architecture department university of petra

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Architecture Department

University of Petra

Winning Projects in Competitions


Graduation Projects

مركز تعريفي وبحثي وسياحي في أهوار العراقISHAN

الطالبة: زينب الربيعي

(WA) World Architecture

Tamayouz Award CSBE (Center of the studies of the Built Environment)

JEA (Jordan Engineers Association)

الطالبة زينب الربيعي باشراف الدكتورة هدير مرزة بمركز متقدم في الدورة ازتفالجائزة كما حصل على (,(WAمن المسابقة العالمية 2017الخامسة و العشرين /

, 2017عام لمشاريع العراق الدولية الثانية على مستوى العالم في مسابقة تميز

أيضا و فاز المشروع 2017الدولية عام CSBEبالاضافة لفوز المشروع بجائزة

بالمرحلة الأولى في مسابقة مشاريع تخرج هندسة العمارة في نقابة المهندسين عام .2017مشروعا 16من ضمن 2017

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هوار جنوب العراق و هي مجموعة المسطحات المائية أ منطقة يقع المشروع فيالتي تغطي الاراضي المنخفضة الواقعة في جنوبي السهل الرسوبي العراقي، و

الشتاء فصل تتسع مساحة الاراضي المغطاة بالمياه وقت الفيضان في اواخر ك وخلال الربيع. حيث تعتبر نظام ا بيئي ا فريدا تعيش عدة انواع نادرة من الاسما

والطيور والنباتات . وقد ادرجت اهوار بلاد ما بين النهرين للتراث العالمي خلال الدورة الاربعين في لجنة التراث العالمي .

اهداف المشروع : يهدف المشروع الى تطوير السياحة في العراق وانعاش ثرواته بشكل عام وتطوير السياحة في الاهوار والحفاظ عليها بشكل خاص عن طريق

تشجيع القيام بالانشطة السياحية في المنطقة واحياء الفولكلور المكان بالاضافة لاستثمار الاقتصاد المتعلق بالصناعات المحلية للمحافظة على نمط الحياة السائد

هناك وتوفير فرص عمل لسكان الأهوار.

يتألف المشروع من ثلاثة اجزاء رئيسية :فة الى المساكن لاستقبال ابيئية بالاض مركز تعريفي للاهوار و مركز بحوث

.السياح والباحثين

Project Description The project take place in the marshland of Southern Iraq known as al-Ahwar in Arabic, is a rare wetland within a desert landscape. It hosts a freshwater eco-system and provides a habitat for wildlife, hosting several species of birds and fish. The Mesopotamian Marshlands have been inscribed on the World Heritage List during the 40th session if the World Heritage Committee. Project Objectives: The project aim for developing the marshland as region with activities can be done easily by the tourists, revival the folkloric, economic aspects of local industries also to maintain the lifestyle of the local communities and provide jobs for them. The project can revival the traditions of architecture there by using the local materials to develop a new sustainable system. Develop a new accommodations with marshland experience. The project consist of three main parts which are the Interpretation center, the environmental research center, in addition to lodges to receive tourist and Researchers

مركز تفسير التراث السينمائي الطالبة: فضة قطارنة

فوز الطالبة فضة قطارنة باشراف الدكتورة فاطمة النمري بتصويت أعضاء

من المسابقة العالمية 2017شرين /المجتمع في الدورة الخامسة و الع

World Architecture (WA)

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يعمل المشروع كمركز لتفسير تطور السينما العربية مع التركيز على تطور من خلال ربطه بالمدينة عمان. السينما الاردنية، ويقترح مكانا يحتفل بالفن السابع

ينطلق المشروع كمكان يعزز تقدير الزائر للسينما وعلاقتها بالانسان و المدينة، فيزيائيا مع حركة المدينة و الناس للتعبير عن ديناميكية هذا ويربط المبنى لذلك

الفن . حيث يمر الزائر بسلسلة من الاطارات السينمائية للمكان والتي تنطلق نحو افق جديد مطل على المدينة. ويعمل التصميم على ربط السينما و الثقافة حيث

لية تتنوع في الحجم يقدم للزائر تجربة خاصة من خلال حركته عبر فضاءات متتاو الضوء و الاطلالة الحضرية و المحتوى. ويمر الزائر بعدة طوابق تشرح تاريخ السينما وتطورها، ويقدم فضاءات تفاعلية مفتوحة تجعل المكان ديمقراطيا شعبويا . يعبر المشروع عن علاقته بالمدينة من خلال شاشات عرض خارجية و

ة المفتوحة و القريبة من الناس.ساحات للعروض الدرامية او الفني

Project Description An Interpretation center to introduce people to the history of cinema equipment and the history of local films in Jordan to give people from different ages and mind sets a cultural background about the art of film making in Jordan, to help support and promote Jordanian films. The project aims to create a landmark (symbol) overlooking Amman .The goal of the museum is for visitors to connect Amman with cinema, also a cinema hall with a cafe and a shop is added for visitors who are interested in watching those films with an outdoor performance and amphitheater to connect the building with urban fabric area .

