angol nyelvvizsga-tesztek

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Angol nyelvvizsga-tesztek



    T E S Z T E K A N Y E L V V I Z S G N


    Elsz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A tesztgenerls szempontjai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9A teszt rtkelse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

    2. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    . teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36!. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41". teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    10 6

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    10 6



    A %elelet&laszts teszt a n'el&t($smrs lego)jekt*&a)) m$ja. A %ela$atot rt szmtalan )*rlat ellenre+ amel'eka %ela$at letszer,sgt krik szmon+ a &ilg legt-)) n'el&&izsgztat intzmn'e asznlja. Ennek nem/sak ag'ors+ o)jekt*& el)*rl atsga az oka+ anem az -ssze asonl*t k(tatsok ere$mn'ei is+ amel'ek kim(tattk+ og'-ssze% ggs &an a &izsgz %elelet&laszts tesztre kapott pontszma s a tn'leges n'el&t($sa k-z-tt.

    Az llami n'el&&izsgn 0 kr$s)l ll tesztet kell a &izsgznak 30 pere alatt megol$ania sztr asznlatanlk l. lasztst az ere$mn'lapon szel jel-li. A ja&*ts tltsz sa)lonnal t-rtnik.

    A %elelet&laszts tesztnek+ mint &izsga%ela$atnak leg%)) /lja s rtelme a passz*& n'el&tani s le ikai ismeretekmrse. 5assz*& t($son a el'es n'el&tani szerkezetek+ szalakok s jelentsek %elismersnek a kszsgt rtj k.Ez a meg atrozs eg')en r&ilg*t a %ela$at le etsgeinek korltaira is. A &izsgz a mega$ott le etsgek k-z lki&lasztja a jt+ nem pe$ig ltre ozza azt. A g'orsasg s o)jekti&its mellett a teszt eg' msik eln'e az+ og'elre a$ott a teljes*ten$ n'el&i sz*n&onal. A &izsgz+ el&ig'zatossg)l+ nem taktikz at g'+ og' ki ag'jaazokat a szerkezeteket+ amel'eket nem+ &ag' nem )iztosan ismer 7mint pl$(l a %ogalmazsnl+ a ol )iztonsg)lt-reke$ et az eg'szer,sgre8. #in$ezeket a szempontokat mrlegel&e a n'el&&izsga%ela$atok ki$olgozsakor aszakem)erek g' lttk /lszer,nek+ og' a ma imlisan elr et 100 pont)l optimlis tesztmegol$ssal 1 -tle essen megszerezni.

    A k-zp%ok &izsgateszt elssor)an n'el&tani ismereteket kr szmon+ %elttelezi a /ln'el& n'el&tani ren$szernekglo)lis ismerett. Az 0 rsz%ela$at ig'ekszik minl nag'o)) ter letet t%ogni+ $e semmikppen sem t-rekszikteljessgre. iemelten %oglalkozik azokkal a pro)lmkkal+ amel'ek a &izsgzk an'an'el&e s a /ln'el& k-z-ttik l-n)sgek)l k-&etkeznek. Az azonos n'el&i jelensgeket )em(tat lpsek g'akran asonlak. Ez rsz)en a' l&i )l l ' )l $$ik 7 l$(l )i ' i i$k t t l / k t tt i i$kk l

  • 8/9/2019 Angol nyelvvizsga-tesztek



    A tesztgenerls szempontjai

    A rszfeladatok (lpsek) megoszlsa

    ?. er) 5 rase 7?ge/entrik(s szerkezetek8 23 lps5resent 5er%e/t5resent 5er%e/t @ontin(o(s

    imple 5ast5ast @ontin(o(s5ast 5er%e/t

    imple 5resent5assi&e 7 zen&e$8@a(sati&e 7#,&eltets8@on$itionals 7Beltteles m$8A( iliaries 7 eg$igk8

    Con %inite %orms 7?gene&es szerkezetek8;eporte$ pee/ 7B gg )esz$8

    Co(n 5 rase 7Bn&/entrik(s ill.nominlis szerkezetek8 10 lps@o(nta)le+ Dn/o(nta)le Co(ns 7#egszmll atsg85rono(ns 7;elati&e prono(ns8 7C&msok+ &onatkozn&msok8Arti/les 7C&elk8#o$i%iers 7 &*tmn'ek+ jelzk8A$je/ti&es+ @omparison 7#ellkn& %okozs8

    ??. 5 rasal er)s+ 5repositions ! lps

    ??? ) $ &l t tt 10 l

  • 8/9/2019 Angol nyelvvizsga-tesztek



    1. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. ... Gas a lo&el' $a'+ ? Gent %or a Galk in t e park. AJ As it @J Bor t ere J Bor it KJ As t ere

    2. I=e sai$ e a$ met m' %rien$ t ree Geeks )e%ore.I I...I AJ =as eL @J =a$nHt eL J Ki$ eL KJ Ki$nHt eL

    3. I... a&e / ange %or a $ollarLI I orr'+ no.I AJ Ko 'o( appen to @J M at J Mill 'o( KJ @an 'o(

    4. I... t at %a 'etLI ICo+ ?Hm still t'ping it.I AJ Mo(l$ 'o( sen$ @J =a&e 'o( sent J Are 'o( sen$ing KJ Ki$ 'o( sent

    . T e last time ... to t e m(se(m Gas last mont . AJ ? Gent @J ? a&e )een J ? a&e gone KJ ? Gas going

    6. AJ Me $is/(sse$ t at t e last Geek. J ?H&e a$ a /ol$ %or t e last Geek.

    @J ? G i C G N k t l t @ i t

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    14. A)o(t tGo (n$re$ people ... G en t e plane /ras e$. AJ t o(g t to $ie @J Gere t o(g t to $ie J are t o(g t to a&e )een kille$ KJ t o(g t to a&e )een kille$

    1 . T e Gat/ as $isappeare$. M o ... itL AJ nee$ a&e stolen @J s o(l$ a&e stolen J /o(l$ steel KJ /o(l$ a&e stolen

    16. ? /o(l$nHt elp ... G en ? ear$ G at a$ appene$. AJ la(g @J to la(g J la(g ing KJ to )e la(g ing

    1!. T e' ... ome )' t is time. AJ are )eing @J Go(l$ )e J Gill )een KJ Gill a&e )e

    1". No( /an a&e ... )ook. AJ )ot @J all J eit er KJ ea/ t e

    19. =e Gants is %rien$ to pa' ... t e $amage $one. AJ )e/a(se @J %or J at KJ

    20. As soon as Ge ... GeHll gi&e 'o( a ring. AJ arri&e$ @J Gill arri&e J are arri&ing KJ arri&e

    21 5 t Ht t t ? & Ht

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    2". ome %rien$s o% mine $roppe$ ... %or a $rink a%ter t e t eatre. AJ o%% @J on J in KJ o(t

    29. No( ma' )e a)le to %in$ a pair o% )oots ... 'o(r size at t e TE @R. AJ Git @J at J in KJ %or

    30. T e speaker smile$ ... . AJ %rien$lil' @J in a %rien$l' Ga' J %rien$l' KJ as %rien$l'

    31. =oG long a&e 'o( .. L AJ ma$e 5eter $o 'o(r @J a$ $one 'o(r omeGork omeGork J ma$e 'o(r KJ ma$e 5eter to $o omeGork $one 'o(r omeGork

    32. =oG ... as e trie$ to es/ape %rom omeL AJ long time @J m(/ time J long ago KJ man' times

    33. =e tol$ ... $ri&e is /ar. AJ me ? /an @J me ? /o(l$ J ? ma' KJ to me to

    34. e looks &er' pale+ s e ... )e ill. AJ o(g t to @J m(st J nee$s KJ /an

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    J an' KJ aAJ t e @J

    43. Tom is )' %ar ... )o' in is /lass.AJ t e tallest @J t e taller

    J a taller KJ tallest

    44. =oG $i$ 'o( manage ... t at mo(ntainLAJ a&e elim)e$ @J to /lim)

    J /lim)ing KJ a&ing /lim)e$

    4 . ?H&e got ... to $o to$a'+ in/l($ing jo)s )ot at ome an$ at t e o%%i/e.AJ a lot o% Gorks @J so man' Gorks

    J loa$s o% Gork KJ lots o% Gorks

    46. I ara tol$ me 'ester$a' t at s eH$ %o(n$ a snake in er otel room.I I?Hm s(re s e ... 'o(r leg G en s e sai$t at. I

    AJ as p(lle$ @J as )een p(llingJ Gas p(lling KJ a$ p(lle$

    4!. T is is ... alGa's appens to ine perien/e$ $ri&ers at nig t.AJ G i/ @J G at

    J t at KJ

    4". Qraz+ ... is in A(stria+ is is nati&e toGn.AJ @J t at

    J G at KJ G i/

    49. ' t e time ? get t ere+ t e %ilm ... .

