trivial” all-ones vector. The solution to this problem is a vector, and it is the leading nontrivialeigenvector of L or L.

Importantly, this is not a convex optimization problem; but rather remarkably it can be solved inlow-degree polytime by computing an eigenvector of L. How can it be that this problem is solvableif it isn’t convex? After all, the usual rule of thumb is that convex things are good and non-convexthings are bad. There are two (related, certainly not inconsistent) answers to this.

• One reason is that this is an eigenvector (or generalized eigenvector) problem. In fact, itinvolves computing the leading nontrivial eigenvector of L, and so it is a particularly niceeigenvalue problem. And computing eigenvectors is a relatively easy thing to do—for example,with a black box solver, or in this special case with random walks. But more on this later.

• Another reason is that is is secretly convex, in that it is convex in a different place. Impor-tantly, that different place there are better duality properties for this problem, and so it canbe used to understand this problem and its solution better.

Both of these will be important, but let’s start by focusing on the second reason. Consider thefollowing version of the basic spectral optimization problem.

SDP : min L •Xs.t. Tr (X) = I0 •X = 1

X 0,

where • stands for the Trace, or matrix inner product, operation, i.e., A • B = Tr(



ij AijBij for matrices A and B. Note that, both here and below, I0 is sometimes the Identity onthe subspace perpendicular to the all-ones vector. This will be made more consistent later. SDP

is a relaxation of the spectral program SPECTRAL from an optimization over unit vectors to anoptimization over distributions over unit vectors, represented by the density matrix X. But, theoptimal values for SPECTRAL and SDP are the same, in the sense that they are given by the secondeigenvector v of L for SPECTRAL and by X = vvT for SDP.

Thus, this is an SDP. While solving the vanilla spectral optimization problem with a black-boxSDP solver is possible, it is not advisable, since one can just can a black-box eigenvalue solver (or

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run some non-black-box method that approximates the eigenvalue). Nevertheless, the SDP can beused to understand spectral graph methods. For example, we can consider the dual of this SDP:

maximize α

s.t. LG αLKn

α ∈ R

This is a standard dual construction, the only nontrivial thing is we write out explicitly I0 = LKn ,as the identity matrix on the subspace perpendicular to ~1 is I0 = I − ~1T~1 = LKn where Kn is thecomplete graph on n vertices.

We will get into more detail later what this means, but informally this means that we are in somesense “embedding” the Laplacian of the graph in the Laplacian of a complete graph. Slightly lessinformally, the is an inequality over graphs (we will define this in more detail later) which saysthat the Laplacian quadratic form of one graph is above or below that of another graph (in thesense of SPSD matrices, if you know what that means). So, in this dual, we want to choose thelargest α such that that inequality is true.

1.7 Connections with random walks and diffusions

A final thing to note is that the vector x∗ that solves these problems has a natural interpretationin terms of diffusions and random walks. This shouldn’t be surprising, since one of the ways thisvector is to partition a graph into two pieces that captures a qualitative notion of connectivity.The interpretation is that is you run a random walk—either a vanilla random walk defined by thematrix W = D−1A above, meaning that at each step you go to one of your neighbors with equalprobability, or a fancier random walk—then x∗ defines the slowest direction to mixing, i.e., thedirection that is at the pre-asymptotic state before you get to the asymptotic uniform distribution.

So, that spectral graph methods are useful in these and other applications is largely due to twothings.

• Eigenvectors tend to be “global” things, in that they optimize a global objective over theentire graph.

• Random walks and diffusions optimize almost the same things, but they often do it in a verydifferent way.

One of the themes of what we will discuss is the connection between random walks and diffusionsand eigenvector-based spectral graph methods on different types of graph-based data. Amongother things, this will help us to address local-global issues, e.g., the global objective that defineseigenvectors versus the local nature of diffusion updates.

Two things should be noted about diffusions.

• Diffusions are robust/regularized notions of eigenvectors

• The behavior of diffusions is very different on Kn or expander-like metric spaces than it is online-like or low-dimensional metric spaces.

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An important subtlety is that most data have some sort of degree heterogeneity, and so the extremalproperties of expanders are mitigated since it is constant-degree expanders that are most unlikelow-dimensional metric spaces. (In the limit, you have a star, and there it is trivial why you don’thave good partitions, but we don’t want to go to that limit.)

1.8 Low-dimensional and non-low-dimensional data

Now, complete graphs are very different than line graphs. So, the vanilla spectral graph algorithmis also putting the data in a complete graph. To get a bit more intuition as to what is goingon and to how these methods will perform in real applications, consider a different type of graphknown as an expander. I won’t give the exact definition now—we will later—but expanders arevery important, both in theory and in practice. (The former may be obvious, while the lattermay be less obvious.) For now, there are three things you need to know about expanders, eitherconstant-degree expanders and/or degree-heterogeneous expanders.

• Expanders are extremely sparse graphs that do not have any good clusters/partitions, in aprecise sense that we will define later.

• Expanders are also the metric spaces that are least like low-dimensional spaces, e.g., a linegraph, a two-dimensional grid, etc. That is, if your intuition comes from low-dimensionalplaces like 1D or 2D places, then expanders are metric spaces that are most different thanthat.

• Expanders are sparse versions of the complete graph, in the sense that there are graph in-equalities of the form that relate the Laplacian quadratic forms of expanders and completegraphs.

So, in a certain precise sense, the vanilla spectral graph method above (as well as other non-vanillaspectral methods we will get to) put or embed the input data in two extremely different places, aline as well as a dense expander, i.e., a complete graph.

Now, real data have low-dimensional properties, e.g., sometimes you can visualize them in a two-dimensional piece of paper and see something meaningful, and since they often have noise, theyalso have expander-like properties. (If that connection isn’t obvious, it soon will be.) We willsee that the properties of spectral graph methods when applied to real data sometimes dependon one interpretation and sometimes depend on the other interpretation. Indeed, many of theproperties—both the good properties as well as the bugs/features—of spectral graph methods canbe understood in light of this tension between embedding the data in a low-dimensional place andembedding the data in an expander-like place.

There are some similarities between this—which is a statement about different types of graphs andmetric spaces—and analogous statements about random vectors in Rn, e.g., from a full-dimensionalGaussian distribution in Rn. Some of these will be explored.

1.9 Small world and heavy-tailed examples

There are several types or classes of generative models that people consider, and different commu-nities tend to adopt one or the other class. Spectral graph methods are applied to all of these,although they can be applied in somewhat different ways.

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• Discretization or random geometric graph of some continuous low-dimensional place, e.g., alinear low-dimensional space, a low-dimensional curved manifold, etc. In this case, there is anatural low-dimensional geometry. (Put picture on board.)

• Stochastic blockmodels, where there are several different types of individuals, and each typeinteracts with individuals in the same group versus different groups with different probabili-ties. (Put picture on board, with different connection probabilities.)

• Small-world and heavy-tailed models. These are generative graph models, and they attemptto capture some local aspect of the data (in one case, that there is some low-dimensionalgeometry, and in the other case, that there is big variability in the local neighborhoods ofindividuals, as captured by degree or some other simple statistic) and some global aspect tothe data (typically that there is a small diameter).

We will talk about all three of these in due course, but for now let’s say just a bit about thesmall-world models and what spectral methods might reveal about them in light of the abovecomments. Small-world models start with a one-dimensional or two-dimensional geometry and addrandom edges in one of several ways. (Put picture here.) The idea here is that you reproducelocal clustering and small diameters, which is a property that is observed empirically in manyreal networks. Importantly, for algorithm and statistical design, we have intuition about low-dimensional geometries; so let’s talk about the second part: random graphs.

Consider Gnp and Gnm, which are the simplest random graph models, and which have an expectedor an exact number of edges, respectively. In particular, start with n isolated vertices/nodes; then:

• For Gnp, insert each of the(



possible edges, independently, each with probability p.

• For Gnm, among all((n2)m


subsets of m edges, select one, independently at random.

In addition to being of theoretical interest, these models are used in all sorts of places. For example,they are the building blocks of stochastic block models, in addition to providing the foundation forcommon generative network models. (That is, there are heavy-tailed versions of this basic modelas well as other extensions, some of which we will consider, but for now let’s stick with this.) Thesevanilla ER graphs are often presented as strawmen, which in some sense they are; but when takenwith a grain of salt they can reveal a lot about data and algorithms and the relationship betweenthe two.

First, let’s focus on Gnp. There are four regimes of particular interest.

• p < 1n . Here, the graph G is not fully-connected, and it doesn’t even have a giant component,

so it consists of just a bunch of small things.

• 1n . p . log(n)

n . Here there is a giant component, i.e., set of Ω(n) nodes that are connected,that has a small O(log(n)) diameter. In addition, random walks mix in O(log2(n)) steps, andthe graph is locally tree-like.

• log(n)n . p. Here the graph is fully-connected. In addition, it has a small O(log(n)) diameter

and random walks mix in O(log2(n)) steps (but for a slightly different reason that we will getback to later).

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• log(n)n ≪ p. Here the graph is pretty dense, and methods that are applicable to pretty dense

graphs are appropriate.

If p & log(n)/n, then Gnp and Gnm are “equivalent” in a certain sense. But if they are extremelysparse, e.g., p = 3/n or p = 10/n, and the corresponding values of m, then they are different.

In particular, if p = 3/n, then the graph is not fully-connected, but we can ask for a randomr-regular graph, where r is some fixed small integer. That is, fix the number of edges to be r, sowe have a total of nr edges which is almost a member of Gnm, and look at a random such graph.

• A random 1-regular graph is a matching.

• A random 2-regular graph is a disjoint union of cycles.

• A random 3-regular graph: it is fully-connected and had a small O(log(n)) diameter; it isan expander; it contains a perfect matching (a matching, i.e., a set of pairwise non-adjacentedges that matches all vertices of the graph) and a Hamiltonian cycle (a closed loop thatvisits each vertex exactly once).

• A random 4-regular graph is more complicated to analyze

How does this relate to small world models? Well, let’s start with a ring graph (a very simpleversion of a low-dimensional lattice, in which each node is connected to neighbors within a distancek = 1) and add a matching (which is a bunch of random edges in a nice analyzable way). Recallthat a random 3-regular graph has both a Hamiltonian cycle and a perfect matching; well it’s alsothe case that the union of an n cycle and a random machine is contiguous to a random 3 regularrandom graphs. (This is a type of graph decomposition we won’t go into.)

This is a particular theoretical form to say that small world models have a local geometry butglobally are also expanders in a strong sense of the word. Thus, in particular, when one runs thingslike diffusions on them, or relatedly when one runs spectral graph algorithms (which have strongconnections under the hood to diffusions) on them, what one gets will depend sensitively on theinterplay between the line/low-dimensional properties and the noise/expander-like properties.

It is well known that similar results hold for heavy-tailed network models such as PA models orPLRG models or many real-world networks. There there is degree heterogeneity, and this can give alack of measure concentration that is analogous to the extremely sparse Erdos-Renyi graphs, unlessone does things like make minimum degree assumptions. It it less well known that similar thingsalso hold for various types of constructed graphs. Clearly, this might happen if one constructsstochastic blockmodels, since then each piece is a random graph and we are interested in theinteractions between different pieces. But what if construct a manifold method, but there is a bitof noise? This is an empirical question; but noise, if it is noise, can be thought of as a randomprocess, and in the same way as the low-dimensional geometry of the vanilla small world model isnot too robust to adding noise, similarly geometric manifold-based methods are also not too robust.

In all of this, there algorithm questions, as well as statistical and machine learning questions such asmodel selection questions and questions about how to do inference with vector-based of graph-baseddata, as well as mathematical questions, as well as questions about how these methods perform inpractice. We will revisit many of these over the course of the semester.

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1.10 Outline of class

In light of all that, here is an outline of some representative topics that we will cover.

1. Basics of graph partitioning, including spectral, flow, etc., degree heterogeneity, and otherrelated objectives.

2. Connections with diffusions and random walks, including connections with resistor network,diffusion-based distances, expanders, etc.

3. Clustering, prediction, ranking/centrality, and communities, i.e., solving a range of statisticsand data analysis methods with variants of spectral methods.

4. Graph construction and empirical properties, i.e., different ways graphs can be constructedand empirical aspects of “given” and “constructed” graphs.

5. Machine learning and statistical approaches and uses, e.g., stochastic blockmodels, manifoldmethods, regularized Laplacian methods, etc.

6. Computations, e.g., nearly linear time Laplacian solvers and graph algorithms in the languageof linear algebra.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 23

2 (01/27/2015): Basic Matrix Results (1 of 3)

Reading for today.

• “Lecture notes,” from Spielman’s Spectral Graph Theory class, Fall 2009 and 2012

2.1 Introduction

Today and next time, we will start with some basic results about matrices, and in particular theeigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, that will underlie a lot of what we will do in this class. Thecontext is that eigenvalues and eigenvectors are complex (no pun intended, but true nonetheless)things and—in general—in many ways not so “nice.” For example, they can change arbitrarily asthe coefficients of the matrix change, they may or may not exist, real matrices may have complexeigenvectors and eigenvalues, a matrix may or may not have a full set of n eigenvectors, etc. Giventhose and related instabilities, it is an initial challenge is to understand what we can determinefrom the spectra of a matrix. As it turns out, for many matrices, and in particular many matricesthat underlie spectral graph methods, the situation is much nicer; and, in addition, in some casesthey can be related to even nicer things like random walks and diffusions.

So, let’s start by explaining “why” this is the case. To do so, let’s get some context for how/whymatrices that are useful for spectral graph methods are nicer and also how these nicer matrices sit inthe larger universe of arbitrary matrices. This will involve establishing a few basic linear algebraicresults; then we will use them to form a basis for a lot of the rest of what we will discuss. This isgood to know in general; but it is also good to know for more practical reasons. For example, itwill help clarify when vanilla spectral graph methods can be extended, e.g., to weighted graphs ordirected graphs or time-varying graph or other types of normalizations, etc.

2.2 Some basics

To start, recall that we are interested in the Adjacency matrix of a graph G = (V,E) (or G =(V,E,W ) if the graph is weighted) and other matrices that are related to the Adjacency matrix.Recall that the n× n Adjacency matrix is defined to be

Aij =

Wij if (ij) ∈ E0 otherwise


where Wij = 1, for all (i, j) ∈ E if the graph is unweighted. Later, we will talk about directedgraphs, in which case the Adjacency matrix is not symmetric, but note here it is symmetric. So,let’s talk about symmetric matrices: a symmetric matrix is a matrix A for which A = AT , i.e., forwhich Aij = Aji.

Almost all of what we will talk about will be real-valued matrices. But, for a moment, we will startwith complex-valued matrices. To do so, recall that if x = α + iβ ∈ C is a complex number, thenx = α − iβ ∈ C is the complex conjugate of x. Then, if M ∈ Cm×n is a complex-valued matrix,i.e., an m×n matrix each entry of which is a complex number, then the conjugate transpose of M ,which is denoted M∗, is the matrix defined as

(M∗)ij = Mji.

24 M. W. Mahoney

Note that if M happens to be a real-valued m× n matrix, then this is just the transpose.

If x, y ∈ Cn are two complex-valued vectors, then we can define their inner product to be

〈x, y〉 = x∗y =n∑



Note that from this we can also get a norm in the usual way, i.e., 〈x, x〉 = ‖x‖22 ∈ R. Given all this,we have the following definition.

Definition 5. If M ∈ Cn×n is a square complex matrix, λ ∈ C is a scalar, and x ∈ Cn\0 is anon-zero vector such that

Mx = λx (1)

then λ is an eigenvalue of M and x is the corresponding eigenvector of λ.

Note that when Eqn. (1) is satisfied, then this is equivalent to

(M − λI) x = 0, for x 6= 0, (2)

where I is an n × n Identity matrix. In particular, this means that we have at least one eigen-value/eigenvector pair. Since (2) means M − λI is rank deficient, this in turn is equivalent to

det (M − λI) = 0.

Note that this latter expression is a polynomial with λ as the variable. That is, if we fix M , thenthe function given by λ → det (M − λI) is a univariate polynomial of degree n in λ. Now, itis a basic fact that every non-zero, single-variable, degree polynomial of degree n with complexcoefficients has—counted with multiplicity—exactly n roots. (This counting multiplicity thingmight seem pedantic, but it will be important latter, since this will correspond to potentiallydegenerate eigenvalues, and we will be interested in how the corresponding eigenvectors behave.)In particular, any square complex matrix M has n eigenvectors, counting multiplicities, and thereis at least one eigenvalue.

As an aside, someone asked in class if this fact about complex polynomials having n complex rootsis obvious or intuitive. It is sufficiently basic/important to be given the name the fundamentaltheorem of algebra, but its proof isn’t immediate or trivial. We can provide some intuition though.Note that related formulations of this state that every non-constant single-variable polynomial withcomplex coefficients has at least one complex root, etc. (e.g., complex roots come in pairs); and thatthe field of complex numbers is algebraically closed. In particular, the statements about havingcomplex roots applies to real-valued polynomials, i.e., since real numbers are complex numberspolynomials in them have complex roots; but it is false that real-valued polynomials always havereal roots. Equivalently, the real numbers are not algebraically closed. To see this, recall that theequation x2 − 1 = 0, viewed as an equation over the reals has two real roots, x = ±1; but theequation x2 + 1 = 0 does not have any real roots. Both of these equations have roots over thecomplex plane: the former having the real roots x = ±1, and the latter having imaginary rootsx = ±i.

2.3 Two results for Hermitian/symmetric matrices

Now, let’s define a special class of matrices that we already mentioned.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 25

Definition 6. A matrix M ∈ Cn×n is Hermitian if M =M∗. In addition, a matrix M ∈ Rn×n issymmetric if M =M∗ =MT .

For complex-valued Hermitian matrices, we can prove the following two lemmas.

Lemma 1. Let M be a Hermitian matrix. Then, all of the eigenvalues of M are real.

Proof: Let M be Hermitian and λ ∈ C and x non-zero be s.t. Mx = λx. Then it suffices to showthat λ = λ∗, since that means that λ ∈ R. To see this, observe that

〈Mx,x〉 =∑



Mij xjxi




Mjixixj (3)

= 〈x,Mx〉

where Eqn. (3) follows since M is Hermitian. But we have

〈Mx,x〉 = 〈λx, x〉 = λ 〈x, x〉 = λ‖x‖22

and also that

〈x,Mx〉 = 〈x, λx〉 = λ 〈x, x〉 = λ‖x‖22.

Thus, λ = λ, and the lemma follows.⋄

Lemma 2. LetM be a Hermitian matrix; and let x and y be eigenvectors corresponding to differenteigenvalues. Then x and y are orthogonal.

Proof: Let Mx = λx and My = λ′y. Then,

〈Mx, y〉 = (Mx)∗ y = x∗M∗y = x∗My = 〈x,My〉 .


〈Mx, y〉 = λ 〈x, y〉


〈x,My〉 = λ′ 〈x, y〉 .


λ− λ′)

〈x, y〉 = 0.

Since λ 6= λ′, by assumption, it follows that 〈x, y〉 = 0, from which the lemma follows.⋄

So, Hermitian and in particular real symmetric matrices have real eigenvalues and the eigenvectorscorresponding to to different eigenvalues are orthogonal. We won’t talk about complex numbersand complex matrices for the rest of the term. (Actually, with one exception since we need toestablish that the entries of the eigenvectors are not complex-valued.)

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2.4 Consequences of these two results

So far, we haven’t said anything about a full set of orthogonal eigenvectors, etc., since, e.g., allof the eigenvectors could be the same or something funny like that. In fact, we will give a fewcounterexamples to show how the niceness results we establish in this class and the next class failto hold for general matrices. Far from being pathologies, these examples will point to interestingways that spectral methods and/or variants of spectral method ideas do or do not work moregenerally (e.g., periodicity, irreducibility etc.)

Now, let’s restrict ourselves to real-valued matrices, in which case Hermitian matrices are justsymmetric matrices. With the exception of some results next time on positive and non-negativematrices, where we will consider complex-valued things, the rest of the semester will consider real-valued matrices. Today and next time, we are only talking about complex-valued matrices to set theresults that underlie spectral methods in a more general context. So, let’s specialize to real-valuesmatrices.

First, let’s use the above results to show that we can get a full set of (orthogonalizable) eigenvectors.This is a strong “niceness” result, for two reasons: (1) there is a full set of eigenvectors; and (2)that the full set of eigenvectors can be chosen to be orthogonal. Of course, you can always geta full set of orthogonal vectors for Rn—just work with the canonical vectors or some other set ofvectors like that. But what these results say is that for symmetric matrices we can also get a fullset of orthogonal vectors that in some sense have something to do with the symmetric matrix underconsideration. Clearly, this could be of interest if we want to work with vectors/functions that arein some sense adapted to the data.

Let’s start with the following result, which says that given several (i.e., at least one) eigenvector,then we can find another eigenvector that is orthogonal to it/them. Note that the existence ofat least one eigenvector follows from the existence of at least one eigenvalue, which we alreadyestablished.

Lemma 3. Let M ∈ Rn×n be a real symmetric matrix, and let x1, . . . , xk, where 1 ≤ k < n,be orthogonal eigenvectors of M . Then, there is an eigenvector xk+1 of M that is orthogonal tox1, . . . , xk.

Proof: Let V be the (n − k)-dimensional subspace of Rn that contains all vectors orthogonal tox1, . . . , xk. Then, we claim that: for all x ∈ V , we have that Mx ∈ V . To prove the claim, notethat for all i ∈ [k], we have that

〈xi,Mx〉 = xTi Mx = (Mxi)T x = λixix = λi 〈xi, x〉 = 0,

where xi is one of the eigenvectors assumed to be given.

Next, let

• B ∈ Rn×(n−k) be a matrix consisting of the vectors b1, . . . , bn−k that form an orthonormalbasis for V . (This takes advantage of the fact that Rn has a full set of exactly n orthogonalvectors that span it—that are, of course, not necessarily eigenvectors.)

• B′ = BT . (If B is any matrix, then B′ is a matrix such that, for all y ∈ V , we have that B′yis an (n − k)-dimensional vector such that BB′y = y. I think we don’t loose any generalityby taking B to be orthogonal.)

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 27

• λ be a real eigenvalue of the real symmetric matrix

M ′ = B′MB ∈ R(n−k)×(n−k),

with y a corresponding real eigenvector of M . I.e., M ′y = λy.


B′MBy = λy,

and so

BB′MBy = λBy,

from which if follows that

MBy = λBy.

The last equation follows from the second-to-last since By ⊥ x1, . . . , xk, from which it followsthat MBy ⊥ x1, . . . , xk, by the above claim, and thus BB′MBy = MBy. I.e., this doesn’tchange anything since BB′ξ = ξ, for ξ in that space.

So, we can now construct that eigenvector. In particular, we can choose xk+1 = By, and we havethat Mxk+1 = λxk+1, from which the lemma follows.

Clearly, we can apply the above lemma multiple times. Thus, as an important aside, the following“spectral theorem” is basically a corollary of the above lemma.

Theorem 1 (Spectral Theorem). Let M ∈ Rn×n be a real symmetric matrix, and let λ1, . . . , λnbe its real eigenvalues, including multiplicities. Then, there are n orthonormal vectors x1, . . . , xn,with xi ∈ Rn, such that xi is an eigenvector corresponding to λi, i.e., Mxi = λixi.

A few comments about this spectral theorem.

• This theorem and theorems like this are very important and many generalizations and vari-ations of it exist.

• Note the wording: there are n vectors “such that xi is an eigenvector corresponding to λi.”In particular, there is no claim (yet) about uniqueness, etc. We still have to be careful aboutthat.

• From this we can derive several other things, some of which we will mention below.

Someone asked in class about the connection with the SVD. The equations Mxi = λixi, for allλi, can be written as MX = XΛ, or as M = XΛXT , since X is orthogonal. The SVD writesan arbitrary m × n matrix A a A = UΣV T , where U and V are orthogonal and Σ is diagonaland non-negative. So, the SVD is a generalization or variant of this spectral theorem for real-valued square matrices to general m× n matrices. It is not true, however, that the SVD of even asymmetric matrix gives the above theorem. It is true by the above theorem that you can write asymmetric matrix as M = XΛXT , where the eigenvectors Λ are real. But they might be negative.For those matrices, you also have the SVD, but there is no immediate connection. On the otherhand, some matrices have all Λ positive/nonnegative. They are called SPD/SPSD matrices, andform them the eigenvalue decomposition of the above theorem essentially gives the SVD. (In fact,

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this is sometimes how the SVD is proven—take a matrix A and write the eigenvalue decompositionof the SPSD matrices AAT and ATA.) SPD/SPSD matrices are important, since they are basicallycovariance or correlation matrices; and several matrices we will encounter, e.g., Laplacian matrices,are SPD/SPSD matrices.

We can use the above lemma to provide the following variational characterization of eigenvalues,which will be very important for us.

Theorem 2 (Variational Characterization of Eigenvalues). Let M ∈ Rn×n be a real symmetricmatrix; let λl ≤ · · · ≤ λn be its real eigenvalues, containing multiplicity and sorted in nondecreasingorder; and let x1, . . . , xk, for k < n be orthonormal vectors such that Mxi = λixi, for i ∈ [k]. Then

λk+1 = minx∈Rn~0

x⊥xi ∀i∈[k]



and any minimizer of this is an eigenvector of λk+1.

Proof: First, by repeatedly applying the above lemma, then we get n − k orthogonal eigenvectorsthat are also orthogonal to x1, . . . , xk. Next, we claim that the eigenvalues of this system of northogonal eigenvectors include all eigenvalues of M . The proof is that if there were any othereigenvalues, then its eigenvector would be orthogonal to the other n eigenvectors, which isn’tpossible, since we already have n orthogonal vectors in Rn.

Call the additional n− k vectors xk+1, . . . , xn, where xi is an eigenvector of λi. (Note that we areinconsistent on whether subscripts mean elements of a vectors or different vectors themselves; butit should be clear from context.) Then, consider the minimization problem


x⊥xi ∀i∈[k]



The solution x ≡ xk+1 is feasible, and it has cost λk+1, and so min ≤ λk+1.

Now, consider any arbitrary feasible solution x, and write it as

x =




The cost of this solution is∑n

i=k+1 λiα2i

∑ni=k+1 α


≥ λk+1

∑ni=k+1 α


∑ni=k+1 α


= λk+1,

and so min ≥ λk+1. By combining the above, we have that min = λk+1.

Note that is x is a minimizer of this expression, i.e., if the cost of x equals λk+1, then ai = 0 forall i such that λi > λk+1, and so x is a linear combination of eigenvectors of λk+1, and so it itselfis an eigenvector of λk+1.

Two special cases of the above theorem are worth mentioning.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 29

• The leading eigenvector.

λ1 = minx∈Rn~0



• The next eigenvector.

λ2 = minx∈Rn~0,x⊥x1



where x1 is a minimizer of the previous expression.

2.5 Some things that were skipped

Spielman and Trevisan give two slightly different versions of the variational characterization andCourant-Fischer theorem, i.e., a min-max result, which might be of interest to present.

From wikipedia, there is the following discussion of the min-max theorem which is nice.

• Let A ∈ Rn×n be a Hermitian/symmetric matrix, then the Rayleigh quotient RA : Rn0 →R is RA(x) =

〈Ax,x〉〈x,x〉 , or equivalently fA(x) = 〈Ax, x〉 : ‖x‖2 = 1.

• Fact: for Hermitian matrices, the range of the continuous function RA(x) or fA(x) is acompact subset [a, b] of R. The max b and min a are also the largest and smallest eigenvalueof A, respectively. The max-min theorem can be viewed as a refinement of this fact.

•Theorem 3. If A ∈ Rn×n is Hermitian with eigenvalues λ1 ≥ · · · ≥ λk ≥ · · · , then

λk = maxminRA(x) : x ∈ U, x 6= 0, dim(U) = k,

and alsoλk = minmaxRA(x) : x ∈ U, x 6= 0, dim(U) = n− k + 1.

• In particular,λn ≤ RA(x) ≤ λ1,

for all x ∈ Rn0.

• A simpler formulation for the max and min is

λ1 = maxRA(x) : x 6= 0λn = minRA(x) : x 6= 0

Another thing that follows from the min-max theorem is the Cauchy Interlacing Theorem. SeeSpielman’s 9/16/09 notes and Wikipedia for two different forms of this. This can be used tocontrol eigenvalues as you make changes to the matrix. It is useful, and we may revisit this later.

And, finally, here is counterexample to these results in general. Lest one thinks that these nicenessresults always hold, here is a simple non-symmetric matrix.

A =


0 10 0


(This is an example of a nilpotent matrix.)

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Definition 7. A nilpotent matrix is a square matrix A such that Ak = 0 for some k ∈ Z+.

More generally, any triangular matrix with all zeros on the diagonal; but it could also be a densematrix.)

For this matrix A, we can define RA(x) as with the Rayleigh quotient. Then,

• The only eigenvalue of A equals 0.

• The maximum value of RA(x) is equal to12 , which is larger that 0.

So, in particular, the Rayleigh quotient doesn’t say much about the spectrum.

2.6 Summary

Today we showed that any symmetric matrix (e.g., adjacency matrix A of an undirected graph,Laplacian matrix, but more generally) is nice in that it has a full set of n real eigenvalues and afull set of n orthonormal eigenvectors.

Next time, we will ask what those eigenvectors look like, since spectral methods make crucial useof that. To do so, we will consider a different class of matrices, namely positive or nonnegative (notPSD or SPSD, but element-wise positive or nonnegative) and we will look at the extremal, i.e., topor bottom, eigenvectors.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 31

3 (01/29/2015): Basic Matrix Results (2 of 3)

Reading for today.

• Same as last class.

3.1 Review and overview

Last time, we considered symmetric matrices, and we showed that is M is an n × n real-valuedmatrix, then the following hold.

• There are n eigenvalues, counting multiplicity, that are all real.

• The eigenvectors corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal.

• Given k orthogonal eigenvectors, we can construct one more that is orthogonal to those k,and thus we can iterate this process to get a full set of n orthogonal eigenvectors

• This spectral theorem leads to a variational characterization of eigenvalues/eigenvectors andother useful characterizations.

These results say that symmetric matrices have several “nice” properties, and we will see thatspectral methods will use these extensively.

Today, we will consider a different class of matrices and establish a different type of “niceness”result, which will also be used extensively by spectral methods. In particular, we want to saysomething about how eigenvectors, and in particular the extremal eigenvectors, e.g., the largestone or few or the smallest one of few “look like.” The reason is that spectral methods—bothvanilla and non-vanilla variants—will rely crucially on this; thus, understanding when and why thisis true will be helpful to see how spectral methods sit with respect to other types of methods, tounderstand when they can be generalized, or not, and so on.

The class of matrices we will consider are positive matrices as well as related non-negative matrices.By positive/non-negative, we mean that this holds element-wise. Matrices of this form could be,e.g., the symmetric adjacency matrix of an undirected graph, but they could also be the non-symmetric adjacency matrix of a directed graph. (In the latter case, of course, it is not a symmetricmatrix, and so the results of the last class don’t apply directly.) In addition, the undirected/directedgraphs could be weighted, assuming in both cases that weights are non-negative. In addition, itcould apply more generally to any positive/non-negative matrix (although, in fact, we will be ableto take a positive/non-negative matrix and interpret it as the adjacency matrix of a graph). Themain theory that is used to make statements in this context and that we will discuss today andnext time is something called Perron-Frobenius theory.

3.2 Some initial examples

Perron-Frobenius theory deals with positive/non-negative vectors and matrices, i.e., vectors andmatrices that are entry-wise positive/nonnegative. Before proceeding with the main results ofPerron-Frobenius theory, let us see a few examples of why it might be of interest and when itdoesn’t hold.

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Example. Non-symmetric and not non-negative matrix. Let’s start with the following matrix,which is neither positive/non-negative nor symmetric.

A =


0 −12 3



The characteristic polynomial of this matrix is

det (A− λI) =

−λ −12 3− λ

= −λ(3− λ) + 2

= λ2 − 3λ+ 2

= (λ− 1) (λ− 2) ,

from which if follows that the eigenvalues are 1 and 2. Plugging in λ = 1, we get x1 + x2 = 0, andso the eigenvector corresponding to λ = 1 is

xλ=1 =1√2





Plugging in λ = 2, we get 2x1 + x2 = 0, and so the eigenvector corresponding to λ = 2 is

xλ=1 =1√5





So, this matrix has two eigenvalues and two eigenvectors, but they are not orthogonal, which is ok,since A is not symmetric.

Example. Defective matrix. Consider the following matrix, which is an example of a “defective”matrix.

A =


1 10 1



The characteristic polynomial is

det (A− λI) =∣

1− λ 10 1− λ

= (1− λ)2 ,

and so 1 is a double root. If we plug this in, then we get the system of equations(

0 10 0









meaning that x2 = 0 and x1 is arbitrary. (BTW, note that the matrix that appears in that systemof equations is a nilpotent matrix. See below. From the last class, this has a value of the Rayleighquotient that is not in the closed interval defined by the min to max eigenvalue.) Thus, there isonly one linearly independent eigenvector corresponding to the double eigenvalue λ = 1 and it is

xλ=1 =





Example. Nilpotent matrix. Consider the following matrix,

A =


0 10 0



Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 33

The only eigenvalue of this equals zero. The eigenvector is the same as in the above example. Butthis matrix has the property that if you raise it to some finite power then it equals the all-zerosmatrix.

Example. Identity. The problem above with having only one linearly independent eigenvector isnot due to the multiplicity in eigenvalues. For example, consider the following identity matrix,

A =


1 00 1



which has characteristic polynomial λ2−1 = 0, and so which has λ = 1 as a repeated root. Althoughit has a repeated root, it has two linearly independent eigenvectors. For example,

x1 =




x2 =





or, alternatively,

x1 =1√2




x2 =1√2





This distinction as to whether there are multiple eigenvectors associated with a degenerate eigen-value is an important distinction, and so we introduce the following definitions.

Definition 8. Given a matrix A, for an eigenvalue λi

• it’s algebraic multiplicity, denoted µA(λi), is the multiplicity of λ as a root of the character-istic polynomial; and

• it’s geometric multiplicity, denoted γA(λi) is the maximum number of linearly independenteigenvectors associated with it.

Here are some facts (and terminology) concerning the relationship between the algebraic multiplicityand the geometric multiplicity of an eigenvalue.

• 1 ≤ γA(λi) ≤ µA(λi).

• If µA(λi) = 1, then λi is a simple eigenvalue.

• If γA(λi) = µA(λi), then λi is a semi-simple eigenvalue.

• If γA(λi) < µA(λi), for some i, then the matrix A is defective. Defective matrices are morecomplicated since you need things like Jordan forms, and so they are messier.

• If∑

i γA(λi) = n, then A has n linearly independent eigenvectors. In this case, A is diago-nalizable. I.e., we can write AQ = QΛ, and so Q−1AQ = Λ. And conversely.

3.3 Basic ideas behind Perron-Frobenius theory

The basic idea of Perron-Frobenius theory is that if you have a matrix A with all positive entries(think of it as the adjacency matrix of a general, i.e., possibly directed, graph) then it is “nice” inseveral ways:

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• there is one simple real eigenvalue of A that has magnitude larger than all other eigenvalues;

• the eigenvector associated with this eigenvalue has all positive entires;

• if you increase/decrease the magnitude of the entries of A, then that maximum eigenvalueincreases/decreases; and

• a few other related properties.

These results generalize to non-negative matrices (and slightly more generally, but that is of lessinterest in general). There are a few gotchas that you have to watch out for, and those typicallyhave an intuitive meaning. So, it will be important to understand not only how to establish theabove statements, but also what the gotchas mean and how to avoid them.

These are quite strong claims, and they are certainly false in general, even for non-negative matrices,without those additional assumptions. About that, note that every nonnegative matrix is the limitof positive matrices, and so there exists an eigenvector with nonnegative components. Clearly,the corresponding eigenvalue is nonnegative and greater or equal in absolute value. Consider thefollowing examples.

Example. Symmetric matrix. Consider the following matrix.

A =


0 11 0



This is a non-negative matrix, and there is an eigenvalue equal to 1. However, there exist othereigenvalues of the same absolute value (and not strictly less) as this maximal one. The eigenvaluesare −1 and 1, both of which have absolute value 1.

Example. Non-symmetric matrix. Consider the following matrix.

A =


0 10 0



This is a matrix in which the maximum eigenvalue is not simple. The only root of the characteristic

polynomial is 0, and the corresponding eigenvector, i.e.,




, is not strictly positive.

These two counter examples contain the basic ideas underlying the two main gotchas that must bedealt with when generalizing Perron-Frobenius theory to only non-negative matrices.

(As an aside, it is worth wondering what is unusual about that latter matrix and how it can begeneralized. One is

A =

0 1 0 00 0 1 00 0 0 10 0 0 0


and there are others. These simple examples might seem trivial, but they contain several key ideaswe will see later.)

One point of these examples is that the requirement that the entries of the matrix A be strictlypositive is important for Perron-Frobenius theory to hold. If instead we only have non-negativity,we need further assumption on A which we will see below (and in the special case of matricesassociated with graphs, the reducibility property of the matrix is equivalent to the connectednessof the graph).

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3.4 Reducibility and types of connectedness

We get a non-trivial generalization of Peron-Frobenius theory from all-positive matrices to non-negative matrices, if we work with the class of irreducible matrices. (We will get an even cleanerstatement if we work with the class of irreducible aperiodic matrices. We will start with the formerfirst, and then we will bet to the latter.)

We start with the following definition, which applied to an n × n matrix A. For those readersfamiliar with Markov chains and related topics, there is an obvious interpretation we will get to,but for now we just provide the linear algebraic definition.

Definition 9. A matrix A ∈ Rn×n is reducible if there exist a permutation matrix P such that

C = PAP T =


A11 A12

0 A22



with A11 ∈ Rr×r and A22 ∈ R(n−r)×(n−r), where 0 < r < n. (Note that the off-diagonal matrices, 0and A12, will in general be rectangular.) A matrix A ∈ Rn×n is irreducible if it is not reducible.

As an aside, here is another definition that you may come across and that we may point to later.

Definition 10. A nonnegative matrix A ∈ Rn×n is irreducible if ∀i, j ∈ [n]2,∃t ∈ N : Atij > 0.

And it is primitive if ∃t ∈ N,∀i, j ∈ [n]2 : Atij > 0.

This is less intuitive, but I’m mentioning it since these are algebraic and linear algebraic ideas,and we haven’t yet connected it with random walks. But later we will understand this in terms ofthings like lazy random walks (which is more intuitive for most people than the gcd definition ofaperiodicity/primitiveness).

Fact: If A, a non-negative square matrix, is nilpotent (i.e., s.t. Ak = 0, for some k ∈ Z+,then it is reducible. Proof: By contradiction, suppose A is irreducible, and nilpotent. Let k bethe smallest k such that Ak = 0. Then we know Ak−1 6= 0. Suppose Ak−1

ij > 0 for some i, j,

since A irreducible, we now there exist t ≥ 1 such that Atji > 0. Note all powers of A are non-

negative, then Ak−1+tii = Ak−1

i,· At·,i ≥ Ak−1

ij Atji > 0 which gives a contradiction, since we have

Ak = 0⇒ Ak′ = 0 ∀k′ ≥ k, while k − 1 + t ≥ k, but Ak−1+t 6= 0.⋄

We start with a lemma that, when viewed the right way, i.e., in a way that is formal but notintuitive, is trivial to prove.

Lemma 4. Let A ∈ Rn×n be a non-negative square matrix. If A is primitive, then A is reducible.

Proof: ∃∀ → ∀∃⋄

It can be shown that the converse is false. But we can establish a sort of converse in the followinglemma. (It is a sort of converse since A and I+A are related, and in particular in our applicationsto spectral graph theory the latter will essentially have an interpretation in terms of a lazy randomwalk associated with the former.)

Lemma 5. Let A ∈ Rn×n be a non-negative square matrix. If A is irreducible, then I + A isprimitive.

36 M. W. Mahoney

Proof: Write out the binomial expansion

(I +A)n =








This has all positive entries since A is irreducible, i.e., it eventually has all positive entries if k islarge enough.

Note that a positive matrix may be viewed as the adjacency matrix of a weighted complete graph.

Let’s be more precise about directed and undirected graphs.

Definition 11. A directed graph G(A) associated with an n× n nonnegative matrix A consists ofn nodes/vertices P1, . . . , Pn, where an edge leads from Pi to Pj iff Aij 6= 0.

Since directed graphs are directed, the connectivity properties are a little more subtle than forundirected graphs. Here, we need the following. We will probably at least mention other variantslater.

Definition 12. A directed graph G is strongly connected if ∀ ordered pairs (Pi, Pj) of vertices ofG, ∃ a path, i.e., a sequence of edges, (Pi, Pl1), (Pl1 , Pl2), . . . , (Plr−1 , Pj), which leads from Pi to Pj .The length of the path is r.

Fact: The graph G(Ak) of a nonnegative matrix A consists of all paths of G(A) of length k (i.e.there is an edge from i to j in G(Ak) iff there is a path of length k from i to j in G).

Keep this fact in mind since different variants of spectral methods involve weighting paths ofdifferent lengths in different ways.

Here is a theorem that connects the linear algebraic idea of irreducibility with the graph theoreticidea of connectedness. Like many things that tie together notions from two different areas, it canseem trivial when it is presented in such a way that it looks obvious; but it really is connecting twoquite different ideas. We will see more of this later.

Theorem 4. An n×n matrix A is irreducible iff the corresponding directed graph G(A) is stronglyconnected.

Proof: Let A be an irreducible matrix. Assume, for contradiction, that G(A) is not stronglyconnected. Then, there exists an ordered pair of nodes, call them (Pi, Pj), s.t. there does not exista connection from Pi to Pj . In this case, let S1 be the set of nodes connected to Pi, and let S2be the remainder of the nodes. Note that there is no connection between any nodes Pℓ ∈ S2 andany node Pq ∈ S1, since otherwise we sould have Pℓ ∈ S1. And note that both sets are nonempty,since Pj ∈ S1 and Pi ∈ S2. Let r = |S1| and n− r = |S2|. Consider a permutation transformationC = PAP T that reorders the nodes of G(A) such that

P1, P2, · · · , Pr ∈ S1Pr+1, Pr+2, · · · , Pn ∈ S2

That is

Ckℓ = 0 ∀

k = r + 1, r + 2, . . . , n

ℓ = 1, 2, . . . , r.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 37

But this is a contradiction, since A is irreducible.

Conversely, assume that G(A) is strongly connected, and assume for contradiction that A is notirreducible. Reverse the order of the above argument, and we arrive at the conclusion that G(A)is not strongly connected, which is a contradiction.

We conclude by noting that, informally, there are two types of irreducibility. To see this, recallthat in the definition of reducibility/irreducibility, we have the following matrix:

C = PAP T =


A11 A12

0 A22



In one type, A12 6= 0: in this case, we can go from the first set to the second set and get stuck insome sort of sink. (We haven’t made that precise, in terms of random walk interpretations, butthere is some sort of interaction between the two groups.) In the other type, A12 = 0: in thiscase, there are two parts that don’t talk with each other, and so essentially there are two separategraphs/matrices.

3.5 Basics of Perron-Frobenius theory

Let’s start with the following definition. (Note here that we are using subscripts to refer to elementsof a vector, which is inconsistent with what we did in the last class.)

Definition 13. A vector x ∈ Rn is positive (resp, non-negative) if all of the entries of the vectorare positive (resp, non-negative), i.e., if xi > 0 for all i ∈ [n] (resp if xi ≥ 0 for all i ∈ [n]).

A similar definition holds form×nmatrices. Note that this is not the same as SPD/SPSD matrices.

Let’s also provide the following definition.

Definition 14. Let λ1, . . . , λn be the (real or complex) eigenvalues of a matrix A ∈ Cn×n. Thenthe spectral radius ρA = ρ(A) = maxi (|λi|)

Here is a basic statement of the Perron-Frobenius theorem.

Theorem 5 (Perron-Frobenius). Let A ∈ Rn×n be an irreducible non-negative matrix. Then,

1. A has a positive real eigenvalue equal to its spectral radium.

2. That eigenvalue ρA has algebraic and geometric multiplicity equal to one.

3. The one eigenvector x associated with the eigenvalue ρA has all positive entries.

4. ρA increases when any entry of A increases.

5. There is no other non-negative eigenvector of A different than x.

6. If, in addition, A is primitive, then each other eigenvalue λ of A satisfies |λ| < ρA.

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Before giving the proof, which we will do next class, let’s first start with some ideas that will suggesthow to do the proof.

Let P = (I +A)n. Since P is positive, it is true that for every non-negative and non-null vectorv, that we have that Pv > 0 element-wise. Relatedly, if v ≤ w element-wise, and v 6= w, thenPv < Pw.

LetQ = x ∈ Rn s.t. x ≥ 0, x 6= 0

be the nonnegative orthant, excluding the origin. In addition, let

C = x ∈ Rn s.t. x ≥ 0, ||x|| = 1 ,

where || · || is any vector norm. Clearly, C is compact, i.e., closed and bounded.

Then, for all z ∈ Q, we can define the following function: let

f(z) = max s ∈ R : sz ≤ Az = min1≤i≤n,zi 6=0


Here are facts about f .

• f(rz) = f(z), for all r > 0.

• If Az = λz, i.e., if (λ, z) is an eigenpair, then f(z) = λ.

• If sz ≤ Az, then sPz ≤ PAz = APz, where the latter follows since A and P clearly commute.So,

f(z) ≤ f(Pz).In addition, if z is not an eigenvector of A, then sz 6= Az, for all s; and sPz < APz. Fromthe second expression for f(z) above, we have that in this case that

f(z) < f(Pz),

i.e., an inequality in general but a strict inequality if not an eigenvector.

This suggests an idea for the proof: look for a positive vector that maximizes the function f ; showit is an eigenvector we want in the theorem; and show that it established the properties stated inthe theorem.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 39

4 (02/03/2015): Basic Matrix Results (3 of 3)

Reading for today.

• Same as last class.

4.1 Review and overview

Recall the basic statement of the Perron-Frobenius theorem from last class.

Theorem 6 (Perron-Frobenius). Let A ∈ Rn×n be an irreducible non-negative matrix. Then,

1. A has a positive real eigenvalue λmax; which is equal to the spectral radius; and λmax has anassociated eigenvector x with all positive entries.

2. If 0 ≤ B ≤ A, with B 6= A, then every eigenvalue σ of B satisfies |σ| < λmax = ρA. (Notethat B does not need to be irreducible.) In particular, B can be obtained from A by zeroingout entries; and also all of the diagonal minors A(i) obtained from A by deleting the ith

row/column have eigenvalues with absolute value strictly less than λmax = ρA. Informally,this says: ρA increases when any entry of A increases.

3. That eigenvalue ρA has algebraic and geometric multiplicity equal to one.

4. If y ≥ 0, y 6= 0 is a vector and µ is a number such that Ay ≤ µy, then y > 0 and µ ≥ λmax;with µ = λmax iff y is a multiple of x. Informally, this says: there is no other non-negativeeigenvector of A different than x.

5. If, in addition, A is primitive/aperiodic, then each other eigenvalue λ of A satisfies |λ| < ρA.

6. If, in addition, A is primitive/aperiodic, then






= xyT ,

where x and y are positive eigenvectors of A and AT with eigenvalue ρA, i.e., Ax = ρAx andAT y = ρAy (i.e., yTA = ρAy

T ), normalized such that xT y = 1.

Today, we will do three things: (1) we will prove this theorem; (2) we will also discuss periodic-ity/aperiodicity issues; (3) we will also briefly discuss the first connectivity/non-connectivity resultfor Adjacency and Laplacian matrices of graphs that will use the ideas we have developed in thelast few classes.

Before proceeding, one note: an interpretation of a matrix B generated from A by zeroing out anentry or an entire row/column is that you can remove an edge from a graph or you can removea node and all of the associated edges from a graph. (The monotonicity provided by that part ofthis theorem will be important for making claims about how the spectral radius behaves when suchchanges are made to a graph.) This obviously holds true for Adjacency matrices, and a similarstatement also holds true for Laplacian matrices.

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4.2 Proof of the Perron-Frobenius theorem

We start with some general notation and definitions; then we prove each part of the theorem in turn.

Recall from last time that we let P = (I +A)n and thus P is positive. Thus, for every non-negative and non-null vector v, then we have that Pv > 0 element-wise; and (equivalently) if v ≤ welement-wise, and v 6= w, then we have that Pv < Pw. Recall also that we defined

Q = x ∈ Rn s.t. x ≥ 0, x 6= 0C = x ∈ Rn s.t. x ≥ 0, ||x|| = 1 ,

where || · || is any vector norm. Note in particular that this means that C is compact, i.e., closedand bounded. Recall also that, for all z ∈ Q, we defined the following function: let

f(z) = max s ∈ R : sz ≤ Az = min1≤i≤n,zi 6=0


Finally, recall several facts about the function f .

• f(rz) = f(z), for all r > 0.

• If Az = λz, i.e., if (λ, z) is an eigenpair, then f(z) = λ.

• In general, f(z) ≤ f(Pz); and if z is not an eigenvector of A, then f(z) < f(Pz). (The reasonfor the former is that if sz ≤ Az, then sPz ≤ PAz = APz. The reason for the latter is thatin this case sz 6= Az, for all s, and sPz < APz, and by considering the second expression forf(z) above.)

We will prove the theorem in several steps.

4.3 Positive eigenvalue with positive eigenvector.

Here, we will show that there is a positive eigenvalue λ∗ and that the associated eigenvector x∗ isa positive vector.

To do so, consider P (C), the image of C under the action of the operator P . This is a compactset, and all vectors in P (C) are positive. By the second expression in definition of f(·) above, wehave that f is continuous of P (C). Thus, f achieves its maximum value of P (C), i.e., there existsa vector x ∈ P (C) such that

f(x) = supz∈C


Since f(z) ≤ f(Pz), the vector x realizes the maximum value fmax of f on Q. So,

fmax = f(x) ≤ f(Px) ≤ fmax.

Thus, from the third property of f above, x is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue fmax. Sincex ∈ P (C), then x is a positive vector; and since Ax > 0 and Ax = fmaxx, it follows that fmax > 0.

(Note that this result shows that fmax = λ∗ is achieved on an eigenvector x = x∗, but it doesn’tshow yet that it is equal to the spectral radius.)

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 41

4.4 That eigenvalue equals the spectral radius.

Here, we will show that fmax = ρA, i.e., fmax equals the spectral radius.

To do so, let z ∈ Cn be an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue λ ∈ C; and let |z| be a vector, eachentry of which equals |zi|. Then, |z| ∈ Q.

We claim that |λ||z| ≤ A|z|. To establish the claim, rewrite it as |λ||zi| ≤∑n

k=1Aik|zk|. Then,since Az = λz, i.e., λzi =

∑nk=1Aikzk, and since Aik ≥ 0, we have that

|λ||z| =∣







from which the claim follows.

Thus, by the definition of f (i.e., since f(z) = min (Az)i(z)i

, we have that |λ| ≤ f(|z|). Hence,

|λ| ≤ fmax, and thus ρA ≤ fmax (where ρA is the spectral radius). Conversely, from the above, i.e.,since fmax is an eigenvalue it must be ≤ the maximum eigenvalue, we have that fmax ≤ ρA. Thus,fmax = ρA.

4.5 An extra claim to make.

We would like to establish the following result:

f(z) = fmax ⇒ (Az = fmaxz and z > 0) .

To establish this result, observe that above it is shown that: if f(z) = fmax, then f(z) = f(Pz).Thus, z is an eigenvector of A for eigenvalue fmax. It follows that Pz = λz, i.e., that z is also aneigenvector of P . Since P is positive, we have that Pz > 0, and so z is positive.

4.6 Monotonicity of spectral radius.

Here, we would like to show that 0 ≤ B ≤ A and B 6= A implies that ρB < ρA. (Recall that Bneed not be irreducible, but A is.)

To do so, suppose that Bz = λz, with z ∈ Cn and with λ ∈ C. Then,

|λ||z| ≤ B|z| ≤ A|z|,

from which it follows that|λ| ≤ fA(|z|) ≤ ρA,

and thus ρB ≤ ρA.

Next, assume for contradiction that |λ| = ρA. Then from the above claim (in Section 4.5), we havethat fA(z) = ρA. Thus from above it follows that |z| is an eigenvector of A for the eigenvalue ρAand also that z is positive. Hence, B|z| = A|z|, with z > 0; but this is impossible unless A = B.

Remark. Replacing the ith row/column of A by zeros gives a non-negative matrix A(i) such that0 ≤ A(i) ≤ A. Moreover, A(i) 6= A, since the irreducibility of A precludes the possibility that allentries in a row are equal to zero. Thus, for all matrices A(i) that are obtained by eliminating the

ith row/column of A, the eigenvalues of A(i) < ρ.

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4.7 Algebraic/geometric multiplicities equal one.

Here, we will show that the algebraic and geometric multiplicity of λmax equal 1. Recall that thegeometric multiplicity is less than or equal to the algebraic multiplicity, and that both are at leastequal to one, so it suffices to prove this for the algebraic multiplicity.

Before proceeding, also define the following: given a square matrix A:

• Let A(i) be the matrix obtained by eliminating the ith row/column. In particular, this is asmaller matrix, with one dimension less along each column/row.

• Let Ai be the matrix obtained by zeroing out the ith row/column. In particular, this is amatrix of the same size, with all the entries in one full row/column zeroed out.

To establish this result, here is a lemma that we will use; its proof (which we won’t provide) boilsdown to expanding det (Λ−A) along the ith row.

Lemma 6. Let A be a square matrix, and let Λ be a diagonal matrix of the same size with λ1, . . . , λn(as variables) along the diagonal. Then,

∂λidet (Λ−A) = det


Λ(i) −A(i)



where the subscript (i) means the matrix obtained by eliminating the ith row/column from eachmatrix.

Next, set λi = λ and apply the chain rule from calculus to get


dλdet (λI −A) =




λI −A(i)



Finally, note thatdet (λI −Ai) = λdet


λI −A(i)



But by what we just proved (in the Remark at the end of last page), we have that det(

ρAI −A(i)


>0. Thus, the derivative of the characteristic polynomial of A is nonzero at ρA, and so the algegraicmultiplicity equals 1.

4.8 No other non-negative eigenvectors, etc.

Here, we will prove the claim about other non-negative vectors, including that there are no othernon-negative eigenvectors.

To start, we claim that: 0 ≤ B ≤ A⇒ fmax(B) ≤ fmax(A). (This is related to but a little differentthan the similar result we had above.) To establish the claim, note that if z ∈ Q is s.t. sz ≤ Bz,then sz ≤ Az (since Bz ≤ Az), and so fB(z) ≤ fA(z), for all z.

We can apply that claim to AT , from which it follows that AT has a positive eigenvalue, call it η.So, there exists a row vector, w > 0 s.t. wTA = ηwT . Recall that x > 0 is an eigenvector of A withmaximum eigenvalue λmax. Thus,

wTAx = ηwTx = λmaxwTx,

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 43

and thus η = λmax (since wTx > 0).

Next, suppose that y ∈ Q and Ay ≤ µy. Then,

λmaxwT y = wTAy ≤ µwT y,

from which it follows that λmax ≤ µ. (This is since all components of w are positive and somecomponents of y is positive, and so wT y > 0).

In particular, if Ay = µy, then µ = λmax.

Further, if y ∈ Q and Ay ≤ µy, then µ ≥ 0 and y > 0. (This is since 0 < Py = (I +A)n−1 y ≤(1 + µ)n−1 y.)

This proves the first two parts of the result; now, let’s prove the last part of the result.

If µ = λmax, then wT (Ay−λmaxy) = 0. But, Ay−λmaxy ≤ 0. So, given this, from wT (Ay − λmaxy) =

0, it follows that Ay = λmaxy. Since y must be an eigenvector with eigenvalue λmax, the last result(i.e., that y is a scalar multiple of x) follows since λmax has multiplicity 1.

To establish the converse direction march through these steps in the other direction.

4.9 Strict inequality for aperiodic matrices

Here, we would like to establish the result that the eigenvalue we have been talking about is strictlylarger in magnitude than the other eigenvalues, under the aperiodicity assumption.

To do so, recall that the tth powers of the eigenvalues of A are the eigenvalues of At. So, if we wantto show that there does not exist eigenvalues of a primitive matrix with absolute value = ρA, otherthan ρA, then it suffices to prove this for a positive matrix A.

Let A be a positive matrix, and suppose that Az = λz, with z ∈ Cn, λ ∈ C, and |λ| = ρA, in whichcase the goal is to show λ < ρA.

(We will do this by showing that any eigenvector with eigenvalue equal in magnitude to ρA is thetop eigenvalue.) (I.e., we will show that such a z equals |z| and thus there is no other one with ρA.)


ρA|z| = |Az| ≤ A|z|,

from which it follows that

ρA ≤ f(|z|) ≤ ρA,

which implies that f(|z|) = ρA. From a result above, this implies that |z| is an eigenvector of Awith eigenvalue ρA. Moreover, |Az| = A|z|. In particular,








Since all of the entries of A are positive, this implies that there exists a number u ∈ C (with |u| = 1)s.t. for all i ∈ [n], we have that zi = u|zi|. Hence, z and |z| are collinear eigenvectors of A. So, thecorresponding eigenvalues of λ and ρ are equal, as required.

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4.10 Limit for aperiodic matrices

Here, we would like to establish the limiting result.

To do so, note that AT has the same spectrum (including multiplicities) as A; and in particularthe spectral radius of AT equals ρA.

Moreover, since AT is irreducible (a consequence of being primitive), we can apply the Perron-Frobenius theorem to it to get yA = ρAy. Here y is determined up to a scalar multiple, and so let’schoose it s.t. xT y =

∑ni=1 xiyi = 1.

Next, observe that we can decompose the n-dimensional vector space Rn into two parts,

Rn = R⊕N,

where both R and N are invariant under the action of A. To do this, define the rank-one matrixH = xyT , and:

• let R be the image space of H; and

• let N be the null space of H.

Note that H is a projection matrix (in particular, H2 = H), and thus I −H is also a projectionmatrix, and the image space of I −H is N . Also,

AH = AxyT = ρAxyT = xρAy

T = xyTA = HA.

So, we have a direct sum decomposition of the space Rn into R ⊕ N , and this decomposition isinvariant under the action of A.

Given this, observe that the restriction of A to N has all of its eigenvalues strictly less that ρAin absolute value, while the restriction of A to the one-dimensional space R is simply a multipli-cation/scaling by ρA. So, if P is defined to be P = 1

ρAA, then the restriction of P to N has its

eigenvalues < 1 in absolute value. This decomposition is also invariant under all positive integralpowers of P . So, the restriction of P k to N tends to zero as k →∞, while the restriction of P to

R is the identity. So, limt→∞(


= H = xyT .

4.11 Additional discussion form periodicity/aperiodic and cyclicity/primitiveness

Let’s switch gears and discuss the periodicity/aperiodic and cyclicity/primitiveness issues.

(This is an algebraic characterization, and it holds for general non-negative matrices. I think thatmost people find this less intuitive that the characterization in terms of connected components, butit’s worth at least knowing about it.)

Start with the following definition.

Definition 15. The cyclicity of an irreducible non-negative matrix A is the g.c.d. (greatest commondenominator) of the length of the cycles in the associated graph.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 45

Let’s let Nij be a positive subset of the integers s.t.

t ∈ N s.t. (At)ij > 0,

that is, it is the values of t ∈ N s.t. the matrix At’s (i, j) entry is positive (i.e. exists a path fromi to j of length t) . Then, to define γ to be the cyclicity of A, first define γi = gcd (Nii), andthen clearly γ = gcd (γi s.t. i ∈ V ). Note that each Nii is closed under addition, and so it is asemi-group.

Here is a lemma from number theory (that we won’t prove).

Lemma 7. A set N of positive integers that is closed under addition contains all but a finite numberof multiples of its g.c.d.

From this it follows that ∀i ∈ [n], γi = γ.

The following theorem (which we state but won’t prove) provides several related conditions for anirreducible matrix to be primitive.

Theorem 7. Let A be an irreducible matrix. Then, the following are equivalent.

1. The matrix A is primitive.

2. All of the eigenvalues of A different from its spectral radius ρA satisfy |λ| < ρA.

3. The sequence of matrices(


converges to a positive matrix.

4. There exists an i ∈ [n] s.t., γi = 1.

5. The cyclicity of A equals 1.

For completeness, note that sometimes one comes across the following definition.

Definition 16. Let A be an irreducible non-negative square matrix. The period of A is the g.c.d.of all natural numbers m s.t. (Am)ii > 0 for some i. Equivalently, the g.c.d. of the lengths of closeddirected paths of the directed graph GA associated with A.

Fact. All of the statements of the Perron-Frobenius theorem for positive matrices remain true forirreducible aperiodic matrices. In addition, all of those statements generalize to periodic matrices.The the main difference in this generalization is that for periodic matrices the “top” eigenvalueisn’t “top” any more, in the sense that there are other eigenvalues with equal absolute value thatare different: they equal the pth roots of unity, where p is the periodicity.

Here is an example of a generalization.

Theorem 8. Let A be an irreducible non-negative n×n matrix, with period equal to h and spectralradius equal to ρA = r. Then,

1. r > 0, and it is an eigenvalue of A.

2. r is a simple eigenvalue, and both its left and right eigenspace are one-dimensional.

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3. A has left/right eigenvectors v/w with eigenvalue r, each of which has all positive entries.

4. A has exactly h complex eigenvalues with absolute value = r; and each is a simple root of thecharacteristic polynomial and equals the r · hth root of unity.

5. If h > 0, then there exists a permutation matrix P s.t.


0 A12 00 A23

. . .. . .

0 0 Ah−1,h

Ah1 0 0

. (4)

4.12 Additional discussion of directness, periodicity, etc.

Today, we have been describing Perron-Frobenius theory for non-negative matrices. There are a lotof connections with graphs, but the theory can be developed algebraically and linear-algebraically,i.e., without any mention of graphs. (We saw a hint of this with the g.c.d. definitions.) In particular,Theorem 8 is a statement about matrices, and it’s fair to ask what this might say about graphs wewill encounter. So, before concluding, let’s look at it and in particular at Eqn. (4) and ask whatthat might say about graphs—and in particular undirected graphs—we will consider.

To do so, recall that the Adjacency Matrix of an undirected graph is symmetric; and, informally,there are several different ways (up to permutations, etc.) it can “look like.” In particular:

• It can look like this:

A =


A11 A12

AT12 A22


, (5)

where let’s assume that all-zeros blocks are represented as 0 and so each Aij is not all-zeros.This corresponds to a vanilla graph you would probably write down if you were asked to writedown a graph.

• It can look like this:

A =


A11 00 A22


, (6)

in which case the corresponding graph is not connected.

• It can even look like this:

A =


0 A12

A21 0


, (7)

which has the interpretation of having two sets of nodes, each of which has edges to only theother set, and which will correspond to a bipartite graph.

• Of course, it could be a line-like graph, which would look like a tridiagonal banded matrix,which is harder for me to draw in latex, or it can look like all sorts of other things.

• But it cannot look like this:

A =


A11 A12

0 A22


, (8)

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 47

and it cannot look like this:

A =


0 A12

0 0


, (9)

where recall we are assuming that each Aij is not all-zeros. In both of these cases, thesematrices are not symmetric.

In light of today’s results and looking forward, it’s worth commenting for a moment on the rela-tionship between Eqns. (4) and Eqns (5) through (9).

Here are a few things to note.

• One might think from Eqns. (4) that periodicity means that that the graph is directed andso if we work with undirected graphs we can ignore it. That’s true if the periodicity is 3 ormore, but note that the matrix of Eqn (7) is periodic with period equal to 2. In particular,Eqn (7) is of the form of Eqn. (4) if the period h = 2. (It’s eigenvalues are real, which theyneed to be since the matrix is symmetric, since the complex “2th roots of unity,” which equal±1, are both real.)

• You can think of Eqn. (6) as a special case of Eqn. (8), with the A12 block equal to 0, but itis not so helpful to do so, since its behavior is very different than for an irreducible matrixwith A12 6= 0.

• For directed graphs, e.g., the graph that would correspond to Eqn. (8) (or Eqn. (9)), thereis very little spectral theory. It is of interest in practice since edges are often directed.But, most spectral graph methods for directed graphs basically come up—either explicitlyor implicitly—with some sort of symmetrized version of the directed graph and then applyundirected spectral graph methods to that symmetrized graph. (Time permitting, we’ll seean example of this at some point this semester.)