مركز ذاكرة فلسطينPalestine remembrance center

الطالبة:أريج العزة

الطالبة فضة قطارنة باشراف الدكتورة فاطمة النمري بتصويت أعضاءفوز من المسابقة العالمية 2017 /الخامسة و العشرين المجتمع في الدورة

World Architecture (WA)

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التاااريخ يباادأ ماان هنااا ... المشااروع تجساايد و محاكاااة لواقااع القضااية الفلسااطينية عام. 69انتكاسات على مدى و ما مرت به من

الحاضااار لا يلغاااي الماضاااي مطلقاااا، هاااي ذاكااارة و ساااتبقى خالااادة و تلازمناااا و حاااق العاااودة. أجيالناااا ركااام كااال ضاااغوطات و تاااأثيرات الشاااتات، حتاااى تحقياااق

مركااااز ذاكاااارة فلسااااطين هااااو عبااااارة عاااان متحااااف و مركااااز، يعاااارض المتحااااف الإضاااافة لاااى مركاااز الاحاااتلال، ب المسااايرة النضاااالية للشاااعب الفلساااطيني أثنااااء

للحااارف الفلساااطينية. الفكااارة التصاااميمة للمبناااى هاااي تحليااال للخاااط الزمناااي لأهااام الأحااااداث التااااي ماااارت بهااااا القضااااية و كااااان لهااااا دور مفصاااالي فااااي مجرياتهااااا، بالأضااااافة لااااى التعبياااار عاااان المشاااااعر و الصااااراعات النفسااااية التااااي خلفتهااااا


A remembrance center, a kind of Nakba Museum, a center that would focus exclusively on the Palestinian struggle against Israel. The Project aims to be an innovative venue for creating and communicating research, knowledge and new thinking about showcasing Palestinian society, art, history and culture. The project aims to contribute a vibrant Palestinian culture in the Arab world and international presence, capable of strengthening the bonds between Palestinians and those interested in their culture and history. Focuing on promoting Palestinian culture in the Arab world and internationally; creating the environment for free and innovative intellectual and creative endeavor; advocating for the use of the cultural tools for educational purposes; strengthening a sense of unifying national identity; and fostering a culture of dialogue and tolerance.

قرية منخفضة التكاليف للانتاج الغذائي الطالبة: هبة السحيمات

فوز الطالبة هبة السحيمات باشراف الدكتورة فاطمة النمري بتصويت أعضاء

العالميةمن المسابقة 2017المجتمع في الدورة الخامسة و العشرين /WA)) World Architecture ,

و فوزها أيضا بالمرحلة الأولى في مسابقة مشاريع تخرج هندسة العمارة في 16من ضمن 2017نقابة المهندسين عام .مشروعا

مسابقة مشاريع تخرج هندسة العمارة في نقابة المهندسين(WA) World Architecture

وصف المشروع

الملاحة، من خلال التركيز على نقاط -المشروع الفقر في منطقة دير علايعالج .القوة الموجودة محليا مع التوجهات العالمية

للسياحة البديلة و التنمية من الاسفل . حيث يقترح المشروع الاحتفال بالثقافة التنمية المحلية من خلال الزراعية و القروية، بدمج السيييييييياحة الزراعية مع

تهدف الى اعطاء السييييكان المحليين مكانا لتعزيز -او نواة قرية -قرية صييييغيرةالمعيشيييييييية من خلال حلقييات الانتيياج الغييذائي. يتكون الييدخييل ورفع مسيييييييتو

المشروع من مجموعة من الفضاءات الخارجية المستوحاة من جماليات عمارة شفاف يشجع القر و التي تقدم كل منها احد مراحل التصنيع الغذائي باسلوب

السييييكان المحليين على الانخراط ويقدم فكرة جديدة في دمج الانتاج الغذائي مع الاستهلاك الغذائي.

يسيييييتخدم المشيييييروع افكار الاسيييييتدامة و مبادا العمارة الخضيييييراء مما يميز

الطروحات الجمالية ويساهم بربطها مع المكان.


The main purpose of the design is to improve the farming & farmers culture in order to decrease the poverty in one of Jordan poverty pockets. The design was based on how the farmers related to their lands and how they work with love with their lands, architecture & agriculture were integrated with each other in a way that gave us a new experience about the agricultural life. Functionally the project has a big cycle ( food production line ), over all it has five main zones; food processing, food packaging, market, restaurant, and project base services zone, they all relate to each other. The project has two main users; farmers, and non-farmers, it aims to create a life for both users as producers (as farmers) and consumers (as non-farmers). We will be able to see farmers working on their lands at the same moment we will be able to see people eating food produced form the farmers crops, that is how it improved the agricultural culture. It is a low cost project, mud is the building material combined with local cane and stone.

Through The Light Blind and visually impaired edutainment center

الطالبة: أماني صلاح

فوز الطالبة أماني صلاح باشراف الدكتور ياسر أبو هاشم بتصويت أعضاء من المسابقة العالمية 2017المجتمع في الدورة السادسة والعشرين /

(WA) World Architecture


يعانون من ضعف شخص 285000000حسب منظمة الصحة العالمية هناك

في جميع أنحاء العالم. حيث تجاوز عدد (العمى + ضعف البصر)البصر الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة البصرية في الأردن

شخص و هم في تزايد مستمرو هم يعانون من الاهمال الذي يؤدي بهم 24,000

الضعف الجسدي و الخوف والمشاكل النفسية و مشاكل في الى: الجهل و البطالة و النطق و السلوك العدواني...

