annual report 2014-2015

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Child Care : Besides the personal lessons on hygiene given to the little ones, they are taught nursery rhymes and song, drawing and coloring, learning alphabets by

watching kid study shows on the television, practical lessons like tidying up the place after meals, putting back all the toys before lunch, mingling with other children, being sociable and interactive with visitors, though some shy away and yell.

A student who had come for her work experience reported, “Every morning the children would welcome me with shouts of Didi, Didi …and come running towards me, the happiness on their faces was priceless. Whenever they had a problem, they would come to me. We had a lot of fun together. Whenever I left i.e. every noon, they would scream, Bye Didi, Bye Didi…”…

The economic advancement especially among women groups brings about the overall development to their health conditions and to their families.

Right to health is a right of each individual. To ensure that people have access to health facilities shaping their economic status is necessary. We approached HPT and are at present conducting awareness training programs for women on health related issues, special focus on alternative therapy. In this manner we conducted 10 meetings, one visit with Niramy centre, Chembur. Awaz-e Niswah. 6 of us visited Panvel Medicinal trees. Dr.Maitree suggested the Kitchen Pharmacy to the participants. About 20 from around the centre attend the meetings.

Medical Health : Our dispensary continues. Our women are happy with its services and frequent it regularly. The BMC avails of the centre to administer the polio pulse dose every month.

Networking with Brahamakumaris: A medical mobile van. Free medicines. Good checkups and good diagnosis. About 60 to 80 persons from the locality avail of this facility. The Bombay hospital nurses also came in 8 different batches this year and visited the areas and conducted awareness camps, normal routine checkups etc

Gharkul Kamgar Ekta: The Maharashtra Ghar Kamghar Vikas Sangatna (Regd) affiliated to CFTUI (Confederation of Free trade union of India) met at the Chuim Community Centre represented by their coordinator Ms. Francina and President

Mr. Bruno respectively on the 29th July . The Work done by the centre, the objectives; the initial spade work carried out by Ms Patsy Khan was highlighted. 19 of our domestic workers aged 55 and above received a token of acknowledgement in the form of cash. ..

Sewing Class: The students are mastering this skill, learning what is in the syllabus and after this, their choice of clothes. Some of them take orders. About 15 in the 1st batch and 20 in the 2nd batch. An Embroidery

machine was donated by HPT and 4 of our women worked on it making purses, bags, table cloths and designs on the stoles for the HPT Project.

Counseling and Case Work: Our Centre looked into 78 cases in which marital problems were 24. Property problems with builders 12; Family problems 29 related to senior citizens, family property, and adolescents’ siblings. Fights with neighbors about breaking drying lines, washing clothes in front of her room in the gully.

Marriage Preparation of 2 different castes: Parents brought the couple to the social worker. She explained the concept of marriage as to, budgeting, division of work, care of children, rituals to be care for. They are happily settled.

She looked into 4 domestic cases – one of which did not get her salary for one month after leaving the job. She intervened and the domestic managed to get her salary.

Also she looked into three cases of the Chit fund where one of the women was cheated. Thanks to the paper work which was done, our social worker directed her to the police and then sent her to the court, the court has asked the other woman to pay her off 10000/- every month.

Sexual harassment at the work place: (1) the woman who came for help was empowered by our social worker as to how to meet the other party and be strong in the situation.

Garbage throwing in the neighborhood in front of another’s door. (3) There were constant fights till one of the neighbors was advised by someone to come to Nirmala Nivas. She came and met our social worker who visited her, spoke to the neighbor and amicably settled the erring situation.

Molestation (1)

Community - illegal housing – she explained to them how illegal their houses were and to sit with the opposite party and speak.

Registration of Domestic Workers Employers: 44

Domestics: 86Referred: 27Obtained jobs: 15

Domestic registered in our bureau. But got jobs elsewhere

Registration for ID cards in Garkul kamgar Ekta: 204

Registration in Maharashtra Gharelu Welfare Board: 161 up to the age of 60 – These will get educational benefits, accidental death benefits; delivery benefits, etc.

Creation of a self help group at Bandh called SWABIMAN BACHAT GHAT this is the first one started the Bandh area. We intend to start 2 more in Bandh, 1 in Pyari Nagar and Patil Pada.