• You can think of Eqn. (8) as corresponding to a “bow tie” picture (that I drew on the boardand that is a popular model for the directed web graph and other directed graphs). Althoughthis is directed, it can be made irreducible by adding a rank-one update of the form 11T tothe adjacency matrix. E.g., A → A + ǫ11T . This has a very natural interpretation in termsof random walkers, it is the basis for a lot of so-called “spectral ranking” methods, and it isa very popular way to deal with directed (and undirected) graphs. In addition, for reasonswe will point out later, we can get spectral methods to work in a very natural way in thisparticular case, even if the initial graph is undirected.

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5 (02/05/2015): Overview of Graph Partitioning

Reading for today.

• “Survey: Graph clustering,” in Computer Science Review, by Schaeffer• “Geometry, Flows, and Graph-Partitioning Algorithms,” in CACM, by Arora, Rao, and Vazi-


The problem of graph partitioning or graph clustering refers to a general class of problems thatdeals with the following task: given a graph G = (V,E), group the vertices of a graph into groups orclusters or communities. (One might be interested in cases where this graph is weighted, directed,etc., but for now let’s consider non-directed, possibly weighted, graphs. Dealing with weightedgraphs is straightforward, but extensions to directed graphs are more problematic.) The graphsmight be given or constructed, and there may or may not be extra information on the nodes/edgesthat are available, but insofar as the black box algorithm that actually does the graph partitioningis concerned, all there is is the information in the graph, i.e., the nodes and edges or weighted edges.Thus, the graph partitioning algorithm takes into account the node and edge properties, and thusit typically relies on some sort of “edge counting” metric to optimize. Typically, the goal is togroup nodes in such a manner that nodes within a cluster are more similar to each other than tonodes in different clusters, e.g., more and/or better edges within clusters and relatively few edgesbetween clusters.

5.1 Some general comments

Two immediate questions arise.

• A first question is to settle on an objective that captures this bicriteria. There are severalways to quantify this bicriteria which we will describe, but each tries to cut a data graph into2 or more “good” or “nice” pieces.

• A second question to address is how to compute the optimal solution to that objective. Insome cases, it is “easy,” e.g., it is computable in low-degree polynomial time, while in othercases it is “hard,” e.g., it is intractable in the sense that the corresponding decision problemis NP-hard or NP-complete.

In the case of an intractable objective, people are often interested in computing some sort ofapproximate solution to optimize the objective that has been decided upon. Alternatively, peoplemay run a procedure without a well-defined objective stated and decided upon beforehand, and insome cases this procedure returns answers that are useful. Moreover, the procedures often bear somesort of resemblance to the steps of algorithms that solve well-defined objectives exactly. Clearly,there is potential interest in understanding the relationship between these two complementaryapproaches: this will help people who run procedures know what they are optimizing; this can feedback and help to develop statistically-principled and more-scalable procedures; and so on.

Here, we will focus on several different methods (i.e., classes of algorithms, e.g., “spectral graphalgorithms” as well as other classes of methods) that are very widespread in practice and that canbe analyzed to prove strong bounds on the quality of the partitions found. The methods are thefollowing.

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1. Spectral-based methods. This could include either global or local methods, both of whichcome with some sort of Cheeger Inequality.

2. Flow-based methods. These have connections with the min-cut/max-flow theorem, and theycan be viewed in terms of embeddings via their LP formulation, and here too there is a localimprovement version.

In addition, we will also probably consider methods that combine spectral and flow in various ways.Note that most or all of the theoretically-principles methods people use have steps that boil downto one of these. Of course, we will also make connections with methods such as local improvementheuristics that are less theoretically-principled but that are often important in practice.

Before doing that, we should point out something that has been implicit in the discussion sofar. That is, while computer scientists (and in particular TCS) often draw a strong distinctionbetween problems and algorithms, researchers in other areas (in particular machine learning anddata analysis as well as quantitatively-inclined people in nearly every other applied area) often donot. For the latter people, one might run some sort of procedure that solves something insofaras, e.g., it finds clusters that are useful by a downstream metric. As you can imagine, there is aproliferation of such methods. One of the questions we will address is when we can understandthose procedures in terms of the above theoretically-principled methods. In many cases, we can;and that can help to understand when/why these algorithms work and when/why they don’t.

Also, while we will mostly focus on a particular objective (called expansion or conductance) thatprobably is the combinatorial objective that most closely captures the bicriteria of being well-connected intra-cluster and not well-connected inter-cluster, we will probably talk about some otherrelated methods. For example, finding dense subgraphs, and finding so-called good-modularitypartitions. Those are also of widespread interest; they will illustrate other ways that spectralmethods can be used; and understanding the relationship between those objectives and expan-sion/conductance is important.

Before proceeding, a word of caution: For a given objective quantifying how “good” is a partition,it is not the case that all graphs have good partitions—but all graph partitioning algorithms (aswill other algorithms) will return some answer, i.e., they will give you some output clustering. Inparticular, there is a class of graphs called expanders that do not have good clusters with respectto the so-called expansion/conductance objective function. (Many real data graphs have strongexpander-like properties.)

In this case, i.e., when there are no good clusters, the simple answer is just to say don’t do clustering.Of course, it can sometimes in practice be difficult to tell if you are in that case. (For example,with a thousand graphs and a thousand methods—that may or may not be related but that havedifferent knobs and so are at least minorly-different—you are bound to find things look like clusters,and controlling false discovery, etc., is tricky in general but in particular for graph-based data.)Alternatively, especially in practice, you might have a graph that has both expander-like propertiesand non-expander-like properties, e.g., in different parts of the graph. A toy example of this couldbe given by the lollipop graph. In that case, it might be good to know how algorithms behave ondifferent classes of graphs and/or different parts of the graph.

Question (raised by this): Can we certify that there are no good clusters in a graph? Or certifythe nonexistence of hypothesized things more generally? We will get back to this later.

Let’s go back to finding an objective we want to consider.

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As a general rule of thumb, when most people talk about clusters or communities (for some reason,in network and especially in social graph applications clusters are often called communities—theymay have a different downstream, e.g., sociological motivation, but operationally they are typicallyfound with some sort of graph clustering algorithm) “desirable” or “good” clusters tend to havethe following properties:

1. Internally (intra) - well connected with other members of the cluster. Minimally, this meansthat it should be connected—but it is a challenge to guarantee this in a statistically andalgorithmically meaningful manner. More generally, this might mean that it is “morallyconnected”—e.g., that there are several paths between vertices in intra-clusters and thatthese paths should be internal to the cluster. (Note: this takes advantage of the fact thatwe can classify edges incident to v ∈ C as internal (connected to other members of C) andexternal (connected to C).

2. Externally (inter) - relatively poor connections between members of a cluster and membersof a different cluster. For example, this might mean that there are very few edges with oneendpoint in one cluster and the other endpoint in the other cluster.

Note that this implies that we can classify edges, i.e., pairwise connections, incident to a vertexv ∈ C into edges that are internal (connected to other members of C) and edges that are external(connected to members of C). This technically is well-defined; and, informally, it makes sense, sinceif we are modeling the data as a graph, then we are saying that things and pairwise relationshipsbetween things are of primary importance.

So, we want a relatively dense or well-connected (very informally, those two notions are similar,but they are often different when one focuses on a particular quantification of the informal notion)induced subgraph with relatively few inter-connections between pieces. Here are extreme cases toconsider:

• Connected component, i.e., the “entire graph,” if the graph is connected, or one connectedcomponent if the graph is not connected.

• Clique or maximal clique, i.e., complete subgraph or a maximal complete subgraph, i.e.,subgraph in which no other vertices can be added without loss of the clique property.

But how do we quantify this more generally?

5.2 A first try with min-cuts

Here we will describe an objective that has been used to partition graphs. Although it is widely-usedfor certain applications, it will have certain aspects that are undesirable for many other applications.In particular, we cover it for a few reasons: first, as a starter objective before we get to a betterobjective; second, since the dual is related to a non-spectral way to partition graphs; and third,although it doesn’t take into account the bi-criteria we have outlined, understanding it will be abasis for a lot of the stuff later.

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5.2.1 Min-cuts and the Min-cut problem

We start with the following definition.

Definition 17. Let G = (V,E) be a graph. A cut C = (S, T ) is a partition of the vertex set Vof G. An s-t-cut C = (S, T ) of G = (V,E) is a cut C s.t. s ∈ S and t ∈ T , where s, t ∈ V arepre-specified source and sink vertices/nodes. A cut set is (u, v) ∈ E : u ∈ S, v ∈ T, i.e., the edgeswith one endpoint on each side of the cut.

The above definition applies to both directed and undirected graphs. Notice in the directed case,the cut set contains the edges from node in S to nodes in T , but not those from T to S.

Given this set-up the min-cut problem is: find the “smallest” cut, i.e., find the cut with the“smallest” cut set, i.e. the smallest boundary (or sum of edge weights, more generally). That is:

Definition 18. The capacity of an s-t-cut is c(S, T ) =∑

(u,v)∈(S,S) cuv. In this case, the Min-CutProblem is to solve


c(S, S).

That is, the problem is to find the “smallest” cut, where by smallest we mean the cut with thesmallest total edge capacity across it, i.e., with the smallest “boundary.”

Things to note about this formalization:

1. Good: Solvable in low-degree polynomial time by a polynomial time algorithm. (As we willsee, min-cut = max-flow is related.)

2. Bad: Often get very unbalanced cut. (This is not necessarily a problem, as maybe there areno good cuts, but for this formalization, this happens even when it is known that there aregood large cuts. This objective tends to nibble off small things, even when there are biggerpartitions of interest.) This is problematic for several reasons:

• In theory. Cut algorithms are used as a sub-routine in divide and conquer algorithm,and if we keep nibbling off small pieces then the recursion depth is very deep; alterna-tively, control over inference is often obtained by drawing strength over a bunch of datathat are well-separated from other data, and so if that bunch is very small then theinference control is weak.

• In practice. Often, we want to “interpret” the clusters or partitions, and it is not niceif the sets returned are uninteresting or trivial. Alternatively, one might want to dobucket testing or something related, and when the clusters are very small, it might notbe worth the time.

(As a forward-looking pointer, we will see that an ‘improvement” of the idea of cut andmin-cut may also get very imbalanced partitions, but it does so for a more subtle/non-trivialreason. So, this is a bug or a feature, but since the reason is somewhat trivial people typicallyview this as a bug associated with the choice of this particular objective in many applications.)

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5.2.2 A slight detour: the Max-Flow Problem

Here is a slight detour (w.r.t. spectral methods per se), but it is one that we will get back to, andit is related to our first try objective.

Here is a seemingly-different problem called the Max-Flow problem.

Definition 19. The capacity of an edge e ∈ E is a mapping c : E → R+, denoted ce or cuv (whichwill be a constraint on the maximum amount of flow we allow on that edge).

Definition 20. A flow in a directed graph is a mapping f : E → R, denoted fe or fuv s.t.:

• fuv ≤ cuv, ∀(u, v) ∈ E (Capacity constraint.)

• ∑v:(u,v)∈E fuv =∑

v:(v,u)∈E fvu, ∀u ∈ V \s, t (Conservation of flow, except at source andsink.)

• fe ≥ 0 ∀e ∈ E (obey directions)

A flow in a undirected graph is a mapping f : E → R, denoted fe. We arbitrarily assign directionsto each edge, say e = (u, v), and when we write f(v,u), it is just a notation for −f(u,v)

• |fuv| ≤ cuv, ∀(u, v) ∈ E (Capacity constraint.)

• ∑v:(u,v)∈E fuv = 0, ∀u ∈ V \s, t (Conservation of flow, except at source and sink.)

Definition 21. The value of the flow |f | =∑

v∈V |fsv|, where s is the source. (This is the amount offlow flowing out of s. It is easy to see that as all the nodes other than s, t obey the flow conservationconstraint, the flow out of s is the same as the flow into t. This is the amount of flow flowing froms to t.) In this case, the Max-Flow Problem is

max |f |.

Note: what we have just defined is really the “single commodity flow problem” since there existsonly 1 commodity that we are routing and thus only 1 source/sink pair s and t that we are routingfrom/to. (We will soon see an important generalization of this to something called multi-commodityflow, and this will be very related to a non-spectral method for graph partitioning.)

Here is an important result that we won’t prove.

Theorem 9 (Max-Flow-Min-Cut Theorem). The max value of an s − t flow is equal to the mincapacity of an s− t cut.

Here, we state the Max-Flow problem and the Min-Cut problem, in terms of the primal and dualoptimization problems.

Primal: (Max-Flow):

max |f |s.t. fuv ≤ Cuv, (uv) ∈ E

v:(vu)∈Efvu −

v:(uv)∈Efuv ≤ 0, u ∈ V

fuv ≥ 0

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Dual: (Min-Cut):



s.t. dij − pi + pj ≥ 0, (ij) ∈ Eps = 1, pt = 0,

pi ≥ 0, i ∈ Vdij ≥ 0, ij ∈ E

There are two ideas here that are important that we will revisit.

• Weak duality: for any instance and any feasible flows and cuts, max flow ≤ min cut.

• Strong duality: for any instance, ∃ feasible flow and feasible cut s.t. the objective functionsare equal, i.e., s.t. max flow = min cut.

We are not going to go into these details here—for people who have seen it, it is just to set thecontext, and for people who haven’t seen it, it is to give an important fyi. But we will note thefollowing.

• Weak duality generalizes to many settings, and in particular to multi-commodity flow; butstrong duality does not. The next question is: does there exist a cut s.t. equality is achieved.

• We can get an approximate version of strong duality, i.e., an approximate Min-Cut-Max-Flowtheorem in that multi-commodity case. That we can get such a bound will have numerousalgorithmic implications, in particular for graph partitioning.

• We can translate this (in particular, the all-pairs multi-commodity flow problem) into 2-waygraph partitioning problems (this should not be immediately obvious, but we will cover itlater) and get nontrivial approximation guarantees.

About the last point: for flows/cuts we have introduced special source and sink nodes, s and t, butwhen we apply it back to graph partitioning there won’t be any special source/sink nodes, basicallysince we will relate it to the all-pairs multi-commodity flow problem, i.e., where we consider all




possible source-sink pairs.

5.3 Beyond simple min-cut to “better” quotient cut objectives

The way we described what is a “good” clustering above was in terms of an intra-connectivity versusintra-connectivity bi-criterion. So, let’s revisit and push on that. A related thing or a different way(that gives the same result in many cases, but sometimes does not) is to say that a bi-criterion is:

• We want a good “cut value”—not too many crossing edges—where cut value is E(S, S) or aweighted version of that. I.e., what we just considered with min-cut.

• We want good “balance” properties—i.e., both sides of the cut should be roughly the samesize—so both S, S are the same size or approximately the same size.

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There are several ways to impose a balance condition. Some are richer or more fruitful (in theoryand/or in practice) than others. Here are several. First, we can add “hard” or explicit balanceconditions:

• Graph bisection—find a min cut s.t. |S| = |S| = n/2, i.e., ask for exactly 50-50 balance.

• β-balanced cut—find a min cut s.t |S| = βn, |S| = (1 − β)n, i.e., give a bit of wiggle roomand ask for exactly (or more generally no worse than), say, a 70-30 balance.

Second, there are also “soft” or implicit balance conditions, where there is a penalty and separatednodes “pay” for edges in the cut. (Actually, these are not “implicit” in the way we will use theword later; here it is more like “hoped for, and in certain intuitive cases it is true.” And they arenot quite soft, in that they can still lead to imbalance; but when they do it is for much more subtleand interesting reasons.) Most of these are usually formalized as quotient-cut-style objectives:

• Expansion: E(S,S)|S|n

or E(S,S)min|S|,|S| (def this as :h(S) ) (a.k.a. q-cut)

• Sparsity: E(S,S)|S||S| (def this as :sp(S) ) (a.k.a. approximate-expansion)

• Conductance: E(S,S)


or E(S,S)

min(Vol(|S|),Vol(|S|)) (a.k.a. Normalized cut)

• Normalized-cut: E(S,S)

Vol(|S|)·Vol(|S|) (a.k.a. approximate conductance)

Here, E(S, S) is the number of edges between S and S, or more generally for a weighted graphthe sum of the edge weights between S and S, and Vol(S) =

ij∈E deg(Vi). In addition, thedenominator in all four cases correspond to different volume notions: the first two are based on thenumber of nodes in S, and the last two are based on the number of edges in S (i.e., the sum of thedegrees of the nodes in S.)

Before proceeding, it is worth asking what if we had taken a difference rather than a ratio, e.g.,SA−V OL, rather than SA/V OL. At the high level we are discussing now, that would do the samething—but, quantitatively, using an additive objective will generally give very different results thanusing a ratio objective, in particular when one is interested in fairly small clusters.

(As an FYI, the first two, i.e., expansion and sparsity, are typically used in the theory algorithmsalgorithms, since they tend to highlight the essential points; while the latter two, i.e., conductanceand normalized cuts, are more often used in data analysis, machine learning, and other applications,since issues of normalization are dealt with better.)

Here are several things to note:

• Expansion provides a slightly stronger bias toward being well-balanced than sparsity (i.e.between a 10 − 90 cut and a 40 − 60 cut, the advantage in the denominator for the morebalanced 40− 60 cut in expansion is 4 : 1, while it is 2400 : 900 < 4 : 1 in sparsity) (and theremight be some cases where this is important. That is, the product variants have a “factor of2” weaker preference for balance than the min variants. Similarly for normalized cuts versusconductance.

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• That being said, that difference is swamped by the following. Expansion and sparsity are the“same” (in the following sense:)

minh(S) ≈ min sp(S)

Similarly for normalized cuts versus conductance.

• Somewhat more precisely, although the expansion of any particular set isn’t in general closeto the sparsity of that set, The expansion problem and the sparsity problem are equivalentin the following sense:

It is clear that


Φ′(G) = argminS

nΦ′(G) = argminS

C(S, S)

min|S|, |S|n

max|S|, |S|

As 1 < nmax|S|,|S| ≤ 2 , the min partition we find by optimizing sparsity will also give, off by

a multiplicative factor of 2, the optimal expansion. As we will see this is small compared toO(log n) approximation from flow or the quadratic factor with Cheeger, and so is not worthworrying about from an optimization perspective. Thus, we will be mostly cavalier aboutgoing back and forth.

• Of course, the sets achieving the optimal may be very different. An analogous thing was seenin vector spaces—the optimal may rotate by 90 degrees, but for many things you only needthat the Rayleigh quotient is approximately optimal. Here, however, the situation is worse.Asking for the certificates achieving the optimum is a more difficult thing—in the vector spacecase, this means making awkward “gap” assumptions, and in the graph case it means makingstrong and awkward combinatorial statements.

• Expansion 6= Conductance, in general, except for regular graphs. (Similarly, Sparsity 6=Normalized Cuts, in general, except for regular graphs.) The latter is in general preferablefor heterogeneous graphs, i.e., very irregular graphs. The reason is that there are closerconnections with random walks and we get tighter versions of Cheeger’s inequality if we takethe weights into account.

• Quotient cuts capture exactly the surface area to volume bicriteria that we wanted. (As aforward pointer, a question is the following: what does this mean if the data come from a lowdimensional space versus a high dimensional space; or if the data are more or less expander-like; and what is the relationship between the original data being low or high dimensionalversus the graph being expander-like or not?

• For “space-like” graphs, these two bicriteria as “synergistic,” in that they work together; forexpanders, they are “uncoupled,” in that the best cuts don’t depend on size, as they are allbad; and for many “real-world” heavy-tailed informatics graphs, they are “anti-correlated,”in that better balance means worse cuts.

• An obvious question: are there other notions, e.g., of “volume” that might be useful and thatwill lead to similar results we can show about this? (In some cases, the answer to this is yes:we may revisit this later.) Moreover, one might want to choose a different reweighting forstatistical or robustness reasons.

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(We will get back to the issues raised by that second-to-last point later when we discuss “local”partitioning methods. We simply note that “space-like” graphs include, e.g., Z2 or random geo-metric graphs or “nice” planar graphs or graphs that “live” on the earth. More generally, there isa trade-off and we might get very imbalanced clusters or even disconnected clusters. For example,for the G(n, p) random graph model if p ≥ log n2/n then we have an expander, while for extremelysparse random graphs, i.e., p < log n/n, then due to lack of concentration we can have deep smallcuts but be expander-like at larger size scales.)

5.4 Overview Graph Partition Algorithms

Here, we will briefly describe the “lay of the land” when it comes to graph partitioning algorithms—in the next few classes, we will go into a lot more details about these methods. There are threebasic ideas you need to know for graph partitioning, in that nearly all methods can be understoodin terms of some combination of these methods.

• Local Improvement (and multi-resolution).

• Spectral Methods.

• Flow-based Methods.

As we will see, in addition to being of interest in clustering data graphs, graph partitioning isa nice test-case since it has been very well-studied in theory and in practice and there exists alarge number of very different algorithms, the respective strengths and weaknesses of which arewell-known for dealing with it.

5.4.1 Local Improvement

Local improvement methods refer to a class of methods that take an input partition and do more-or-less naive steps to get a better partition:

• 70s Kernighan-Lin.

• 80s Fiduccia-Mattheyses—FM and KL start with a partition and improve the cuts by flippingnodes back and forth. Local minima can be a big problem for these methods. But they canbe useful as a post-processing step—can give a big difference in practice. FM is better thanKL since it runs in linear time, and it is still commonly used, often in packages.

• 90s Chaco, Metis, etc. In particular, METIS algorithm from Karypis and Kumar, works verywell in practice, especially on low dimensional graphs.

The methods of the 90s used the idea of local improvement, coupled with the basically linearalgebraic idea of Multiresolution get algorithms that are designed to work well on space-like graphsand that can perform very well in practice. The basic idea is:

• Contract edges to get a smaller graph.

• Cut the resulting graph.

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• Unfold back up to the original graph.

Informally, the basic idea is that if there is some sort of geometry, say the graph being partitioned isthe road network of the US, i.e., that lives on a two-dimensional surface, then we can “coarse grain”over the geometry, to get effective nodes and edges, and then partition over the coarsely-definedgraph. The algorithm will, of course, work for any graph, and one of the difficulties people havewhen applying algorithms as a black box is that the coarse graining follows rules that can behavein funny ways when applied to a graph that doesn’t have the underlying geometry.

Here are several things to note:

• These methods grew out of scientific computing and parallel processing, so they tend to workon “space-like” graphs, where there are nice homogeneity properties—even if the matricesaren’t low-rank, they might be diagonal plus low-rank off-diagonal blocks for physical reasons,or whatever.

• The idea used previously to speed up convergence of iterative methods.

• Multiresolution allows globally coherent solutions, so it avoids some of the local minimaproblems.

• 90s: Karger showed that one can compute min-cut by randomly contracting edges, and somultiresolution may not be just changing the resolution at which one views the graph, but itmay be taking advantage of this property also.

An important point is that local improvement (and even multiresolution methods) can easily getstuck in local optima. Thus, they are of limited interest by themselves. But they can be veryuseful to “clean up” or “improve” the output of other methods, e.g., spectral methods, that in aprincipled way lead to a good solution, but where the solution can be improved a bit by doing somesort or moderately-greedy local improvement.

5.4.2 Spectral methods

Spectral methods refer to a class of methods that, at root, are a relaxation or rounding methodderived from an NP-hard QIP and that involves eigenvector computations. In this case that we arediscussing, it is the QIP formulation of the graph bisection problem that is relaxed. Here is a bitof incomplete history.

• Donath and Hoffman (ca. 72,73) introduced the idea of using the leading eigenvector of theAdjacency Matrix AG as a heuristic to find good partitions.

• Fiedler (ca. 73) associated the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian LG with graphconnectivity and suggested splitting the graph by the value along the associated eigenvector.

• Barnes and Hoffman (82,83) and Bopanna (87) used LP, SDP, and convex programmingmethods to look at the leading nontrivial eigenvector.

• Cheeger (ca. 70) established connections with isoperimetric relationships on continuous man-ifolds, establishing what is now known ad Cheeger’s Inequality.

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• 80s: saw performance guarantees from Alon-Milman, Jerrum-Sinclair, etc., connecting λ2 toexpanders and rapidly mixing Markov chains.

• 80s: saw improvements to approximate eigenvector computation, e.g., Lanczos methods,which made computing eigenvectors more practical and easier.

• 80s/90s: saw algorithms to find separators in certain classes of graphs, e.g., planar graphs,bounds on degree, genus, etc.

• Early 90s: saw lots of empirical work showing that spectral partitioning works for “real”graphs such as those arising in scientific computing applications

• Spielman and Teng (96) showed that “spectral partitioning works” on bounded degree planargraphs and well-shaped meshed, i.e., in the application where it is usually applied.

• Guattery and Miller (95, 97) showed “spectral partitioning doesn’t work” on certain classes ofgraphs, e.g., the cockroach graph, in the sense that there are graphs for which the quadraticfactor is achieved. That particular result holds for vanilla spectral, but similar constructionshold for non-vanilla spectral partitioning methods.

• Leighton and Rao (87, 98) established a bound on the duality gap for multi-commodity flowproblems, and used multi-commodity flow methods to get an O(log n) approximation to thegraph partitioning problem.

• LLR (95) considered the geometry of graphs and algorithmic applications, and interpreted LRas embedding G in a metric space, making the connection with the O(log n) approximationguarantee via Bourgain’s embedding lemma.

• 90s: saw lots of work in TCS on LP/SDP relaxations of IPs and randomized rounding to get±1 solutions from fractional solutions.

• Chung (97) focused on the normalized Laplacian for degree irregular graphs and the associatedmetric of conductance.

• Shi and Malik (99) used normalized cuts for computer vision applications, which is essentiallya version of conductance.

• Early 00s: saw lots of work in ML inventing and reinventing and reinterpreting spectralpartitioning methods, including relating it to other problems like semi-supervised learningand prediction (with, e.g., boundaries between classes being given by low-density regions).

• Early 00s: saw lots of work in ML on manifold learning, etc., where one constructs a graphand recovers an hypothesized manifold; constructs graphs for semi-supervised learning appli-cations; and where the diffusion/resistance coordinates are better or more useful/robust thangeodesic distances.

• ARV (05) got an SDP-based embedding to get an O(√log n) approximation, which combined

ideas from spectral and flow; and there was related follow-up work.

• 00s: saw local/locally-biased spectral methods and improvements to flow improve methods.

• 00s: saw lots of spectral-like methods like viral diffusions with social/complex networks.

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For the moment and for simplicity, say that we are working with unweighted graphs. The graphpartitioning QIP is:

min xTLx

s.t. xT 1 = 0

xi ∈ −1,+1

and the spectral relaxation is:

min xTLx

s.t. xT 1 = 0

xi ∈ R, xTx = n

That is, we relax x from being in −1, 1, which is a discrete/combinatorial constraint, to being areal continuous number that is 1 “on average.” (One could relax in other ways—e.g., we could relaxto say that it’s magnitude is equal to 1, but that it sits on a higher-dimensional sphere. We willsee an example of this later. Or other things, like relaxing to a metric.) This spectral relaxation isnot obviously a nice problem, e.g., it is not even convex; but it can be shown that the solution tothis relaxation can be computed as the second smallest eigenvector of L, the Fiedler vector, so wecan use an eigensolver to get the eigenvector.

Given that vector, we then have to perform a rounding to get an actual cut. That is, we need totake the real-valued/fractional solution obtained from the continuous relaxation and round it backto −1,+1. There are different ways to do that.

So, here is the basic spectral partitioning method.

• Compute an eigenvector of the above program.

• Cut according to some rules, e.g., do a hyperplane rounding, or perform some other morecomplex rounding rule.

• Post process with a local improvements method.

The hyperplane rounding is the easiest to analyze, and we will do it here, but not surprisinglyfactors of 2 can matter in practice; and so—when spectral is an appropriate thing to do—otherrounding rules often do better in practice. (But that is a “tweak” on the larger question of spectralversus flow approximations.) In particular, we can do local improvements here to make the outputslightly better in practice. Also, there is the issue of what exactly is a rounding, e.g., if one performsa sophisticated flow-based rounding then one may obtain a better objective function but a worsecut value. Hyperplane rounding involves:

• Choose a split point x along the vector x

• Partition nodes into 2 sets: xi < x and xi > x

By Vanilla spectral, we refer to spectral with hyperplane rounding of the Fiedler vector embedding.

Given this setup of spectral-based partitioning, what can go “wrong” with this approach.

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• We can choose the wrong direction for the cut:

– Example—Guattery and Miller construct an example that is “quadratically bad” bytaking advantage of the confusion that spectral has between “long paths” and “deepcuts.”

– Random walk interpretation—long paths can also cause slow mixing since the expectedprogress of a t-step random walk is O(


• The hyperplane rounding can hide good cuts:

– In practice, it is often better to post-process with FM to improve the solution, especiallyif want good cuts, i.e., cuts with good objective function value.

An important point to emphasize is that, although both of these examples of “wrong” mean thatthe task one is trying to accomplish might not work, i.e., one might not find the best partition,sometimes that is not all bad. For example, the fact that spectral methods “strip off” long stringypieces might be ok if, e.g., one obtains partitions that are “nice” in other ways. That is, the directionchosen by spectral partitioning might be nice or regularized relative to the optimal direction. Wewill see examples of this, and in fact it is often for this reason that spectral performs well in practice.Similarly, the rounding step can also potentially give an implicit regularization, compared to moresophisticated rounding methods, and we will return to discuss this.

5.4.3 Flow-based methods

There is another class of methods that uses very different ideas to partition graphs. Although thiswill not be our main focus, since they are not spectral methods, we will spend a few classes on it,and it will be good to know about them since in many ways they provide a strong contrast withspectral methods.

This class of flow-based methods uses the “all pairs” multicommodity flow procedure to revealbottlenecks in the graph. Intuitively, flow should be “perpendicular” to the cut (i.e. in the senseof complementary slackness for LPs, and similar relationship between primal/dual variables todual/primal constraints in general). The idea is to route a large number of commodities simultane-ously between random pairs of nodes and then choose the cut with the most edges congested—theidea being that a bottleneck in the flow computation corresponds to a good cut.

Recall that the single commodity max-flow-min-cut procedure has zero duality gap, but that is notthe case for multi-commodity problem. On the other hand, the k-multicommodity has O(log k)duality gap—this result is due to LR and LLR, and it says that there is an approximate min-flow-max-cut. Also, it implies an O(log n) gap for the all pairs problem.

The following is an important point to note.

Claim 1. The O(log n) is tight on expanders.

For flow, there are connections to embedding and linear programming, so as we will see, we canthink of the algorithm as being:

• Relax flow to LP, and solve the LP.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 61

• Embed solution in the ℓ1 metric space.

• Round solution to 0, 1.

5.5 Advanced material and general comments

We will conclude with a brief discussion of these results in a broader context. Some of these issueswe may return to later.

5.5.1 Extensions of the basic spectral/flow ideas

Given the basic setup of spectral and flow methods, both of which come with strong theory, hereare some extensions of the basic ideas.

• Huge graphs. Here want to do computations depending on the size of the sets and not thesize of the graph, i.e., we don’t even want to touch all the nodes in the graph, and we wantto return a cut that is nearby an input seed set of nodes. This includes “local” spectralmethods—that take advantage of diffusion to approximate eigenvectors and get Cheeger-likeguarantees.

• Improvement Methods. Here we want to “improve” an input partition—there are both spec-tral and flow versions.

• Combining Spectral and Flow.

– ARV solves an SDP, which takes time like O(n4.5) or so; but we can do it faster (e.g.,on graphs with ≈ 105 nodes) using ideas related to approximate multiplicative weights.

– There are strong connections here to online learning—roughly since we can view “worstcase” analysis as a “game” between a cut player and a matching player.

– Similarly, there are strong connections to boosting, which suggest that these combina-tions might have interesting statistical properties.

A final word to reemphasize: at least as important for what we will be doing as understandingwhen these methods work is understanding when these methods “fail”—that is, when they achievetheir worst case quality-of-approximation guarantees:

• Spectral methods “fail” on graphs with “long stringy” pieces, like that constructed by Guat-tery and Miller.

• Flow-based methods “fail” on expander graphs (and, more generally, on graphs where mostof the



pairs but most pairs are far log n apart).

Importantly, a lot of real data have “stringy” pieces, as well as expander-like parts; and so it is nothard to see artifacts of spectral and flow based approximation algorithms when they are run onreal data.

62 M. W. Mahoney

5.5.2 Additional comments on these methods

Here are some other comments on spectral versus flow.

• The SVD gives good “global” but not good “local” guarantees. For example, it providesglobal reconstruction error, and going to the low-dimensional space might help to speed upall sorts of algorithms; but any pair of distances might be changed a lot in the low-dimensionalspace, since the distance constraints are only satisfied on average. This should be contrastedwith flow-based embedding methods and all sorts of other embedding methods that are usedin TCS and related areas, where one obtains very strong local or pairwise guarantees. Thereare two important (but not immediately obvious) consequences of this.

– The lack of local guarantees makes it hard to exploit these embeddings algorithmically(in worst-case), whereas the pair-wise guarantees provided by other types of embeddingsmeans that you can get worst-case bounds and show that the solution to the subproblemapproximates in worst case the solution to the original problem.

– That being said, the global guarantee means that one obtains results that are more robustto noise and not very sensitive to a few “bad” distances, which explains why spectralmethods are more popular in many machine learning and data analysis applications.

– That local guarantees hold for all pair-wise interactions to get worst-case bounds innon-spectral embeddings essentially means that we are “overfitting” or “most sensitiveto” data points that are most far apart. This is counter to a common design principle,e.g., exploited by Gaussian rbf kernels and other NN methods, that the most reliableinformation in the data is given by nearby points rather than far away points.

5.6 References

1. Schaeffer, ”Graph Clustering”, Computer Science Review 1(1): 27-64, 2007

2. Kernighan, B. W.; Lin, Shen (1970). ”An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioninggraphs”. Bell Systems Technical Journal 49: 291-307.

3. CM Fiduccia, RM Mattheyses. ”A Linear-Time Heuristic for Improving Network Partitions”.Design Automation Conference.

4. G Karypis, V Kumar (1999). ”A Fast and High Quality Multilevel Scheme for PartitioningIrregular Graphs”. Siam Journal on Scientific Computing.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 63

6 (02/10/2015): Spectral Methods for Partitioning Graphs (1 of

2): Introduction to spectral partitioning and Cheeger’s Inequal-ity

Reading for today.

• “Lecture Notes on Expansion, Sparsest Cut, and Spectral Graph Theory,” by Trevisan

Today and next time, we will cover what is known as spectral graph partitioning, and in particularwe will discuss and prove Cheeger’s Inequality. This result is central to all of spectral graph theoryas well as a wide range of other related spectral graph methods. (For example, the isoperimetric“capacity control” that it provides underlies a lot of classification, etc. methods in machine learn-ing that are not explicitly formulated as partitioning problem.) Cheeger’s Inequality relates thequality of the cluster found with spectral graph partitioning to the best possible (but intractable tocompute) cluster, formulated in terms of the combinatorial objectives of expansion/conductance.Before describing it, we will cover a few things to relate what we have done in the last few classeswith how similar results are sometimes presented elsewhere.

6.1 Other ways to define the Laplacian

Recall that L = D−A is the graph Laplacian, or we could work with the normalized Laplacian, inwhich case L = I−D−1/2AD−1/2. While these definition might not make it obvious, the Laplacianactually has several very intuitive properties (that could alternatively be used as definitions). Here,we go over two of these.

6.1.1 As a sum of simpler Laplacians

Again, let’s consider d-regular graphs. (Much of the theory is easier for this case, and expandersare more extremal in this case; but the theory goes through to degree-heterogeneous graphs, andthis will be more natural in many applications, and so we will get back to this later.)

Recall the definition of the Adjacency Matrix of an unweighted graph G = (V,E):

Aij =

1 if (ij) ∈ E0 otherwise


In this case, we can define the Laplacian as L = D−A or the normalized Laplacian as L = I− 1dA.

Here is an alternate definition for the Laplacian L = D − A. Let G12 be a graph on two verticeswith one edge between those two vertices, and define

LG12 =


1 −1−1 1


Then, given a graph on n vertices with just one edge between vertex u and v, we can define L tobe the all-zeros matrix, except for the intersection between the uth and vth column and row, wherewe define that intersection to be

LGuv =


1 −1−1 1



64 M. W. Mahoney

Then, for a general graph G = (V,E), one we can define

LG =∑

(u,v)∈ELGuv .

This provides a simpler way to think about the Laplacian and in particular changes in the Laplacian,e.g., when one adds or removes edges. In addition, note also that this generalizes in a natural wayto∑

(u,v)∈E wuvLGuv if the graph G = (V,E,W ) is weighted.

Fact. This is identical to the definition L = D −A. It is simple to prove this.

From this characterization, several things follow easily. For example,

xTLx =∑

(u,v)∈Ewuv (xu − xv)2 ,

from which it follows that if v is an eigenvector of L with eigenvalue λ, then vTLv = λvT v ≥ 0.This means that every eigenvalue is nonnegative, i.e., L is SPSD.

6.1.2 In terms of discrete derivatives

Here are some notes that I didn’t cover in class that relate the Laplacian matrix to a discrete notionof a derivative.

In classical vector analysis, the Laplace operator is a differential operator given by the divergenceof the gradient of a function in Euclidean space. It is denoted:

∇ · ∇ or ∇2 or

In the cartesian coordinate system, it takes the form:

∇ =


∂x1, · · · , ∂




and so

f =





This expression arises in the analysis of differential equations of many physical phenomena, e.g.,electromagnetic/gravitational potentials, diffusion equations for heat/fluid flow, wave propagation,quantum mechanics, etc.

The discrete Laplacian is defined in an analogous manner. To do so, somewhat more pedantically,let’s introduce a discrete analogue of the gradient and divergence operators in graphs.

Given an undirected graph G = (V,E) (which for simplicity we take as unweighted), fix an arbitraryorientation of the edges. Then, let K ∈ RV×E be the edge-incidence matrix of G, defined as

Kue =

+1 if edge e exits vertex u−1 if edge e enters vertex u0 otherwise



Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 65

• define the gradient as follows: let f : V → R be a function on vertices, viewed as a row vectorindexed by V ; then K maps f → fK, a vector indexed by E, measures the change of f alongedges of the graph; and if e is an edge from u to v, then (fK)e = fu − fv.

• define the divergence as follows: let g : E → R be a function on edges, viewed as a col-umn vector indexed by E; then K maps g → Kg, a vector indexed by V ; if we thinkof g as describing flow, then its divergence at vertex is the net outbound flow: (Kg)v =∑

e exits v ge −∑

e enters v gv

• define the Laplacian as follows: it should map f to KKTf , where f : V → R. So, L = LG =KKT is the discrete Laplacian.

Note that it is easy to show that

Luv =

−1 if (u, v) ∈ Edeg(u) if u = v0 otherwise


which is in agreement with the previous definition. Note also that

fLfT = fKKTf = ‖fK‖22 =∑

(u,v)∈E(fu − fv)2 ,

which we will later interpret as a smoothness condition for functions on the vertices of the graph.

6.2 Characterizing graph connectivity

Here, we provide a characterization in terms of eigenvalues of the Laplacian of whether or not agraph is connected. Cheeger’s Inequality may be viewed as a “soft” version of this result.

6.2.1 A Perron-Frobenius style result for the Laplacian

What does the Laplacian tell us about the graph? A lot of things. Here is a start. This is aPerron-Frobenius style result for the Laplacian.

Theorem 10. Let G be a d-regular undirected graph, let L = I − 1dA be the normalized Laplacian;

and let λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · · ≤ λn be the real eigenvalues, including multiplicity. Then:

1. λ1 = 0, and the associated eigenvector x1 =~1√n=(

1√n, . . . , 1√




2. λ2 ≤ 2.

3. λk = 0 iff G has at least k connected components. (In particular, λ2 > 0 iff G is connected.)

4. λn = 2 iff at least one connected component is bipartite.

Proof: Note that if x ∈ Rn, then xTLx = 1d

(u,v)∈E (xu − xv)2 and also

λ1 = minx∈Rn0


xTx≥ 0.

66 M. W. Mahoney

Take ~1 = (1, . . . , 1), in which case ~1TL~1 = 0, and so 0 is the smallest eigenvalue, and ~1 is one ofthe eigenvectors in the eigenspace of this eigenvalue. This proves part 1.

We also have the following formulation of λk by Courant-Fischer:

λk = minS⊆Rn





(u,v)∈E (xu − xv)2


u x2u

So, if λk = 0, then ∃ a k-dimensional subspace S such that ∀x ∈ S, we have∑(u,v)∈E (xu − xv)2 = 0.But this means that ∀x ∈ S, we have xu = xv ∀ edges (u, v) ∈ E with positive weight, and soxu = xv, for any u, v in the same connected component. This means that x ∈ S is constantwithin each connected component of G. So, k = dim(S) ≤ Ξ, where Ξ is the number of connectedcomponents.

Conversely, if G has ≥ k connected components, then we can let S be the space of vectors that areconstant on each component; and this S has dimension ≥ k. Furthermore, ∀x ∈ S, we have that∑

(u,v)∈E (xu − xv)2 = 0. Thus maxx∈Sk~0xTAxxT x

= 0 for any dimension k subspace Sk of the Swe choose. Then it is clear from Courant-Fischer λk = 0 as any Sk provides an upperbound.

Finally, to study λn = 2, note that

λn = maxx∈Rn~0



This follows by using the variational characterization of the eigenvalues of −L and noting that −λnis the smallest eigenvalue of −L. Then, observe that ∀x ∈ Rn, we have that

2− xTLx


(u,v)∈E (xu + xv)2


u x2u

≥ 0,

from which it follows that λn ≤ 2 (also λk ≤ 2 for all k = 2, . . . , n).

In addition, if λn = 2, then ∃x 6= 0 s.t.∑

(u,v)∈E (xu + xv)2 = 0. This means that xu = −xv, for

all edges (u, v) ∈ E.

Let v be a vertex s.t. xv = a 6= 0. Define sets

A = v : xv = aB = v : xv = −aR = v : xv 6= ±a.

Then, the set A∪B is disconnected from the rest of the graph, since otherwise an edge with an end-point in A∪B and the other endpoint in R would give a positive contribution to

ij Aij (xi + xj)2.

Also, every edge incident on A has other endpoint in B, and vice versa. So A ∪ B is a bipartiteconnected component (or a collection of connected components) of G, with bipartition A,B.

(Here is an aside. That proof was from Trevisan; Spielman has a somewhat easier proof, but it isonly for two components. I need to decide how much I want to emphasize the possibility of using keigenvectors for soft partitioning—I’m leaning toward it, since several students asked about it—and

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 67

if I do I should probably go with the version of here that mentions k components.) As an FYI,here is Spielman’s proof of λ2 = 0 iff G is disconnected; or, equivalently, that

λ2 > 0⇔ G is connected.

Start with proving the first direction: if G is disconnected, then λ2 = 0. If G is disconnected, thenG is the union of (at least) 2 graphs, call then G1 and G2. Then, we can renumber the vertces sothat we can write the Laplacian of G as

LG =


LG1 00 LG2


So, LG has at least 2 orthogonal eigenvectors with eigenvalue 0, i.e.,








, where the

two vectors are given with the same renumbering as in the Laplacians. Conversely, if G is connectedand x is an eigenvector such that LGx = 0x, then, LGx = 0, and xTLGx =

(ij)∈E (xi − xj)2 = 0.So, for all (u, v) connected by an edge, we have that xu = xu. Apply this iteratively, from which itfollows that x is a constant vector, i.e., xu = xv, forall u, v. So, the eigenspace of eigenvalue 0 hasdimension 1. This is the end of the aside.)

6.2.2 Relationship with previous Perron-Frobenius results

Theorem 10 is an important result, and it has several important extensions and variations. Inparticular, the “λ2 > 0 iff G is connected” result is a “hard” connectivity statement. We will beinterested in how this result can be extended to a “soft” connectivity, e.g., “λ2 is far from 0 iffthe graph is well-connected,” and the associated Cheeger Inequality. That will come soon enough.First, however, we will describe how this result relates to the previous things we discussed in the lastseveral weeks, e.g., to the Perron-Frobenius result which was formulated in terms of non-negativematrices.

To do so, here is a similar result, formulated slightly differently.

Lemma 8. Let AG be the Adjacency Matrix of a d regular graph, and recall that it has n realeigenvalues α1 ≥ · · · ≥ αn and n associated orthogonal eigenvectors vi s.t. Avi = λivi. Then,

• α1 = d, with v1 =1√n=(

1√n, . . . , 1√




• αn ≥ −d.

• The graph is connected iff α1 > α2.

• The graph is bipartite iff α1 = −αn, i.e., if αn = −d.

Lemma 8 has two changes, relative to Theorem 10.

• The first is that it is a statement about the Adjacency Matrix, rather than the Laplacian.

• The second is that it is stated in terms of a “scale,” i.e., the eigenvalues depend on d.

68 M. W. Mahoney

When we are dealing with degree-regular graphs, then A is trivially related to L = D−A (we willsee this below) and also trivially related to L = I − 1

dA (since this just rescales the previous L by1/d). We could have removed the scale from Lemma 8 by multiplying the Adjacency Matrix by1/d (in which case, e.g., the eigenvalues would be in [−1, 1], rather than [−d, d]), but it is morecommon to remove the scale from the Laplacian. Indeed, if we had worked with L = D − A, thenwe would have had the scale there too; we will see that below.

(When we are dealing with degree-heterogeneous graphs, the situation is more complicated. Thereason is basically since the eigenvectors of the Adjacency matrix and unnormalized Laplacian don’thave to be related to the diagonal degree matrix D, which defined the weighted norm which relatesthe normalized and unnormalized Laplacian. In the degree-heterogeneous case, working with thenormalized Laplacian will be more natural due to connections with random walks. That can beinterpreted as working with an unnormalized Laplacian, with an appropriate degree-weighted norm,but then the trivial connection with the eigen-information of the Adjacency matrix is lost. We willrevisit this below too.)

In the above, A ∈ Rn×n is the Adjacency Matrix of an undirected graph G = (V,E). This willprovide the most direct connection with the Perro-Frobenius results we talked about last week.Here are a few questions about the Adjacency Matrix.

• Question: Is it symmetric? Answer: Yes, so there are real eigenvalues and a full set oforthonormal eigenvectors.

• Question: Is it positive? Answer: No, unless it is a complete graph. In the weighted case, itcould be positive, if there were all the edges but they had different weights; but in general itis not positive, since some edges might be missing.

• Question: Is it nonnegative? Answer: Yes.

• Question: Is it irreducible? Answer: If no, i.e., if it is reducible, then

A =


A11 A12

0 A22


must also have A12 = 0 by symmetry, meaning that the graph is disconnected, in which casewe should think of it as two graphs. So, if the graph is connected then it is irreducible.

• Question: Is is aperiodic? Answer: If no, then since it must be symmetric, and so it mustlook like

A =


0 A12

AT12 0



meaning that it is period equal to 2, and so the “second” large eigenvalue, i.e., the one onthe complex circle equal to a root of unity, is real and equal to −1.

How do we know that the trivial eigenvector is uniform? Well, we know that there is only oneall-positive eigenvector. Let’s try the all-ones vector ~1. In this case, we get

A~1 = d~1,

which means that α1 = d and v1 =~1√n=(

1√n, . . . , 1√



. So, the graph is connected if α1 > α2,

and the graph is bipartite if α1 = −αn.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 69

For the Laplacian L = D − A, there exists a close relationship between the spectrum of A andL. (Recall, we are still considering the d-regular case.) To see this, let d = α1 ≥ . . . αn bethe eigenvalues of A with associated orthonormal eigenvectors v1, . . . , vn. (We know they areorthonormal, since A is symmetric.) In addition, let 0 ≤ λ1 ≤ · · · ≤ λn be the eigenvalues of L.(We know they are all real and in fact all positive from the above alternative definition.) Then,

αi = d− λiand

AGvi = (dI − LG) vi = (d− λi) vi.So, L “inherits” eigen-stuff from A. So, even though L isn’t positive or non-negative, we get Perron-Frobenius style results for it, in addition to the results we get for it since it is a symmetric matrix.In addition, if L→ D−1/2LD−1/2, then the eigenvalues of L become in [0, 2], and so on. This canbe viewed as changing variables y ← D−1/2x, and then defining Laplacian (above) and the Rayleighquotient in the degree-weighted dot product. (So, many of the results we will discuss today andnext time go through to degree-heterogeneous graphs, for this reason. But some of the results, inparticular the result having to do with expanders being least like low-dimensional Euclidean space,do not.)

6.3 Statement of the basic Cheeger Inequality

We know the λ2 captures a “hard” notion of connectivity, since the above result in Theorem 10states that λ2 = 0⇔ G is disconnected. Can we get a “soft” version of this?

To do so, let’s go back to d-regular graphs, and recall the definition.

Definition 22. Let G = (V,E) be a d-regular graph, and let(

S, S)

be a cut, i.e., a partition of thevertex set. Then,

• the sparsity of S is: σ (S) =E(S,S)d

|V ||S|·|S|

• the edge expansion of S is: φ (S) =E(S,S)d|S|

This definition holds for sets of nodes S ⊂ V , and we can extend them to hold for the graph G.

Definition 23. Let G = (V,E) be a d-regular graph. Then,

• the sparsity of G is: σ (G) = minS⊂V :S 6=0,S 6=V σ (S).

• the edge expansion of G is: φ (G) = minS⊂V :|S|≤ |V |


φ (S).

For d-regular graphs, the graph partitioning problem is to find the sparsity or edge expansion of G.Note that this means finding a number, i.e., the value of the objective function at the optimum,but people often want to find the corresponding set of nodes, and algorithms can do that, but the“quality of approximation” is that number.

Fact. For all d regular graphs G, and for all S ⊂ V s.t. |S| ≤ |V |2 , we have that


2σ (S) ≤ φ (S) ≤ σ (S) .

70 M. W. Mahoney

Thus, since σ (S) = σ(


, we have that


2σ (G) ≤ φ (G) ≤ σ (G) .

BTW, this is what we mean when we say that these two objectives are “equivalent” or “almostequivalent,” since that factor of 2 “doesn’t matter.” By this we mean:

• If one is interested in theory, then this factor of 2 is well below the guidance that theory canprovide. That is, this objective is intractable to compute exactly, and the only approximationalgorithms give quadratic or logarithmic (or square root of log) approximations. If they couldprovide 1 ± ǫ approximations, then this would matter, but they can’t and they are muchcoarser than this factor of 2.

• If one is interested in practice, then we can often do much better than this factor-of-2 im-provement with various local improvement heuristics.

• In many cases, people actually write one and optimize the other.

• Typically in theory one is most interested in the number, i.e., the value of the objective, andso we are ok by the above comment. On the other hand, typically in practice, one is interestedin using that vector to do things, e.g., make statements that the two clusters are close; butthat requires stronger assumptions to say nontrivial about the actual cluster.

Given all that, here is the basic statement of Cheeger’s inequality.

Theorem 11 (Cheeger’s Inequality). Recall that

λ2 = minx:x⊥~1




where L = I − 1dA. Then,

λ22≤ φ(G) ≤


6.4 Comments on the basic Cheeger Inequality

Here are some notes about the basic Cheeter Inequality.

• This result “sandwiches” λ2 and φ close to each other on both sides. Clearly, from this resultit immediatly follows that


2≤ λ2 ≤ 2φ(G).

• Later, we will see that φ(G) is large, i.e., is bounded away from 0, if the graph is well-connected. In addition, other related things, e.g., that random walks will mix rapidly, willalso hold. So, this result says that λ2 is large if the graph is well-connected and small if thegraph is not well-connected. So, it is a soft version of the hard connectivity statement thatwe had before.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 71

• The inequality λ22 ≤ φ(G) is sometimes known as the “easy direction” of Cheeger’s Inequality.

The reason is that the proof is more straightforward and boils down to showing one of tworelated things: that you can present a test vector, which is roughly the indicator vector for aset of interest, and since λ2 is a min of a Rayleigh quotient, then it is lower than the Rayleighquotient of the test vector; or that the Rayleigh quotient is a relaxation of the sparsest cutproblem, i.e., it is minimizing the same objective over a larger set.

• The inequality φ(G) ≤√2λ2 is sometimes known as the “hard direction” of Cheeger’s Inequal-

ity. The reason is that the proof is constructive and is basically a vanilla spectral partitioningalgorithm. Again, there are two related proofs for the “hard” direction of Cheeger. One wayuses a notion of inequalities over graphs; the other way can be formulated as a randomizedrounding argument.

• Before dismissing the easy direction, note that it gives a polynomial-time certificate that agraph is expander-like, i.e., that ∀ cuts (and there are 2n of them to check) at least a certainnumber of edges cross that cut. (So the fact that is holds is actually pretty strong—we havea polynomial-time computable certificate of having no sparse cuts, which you can imagine isof interest since the naive way to check is to check everything.)

Before proceeding, a question came up in the class about whether the upper or lower bound wasmore interesting or useful in applications. It really depend on on what you want.

• For example, if you are in a networking application where you are routing bits and you areinterested in making sure that your network is well-connected, then you are most interestedin the easy direction, since that gives you a quick-to-compute certificate that the graph iswell-connected and that your bits won’t get stuck in a bottleneck.

• Alternatively, if you want to run a divide and conquer algorithm or you want to do some sortof statistical inference, both of which might require showing that you have clusters in yourgraph that are well-separated from the rest of the data, then you might be more interested inthe hard direction which provides an upper bound on the intractable-to-compute expansionand so is a certificate that there are some well-separated clusters.

72 M. W. Mahoney

7 (02/12/2015): Spectral Methods for Partitioning Graphs (2 of

2): Proof of Cheeger’s Inequality

Reading for today.

• Same as last class.

Here, we will prove the easy direction and the hard direction of Cheeger’s Inequality. Recall thatwhat we want to show is that

λ22≤ φ(G) ≤


7.1 Proof of the easy direction of Cheeger’s Inequality

For the easy direction, recall that what we want to prove is that

λ2 ≤ σ(G) ≤ 2φ(G).

To do this, we will show that the Rayleigh quotient is a relaxation of the sparsest cut problem.

Let’s start by restating the sparsest cut problem:

σ(G) = minS⊂V :S 6=0,S 6=V


S, S)

d|V | |S| · |S|

= minx∈0,1n~0,~1

u,v∈E |xu − xv|dn

u,v∈V ×V |xu − xv|

= minx∈0,1n~0,~1

u,v∈E |xu − xv|2dn

u,v∈V ×V |xu − xv|2, (10)

where the last equality follows since xu and xv are Boolean values, which means that |xu − xv| isalso a Boolean value.

Next, recall that

λ2 = minx∈Rn~0,x⊥~1

u,v∈E |xu − xv|2


v x2v

. (11)

Given that, we claim the following.

Claim 2.

λ2 = minx∈RnSpan~1

u,v∈E |xu − xv|2dn

u,v |xu − xv|2. (12)

Proof: Note that


|xu − xv|2 =∑


x2u +∑


x2v − 2∑



= 2n∑


x2v − 2






Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 73

Note that for all x ∈ Rn~0 s.t. x ⊥ ~1, we have that∑

v xv = 0, so


x2v =1



|xu − xv|2



u,v|xu − xv|2,

where the first sum is over unordered pairs u, v of nodes, and where the second sum of over orderedpairs u, v (i.e. we double count (u, v) and (v, u) in first sum, but not in second sum). So,


u,v∈E |xu − xv|2


v x2v

= minx∈Rn0,x⊥~1

u,v∈E |xu − xv|2dn

u,v |xu − xv|2.

Next, we need to remove the part along the all-ones vector, since the claim doesn’t have that.

To do so, let’s choose an x∗ that maximizes Eqn. (12). Observe the following. If we shift everycoordinate of that vector x∗ by the same constant, then we obtain another optimal solution, sincethe shift will cancel in all the expressions in the numerator and denominator. (This works for anyshift, and we will choose a particular shift to get what we want.)

So, we can define x′ s.t. x′v = xv − 1n

u xu, and note that the entries of x′ sum to zero. Thus

x′ ⊥ ~1. Note we need x 6∈ Span(~1) to have x′ 6= ~0 So,


u,v∈E |xu − xv|2dn

u,v |xu − xv|2= min


u,v∈E |xu − xv|2dn

u,v |xu − xv|2.

This establishes the claim.⋄

So, from Eqn. (10) and Eqn. (12), it follows that λ is a continuous relaxation of σ(G), and soλ2 ≤ σ(G), from which the easy direction of Cheeger’s Inequality follows.

7.2 Some additional comments

Here are some things to note.

• There is nothing required or forced on us about the use of this relaxation, and in fact thereare other relaxations. We will get to them later. Some of them lead to traditional algorithms,and one of them provides the basis for flow-based graph partitioning algorithms.

• Informally, this relaxation says that we can replace x ∈ 0, 1n or x ∈ −1, 1n constraintwith the constraint that x satisfies this “on average.” By that, we mean that x in the relaxedproblem is on the unit ball, but any particular value of x might get distorted a lot, relative toits “original” 0, 1 or −1, 1 value. In particular, note that this is a very “global” constraint.As we will see, that has some good features, e.g., many of the well-known good statisticalproperties; but, as we will see, it has the consequence that any particular local pairwise metricinformation gets distorted, and thus it doesn’t lead to the usual worst-case bounds that aregiven only in terms of n the size of the graph (that are popular in TCS).

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• While providing the “easy” direction, this lemma gives a quick low-degree polynomial time(whatever time it takes to compute an exact or approximate leading nonrtivial eigenvector)certificate that a given graph is expander-like, in the sense that for all cuts, at least a certainnumber of edges cross it.

• There has been a lot of work in recent years using approaches like this one; I don’t know theexact history in terms of who did it first, but it was explained by Trevisan very cleanly incourse notes he has had, and this and the proof of the other direction is taken from that. Inparticular, he describes the randomized rounding method for the other direction. Spielmanhas slightly different proofs. These proofs here are a combination of results from them.

• We could have proven this “easy direction” by just providing a test vector. E.g., a test vectorthat is related to an indicator vector or a partition. We went with this approach to highlightsimilarities and differences with flow-based methods in a week or two.

• The other reason to describe λ2 as a relaxation of σ(G) is that the proof of the other directionthat φ(G) ≤

√2λ2 can be structured as a randomized rounding algorithm, i.e., given a real-

valued solution to Eqn. (12), find a similarly good solution to Eqn. (10). This is what we willdo next time.

7.3 A more general result for the hard direction

For the hard direction, recall that what we want to prove is that

φ(G) ≤√


Here, we will state—and then we will prove—a more general result. For the proof, we will use therandomized rounding method. The proof of this result is algorithmic/constructive, and it can beseen as an analysis for the following algorithm.

VanillaSpectralPartitioning. Given as input a graph G = (V,E), a vector x ∈ Rn,

1. Sort the vertices of V in non-decreasing order of values of entries of x, i.e., let V = v1, · · · , vn,where xv1 ≤ · · · ≤ xvn .

2. Let i ∈ [n− 1] be s.t.

maxφ (v1, · · · , vi) , φ (vi+1, · · · , vn),

is minimal.

3. Output S = v1, . . . , vi and S = vi+1, . . . vn.

This is called a “sweep cut,” since it involves sweeping over the input vector and looking at n(rather than 2n partitions) to find a good partition.

We have formulated this algorithm as taking as input a graph G and any vector x. You mightbe more familiar with the version that takes as input a graph G that first compute the leadingnontrivial eigenvector and then performs a sweep cut. We have formulated it the way we did fortwo reasons.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 75

• We will want to separate out the spectral partitioning question from the question about how tocompute the leading eigenvector or some approximation to it. For example, say that we don’trun an iteration “forever,” i.e., to the asymptotic state to get an “exact” answer to machineprecision. Then we have a vector that only approximates the leading nontrivial eigenvector.Can we still use that vector and get nontrivial results? There are several interesting resultshere, and we will get back to this.

• We will want to separate out the issue of global eigenvector to something about the structureof the relaxation. We will see that we can use this result to get local and locally-biasedpartitions, using both optimization and random walk based idea. In particular, we will usethis to generalize to locally-biased spectral methods.

So, establishing the following lemma is sufficient for what we want.

Lemma 9. Let G = (V,E) be a d-regular graph, and let x ∈ Rn be s.t. x ⊥ ~1. Define

R(x) =

u,v∈E |xu − xv|2


v x2v

and let S be the side with less than |V |/2 nodes of the output cut of VanillaSpectralParti-tioning. Then,

φ(S) ≤√


Before proving this lemma, here are several things to note.

• If we apply this lemma to a vector x that is an eigenvector of λ2, then R(x) = λ2, and so wehave that φ(G) ≤ φ(S) ≤

√2λ2, i.e., we have the difficult direction of Cheeger’s Inequality.

• On the other hand, any vector whose Rayleigh quotient is close to that of λ2 also gives a goodsolution. This “rotational ambiguity” is the usual thing with eigenvectors, and it is differentthan any approximation of the relatation to the original expansion IP. We get “goodness”results for such a broad class of vectors to sweep over since we are measuring goodness rathermodestly: only in terms of objective function value. Clearly, the actual clusters might changea lot and in general will be very different if we sweep over two vectors that are orthogonal toeach other.

• This result actually holds for vectors x more generally, i.e., vectors that have nothing todo with the leading eigenvector/eigenvalue, as we will see below with locally-biased spectralmethods, where we will use it to get upper bounds on locally-biased variants of Cheeger’sInequality.

• In this case, in “eigenvector time,” we have found a set S with expansion s.t. φ(S) ≤√λ2 ≤



• This is not a constant-factor approximation, or any nontrivial approximation factor in termsof n; and it is incomparable with other methods (e.g., flow-based methods) that do providesuch an approximation factor. It is, however, nontrivial in terms of an important structuralparameter of the graph. Moreover, it is efficient and useful in many machine learning anddata analysis applications.

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• The above algorithm can be implemented in roughly O (|V | log |V |+ |E|) time, assumingarithmetic operations and comparisons take constant time. This is since once we have com-puted

E (v1, . . . , vi, vi+1, . . . , vn) ,

it only takes O(degree(vi+1)) time to compute

E (v1, . . . , vi+1, vi+2, . . . , vn) .

• As a theoretical point, there exists nearly linear time algorithm to find a vector x such thatR(x) ≈ λ2, and so by coupling this algorithm with the above algorithm we can find a cut

with expansion O(


in nearly-linear time. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of work on

providing good implementations for these nearly linear time algorithms. We will return tosome of these later.

• This quadratic factor is “tight,” in that there are graphs that are that bad; we will get tothese (rings or Guattery-Miller cockroach, depending on exactly how you ask this question)graphs below.

7.4 Proof of the more general lemma implying the hard direction of Cheeger’sInequality

Note that λ2 is a relaxation of σ(G) and the lemma provides a rounding algorithtm for real vectorsthat are a solution of the relaxation. So, we will view this in terms of a method from TCS known asrandomized rounding. This is a useful thing to know, and other methods, e.g., flow-based methodsthat we will discuss soon, can also be analyzed in a similar manner.

For those who don’t know, here is the one-minute summary of randomized rounding.

• It is a method for designing and analyzing the quality of approximation algorithms.

• The idea is to use the probabilistic method to convert the optimal solution of a relaxationof a problem into an approximately optimal solution of the original problem. (The proba-bilistic method is a method from combinatorics to prove the existence of objects. It involvesrandomly choosing objects from some specified class in some manner, i.e., according to someprobability distribution, and showing that the objects can be found with probability > 0,which implies that the object exists. Note that it is an existential/non-constructive and notalgorithmic/constructive method.)

• The usual approach to use randomized rounding is the following.

– Formulate a problem as an integer program or integer linear program (IP/ILP).

– Compute the optimal fractional solution x to the LP relaxation of this IP.

– Round the fractional solution x of the LP to an integral solution x′ of the IP.

• Clearly, if the objective is a min, then cost(x) ≤ cost(x′). The goal is to show that cost(x′) isnot much more that cost(x).

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 77

• Generally, the method involves showing that, given any fractional solution x of the LP, w.p.> 0 the randomized rounding procedure produces an integral solution x′ that approximatedx to some factor.

• Then, to be computationally efficient, one must show that x′ ≈ x w.h.p. (in which case thealgorithm can stay randomized) or one must use a method like the method of conditionalprobabilities (to derandomize it).

Let’s simplify notation: let V = 1, . . . , n; and so x1 ≤ x2 ≤ · · · xn. In this case, the goal is toshow that there exists i ∈ [n] w.t.

φ (1, . . . , i) ≤√

2R(x) and φ (i+ 1, . . . , n) ≤√


We will prove the lemma by showing that there exists a distribution D over sets S of the form1, . . . , i s.t.


