apl)fovai application for · $108,000.001 38 person capacity prisoner transport bus @$108,000 $...

Post on 17-Jul-2020






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OMB APl)fOVai No. 0348·0043







CilY of Beau!11ont

,iAdd~CSS (CI'ty. :';[;)te, and zip code)

;801 Mum 'Beaumont, 'rexa~




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Number: 16.1;04

eFDA Title: 16.804· Recovery Act - Justice Assistance Grants· Localities


('ity of Be<tU!1"lOnt. Texas: City of Port Arthur, Texas: Jeffcn

Organizational Umt

Police Department

ISame and telephone ntlmber of the person to be contacted on 111,'ltters involving this application

Mark Pierce

(409) 880-3870




Bureau of Justice Assistance


Community Policing Program; Technology Enhancement Program


Start Date: Ending Date:




a, Federal $818,795

b Applicant $0

c. Sta1e $0

d. Local \0

e. Other $0

f Program Income $0

g_ Total $818.795

a, Applicant


b. Project



! This preapplication/application was made available [0 1he state executive order . 12372 process for review on 06/17/2009



a, TYI)cd Name~fA~hc;l:ized RCP;~~~';~tativ-~-I~m~"-'-'~"~

Frank Coffin ChicfofPolice ...-'-- _._._-----

d. Signature of Authorized Representative

Previous I-:ditions Not Usable


c, Telephone number ~. (409) 880-3801

----j .~-

e. Date Signed

Standard Form 424 (Rev 4-88)

Prescribed by OMB Circular A· 102

- 24520 -

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

Review Narrative

Approval to submit the application was placed on the city council agenda for the council meeting held on 4-14-2009. The agenda was posted on city bulletin boards and on the city website. Council meetings are open to the public and allow for public comment. The council meeting was held 4-14-2009.

A copy of the completed application was made available for review by the city council on 5-15-2009.

- 24521 -

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB


Beaumont Police Department (disparate agency for JetJerson County, City of Port Arthur, City of Nederland, City of Port Neches, City of


Technology Enhancement / Community Policing Programs

Goals of the program include replacing broken, incompatible, and obsolete equipment including computer hardware, computer software, radio communications equipment, video equipment, and police vehicles. The purchase of these items will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the agencies through the use of new technologies and additional resources.

Major deliverables include laptop and desktop computers with printers and accessories; computer software; mobile license plate readers; in-car video systems; video surveillance and monitoring systems; radio communications equipment; and police patrol and prisoner transport vehicles.

The City of Beaumont Finance Office will coordinate dispersing offunding and financial reporting with the other agencies. The Beaumont Police Department will coordinate program reporting with the other agencies.

- 24522 -

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX:'SB

Program Narrative

City of/Je,Qumont Police Department

Technology Enhancement I Conununity PoUcing Program

The Technology Enhancement Program utilizt'S gt~ut funding to repiace old tedlilology and sofiwar{' with mnent kchnology and software. runds lilT'

llSt'd to purchase computt't Illmlwan·. software. communication t'quipment. and digita! in-car video systems

'TIlls purpose of this program is to replace broken. incompatible and obsolete equipment including printers, monitors, laptops. desktop systems and to

improw aud npgradt' software as well as to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the departmeut through the use of new te("hlloiogies that are


COUIlty oFJelkrson, SherifFs Department

Technology Enhancement I Community Policing Program

The Technology Enhancement Program utilizes grant funding to replac(' old tedmology and software Vllith (urrent tedmology and sofiware. Funds are

used to purdlaSe vidt'o surveillance and f(~cof(ling equipment for the Correctional Facility, as well as a prisoner transport vehide,

City of Port Arthur, Texas Police Department

Technology Enhancement Program

The Technology Enhancement Program utilizes grant funding to replace old technology and software with current technology and software. Funds are

used to purchase computer hardw.\re. software. audio visual n~cording and enhancement equipmrllt, security eqUipment, crime detection equipment and

communkation equipment.

