are you smarter than a 6 th grader? 1,000,000 6th grade topic 1 6th grade topic 2 5th grade topic 3...

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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Are You Smarter Than a 6th Grader?Are You Smarter

Than a 6th Grader?

Are You Smarter Than a 6th Grader?

Are You Smarter Than a 6th Grader?


6th Grade Topic 16th Grade Topic 1 6th Grade Topic 2

5th Grade Topic 35th Grade Topic 3 5th Grade Topic 4

5th Grade Topic 55th Grade Topic 5 5th Grade Topic 6

4th Grade Topic 74th Grade Topic 7 4th Grade Topic 8

3rd Grade Topic 93rd Grade Topic 9 3rd Grade Topic 10











6th Grade Topic 1 Question 6th Grade Topic 1 Question Linda is writing a report on the different forms or types

of jazz music. She looked up jazz on her multimedia encyclopedia and found an article on the forms of jazz. Read the following information from the article.In the 1940s a group of jazz musicians started to experiment with music. They played more involved musical patterns. The style they developed was named bop or bebop.

Is this information useful for her report? A. Yes, because the information includes a specific time period

B. Yes, because the information is an example of a form of jazz

C. No, because the information is not current D. No, because the information does not tell who the

musicians were

Linda is writing a report on the different forms or types of jazz music. She looked up jazz on her multimedia encyclopedia and found an article on the forms of jazz. Read the following information from the article.In the 1940s a group of jazz musicians started to experiment with music. They played more involved musical patterns. The style they developed was named bop or bebop.

Is this information useful for her report? A. Yes, because the information includes a specific time period

B. Yes, because the information is an example of a form of jazz

C. No, because the information is not current D. No, because the information does not tell who the

musicians were

6th Grade Topic 1 Answer 6th Grade Topic 1 Answer

B. Yes, because the information is an example of a form of jazz

B. Yes, because the information is an example of a form of jazz


6th Grade Topic 2 Question 6th Grade Topic 2 Question Read the following entry from a thesaurus.deteriorating: crumbling, decaying declining,

fading, rotting, worsening

Now read the following sentence from the passage.Mistress Madge had to get her discovery back to the museum lab quickly because the fish was deteriorating in South Africa’s December heat.  

Which word from the thesaurus entry can be justified as a replacement for deteriorating without changing the meaning of the sentence?

 A worsening C. decayingB. crumbling D. fading

Read the following entry from a thesaurus.deteriorating: crumbling, decaying declining,

fading, rotting, worsening

Now read the following sentence from the passage.Mistress Madge had to get her discovery back to the museum lab quickly because the fish was deteriorating in South Africa’s December heat.  

Which word from the thesaurus entry can be justified as a replacement for deteriorating without changing the meaning of the sentence?

 A worsening C. decayingB. crumbling D. fading

6th Grade Topic 2 Answer 6th Grade Topic 2 Answer


C. decaying

5th Grade Topic 3 Question5th Grade Topic 3 QuestionRead the sentence in the box.While doing research, Jaime found the following two sources about Iceland’s volcanoes.Source 1: The volcanoes have been terribly destructive to Iceland but also

beneficial. Some eruptions caused famines and destroyed homes. However, the volcanoes created Iceland and its unusual and beautiful landscape.

Source 2: Volcanoes created beautiful rock formations that become especially magnificent at sunset. The beauty of these volcano-created rock formations benefited Iceland by attracting travelers from countries throughout the world.

Which of the following explains why Jaime decided that the first source was more useful for his report?

  A. The first source explains why Iceland is not very heavily populated.B. The first source addresses the contrast between the benefit and the harm from the action of volcanoes.C. The first source explores the cause of volcanic eruptions.D. The first source emphasizes the benefits caused by the volcanoes.

Read the sentence in the box.While doing research, Jaime found the following two sources about Iceland’s volcanoes.Source 1: The volcanoes have been terribly destructive to Iceland but also

beneficial. Some eruptions caused famines and destroyed homes. However, the volcanoes created Iceland and its unusual and beautiful landscape.

Source 2: Volcanoes created beautiful rock formations that become especially magnificent at sunset. The beauty of these volcano-created rock formations benefited Iceland by attracting travelers from countries throughout the world.

Which of the following explains why Jaime decided that the first source was more useful for his report?

  A. The first source explains why Iceland is not very heavily populated.B. The first source addresses the contrast between the benefit and the harm from the action of volcanoes.C. The first source explores the cause of volcanic eruptions.D. The first source emphasizes the benefits caused by the volcanoes.

5th Grade Topic 3 Answer5th Grade Topic 3 Answer

B. The first source addresses the contrast

between the benefit and the harm from the action

of volcanoes.