E(S, S)


dmin|S|, |S| ≤

2R(x). (13)

Before establishing this, note that Eqn. (13) does not imply the lemma. Why? In general, it is the

case that E


6= EXEY , but it suffices to establish something similar.

Fact. For random variables X and Y over the sample space, even though E


6= EXEY , it is the

case that



Y≤ E X


> 0,

provided that Y > 0 over the entire sample space.

But, by linearity of expectation, from Eqn. (13) it follows that



E(S, S)− d√

2R(x)min|S|, |S|]

≤ 0.

So, there exists a set S in the sample space s.t.

E(S, S)− d√

2R(x)min|S|, |S| ≤ 0.

That is, for S and S, at least on of which has size ≤ n2 ,

φ(S) ≤√


from which the lemma will follow.

So, because of this, it will suffice to establish Eqn. (13). So, let’s do that.

Assume, WLOG, that x⌈n2⌉ = 0, i.e., the median of the entires of x equals 0; and x21+x

2n = 1. This

is WLOG since, if x ⊥ ~1, then adding a fixed constant c to all entries of x can only decrease the

78 M. W. Mahoney

Rayleigh quotient:

R (x+ (c, . . . , c)) =

(u,v)∈E |(xu + c)− (xv + c)|2


v(xv + c)2


(u,v)∈E |xu − xv|2


v x2v − 2dc

v xv + nc2


(u,v)∈E |xu − xv|2


v x2v + nc2

≤ R(x).

Also, multiplying all entries by fixed constant does not change the value of R(x), nor does it changethe property that x1 ≤ · · · ≤ xn.

We have made these choices since they will allow us to define a distribution D over sets S s.t.

ES∼D min

|S|, |S|



x2i (14)

Define a distribution D over sets 1, . . . , i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, as the outcome of the followingprobabilistic process.

1. Choose a t ∈ [x1, xn] ∈ R with probability density function equal to f(t) = 2|t|, i.e., forx1 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ xn, let

P [a ≤ t ≤ b] =∫ b

a2|t|dt =

|a2 − b2| if a and b have the same signa2 + b2 if a and b have different signs


2. Let S = u : xi ≤ t

From this definition

• The probability that an element i ≤ n2 belongs to the smaller of the sets S, S equals the

probability of i ∈ S and |S| ≤ |S|, which equals the probability that the threshold t is in therange [xi, 0], which equals x2i .

• The probability that an element i > n2 belongs to the smaller of the sets S, S equals the

probability of i ∈ S and |S| ≥ |S|, which equals the probability that the threshold t is in therange [0, xi], which equals x2i .

So, Eqn. (14) follows from linearity of expectation.

Next, we want to estimate the expected number of edges between S and S, i.e.,



S, S)]



edge (i, j) is cut by (S, S)]


To estimate this, note that the event that the edge (i, j) is cut by the partition (S, S) happenswhen t falls in between xi and xj. So,

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 79

• if xi and xj have the same sign, then


edge (i, j) is cut by (S, S)]

= |x2i − x2j |

• if xi and xj have the different signs, then


edge (i, j) is cut by (S, S)]

= x2i + x2j

The following expression is an upper bound that covers both cases:


edge (i, j) is cut by (S, S)]

≤ |xi − xj| · (|xi|+ |xj |) .

Plugging into the expressions for the expected number of cut edges, and applying the Cauchy-Schwatrz inequality gives


S, S)


(i,j)∈E|xi − xj| (|xi|+ |xj |)


(i,j)∈E(xi − xj)2

(i,j)∈E(|xi|+ |xj |)2

Finally, to deal with the expression∑

(ij)∈E (|xi|+ |xj |)2, recall that (a+ b)2 ≤ 2a2 + 2b2. Thus,

(ij)∈E(|xi|+ |xj|)2 ≤

(ij)∈E2x2i + 2x2j = 2d


x2i .

Putting all of the pieces together, we have that



S, S)]


dmin|S|, |S|] ≤

(ij)∈E (xi − xj)2√


i x2i


i x2i



from which the result follows.

80 M. W. Mahoney

8 (02/17/2015): Expanders, in theory and in practice (1 of 2)

Reading for today.

• “Expander graphs and their applications,” in Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., by Hoory, Linial, andWigderson

8.1 Introduction and Overview

Expander graphs, also called expanders, are remarkable structures that are widely-used in TCS anddiscrete mathematics. They have a wide range of applications:

• They reduce the need for randomness and are useful for derandomizing randomized algorithms—so, if random bits are a valuable resource and thus you want to derandomized some of therandomized algorithms we discussed before, then this is a good place to start.

• They can be used to find good error-correcting codes that are efficiently encodable anddecodable—roughly the reason is that they spread things out.

• They can be used to provide a new proof of the so-called PCP theorem, which provides a newcharacterization of the complexity class NP, and applications to the hardness of approximatecomputation.

• They are a useful concept in data analysis applications, since expanders look random, or areempirically quasi-random, and it is often the case that the data, especially when viewed atlarge, look pretty noisy.

For such useful things, it is somewhat surprising that (although they are very well-known in com-puter science and TCS in particular due to their algorithmic and complexity connections) expandersare almost unknown outside computer science. This is unfortunate since:

• The world is just a bigger place when you know about expanders.

• Expanders have a number of initially counterintuitive properties, like they are very sparseand very well-connected, that are typical of a lot of data and thus that are good to have anintuition about.

• They are “extremal” in many ways, so they are a good limiting case if you want to see howfar you can push your ideas/algorithms to work.

• Expanders are the structures that are “most unlike” low-dimensional spaces—so if you don’tknow about them then your understanding of the mathematical structures that can be usedto describe data, as well as of possible ways that data can look will be rather limited, e.g.,you might think that curved low-dimensional spaces are good ideas.

Related to the comment about expanders having extremal properties, if you know how your algo-rithm behaves on, say, expanders, hypercubes (which are similar and different in interesting ways),trees (which we won’t get to as much, but will mention), and low-dimensional spaces, they youprobably have a pretty good idea of how it will behave on your data. That is very different than

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 81

knowing how it will behave in any one of those places, which doesn’t give you much insight into howit will behave more generally; this extremal property is used mostly by TCS people for algorithmdevelopment, but it can be invaluable for understanding how/when your algorithm works and whenit doesn’t on your non-worst-case data.

We will talk about expander graphs. One issue is that we can define expanders both for degree-homogeneous graphs as well as for degree-heterogeneous graphs; and, although many of the basicideas are similar in the two cases, there are some important differences between the two cases. Afterdefining them (which can be done via expansion/conductance or the leading nontrivial eigenvalueof the combinatorial/normalized Laplacian), we will focus on the following aspects of expandersand expander-like graphs.

• Expanders are graphs that are very well-connected.

• Expanders are graphs that are sparse versions/approximations of a complete graph.

• Expanders are graphs on which diffusions and random walks mix rapidly.

• Expanders are the metric spaces that are least like low-dimensional Euclidean spaces.

Along the way, we might have a chance to mention a few other things, e.g.: how big λ2 couldbe with Ramanujan graphs and Wigner’s semicircle result; trivial ways with dmax to extend theCheeger Inequality to degree-heterogeneous graphs, as well as non-trivial ways with the normalizedLaplacian; pseudorandom graphs, converses, and the Expander Mixing Lemma; and maybe others.

Before beginning with some definitions, we should note that we can’t draw a meaningful/interpretablepicture of an expander, which is unfortunate since people like to visualize things. The reason for thatis that there are no good “cuts” in an expander—relatedly, they embed poorly in low-dimensionalspaces, which is what you are doing when you visualize on a two-dimensional piece of paper. Theremedy for this is to compute all sorts of other things to try to get a non-visual intuition abouthow they behave.

8.2 A first definition of expanders

Let’s start by working with d-regular graphs—we’ll relax this regularity assumption later. But manyof the most extremal properties of expanders hold for degree-regular graphs, so we will considerthem first.

Definition 24. A graph G = (V,E) is d-regular if all vertices have the same degree d, i.e., eachvertex is incident to exactly d edges.

Also, it will be useful to have the following notion of the set of edges between two sets S and T (orfrom S to T ), both of which are subsets of the vertex set (which may or may not be the complementof each other).

Definition 25. For S, T ⊂ V , denote

E(S, T ) = (u, v) ∈ E| u ∈ S, v ∈ T.

Given this notation, we can define the expansion of a graph. (This is slightly different from otherdefinitions I have given.)

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Definition 26. The expansion or edge expansion ratio of a graph G is

h(G) = minS:|S|≤n


E(S, S)


Note that this is slightly different (just in terms of the scaling) than the edge expansion of G whichwe defined before as:

φ (G) = minS⊂V :|S|≤ |V |



S, S)

d|S| .

We’ll use this today, since I’ll be following a proof from HLW, and they use this, and followingtheir notation should make it easier. There should be no surprises, except just be aware that thereis a factor of d difference from what you might expect.

(As an aside, recall that there are a number of extensions of this basic idea to measure other ormore fine versions of this how well connected is a graph:

• Different notions of boundary—e.g., vertex expansion.

• Consider size-resolved minimum—in Markov chains and how good communities are as afunction of size.

• Different denominators, which measure different notions of the “size” of a set S:

– Sparsity or cut ratio: min E(S,S)|S|·|S| —this is equivalent to expansion in a certain sense that

we will get to.

– Conductance or NCut—this is identical for d-regular graphs but is more useful in practiceand gives tighter bounds in theory if there is degree heterogeneity.

We won’t deal with these immediately, but we will get back to some later. This ends the aside.)

In either case above, the expansion is a measure to quantify how well-connected is the graph. Giventhis, informally we call a d-regular graph G an expander if h(G) ≥ ǫ where ǫ is a constant. Moreprecisely, let’s define an expander:

Definition 27. A graph G is a (d, ǫ)-expander if it is d-regular and h(G) ≥ ǫ, where ǫ is a constant,independent of n.

Alternatively, sometimes expansion is defined in terms of a sequence of graphs:

Definition 28. A sequence of d-regular graphs Gii∈Z+ is a family of expander graphs if ∃ǫ > 0s.t. h(Gi) ≥ ǫ,∀i.

If we have done the normalization correctly, then h(G) ∈ [0, d] and φ(G) ∈ [0, 1], where large meansmore expander-like and small means that there are good partitions. So, think of the constant ǫ asd/10 (and it would be 1/10, if we used φ(G) normalization). Of course, there is a theory/practiceissue here, e.g., sometimes you are given a single graph and sometimes it can be hard to tell amoderately large constant from a factor of log(n); we will return to these issues later.

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8.3 Alternative definition via eigenvalues

Although expanders can be a little tricky and counterintuitive, there are a number of ways to dealwith them. One of those ways, but certainly not the only way, is to compute eigenvectors andeigenvalues associated with matrices related to the graph. For example, if we compute the secondeigenvalue of the Laplacian, then we have Cheeger’s Inequality, which says that if the graph G isan expander, then we have a (non-tight, due to the quadratic approximation) bound on the secondeigenvalue, and vice versa. That is, one way to test if a graph is an expander is to compute thateigenvalue and check.

Of central interest to a lot of things is λLAP2 , which is the Fiedler value or second smallest eigenvalue

of the Laplacian. Two things to note:

• If we work with Adjacency matrices rather than Laplacians, then we are interested in howfar λADJ

2 is from d.

• We often normalized things so as to interpret them in terms of a random walk, in which casethe top eigenvalue = 1 with the top eigenvector being the probability distribution. In thatcase, we are interested in how far λ2 is from 1.

(Since I’m drawing notes from several different places, we’ll be a little inconsistent on what thenotation means, but we should be consistent within each class or section of class.)

Here is Cheeger’s Inequality, stated in terms of h(G) above.

• If 0 = λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · · ≤ λn are the eigenvalues of the Laplacian (not normalized, i.e. D −A)of a d-regular graph G, then:

λ22≤ h(G) ≤


The√d in the upper bound is due to our scaling.

Alternatively, here is Cheeger’s Inequality, stated in terms of h(G) for an Adjacency Matrix.

• If d = µ1 ≥ µ2 ≥ . . . ≥ µn are the eigenvalues of the Adjacency Matrix A(G) of d-regulargraph G, then:

d− µ22

≤ h(G) ≤√

2d(d− µ2)

Therefore, the expansion of the graph is related to its spectral gap (d − µ2). Thus, we can definea graph to be an expander if µ2 ≤ d− ǫ or λ2 ≥ ǫ where λ2 is the second eigenvalue of the matrixL(G) = D − A(G) where D is the diagonal degree matrix. Slightly more formally, here is thealternate definition of expanders:

Definition 29. A sequence of d-regular graphs Gnn ∈ N is a family of expander graphs if|λADJ

i | ≤ d− ǫ, i.e. if all the eigenvalues of A are bounded away from d

Remark. The last requirement can be written as λLAP2 ≥ c,∀n, i.e., that all the eigenvalues of

the Laplacian bounded below and away from c > 0.

In terms of the edge expansion φ(G) we defined last time, this definition would become the following.

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Definition 30. A family of constant-degree expanders is a family of graphs Gnn∈N s.t. eachgraph in Gn is d-regular graph on n vertices and such that there exists an absolute constant φ∗,independent of n, s.t. φ(Gn) ≥ φ∗, for all n.

8.4 Expanders and Non-expanders

A clique or a complete graph is an expander, if we relax the requirement that the d-regular graphhave a fixed d, independent of n. Moreover, Gn,p (the random graph), for p & log(n)

n is also anexpander, with d growing only weakly with n. (We may show that later.) Of greatest interest—atleast for theoretical considerations—is the case that d is a constant independent of n.

8.4.1 Very sparse expanders

In this case, the idea of an expander, i.e., an extremely sparse and extremely well-connected graphis nice; but do they exist? It wasn’t obvious until someone proved it, but the answer is YES. Infact, a typical d-regular graph is an expander with high probability under certain random graphmodels. Here is a theorem that we will not prove.

Theorem 12. Fix d ∈ Z+ ≥ 3. Then, a randomly chosen d-regular graph is an expander w.h.p.

Remark. Clearly, the above theorem is false if d = 1 (in which case we get a bunch of edges) or ifd = 2 (in which case we get a bunch of cycles); but it holds even for d = 3.

Remark. The point of comparison for this should be if d & log(n)n . In this case, “measure

concentration” in the asymptotic regime, and so it is plausible (and can be proved to be true)that the graph has no good partitions. To understand this, recall that one common random graphmodel is the Erdos-Renyi Gn,p model, where there are n vertices and edges are chosen to exist withprobability p. (We will probably describe this ER model as well as some of its basic properties later;at a minimum, we will revisit it when we talk about stochastic blockmodels.) The related Gn,mmodel is another common model where graphs with n vertices and m edges are chosen uniformlyat random. An important fact is that if we set p such that there are on average m edges, thenGn,m is very similar (in strong senses of the word) to Gn,p—if p ≥ log n/n. (That is the basis forthe oft-made observation that Gn,m and Gn,p are “the same.”) However, for the above definitionof expanders, we require in addition that d is a constant. Importantly, in that regime, the graphsare sparse enough that measure hasn’t concentrated, and they are not the same. In particular, ifp = 3/n, Gn,p usually generates a graph that is not connected (and there are other properties thatwe might return to later). However, (by the above theorem) Gn,m with corresponding parametersusually yields a connected graph with very high expansion. We can think of randomized expanderconstruction as a version of Gn,m, further constrained to d-regular graphs.

Remark. There are explicit deterministic constructions for expanders—they have algorithmicapplications. That is an FYI, but for what we will be doing that won’t matter much. Moreover,later we will see that the basic idea is still useful even when we aren’t satisfying the basic definitionof expanders given above, e.g., when there is degree heterogeneity, when a graph has good smallbut no good large cuts, etc.

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8.4.2 Some non-expanders

It might not be clear how big is big and how small is small—in particular, how big can h (or λ)be. Relatedly, how “connected” can a graph be? To answer this, let’s consider a few graphs.

• Path graph. (For a path graph, µ1 = Θ(1/n2). If we remove 1 edge, then we can cut thegraph into two 50-50 pieces.

• Two-dimensional√n × √n grid. (For a

√n × √n grid, µ1 = Θ(1/n).) Here, you can’t

disconnect the graph by removing 1 edge, and the removal of a constant number of edges canonly remove a constant number of vertices from the graph. But, it is possible to remove


of the edge, i.e., an O( 1√n) fraction of the total, and split the graph into two 50-50 pieces.

• For a 3D grid, µ1 = Θ(1/n2/3).

• A k-dimensional hypercube is still better connected. But it is possible to remove a very smallfraction of the edges (the edges of a dimension cut, which are 1

k = 1log(n) fraction of the total)

and split half the vertices from the other half.

• For a binary tree, e.g., a complete binary tree on n vertices, µ1 = Θ(1/n).

• For a Kn−Kn dumbbell, (two expanders or complete graphs joined by an edge) µ1 = Θ(1/n).

• For a ring on n vertices, µ1 = Θ(1/n).

• Clique. Here, to remove a p fraction of the vertices from the rest, you must remove ≥ p(1−p)fraction of the edges. That is, it is very well connected. (While can take a complete graph tobe the “gold standard” for connectivity, it does, however, have the problem that it is dense;thus, we will be interested in sparse versions of a complete that are similarly well-connected.)

• For an expander, µ1 = Θ(1).

Remark. A basic question to ask is whether, say, µ1 ∼ Θ(poly(1/n)) is “good” or “bad,” say,in some applied sense? The answer is that it can be either: it can be bad, if you are interestedin connectivity, e.g., a network where nodes are communication devices or computers and edgescorrespond to an available link; or it can be good, either for algorithmic reasons if e.g. you areinterested in divide and conquer algorithms, or for statistical reasons since this can be used toquantify conditional independence and inference.

Remark. Recall the quadratic relationship between d − λ2 and h. If d − λ2 is Θ(1), then thatis not much difference (a topic which will return to later), but if it is Θ(1/n) or Θ(1/n2) thenit makes a big difference. A consequence of this is that by TCS standards, spectral partitioningdoes a reasonably-good job partitioning expanders (basically since the quadratic of a constant isa constant), while everyone else would wonder why it makes sense to partition expanders; whileby TCS standards, spectral partitioning does not do well in general, since it has a worst-caseapproximation factor that depends on n, while everyone else would say that it does pretty well ontheir data sets.

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8.4.3 How large can the spectral gap be?

A question of interest is: how large can the spectral gap be? The answer here depends on therelationship between n, the number of nodes in the graph and d, the degree of each node (assumedto be the same for now.) In particular, the answer is different if d is fixed as n grows or if d growswith n as n grows. As as extreme example of the latter case, consider the complete graph Kn onn vertices, in which case d = n − 1. The adjacency matrix of Kn is AKn = J − I, where J is theall-ones matrix, and where I = In is the diagonal identity matrix. The spectrum of the adjacencymatrix of Kn is n − 1,−1, . . . ,−1, and λ = 1. More interesting for us here is the case that d isfixed and n is large, in which case n ≫ d, in which case we have the following theorem (which isdue to Alon and Boppana).

Theorem 13 (Alon-Boppana). Denoting λ = max(|µ2|, |µn|), we have, for every d-regular graph:

λ ≥ 2√d− 1− on(1)

So, the eigengap d−µ2 is not larger than d− 2√d− 1. For those familiar with Wigner’s semicircle

law, note the similar form.

The next question is: How tight is this? In fact, it is pretty close to tight in the following sense:there exists constructions of graphs, called Ramanujan graphs, where the second eigenvalue of L(G)is λ1(G) = d− 2

√d− 1, and so the tightness is achieved. Note also that this is of the same scale as

Wigner’s semicircle law; the precise statements are somewhat different, but the connection shouldnot be surprising.

8.5 Why is d fixed?

A question that arises is why is d fixed in the definition, since there is often degree variability inpractice. Basically that is since it makes things harder, and so it is significant that expanders existeven then. Moreover, for certain theoretical issues that is important. But, in practice the idea ofan expander is still useful, and so we go into that here.

We can define expanders: i.t.o. boundary expansion; or i.t.o. λ2. The intuition is that it iswell-connected and then get lots of nice properties:

• Well-connected, so random walks converge fast.

• Quasi-random, meaning that it is empirically random (although in a fairly weak sense).

Here are several things to note:

• Most theorems in graph theory go through to weighted graphs, if you are willing to have factorslike wmax

wmin—that is a problem if there is very significant degree heterogeneity or heterogeneity

in weights, as is common. So in that case many of those results are less interesting.

• In many applications the data are extremely sparse, like a constant number of edges onaverage (although there may be a big variance).

• There are several realms of d, since it might not be obvious what is big and what is small:

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 87

– d = n: complete (or nearly complete) graph.

– d = Ω(polylog(n)): still dense, certainly in a theoretical sense, as this is basically theasymptotic region.

– d = Θ(polylog(n)): still sufficiently dense that measure concentrates, i.e., enough con-centration for applications; Harr measure is uniform, and there are no “outliers”

– d = Θ(1): In this regime things are very sparse, Gnm 6= Gnp, so you have a situationwhere the graph has a giant component but isn’t fully connected; so 3-regular randomgraphs are different than Gnp with p = 3

n .

You should think in terms of d = Θ(polylog(n)) at most, although often can’t tell O(log n)versus a big constant, and comparing trivial statistics can hide what you want.

• The main properties we will show will generalize to degree variability. In particular:

– High expansion → high conductance.

– Random walks converge to “uniform” distribution → random walks converge to a dis-tribution that is uniform over the edges, meaning proportional to the degree of a node.

– Expander Mixing Property → Discrepancy and Empirical Quasi-randomness

So, for theoretical applications, we need d = Θ(1); but for data applications, think i.t.o. a graphbeing expander-like, i.e., think of some of the things we are discussing as being relevant for theproperties of that data graph, if: (1) it has good conductance properties; and (2) it is empiricallyquasi-random. This happens when data are extremely sparse and pretty noisy, both of which theyoften are.

8.6 Expanders are graphs that are very well-connected

Here, we will describe several results that quantify the idea that expanders are graphs that are verywell-connected.

8.6.1 Robustness of the largest component to the removal of edges

Here is an example of a lemma characterizing how constant-degree graphs with constant expansionare very sparse graphs with extremely good connectivity properties. In words, what the followinglemma says is that the removal of k edges cannot cause more that O




vertices to be disconnected

from the rest. (Note that it is always possible to disconnect kd vertices after removing k edges, so

the connectivity of an expander is the best possible.)

Lemma 10. Let G = (V,E) be a regular graph with expansion φ. Then, after an ǫ < φ fraction ofthe edges are adversarially removed, the graph has a connected component that has at least 1− ǫ

2φfraction of the vertices.

Proof: Let d be the degree of G. Let E′ ⊆ E be an arbitrary subset of ≤ ǫ|E| = ǫd |V |2 edges. Let

C1, . . . , Cm be the connected components of the graph (V,EE′), ordered s.t.

|C1| ≥ |C2| ≥ · · · |Cm|.

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In this case, we want to prove that

|C1| ≥ |V |(

1− 2ǫ



To do this, note that

|E′| ≥ 1



E (Ci, Cj) =1



E (Ci, VCi) .

So, if |C1| ≤ |V |2 , then

|E′| ≥ 1



dφ|Ci| =1

2dφ|V |,

which is a contradiction if φ > ǫ. On the other hand, if |C1| ≥ |V |2 , then let’s define S to be

S = C2 ∪ . . . ∪ Cm. Then, we have

|E′| ≥ E(C1, S) ≥ dφ|S|,

which implies that

|S| ≤ ǫ

2φ|V |,

and so |C1 ≥(

1− ǫ2φ


|V |, from which the lemma follows.⋄

8.6.2 Relatedly, expanders exhibit quasi-randomness

In addition to being well-connected in the above sense (and other senses), expanders also “lookrandom” in certain senses.

One direction For example, here I will discuss connections with something I will call “empiricalquasi-randomness.” It is a particular notion of things looking random that will be useful for whatwe will discuss. Basically, it says that the number of edges between any two subsets of nodes isvery close to the expected value, which is what you would see in a random graph. Somewhat moreprecisely, it says that when λ below is small, then the graph has the following quasi-randomnessproperty: for every two disjoint sets of vertices, S and T , the number of edges between S and T isclose to d

n |S| · |T |, i.e., what we would expect a random graph with the same average degree d tohave. (Of course, this could also hide other structures of potential interest, as we will discuss later,but it is a reasonable notion of “looking random” in the large scale.) Here, I will do it in terms ofexpansion—we can generalize it and do it with conductance and discrepancy, and we may do thatlater.

We will start with the following theorem, called the “Expander Mixing Lemma,” which shows thatif the spectral gap is large, then the number of edges between two subsets of the graph verticescan be approximated by the same number for a random graph, i.e., what would be expected onaverage, so it looks empirically random. Note that d

n |S| · |T | is the average value of the number of

edges between the two sets of nodes in a random graph; also, note that λ√

|S| · |T | is an “additive”scale factor, which might be very large, e.g., too large for the following lemma to give an interestingbound, in particular when one of S or T is very small.

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Theorem 14 (Expander Mixing Lemma). Let G = (V,E) be a d-regular graph, with |V | = nand λ = max(|µ2|, |µn|), where µi is the i-th largest eigenvalue of the (non-normalized) AdjacencyMatrix. Then, for all S, T ⊆ V , we have the following:

|E(S, T )| − d

n|S| · |T |

≤ λ√

|S| · |T |.

Proof. Define χS and χT to be the characteristic vectors of S and T . Then, if vjnj=1 are orthonor-

mal eigenvectors of AG, with v1 = 1√n(1, . . . , 1), then we can write the expansion of χS and χT in

terms of those eigenvalues as: χS =∑

i αivi and χT =∑

j βjvj . Thus,

|E(S, T )| = χTSAχT


















µiαiβi since the vi’s are orthonormal.


|E(S, T )| =∑


= µ1α1β1 +∑



= d|S|.|T |n




where the last inequality is because, α1 = 〈χS ,−→1√n〉 = |S|√

nand (similarly) β1 = |T |√

n, and µ1 = d.


|E(S, T )| − d

n|S| · |T |








≤ λ∑



≤ λ||α||2||β||2 = λ||χS ||2||χT ||2 = λ√

|S| · |T |

Other direction There is also a partial converse to this result:

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Theorem 15 (Bilu and Linial). Let G be a d-regular graph, and suppose that∣

E(S, T )− d

n|S| · |T |

≤ ρ√

|S| · |T |

holds ∀ disjoint S,T and for some ρ > 0. Then

λ ≤ O(



1 + log(d



8.6.3 Some extra comments

We have been describing these results in terms of regular and unweighted graphs for simplicity,especially of analysis since the statements of the theorems don’t change much under generalization.Important to note: these results can be generalized to weighted graphs with irregular numberof edges per nodes using discrepancy. Informally, think of these characterizations as intuitivelydefining what the interesting properties of an expander are for real data, or what an expander ismore generally, or what it means for a data set to look expander-like.

Although we won’t worry too much about those issues, it is important to note that for certain,mostly algorithmic and theoretical applications, the fact that d = Θ(1), etc. are very important.

8.7 Expanders are graphs that are sparse versions/approximations of a com-plete graph

To quantify the idea that constant-degree expanders are sparse approximations to the completegraph, we need two steps:

1. first, a way to say that two graphs are close; and

2. second, a way to show that, with respect to that closeness measure, expanders and thecomplete graph are close.

8.7.1 A metric of closeness between two graphs

For the first step, we will view a graph as a Laplacian and vice versa, and we will consider thepartial order over PSD matrices. In particular, recall that for a symmetric matrix A, we can write

A 0

to mean thatA ∈ PSD

(and, relatedly, A ≻ 0 to mean that it is PD). In this case, we can write A B to mean thatA−B 0. Note that is a partial order. Unlike the real numbers, where every pair is comparable,for symmetric matrices, some are and some are not. But for pairs to which it does apply, it actslike a full order, in that, e.g.,

A B and B C implies A CA B implies that A+ C B + C,

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for symmetric matrices A, B, and C.

By viewing a graph as its Laplacian, we can use this to define an inequality over graphs. Inparticular, for graphs G and H, we can write

G H to mean that LG LH .

In particular, from our previous results, we know that if G = (V,E) is a graph and H = (V, F )is a subgraph of G, then LG LH . This follows since the Laplacian of a graph is the sum of theLaplacians of its edges: i.e., since F ⊆ E, we have

LG =∑


Le =∑

e∈FLe +


Le ∑

e∈FLe = LH ,

which follows since∑

e∈EF Le 0.

That last expression uses the additive property of the order; now let’s look at the multiplicativeproperty that is also respected by that order.

If we have a graph G = (V,E) and a graph H = (V,E′), let’s define the graph c · H to be thesame as the graph H, except that every edge is multiplied by c. Then, we can prove relationshipsbetween graphs such as the following.

Lemma 11. If G and H are graphs s.t.

G c ·Hthen, for all k we have that

λk(G) ≥ cλk(H).

Proof: The proof is by the min-max Courant-Fischer variational characterization. We won’t do itin detail. See DS, 09/10/12.

From this, we can prove more general relationships, e.g., bounds if edges are removed or rewieghted.In particular, the following two lemmas are almost corollaries of Lemma 11.

Lemma 12. If G is a graph and H is obtained by adding an edge to G or increasing the weight ofan edge in G, then, for all i, we have that λi(G) ≤ λi(H).

Lemma 13. If G = (V,E,W1) is a graph and H = (V,E,W2) is a graph that differs from G onlyin its weights, then

G mine∈E



Given the above discussion, we can use this to define the notion that two graphs approximateeach other, basically by saying that they are close if their Laplacian quadratic forms are close. Inparticular, here is the definition.

Definition 31. Let G and H be graphs. We say that H is a c-approximation to H if

cH G 1


As a special case, note that if c = 1 + ǫ, for some ǫ ∈ (0, 1), then we have that the two graphs arevery close.

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8.7.2 Expanders and complete graphs are close in that metric

Given this notion of closeness between two graphs, we can now show that constant degree expandersare sparse approximations of the complete graph. The following theorem is one formalization ofthis idea. This establishes the closeness; and, since constant-degree expanders are very sparse, thisresult shows that they are sparse approximations of the complete graph. (We note in passing thatit is know more generally that every graph can be approximated by a complete graph; this graphsparsification problem is of interest in many areas, and we might return to it.)

Theorem 16. For every ǫ > 0, there exists a d > 0 such that for all sufficiently large n, there is ad regular graph Gn that is a 1± ǫ approximation of the complete graph Kn

Proof: Recall that a constant-degree expander is a d-regular graph whose Adjacency Matrix eigen-values satisfy

|αi| ≤ ǫd, (15)

for all i ≥ 2, for some ǫ < 1. We will show that graphs satisfying this condition also satisfy thecondition of Def. 31 (with c = 1 + ǫ) to be a good approximation of the complete graph.

To do so, recall that(1− ǫ)H G (1 + ǫ)H

means that(1− ǫ)xTLHx ≤ xTLGx ≤ (1 + ǫ) xTLHx.

Let G be the Adjacency Matrix of the graph whose eigenvalues satisfy Eqn. (15). Given this, recallthat the Laplacian eigenvalues satisfy λi = d− αi, and so all of the non-zero eigenvalues of LG arein the interval between (1− ǫ) d and (1 + ǫ) d. I.e., for all x s.t. x ⊥ ~1, we have that

(1− ǫ)xTx ≤ xTLGx ≤ (1 + ǫ) xTx.

(This follows from Courant-Fischer or by expanding x is an eigenvalue basis.)

On the other hand, for the complete graph Kn, we know that all vectors x that are ⊥ ~1 satisfy

xTLKnx = nxTx.

So, let H be the graph

H =d


from which it follows thatxTLHx = dxTx.

Thus, the graph G is an ǫ-approximation of the graph H, from which the theorem follows.⋄

For completeness, consider G−H and let’s look at its norm to see that it is small. First note that

(1− ǫ)H G (1 + ǫ)H implies that − ǫH G−H ǫH.

Since G and H are symmetric, and all of the eigenvalues of ǫH are either 0 or d, this tells us that

‖LG − LH‖2 ≤ ǫd.

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8.8 Expanders are graphs on which diffusions and random walks mix rapidly

We will have more to say about different types of diffusions and random walks later, so for now wewill only work with one variant and establish one simple variant of the idea that random walks onexpander graphs mix or equilibrate quickly to their equilibrium distribution.

Let G = (V,E,W ) be a weighted graph, and we want to understand something about how randomwalks behave on G. One might expect that if, e.g., the graph was a dumbbell graph, then randomwalks that started in the one half would take a very long time to reach the other half; on theother hand, one might hope that if there are no such bottlenecks, e.g., bottlenecks revealed by theexpansion of second eigenvalue, than random walks would mix relatively quickly.

To see this, let pt ∈ Rn, where n is the number of nodes in the graph, be a probability distributionat time t. This is just some probability distribution over the nodes, e.g., it could be a discreteDirac δ-function, i.e., the indicator of a node, at time t = 0; it could be the uniform distribution;or it could be something else. Given this distribution at time t, the transition rule that governs thedistribution at time t+ 1 is:

• To go to pt+1, move to a neighbor with probability ∼ the weight of the edge. (In the case ofunweighted graphs, this means that move to each neighbor with equal probability.) That is,to get to pt+1 from pt, sum over neighbors

pt+1(u) =∑


W (u, v)


where d(v) =∑

uW (u, v) is the weighted degree of v.

As a technical point, there are going to be bottlenecks, and so we will often consider a “lazy”random walk, which removed that trivial bottleneck that the graph is bipartite thus not mixing(i.e. the stationary distribution doesn’t exist) and only increases the mixing time by a factor oftwo (intuitively, on expectation in two steps in the “lazy” walk we walk one step as in the simplerandom walk)—which doesn’t matter in theory, since there we are interested in polynomial versusexponential times, and in practice the issues might be easy to diagnose or can be dealt with in lessaggressive ways. Plus it’s nicer in theory, since then things are SPSD.

By making a random walk “lazy,” we mean the following: Let

pt+1(u) =1

2pt(u) +




W (u, v)


That is, pt+1 = 12


I +AD−1)

pt, and so the transition matrix WG = AGD−1G is replaced with

WG = 12




—this is an asymmetric matrix that is similar in some sense to the normalizedLaplacian.

Then, after t steps, we are basically considering W tG, in the sense that

p0 → pt =Wpt−1 =W 2pt−2 = · · · =W tpt.

Fact. Regardless of the initial distribution, the lazy random walk converges to π(i) = d(i)∑j d(j)


which is the right eigenvector of W with eigenvalue 1.

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Fact. If 1 = ω1 ≥ ω2 ≥ · · ·ωn ≥ 0 are eigenvalues of W , with π(i) = d(i)∑j d(j)

, then ω2 governs the

rate of convergence to the stationary distribution.

There are a number of ways to formalize this “rate of mixing” result, depending on the norm usedand other things. In particular, a very good way is with the total variation distance, which isdefined as:

‖p− q‖TV D = maxS⊆V

v∈Spv −



2‖p− q‖1.

(There are other measures if you are interested in mixing rates of Markov chains.) But the basicpoint is that if 1 − ω2 is large, i.e., you are an expander, then a random walk converges fast. Forexample:

Theorem 17. Assume G = (V,E) with |V | = n is d-regular, A is the adjacency matrix of G, andA = 1

dA is the transition matrix of a random walk on G, i.e., the normalized Adjacency Matrix.

Also, assume λ = max(|µ2|, |µn|) = αd (recall µi is the i-th largest eigenvalue of A, not A). Then

||Atp− u||1 ≤√nαt,

where u is the stationary distribution of the random walk, which is the uniform distribution in theundirected d-regular graph, and p is an arbitrary initial distribution on V .

In particular, if t ≥ c1−α log



, for some absolute constant c independent of n, then ‖u−Atp‖ ≤ ǫ.

Proof. Let us define the matrix J = 1n~1~1⊤, where, as before, ~1 is the all ones vector of length n.

Note that, for any probability vector p, we have

Jp =1



n~1 · 1

= u.

Now, since A = 1dA we have µi = µi/d, where µi denotes the ith largest eigenvalue of A, and the

eigenvectors of A are equal to those of A. Hence, we have

∥At − J∥

2= max

w:‖w‖2≤1‖(At − J)w‖2

= σmax


At − J)

= σmax




µtiviv⊤i −




(a)= σmax






= max|µt2|, |µtn|= αt,

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 95

where (a) follows since v1 =1√n~1 and µ1 = 1. Then,

∥Atp− u∥


∥Atp− u∥



∥Atp− Jp∥



∥At − J∥





which concludes the proof.

This theorem shows that if the spectral gap is large (i.e. α is small), then we the walk mixes rapidly.

This is one example of a large body of work on rapidly mixing Markov chains. For example, thereare extensions of this to degree-heterogeneous graphs and all sorts of other thigns Later, we mightrevisit this a little, when we see how tight this is; in particular, one issue that arises when we discusslocal and locally-biased spectral methods is that how quickly a random walk mixes depends on notonly the second eigenvalue but also on the size of the set achieving that minimum conductancevalue.

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9 (02/19/2015): Expanders, in theory and in practice (2 of 2)

Reading for today.

• Same as last class.

Here, we will describe how expanders are the metric spaces that are least like low-dimensionalEuclidean spaces (or, for that matter, any-dimensional Euclidean spaces). Someone asked at theend of the previous class about what would an expander “look like” if we were to draw it. Thepoint of these characterizations of expanders—that they don’t have good partitions, that theyembed poorly in low dimensional spaces, etc.—is that you can’t draw them to see what they looklike, or at least you can’t draw them in any particularly meaningful way. The reason is that ifyou could draw them on the board or a two-dimensional piece of paper, then you would have anembedding into two dimensions. Relatedly, you would have partitioned the expander into two parts,i.e., those nodes on the left half of the page, and those nodes on the right half of the page. Any suchpicture would have roughly as many edges crossing between the two halves as it had on either half,meaning that it would be a non-interpretable mess. This is the reason that we are going throughthis seemingly-circuitous characterizations of the properties of expanders—they are important, butsince they can’t be visualized, we can only characterize their properties and gain intuition abouttheir behavior via these indirect means.

9.1 Introduction to Metric Space Perspective on Expanders

To understand expanders from a metric space perspective, and in particular to understand howthey are the metric spaces that are least like low-dimensional Euclidean spaces, let’s back up a bitto the seemingly-exotic subject of metric spaces (although in retrospect it will not seem so exoticor be so surprising that it is relevant).

• Finite-dimensional Euclidean space, i.e., Rn, with n < ∞, is an example of a metric spacethat is very nice but that is also quite nice/structured or limited.

• When you go to infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, things get much more complex; but ∞-dimensional RKHS, as used in ML, are ∞-dimensional Hilbert spaces that are sufficientlyregularized that they inherit most of the nice properties of Rn.

• If we measure distances in Rn w.r.t. other norms, e.g., ℓ1 or ℓ∞, then we step outside thedomain of Hilbert spaces to the domain of Banach spaces or normed vector spaces.

• A graph G = (V,E) is completely characterized by its shortest path or geodesic metric; so themetric space is the nodes, with the distance being the geodesic distance between the nodes.Of course, you can modify this metric by adding nonnegative weights to edges like with somenonlinear dimensionality reduction methods. Also, you can assign a vector to vertices andthus view a graph geometrically. (We will get back to the question of whether there are otherdistances that one can associate with a graph, e.g., resistance of diffusion based distances;and we will ask what is the relationship between this and geodesic distance.)

• The data may not be obviously a matrix or a graph. Maybe you just have similarity/dissimilarityinformation, e.g., between DNA sequences, protein sequences, or microarray expression levels.Of course, you might want to relate these things to matrices or graphs in some way, as withRKHS, but let’s deal with metrics first.

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So, let’s talk aobut metric spaces more generally. The goal will be to understand how good/badthings can be when we consider metric information about the data.

So, we start with a definition:

Definition 32. (X, d) is a metric space if

• d : X ×X → R+ (nonnegativity)

• d(x, y) = 0 iff x = y

• d(x, y) = d(y, x) (symmetric)

• d(x, y) ≤ d(x, z) + d(z, y) (triangle inequality)

The idea is that there is a function over the set X that takes as input pairs of variables thatsatisfies a generalization of what our intuition from Euclidean distances is: namely, nonnegativity,the second condition above, symmetry, and the triangle inequality. Importantly, this metric doesnot need to come from a dot product, and so although the intuition about distances from Euclideanspaces is the motivation, it is significantly different and more general. Also, we should note that ifvarious conditions are satisfied, then various metric-like things are obtained:

• If the second condition above is relaxed, but the other conditions are satisfied, then we havea psuedometric.

• If symmetry is relaxed, but the other conditions are satisfied, then we have a quasimetric.

• If the triangle inequality is relaxed , but the other conditions are satisfied, then we have asemimetric.

We should note that those names are not completely standard, and to confuse matters furthersometimes the relaxed quantities are called metrics—for example, we will encounter the so-calledcut metric describing distances with respect to cuts in a graph, which is not really a metric sincethe second condition above is not satisfied.

More generally, the distances can be from a Gram matrix, a kernel, or even allowing algorithms inan infinite-dimensional space.

Some of these metrics can be a little counterintuitive, and so for a range of reasons it is usefulto ask how similar or different two metrics are, e.g., can we think of a metric as a tweak of alow-dimensional space, in which case we might hope that some of our previous machinery mightapply. So, we have the following question:

Question 1. How well can a given metric space (X, d) be approximated by ℓ2, where ℓ2 is themetric space (Rn, || · ||), where ∀x, y ∈ Rn, we have ||x− y||2 =∑n

i=1(xi − yi)2.

The idea here is that we want to replace the metric d with something d′ that is “nicer,” while stillpreserving distances—in that case, since a lot of algorithms use only distances, we can work withd′ in the nicer place, and get results that are algorithmically and/or statistically better withoutintroducing too much error. That is, maybe it’s faster without too much loss, as we formulated itbefore; or maybe it is better, in that the nicer place introduced some sort of smoothing. Of course,

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we could ask this about metrics other than ℓ2; we just start with that since we have been talkingabout it.

There are a number of ways to compare metric spaces. Here we will start by defining a measure ofdistortion between two metrics.

Definition 33. Given a metric space (X, d) and our old friend the metric space (Rn, ℓ2), and amapping f: X → Rn:

• expansion(f) = maxx1,x2∈X||f(x1)−f(x2)||2


• contraction(f) = max d(x1,x2)||f(x1)−f(x2)||

• distortion(f) = expansion(f) · contraction(f)

As usual, there are several things we can note:

• An embedding with distortion 1 is an isometry. This is very limiting for most applicationsof interset, which is OK since it is also unnecessarily strong notion of similarity for mostapplications of interest, so we will instead look for low-distortion embeddings.

• There is also interest in embedding into ℓ1, which we will return to below when talking aboutgraph partitioning.

• There is also interest in embedding in other “nice” places, like trees, but we will not be talkingabout that in this class.

• As a side comment, a Theorem of Dvoretzky says that any embedding into normed spaces,ℓ2 is the hardest. So, aside from being something we have already seen, this partially justifiesthe use of ℓ2 and the central role of ℓ2 in embedding theory more generally.

Here, we should note that we have already seen one example (actually, several related examples)of a low-distortion embedding. Here we will phrase the JL lemma that we saw before in our newnomenclature.

Theorem 18 (JL Lemma). Let X be an n-point set in Euclidean space, i.e., X ⊂ ℓn2 , and fix

ǫ ∈ (0, 1]. Then ∃ a (1 + ǫ)-embedding of X into ℓk2, where k = O(




That is, Johnson-Lindenstrauss says that we can map xi → f(x) such that distance is within 1± ǫof the original.

A word of notation and some technical comments: For x ∈ Rd and p ∈ [1,∞), the ℓp norm of

x is defined as ||x||p =(

∑di=1 |xi|p

)1/p. Let ℓdp denote the space Rd equipped with the ℓp norm.

Sometimes we are interested in embeddings into some space ℓdp, with p given but the dimension dunrestricted, e.g., in some Euclidean space s.t. X embeds well. Talk about: ℓp = the space of all

sequences (x1, x2, . . .), with ||x||p < ∞, with ||x||p defined as ||x||p = (∑∞

i=1 |xi|p)1/p. In this case,

embedding into ℓp is shorthand for embedding into ℓdp for some d.

Here is an important theorem related to this and that we will return to later.

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Theorem 19 (Bourgain). Every n-point metric space (X, d) can be embedded into Euclidean spaceℓ2 with distortion ≤ O(log n).

Proof Idea. (The proof idea is nifty and used in other contexts, but we won’t use it much later,except to point out how flow-based methods do something similar.) The basic idea is given (X, d),map each point x → φ(x) in O(log2 n)-dimensional space with coordinates equal to the distanceto S ⊆ X where S is chosen randomly. That is, given (X, d), map every point x ∈ X to φ(x), anO(log2 n)-dimensional vector, where coordinates in φ(·) correspond to subsets S ⊆ X, and s.t. thes-th in φ(x) is d(x, S) = mins∈S d(x, s). Then, to define the map, specify a collection of subsets weuse selected carefully but randomly—select O(log n) subsets of size 1, O(log n) subsets of size 2, ofsize 4, 8, . . ., n

2 . Using that, it works, i.e., that is the embedding.

Note that the dimension of the Euclidean space was originally O(log2 n), but it has been improvedto O(log n), which I think is tight. Note also that the proof is algorithmic in that it gives an efficientrandomized algorithm.

Several questions arise:

• Q: Is this bound tight? A: YES, on expanders.

• Q: Let c2(X, d) be the distortion of the embedding of X into ℓ2; can we compute c2(X, d) fora given metric? A: YES, with an SDP.

• Q: Are there metrics such that c2(X, d) ≪ log n? A: YES, we saw it with JL, i.e., high-dimensional Euclidean spaces, which might be trivial since we allow the dimension to float inthe embedding, but there are others we won’t get to.

9.1.1 Primal

The problem of whether a given metric space is γ-embeddable into ℓ2 is polynomial time solvable.Note: this does not specify the dimension, just whether there is some dimension; asking the samequestion with dimension constraints or a fixed dimension is in general much harder. Here, thecondition that the distortion ≤ γ can be expressed as a system of linear inequalities in Grammatrix correspond to vectors φ(x). So, the computation of c2(x) is an SDP—which is easy or hard,depending on how you view SDPs—actually, given an input metric space (X, d) and an ǫ > 0, wecan determine c2(X, d) to relative error ≤ ǫ in poly(n, 1/ǫ) time.

Here is a basic theorem in the area:

Theorem 20 (LLR). ∃ a poly-time algorithm that, given as input a metric space (X, d), computesc2(X, d), where c2(X, d) is the least possible distortion of any embedding of (X, d) into (Rn, ℓ2).

Proof. The proof is from HLW, and it is based on semidefinite programming. Let (X, d) be themetric space, let |X| = n, and let f : X → ℓ2. WLOG, scale f s.t. contraction(f) = 1. Then,distortion(f) ≤ γ iff

d(xi, xj)2 ≤ ||f(xi)− f(xj)||2 ≤ γ2d(xi, xj)2. (16)

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Then, let ui = f(xi) be the i-th row of the embedding matrix U , and let Z = UUT . Note thatZ ∈ PSD, and conversely, if Z ∈ PSD, then Z = UUT , for some matrix U . Note also:

||f(xi)− f(xj)||2 = ||ui − uj ||2

= (ui − uj)T (ui − uj)= uTi ui + uTj uj − 2uTi uj

= Zii + Zjj − 2Zij .

So, instead of finding a ui = f(xi) s.t. (16) holds, we can find a Z ∈ PSD s.t.

d(xi, xj)2 ≤ Zii + Zjj − 2Zij ≤ γ2d(xi, xj)2. (17)

Thus, c2 ≤ γ iff ∃Z ∈ SPSD s.t. (17) holds ∀ij. So, this is an optimization problem, and we cansolve this with simplex, interior point, ellipsoid, or whatever; and all the usual issues apply.

9.1.2 Dual

The above is a Primal version of the optimization problem. If we look at the corresponding Dualproblem, then this gives a characterization of c2(X, d) that is useful in proving lower bounds. (Thisidea will also come up later in graph partitioning, and elsewhere.) To go from the Primal to theDual, we must take a nonnegative linear combination of constraints. So we must write Z ∈ PSDin such a way, since that is the constraint causing a problem; the following lemma will do that.

Lemma 14. Z ∈ PSD iff∑

ij qijzij ≥ 0,∀Q ∈ PSD.

Proof. First, we will consider rank 1 matrices; the general result will follow since general PSDmatrices are a linear combination of rank-1 PSD matrices of the form qqT , i.e., Q = qqT .

First, start with the ⇐ direction: for q ∈ Rn, let Q be PSD matrix s.t. Qij = qiqj; then

qtZq =∑


qiZijqj =∑


Qijzij ≥ 0,

where the inequality follows since Q is PSD. Thus, Z ∈ PSD.

For the ⇒ direction: let Q be rank-1 PSD matrix; thus, it has the form Q = qqT or Qij = qiqj, forq ∈ Rn. Then,


Qijzij =∑


qiZijqj ≥ 0,

where the inequality follows since A is PSD.

Thus, since Q ∈ PSD implies that Q =∑

i qiqTi =

i Ωi, with Ωi being a rank-i PSD matrix, thelemma follows by working through things.

Now that we have this characterization of Z ∈ PSD in terms of a set of (nonnegative) linearcombination of constraints, we are ready to get out Dual problem which will give us the nicecharacterization of c2(X, d).

Recall finding an embedding f(xi) = ui iff finding a matrix Z iff∑

ij qijzij ≥ 0,∀Q ∈ SPSD. So,the Primal constraints are:

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qijzij ≥ 0 for all QǫPSD

II. zii + zjj − 2zij ≥ d(xi, xj)2

III. γ2d(xi, xj)2 ≥ zii + zjj − 2zij ,

which hold ∀ij. Thus, we can get the following theorem.

Theorem 21 (LLR).

C2(X, d) = max(PǫPSD,P.1=0)

Pij>0 Pijd(xi, xj)2

−∑(Pij<0) Pijd(xi, xj)2

Proof. The dual program is the statement that for γ < C2(X, d), thre must exist a non-negativecombination of the constraints of the primal problem that yields a contradiction.

So, we will assume γ < C2(x, d) and look for a contradiction, i.e., look for a linear combination ofconstraints such that the primal gives a contradiction. Thus, the goal is to construct a nonnegativelinear combination of primal constraints to give a contradiction s.t. Q.Z =

qijzij ≥ 0.

Recall that the cone of PSD matrices is convex.

The goal is to zero out the zij.

(I) above says that Q ·Z =∑

ij qijzij ≥ 0. Note that since PSD cone is convex, a nonnegative linearcombination of the form

k αk〈Q,Z〉 = P · z, for some P ∈ PSD. So, modifying first constraintfrom the primal, you get


ij PijZij = P · Z ≥ 0, for some PǫPSDTo construct P , choose the elements such that you zero out zij in the following manner.

• If Pij > 0, multiply second constraint from primal by Pij/2, (i.e., the constraint d(xi, xj)2 ≤

zii + zjj − 2zij)

• If Pij < 0, multiply third constraint from primal by −Pij/2, (i.e., the constraint zii +zjj − 2zij ≤ γ2d(xi, xj)2)

• If Pij = 0, multiply by 0 constraints involving zij .

This gives


2(zii + zjj − 2zij) ≥


2d(xi, xj)



2γ2d(xi, xj)

2 ≥ −Pij

2(zii + zjj − 2zij)

from which it follows that you can modify the other constraints from primal to be:



2 (zii + zjj − 2zij) ≥∑


2 d(xi, xj)2



2 (zii + zjj − 2zij) ≥∑


2 γ2(d(xi, xj)


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If we add those two things, then we get,


Piizii +∑



2(zii + zjj) +



2(zii + zjj) ≥ RHS Sum,

and so∑


Piizii +∑

ij:Pij 6=0


2(zii + zjj) ≥ RHS Sum,

and so, since we choose P s.t. P · ~1 = ~0, (i.e.∑

j Pij = 0 for all i, and∑

i Pij = 0 for all j bysymmetry) we have that

0 =∑


Pii +∑

j:Pij 6=0


zij ≥ RHS =∑



2d(xi, xj)

2 +∑



2γ2d(xi, xj)


So, it follows that

0 ≥∑


Pijd(xi, xj)2 +


γ2d(xi, xj)2.

This last observation is FALSE if

γ2 <

ij:Pij>0 Pijd(xi, xj)2

ij:Pij<0(−Pij)d(xi, xj)2

and so the theorem follows.

(In brief, adding the second and third constraints above,

0 ≥∑

ij,Pij>0 Pijd(xi, xj)2 +

ij,Pij<0 Pijγ2(d(xi, xj)


This will be false if you choose γ to be small—in particular, it will be false if γ2 ≤ top/bottom,from which the theorem will follow.

9.2 Metric Embedding into ℓ2

We will show that expanders embed poorly in ℓ2—this is the basis for the claim that they are themetric spaces that are least like low-dimensional spaces in a very strong sense.

It is easy to see that an expander can be embedded into ℓ2 with distortion O(log n) (just note thatany graph can be embedded with distortion equal to its diameter)—in fact, any metric space canbe embedded with that distortion. We will show that this result is tight, and thus that expandersare the worst.

The basic idea for showing that expanders embed poorly in ℓ2 is: If G is a d-regular, ǫ-expander,then λ2 of AG is < d − δ for δ = δ(d, ǫ) 6= δ(n). The vertices of a bounded degree graph can bepaired up s.t. every pair of vertices are a distance Ω(log n). We can then let B be a permutationmatrix for the pairing, and use the matrix P = dI −A+ δ

2(B − I).

Note: We can have a simpler proof, using the theorem of Bourgain that expanders don’t embedwell in ℓ2, since we can embed in Rdiameter, and diameter(expander) = log n. But we go throughthis here to avoid (too much) magic.

Start with the following definitions:

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Definition 34. A Hamilton cycle in a graph G = (V,E) is a cycle that visits every vertex exactlyonce (except for the start and end vertices).

Definition 35. A matching is a set of pairwise non-adjacent edges, i.e., no two edges share acommon vertex. A vertex is matched if it is incident to an edge. A perfect matching is a matchingthat matched all the vertices of a graph.

The following theorem is the only piece of magic we will use here:

Theorem 22. A simple graph with n ≥ 3 edges is Hamiltonian if every vertex has degree ≥ n2 .

Note that if every vertex has degree ≥ n2 , then the graph is actually quite dense, and so from

Szemeredi-type results relating dense graphs to random graphs it might not be so surprising thatthere is a lot of wiggle room.

Note: A cycle immediately gives a matching.

Thus, we have the following lemma:

Lemma 15. Let G = (V,E) be a d-regular graph, with |V | = n If H = (V,E′) is a graph with thesame vertex set as G, in which two vertices u and v are adjacent iff dG(u, v) ≥ ⌊logk n⌋. Then, Hhas a matching with n/2 edges.

Proof. Since G is a d-regular graph, hence for any vertex x ∈ V and any value r, it has ≤ kr

vertices y ∈ V can have dG(x, y) ≤ r, i.e., only that many vertices are within a distance r. Ifr = ⌊logk n⌋ − 1, then ∃ ≤ n

2 vertices within distance r; that is, at least half of the nodes of G arefurther than logk n − 2 from x; this means every node in H has at least degree n/2. So H has aHamilton cycle and thus a perfect matching, and by the above theorem the lemma follows.

Finally we get to the main theorem that says that expanders embed poorly in ℓ2—note that thisis a particularly strong statement or notion of nonembedding, as by Bourgain we know any graph(with the graph distance metric) can be embedded into ℓ2 with distortion O(log n), so expander isthe worst case in this sense.

Theorem 23. Let d ≥ 3, and let ǫ > 0. If G = (V,E) is a (n, d)-regular graph with λ2(AG) ≤ d− ǫand |V | = n, then

C2(G) = Ω(log n)

where the constant inside the Ω depends on d, ǫ.

Proof. To prove the lower bound, we use the characterization from the last section that for theminimum distortion in embedding a metric space (X, d) into l2, denoted by C2(X, d), is:

C2(X, d) = maxP∈PSD,P.

−→1 =


pij>0 pijd(xi, xj)2

−∑pij<0 pijd(xi, xj)2


and we will find some P that is feasible that gives the LB.

Assume B is the adjacency matrix of the matching in H, whose existence is proved in the previouslemma. Then, define

P = (dI −AG) +ǫ

2(B − I).

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Then, we claim that P−→1 =

−→0 . To see this, notice both (dI −AG) and I −B are Laplacians (not

normalized), as B is the adjacency matrix of a perfect matching (i.e. 1-regular graph). Next, we

claim that P ∈ PSD. This proof of this second claim is because, for any x ⊥ −→1 , we have

xT (dI −AG)x ≥ dxTx− xTAx ≥ (d− λ2)||x||2 ≥ ǫ||x||2

(by the assumption on λ2); and

xT (B − I)x =∑

(i,j)∈B2xixj −




(i,j)∈B(2xixj − x2i − x2j) since ||x||2 =∑(i,j)∈B x

2i + x2j

≥ −2∑

(i,j)∈Bx2i + x2j

= −2||x||2

The last line is since ||x||2 =∑(i,j)∈B x2i + x2j and since B is a matching so each i shows up in the

sum exactly once.

So, we have that

xTPx = xT (dI −AG)x+ xTǫ

2(B − I)x

≥ ǫ||x||2 − 2||x||2ǫ2

= 0.

Next evaluate the numerator and the denominator.



d(i, j)2Pij = dn


d(i, j)2Pij ≥ǫ

2n⌊logd n⌋2

where the latter follows since the distances of edges in B are at least ⌊logd n⌋. Thus, for this P , wehave that:

pij>0 pijd(xi, xj)2

−∑pij<0 pijd(xi, xj)2≥√

ǫ2n⌊logk n⌋2

dn∼ Θ(log n)

and thus, from (18), that C2 is at least this big, i.e., that:

C2(G) ≥ Ω(log n)


[1] N. Linial and A. Wigderson, ”Expander graphs and their applications”

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10 (02/24/2015): Flow-based Methods for Partitioning Graphs (1

of 2)

Reading for today.

• “Multicommodity max-flow min-cut theorems and their use in designing approximation algo-rithms,” in JACM, by Leighton and Rao

• “Efficient Maximum Flow Algorithms,” in CACM, by Goldberg and Tarjan

10.1 Introduction to flow-based methods

Last time, we described the properties of expander graphs and showed that they have several“extremal” properties. Before that, we described a vanilla spectral partitioning algorithms, whichled to the statement and proof of Cheeger’s Inequality. Recall that one direction viewed λ2 as arelaxation of the conductance or expansion problem; while the other direction gave a “quadratic”bound as well as a constructive proof of a graph partitioning algorithm. The basic idea was tocompute a vector, show that it is a relaxation of the original problem, and show that one doesn’tloose too much in the process. Later, we will see that there are nice connections between thesemethods and low-dimensional spaces and hypothesized manifolds.

Lest one think that this is the only way to compute partitions, we turn now to a very differentmethod to partition graphs—it is based on the ideas of single-commodity and multi-commodityflows. It is not a spectral method, but it is important to know about for spectral methods (e.g.,when/why spectral methods work and how to diagnose things when they don’t work as one expects):the reason is basically that flow-based graph algorithms “succeed” and “fail” in very different waysthan spectral methods; and the reason for this is that they too implicitly involve embedding theinput graph in a metric/geometric place, but one which is very different than the line/clique thatspectral methods implicitly embed the input into.

10.2 Some high-level comments on spectral versus flow

Recall that the key idea underlying graph partitioning algorithms is take a graph G = (V,E) andspread out the vertices V in some abstract space while not spreading out edges E too much, andthen to partition the vertices in that space into tow (or more) sets.

• Spectral methods do this by putting nodes on an eigenvector and then partitioning basedon a sweep cut over the partitions defined by that eigenvector. For spectral methods, severalsummary points are worth noting.

– They achieve “quadratic” worst-case guarantees from Cheeger’s Inequality. This quadraticfactor is “real,” e.g., it is not an artifact of the analysis and there are graphs on whichit is achieved.

– They are “good” when graph has high conductance or expansion, i.e., when it is a goodexpander (in either the degree-weighted or degree-unweighted sense).

– They are associated with some sort of underlying geometry, e.g., as defined by where thenodes get mapped to in the leading eigenvector; but it is not really a metric embedding

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(or at least not a “good” metric embedding since it only preserves average distances—which is typical of these ℓ2-based methods—and not the distance between every pair ofnodes.

• Flow-based methods do this by using multi-commodity flows to reveal bottlenecks in thegraph and then partitioning based on those bottlenecks. To contrast with spectral methods,note the following summary points for flow-based methods.

– They achieve O(log n) worst-case guarantees. This O(log n) is “real,” in that it too isnot an artifact of the analysis and there are graphs on which it is achieved.

– They are “good” when the graph has sparse cuts, i.e., when it is not a good expander.

– They are also associated with a geometry, but one which is very different than that ofspectral methods. In particular, although not immediately-obvious, they can be viewedas embedding a finite metric space of graph into ℓ1 metric, i.e., a very different metricthan before, and then partitioning there.

The point here is that these two methods are in many ways complementary, in the sense that theysucceed and fail in different places. Relatedly, while “real” data might not be exactly one of theidealized places where spectral or flow-based methods succeed or fail, a lot of graph-based datahave some sort of low-dimensional structure, and a lot of graph-based data are sufficiently noisythat it is fruitful to view them as having expander-like properties.

Finally, the comments about spectral methods being good on expanders and flow methods beinggood on non-expanders might seem strange. After all, most people who use spectral methods arenot particularly interested in partitioning graphs that do not have good partitions (and insteadthey take advantage of results that show that spectral methods find good partitions in graphs thatare “morally” low-dimensional, e.g., graphs like bounded-degree planar graphs and well-shapedmeshes). The reason for this comment is that the metric we have been using to evaluate clusterquality is the objective function and not the quality of the clusters. By this measure, the quadraticof a constant (which is the expansion value of an expander) is a constant, while the quadraticof, e.g., 1/

√n is very large, i.e., the spectral guarantee is nontrivial in one case and not in the

other. For flow-based methods by contrast, the O(log n) is much larger than the constant valueof an expander and so gives trivial results, while this is much smaller than, e.g., 1/

√n, leading

to nontrivial results on the objective for morally low-dimensional graphs. That these qualitativeguides are the opposite of what is commonly done in practice is a real challenge for theory, and itis a topic we will return to later.

10.3 Flow-based graph partitioning

Recall the basic ideas about flow and the single commodity flow problem:

• G = (V,E) is a graph, and each edge e ∈ E has capacity C(e), which is the maximum amountof flow allowed through it. Also, we are given a source s and a sink t.

• (We are going to be applying it to graph partitioning by trying to use network flow ideas toreveal bottlenecks in the graph, and then cut there.)

• So, the goal is to route as much flow s→ t without violating any of the constraints.

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• Max-flow is the maximum amount of such flow.

• Min-Cut = the minimum amount of capacity to be removed from a network to disconnect sfrom t; that is,

Min − Cut = minU⊂V :s∈U,t∈U



(Note that there is no ratio here, since we can assume that demand = 1, WLOG, but thatwe won’t be able to do this later.)

• Weak duality is one thing and is relatively easy to show:

Claim 3. maxflow ≤ mincut

Proof. For all U ⊆ V that has s and t on opposite sides, all flows from s→ t must be routedthrough edges in (U, U ), so the total flow is bounded by the capacity in mincut.

• Strong duality is another thing and is harder:

Claim 4. maxflow = mincut

Proof. Suffices to show that mincut bound is always achievable is harder. We won’t do ithere.

All of this discussion so far is for k = 1 single-commodity flow.

There are also multi-commodity versions of this flow/cut problem that have been widely studied.Here is the basic definition.

Definition 36. Given k ≥ 1, each with a source si and sink ti and also given demands Di for each,i.e., we have (si, ti,Di) for each i ∈ [k], the multi-commodity flow problem is to simultaneouslyroute Di units of flow from si to ti, for all i, while respecting capacity constraints, i.e., s.t. thetotal amount of all commodities passing through any edge ≤ capacity of that edge. There are severalvariants, including:

• Max throughput flow: maximize the amount of flow summed over all commodities.

• Max concurrent flow: specify a demand Di for each commodity, and then maximize the frac-tion of demand Di that can be simultaneously shipped or routed by flow:

max f s.t. fDi units of flow go from si to ti.

i.e., the maximum f s.t. fDi units of capacity i are simultaneously routed without violatingthe capacity constraints.