City oFNederland, Texas Poliet! Department

Technology Enhancement / Community Policing Program

The Technology Enhancement I Community Policing Program utilizes grant funding to upgrade the police mobile radio communications system and to

pmchase a police patrol whick The funds are also used to replace obsolete and il\('OlUp~tiblc radio communications equipment.

CityoFGrovcs, Texas Police Department

Technology Enhancement Program

The Technology Enhancement Program utilizes grant hlllding to replace old technology and softWHt' with current t'echnology and sofhvare. Funds are

used lo purdlast' computer hardware, softwHe. audio visual recording equipment. officer safely equipment, crime scene equipmeIlt, aIld commnnication

('quipm(~nt. The funds are also used to replane obsolett' alld incompatible hardwnre. softwilre, and crim(' sct'lle equipment.

CityoFPort Neches, Texas Police Department

Technology Enhancement I Community Policing Program

The Technology Enhancement J Community Policing Program utilizes grant funding t'o purchase supplies related to the Neighborhood Walch Program,

National Night Out, and other wmmunitypolidng programs. Funding is also utilized to replace old technology and software Vllith currellt technology and soflware.

Funds ue used to pUfchasl' computer hardware, softwan" audio visual equipment. securily ('quipmellt, officer safety equipment and communication equipment.

Each agency anticipates that all outcomes Vllill be 'lchieved by 2012. [Reh agency will track drRwdowns and expenditures through their agencies' respective finance

- 24523 -

GMS Application Number 2Q09-F2724-TX-SB

offk(', wp<1rat(> [rom ~11 otia'r fUl)ding. <1lld will report s\leh to til{' City o[!ka\lIllont I'illann' Office. Activities HH' exp('ded to begil) imlllt'dialdy upou lht' rt'ct'ipt of

hmdillg.10 maxillliZt' the ('t"N10lllic \)(,lleHt.

- 24524 -


City of Beaumont

City of Port Arthur

Jefferson County

City of Nederland

City of Groves

Technology Enhancement J Community Policing

Computer Hardware Computer Hardware

In-Car Mobile Video Systems


Technology Enhancement Computer Hardware

Video Cameras License Plate Readers


Technology Enhancement J Community Policing

Vehicle to facilitate inmate movement/safety

Video security system


Technology Enhancement J Community Policing

Mobile Radios Police Vehicle


Technology Enhancement

$ 20,000.00 10 Laptops wi accessories @ $2000 ea $ 44,352.0037 Desktop PCs @ $1200 ea $400,000.0055 Digital systems to include cameras, receivers, software, installation, and

technical support @ $7273 ea $464,352.00

$ 35,668.00 16 Desktop PCs with accessories @ $2229.25 ea $ 19,800.003 Narcotics Video Camera Recorders with accessories @ $6700 ea $115,864.004 Mobile License Plate Readers with accessories @ $28,966 ea $171,332.00

$108,000.001 38 person capacity prisoner transport bus @$108,000

$ 29,892.00 Replacement/upgrade of various correctional facility video surveillance systems


$ 9,855.00 Supplement the upgrade of patrol vehicle mobile radio purchase $ 11,856.00 Supplement the purchase of 1 new police vehicle $ 21,711.00

Computer Hardware/Software $ 9086.007 Desktop PCs with software @ 1298 ea

- 24525 -

City of Port Neches

Printer Computer Software

Cameras Total

$ 850.00 1 Color Laser Printer $ 2352.00 7 Microsoft Office software upgrades @ $336 ea $ 1402.00 1 Crime Scene camera package $ 13,690.00

Technology Enhancement I Community Policing

Printers $ Computer Hardware/Software $

Computer Software $ Community Policing supplies $

Total $

900.00 3 Laserjet printers @ 300 ea 3894.00 3 Desktop PCs with software @ 1298 ea 3024.00 9 Microsoft Office software upgrades @ 336 ea 2000.00 Various neighborhood watch signs, pamphlets, handouts, and banners 9818.00