الرؤية :خلق بيئة بسيطة وآمنة ويمكن التنبؤ بها ومنظمة بشكل جيد بحيث تكون مناسبة

لضعاف البصر من خلال التصميم المناسب القائم على الدراسات العلمية لحاجات المكان يحتوي على جميع العناصر المعمارية التي المكفوفين وضعاف البصر.هذا

تساعد المكفوفين وضعاف البصر على التنقل والتعرف على المساحات المختلفة بمفردهم مثل:

الحديقة الحسية )النباتات العطرة( .1 صوت المياه .2 صدى الصوت )شكل الاسقف و ارتفاعاتها( .3

الأرضيات(اللمس )انواع مواد مختلفة الملمس على الجدران و .4

تباين الألوان )للأشخاص ضعاف البصر( .5 الضوء )مصدر الضوء وشدته(, .6 المسار)واضح ومنظم و خالي من الحواجز( .7المجموعات الوظيفية )يتم فصل الغرف وفقا لوظائفها المشتركة في كتل .8

متعددة, كل كتلة تحتوي على عنصر مكاني مختلف؛ لتسهيل الإدراك(.


According to the World Health Organization there are about 285,000,000 people who suffer from visual impairment (blindness + visual impairment) worldwide. Where the number of persons with visual disabilities in Jordan exceeded24,000 people who are suffering from neglect, which lead to: Unawareness, Physical weakness, Fright, Unemployment/Poverty, Psychological problems, Aggressive behavior, Pronunciation problems. THE VISION Creating a simple, stable, safe, predictable and well structured environment that is suitable for blind and visual impairment. This place contains all architecture elements that help the blind and visually impaired to navigate and recognize different spaces on their own (self-guide)such as: 1.Sensorygarden(scented plants), 2.WaterSound, 3.Sound-echo(ceiling height and shape), 4.Touch(different type of materials on walls and sand floors), 5.Colorcontrast(for visually impaired people), 6.Light(light source and intensity), 7.Path (clear, organized and barrier free), 8. Functional Groups.

مركز بيئي للطاقة المتجددةEco- Renewable Energy center

الطالب:أمير الشناوي

فاز مشروع تخرج الطالب أمير الشناوي باشراف الدكتورة هدير مرزة في 2017لعام iSustainمسابقة


This project is separated into two parts inside, outside. Inside: Renewable energy research and community education center Outside: Public Park work as an outlet to the community This project is an entrance to the power of natural Experience that gives the users the awareness of energy and intelligent energy by the input of students, teachers and scientists who specialize in energy and environmental sciences. Mankind always looks for new energy sources to cover the ever-increasing energy needs of the contemporary lives that it leads, but some energy sources are known for their limited amounts and high costs, along with their negative effects on nature. Solar energy is known for its consistency and renewability, along with other natural resources, such as wind and hydropower (water) energy. The world has become aware of the dangers of fossil fuels and the misuse of nonrenewable energy sources, and how they have impacted nature and our ecosystems, which makes renewable energy the best possible solution. Renewable energy of all kinds, whether solar, wind, hydropower, organic, or other “natural” resources has given hope to the crisis that is fuel consumption and pollution, along with the hope of creating new jobs and fields of work for younger generations to study and work in. The land steep sloped topography will be beneficial to the

project , at the higher level of the project only glimpses of what is built could be seen while the rest will be covered with the natural ground cover letting the local flora grow and keeping the same old views as if the land was never touched . The lines of the building form was significantly affected by the land topography, the solar path, the wind currents and also the subterranean water. Visitors will experience the different energy sources separately through the building, at the beginning of the journey the visitor feels the ground energy ,by changing the function and the visual experience we enter the solar energy zone and so on. Visual connection between all the zones is vital to emphasize on the importance of all energy sources.

منتجع سياحي لدعم السياحة في عجلون الطالبة: زينب خياط

فوز مشروع تخرج زينب الخياط عن فئة مشاريع الطلبة باشراف الدكتورة

, في الدورة WA))World Architectureهدير مرزة في المسابقة العالمية

فخريين من أصل عشرة مشاريع مقدمة التاسعة و العشرين بتصويت أعضاء من جميع أنحاء العالم في فئة مشاريع الطلبة, كما فازت بجائزة الشرف في

مسابقة تميز العراقية.

(WA) World Architecture Tamayouz Award

وصف المشروع

تمتلئ لا زالت الدوافع الدينية و الروحانية من اكثر الاسباب شيوعا للسفر, الأردن بالكنوز و المواقع التاريخية الي تشير الى اهم الاحداث في التاريخ البشري, حيث يمكننا اعتبار هده المناطق الجزء المنسي من الأراضي المقدسة لأن قلة من الناس

يدركون اهمية هذه المناطق.يث عين تعتبر عجلون موطنا للعديد من المواقع التاريخية الدينية/ السياحية المهمة, ح

مواقع للحج )تل مار لياس وكنيسة سيدة الجبل( الفاتيكان موقعين في عجلون سائح خلال ايام معينة من 3000-2000المسيحي, تستقبل عجلون كل عام من

السنة, و نظرا الى افتقار عجلون لمواقع الخدمات السياحية و مواقع المبيت المناسبة سيتم نشاء هذا المشروع في .وم ذاته للمبيتفي اليفأن السياح يعودون الى عمان

محاولة لتشجيع السياحة الترفيهية والدينية في المدينة واستكشاف المعالم السياحية ويهدف المشروع لى والتراث والمناظر الطبيعية الخلابة وموقعها الجغرافي, و

لسياق استضافة مجموعة متنوعة من المساحات التي تشجع التأريض الروحي ضمن ا .الحضري ، والمساحات التي تساعد في الأرتقاء الروحاني

كما يهدف المشروع الى خدمة المحافظة بشكل عام ، من خلال توفير مكان مناسب للسياح من جميع أنحاء العالم للبقاء و المبيت في عجلون و التتمتع بجمال الطبيعة

ية بشكل عام وأماكن أخرى أيضا ، و لمعرفة المزيد عن المواقع الأثر .من حولهم

للزيارة السياحية.