That is, for this multicommodity flow problem, if the flow of commodity i along edge (u, v) isfi(u, v), then an assignment of flow satisfies:

• Capacity constraints.k∑


|fi(u, v)| ≤ c(u, v)

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• Flow conservation

w∈Vfi(u,w) = 0 when u 6= si, ti

For all u, v fi(u, v) = −fi(v, u)

• Demand satisfaction.∑

w∈Vfi(si, w) =

w∈Vfi(w, t) = Di

Then the goal is to find a flow that maximizes one of the above variants of the problem.

We can also define a related cut problem.

Definition 37. The MinCut or Sparsest Cut Ξ—of an undirected multicommodity flow problem—is the mincut over all cuts of the ratio of the capacity of cut to the demand of the cut, i.e.,

Ξ = min cut = ρ = Ξ = minU⊆V

C(U, U)

D(U, U),


C(U, U) =∑



D(U, U ) =∑

i:si∈Uti∈Uor vice versa


That is, C(U, U) is the sum of capacities linking U to U ; and D(U, U ) is the sum of demands withsource and sinks on opposite sides of the (U, U) cut.

Finally, we point out the following two variants (since they will map to the expansion and conduc-tance objectives when we consider the application of multi-commodity flow to graph partitioning).There are, of course, other variants of flow problems that we don’t consider that are of interest ifone is primarily interested in flow problems.

Definition 38. The Uniform Multi-Commodity Flow Problem (UMFP): here, there is a demandfor every pair of nodes, and the demand for every commodity is the same, i.e., they are uniform,WLOG we take to equal 1. The Product Multicommodity Flow Problem (PMFP): here, there is anonnegative weight π(·), for all nodes u ∈ V , i.e., π : V → R+. The weights of demands between apair of nodes u and v are π(vi)π(vj).

Here are several comments about the last definition.

• UMFP is a special case of PMFP with π(i) = 1.

• If π(i) = 1, then we will get a way to approximate the expansion objective.

• If π(v) = deg(v), then we will get a way to approximate the conductance objective.

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The MaxFlow-MinCut for single commodity is nice since it relates two fundamental graph theoreticentities (that are in some sense dual) via the min-max theorem. But, prior to LR, very little wasknown about the relationship between MaxFlow and MinCut in this more general multi-commodityflow setting for general graphs. For certain special graphs, it was known that there was an equality,i.e., a zero duality gap; but for general graphs, it is only known that MaxFlow is within a fraction kof the MinCut. This results can be obtained since each commodity can be optimized separately inthe obvious trivial way by using 1

k of the capacity of the edges—this might be ok for k = Θ(1), butit is is clearly bad if k ∼ n or k ∼ n2. Somewhat more technically, if we consider the LP formulationof the Max Multicommodity Flow Problem, then we can make the following observations.

• The dual of this is the LP relaxation of the Min Multicut Problem, i.e., the optimal integralsolution to the dual is the Mun Multicut.

• In general, the vertices of the dual polytope are NOT integral.

• But, for single commodity flow, they are integral, and so MaxFlow-MinCut theorem is aconsequence of LP duality.

• For certain special graphs, it can be shown that they are integral, in which case one has zeroduality gap for those graphs.

• Thus, for multicommodity: MaxFlow = MinFractional, i.e., relaxed, Multicut.

Here are several facts that we spend some time discussion:

Fact 1 If we have k commodities, then one can show that max-flow/min-cut gap ≤ O(log k).This can be shown directly, or it can be shown more generally via metric embedding methods.

Fact 2 If certain conditions are satisfied, then the duality gap = 0. If one look at dual polytope,then whether or not this is the case depend on whether the optimal solution is integral or not.This, in turn, depends on special structure of the input.

Fact 3 For k commodities, LR showed that the worst case (over input graph) gap Ω(log k). LLRinterpreted this geometrically in terms of embeddings. The worst case is achieved, and it is achievedon expanders.

Here, we will spend some time showing these results directly. Then, next time we will describe itmore generally from the metric embedding perspective, since that will highlight better the similar-ities and differences with spectral methods.

10.4 Duality gap properties for flow-based methods

Here, we will show that there is a non-zero duality gap of size Θ(log n). We will do it in two steps:first, by illustrating a particular graph (any expander) that has a gap at least Ω(log n); and second,by showing that the gap is O(log n), i.e., is never worse than that.

Let’s start by showing that there is a graph for which the duality gap is nonzero by showing agraph for which it is at least Θ(log n).

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Theorem 24 (LR). ∀n,∃ an n-node UMFP with MaxFlow f and MinCut Ξ s.t.

f ≤ O(


log n


Proof. Consider any graph with certain expansion properties. In particular, let G be a 3-regularn-node graph with unit edge capacities s.t.

C(U, U) = |(U, U )| ≥ Constmin|U |, |U |, ∀U, V

i.e., an expander. (Such graphs exist by Margoulis, zig-zag, etc. constructions; and moreover arandomly-selected 3-regular graph satisfies this w.h.p.) The first claim is that:

Ξ = minU⊆V

(U, U )||U | · |U |

≥ minU⊆V


max|U |, |U |


n− 1.

The second claim is that:

Claim 5. The MaxFlow for UMFP is ≤ 6(n−1)(log n−1) , which is Θ(log n) smaller than MinCut.

Proof of claim. Since the graph is 3-regular, ∃ ≤ n2 nodes within a distance log n − 3 of v ∈ V .

So, for at least half of the(



commodities, the shortest path connecting si and ti has at leastlog n− 2 edges. To sustain a flow of f for such a commodity, at least f(log n− 2) capacity must beused by commodity. To sustain a flow f , ∀




commodities, the capacity of the network must be≥ 1




f(log n− 2).

Since the graph is 3-regular with unit capacity, the total capacity is ≤ 3n2 . So,







f(log n− 2) ≤ CAPACITY ≤ 3n



f ≤ 3n(



(log n− 2)


(n− 1)(log n− 2)

≤ 6Ξ

Const(log n− 2)since Ξ ≥ Const

n− 1

= O



log n



That is, the MaxFlow for the UMFP on an expander G is ≥ Θ(log n) factor smaller than theMinCut.

An expander has diameter O(log n), and so for expanders, the gap can’t be worse than Θ(log n),but the following shows that this is true more generally.

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Theorem 25 (LR). The MinCut of UMFP can never be more than Θ(log n) factor larger thanMaxFlow, i.e.,




log n


≤ f ≤ Ξ.

Proof. We can do this by showing a polynomial-time algorithm that finds a cut (U, U ) s.t.

C(U, U)

|U | · |U | ≤ O(f(log n))

where the LHS is the ratio cost of (U, U); and recall that Ξ = minS⊆VC(U,U)|U |·|U| . The algorithm is

based on LP Dual—the dual of Multicommodity Flow is the problem of assigning a fixed weight(where the weights are thought of as distances) to edges of g s.t. one maximizes the cumulativedistance between source and sink pairs. (We won’t actually go through this now since there is amore elegant and enlightening formulation.)

In the UMFP, the demand across cut (U, U ) is given by: D(U, U) = |U ||U |. So, in particular, themincut is given by:

min cut: Ξ = minU⊆V

C(U, U)

|U ||U |

= minU⊆V

E(U, U )

|U ||U | if all capacities = 1,

where C(U, U) =∑

e∈(U,U) C(e).

This is, if the demands are uniform and all the capacities are equal to one, then from UMFP weget our old friend, the sparsest cut ∼ best expansion. Among other things, this implies that theO(log n) approximation for general MultiCommodity Flow in “inherited” by the algorithm for thesparsest cuts problem, and many other related problems as well. In particular, one way to use flowis the following: check all 2n cuts, and use the single-commodity zero-duality gap result to showthat we can take the one with the best single cwommodity flow to get the one with the best mincut.What these results say is that, instead, we can consider the all-pairs multi-commodity flow problemand check a lot less and get a result that is only a little worse.

10.5 Algorithmic Applications

Let’s go back to our old friend the sparsest cut problem, and here we will make explicit connectionswith flow based graph partitioning by viewing it from an optimization perspective. This will inturn provide us with an algorithm (that is mentioned in the proof of the above theorem) to solvethe problem.

Recall that in the sparsest cut problem, we are given: a graph G = (V,E); a cost function c(e),∀e ∈E, i.e., c : E → R+; and k pairs of nodes/vertices (si, ti). We will write the problem as an IntegerProgram (IP). To do so,

• Let x(e), e ∈ E, where x(e) ∈ 0, 1 to indicate if an edge e is cut;

112 M. W. Mahoney

• let y(i), i ∈ [k], where y(i) ∈ 0, 1 to indicate if commodity i is cut, i.e., is disconnected bythis cut; and

• let Pi, i = 1, 2, . . . , k be the set of paths between si and ti.

Then, what we want is to solve:


e∈E c(e)x(e)∑k

i=1 d(i)y(i)


e∈Px(e) ≥ y(i), ∀P ∈ Pi, ∀i = 1, 2, . . . , k

y(i) ∈ 0, 1, i ∈ [k]

x(e) ∈ 0, 1, e ∈ E

We want to consider the relaxation of this to the case where replace the last two constraints byy(i) ≥ 0 and x(e) ≥ 0 In doing so, note that if (x, y) is a feasible fractional solution, then (αx, αy)is also a feasible fractional solution with the same objective function value. So, WLOG, we canchoose the normalization α s.t.

∑ki=1 d(i)y(i) = 1 to get the following LP:






d(i)y(i) = 1

e∈Px(e) ≥ y(i), ∀P ∈ Pi, ∀i = 1, 2, . . . , k

y(i) ≥ 0 , x(e) ≥ 0.

Below, we will show that we can compute a cut with sparsity ratio within a factor of O(log k) ofthis optimal fractional solution.

BTW, before we do that, let’s write the LP dual:

max α



f(p) ≥ αd(i), ∀i ∈ [k]




f(p) ≤ c(e), ∀e ∈ E

f(p) ≥ 0, ∀P ∈ Pi, i ∈ [k].

This is the Max Concurrent Flow problem, and O(log k) approximation gives an approximateMaxFlow-MinCut Theorem.

So, to solve this sparsest cut problem, our strategy will be:

• Solve the LP (either the primal or the dual).

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• Round the solution to an integral value.

Thus, there are some similarities with spectral—we first solve something to get a real-valued solu-tion, and then we have to “round” to get an integral solution, and the ball game will be to showthat we don’t loose too much. Of course, solving the LP will implicitly embed us in a very differentplace than solving an eigenvector problem, so we will expect to see different artifactual propertiesbetween the two approximation algorithms.

The above discussion gives algorithms that run in polynomial time:

• Off the shelf LP (due to a connection with LP).

• Algorithms for approximately optimal flows of distance functions (i.e., take advantage of thestructure of the LP).

• Fastest update of sparsest cut algorithm is O(n2), with Benczur-Karger sparsification.

• Standard algorithm that runs in something like O(n3/2) with push-relabel methods.

• Finally, there is a lot of work on using Laplacian-based solvers to do better, and we mayreturn to these later.

Important Note: The way you would actually solve this in practice is to use some sort of push-relabel code, which is relatively fast, as opposed to the general LP procedure just described, whichis easier to analyze theoretically.

10.6 Flow Improve

Here is an aside that with luck we will get back to later. These algorithms have a running time thatlarge enough that it can be challenging to apply to very large graphs—e.g., O(n3/2) or especiallyO(n2) is certainly too large for “massive” graphs. (Implementations of faster algorithms are stillvery much a topic of research.) A question arises, can we do something like “local spectral” (which,recall, consisted roughly of a few steps of a random walk), to do a local flow improvement?

The answer is YES—and here is it. The so-called Improve algorithm of AL as well as the relatedMQI method: this algorithm is useful by itself for improving partitions from, say, Metis or someother very fast procedures; and it is useful as a way to speed up spectral and/or as one way tocombine spectral-based algorithms with flow-based algorithms. In more detail, the goal of a localimprovement algorithm is: Given a partition, find a strictly better partition. A local improvementalgorithm is useful in the following contexts:

• METIS – post process with a flow based improvement heuristic.

• Vanilla spectral: post process with improvement method.

• Local improvement at one step online iterative algorithm.

MQI and Improve essentially construct and solve a sequence of s-t MinCut problems on a modifiedquotient cut objective to add and remove vertices from a proposed cut. (We won’t describe themin detail now.) Here is the basic theorem stating their running time and approximation qualitybounds.

114 M. W. Mahoney

Theorem 26. Let A ⊆ V s.t. π(A) ≤ π(A), and let S = Improve(A) be the output of the FlowImprove Algorithm. Then

I. If C ⊆ A, ( i.e., ∀C ⊆ A) then Q(S) ≤ Q(C) (where Q(S) = |∂S|Vol(S))

II. If C is such that

π(A ∩ C)

π(C)≥ π(A)

π(V )+ ǫ


π(V ), for some ǫ

i.e., if C is ǫ-more-correlated with A than random, i.e., if the fraction of C that is in A isǫ-better than random, then Q(S) ≤ 1

ǫQ(C) i.e., bound on nearby cuts.

III. The algorithm takes time: (1) π(V )2 iterations if vertex weights π(V ) ∈ Z; and (2) miterations if the edges are unweighted.

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11 (02/26/2015): Flow-based Methods for Partitioning Graphs (2

of 2)

Reading for today.

• Same as last class.

Recall from last time that we are looking at flow-based graph partitioning algorithm. Last time, wecovered the basics of flow-based methods, and we showed how they are very different than spectralmethods. This time, we will discuss flow-based graph partitioning from an embedding perspective.We will see that flow-based algorithms implicitly embed the data in a metric space, but one that isvery different than the place where spectral-based algorithms embed the data. Thus, not only dothey run different steps operationally and get incomparable quality of approximation bounds, butalso they implicitly put the data in a very different place—thus “explaining” many of the empiricalresults that are empirically observed.

(BTW, I have made some comments that spectral methods can scale up to much larger input graphsby using diffusion and random walk ideas, a topic we will get back to later. For the moment, letme just note that the way flow is used is not immediately relevant for such “massive” data. Forexample, the running time of a typical flow-based algorithm will be O(n2), since it involves a multi-commodity variant of flow; single commodity variants of flow-based algorithms run in O(n3/2) time;and more recent work has focused on using Laplacian solver ideas to do even better, i.e., to runin time that is nearly-linear in the size of the input. There is a lot of interest, mostly from withinTCS so far, in this area; and these fast solvers hold the promise to make these methods applicableto much larger graphs. I’m hoping to return to some of these Laplacian solver topics at the end ofthe semester, and I’m also planning on giving at least give a brief introduction to some of the ideasabout how to couple spectral methods later.)

11.1 Review some things about ℓ1 and ℓ2

Let’s review a few things about ℓ1 and ℓ2 and related topics.

Definition 39. The ℓp-norm on Rk is ||x||p =(

∑ki=1 |xi|

)1/p. A finite metric space (X, ρ) is

realized in ℓkp if ∃f : X → Rk s.t. ρ(x, y) = ||f(x) − f(y)||2, and it is an ℓp-metric if it can be

realized by ℓkp for some k. The metric induced by ℓp is: d(x, y) = ||x− y||p, ∀x, y ∈ ℓp.

For flow-based methods, we will be most interested in ℓ1, while for spectral-based methods, we areinterested in ℓ2. The ℓp norm (except for p =∞, which we won’t discuss here) is usually of at mostmore theoretical interest.

The spaces ℓ1 and ℓ2 are very different. (Think ℓ1 regression, i.e., least absolute deviations, versusℓ2 regression, i.e., least-squares regression; or think ℓ1 regularized ℓ2 regression, i.e., the lasso, versusℓ2 regularized ℓ2 regression, i.e., ridge regression. These differences are often “explained” in termsof differences between the unit ball in the ℓ1 norm versus the unit ball in the ℓ2 norm, with theformer being “pointy” and the latter being “smooth.” In particular, note that in those situationsℓ1 often has some sort of connection with sparsity and sparse solutions.)

Here is a comparison between ℓ1 and ℓ2 with respect to the spectral/flow algorithms for the graphpartitioning problem we have been considering.

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• ℓ2 norm:

– Good for dimension reduction.

– Efficient polynomial time algorithm to compute embedding of any finite metric space.

– Connections to low-dimensional manifolds, diffusions, etc.

• ℓ1 norm:

– No good for dimension reduction.

– NP-hard to compute the optimal embedding.

– Connections to partitions/cuts, multicommodity flow, etc.

The following is a fundamental result in the area that is also central to understanding why flow-based graph partitioning algorithms work.

Theorem 27 (Bourgain). Every n-point metric space d admits an α-distortion embedding into ℓp,∀p, with α = O(log n).

Proof idea. The proof is similar to but more general than the proof for the corresponding embeddingclaim for ℓ2. The idea is: to use the so-called Frechet embedding method, where the embedding isgiven by the distance from points to carefully randomly chosen subsets of nodes.

Note that we saw the ℓ2 version of this before. Note also that the original embedding had 2n

dimensions, but LLR proved that it can be done with O(log2 n) dimensions.

11.2 Connection between ℓ1 metrics and cut metrics

First, recall what a metric is.

Definition 40. A metric is a function d : V ×V → R s.t.: (1) d(x, y) = 0 if x = 0 (and sometimes= 0 iff x = y); (2) d(x, y) = d(y, x); and (3) d(x, y) + d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y)

(Recall also that sometimes the word “metric” if one or more of those conditions is/are relaxed.)

Next, recall the definition of the “cut metric,” and recall that this is really not a metric but isinstead just a semi-metric.

Definition 41. Given G = (V,E) and a set S ⊂ V , δS is the “cut metric” for S if

δS(i, j) = |χS(i)− χS(j)|,


χS(i) =

0 if i ∈ S1 otherwise.


δS(i, j) =

0 if i, j ∈ S, or i, j ∈ S1 otherwise.

(That is, if δs(x, y) is the indicator of x and y being on different sides of S.)

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There are important connection between ℓ1 metrics and Cut metrics. In particular:

• There exists a representation of the ℓ1 metrics as a conical combination of cut metrics.

• Cut metrics are the extreme rays of the ℓ1 cone.

• For these reasons, instead of minimizing the ratio of linear functions over the convex cone,we can minimize the ratio over the extreme rays of the convex cone. Minimum ratio functionover cone ⇐⇒ minimum over extreme rays.

We’ll spend most of today going over these results.

Fact: An n-point metric space can be associated with a vector in R(n2), with each coordinate

corresponding to a pair of vertices.

Fact: Given a metric d, we will refer to the corresponding vector as d. Then, αd + (1 − α)d′is

a metric, ∀α ∈ [0, 1]. In addition, ∀α ≥ 0, ∀d, αd is a metric. So, the set of all metrics forms a

convex cone in R(n2). In somewhat more detail, we have the following result:

Claim 6. The set of ℓ1 metrics is a convex cone, i.e., if d1 and d2 ∈ ℓ1 metrics, and if λ1, λ2 ∈ R+,then λ1d1 + λ2d2 ∈ ℓ1 metrics.

Proof. Recall that the line metric is an ℓ1 metric. Let d(i)(x, y) = |xi − yi|, for x, y ∈ Rc. If d ∈ ℓ1metric, then it is the sum of line metrics.

Fact. The analogous result does not hold for ℓ2.

Next, we have the following theorem:

Theorem 28. Let d be a finite ℓ1 metric. Then, d can be written as

d =∑


αSδS ,

for some constant αS and cut metrics δS . That is,

CUTn = d : d =∑


αSδS , α ≥ 0

= Positive cone generated by cut metrics

= All n-point subsets of Rn, under the ℓ1 norm.

Proof. Consider any metric d ∈ CUTn. Then, ∀S with αS > 0, we have a dimension, and in thatdimension, we can put

αS if x ∈ S0 if x ∈ S.

So, CUTn ⊆ ℓ1 Metrics.

For the other direction, consider a set of n points from Rn. Take one dimension d and sort thepoints in increasing values along that dimension. Say that we get v1, . . . , vk as the set of distinct

118 M. W. Mahoney

values; then define k − 1 cut metrics: Si = x : xd < vi+1, and let αi = vi+1 − vi, i.e., k − 1 coeff.So, along this dimension, we have that

|xd − yd| =k∑



But, one can construct cut metrics for every dimension. So, we have cut metrics in CUTn, ∀n-point metrics ℓ1; thus, ℓ1 ⊆ CUT .

11.3 Relating this to a graph partitioning objective

Why is this result above useful? The usefulness of this characterization is that we are going towant to to optimize functions, and rather than optimize functions over all cut metrics, i.e., overthe extreme rays, we will optimize over the full convex cone, i.e., over ℓ1 metrics.

This leads us to the following lemma:

Lemma 16. Let C ⊂ Rn be a convex cone, and let f, g : Rn,+ → R+ be linear functions. Andassume that minx∈C

f(x)g(x) exists. Then



g(x)= min

x in extreme rays of C



Proof. Let x0 be the optimum. Since x0 ∈ C, we have that x0 =∑

i aiyi, where ai ∈ R+ andyi ∈ extreme rays of C. Thus,



i aiyi)


i aiyi)=

i f(aiyi)∑

i g(aiyi)

≥ f(ajyj)

g(ajyj)where j is the min value



where the first and third line follow by linearity, and where the second line follows since

i αi∑

i βi≥ min




in general.

To see the connections of all of this to sparsest cut problem, recall that given a graph G = (V,E)we define the conductance hG and sparsity φG as follows:

hG := minS⊆V

E(S, S)

min|S|, |S|

φG := minS⊆V

E(S, S)1n |S||S|


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and also that:

hG ≤ φG ≤ 2hG.

(This normalization might be different than what we had a few classes ago.)

Given this, we can write sparsest cut as the following optimization problem:

Lemma 17. Solving

φG = minS⊆V

E(S, S)1n |S||S|

is equivalent to solving:




ij∈Vdij = 1

d ∈ ℓ1metric

Proof. Let δS = the cut metric for S. Then,

|E(S, S)||S| · |S| =

ij∈E δS(i, j)∑

∀ij δS(i, j)


φG = minS

ij∈E δS(i, j)∑

∀ij δS(i, j)

Since ℓ1-metrics are linear combinations of cut metrics, and cut metrics are extreme rays of ℓ1 fromthe above lemma, this ratio is minimized at one of the extreme rays of the cone. So,

φG = mind∈ℓ1

ij∈E dS(ij)∑

∀ij dS(ij).

Since this is invariant to scaling, WLOG we can assume∑

∀ij dij = 1; and we get the lemma.

11.4 Turning this into an algorithm

It is important to note that the above formulation is still intractable—we have just changed thenotation/characterization. But, the new notation/characterization suggests that we might be ableto relax (optimize the same objective function over a larger set) the optimization problem—as wedid with spectral, if you recall.

So, the relaxation we will consider is the following: relax the requirement that d ∈ ℓ1 Metric to

120 M. W. Mahoney

d ∈ Any Metric. We can do this by adding 3(n3


triangle inequalities to get the following LP:

λ∗ = min∑



∀ij∈Vdij = 1

dij ≥ 0

dij = dji

dij ≤ dik + djk ∀i, j, k triples

(Obviously, since there are a lot of constraints, a naive solution won’t be good for big data, but wewill see that we can be a bit smarter.) Clearly,

λ∗ ≤ φ∗ = Solution with d ∈ ℓ1 Metric constraint

(basically since we are minimizing over a larger set). So, our goal is to show that we don’t loosetoo much, i.e., that:

φ∗ ≤ O(log n)λ∗.

Here is the Algorithm. Given as input a graph G, do the following:

• Solve the above LP to get a metric/distance d : V × V → R+.

• Use the (constructive) Bourgain embedding result to embed d into an ℓ1 metric (with, ofcourse an associated O(log n) distortion).

• Round the ℓ1 metric (the solution) to get a cut.

– For each dimension/direction, covert the ℓ1 embedding/metric along that to a cut metricrepresentation.

– Choose the best.

Of course, this is what is going on under the hood—if you were actually going to do it on systemsof any size you would use something more specialized, like specialized flow or push-relabel code.

Here are several things to note.

• If we have ℓ1 embedding with distortion factor ξ then can approximate the cut up to ξ.

• Everything above is polynomial time, as we will show in the next theorem.

• In practice, we can solve this with specialized code to solve the dual of corresponding multi-commodity flow.

• Recall that one can “localize” spectral by running random walks from a seed node. Flow ishard to localize, but recall the Improve algorithm, but which is still O(n3/2).

• We can combine spectral and flow, as we will discuss, in various ways.

Theorem 29. The algorithm above is a polynomial time algorithm to provide an O(log n) approx-imation to the sparsest cut problem.

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Proof. First, note that solving the LP is a polynomial time computation to get a metric d∗. Then,note that the Bourgain embedding lemma is constructive. Finding an embedding of d∗ to d ∈ℓO(log2 n)1 with distortion O(log n). So, we can write d as a linear combination of O(n log2 n) cutmetrics d =

S∈S αSδS , where |S| = O(n log2 n). Note:


ij∈E δS(ij)∑

∀ij δS(ij)≤

ij∈E dij∑

∀ij dij

≤ O(log n)

ij∈E d∗ij

∀ij d∗ij


where the first inequality follows since d is in the cone of cut metrics, and where the secondinequality follows from Bourgain’s theorem. But,

ij∈E d∗ij

∀ij d∗ij

= mind′ is metric

ij∈E d′


∀ij d′


≤ min∀S

ij∈E dS(ij)∑

∀ij dS(ij),

where the equality follows from the LP solution and the inequality follows since LP is a relaxationof a cut metric. Thus,


ij∈E δS(ij)∑

∀ij δS(ij)≤ O(log n)min


ij∈E dS(ij)∑

∀ij dS(ij).

This establishes the theorem.

So, we can also approximate the value of the objective—how do we actually find a cut from this?(Note that sometimes in the theory of approximation algorithms you don’t get anything more thanan approximation to the optimal number, but that is somewhat dissatisfying if you want you usethe output of the approximation algorithm for some downstream data application.)

To see this:

• Any ℓ1 metric can be written as a conic combination of cut metrics—in our case, withO(n logn) nonzeros—dσ =

S αSδS .

• So, pick the best cut from among the ones with nonzero α in the cut decomposition of dσ.

11.5 Summary of where we are

Above we showed that

φG = minS⊂V

E(S, S)

|S||S|= min



ij∈Vdij = 1

d ∈ ℓ1 metric

122 M. W. Mahoney

can be approximated by relaxing it to




ij∈Vdij = 1

d ∈ Metric

This relaxation is different than the relaxation associated with spectral, where we showed that

φ = minx∈0,1V

Aij|xi − xj|21n

ij |xi − xj |2

can be relaxed to

d− λ2 = minx⊥~1

Aij(xi − xj)21n

ij(xi − xj)2

which can be solved with the second eigenvector of the Laplacian.

Note that these two relaxations are very different and incomparable, in the sense that one is notuniformly better than the other. This is related to them succeeding and failing in different places,and it is related to them parametrizing problems differently, and it can be used to diagnose theproperties of how each class of algorithms performs on real data. Later, we will show how togeneralize this previous flow-based result and combine it with spectral.

Here are several questions that the above discussion raises.

• What else can you relax to?

• In particular, can we relax to something else and improve the O(log n) factor?

• Can we combine these two incomparable ideas to get better bounds in worst-case and/or inpractice?

• Can we combine these ideas to develop algorithms that smooth or regularize better in appli-cations for different classes of graphs?

• Can we use these ideas to do better learning, e.g., semi-supervised learning on graphs?

We will address some of these questions later in the term, as there is a lot of interest in these andrelated questions.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 123

12 (03/03/2015): Some Practical Considerations (1 of 4): How

spectral clustering is typically done in practice

Reading for today.

• “A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering,” in Statistics and Computing, by von Luxburg

Today, we will shift gears. So far, we have gone over the theory of graph partitioning, includingspectral (and non-spectral) methods, focusing on why and when they work. Now, we will describea little about how and where these methods are used. In particular, for the next few classes, wewill talk somewhat informally about some practical issues, e.g., how spectral clustering is done inpractice, how people construct graphs to analyze their data, connections with linear and kerneldimensionality reduction methods. Rather than aiming to be comprehensive, the goal will be toprovide illustrative examples (to place these results in a broader context and also to help peopledefine the scope of their projects). Then, after that, we will get back to some theoretical questionsmaking precise the how and where. In particular, we will then shift to talk about how diffusionsand random walks provide a robust notion of an eigenvector and how they can be used to extendmany of the vanilla spectral methods we have been discussing to very non-vanilla settings. Thiswill then lead to how we can use spectral graph methods for other related problems like manifoldmodeling, stochastic blockmodeling, Laplacian solvers, etc.

Today, we will follow the von Luxburg review. This review was written from a machine learningperspective, and in many ways it is a very good overview of spectral clustering methods; but beware:it also makes some claims (e.g., about the quality-of-approximation guarantees that can be provenabout the output of spectral graph methods) that—given what we have covered so far—you shouldimmediately see are not correct.

12.1 Motivation and general approach

The motivation here is two-fold.

• Clustering is an extremely common method for what is often called exploratory data analysis.For example, it is very common for a person, when confronted with a new data set, to try toget a first view of the data by identifying subsets of it that have similar behavior or properties.

• Spectral clustering methods in particular are a very popular class of clustering methods. Theyare usually very simple to implement with standard linear algebra libraries; and they oftenoutperform other methods such as k-means, hierarchical clustering, etc.

The first thing to note regarding general approaches is that Section 2 of the von Luxburg reviewstarts by saying “Given a set of data points x1, . . . , xn and some notion of similarity sij ≥ 0 betweenall pairs of data points xi and xj ...” That is, the data are vectors. Thus, any graphs that mightbe constructed by algorithms are constructed from primary data that are vectors and are useful asintermediate steps only. This will have several obvious and non-obvious consequences. This is avery common way to view the data (and thus spectral graph methods), especially in areas such asstatistics, machine learning, and areas that are not computer science algorithms. That perspectiveis not good or bad per se, but it is worth emphasizing that difference. In particular, the approachwe will now discuss will be very different than what we have been discussing so far, which is more

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common in CS and TCS and where the data were a graph G = (V,E), e.g., the single web graph outthere, and thus in some sense a single data point. Many of the differences between more algorithmicand more machine learning or statistical approaches can be understood in terms of this difference.We will revisit it later when we talk about manifold modeling, stochastic blockmodeling, Laplaciansolvers, and related topics.

12.2 Constructing graphs from data

If the data are vectors with associated similarity information, then an obvious thing to do is torepresent that data as a graph G = (V,E), where each vertex v ∈ V is associated with a datapoint xi an edge e = (vivj) ∈ E is defined if sij is larger than some threshold. Here, the thresholdcould perhaps equals zero, and the edges might be weighted by sij. In this case, an obvious ideato cluster the vector data is to cluster the nodes of the corresponding graph.

Now, let’s consider how to specify the similarity information sij. There are many ways to constructa similarity graph, given the vectors xini=1 data points as well as pairwise similarity (or distance)information sij (of dij). Here we describe several of the most popular.

• ǫ-NN graphs. Here, we connect all pairs of points with distance dij ≤ ǫ. Since the distance“scale” is set (by ≤ ǫ), it is common not to including the weights. The justification is that,in certainly idealized situations, including weights would not incorporate more information.

• k-NN graphs. Here, we connect vertex i with vertex j if vi is among the k-NN of vi,where NNs are given by the distance dij . Note that this is a directed graph. There are twocommon ways to make it undirected. First, ignore directions; and second, include an edge if(vi connects to vj AND vj connects to vi) or if (vi connects to vj OR vj connects to vi). Ineither of those cases, the number of edges doesn’t equal k; sometimes people filter it back toexactly k edges per node and sometimes not. In either case, weights are typically included.

• Fully-connected weighted graphs. Here, we connect all points with a positive similarityto each other. Often, we want the similarity function to represent local neighborhoods, andso sij is either transformed into another form or constructed to represent this. A popularchoice is the Gaussian similarity kernel

s(xi, xj) = exp



2σ2‖xi − xj‖22



where σ is a parameter that, informally, acts like a width. This gives a matrix that has anumber of nice properties, e.g., it is positive and it is SPSD, and so it is good for MLers wholike kernel-based methods. Moreover, it has a strong mathematical basis, e.g., in scientificcomputing. (Of course, people sometimes use this sij = s(xi, xj) information to constructǫ-NN or k-NN graphs.)

Note that in describing those various ways to construct a graph from the vector data, we arealready starting to see a bunch of knobs that can be played with, and this is typical of these graphconstruction methods.

Here are some comments about that graph construction approach.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 125

• Choosing the similarity function is basically an art. One of the criteria is that typically one isnot interested in resolving differences that are large, i.e., between moderately large and verylarge distances, since the goal is simply to ensure that those points are not close and/or since(for domain-specific reasons) that is the least reliable similarity information.

• Sometimes this approach is of interest in semi-supervised and transductive learning. In thiscase, one often has a lot of unlabeled data and only a little bit of labeled data; and one wantsto use the unlabeled data to help define some sort of geometry to act as a prior to maximizethe usefulness of the labeled data in making predictions for the unlabeled data. Although thisis often thought of as defining a non-linear manifold, you should think of it at using unlabeleddata to specify a data-dependent model class to learn with respect to. (That makes senseespecially if the labeled and unlabeled data come from the same distribution, since in thatcase looking at the unlabeled data is akin to looking at more training data.) As we will see,these methods often have an interpretation in terms of a kernel, and so they are used to learnlinear functions in implicitly-defined feature spaces anyway.

• k-NN, ǫ-NN, and fully-connected weighted graphs are all the same in certain very idealizedsituations, but they can be very different in practice. k-NN often homogenizes more, whichpeople often like, and/or it connects points of different “size scales,” which people oftenfind useful.

• Choosing k, ǫ, and σ large can easily “short circuit” nice local structure, unless (and sometimeseven if) the local structure is extremely nice (e.g., one-dimensional). This essentially injectslarge-scale noise and expander-like structure; and in that case one should expect very differentproperties of the constructed graph (and thus very different results when one runs algorithms).

• The fully-connected weighted graph case goes from being a rank-one complete graph to beinga diagonal matrix, as one varies σ. An important question (that is rarely studied) is how doesthat graph look like as one does a “filtration” from no edges to a complete graph.

• Informally, it is often thought that mutual-k-NN is between ǫ-NN and k-NN: it connectspoints within regions of constant density, but it doesn’t connect regions of very differentdensity. (For ǫ-NN, points on different scales don’t get connected.) In particular, this meansthat it is good for connecting clusters of different densities.

• If one uses a fully-connected graph and then sparsifies it, it is often hoped that the “funda-mental structure” is revealed and is nontrivial. This is true in some case, some of which wewill return to later, but it is also very non-robust.

• As a rule of thumb, people often choose parameters s.t. ǫ-NN and k-NN graphs are at least“connected.” While this seems reasonable, there is an important question of whether ithomogenizes too much, in particular if there are interesting heterogeneities in the graph.

12.3 Connections between different Laplacian and random walk matrices

Recall the combinatorial or non-normalized Laplacian

L = D −W,

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and the normalized Laplacian

Lsym = D−1/2LD−1/2 = I −D−1/2WD−1/2.

There is also a random walk matrix that we will get to more detail on in a few classes and that fortoday we will call the (somewhat non-standard name) random walk Laplacian

Lrw = D−1L = I −D−1W = D−1/2LsymD1/2.

Here is a lemma connecting them.

Lemma 18. Given the above definitions of L, Lsym, and Lrw, we have the following.

I. For all x ∈ Rn,

xTLsymx =1





xi√di− xj√




II. λ is an eigenvalue of Lrw with eigenvector u iff λ is an eigenvalue of Lsym with eigenvectorw = D1/2u

III. λ is an eigenvalue of Lrw with eigenvector u iff λ and u solve the generalized eigenvalueproblem Lu = λDu.

IV. 0 is an eigenvalue of Lrw with eigenvector ~1 iff 0 is an eigenvalue of Lsym with eigenvectorD1/2~1

V. Lsym and Lrw are PSD and have n non-negative real-valued eigenvalues 0 = λ1 ≤ · · · ≤ λn.

Hopefully none of these claims are surprising by now, but they do make explicit some of theconnections between different vectors and different things that could be computed, e.g., one mightsolve the generalized eigenvalue problem Lu = λDu or run a random walk to approximate u andthen from that rescale it to get a vector for Lsym.

12.4 Using constructed data graphs

Spectral clustering, as it is often used in practice, often involves first computing several eigenvectors(or running some sort of procedures that compute some sort of approximate eigenvectors) and thenperforming k-means in a low-dimensional space defined by them. Here are several things to note.

• This is harder to analyze than the vanilla spectral clustering we have so far been considering.The reason is that one must analyze the k means algorithm also. In this context, k-means isessentially used as a rounding algorithm.

• A partial justification of this is provided by the theoretical result on using the leading keigenvectors that you considered on the first homework.

• A partial justification is also given by a result we will get to below that shows that it worksin very idealized situations.

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We can use different Laplacians in different ways, as well as different clustering, k-means, etc.algorithms in different ways to get spectral-like clustering algorithms. Here, we describe 3 canonicalalgorithms (that use L, Lrw, and Lsym) to give an example of several related approaches.

Assume that we have n points, x1, . . . , xn, that we measure pairwise similarities sij = s(xi, xj)with symmetric nonnegative similarity function, and that we denote the similarity matrix by S =(Sij)i,j=1,...,n. The following algorithm, let’s call it PopularSpectralClustering, takes as input

a similarity matrix S ∈ Rn×n and a positive integer k ∈ Z+ which is the number of clusters; and itreturns k clusters. It does the following steps.

I. Construct a similarity graph (e.g., with ǫ-NN, k-NN, fully-connected graph, etc.)

II. Compute the unnormalized Laplacian L = D −A.

III. • If (use L)then compute the first k eigenvectors u1, . . . , uk of L,

• else if (use Lrw)then compute first k generalized eigenvectors u1, . . . , uk of the generalized eigenvalueproblem Lu = λDu. (Note by the above that these are eigenvectors of Lrw.)

• else if (use Lsym)then compute the first k eigenvectors u1, . . . , uk of Lsym.

IV. Let U ∈ Rn×k be the matrix containing the vectors u1, . . . , uk as columns.

V. • If (use Lsym)

then uij ← uij/(∑

k u2ik

)1/2, i.e., normalize U row-wise.

VI. For i = 1, . . . , n, let yi ∈ Rk be a vector containing the ith row of U .

VII. Cluster points (yi)i∈[n] in Rk with a k-means algorithm into clusters, call them C1, . . . , Ck.

VIII. Return: clusters A1, . . . , Ak, with Ai = j : yj ∈ Ci.

Here are some comments about the PopularSpectralClustering algorithm.

• The first step is to construct a graph, and we discussed above that there are a lot of knobs.In particular, the PopularSpectralClustering algorithm is not “well-specified” or “well-defined,” in the sense that the algorithms we have been talking about thus far are. It mightbe better to think of this as an algorithmic approach, with several knobs that can be playedwith, that comes with suggestive but weaker theory than what we have been describing so far.

• k-means is often used in the last step, but it is not necessary, and it is not particularlyprincipled (although it is often reasonable if the data tend to cluster well in the space definedby U). Other methods have been used but are less popular, presumably since k-means isgood enough and there are enough knobs earlier in the pipeline that the last step isn’t thebottleneck to getting good results. Ultimately, to get quality-of-approximation guarantees foran algorithm like this, you need to resort to a Cheeger-like bound or a heuristic justificationor weaker theory that provides justification in idealized cases.

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• In this context, k-means is essentially a rounding step to take a continuous embedding, pro-vided by the continuous vectors yi, where yi ∈ Rk, and put them into one of k discretevalues. This is analogous to what the sweep cut did. But we will also see that this embedding,given by yini=1 can be used for all sorts of other things.

• Remark: If one considers the k-means objective function, written as an IP and then relaxesit (from having the constraint that each data point goes into one of k clusters, written asan orthogonal matrix with one nonzero per column, to being a general orthogonal matrix),then you get an objective function, the solution to which can be computed by computing atruncated SVD, i.e., the top k singular vectors. This provides a 2-approximation to the k-means objective. There are better approximation algorithms for the k-means objective, whenmeasured by the quality-of-approximation, but this does provide an interesting connection.

• The rescaling done in the “If (use Lsym) then” is typical of many spectral algorithms, andit can be the source of confusion. (Note that the rescaling is done with respect to (PU )ii =(


ii, i.e., the statistical leverage scores of U , and this means that more “outlying” points

get down-weighted.) From what we have discussed before, it should not be surprising thatwe need to do this to get the “right” vector to work with, e.g., for the Cheeger theory wetalked about before to be as tight as possible. On the other hand, if you are approaching thisfrom the perspective of engineering an algorithm that returns clusters when you expect them,it can seem somewhat ad hoc. There are many other similar ad hoc and seemingly ad hocdecisions that are made when engineering implementations of spectral graph methods, andthis lead to a large proliferation of spectral-based methods, many of which are very similar“under the hood.”

All of these algorithms take the input data xi ∈ Rn and change the representation in a lossy way toget data points yi ∈ Rk. Because of the properties of the Laplacian (some of which we have beendiscussing, and some of which we will get back to), this often enhances the cluster properties ofthe data.

In idealized cases, this approach works as expected, as the following example provides. Say thatwe sample data points from R from four equally-spaced Gaussians, and from that we constructa NN graph. (Depending on the rbf width of that graph, we might have an essentially completegraph or an essentially disconnected graph, but let’s say we choose parameters as the pedagogicalexample suggests.) Then λ1 = 0; λ2, λ3, and λ4 are small; and λ5 and up are larger. In addition,v1 is flat; and higher eigenfunctions are sinusoids of increasing frequency. The first few eigenvectorscan be used to split the data into the four natural clusters (they can be chosen to be worse linearcombinations, but they can be chosen to split the clusters as the pedagogical example suggests).But this idealized case is chosen to be “almost disconnected,” and so it shouldn’t be surprising thatthe eigenvectors can be chosen to be almost cluster indicator vectors. Two things: the situationgets much messier for real data, if you consider more eigenvectors; and the situation gets muchmessier for real data, if the clusters are, say, 2D or 3D with realistic noise.

12.5 Connections with graph cuts and other objectives

Here, we will briefly relate what we have been discussing today with what we discussed over the lastmonth. In particular, we describe the graph cut point of view to this spectral clustering algorithm.I’ll follow the notation of the von Luxburg review, so you can go back to that, even though this is

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very different than what we used before. The point here is not to be detailed/precise, but insteadto remind you what we have been covering in another notation that is common, especially in ML,and also to derive an objective that we haven’t covered but that is a popular one to which to addconstraints.

To make connections with the PopularSpectralClustering algorithm and MinCut, RatioCut,and NormalizedCut, recall that

RatioCut(A1, . . . , Ak) =1





Ai, Ai






Ai, Ai



where cut(A1, . . . , Ak) =12



Ai, Ai



First, let’s consider the case k = 2 (which is what we discussed before). In this case, we want tosolve the following problem:



A, A)

. (19)

Given A ⊂ V , we can define a function f = (f1, . . . , fn)T ∈ Rn s.t.

fi =

|A|/|A| if vi ∈ A−√

|A|/|A| if vi ∈ A. (20)

In this case, we can write Eqn. (19) as follows:



s.t. f ⊥ ~1f defined as in Eqn. (20)

‖f‖ =√n.

In this case, we can relax this objective to obtain



s.t. f ⊥ ~1‖f‖ =


which can then be solved by computing the leading eigenvectors of L.

Next, let’s consider the case k > 2 (which is more common in practice). In this case, given a partitionof the vertex set V into k sets Ai, . . . , Ak, we can define k indicator vectors hj = (hij , . . . , hnj)

T by

hij =


|Aj | vi ∈ Aj , i ∈ [n], j ∈ [k]0 otherwise

. (21)

Then, we can set the matrix H ∈ Rn×k as the matrix containing those k indicator vectors ascolumns, and observe that HTH = I, i.e., H is an orthogonal matrix (but a rather special one,since it has only one nonzero per row).

We note the following observation; this is a particular way to write the RatioCut problem as aTrace problem that appears in many places.

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Claim 7. RatioCut(A1, . . . , Ak) = Tr(HTLH)

Proof. Observe that

hTi Lhi =cut(

Ai, Ai


|Ai|and also that

hTi Lhi =(



Thus, we can write

RatioCut (A1, . . . , Ak) =k∑


hiLhi =k∑




ii= Tr




So, we can write the problem of

minRatioCut (A1, . . . , Ak)

as follows:




s.t. HTH = I

H defined as in Eqn. (21).

We can relax this by letting the entries of H be arbitrary elements of R (still subject to the overallorthogonality constraint on H) to get




s.t. HTH = I,

and the solution to this is obtained by computing the first k eigenvectors of L.

Of course, similar derivations could be provided for the NormalizedCut objective, in which case weget similar results, except that we deal with degree weights, degree-weighted constraints, etc. Inparticular, for k > 2, if we define indicator vectors hj = (hij , . . . , hnj)

T by

hij =


Vol(Aj) vi ∈ Aj, i ∈ [n], j ∈ [k]0 otherwise

. (22)

then the problem of minimizing NormalizedCut is




s.t. HTDH = I

H defined as in Eqn. (22),

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 131

and if we let T = D1/2H, then the spectral relaxation is



T TD−1/2LD−1/2T)

s.t. T TT = I,

and the solution T to this trace minimization problem is given by the leading eigenvectors of Lsym.Then H = D−1/2T , in which case H consists of the first k eigenvectors of Lrw, or the first kgeneralized eigenvectors of Lu = λDu.

Trace optimization problems of this general for arise in many related applications. For example:

• One often uses this objective as a starting point, e.g., to add sparsity or other constraints, asin one variation of “sparse PCA.”

• Some of the methods we will discuss next time, i.e., LE/LLE/etc. do something very similarbut from a different motivation, and this provides other ways to model the data.

• As noted above, the k-means objective can actually be written as an objective with a similarconstraint matrix, i.e., if H is the cluster indicator vector for the points, then HTH = I andH has one non-zero per row. If we relax that constraint to be any orthogonal matrix suchthat HTH = I, then we get an objective function, the solution to which is the truncatedSVD; and this provides a 2 approximation to the k-means problem.

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13 (03/05/2015): Some Practical Considerations (2 of 4): Basic

perturbation theory and basic dimensionality reduction

Reading for today.

• “A kernel view of the dimensionality reduction of manifolds,” in ICML, by Ham, et al.

Today, we will cover two topics: the Davis-Kahan-sin (θ) theorem, which is a basic result frommatrix perturbation theory that can be used to understand the robustness of spectral clustering inidealized cases; and basic linear dimensionality reduction methods that, while not spectral graphmethods by themselves, have close connections and are often used with spectral graph methods.

13.1 Basic perturbation theory

One way to analyze spectral graph methods—as well as matrix algorithms much more generally—is via matrix perturbation theory. Matrix perturbation theory asks: how do the eigenvalues andeigenvectors of a matrix A change if we add a (small) perturbation E, i.e., if we are working the thematrix A = A+E? Depending on the situation, this can be useful in one or more of several ways.

• Statistically. There is often noise in the input data, and we might want to make claimsabout the unobserved processes that generate the observed data. In this case, A might bethe hypothesized data, e.g., that has some nice structure; we observe and are working withA = A+E, where E might be Gaussian noise, Gaussian plus spiked noise, or whatever; andwe want to make claims that algorithms we run on A say something about the unobserved A.

• Algorithmically. Here, one has the observed matrix A, and one wants to make claimsabout A, but for algorithmic reasons (or other reasons, but typically algorithmic reasons ifrandomness is being exploited as a computational resource), one performs random samplingor random projections and computes on the sample/projection. This amounts to constructinga sketch A = A+E of the full input matrix A, where E is whatever is lost in the constructionof the sketch, and one wants to provide guarantees about A by computing on A.

• Numerically. This arises since computers can’t represent real numbers exactly, i.e., thereis round-off error, even if it is at the level of machine precision, and thus it is of interest toknow the sensitivity of problems and/or algorithms to such round-off errors. In this case, Ais the answer that would have been computed in exact arithmetic, while A is the answer thatis computed in the presence of round-off error. (E.g., inverting a non-invertible matrix is verysensitive, but inverting an orthogonal matrix is not, as quantified by the condition number ofthe input matrix.)

The usual reference for matrix perturbation theory is the book of Stewart and Sun, which waswritten primarily with numerical issues in mind.

Most perturbation theorems say that some notion of distance between eigenstuff, e.g., eigenvaluesof subspaces defined by eigenvectors of A and A, depend on the norm of the error/perturbation E,often times something like a condition number that quantifies the robustness of problems. (E.g., itis easier to estimate extremal eigenvalues than eigenvectors that are buried deep in the spectrumof A, and it is easier if E is smaller.)

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For spectral graph methods, certain forms of matrix perturbation theory can provide some intuitionand qualitative guidance as to when spectral clustering works. We will cover one such results thatis particularly simple to state and think about. When it works, it works well; but since we are onlygoing to describe a particular case of it, when it fails, it might fail ungracefully. In some cases,more sophisticated variants of this result can provide guidance.

When applied to spectral graph methods, matrix perturbation theory is usually used in the followingway. Recall that if a graph has k disconnected components, then 0 = λ1 = λ2 = . . . = λk =< λk+1,and the corresponding eigenvectors v1, v2, . . . , vk can be chosen to be the indicator vectors of theconnected components. In this case, the connected components are a reasonable notion of clusters,and the k-means algorithm should trivially find the correct clustering. If we let A be the AdjacencyMatrix for this graph, then recall that it splits into k pieces. Let’s assume that this is the idealizedunobserved case, and the data that we observe, i.e., the graph we are given or the graph that weconstruct is a noisy version of this, call it A = A + E, where E is the noise/error. Among otherthings E will introduce “cross talk” between the clusters, so they are no longer disconnected. Inthis case, if E is small, then we might hope that perturbation theory would show that only thetop k eigenvectors are small, well-separated from the rest, and that the k eigenvectors of A areperturbed versions of the original indicator vectors.

As stated, this is not true, and the main reason for this is that λk+1 (and others) could be verysmall. (We saw a version of this before, when we showed that we don’t actually need to computethe leading eigenvector, but instead any vector whose Rayleigh quotient was similar would givesimilar results—where by similar results we mean results on the objective function, as opposedto the actual clustering.) But, if we account for this, then we can get an interesting perturbationbound. (While interesting, in the context of spectral graph methods, this bound is somewhat weak,in the sense that the perturbations are often much larger and the spectral gap are often much largerthan the theorem permits.)

This result is known as the Davis-Kahan theorem; and it is used to bound the distance between theeigenspaces of symmetric matrices under symmetric perturbations. (We saw before that symmetricmatrices are much “nicer” than general matrices. Fortunately, they are very common in machinelearning and data analysis, even if it means considering correlation matrices XXT or XTX. Notethat if we relaxed this requirement here, then this result would be false, and to get generalizations,we would have to consider all sorts of other messier things like pseudo-spectra.)

To bound the distance between the eigenspaces, let’s define the notion of an angle (a canonical orprincipal angle) between two subspaces.

Definition 42. Let V1 and V2 be two p-dimensional subspaces of Rd, and let V1 and V2 be twoorthogonal matrices (i.e., V T

1 V1 = I and V T2 V2 = I) spanning V1 and V2. Then the principal

angles θidi=1 are s.t. cos(θi) are the singular values of V T1 V2.

Several things to note. First, for d = 1, this is the usual definition of an angle between twovectors/lines. Second, one can define angles between subspaces of different dimensions, which is ofinterest if there is a chance that the perturbation introduces rank deficiency, but we won’t needthat here. Third, this is actually a full vector of angles, and one could choose the largest to be theangle between the subspaces, if one wanted.

Definition 43. Let sin (θ (V1,V2)) be the diagonal matrix with the sine of the canonical anglesalong the diagonal.

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Here is the Davis-Kahan-sin (θ) theorem. We won’t prove it.

Theorem 30 (Davis-Kahan). Let A,E ∈ Rn×n be symmetric matrices, and consider A = A+ E.Let S1 ⊂ R be an interval; and denote by σS1 (A) the eigenvalues of A in S1, and by V1 the

eigenspace corresponding to those eigenvalues. Ditto for σS1



and V1. Define the distance

between the interval S1 and the spectrum of A outside of S1 as

δ = min‖λ− s‖ : λ is eigenvalue of A,λ /∈ S1, s ∈ S1.

Then the distance d(

V1, V1


= ‖ sin θ(

V1, V1


‖ between the two subspaces V1 and V1 can be boundedas


V1, V1


≤ ‖E‖δ,

where ‖ · ‖ denotes the spectral or Frobenius norm.

What does this result mean? For spectral clustering, let L be the original (symmetric, and SPSD)hypothesized matrix, with k disjoint clusters, and let L be the perturbed observed matrix. Inaddition, we want to choose the interval such that the first k eigenvalues of both L and L are init, and so let’s choose the interval as follows. Let S1 = [0, λk] (where we recall that the first keigenvalues of the unperturbed matrix equal 0); in this case, δ = |λk − λk+1|, i.e., δ equals the“spectral gap” between the kth and the (k + 1)st eigenvalue.

Thus, the above theorem says that the bound on the distance d between the subspaces defined bythe first k eigenvectors of L and L is less if: (1) the norm of the error matrix ‖E‖ is smaller; and(2) the value of δ, i.e., the spectral gap, is larger. (In particular, note that we need the angle to beless than 90 degrees to get nontrivial results, which is the usual case; otherwise, rank is lost).

This result provides a useful qualitative guide, and there are some more refined versions of it, butnote the following.

• It is rarely the case that we see a nontrivial eigenvalue gap in real data.

• It is better to have methods that are robust to slow spectral decay. Such methods exist, butthey are more involved in terms of the linear algebra, and so many users of spectral graphmethods avoid them. We won’t cover them here.

• This issue is analogous to what we saw with Cheeger’s Inequality, were we saw that we gotsimilar bounds on the objective function value for any vector whose Rayleigh quotient wasclose to the value of λ2, but the actual vector might change a lot (since if there is a very smallspectral gap, then permissible vectors might “swing” by 90 degrees).

• BTW, although this invalidates the hypotheses of Theorem 30, the results of spectral algo-rithms might still be useful, basically since they are used as intermediate steps, i.e., featuresfor some other task.

That being said, knowing this result is useful since it suggests and explains some of the eigenvalueheuristics that people do to make vanilla spectral clustering work.

As an example of this, recall the row-wise reweighting we was last time. As a general rule, eigen-vectors of orthogonal matrices are robust, but not otherwise in general. Here, this manifests itself

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in whether or not the components of an eigenvector on a given component are “bounded awayfrom zero,” meaning that there is a nontrivial spectral gap. For L and Lrw, the eigenvectors areindicator vectors, so there is no need to worry about this, since they will be as robust as possibleto perturbation. But for Lsym, the eigenvector is D1/2~1A, and if there is substantial degree vari-ability then this is a problem, i.e., for low-degree vertices their entries can be very small, and it isdifficult to deal with them under perturbation. So, the row-normalization is designed to robustifythe algorithms.

This “reweigh to robustify” is an after-the-fact justification. One could alternately note that all theresults for degree-homogeneous Cheeger bounds go through to degree-heterogeneous cases, if oneputs in factors of dmax/dmin everywhere. But this leads to much weaker bounds than if one considersconductance and incorporates this into the sweep cut. I.e., from the perspective of optimizationobjectives, the reason to reweigh is to get tighter Cheeger’s Inequality guarantees.

13.2 Linear dimensionality reduction methods

There are a wide range of methods that do the following: construct a graph from the original data;and then perform computations on the graph to do feature identification, clustering, classification,regression, etc. on the original data. (We saw one example of this when we constructed a graph,computed its top k eigenvectors, and then performed k-means on the original data in the spacethereby defined.) These methods are sometimes called non-linear dimensionality reduction methodssince the constructed graphs can be interpreted as so-called kernels and since the resulting methodscan be interpreted as kernel-based machine learning methods. Thus, they indirectly boil down tocomputing the SVD—indirectly in that it is in a feature space that is implicitly defined by thekernel. This general approach is used for many other problems, and so we will describe it insome detail.

To understand this, we will first need to understand a little bit about linear dimensionality reductionmethods (meaning, basically, those methods that directly boil down to the computing the SVD ortruncated SVD of the input data) as well as kernel-based machine learning methods. Both are largetopics in its own right, and we will only touch the surface.

13.2.1 PCA (Principal components analysis)

Principal components analysis (PCA) is a common method for linear dimensionality that seeks tofind a “maximum variance subspace” to describe the data. In more detail, say we are given xini=1,with each xi ∈ Rm, and let’s assume that the data have been centered in that

i xi = 0. Then,our goal is to find a subspace P , and an embedding ~yi = P~xi, where P

2 = P , s.t.

Var(~y) =1




is largest, i.e., maximize the projected variance, or where

Err(~y) =1



||xi − Pxi||22

is smallest, i.e., minimize the reconstruction error. Since Euclidean spaces are so structured,the solution to these two problems is identical, and is basically given by computing the SVD ortruncated SVD:

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• Let C = 1n

i xixTi , i.e., C ∼ XXT .

• Define the variance as Var(~y) = Trace(PCP )

• Do the eigendecomposition to get C =∑m

i=1 λieieTi , where λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · ·λm ≥ 0.

• Let P =∑d

i=1 eieTi , and then project onto this subspace spanning the top d eigenfunctions

of C.

13.2.2 MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling)

A different method (that boils down to taking advantage of the same structural result the SVD)is that of Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS), which asks for the subspace that best preserves inter-point distances. In more detail, say we are given xini=1, with xi ∈ RD, and let’s assume that the

data are centered in that∑

i xi = 0. Then, we have n(n−1)2 pairwise distances, denoted ∆ij . The

goal is to find vectors ~yi such that:||~yi − ~yj|| ≈ ∆ij

We have the following lemma:

Lemma 19. If ∆ij denotes the Euclidean distance of zero-mean vectors, then the inner productsare

Gij =1





∆2ik +∆2



−∆2ij −




Since the goal is to preserve dot products (which are a proxy for and in some cases related todistances), we will choose ~yi to minimize

Err(~y) =∑


(Gij − ~yi · ~yj)2

The spectral decomposition of G is given as

G =n∑



where λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · ·λn ≥ 0. In this case, the optimal approximation is given by

yiξ =√


for ξ = 1, 2, . . . , d, with d ≤ n, which are simply scaled truncated eigenvectors. Thus G ∼ XTX.

13.2.3 Comparison of PCA and MDS

At one level of granularity, PCA and MDS are “the same,” since they both boil down to computinga low-rank approximation to the original data. It is worth looking at them in a little more detail,since they come from different motivations and they generalize to non-linear situations in differentways. In addition, there are a few points worth making as a comparison with some of the graphpartitioning results we discussed.

To compare PCA and MDS:

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• Cij = 1n

k xkixkj is a m × m covariance matrix and takes roughly O((n + d)m2) time tocompute.

• Gij = ~xi · ~xj is an n× n Gram matrix and takes roughly O((m+ d)n2) time to compute.

Here are several things to note:

• PCA computes a low-dimensional representation that most faithfully preserves the covariancestructure, in an “averaged” sense. It minimizes the reconstruction error



||xi =m∑


(xi · eξ)eξ ||22,

or equivalently it finds a subspace with minimum variance. The basis for this subspace isgiven by the top m eigenvectors of the d× d covariance matrix C = 1


i xixTi .

• MDS computes a low-dimensional representation of the high-dimensional data that mostfaithfully preserve inner products, i.e., that minimizes



(xi · xj − φi · φj)2

It does so by computing the Gram matrix of inner products Gij = xi ·xj , so G ≈ XTX. It thetop m eigenvectors of this are vimi=1 and the eigenvalues are λimi=1, then the embeddingMDS returns is Φiξ =


• Although MDS is designed to preserve inner products, it is often motivated to preserve pair-wise distances. To see the connection, let

Sij = ||xi − xj ||2

be the matrix of squared inter-point distances. If the points are centered, then a Gram matrixconsistent with these squared distances can be derived from the transformation

G = −1



I − uuT)


I − uuT)

where u = 1√n(1, · · · , 1).

Here are several additional things to note with respect to PCA and MDS and kernel methods:

• One can “kernelize” PCA by writing everything in terms of dot products. The proof ofthis is to say that we can “map” the data A to a feature space F with Φ(X). Since C =1n

∑nj=1 φ(xj)φ(xj)

T is a covariance matrix, PCA can be computed from solving the eigenvalueproblem: Find a λ > 0 and a vector v 6= 0 s.t.

λv = Cv =1




(φ(xj) · v)φ(xj). (23)

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So, all the eigenvectors vi with λi must be in the span of the mapped data, i.e., v ∈Spanφ(x1), . . . , φ(xn), i.e., v =

∑ni=1 αiφ(xi) for some set of coefficients αini=1. If we

multiply (23) on the left by φ(xk), then we get

λ(φ(xk) · v) = (φ(xk) · Cv), k = 1, . . . , n.

If we then defineKij = (φ(xi), φ(xj)) = k(xi, xj) ∈ Rn×n, (24)

then to compute the eigenvalues we only need

λ~α = K~α, α = (α1, . . . , αn)T .

Note that we need to normalize (λk, αk), and we can do so by K = K−1nK−K1n−1nK1n.

To extract features of a new pattern φ(x) onto vk, we need

(vk · φ(x)) =m∑


αki φ(xi) · φ(x) =



αki k(xi, x). (25)

So, the nonlinearities enter:

– The calculation of the matrix elements in (24).

– The evaluation of the expression (25).

But, we can just compute eigenvalue problems, and there is no need to go explicitly to thehigh-dimensional space. For more details on this, see “An Introduction to Kernel-BasedLearning Algorithms,” by by Muller et al. or “Nonlinear component analysis as a kerneleigenvalue problem,” by Scholkopf et al.

• Kernel PCA, at least for isotropic kernels K, where K(xi, xj) = f(||xi − xj ||), is a form ofMDS and vice versa. For more details on this, see “On a Connection between Kernel PCAand Metric Multidimensional Scaling,” by Williams and “Dimensionality Reduction: A ShortTutorial,” by Ghodsi. To see this, recall that

– From the distances-squared, δijij , where δij = ||xi − xj||22 = (xi − xj)T (xi − xj), wecan construct a matrix A with Aij = −1

2δij .

– Then, we can let B = HAH, where H is a “centering” matrix (H = I − 1n1.1

T ). Thiscan be interpreted as centering, but really it is just a projection matrix (of a form notunlike we we have seen).

– Note that B = HX(HX)T , (and bij = (xi − x)T (xj − x), with x = 1n

i xi), and thusB is SPSD.

– In the feature space, δij is the Euclidean distance:

δij = (φ(xi)− φ(xj))T (φ(xi)− φ(xj))= ||φ(xi)− φ(xj)||22= 2(1− r(δij)),

where the last line follows since with an isotropic kernel, where k(xi, xj) = r(δij). (IfKij = f(||xi − xj ||), then Kij = r(δij) (r(0) = 1).) In this case, A is such that Aij =r(δij) − 1, A = K − 1.1T , so (fact) HAH = HKH. The centering matrix annihilates11T , so HAH = HKH.

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So, KMDS = −12(I − eeT )A(I − eeT ), where A is the matrix of squared distances.

So, the bottom line is that PCA and MDS take the data matrix and use SVD to derive embeddingsfrom eigenvalues. (In the linear case both PCA and MDS rely on SVD and can be constructedin O(mn2) time (m > n).) They are very similar due to the linear structure and SVD/spectraltheory. If we start doing nonlinear learning methods or adding additional constraints, then thesemethods generalize in somewhat different ways.

13.2.4 An aside on kernels and SPSD matrices

The last few comments were about “kernelizing” PCA and MDS. Here, we discuss this kernel issuesomewhat more generally.

Recall that, given a collection X of data points, which are often but not necessarily elements of Rm,techniques such as linear Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Gaussian Processes (GPs), PrincipleComponent Analysis (PCA), and the related Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), identify andextract structure from X by computing linear functions, i.e., functions in the form of dot products,of the data. (For example, in PCA the subspace spanned by the first k eigenvectors is used togive a k dimensional model of the data with minimal residual; thus, it provides a low-dimensionalrepresentation of the data.)

Said another way, these algorithms can be written in such a way that they only “touch” the datavia the correlations between pairs of data points. That is, even if these algorithms are often writtenin such as way that they access the actual data vectors, they can be written in such a way that theyonly accesses the correlations between pairs of data vectors. In principle, then, given an “oracle”for a different correlation matrix, one could run the same algorithm by providing correlations fromthe oracle, rather than the correlations from the original correlation matrix.

