€¦  · web viewassessed five self-reported values: supportive and emotional...

Post on 11-Aug-2020






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Authors Design SampleN, M Age


Ethnicity Correlates Outcome

Adams et al. (1982)

Cross-Sectional N=115(58m); Range =13-18; M = Non-Disclosed

US White, European (English and Scandinavian)

Parental Socialisation Styles - maternal and paternal child-rearing practices: Perceived rejection-control, companionship, physical affect, withdrawal & support

Empathy(Affective Empathy)

Aguilar-Vafale et al., 2011

Cross-Sectional N = 140 (71m); Range 11-18; M=15.4 years

Iran Iranian Protective Factors (Models, Control & Support) Risk Factors (Models, Opportunity, Vulnerability) Religiosity (Importance of Religion, Importance of Praying & Religious oriented social norms)Sociodemographic Characteristics (gender, age, residence)

Prosocial Behaviour(Sharing, Caring, Helping,

Kindness and Consideration)

Albanesi et al., 2007

Cross-Sectional N=566(238m); Range 14-19; M = 16.10 years

Italy (North-Eastern)

Not specified Sense of community (Sense of belonging; Support & emotional connection in the community; Satisfaction of needs & involvement opportunities; Support and emotional connection with peers; Opportunities for influence)Social well-being (Social acceptance; Social integration; Social Realisation; Social Coherence; Social Contribution)Group Membership (sports teams, religious groups, cultural/music groups, volunteers)Sociodemographic Characteristics (Size of residential city; Age; Gender)

Prosocial Behaviour (Protest + Prosocial Oriented

Civic Engagement)

Albert et al. (2016)

Cross-Sectional N=2297 (1182m); Range = 14-19; M=16.2 years

US White (n=1726); Hispanic (n=508); Black (n=233); Other (n=235)

Social InclusionFrequency of hearing Word ‘Retard’ used.Sociodemographic Characteristics (School grade; Gender; Race)Target Type (Target with or without Intellectual Disability [ID])

Prosociality(Empathy & Helping)

+Prosocial Behaviour

(Bystander Intervention)Albeiro et al. (2009)

Cross-Sectional N=655(252m); Range 14-18; M=15.13 years

Italy (North-Eastern)

Italian citizens; European Caucasian (98%)


Empathy(Affective & Cognitive )


(Prosocial behaviour [i.e., helping and taking care of others) and empathy [i.e. ability to share

others emotions])Alessandri et al. (2009)


*Sample part of larger longitudinal study

N=466(222m); Range 16-18; M=17 years:

Italy Not specified Gender + AgeRegulative self-efficacy: (i.e. capability of managing negative affect & expressing positive affect) Empathic Self-Efficacy(capability to sense another person’s feelings or need for support; to discern emotional expressions; to experience emotions from another person’s perspective; to respond empathetically to others’ distress and misfortune; to be sensitive to how one’s actions affect others’ feelings)

Prosociality (Prosocial Behaviour [sharing, helping, taking care of others’

needs] & empathizing with others’ feelings)

Alessandri et al. (2014)


*Sample part of larger longitudinal study

N=476 (239m)T1 range 15-17, M =16 years ; T2 range 17-19: M=18

Italy Not specified Sociodemographic Characteristics (Age; Gender, parental occupation and education)Effortful Control (processes related to emotional regulation, as well as the abilities to voluntarily focus and shift attention, to voluntarily inhibit or initiate behaviours, and planning) Ego-resiliency (e.g. Get over anger easily)

Prosociality(Prosocial Behaviour [sharing, helping, taking care of others’

needs] & empathizing with others’ feelings)

Algaier et al. (2015)

Cross-Sectional N=307; M=15.3 years; Range 13.3-17.8

Germany Not Specified Honesty-Humility personality traitSituational characteristics: Vignette descriptions of the school situation included information that either encouraged the potential behaviour (positive inducement) or discouraged the potential behaviour (negative inducement).

Prosocial Behaviour

Anastacio et al., 2016

C/S N=1037; Range 12-18; M= 14.55;Subgroup:

Portugal Not specified Gender, AgePeer Conflict - assessed 4 aggressive behaviour categories: Overt Proactive, Overt Reactive, Relational Proactive & Relational Reactive.Social Skills - assessed frequency & importance of four social skills:

Empathy(Affective & Cognitive )

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