Religion and spirituality are still among the most common motivations for travel. The entire country of Jordan is filled with biblical treasures: historic sites marking some of the most significant events in salvation history. In many ways, it’s the forgotten part of the Holy Land, because few people fully understand its significance. Ajloun is home to a significant places of pilgrimage, tell mar Elias and the lady of the mount church. The Vatican designated Anjara as a Millennium 2000 pilgrimage site. Ajloun accept every year 2000-3000 tourist during the Christian pilgrimage days, this project will be set up in an attempt to encourage leisure and religious tourism to the city and exploration of its attractions, heritage, stunning natural scenery, Its geographic location along with its remarkable weather and unique biodiversity system, represented in the extensive green forest cover and numerous water springs. Therefore, the project will consist 3 main parts: 1- Residential Program 2- Education Program 3- Meditation Program

Irbid Cultural Mastaba (Exchange skills and experiences center)

الطالبة: مرح الخطيب

تم ترشيح مشروع تخرج الطالبة مرح الخطيب باشراف المهندسة ياسمين .018 2لعام iSustainمسابقة مشاريع في 10السعودي بأفضل

وصف المشروع

المشروع عبارة عن مكان يتعلم فيه الناس و يتبادلون المهارات و الخبرات و يحث على التفاعل مع الافراد من الفئات المختلفة عن طريق جمعهم على المواضيع و

السكان ليستفيدوا الناس الاهتمامات المشتركة بينهم ضمن الاطار الثقافي للمدينة و من بعضهم و لخلق فرص عمل للجميع.

المشروع عبارة عن ردة فعل تجاه المشاكل و الحساسيات التي نتجت من تفاعل اللاجئين السوريين مع السكان المحليين سواء من استغلالهم كايدي عاملة قليلة التكلفة

و ارتفاع نسبة البطالة و ترك الدراسة للعمل.اية رسالة هذا المشروع طرح ابعاد انسانية لمشكلة حاصلة حاليا بعيدا عن في النه

استخدام رموز صعبة الفهم و بإشراك المجتمع المحلي في اتخاذ الحلول و القرارات.لذلك يهدف المشروع الى: زيادة الكفاءات و تبادل المهارات و الخبرات بين السكان

ن و العكس, انشاء معلم )رمز( كاطلالة على المحليين من الفئات الضعيفة و اللاجئياربد و أفق أراضي سوريا, كما يهدف الى تعليم الموسيقى، الحرف اليدوية و تعلم اطباق التراث القديم التي تعبر عن هوية سكانه، اداء الموسيقى في الهواء الطلق و

ت توعية المدرجات التي تربط المبنى مع منطقة النسيج الحضري المحيط, عقد جلساحول القضايا ,و عداد الافراد المؤهلين للحصول على عمل في الشركات القائمة او

يرة مع برنامج الامم المتحدة لتأسيس اعمالهم التجارية المستدامة كمشاريع صغ مائي المدعوم من الاردن.لالا

DescriptionProject A place that creates a social interactive space by reflecting the culture of Irbid and celebrate it by creating a bridge that develops integration between the residents of Irbid and the refugees. The main issue the project came to solve is an educational problem, young refugees and local people who are not educated intend to work in vocational jobs with the lack of experience and education, the project is creating spaces that holds training programs to teach them skills that matches their interests to find jobs and to express their identity within these jobs and to exchange knowledge between the two categories. The project aims to create a landmark (symbol) overlooking Irbid and the horizon of the territory of Syria, the goal of teaching music, handicrafts and learning ancient heritage dishes which expresses the identity of its inhabitant, also an outdoor performance and amphitheater to connect the building with urban fabric area, to Exchange of skills and experience between Jordanians from vulnerable groups and vice versa, Raising the standard of living. Reduce poverty and unemployment rates.

Reconstruction of Al Qastal Village

الطالب: يزن نصرالله

حاز مشروع تخرج الطالب يزن نصرالله باشراف الدكتورة هدير مرزة في مسابقة اعادة اعمارة قر فلسطين كما تم ترشيح

.2017لعام I Sustainمشاريع في مسابقة 10المشروع بأفضل

"اننا لم نزل جميلين رغم كل سنوات الموت التي قضيناها تحت الاحتلال ,

جمال كهذا ولو كان رمزيا يجعل الانسان يحس بانه كان فوق ;بصراحة

تحته"الاحتلال لا

وصف المشروع

الاسرائيلي قرية في فلسطين تعرضت للتدمير بسبب الاحتلال 600أكثر من

عام النكبة الذي شرد واستبعد فيه الفلسطينيين من بيوتهم وارضهم 1948عام

بسبب العدوان الاسرائيلي . -فوق الاحتلال هو اعادة إحياء الروح الجميلة لقرية القسطل في مدينة السلام

فرغم مرورها بسنوات الموت والتشريد ، فهي لا تزال جميلة -القدس ، بعد 1948القرية العربية الأولى التي احتلها الصهاينة عام انها كشعبها.

