apexdc windows user guide

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apex dc user guide


Introduction 1

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

1 Introduction

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide

This guide is intended to help both newbie or skilled users in order to take fulladvantages of ApexDC++ features.

Each article has been made by an ApexDC++ Forums user. Below you have the guideshortcuts, including it's makers.

Æ Switching from DC++ to ApexDC++ Æ Lee

Æ Read the original topic Æ Additional Hublists Æ Lee

Æ Read the original topic

Æ Why Can't I search? Æ Lee

Æ Read the original topic

Æ How To Get In Active Mode Æ Lee

Æ Read the original topic

Æ Turn On Your Tags! Æ Lee

Æ Read the original topic

Æ Emulation Explained Æ Crise

Æ Read the original topic

Æ User Icons Explained Æ Lee

Æ Read the original topic

Æ Progress Bar Tags Explained Æ Lee

Æ Read the original topic

Æ ApexDC++ Translation Explained Æ Crise ÆRead the original topic

Æ ApexDC++ Connection Settings Explained Æ Balder Æ Read the original topic

Æ ApexDC++ Advanced Settings Explained Æ Balder

Æ Read the original topic

Æ How To Install The PeerGuardian Plugin Æ Lee/ifmn Æ Read the original topic

Æ For more information and details, please visit the ApexDC++ Website.

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide2

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

2 Switching From DC++ To ApexDC++

Switching From DC++ To ApexDC++

Due to ApexDC++'s gaining popularity, many users are going to want to switch fromtheir original client to ApexDC++. You can follow the steps below to ensure you cansave your downloads and settings.

1. Go to the your original client's program files folder (Program Files/DC++ or /StrongDC++, etc)

2. Find the following files depending on what you want to save:

Æ queue.xml (downloads) Æ dcplusplus.xml (settings - not recommended, since conflicts can occur) Æ favourites.xml (favourite users) Æ hashdata.data and hashindex.xml (share hash data) Æ adlsearch.xml (adl search preferences) Æ profiles.xml (client detection rules)

3. Simply copy over the files to your Program Files/ApexDC++/Settings location

4. Start up ApexDC++

You should now have all your downloads, settings etc. Please note that DC++'ssettings is different to ApexDC++ (less options), so go through your settings andcheck them.

Additional Hublists 3

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

3 Additional Hublists

Additional Hublists

In this guide you'll be presented with alternative addresses to download hublists withinApexDC++. You'll be able to use these hublists in any DC++ client, but we recommendApexDC++.

Æ Hublists Æ Copy any of the following addresses ready to place into ApexDC++.

Æ http://dchublist.com/hublist.xml.bz2 Æ http://www.hublist.co.uk/hublist.xml.bz2 Æ http://www.cnet.cz/list.txt Æ http://www.hublist.org/PublicHubList.xml.bz2

Æ Adding them to ApexDC++:

1. Open ApexDC++ and click on the Public Hubs toolbar icon (first from left) 2. Go to Configure 3. Paste new address in and click Add 4. Use the dropdown box in the previous window to select between the range ofhublists

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide4

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

4 Why Can't I Search?

Why Can't I Search?

Assuming that you can connect to a hub and chat with users, this is usually caused bya firewall, router or connection sharing. There are several things you can try:

1. Enter your external IP in the settings dialog and try again Æ Use this site

2. Check your firewall configuration. You need to make sure it's allowing orforwarding incoming connections on the port specified in the settings. You have toenable both TCP and UDP traffic. If you can download files but not search in activemode, this means that UDP packets are still blocked. Read the FAQ on how to set upactive mode.

3. Your school/work might be blocking DC traffic. Read the FAQ on what you mightbe able to do about it.

4. If the above things don't work for you, you'll have to use passive mode (if the huballows it).

This guide is based on the DC++ Faq.

5 How To Get In Active Mode

How To Get In Active Mode

Note: Active mode requires both TCP and UDP access on the same port incoming and all portsoutgoing for ApexDC++ to work properly.

Æ If you are NOT behind a router:

1. Select the Direct Connection radio button in ApexDC++ connection settings. Leave the IP fieldsblank.

2. This will make DC++ use the current IP assigned to your network card. You must not have aninternal IP address for this to work.

3. Leave the TCP/UDP ports blank also. This will make ApexDC++ randomize the port it uses eachtime.

How To Get In Active Mode 5

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

4. You will need to allow ApexDC++ in your software firewall.

5. Test active mode by joining several hubs and doing a search. You should get results back. If not,then you are behind a router, have an internal IP address, or haven't properly configured your softwarefirewall.

