anther culture - dr amit kr dutta

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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CultureDr. Amit Kumar Dutta,


At a precise & critical stage, it is possible to establish the anther culture that will give rise to haploid plantlets by careful selection of developing anthers.


Haploid plants contain a single set of chromosomes.

The use of Anther culture offers an important tool to the conventional plant breeder as a way of obtaining haploid plants for selection of characters and inclusion in the breeding programme.


W Tulecke 1953

First observed mature pollen grains can be induced to proliferate in culture to form

haploid callus.

S Guha & Maheswari 1964

Direct development of embryos from microspore by the culture of anther.

Look Back Before……!

J P Bourgin & J P Nitsch 1967

Haploid Plantlets from Anther Culture

Practical As well as Fundamental Point of View, Anther Culture open up a new avenue

in the field of Plant Science.

Anther Culture

It is a technique by which the developing anthers at a precise and critical stage are excised aseptically from unopened flower bud and are cultured on a nutrient medium.

Cultured Anther develop into callus tissue or embryoids that give rise to haploid plantlets either through organogenesis or embryogenesis.

Anther Culture

Principle of Anther Culture

Production of Haploid Plants exploiting the totipotency of microspore and the occurrence of single set of chromosome(n) in microspore.


Collect the flower bud at the onset of flowering.

Transfer the selected flower buds to the LAF.

Split the side of the bud to remove the anthers.

Anthers are placed on Agar Solidified basal MS Medium.

Kept for pollen embryogenesis formation in dark places.


Cultures are incubated at 24 – 280C in a 14hrs daylight.

After 1wk, transfer to larger pots.

Plants will mature and finally flower.


Utility of Anther Culture for Basic Research

Haploids derived from anther culture are useful in cytogenetic studies.

By comparing the heterozygous diploid with haploid or homozygous diploid population, recessive phenotypic characters can be identified very easily.

Utility ………

Critical genetic analysis of haploid population derived from individual microspore.

Utility ………

Series of cell division and mode of differentiation starting from single cell and ending in whole organism can be studied under microspore..

Utility ………

Culture of isolated pollen provides a novel experimental system for the study of factor controlling pollen embryogenesis of higher plants.

Utility ………

Genetic analysis could be performed on haploid population to establish inheritance patterns.

Utility ………

Thank You…..!

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