معركة عنيفة قادها عبد القادر الحسيني, الذي استشهد في هذه المعركة . يرتكز المشروع على إعادة بناء القسطل وفقا لمتطلبات العصر والمحافظة على هوية

ا تم توثيقه وتاريخ المكان , ويعتمد التصميم على ذاكرة سكان القرية ومبالإضافة إلى ذكريات الأشخاص الذين طردوا من القرية ، بالاضافة الى الأغاني

.التي كانت تحكي قصصنا لماذا هذا المشروع :

توثيق وحفظ التراث الفلسطيني مع الحفاظ على هيكلة القرية والمدينة .1 .1948على أساس ما كان عليه قبل عام

بناء الروابط الاجتماعية بين الوصول لحلول تصميمة تساعد في .2 السكان الأصليين وأحفادهم وعائلاتهم

إعادة بناء المكان في السياق الحديث ، مع الحفاظ على روح العمارة .3 إعادة تصميم القر المدمرة تأكيدا على حق العودةو المحلية

DescriptionProject There are more than 600 villages in Palestine destroyed by the Zionist occupation in 1948 which is the year when the Palestinians were expelled from their homes and lost their homeland because of the establishment of the Jewish state – Israel . We are dreaming of a time, when we see only victory. We will begin to redesign the destroyed villages in order to affirm the right of return, this is itself a victory and a challenge to the occupation .Is to revive the beautiful spirit to the village of Qastal in the city of peace - Jerusalem - despite everything passed by and its people of years of death and displacement. It is first Arab village occupied by the Zionists in 1948. The project is based on the reconstruction of AL-Qastal in accordance with the requirements of the age and preserve the identity and history of the place. The design will depend on the memory of the village residents and what has been documented in addition to the perception of the people who were expelled from the village. Why this project: 1. Documenting and preserving the Palestinian landscape and heritage with its village and town structures on the basis of their pre-1948 situation.

2. The re-establishment of the physical bond between the

original inhabitants, their descendants, their families and the

Palestinian homeland.

3. Re-constructing the organic physical environment of

the place in a modern context, yet imbued with

traditional, historical and local values to produce the

special vernacular architecture, and to redesign the

destroyed villages in order to affirm the right of return.

لقسم هندسة العمارة للعام توثيق مشاريع التخرج2019-2018الجامعي

سماء المشرفين:أ

د. هدير مرزه .1 البسطامي ليلى. د .2 هاشم أبو ياسر. د .3 خليل الشيخ ماهر .4 رمضان أبو رانيا .5 د. خالد الطرزي .6 عيسوه رعد. م .7

د. هدير مرزه .1 الرفاعي مروان محمد فراس 1.1

اسم المشروع

منتجع وادي الأزرق

Al Azraq Eco Resort is an architectural vacuum created to increase the efficiency of Eco-tourism in Jordan, by exploiting resources in Al Azraq, especially Al Azraq Wetland Reserve, and the migrating birds that occur twice a year, as well as the unique desert nature of the Al Azraq. The project will include small shops for Al Azraq residents, support their products and sell them, the resort will also include entertainment, accommodation, recreation and meditation areas.

(The Serenity of Al Azraq)

Project Name

(The Serenity of Al Azraq)

الله عوض محمد صلاح خلود 1.2

اسم المشروع

الأرض على نقطة أوطأ تحت (الميت البحر لاملاح جيولوجي مركز)

The Dead Sea, also known as the Salt Sea, is a Salt Lake bordering Jordan to the east and occupied Palestine to the west. It’s a hyper saline lake that is truly one of Earth’s unique places The Dead Sea is 67 kilometers (42 mi) long and 18 kilometers (11 mi) wide at its widest point and its main tributary is the Jordan River. This area has become a major center for health research and treatment for several reasons. The mineral content of the water, the very low content of pollen and other allergens in the atmosphere, the reduced ultraviolet component of solar radiation, and the higher atmospheric pressure at this great depth each have specific health effects. The Dead Sea geological history began millions of years ago. Explores and scientist arrived in the area to analyze the minerals and research the unique climate and so unique geological wonders in the late 1940s and early 1950s 1.The revival of outstanding geological landscapes, features and events of the Dead Sea rift, to promote geological tourism. 2. to create a reference document for Dead Sea geological and mineralogical features for all geologists and those interested in this field and to create a marketable tourism product. 3. increase awareness of value of geological heritage view of the Dead Sea by encouraging educational trips to schools, universities and tourist

Project Name

(Beneath The Lowest Point on earth)

(Beneath The Lowest Point on earth)

رحال امجد يمان 1.3

اسم المشروع

دمشق في الحجاز محطة تطوير

Renovation of AL-Hijaz Station in Damascus Syria, it’s a place that present the dynamic interaction between human kind and the natural environment, it’s an Urban Landscapes which are storehouses for the social memories, because natural feature, street, railway, building that frame the lives of many people and often outlast many lifetimes, Define the Hijaz Railway as cultural landscape liberates the concept of landscape from its conventional perceptions being strongly association with singular monument. The main issue that the site of project contains the old station building from Ottoman period, which has a rich history background with religious character. The project aims to revive the place of a- Hijaz station after it has lost its importance over time, and to make the renovation al Hijaz railway. as a Destination for local community participation, with special attention to the urban and architectural integration between the old city fabric and the new fabric,

Project Name

Al Hijaz Station Damascus

Renovation of Al- Hijaz Station Damascus

النتشة نعيم محمد نادر عبدالله 1.4

اسم المشروع

ي للبحر الميتتذكار نصب

A tribute of remembrance and honor to the lost souls of The Dead Sea Tragedy Thursday the 25th of October 2018. The Project emerged from the need to deliver the story of the lost souls to shelter their memories, and raise awareness over the causes that lead to the death of these innocent souls To raise awareness in the Jordanian society over the dangers of natural phenomena, and shed a light over the issues that bad safety measurements can cause. To Create a Memorial to deliver the story and shelter the memory of the lost souls. To benefit from the global platform of The Dead Sea in delivering the message and awareness on an international scale.