    AJ Gill & %i i $ @J i %i i i

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    2. TESZT $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I?Hm a%rai$ ?H&e spilt t e /o%%ee on 'o(r neG ta)le /lot . ?Hm aG%(ll' sorr'.I I...IAJ Ce&er min$ O @J o m(/ )e t e tro()le.

    J Cot ing at all. KJ KonHt /are.

    2. I... $i$ 'o( $ri&e on t e %irst $a' o% 'o(r tripLI ITo erlin.I

    AJ =oG man' @J =oG longJ =oG %ar KJ =oG m(/

    3. ... not ing %or )reak%ast+ Ge a$ to go to t e )(%%et to )(' a san$Gi/ .AJ =a&ing a$ @J Me a&e a$

    J =a&ing not a$ KJ in/e a&ing

    4. ... people $onHt realize t e $angers o% $ri&ing in a )(s' /it'.AJ #ost @J #ost o%

    J T e most KJ T e most o% . ... t e /entral station t ere is a lo&el' )ea/ .AJ Cear @J @lose at

    J Ce t KJ ?n %ront

    6. oes ... $(ring t e sale /annot )e e / ange$.AJ )o(g t @J a&ing )o(g t

    J G at 'o( a&e )o(g t KJ G at 'o( )o(g t

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  • 8/9/2019 Angol nyelvvizsga-tesztek



    2".:o n ... is /ar repaire$ %or o&er si teen mont s.AJ asnHt a$ @J as

    J $oes KJ is a&ing

    29.Past Geek m' %rien$ a$ an a//i$ent. =e ... to ospital imme$iatel'.AJ nee$e$ )eing taken @J a$ a$ to )e taken

    J a$ to )e taken KJ nee$e$ )e taken

    30. A lot o% ol$ people Gis t e' ... some sport G en t e' Gere 'o(nger.AJ a$ $one @J Go(l$ a&e $one

    J Go(l$ $o KJ s o(l$ a&e $one

    31. #' %rien$ alGa's looke$ ... pilots. =e a$ a great respe/t %or t em.AJ o&er @J at

    J (p on KJ (p to

    32. 5eter aske #ar' oG man' )ooks ... .AJ s e a$ rea$ @J $i$ s e rea$

    J s e as rea$ KJ Gas s e rea$ing

    33. =eHll a&e to gi&e ... smoking i% e $oesnHt Gant to $ie.AJ (p @J o&er

    J in KJ on

    34. T e / il$ren Gill a&e to atten$ s/ ool+ G et er t e' Gant to or ... .AJ $onHt @J not

    J no KJ GonHt

    3 G $ )( %( $

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    42. Me ... to a&e /o%%ee noG.AJ /an @J are going

    J Gill nee$ to KJ Gill )e

    43. M at ... 'o( / ange 'o(r min$LAJ $i$ make @J ma$e

    J got KJ $i$ a&e

    44. M ile ? ... t e )ell rang.AJ /ook @J Gas /ooking

    J a$ /ooke$ KJ Gill /ook

    4 . As ? a$ plent' o% mone'+ ? ... to elp er.AJ /o(l$ @J a&e

    J Gas a)le KJ o(g t

    46. Mill 'o( ... t e $og G ile Ge are a)roa$LAJ min$ %or @J take /are a%ter

    J look a%ter KJ /are o%

    4!. =e ga&e me e&er't ing ... ? a$ alGa's Gis e$ %or.AJ t at @J G at

    J G i/ KJ G o

    4". No( a&e $r(nk ar$l' ...AJ not ing . @J somet ing

    J an't ing KJ someG at

    49 N ( ) $ l /k $ G ' ( l %

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    3. TESZT $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1.I=a&e 'o(r ki$s )een to t e zoo 'etLI INes+ t e' sai$ t e' ... t ere.IAJ a$ )een @J Gere )eing

    J Go(l$ a&e )een KJ Gill a&e )een

    2.I? $onHt like taking a /ol$ s oGer.I I? /an ne&er get (se$ to taking a /ol$ s oGer ... .IAJ eit er @J too

    J also KJ neit er

    3.I=oG man' apples a&e Ge gotLI I...IAJ T ere isnHt an' apple @J Rnl' ome.

    J T ere arenHt some. KJ Cot too man'.

    4. ... a long time sin/e ? Gas in ?tal'.AJ ?t a$ )een @J T ereHs

    J T ere as )een KJ ?tHs. ... prett' Goman s e is O

    AJ M at a @J =oG aJ =oG KJ M at

    6. ... is not alloGe$ in t at room at all.AJ Co smoking @J moking

    J A smoking KJ An' smoking

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    13. ... 'o(rsel% an$ /all me (p e&er' e&ening.AJ #in$ %or @J Take /are o%

    J Pook o(t KJ eGare o%

    14. TomorroG m' gran$%at er an$ m' gran$mot er ... %or %i%t' 'ears.AJ Gill a&e )een marrie$ @J Gill a&e marrie$

    J Gill marr' KJ Gill )e marrie$

    1 . @o(l$ ? ... t e oil le&el / e/ke$LAJ make @J a&e

    J Gant KJ ask

    16. ? /anHt len$ 'o( mone' (ntil ? ... m' salar'.AJ /olle/t @J Gill /olleet

    J GonHt /olle/t KJ $onHt /olle/t

    1!. M at $o 'o( t ink o% ... mo$ern )alletLAJ t e o(r @J t e

    J KJ a

    1". =a&e 'o( e&er $one ... Gort mentioningLAJ some @J an't ing

    J an' KJ someG at

    19. e ... t e g(ests t eir rooms.AJ as j(st s oGn @J j(st s oGing

    J j(st as s oGn KJ j(st a$ s oGn

    l l k $ ) $ $

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    2!. ?% t e tea/ er ... me more time+ ? /o(l$ a&e $one t e test.AJ a$ gi&en @J Go(l$ gi&e

    J ga&e KJ as gi&en

    2". ?% Ge a$ not Gatere$ t e plant e&er' $a' itAJ Gill a&e $ie$ @J Gill $ie

    J Go(l$ a&e $ie$ KJ as $ie$

    29. M en t e $o/tor e amine$ me e ... a pres/ription %or me.AJ $reG (p @J p(t $oGn

    J ma$e o(t KJ %ille$

    30. ?t Gas t e )ottom s el% ... s e kept er Ge$$ing ring ... .AJ G ere @J G ere in

    J in t at KJ G at in

    31. ?tHs )een a %antasti/ to(r+ ...LAJ asnHt it @J GasnHt it

    J isnHt it KJ $oesnHt it

    32. ?tHs a greater %eeling to gi&e ... to re/ei&e.AJ so @J as

    J t en KJ t an

    33. M ' $onHt 'o( sta' ... (s $(ring 'o(r oli$a' in =(ngar'LAJ at @J )'

    J Git KJ o&er

    l ( l $

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    41. T e tra%%i/ sign sa's /learl' t at $ri&ers ... not park on t e pa&ement.AJ s o(l$ @J mig t

    J Gill KJ a&e

    42. T e small toGn ... t e' spent t e Geeken$ ... a$ no /inema.AJ in G i/ @J G ere in

    J G at in KJ in t at

    43. T ereHs a parrot on t e s el% ... 'o(.AJ a)o&e @J o&er

    J at KJ o%

    44. M at lo&el' pearsO =oG ... in a po(n$LAJ man' are t ere @J m(/ are t e'

    J m(/ are t ere KJ man' are t e'

    4 . Me )o(g t ... %or @ ristmas.AJ t ree toasts @J t ree loa&es o% )rea$

    J t ree )rea$s KJ t ree sli/e o% )rea$

    46. M en ? Gent into t e li&ing room+ all t e mem)ers o% t e %amil' ... /ar$s.AJ a$ pla'e$ @J a&e pla'e$

    J pla'e$ KJ Gere pla'ing

    4!. M en a elgian goes to =ollan$+ ... take is passportLAJ nee$ e to @J $oes e a&e to

    J o(g t to KJ s o(l$

    $ $

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    4. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I omeoneHs kno/king.I I? ... .I.AJ Hm to go @J Hll go

    J go KJ Hm opening

    2. ? ... t is at sin/e m' Ge$$ing.

