articolo 87 della costituzione italiana - making... · la convenzione di vienna...

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Articolo 87 della Costituzione italiana

Il Presidente della Repubblica è il capo dello Stato e rappresental’unità nazionale.…Accredita e riceve i rappresentanti diplomatici, ratifica i trattatiinternazionali, previa, quando occorra, l’autorizzazione delleCamere.

Ha il comando delle Forze armate, presiede il Consiglio supremo didifesa costituito secondo la legge, dichiara lo stato di guerradeliberato dalle Camere.…

Articolo 80 della Costituzione italiana

Le Camere autorizzano con legge la ratifica deitrattati internazionali che sono di naturapolitica, o prevedono arbitrati o regolamentigiudiziari, o importano variazioni del territoriood oneri alle finanze o modificazioni di leggi.

Articolo 11 della Costituzione italiana

L’Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesaalla libertà degli altri popoli e come mezzo dirisoluzione delle controversie internazionali;consente, in condizioni di parità con gli altri Stati, allelimitazioni di sovranità necessarie ad un ordinamentoche assicuri la pace e la giustizia fra le Nazioni;promuove e favorisce le organizzazioni internazionalirivolte a tale scopo.

Le norme sul treaty-making power negli altri paesi

La Costituzione spagnola del 1978

Art. 63 par. 2: Al Rey corresponde manifestar el consentimiento del Estadopara obligarse internacionalmente por medio de tratados, de conformidadcon la Constitución y las leyes.

Art. 93: Mediante la ley orgánica se podrá autorizar la celebración detratados por los que se atribuya a una organización o institucióninternacional el ejercicio de competencias derivadas de la Constitución.Corresponde a las Cortes Generales o al Gobierno, según los casos, lagarantía del cumplimiento de estos tratados y de las resolucionesemanadas de los organismos internacionales o supranacionales titularesde la cesión.

La Costituzione spagnola del 1978

Art. 94: 1. La prestación del consentimiento del Estado para obligarse por mediode tratados o convenios requerirá la previa autorización de las Cortes Generales,en los siguientes casos:a. Tratados de carácter político;b. Tratados o convenios de carácter militar;c. Tratados o convenios que afecten a la integridad territorial del Estado o a los

derechos y deberes fundamentales establecidos en el Título I;d. Tratados o convenios que impliquen obligaciones financieras para la Hacienda

Pública;e. Tratados o convenios que supongan modificaciones o derogación de alguna

ley o exijan medidas legislativas para su ejecución.

2. El Congreso y el Senado serán inmediatamente informados de la conclusión delos restantes tratados o convenios.

La Costituzione spagnola del 1978

Art. 95: 1. La celebración de un tratado internacional quecontenga estipulaciones contrarias a la Constitución exigirála previa revisión constitucional.2. El Gobierno o cualquiera de las Cámaras puede requeriral Tribunal Constitucional para que declare si existe o noesa contradicción

Il Regno Unito: The Ponsonby Rule (1924)

The power to make treaties is a Prerogative power vested in the Crown.It is exercised on the advice of the Secretary of State for Foreign andCommonwealth Affairs, who, in turn, consults with other Departments ofGovernment whose responsibilities would be engaged in executing theprovisions of particular treaties. There is no constitutional requirementfor Parliament to approve a treaty, although sometimes legislation isneeded before the Government can ratify a treaty.

Since 1924 all treaties subject to ratification (with limited exceptions)were laid before Parliament for 21 sitting days in accordance with thePonsonby Rule before ratification (or its equivalent) is effected.

On 1 April 1924, during the Debate on the Treaty of Peace (Turkey) Bill, MrArthur Ponsonby (Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in RamsayMacDonald's Labour Government) made the following statement:

"It is the intention of His Majesty's Government to lay on the table of bothHouses of Parliament every treaty, when signed, for a period of 21 days, afterwhich the treaty will be ratified and published and circulated in the TreatySeries. In the case of important treaties, the Government will, of course, take anopportunity of submitting them to the House for discussion within this period.But, as the Government cannot take upon itself to decide what may beconsidered important or unimportant, if there is a formal demand for discussionforwarded through the usual channels from the Opposition or any other party,time will be found for the discussion of the Treaty in question."