The Dead Sea Memorial & Awareness Center)

Project Name

(The Dead Sea Memorial)

تلجبنى يحيى رنا 1.5

اسم المشروع

حلب في الحرب ومتحف نصب

A war memorial to celebrate a war or victory over the civil war, or (predominating in modern times) to commemorates the struggle and survival of Aleppo as a living cit. (Category of cultural and symbolic architecture.)

فهم كيفية لاستكشاف انطلاق نقطة هو للحرب التذكاري النصب عانته وما وتطورها وحضارتها المدينة لتاريخ وتادراكه المجتمع

بقت و الحرب المدينة قاومت وكيف بعدها، وما الحرب خلال الاقوى هي الحياة ارادة

Project Name

War memorial center museum."

healing of Aleppo, a site of memory,

a space to witness the resilience of


(War memorial center museum)

احمد اكرم احسان ميسم 1.6

اسم المشروع

رم وادي قرية

Tourism Village surrounding Wadi Rum Village in the Protected Area in Wadi Rum in south Jordan. The tourism Village consists of: Eco-Lodge - Bedouin Outdoor market - Amphitheater - Outdoor Platforms (Fire-Bird Watching - Meditation) - Garden - Museum - Gallery - outdoor public sports - camel/Horse track. The tourism village aims to solve Wadi Rum village problems of poor economic situation and degradation in their culture through "Involved tourism, Economic Experience, local Bedouin story and therapeutic tourism".

Project Name

Wadi Rum Village - a Story to tell

(Reality Behind Mirage)

سلطان اسماعيل محمود ساره 1.7


الرمان تل في بيئي منتجع

Project Name

Eco-Mountain Resort at Tal Al- Rumman

(Eco-Mountain Resort at Tal Al- Rumman)



البسطامي ليلى. د .2

محمد علي محمد فارس 2.1


An interpretation and visitor panoramic center on a significant hillside of AL-Salt

Project Name Eye on the Hidden Saltus

(Eye on the Hidden Saltus)

شاهين محمد انس لبنى 2.2


A Community school of performing arts in Jabal Al-Waibdeh in Amman, where students can liberate their personalities, allow their creativity to flow, and use music, dance, and drama to build up new relations with their society and express feelings towards it.

Project Name A Community School of Performing Arts

(A Community School of Performing Arts)

الصمادي الحميد عبد مسعود فرح 2.3


A multi-disciplinary museum of nature in Wadi Rum in the desert of Jordan aiming and celebrating and enjoying that unique place’s scenery and phenomenological features without touching its purity or underming its presence and integrity.

Project Name Museum of Nature

(A Community School of Performing Arts)

المصري رنده 2.4


Rethinking the design and the symbolic aesthetics of King Hussein Border Crossing at the Jordanian Side so as to propose a more appropriate urban and architectural solution to the functional, climatic, and cultural problems of the existing situation.

Project Name Beyond The Line

(Beyond The Line)

الله عوض زينه 2.5


A new planning of a new neighborhood in East Amman and a new design of low cost residential units of a multiple of types and areas, all of which are responsive to human requirements and preferences including level of privacy, spatial allocation, and public amenities.

Project Name Built Environment for Better Lives

(Built Environment for Better Lives)

صيام شهد 2.6


A nostalgic solution to the urban setting of Al-Hejaz Railroad Station in Amman to safeguard its architectural heritage, redevelop its landscape, and add new recreational facilities that would help turning the whole area into a multifunctional touristic and communal hub.

Project Name Rehabilitation of Al-Hejaz Railroad Station

(Rehabilitation of Al-Hejaz Railroad Station)

د. ياسر أبو هاشم .3

الجبوري خميس حسيب رولا 3.1


البغدادي المتقى

The aim of the project is to revive a cultural area of nature that has an impact on the Iraqi society through a cultural forum where the visitors of Al Mutanabbi Street meet in a suitable environment to help them move on with their ideas and address an urban problem surrounding the site to build an educated and informed base that will revive the country

Project Name Encounter Bagdad

(Rehabilitation of Al-Hejaz Railroad Station)

(Encounter Bagdad)

استيتيه احمد علي زين 3.2



The project aims to develop the agriculture sector in Jordan and improve the health and food security through the researches and studies in the institute. Local community is the main motivation of the project, it will offer new jobs for local farmers, and will target students of Agriculture Engineering Colleges in Jordanian universities. The project will open new horizons for a cooperation with international institutes for Organic Agriculture. It will also offer the opportunity for healthy local products to be made. The project will raise awareness about the importance of organic farming through workshops, and will improve the internal tourism.

Project Name Research and extension institute for Organic Agriculture

(Research and extension institute for Organic Agriculture)

الهندي خميس نصري لينه 3.3


This academic workshop will be working on a system that will reproduce modern affordable fashion for low income individuals getting help from cloths banks and landfills helping students learn and understand the full design and redesign process, reusing concepts, and minimizing the fashion waste.

Project Name Zero waste of fashion (Reusing & Redesigning fashion waste)

(Zero Waste Fashion)

خالدي آل خير سامر مرح 3.4


A project to give an economic opportunity for the local Bedouin community, support its schools and put Feynan on the map as a high impact tourism destination. The project mission is to illuminate the natural world through an inspirational visitor experience, educational outreach, mutual cultural experience and human engagement of the past and present of the region

Project Name The Trail of Wadi Feynan (Center)

(Day in History)

الدبس فرج محمد فرات 3.5


A project that aims to consolidate the power of media as a strong medium in solving Arab issues and concerns with its Arabic language, culture and literature, and highlights important societal issues that are usually hidden in a society governed by customs and traditions; seeks to development an institute that meets their ambitions, aspirations and desires as an influential medium for the decision maker

Project Name ة " Documentary Filmmaking "هInstitute.