    AJ a$ @J a$ a$J H&e a$ KJ Gas a&ing

    3. ... Qeorge Gas ill in is later 'ears+ e still Gent %or o(tings.AJ (t @J ?n spite o%

    J Alt o(g KJ Kespite

    4. AJ =oG is :oeL J =oG Gas t e part' likeL

    @J =oG is t e ealt ser&i/e in 'o(r /o(ntr'L KJ =oG $o 'o( /all I/orn %lakesI in =(ngarianL

    . ... like am)(rgers.AJ T e most o% t e @J T e most Ameri/ansAmeri/ans

    J #ost o% Ameri/ans KJ #ost Ameri/ans

    6. 5a(l as no %ree time. ... .AJ :($it also not. @J Ceit er :($it as.

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    14. No( ... a $ri&ing li/en/e %or t is jo). No(Hll onl' a&e to (se t e /omp(ter.AJ $onHt nee$ @J m(stnHt a&e

    J nee$nHt KJ a&enHt got

    1 . ? ... to Gork e&er' single $a' G en ? a$ a jo) in @ana$a.AJ $ro&e @J $ri&e$

    J $ri&e KJ $reG

    16. ? /an t(rn ... Ga'< rig t or le%t. M at $o 'o( t inkLAJ )ot @J an'

    J eit er KJ ea/

    1!. Pions /annot li&e Git o(t killing ... %oo$.AJ %or @J

    J o% KJ t e

    1". #' Gi%e s(ggeste$ ... some mone' %rom a %rien$.AJ get @J to get

    J getting KJ %or to get

    19. Me ... o(r neG Gas ing ma/ ine onl' %or t ree $a's G en it )roke $oGn.AJ a$ a$ @J a&e a$

    J a$ KJ a&e

    20. #' Gat/ $oesnHt keep t e rig t time. ? ... .AJ m(st a&e a$ it repaire$ @J a&e to a&e it repaire$

    J /an a&e repaire$ it KJ a$ to make it repaire$

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    29. e is t e $ire/tor Git t e ... s'mpat '.AJ %eGest @J least

    J t e smallest amo(nt KJ most minim(m

    30. ? a&e ret(rne$ ... o% t e )ooks ? )orroGe$.AJ an' @J t e most

    J F(ite a man' KJ mos

    31. M en ansGering t e F(estions+ )ot appli/ants so(n$e$ ... t e same.AJ m(/ @J as like

    J most KJ &er'

    32. T e /ase Gas %(ll ... /lot es.AJ Git @J in

    J o% KJ )'

    33. Are 'o( going to t e airport to see t em ...LAJ o(t @J at

    J o%% KJ aGa'

    34. ?% 'o( /an ol$ ... a min(te+ ?Hll tell Ann 'o(Hre on t e p one.AJ %or @J on

    J o%% KJ (p

    3 . IPisten+ t e 5ope is ... .I+ e /alle$.AJ in t e )roa$/ast @J at t e air

    J in t e tele&ision KJ on t e air

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    43. ? Gante$ ... t e pop star+ )(t ? a$ an a//i$ent.AJ to meeting @J meeting

    J meet KJ to meet

    44. I1H&e /ome ere %or t e Gin$s(r%ing.I I o 'o(H&e j(st /on a&e 'o(LIAJ to Gin$s(r%ing @J Gin$s(r%

    J to Gin$s(r% KJ so t at 'o( Gin$s(r%

    4 . eila s o(l$ )e in t e o%%i/e )' eig t )(t ar$l' e&er t(r )e%ore al% past eig t.AJ o(t @J (p

    J in KJ )a/k

    46. T e ps'/ iatrist Gante$ to learn i% is patient ... eno(g sleep.AJ /an get @J as got

    J is getting KJ Gas getting

    4!. T e speaker ... to a&e arri&e$ %irst.AJ tol$ @J Gas sa*$

    J sai$ KJ e pe/te$

    4". IM at ... at 9 last nig tL ? rang t e )ell )(t no)o$' ansGeAJ Gere 'o( $oing @J a&e 'o( )een $oing

    J /o(l$ 'o( )e $oing KJ a$ 'o( $one

    49. KonHt to(/ t e s/reen+ ... 'o(LAJ s o(l$ @J $i$nHt

    J Gill KJ /o(l$

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    14. =e /o(l$nHt make imsel% (n$erstoo$ in #e i/o )e/a(se spoke ... panis .AJ little @J some

    J a little KJ not

    1 . =e $i$nHt Gant to marr' er+ an$ s e $i$nHt Gant to marr'AJ eit er @J neit er

    J also KJ too

    16. =e %irst pla'e$ t e piano ... .AJ G en 4 'ears ol$ Gas e @J at t e age o% 4

    J G en e a$ 4 'ears KJ at age o% 4 'ears

    1!. eHs ... satis%ie$ Git er marrie$ li%e.AJ no longer @J more so

    J not more KJ alrea$' not

    1". ? ... i% ? a$ )een Garne$ in a$&an/e.AJ ne&er a&e trie$ @J Go(l$nHt a&e ne&er trie$

    J Go(l$ ne&er a&e trie$ KJ ne&er Go(l$ a&e trie$

    19.? ... at ome sin/e m' mot er got )etter last Geek.AJ ate @J a$ )een eating

    J a&e )een eating KJ Gas eating

    20.? ... er i% s e a$ tol$ me a)o(t er (m&illingness to a& / il$.AJ Go(l$ a&e marrie$ @J Go(l$ ne&er a&e marrie$ne&er

    J ne&er Go(l$ marrie$ KJ Go(l$nHt a&e ne&er marrie

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    2". ?Hll Gas t e /ar G ile 'o( ... t e grass.AJ Gill )e /(tting @J are /(tting

    J Hll /(t KJ Gill )e /(t

    29. ?% onl' ? ... tra&ellerHs / e/ks to t e tates Git me last 'ear OAJ took @J Go(l$ a&e taken

    J a$ taken KJ a&e taken

    30. ?% 'o( elpe$ im+ e ... t ank 'o(.AJ mig t @J /an

    J Gill KJ m(st

    31. ?s t ere an't ing ? /o(l$ $rink ...LAJ o(t o% @J %rom t at

    J o(t o% it KJ %rom G at

    32.?t looks ... itHs going to rain.AJ as i% @J like as

    J as KJ like as i%

    33. Co)o$' kneG ... an' %oo$ le%t a%ter t e part'.AJ i% t ere is @J i% t ere Gas

    J i% Gas t ere KJ i% is t ere

    34. PetHs get going+ ... .AJ s all Ge @J $o Ge

    J Gill Ge KJ GonHt Ge

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    42.I? $onHt nee$ t is %o(ntain pen.I IQi&e it ... .IAJ o(t @J aGa'

    J (p KJ o%%

    43.T e ski instr(/tor me oG ... t(rn le%t or rig tAJ /an ? @J am ? a)le to

    J /o(l$ 1 KJ ? /o(l$

    44. T e' got marrie$ onl' last R/to)er )(t t e' $onHt seem to ... Gell.AJ get ro(n$ @J get aGa'

    J get on KJ get t ro(g

    4 . ... is ... )asi/ s()je/t at s/ ool.AJ A istor' a @J =istor'

    J =istor' a KJ T e istor' t e

    46. KonHt spen$ 'o(r mone' ... (seless t ings.AJ )' @J at

    J %or KJ on

    4!. No(H$ )etter not ... to s(r% again.AJ tr'ing @J trie$

    J to tr' KJ tr'

    4".M ere $i$ 'o( sa' ...LAJ a$ 'o( gone @J $i$ 'o( go

    J 'o( Gill go KJ 'o( a$ gone

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    6. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst

    1. I... t e omelette 'etLI ICo+ ?Hm still making it.IAJ Mill 'o( eat @J =a&e 'o( eaten

    J Ko 'o( eat KJ Mere 'o( eating

    2. IPetHs pla' tennis+ s all GeLI I...I

    AJ Co+ ?H$ )etter $onHt. @J Co+ ? Go(l$ )etter not.J Co+ ?H$ rat er not KJ Co+ ? Go(l$ not.