Æ If you are behind a router:

1. You can simplify the process of setting up active mode if your router and operating system isUPnP compatible. Read this FAQ for more information. If UPnP does not work or is not an option,follow the steps below.

2. First you need to set up the router to forward the connections to the computer with ApexDC++.This is could be called port mapping, port redirecting, port forwarding or something like that. Findout how to do this with your router / NAT in the user manual. If you dont have a user manual handyor it does not tell you, go to www.portforward.com and look for the make and model of your router inthe list. Click on it, then choose ApexDC++. Follow the instructions. If your particular model is notincluded, you can try with a similar model, as sometimes the user environment looks the same.

3. You need to forward one port. Select a number between 1024 - 65535, they should mostly all beavailable. Make sure both UDP and TCP are being forwarded on the port you chose.

4. The IP that you are forwarding to should be the internal IP address of your ApexDC++ computer.It usually begins with "192.168", "172.16." or "10.x.". Click on Start | Choose Run | Type cmd into thewindow and press ok. | A black window opens. | In the black window, type ipconfig /all. | Take note ofthe internal IP address of your computer and place this number in the relevant field of your routersettings, to make sure the ports are forwarded to the right address.

5. When you have mapped a port on the router, open up ApexDC++ and go to Settings. Select"Firewall with manual port forwarding". In the port fields, enter the port number that you are forwardingon the router.

6. In the IP field, you need to enter the external IP address of your router. This can easily bechecked on here.

7. It should now be working. If it is working for a while, but the next time you use ApexDC++, youonly get Connection Timeout's or no results when searching, your IP (either external or internal) islikely to have changed.

8. If you find the external IP is constantly changing (DSL users often experience this), you can setyourself up with a dynamic name (i.e. myname.kicks-ass.net). Such as Dynip or DynDns and put thatname into the IP field. Make sure to use an update client, which will update the dynamic name servicewith your latest IP.

9. When troubleshooting if you have properly forwarded a port to ApexDC++, use www.canyouseeme.org. Make sure ApexDC++ is open. Then from the site, enter in the port you'reforwarding and click Check. If everything has been properly set up, the site should say Success. If youget Error, then you need to double check the port forwarding on the router, ApexDC++ settings andpossibly your software firewall settings.

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide6

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

6 Turn On Your Tags!

Turn On Your Tags!

Æ Statement of problem:

Due to ApexDC++ being a new modification, many hub operators haven't alreadyheard about the program and created tags for it to be identified in their hub. This inturn results to message similar to above.

Æ The Solution:

Once the hub operator has evaluated the client he may allow the ApexDC++ tag in hishub. If he doesn't, you need to use the emulation feature in ApexDC++. You can dothis by following the instructions below:

1. Add the hub you're wanting to enter to your favourites (type /fav in main chat orright click on the hub tab)

2. Right-click on the hub emulation needs to be set to and choose "Properties"

3. Now just tick the box "Emulate DC++ in this hub"

Please read the related topic: Emulation Explained

Turn On Your Tags! 7

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

7 Emulation Explained

Emulation Explained

You ever ran across a hub doesn't let you in with ApexDC++ because one of thefollowing reasons:

Æ Hub gives error "Turn on your tags" or something similar. Æ Hub gives error "You are not using DC++, please change client" or somethingsimilar. Æ Hub gives error "Unrecognized Client" or something similar.

All these relatively common problems can be solved by turning on client emulation inApexDC++, emulation in DC simply put means that you are telling to hub that you usei.e. DC++, but in reality you are actually using i.e. ApexDC++, which usually allowsyou to bypass errors like above.

Æ Procedures of turning on client emulation on ApexDC++:

Æ Case A (connecting to hub from public hub lists window or via Quick Connect):

No need to do anything as when you connect using these two methods emulation isautomaticallyused. (assuming that hub is not in your favourites.)

Æ Case B (favourite hub requires emulation):

Æ Note: When you add a hub that requires emulation to your favourites special stepsare required to turnemulation on, as emulation of favourites is hub specific:

Æ Right-click on the hub emulation needs to be set to and choose "Properties" Æ Now just tick the box "Emulate DC++ in this hub"

Æ Special notes about emulation:

Æ You cannot have 100% undetectable emulation if you use transfer rate limiting asthen L:X is displayed in your tag (x = upload limit).

Æ When emulating segmented downloading will be less effective.