Il Regno Unito: The Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010

(Commencement No. 3) Order 2010

This Order brings into force Parts 1 (the civil service), 2 (ratification of treaties) and5 (transparency of government financial reporting to Parliament) of theConstitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 (“the Act”) on 11th November2010.

Part 2 strengthens the Parliamentary scrutiny of treaties and in so doing, placesthe existing convention for the Parliamentary scrutiny of treaties, the PonsonbyRule, onto a statutory footing.

It requires treaties that do not come into force on signature to be laid before bothHouses of Parliament for 21 sitting days. If, in this time, neither House resolves thatthe treaty should not be ratified, then the treaty can be ratified. If, on the otherhand, either House resolves that the treaty should not be ratified, then the Actsets out certain procedures that must be followed.

La Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d’AmericaNegli Stati Uniti il potere di concludere trattati è attribuito al Presidente «with the adviceand consent of the Senate and the concurrence of two third of the Senators»

Art. 2. sez. 2: He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, tomake Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate,and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, otherpublic Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of theUnited States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shallbe established by Law.

Gli accordi semplificati, detti executive agreements, sono, invece, stipulati senza l’assensodel Senato. Vi è, ad oggi, ampia discrezionalità nelle decisione del Presidente sulla scelta diconcludere il trattato in forma di executive agreement o legislative-executive agreement.

La Costituzione francese del 1958

Art. 5: Le Président de la République veille au respect de la Constitution. Ilassure, par son arbitrage, le fonctionnement régulier des pouvoirs publicsainsi que la continuité de l'État.

Il est le garant de l'indépendance nationale, de l'intégrité du territoire et du respect des traités.

Art. 52: Le Président de la République négocie et ratifie les traités.

Il est informé de toute négociation tendant à la conclusion d'un accord international non soumis à ratification.

La Convenzione di Vienna 1969: cause di nullità relativa

Art. 46 - Disposizioni del diritto interno riguardanti la competenza a concludere trattati

1. Il fatto che il consenso di uno Stato a vincolarsi a un trattato sia stato espresso in violazione di una disposizione del suo diritto interno riguardante la competenza a concludere trattati non può essere invocato dallo Stato in questione come viziante il suo consenso, a meno che questa violazione non sia stata manifesta e non riguardi una norma del suo diritto interno di importanza fondamentale.

2. Una violazione è manifesta se essa è obiettivamente evidente per qualsiasi Stato che si comporti in materia secondo la pratica abituale e in buona fede.

Dichiarazione IlhenSentenza CPGI, 5 Settembre 1933

The Court, by twelve votes to two, decides that the declaration ofoccupation promulgated by the Norwegian Government on July 10th,1931, and any steps taken in this respect by that Government, constitutea violation of the existing legal situation and are accordingly unlawfuland invalid;

It was so understood by the Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs whenhe told the Danish Minister at Christiania - on November 7th, 1919, that"it was a pleasure to Norway to recognize Danish sovereignty overGreenland" (dispatch from the Danish Minister at Christiania to theDanish Minister for Foreign Affairs of November 8th, 1919).

Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon andNigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria: Equatorial Guineaintervening), ICJ, Judgment, 10 October 2002

Cameroon filed in the Registry of the Court an Application institutingproceedings against Nigeria with respect to the question of sovereigntyover the Bakassi Peninsula, and requesting the Court to determine thecourse of the maritime frontier between the two States in so far as thatfrontier had not been established in 1975.

Cameroon filed in the Registry an Additional Application “for the purposeof extending the subject of the dispute” to a further dispute described asrelating essentially “to the question of sovereignty over part of theterritory of Cameroon in the area of Lake Chad”, while also requesting theCourt to specify definitively the frontier between Cameroon and Nigeriafrom Lake Chad to the sea.

The Maroua Declaration

§263. The Court considers that the Maroua Declarationconstitutes an international agreement concluded betweenStates in written form and tracing a boundary; it is thusgoverned by international law and constitutes a treaty in thesense of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (seeArt. 2, para. l), to which Nigeria has been a party since 1969and Cameroon since 1991 , and which in any case reflectscustomary international law in this respect.

ICJ Decision 2002

“The rules concerning the authority to sign treatiesfor a State are constitutional rules of fundamentalimportance. However, a limitation of a Head ofState's capacity in this respect is not manifest in thesense of Article 46, paragraph 2, unless at leastproperly publicized”.

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