Grand Total $818,795.00

- 24526 -

, .... c / r ,i Resolution No, _",l/:....' -,-1_-~u..G,--· ~'1,--._

The State of Texas )( County of Jefferson )( City of Beaumont, Texas )( City of Port Arthur, Texas )( City of Nederland, Texas )( City of Groves, Texas )( City of Port Neches, Texas )(

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

Know All by These Present

Inter-Local Agreement Between the County of Jefferson, Texas, City of Beaumont, Texas, City of Port Arthur, Texas, City

of Nederland, Texas, City of Groves, Texas, and City of Port Neches, Texas

Recovery Act: 2009 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award ;t

This Agreement is made and entered into this 2-1 day of dI;2f L. 2009, by and between The County of Jefferson, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the Commissioners Court; the City of Beaumont, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Port Arthur, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Nederland, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Groves, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; and the City of Port Neches, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council, witnesseth:

WHEREAS, each governing body, in performing governmenlal functions or in paying for the performance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party: and

WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of all parties, that the undertaking will benefit the public, and that the division of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this agreement and

WHEREAS, lhe City of Beaumont Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland. Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows:

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas; $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas; $21,711 to the City of Nederland, Texas; $13,690 to the City of Groves, Texas; and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches. Texas

WHEREAS, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur. Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas believe it to be in their best Interests to reallocate the JAG funds.

NOW THEREFORE, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree as follows:

Section 1, The City of Beaumont, Texas and the City of Port Arthur, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows:

- 24527 -

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

Resolution No. -""o"o ... ~-.co .. ) ____ _

The State of Texas )( County of Jefferson )( City of Beaumont, Texas )( City of Port Arthur, Texas)( City of Nederland, Texas H City of Groves, Texas )( City of Port Neches, Texas )(

Know All by These Present

Inter-Local Agreement Between the County of Jefferson, Texas, City of Beaumont, Texas, City of Port Arthur, Texas, City

of Nederland, Texas, City of Groves, Texas, and City of Port Neches, Texas

Recovery Act: 2009 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award

This Agreement is made and entered Into this ~day of Apr i 1 2009, by and between The County of Jefferson, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the Commissioners Court; the City of Beaumont, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Port Arthur, Texas acting by and through Its governing body, the City Council; the City of Nederland, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Groves, Texas acting by and through Its governing body. the City Council; and the City of Port Neches, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council, witnesseth;

WHEREAS, each governing body, in performing governmental functions Of in paying for the petiormance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party: and

WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of all parties, that the undertaking will benefit the public. and that the division of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this agreement: and

WHEREAS, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas. the City of Nederland. Texas, the City of Groves, Texas. and the City at Port Neches, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137.892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur. Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as foHows:

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas: $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur. Texas; $21,711 to the City of Nederland, Texas; $13,690 to the City of Groves, Texas: and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches. Texas.

WHEREAS, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches. Texas believe it to be in their best interests to reallocate the JAG funds.

NOW THEREFORE, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches f Texas agree as follows:

Section 1. The City of Beaumont, Texas and the City of Port Arthuf, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas. the City 01 Port Arthur. Texas. the City 01 Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas. and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to aHocale the remaining funds as follows:

- 24528 -

GMS Application Number 2009~F2724~TX.SB

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas: $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas, $21}11 to the City of Nederland, Texas; $13,690 to the City of Groves, Texas, and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches, Texas.

Section 2. Jefferson County, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Technology Enhancement Program until 2012

The City of Beaumont, Texas agrees to use the fundmg for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012

The City of Port Arthur, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Nederland, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Groves, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community POlicing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012

The City of Port Neches, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012

Section 3, Each party to this agreement will be responsible for its own actions in providing services under this Agreement and shall not be liable for any clvi/liability that may arise from the furnishing of the services by the other party

Section 4. The parties to this Agreement do not intend for any third party to obtain a right by virtue of this Agreement.

