annexation for battle

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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en la presente vemos cual es el sistema aplicado a la interactividad proplasmática cromosomica alienada filantropica no conducente pero conductista azul poco clara y prestalilandos pololus von tropich tacho al aorta


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ANNEXATION EVENTS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; USAGE:;; Basic structure for an annexation event:; { ; #NAME= Event name (this will be shown as a selectable event under an options menu within the game); #POPUP= Event popup text (this will be displayed when the event occurs); #IMAGE= Event image that will be displayed when event occurs ; Image bitmaps must be 627x422 pixels, see 'Extras' folder for sample bitmap frame; Multiple pictures can be used by using a ',' to separate them; Format: picture1.bmp, picture2.bmp, picture3.bmp, picture4.bmp; #SOUND= Event sound that will be displayed when event occurs; Multiple sounds can be used by using a ',' to separate them; Format: sound1.wav, sound2.wav, sound3.wav, sound4.wav; #FLAG= Will this be a default event for the campaign? (values range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0); #TYPE= With all other factors satisfied will this be a (values range [0, 2]):; A) Single check regardless if trigger is satisfied= 0; B) Multiple check until trigger is satisfied= 1; C) Reoccuring check until end of game= 2; #AI= Will this event apply to any game or specifically for an Axis or Allied AI game?; Values range [0, 2]; Any= 0; Axis_AI= 1; Allied_AI= 2; Axis_AI_and_Allied_Multiplayer= 3; Allied_AI_and_Axis_Multiplayer= 4; #LEVEL= What minimum skill level with this event apply to?; Values: [0, 4]; Green= 0; Novice= 1; Beginner= 2; Intermediate= 3; Advanced= 4; #GV= Does the event activate based on the Global Variable values assigned?; Ten random Global Variables are assigned at the start of the campaign each with a value between [1,100]; Format: gv [min, max]; gv range [1,10]; min range [1,100]; max range [1,100]; Example A) #GV= 1[1,100] will always trigger because Global Variable #1 will always have a value between [1,100]; Example B) #GV= 4[71,100] will trigger 30% per game; #LINK= Does the event activate based on the Link values assigned?; A campaign can have up to 100 Decision events and is referenced by other events via this parameter; Format: decision[flag]; flag range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0; Example A) #LINK= 0[0] will always trigger as formal DECISION events can only be from 1-100; Example B) #LINK= 1[0] will trigger whenever #DECISION= 1 is not accepted; Example C) #LINK= 3[1] will trigger whenever #DECISION= 3 is accepted; #COUNTRY_ID= Country ID of country to be annexed; #TRANSFER_ID= Transfer country ID (country that will receive the territory listed by #COUNTRY_ID); #TRIGGER= Trigger percentage that the event will occur (values range [0, 100]); #DATE= Date where ownership is transferred from #COUNTRY_ID to #TRANSFER_ID (format yyyy/mm/dd); };; EXAMPLE:;; Sample event for Baltic States transferring territory to the USSR in a WWII campaign:; {; #NAME= Annexation of Baltic States; #POPUP= USSR Annexes The Baltic States; #IMAGE=; #SOUND=; #FLAG= 1; #TYPE= 1; #AI= 0; #LEVEL= 0;; Set global variable condition to always trigger (dummy value); #GV= 1[1,100];; Set link value to always trigger (dummy value); #LINK= 0[0];; #COUNTRY_ID= 11; #TRANSFER_ID= 4; #TRIGGER= 100; #DATE= 1940/07/23; };; NOTES:;; Each event must be preceded by a '{' and end with a '}';; #COUNTRY_ID must be an inactive Minor otherwise event will not occur.;; #TRANSFER_ID must be a Major country.; ; Annexed territory will not provide partisans for the country specified under #TRANSFER_ID. ; For example if the Baltic States are annexed by the USSR then Axis partisans will not appear; in the Baltic States;; Use the reference values provided for #COUNTRY_ID and #TRANSFER_ID and not the country names ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COUNTRY ID REFERENCE VALUES;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #UK= 1; #FRANCE= 2; #ITALY= 3; #RUSSIA= 4; #USA= 5; #GERMANY= 6; #AUSTRIA_HUNGARY= 7; #OTTOMAN_EMPIRE= 8;; #ALBANIA= 10; #ALGERIA= 11; #ARABIA= 12; #AUSTRIA= 13; #BELARUS= 14; #BELGIUM= 15; #BRITISH_EMPIRE= 16; #BULGARIA= 17; #CANADA= 18; #CRIMEA= 19; #CUBA= 20; #CZECHOSLOVAKIA= 21; #DANZIG= 22; #DENMARK= 23; #DON_REPUBLIC= 24; #EGYPT= 25; #ESTONIA= 26; #FINLAND= 27; #GREECE= 28; #HOLLAND= 29; #HUNGARY= 30; #ICELAND= 31; #IRELAND= 32; #JAPAN= 33; #KAZAN= 34; #LATVIA= 35; #LITHUANIA= 36; #LUXEMBOURG= 37; #LIBYA= 38; #MESOPOTAMIA= 39; #MEXICO= 40; #MONTENEGRO= 41; #MOROCCO_FR= 42; #MOROCCO_SP= 43; #NORTHERN_CAUCASUS= 44; #NORWAY= 45; #PALESTINE= 46; #PERSIA= 47; #POLAND= 48; #PORTUGAL= 49; #ROMANIA= 50; #SERBIA= 51; #SPAIN= 52; #SWEDEN= 53; #SWITZERLAND= 54; #SYRIA= 55; #TRANSCAUCASIA= 56; #TUNISIA= 57; #UKRAINE= 58; #YUGOSLAVIA= 59; #RED= 60; #BLACK= 61; #VACANT_1= 62; #VACANT_2= 63; #VACANT_3= 64; #VACANT_4= 65;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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