    3.... $i$ 'o(r Gi%e last /ookLAJ in/e G en @J =oG long ago

    J =oG long KJ =oG man' time ago

    4. Me ... 10 min(tes )e%ore t e tea/ er arri&e$.AJ a$ Gaite$ @J Gere Ga*te$

    J a&e Gaite$ KJ s o(l$ Gait

    . ... going to t at part'L ? t ink it Go(l$ )e a Gaste o% timeAJ ?s it Gort @J ?s it an' (se o%

    J ?s it senseless KJ ?s t ere an' point

    6. ? a&e )o(g t tGo ties )(t ? $onHt Gear ... o% t em.AJ eit er @J )ot

    J none KJ an'

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    42.;on ... %or al% an o(r G en :(lia arri&e$.AJ as )een Gaiting @J Gas Gaiting

    J a$ )een Gaiting KJ a$ )een Gaite$

    43.T is is ... p($$ing ? a&e e&er eaten.AJ t e most )a$ @J t e Gorse

    J )a$$est KJ t e Gorst

    44.=e ... ate+ $rank+ nor smoke$.AJ nor @J eit er

    J neit er KJ not

    4 . M en ? Gas a / il$ Ge ... %oot)all e&er' $a'.AJ a$ pla'e$ @J a&e )een pla'ing

    J (se$ to pla' KJ Gere (se$ to pla'

    46. Me Gere Gorrie$ ... get lost in t e $esert.AJ t at Ge /an @J t at Ge ma' )e

    J t at Ge mig t KJ t at Ge Gill

    4!. M en 'o( ... in Englan$+ 'o(Hll )e impresse$ )' t e politenes o% t e ritis .AJ arri&e @J a$ arri&e$

    J arri&e$ KJ Gill arri&e

    4". M o ... Git at t is time 'ester$a'LAJ Gere 'o( a&ing $inner @J 'o( a$ $inner

    J $i$ a&e $inner KJ a&e 'o( a$ $inner

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    7. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst

    1.I? saG t e /(p %inal last nig t.I I...IAJ ? saG also. @J o $i$ ?.

    J o ? saG. KJ ? a&enHt.

    2.IKi$ e )reak is leg G en e %ell $oGnLI I... .I

    AJ 1 $onHt ope so. @J ? ope not.J ? ope no. KJ Co+ ? ope.

    3.... ? Gere a)le to sGim OAJ ?% onl' @J ? Go(l$ like it

    J ? ope t at KJ Mis ?

    4.... a goo$ %eeling not to knoG a)o(t t e $angers.AJ ?t Gas @J T ere Gas

    J =oG Gas KJ M at Gas

    .... $i$ 'o( rea$ ... appene$LAJ M at G ere it a$ @J M ere it a$

    J =oG a$ it KJ M ere a$ it

    6.... into t e pool is pro i)ite$.AJ An' j(mping @J ome kin$ o% j(mping

    J A j(mping KJ :(mping

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    14. ? /anHt p(t ... all t at noise.AJ on @J (p Git

    J along Git KJ aGa'

    1 . #r mit an$ #rs =(ll intro$(/e$ (s to a /olleag(e o% ... .AJ t eirsH @J t eir

    J t eirHs KJ t eirs

    16. T e lo&ers %irst ... 20 'ears ago.AJ met @J a&e met

    J meet KJ a$ met

    1!. e $i$ er )est at t e e am. e ... an' )etter t en.AJ Go(l$nHt a&e $one @J Go(l$nHt )e a)le to $o

    J /o(l$nHt a&e $one KJ /o(l$nHt )e a)le to $o

    1".I=oG $i$ 'o( like t e /a)aretLI IMell+ it Gas ... .IAJ so %(n @J s(/ %(nn'

    J rat er too interesting KJ prett' goo$

    19.T e %oreman spoke ... )e al% ... t e Gorkers.AJatt e o% @Jon o%

    J on %or KJ in %or

    20.? Go(l$ rat er 'o( ... .AJ are not going @J not go

    J $i$nHt go KJ $onHt go

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    2". I#' Gat/ is sloG.I INo( ... .I AJ m(st a&e a$ it @J s o(l$ a&e it men$e$ repaire$ J m(st a&e repaire$ it KJ s o(l$ make it men$e$

    29. I5eter is (nemplo'e$.I I=oG long ... o(t o% GorkLI AJ as e )een @J Gas e J e Gill )e KJ a$ e )een

    30. #' %ian/e aske$ me i% ... man' girl%rien$s )e%ore. AJ ? a$ a$ @J $i$ ? a&e J ? a&e a$ KJ a$ ? a$

    31. (e pre%ers /o%%ee ... tea. AJ t an @J as J to KJ %rom

    32. Me )(ilt a %en/e aro(n$ o(r gar$en so t at no)o$' ... on laGn.

    Al /anHt Galk @J /o(l$ a&e Galke$ J Go(l$ Galk KJ Gill Galk

    33.Qreg is a lot ... is )rot er. AJ taller as @J more tall t an

    J taller t an KJ taller t en

    34. #ark is /onsi$ere$ ... an e /ellent tea/ er. All is st($eWlo&e im. AJ t at e is @J a&ing )een

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    42. ?tHs no (se going to t e se/on$ an$ market. T e / eaper arti/les are ... . AJ sol$ o(t @J sol$ o%% J sol$ (p KJ sol$ aGa'

    43. T ere Gere ... appli/ants to inter&ieG. AJ rat er man' @J too m(/ J %ar too m(/ KJ too man'

    44. ?s t ere an' / an/e o% ... ti/kets %or tonig tHs per%orman/eL AJ Ge getting @J getting J a&ing got KJ get

    4 . ?% ? )(' t is $i/tionar' too+ ? ... %o(r. AJ Go(l$ a&e @J Gill a&e a$ J s all a&e KJ am a&ing

    46. All t e passengers ... Git t e )(s jo(rne' )' t e time t e' arri&e$ in i/il'. AJ Gere %ee$ing (p @J %e$ (p

    J a&e %e$ (p KJ a$ )een %e$ (p

    4!. E&er')o$' is looking %orGar$ to ... a repl' %rom 'o(. AJ )e got @J a&e got J get KJ getting

    4". M atHs t e matterL No( ... to a&e )een treate$ )a$l'. AJ are tooking @J look J are seeming KJ seem

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    8. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. IMill ett' /ome to t e part'LI I?Hm not F(ite s(re+ )(t ? t ink ... .I AJ so @J 'es J it KJ t at

    2. . + t e longer t e $a's got.

    AJ =e Gent to t e @J T e nort er Gent e nort %art er J T e more %ar to t e KJ T e %(rt er to t e nort e nort e Gent Gent

    3. ... e $i$nHt earn m(/ + e took part in an e pensi&e trip. AJ Kespite @J E&en t o(g J @ontrar' to KJ ?n spite o%

    4. ... a s ame Ge $i$nHt re/ognize t e )oss in t e street. AJ M atHs @J ?tHs J =oGHs KJ T ereHs

    . ... t e tGo /an$i$ates so(n$e$ goo$ eno(g . AJ ot @J Ceit er o% J Cone o% KJ Co one

    6. ... t e piano sin/e ? took (p t e intensi&e /o(rse in programming.

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    14. =oG long ... t e engineers to %in$ t e %a(ltL AJ Gill take @J takes J take KJ $i$ it take

    1 . M ile #ar' Gas a&ing a )at 5eter ... t e $ete/ti&e stor' on T . AJ a$ )een Gat/ ing @J Gas Gat/ e$ J as Gat/ e$ KJ Gas Gat/ ing

    16. ?n ?tal' ? )o(g t ... %or m' %at er. AJ one tro(ser @J tro(sers J a pair o% tro(ser KJ a /o(ple o% tro(sers

    1!. Me a&e )een li&ing in ($apest sin/e m' (s)an$ ... a goo$ jo) ere. AJ as got @J as )een getting J got KJ $i$ get

    1". ? s(ggeste$ ... a /ar in Ameri/a to e plore t e /o(ntr'. AJ to rent @J im renting J im t at e rente$ KJ e s o(l$ rent

    19. T e s(permarket GonHt /lose ... 9 oH/lo/k. AJ to @J as %ar as J till KJ G ile

    20. IM ' $oes e look so terri)leLI I e/a(se e ... all nig t.I AJ a$ )een $r(nk @J as )een $rinking J $rinks KJ is $rinking

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    2". =e ... a stor' to am(se t e people at t e part'. AJ ma$e (p @J took (p J li%te$ (p KJ p(t (p

    29. =oG Go(l$ t e' ... t at pro)lem+ e Gon$ere$. AJ get o&er @J get in J get (n$er KJ get aGa'

    30. ... goo$ res(lts are to )e repeate$.