Section 5. By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not intend to create any obligations express or implied other than those set out herein, further, this Agreement shall not create any rights in any party not a signatory hereto

City of 'iroltflS , Texas


~8y law, the District Attorney's Office may only adVise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contracts or legal document on behalf of other parties. OUf view of this document was conducted solely from the lega! perspective of our client Our approval of this document was offered solely fOr the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s).

- 24529 -

Resolution No. ________ _

The State of Texas )( County of Jefferson )( City of Beaumont, Texas )( City of Port Arthur, Texas )( City of Nederland, Texas )( City of Groves, Texas )( City of Port Neches, Texas )(

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

Know All by These Present

Inter-Local Agreement Between the County of Jefferson, Texas, City of Beaumont, Texas, City of Port Arthur, Texas, City

of Nederland, Texas, City of Groves, Texas, and City of Port Neches, Texas

Recovery Act: 2009 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award

This Agreement is made and entered into this !~-6. day of ~,j 2009, by and between The County of Jefferson, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the Commissioners Court; the City of Beaumont, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Port Arthur, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Nederland, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Groves, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; and the City of Port Neches, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council, witnesseth:

WHEREAS, each governing body, In performing governmental functions or in paying for the performance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that partyi and

WHEREAS, each governing body finds tI",at the performance of this Agreement is in the best mterests of all parties. that the undertaking will benefit the publiC, and that the diviSion of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this agreement and

WHEREAS, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, tile City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texasi S171 ,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas; $21,711 to the City of Nederland, Texasi $13,690 to the City of Groves, Texasi and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches, Texas.

WHEREAS. Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas believe it to be In thelf best Interests to reallocate the JAG funds

NOW THEREFORE, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree as follows:

Section 1. The City of Beaumont. Texas and the City of Port Arthur, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County. Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows

- 24530 -

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas; $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas; $21,711 to the City of Nederland, Texas; $13,690 to the City of Groves. Texas; and $9.818 to the City of Port Neches. Texas

Section 2. Jefferson County, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Beaumont, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Port Arthur. Texas agrees to use the funding for the Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Nederland, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Groves, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Port Neches, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

Section 3. Each party to this agreement will be responsible for Its own actions in providing services under thiS Agreement and shall not be liable for any civil liability that may arise from the furnishing of tile services by the other party

Section 4. The parties to this Agreement do not intend for any third party to obtain a right by virtue of this Agreement

Section 5. By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not rntend to create any obligations express or Implied other than those set out herein; further, this Agreement shall not create any fights in any party not a signatory hereto.

County of Jefferson . Texas

'By law, the District Attorney's Office may only adVise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contracts or legal document on behalf of other parties Our view of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client Other parties shouid not rely on this approval and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s)


- 24531 -

Resolution No. ________ _

The State of Texas )( County of Jefferson )( City of Beaumont, Texas )( City of Port Arthur, Texas )( City of Nederland, Texas )( City of Groves, Texas )( City of Port Neches, Texas )(

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

Know All by These Present

Inter-Local Agreement Between the County of Jefferson, Texas, City of Beaumont, Texas, City of Port Arthur, Texas, City

of Nederland, Texas, City of Groves, Texas, and City of Port Neches, Texas

Recovery Act: 2009 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award

This Agreement is made and entered into this J __ day of Ji:fr~(----2009, by and between The County of Jefferson, Texas acting by and through its gove ing body, the Commissioners Court; the City of Beaumont, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Port Arthur, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Nederland, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Groves, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; and the City of Port Neches, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council, witnesseth:

WHEREAS. each governing body, ill performing governmental functions or in paying for the perfonnance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that perfonnance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party: and

WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of all parties, that the undertaking will benefit the public, and that the division of costs fairly compensates the perfonning party for the services or functions under this agreement: and

WHEREAS, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas; $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas, $21,711 to the City of Nederland, Texas; $13,690 to the City of Groves, Texas; and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches, Texas.