(Media Training & Development Mastaba)

العوضي محمد جبر فينانه 3.6


The organic waste recycling center is an architectural project that is based on solving the problem of high organic solid waste in Wadi AlSeer. It aims to spread the culture of recycling and preserve Jordan as a clean and healthy country. It is a production project that produces methane and exports it to the electric power generation areas, and produces organic fertilizer

Project Name Trash or treasure! Wadi AlSeer organic waste recycling center

(Trash to Treasure)

ماهر الشيخ خليلد. .4

العنزي عبدالله صالح فهد 4.1


Project Name Business Incubator Building

(Business Incubator Building)



الركيبات سعيد نصار ابتهال 4.2

المشروعاسم الأديان حوار

Project Name

) الأديان رحوا (



سلطان وهبة محمد حنين 4.3


Project Name Repose Zara Thermal Baths

(Repose Zara Thermal Baths)



صالح صالح سعد عبدالله 4.4


Project Name Renewable Housing

(Renewable Housing)



الخطيب سميح فهد محمد 4.5


Project Name Rehabilitation Jordan – Syria Free Zone

(Rehabilitation Jordan – Syria Free Zone)



خواج يعقوب عدنان معاذ 4.6


Project Name Youth Learning and Entrepreneurship Center

(Youth Learning and Entrepreneurship Center)



خالد الطرزيد. .5

قعدان الكريم عبد ابراهيم ايناس 5.1


A Visual Art Center is a diverse range of human activities in creating art. The proposed project is to design a center that will include several departments of art creation and art technology. An arts center is a functional community center with a specific remit to encourage arts practice and to provide facilities such as theatre space, gallery space, workshop areas, educational facilities, and technical equipment, etc. Art is to cultivate an engaged community of youth whose powerful artistic voices transform their lives, their neighborhoods, and their worlds. A specialized Visual Art Center, to be the first established in Jordan.

Project Name Visual Art Center

(Visual Art Center)

الناصر قاسم رزق بيان 5.2


Tourism is an important source of income for many developing countries as well as leading countries creating diversification and competition between targeted destinations. Machaerus has value due to cultural, historical, religious, archeological, and adventure reasons, which makes Machaerus a target destination to develop a tourist project. Mountain lodge planning is the oldest form of modern tourism planning; Sometimes the lodge area may grow into a significant town in its own right. These are often ‘gateway’ towns and seen as very attractive for people to live in permanently and earn a living from other activities than tourism. Tourism visitor centers is improving the Yield of Tourism in Regional Areas. Studies found that repeat visitation and visitor expenditure is enhanced by the information received and the experience as a whole.

Project Name Machaerus Mountain Visitor Center & Lodge

(Mkawer Visitor Center & Lodge)

السرخى علي سفيان علي 5.3


As climate change effects the Middle East, Jordan gets hotter every year, thus there is a need for homes that are more adapted to the harsh climate. In Jordan the price of land is becoming less affordable year by year, so buying land further away from the city is more affordable, but then there are issues being off grid such as water pipes and electricity lines, which is why these homes are self-sustaining. They will include solar panel systems, water collection systems, composting toilets and water-cooling.

Project Name Self-Sustaining Off-Grid Homes


معيلش ابو الدين حسام رهف 5.4


MIPP is a power plant that generates electrical power from oil shale. This power plant will create a platform for oil shale use in Jordan, as well as a new form of industrial tourism will be offered in MIPP. In addition to the factory hall and other technical industrial functions, this power plant will include an exhibition, research facility, local restaurant, and housing units. This Power Plant will become a template for oil shale power plants in the region, as it is the first of its kind.

Project Name Marinite Interactive Power Plant

(Marinite Interactive Power Plant)

العبسى يوسف احمد غيداء 5.5


Al-Basha Castle is one of the heritage castles in Jerash, Jordan. The castle hasn’t been taken care of even though it’s located on a main / tourist road and is in good structure. The project is going to be a renovation of the castle, turning it into a center that aims to revive Jordanian art and crafts, focusing on taking care of the heritage we have. It is going to be a place that serves both tourists and local people. It is going to include main zones like an educational zone, retail zone, entertainment zone and other services

Project Name Al-Basha Castle (Jordanian Art and Crafts Center)

(Renovation of Bait Al Kayed Arts & Crafts Center)

عزب ابو علي طارق رنيم 5.6


The project is going to be an Art therapy center that offers a nonthreatening approach to treatment where clients use the creative process to explore their feelings and manage other issues such as anxiety, emotional conflicts, addictions, social skills and self-esteem. Art therapy is specifically helpful for people who are reluctant or find it difficult to talk to others about their current challenges. It will be located in Amman and help all Jordanians and non-Jordanians who reside in this country ease their anxiety.