Rationing Kruti Samiti: Our assistant social worker attended 6 meetings.

The members were given toll free nos. to be given to the people the area, so that they can contact this no. should the proper ration not be given to them.

One of the persons was not getting her ration. She was told her name was not on the list. Our assistant social worker went to the shop, looked into the register and found her name and from then on she started getting her ration regularly.

She has also looked into another case and she was promised a reply within 2 months.

She visited the areas in the vicinity and formed pressure groups of 5 each. These pressure groups were given awareness of the RKS. She is in contact with the pressure groups and pays her regular visits to the ration shops allotted to her.

Free rations were given because of the intervention of our social worker

Celebration of feasts: 300 women present for the haldi kumkum celebration. We conscientized through role plays on family problems, family discord, garbage thrown outdoors and unpleasantness caused around the locality and the remedies that bring about peace and harmony were depicted

Women’s day: 180 women present. The theme was “save the girl child”

We clubbed Raksha Bandan, Independence Day and Gokul Asthmi and invited the women to the center. We seized this occasion of bringing awareness on certain topics one of which was superstitions through role plays - 550 women attended

Nirmal Mahila Credit Society: Today the women who benefit from the NMCS are 1510. The Government auditor audits the accounts. Now women can make fixed deposits up to 1, 00,000/- Loans can be taken up to 1, 00,000 for small scale industry. Interest charged is 1.30% and loans to be returned within 36 months. Loan gone out during the year Rs.60, 60,800/- Loan returned Rs.57, 44,971/. Time to time the committee members of the credit society are

empowered to work in a team, take on leadership roles, sanctioning loans, constitutional changes, rights and duties towards the credit society.

Saroj Navaithy “I was really helped since here the interest rate is less hence I can manage the loan which helped me to educate my daughter and settle my son in marriage. Since I was helped, I told those in my locality and they too came and became members of the Credit Society.”

Farahana Sheikh says, “I have not taken loan so far, and I have increased my savings in my account double fold. I have saved a lot and this makes me feel happy.”

Mariam Kayum Sheikh “I took loan for the dental treatment of my daughter and for the education of my two children.” Later I took loan for my operation and since the interest rate is less I benefit a lot.

Renu Hiralal Nirmal “I benefitted a lot and I have also now booked a room for my family. I paid the builder partly”

Manjula Kundan Survashi says, “I can take loans at a low interest rate. I helped in my husband’s TB treatment. I also used my money for my daughter’s education”.

Fast Forward Dance Academy : The instructors take trouble in their inputs. The children have appeared on quite a number of T.V shows. The parents are very happy with all the inputs given to the children. Besides stage shows, flash mobs and other events, they have put up charity programs. Our children number about 40 in all in 3 different batches. During the vacation, the number of students increases.

Sponsorship: Our children about 35 excel in academics, sports, singing, home making, and all round activities.Some of the sponsored children secured good percentages at the tenth and twelfth standard examinations. Many are pursuing higher studies.

Hunar Foudation for special children : This year The Hunar Foundation has set up its class here for the special children. They number about 20 in all. They are present from Mondays to Fridays.

Three of them learnt tailoring with the help of one of the members of the Institute. They did very well and grasped what was taught to them with no difficulty.

The students do a lot of craft work which is then marketed by the members of the Foundation.

The parents are very grateful and take a lot of trouble to come and drop the children, wait for them during the class hours, and then take home. They also participate in the meetings held here on the premises, periodically.

We are grateful:To our Management; our sponsors without whose help we would not be able to run our programs. Our well wishers, who visit us and contribute generously in cash and kind. Soroptomist (NGO) who takes keen interest in our crèche and provides with necessities for the children.Our parish, our neighboring parishes that offer their services in small and big ways.

Students from France accompanied by Pascal. Women’s organizations e.g. the diocesan council of women, who visited our crèche, spent an entire morning with them and gave them, eats and gifts.The Bombay Hospital staff and students and above all; our faithful band of workers: Thanks to you our dear staff. You are there with us. We see you struggle on the home front, but always smiling and zealous at the work front. For all that you do, God bless you. What would we do without you????????

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