WHEREAS, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas believe it to be in their best interests to reallocate the JAG funds.

NOW THEREFORE, Jefferson County. Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree as follows:

Section 1. The City of Beaumont, Texas and the City of Port Arthur, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves. Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows:

- 24532 -

Resolution No, --=d_c"-9_---'.-I...c1-_--_7 __

The State of Texas )( County of Jefferson )( City of Beaumont, Texas )( City of Port Arthur, Texas )( City of Nederland, Texas )( City of Groves, Texas )( City of Port Neches, Texas )(

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

Know Ali by These Present

Inter-Local Agreement Between the County of Jefferson, Texas, City of Beaumont, Texas, City of Port Arthur, Texas, City

of Nederland, Texas, City of Groves, Texas, and City of Port Neches, Texas

Recovery Act: 2009 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award

This Agreement is made and entered into this 51-\.... day of \"'If'-~ 2009, by and between The County of Jefferson, Texas acting by and through its governing ody, the Commissioners Court; the City of Beaumont, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Port Arthur, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Nederland, Texas acting by and through its governing bOdy, the City Council; the City of Groves, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; and the City of Port Neches, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council, witnesseth:

WHEREAS, each governing body, In performing governmental functions or in paying for the performance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party: and

WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of thiS Agreement is in the best interests of all parlles, that the undertaking will benefit the public, and that the diVision of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this agreement: and

WHEREAS, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Neder!and, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to al!ocate the remaining funds as follows:

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas; $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas; $21.711 to the City of Nederland, Texas, $13,690 to the City of Groves, Texas, and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches, Texas.

WHEREAS, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas believe it to be ,n their best Interests to reallocate the JAG funds.

NOW THEREFORE, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree as follows:

Section 1, The City of Beaumont, Texas and the City of Port Arthur, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont. Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as fol!ows:

- 24533 -

Resolution No. ________ _

The State of Texas )( County of Jefferson )( City of Beaumont, Texas )( City of Port Arthur, Texas )( City of Nederland, Texas )( City of Groves, Texas )( City of Port Neches, Texas )(

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

Know All by These Present

Inter-Local Agreement Between the County of Jefferson, Texas, City of Beaumont, Texas, City of Port Arthur, Texas, City

of Nederland, Texas, City of Groves, Texas, and City of Port Neches, Texas

Recovery Act: 2009 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award

This Agreement is made and entered into this /'/i day of M~t 2009, by and between The County of Jefferson, Texas acting by and through its govemig body, the Commissioners Court; the City of Beaumont, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Port Arthur, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Nederland, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Groves, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; and the City of Port Neches, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council, witnesseth:

WHEREAS, each governing body, in performing governmental functions or In paying for the performance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party: and

WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of thiS Agreement is In the best interests of all parties, that the undertaking will benefit the publiC, and that the division of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the serVices or functions under this agreement and

WHEREAS. the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas. the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas. the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to ailocate the remaining funds as follows:

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas: $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas; $21,711 to the City of Nederland, Texas: $13,690 to the City of Groves, Texas and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches, Texas

WHEREAS, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas believe it to be In thelf best Interests to reallocate the JAG funds,

NOW THEREFORE, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas a9 ree as follows:

Section 1. The City of Beaumont, Texas and the City of Port Arthur, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas. the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows

- 24534 -


City of Beaumont

City of Port Arthur

Jefferson County

City of Nederland

City of Groves

Technology Enhancement I Community Policing

Computer Hardware Computer Hardware

In-Car Mobile Video Systems


Technology Enhancement Computer Hardware

Video Cameras License Plate Readers


Technology Enhancement I Community Policing

Vehicle to facilitate inmate movement/safety

Video security system


Technology Enhancement I Community Policing

Mobile Radios Police Vehicle


Technology Enhancement

$ 20,000.00 10 Laptops wi accessories @ $2000 ea $ 44,352.0037 Desktop PCs @$1198.70 ea $400,000.00 55 Digital systems to include cameras, receivers, software, installation, and

technical support @ $7272.72 ea $464,352.00

$ 35,668.00 16 Desktop PCs with accessories @ $2229.25 ea $ 19,800.00 3 Narcotics Video Camera Recorders with accessories @ $6600 ea $115,864.004 Mobile License Plate Readers with accessories@$28,966ea $171,332.00