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide8

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

8 User Icons Explained

User Icons Explained

This guide will explain what the user icons in ApexDC++ that have been adopted fromthe latest DC++ versions. Currently, there is a selection between using the oldmethod, and the new (go to Settings -> General).

There are 4 versions of the person (user icon) - green, yellow, warning icon, red - anda mine icon.

Æ Green: 5M upload and above Æ Yellow: 0.1M - 2M upload Æ Red: 0.01M - 0.1M upload Æ Warning icon: 0.005M (very slow) Æ Mine: User has uploaded at constant 100kB/s or above

9 Progress Bar Tags Explained

Progress Bar Tags Explained

Progress bars now have new tags. They are:

Æ [T] = TTH tree available (file is being verified during the download)

Æ [Z] = transfer compressed using ZLIBÆ [R] = rollback used for continuation

Æ [S] = trusted encrypted transfer

Æ [C] = chunked transfers (not there yet)

Æ [U] = untrusted encrypted transferÆ [P] = partial file sharing source

You will notice little ticks in the beginning of progress bars in version 0.2.2 and above.You can configure them from Settings Æ Appearance Æ Progress bar colors. Theirpurpose is to give you a quick idea how fast your upload or download speed is: themore ticks, the faster the transfer is. The maximum number of ticks is five and theminimal is one. The left ticks are yellow or orange, the right are red.

Advanced Settings Explained 9

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

10 Advanced Settings Explained

Advanced Settings Explained

This guide explains the meaning of the options in the advanced settings page.

Æ Auto-away on minimize (and back on restore) Æ Default:OFF If this option is on. When you minimize the application you will automatically gointo away mode meaning that your away message will be sent to anyone who pm'syou. you will also appear as away in the user list. when you maximize the applicationyou will automatically be taken out of away mode.

Æ Automatically Follow Redirects Æ Default:ON you can be issued a redirect for any number of reasons. you share is not biggerenough to enter a hub or you could have been sent a redirect by an op. If this option ison you software will automatically go to the hub you where redirected to.

Æ Clear Search box after each search Æ Default:ON If this option is on then the search box will be cleared after each search. if it is Offthen the text remains. note that this is not related to the search term history.

Æ Minimize at Program Startup Æ Default:OFF If this option is on. Each time you start the application it will start minimized inthe system tray.

Æ Use File extensions for Download to in search Æ Default:ON If this is on, you will only search for strings like *.rar; *.zip etc. Use with cautionbecause it can lag the hub.

Æ Remove Forbidden (unfinished Kazaa, Win MX, GetRight, eMule, ApexDC++) Æ Default:ON When this option is on you can provide a comma separated list of files to removefrom you share. The list of files is set in the share skiplist (wildcard: *, separator: ;"text field. An example of a list would be *.tmp;*.cab;*.ini;*.dll;

Æ Install URL handler on startup (to handle dchub:// links) Æ Default:ON If this is on it puts an entry in your registry to tell applications wanting to use thedchub:// protocol should do so with ApexDC++.

Æ Install Magnet URI handler on startup Æ Default:ON If this is on it puts an entry in your registry to tell applications wanting to theMagnet URI scheme should do so with ApexDC++.

Æ Don't Delete file lists when exiting Æ Default:OFF If this option is on then any file list you download will be available in your file listsfolder next time the application starts. When it is off they are deleted when theapplication is closed.

Æ Automatically Disconnect users who leave the hub Æ Default:OFF

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide10

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

When this option is ON. if a user leaves the hub and he is downloading from you inthat hub. they will be disconnected.

Æ Don't automatically disconnect favorite users who leave the hub ÆDefault:ON If you have the above option set on. You can set this option to on so that if one ofyour favorite users leaves the hub they will not be disconnected.

Æ Don't send the away message to bots Æ Default:ON When this option is on your away message will not be sent to bots e.g. messagerooms and hub messages.

Æ Break on first ADLSearch match Æ Default:OFF If you're using the ADLSearch features, having this option on will make a file showup in only the first search it matches. If disabled, it may appear multiple times.

Æ Enable Safe and compressed transfers Æ Default:ON When transferring data with a compatible client, DC++ will try to use ZLIBcompression with integrity checks. This uses some CPU cycles, but can dramaticallyspeed up transfers of uncompressed files as well as ensure file integrity.

Æ Accept custom user commands from hub Æ Default:ON This option lets you enable or disable DC++'s ability to retrieve custom commandsfrom a remote hub. Custom User Commands may show when you click on the hub'stab, or on a user in the Transfer View, Search Window, or User List.