This is of interest essentially since it provides much greater flexibility in possible computations; or,said another way, it provides much greater flexibility in statistical modeling, without introducingtoo much additional computational expense. For example, in some cases, there is some sort ofnonlinear structure in the data; or the data, e.g. text, may not support the basic linear operationsof addition and scalar multiplication. More commonly, one may simply be interested in workingwith more flexible statistical models that depend on the data being analyzed, without makingassumptions about the underlying geometry of the hypothesized data.

In these cases, a class of statistical learning algorithms known as kernel-based learning methods haveproved to be quite useful. These methods implicitly map the data into much higher-dimensionalspaces, e.g., even up to certain ∞-dimensional Hilbert spaces, where information about their mu-tual positions (in the form of inner products) is used for constructing classification, regression, orclustering rules. There are two points that are important here. First, there is often an efficientmethod to compute inner products between very complex or even infinite dimensional vectors. Sec-ond, while general ∞-dimensional Hilbert spaces are relatively poorly-structured objects, a certainclass of ∞-dimensional Hilbert spaces known as Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs) aresufficiently-heavily regularized that—informally—all of the “nice” behaviors of finite-dimensionalEuclidean spaces still hold. Thus, kernel-based algorithms provide a way to deal with nonlinearstructure by reducing nonlinear algorithms to algorithms that are linear in some (potentially ∞-dimensional but heavily regularized) feature space F that is non-linearly related to the originalinput space.

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The generality of this framework should be emphasized. There are some kernels, e.g., Gaussian rbfs,polynomials, etc., that might be called a priori kernels, since they take a general form that doesn’tdepend (too) heavily on the data; but there are other kernels that might be called data-dependentkernels that depend very strongly on the data. In particular, several of the methods to constructgraphs from data that we will discuss next time, e.g., Isomap, local linear embedding, Laplacianeigenmap, etc., can be interpreted as providing data-dependent kernels. These methods first inducesome sort of local neighborhood structure on the data and then use this local structure to find aglobal embedding of the data into a lower dimensional space. The manner in which these differentalgorithms use the local information to construct the global embedding is quite different; but ingeneral they can be interpreted as kernel PCA applied to specially-constructed Gram matrices.Thus, while they are sometimes described in terms of finding non-linear manifold structure, it isoften more fruitful to think of them as constructing a data-dependent kernel, in which case theyare useful or not depending on issues related to whether kernel methods are useful or whethermis-specified models are useful.

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14 (03/10/2015): Some Practical Considerations (3 of 4): Non-

linear dimension reduction methods

Reading for today.

• “Laplacian Eigenmaps for dimensionality reduction and data representation,” in Neural Com-putation, by Belkin and Niyogi

• “Diffusion maps and coarse-graining: a unified framework for dimensionality reduction, graphpartitioning, and data set parameterization,” in IEEE-PAMI, by Lafon and Lee

Today, we will describe several related methods to identify structure in data. The general idea isto do some sort of “dimensionality reduction” that is more general than just linear structure thatis identified by a straightforward application of the SVD or truncated SVD to the input data. Theconnection with what we have been discussing is that these procedures construct graphs from thedata, and then they perform eigenanalysis on those graphs in order to construct “low-dimensionalembeddings” of the data. These (and many other related) methods are often called non-lineardimension reduction methods. In some special cases they identify structure that is meaningfullynon-linear; but it is best to think of them as constructing graphs to then construct data-dependentrepresentations of the data that (like other kernel methods) is linear in some nonlinearly transformedversion of the data.

14.1 Some general comments

The general framework for these methods is the following.

• Derive some (typically sparse) graph from the data, e.g., by connecting nearby data pointswith an ǫ-NN or k-NN rule.

• Derive a matrix from the graph (viz. adjacency matrix, Laplacian matrix).

• Derive an embedding of the data into Rd using the eigenvectors of that matrix.

Many algorithms fit this general outline. Here are a few things worth noting about them.

• They are not really algorithms (like we have been discussion) in the sense that there is awell-defined objective function that one is trying to optimize (exactly or approximately) andfor which one is trying to prove running time or quality-of-approximation bounds.

• There exists theorems that say when each of these method “works,” but those theoreticalresults have assumptions that tend to be rather strong and/or unrealistic.

• Typically one has some sort of intuition and one shows that the algorithm works on somedata in certain specialized cases. It is often hard to generalize beyond those special cases, andso it is probably best to think of these as “exploratory data analysis” tools that constructdata-dependent kernels.

• The intuition underlying these methods is often that the data “live” on a low-dimensionalmanifold. Manifolds are very general structures; but in this context, it is best to think ofthem as being “curved” low-dimensional spaces. The idealized story is that the processes

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generating the data have only a few degrees of freedom, that might not correspond to a linearsubspace, and we want to reconstruct or find that low-dimensional manifold.

• The procedures used in constructing these data-driven kernels depend on relatively-simplealgorithmic primitives: shortest path computations; least-squares approximation; SDP op-timization; and eigenvalue decomposition. Since these primitives are relatively simple andwell-understood and since they can be run relatively quickly, non-linear dimensionality re-duction methods that use them are often used to explore the data.

• This approach is often of interest in semi-supervised learning, where there is a lot of unlabeleddata but very little labeled data, and where we want to use the unlabeled data to constructsome sort of “prior” to help with predictions.

There are a large number of these and they have been reviewed elsewhere; here we will only reviewthose that will be related to the algorithmic and statistical problems we will return to later.


ISOMAP takes as input vectors xi ∈ RD, i = 1, . . . , n, and it gives as output vectors yi ∈ Rd, whered≪ D. The stated goal/desire is to make near (resp. far) points stay close (resp. far); and the ideato achieve this is to preserve geodesic distance along a submanifold. The algorithm uses geodesicdistances in an MDS computation:

I. Step 1. Build the nearest neighbor graph, using k-NN or ǫ-NN. The choice here is a bit of anart. Typically, one wants to preserve properties such as that the data are connected and/orthat they are thought of as being a discretization of a submanifold. Note that the k-NN herescales as O(n2D).

II. Step 2. Look at the shortest path or geodesic distance between all pairs of points. That is,compute geodesics. Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest paths runs in O(n2 log n+ n2k) time.

III. Step 3. Do Metric Multi-Dimensional scaling (MDS) based on A, the shortest path distancematrix. The top k eigenvectors of the Gram matrix then give the embedding. They can becomputed in ≈ O(nd) time.


• Runs in polynomial time.

• There are no local minima.

• It is non-iterative.

• It can be used in an “exploratory” manner.


• Very sensitive to the choice of ǫ and k, which is an art that is coupled in nontrivial ways withdata pre-processing.

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• No immediate “out of sample extension”’ since so there is not obvious geometry to a graph,unless it is assumed about the original data.

• Super-linear running time—computation with all the data points can be expensive, if thenumber of data points is large. A solution is to choose “landmark points,” but for this towork one needs to have already sampled at very high sampling density, which is often notrealistic.

These strengths and weaknesses are not peculiar to ISOMAP; they are typical of other graph-basedspectral dimensionality-reduction methods (those we turn to next as well as most others).

14.3 Local Linear Embedding (LLE)

For LLE, the input is vectors xi ∈ RD, i = 1, . . . , n; and the output is vectors yi ∈ Rd, with d≪ D.


Step 1 : Construct the Adjacency Graph There are two common variations:

I. ǫ neighborhood

II. K Nearest neighbor Graph

Basically, this involves doing some sort of NN search; the metric of closeness or similarityused is based on prior knowledge; and the usual (implicit or explicit) working assumptionis that the neighborhood in the graph ≈ the neighborhood of the underlying hypothesizedmanifold, at least in a “local linear” sense.

Step 2 : Choosing weights That is, construct the graph. Weights Wij must be chosen for alledges ij. The idea is that each input point and its k-NN can be viewed as samples from a smallapproximately linear patch on a low-dimensional submanifold and we can choose weights Wij

to get small reconstruction error. That is, weights are chosen based on the projection of eachdata point on the linear subspace generated by its neighbors.


i ||xi −∑

jWijxj||22 = Φ(W )

s.t. Wij = 0 if (ij) 6∈ E∑

j Wij = 1,∀i

Step 3 : Mapping to Embedded Co-ordinates Compute output y ∈ Rd by solving the sameequations, but now with the yi as variables. That is, let

Ψ(y) =∑


||yi −∑



for a fixed W , and then we want to solve



i yi = 01N

i yiyTi = I

To solve this minimization problem reduces to finding eigenvectors corresponding to the d+1lowest eigenvalues of the the positive definite matrix (I −W )′(I −W ) = Ψ.

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Of course, the lowest eigenvalue is uninteresting for other reasons, so it is typically not included.Since we are really computing an embedding, we could keep it if we wanted, but it would not beuseful (it would assign uniform values to every node or values proportional to the degree to everynode) to do downstream tasks people want to do.

14.4 Laplacian Eigenmaps (LE)

For LE, (which we will see has some similarities with LE), the input is vectors xi ∈ RD, i = 1, . . . , n;and the output is vectors yi ∈ Rd, with d ≪ D. The idea is to compute a low-dimensionalrepresentation that preserves proximity relations (basically, a quadratic penalty on nearby points),mapping nearby points to nearby points, where “nearness” is encoded in G.


Step 1 : Construct the Adjacency Graph Again, there are two common variations:

I. ǫ-neighborhood

II. k-Nearest Neighbor Graph

Step 2 : Choosing weights We use the following rule to assign weights to neighbors:

Wij =

e−||xi−xj ||


4t if vertices i & j are connected by an edge0 otherwise

Alternatively, we could simply set Wij = 1 for vertices i and j that are connected by anedge—it should be obvious that this gives similar results as the above rule under appropriatelimits, basically since the exponential decay introduces a scale that is a “soft” version of this“hard” 0-1 rule. As a practical matter, there is usually a fair amount of “cooking” to getthings to work, and this is one of the knobs to turn to cook things.

Step 3 : Eigenmaps Let

Ψ(y) =∑


wij||yi − yj||2√

Dii ·Djj

where D = Diag∑i wij : j = 1(1)n, and we compute y ∈ Rd such that



i yi = 0 centered

and 1N

i yiyTi = I unit covariance

that is, s.t. that is minimized for each connected component of the graph. This can becomputed from the bottom d+ 1 eigenvectors of L = I −D−1/2WD−1/2 , after dropping thebottom eigenvector (for the reason mentioned above).

LE has close connections to analysis on manifold, and understanding it will shed light on when itis appropriate to use and what its limitations are.

• Laplacian in Rd: ∆f = −∑ia∂2f∂x2


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• Manifold Laplacian: change is measured along tangent space of the manifold.

The weighted graph ≈ discretized representation of the manifold. There are a number of analogies,e.g., Stokes Theorem (which classically is a statement about the integration of differential formswhich generalizes popular theorems from vector calculus about integrating over a boundary versusintegration inside the region, and which thus generalizes the fundamental theorem of calculus):

• Manifold:∫

M ||∇f ||2 =∫

M f∆f

• Graph:∑

ij(fi − fj)2 = fTLf

An extension of LE to so-called Diffusion Maps (which we will get to next time) will provideadditional insight on these connections.

Note that the Laplacian is like a derivative, and so minimizing it will be something like minimizingthe norm of a derivative.

14.5 Interpretation as data-dependent kernels

As we mentioned, these procedures can be viewed as constructing data-dependent kernels. Thereare a number of technical issues, mostly having to do with the discrete-to-continuous transition,that we won’t get into in this brief discussion. This perspective provides light on why they work,when they work, and when they might not be expected to work.

• ISOMAP. Recall that for MDS, we have δ2ij = (xi−xj)T (xi−xj) = dissimilarities. Then A is

a matrix s.t. Aij = −δij, and B = HAH, with H = In− 1n11

T , a “centering” or “projection”matrix. So, if the kernel K(xi, xj) is stationary, i.e., if it is a function of ||xi − xj||2 = δ2ij , asit is in the above construction, then K(xi, xj) = r(δij), for some r that scales s.t. r(0) = 1.Then δ2ij is the Euclidean distance in feature space, and if A s.t. Aij = r(δij) − 1, then

A = K − 11T . The “centering matrix” H annihilates 11T , so HAH = HKH. (See theWilliams paper.) So,

KISOMAP = HAH = HDH = (I − 11T )D(I − 11T )

where D is the squared geodesic distance matrix.

• LE. Recall that LE minimizes ψTLψ = 12

ij(psii − ψj)2Wij, and doing this involved com-

puting eigenvectors of L or L, depending on the construction. The point is that L has closeconnections to diffusions on a graph—think of it in terms of a continuous time Markov chain:


∂t= −Lψ(t).

The solution is a Green’s function or heat kernel, related to the matrix exponential of L:

Kt = exp(−Lt) =∑


φξφTξ e


146 M. W. Mahoney

where φξ, λξ are the eigenvectors/eigenvalues of L. Then, ψ(t) = Ktψ(0) is the generalsolution, and under assumptions one can show that

KL =1


is related to the “commute time” distance of diffusion:

Cij ∼ L+ii + L+

jj − L+ij = L+


For the difference between the commute time in a continuous time Markov chain and thegeodesic distance on the graph, think of the dumbbell example; we will get to this in moredetail next time.

• LLE. Recall that this says that we are approximating each point as a linear combination ofneighbors. Let (Wn)ij , i, j ∈ [n] be the weight of a point xj in the expansion of xi; then onecan show that

Kn(xi, xj) =(

(I −Wn)T (I −Wn)



is PD on the domain X : xi, . . . , xn. Also, one can show that if λ is the largest eigenvalue of(I −W )T (I −W ) =M , then


(λ− 1)I +W T +W −W TW)

is a PSD matrix, and thus a kernel. Note also that, under assumptions, we can view M =(I −W T (I −W ) as L2.

14.6 Connection to random walks on the graph: more on LE and diffusions

Recall that, give a data set consisting of vectors, we can construct a graph G = (V,E) in one ofseveral ways. Given that graph, consider the problem of mapping G to a line s.t. connected pointsstay as close together as possible. Let ~y = (y1, . . . , yn)

T be the map, and by a “good” map we willmean one that minimized

ij(yi − yj)2Wij under appropriate constraints, i.e., it will incur a bigpenalty if Wij is large and yi and yj are far apart. This has important connections with diffusionsand random walks that we now discuss.

We start with the following claim:

Claim 8. 12

i,j wij(yi − yj)2 = yTLy

Proof. Recall that Wij is symmetric and that Dii =∑

j Wij. Then:




wij(yi − yj)2 =1



wijy2i + wijy

2j − 2wijyiyj



Diiy2i −



= yTLy

where L = D −W , W is the weight matrix and L is Laplacian, a symmetric, positive semidefinitematrix that can be thought of as an operator on functions defined on vertices of G.

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The following, which we have seen before, is a corollary:

Claim 9. L is SPSD.

Proof. Immediate, since Wij > 0.

Recall that the solution to

argmin yTLy

s.t.yTDy = 1,

whereD gives a measure of the importance of vertices, turns out to be given by solving a generalizedeigenvector problem

Ly = λDy,

i.e., computing the bottom eigenvectors of that eigenproblem. Actually, we usually solve,

argmin yTLy

s.t. yD~1 = 0

yTDy = 1,

the reason being that since ~1 = (1, . . . , 1) is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 0, it is typically removed.As we saw above, the condition yTD~1 = 0 can be interpreted as removing a “translation invariance”in y and so is removed. Alternatively, it is uninteresting if these coordinates are going to be usedsimple to provide an embedding for other downstream tasks. Also, the condition yTDy = 1 removesan arbitrary scaling factor in the embedding, which is a more benign thing to do if we are usingthe coordinates as an embedding.

From the previous discussion on Cheeger’s Inequality, we know that putting the graph on a line(and, in that setting, sweeping to find a good partition) can reveal when the graph doesn’t “looklike” a line graph. Among other things, the distances on the line may be distorted a lot, relativeto the original distances in the graph (even if they are preserved “on average”).

Thus, more generally, the goal is to embed a graph in Rn s.t. distances are “meaningful,” wheremeaningful might mean the same as or very similar to distances in the graph. Let G = (V,E,W ).We know that if W is symmetric, W = W T , and point-wise positive, W (x, y) ≥ 0, then we caninterpret pairwise similarities as probability mass transitions in a Markov chain on a graph. Letd(x) =

zW (x, z) = the degree of node x. Then let P be the n× n matrix with entries

P (x,w) =W (x, y)


which is the transition probability of going from x to y in one step, which equals the first orderneighborhood of the graph. Then, P t is higher order neighborhoods of the graph; this is sometimesinterpreted as ≈ the “intrinsic geometry” of an underlying hypothesized manifold.

If the graph is connected, as it usually is due to data preprocessing, then


P t(x, y) = φ0(y),

148 M. W. Mahoney

where φ0 is the unique stationary distribution

φ0 =d(x)

z d(z)

of the associated Markov chain. (Note The Markov chain is reversible, as detailed-balance issatisfied: φ0(x)P1(x, y) = φ0(y)P1(y, x).)

Thus, graph G defines a random walk. For some node i the probability going from i to j is

P ′ij =


di, where di =

j wij . Consider if you are at node i and you are move from i in the

following way:

move to a neighbor chosen u.a.r, w.p.=1


stay at node i w.p.12

Then the transition matrix P ∈ Rn×m =1

2I +


2P ′. This is the so-called “lazy” random walk.

Fact: If G is connected, then for any measure initial v on the vertex, limt→∞ P tv =di

j dj= φ0(i).

This φ converges to the stationary distribution. P is related to the normalized Laplacian.

If we look at the pre-asymptotic state, for 1 ≪ t ≪ ∞, we could define similarity between vertexx and z in terms of the similarity between two density Pt(x, ·) and Pt(z, ·). That is,

• For t ∈ (0,∞), we want a metric between nodes s.t. x and z are close if Pt(x, ·) and Pt(z, ·)are close.

• There are various notions of closeness: e.g., ℓ1 norm (see the Szummer and Jaakkola refer-ence); Kullback-Leibler divergences; ℓ2 distances; and so on.

• The ℓ2 distance is what we will focus on here (although we might revisit some of the otherslater).

In this setting, the ℓ2 distance is defined as

D2t (x, z) = ||Pt(x, ·)− Pt(z, ·)||21/φ0



(Pt(x, y)− Pt(z, y))2

φ0(y). (26)

(So, in particular, the weights 1φ0(y)

penalize discrepancies on domains of low density more than

high-density domains.)

This notion of distance between points will be small if they are connected by many path. Theintuition is that if there are many paths, then there is some sort of geometry, redundancy, andwe can do inference like with low-rank approximations. (BTW, it is worth thinking about thedifference between minimum spanning trees and random spanning trees, or degree and spectralmeasures of ranking like eigenvector centrality.)

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15 (03/12/2015): Some Practical Considerations (4 of 4): More

on diffusions and semi-supervised graph construction

Reading for today.

• “Transductive learning via spectral graph partitioning,” in ICML, by Joachims• “Semi-Supervised Learning Using Gaussian Fields and Harmonic Functions,” in ICML, by

Zhu, Ghahramani, and Lafferty• “Learning with local and global consistency,” in NIPS, by Zhou et al.

Today, we will continue talking about the connection between non-linear dimensionality reductionmethods and diffusions and random walks. We will also describe several methods for constructinggraphs that are “semi-supervised,” in the sense that that there are labels associated with some ofthe data points, and we will use these labels in the process of constructing the graph. These willgive rise to similar expressions that we saw with the unsupervised methods, although there will besome important differences.

15.1 Introduction to diffusion-based distances in graph construction

Recall from last time that we have our graph G, and if we run a random walk to the asymptoticstate, then we converge to the leading non-trivial eigenvector. Here, we are interested in looking atthe pre-asymptotic state, i.e., at a time t such that 1 ≪ t ≪ ∞, and we want to define similaritybetween vertex x and z, i.e., a metric between nodes x and z, such that x and z are close if Pt(x, ·)and Pt(z, ·) are close. Although there are other distance notions one could use, we will work withthe ℓ2 distance. In this setting, the ℓ2 distance is defined as

D2t (x, z) = ||Pt(x, ·)− Pt(z, ·)||21/φ0



(Pt(x, y)− Pt(z, y))2

φ0(y). (27)

Suppose the transition matrix P has q left and right eigenvectors and eigenvalues |λ0| ≥ |λ1| ≥. . . ≥ |λn| ≥ 0 s.t.

φTj P = λjφTj

Pψj = λψj ,

where we note that λ0 = 1 and ψ0 = ~1. Normalize s.t. φkψℓ = δkℓ so that




φ0(x)= 1



ψ2ℓ (x)φ0(x) = 1,

i.e., normalize the left (resp. right) eigenvector of P w.r.t. 1/φ0 (resp. φ0). If Pt(x, y) is the kernelof the tth iterate of P , then we have the following spectral decomposition:

Pt(x, y) =∑


λtjψj(x)φj(y). (28)

150 M. W. Mahoney

(This is essentially a weighted PCA/SVD of P t, where as usual the first k terms provide the “best”rank-k approximation, where the “best” is w.r.t. ‖A‖2 =


y φ0(x)A(x, y)2φ0(y).) If we insert

Eqn. (28) into Eqn. (27), then one can show that the L2 distance is:

D2t (x, z) =



λ2tj (ψj(x)− ψj(z))2 (29)



λ2tj (ψj(x)− ψj(z))2 (30)



(ψj(x)− ψj(z))2. (31)

Eqn. (29) says that this provides a legitimate distance, and establishing this is on HW2. The ap-proximation of Eqn. (30) holds if the eigenvalues decay quickly, and the approximation of Eqn. (31)holds if the large eigenvalues are all roughly the same size. This latter expression is what is providedby LE.

15.2 More on diffusion-based distances in graph construction

Recall from last time that LE can be extended to include all of the eigenvectors and also toweighting the embedding by the eigenvalues. This gives rise to an embedding that is based ondiffusions, sometimes it is called Diffusion Maps, that defines a distance in the Euclidean spacethat is related to a diffusion-based distance on the graph. In particular, once we choose k in someway, then here is the picture of the Diffusion Map:

Map Ψt : X →



and so

D2t (x, z) ≈



λ2tj (ψj(x)− ψj(z))2

≈ ||ψt(x)− ψt(z)||2.

This is a low-dimensional embedding, where the Euclidean distance in the embedded space corre-sponds to the “diffusion distance” in the original graph. Here is the picture of the relationships:

G ↔ Rn

| |diffusion ↔ || · ||2

Fact: This defines a distance. If you think of a diffusion notion of distance in a graph G, thisidentically equals the Euclidean distance || · ||2 between Ψ(i) and Ψ(j). The diffusion notion of

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 151

distance is related to the commute time between node i and node j. We will describe this nexttime when we talk about resistor networks.

In particular, Laplacian Eigenmaps chooses k = k∗, for some fixed k∗ and sets t = 0. Under certainnice limits, this is close to the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the hypothesized manifold. But, moregenerally, these results will hold even if the graph is not drawn from such a nice setting.

• None of this discussion assumes that the original vector data come from low-dimensionalmanifolds, although one does get a nice interpretation in that case.

• It is fair to ask what happens with spectral decomposition when there is not manifold, e.g.,a star graph or a constant-degree expander. Many of the ideas wetland about earlier in thesemester would be relevant in this case.

15.3 A simple result connecting random walks to NCUT/conductance

There are connections with graph partitioning, but understanding the connection with randomwalkers opens up a lot of other possibilities. Here, we describe one particularly simple result: thata random walker, starting in the stationary distribution, goes between a set and its complement withprobability that depends on the NCUT of that set. Although this result is simple, understandingit will be good since it will open up several other possibilities: what if one doesn’t run a randomwalk to the asymptotic state; what if one runs a random walk just a few steps starting from anarbitrary distribution; when does the random walk provide regularization; and so on?

Here, we provide an interpretation for the NCUT objective (and thus related to normalized spectralclustering as well as conductance): when minimizing NCUT, we are looking for a suit through thegraph s.t. the random walk seldom transitions from A to A, where A ⊂ V . (This result saysthat conductance/NCUT is not actually looking for good cuts/partitions, but instead should beinterpreted as providing bottlenecks to diffusion.)

Lemma 20. Let P = D−1W be a random walk transition matrix. Let (Xt)t∈Z+ be the random walkstarting at X0 = π, i.e., starting at the stationary distribution. For disjoint subsets A,B ⊂ V , letP [B|A] = P [X1 ∈ B|X0 ∈ A]. Then,


A, A)

= P[


+ P[



Proof. Observe that

P [X0 ∈ A and X1 ∈ B] =∑

i∈A,j∈BP [X0 = i and X1 = j]





diVol(V )




Vol(V )


152 M. W. Mahoney

From this, we have that

P [X1 ∈ B|X0 ∈ A] =P [X0 ∈ A and X1 ∈ B]

P [X0 ∈ A]



Vol(V )




Vol(V )



Vol(V )


The lemma follows from this and the definition of NCUT.

15.4 Overview of semi-supervised methods for graph construction

Above, we constructed graphs/Laplacians in an unsupervised manner. That is, there were justdata points that were feature vectors without any classification/regression labels associated withthem; and we constructed graphs from those unlabeled data points by using various NN rules andoptimizing objectives that quantified the idea that nearby data points should be close or smooth inthe graph. The graphs were then used for problems such as data representation and unsupervisedgraph clustering that don’t involve classification/regression labels, although in some cases they werealso used for classification or regression problems.

Here, we consider the situation in which some of the data have labels and we want to constructgraphs to help make predictions for the unlabeled data. In between the extremes of pure unsu-pervised learning and pure supervised learning, there are semi-supervised learning, transductivelearning, and several other related classes of machine learning methods. It is in this intermediateregime where using labels for graph construction is most interesting.

Before proceeding, here are a few things to note.

• If unlabeled data and labeled data come from the same distribution, then there is no differencebetween unlabeled data and test data. Thus, this transductive setup amounts to being ableto see the test data (but not the labels) before doing training. (Basically, the transductivelearner can look at all of the data, including the test data with labels and as much trainingdata as desired, to structure the hypothesis space.)

• People have used labels to augment the graph construction process in an explicit manner.Below, we will describe an example of how this is done implicitly in several cases.

• We will see that linear equations of a certain form that involve Laplacian matrices will arise.This form is rather natural, and it has strong similarities with what we saw previously in theunsupervised setting. In addition, it also has strong similarities with local spectral methodsand locally-biased spectral methods that we will get to in a few weeks.

We will consider three approaches (those of Joachims, ZGL, and Zhao et al.). Each of these generalapproaches considers constructing an augmented graph, with extra nodes, s and t, that connectto the nodes that have labels. Each can be understood within the following framework. Let

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 153

L = D − A = BTCB, where B is the unweighted edge-incidence matrix. Recall, then, that thes, t-mincut problem is:

minx s.t. xs=1,xt=0

‖Bx‖C,1 = minx s.t. xs=1,xt=0

(u,v)∈EC(u,v)|xu − xv|.

The ℓ2 minorant of this s, t-mincut problem is:

minx s.t. xs=1,xt=0

‖Bx‖C,2 = minx s.t. s=1,xt=0

(u,v)∈EC(u,v)|xu − xv|2



This latter problem s equivalent to:

minx s.t. xs=1,xt=0


2‖Bx‖2C,2 = min

x s.t. xs=1,xt=0

(u,v)∈EC(u,v)|xu − xv|2 = min

x s.t. xs=1,xt=0xTLx.

The methods will construct Laplacian-based expressions by considering various types of s-t mincutproblems and then relaxing to the associated ℓ2 minorant.

15.5 Three examples of semi-supervised graph construction methods

The Joachims paper does a bunch of things, e.g., several engineering heuristics that are difficultto relate to a general setting but that no doubt help the results in practice, but the following isessentially what he does. Given a graph and labels, he wants to find a vector ~y s.t. it satisfies thebicriteria:

I. it minimizes yTLy, and

II. it has values

1 for nodes in class j

−1 for nodes not in class j

What he does is essentially the following. Given G = (V,E), he adds extra nodes to the node set:

s with the current class

t with the other class

Then, there is the issue about what to add as weights when those nodes connect to nodes in V .The two obvious weights are 1 (i.e., uniform) or equal to the degree. Of course, other choices arepossible, and that is a parameter one could play with. Here, we will consider the uniform case.Motivated by problem with mincut (basically, what we described before, where it tends to cut offsmall pieces), Joachims instead considers NCUT and so arrives at the following problem:

Y = (DS + L)−1 S,

where DS is a diagonal matrix with the row sums of S on the diagonal, and S is a vector corre-sponding to the class connected to the node with label s. Note that since most of the rows of S

154 M. W. Mahoney

equal zero (since they are unlabeled nodes) and the rest have only 1 nonzero, DS is a diagonalindicator vector that is sparse.

ZGL is similar to Joachims, except that they strictly enforce labeling on the labeled samples. Theirsetting is that they are interpreting this in terms of a Gaussian random field on the graph (whichis like a NN method, except that nearest labels are captures in terms of random vectors on G).They provide hard constraints on class labels. In particular, they want to solve




s.t. yi =

1 node i is labeled in class j0 node i is labeled in another classfree otherwise

This essentially involves constructing a new graph from G ,where the labels involve adding extranodes, s and t, where s links to the current class and t links to the other class. For ZGL, weights=∞ between s and the current class as well as between t and the other class.

Zhao, et al. extend this to account explicitly for the bicriteria that:

I. nearby points should have the same labels; and

II. points on the same structure (clusters of manifold) have the same label.

Note that Point 1 is a “local” condition, in that it depends on nearby data points, while Point 2is a “global” condition, in that it depends on large-scale properties of clusters. The point out thatdifferent semi-supervised methods take into account these two different properties and weight themin different ways. Zhao et al. try to take both into account by “iteratively” spreading ZGL to geta classification function that has local and global consistency properties and is sufficiently smoothwith respect to labeled and unlabeled data.

In more detail, here is the Zhao et al. algorithm.

I. Form the affinity matrix W from an rbf kernel.

II. Construct W = D−1/2WD−1/2.

III. Iterate Y (t+ 1) = αWY + (1− α)S, where α ∈ (0, 1) is a parameter, and where S is a classlabel vector.

IV. Let Y ∗ be the limit, and output it.

Note that Y ∗ = (1− α)(

1− αW)

S. Alternatively,

Y = (L+ αD)−1 S = (D − βA)−1 S,

where Y is the prediction vector, and where S is the matrix of labels. Here, we have chosen/definedα = 1−β

β to relate the two forms.

Then the “mincut graph” has G = (V,E), with nodes s and t such that

s connects to each sample labeled with class j with weight α

t connects to all nodes in G (except s) with weight α(di − si)

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 155

The ℓ2 minorant of this mincut graph has:

minx s.t. xs=1,xt=0


2‖Bx‖2C,2 = min

x s.t. xs=1,xt=0





αeT s −αsT 0−αs αD + L α(d− s)0 −α(d− s)T αeT (d− s)



In this case, y solves (αD + L) y = αs.

We will see an equation of this form below in a somewhat different context. But for the semi-supervised learning context, we can interpret this as a class-specific smoothness constraint. To doso, define

A(Y ) =1





Yi −1


Yj‖2 − µn∑


‖Yi − Si‖2

to be the “cost” associated with the prediction Y . The first term is a “smoothness constraint,”which is the sum of local variations, and it reflects that a good classification should not changemuch between nearby points. The second term is a “fitting constraint,” and it says that a goodclassification function should not change much from the initial assignment provided by the labeleddata. The parameter µ givers the interaction between the two terms. To see how this gives rise tothe previous expression, observe that

∂Q(Y )

∂Y|Y=Y ∗ = Y ∗ −WY ∗ + µ (Y ∗ − S) = 0,

from which it follows that

Y ∗ − 1

1 + µWY ∗ − µ

1 + µS = 0.

If we define α = 11+µ and β = µ

1+µ , so that α+ β = 1, then we have that

(I − αW )Y ∗ = βS,

and thus thatY ∗ = β (1− αW )−1 S.

156 M. W. Mahoney

16 (03/17/2015): Modeling graphs with electrical networks

Reading for today.

• “Random Walks and Electric Networks,” in arXiv, by Doyle and Snell

16.1 Electrical network approach to graphs

So far, we have been adopting the usual approach to spectral graph theory: understand graphs viathe eigenvectors and eigenvalues of associated matrices. For example, given a graph G = (V,E), wedefined an adjacency matrix A and considered the eigensystem Av = λv, and we also defined theLaplacian matrix L = D−A and considered the Laplacian quadratic form xTLx−∑(ij)∈E(xi−xj)2.There are other ways to think about spectral graph methods that, while related, are different inimportant ways. In particular, one can draw from physical intuition and define physical-basedmodels from the graph G, and one can also consider more directly vectors that are obtained fromvarious diffusions and random walks on G. We will do the former today, and we will do the latternext time.

16.2 A physical model for a graph

In many physical systems, one has the idea that there is an equilibrium state and that the systemgoes back to that equilibrium state when disturbed. When the system is very near equilibrium, theforce pushing it back to the equilibrium state is quadratic in the displacement from equilibrium,one can often define a potential energy that in linear in the displacement from equilibrium, andthen the equilibrium state is the minimum of that potential energy function.

In this context, let’s think about the edges of a graph G = (V,E) as physical “springs,” in whichcase the weights on the edges correspond to a spring constant k. Then, the force, as a functionof the displacement x from equilibrium, is F (x) = kx, and the corresponding potential energy isU(x) = 1

2kx2. In this case, i.e., if the graph is viewed as a spring network, then if we nail down

some of the vertices and then let the rest settle to an equilibrium position, then we are interestedin finding the minimum of the potential energy

(ij)∈E(xi − xj)2 = xTLx,

subject to the constraints on the nodes we have nailed down. In this case, the energy is minimizedwhen the non-fixed vertices have values equal to

xi =1



i.e., when the value on any node equals is the average of the values on its neighbors. (This is theso-called harmonic property which is very important, e.g., in harmonic analysis.)

As we have mentioned previously and will go into in more detail below, eigenvectors can be unstablethings, and having some physical intuition can only help; so let’s go a little deeper into theseconnections.

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First, recall that the standard/weighted geodesic graph metric defines a distance d(a, b) betweenvertices a and b as the length of the minimum-length path, i.e., number of edges or the sum ofweights over edges, on the minimum-length path connecting a and b. (This is the “usual” notionof distance/metric on the nodes of a graph, but it will be different than distances/metrics impliedby spectral methods and by what we will discuss today.)

Here, we will model a graph G = (V,E) as an electrical circuit. (By this, we mean a circuit thatarises in electromagnetism and electrical engineering.) This will allow us to use physical analogues,and it will allow us to get more robust proofs for several results. In addition, it allow us to defineanother notion of distance that is closer to diffusions.

As background, here are some physical facts from electromagnetism that we would like to mimicand that we would like our model to incorporate.

• A basic direct current electrical circuit consists of a battery and one or more circuit elementsconnected by wires. Although there are other circuit elements that are possible, here we willonly consider the use of resistors. A battery consists of two distinct vertices, call them a, b,one of which is the source, the other of which is the sink. (Although we use the same terms,“source” and “sink,” as we used with flow-based methods, the sources and since here will obeydifferent rules.) A resistor between two points a and b, i.e., between two nodes in G, hasan associated (undirected and symmetric) quantity rab called a resistance (and an associatedconductance cab = 1

rab). Also, there is a current Yab and a potential difference Vab between

nodes a and b.

Initially, we can define the resistance between two nodes that are connected by an edge to depend(typically inversely) on the weight of that edge, but we want to extend the idea of resistance toa resistance between any two nodes. To do so, an important notion is that of effective resistance,which is the following. Given a collection of resistors between nodes a and b, they can be replacedwith a single effective resistor with some other resistance. Here is how the value of that effectiveresistance is determined.

• If a and b have a node c between them, i.e., the resistors are in series, and there are resistancesr1 = Rac and r2 = Rcb, then the effective resistance between a and b is given by Rab = r1+r2.

• If a and b have no nodes between them but they are connected by two edges with resistancesr1 and r2, i.e., the resistors are in parallel, then the effective resistance between a and b isgiven by Rab =


+ 1r2


• These rules can be applied recursively.

From this it should be clear that the number of paths as well as their lengths contribute to theeffective resistance. In particular, having k parallel edges/paths leads to an effective resistance thatis decreased by 1

k ; and adding the first additional edge between two nodes has a big impact on theeffective resistance, but subsequent edges have less of an effect. Note that this is vaguely similar tothe way diffusions and random walks behave, and distances/metrics they might imply, as opposedto geodesic paths/distances defined above, but there is no formal connection (yet!).

Let a voltage source be connected between vertices a and b, and let Y > 0 be the net current outof source a and into course b. Here we define two basic rules that our resistor networks must obey.

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Definition 44. The Kirchhoff current law states that the current Yij between vertices i and j(where Yij = −Yji) satisfies


Yij =

Y i = a−Y i = bfree otherwise


where N(i) refers to the nodes that are neighbors of node i.

Definition 45. The Kirchhoff circuit/potential law states that for every cycle C in the network,

(ij)∈CYijRij = 0.

From Definition 45, it follows that there is a so-called potential function on the vertices/nodes ofthe graph. This is known as Ohm’s Law.

Definition 46. Ohm’s Law states that, to any vertex i in the vertex set of G, there is an associatedpotential, call it Vi, such that for all edges (ij) ∈ E in the graph

YijRij = Vi − Vj.

Given this potential function, we can define the effective resistance between any two nodes in G,i.e., between two nodes that are not necessarily connected by an edge.

Definition 47. Given two nodes, a and b, in G, the effective resistance is Rab =Va−Vb

Y .

Fact. Given a graph G with edge resistances Rij, and given some source-sink pair (a, b), theeffective resistance exists, it is unique, and (although we have defined it in terms of a current) itdoes not depend on the net current.

16.3 Some properties of resistor networks

Although we have started with this physical motivation, there is a close connection between resistornetworks and what we have been discussing so far this semester.

To see this, let’s start with the following definition, which is a special case of the Moore-Penrosepseudoinverse.

Definition 48. The Laplacian pseudoinverse is the unique matrix satisfying:

I. L+~1 = 0; and

II. For all w ⊥ ~1 : L+w = v s.t. Lv = w and v ⊥ ~1 .

Given this, we have the following theorem. Note that here we take the resistances on edges to bethe inverse of the weights on those edges, which is probably the most common choice.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 159

Theorem 31. Assume that the resistances of the edges of G = (V,E) are given by Rij = 1wij


Then, the effective resistance between any two nodes a and b is given by:

Rab = (ea − eb)T L+ (ea − eb)= L+

aa − 2L+ab + L+


Proof. The idea of the proof is that, given a graph, edge resistances, and net current, there alwaysexists currents Y and potentials V satisfying Kirchhoff’s current and potential laws; in addition,the vector of potentials is unique up to a constant, and the currents are unique. I’ll omit the detailsof this since it is part of HW2.

Since the effective resistance between any two nodes is well-defined, we can define the total effectiveresistance of the graph. (This is sometimes called the Kirchhoff index.)

Definition 49. The total effective resistance is Rtot =∑n

ij=1Rij .

Before proceeding, think for a minute about why one might be interested in such a thing. Below,we will show that the effective resistance is a distance; and so the total effective resistance is thesum of the distances between all pairs of points in the metric space. Informally, this can be usedto measure the total “size” or “capacity” of a graph. We used a similar thing (but for the geodesicdistance) when we showed that expander graphs had a Θ (log(n)) duality gap. In that case, we didthis, essentially, by exploiting the fact that there was a lot of flow to route and since most pairs ofnodes were distance Θ (log(n)) apart in the geodesic distance.

The quantity Rtot can be expressed exactly in terms of the Laplacian eigenvalues (all of them, andnot just the first one or first few). Here is the theorem (that we won’t prove).

Theorem 32. Let λi be the Laplacian eigenvalues. Then, Rtot = n∑n


Of course, we can get a (weak) bound on Rtot using just the leading nontrivial Laplacian eigenvalue.

Corollary 1.n

λ2≤ Rtot ≤ n(n− 1)


Next, we show that the effective resistance is a distance function. For this reason, it is sometimescalled the resistance distance.

Theorem 33. The effective resistance R is a metric.

Proof. We will establish the three properties of a metric.

First, from the above theorem, Rij = 0 ⇐⇒ i = j. The reason for this is since ei − ej is inthe null space of L+ (which is the span(~1)) iff i = j. Since the pseudoinverse of L has eigenvalues0, λ−1

2 , . . . , λ−1n , it is PSD, and so Rij ≥ 0.

Second, since the pseudoinverse is symmetric, we have that Rij = Rji.

So, the only nontrivial thing is to show the triangle inequality holds.

To do so, we show two claims.

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Claim 10. Let Yab be the vector ea − eb =

1 at a−1 at b0 elsewhere,

and let Vab = L+Yab. Then,

Vab(a) ≥ Vab(c) ≥ Vab(b), for all c.

Proof. Recall that Vab is the induced potential when we have 1 Amp going in a and 1 Amp comingout of b. For every vertex c, other than a and b, the total flow is 0, which means



Vab(c)) = 0, and it is easy to see Vab(c) =∑

x∼c CxcVab(x)∑x∼c Cxc

where Cxc =1

Rxcis the conductance between

x, c. Vab(c) has a value equal to the weighted average of values of Vab(x) at its neighbors. We canuse this to prove the claim by contradiction. Assume that there exists a c s.t. Vab(c) > Vab(a). Ifthere are several such nodes, then let c be the node s.t. Vab(c) is the largest. In this case, Vab(c) islarger than the values at its neighbors. This is a contradiction, since Vc is a weighted average of thepotentials at its neighbors. The proof of the other half of the claim is similar. (also Vab(a) ≥ Vab(b)as Vab(a)− Vab(b) = Rab ≥ 0)

Claim 11. Reff (a, b) +Reff (b, c) ≥ Reff (a, c)

Proof. Let Yab and Ybc be the external current from sending one unit of current from a → b andb→ c, respectively. Note that Yac = Yab + Ybc. Define the voltages Vab = L+Yab, Vbc = L+Ybc, andVac = L+Yac. By linearity, Vac = Vab + Vbc. Thus, it follows that

Reff (a, c) = Y TacVac = Y T

acVab + Y TacVbc.

By Claim 10, it follows that

Y TacVab = Vab(a)− Vab(c) ≤ Vab(a)− Vab(b) = Reff (a, b).

Similarly, Y TacVbc ≤ Reff (b, c). This establishes the claim.

The theorem follows from these two claims.

Here are some things to note regarding the resistance distance.

• Reff is non-increasing function of edge weights.

• Reff does not increase when edges are added.

• Rtot strictly decreases when edges are added and weights are increased.

Note that these observations are essentially claims about the distance properties of two graphs, callthem G and G′, when one graph is constructed from the other graph by making changes to one ormore edges.

We have said that both geodesic distances and resistances distances are legitimate notions of dis-tances between the nodes on a graph. One might wonder about the relationship between them. Inthe same way that there are different norms for vectors in Rn, e.g., the ℓ1, ℓ2, and ℓ∞, and thosenorms have characteristic sizes with respect to each other, so too we can talk about the relativesizes of different distances on nodes of a graph. Here is a theorem relating the resistance distancewith the geodesic distance.

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Theorem 34. For Reff and the geodesic distance d:

I. Reff (a, b) = d(a, b) iff there exists only one path between a and b.

II. Reff (a, b) < d(a, b) otherwise.

Proof. If there is only one path P between a and b, then Yij = Y , for all ij on this path (byKirchhoff current law), and Vi − Vj = Y Rij . It follows that

Rab =Va − VbY



Vi − ViY


(ij)∈PVij = dab.

If a path between a and b is added, so that now there are multiple paths between a and b, this newpath might use part of the path P . If it does, then call that part of the path P1; consider the restof P , and call the shorter of these P2 and the larger P3.

Observe that the current through each edge of P1 is Y ; and, in addition, that the current througheach edge of P2 and P3 is the same for each edge in the path, call them Y2 and Y3, respectively.Due to Kirchhoff current law and Kirchhoff circuit/potential law, we have that Y2 + Y3 = Y andalso that Y2, Y3 > 0, from which it follows that Y2 < Y . Finally,

Rab =Va − VbY



Vi − VjY



Vi − VjY



Vi − VjY



Vi − VjY2



Rij +∑



= d(a, b)

The result follows since Reff doesn’t increase when edges are added.

In a graph that is a tree, there is a unique path between any two vertices, and so we have thefollowing result.

Claim 12. The metrics Reff and d are the same in a tree. That is, on a tree, Reff (a, b) = d(a, b),for all nodes a and b.

Fact. Reff can be used to bound several quantities of interest, in particular the commute time,the cover time, etc. We won’t go into detail on this.

Here is how Reff behaves in some simple examples.

• Complete graph Kn. Of all graphs, this has the minimum Rtoteff : R

toteff (Kn) = n− 1.

• Path graph Pn. Among connected graphs, the path graph has the maximumRtoteff : R

toteff (Pn) =

16(n − 1)n(n+ 1).

• Star Sn. Among trees, this has the minimum Rtoteff : R

toteff (Sn) = (n− 1)2.

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16.4 Extensions to infinite graphs

All of what we have been describing so far is for finite graphs. Many problems of interest have to dowith infinite graphs. Perhaps the most basic is whether random walks are recurrent. In addition tobeing of interest in its own right, considering this question on infinite graphs should provide someintuition for how random walked based spectral methods perform on the finite graphs we have beenconsidering.

Definition 50. A random walk is recurrent if the walker passes through every point with probability1, or equivalently if the walker returns to the starting point with probability 1. Otherwise, the randomwalk is transient.

Note that—if we were to be precise—then we would have to define this for a single node, be preciseabout which of those two notions we are considering, etc. It turns out that those two notions areequivalent and that a random walk is recurrent for one node iff it is recurrent for any node in thegraphs. We’ll not go into these details here.

For irreducible, aperiodic random walks on finite graphs, this discussion is of less interest, sincea random walk will eventually touch every node with probability proportional to its degree; butconsider three of the simplest infinite graphs: Z, Z2, and Z3. Informally, as the dimension increases,there are more neighbors for each node and more space to get lost in, and so it should be harderto return to the starting node. Making this precise, i.e., proving whether a random walk on thesegraphs is recurrent is a standard problem, one version of which appears on HW2.

The basic idea for this that you need to use is to use something called Rayleigh’s Monotonicity Lawas well as the procedures of shorting and cutting. Rayleigh’s Monotonicity Law is a version of theresult we described before, which says that Reff between two points a and b varies monotonicallywith individual resistances. Then, given this, one can use this to do two things to a graph G:

• Shorting vertices u and v: this is “electrical vertex identification.”

• Cutting edges between u and v: this is “electrical edge deletion.”

Both of these procedures involve constructing a new graph G′ from the original graph G (so thatwe can analyze G′ and make claims about G). Here are the things you need to know about shortingand cutting:

• Shorting a network can only decrease Reff .

• Cutting a network can only increase Reff .

For Z2, if you short in “Manhattan circles” around the origin, then this only decreases Reff , andyou can show that Reff =∞ on the shorted graph, and thus Reff =∞ on the original Z2. For Z3,if you cut in a rather complex way, then you can show that Reff < ∞ on the cut graph, meaningthat Reff < ∞ on the original Z3. This, coupled with the following theorem, establish the resultrandom walks on Z2 are recurrent, but random walks on Z3 are transient.

Theorem 35. A network is recurrent iff Reff =∞.

Using these ideas to prove the recurrence claims is left for HW2: getting the result for Z is straight-forward; getting it for Z2 is more involved but should be possible; and getting it for Z3 is fairlytricky—look it up on the web, but it is left as extra credit.

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17 (03/19/2015): Diffusions and Random Walks as Robust Eigen-


Reading for today.

• “Implementing regularization implicitly via approximate eigenvector computation,” in ICML,by Mahoney and Orecchia

• “Regularized Laplacian Estimation and Fast Eigenvector Approximation,” in NIPS, by Perryand Mahoney

Last time, we talked about electrical networks, and we saw that we could reproduce some of thethings we have been doing with spectral methods with more physically intuitive techniques. Thesemethods are of interest since they are typically more robust than using eigenvectors and they oftenlead to simpler proofs. Today, we will go into more detail about a similar idea, namely whether wecan interpret random walks and diffusions as providing robust or regularized or stable analoguesof eigenvectors. Many of the most interesting recent results in spectral graph methods adopt thisapproach of using diffusions and random walks rather than eigenvectors. We will only touch on thesurface of this approach.

17.1 Overview of this approach

There are several advantages to thinking about diffusions and random walks as providing a robustalternative to eigenvectors.

• New insight into spectral graph methods.

• Robustness/stability is a good thing in many situations.

• Extend global spectral methods to local spectral analogues.

• Design new algorithms, e.g., for Laplacian solvers.

• Explain why diffusion-based heuristics work as they do in social network, computer vision,machine learning, and many other applications.

Before getting into this, step back for a moment, and recall that spectral methods have many nicetheoretical and practical properties.

• Practically. Efficient to implement; can exploit very efficient linear algebra routines; performvery well in practice, in many cases better than theory would suggest. (This last claim means,e.g., that there is an intuition in areas such as computer vision and social network analysisthat even if you could solve the best expansion/conductance problem, you wouldn’t want to,basically since the approximate solution that spectral methods provide is “better.”)

• Theoretically. Connections between spectral and combinatorial ideas; and connections be-tween Markov chains and probability theory that provides a geometric viewpoint.

Recently, there have been very fast algorithms that combine spectral and combinatorial ideas.They rely on an optimization framework, e.g., solve max flow problems by relating them to these

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spectral-based optimization ideas. These use diffusion-based ideas, which are a relatively new trendin spectral graph theory.

To understand better this new trend, recall that the classical view of spectral methods is based onCheeger’s Inequality and involves computing an eigenvector and performing sweep cuts to revealsparse cuts/partitions. The new trend is to replace eigenvectors with vectors obtained by runningrandom walks. This has been used in:

• fast algorithms for graph partitioning and related problems;

• local spectral graph partitioning algorithms; and

• analysis of real social and information networks.

There are several different types of random walks, e.g., Heat Kernel, PageRank, etc., and differentwalks are better in different situations.

So, one question is: Why and how do random walks arise naturally from an optimization framework?

One advantage of a random walk is that to compute an eigenvector in a very large graph, a vanillaapplication of the power method or other related iterative methods (especially black box linearalgebra methods) might be too slow, and so instead one might run a random walk on the graph toget a quick approximation.

Let W = AD−1 be the natural random walk matrix, and let L = D − A be the Laplacian. As wehave discussed, it is well-known that the second eigenvector of the Laplacian can be computed byiterating W .

• For “any” vector y0 (or “any” vector y0 s.t. y0D−1~1 = 0 or any random vector y0 s.t.

y0D−1~1 = 0), we can compute D−1W ty0; and we can take the limit as t→∞ to get

v2(L) = limt→

D−1W ty0‖W ty0‖D−1


where v2(L) is the leading nontrivial eigenvector of the Laplacian.

• If time is a precious resource, then one alternative is to avoid iterating to convergence, i.e.,don’t let t → ∞ (which of course one never does in practice, but by this we mean don’titerate to anywhere near machine precision), but instead do some sort of “early stopping.” Inthat case, one does not obtain an eigenvector, but it is of interest to say something about thevector that is computed. In many cases, this is useful, either as an approximate eigenvectoror as a locally-biased analogue of the leading eigenvector. This is very common in practice,and we will look at it in theory.

Another nice aspect of replacing an eigenvector with a random walk or by truncating the poweriteration early is that the vectors that are thereby returned are more robust. The idea should befamiliar to statisticians and machine learners, although in a somewhat different form. Say thatthere is a “ground truth” graph that we want to understand but that the measurement we make,i.e., the graph that we actually see and that we have available to compute with, is a noisy version ofthis ground truth graph. So, if we want to compute the leading nontrivial eigenvector of the unseengraph, then computing the leading nontrivial eigenvector of the observed graph is in general not a

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particularly good idea. The reason is that it can be very sensitive to noise, e.g., mistakes or noisein the edges. On the other hand, if we perform a random walk and keep the random walk vector,then that is a better estimate of the ground truth eigendirection. (So, the idea is that eigenvectorsare unstable but random walks are not unstable.)

A different but related question is the following: why are random walks useful in the design of fastalgorithms? (After all, there is no “ground truth” model in this case—we are simply running analgorithm on the graph that is given, and we want to prove results about the algorithm appliedto that graph.) The reason is similar, but the motivation is different. If we want to have a fastiterative algorithm, then we want to work with objects that are stable, basically so that we cantrack the progress of the algorithm. Working with vectors that are the output of random walks willbe better in this sense. Today, we will cover an optimization perspective on this. (We won’t coverthe many applications of these ideas to graph partitioning and related algorithmic problems.)

17.2 Regularization, robustness, and instability of linear optimization

Again, take a step back. What is regularization? The usual way it is described (at least in machinelearning and data analysis) is the following.

We have an optimization problem



where f(x) is a (penalty) function, and where S is some constraint set. This problem might notbe particularly well-posed or well-conditioned, in the sense that the solution might change a lotif the input is changed a little. In order to get a more well-behaved version of the optimizationproblem, e.g., one whose solution changes more gradually as problem parameters are varied, onemight instead try to solve the problem


f(x) + λg(x),

where λ ∈ R+ is a parameter, and where g(x) is (regularization) function. The idea is that g(x)is “nice” in some way, e.g., it is convex or smooth, and λ governs the relative importance ofthe two terms, f(x) and g(x). Depending on the specific situation, the advantage of solving thelatter optimization problem is that one obtains a more stable optimum, a unique optimum, orsmoothness conditions. More generally, the benefits of including such a regularization function inML and statistics is that: one obtains increased stability; one obtains decreased sensitivity to noise;and one can avoid overfitting.

Here is an illustration of the instability of eigenvectors. Say that we have a graph G that is basicallyan expander except that it is connected to two small poorly-connected components. That is, eachof the two components is well-connected internally but poorly-connected to the rest of G, e.g.,connected by a single edge. One can easily choose the edges/weights in G so that the leadingnon-trivial eigenvector of G has most of its mass, say a 1 − ǫ fraction of its mass, on the firstsmall component. In addition, one can then easily construct a perturbation, e.g., removing oneedge from G to construct a graph G′ such that G′ has a 1 − ǫ fraction of its mass on the secondcomponent. That is, a small perturbation that consists of removing one edge can completely shiftthe eigenvector—not only its direction but also where in Rn its mass is supported.

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Let’s emphasize that last point. Recalling our discussion of the Davis-Kahan theorem, as well as thedistinction between the Rayleigh quotient objective and the actual partition found by performing asweep cut, we know that if there is a small spectral gap, then eigenvectors can swing by 90 degrees.Although the example just provided has aspects of that, this example here is even more sensitive:not only does the direction of the vector change in Rn, but also the mass along the coordinateaxes in Rn where the eigenvector is localized changes dramatically under a very minor perturbationto G.

To understand this phenomenon better, here is the usual quadratic optimization formulation of theleading eigenvector problem. For simplicity, let’s consider a d-regular graph, in which case we getthe following.

Quadratic Formulation : 1d minx∈Rn xTLx (32)

s.t. ‖x‖ = 1

x ⊥ ~1.

This is an optimization over vectors x ∈ Rn. Alternatively, we can consider the following optimiza-tion problem over SPSD matrices.

SDP Formulation : 1d minX∈Rn×n L •X (33)

s.t. I •X = 1

J •X = 0

X 0,

Recall that I •X = Tr (X) and that J = 11T . Recall also that if a matrix X is rank-one and thuscan be written as X = xxT , then L •X = xTLx.

These two optimization problems, Problem 32 and Problem 33, are equivalent, in that if x∗ is thevector solution to the former and X∗ is a solution of the latter, then X∗ = x∗x∗T . In particular,note that although there is no constraint on the SDP formulation that the solution is rank-one, thesolution turns out to be rank one.

Observe that this is a linear SDP, in that the objective and all the constraints are linear. LinearSDPs, just as LPs, can be very unstable. To see this in the simpler setting of LPs, consider aconvex set S ⊂ Rn and a linear optimization problem:

f(c) = argminx∈S


The optimal solution f(c) might be very unstable to perturbations of c, in that we can have

‖c′ − c‖ ≤ δ and ‖f(c′)− f(c)‖ ≫ δ.

(With respect to our Linear SDP, think of the vector x as the PSD variable X and think of thevector c as the Laplacian L.) That is, we can change the input c (or L) a little bit and the solutionchanges a lot. One way to fix this is to introduce a regularization term g(x) that is strongly convex.

So, consider the same convex set S ⊂ Rn and a regularized linear optimization problem

f(c) = argminx∈S

cTx+ λg(x),

where λ ∈ R+ is a parameter and where g(x) is σ-strongly convex. Since this is just an illustrativeexample, we won’t define precisely the term σ-strongly convex, but we note that σ is related to

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the derivative of f(·) and so the parameter σ determines how strongly convex is the function g(x).Then, since σ is related to the slope of the objective at f(c), and since the slope of the new objectiveat f(c) < δ, strong convexity ensures that we can find a new optimum f(c′) at distance < δ

σ . So,we have

‖c′ − c‖ ≤ δ ⇒ ‖f(c′)− f(c)‖ < δ/σ, (34)

i.e., the strong convexity on g(x) makes the problem stable that wasn’t stable before.

17.3 Structural characterization of a regularized SDP

How does this translate to the eigenvector problem? Well, recall that the leading eigenvector ofthe Laplacian solves the SDP, where X appears linearly in the objective and constraints, as givenin Problem 33. We will show that several different variants of random walks exactly optimizeregularized versions of this SDP. In particular they optimize problems of the form

SDP Formulation : 1d minX∈Rn×n L •X + λG(X) (35)

s.t. I •X = 1

J •X = 0

X 0,

where G(X) is an appropriate regularization function that depends on the specific form of therandom walk and that (among other things) is strongly convex.

To give an interpretation of what we are doing, consider the eigenvector decomposition of X, where

X =∑


pivivTi , where

∀i pi ≥ 0∑

i pi = 1

∀i vTi ~1 = 0


I’ve actually normalized things so that the eigenvalues sum to 1. If we do this, then the eigenvaluesof X define a probability distribution. If we don’t regularize in Problem 35, i.e., if we set λ = 0,then the optimal solution to Problem 35 puts all the weight on the second eigenvector (sinceX∗ = x∗x∗T ). If instead we regularize, then the regularization term ensures that the weight isspread out on all the eigenvectors, i.e., the optimal solution X∗ =

i αivivTi , for some set of

coefficients αini=1. So, the solution is not rank-one, but it is more stable.

Fact. If we take this optimization framework and put in “reasonable” choices for G(X), then wecan recover algorithms that are commonly used in the design of fast algorithms and elsewhere.That the solution is not rank one makes sense from this perspective: if we iterate t→∞, then allthe other eigendirections are washed out, and we are left with the leading direction; but if we onlyiterate to a finite t, then we still have admixing from the other eigendirections.

To see this in more detail, consider the following three types of random walks. (Recall that M =AD−1 and W = 1

2 (I +M).)

• Heat Kernel. Ht = exp (−tL) =∑∞


k! Lk =∑n

i=1 e−λitPi, where Pi is a projection

matrix onto that eigendirection.

• PageRank. Rγ = γ (I − (1− γ)M)−1. This follows since the PageRank vector is the solu-tion to

π(γ, s) = γs+ (1− γ)Mπ(γ, s),

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which can be written as

π(γ, s) = γ∞∑


(1− γ)tM ts = Rγs.

• Truncated Lazy Random Walk. Wα = αI + (1− α)M .

These are formal expressions describing the action of each of those three types of random walks,in the sense that the specified matrix maps the input to the output: to obtain the output vector,compute the matrix and multiply it by the input vector. Clearly, of course, these random walkswould not be implemented by computing these matrices explicitly; instead, one would iterativelyapply a one-step version of them to the input vector.

Here are the three regularizers we will consider.

• von Neumann entropy. Here, GH = Tr (X logX) =∑

i pi log pi.

• Log-determinant. Here, GD = − log det (X).

• Matrix p-norm, p > 0. Here, Gp = 1p‖X‖

pp = 1

pTr (Xp) = 1


i ppi .

And here are the connections that we want to establish.

• G = GH ⇒entropy X∗ ∼ Ht, with t = λ.

• G = GD ⇒logdet X∗ ∼ Rγ , with γ ∼ λ.

• G = Gp ⇒p−norm X∗ ∼W tα, with t ∼ λ.

Here is the basic structural theorem that will allow us to make precise this connection betweenrandom walks and regularized SDPs. Note that its proof is a quite straightforward application ofduality ideas.

Theorem 36. Recall the regularized SDP of Problem 35, and let λ = 1/η. If G is a connected,weighted, undirected graph, then let L be the normalized Laplacian. The the following are sufficientconditions for X∗ to be the solution of the regularized SDP.

I. X∗ = (∇G)−1 (η (λ∗I − L)), for some λ∗ ∈ R.

II. I •X∗ = 1.

III. X∗ 0.

Proof. Write the Lagrangian L of the above SDP as

L = L •X +1

ηG(X)− λ (I •X − 1)− U •X,

where λ ∈ R and where U 0. Then, the dual objective function is

h (λ,U) = minX0L(X,λ,U).

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Since G(·) is strictly convex, differentiable, and rotationally invariant, the gradient of G over thepositive semi-definite cone is invertible, and the RHS is minimized when

X = (∇G)−1 (η (−L+ λ∗I + U)) ,

where λ∗ is chosen s.t. I •X∗ = 1. Hence,

h (λ∗, 0) = L •X∗ +1

ηG(X∗)− λ∗ (I ·X∗ − 1)

= L •X∗ +1


By Weak Duality, this implies that X∗ is the optimal solution to the regularized SDP.

17.4 Deriving different random walks from Theorem 36

To derive the Heat Kernel random walk from Theorem 36, let’s do the following. Since

GH(X) = Tr (X log(X)) −Tr (X) ,

it follows that (∇G) (X) = log(x) and thus that (∇G)−1 (Y ) = exp(Y ), from which it follows that

X∗ = (∇G)−1 (η (λI − L))= exp (η (λI − L)) for an appropriate choice of η, λ

= exp (−ηL) exp (ηλ)


Tr (Hη),

where the last line follows if we set λ = −1η log (Tr (exp (−ηL)))

To derive the PageRank random walk from Theorem 36, we follow a similar derivation. Since

GD(X) = − log det (X) ,

it follows that (∇G) (X) = −X−1 and thus that (∇G)−1 (Y ) = −Y −1, from which it follows that

X∗ = (∇G)−1 (η (λI − L))= − (η (λI − L))−1 for an appropriate choice of η, λ



Tr (Rγ),

for η, λ chosen appropriately.

Deriving the truncated iterated random walk or other forms of diffusions is similar.

We will go into more details on the connection with PageRank next time, but for now we just statethat the solution can be written in the form

x∗ = c (LG − αLKn)+Ds,

for a constant c and a parameter γ. That is, it is of the form of the solution to a linear equation,i.e., L+

Gs, except that there is a term that moderates the effect of the graph by adding the Laplacianof the complete graph. This is essentially a regularization term, although it is not usually describedas such. See the Gleich article for more details on this.

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17.5 Interpreting Heat Kernel random walks in terms of stability

Here, we will relate the two previous results for the heat kernel. Again, for simplicity, assumethat G is d-regular. Recall that the Heat Kernel random walk is a continuous time Markov chain,modeling the diffusion of heat along the edges of G. Transitions take place in continuous time twith an exponential distribution:


∂t= −Lρ(t)

d⇒ ρ(t) = exp


− tdL



That is, this describes the way that the probability distribution changes from one step to thenext and how it is related to L. In particular, the Heat Kernel can be interpreted as a Poissondistribution over the number of steps of the natural random walk W = AD−1, where we get thefollowing:

e−tdL = e−t




k!W k.

What this means is: pick a number of steps from the Poisson distribution; and then perform thatnumber of steps of the natural random walk.

So, if we have two graphs G and G′ and they are close, say in an ℓ∞ norm sense, meaning thatthe edges only change a little, then we can show the following. (Here, we will normalize the twographs so that their respective eigenvalues sum to 1.) The statement analogous to Statement 34 isthe following.

‖G−G′‖∞ ⇒ ‖Ht


I •HtG

− HtG′

I •HtG′

‖1 ≤ tδ.

