archaeo = ancient/primitive

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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archaeo = ancient/primitive. Definition: the scientific study of the lives and culture of past people by excavation. Word: archaeology. Arch= Chief, primary, first. A sovereign prince or duke. Word: Archduke. Arch = chief/primary/first. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


archaeo = ancient/primitive

• Definition: the scientific study of the lives and culture of past people by excavation

Word: archaeology

Arch= Chief, primary, first• A sovereign prince or duke

•Word: Archduke

Arch = chief/primary/first

• Definition: ruled over by one royal person, a king or a queen

Word: monarchy

Arch = chief, primary, first

• Definition: A family, society, community, or state governed by women

•Word: matriarchy

Aster/astr = star

• Definition: pseudoscience based on the notion that the position of the moon, sun and stars affect human affairs.

Word: astrology

Aster/astr = star

• Definition: minor planet; planetoid

Word: asteroid

Audi = hear

• Definition: loud enough that it can be heard

Word: audible

• Definition: a group of persons assembled to hear and see a speaker, a play, a concert, etc.

Audi = hear

Word: audience

Bene = good/well

• Definition: advantageous, favorable

Word: beneficial

Bene = good/well

• Definition: a person who has given help, especially financial help.

Word: benefactor

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