Project Name Creativity Art Therapy Center

(Art Therapy Center)

رانيا أبو رمضاند. 6 الحيط سقف عماد عبدالرحمان 6.1 المشروعاسم

My project consists of two main elements: * A factory. * A community center. The factory's function is to mix colors, assemble cans, test them, and pack them up to storage/shipping. While the community center is concerned in spreading the cultural awareness for the local community and introducing this type of art to them, in addition to containing the artists, teaching and supporting them, and presenting their artworks to the public. Inside the factory: * Production line: (assembling, sorting, processing, filling, packaging) * Manufacturing section: (mixing colors / making new color tones ( * Laboratories: (periodic testing on products to ensure quality, quality development). * Warehouses: (products storage, row material storage Inside the community center: * Indoor art galleries. (to show the art to the public

, and for supporting the local artists financially by selling their art woks) * Seminar rooms. (for spreading the knowledge and teach the youth) * Café. (interaction space between the artist will help them to inspire and get inspired by each other) * Opened spaces (for people to communicate with the art and the artists). * Retail point (graffiti store to sell the products the factory makes)

Project Name (Montana Spray Cans Factory & Community Center)

(The Graff Center)

الشبلي نافذ محمد ياسر انس 6.2


The project is a social center in the Za'tari camp, one of the largest camps in Jordan. The idea of the project is to re-prepare refugee areas to train them on a variety of crafts and to provide them with places to connect with other refugees and to turn refugees from a refugee to a product to improve income. Shops, green spaces, places to play and an exhibition to display their products

Project Name Community Center in the refugee camp

(Community Center in the Za'tari Camp)

الدوخ الهادي عبد جهاد مرح 6.3


My project is a visitor center in the most beautiful forest in Barqesh. The project includes recreational, educational, recreational and local activities to include tourists, students and scientists, to activate the local community, increase the economy and job opportunities and shed light on the aesthetics of the cave * My project also tends to be at the cutting edge of creativity in the tourism industry, and can be readily marketed to the ever increasing numbers of people who wish to ensure that their holiday creates positive benefits, both for the environment and the local communities visited. The strengths of the project:

• Near the site of important tourist sites Ajloun Castle and Ajloun reserve.

• Wonderful panoramic view of the forest.

• Near the location of the cave which excites visitors

Project Name BARQUSH CAVE visitor CENTER

(Barqash Cave Visitor Center)

ابوالعينين رشيد القادر عبد ليث 6.4


My project is an interactive plant for the production of shale oil, which is one of the most important resources in Jordan, which is capable of transforming the country's economy into a self-sufficient country, improving the level of Jordanian income and reducing the unemployment rate. The factory will contain a number of exhibitions, halls and interactive theaters between visitors and employees to create a spirit of partnership between the visitor and the worker. My project thesis focused on a new vision that draws the future image of future factories in terms of architecture, Integration with urban environments, direction of the manufacturing industries. A vision that would change the stereotype image that we have in our minds about factories, what the future factory would share with community and how it will deal with environment and of course its architecture and urban integration.

Project Name Oil Shale Factory

(Interactive Oil Shale Power Plant)

ابوشرخ محمد احمد وسام 6.5


يا جامع طلا ل خ تصه ه س طلاب س هة مشي الب

الخ ما م الع س ةفي ح نة ها م في الس ف ي

ةفي, للطلا ل له اح اجاته جه ا الهشي مةق ةب الب الجن

8016 الهشي ارض حج . الب يا لجامع الشهال الةاجه مقاب

الاق لى طالب 150 س ه ف سةف ميب م ي

Project Name Rethinking of Student Living

(Re-Thinking of Student Living)

سلام حمدي محمد نور 6.6


The project is located in Al-Zarqa city in the city center; it will be part of the urban development. The bus station is a hub of so many activities, the old station includes more than 400 kiosk and other shops, moreover every day around 80000 people. By replacing the old station, the project aim is to provide a comprehensive bus station with multi-story commercial center next to well design urban park to serve the city. In the side of the land will be a parklits act as drop off area with outdoor waiting area. The project has many challenges including: * The location: in the center of the urban fabric * Historical heritage: next to Al-Hejaz railway * Site constrains: the unique shape of the land’ acute triangle’; the acute angle meets the army circle, which represents the only entrance to the site.

Project Name VITAL LANE urban development in Al-Zarqa old bus station

(Vital Lane)

الجمل حسن علي محمد 6.7


هة الاردن الههن س لنقاب تاب ر اض صح اج ها ثقاف نادي بار مشي

ائلاته الههن س نقاب ا ضاء خ

صالا لى الا لة ح ةي الجزء الى الاجزاء هذ تنقس اجزاء ثلاث م الهشي ةن

.الهخ لف الهلا ب ض خارج داخل مسابح ر اض

ه الذي الثان الجزء ش صالا مطا لى ح ةي الذي ال يف ه القس

الافياح صال العيض قا مسيح خضياء خارج ساحا .البل ارد

ه الذي الثال الجزء الاج ها ال ةاص مياكز الاج ها ا قا الثقاف الهيكز ش

النادي شؤ ن جه بادار الهخصص الاداري الهبنى

Project Name

Project picture

Project Name

رعد عيسو م. 7

الشيخلي خليل عماد امنه 7.1


Project Name Al-Ma'shuqa




درس جمال بسام جمال 7.2


مشي الحفاظ تطة يالهةق ال ياث ال ه ف ش با

Project Name Shibam Water Edge

(Shibam Water Edge)



عزايم محمد كمال روىا 7.3


Project Name School of Adventure

(School of Adventure)




فرنجية حنا كميل دينا 7.4


Project Name Animal assisted Therapy Center

(Animal assisted Therapy Center)




الشامي فيليب ابراهيم ذيسبينا 7.5


Project Name 3D Printing Technology Learning Gallery

(3D Printing Technology Learning Gallery)




ابوعيد محمد نعيم زينه 7.6


مبنى تذكاري الحسين بن طلال لجلالة الملك

طيب الله ثراه

Project Name KHM





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