$108,000.001 38 person capacity prisoner transport bus @ $108,000

$ 29,892.00 Replacement/upgrade of various correctional facility video surveillance systems


$ 9,855.00 Supplement the upgrade of patrol vehicle mobile radio purchase $ 11,856.00 Supplement the purchase of 1 new police patrol vehicle $ 21,711.00

Computer Hardware/Software $ 9086.007 Desktop PCs with software @ 1298 ea

- 24535 -

City of Port Neches

Printer Computer Software

Cameras Total

$ 850.00 1 Color Laser Printer $ 2352.007 Microsoft Office software upgrades @ $336 ea $ 1402.00 1 Crime Scene camera package $ 13,690.00

Technology Enhancement / Community Policing

Printers $ Computer Hardware/Software $

Computer Software $ Community Policing supplies $

Total $

900.00 3 Lasefjet printers @ 300 ea 3894.003 Desktop PCs with software @ 1298 ea 3024.00 9 Microsoft Office software upgrades @ 336 ea 2000.00 Various neighborhood watch signs, pamphlets, handouts, and banners 9818.00

Grand Total $818,795.00

- 24536 -

Resolution No .. ______ _

The State of Texas )( County of Jefferson )( City of Beaumont. Texas )( City of Port Arthur, Texas )( City of Nederland, Texas )( City of Groves, Texas )( City of Port Neches, Texas )(

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

Know All by These Present

Inter-Local Agreement Between the County of Jefferson, Texas, City of Beaumont, Texas, City of Port Arthur, Texas, City

of Nederland, Texas, City of Groves, Texas, and City of Port Neches, Texas

Recovery Act: 2009 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award

This Agreement is made and entered into this 7'" day of May ,2009, by and between The County of Jefferson, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the Commissioners Court; the City of Beaumont, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Port Arthur, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Nederland, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; the City of Groves, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council; and the City of Port Neches, Texas acting by and through its governing body, the City Council, witnesseth:

WHEREAS, each governing body. in performing governmental functions or in paying for the performance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party: and

WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of all parties. that the undertaking will benefit the public. and that the division of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this agreement: and

WHEREAS, the City of Beaumont. Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves. Texas. and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137.892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows:

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas; $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas; $21,711 to the City of Nederland, Texas; $13,690 to the City of Groves. Texas; and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches, Texas.

WHEREAS, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas believe it to be in their best interests to reallocate the JAG funds.

NOW THEREFORE, Jefferson County, Texas, the City of Beaumont, Texas, the City of Port Arthur, Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree as follows:

Section 1 The City of Beaumont, Texas and the City of Port Arthur. Texas agree to provide Jefferson County, Texas $137,892 from the JAG award and the City of Beaumont, Texas. the City of Port Arthur. Texas, the City of Nederland, Texas, the City of Groves, Texas, and the City of Port Neches, Texas agree to allocate the remaining funds as follows:

- 24537 -

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

$464,352 to the City of Beaumont, Texas; $171,332 to the City of Port Arthur, Texas; $21,711 to the City of Nederland, Texas; $13,690 to the City of Groves, Texas; and $9,818 to the City of Port Neches, Texas.

Section 2. Jefferson County, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Beaumont, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Port Arthur, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Technology Enhancement Program until 2012

The City of Nederland, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012

The City of Groves, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

The City of Port Neches, Texas agrees to use the funding for the Community Policing Program and Technology Enhancement Program until 2012.

Section 3. Each party to this agreement will be responsible for its own actions in providing services under this Agreement and shall not be liable for any civil liability that may arise from the furnishing of the services by the other party.