B. The first source addresses the contrast

between the benefit and the harm from the action

of volcanoes. Return

5th Grade Topic 4 Question5th Grade Topic 4 QuestionSlogan 1: Slogan 2:Big Beau COCOA Big Beau COCOA“Tastes just the way you like it!” It’s the new hot drink for cool

people!You’ll be singing its praises! What will your friends think if

you choose another brand?

Which of the following statements accurately interprets the creators’ use of persuasive tactics in Slogan 1 and Slogan 2? A. The creators of both slogans attempt to use plain folks tactics to entice consumers to purchase the product.

B. The creators of both slogans attempt to use card stacking tactics to force consumers to purchase the product.

C. The creator of the first slogan attempts to use bandwagon tactics to sway consumers to purchase the product.

D. The creator of the second slogan attempt to use slanted words to manipulate consumers to purchase the product.

Slogan 1: Slogan 2:Big Beau COCOA Big Beau COCOA“Tastes just the way you like it!” It’s the new hot drink for cool

people!You’ll be singing its praises! What will your friends think if

you choose another brand?

Which of the following statements accurately interprets the creators’ use of persuasive tactics in Slogan 1 and Slogan 2? A. The creators of both slogans attempt to use plain folks tactics to entice consumers to purchase the product.

B. The creators of both slogans attempt to use card stacking tactics to force consumers to purchase the product.

C. The creator of the first slogan attempts to use bandwagon tactics to sway consumers to purchase the product.

D. The creator of the second slogan attempt to use slanted words to manipulate consumers to purchase the product.

5th Grade Topic 4 Answer5th Grade Topic 4 Answer

D. The creator of the second slogan attempt to use slanted words to manipulate consumers to purchase the product.

D. The creator of the second slogan attempt to use slanted words to manipulate consumers to purchase the product.


5th Grade Topic 5 Question5th Grade Topic 5 QuestionLightning and thunder are related events. Lightning is a sudden,

violent flash of electricity that occurs between a cloud and the ground or between two clouds in the sky. A lightning bolt can be several miles long and can be straight or forked. It is very hot, with an average temperature of 34,000 degrees Celsius. This causes the air around the electric bolt to expand, producing a lot of sound energy. It is this sound energy that we hear as thunder. So, lightning and thunder are caused by the same event, but lightning energy , or elctromagnetic energy, whereas thunder is sound energy. Thus, we see lightning and hear thunder.

What is the text structure?a. Problem and solution c. Compare and Contrastb. Cause and effect d. Chronological order

Lightning and thunder are related events. Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of electricity that occurs between a cloud and the ground or between two clouds in the sky. A lightning bolt can be several miles long and can be straight or forked. It is very hot, with an average temperature of 34,000 degrees Celsius. This causes the air around the electric bolt to expand, producing a lot of sound energy. It is this sound energy that we hear as thunder. So, lightning and thunder are caused by the same event, but lightning energy , or elctromagnetic energy, whereas thunder is sound energy. Thus, we see lightning and hear thunder.

What is the text structure?a. Problem and solution c. Compare and Contrastb. Cause and effect d. Chronological order

5th Grade Topic 5 Answer 5th Grade Topic 5 Answer

c. Compare and Contrastc. Compare and Contrast


5th Grade Topic 6 Question5th Grade Topic 6 QuestionRead this paragraph.

(1) Chewing gum was invented by John Curtis in 1848. (2) In 1871, Thomas Adams invented a way to manufacture chewing gum quickly. (3) The chewy treat was called the State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum. (4) Adams also invented Tutti-Frutti, the first chewing gum to be sold in a vending machine. (5) Surprisingly, chewing gum is used in the military to improve concentration and reduce stress.

Which statement corrects a mistake in the organization of the paragraph?

A) move sentence 1 after sentence 2B) move sentence 3 after sentence 1C) move sentence 4 after sentence 2D) move sentence 2 after sentence 5

Read this paragraph.(1) Chewing gum was invented by John Curtis in 1848. (2)

In 1871, Thomas Adams invented a way to manufacture chewing gum quickly. (3) The chewy treat was called the State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum. (4) Adams also invented Tutti-Frutti, the first chewing gum to be sold in a vending machine. (5) Surprisingly, chewing gum is used in the military to improve concentration and reduce stress.

Which statement corrects a mistake in the organization of the paragraph?

A) move sentence 1 after sentence 2B) move sentence 3 after sentence 1C) move sentence 4 after sentence 2D) move sentence 2 after sentence 5

5th Grade Topic 6 Answer5th Grade Topic 6 Answer

B) move sentence 3 after sentence 1

B) move sentence 3 after sentence 1


4th Grade Topic 7 Question4th Grade Topic 7 Question

Which sentence does not use an intransitive verb?