    AJ Past 'earsHs @J Past 'earHs J Past 'ear KJ Past 'ears

    31. ... 'o( an$ me+ ? t ink eHs rat er st(pi$. AJ etGeen @J Mit J Among KJ Toget er

    32. No( s o(l$ p(t asi$e ... 'o( in erite$. AJ @J t at

    J t at G at KJ G at

    33. ?s t is ... )rea$ Ge a&e %or ... s(pperL AJ @J t e J t e t e KJ t e

    34. T is motorGa' ... long ago. AJ s o(l$ a&e )(ilt @J s o(l$ )e )(ilt J s o(l$ a&e )een )(ilt KJ o(g t to a&e )(ilt

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    42. =e /an ar$l' Galk. =e ... )e ill. AJ a&e to @J m(st J nee$ KJ /an

    43. T is me$i/ine is not ... Git %oo$. AJ to take @J to a&e taken J to )e taken KJ a&e to take

    44. T e )ank ro))er $ro&e aGa' ... tGo ostages Git im. AJ taking @J to take J took KJ Gere taken

    4 . e $oesnHt )elie&e s e Gill e&er a&e ... . AJ a room o% oGn @J a room o% er oGn J an oGn room KJ a room o% ers

    46. Me ma$e ... F(i/kl'.

    AJ %rien$ @J %rien$s J t e %rien$s KJ o(r %rien$s ip

    4!. M at ... 'o( sneezeL AJ $oes make @J $o 'o( make J makes KJ $oes it make

    4". No( ... m(/ mone' %or iking. AJ $onHt nee$ @J m(stnHt a&e

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    9. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I... goo$ /are o% t is ol$ o(se an$ ... a//(stome$ to its $is/om%orts+I s e sai$. AJ ? a&e took a&e groGn @J ? take greG J ? took get KJ ? a&e taken a&e groGn

    2. IPisten+ t e 5rime #inister is ... .I

    AJ in t e )roa$/ast @J at t e air J in t e ra$io KJ on t e air

    3. I e sai$ s e a$nHt met m' sister at t e part'.I I.. I AJ =as s eL @J =asnHt s eL J Ki$ s eL KJ Ki$nHt s eL

    4. IM i/ perio$ o% istor' are 'o( intereste$ inLI I?n ... .I AJ Morl$ Mar t e se/on$ @J Morl$ Mar ??

    J e/on$ Morl$ Mar KJ t e Morl$ Mar tGo

    . ... a goo$ t ing 'o(r mot er $i$nHt %in$ o(t. AJ ?tHs @J T ereHs J =oGHs KJ M atHs

    6. ... ti/kets are getting more e pensi&e+ ? still like going to t e /inema. AJ (t @J ?n spite o% J Alt o(g KJ Kespite

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    14. e as promise$ to /ome to see me ... ne t mont . AJ in t is @J in J t e KJ

    1 . Me arrange$ to meet at t e airport )(t s e $i$nHt s oG ... . AJ o(t @J (p J in KJ on

    16. =oGe&er ar$ e tries to t(rn t e ke'+ it ... t(rn. AJ /anHt @J s anHt

    J GonHt KJ not going to

    1!. ? ... go ri$ing a lot+ )(t ? a&enHt a$ a / an/e to $o it sin/e ? le%t s/ ool. AJ %reF(entl' @J (se$ to J am (se$ to KJ e&er

    1". ?H$ rat er Tim ... at on/e. AJ a$ le%t @J le%t J lea&es KJ to lea&e

    19. T e' sa' Ge /an see t eir o(se G en t e' ... in.AJ Gill a&e mo&e$ @J Gill mo&e

    J mo&e$ KJ a&e mo&e$

    20. =e is st($'ing &er' ar$ at t e moment+ )e/a(se e ... is e am ne t Geek. AJ is taking @J Go(l$ take J as taken KJ Gill a&e taken

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    2". T e me/ ani/ ... t e pa'ment %or ser&i/ing t e /ar. AJ Gill )e sent @J going to sen$ J Gill sen$ing KJ Gill )e sen$

    29. #' $a(g ter alGa's pra/tises t e &iolin in t e a%ternoon+ ... anno's most o% o(r neig )o(rs. AJ G at @J t at J G i/ KJ

    30. Cot ... mem)ers o% t e /ommittee Gere present at tt meeting. AJ ea/ @J e&er'

    J all t e KJ t e G ole

    31. :ill aske$ :oe oG man' rooms ... . AJ e a$ )ooke$ @J $i$ e )ook J e as )ooke$ KJ Gas e )ooking

    32. #' girl %rien$ is m(/ ... 'o(rs. AJ ni/er as @J more ni/er t an

    J ni/er t an KJ ni/er t en

    33. M en ? ... t e Gork o% one $epartment ? Gas mo&e$ to anot er one. AJ a$ learnt @J Gas learning J learn KJ a&e learnt

    34. Mill 'o( please stop+ ?H$ like to get ... t e /ar. AJ o(t o% @J aGa' J %rom KJ ri$

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    10. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I... tra&elling a lotLI ICo+ ? like it.I AJ Ko 'o( like @J Ko 'o( pre%er J Ko 'o( min$ KJ Mo(l$ 'o( rat er

    2. I eila Gorks in a )ank+ $oesnHt s eLI IT atHs rig t+ ... .I

    AJ s e Gorks @J s e $oesnHt J s e $oes KJ s e is

    3. IKo 'o( knoG G ose t ese )ooks areLI IT e' are ... .I AJ is @J er J m' KJ t eir

    4. I in/e G en ... stan$ing in t is F(e(eLI IAn o(r. ? $onHt t ink ?Hll Gait an' longer.I AJ 'o( a&e )een @J are 'o(

    J a&e 'o( )een KJ Gere 'o(

    . ... $i$ e tell 'o( ... Gaiting %or meL AJ M at G ere e Gas @J M at G ere Go(l$ e J M ere e Gas KJ M ere Gas e

    6. ... as a pattern o% G ite an$ re$ $ots. AJ Ceit er s irt @J Ea/ o% s irts J ot s irt KJ Ceit er s irts

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    2". ? t ink ... a /oat+ it m(st )e &er' /ol$ o(tsi$e.

    AJ ? m(st a&e p(t on @J ?H$ )etter p(t on J ? s o(l$ a&e )een KJ ? Go(l$ p(t on p(t on

    29. ? Gis Ge ... to see t at pla'. ?t Gas terri)l' )oring. AJ $i$nHt go @J Go(l$nHt go J a&enHt gone KJ a$nHt gone

    30. ? Go(l$ a&e e plaine$ it all i% e ... me to.

    AJ as aske$ @J s o(l$ a&e aske$ J a$ aske$ KJ aske$

    31. ? alGa's rea$ a )ook G ile ... on t e )ea/ . AJ ?H&e la'ing @J l'ing J ? la'ing KJ )eing l'ing

    32. ?% ? ... all m' mone'+ ?H$ )e a)le to )(' t at at. AJ $onHt lose @J a$nHt lost

    J Go(l$nHt a&e lost KJ $i$nHt lose

    33. ? a$ m' ear p ones on an$ /o(l$ not ear t at t e telep one . AJ as r(ng @J Gas ringing J r(ng KJ as )een ringing

    34. PetHs get a mo&e on+ ...L AJ s all Ge @J Gill Ge J let Ge KJ $o Ge

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    42. T e )lo/k o% %lats ... Gas reno&ate$ last 'ear.