Section 4. The parties to this Agreement do not intend for any third party to obtain a right by virtue of this Agreement

Section 5. By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not intend to create any obligations express or implied other than those set out herein; further, this Agreement shall not create any rights in any party not a signatory hereto.

City of Port Arthur, Texas

County of --"",1 e,-,' lufwo"" r"'S""~Cl.n'--~_/_/~~' ~f'-,,-~-. __ , Texas

COUNTY JUDGE Ron,lid L. \,'alke r


- 24538 -

GMS Application Number 2009-F2724-TX-SB

~~~ __ ~~ _____________ ,Texas

City of Beaumont, Texas


City of Groves . Texas


rity orpor! Neches, Texas

"By law, the District Attorney's Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients, It may not advise or approve a contracts or legal document on behalf of other parties, Our view of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s),"


- 24539 -

DEPUTY CHIEFS Zena A. Stephens - Law Enforcement George Miller - Corrections

July 10, 2009

Esmeralda C. Womack State Policy Advisor (TX) Programs Office, BJA



(409) 835-8411

RE: 2009-F2724-TX-SB (City of Beaumont) Non-patrol vehicle request waiver (09 JAG Recovery Beaumont)

Dear Mrs. Womack:

DEPUTY CHIEFS Walter Billingsley - Services

Ron Hobbs - Narcotics

The Jefferson County Sheriffs Department requests approval of a waiver to purchase a non-patrol vehicle [rom allocated funding in the above styled grant. The Jefferson County Sheriffs Department operates the only corrections facility in Jefferson County and thereby houses all prisoners arrested by local and state jurisdictions within the county. The facility houses an average of about 1000 inmates daily most of which are awaiting court hearings. The facility is located approximately 8-10 miles from the courthouse downtown where court proceedings are held. Corrections Officers daily transfer about 100 inmates downtown to a holding facility adjacent to the courts for appearances at hearings. Afterwards they are returned to the Corrections Facility. We currently make these transfers by means of 15 person capacity passenger vans.

The prison bus being requested has a capacity of 38 and is appropriately equipped for the safe transfer of inmates. It is equipped with special seating, restraints, wire mesh partitions with sliding doors and locks, and many other features for the safety of the transporting officers, inmates, as well as the public. The bus will be clearly marked and lighted as a Jefferson County Sheriffs prisoner transport vehicle. It would provide the ability to safely transfer more inmates at a time to court thereby reducing the risk of escape, number of trips required, and exposure to the public.

- 24540 -

The bus would additionally be used when an evacuation of the Corrections Facility is required. All inmates from the facility had to be evacuated to another facility farther inland both for Hurricane Rita in 2005 and Hurricane Ike in 2008. During both evacuations borrowed school buses were used. The ability to have a properly equipped bus would lesson risk when this procedure is caned for.

The acquisition of a properly equipped prisoner transport bus would greatly reduce the risk to inmates, corrections officers, and the public during these required operations. The bus would be used on a daily basis and would greatly enhance public safety in our community. No other funding for this purchase has becn available in the past nor expected in the near future. We would appreciate your favorable consideration of this waiver.


G. Mitch Woods Sheriff

B, I/J/~ ~in sley Chief Deputy Sheriff

- 24541 -


Recovery Act - Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

Certification as to Recovery Act Reporting Requirements

On behaif of the applicant entity named below. I certify the following to the Office of Justice Programs. U.S. Department of Justice.

I have personally read and reviewed the section entitled "Accountability and Transparency under the Recovery Act" In the program announcement for the Recovery Act grant program identified above. I have also read and reviewed section 1512(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5), concerning reporting requirements for grants. I agree that the applicant will comply with the reporting requirements set forth the rem with respect to any grant the applicant may receive under the Recovery Act grant program identified above.

I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U,S,C, § 1001. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Program grants, including c~rtificatjons provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs, and/or by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General.

I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant entity (that is, the entity applYIn to the Office of Justic Programs).