A) Hiroko painted his house white last Sunday.

B) The Boy Scout den meets once a week on Monday nights.

C) The shy girl murmured under her breath when it was her turn to read.

D) A majestic eagle soared higher and higher in the sky.

Which sentence does not use an intransitive verb?

A) Hiroko painted his house white last Sunday.

B) The Boy Scout den meets once a week on Monday nights.

C) The shy girl murmured under her breath when it was her turn to read.

D) A majestic eagle soared higher and higher in the sky.

4th Grade Topic 7 Answer4th Grade Topic 7 Answer

A) Hiroko painted his house white last Sunday.A) Hiroko painted his house white last Sunday.


4th Grade Topic 8 Question4th Grade Topic 8 QuestionWhich sentence contains an interrogative


A) Who will take Amanda to the dance Friday night?

B) Can anyone interested in the stars join the Astronomy Club?

C) Did the doctor tell Aunt Mariah to refill her prescription?

D) Will your mom be able to buy the supplies for our project on Mexico?

Which sentence contains an interrogative pronoun?

A) Who will take Amanda to the dance Friday night?

B) Can anyone interested in the stars join the Astronomy Club?

C) Did the doctor tell Aunt Mariah to refill her prescription?

D) Will your mom be able to buy the supplies for our project on Mexico?

4th Grade Topic 8 Answer4th Grade Topic 8 Answer

A) Who will take Amanda to the dance Friday night?A) Who will take Amanda to the dance Friday night?


3rd Grade Topic 9 Question3rd Grade Topic 9 QuestionMarcellus is reading his social studies

textbook. He reads an unfamiliar word that has a small number beside it. Where does this small number refer Marcellus for an explanation of the word?

 A. To an indexB. To an appendixC. To a footnote D. To a table of contents

Marcellus is reading his social studies textbook. He reads an unfamiliar word that has a small number beside it. Where does this small number refer Marcellus for an explanation of the word?

 A. To an indexB. To an appendixC. To a footnote D. To a table of contents

3rd Grade Topic 9 Answer3rd Grade Topic 9 Answer

C. To a footnote C. To a footnote


3rd Grade Topic 10 Question3rd Grade Topic 10 Question Which of the following sentences uses

verbs correctly?

A. Please lie your head on your desk if you are feeling ill.

B. The book is laying too close to the edge of your desk.

C. Does your dog lay in the shade on hot summer days?

D. I laid very still when I was not feeling well.

Which of the following sentences uses verbs correctly?

A. Please lie your head on your desk if you are feeling ill.

B. The book is laying too close to the edge of your desk.

C. Does your dog lay in the shade on hot summer days?

D. I laid very still when I was not feeling well.

3rd Grade Topic 10 Answer 3rd Grade Topic 10 Answer

A. Please lay your head on your desk if you are feeling ill.

A. Please lay your head on your desk if you are feeling ill.


Million Dollar Question

Grade Level Topic 11

Million Dollar Question

Grade Level Topic 11

1,000,000 Question1,000,000 QuestionDana wants to get a pet gecko, but her mother does not want a lizard in the

house. Dana decides to write a letter to Mom explaining why she should be allowed

to have a gecko.

Dana decided to begin her letter with the following sentence:

A gecko is a remarkable lizard that easily can walk upside down across a ceiling.

Is this sentence an appropriate opening sentence for the persuasive purpose?

A. Yes, because it will show Mom how interesting a gecko can be.B. Yes, because Dana will be able to show off the gecko’s

remarkable ability.C. No, because a gecko’s remarkable ability does not change

Mom’s objection to a lizard being in the house.D. No, because Dana will probably not be able to see the gecko

perform this trick.

Dana wants to get a pet gecko, but her mother does not want a lizard in the house.

Dana decides to write a letter to Mom explaining why she should be allowed to have a gecko.

Dana decided to begin her letter with the following sentence:

A gecko is a remarkable lizard that easily can walk upside down across a ceiling.

Is this sentence an appropriate opening sentence for the persuasive purpose?

A. Yes, because it will show Mom how interesting a gecko can be.B. Yes, because Dana will be able to show off the gecko’s

remarkable ability.C. No, because a gecko’s remarkable ability does not change

Mom’s objection to a lizard being in the house.D. No, because Dana will probably not be able to see the gecko

perform this trick.

1,000,000 Answer 1,000,000 Answer

C. No, because a gecko’s remarkable ability does not change Mom’s objection to a lizard being in the house.

C. No, because a gecko’s remarkable ability does not change Mom’s objection to a lizard being in the house.


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