Æ Always use passive mode for Search (use only if you know exactly whatyour doing) Æ Default:OFF If this is on it allows you to perform search results as a passive user but whilststill downloading as active user. Æ Send unknown /commands to the hub Æ Default:OFF If this is on and you type a message starting with forward slash in either the mainchat or private chat. It will only me sent to the client if the client has a response it willsend the response to the hub otherwise it will be dropped.

Æ Add finished files to share instantly (if shared) Æ Default:OFF If this is on then when a file finishes downloading the your file list will berefreshed.

Æ Use CTRL for line history Æ Default:ON If this is on then you can use the control and the up and down arrow keys to scrollthrough previous messages.

Æ Debug Commands Æ Default:OFF not sure.

Æ Send garbage on incoming connections (to avoid ISP p2p throtelling) ÆDefault:OFF I believe this tells the client to send a random block of data during uploadinghandshake, probably to avoid protocol detection or something.

Æ Send garbage on outgoing connections (to avoid ISP p2p throtelling) Æ

Advanced Settings Explained 11

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

Default:OFF Same as above but for downloading.

Æ Enable the webserver Æ Default:OFF If this option is on then then apex will listen on a port specified in the expert pane.It will produce a web page where you can search for files view your upload anddownload que and some other stuff.

Æ Detect Conflicting software Æ Default:ON If this option is on you will be shown a message if you have sofwtare the mightconflict with DC e.g. Zonealarm®.

Æ Don't announce new ApexDC++ versions (version.xml is stilldownloaded) Æ Default:OFF If this option is on you will not be shown a message hen the newest version ofapex is out

Æ Activate search/userlist filter by Enter Æ Default:OFF If you turn this on then you will need to hit enter before your search on theuserlist is performed. This option will save on resource for those that really need it.

Æ Save settings window state Æ Default:OFF When this option is the apex settings dialog bok will open straight to the page youwhere last viewing instead of the front page. e.g. if you where looking at usercommands and closed the settings the next time you open settings that page showedwould be user commands.

Æ Enable $HubTopic support Æ Default:OFF If this option is on your client will support the $HupTopic protocol extension, thisextension is used in Verlihub. The $HubTopic command sends the topic of the hub tothe client, similar to IRC.

Æ Start hubs minimized Æ Default:OFF If this option is on then hubs will be minimized when you open them.

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide12

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

11 ApexDC++ Translation Explained

ApexDC++ Translation Explained

Æ Please use this topic to download the translatable file and translate the strings inthere, in my case, this entry:

Æ <String Name="AddToFavorites">Add to Favorites</String>

Would become:

Æ <String Name="AddToFavorites">Lisää Hubi Suosikkeihin</String>

Æ Special characters like ä,ö etc are formatted as they are when using UTF-8compatible editor, so no *&amp; (star is there to disable auto conversion) etc. needed.(if you don't use UTF-8 compatible editor you need to add these as usual)

Æ Press enter when new line needed inside string.

Æ If the string has %s etc. that means program will replace it with value so don'tchange their order (in short: don't touch those, but only translate words around them).

Æ Special Characters For Non UTF-8 Editors: Click Here

Æ Recommended UTF-8 Editor: Notepad++

ApexDC++ Connection Settings Explained 13

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

12 ApexDC++ Connection Settings Explained

ApexDC++ Connection Settings Explained

This guide as been written to explain and try to give instructions on how to configurethe various options contained in the connection settings section of ApexDC++.

Æ Bind Address:

This is an Advance user setting. If you are a beginner you can set this to Assaid above this is normally set to and most users do not want to change this.However If you have two network interfaces you will need to use this option, Set thisto the LAN IP which is connected to the internet. ApexDC++ will then only usethat particular network interface for all connections. If binding fails, it will do sosilently and INADDR_ANY will be used instead.

If you experience connection problems make sure that this is set to default. (default: This feature requires a restart

Æ Incoming connection settings:

Æ Direct Connections

This should be used if you computer is connected directly to the Internet. With nofirewall. If this is the case you should seriously think about getting a firewall. SunbeltKerio personal firewall is a good free software firewalls.

Æ Firewall with UPnP (WinXP+ Only)

Windows XP is the first Microsoft operating system to support UPnP. This option istherefore disabled for operating systems before this. Universal Plug And Play (UPnP) isa technology to allow, among other things, Internet applications to configure homerouters and gateways, bypassing the need to perform manual port forwarding.