Mary Horn Printed Name of Cert~ying Official

Denton County Judge Title of CertifYing Official

Denton County, Texas Full Name of Applicant Entity


OMS No. 1121.(1:)23 App(o ... <11 E~p,r&5 9/JOJ200!:1

- 24542 -


Recovery Act - Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

Certification as to Recovery Act Reporting Requirements

On behalf of the applicant entity named below, I certify the following to the Office of Justice Programs, U,S. Department of Justice:

I have personally read and reviewed the section entitled "Accountability and Transparency under the Recovery Act" in the program announcement for the Recovery Act grant program identified above. I have also read and reviewed section 1512(c) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5), concerning reporting requirements for grants. I agree that the applicant will comply with the reporting requirements set forth therein with respect to any grant the applicant may receive under the Recovery Act grant program identified above.

I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U.s.C. § 1001. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Program grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs, andlor by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General.

I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant entity (that is, tho entity applying directly to the Office of Justice Programs).

Signatu~jng O=jfi:-'c.,-ia"'CI---------

Ff'''V\~ C (01110,' Jr Printed Name of Certifying Official

(r:;/Ic-f 4,f{ Title of Certifying Official

B<?",,\Wli).,.,J- Por, C-<C.

Full Name of Applicant Entity

'1/2..'1/0 1 Date


OM8 No. 112",~0323 Approval Exp<res 9130/2009


- 24543 -


Recovery Act - Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

General Certification as to Requirements for Receipt of Funds for Infrastructure Investments

On behalf of the applicant State or unit of local government (including tribal government) named below, I certify the following to the Office of Justice Programs ("OJP"), U.S. Department of Justice:

I have personally read and reviewed the section entitled "Eligibility" in the program announcement for the Recovery Act grant program named above. I also have personally read and reviewed section 1511 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the "Recovery Act"), which requires a specific certification prior to receipt of Recovery Act funds for infrastructure investments.

Initial the statement that applies:

~ The applicant identified below does not intend to use any portion of any funds received under this Recovery Act grant program for any infrastructure investment. Should this intention change, the applicant will promptly notify OJP, and (except to the extent. if any, that OJP has given prior written approval to expend funds to conduct the review and vetting required by law) will not draw down, obligate, or expend any funds received under this Recovery Act program for any infrastructure investment project until section 1511 of the Recovery Act has been satisfied, and an adequate proJect-specific certification has been executed, posted, and submitted to OJP.

__ The applicant identified below does intend to use some or ail of any funds received under this Recovery Act grant program for one or more infrastructure investment projects. Except to the extent, if any, that OJP has given prior written approval to expend funds to conduct the review and vetting required by law, I agree that the applicant entity will execute, post, and submit to OJP, prior to obligating, expending, or drawing down funds for such project, a project-specific certification that satisfies all of the requirements of section 1511 (including execution by the Governor, mayor, or other chief executive, as appropriate) for each such infrastructure investment project.

OMB No_ 1121-0323 Approval Expm)s 9130/2009


- 24544 -

Page 2 of 2


General Certification as to Requirements for Receipt of Funds for Infrastructure Investments

I acknowledge that a false statement in this certification may be subject to criminal prosecution, including under 18 U,S,C. § 1001. I also acknowledge that Office of Justice Program grants, including certifications provided in connection with such grants, are subject to review by the Office of Justice Programs andlor by the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General.

I have authority to make this certification on behalf of the applicant (that is, the governmental entity applying directly to the Office of Justice Programs).

Signature ~n'g Official

Fr~("Ik C C0!h~ JY' Printed Name of Certifying Official

po (/ c e C,,", Iff Tille of Certifying Official

/S~6V, M 0" I- PDf Ie" /j Full Name of Applicant Government ntity


'1/2.1/01 Date! I

OMB No 112i~0323 16 Approval Expires 913012009

- 24545 -

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