api development company - develop robots

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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API stands for Application Programming Interface and without APIs, a whole range of integrated digital services would be unavailable – from posting pictures on social networking sites to sending email via SMS. API implementation is what lets applications; libraries and operation systems understand one another and interact, turning technology and software from complex niche devices in to broadly accessible, multi-purpose consumer services.

API Development


An API works in a similar way to a user interface; providing an abstract interface for functional interaction between different components of different software systems. There are several different categories of API, tailored to specific or general uses. The two main categories are:

General APIs – This is the most extensive form of API, effectively the part of a programming language that allows for functional interactivity between different programs. Examples include the Standard Template Library in C++ or the Java API.

Specific APIs – these are APIs designed for a specific problem or purpose. Examples include Google Maps API, which lets developers access the Google Maps data templates to build visualizations and tools such as a journey planner, an online pedometer, or an SMS API for text message marketing campaigns.

API Development


The most common type of API though has to be those aimed at web development. Tools for web development are often published freely (though retaining proprietary right to the code), with the overall intent of facilitating the construction of an open architecture for web content and data between different applications and online communities.11

API Development


At Develop Robots, with a group of skilled, vibrant and vivacious experts in Software Engineering, we are readily available to help you solve all of your API issues. We are a reputed software service company and you can count on us. For further information about our API development, visit us today at https://www.DevelopRobots.com

API Development

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