    AJ t e roGns li&e in @J G at t e roGns li&e in J in t at t e roGns li&e KJ G ere t e roGns li&e in

    43. ? go sGimming tGi/e ... Geek. AJ @J a J t e KJ on

    44. T e o(se asnHt / ange$ a lot ... Ge li&e$ ere a 'ear ago. AJ )e%ore @J %rom

    J sin/e KJ a%ter

    4 . No(r s oes a&e ... e&er' $a'. AJ /leane$ @J )een /leaning J to /lean KJ to )e /leane$

    46. Me m(st look %or it (ntil Ge ... it. AJ %in$ @J $onHt %in$ J GonHt %in$ KJ Gill %in$

    4!. M en t e / il$ren got to t e /inema t e' realize$ t at ... to )(' ti/kets. AJ no)o$' a$ @J e&er')o$' a&e %orgotten remem)ere$ J no)o$' as KJ no)o$' as %orgotten remem)ere$

    4". M en 'o( ... =elen+ tell er ?Hm e pe/ting er %or $inner AJ a&e seen @J are going to see

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    11. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I;o)ert tol$ me t at+ eX$ seen a DBR 'ester$a'.Y I?Hm s(re +.. 'o(r leg G en e sai$ t at.I AJ as p(lle$ @J as )een p(lling J Gas p lling KJ a$ p(lle$

    2. IMas e listening G en t e le/t(rer )egan to speakLI INes+ e . Z

    AJ Gas @J a$ J listene$ KJ $i$

    3. IT is pala/e ... aro(n$ 1600+I t e g(i$e sai$. AJ as )een )(ilt @J Gas )(il$ing J a$ )(ilt KJ Gas )(ilt

    4. ... $i$ 'o( ri$e 'o(r )ike 'ester$a'L AJ =oG long ago @J =oG longer J =oG %ar KJ =oG m(/

    . ... people $onHt reall' listen G en 'o( /omplain. AJ #ost @J #ost o% J T e most KJ T e most o%

    6. T e patients a&e )een Gaiting %or t e $o/tor ... . AJ sin/e an o(r @J %ar al% an o(r J sin/e al% an o(r KJ %or tGo oH/lo/k

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    14. #' assistant is all rig t ... eHs le%t to $o t e jo) t e Ga' e Gants to.

    AJ as long as @J meanG ile J in /ase KJ so %ar as

    1 . =e is so intereste$ in is jo) t at not ing ... appens /an $ist(r) im. AJ G i/ e&er @J G at J G i/ KJ t at

    16. T e oGner o% t e %a/tor' t inks e /an $o an't ing sin/e ... pa's o(r Gages. AJ it is e @J it is im

    J it is e G o KJ it is G o

    1!. ?% ? a$ knoGn t e ansGer+ ? ... 'o(. AJ ne&er a&e aske$ @J Go(l$nHt a&e ne&er aske$ J Go(l$ ne&er a&e aske$ KJ Go(l$ a&e ne&er asking 1". ?% 'o( ... again+ 'o( Go(l$ s(//ee$. AJ Go(l$ a&e trie$ @J trie$ J tr' KJ a$ trie$

    19. ? ... t is magazine aro(n$ %or $a's Git o(t opening it+ )(t ?Hll start rea$ing it noG. AJ /arr' @J a&e )een /arr'ing J am /arr'ing KJ a$ )een /arr'ing

    20. #' Gi%e /an ar$l' )elie&e t at s e ... 40 ne t 'ear. AJ is going to )e @J Go(l$ )e J Hll a&e )een KJ is )eing

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    29. ?% onl' ? ... i% t e o&en is sGit/ e$ o%% O CoG ?Hll a&e to go )a/k to make s(re. AJ / e/ke$ @J Go(l$ a&e / e/ke$ J a$ / e/ke$ KJ a&e / e/ke$

    30. ?% 'o( tol$ er+ s e ... elp 'o(. AJ mig t @J /an J Gill KJ m(st

    31. ?t GasnHt knoGn ... an' /as(alties in t e a//i$ent.

    AJ G et er t ere are @J G et er t ere Gere J G et er Gere t ere KJ G et er are t ere

    32. 5 'si/s ... $i%%i/(lt. ? s(ppose 'o( $onHt like ... . AJ is it @J are t em J are it KJ is t em

    33. T e grass in o(r gar$en nee$s ... . AJ /(t @J to /(t

    J /(tting KJ to )e /(tting

    34. T e passengers Gaite$ %or t e /oa/ ... . AJ /oming @J to /ome J to a&e /ome KJ /ame

    3 . omeone ... t e )(il$ing sin/e t en. AJ ma' )e entere$ @J ma' a&e entere$ J /an )e entering KJ /an a&e entere$

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    43. T is morning o(r managing $ire/tor got a letter o% resignati/ ... )' is $ep(t'.

    AJ Grote @J signat(re J signe$ KJ signing

    44. No(H&e misse$ too man' /lasses. No(H$ )etter not ... an' more. AJ missing @J misse$ J to miss KJ miss

    4 . M en Ge ... t e room+ t e or/ estra Gas pla'ing a Galtz.

    AJ Go(l$ enter @J entere$ in J le%t %rom KJ entere$

    46. M en s e arri&e$ in Pon$on s e %o(n$ t at t i prono(n/iation Gas F(ite $i%%erent %rom ... at s/ ool. AJ s(/ as s e learne$ @J G at s e a$ learne$ J G i/ s e learne$ KJ s e as learne$

    4!. Ko 'o( t ink Tom Gill ... )e t ere or Gill e a&e %inis e$L AJ a an' more @J 'et

    J alrea$' KJ still

    4".No( ne&er $ine o(t+ ...L AJ $o 'o( @J $onHt 'o( J a&e 'o( KJ a&enHt 'o(

    49.=a&e some more O No( a&e $r(nk ar$l' ... . AJ not ing @J somet ing J an't ing KJ someG at

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    14. ?Hm sorr' ? lost sig t o% im+ ? ... im onl' i% e a$nHt )een r(nning so %ast. AJ Go(l$ a&e )een @J a$ %olloGe$ a)le to %olloG J Gill a&e %olloGe$ KJ /o(l$ %olloG

    1 . KonHP t roG t at )ag .. + it /an )e (se%(l one $a'. AJ o%% @J o(t o% J aGa' KJ o&er

    16. T e ro))er ... /oming o(t o% t e )ank. AJ a$ seen @J Gill a&e seen J as seen KJ Gas seen

    1!. Qeorge starte$ Gork onl' a mont ago an$ e alrea$' as ... %rien$s. AJ a %eG @J not man' J lot o% KJ none

    1". #ar' listene$ eagerl' to ... er mot er Gas sa'ing.

    AJ G at @J t at G at J t at KJ

    19. ? ... iking Git m' %rien$s noG an$ t en. AJ a&e )een going @J am J G en KJ go

    20. ? $onHt like /ooking )(t ? ... . #' Gi%e is in ospital. AJ o(g t @J nee$

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    2". ?t is tGo 'ears sin/e e last ... to me.

    AJ asnHt spoken @J spoke J as spoken KJ $i$nHt speak

    29. ?t Gas kin$ ... me ome. AJ o% 'o(r taking @J o% 'o( to take J t at 'o( taking KJ at 'o( take

    30. T e %ore/ast sai$ rain+ ...L No( o(g t to take a rain/oat. AJ ma')e @J isnHt it

    J $i$nHt it KJ Grong

    31. #' %at er ne&er as an' time. =e ... Gork so m(/ . AJ s o(l$nHt @J mig tnHt J o(g tnHt KJ Go(l$nHt

    32. #' gran$mot er sai$ t at ... people are &er' insensiti&e t ese $a's. AJ @J a J t at KJ e&er'

    33. :a/k ... alGa's ... is note)ook. =e s o(l$ reall' )e more /are%(l. AJ loses @J is losing J a$ lost KJ (se$ to lose

    34. Mill 'o( ... m' $og G ile ? am on oli$a'L AJ /are @J look a%ter J take /are %or KJ min$ %or

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    43. T e' Gante$ to go ome ... )(s+ )(t t e' misse$ t e last one. AJ Git @J on J )' KJ in

    44. M en Ge got to 5eterHs o(se ... a /ar parke$ o(tsi$e t e garage. AJ it Gas @J t ere Gas J it as )een KJ t ere as )een

    4 . M en ? /ame )a/k into m' room m' Gallet ... .

    AJ a$ )een gone @J Gas gone J as gone KJ Gent

    46. M i/ o% t e %olloGing p rases means< I=e aske$ me o(t.IL AJ =e aske$ me a %eG F(estions G en ? got o(tsi$e. J =e Gante$ me to go o(tsi$e. @J =e sai$ e Go(l$ meet me o(tsi$e. KJ =e in&ite$ me to go o(t Git im.

    4!. M at ... ?Hll $oL AJ 'o( $o e pe/t @J $o 'o( e pe/t J 'o( e pe/t KJ e pe/t 'o(

    4". M en ? arri&e ome Gill 'o( )e aGake or Gill 'o( a&e gone to sleepL AJ an' more @J 'et J alrea$' KJ still

    49. No( nee$nHt )e grate%(l+ itHs ... /an $o %or 'o(.

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    13. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I? ... goo$ /are o% t is ol$ /ar o% mine an$ ... p(t (p Git its Ga's+I t e ol$ man sai$. AJ a&e took am a)le @J take /o(l$ J took a&e )een KJ a&e taken /an a)le to

    2. IKi$ t e / il$ren reall' r(in t e %(rnit(reLI INes+ t e' .. AJ $i$ @J r(in it J a&e r(ine$ KJ a$ r(ine$

    3. I?s t is /oat 5eterHsLI IR + itHs .. + ? t ink.I AJ er @J m' J is KJ 'o(r

    4. ... sisters ga&e me )ooks %or m' )irt $a'.