Here, ‖ · ‖1 is some other norm (the ℓ1 norm over the eigenvalues) that we won’t describe in detail.Observe that the bound on the RHS depends on how close the graphs are (δ) as well as how longthe Heat Kernel random walk runs (t). If the graphs are far apart (δ is large), then the bound isweak. If the random walk is run for a long time (t→∞), then the bound is also very weak. But,if the walk is nor run too long, then we get a robustness result. And, this follows from the strongconvexity of the regularization term that the heat kernel is implicitly optimizing exactly.

17.6 A statistical interpretation of this implicit regularization result

Above, we provided three different senses in which early-stopped random walks can be interpretedas providing a robust or regularized notion of the leading eigenvectors of the Laplacian: e.g., inthe sense that, in addition to approximating the Rayleigh quotient, they also exactly optimizea regularized version of the Rayleigh quotient. Some people interpret regularization in terms ofstatistical priors, and so let’s consider this next.

In particular, let’s now give a statistical interpretation to this implicit regularization result. By a“statistical interpretation,” I mean a derivation analogous to the manner in which ℓ2 or ℓ1 regu-larized ℓ2 regression can be interpreted in terms of a Gaussian or Laplace prior on the coefficientsof the regression problem. This basically provides a Bayesian interpretation of regularized linearregression. The derivation below will show that the solutions to the Problem 35 that randomwalkers implicitly optimize can be interpreted as a regularized estimate of the pseudoinverse of theLaplacian, and so in some sense it provides a Bayesian interpretation of the implicit regularizationprovided by random walks.

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To start, let’s describe the analogous results for vanilla linear regression. For some (statistics)students, this is well-known; but for other (non-statistics) students, it likely is not. The basic ideashould be clear; and we cover it here to establish notation and nomenclature. Let’s assume that wesee n predictor-response pairs in Rp×R, call them (xi, yi)ni=1, and the goal is to find a parametervector β ∈ Rp such that βTxi ≈ yi. A common thing to do is to choose β by minimizing the RSS(residual sum of squares), i.e., choosing

F (β) = RSS(β) =



‖yi − βTxi‖22.

Alternatively, we could optimize a regularized version of this objective. In particular, we have

Ridge regression: minβF (β) + λ‖β‖22

Lasso regression: minβF (β) + λ‖β‖1.

To derive these two versions of regularized linear regression, let’s model yi as independent randomvariables with distribution dependent on β as follows:

yi ∼ N(

βTx, σ2)

, (37)

i.e., each yi is a Gaussian random variable with mean βTxi and known variance σ2. This inducesa conditional density for y as follows:

p (y|β) ∼ exp −12σ2

F (β), (38)

where the constant of proportionality depends only on y and σ. From this, we can derive the vanillaleast-squares estimator. But, we can also assume that β is a random variable with distribution p(β),which is known as a prior distribution, as follows:

p(β) ∼ exp−U(β), (39)

where we adopt that functional form without loss of generality. Since these two random variablesare dependent, upon observing y, we have information on β, and this can be encoded in a posteriordensity, p (β|y), which can be computed from Bayes’ rule as follows:

p (β|y) ∼ p (y|β) p(β)

∼ exp −12σ2

F (β)− U(β). (40)

We can form the MAP, the maximum a posteriori, estimate of β by solving


p (β|y) iff minβ− log p (β|y) .

From this we can derive ridge regression and Lasso regression:

U(β) =λ

2σ2‖β‖22 ⇒ Ridge regression

U(β) =λ

2σ2‖β‖1 ⇒ Lasso regression

To derive the analogous result for regularized eigenvectors, we will follow the analogous setup.What we will do is the following. Given a graph G, i.e., a “sample” Laplacian L, assume it is arandom object drawn from a “population” Laplacian L.

172 M. W. Mahoney

• This induces a conditional density for L, call it p (L|L).

• Then, we can assume prior information about the population Laplacian L in the form of p (L).

• Then, given the observed L, we can estimate the population Laplacian by maximizing itsposterior density p (L|L).

While this setup is analogous to the derivation for least-squares, there are also differences. Inparticular, one important difference between the two approaches is that here there is one datapoint, i.e., the graph/Laplacian is a single data point, and so we need to invent a populationfrom which it was drawn. It’s like treating the entire matrix X and vector y in the least-squaresproblem as a single data point, rather than n data points, each of which was drawn from thesame distribution. (That’s not a minor technicality: in many situations, including the algorithmicapproach we adopted before, it is more natural to think of a graph as a single data point, ratherthan as a collection of data points, and a lot of statistical theory breaks down when we observeN = 1 data point.)

In more detail, recall that a Laplacian is an SPSD matrix with a very particular structure, and let’sconstruct/hypothesize a population from which it was drawn. To do so, let’s assume that nodes nin the population and in the sample have the same degrees. If d = (d1, . . . , dn) is the degree vector,and D = deg (d1, . . . , dn) is the diagonal degree matrix, then we can define the set

χ = X : X 0,XD1/2~1 = 0, rank(X) = n− 1.

So, the population Laplacian and sample Laplacian are both members of χ. To model L, let’suse a scaled Wishart matrix with expectation L. (This distribution plays the role of the Gaussiandistribution in the least-squares derivation. Note that this is a plausible thing to assume, butother assumptions might be possible too.) Let m ≥ n − 1 be a scale parameter (analogous to thevariance), and suppose that L is distributed over χ as 1

mWishart (L,m). Then E [L|L] = L and Lhas the conditional density

p (L|L) ∼ 1

det (L)m/2exp−m



. (41)

This is analogous to Eqn (38) above. Next, we can say that L is a random object with prior densityp (L), which without loss of generality we can take to be of the following form:

p (L) ∼ exp−U (L),

where U is supported on a subset χ ⊆ χ. This is analogous to Eqn (39) above. Then, observing L,the posterior distribution for L is the following:

p (L|L) ∼ p (L|L) p (L)∼ expm




2log det



− U (L),

with support determined by χ. This is analogous to Eqn (40) above.

If we denote by L the MAP estimate of L, then it follows that L+ is the solution of the followingoptimization problem.

minX Tr (L •X) +2



− log det (X) (42)

s.t. X ∈ χ ⊆ χ.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 173

If χ = X : Tr (X) = 1 ∩ χ, then Problem 42 is the same as Problem 35, except for the factor oflog det (x).

This is almost the regularized SDP we had above.

Next, we present a prior that will be related to the PageRank procedure. This will make theconnection with the regularized SDP more precise. In particular, we present a prior for the popu-lation Laplacian that permits us to exploit the above estimation framework to show that the MAPestimate is related to a PageRank computation.

The criteria for the prior are so-called neutrality and invariance conditions. It is to be supportedon χ; and in particular, for any X ∈ χ, it will have rank n− 1 and satisfy XD1/21 = 0. The priorwill depend only on the eigenvalues of the Laplacian (or equivalently of the inverse Laplacian). LetL+ = τOΛO be the spectral decomposition of the inverse Laplacian, where τ is a scale parameter.We will require that the distribution for λ = (λ1, . . . , λn) be exchangeable (i.e., invariant under

permutations) and neutral (i.e., λ(v) is independent of λ(u)1−λ(v) , for u 6= v, for all v). The only

non-degenerate possibility is that λ is distributed as a Dirichlet distribution as follows:

p (L) ∼ p(τ)n−1∏


λ(v)α−1, (43)

where α is a so-called shape parameter. Then, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 21. Given the conditional likelihood for L given L in Eqn. (41) and the prior density forL given in Eqn. (43); if L is the MAP estimate of L, then




solves the regularized SDP, with G(X) = − − log det(X) and with the value of η given in theproof below.

Proof. For L in the support set of the posterior, we can define τ = Tr (L+) and Θ = 1τL+, so that

rank(Θ) = n− 1 and Tr (Θ) = 1. Then, p (L) ∼ exp−U (L), where

U (L) = − logp(τ) det (Θ)α−1 = −(α− 1) log det (Θ)− log (p(τ)) .


p (L|L) ∼ exp−m2Tr(



2log det



− U (L)

∼ exp−mτ2

Tr (LΘ) +m+ 2(α− 1)

2log det (Θ) + g(τ),

where the second line follows since det (L+) = τn−1 det (Θ), and where g(τ) = m(n−1)2 log(τ) +

log p(τ). If L maximizes the posterior likelihood, then define τ = Tr(


and Θ = 1τ L+, and so

Θ must minimize Tr(


− 1η log det



, where

η =mτ

m+ 2(α− 1)

This Θ solves the regularized SDP with G(x) = − log det (X).

174 M. W. Mahoney

Remark. Lemma 21 provides a statistical interpretation of the regularized problem that is op-timized by an approximate PageRank diffusion algorithm, in the sense that it gives a generalstatistical estimation procedure that leads to the Rayleigh quotient as well as statistical prior re-lated to PageRank. One can write down priors for the Heat Kernel and other random walks; seethe two references if you are interested. Note, however, that the prior for PageRank makes thingsparticularly simple. The reason is that the extra term in Problem 42, i.e., the log det (X) term,is of the same form as the regularization function that the approximate PageRank computationimplicitly regularizes with respect to. Thus, we can choose parameters to make this term cancel.Otherwise, there are extra terms floating around, and the statistical interpretation is more complex.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 175

18 (03/31/2015): Local Spectral Methods (1 of 4): Introduction

and Overview

Reading for today.

• “Spectral Ranking”, in arXiv, by Vigna• “PageRank beyond the Web,” in SIAM Review, by Gleich

Last time, we showed that certain random walks and diffusion-based methods, when not run to theasymptotic limit, exactly solve regularized versions of the Rayleigh quotient objective (in additionto approximating the Rayleigh quotient, in a manner that depends on the specific random walkand how the spectrum of L decays). There are two ways to think about these results.

• One way to think about this is that one runs almost to the asymptotic state and then one getsa vector that is “close” to the leading eigenvector of L. Note, however, that the statement ofimplicit regularization from last time does not depend on the initial condition or how longthe walk was run. (The value of the regularization parameter, etc., does, but the form of thestatement does not.) Thus ...

• Another way to think about this is that one starts at any node, say a localized “seed set”of nodes, e.g., in which all of the initial probability mass is on one node or a small numberof nodes that are nearby each other in the graph topology, and then one runs only a smallnumber of steps of the random walk or diffusion. In this case, it might be more natural/usefulto try to quantify the idea that: if one starts the random walk on the small side of a bottleneckto mixing, and if one runs only a few steps of a random walk, then one might get stuck inthat small set.

The latter is the basic idea of so-called local spectral methods, which are a class of algorithms thathave received a lot of attention recently. Basically, they try to extend the ideas of global spectralmethods, where we compute eigenvectors, random walks, etc., that reveal structure about the entiregraph, e.g., that find a partition that is quadratically-good in the sense of Cheeger’s Inequality tothe best conductance/expansion cut in the graph, to methods that reveal interesting structure inlocally-biased parts of the graph. Not only do these provide locally-biased versions of global spectralmethods, but since spectral methods are often used to provide a ranking for the nodes in a graphand/or to solve other machine learning problems, these also can be used to provide a locally-biasedor personalized version of a ranking function and/or to solve other machine learning problems in alocally-biased manner.

18.1 Overview of local spectral methods and spectral ranking

Here is a brief history of local and locally-biased spectral methods.

• LS: developed a basic locally-biased mixing result in the context of mixing of Markov chainsin convex bodies. They basically show a partial converse to the easy direction of Cheeger’sInequality—namely, that if the conductance φ(G) of the graph G is big, then every randomwalk must converge quickly—and from this they also show that if the random walk fails toconverge quickly, then by examining the probability distribution that arises after a few stepsone can find a cut of small conductance.

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• ST: used the LS result to get an algorithm for local spectral graph partitioning that usedtruncated random walks. They used this to find good well-balanced graph partitions innearly-linear time, which they then used as a subroutine in their efforts to develop nearlylinear time solvers for Laplacian-based linear systems (a topic to which we will return brieflyat the end of the semester).

• ACL/AC: improved the ST result by computing a personalized PageRank vector. This im-proves the fast algorithms for Laplacian-based linear solvers, and it is of interest in its ownright, so we will spend some time on it.

• C: showed that similar results can be obtained by doing heat kernel computations.

• AP: showed that similar results can be obtained with an evolving set method (that we won’tdiscuss in detail).

• MOV: provided an optimization perspective on these local spectral methods. That is, this is alocally-biased optimization objective that, if optimized exactly, leads to similar locally-biasedCheeger-like bounds.

• GM: characterized the connection between the strongly-local ACL and the weakly-local MOVin terms of ℓ1 regularization (i.e., a popular form of sparsity-inducing regularizations) of ℓ2regression problems.

There are several reasons why one might be interested in these methods.

• Develop faster algorithms. This is of particular interest if we can compute locally-biasedpartitions without even touching all of the graph. This is the basis for a lot of work on nearlylinear time solvers for Laplacian-based linear systems.

• Improved statistical properties. If we can compute locally-biased things, e.g., locally-biasedpartitions, without even touching the entire graph, then that certainly implies that we arerobust to things that go on on the other side of the graph. That is, we have essentiallyengineered some sort of regularization into the approximation algorithm; and it might be ofinterest to quantify this.

• Locally exploring graphs. One might be interested in finding small clusters or partitions thatare of interest in a small part of a graph, e.g., a given individual in a large social graph, insituations when those locally-biased clusters are not well-correlated with the leading or withany global eigenvector.

We will touch on all these themes over the next four classes.

For now, let G = (V,E), and recall that Vol(G) =∑

v∈T dv (so, in particular, we have thatVol(G) = 2|E| = 2m. Also, A is the Adjacency Matrix, W = D−1A, and L = I − D−1A is therandom walk normalized Laplacian. For a vector x ∈ Rn, let’s define its support as

Supp(v) = i ∈ V = [n] : vi 6= 0.

Then, here is the transition kernel for that vanilla random walk.

P [xt+1 = j|xt = i] =

1d if i ∼ j0 otherwise.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 177

If we write this as a transition matrix operating on a (row) vector, then we have that

p(t) = sW t,

where W is the transition matrix, and where s = p(0) is the initial distribution, with ‖s‖1 = 1.Then, p = ~1TD/(~1TD~1) is the stationary distribution, i.e.,


P [xt = i] =di


independent of s = p(0), as long as G is connected and not bipartite. (If it is bipartite, then letW →WLAZY = 1



I +D−1A)

, and the same results holds.)

There are two common interpretations of this asymptotic random walk.

• Interpretation 1: the limit of a random walk.

• Interpretation 2: a measure of the importance of a node.

With respect to the latter interpretation, think of an edge as denoting importance, and then whatwe want to find is the important nodes (often for directed graphs, but we aren’t considering thathere). Indeed, one of the simplest centrality measures in social graph analysis is the degree of anode. For a range of reasons, e.g., since that is easy to spam, a refinement of that is to say thatimportant nodes are those nodes that have links to important nodes.

This leads to a large area known as spectral ranking methods. This area applies the theory ofmatrices or linear maps—basically eigenvectors and eigenvalues, but also related things like randomwalks—to matrices that represent some sort of relationship between entities. This has a long history,most recently made well-known by the PageRank procedure (which is one version of it). Here, wewill follow Vigna’s outline and description in his “Spectral Ranking” notes—his description is verynice since it provides the general picture in a general context, and then he shows that with severalseemingly-minor tweaks, one can obtain a range of related spectral graph methods.

18.2 Basics of spectral ranking

To start, take a step back, and let M ∈ Rn×n, where each column/row of M represents some sortof entity, and Mij represents some sort of endorsement or approval of entity j from entity i. (Sofar, one could potentially have negative entries, with the obvious interpretation, but this will oftenbe removed later, basically since one has more structure if entries must be nonnegative.) As Vignadescribes, Seeley (in 1949) observed that one should define importance/approval recursively, sincethat will capture the idea that an entity is important/approved if other important entities think isis important/approved. In this case, recursive could mean that

r = rM,

i.e., that the index of the ith node equals the weighted sum of the indices of the entities thatendorse the ith node. This isn’t always possible, and indeed Seeley considers nonnegative matricesthat don’t have any all-zeros rows, in which case uniqueness, etc., follow from the Perron-Frobeniusideas we discussed before. This involves the left eigenvectors, as we have discussed; one could alsolook at the right eigenvectors, but the endorsement/approval interpretation fails to hold.

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Later, Wei (in 1952) and Kendall (in 1955) were interested in ranking sports teams, and they saidessentially that better teams are those teams that beat better teams. This involves looking at therank induced by



and then appealing to Perron-Frobenius theory. The significant point here is three-fold.

• The motivation is very different than Seeley’s endorsement motivation.

• Using dominant eigenvectors on one side or the other dates back to mid 20th century, i.e.,well before recent interest in the topic.

• The relevant notion of convergence in both of these motivating applications is that of conver-gence in rank (where rank means the rank order of values of nodes in the leading eigenvector,and not anything to do with the linear-algebraic rank of the underlying matrix). In partic-ular, the actual values of the entires of the vector are not important. This is very differentthan other notions of convergence when considering leading eigenvectors of Laplacians, e.g.,the value of the Rayleigh quotient.

Here is the generalization. Consider matrices M with real and positive dominant eigenvalue λand its eigenvector, i.e., vector r such that λr = rM , where let’s say that the dimension of theeigenspace is one.

Definition 51. The left spectral ranking associated with M is, or is given by, the dominant lefteigenvector.

If the eigenspace does not have dimension one, then there is the usual ambiguity problem (whichis sometimes simply assumed away, but which can be enforced by a reasonable rule—we will see acommon way to do the latter in a few minutes), but if the eigenspace has dimension one, then wecan talk of the spectral ranking. Note that it is defined only up to a constant: this is not a problemif all the coordinates have the same sign, but it introduces an ambiguity otherwise, and how thisambiguity is resolved can lead to different outcomes in “boundary cases” where it matters; see theGleich article for examples and details of this.

Of course one could apply the same thing toMT . The mathematics is similar, but the motivation isdifferent. In particular, Vigna argues that the endorsement motivation leads to the left eigenvectors,while the influence/better-than motivation leads to the right eigenvectors.

The next idea to introduce is that of “damping.” (As we will see, this will have a reasonablegenerative “story” associated with it, and it will have a reasonable statistical interpretation, butit is also important for a technical reason having to do with ensuring that the dimension of theeigenspace is one.) Let M be a zero-one matrix; then



ijis the number of directed paths from

i→ j in a directed graph defined by M . In this case, an obvious idea of measuring the importanceof i, i.e., to measure the number of paths going into j, since they represent recursive endorsements,which is given by


I +M +M2 + · · ·)

= I +




does not work, since the convergence of the equation is not guaranteed, and it does not happenin general.

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If, instead, one can guarantee that the spectral radius of M is less than one, i.e., that λ0 < 1, thenthis infinite sum does converge. One way to do this is to introduce a damping factor α to obtain


I + αM + α2M2 + · · ·)

= I +



(αM)k .

This infinite sum does converge, as the spectral radius of αM is strictly less than 1, if α < 1λ0.

Katz (in 1953) proposed this. Note that




(αM)k = ~1 (I − αM)−1 .

So, in particular, we can compute this index by solving the linear system as follows.

x (I − αM) = ~1.

This is a particularly well-structured system of linear equations, basically a system of equationswhere the constraint matrix can be written in terms of a Laplacian. There has been a lot of workrecently on developing fast solvers for systems of this form, and we will get back to this topic in afew weeks.

A generalization of this was given by Hubbel (in 1965), who said that one could define a statusindex r by using a recursive equation r = v+rM , where v is a “boundary condition” or “exogenouscontribution.” This gives

r = v (I −M)−1 = v




So, we are generalizing from the case where the exogenous contribution is ~1 to an arbitrary vector v.This converges if λ0 < 1; otherwise, one could introduce an damping factor (as we will do below).

To see precisely how these are all related, let’s consider the basic spectral ranking equation

λ0r = rM.

If the eigenspace of λ0 has dimension greater than 1, then there is no clear choice for the ranking r.One idea in this case is to perturb M to satisfy this property, but we want to apply a “structuredperturbation” in such a way that many of the other spectral properties are not damaged. Here isthe relevant theorem, which is due to Brauer (in 1952), and which we won’t prove.

Theorem 37. Let A ∈ Cn×n, let

λ0, λ1, . . . , λn−1

be the eigenvalues of A, and let x ∈ Cn be nonzero vector such that AxT = λ0xT . Then, for all

vectors v ∈ Cn, the eigenvalues of A+ xT v are given by

λ0 + vxT , λ1, . . . , λn−1.

That is, if we perturb the original matrix by an rank-one update, where the rank-one update is ofthe form of the outer product of an eigenvector of the matrix and an arbitrary vector, then oneeigenvalue changes, while all the others stay the same.

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In particular, this result can be used to split degenerate eigenvalues and to introduce a gap intothe spectrum of M . To see this, let’s consider a rank-one convex perturbation of our matrix M byusing a vector v such that vxT = λ0 and by applying the theorem to αM and (1− α) xT v. If wedo this then we get

λ0r = r(

αM + (1− α) xT v)


Next, note that αM + (1− α) xT v has the same dominant eigenvalues as M , but with algebraicmultiplicity 1, and all the other eigenvalues are multiplied by α ∈ (0, 1).

This ensures a unique r. The cost is that it introduces extra parameters (α is we set v to be an all-ones vector, but the vector v if we choose it more generally). These parameters can be interpretedin various ways, as we will see.

An important consequence of this approach is that r is defined only up to a constant, and so wecan impose the constraint that rxT = λ0. (Note that if x = ~1, then this says that the sum of r’scoordinates is λ0, which if all the coordinates have the same sign means that ‖r‖1 = λ0.) Then weget

λ0r = αrM + (1− α)λ0v.Thus,

r (λ0 − αM) = (1− α)λ0v.From this it follows that

r = (1− α)λ0v (λ0 − αM)−1

= (1− α) v(

1− α



= (1− α) v∞∑






= (1− λ0β) v∞∑


(βM)k ,

which converges if α < 1, i.e., if β < 1λ0.

That is, this approach shows that the Katz-Hubbel index can be obtained as a rank-one perturbationof the original matrix. In a little bit, we will get to what this rank-one perturbation “means” indifferent situations.

To review, we started with a matrix M with possibly many eigenvectors associated with the domi-nant eigenvalue, and we introduced a structured perturbation get a specific eigenvector associatedwith λ0, given the boundary condition v.

The standard story is that if we start from a generic nonnegative matrix and normalize its rows toget a stochastic matrix, then we get a Markovian spectral ranking, which is the limit distributionof the random walk. Here, we are slightly more general, as is captured by the following definition.

Definition 52. Given the matrix M , the sampled spectral ranking of M with boundary conditionv and dumping factor α is

r0 = (1− α) v∞∑







for |α| < 1.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 181

The interpretation of the boundary condition (from the sampled to the standard case) is thefollowing.

• In the damped case, the Markov chain is restarted to a fixed distribution v, and there is asingle stationary distribution which is the limit of every starting distribution.

• In the standard case, v is the starting distribution from which we capture the limit using aneigenprojection.

While in some sense equivalent, these two interpretations suggest different questions and interpre-tations, and we will consider both of these over the next few classes.

18.3 A brief aside

Here is an aside we will get back to over the next few classes.

Consider a vanilla random walk, where at each time step, we follow the graph with some probabilityβ, and we randomly jump to any uniformly-chosen node in the graph with probability 1− β. ThisMarkov chain has stationary distribution

pβ =1− βn

~1 + βpβW.

This is often known as PageRank, which has received a lot of attention in web ranking, but fromthe above discussion it should be clear that it is one form of the general case of spectral rankingmethods. We can also ask for a “personalized” version of this, by which we informally mean aranking of the nodes that in some sense is conditioned on or personalized for a given node or agiven seed set of nodes. We can get this by using a personalized PageRank, by randomly jumping(not to any node chosen uniformly at random but) to a “seed set” s of nodes. This PPR is theunique solution to

pβ(s) = (1− β) s+ βpβ(s)W,

i.e., it is of the same form as the expression above, except that an all-ones vector has been replacedby a seed set or boundary condition vector V . This latter expression solves the linear equation

(I − βW ) pβ(s) = (1− β) s.

We can write this expression as an infinite sum as

pβ(s) = (1− β) s+ β



βt (sW )t

Thus, note that the following formulations of PageRank (as well as spectral ranking more generally)are equivalent.

• (I − βW )x = (1− β) s

• (γD + L) z = γs, where β = 11+γ and x = Dz.

As noted above, this latter expression is of the form of Laplacian-based linear equations. It is ofthe same form that arises in those semi-supervised learning examples that we discusses. We willtalk toward the end of the term about how to solve equations of this form more generally.

182 M. W. Mahoney

19 (04/02/2015): Local Spectral Methods (2 of 4): Computing

spectral ranking with the push procedure

Reading for today.

• “The Push Algorithm for Spectral Ranking”, in arXiv, by Boldi and Vigna• “Local Graph Partitioning using PageRank Vectors,” in FOCS, by Andersen, Chung, and


Last time, we talked about spectral ranking methods, and we observed that they can be computedas eigenvectors of certain matrices or as the solution to systems of linear equations of certainconstraint matrices. These computations can be performed with a black box solver, but they canalso be done with specialized solvers that take advantage of the special structure of these matrices.(For example, a vanilla spectral ranking method, e.g., one with a preference vector ~v that is anall-ones vector ~1, has a large eigenvalue gap, and this means that one can obtain a good solutionwith just a few steps of a simple iterative method.) As you can imagine, this is a large topic. Here,we will focus in particular on how to solve for these spectral rankings in the particular case whenthe preference vector ~v is has small support, i.e., when it has its mass localized on a small seed setof nodes. This is a particularly important use case, and the methods developed for it are usefulmuch more generally.

In particular, in this class, we will describe how to compute personalized/local spectral rankingswith a procedure called the push procedure. This has several interesting properties, in general, butin particular when computing locally-biased or personalized spectral rankings in a large graph. Aswith the last class, we will follow the Boldi-Vigna’s notes on “The Push Algorithm for SpectralRanking” on the topic.

19.1 Background on the method

To start, let M ∈ Rn×n be a nonnegative matrix; and WLOG assume that ‖M‖1 = 1, i.e., assumethat M is stochastic. (Actually, this assumes that M is sub-stochastic and that at least one rowof M sums to 1; this distinction won’t matter for what we do, but it could matter in other cases,e.g., when dealing with directed graphs, etc.) Then, let v be a nonnegative vector s.t. ‖v‖1 = 1,i.e., assume that v is a distribution, and let α ∈ [0, 1).

Then, recall that we defined the spectral ranking ofM with preference vector v and damping factorα to be

r = (1− α) v (I − αM)−1

= (1− α) v∞∑



For this, note that r need not be a distribution unlessM is stochastic (although it is usually applied

in that case). Note also that the linear operator is defined for all α ∈[

0, 1ρ(M)


, but estimating

ρ(M) can be difficult. (We’ll see an interesting example next week of what arises when we pushthis parameter to the limit.)

From this perspective, while it is difficult to “guess” what is the spectral ranking r associated with

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 183

a preference vector v, it is “easy” to solve the inverse problem: given r, solve

v =1

1− αr (I − αM) .

(While this equation is always true, the resulting preference vector might not be a distribution;otherwise, one could obtain any spectral ranking using a suitable preference vector.)

While this is obvious, it has important consequences for computing spectral rankings and approxi-mate spectral rankings that we will now describe.

Consider the indicator vector Xx(z) = [x = z]. If we want to obtain the vector (1− α)Xx as aspectral ranking, then the associated preference vector v has the simple form:

v =1

1− α (1− α)Xx (I − αM) (44)

= Xx − α∑



= Xx − α1




where note that ifMxy = 1d(x) is the natural random walk, then we can take it out of the summation.

This is true in general. The important point for us here is that if v is highly concentrated, e.g.,if it is an indicator vector of s small set of nodes, and if α is not too close to 1, then most of theupdates done by the linear solver or by an iterative method either don’t update much or updatebelow a threshold level. Motivated by this, we will discuss the so-called push algorithm—this usesa particular form of updates to reduce computational burden. This was used in work of Jeh andWidom and also of Berkhin on personalized page rank, and it was used with this name by ACL.Although they all apply it to PageRank, it applies for the steady state of Markov chains withrestart, and it is basically an algorithm for spectral ranking with damping (see the Boldi, Lonati,Santini, Vigna paper).

19.2 The basic push procedure

The basic idea of this approach is that, rather that computing an exact PPR vector by iteratingthe corresponding Markov chain (e.g., with vanilla matrix-vector multiplies) until it converges, itis also possible to consider computing an approximate PPR vector much more efficiently. Recallthat the PPR vector is the unique solution to

πα(s) = (1− α) s+ απα(s)W,

and it can be written as an infinite sum

πα(s) = (1− α) s+ (1− α)∞∑


αt (sW )t .

With this notation, we can define the following notion of approximation of a PPR vector.

Definition 53. An ǫ-approximate PageRank vector πα(s) is any PageRank vector πα(s−r), wherer is nonnegative and r(v) ≤ ǫdv, for all v ∈ V .

184 M. W. Mahoney

Fact. The approximation error of an ǫ-approximate PageRank vector on any set of nodes S canbe bounded in terms of the Vol(S) and ǫ. Here is a basic lemma from ACL.

Lemma 22. For all ǫ-approximate PageRank vectors πα(s− r), and for all S ⊂ V , we have

πα(s)1TS ≥ πα(s− r)1TS ≥ πα(s)1TS − ǫVol(S).

Here is an algorithm to compute an ǫ-approximate PageRank vector; let’s call this algorithmApproxPR(s, α, ǫ).

I. Let p = ~0 and r = ~s.

II. While ru ≥ ǫdu for some vertex u,

• Pick and u such that ru ≥ ǫdn• Apply Push(u)

III. Return the vectors p and r

And here is the Push(u) algorithm that is called by the ApproxPR(s, α, ǫ) algorithm.

I. Let p′ = p and r′ = r, except for the following updates:

• p′u = pu + αru• r′u = (1− α) ru

2• r′v = rv + (1− α) ru

2du, for all vertices v such that (u, v) ∈ E.

Note that we haven’t specified the order in which the pushes are executed, i.e., in which the Push(u)algorithm is called by the ApproxPR(s, α, ǫ) algorithm, and so they can be done in different ways,leading to slightly different algorithms.

Here is the theorem that ACL establishes about this procedure.

Theorem 38. Algorithm ApproxPR(s, α, ǫ) has the following properties.

• For all starting vertices with ‖s‖1 ≤ 1 and for all ǫ ∈ (0, 1], the algorithm returns an ǫ-approximate p for pα(s).

• The support of p satisfies

Vol(Supp(p)) ≤ 2

(1 + α)ǫ.

• The running time of the algorithm is O(




The idea of the proof—outlined roughly above—is that Algorithm Push(u) preserves the ap-proximate PageRank condition p = π (s− r); and the stopping condition ensures that it is an ǫapproximation. The running time follows since ‖r‖1 = 1 and it decreases by αǫdn at each timePush(u) is called.

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19.3 More discussion of the basic push procedure

The basic idea of the method is to keep track of two vectors, p which is the vector of currentapproximations and r which is the vector of residuals, such that the following global invariant issatisfied at every step of the algorithm.

p+ (1− α) r (I − αM)−1 = (1− α) v (I − αM)−1 . (45)

Initially, p = 0 and r = v, and so this invariant is trivially satisfied. Subsequently, at each step thepush method increases p and decreases r to keep the invariant satisfied.

To do so, it iteratively “pushes” some node x. A push on x adds (1− α) rxXx to the vector p. Tokeep the invariant try, the method must update r. To do so, think of r as a preference vector, inwhich we are just trying to solve Eqn. (44). By linearity, if we subtract



Xx − α∑




from r, then the value (1− α) r (I − αM)−1 will decrease by (1− α) rxXx, thus preserving theinvariant.

This is a good choice since

• We zero out the xth entry of r.• We add a small positive quantities to a small set of entries (small set, if the graph is sparse,

which is the use case we are considering). This increases the ℓ1 norm of p by (1− α) rx, andit decreases r by at least the same amount.

Since we don’t create negative entries in this process, it always holds that

‖p‖1 + ‖r‖1 ≤ 1,

and thus we can keep track of two norms at each update. The error in the estimate is then givenby the following.

‖ (1− α) r (I − αM)−1 ‖1 = (1− α) ‖r∑



≤ (1− α) ‖r‖1∑



≤ ‖r‖1

So, in particular, we can control the absolute error of the algorithm by controlling the ℓ1 error ofthe residual.

19.4 A different interpretation of the same process

Here is a different interpretation of the push method. Some might find useful—if so, good, and ifnot, then just ignore the following.

Just as various random walks can be related to diffusion of heat/mass, one can think of PageRankas related to the diffusion of a substance where some fraction of that substance gets stuck in place

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at each time step—e.g., diffusing paint, where the point of paint is that part of the paint dries inplace and then stops diffusing/flowing. (Think here of doing the updates to push asynchronously.)At each time step, 1 − α fraction of the paint dries in place, and α fraction of the paint does alazy random walk. So, we need to keep track of two quantities: the amount of wet paint (that stillmoves at the next step) and the amount of dry paint (that is probability mass that won’t moveagain). If we let

• p : V → Rn be a vector that says how much pain is stuck at each vertex.

• r : V → Rn be a vector saying how much wet paint remains at each vertex.

Then, at t = 0, r0 = Xu, and these vectors evolve as

pt+1 = pt + (1− α) rt

rt = αrW .

(Note that I have swapped sides where the vector is multiplying, so I think I have inconsistencieshere to fix. Also, I think I refer to α and 1− α inconsistently, so that must be fixed too)

Given this, if we let p∞ be where paint is dried at the end of the process, then

p∞ = (1− α)∑



= (1− α)∑


αtr0W t




This is simply PPR, with a different scaling and α. Recall here that W = 12I + 1

2W . Since

(I +X)−1 =∑∞

i=0Xi, if the spectral radius of X is less than 1, it follows that

p∞ = (1− α)Xu


I − αW)−1

= (1− α)Xu


1− α



I − α


= γXu (I − (1− γ)W )−1 ,

where the parameter γ is defined in terms of the parameter α.

Note that in this we don’t need to update the above time process but we can ignore time and do itin an asynchronous manner. That is, we can compute this by solving a linear equation or runninga random walk in which one keeps track of two vectors that has this interpretation in terms ofdiffusing paint. But, Jeh-Widom and Berkhin note that rather than doing it with these equations,one can instead choose a vertex, say that a fraction α of paint at that vertex is dry, and then pushthe wet paint to the neighbors according to the above rule. (That is, we can ignore time and doit asynchronously.) But this just gives us the push process. To see this, let πp,r be the vector of“dried paint” that we eventually compute. Then

πp,r = p+ (1− α)∑


rαtW t

= p+ (1− α) r (I − αW )−1

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In this case, the updates we wrote above, written another way, are the following: pick a vertex uand create p′ and r′ as follows.

• p′(u) = p(u) + (1− α) r(u)

• r′(u) = 0

• r′(v) = r(v) + αd(u)r(u), for all neighbors v of u.

Then, it can be shown that

πp′,r′ = πp,r,

which is the invariant that we noted before.

So, the idea of computing the approximate PageRank vectors is the following.

• Pick a vertex where r(u) is large or largest and distribute the paint according to that rule.

• Choose a threshold ǫ and don’t bother to process a vertex if r(u) ≤ ǫd(u).

Then, it can be shown that

Lemma 23. The process will stop within 1ǫ(1−α) iterations.

(Note there is an inconsistency with α and 1−α, i.e., whether α is the teleporting or non-teleportingprobability, that needs to be fixed.)

19.5 Using this to find sets of low-conductance

This provides a way to “explore” a large graph. Two things to note about this.

• This way is very different that DFS or BFS, which are not so good if the diameter is verysmall, as it is in many real-world graphs.

• The sets of nodes that are found will be different than with a geodesic metric. In particular,diffusions might get stuck in good conductance sets.

Following up on that second point, ACL showed how to use approximate PPR to find sets of lowconductance, if they start from a random vector in a set. Importantly, since they do it with theApproximate PPR vector, the number of nodes that is touched is proportional to the size of theoutput set. So, in particular, if there is a set of small conductance, then the algorithm will runvery quickly.

Here is the basic idea. ACL first did it, and a simpler approach/analysis can be found in AC07.

• Given πv, construct qv(u) =πv(u)d(u) .

• Number the vertices, WLOG, such that qv(1) ≥ qv(2) ≥ · · · qv(n), and let Sk = 1, . . . , k.

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Then, it can be shown that starting from a random vertex in the set of low conductance, then oneof the sets has low conductance.

Computationally, these and related diffusion-based methods use only local information in the graph.If one can look at the entire graph, then one can get information about global eigenvectors, whichapproximate sparse cuts. But, if the graphs are huge, then one might be interested in the followingquestion:

• Given a graph G = (V,E) and a node v ∈ V , find a set of nodes V such that the Cheegerratio hS is small.

Recall that hS = |E(S,S)|minVol(S),Vol(S) . Before, we were interested in good global clusters, and thus

we defined hG = minS⊂V hS and tried to optimize it, e.g., by computing global eigenvectors; buthere we are not interested in global eigenvectors and global clusters.

Note that it is not immediately obvious that diffusions and PageRank are related to this notion oflocal clustering, but we will see that they are. In particular, we are interested in the following.

• Given a seed node s, we want to find a small set of nodes that is near s and that is wellconnected internally but that is less well connected with the rest of the graph.

The intuition is that if a diffusion is started in such a cluster, then it is unlikely to leave the clustersince the cluster is relatively poorly-connected with the rest of the graph. This is often true, butone must be careful, since a diffusion that starts, e.g., at the boundary of a set S can leave S atthe first step. So, the precise statement is going to be rather complicated.

Here is a lemma for a basic diffusion process of a graph G.

Lemma 24. Let C ⊂ V be a set with Cheeger ratio hC , and let t0 be a time parameter. Define Ct0

to be a subset of C such that for all v ∈ Ct0 and all t ≤ t0, we have that ~1TvWt~1T

C≤ t0hC . Then,

the volume of Ct0 is such that

Vol (Ct0) ≥1

2Vol (C) .

This is a complicated lemma, but it implies that for vertex set C ⊂ V with small Cheeger ratio,that there are many nodes v ∈ C such that the probability of a random walk starting at v leavesC is low.

There is a similar result for the PageRank diffusion process. The statement is as follows.

Lemma 25. Let C ⊂ V have Cheeger ratio hC , and let α ∈ (0, 1]. Then, there is a subset Cα ⊆ Cwith volume Vol (Cα) ≥ 1

2Vol (C) such that for all v ∈ Cα, the PageRank vector πα(1V ) satisfies

πα (1V )~1TC ≥ 1− hC


This is also a complicated lemma, but it implies that for any vertex set C ⊆ V with small hC , thatthere are many nodes v ∈ C for which PPR, using v as a start node, is small on nodes outside of C.

These and related results show that there is a relationship or correlation between the Cheegerratio and diffusion processes, even for “short” random walks do not reach the asymptotic limit. In

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particular, for a set C ⊂ V with small hC , it is relatively hard for a diffusion process started withinC to leave C.

We can use these ideas to get local spectral clustering algorithms. To do this, we need a method forcreating vertex cuts from a PR or random walk vector. Here is the way.

• Say that πα(s) is a PPR vector.

• Then, create a set CS by doing a sweep cut over πα(s).

That is, do the usual sweep cut, except on the vector returned by the algorithm, rather than theleading nontrivial eigenvector of the Laplacian.

Here is one such lemma that can be proved about such a local spectral algorithm.

Lemma 26. If πα(s) is a PPR vector with ‖s‖1 ≤ 1 and there exists S ⊆ V and a constant δ such

that πα(s)~1S − Vol(S)Vol(G)

> δ, then

hCs <

12α log(






This too is a complicated lemma, but the point is that if there exists a set S where the PPR ismuch larger than the stationary distribution d

Vol(G), then a sweep cut over πα(S) produces a set

CS with low Cheeger ratio: O(

α log (Vol(S)))


This result is for PPR; that there is a similar result for approximate PPR, which has a morecomplicated statement still.

Two things to note.

• While the statements of these theoretical results is quite complicated, these methods do verywell in practice in many applications. (We won’t discuss this much.)

• These algorithms were originally used as primitives for the Laplacian solvers, a topic to whichwe will return in a few weeks.

While one can prove results about the output of these algorithms, one might also be interestedin what these algorithms optimize. Clearly, they approximately optimize something related to alocal version of the global spectral partitioning objective; so the question is what do they optimizeexactly. This is the topic we will turn to next—it will turn out that there are interesting connectionshere to with implicit regularization ideas.

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20 (04/07/2015): Local Spectral Methods (3 of 4): An optimiza-

tion perspective on local spectral methods

Reading for today.

• “A Local Spectral Method for Graphs: with Applications to Improving Graph Partitions andExploring Data Graphs Locally,” in JMLR, by Mahoney, Orecchia, and Vishnoi

Last time, we considered local spectral methods that involve short random walks started at a smallset of localized seed nodes. Several things are worth noting about this.

• The basic idea is that these random walks tend to get trapped in good conductance clusters,if there is a good conductance cluster around the seed node. A similar statement holds forapproximate localized random walks, e.g., the ACL push procedure—meaning, in particular,that one can implement them “quickly,” e.g., with the push algorithm, without even touchingall of the nodes in G.

• The exact statement of the theorems that can be proven about how these procedures canbe used to find good locally-biased clusters is quite technically complicated—since, e.g., onecould step outside of the initial set of nodes if one starts near the boundary—certainly thestatement is much more complicated than that for the vanilla global spectral method.

• The global spectral method is on the one hand a fairly straightforward algorithm (computean eigenvector or some other related vector and then perform a sweep cut with it) and onthe other hand a fairly straightforward objective (optimize the Rayleigh quotient variancesubject to a few reasonable constraints).

• Global spectral methods often do very well in practice.

• Local spectral methods often do very well in practice.

• A natural question is: what objective do local spectral methods optimize—exactly, not ap-proximately? Or, relatedly, can one construct an objective that is quickly-solvable and thatalso comes with similar locally-biased Cheeger-like guarantees?

To this end, today we will present a local spectral ansatz that will have several appealing properties:

• It can be computed fairly quickly, as a PPR.

• It comes with locally-biased Cheeger-like guarantees.

• It has the same form as several of the semi-supervised objectives we discussed.

• Its solution touches all the nodes of the input graph (and thus it is not as quick to computeas the push procedure which does not).

• The strongly local spectral methods that don’t touch all of the nodes of the input graph arebasically ℓ1-regularized variants of it.

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20.1 A locally-biased spectral ansatz

Here is what we would like to do.

• We would like to introduce an ansatz for an objective function for locally-biased spectralgraph partitioning. This objective function should be a locally-biased version of the usualglobal spectral partitioning objective; its optimum should be relatively-quickly computable; itshould be useful to highlight locally-interesting properties in large data graphs; and it shouldhave some connection to the local spectral algorithms that we have been discussing.

In addition to having an optimization formulation of locally-biased spectral partitioning methods,there are at least two reasons one would be interested in such an objective.

• A small sparse cut might be poorly correlated with the second (or even all) global eigenvectorsof L, and so it might be invisible to global spectral methods.

• We might have exogenous information about a specific region of a large graph in which weare most interested, and so we might want a method that finds clusters near that region, e.g.,to do exploratory data analysis.

Here is the approach we will take.

• We will start with the usual global spectral partitioning objective function and add to it acertain locality constraint.

• This program will be a non-convex problem (as is the global spectral partitioning problem),but its solution will be computable as a linear equation that is a generalization of the PRspectral ranking method.

• In addition, we will show that it can be used to find locally biased partitions near an inputseed node, it has connections with the ACL push-based local spectral method, etc.

Let’s set notation. The Laplacian is L = D−A; and the normalized Laplacian is L = D−1/2LD−1/2.The degree-weighted inner product is given by xTDy =

∑ni=1 xiyidi. In this case, the weighted

complete graph is given by

AKn =1


in which case DKn = DG and thus

LKn = DKn −AKn = DG −1


Given this notation, see the left panel of Figure 1 for the usual spectral program Spectral(G),and see the right panel of Figure 1 for LocalSpectral(G, s, κ), a locally-biased spectral program.(Later, we’ll call the LocalSpectral objective “MOV,” to compare and contrast it with the “ACL”push procedure.)

192 M. W. Mahoney

min xTLGx

s.t. xTDGx = 1

(xTDG1)2 = 0

x ∈ RV

min xTLGx

s.t. xTDGx = 1

(xTDG1)2 = 0

(xTDGs)2 ≥ κ

x ∈ RV

Figure 1: Global and local spectral optimization programs. Left: The usual spectral programSpectral(G). Right: A locally-biased spectral program LocalSpectral(G, s, κ). In both cases, theoptimization variable is the vector x ∈ Rn.

In the above, we assume WLOG that

s is such that

sTDs = 1sTD1 = 0


This “WLOG” just says that one can subtract off the part of s along the all-ones vector; we couldhave parametrized the problem to include this component and gotten similar results to what wewill present below, had we not done this. Note that s can actually be any vector (that isn’t in thespan of the all-ones vector); but it is convenient to think of it as an indicator vector of a small“seed set” of nodes S ⊂ V .

The constraint(

xTDs)2 ≥ κ says that the projection of the solution x is at least

√κ in absolute

value, where κ ∈ (0, 1). Here is the interpretation of this constraint.

• The vector x must be in a spherical cap centered at s with angle at most arccos (√κ) from s.

• Higher values of κ correspond to finding a vector that is more well-correlated with the seedvector. While the technical details are very different than with strongly local spectral methodssuch as ACL, informally one should think of this as corresponding to shorter random walksor, relatedly, higher values of the teleportation parameter that teleports the walk back to theoriginal seed set of nodes.

• If κ = 0, then there is no correlation constraint, in which case we recover Spectral(G).

20.2 A geometric notion of correlation

Although LocalSpectral is just an objective function and no geometry is explicitly imposed, thereis a geometric interpretation of this in terms of a geometric notion of correlation between cuts inG. Let’s make explicit the geometric notion of correlation between cuts (or, equivalently, betweenpartitions, or sets of nodes) that is used by LocalSpectral.

Given a cut (T, T ) in a graph G = (V,E), a natural vector in Rn to associate with it is itsindicator/characteristic vector, in which case the correlation between a cut (T, T ) and another cut(U, U ) can be captured by the inner product of the characteristic vectors of the two cuts. Since weare working on the space orthogonal to the degree-weighted all-ones vector, we’ll do this after weremove from the characteristic vector its projection along the all-ones vector. In that case, again, a

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notion of correlation is related to the inner product of two such vectors for two cuts. More precisely,given a set of nodes T ⊆ V , or equivalently a cut (T, T ), one can define the unit vector sT as


vol(T )vol(T )



1Tvol(T )

− 1Tvol(T )



in which case

sT (i) =

vol(T )vol(T )2m · 1

vol(T ) if i ∈ T


vol(T )vol(T )2m · 1

vol(T )if i ∈ T


Several observations are immediate from this definition.

• One can replace sT by sT and the correlation remains the same with any other set, and sothis is well-defined. Also, sT = −sT ; but since here we only consider quadratic functions ofsT , we can consider both sT and sT to be representative vectors for the cut (T, T ).

• Defined this way, it immediately follows that sTTDG1 = 0 and that sTTDGsT = 1. Thus,sT ∈ SD for T ⊆ V , where we denote by SD the set of vectors x ∈ RV : xTDG1 = 0; andsT can be seen as an appropriately normalized version of the vector consisting of the uniformdistribution over T minus the uniform distribution over T .

• One can introduce the following measure of correlation between two sets of nodes, or equiva-lently between two cuts, say a cut (T, T ) and a cut (U, U):

K(T,U)def= (sTDGsU)


Then it is easy to show that: K(T,U) ∈ [0, 1]; K(T,U) = 1 if and only if T = U or T = U ;K(T,U) = K(T , U); and K(T,U) = K(T, U).

• Although we have described this notion of geometric correlation in terms of vectors of theform sT ∈ SD that represent partitions (T, T ), this correlation is clearly well-defined for othervectors s ∈ SD for which there is not such a simple interpretation in terms of cuts.

Below we will show that the solution to LocalSpectral can be characterized in terms of a PPRvector. If we were interested in objectives that had solutions of different forms, e.g., the form of aheat kernel, then this would correspond to an objective function with a different constraint, andthis would then imply a different form of correlation.

20.3 Solution of LocalSpectral

Here is the basic theorem characterizing the form of the solution of LocalSpectral.

Theorem 39 (Solution Characterization). Let s ∈ Rn be a seed vector such that sTDG1 = 0,sTDGs = 1, and sTDGv2 6= 0, where v2 is the second generalized eigenvector of LG with respect toDG. In addition, let 1 > κ ≥ 0 be a correlation parameter, and let x⋆ be an optimal solution toLocalSpectral(G, s, κ). Then, there exists some γ ∈ (−∞, λ2(G)) and a c ∈ [0,∞] such that

x⋆ = c(LG − γDG)+DGs. (46)

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Before presenting the proof of this theorem, here are several things to note.

• s and κ are the parameters of the program; c is a normalization factor that rescales the normof the solution vector to be 1 (and that can be computed in linear time, given the solutionvector); and γ is implicitly defined by κ, G, and s.

• The correct setting of γ ensures that (sTDGx⋆)2 = κ, i.e., that x⋆ is found exactly on the

boundary of the feasible region.

• x⋆ and γ change as κ changes. In particular, as κ goes to 1, γ tends to −∞ and x⋆ approachess; conversely, as κ goes to 0, γ goes to λ2(G) and x

⋆ tends towards v2, the global eigenvector.

• For a fixed choice of G, s, and κ, an ǫ-approximate solution to LocalSpectral can be computed

in time O



· log(1ǫ ))

using the Conjugate Gradient Method; or in time O(

m log(1ǫ ))

using the Spielman-Teng linear-equation solver (that we will discuss in a few weeks), wherethe O notation hides log log(n) factors. This is true for a fixed value of γ, and the correctsetting of γ can be found by binary search.

While that is theoretically true, and while there is a lot of work recently on developingpractically-fast nearly-linear-time Laplacian-based solvers, this approach might not be ap-propriate in certain applications. For example, in many applications, one has precomputedan eigenvector decomposition of LG, and then one can use those vectors and obtain an ap-proximate solution with a small number of inner products. This can often be much fasterin practice.

In particular, solving LocalSpectral is not “fast” in the sense of the original local spectral methods,i.e., in that the running time of those methods depends on the size of the output and doesn’t dependon the size of the graph. But the running time to solve LocalSpectral is fast, in that its solutiondepends essentially on computing a leading eigenvector of a Laplacian L and/or can be solved with“nearly linear time” solvers that we will discuss in a few weeks.

While Eqn. (46) is written in the form of a linear equation, there is a close connection between thesolution vector x⋆ and the Personalized PageRank (PPR) spectral ranking procedure.

• Given a vector s ∈ Rn and a teleportation constant α > 0, the PPR vector can be written as

prα,s =


LG +1− αα




By setting γ = −1−αα , one can see that the optimal solution to LocalSpectral is proved to be

a generalization PPR.

• In particular, this means that for high values of the correlation parameter κ for which thecorresponding γ satisfies γ < 0, the optimal solution to LocalSpectral takes the form of aPPR vector. On the other hand, when γ ≥ 0, the optimal solution to LocalSpectral providesa smooth way of transitioning from the PPR vector to the global second eigenvector v2.

• Another way to interpret this is to say that for values of κ such that γ < 0, then one couldcompute the solution to LocalSpectral with a random walk or by solving a linear equation,while for values of κ for which γ > 0, one can only compute the solution by solving a linearequation and not by performing a random walk.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 195

minimize LG Xs.t. LKn X = 1

(DGs)(DGs)T X ≥ κ

X 0

maximize α+ κβ

s.t. LG αLKn + β(DGs)(DGs)T

β ≥ 0

α ∈ R

Figure 2: Left: Primal SDP relaxation of LocalSpectral(G, s, κ): SDPp(G, s, κ). For this primal,the optimization variable is X ∈ Rn×n such that X is SPSD. Right: Dual SDP relaxation ofLocalSpectral(G, s, κ): SDPd(G, s, κ). For this dual, the optimization variables are α, β ∈ R.

About the last point, we have talked about how random walks compute regularized or robustversions of the leading nontrivial eigenvector of L—it would be interesting to characterize an algo-rithmic/statistical tradeoff here, e.g., if/how in this context certain classes of random walk basedalgorithms are less powerful algorithmically than related classes of linear equation based algorithmsbut that they implicitly compute regularized solutions more quickly for the parameter values forwhich they are able to compute solutions.

20.4 Proof of Theorem 39

Here is an outline of the proof, which essentially involves “lifting” a rank-one constraint to obtainan SDP in order to get strong duality to apply.

• Although LocalSpectral is not a convex optimization problem, it can be relaxed to an SDPthat is convex.

• From strong duality and complementary slackness, the solution to the SDP is rank one.

• Thus, the vector making up the rank-one component of this rank-one solution is the solutionto LocalSpectral.

• The form of this vector is of the form of a PPR.

Here are some more details. Consider the primal SDPp and dual SDPd SDPs, given in the left paneland right panel, respectively, of Figure 2.

Here are a sequence of claims.

Claim 13. The primal SDP, SDPp is a relaxation of LocalSpectral.

Proof. Consider x ∈ Rn, a feasible vector for LocalSpectral. Then, the SPSD matrix X = xxT isfeasible for SDPp.

Claim 14. Strong duality holds between SDPp and SDPd.

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Proof. The program SDPp is convex, and so it suffices to check that Slater’s constraint qualificationconditions hold for SDPp. To do so, consider X = ssT . Then,

(DGs) (DGs)T ssT =



= 1 > κ.

Claim 15. The following feasibility and complementary slackness conditions are sufficient for aprimal-dual pair X∗, α∗, β∗ to be an optimal solution. The feasibility conditions are:

LKn X⋆ = 1,

(DGs)(DGs)T X⋆ ≥ κ,

LG − α⋆LKn − β⋆(DGs)(DGs)T 0, and (47)

β⋆ ≥ 0,

and the complementary slackness conditions are:

α⋆(LKn X⋆ − 1) = 0,

β⋆((DGs)(DGs)T X⋆ − κ) = 0, and (48)

X⋆ (LG − α⋆LKn − β⋆(DGs)(DGs)T ) = 0. (49)

Proof. This follows from the convexity of SDPp and Slater’s condition.

Claim 16. The feasibility and complementary slackness conditions, coupled with the assumptionsof the theorem, imply that X∗ is rank one and that β∗ ≥ 0.

Proof. If we plug v2 in Eqn. (47), then we obtain that vT2 LGv2 − α⋆ − β⋆(vT2 DGs)2 ≥ 0.

But vT2 LGv2 = λ2(G) and β⋆ ≥ 0. Hence, λ2(G) ≥ α⋆. Suppose α⋆ = λ2(G). As sTDGv2 6= 0, it

must be the case that β⋆ = 0. Hence, by Equation (49), we must have X⋆ L(G) = λ2(G), whichimplies that X⋆ = v2v

T2 , i.e., the optimum for LocalSpectral is the global eigenvector v2. This

corresponds to a choice of γ = λ2(G) and c tending to infinity.

Otherwise, we may assume that α⋆ < λ2(G). Hence, since G is connected and α⋆ < λ2(G), LG −α⋆LKn has rank exactly n− 1 and kernel parallel to the vector 1.

From the complementary slackness condition (49) we can deduce that the image of X⋆ is in thekernel of LG − α⋆LKn − β⋆(DGs)(DGs)

T .

If β⋆ > 0, we have that β⋆(DGs)(DGs)T is a rank one matrix and, since sTDG1 = 0, it reduces

the rank of LG − α⋆LKn by one precisely. If β⋆ = 0 then X⋆ must be 0 which is not possible ifSDPp(G, s, κ) is feasible.

Hence, the rank of LG −α⋆LKn − β⋆(DGs)(DGs)T must be exactly n− 2. As we may assume that

1 is in the kernel of X⋆, X⋆ must be of rank one. This proves the claim.

Remark. It would be nice to have a cleaner proof of this that is more intuitive and that doesn’trely on “boundary condition” arguments as much.

Now we complete the proof of the theorem. From the claim it follows that, X⋆ = x⋆x⋆T where x⋆

satisfies the equation(LG − α⋆LKn − β⋆(DGs)(DGs)

T )x⋆ = 0.

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From the second complementary slackness condition, Equation (48), and the fact that β⋆ > 0, weobtain that (x⋆)TDGs = ±

√κ. Thus, x⋆ = ±β⋆√κ(LG − α⋆LKn)

+DGs, as required.

20.5 Additional comments on the LocalSpectral optimization program

Here, we provide some additional discussion for this locally-biased spectral partitioning objective.Recall that the proof we provided for Cheeger’s Inequality showed that in some sense the usualglobal spectral methods “embed” the input graph G into a complete graph; we would like to saysomething similar here.

To do so, observe that the dual of LocalSpectral is given by the following.

maximize α+ βκ

s.t. LG αLKn + βΩT

β ≥ 0,

where ΩT = DGsT sTTDG. Alternatively, by subtracting the second constraint of LocalSpectral from

the first constraint, it follows that


LKn − LKnsT sTTLKn


x ≤ 1− κ.

Then it can be shown that

LKn − LKnsT sTTLKn =


vol(T )+


vol(T ),

where LKTis the DG-weighted complete graph on the vertex set T . Thus, LocalSpectral is equiva-

lent to

minimize xTLGx

s.t. xTLKnx = 1



vol(T )+


vol(T )


x ≤ 1− κ.

The dual of this program is given by the following.

maximize α− β(1− κ)

s.t. LG αLKn − β(


vol(T )+


vol(T )


β ≥ 0.

Thus, from the perspective of this dual, LocalSpectral can be viewed as “embedding” a combinationof a complete graph Kn and a weighted combination of complete graphs on the sets T and T , i.e.,KT andKT . Depending on the value of β, the latter terms clearly discourage cuts that substantiallycut into T or T , thus encouraging partitions that are well-correlated with the input cut (T, T ).

If we can establish a precise connection between the optimization-based LocalSpectral procedure andoperational diffusion-based procedures such as the ACL push procedure, then this would provideadditional insight as to “why” the short local random walks get stuck in small seed sets of nodes.This will be one of the topics for next time.

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21 (04/09/2015): Local Spectral Methods (4 of 4): Strongly and

weakly locally-biased graph partitioning

Reading for today.

• “Anti-differentiating Approximation Algorithms: A case study with Min-cuts, Spectral, andFlow,” in ICML, by Gleich and Mahoney

• “Think Locally, Act Locally: The Detection of Small, Medium-Sized, and Large Communitiesin Large Networks,” in PRE, by Jeub, Balachandran, Porter, Mucha, and Mahoney

Last time we introduced an objective function (LocalSpectral) that looked like the usual globalspectral partitioning problem, except that it had a locality constraint, and we showed that itssolution is of the form of a PPR vector. Today, we will do two things.

• We will introduce a locally-biased graph partitioning problem, we show that the solution toLocalSpectral can be used to compute approximate solutions to that problem.

• We describe the relationship between this problem and what the strongly-local spectral meth-ods, e.g., the ACL push method, compute.

21.1 Locally-biased graph partitioning

We start with a definition.

Definition 54 (Locally-biased graph partitioning problem.). Given a graph G = (V,E), an inputnode u ∈ V , a number k ∈ Z+, find a set of nodes T ⊂ V s.t.

φ(u, k) = minT⊂V :u∈T,Vol(T )≤k

φ(T ),

i.e., find the best conductance set of nodes of volume not greater than k that contains the node u.

That is, rather than look for the best conductance cluster in the entire graph (which we consideredbefore), look instead for the best conductance cluster that contains a specified seed node and thatis not too large.

Before proceeding, let’s state a version of Cheeger’s Inequality that applies not just to the leadingnontrivial eigenvector of L but instead to any “test vector.”

Theorem 40. Let x ∈ Rn s.t. xTD~1 = 0. Then there exists a t ∈ [n] such that S ≡ SweepCutt(x) ≡i : xi ≥ t satisfies xTLx

xTDx≥ φ(S)2

8 .

Remark. This form of Cheeger’s Inequality provides additional flexibility in at least two ways.First, if one has computed an approximate Fiedler vector, e.g., by running a random walk manysteps but not quite to the asymptotic state, then one can appeal to this result to show that Cheeger-like guarantees hold for that vector, i.e., one can obtain a “quadratically-good” approximation tothe global conductance objective function using that vector. Alternatively, one can apply this toany vector, e.g., a vector obtained by running a random walk just a few steps from a localized seednode. This latter flexibility makes this form of Cheeger’s Inequality very useful for establishingbounds with both strongly and weakly local spectral methods.

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Let’s also recall the objective with which we are working; we call it LocalSpectral(G, s, κ) or Local-Spectral. Here it is.

min xTLGx

s.t. xTDGx = 1

(xTDG1)2 = 0

(xTDGs)2 ≥ κ

x ∈ Rn

Let’s start with our first result, which says that LocalSpectral is a relaxation of the intractablecombinatorial problem that is the locally-biased version of the global spectral partitioning problem(in a manner analogous to how the global spectral partitioning problem is a relaxation of theintractable problem of finding the best conductance partition in the entire graph). More precisely,we can choose the seed set s and correlation parameter κ such that LocalSpectral(G, s, κ) is arelaxation of the problem defined in Definition 54.

Theorem 41. For u ∈ V , LocalSpectral(G, vu, 1/k) is a relaxation of the problem of finding aminimum conductance cut T in G which contains the vertex u and is of volume at most k. Inparticular, λ(G, vu, 1/k) ≤ φ(u, k).

Proof. If we let x = vT in LocalSpectral(G, vu, 1/k), then vTTLGvT = φ(T ), vTTDG1 = 0, and

vTTDGvT = 1. Moreover, we have that

(vTTDGvu)2 =

du(2m− vol(T ))

vol(T )(2m − du)≥ 1/k,

which establishes the lemma.

Next, let’s apply sweep cut rounding to get locally-biased cuts that are quadratically good, thusestablishing a locally-biased analogue of the hard direction of Cheeger’s Inequality for this problem.In particular, we can apply Theorem 40 to the optimal solution for LocalSpectral(G, vu, 1/k) andobtain a cut T whose conductance is quadratically close to the optimal value λ(G, vu, 1/k). By

Theorem 41, this implies that φ(T ) ≤ O(√

φ(u, k)), which essentially establishes the followingtheorem.

Theorem 42 (Finding a Cut). Given an unweighted graph G = (V,E), a vertex u ∈ V and apositive integer k, we can find a cut in G of conductance at most O(

φ(u, k)) by computing asweep cut of the optimal vector for LocalSpectral(G, vu, 1/k).

Remark. What this theorem states is that we can perform a sweep cut over the vector that isthe solution to LocalSpectral(G, vu, 1/k) in order to obtain a locally-biased partition; and thatthis partition comes with quality-of-approximation guarantees analogous to that provided for theglobal problem Spectral(G) by Cheeger’s inequality.

We can also use the optimal value of LocalSpectral to provide lower bounds on the conductancevalue of other cuts, as a function of how well-correlated they are with the input seed vector s. Inparticular, if the seed vector corresponds to a cut U , then we get lower bounds on the conductanceof other cuts T in terms of the correlation between U and T .

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Theorem 43 (Cut Improvement). Let G be a graph and s ∈ Rn be such that sTDG1 = 0, whereDG is the degree matrix of G. In addition, let κ ≥ 0 be a correlation parameter. Then, for all sets

T ⊆ V such that κ′def= (sTDGvT )

2, we have that

φ(T ) ≥

λ(G, s, κ) if κ ≤ κ′κ′

κ · λ(G, s, κ) if κ′ ≤ κ.

In particular, if s = sU for some U ⊆ V, then note that κ′ = K(U, T ).

Proof. It follows from the results that we established in the last class that λ(G, s, κ) is the sameas the optimal value of SDPp(G, s, κ) which, by strong duality, is the same as the optimal valueof SDPd(G, s, κ). Let α⋆, β⋆ be the optimal dual values to SDPd(G, s, κ). Then, from the dualfeasibility constraint LG − α⋆LKn − β⋆(DGs)(DGs)

T 0, it follows that

sTTLGsT − α⋆sTTLKnsT − β⋆(sTDGsT )2 ≥ 0.

Notice that since sTTDG1 = 0, it follows that sTTLKnsT = sTTDGsT = 1. Further, since sTTLGsT =φ(T ), we obtain, if κ ≤ κ′, that

φ(T ) ≥ α⋆ + β⋆(sTDGsT )2 ≥ α⋆ + β⋆κ = λ(G, s, κ).

If on the other hand, κ′ ≤ κ, then

φ(T ) ≥ α⋆ + β⋆(sTDGsT )2 ≥ α⋆ + β⋆κ ≥ κ′

κ· (α⋆ + β⋆κ) =


κ· λ(G, s, κ).

