answer key posted on the class webpage office hours: m 10am-1pm t 11:30am-1pm, 3-4pm

Post on 10-Feb-2016






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Answer key posted on the class webpage Office hours: M 10am-1pm T 11:30am-1pm, 3-4pm Exam Error Worksheet Bonus #1 due now. CB 26.8. Evolution does not always occur at the same rate. CB 25.18. Tree of Life. The Genetic Code is universal in almost every organism on earth. CB 17.5. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


•Answer key posted on the class webpage•Office hours:M 10am-1pmT 11:30am-1pm, 3-4pm•Exam Error Worksheet•Bonus #1 due now

CB 26.8

Evolution does not always occur at the same rate.

CB 25.18 Tree of Life

The Genetic Code is universal in almost every organism on earth

CB 17.5

Spontaneous Generation:Life from non-living material

CB 26.2

The Miller-Urey experiment

Prebiotic Synthesis of Adenine and Amino Acids Under Europa-like Conditions by Matthew Levy, Stanley L. Miller, Karen Brinton, Jeffrey L. Bada (2000) Icarus vol 145, Issue 2, pg 609-613

Inorganic compounds (cyanide)

Organic compounds (adenine, guanine, glycine, etc)

frozen at -78 0C for 25 years

CB 25.18 Tree of Life

How are we related, and where did we come from?

CB 34.41

The earth is covered in H. sapiens, but it wasn’t always.

When did these migrations take place?

DNA is passed from generation to generation, and therefore can tell us about relationships between individuals. CB 34.38

Human DNA is divided into 46 chromosomes(23 pairs)

X 23in humans X 23

in humans

X 23in humans

Each of us are a combination of DNA from mom and dad.

Mom provides 50.000275%and Dad provides 49.999825% of DNA to offspring.

… because Mom provides 100% of mitochondrial DNA

CB 13.5

Mitochondrial DNA comparisons can be used to trace ancestry:

Non-Coding DNA is used for comparisons between individuals

Fig 1 and 4

As DNA is passed on mutations take place

Fig 4

Fig 4

By determining the average time between mutations, we can estimate the time of the last common ancestor.

Fig 4

The mutation rate in human mtDNA is one nucleotide change per 20,000 years.ORA difference of one nucleotide between two people indicates a common relative 10,000 years ago.

When did these migrations take place?

Multiregional hypothesis

“Out of Africa” hypothesis

Two hypotheses about the origin of H. sapiens

7 Daughters of Eve, fig. 1

Relationships of different populations using mtDNA


Multiregional hypothesis

“Out of Africa” hypothesis

Two hypotheses about the origin of H. sapiens

7 Daughters of Eve, fig. 2

Relationships of different people using mtDNA.

7 Daughters of Eve, fig. 2

Relationships of different people using mtDNA.

7 Daughters of Eve, fig. 2

Relationships of different people using mtDNA.

7 Daughters of Eve, fig. 2

From Science v298 12/20/02 pg 2381

•93-95% of genetic variation within population.

•3-5% of genetic variation occurs between populations.

Relationships of different people using mtDNA.

“Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: the Fallacy of Race” by Ashley Montagu

“Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: the Fallacy of Race” by Ashley Montagufirst published in 1942

There is no genetic definition of race.

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