To take advantage of UPnP, you must have support enabled in Windows and UPnPcapable hardware (typically a broadband router using NAT traversal). If you meet bothof these requirements you should enable this setting (requires restart). If your UPnPsystem is setup correctly, ApexDC++ will now automatically create the required portmappings for ApexDC++ to operate in Active Mode.

Æ Please see the following page for more information on UPnP and how to enable ithere Æ Firewall with manual port forwarding

Select this mode if you are behind a firewall/router. You will need to specify theexternal IP address of your router. Alternatively you could use the Get IP Addressbutton. For ApexDC++ to work properly in this mode, it requires access on TCP andUDP listening ports, as well as outgoing access on all ports for both TCP and UDP. First

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide14

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

you need to set up your router to forward ApexDC++ connections to the computerwhich has ApexDC++ running. This process is normally called Port mapping/redirecting/forwarding or something like that. The following page has examples of howto perform port forwarding with many different routers port forwarding.

You need to forward two ports, one TCP and one UDP (the TLS port can be ignored),these can be the same port number. Select your Port(s) numbers between 1024 – 6000(any port is valid. However for performance reasons it is recommended that onwindows box this should be between 1000 & 6000) theses should mostly all be free.Make sure both UDP and TCP is being forwarded. To ensure everything is set upcorrectly please use the check settings button unfortunately this is not always correct.The best way to test is to just do something. To test that UDP is working perform asearch (use something common like film), if you receiveresults UDP forwarding is working. if you can download one of the results then TCPforwarding is working, i generally try to get a file list as this is small and normallydoesn't need you to queue.

Æ Don't allow hub/UPnP to override:

This option dose exactly what it says on the tin. i.e. If enabled ApexDC++ will onlyuse the settings which you have entered. If this is not enabled your UPnP device can/will change these settings dynamically to try and attempt to get the best performance.

Æ Update IP on Startup:

Again this one is pretty self explanatory. If this is enabled the Get IP Address button ispress when ApexDC++ is started/run.

Æ Firewall (passive, last resort):

Select this mode if none of the previous options apply or work. This mode carries somelimitations:

Æ only 5 results per user will be returned in response to searches.Æ you will not be able to download from other passive users.

For best performance you should try to enable Active mode with one of themethods above.

Æ Outgoing connection settings:

Æ Direct ConnectionIf you are not using a socks 5 proxy or do not know what one is you should choose thissetting.

Æ SOCKS5Select this mode if you want to make outbound connections through a SOCKS proxy.The caveats for Firewall (passive) mode also apply here. SOCKS5 proxies are not thesame as HTTP proxies. ApexDC++'s SOCKS5 support does not include GSSAPI.

Æ Socks IPThis is the IP, not host name, of your SOCKS5 server.

ApexDC++ Connection Settings Explained 15

© 2007 ApexDC++ Support Team

Æ PortThe port that your SOCKS5 server runs on. The default is 1080.

Æ LoginLogin name for the SOCKS5 proxy; may be required.

Æ PasswordPassword for the SOCKS5 proxy; may be required.

Æ Use SOCKS5 server to resolve host names

Enable this to use the SOCKS5 proxy, instead of the local name server, to resolve hostnames.

13 How To Install The PeerGuardian Plugin

Installing and Using The PeerGuardian Plugin

This guide explains in simple form how to enable the PeerGuardian plugin so it is no

longer greyed out within ApexDC++. You can use this guide with clients based on ours,such as IceDC++. Note that this PeerGuardian plugin is compatible with 0.2.0 andabove.

Æ Follow the steps below and you'll have it enabled in no time:

1. Download the plugin files (requires archive program such as WinRAR) 2. Extract the plugin to Program Files/ApexDC++/ (root directory) 3. Restart ApexDC++ 4. Go to Settings Æ Advanced Æ Security and enable the plugin

The program will now be blocking any IP addresses in the block list.

Æ Some useful information:

Æ When enabled this logs every block in the system.log file (if logging is enabled).Also you can view them by holding your mouse over the bottom bar of ApexDC++.

Æ Reload Blocklist Button Æ Reloads the list of blocked IPs. Use this if you havemodified it. Reloaded at ApexDC++ startup;

Æ Update Blocklist Button Æ Connects to the internet to download the updated blocklistdefinitions.

ApexDC++ Windows® User Guide16

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Æ Here you can select what ApexDC++ will block if the connecting IP is in the blocklist- can you download from him, can that user download from you, and will you answerhis searches.

Æ This shows you how many blocked IP ranges are in your blocklist.

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