Finally, observe that if s = sU for some U ⊆ V, then (sTUDGsT )2 = K(U, T ). Note that strong

duality was used here.

Remark. We call this result a “cut improvement” result since it is the spectral analogue of theflow-based “cut improvement” algorithms we mentioned when doing flow-based graph partitioning.

• These flow-based cut improvement algorithms were originally used as a post-processing algo-rithm to improve partitions found by other algorithms. For example, GGT, LR (Lang-Rao),and AL (which we mentioned before).

• They provide guarantees of the form: for any cut(

C, C)

that is ǫ-correlated with the inputcut, the cut output by the cut improvement algorithm has conductance ≤ some function ofthe conductance of


C, C)

and ǫ.

• Theorem 43 shows that, while the cut value output by this spectral-based “improvement”algorithm might not be improved, relative to the input, as they are often guaranteed to dowith flow-based cut-improvement algorithms, they do not decrease in quality too much, andin addition one can make claims about the cut quality of “nearby” cuts.

• Although we don’t have time to discuss it, these two operations can be viewed as buildingblocks or “primitives” that can be combined in various ways to develop algorithms for otherproblems, e.g., finding minimum conductance cuts.

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21.2 Relationship between strongly and weakly local spectral methods

So far, we have described two different ways to think about local spectral algorithms.

• Operational. This approach provides an algorithm, and one can prove locally-biased Cheeger-like guarantees. The exact statement of these results is quite complex, but the running timeof these methods is extremely fast since they don’t even need to touch all the nodes of abig graph.

• Optimization. This approach provides a well-defined optimization objective, and one canprove locally-biased Cheeger-like guarantees. The exact statement of these results is muchsimpler, but the running time is only moderately fast, since it involves computing eigenvectorsor linear equations on sparse graphs, and this involves at least touching all the nodes of abig graph.

An obvious question here is the following.

• Shat is the precise relationship between these two approaches?

We’ll answer this question by considering the weakly-local LocalSpectral optimization problem (thatwe’ll call MOV below) and the PPR-based local spectral algorithm due to ACL (that we’ll call ACLbelow). What we’ll show is roughly the following.

• We’ll show roughly that if MOV optimizes an ℓ2 based penalty, then ACL optimizes anℓ1-regularized version of that ℓ2 penalty.

That’s interesting since ℓ1 regularization is often introduced to enforce or encourage sparsity. Ofcourse, there is no ℓ1 regularization in the statement of the strongly local spectral methods likeACL, but clearly they enforce some sort of sparsity, since they don’t even touch most of thenodes of a large graph. Thus, this result can be interpreted as providing an implicit regularizationcharacterization of a fast approximation algorithm.

21.3 Setup for implicit ℓ1 regularization in strongly local spectral methods

Recall that L = D −A = BTCB, where B is the unweighted edge-incidence matrix. Then

‖Bx‖C,1 =∑

(ij)∈EC(ij)|xi − xj| = cut(S),

where S = i : xi = 1. In addition, we can obtain a spectral problem by changing ‖ · ‖1 → ‖ · ‖2to get

‖Bx‖2C,2 =∑

(ij)∈EC(ij) (xi − xj)2

Let’s consider a specific (s, t)-cut problem that is inspired by the AL FlowImprove procedure. Todo so, fix a set of vertices (like we did when we did the semi-supervised eigenvector construction),and define a new graph that we will call the “localized cut graph.” Basically, this new graph willbe the original graph augmented with two additional nodes, call them s and t, that are connectedby weights to the nodes of the original graph. Here is the definition.

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Definition 55 (localized cut graph). Let G = (V,E) be a graph, let S be a set of vertices, possiblyempty, let S be the complement set, and let α be a non-negative constant. Then the localized cutgraph is the weighted, undirected graph with adjacency matrix:

AS =

0 αdTS 0αdS A αdS0 αdT


where dS = DeS is a degree vector localized on the set S, A is the adjacency matrix of the originalgraph G, and α ≥ 0 is a non-negative weight. Note that the first vertex is s and the last vertex is t.

We’ll use the α and S parameter to denote the matrices for the localized cut graph. For example,the incidence matrix B(S) of the localized cut graph, which depends on the set S, is given bythe following.

B(S) =

e −IS 00 B 00 −IS e


where, recall, the variable IS are the columns of the identity matrix corresponding to vertices in S.The edge-weights of the localized cut graph are given by the diagonal matrix C(α), which dependson the value α.

Given this, recall that the 1-norm formulation of the LP for the min-s, t-cut problem, i.e., theminimum weighted s, t cut in the flow graph, is given by the following.

min ‖Bx‖C(α),1

s.t. xs = 1, xt = 0, x ≥ 0.

Here is a theorem that shows that PageRank implicitly solves a 2-norm variation of the 1-normformulation of the s, t-cut problem.

Theorem 44. Let B(S) be the incidence matrix for the localized cut graph, and C(α) be the edge-weight matrix. The PageRank vector z that solves

(αD + L)z = αv

with v = dS/vol(S) is a renormalized solution of the 2-norm cut computation:

min ‖B(S)x‖C(α),2 (50)

s.t. xs = 1, xt = 0.

Specifically, if x(α, S) is the solution of Prob. (50), then

x(α, S) =




Proof. The key idea is that the 2-norm problem corresponds with a quadratic objective, whichPageRank solves. The quadratic objective for the 2-norm approximate cut is:

‖B(S)x‖2C(α),2 = xTB(S)TC(α)B(S)x

= xT

αvol(S) −αdTS 0−αdS L+ αD −αdS

0 −αdS αvol(S)


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If we apply the constraints that xs = 1 and xt = 0 and let xG be the free set of variables, then wearrive at the unconstrained objective:


1 xTG 0]

αvol(S) −αdTS 0−αdS L+ αD −αdS

0 −αdS αvol(S)


= xTG(L+ αD)xG − 2αxTGdS + αvol(S).

Here, the solution xG solves the linear system

(αD + L)xG = αdS .

The vector xG = vol(S)z, where z is the solution of the PageRank problem defined in the theorem,which concludes the proof.

Theorem 44 essentially says that for each PR problem, there is a related cut/flow problem that“gives rise” to it. One can also establish the reverse relationship that extracts a cut/flow problemfrom any PageRank problem.

To show this, first note that the proof of Theorem 44 works since the edges we added had weightsproportional to the degree of the node, and hence the increase to the degree of the nodes wasproportional to their current degree. This causes the diagonal of the Laplacian matrix of thelocalized cut graph to become αD+D. This idea forms the basis of our subsequent analysis. For ageneral PageRank problem, however, we require a slightly more general definition of the localizedcut graph, which we call a PageRank cut graph. Here is the definition.

Definition 56. Let G = (V,E) be a graph, and let s ≥ 0 be a vector such that d − s ≥ 0. Let sconnect to each node in G with weights given by the vector αs, and let t connect to each node inG with weights given by α(d− s). Then the PageRank cut graph is the weighted, undirected graphwith adjacency matrix:

A(s) =

0 αsT 0αs A α(d − s)0 α(d− s)T 0


We use B(s) to refer to the incidence matrix of this PageRank cut graph. Note that if s = dS , thenthis is simply the original construction.

With this, we state the following theorem, which is a sort of converse to Theorem 44. The proof issimilar to that of Theorem 44 and so it is omitted.

Theorem 45. Consider any PageRank problem that fits the framework of

(I − βP T )x = (1− β)v.

The PageRank vector z that solves(αD + L)z = αv

is a renormalized solution of the 2-norm cut computation:

min ‖B(s)x‖C(α),2 (51)

xs = 1, xt = 0

204 M. W. Mahoney

with s = v. Specifically, if x(α, S) is the solution of the 2-norm cut, then

x(α, s) =



Two things are worth noting about this result.

• A corollary of this result is the following: if s = e, then the solution of a 2-norm cut is areweighted, renormalized solution of PageRank with v = e/n. That is, as a corollary of thisapproach, the standard PageRank problem with v = e/n gives rise to a cut problem where sconnects to each node with weight α and t connects to each node v with weight α(dv − 1).

• This also holds for the semi-supervised learning results we discussed. In particular, e.g., theprocedure of Zhou et al. for semi-supervised learning on graphs solves the following:

(I − βD−1/2AD−1/2)−1Y.

(The other procedures solve a very similar problem.) This is exactly a PageRank equation fora degree-based scaling of the labels, and thus the construction from Theorem 45 is directlyapplicable.

21.4 Implicit ℓ1 regularization in strongly local spectral methods

In light of these results, let’s now move onto the ACL procedure. We will show a connectionbetween it and an ℓ1 regularized version of an ℓ2 objective, as established in Theorem 45. Inparticular, we will show that the ACL procedure for approximating a PPR vector exactly computesa hybrid 1-norm 2-norm variant of the min-cut problem. The balance between these two terms (theℓ2 term from Problem 51 and an additional ℓ1 term) has the effect of producing sparse PageRanksolutions that also have sparse truncated residuals, and it also provides an interesting connectionwith ℓ1-regularized ℓ2-regression problems.

We start by reviewing the ACL method and describing it in such a way to make these connectionseasier to establish.

Consider the problem (I − βAD−1)x = (1 − β)v, where v = ei is localized onto a single node. Inaddition to the PageRank parameter β, the procedure has two parameters: τ > 0 is a accuracyparameter that determines when to stop, and 0 < ρ ≤ 1 is an additional approximation termthat we introduce. As τ → 0, the computed solution x goes to the PPR vector that is non-zeroeverywhere. The value of ρ has been 1/2 in most previous implementations of the procedure; andhere we present a modified procedure that makes the effect of ρ explicit.

I. x(1) = 0, r(1) = (1− β)ei, k = 1

II. while any rj > τdj (where dj is the degree of node j)

III. x(k+1) = x(k) + (rj − τdjρ)ej

IV. r(k+1)i =

τdjρ i = j

r(k)i + β(rj − τdjρ)/dj i ∼ jr(k)i otherwise

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V. k ← k + 1

As we have noted previously, one of the important properties of this procedure is that the algorithmmaintains the invariant r = (1−β)v−(I−βAD−1)x throughout. For any 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1, this algorithmconverges because the sum of entries in the residual always decreases monotonically. At the solutionwe will have

0 ≤ r ≤ τd,which provides an ∞-norm style worst-case approximation guarantee to the exact PageRank solu-tion.

Consider the following theorem. In the same way that Theorem 45 establishes that a PageRankvector can be interpreted as optimizing an ℓ2 objective involving the edge-incidence matrix, thefollowing theorem establishes that, in the case that ρ = 1, the ACL procedure to approximatethis vector can be interpreted as solving an ℓ1-regularized ℓ2 objective. That is, in addition toapproximating the solution to the objective function that is optimized by the PPR, this algorithmalso exactly computes the solution to an ℓ1 regularized version of the same objective.

Theorem 46. Fix a subset of vertices S. Let x be the output from the ACL procedure with ρ = 1,0 < β < 1, v = dS/vol(S), and τ fixed. Set α = 1−β

β , κ = τvol(S)/β, and let zG be the solution ongraph vertices of the sparsity-regularized cut problem:

min 12‖B(s)z‖2C(α),2 + κ‖Dz‖1 (52)

s.t. zs = 1, zt = 0, z ≥ 0,

where z =


as above. Then x = DzG/vol(S).

Proof. If we expand the objective function and apply the constraint zs = 1, zt = 0, then Prob. (52)becomes:

min 12z

TG(αD + L)zG − αzTGdS + α2vol(S) + κdT zG (53)

s.t. zG ≥ 0

Consider the optimality conditions of this quadratic problem (where s are the Lagrange multipliers):

0 = (αD + L)zG − αdS + κd− ss ≥ 0

zG ≥ 0

zTGs = 0.

These are both necessary and sufficient because (αD + L) is positive definite. In addition, and forthe same reason, the solution is unique.

In the remainder of the proof, we demonstrate that vector x produced by the ACL method satisfiesthese conditions. To do so, we first translate the optimality conditions to the equivalent PageRanknormalization:

0 = (I − βAD−1)DzG/vol(S)− (1− β)dS/vol(S) + βκ/vol(S)d − βs/vol(S)s ≥ 0 zG ≥ 0 zTGs = 0.

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When the ACL procedure finishes with β, ρ, and τ as in the theorem, the vectors x and r satisfy:

r = (1− β)v − (I − βAD−1)x

x ≥ 0

0 ≤ r ≤ τd = βκ/vol(S)d.

Thus, if we set s such that βs/vol(S) = βκ/vol(S)d − r, then we satisfy the first condition withx = DzG/vol(S). All of these transformations preserve x ≥ 0 and zG ≥ 0. Also, because τd ≥ r,we also have s ≥ 0. What remains to be shown is zTGs = 0.

Here, we show xT (τd − r) = 0, which is equivalent to the condition zTGs = 0 because the non-zerostructure of the vectors is identical. Orthogonal non-zero structure suffices because zGs = 0 isequivalent to either xi = 0 or τdi − ri = 0 (or both) for all i. If xi 6= 0, then at some point inthe execution, the vertex i was chosen at the step rj > τdj . In that iteration, we set ri = τdi. Ifany other step increments ri, we must revisit this step and set ri = τdi again. Then at a solution,xi 6= 0 requires ri = τdi. For such a component, si = 0, using the definition above. For xi = 0, thevalue of si is irrelevant, and thus, we have xT (τd− r) = 0.

Remark. Finally, a comment about ρ, which is set to 1 in this theorem but equals 1/2 in mostprior uses of the ACL push method. The proof of Theorem 46 makes the role of ρ clear. If ρ < 1,then the output from ACL is not equivalent to the solution of Prob. (52), i.e., the renormalizedsolution will not satisfy zTGs = 0; but setting ρ < 1, however, will compute a solution much morerapidly. It is a nice open problem to get a clean statement of implicit regularization when ρ < 1.

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22 (04/14/2015): Some Statistical Inference Issues (1 of 3): In-

troduction and Overview

Reading for today.

• “Towards a theoretical foundation for Laplacian-based manifold methods,” in JCSS, by Belkinand Niyogi

22.1 Overview of some statistical inference issues

So far, most of what we have been doing on spectral methods has focused on various sorts ofalgorithms—often but not necessarily worst-case algorithms. That is, there has been a bias towardalgorithms that are more rather than less well-motivated statistically—but there hasn’t been a lotstatistical emphasis per se. Instead, most of the statistical arguments have been informal and byanalogy, e.g., if the data are nice, then one should obtain some sort of smoothness, and Laplaciansachieve that in a certain sense; or diffusions on graphs should look like diffusions on low-dimensionalspaces or a complete graph; or diffusions are robust analogues of eigenvectors, which we illustratedin several ways; and so on.

Now, we will spend a few classes trying to make this statistical connection a little more precise. Asyou can imagine, this is a large area, and we will only be able to scratch the surface, but we will tryto give an idea of the space, as well as some of the gotchas of naively applying existing statisticalor algorithmic methods here—so think of this as pointing to lots of interesting open questions todo statistically-principled large-scale computing, rather than the final word on the topic.

From a statistical perspective, many of the issues that arise are somewhat different than much ofwhat we have been considering.

• Computation is much less important (but perhaps it should be much more so).

• Typically, one has some sort of model (usually explicit, but sometimes implicit, as we sawwith the statistical characterization of the implicit regularization of diffusion-based methods),and one wants to compute something that is optimal for that model.

• In this case, one might want to show things like convergence or consistence (basically, thatwhat is being computed on the empirical data converges to the answer that is expected, asthe number of data points n→∞).

For spectral methods, at a high level, there are basically two types of reference states or classes ofmodels that are commonly-used: one is with respect to some sort of very low-dimensional space;and the other is with respect to some sort of random graph model.

• Low-dimensional spaces. In this simplest case, this is a line; more generally, this is alow-dimensional linear subspace; and, more generally, this is a low-dimensional manifold.Informally, one should think of low-dimensional manifolds in this context as basically low-dimensional spaces that are curved a bit; or, relatedly, that the data are low-dimensional,but perhaps not in the original representation. This manifold perspective provides added

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descriptive flexibility, and it permits one to take advantage of connections between the geom-etry of continuous spaces and graphs (which in very special cases are a discretization of thosecontinuous places).

• Random graphs. In the simples case, this is simply the Gnm or Gnp Erdos-Renyi (ER)random graph. More generally, one is interested in finding clusters, and so one works withthe stochastic blockmodel (which can be thought of as a bunch of ER graphs pasted together).Of course, there are many other extensions of basic random graph models, e.g., to includedegree variability, latent factors, multiple cluster types, etc.

These two places provide two simple reference states for statistical claims about spectral graphmethods; and the types of guarantees one obtains are somewhat different, depending on which ofthese reference states is assumed. Interestingly, (and, perhaps, not surprisingly) these two placeshave a direct connection with the two complementary places (line graphs and expanders) thatspectral methods implicitly embed the data.

In both of these cases, one looks for theorems of the form: “If the data are drawn from this place andthings are extremely nice (e.g., lots of data and not too much noise) then good things happen (e.g.,finding the leading vector, recovering hypothesized clusters, etc.) if you run a spectral method.We will cover several examples of this. A real challenge arises when you have realistic noise andsparsity properties in the data, and this is a topic of ongoing research.

As just alluded to, another issue that arises is that one needs to specify not only the hypothesizedstatistical model (some type of low-dimensional manifold or some type of random graph modelhere) but also one needs to specify exactly what is the problem one wants to solve. Here areseveral examples.

• One can ask to recover the objective function value of the objective you write down.

• One can ask to recover the leading nontrivial eigenvector of the data.

• One can ask to converge to the Laplacian of the hypothesized model.

• One can ask to find clusters that are present in the hypothesized model.

The first bullet above is most like what we have been discussing so far. In most cases, how-ever, people want to use the solution to that objective for something else, and the other bulletsare examples of that. Typically in these cases one is asking for a lot more than the objectivefunction value, e.g., one wants to recover the “certificate” or actual solution vector achieving theoptimum, or some function of it like the clusters that are found by sweeping along it, and so oneneeds stronger assumptions. Importantly, many of the convergence and statistical issues are quitedifferent, depending on the exact problem being considered.

• Today, we will assume that the data points are drawn from a low-dimensional manifold andthat from the empirical point cloud of data we construct an empirical graph Laplacian; andwe will ask how this empirical Laplacian relates to the Laplacian operator on the manifold.

• Next time, we will ask whether spectral clustering is consistent in the sense that it convergesto something meaningful and n →∞, and we will provide sufficient conditions for this (andwe will see that the seemingly-minor details of the differences between unnormalized spectralclustering and normalized spectral clustering lead to very different statistical results).

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• On the day after that, we will consider results for spectral clustering in the stochas-tic blockmodel, for both vanilla situations as well as for situations in which the data arevery sparse.

22.2 Introduction to manifold issues

Manifold-based ML is an area that has received a lot of attention recently, but for what we willdiscuss today one should think back to the discussion we had of Laplacian Eigenmaps. At root,this method defines a set of features that can then be used for various tasks such as data setparametrization, clustering, classification, etc. Often the features are useful, but sometimes theyare not; here are several examples of when the features developed by LE and related methods areoften less than useful.

• Global eigenvectors are localized. In this case, “slowly-varying” functions (by the usualprecise definition) are not so slowly-varying (in a sense that most people would find intuitive).

• Global eigenvectors are not useful. This may arise if one is interested in a small localpart of the graph and if information of interest is not well-correlated with the leading or withany eigenvector.

• Data are not meaningfully low-dimensional. Even if one believes that there is somesort of hypothesized curved low-dimensional space, there may not be a small number ofeigenvectors that capture most of this information. (This does not necessarily mean that thedata are “high rank,” since it is possible that the spectrum decays, just very slowly.) This ismore common for very sparse and noisy data, which are of course very common.

Note that the locally-biased learning methods we described, e.g., the LocalSpectral procedure, thePPR procedure, etc., was motivated by one common situation when the global methods such asLE and related methods had challenges.

While it may be fine to have a “feature generation machine,” most people prefer some sort oftheoretical justification that says when a method works in some idealized situation. To that end,many of the methods like LE assume that the data are drawn from some sort of low-dimensionalmanifold. Today, we will talk about one statistical aspect of that having to do with converging tothe manifold.

To start, here is a simple version of the “manifold story” for a classification problem. Consider a2-class classification problem with classes C1 and C2, where the data elements are drawn from somespace X , whose elements are to be classified. A statistical or probabilistic model typically includesthe following two ingredients: a probability density p(x) on X ; and class densities p (Ci|x ∈ X ),for i ∈ 1, 2. Importantly, if there are unlabeled data, then the unlabeled data don’t tell usmuch about the conditional class distributions, as we can’t identify classes without labels, but theunlabeled data can help us to improve our estimate of the probability distribution p(x). That is,the unlabeled data tell us about p(x), and the labeled data tell us about p (Ci|x ∈ X ).

If we say that the data come from a low-dimensional manifold X , then a natural geometric objectto consider is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on X . In particular, letM⊂ Rn be an n-dimensionalcompact manifold isometrically embedded in Rk. (Think of this as an n-dimensional “surface” inRk.) The Riemannian structure onM induces a volume form that allows us to integrate functions

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defined onM. The square-integrable functions form a Hilbert space L2 (M). Let C∞ (M) be thespace of infinitely-differentiable functions onM. Then, the Laplace-Beltrami operator is a secondorder differentiable operator ∆M : C∞ (M)→ C∞ (M). We will define this in more detail below;

for now, just note that if the manifold is Rn, then the Laplace-Beltrami operator is ∆ = − ∂2


There are two important properties of the Laplace-Beltrami operator.

• It provides a basis for L2 (M). In general, ∆ is a PSD self-adjoint operator (w.r.t.the L2 inner product) on twice differentiable functions. In addition, if M is a compactmanifold, then ∆ has a discrete spectrum, the smallest eigenvalue of ∆ equals 0 and theassociated eigenfunction is the constant eigenfunction, and the eigenfunctions of ∆ providean orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space L2 (M). In that case, any function f ∈ L2 (M)can be written as f(x) =

∑∞i=1 aiei(x), where ei are the eigenfunctions of ∆, i.e., where

∆ei = λiei.

In this case, then the simplest model for the classification problem is that the class member-ship is a square-integrable function, call it m :M→ −1,+1, in which case the classificationproblem can be interpreted as interpolating a function on the manifold. Then we can choosethe coefficients to get an optimal fit, m(x) =

∑ni=1 aiei, in the same way as we might ap-

proximate a signal with a Fourier series. (In fact, if M is a unit circle, call it S1, then

∆S1f(θ) = −d2f(θ)dθ2

, and the eigenfunctions are sinusoids with eigenvalues 12, 22, . . .. andwe get the usual Fourier series.)

• It provides a smoothness functional. Recall that a simple measure of the degree ofsmoothness for a function f on the unit circle S1 is

S(f) =



In particular, f is smooth iff this is close to zero. If we take this expression and integrate byparts, then we get

S(f) =


f ′(θ)dθ =∫


f∆fdθ = 〈∆f, f〉L2(S1).

More generally, if f :M→ R, then it follows that

S(f) =

M|∇f |2dµ =

Mf∆fdµ = 〈∆f, f〉L2(M).

So, in particular, the smoothness of the eigenfunction is controlled by the eigenvalue, i.e.,

S(ei) = 〈∆ei, ei〉L2(M) = λi,

and for arbitrary f that can be expressed as f =∑

i αiei, we have that

S(f) = 〈∆f, f〉 =⟨







λiα2i .

(So, in particular, approximating a function f by its first k eigenfunctions is a way to controlthe smoothness of the eigenfunctions; and the linear subspace where the smoothness functionsis finite is a RKHS.)

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This has strong connections with a range of RKHS problems. (Recall that a RKHS is a Hilbertspace of functions where the evaluation functionals, the functionals that evaluate functions at apoint, are bounded linear functionals.) Since the Laplace-Beltrami operator onM can be used toprovide a basis for L2 (M), we can take various classes of functions that are defined on the manifoldand solve problems of the form



(yi − f(xi))2 + λG(f), (54)

where H : M → R. In general, the first term is the empirical risk, and the second term is astabilizer or regularization term. As an example, one could choose G(f) =

M〈∇f,∇f〉 =∑

i α2i λi

(since f =∑

i αiei(x)), and H = f =∑

i αiei|G(f) <∞, in which case one gets an optimizationproblem that is quadratic in the α variables.

As an aside that is relevant to what we discussed last week with the heat kernel, let’s go throughthe construction of a RKHS that is invariantly defined on the manifold M. To do so, let’s fix aninfinite sequence of non-negative numbers µi|i ∈ Z+ s.t. ∑i µi < ∞ (as we will consider in theexamples below). Then, define the following linear space of continuous functions

H =

f =∑







Then, we can define the inner product as: for f =∑

i αifi and g =∑

i βigi, we have 〈f, g〉 =∑



Then, H is a RKHS with the following kernel: K(p, q) =∑

i µiei(p)ei(q). Then, given this, we cansolve regularized optimization problems of the form given in Eqn. (54) above. In addition, we canget other choices of kernels by using different choices of µ vectors. For example, if we let µi = e−tλi ,where λi are the eigenvalues of ∆, then we get the heat kernel corresponding to heat diffusion onthe manifold; if we let µi = 0, for all i > i∗, then we are solving an optimization problem in a finitedimensional space; and so on.

All of this discussion has been for data drawn from an hypothesized manifold M. Since we areinterested in a smoothness measure for functions for a graph, then if we think of the graph as amodel for the manifold, then we want the value of a function not to change too much betweenpoints. In that case, we get

SG(f) =∑

i j

Wij (fi − fj) ,

and it can be shown that

SG(f) = fLfT = 〈f, Lf〉G =



λi〈f, ei〉G.

Of course, this is the discrete object with which we have been working all along. Viewed fromthe manifold perspective, this corresponds to the discrete analogue of the integration by partswe performed above. In addition, we can use all of this to consider questions having to do with“regularization on manifolds and graphs,” as we have allude to in the past.

To make this connection somewhat more precise, recall that for a RKHS, there exists a kernelK : X×X → R such that f(x) = 〈f(·),K(x, ·)〉H . For us today, the domain X could be a manifoldM (in which case we are interested in kernels K : M ×M → R), or it could be points fromRn (say, on the nodes of the graph that was constructed from the empirical original data by a

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nearest neighbor rule, in which case we are interested in kernels K : Rn × Rn → R). We haven’tsaid anything precise yet about how these two relate, so now let’s turn to that and ask aboutconnections between kernels constructed from these two different places, as n→∞.

22.3 Convergence of Laplacians, setup and background

Now let’s look at questions of convergence.

If H :M→ R is a RKHS invariantly defined on M, then the key goal is to minimize regularizedrisk functionals of the form

Eλ = minf∈H


(y − f(x))2]

+ λ‖f‖2H .

In principle, we can do this—if we had an infinite amount of data available and the true manifoldis known. Instead, we minimize the empirical risk which is of the form

Eλ,n = minf∈H



(yi − f(xi))2 + λ‖f‖H .

The big question is: how far is Eλ,n from Eλ.

The point here is the following: assuming the manifold is known or can be estimated from thedata, then making this connection is a relatively-straightforward application of Hoeffding boundsand regularization/stability ideas. But:

• In theory, establishing convergence to the hypothesized manifold is challenging. We will getto this below.

• In practice, testing the hypothesis that the data are drawn from a manifold in some meaningfulsense of the word is harder still. (For some reason, this question is not asked in this area.It’s worth thinking about what would be test statistics to validate or invalidate the manifoldhypothesis, e.g., is that the best conductance clusters are not well balanced sufficient toinvalidate it?)

So, the goal here is to describe conditions under which the point cloud in X of the sample pointsconverges to the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the underlying hypothesized manifold M. Fromthis perspective, the primary data are points in X , that is assumed to be drawn from an underlyingmanifold, with uniform or nonuniform density, and we want to make the claim that the AdjacencyMatrix or Laplacian Matrix of the empirical data converges to that of the manifold. (That is,the data are not a graph, as will arise with the discussion of the stochastic block model.) Inparticular, the graph is and empirical object, and if we view spectral graph algorithms as applyingto that empirical object then they are stochastically justified when they can relate to the underlyingprocesses generating the data.

What we will describe today is the following.

• For data drawn from a uniform distribution on a manifoldM, the graph Laplacian convergesto the Laplace-Beltrami operator, as n→∞ and the kernel bandwidth is chosen appropriately(where the convergence is uniform over points on the manifold and for a class of functions).

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• The same argument applies for arbitrary probability distributions, except that one convergesto a weighted Laplacian; and in this case the weights can be removed to obtain convergenceto the normalized Laplacian. (Reweighting can be done in other ways to converge to otherquantities of interest, but we won’t discuss that in detail.)

Consider a compact smooth manifoldM isometrically embedded in Rn. The embedding induces ameasure corresponding to volume form µ on the manifold (e.g., the volume form for a closed curve,i.e., an embedding of the circle, measures the usual curve length in Rn). The Laplace-Beltramioperator ∆M is the key geometric object associated to a Riemannian manifold. Given ρ ∈ M, thetangent space TρM can be identified with the affine space to tangent vectors to M at ρ. (Thisvector space has a natural inner product induced by embeddingM⊂ Rn.) So, given a differentiablefunction f :M→R, let ∇Mf be the gradient vector onM (where ∇Mf(p) points in the directionof fastest ascent of f at ρ. Here is the definition.

Definition 57. The Laplace-Beltrami operator ∆M is the divergence of the gradient, i.e.,

∆Mf = −div (∇Mf) .

Alternatively, ∆M can be defined as the unique operator s.t., for all two differentiable functions fand h,

Mh(x)∆Mf(x)dµ(x) =

M〈∇Mh(x),∇Mf(x)〉 dµ,

where the inner product is on the tangent space and µ is the uniform measure.

In Rn, we have ∆f = −∑



. More generally, on a k-dimensional manifold M, in a local

coordinate system (x1, . . . , xn), with a metric tensor gij , if gij are the components of the inverse of

the metric tensor, then the Laplace-Beltrami operator applied to a function f is

∆Mf =1










(If the manifold has nonuniform measure ν, given by dν(x) = P (x)dµ(x), for some function P (x)and with dµ being the canonical measure corresponding to the volume form, then we have the moregeneral notion of a weighted manifold Laplacian: ∆M,µ = ∆Pf = 1

P (x)div (P (x)∇Mf).)

The question is how to reconstruct ∆M, given a finite sample of data points from the manifold?Here are the basic objects (in addition to ∆M) that are used to answer this question.

• Empirical Graph Laplacian. Given a sample of n points xi, . . . , xn from M, we canconstruct a weighted graph with weights Wij = e−‖xi−xj‖2/4t, and then





−Wij if i 6= j∑

kWik if i = j.

Call Ltn the graph Laplacian matrix. We can think of Lt

n as an operation of functions on then empirical data points:

Ltnf(xi) = f(xi)


e−‖xi−xj‖2/(4t) −∑



but this operator operates only on the empirical data, i.e., it says nothing about other pointsfromM or the ambient space in whichM is embedded.

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• Point Cloud Laplace operator. This formulation extends the previous results to anyfunction on the ambient space. Denote this by Lt

n to get

Ltnf(x) = f(x)




e−‖x−xj‖2/(4t) − 1




(So, in particular, when evaluated on the empirical data points, we have that Ltnf(xi) =


Tnf(xi).) Call Lt

n the Laplacian associated to the point cloud x1, . . . , xn.

• Functional approximation to the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Given a measure ν onM, we can construct an operator

Ltf(x) = f(x)



Observe that Ltn is just a special form of Lt, corresponding to the Dirac measure supported

on x1, . . . , xn.

22.4 Convergence of Laplacians, main result and discussion

The main result they describe is to establish a connection between the graph Laplacian associatedto a point cloud (which is an extension of the graph Laplacian from the empirical data points tothe ambient space) and the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the underlying manifoldM. Here is themain results.

Theorem 47. Let x1, . . . , xn be data points sampled from a uniform distribution on the manifoldM⊂ Rn. Choose tn = n−1/(k+2+α), for α > 0, and let f ∈ C∞ (M). Then



tn(4πtn)k/2Ltnn f(x) =


Vol (M)∆Mf(x),

where the limit is taken in probability and Vol (M) is the volume of the manifold with respect to thecanonical measure.

We are not going to go through the proof in detail, but we will outline some key ideas used in theproof. Before doing that, here are some things to note.

• This theorem assert pointwise convergence of Ltnf(p) to ∆Mf(p), for a fixed function f and

a fixed point p.

• Uniformity over all p ∈ M follows almost immediately from the compactness ofM.

• Uniform convergence over a class of function, e.g., functions Ck (M) with bounded kth deriva-tive, follows with more effort.

• One can consider a more general probability distribution P on M according to which datapoints are sampled—we will get back to an example of this below.

For the proof, the easier part is to show that Ltn → Lt, as n→∞, if points are samples uniformly:

this uses some basic concentration results. The harder part is to connect Lt and ∆M: what mustbe shown is that when t→ 0, then Lt appropriately scaled converges to ∆M.

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Here are the basic proof ideas, which exploit heavily connections with the heat equation onM.

For simplicity, consider first Rn, where we have the following theorem.

Theorem 48 (Solution to heat equation on Rk). Let f(x) be a sufficiently differentiable boundedfunction. Then

Htf = (4πt)−k/2∫



4t f(y)dy,


f(x) = limt→0

Htf(x) = (4πt)−k/2∫



4t f(y)dy,

and the function u(x, t) = Htf satisfies the heat equation

∂tu(x, t) + ∆u(x, t) = 0

with initial condition u(x, 0) = f(x).

This result for the heat equation is the key result for approximating the Laplace operator.

∆f(x) = − ∂

∂tu(x, t)|t=0

= − ∂


= limt→0






By this last result, we have a scheme for approximating the Laplace operator. To do so, recall thatthe heat kernel is the Gaussian that integrates to 1, and so

∆f(x) = limt→0−1






4t f(y)dy − f(x) (4πt)−k/2∫



4t dy.


It can be shown that this can be approximated by the point cloud x1, . . . , xn by computing theempirical version as

∆f(x) =1









4t −∑




4t f(xi)



t (4πt)k/2Ltnf(x).

It is relatively straightforward to extend this to a convergence result for Rk. To extend it to aconvergence result for arbitrary manifoldsM, two issues arise:

• With very few exceptions, we don’t know the exact form of the heat kernel HtM(x, y). (It has

the nice form of a Gaussian forM = Rk.)

• Even asymptotic forms of the heat kernel requires knowing the geodesic distance betweenpoints in the point cloud, but we can only observe distance in the ambient space.

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See their paper for how they deal with these two issues; this involves methods from differentialgeometry that are very nice but that are not directly relevant to what we are doing.

Next, what about sampling with respect to nonuniform probability distributions? Using the aboveproof, we can establish that we converge to a weighted Laplacian. If this is not of interest, thenonce can instead normalize differently and get one of two results.

• The weighted scaling factors can be removed by using a different normalization of the weightsof the point cloud. This different normalization basically amounts to considering the normal-ized Laplacian. See below.

• With yet a different normalization, we can recover the Laplace-Beltrami operator on themanifold. The significance of this is that it is possible to separate geometric aspects of themanifold from the probability distribution on it. This is of interest to harmonic analysts, andit underlies extension of the Diffusion Maps beyond the Laplacian Eigenmaps.

As for the first point, if we have a compact Riemannian manifoldM and a probability distributionP :M→ R+ according to which points are drawn in an i.i.d. fashion. Assume that a ≤ P (x) ≤ b,for all x ∈M. Then, define the point cloud Laplacian operator as

Ltnf(x) =





W (xi, xj) (f(x)− f(xi))

If W (x, xi) = e‖x−xi‖

4t , then this corresponds to the operator we described above. In order tonormalized the weights, let

W (x, xi) =1


Gt(x, xi)√




Gt(x, xi) =1



4t ,

dt(x) =1


j 6=i

Gt(x, xj), and

dt(xi) =1

n− 1

j 6=i

Gt(xi, xj),

where the latter two quantities are empirical estimates of the degree function dt(x), where

dt(x) =

MGt(x, y)P (y)Vol(y).

Note that we get a degree function—which is a continuous function defined onM. This functionbears some resemblance to the diagonal degree matrix of a graph, and it can be thought of asa multiplication operator, but it has very different properties than an integral operator like theheat kernel. We will see this same function next time, and this will be important for when we getconsistency with normalized versus unnormalized spectral clustering.

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23 (04/16/2015): Some Statistical Inference Issues (2 of 3): Con-

vergence and consistency questions

Reading for today.

• “Consistency of spectral clustering,” in Annals of Statistics, by von Luxburg, Belkin, andBousquet

Last time, we talked about whether the Laplacian constructed from point clouds converged to theLaplace-Beltrami operator on the manifold from which the data were drawn, under the assumptionthat the unseen hypothesized data points are drawn from a probability distribution that is supportedon a low-dimensional Riemannian manifold. While potentially interesting, that result is a littleunsatisfactory for a number of reasons, basically since one typically does not test the hypothesisthat the underlying manifold even exists, and since the result doesn’t imply anything statisticalabout cluster quality or prediction quality or some other inferential goal. For example, if one isgoing to use the Laplacian for spectral clustering, then probably a more interesting question is toask whether the actual clusters that are identified make any sense, e.g., do they converge, are theyconsistent, etc. So, let’s consider these questions. Today and next time, we will do this in twodifferent ways.

• Today, we will address the question of the consistency of spectral clustering when there aredata points drawn from some space X and we have similarity/dissimilarity information aboutthe points. We will follow the paper “Consistency of spectral clustering,” by von Luxburg,Belkin, and Bousquet.

• Next time, we will ask similar questions but for a slightly different data model, i.e., when thedata are from very simple random graph models. As we will see, some of the issues will besimilar to what we discuss today, but some of the issues will be different.

I’ll start today with some general discussion on: algorithmic versus statistical approaches; similarityand dissimilarity functions; and embedding data in Hilbert versus Banach spaces. Although Icovered this in class briefly, for completeness I’ll go into more detail here.

23.1 Some general discussion on algorithmic versus statistical approaches

When discussing statistical issues, we need to say something about our model of the data generationmechanism, and we will discuss one such model here. This is quite different than the algorithmicperspective, and there are a few points that would be helpful to clarify.

To do so, let’s take a step back and ask: how are the data or training points generated? Here aretwo possible answers.

• Deterministic setting. Here, someone just provides us with a fixed set of objects (consist-ing, e.g, of a set of vectors or a single graph) and we have to work with this particular setof data. This setting is more like the algorithmic approach we have been adopting when weprove worst-case bounds.

• Probabilistic setting. Here, we can consider the objects as a random sample generatedfrom some unknown probability distribution P . For example, this P could be on (Euclidean

218 M. W. Mahoney

or Hilbert or Banach or some other) space X . Alternatively, this P could be over randomgraphs or stochastic blockmodels.

There are many differences between these two approaches. One is the question of what counts as“full knowledge.” A related question has to do with the objective that is of interest.

• In the deterministic setting, the data at hand count as full knowledge, since they are all thereis. Thus, when one runs computations, one wants to make statements about the data athand, e.g., how close in quality is the output of an approximation algorithm to the output ofa more expensive exact computation.

• In the probabilistic setting, complete or full knowledge is to know P exactly, and the finitesample contains only noisy information about P . Thus, when we run computations, we areonly secondarily interested in the data at hand, since we are more interested in P , or relatedlyin what we can say if we draw another noisy sample from P tomorrow.

Sometimes, people think of the deterministic setting as the probabilistic setting, in which the dataspace equals the sample space and when one has sampled all the data. Sometimes this perspectiveis useful, and sometimes it is not.

In either setting, one simple problem of potential interest (that we have been discussing) is cluster-ing: given a training data (xi)i=1,...,n, where xi correspond to some features/patterns but for whichthere are no labels available, the goal is to find some sort of meaningful clusters. Another problemof potential interest is classification: given training points (xi, yi)i=1,...,n, where xi correspond tosome features/patterns and yi correspond to labels, the goal is to infer a rule to assign a correct yto a new x. It is often said that, in some sense, in the supervised case, what we want to achieve iswell-understood, and we just need to specify how to achieve it; while in the latter case both whatwe want to achieve as well as how we want to achieve it is not well-specified. This is a popularview from statistics and ML; and, while it has some truth to it, it hides several things.

• In both cases, one specifies—implicitly or explicitly—an objective and tries to optimize it. Inparticular, while the vague idea that we want to predict labels is reasonable, one obtains verydifferent objectives, and thus very different algorithmic and statistical properties, dependingon how sensitive one is to, e.g., false positives versus false negatives. Deciding on the preciseform of this can be as much of an art as deciding on an unsupervised clustering objective.

• The objective to be optimized could depend on just the data at hand, or it could depend onsome unseen hypothesized data (i.e., drawn from P ). In the supervised case, that might beobvious; but even in the unsupervised case, one typically is not interested in the output perse, but instead in using it for some downstream task (that is often not specified).

All that being said, it is clearly easier to validate the supervised case. But we have also seenthat the computations in the supervised case often boil down to computations that are identicalto computations that arise in the unsupervised case. For example, in both cases locally-biasedspectral ranking methods arise, but they arise for somewhat different reasons, and thus they areused in somewhat different ways.

From the probabilistic perspective, due to randomness in the generation of the training set, it iscommon to study ML algorithms from this statistical or probabilistic point of view and to model

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the data as coming from a probability space. For example, in the supervised case, the unseen dataare often modeled by a probability space of the form

((X × Y) , σ (BX × BY) , P )

where X is the feature/pattern space and Y is the label space, BX and BY are σ-algebras on Xand Y, and P is a joint probability distribution on patterns and labels. (Don’t worry about theσ-algebra and measure theoretic issues if you aren’t familiar with them, but note that P is the mainobject of interest, and this is what we were talking about last time with labeled versus unlabeleddata.) The typical assumption in this case is that P is unknown, but that one can sample X × Yfrom P . On the other hand, in the unsupervised case, there is no Y, and so in that case the unseendata are more often modeled by a probability space of the form

(X ,BX , P ) ,

in which case the data training points (xi)i=1,...,n are drawn from P .

From the probabilistic perspective, one is less interested in the objective function quality on the dataat hand, and instead one is often interested in finite-sample performance issues and/or asymptoticconvergence issues. For example, here are some questions of interest.

• Does the classification constructed by a given algorithm on a finite sample converge to a limitclassifier at n→∞?

• If it converges, is the limit classifier the best possible; and if not, how suboptimal is it?

• How fast does convergence take place, as a function of increasing n?

• Can we estimate the difference between finite sample classifier and the optimal classifier, givenonly the sample?

Today, we will look at the convergence of spectral clustering from this probabilistic perspective.But first, let’s go into a little more detail about similarities and dissimilarities.

23.2 Some general discussion on similarities and dissimilarities

When applying all sorts of algorithms, and spectral algorithms in particular, MLers work withsome notion either of similarity or dissimilarity. For example, spectral clustering uses an adjacencymatrix, which is a sort of similarity function. Informally, a dissimilarity function is a notion thatis somewhat like a distance measure; and a similarity/affinity function measures similarities and issometimes thought about as a kernel matrix. Some of those intuitions map to what we have beendiscussing, e.g., metrics and metric spaces, but in some cases there are differences.

Let’s start first with dissimilarity/distance functions. In ML, people are often a little less precisethan say in TCS; and—as used in ML—dissimilarity functions satisfy some or most or all of thefollowing, but typically at least the first two.

• (D1) d(x, x) = 0

• (D2) d(x, y) ≥ 0

220 M. W. Mahoney

• (D3) d(x, y) = d(y, x)

• (D4) d(x, y) = 0⇒ x = y

• (D5) d(x, y) + d(y, z) ≥ d(x, z)

Here are some things to note about dissimilarity and metric functions.

• Being more precise, a metric satisfies all of these conditions; and a semi-metric satisfies allof these except for (D4).

• MLers are often interested in dissimilarity measures that do not satisfy (D3), e.g., theKullback-Leibler “distance.”

• There is also interest in cases where (D4) is not satisfied. In particular, the so-called cutmetric—which we used for flow-based graph partitioning—was a semi-metric.

• Condition (D4) says that if different points have distance equal to zero, then this impliesthat they are really the same point. Clearly, if this is not satisfied, then one should expectan algorithm should have difficulty discriminating points (in clustering, classification, etc.problems) which have distance zero.

Here are some commonly used methods to transform non-metric dissimilarity functions into propermetric functions.

• If d is a distance function and x0 ∈ X is arbitrary, then d(x, y) = |d(x, x0) − d(y, x0)| is asemi-metric on X .

• If (X , d) is a finite dissimilarity space with d symmetric and definite, then

d =

d(x, y) + c if x 6= y0 if x = y


with c ≥ maxp,q,r∈X |d(p, q) + d(p, r) + d(r, q)|, is a metric.

• If D is a dissimilarity matrix, then there exists constants h and k such that the matrix with

elements dij =(

d2ij + h)1/2

, for i 6= j, and also dij = dij + k, for i 6= j, are Euclidean.

• If d is a metric, so are d + c, d1/r, dd+c , for c ≥ 0 and r ≥ 1. If w : R → R is monotonically

increasing function s.t. w(x) = 0 ⇐⇒ x = 0 and w(x+ y) ≤ w(x) + w(y); then if d(·, ·) is ametric, then w(d(·, ·)) is a metric.

Next, let’s go to similarity functions. As used in ML, similarity functions satisfy some subset ofthe following.

• (S1) s(x, x) > 0

• (S2) s(x, y) = s(y, x)

• (S3) s(x, y) ≥ 0

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 221

• (S4)∑n

ij=1 cicjs(xi, xj) ≥ 0, for all n ∈ N, ci ∈ R, xi ∈ X PSD.

Here are things to note about these similarity functions.

• The non-negativity is actually not satisfied by two examples of similarity functions that arecommonly used: correlation coefficients and scalar products

• One can transform a bounded similarity function to a nonnegative similarity function byadding an offset: s(x, y) = s(x, y) + c for come c.

• If S is PSD, then it is a kernel. This is a rather strong requirement that is mainly satisfiedby scalar products in Hilbert spaces.

It is common to transform similarities to dissimilarities. Here are two ways to do that.

• If the similarity is a scalar product in a Euclidean space (i.e., PD), then one can compute themetric

d(x, y)2 = 〈x− y, x− y〉 = 〈x, x〉 − 2 (x, y〉+ 〈y, y〉 .

• If the similarity function is normalized, i.e., 0 ≤ s(x, y) ≤ 1, and s(x, x) = 1, for all x, y, thend = 1− s is a distance.

It is also common to transform dissimilarities to similarities. Here are two ways to do that.

• If the distance is Euclidean, then one can compute a PD similarity

s(x, y) =1



d(x, 0)2 + d(y, 0)2 − d(x, y)2)


where 0 ∈ X is an arbitrary origin.

• If d is a dissimilarity, then a nonnegative decreasing function of d is a similarity, e.g., s(x, y) =exp


−d(x, y)2/t)

, for t ∈ R, and also s(x, y) = 11−d(x,y) .

These and related transformations are often used at the data preprocessing step, often in a some-what ad hoc manner. Note, though, that the use of any one of them implies something about whatone thinks the data “looks like” as well as about how algorithms will perform on the data.

23.3 Some general discussion on embedding data in Hilbert and Banach spaces

Here, we discuss embedding data (in the form of similarity or dissimilarity functions) into Hilbertand Banach spaces. To do so, we start with an informal definition (informal since the precise notionof dissimilarity is a little vague, as discussed above).

Definition 58. A space (X , d) is a dissimilarity space or a metric space, depending on whether dis a dissimilarity function or a metric function.

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An important question for distance/metric functions, i.e., real metrics that satisfy the above con-ditions, is the following: when can a given metric space (X , d) be embedded isometrically inEuclidean space H (or, slightly more generally, Hilbert space H). That is, the goal is to find amapping φ : X → H such that d(x, y) = ‖φ(x) − φ(y)‖, for all x, y ∈ X . (While this was some-thing we relaxed before, e.g., when we looked at flow-based algorithms and looked at relaxationswhere there were distortions but they were not too too large, e.g., O(log n), asking for isometricembeddings is more common in functional analysis.) To answer this question, note that distancein Euclidean vector space satisfies (D1)–(D5), and so a necessary condition for the above is the(D1)–(D5) be satisfied. The well-known Schoenberg theorem characterizes which metric spaces canbe isometrically embedded in Hilbert space.

Theorem 49. A metric space (X , d) can be embedded isometrically into Hilbert space iff −d2 isconditionally positive definite, i.e., iff



cicjd2(xi, xj) ≥ 0

for all ℓ ∈ N, xi, xj ∈ X , ci, cj ∈ R, with∑

i ci = 0.

Informally, this says that Euclidean spaces and Hilbert spaces are not “big enough” for arbitrarymetric spaces. (We saw this before when we showed that constant degree expanders do not embedwell in Euclidean spaces.) More generally, though, isometric embeddings into certain Banach spacescan be achieved for arbitrary metric spaces. (More on this later.) For completeness, we have thefollowing definition.

Definition 59. Let X be a vector space over C. Then X is a normed linear space if for all f ∈ X,there exists a number, ‖f‖ ∈ R, called the norm of f s.t.: (1) ‖f‖ ≥ 0; (2) ‖f‖ = 0 iff f = 0; (3)‖cf‖ = |c|‖f‖, for all scalar c; (4) ‖f + g‖ ≤ ‖f‖ + ‖g‖. A Banach space is a complete normedlinear space. A Hilbert space is a Banach space, whose norm is determined by an inner product.

This is a large area, most of which is off topic for us. If you are not familiar with it, just note thatRKHSs are particularly nice Hilbert spaces that are sufficiently heavily regularized that the niceproperties of Rn, for n <∞, still hold; general infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces are more generaland less well-behaved; and general Banach spaces are even more general and less well-behaved.Since it is determined by an inner product, the norm for a Hilbert space is essentially an ℓ2 norm;and so, if you are familiar with the ℓ1 or ℓ∞ norms and how they differ from the ℓ2 norm, thenthat might help provide very rough intuition on how Banach spaces can be more general thanHilbert spaces.

23.4 Overview of consistency of normalized and unnormalized Laplacian spec-tral methods

Today, we will look at the convergence of spectral clustering from this probabilistic perspective.Following the von Luxburg, Belkin, and Bousquet paper, we will address the following two questions.

• Q1: Does spectral clustering converge to some limit clustering if more and more data pointsare sampled and as n→∞?

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• Q2: If it does converge, then is the limit clustering a useful partition of the input space fromwhich the data are drawn?

One reason for focusing on these questions is that it can be quite difficult to determine what is acluster and what is a good cluster, and so as a more modest goal one can ask for “consistency,”i.e., that the clustering constructed on a finite sample drawn from some distribution converges toa fixed limit clustering of the whole data space when n → ∞. Clearly, this notion is particularlyrelevant in the probabilistic setting, since then we obtain a partitioning of the underlying space Xfrom which the data are drawn.

Informally, this will provide an “explanation” for why spectral clustering works. Importantly,though, this consistency “explanation” will be very different than the “explanations” that havebeen offered in the deterministic or algorithmic setting, where the data at hand represent fullknowledge. In particular, when just viewing the data at hand, we have provided the followinginformal explanation of why spectral clustering works.

• Spectral clustering works since it wants to find clusters s.t. the probability of random walksstaying within a cluster is higher and the probability of going to the complement is smaller.

• Spectral clustering works since it approximates via Cheeger’s Inequality the intractable ex-pansion/conductance objective.

In both of those cases, we are providing an explanation in terms of the data at hand; i.e., while wemight have an underlying space X in the back of our mind, they are statements about the data athand, or actually the graph constructed from the data at hand.

The answer to the above two questions (Q1 and Q2) will be basically the following.

• Spectral clustering with the normalized Laplacian is consistent under very general conditions.For the normalized Laplacian, when it can be applied, then the corresponding clustering doesconverge to a limit.

• Spectral clustering with the non-normalized Laplacian is not consistent, except under veryspecific conditions. These conditions have to do with, e.g., variability in the degree distribu-tion, and these conditions often do not hold in practice.

• In either case, if the method converges, then the limit does have intuitively appealing proper-ties and splits the space X up into two pieces that are reasonable; but for the non-normalizedLaplacian one will obtain a trivial limit if the strong conditions are not satisfied.

As with last class, we won’t go through all the details, and instead the goal will be to show someof the issues that arise and tools that are used if one wants to establish statistical results in thisarea; and also to show you how things can “break down” in non-ideal situations.

To talk about convergence/consistency of spectral clustering, we need to make statements abouteigenvectors, and for this we need to use the spectral theory of bounded linear operators, i.e., meth-ods from functional analysis. In particular, the information we will need will be somewhat differentthan what we needed in the last class when we talked about the convergence of the Laplacian tothe hypothesized Laplace-Beltrami operator, but there will be some similarities. Today, we aregoing to view the data points as coming from some Hilbert or Banach space, call in X , and from

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these data points we will construct an empirical Laplacian. (Next time, we will consider graphsthat are directly constructed via random graph processes and stochastic block models.) The mainstep today will be to establish the convergence of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of random graphLaplacian matrices for growing sample sizes. This boils down to questions of convergence of randomLaplacian matrices constructed from sample point sets.

(Note that although there has been a lot of work in random matrix theory on the convergenceof random matrices with i.i.d. entries or random matrices with fixed sample size, e.g., covariancematrices, this work isn’t directly relevant here, basically since the random Laplacian matrix growswith the sample size n and since the entries of the random Laplacian matrix are not independent.Thus, more direct proof methods need to be used here.)

Assume we have a data space X = x1. . . . , xn and a pairwise similarity k : X ×X → R, which isusually symmetric and nonnegative. For any fixed data set of n points, define the following:

• the Laplacian Ln = Dn −Kn,

• the normalized Laplacian L′n = D

−1/2n LnD

−1/2n , and

• the random walk Laplacian L′′n = D−1

n Ln.

(Although it is different than what we used before, the notation of the von Luxburg, Belkin, andBousquet paper is what we will use here.) Note that here we assume that di > 0, for all i. Weare interested in computing the leading eigenvector or several of the leading eigenvectors of one ofthese matrices and then clustering with them.

To see the kind of convergence result one could hope for, consider the second eigenvector (v1, . . . , vn)T

of Ln, and let’s interpret is as a function fn on the discrete space Xn = X1, . . . ,Xn by definingthe function fn(Xi) = vi. (This is the view we have been adopting all along.) Then, we can performclustering by performing a sweep cut, or we can cluster based on whether the value of fn is above orbelow a certain threshold. Then, in the limit n→∞, we would like fn → f , where f is a functionon the entire space X , such that we can threshold f to partition X .

To do this, we can do the following.

I. Choose this space to be C (X ), the space of continuous functions of X .II. Construct a function d ∈ C (X ), a degree function, that is the “limit” as n → ∞ of the

discrete degree vector (d1, . . . , dn).III. Construct linear operators U , U ′, and U ′′ on C (X ) that are the limits of the discrete operators

Ln, L′n, and L


IV. Prove that certain eigenfunctions of the discrete operates “converge” to the eigenfunctions ofthe limit operators.

V. Use the eigenfunctions of the limit operator to construct a partition for the entire space X .

We won’t get into details about the convergence properties here, but below we will highlight afew interesting aspects of the limiting process. The main result they show is that in the case ofnormalized spectral clustering, the limit behaves well, and things converge to a sensible partition ofthe entire space; while in the case of unnormalized spectral clustering, the convergence propertiesare much worse (for reasons that are interesting that we will describe).

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23.5 Details of consistency of normalized and unnormalized Laplacian spectralmethods

Here is an overview of the two main results in more detail.

Result 1. (Convergence of normalized spectral clustering.) Under mild assumptions, if the first reigenvalues of the limit operator U ′ satisfy λi 6= 1 and have multiplicity one, then

• the same hold for the first r eigenvalues of L′n, as n→∞;

• the first r eigenvalues of L′n converge to the first r eigenvalues of U ′;

• the corresponding eigenvectors converge; and• the clusters found from the first r eigenvectors on finite samples converge to a limit clustering

of the entire data space.

Result 2. (Convergence of unnormalized spectral clustering.) Under mild assumptions, if the firstr eigenvalues of the limit operator U do not lie in the range of the degree function d and havemultiplicity one, then

• the same hold for the first r eigenvalues of Ln, as n→∞;• the first r eigenvalues of Ln converge to the first r eigenvalues of U ;• the corresponding eigenvectors converge; and• the clusters found from the first r eigenvectors on finite samples converge to a limit clustering

of the entire data space.

Although both of these results have a similar structure (“if the inputs are nice, then one obtainsgood clusters”), the “niceness” assumptions are very different: for normalized spectral clustering,it is the rather innocuous assumption that λi 6= 1, while for unnormalized spectral clustering it isthe much stronger assumption that λi ∈ range(d). This assumption is necessary, as it is needed toensure that the eigenvalue λi is isolated in the spectrum of the limit operator. This is a requirementto be able to apply perturbation theory to the convergence of eigenvectors. In particular, here isanother result.

Result 3. (The condition λ /∈ range(d) is necessary.)

• There exist similarity functions such that there exist no nonzero eigenvectors outside ofrange(d).

• In this case, the sequence of second eigenvalues of 1nLn converge to min d(x), and the corre-

sponding eigenvectors do not yield a sensible clustering of the entire data space.• For a wide class of similarity functions, there exist only finitely many eigenvalues r0 outside

of range(d), and the same problems arise if one clusters with r > r0 eigenfunctions.• The condition λ /∈ range(d) refers to the limit and cannot be verified on a finite sample.

That is, unnormalized spectral clustering can fail completely, and one cannot detect it with afinite sample.

The reason for the difference between the first results is the following.

• In the case of normalized spectral clustering, the limit operator U ′ has the form U ′ = I − T ,where T is a compact linear operator. Thus, the spectrum of U ′ is well-behaved, and all theeigenvalues λ 6= 1 are isolated and have finite multiplicity.

• In the case of unnormalized spectral clustering, the limit operator U has the form U =M−S,

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where M is a multiplication operator, and S is a compact integral operator. Thus, thespectrum of U is not as nice as that of U ′, since it contains the interval range(d), and theeigenvalues will be isolated only if λi 6= range(d).

Let’s get into more detail about how these differences arise. To do so, let’s make the followingassumptions about the data.

• The data space X is a compact metric space, B is the Borel σ-algebra on X , and P is aprobability measure on (X ,B). We draw a sample of points (Xi)i∈N i.i.d. from P . Thesimilarity function k : X ×X → R is symmetric, continuous, and there exists an ℓ > 0 suchthat k(x, y) > ℓ, for all x, y ∈ X . (The assumption that f is bounded away from 0 is neededdue to the division in the normalized Laplacian.)

For f : X → R, we can denote the range of f by range(f). Then, if X is connected and f iscontinuous then range(f) = [infx f(x), supx f(x)]. Then we can define the following.

Definition 60. The restriction operator ρn : C (X ) → Rn denotes the random operator whichmaps a function to its values on the first n data points, i.e.,

ρn(f) = (f(X1), . . . , f(Xn))T .

Here are some facts from spectral and perturbation theory of linear operators that are needed.

Let E be a real-valued Banach space, and let T : E → E be a bounded linear operator. Then, aneigenvalue of T is defined to be a real or complex number λ such that

Tf = λf, for some f ∈ E.

Note that λ is an eigenvalue of T iff the operator T − λ has a nontrivial kernel (recall that ifL : V → W then ker(L) = v ∈ V : L(v) = 0) or equivalently if T − λ is not injective (recall thatf : A→ B is injective iff ∀a, b ∈ A we have that f(a) = f(b)⇒ a = b, i.e., different elements of thedomain do not get mapped to the same element). Then, the resolvent of T is defined to be

ρ(T ) = λ ∈ R : (λ− T )−1 exists and is bounded,

and the spectrum of T id defined to be

σ(T ) = R \ ρ(T ).

This holds very generally, and it is the way the spectrum is generalized in functional analysis.

(Note that if E is finite dimensional, then every non-invertible operator is not injective; and soλ ∈ σ(T ) ⇒ λ is an eigenvalue of T . If E is infinite dimensional, this can fail; basically, one canhave operators that are injective but that have no bounded inverse, in which case the spectrum cancontain more than just eigenvalues.)

We can say that a point σiso ⊂ σ(T ) is isolated if there exists an open neighborhood ξ ⊂ C of σisosuch that σ(T ) ∩ ξ = (σiso). If the spectrum σ(T ) of a bounded operator T in a Banach spaceE consists of isolated parts, then for each isolated part of the spectrum, a spectral projection Piso

can be defined operationally as a path integral over the complex plane of a path Γ that encloses

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σiso and that separates it from the rest of σ(T ), i.e., for σiso ∈ σ(T ), the corresponding spectralprojection is

Piso =1


Γ(T − λI)−1 dλ,

where Γ is a closed Jordan curve in the complex plane separating σiso from the rest of the spectrum.If λ is an isolated eigenvalue of σ(T ), then the dimension of the range of the spectral projection Pλ

is defined to be the algebraic multiplicity of λ, (for a finite dimensional Banach space, this is themultiplicity of the root λ of the characteristic polynomial, as we saw before), and the geometricmultiplicity is the dimension of the eigenspace of λ.

One can split up the spectrum into two parts: the discrete spectrum σd(T) is the part of σ(T ) thatconsists of isolated eigenvalues of T with finite algebraic multiplicity; and the essential spectrumis σess(T ) = σ(T ) \ σd(T ). It is a fact that the essential spectrum cannot be changed by a finite-dimensional or compact perturbation of an operator, i.e., for a bounded operator T and a compactoperator V , it holds that σess(T + V ) = σess(T ). The important point here is that one can definespectral projections only for isolated parts of the spectrum of an operator and that these isolatedparts of the spectrum are the only parts to which perturbation theory can be applied.

Given this, one has perturbation results for compact operators. We aren’t going to state theseprecisely, but the following is an informal statement.

• Let (E, ‖ · ‖E) be a Banach space, and (Tn)n and T bounded linear operators on E withTn → T . Let λ ∈ σ(T ) be an isolated eigenvalue with finite multiplicity m, and let ξ ⊂ C bean open neighborhood of λ such that σ(T ) ∩ ξ = λ. Then,

– eigenvalues converge,– spectral projections converge, and– if λ is a simple eigenvalue, then the corresponding eigenvector converges.

We aren’t going to go through the details of their convergence argument, but we will discuss thefollowing issues.

The technical difficulty with proving convergence of normalized/unnormalized spectral clustering,e.g., the convergence of (vn)n∈N or of (L′

n)n∈N, is that for different sample sized n, the vectors vnhave different lengths and the matrices L′

n have different dimensions, and so they “live” in differentspaces for different values of n. For this reason, one can’t apply the usual notions of convergence.Instead, one must show that there exists functions f ∈ C (X ) such that ‖vn − ρnf‖ → 0, i.e., suchthat the eigenvector vn and the restriction of f to the sample converge. Relatedly, one relates theLaplacians to some other operator such that they are all defined on the same space. In particular,one can define a sequence (Un) of operators that are related to the matrices (Ln); but each operator(Un) is defined on the space C(X ) of continuous functions on X , independent of n.

All this involves constructing various functions and operators on C (X ). There are basically twotypes of operators, integral operators and multiplication operators, and they will enter in somewhatdifferent ways (that will be responsible for the difference in the convergence properties betweennormalized and unnormalized spectral clustering). So, here are some basic facts about integraloperators and multiplication operators.

Definition 61. Let (X ,B, µ) be a probability space, and let k ∈ L2 (X ×X ,B × B, µ× µ). Then,

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the function S : L2 (X ,B, µ)→ L2 (X ,B, µ) defined as

Sf(x) :

Xk(x, y)f(y)dµ(y)

is an integral operator with kernel k.

If X is compact and k is continuous, then (among other things) the integral operator S is compact.

Definition 62. Let (X ,B, µ) be a probability space, and let d ∈ L∞ (X ,B, µ). Then a multiplicationoperator Md : L2 (X ,B, µ)→ L2 (X ,B, µ) is

Mdf = fd.

This is a bounded linear operator; but if d is non-constant, then the operator Md is not compact.

Given the above two different types of operators, let’s introduce specific operators on C (X ) cor-responding to matrices we are interested in. (In general, we will proceed by identifying vectors(v1, . . . , vn)

T ∈ Rn with functions f ∈ C (X ) such that f(vi) = vi and extending linear operatorson Rn to deal with such functions rather than vectors.) Start with the unnormalized Laplacian:Ln = Dn −Kn, where D = diag(di), where di =

ij K(xi, xj).