    AJ Ea/ o% m' @J Ea/ o% J E&er' o% m' KJ E&er' o%

    . ... is a&aila)le in 'o(r size. AJ Ceit er )lo(se @J Ea/ o% )lo(ses J ot )lo(se KJ Ceit er )lo(ses

    6. ... is &er' e pesi&e noGa$a's. AJ B(rnit(res @J B(rnit(re

    J ?tems o% %(rnit(re KJ A pie/e o% %(rnit(res

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    14. T e pro%essor Gante$ to li&e ... t e (ni&ersit' G ere e ta(g t.

    AJ ne t @J /lose J near KJ on

    1 . =e $i$nHt sleep a?l nig t+ an$ s e $i$nHt sleep ... . AJ eit er @J neit er J nor KJ too

    16. =e got is %irst passport ... . AJ G en 14 'ears @J at t e age o% 14

    Gere is age J G en e a$ 14 'ears KJ at age o% 14 'ears ol$

    1!. T e re/eptionist sai$ t e' ... pa' e tra %or (sing t e sGimming pool. AJ $i$nHt a&e to @J a$ )etter to J Go(l$ )etter KJ o(g tnHt O

    1". ? ... t e opport(nit' to talk to im 'et. AJ $i$ a&e @J a$nHt got

    J a&enHt a$ KJ GasnHt a&ing

    19. =e is alGa's looking ... t e morning papers. AJ %or rea$ing @J at to rea$ J %orGar$ to rea$ KJ %orGar$ to rea$ing

    20. =is tea/ er /anHt ... is laziness an' more. AJ /at/ (p Git @J /ome $oGn Git J p(t (p Git KJ make o%% Git

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    2". ?% e ate less+ e ... lose Geig t.

    AJ a$ to @J Go(l$ a&e J as to KJ mig t

    29. ?n most o%%i/es in ritain+ Gork ... at nine oH/lo/k. AJ )egins @J )eg(n J is )egan KJ Gill )eginning

    30. e looks ... s eHs going to %aint. AJ as i% @J like as

    J as KJ i%

    31. PetHs sit $oGn ere+ ...L AJ s all Ge @J $o Ge J Gill Ge KJ GonHt Ge

    32. Rne o% t e /ompanWs laG'ers ... t e /ase %or mont s noG. AJ as )een st($'ing @J Gas st($'ing J as )een st($ie$ KJ a$ st($ie$

    33. e atten$e$ an e&ening /o(rse ... . AJ %or learn Englis @J %or learning Englis J to Pearn Englis KJ %or to learn Englis

    34. Me m(st ... o(r season ti/kets ... . AJ a&e reneGe$ @J get to reneG J make reneGe$ KJ make U reneG

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    43. M at ... G en t e inspe/tor arri&e$L AJ $i$ e $one @J as e )een $oing J Gas e $oing KJ as e $one

    44. ?% 'o( a$ $one as ? tol$ 'o(+ 'o( ... . AJ a$ s(//ee$e$ @J Gill s(//ee$ J s(//ee$e$ KJ Go(l$ a&e s(//ee$e$

    4 . M at Go(l$ 'o( $o i% t e / il$ren ... t e ke's to t e %latL

    AJ Go(l$ lose @J lose J lost KJ a&e lost

    46. M en ? saG gran$pa %or t e last time+ e Gas $ri&ing ... is tra/tor. AJ @J )' J Git KJ in

    4!. M en Ge ... t e room+ t e ra$io Gas pla'ing so%t m(si/. AJ le%t %or @J entere$ in

    J le%t %rom KJ entere$

    4". M ere $i$ s e sa' ...L AJ $i$ s e Gant to sit J s e Gante$ sitting @J $oes s e Gant to sit KJ s e Gante$ to sit

    49. M i/ pla' Go(l$ 'o( ... me to seeL

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    14. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I...I aske$ t e mot er G en s e entere$ t e kit/ en an$ saG t e mess. AJ M at a$ 'o( $oneL @J M at Gere 'o( $oneL J M at a&e 'o( KJ M at Gas $oneL )een $oingL

    2. I? ope 'o( $i$nHt %orget ... m' /ar$ on 'o(r Ga' to s/ oolLY IR + ?Hm so sorr'+ ? $i$.I AJ posting @J a&ing poste$ J to post KJ to a&e poste$

    3. I?Hm a%rai$ ? spilt some re$ Gine on 'o(r ta)le /lot . ?Hm terri)l' sorr'.I I...I AJ Ce&er min$O @J @ eerioO J Cot ingO KJ No( are GeleomeO

    4. ... Geig t 'o( lose+ t e )etter 'o( look. AJ #ore @J T e more J T e most KJ #(/

    . Ki$ 'o( ask im ... e Gent in t e /ar on #on$a'L AJ oG F(i/k @J oG long J oG %ar KJ oG m(/

    6. ... emplo'ees are satisae$ Git t e neG management. AJ #ore @J T e most

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    14. ? $onHt knoG G ere CeGton ... .

    AJ Gas )eare$ @J )orne$ J )ore KJ Gas )orn

    1 . e agree$ to /ome Git (s ... s e GasnHt &er' keen. AJ G ile @J alt o(g J $espite KJ sin/e

    16. #' %rien$ aske$ me G at ? ... )e%ore e /alle$. AJ ma' )e $oing @J a$ $one

    J $o KJ s o(l$ $o

    1!. @an 'o( gi&e me an't ing %or ... )a$ toot a/ eL AJ t e @J s(/ J a KJ

    1". M en Ge Gorke$ in Pi&erpool Ge li&e$ ... 32+ Nork ;oa$. AJ at @J on J in KJ (n$er

    19. =e GonHt )e a great elp. =e ... . AJ ar$l' Gorks @J ar$l' is Gorking J Gorks ar$ KJ is Gorking ar$

    20. ;i/ ar$ nee$e$ ... mone' e a$ in t e )ank. AJ lot o% @J a %eG J t e G nle W% KJ all t e

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    2". #' parents a&e in&ite$ ... people to o(r Ge$$ing re/eption.

    AJ lot o% @J s(/ a lot [ J lots o% KJ m(/

    29. ?H&e got ti/kets %or t e ZTitani/Y. Mo(l$ 'o( like ...L AJ /ome Git me @J /oming Git me J to /ome Git me KJ to /oming Git me

    30. ?% 'o( post 'o(r letter noG it s o(l$ )e in Pon$on ... Bri$a' t e latest. AJ )' @J %rom

    J (ntil KJ to

    31. ?H&e alGa's looke$ ... to m(si/ians. ? %in$ t em Gon$er%(l. AJ o&er @J at J t ro(g KJ (p to

    32. #' mot er is &er' ill+ s e ... %or 3 $a's noG. AJ a$nHt eaten @J GasnHt eating J $i$nHt eat KJ asnHt eaten

    33. E&er')o$' kneG G at ... %or a li&ing+ )(t no)o$' /are$. AJ $i$ e $o @J e Gas $oing J e as $one KJ Gas e $oing

    34. ?tHs s(/ a pit' 'o( are ... $(t'+ ? Gante$ to in&ite 'o( to m' part' tonig t. AJ o%% @J o% J on KJ aGa'

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    43. M en s e arri&e$ ome+ s e ... not a&ing sta'e$ longer.

    AJ Gas regrette$ @J regrets J regrette$ KJ Gill a&e regrette$

    44. M ile ? ... in t e mo(ntains+ ? ... m' ankle. AJ Gas sk ng @J Gas sk ng )roke Gas )reaking J $i$ ski )roke KJ skie$ Gas )reaking

    4 . Mo(l$ 'o( ... t e / il$ren G ile ? am aGa' s oppingL

    AJ min$ %or @J take /are J look a%ter KJ /are o%

    46. No( /an get e&er't ing ... 'o( Gis %or. AJ t at @J G at J G i/ KJ G o

    4!. No( nee$nHt ... %or im+ eHll go G en e as %inis e$. AJ to Gaiting @J to Gait

    J Gaiting KJ Gait4". No( a&e 'o(r l(n/ at 1 oH/lo/k+ ...L AJ a&enHt 'o( got @J a&e 'o( J $o 'o( KJ $onHt 'o(

    49. M ' $i$nHt 'o( lea&e earlierL ? tol$ 'o( ? ... . AJ Go(l$nHt a&e /ome @J $i$nHt /ome J a&e not /ome KJ GasnHt /oming

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    15. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1.AJ Bor ? Gaite$ at t e )(s stop eig t long o(rs. J ? Gaite$ %or at t e )(s stop eig t long o(rs. @J At t e )(s stop %or eig t o(rs long ? Gaite$.