We want to relate the degree vector (d1, . . . , dn)T to a function on C (X ). To do so, define the true

and empirical degree functions:

d(x) =

k(x, y)dP (y) ∈ C (X )

dn(x) =

k(x, y)dPn(y) ∈ C (X )

(Note that dn → d as n→∞ by a LLN.) By definition, dn(xi) =1ndi, and so the empirical degree

function agrees with the degrees of the points Xi, up to the scaling 1n .

Next, we want to find an operator acting on C (X ) that behaves similarly to the matrix Dn on Rn.Applying Dn to a vector f = (f1, . . . , fn)

T ∈ Rn gives (Dnf)i = difi, i.e., each element is multipliedby di. So, in particular, we can interpret 1

nDn as a multiplication operator. Thus, we can definethe true and empirical multiplication operators:

Md : C (X )→ C (X ) Mdf(x) = d(x)f(x)

Mdn : C (X )→ C (X ) Mdnf(x) = dn(x)f(x)

Next, we will look at the matrix Kn. Applying it to a vector f ∈ Rn gives (Knf)i =∑

jK(xi, xj)fj .Thus, we can define the empirical and true integral operator:

Sn : C (X )→ C (X ) Snf(x) =

k(x, y)f(y)dPn(y)

S : C (X )→ C (X ) Snf(x) =

k(x, y)f(y)dP (y)

With these definitions, we can define the empirical unnormalized graph Laplacian, Un : C (X ) →C (X ), and the true unnormalized graph Laplacian, U : C (X )→ C (X ) as

Unf(x) = Mdnf(x)− Snf(x) =∫

k(x, y) (f(x)− f(y)) dPn(y)

Uf(x) = Mdf(x)− Sf(x) =∫

k(x, y) (f(x)− f(y)) dP (y)

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For the normalized Laplacian, we can proceed as follows. Recall that v is an eigenvector of L′n with

eigenvalue v iff v is an eigenvector of H ′n = D−1/2KnD

−1/2 with eigenvalue 1−λ. So, consider H ′n,

defined as follows. The matrix H ′n operates on a vector f = (f1, . . . , fn)

T as (H ′nf)i =



Thus, we can define the normalized empirical and true similarity functions

hn(x, y) = k(x, y)/√


h(x, y) = k(x, y)/√


and introduce two integral operators

Tn : C (X )→ C (X ) Tnf(x) =

hn(x, y)f(y)dPn(y)

T : C (X )→ C (X ) Tf(x) =

h(x, y)f(y)dP (y)

Note that for these operators the scaling factors 1n which are hidden in Pn and dn cancel each other.

Said another way, the matrix H ′n already has 1

n scaling factor—as opposed to the matrix Kn in theunnormalized case. So, contrary to the unnormalized case, we do not have to scale matrices H ′


and Hn with the 1n factor.

All of the above is machinery that enables us to transfer the problem of convergence of Laplacianmatrices to problems of convergence of sequences of operators on C (X ).

Given the above, they establish a lemma which, informally, says that under the general assumptions:

• the functions dn and d are continuous, bounded from below by ℓ > 0, and bounded fromabove by ‖k‖∞,

• all the operators are bounded,• all the integral operators are compact,• all the operator norms can be controlled.

The hard work is to show that the empirical quantities converge to the true quantities; this is donewith the perturbation result above (where, recall, the perturbation theory can be applied only toisolated parts of the spectrum). In particular:

• In the normalized case, this is true if λ 6= 1 is an eigenvalue of U ′ that is of interest. Thereason is that U ′ = I − T ′ is a compact operator.

• In the unnormalized case, this is true if λ /∈ range(d) is an eigenvalue of U that is of interest.The reason is that U = Md − S is not a compact operator, unless Md is a multiple ofthe identity.

So, the key difference is the condition under which eigenvalues of the limit operator are isolated inthe spectrum: for the normalized case, this is true if λ 6= 1, while for the non normalized case, thisis true if λ /∈ range(d).

In addition to the “positive” results above, a “negative” result of the form given in the followinglemma can be established.

Lemma 27 (Clustering fails if λ /∈ range(d) is violated.). Assume that σ(U)−0 ∪ range(d) witheigenvalue 0 having multiplicity 1, and that the probability distribution P on X has no point masses.

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Then the sequence of second eigenvectors of 1nLn converges to minx∈X d(x). The corresponding

eigenfunction will approximate the characteristic function of some x ∈ X , with d(x) = minx∈X d(x)or a linear combination of such functions.

That is, in this case, the corresponding eigenfunction does not contain any useful information forclustering (and one can’t even check if λ ∈ range(d) with a finite sample of data points).

While the analysis here has been somewhat abstract, the important point here is that this is nota pathological situation: a very simple example of this failure is given in the paper; and thisphenomenon will arise whenever there is substantial degree heterogeneity, which is very commonin practice.

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24 (04/21/2015): Some Statistical Inference Issues (3 of 3): Stochas-

tic blockmodels

Reading for today.

• “Spectral clustering and the high-dimensional stochastic blockmodel,” in The Annals ofStatistics, by Rohe, Chatterjee, and Yu

• “Regularized Spectral Clustering under the Degree-Corrected Stochastic Blockmodel,” inNIPS, by Qin and Rohe

Today, we will finish up talking about statistical inference issues by discussing them in the contextof stochastic blockmodels. These are different models of data generation than we discussed in thelast few classes, and they illustrate somewhat different issues.

24.1 Introduction to stochastic block modeling

As opposed to working with expansion or conductance—or some other “edge counting” objectivelike cut value, modularity, etc.—the stochastic block model (SBM) is an example of a so-calledprobabilistic or generative model. Generative models are a popular way to encode assumptionsabout the way that latent/unknown parameters interact to create edges (ij) Then, they assign aprobability value for each edges (ij) in a network. There are several advantages to this approach.

• It makes the assumptions about the world/data explicit. This is as opposed to encodingthem into an objective and/or approximation algorithm—we saw several examples of reverseengineering the implicit properties of approximation algorithms.

• The parameters can sometimes be interpreted with respect to hypotheses about the networkstructure.

• It allows us to use likelihood scores, to compare different parameterizations or different models.

• It allows us to estimate missing structures based on partial observations of graph structure.

There are also several disadvantages to this approach. The most obvious is the following.

• One must fit the model to the data, and fitting the model can be complicated and/or com-putationally expensive.

• As a result of this, various approximation algorithms are used to fit the parameters. Thisin turn leads to the question of what is the effect of those approximations versus what isthe effect of the original hypothesized model? (I.e., we are back in the other case of reverseengineering the implicit statistical properties underlying approximation algorithms, excepthere it is in the approximation algorithm to estimate the parameters of a generative model.)This problem is particularly acute for sparse and noisy data, as is common.

Like other generative models, SBMs define a probability distribution over graphs, P [G|Θ], whereΘ is a set of parameters that govern probabilities under the model. Given a specific Θ, we can thendraw or generate a graph G from the distribution by flipping appropriately-biased coins. Note that

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inference is the reverse task: given a graph G, either just given to us or generated synthetically by amodel, we want to recover the model, i.e., we want to find the specific values of Θ that generated it.

The simpled version of a SBM is specified by the following.

• A positive integer k, a scalar value denoting the the number of blocks.

• A vector ~z ∈ Rn, where zi gives the group index of vertex i.

• A matrix M ∈ Rk×k, a stochastic block matrix, whereMij gives the probability that a vertexof type i links to a vertex of type j.

Then, one generates edge (ij) with probabilityMzizj . That is, edges are not identically distributed,but they are conditionally independent, i.e., conditioned on their types, all edges are independent,and for a given pair of types (ij), edges are i.i.d.

Observe that the SBM has a relatively large number of parameters,(



, even after we have chosenthe labeling on the vertices. This has plusses and minuses.

• Plus: it allows one the flexibility to model lots of possible structures and reproduce lots ofquantities of interest.

• Minus: it means that there is a lot of flexibility, thus making the possibility of overfittingmore likely.

Here are some simple examples of SBMs.

• If k = 1 and Mij = p, for all i, j, then we recover the vanilla ER model.

• Assortative networks, if Mii > Mij , for i 6= j.

• Disassortative networks, if Mii < Mij , for i 6= j.

24.2 Warming up with the simplest SBM

To illustrate some of the points we will make in a simple context, consider the ER model.

• If, say, p = 12 and the graph G has more than a handful of nodes, then it will be very easy

to estimate p, i.e., to estimate the parameter vector Θ of this simple SBM, basically sincemeasure concentration will occur very quickly and the empirical estimate of p we obtainby counting the number of edges will be very close to its expected value, i.e., to p. Moregenerally, if n is large and p & log(n)

n , then measure will still concentrate, i.e., the empiricaland expected values of p will be close, and we will be able to estimate p well. (This is related

to the well-known observation that if p & log(n)n , then Gnp and Gnm are very similar, for

appropriately chosen values of p and m.)

• If, on the other hand, say, p = 3n , then this is not true. In this regime, measure has not

concentrated for most statistics of interest: the graph is not even fully connected; the giantcomponent has nodes of degree almost O (log(n)); and the giant component has small sets

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 233

of nodes of size Θ (log(n)) that have conductance O(



. (Contrast all of these the a

3-regular random graph, which: is fully connected, is degree-homogeneous, and is a verygood expander.)

In these cases when measure concentration fails to occur, e.g., due to exogenously-specified degreeheterogeneity or due to extreme sparsity, then one will have difficulty with recovering parametersof hypothesized models. More generally, similar problems arise, and the challenge will be to showthat one can reconstruct the model under as broad a range of parameters as possible.

24.3 A result for a spectral algorithm for the simplest nontrivial SBM

Let’s go into detail on the following simple SBM (which is the simplest aside from ER).

• Choose a partition of the vertics, call them V 1 and V 2, and WLOG let V 1 = 1, . . . , n2 andV 2 = n2 + 1, . . . , n.

• Then, choose probabilities p > q and place edges between vertices i and j with probability

P [(ij) ∈ E] =

q if i ∈ V 1 and j ∈ V 2 of i ∈ V 2 and j ∈ V 1

p otherwise,

In addition to being the “second simplest” SBM, this is also a simple example of a planted partitionmodel, which is commonly studied in TCS and related areas.

Here is a fact:E[

number of edges crossing bw V 1 and V 2]

= q|V 1||V 2|.In addition, if p is sufficiently larger than q, then every other partition has more edges. This is thebasis of recovering the model. Of course, if p is only slightly but not sufficiently larger than q, thenthere might be fluctuational effects such that it is difficult to find this from the empirical graph.This is analogous to having difficulty with recovering p from very sparse ER, as we discussed.

Within the SBM framework, the most important inferential task is recovering cluster membership ofnodes from a single observation of a graph (i.e., the two clusters in this simple planted partition formof the SBM). There are a variety of procedures to do this, and here we will describe spectral methods.

In particular, we will follow a simple analysis motivated by McSherry’s analysis, as described bySpielman, that will provide a “positive” result for sufficiently dense matrices where p and q aresufficiently far apart. Then, we will discuss this model more generally, with an emphasis on howto deal with very low-degree nodes that lead to measure concentration problems. In particular,we will focus on a form of regularized spectral clustering, as done by Qin and Rohe in theirpaper “Regularized spectral clustering under the degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel.” Thishas connections with what we have done with the Laplacian over the last few weeks.

To start, let M be the population adjacency matrix, i.e., the hypothesized matrix, as describedabove. That is,

M =


p~1~1T q~1~1T

q~1~1T p~1~1T


Then, let A be the empirical adjacency matrix, i.e., the actual matrix that is generated by flippingcoins and on which we will perform computations. This is generated as follows: let Aij = 1 w.p.

234 M. W. Mahoney

Mij and s.t. Aij = Aji. So, the basic goal is going to be to recover clusters in M by looking atinformation in A.

Let’s look at the eigenvectors. First, since M~1 = n2 (p+ q)~1, we have

µ1 =n

2(p+ q)

w1 = ~1,

where µ1 and w1 are the leading eigenvalue and eigenvector, respectively. Then, since the secondeigenvector (of M) is constant on each cluster, we have that Mw2 = µ2w2, where

µ2 =n

2(p − q)

w2 =

1√nif i ∈ V 1

− 1√nif i ∈ V 2


In that case, here is a simple algorithm for finding the planted bisection.

I. Compute v2, the eigenvector of second largest eigenvalue of A.

II. Set S = i : v2(i) ≥ 0

III. Guess that S is one side of the bisection and that S is the other side.

We will show that under not unreasonable assumptions on p, q, and S, then by running thisalgorithm one gets the hypothesized cluster mostly right.

Why is this?

The basic idea is that A is a perturbed version ofM , and so by perturbation theory the eigenvectorsof A should look like the eigenvectors of M .

Let’s define R = A − M . We are going to view R as a random matrix that depends on thenoise/randomness in the coin flipping process. Since matrix perturbation theory bounds depend on(among other things) the norm of the perturbation, the goal is to bound the probability that ‖R‖2is large. There are several methods from random matrix theory that give results of this generalform, and one or the other is appropriate, depending on the exact statement that one wants toprove. For example, if you are familiar with Wigner’s semi-circle law, it is of this general form.More recently, Furedi-Komlos got another version; as did Krivelevich and Vu; and Vu. Here westate a result due to Vu.

Theorem 50. With probability tending to one, if p ≥ c log4(n)n , for a constant c, then

‖R‖2 ≤ 3√pn.

The key question in theorems like this is the value of p. Here, one has that p ' log(n)n , meaning that

one can get pretty sparse (relative to p = 1) but not extremely sparse (relative to p = 1n or p = 3

n).If one wants stronger results (e.g., not just mis-classifying only a constant fraction of the vertices,which we will do below, but instead that one predicts correctly for all but a small fraction of the

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 235

vertices), then one needs p to be larger and the graph to be denser. As with the ER example, thereason for this is that we need to establish concentration of appropriate estimators.

Let’s go onto perturbation theory for eigenvectors. Let α1 ≥ α2 ≥ · · ·αn be the eigenvalues of A,and let µ1 > µ2 > µ3 = · · · µn = 0 be the eigenvalues of M .

Here is a fact from matrix perturbation theory that we mentioned before: for all i,

|αi − µi| ≤ ‖A−M‖2 = ‖R‖2.

The following two claims are easy to establish.

Claim 17. If ‖R‖2 < n4 (p− q), then


4(p− q) < α2 <


4(p − q)

Claim 18. If, in addition, q > p3 , then

3n4 (p− q) < α1.

From these results, we have a separation, and so we can view α2 as a perturbation of µ2. Thequestion is: can we view v2 as a perturbation of w2? The answer is Yes. Here is a statement ofthis result.

Theorem 51. Let A, M be symmetric matrices, and let R = M − A. Let α1 ≥ · · · ≥ αn bethe eigenvectors of A, with v1, · · · , vn the corresponding eigenvectors. Let µ1 ≥ · · · ≥ µn be theeigenvectors of M , with w1, · · · , wn the corresponding eigenvectors. Let θi be the angle between viand wi. Then,

sin θi ≤2‖R‖2

minj 6=i |αi − αj |

sin θi ≤2‖R‖2

minj 6=i |µi − µj |

Proof. WLOG, we can assume µi = 0, since the matrices M − µiI and A − αiI have the sameeigenvectors as M and A, and M − µiI has the ith eigenvalue being 0. Since the theorem isvacuous if µi has multiplicities, we can assume unit multiplicity, and that wi is a unit vector in thenull space of M . Due to the assumption that µi = 0, we have that |αi| ≤ ‖R‖2.

Then, expand vi in an eigenbasis of M : vi =∑

j cjwj , where cj = wTj vi. Let δ = minj |µj|. Then

observe that

‖Mvi‖22 =∑


c2jµ2j ≥

j 6=i

c2jδ2 = δ2

j 6=i

c2j = δ2(

1− c2i)

= δ2 sin2 θi

and also that‖Mvi‖ ≤ ‖Avi‖+ ‖Rvi‖ = αi + ‖Rvi‖ ≤ 2‖R‖2.

So, from this it follows that sin θi ≤ 2‖R‖2δ .

This is essentially a version of the Davis-Kahan result we saw before. Note that it says that theamount by which eigenvectors are perturbed depends on how close are other eigenvalues, which iswhat we would expect.

Next, we use this for partitioning the simple SBM. We want to show that not too many verticesare mis-classified.

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Theorem 52. Given the two-class SBM defined above, assume that p ≥ c log4(n)n and that q > p/3.

If one runs the spectral algorithm described above, then at most a constant fraction of the verticesare misclassified.

Proof. Consider the vector ~δ = v2 − w2. For all i ∈ V that are misclassified by v2, we have that|δ(i)| ≥ 1√

n. So, if v2 misclassified k vertices, then ‖δ‖ ≥

k/n. Since u and v are unit vectors, we

have the crude bound that ‖δ‖ ≤√2 sin θ2.

Next, we can combine this with the perturbation theory result above. Since q > p/3, we have that

minj 6=2 |µ2 − µi| = n2 (p− q); and since p ≥ c log

4(n)n , we have that ‖R‖ ≤ 3

√pn. Then,

sin θ2 ≤3√pn

n2 (p− q)


n(p− q) .

So, the number k of mis-classified vertices satisfies√

kn ≤


n(p−q), and thus k ≤ 36p


So, in particular, if p and q are both constant, then we expect to misclassify at most a constantfraction of the vertices. E.g., if p = 1

2 and q = p − 12√n, then 36p

(p−q)2= n

8 , and so only a constant

fraction of the vertices are misclassified.

This analysis is a very simple result, and it has been extended in various ways.

• The Ng et al. algorithm we discussed before computes k vectors and then does k means,making similar gap assumptions.

• Extensions to have more than two blocks, blocks that are not the same size, etc.

• Extensions to include degree variability, as well as homophily and other empirically-observedproperties of networks.

The general form of the analysis we have described goes through to these cases, under the followingtypes of assumptions.

• The matrix is dense enough. Depending on the types of recovery guarantees that are hopedfor, this could mean that Ω(n) of the edges are present for each node, or perhaps Ω(polylog(n))edges for each node.

• The degree heterogeneity is not too severe. Depending on the precise algorithm that is run,this can manifest itself by placing an upper bound on the degree of the highest degree nodeand/or placing a lower bound on the degree of the lowest degree node.

• The number of clusters is fixed, say as a function of n, and each of the clusters is not toosmall, say a constant fraction of the nodes.

Importantly, none of these simplifying assumptions are true for most “real world” graphs. As such,there has been a lot of recent work focusing on dealing with these issues and making algorithmsfor SBMs work under broader assumptions. Next, we will consider one such extension.

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24.4 Regularized spectral clustering for SBMs

Here, we will consider a version of the degree-corrected SBM, and we will consider doing a form ofregularized spectral clustering (RSC) for it.

Recall the definition of the basic SBM.

Definition 63. Given nodes V = [n], let z : [n] → [k] be a partition of the n nodes into k blocks,i.e., zi is the block membership of the ith node. Let B ∈ [0, 1]k×k. Then, under the SBD, we havethat the probability of an edge between i and j is

Pij = Bzizj , for all i, j ∈ 1, . . . , n.

In particular, this means that, given z, the edges are independent.

Many real-world graphs have substantial degree heterogeneity, and thus it is common to in corporatethis into generative models. Here is the extension of the SBM to the Degree-corrected stochasticblock model (DC-SBM), which introduces additional parameters θi, for i ∈ [n], to control thenode degree.

Definition 64. Given the same setup as for the SBM, specify also additional parameters θi, fori ∈ [n]. Then, under the DC-SBM, the probability of an edge between i and j is

Pij = θiθjBzizj ,

where θiθjBzizj ∈ [0, 1], for all i, j ∈ [n].

Note: to make the DC-SBM identifiable (i.e., so that it is possible in principle to learn the truemodel parameters, say given an infinite number of observations, which is clearly a condition thatis needed for inference), one can impose the constraint that

i θiδzi,r = 1, for each block r. (Thiscondition says that

i θi = 1 within each block.) In this case Bst, for s 6= t, is the expected numberof links between block s and block t; and Bst, for s = t, is the expected number of links withinblock s.

Let’s say that A ∈ 0, 1n×n is the adjacency matrix; L = D−1/2AD−1/2. In addition, let A = E [A]be the population matrix, under the DC-SBM. Then, one can express A as A = ΘZBZTΘ, whereΘ ∈ Rn×n = diag(θi), and where Z ∈ 0, 1n×k is a membership matrix with Zit = 1 iff node i isin block t, i.e., if zi = t.

We are going to be interested in very sparse matrices, for which the minimum node degree is verysmall, in which case a vanilla algorithm will fail to recover the SBM blocks. Thus, we will need tointroduce a regularized version of the Laplacian. Here is the definition.

Definition 65. Let τ > 0. The regularized graph Laplacian is Lτ = D−1/2τ AD

−1/2τ ∈ Rn×n, with

Dτ = D + τI, for τ > 0.

This is defined for the empirical data; but given this, we can define the corresponding popula-tion quantities:

Dii =∑



Dτ = D + τI

L = D−1/2AD−1/2

Lτ = D−1/2τ AD−1/2


238 M. W. Mahoney

Two things to note.

• Under the DC-SBM, if the model is identifiable, then one should be able to determine thepartition from A (which we don’t have direct access to, given the empirical data).

• One also wants to determine the partition from the empirical data A, under broader assump-tions than before, in particular under smaller minimum degree.

Here is a description of the basic algorithm of Qin and Rohe. Basically, it is the Ng et al. algorithmthat we described before, except that we apply it to the regularized graph Laplacian, i.e., it involvesfinding the leading eigenvectors of Lτ and then clustering in the low dimensional space.

Given as input an Adjacency Matrix A, the number of clusters k, and the regularizer τ ≥ 0.

I. Compute Lτ .

II. Compute the matrix Xτ = [Xτ1 , . . . ,X

τk ] ∈ Rn×k, the orthogonal matrix consisting of the k

largest eigenvectors of Lτ .

III. Compute the matrix X∗τ ∈ Rn×k by normalizing each row of Xτ to have unit length, i.e.,

project each row of Xτ onto the unit sphere in Rk, i.e., X∗,τij = Xτ


j Xτ,2ij .

IV. Run k means on the rows of X∗τ to create k non-overlapping clusters V1, . . . , Vk.

V. Output V1, . . . , Vk; node i is assigned to cluster r if the ith tow of X∗τ is assigned to V .

There are a number of empirical/theoretical tradeoffs in determining the best value for τ , but onecan think of τ as being the average node degree.

There are several things one can show here.

First, one can show that Lτ is close to Lτ .

Theorem 53. Let G be the random graph with P [edge bw ij] = Pij . Let δ = miniDii be theminimum expected degree of G. If δ + τ > O (log(n)), then with constant probability

‖Lτ − Lτ‖ ≤ O(1)


δ + τ.

Remark. Previous results required that the minimum degree δ ≥ O(log(n)), so this result gener-alizes these to allow δ to be much smaller, assuming the regularization parameter τ is large enough.Importantly, typical real networks do not satisfy the condition that δ ≥ O(log(n)), and RSC ismost interesting when this condition fails. So, we can apply this result in here to graph with smallnode degrees.

Remark. The form of Lτ is similar to many of the results we have discussed, and one canimagine implementing RSC (and obtaining this theorem as well as those given below) by computingapproximations such as what we have discussed. So far as I know, that has not been done.

Second, one can bound the difference between the empirical and population eigenvectors. For this,one needs an additional concept.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 239

• Given an n× k matrix A, the statistical leverage scores of A are the diagonal elements of theprojection matrix onto the span of A.

In particular, if the n × k matrix U is an orthogonal matrix for the column span of A, then theleverage scores of A are the Euclidean norms of the rows of U . For a “tall” matrix A, the ith

leverage score has an interpretation in terms of the leverage or influence that the ith row of an Ahas on the least-squares fit problem defined by A. In the following, we will use an extension of theleverage scores, defined relative to the best rank-k approximation the the matrix.

Theorem 54. Let Xτ and Xτ be in Rn×k contain the top k eigenvectors of Lτ and Lτ , respectively.Let

ξ = minimin‖Xi

τ ‖2, ‖X iτ‖2.

Let X∗τ and X ∗

τ be the row normalized versions of Xτ and Xτ . Assume that√

k log(n)δ+τ ≤ O(λk) and

δ + τ > O(log(n)). Then, with constant probability,

‖Xτ − XτO‖F ≤ O




k log(n)δ + τ


‖X∗τ − X ∗

τO‖F ≤ O




k log(n)δ + τ



where O is a rotation matrix.

Note that the smallest leverage score enters the second expression but not the first expression. Thatis, it does not enter the bounds on the empirical quantities, but it does enter into the bounds forthe population quantities.

We can use these results to derive misclassification rate for RSC. The basic idea for the misclassifi-cation rate is to run k-means on the rows of X∗

τ and also on the rows of X ∗τ . Then, one can say that

a node on the empirical data is clustered correctly if it is closer to the centroid of the correspondingcluster on the population data. This basic idea needs to be modified to take into account the factthat if any λi are equal, then only the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors is identifiable, so weconsider this up to a rotation O.

Definition 66. If CiO is closer to Ci than any other Cj , then we say that the node is correctlyclustered; and we define the misclassified nodes to be

M =

i : ∃j 6= i s.t. ‖CiOT − Ci‖2 > ‖CiOT −Cj


Third, one can bound the misclassification rate of the RCS classifier with the following theorem.

Theorem 55. With constant probability, the misclassification rate is

|M|n≤ c k log(n)

nξ2(δ + τ)λ2k.

Here too the smallest leverage score determines the overall quality.

Remark. This is the first result that explicitly relates leverage scores to the statistical performanceof a spectral clustering algorithm. This is a large topic, but to get a slightly better sense of it,

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recall that the leverage scores of Lτ are ‖X iτ‖22 =

θτi∑j θ

τj δzjzi

. So, in particular, if a node i has a

small expected degree, then θτi is small and ‖X iτ‖2 is small. Since ξ appears in the denominator

of the above theorems, this leads to a worse bound for the statistical claims in these theorems. Inparticular, the problem arises due to projecting Xi

τ onto the unit sphere, i.e., while large-leveragenodes don’t cause a problem, errors for small-leverage rows can be amplified—this didn’t arisewhen we were just making claims about the empirical data, e.g., the first claim of Theorem 54,but when considering statistical performance, e.g., the second claim of Theorem 54 or the claim ofTheorem 55, for nodes with small leverage score it amplifies noisy measurements.

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25 (04/23/2015): Laplacian solvers (1 of 2)

Reading for today.

• “Effective Resistances, Statistical Leverage, and Applications to Linear Equation Solving,”in arXiv, by Drineas and Mahoney

• “A fast solver for a class of linear systems,” in CACM, by Koutis, Miller, and Peng• “Spectral Sparsification of Graphs: Theory and Algorithms,” in CACM, by Batson, Spielman,

Srivastava, and Teng

(Note: the lecture notes for this class and the next are taken from the lecture notes for the finaltwo classes of the class I taught on Randomized Linear Algebra in Fall 2013.)

25.1 Overview

We have seen problems that can be written in the form of a system of linear equations withLaplacian constraint matrices, i.e.,

Lx = b.

For example, we saw this with the various semi-supervised learning methods as well as with theMOV weakly-local spectral method. In some cases, this arises in slightly modified form, e.g., as anaugmented/modified graph and/or if there are additional projections (e.g., the Zhou et al paperon “Learning with labeled and unlabeled data on a directed graph,” that is related to the othersemi-supervised methods we discussed, does this explicitly). Today and next time we will discusshow to solve linear equations of this form.

25.2 Basic statement and outline

While perhaps not obvious, solving linear equations of this form is a useful algorithmic primitive—like divide-and-conquer and other such primitives—much more generally, and thus there has beena lot of work on it in recent years.

Here is a more precise statement of the use of this problem as a primitive.

Definition 67. The Laplacian Primitive concerns systems of linear equations defined by Laplacianconstraint matrices:

• INPUT: a Laplacian L ∈ Rn×n, a vector b ∈ Rn such that∑n

i=1 bi = 0, and a number ǫ > 0.

• OUTPUT: a vector xopt ∈ Rn such that ‖xopt−L†b‖L ≤ ǫ‖L†b‖L, where for a vector z ∈ Rn

the L-norm is given by ‖z‖L =√zTLz.

While we will focus on linear equations with Laplacian constraint matrices, most of the results inthis area hold for a slightly broader class of problems. In particular, they hold for any linear systemAx = b, where A is an SDD (symmetric diagonally dominant) matrix (i.e., that the diagonal entryof each row is larger, or not smaller, than the sum of the absolute values of the off-diagonal entriesin that row). The reason for this is that SDD systems are linear-time reducible to Laplacian linearsystems via a construction that only doubles the number of nonzero entries in the matrix.

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As mentioned, the main reason for the interest in this topic is that, given a fast, e.g., nearly lineartime algorithm, for the Laplacian Primitive, defined above, one can obtain a fast algorithm for allsorts of other basic graph problems. Here are several examples of such problems.

• Approximate Fiedler vectors.

• Electrical flows.

• Effective resistance computations.

• Semi-supervised learning for labeled data.

• Cover time of random walks.

• Max flow and min cut and other combinatorial problems.

Some of these problems we have discussed. While it might not be surprising that problems likeeffective resistance computations and semi-supervised learning for labeled data can be solved withthis primitive, it should be surprising that max flow and min cut and other combinatorial problemscan be solved with this primitive. We won’t have time to discuss this in detail, but some of thetheoretically fastest algorithms for these problems are based on using this primitive.

Here is a statement of the basic result that led to interest in this area.

Theorem 56 (ST). There is a randomized algorithm for the Laplacian Primitive that runs in

expected time O(

m logO(1)(n) log (1/ǫ))

, where n is the number of nodes in L, m is the number of

nonzero entries in L, and ǫ is the precision parameter.

Although the basic algorithm of ST had something like the 50th power in the exponent of thelogarithm, it was a substantial theoretical breakthrough, and since then it has been improvedby KMP to only a single log, leading to algorithms that are practical or almost practical. Also,although we won’t discuss it in detail, many of the local and locally-biased spectral methods wehave discussed arose out of this line of work in an effort to develop and/or improve this basic result.

At a high level, the basic algorithm is as follows.

I. Compute a sketch of the input by sparsifying the input graph.

II. Use the sketch to construct a solution, e.g., by solving the subproblem with any black boxsolver or by using the sketch as a preconditioner for an iterative algorithm on the origi-nal problem.

Thus, the basic idea of these methods is very simple; but to get the methods to work in the allottedtime, and in particular to work in nearly-linear time, is very complicated.

Today and next time, we will discuss these methods, including a simple but slow method in moredetail and a fast but complicated method in less detail.

• Today. We will describe a simple, non-iterative, but slow algorithm. This algorithm pro-vides a very simple version of the two steps of the basic algorithm described above; and,while slow, this algorithm highlights several basic ideas of the more sophisticated versions ofthese methods.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 243

• Next time. We will describe a fast algorithm provides a much more sophisticated imple-mentation of the two steps of this basic algorithm. Importantly, it makes nontrivial useof combinatorial ideas and couples the linear algebra with combinatorial preconditioning ininteresting ways.

25.3 A simple slow algorithm that highlights the basic ideas

Here, we describe in more detail a very simple algorithm to solve Laplacian-based linear systems. Itwill be good to understand before we get to the fast but more complicated versions of the algorithm.

Recall that L = D −W = BTWB is our Laplacian, where B is the m× n edge-incidence matrix,and where W is an m×m edge weight matrix. In particular, note that m > n (assume the graphis connected to avoid trivial cases), and so the matrix B is a tall matrix.

Here is a restatement of the above problem.

Definition 68. Given as input a Laplacian matrix L ∈ Rn×n, a vector b ∈ Rn, compute

argminx∈Rn‖Lx− b‖2.

The minimal ℓ2 norm xopt is given by xopt = L†b, where L† is the Moore-Penrose generalized inverseof L.

We have reformulated this as a regression since it makes the proof below, which is based on RLA(Randomized Linear Algebra) methods, cleaner.

The reader familiar with linear algebra might be concerned about the Moore-Penrose generalizedinverse since, e.g., it is typically not well-behaved with respect to perturbations in the data matrix.Here, the situation is particularly simple: although L is rank-deficient, (1) it is invertible if wework with vectors b ⊥ ~1, and (2) because this null space is particular simple, the pathologies thattypically arise with the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse do not arise here. So, it isn’t too far offto think of this as the inverse.

Here is a simple algorithm to solve this problem. This algorithm takes as input L, b, and ǫ; and itreturns as output a vector xopt.

I. Form B and W , define Φ = W 1/2B ∈ Rm×n, let UΦ ∈ Rm×n be an orthogonal matrixspanning the column space of Φ, and let (UΦ)(i) denote the ith row of UΦ.

II. Let pi, for i ∈ [n] such that∑n

i=1 pi = 1 be given by

pi ≥ β‖ (UΦ)(i) ‖22‖UΦ‖2F

n‖ (UΦ)(i) ‖22 (55)

for some value of β ∈ (0, 1]. (Think of β = 1, which is a legitimate choice, but the additionalflexibility of allowing β ∈ (0, 1) will be important in the next class.)

A key aspect of this algorithm is that the sketch is formed by choosing elements of the Laplacianwith the probabilities in Eqn. (55); these quantities are known as the statistical leverage scores,and they are of central interest in RLA. Here is a definition of these scores more generally.

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Definition 69. Given a matrix A ∈ Rm×n, where m > n, the ith leverage score is

(PA)ii =(



ii= ‖ (UA)ii ‖22,

i.e., it is equal to the diagonal element of the projection matrix onto the column span of A.

Here is a definition of a seemingly-unrelated notion that we talked about before.

Definition 70. Given G = (V,E), a connected, weighted, undirected graph with n nodes, m edges,and corresponding weights we ≥ 0, for all e ∈ E, let L = BTWB. Then, the effective resistance Re

across edge e ∈ E are given by the diagonal elements of the matrix R = BL†B.

Here is a lemma relating these two quantities.

Lemma 28. Let Φ =W 1/2B denote the scaled edge-incidence matrix. If ℓi is the leverage score ofthe ith row of Φ, then ℓi

wiis the effective resistance of the ith edge.

Proof. Consider the matrix

P =W 1/2B(

BTWB)†BTW 1/2 ∈ Rm×m,

and notice that P = W 1/2RW 1/2 is a rescaled version of R = BL†B, whose diagonal elements arethe effective resistances. Since Φ =W 1/2B, it follows that

P = Φ(


ΦT .

Let UΦ be an orthogonal matrix spanning the columns of Φ. Then, P = UΦUTΦ , and so

Pii =(



ii= ‖ (UΦ)(i) ‖22,

which establishes the lemma.

So, informally, we sparsify the graph by biasing our random sampling toward edges that are “im-portant” or “influential” in the sense that they have large statistical leverage or effective resistance,and then we use the sparsified graph to solve the subproblem.

Here is the main theorem for this algorithm.

Theorem 57. With constant probability, ‖xopt − xopt‖L ≤ ǫ‖xopt‖L.

Proof. The main idea of the proof is that we are forming a sketch of the Laplacian by randomlysampling elements, which corresponds to randomly sampling rows of the edge-incidence matrix, andthat we need to ensure that the corresponding sketch of the edge-incidence matrix is a so-calledsubspace-preserving embedding. If that holds, then the eigenvalues of the edge-incidence matrixand it’s sketch are close, and thus the eigenvalues of the Laplacian are close, and thus the originalLaplacian and the sparsified Laplacian are “close,” in the sense that the quadratic form of one isclose to the quadratic form of the other.

Here are the details.

By definition,‖xopt − xopt‖2L = (xopt − xopt)T L (xopt − xopt) .

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 245

Recall that L = BTWB, that xopt = L†b, and that xopt = L†b. So,

‖xopt − xopt‖2L = (xopt − xopt)T BTWB (xopt − xopt)= ‖W 1/2B (xopt − xopt) ‖22

Let Φ ∈ Rm×n be defined as Φ =W 1/2B, and let its SVD be Φ = UΦΣΦVTΦ . Then



xopt = L†b = VΦΣ−2Φ V T

Φ b.

In addition


and also

xopt = L†b = (SΦ)† (SΦ)T † b =(



)T †b

By combining these expressions, we get that

‖xopt − xopt‖2L = ‖Φ (xopt − xopt) ‖22= ‖UΦΣΦV



Φ −(



)T †)b‖22

= ‖Σ−1Φ V T

Φ b−ΣΦ




)T †VΦb‖22

Next, we note the following:



TSUΦ − I‖2]


where of course the expectation can be removed by standard methods. This follows from a resultof Rudelson-Vershynin, and it can also be obtained as a matrix concentration bound. This is akey result in RLA, and it holds since we are sampling O


nǫ log



rows from U according to theleverage score sampling probabilities.

From standard matrix perturbation theory, it thus follows that





− 1∣

∣ =∣

∣σ2i (SUΦ)− 1∣

∣ ≤√ǫ.

So, in particular, the matrix SUΦ has the same rank as the matrix UΦ. (This is a so-calledsubspace embedding, which is a key result in RLA; next time we will interpret it in terms ofgraphic inequalities that we discussed before.)

In the rest of the proof, let’s condition on this random event being true.

Since SUΦ is full rank, it follows that

(SUΦΣΦ)† = Σ−1

Φ (SUΦ)† .

So, we have that

‖xopt − xopt‖2L = ‖Σ−1Φ V T

Φ b− (SUΦ)† (SUΦ)

T †Σ−1Φ V T

Φ b‖22= ‖Σ−1

Φ V TΦ b− VΩΣ−2

Ω V TΩ Σ−1

Φ V TΦ b‖22,

246 M. W. Mahoney

where the second line follows if we define Ω = SUΦ and let its SVD be


Then, let Σ−1Ω = I + E, for a diagonal error matrix E, and use that V T

Ω VΩ = VΩVTΩ = I to write

‖xopt − xopt‖2L = ‖Σ−1Φ V T

Φ b− VΩ (I + E)V TΩ Σ−1

Φ V TΦ b‖22

= ‖VΩEV TΩ Σ−1

Φ V TΦ b‖22

= ‖EV TΩ Σ−1

Φ V TΦ b‖22

≤ ‖EV TΩ ‖22‖Σ−1

Φ V TΦ b‖22

= ‖E‖22‖Σ−1Φ V T

Φ b‖22

But, since we want to bound ‖E‖, note that

|Eii| =∣

∣σ−2i (Ω)− 1

∣ =∣

∣σ−1i (SUΦ)− 1

∣ .

So,‖E‖2 = max


∣σ−2i (SUΦ)− 1

∣ ≤√ǫ.

So,‖xopt − xopt‖2L ≤ ǫ‖Σ−1

Φ V TΦ b‖22.

In addition, we can derive that

‖xopt‖2L = xToptLxopt


W 1/2Bxopt

)T (

W 1/2Bxopt


= ‖Φxopt‖22= ‖UΦΣΦV


−2Φ V T

Φ b‖22= ‖Σ−1

Φ V TΦ b‖22.

So, it follows that‖xopt − xopt‖2L ≤ ǫ‖xopt‖2L,

which establishes the main result.

Before concluding, here is where we stand. This is a very simple algorithm that highlights the basicideas of Laplacian-based solvers, but it is not fast. To make it fast, two things need to be done.

• We need to compute or approximate the leverage scores quickly. This step is very nontriv-ial. The original algorithm of ST (that had the log50(n) term) involved using local randomwalks (such as what we discussed before, and in fact the ACL algorithm was developed toimprove this step, relative to the original ST result) to construct well-balanced partitionsin nearly-linear time. Then, it was shown that one could use effective resistances; this wasdiscovered by SS independently of the RLA-based method outlined above, but it was alsonoted that one could call the nearly linear time solver to approximate them. Then, it wasshown that one could relate it to spanning trees to construct combinatorial preconditioners.If this step was done very carefully, then one obtains an algorithm that runs in nearly lineartime. In particular, though, one needs to go beyond the linear algebra to map closely to thecombinatorial properties of graphs, and in particular find low-stretch spanning trees.

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• Instead of solving the subproblem on the sketch, we need to use the sketch to create apreconditioner for the original problem and then solve a preconditioned version of the originalproblem. This step is relatively straightforward, although it involves applying an iterativealgorithm that is less common than popular CG-based methods.

We will go through both of these in more detail next time.

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26 (04/28/2015): Laplacian solvers (2 of 2)

Reading for today.

• Same as last class.

Last time, we talked about a very simple solver for Laplacian-based systems of linear equations,i.e., systems of linear equations of the form Ax = b, where the constraint matrix A is the Laplacianof a graph. This is not fully-general—Laplacians are SPSD matrices of a particular form—butequations of this form arise in many applications, certain other SPSD problems such as those basedon SDD matrices can be reduced to this, and there has been a lot of work recently on this topicsince it is a primitive for many other problems. The solver from last time is very simple, and ithighlights the key ideas used in fast solvers, but it is very slow. Today, we will describe how to takethose basic ideas and, by coupling them with certain graph theoretic tools in various ways, obtaina “fast” nearly linear time solver for Laplacian-based systems of linear equations.

In particular, today will be based on the Batson-Spielman-Srivastava-Teng and the Koutis-Miller-Peng articles.

26.1 Review from last time and general comments

Let’s start with a review of what we covered last time.

Here is a very simple algorithm. Given as input the Laplacian L of a graph G = (V,E) and a righthand side vector b, do the following.

• Construct a sketch of G by sampling elements of G, i.e., rows of the edge-node incidencematrix, with probability proportional to the leverage scores of that row, i.e., the effectiveresistances of that edge.

• Use the sketch to construct a solution, e.g., by solving the subproblem with a black box orusing it as a preconditioner to solve the original problem with an iterative method.

The basic result we proved last time is the following.

Theorem 58. Given a graph G with Laplacian L, let xopt be the optimal solution of Lx = b; thenthe above algorithm returns a vector xopt such that, with constant probability,

‖xopt − xopt‖L ≤ ǫ‖xopt‖L. (56)

The proof of this result boiled down to showing that, by sampling with respect to a judiciously-chosen set of nonuniform importance sampling probabilities, then one obtains a data-dependentsubspace embedding of the edge-incidence matrix. Technically, the main thing to establish wasthat, if U is an m×n orthogonal matrix spanning the column space of the weighted edge-incidencematrix, in which case I = In = UTU , then

‖I − (SU)T (SU) ‖2 ≤ ǫ, (57)

where S is a sampling matrix that represents the effect of sampling elements from L.

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The sampling probabilities that are used to create the sketch are weighted versions of the statisticalleverage scores of the edge-incidence matrix, and thus they also are equal to the effective resistanceof the corresponding edge in the graph. Importantly, although we didn’t describe it in detail, thetheory that provides bounds of the form of Eqn. (57) is robust to the exact form of the importancesampling probabilities, e.g., bounds of the same form hold if any other probabilities are used thatare “close” (in a sense that we will discuss) to the statistical leverage scores.

The running time of this simple strawman algorithm consists of two parts, both of which the fastalgorithms we will discuss today improve upon.

• Compute the leverage scores, exactly or approximately. A naive computation of the leveragescores takes O(mn2) time, e.g., with a black box QR decomposition routine. Since they arerelated to the effective resistances, one can—theoretically at least compute them with any oneof a variety of fast nearly linear time solvers (although one has a chicken-and-egg problem,since the solver itself needs those quantities). Alternatively, since one does not need the exactleverage scores, one could hope to approximate them in some way—below, we will discusshow this can be done with low-stretch spanning trees.

• Solve the subproblem, exactly or approximately. A naive computation of the solution to thesubproblem can be done in O(n3) time with standard direct methods, or it can be done withan iterative algorithm that requires a number of matrix-vector multiplications that depends onthe condition number of L (which in general could be large, e.g., Ω(n)) times m, the numberof nonzero elements of L. Below, we will see how this can be improved with sophisticatedversions of certain preconditioned iterative algorithms.

More generally, here are several issues that arise.

• Does one use exact or approximate leverage scores? Approximate leverage scores are sufficientfor the worst-case theory, and we will see that this can be accomplished by using LSSTs, i.e.,combinatorial techniques.

• How good a sketch is necessary? Last time, we sampled Θ(

n log(n)ǫ2


elements from L to obtain

a 1 ± ǫ subspace embedding, i.e., to satisfy Eqn. (57), and this leads to an ǫ-approximatesolution of the form of Eqn (56). For an iterative method, this might be overkill, and it mightsuffice to satisfy Eqn. (57) for, say, ǫ = 1

2 .

• What is the dependence on ǫ? Last time, we sampled and then solved the subproblem, andthus the complexity with respect to ǫ is given by the usual random sampling results. In partic-ular, since the complexity is a low-degree polynomial in 1

ǫ , it will be essentially impossible toobtain a high-precision solution, e.g., with ǫ = 10−16, as is of interest in certain applications.

• What is the dependence on the condition number κ(L)? In general, the condition numbercan be very large, and this will manifest itself in a large number of iterations (certainly inworst case, but also actually quite commonly). By working with a preconditioned iterativealgorithm, one should aim for a condition number of the preconditioned problem that isquite small, e.g., if not constant then log(n) or less. In general, there will be a tradeoffbetween the quality of the preconditioner and the number of iterations needed to solve thepreconditioned problem.

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• Should one solve the subproblem directly or use it to construct a preconditioned to the originalproblem? Several of the results just outlined suggest that an appropriate iterative methodsshould be used and this is what leads to the best results.

Remark. Although we are not going to describe it in detail, we should note that the LSSTs willessentially allow us to approximate the large leverage scores, but they won’t have anything to sayabout the small leverage scores. We saw (in a different context) when we were discussing statisticalinference issues that controlling the small leverage scores can be important (for proving statisticalclaims about unseen data, but not for claims on the empirical data). Likely similar issues arisehere, and likely this issue can be mitigated by using implicitly regularized Laplacians, e.g., as asimplicitly computed by certain spectral ranking methods we discussed, but as far as I know no onehas explicitly addressed these questions.

26.2 Solving linear equations with direct and iterative methods

Let’s start with the second step of the above two-level algorithm, i.e., how to use the sketch fromthe first step to construct an approximate solution, and in particular how to use it to construct apreconditioner for an iterative algorithm. Then, later we will get back to the first step of how toconstruct the sketch.

As you probably know, there are a wide range of methods to solve linear systems of the formAx = b, but they fall into two broad categories.

• Direct methods. These include Gaussian elimination, which runs in O(n3) time; andStrassen-like algorithms, which run in O(nω) time, where ω = 2.87 . . . 2.37. Both requirestoring the full set of in general O(n2) entries. Faster algorithms exist if A is structured. Forexample, if A is n×n PSD with m nonzero, then conjugate gradients, used as a direct solver,takes O(mn) time, which if m = O(n) is just O(n2). That is, in this case, the time it takesit proportional to the time it takes just to write down the inverse. Alternatively, if A is theadjacency matrix of a path graph or any tree, then the running time is O(m); and so on.

• Iterative methods. These methods don’t compute an exact answer, but they do computean ǫ-approximate solution, where ǫ depends on the structural properties of A and the numberof iterations, and where ǫ can be made smaller with additional iterations. In general, itera-tions are performed by doing matrix-vector multiplications. Advantages of iterative methodsinclude that one only needs to store A, these algorithms are sometimes very simple, andthey are often faster than running a direct solver. Disadvantages include that one doesn’tobtain an exact answer, it can be hard to predict the number of iterations, and the runningtime depends on the eigenvalues of A, e.g., the condition number κ(A) = λmax(A)

λmin(A) . Exam-ples include the Richardson iteration, various Conjugate Gradient like algorithms, and theChebyshev iteration.

Since the running time of iterative algorithms depend on the properties of A, so-called precondi-tioning methods are a class of methods to transform a given input problem into another problemsuch that the modified problem has the same or a related solution to the original problem; andsuch that the modified problem can be solved with an iterative method more quickly.

For example, to solve Ax = b, with A ∈ Rn×n and with m = nnz(A), if we define κ(A) = λmax(A)λmin(A) ,

where λmax and λmin are the maximum and minimum non-zero eigenvalues of A, to be the condition

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 251

number of A, then CG runs in


κ(A) log (1/ǫ))

iterations (each of which involves a matrix-vector multiplication taking O(m) time) to computeand ǫ-accurate solution to Ax = b. By an ǫ-accurate approximation, here we mean the same notionthat we used above, i.e., that

‖xopt −A†b‖A ≤ ǫ‖A†b‖A,

where the so-called A-norm is given by ‖y‖A =√

yTAy. This A-norm is related to the usualEuclidean norm as follows: ‖y‖A ≤ κ(A)‖y‖2 and ‖y‖2 ≤ κ(A)‖y‖A. While the A-norm is perhapsunfamiliar, in the context of iterative algorithms it is not too dissimilar to the usual Euclideannorm, in that, given an ǫ-approximation for the former, we can obtain an ǫ-approximation for thelatter with O (log (κ(A)/ǫ)) extra iterations.

In this context, preconditioning typically means solving

B−1Ax = B−1b,

where B is chosen such that κ(


is small; and it is easy to solve problems of the form Bz = c.The two extreme cases are B = I, in which case it is easy to compute and apply but doesn’t helpsolve the original problem, and B = A−1, which means that the iterative algorithm would convergeafter zero steps but which is difficult to compute. The running time of the preconditioned probleminvolves


κ (B−1A) log (1/ǫ))

matrix vector multiplications. The quantity κ(


is sometimes known as the relative conditionnumber of A with respect to B—in general, finding a B that makes it smaller takes more initial timebut leads to fewer iterations. (This was the basis for the comment above that there is a tradeoff inchoosing the quality of the preconditioner, and it is true more generally.)

These ideas apply more generally, but we consider applying them here to Laplacians. So, inparticular, given a graph G and its Laplacian LG, one way to precondition it is to look for a differentgraph H such that LH ≈ LG. For example, one could use the sparsified graph that we computedwith the algorithm from last class. That sparsified graph is actually an ǫ-good preconditioned, butit is too expensive to compute. To understand how we can go beyond the linear algebra and exploitgraph theoretic ideas to get good approximations to them more quickly, let’s discuss different waysin which two graphs can be close to one another.

26.3 Different ways two graphs can be close

We have talked formally and informally about different ways graphs can be close, e.g., we used theidea of similar Laplacian quadratic forms when talking about Cheeger’s Inequality and the qualityof spectral partitioning methods. We will be interested in that notion, but we will also be interestedin other notions, so let’s now discuss this topic in more detail.

• Cut similarity. One way to quantify the idea that two graphs are close is to say that theyare similar in terms of their cuts or partitions. The standard result in this area is due to BZ,who developed the notion of cut similarity to develop fast algorithms for min cut and maxflow and other related combinatorial problems. This notion of similarity says that two graphs

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are close if the weights of the cuts, i.e., the sum of edges or edge weights crossing a partition,are close for all cuts. To define it, recall that, given a graph G = (V,E,W ) and a set S ⊂ V ,we can define cutG =

u∈S,v∈SW(uv). Here is the definition.

Definition 71. Given two graphs, G = (V,E,W ) and G = (V, E, W ), on the same vertexset, we say that G and G are σ-cut-similar if, for all S ⊆ V , we have that


σcutG(S) ≤ cutG(S) ≤ σcutG(S).

As an example of a result in this area, the following theorem shows that every graph is cut-similar to a graph with average degree O(log(n)) and that one can compute that cut-similargraph quickly.

Theorem 59 (BK). For all ǫ > 0, every graph G = (V,E,W ) has a (1 + ǫ)-cut-similar graphG = (V, E, V ) such that E ⊆ E and |E| = O


n log(n/ǫ2))

. In addition, the graph G can becomputed in O


m log3(n) +m log(n/ǫ2))


• Spectral similarity. ST introduced the idea of spectral similarity in the context of nearlylinear time solvers. One can view this in two complementary ways.

– As a generalization of cut similarity.

– As a special case of subspace embeddings, as used in RLA.

We will do the former here, but we will point out the latter at an appropriate point.

Given G = (V,E,W ), recall that L : Rn → R is a quadratic form associated with G such that

L(x) =∑

(uv)∈EW(uv) (xu − xv)2 .

If S ⊂ V and if x is an indicator/characteristic vector for the set S, i.e., it equals 1 on nodesu ∈ S, and it equals 0 on nodes v ∈ S, then for those indicator vectors x, we have thatL(x) = cutG(x). We can also ask about the values it takes for other vectors x. So, let’s definethe following.

Definition 72. Given two graphs, G = (V,E,W ) and G = (V, E, W ), on the same vertexset, we say that G and G are σ-spectrally similar if, for all x ∈ Rn, we have that


σLG(x) ≤ LG(x) ≤ σLG(x).

That is, two graphs are spectrally similar if their Laplacian quadratic forms are close.

In addition to being a generalization of cut similarity, this also corresponds to a special caseof subspace embeddings, restricted from general matrices to edge-incidence matrices and theirassociated Laplacians.

– To see this, recall that subspace embeddings preserve the geometry of the subspace andthat this is quantified by saying that all the singular values of the sampled/sketchedversion of the edge-incidence matrix are close to 1, i.e., close to those of the edge-incidence matrix of the original un-sampled graph. Then, by considering the Laplacian,rather than the edge-incidence matrix, the singular values of the original and sketchedLaplacian are also close, up to a quadratic of the approximation factor on the edge-incidence matrix.

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 253

Here are several other things to note about spectral embeddings.

– Two graphs can be cut-similar but not spectrally-similar. For example, consider G tobe an n-vertex path and G to be an n-vertex cycle. They are 2-cut similar but are onlyn-spectrally similar.

– Spectral similarity is identical to the notion of relative condition number in NLA thatwe mentioned above. Recall, given A and B, then A B iff xTAx ≤ xTBx, for allx ∈ Rn. Then, A and B, if they are Laplacians, are spectrally similar if 1

σB A σB.In this case, they have similar eigenvalues, since: from the Courant-Fischer results, ifλ1, . . . , λn are the eigenvalues of A and λ1, . . . , λn are the eigenvalues of B, then for alli we have that 1

σ λi ≤ λi ≤ σλi.– More generally, spectral similarity means that the two graphs will share many spectral

or linear algebraic properties, e.g., effective resistances, resistance distances, etc.

• Distance similarity. If one assigns a length to every edge e ∈ E, then these lengths inducea shortest path distance between every u, v ∈ V . Thus, given a graph G = (V,E,W ), we canlet d : V × V → R+ be the shortest path distance. Given this, we can define the followingnotion of similarity.

Definition 73. Given two graphs, G = (V,E,W ) and G = (V, E, W ), on the same vertexset, we say that G and G are σ-distance similar if, for all pairs of vertices u, v ∈ V , we havethat


σd(u, v) ≤ d(u, v) ≤ σd(u, v).

Note that if G is a subgraph if G, then dG(u, v) ≤ dG(u, v), since shortest-path distances canonly increase. (Importantly, this does not necessarily hold if the edges of the subgraph arere-weighted, as they were done in the simple algorithm from the last class, when the subgraphis constructed; we will get back to this later.) In this case, a spanner is a subgraph such thatdistances in the other direction are not changed too much.

Definition 74. Given a graph G = (V,E,W ), a t-spanner is a subgraph of G such that forall u, v ∈ V , we have that dG(u, v) ≤ tdG(u, v).

There has been a range of work in TCS on spanners (e.g., it is known that every graph hasa 2t+ 1 spanner with O



edges) that isn’t directly relevant to what we are doing.

We will be most interested in spanners that are trees or nearly trees.

Definition 75. Given a graph G = (V,E,W ), a spanning tree is a tree includes all verticesin G and is a subgraph of G.

There are various related notions that have been studied in different contexts: for example,minimum spanning trees, random spanning trees, and low-stretch spanning trees (LSSTs).Again, to understand some of the differences, think of a path versus a cycle. For today, wewill be interested in LSSTs. The most extreme form of a sparse spanner is a LSST, whichhas only n − 1 edges but which approximates pairwise distances up to small, e.g., hopefullypolylog, factors.

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26.4 Sparsified graphs

Here is an aside with some more details about sparsified graphs, which is of interest since this isthe first step of our Laplacian-based linear equation solver algorithm. Let’s define the following,which is a slight variant of the above.

Definition 76. Given a graph G, a (σ, d)-spectral sparsifier of G is a graph G such that

I. G is σ-spectrally similar to G.II. The edges of G are reweighed versions of the edges of G.III. G has ≤ d|V | edges.

Fact. Expanders can be thought of as sparse versions of the complete graph; and, if edges areweighted appropriately, they are spectral sparsifiers of the complete graph. This holds true moregenerally for other graphs. Here are examples of such results.

• SS showed that every graph has a(

1 + ǫ,O((



spectral sparsifier. This was shown by

SS with an effective resistance argument; and it follows from what we discussed last time: lasttime, we showed that sampling with respect to the leverage scores gives a subspace embedding,which preserves the geometry of the subspace, which preserves the Laplacian quadratic form,which implies the spectral sparsification claim.

• BSS showed that every n node graph G has a(√


, d)

-spectral sparsifier (which in general

is more expensive to compute than running a nearly linear time solver). In particular, G hasa(

1 + 2ǫ, 4ǫ2


-spectral sparsifier, for every ǫ ∈ (0, 1).

Finally, there are several ways to speed up the computation of graph sparsification algorithms,relative to the strawman that we presented in the last class.

• Given the relationship between the leverage scores and the effective resistances and that theeffective resistances can be computed with a nearly linear time solver, one can use the ST orKMP solver to speed up the computation of graph sparsifiers.

• One can use local spectral methods, e.g., diffusion-based methods from ST or the push al-gorithm of ACL, to compute well-balanced partitions in nearly linear time and from themobtain spectral sparsifiers.

• Union of random spanning trees. It is known that, e.g., the union of two random spanningtrees is O(log(n))-cut similar to G; that the union of O



reweighed random span-ning trees is a 1+ǫ-cut sparsifier; and so on. This suggests looking at spanning trees and otherrelated combinatorial quantities that can be quickly computed to speed up the computationof graph sparsifiers. We turn to this next.

26.5 Back to Laplacian-based linear systems

KMP considered the use of combinatorial preconditions, an idea that traces back to Vaidya. Theycoupled this with a fact that has been used extensively in RLA: that only approximate leveragescores are actually needed in the sampling process to create a sparse sketch of L. In particular,

Lecture Notes on Spectral Graph Methods 255

they compute upper estimates of the leverage scores or effective resistance of each edge, and theycompute these estimates on a modified graph, in which each upper estimate is sufficiently good.The modified graph is rather simple: take a LSST and increase its weights. Although the samplingprobabilities obtained from the LSST are strictly greater than the effective resistances, they are nottoo much greater in aggregate. This, coupled with a rather complicated iterative preconditioningscheme, coupled with careful accounting with careful data structures, will lead to a solver that runsin O (m log(n) log(1/ǫ)) time, up to log log(n) factors. We will discuss each of these briefly in turn.

Use of approximate leverage scores. Recall from last class that an important step in thealgorithm was to use nonuniform importance sampling probabilities. In particular, if we samplededges from the edge-incidence matrix with probabilities pimi=1, where each pi = ℓi, where ℓi isthe effective resistance or statistical leverage score of the weighted edge-incidence matrix, then weshowed that if we sampled r = O (n log(n)/ǫ) edges, then it follows that

‖I − (SUΦ)T (SUΦ) ‖2 ≤ ǫ,

from which we were able to obtain a good relative-error solution.

Using probabilities exactly equal to the leverage scores is overkill, and the same result holds if weuse any probabilities p′i that are “close” to pi in the following sense: if

p′i ≥ βℓi,

for β ∈ (0, 1] and∑m

i=1 p′i = 1, then the same result follows if we sample r = O (n log(n)/(βǫ))

edges, i.e., if we oversample by a factor of 1/β. The key point here is that it is essential not tounderestimate the high-leverage edges too much. It is, however, acceptable if we overestimate andthus oversample some low-leverage edges, as long as we don’t do it too much.

In particular, let’s say that we have the leverage scores ℓ1mi=1 and overestimation factors γimi=1,where each γi ≥ 1. From this, we can consider the probabilities

p′′i =γiℓi

∑mi=1 γiℓi



i=1 γiℓi is not too large, say O (n log(n)) or some other factor that is only slightly largerthan n, then dividing by it (to normalize γiℓimi=1 to unity to be a probability distribution) doesnot decrease the probabilities for the high-leverage components too much, and so we can use theprobabilities p′′i with an extra amount of oversampling that equals 1

β =∑m

i=1 γiℓi.

Use of LSSTs as combinatorial preconditioners. Here, the idea is to use a LSST, i.e., usea particular form of a “combinatorial preconditioning,” to replace ℓi = ℓ(uv) with the stretch of theedge (uv) in the LSST. Vaidya was the first to suggest the use of spanning trees of L as buildingblocks as the base for preconditioning matrix B. The idea is then that the linear system, if theconstraint matrix is the Laplacian of a tree, can be solved in O(n) time with Gaussian elimination.(Adding a few edges back into the tree gives a preconditioned that is only better, and it is stilleasy to solve.) Boman-Hendrickson used a LSST as a stand-along preconditioner. ST used apreconditioner that is a LSST plus a small number of extra edges. KMP had additional extensionsthat we describe here.

Two question arise with this approach.

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• Q1: What is the appropriate base tree?

• Q2: Which off-tree edges should added into the preconditioner?

One idea is to use a tree that concentrates that maximum possible weight from the total weightof the edges in L. This is what Vaidya did; and, while it led to good result, the results weren’tgood enough for what we are discussing here. (In particular, note that it doesn’t discriminatebetween different trees in unweighted graphs, and it won’t provide a bias toward the middle edge ofa dumbbell graph.) Another idea is to use a tree that concentrates mass on high leverage/influenceedges, i.e., edges with the highest leverage in the edge-incidence matrix or effective resistance inthe corresponding Laplacian.

The key idea to make this work is that of stretch. To define this, recall that for every edge (u, v) ∈ Ein the original graph Laplacian L, there is a unique “detour” path between u and v in the tree T .

Definition 77. The stretch of the edge with respect to T equals the distortion caused by this detour.

In the unweighted case, this stretch is simply the length of the tree path, i.e., of the path betweennodes u and v that were connected by an edge in G in the tree T . Given this, we can definethe following.

Definition 78. The total stretch of a graph G and its Laplacian L with respect to a tree T is thesum of the stretches of all off-tree edges. Then, a low-stretch spanning tree (LSST) T is a treesuch that the total stretch is low.

Informally, a LSST is one such that it provides a good “on average” detours for edges of the graph,i.e., there can be a few pairs of nodes that are stretched a lot, but there can’t be too many such pairs.

There are many algorithms for LSSTs. For example, here is a result that is particularly relevantfor us.

Theorem 60. Every graph G has a spanning tree T with total stretch O (m log(n)), and this treecan be found in O (m log(n)) time.

In particular, we can use the stretches of pairs of nodes in the tree T in place of the leverage scoresor effective resistances as importance sampling probabilities: they are larger than the leveragescores, and there might be a few that much larger, but the total sum is not much larger than thetotal sum of the leverage scores (which equals n− 1).

Paying careful attention to data structures, bookkeeping, and recursive preconditions.Basically, to get everything to work in the allotted time, one needs the preconditioner B that isextremely good approximation to L and that can be computed in linear time. What we did in thelast class was to compute a “one step” preconditioner, and likely any such “one step” preconditionedwon’t be substantially easier to compute that solving the equation; and so KMP consider recursionin the construction of their preconditioner.

• In a recursive preconditioning method, the system in the preconditioned B is not solvedexactly but only approximately, via a recursive invocation of the same iterative method. So,one must find a preconditioned for B, a preconditioned for it, and so on. This gives s multilevel

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hierarchy of progressively smaller graphs. To make the total work small, i.e., O(kn), for someconstant k, one needs the graphs in the hierarchy to get small sufficiently fast. It is sufficientthat the graph on the (i + 1)th level is smaller than the graph on the ith level by a factorof 1

2k . However, one must converge within O(kn). So, one can use CG/Chebyshev, whichneed O(k) iterations to converge, when B is a k2-approximation of L (as opposed to O(k2)iterations which are needed for something like a Richardson’s iteration).

So, a LSST is a good base; and a LSST also tells us which off-tree edges, i.e., which additionaledges from G that are not in T , should go into the preconditioner.

• This leads to an O(

m log2(n) log(1/ǫ))


If one keeps sampling based on the same tree and does some other more complicated and carefulstuff, then one obtains a hierarchical graph and is able to remove the the second log factor to yielda potentially practical solver.

• This leads to an O (m log(n) log(1/ǫ)) algorithm.

See the BSST and KMP papers for all the details.

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