    KJ ? Gaite$ at t e )(s stop %or eig t long o(rs.

    2.IAre 'o( going to tell imLI ICo+ )(t ? .. + i% ? kneG more a)o(t it.I AJ /an @J Go(l$ J am KJ Gill

    3. I? ... /ooking )' t e time 'o( get ome.I AJ Gill )e %inis e$ @J Gill a&e )een %inis ing J Gill %inis e$ KJ Gill a&e %inis e$

    4. ICi/e $a'.I I...I AJ Nes+ t ere is. @J ? t ink it so. J Nes+ it is+ isnHt itL KJ Co+ ? t ink too.

    . ... Giss speak Qerman. AJ Cot ea/ @J Cot e&er' J Cone KJ Cot all

    6. ... a&e 'o( )een Gorking %or iemensL AJ =oG m(/ time @J =oG man' times

    J in/e G at time KJ =oG long

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    14. ? ate Gat/ ing a/tion %ilms ... T .

    AJ in t e @J in J on KJ on a

    1 . =eHs looking ... a jo) Git goo$ prospe/ts. AJ %or @J to J (p to KJ a%ter

    16. E a(st %(mes are likel' ... t e air. AJ to )lame %or poll(tion @J )laming to poll(te

    J to )lame to poll(te KJ to )e )lame$ %or poll(ting

    1!. ?t ... nearl' 'ears sin/e ? ... t at )ook. AJ is Grote @J Gas a&e Gritten J Gas Grote KJ as )een a&e Gritten

    1". ?t $i$nHt Gorr' me ... . AJ none @J a little eit er J in t e least KJ in all

    19. ?tHs ... 'o( $i$nHt knoG. AJ some nonsense @J no sense o% preten$ to preten$ J no point in preten$ing KJ no goo$ preten$ing

    20. eila likes going to t e $is/o an$ ... . AJ ? like too @J so go ? J so like ? KJ so $o ?

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    2". e asnHt arri&e$ 'et. ? Gon$er G at ... a&e appene$L

    AJ /o(l$ @J Go(l$ J nee$ KJ o(g t

    29. ome o% t ose ... are reall' aG%(l. AJ %(rnit(res @J %(rnit(re J items o% %(rnit(re KJ item

    30. =e ... elp a&ing )ig ears. AJ m(st @J nee$nHt

    J /anHt KJ is not to

    31. T e /'/list ro$e aGa' a%ter ... $oGn t e ol$ man. AJ )eing kno/ke$ @J kno/ke$ J Gas kno/king KJ kno/king

    32. T e )(t/ erHs ... t e /orner o% Rak treet an$ Elm treet. AJ at @J in J t ro(g KJ on

    33. T e #e$iterran /r(ise Gas ... . AJ great %(nn' @J great %(ns J a great %(n KJ great %(n

    34. Past at(r$a' Ge Gent to t e /inema an$ ... Ge Gent to Wresta(rant. AJ t an @J at last J a%terGar$s KJ meanG ile

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    43. Me Gere s(rprise$ G en Ge ... t at t e %en/e )etGeen t e tGo properties ... remo&e$. AJ Gere learning a$ )een @J kneG Gas J learne$ a$ )een KJ a$ knoGn a$ )een

    44. Me a&e ... %oo$ in t e %ri$ge. AJ %eG @J a %eG J a lot o% KJ man'

    4 . T e' Gent t ro(g t e Gar+ ... Gas a tra(ma %or e&er')o$'.

    AJ t at @J G i/ J G at KJ

    46. MeHre s ort o% milk. Ask o) .... some. AJ t at e )rings @J t at e Go(l$ )(' J in or$er to )(' KJ to )('

    4!. =e ... %rom is /ar G ile e Gas in t e li)rar'. AJ stole is Gallet @J a$ is Gallet stolen

    J a$ stole is Gallet KJ a$ is Gallet )een stolen4". M ile ? ... t e T m' o(se Gas )roken into. AJ Gas Gat/ ing @J a&e )een Gat/ ing J a$ Gat/ e$ KJ a&e Gat/ e$

    49. M o ... me /lear t e roa$ G en t ere is a ea&' snoG%allL AJ $o elping @J elping J $i$ elp KJ Gill elp

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    16. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I?s 'o(r o(se like t e Qre'sHLI INes+ itHs almost t e same as .Y AJ t em @J t e' J t eirs KJ t eirHs

    2. I@an Ge lea&e noGLI ICo+ ? ... m' s(it/ase.I AJ am still pa/king @J a&e still )een pa/king J am pa/king 'et KJ am alrea$' pa/king

    3. I=oG man' )ananas a&e Ge gotLI I...I AJ T ere isnHt @J :(st little an' )ananas at ome. J T ere arenHt some. KJ Cot too man'.

    4. t e more ? like im. AJ ? see im t e @J T e most o%ten more o%ten see ? im J ? see im t e KJ T e more o%ten most o%ten ? see im

    . ... a pit' ? $i$nHt meet im earlier.AJ M atHs @J ?tHs

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    13. =e Gante$ to knoG G at ... $oing.

    AJ s e Gas @J s e Gill J is s e KJ a$ s e )een

    14. ? ... an' opport(nit' to see t at %ilm 'et. AJ $i$nHt a&e @J a$nHt got J a&enHt a$ KJ GasnHt a&ing

    1 . ? /anHt (n$erstan$ ... e is talking a)o(t. AJ G at @J t at

    J G i/ KJ

    16. ? $onHt t ink s e ... in =(ngar'. AJ )ro(g t (p @J )ringe$ (p J Gas )ro(g t (p KJ Gas )ringing (p

    1!. ? $onHt t ink 'o(ngsters ... to smoke at s/ ool. AJ s o(l$ )e alloGe$ @J s o(l$ alloG J s o(l$ )e permit KJ s o(l$ let

    1". ? )(' ... s oes %or m' son e&er' eptem)er. AJ one pair @J a pair o% J t e KJ a /o(ple o%

    19. ? t ink ... (n$a's are )oring in ritain. AJ ea/ @J none J e&er' KJ all

    20 ? Gaite$ an$ Gaite$ %or er to get ome s e Gas st(/k in a tra%%i/ jam

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    2". R(r s/ oolHs %oot)all team %or t is 'ear as m(/ more talent t an ... . AJ last 'ears @J last 'earHs J t at o% last 'ear KJ last 'ear

    29. =enr' 7meeting an ol$ /olleag(e in t e street8< I=elloO ? $i$nHtknoG 'o( Gere in toGn. =oG long ... omeLI AJ a&e 'o( )een @J Gere 'o( J are 'o( )eing KJ a$ 'o( )een

    30. e Go(l$ like to get marrie$ )e%ore ...AJ s e Gill )e @J s e as )een J s e is KJ s e is )eing

    31. T e manager ma$e ... %i&e times last mont . AJ me Gork o&ertime @J me a&e o&ertime J me to Gork o&ertime KJ me making o&ertime

    32. T e /ar+ ... Gas a )la/k #er/e$es+ Gas stolen.

    AJ t at @J G at J G i/ KJ

    33. T e / il$ren Gere tol$ ... t eir %at erHs st($'. AJ ne&er enter @J to not enter J ne&er to enter KJ $onHt e&er enter

    34. ? a$ a sore t roat. T e )eer Gas ... /ol$ %or me to $rink. AJ so @J too

    J eno(g KJ %airl'

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    42. ? )o(g t ... %r(it at t e market. AJ %eG @J a %eG J a lot o% KJ man'

    43. M at ... G en t e )om) Gent o%%L AJ $i$ e $one @J as e )een $oing

    J Gas e $oing KJ a$ e )een $oing44. ?t Go(l$ )e terri)le i% 'o( ... o(t o% petrol on a $esert roa$. AJ a&e r(n @J r(n J Go(l$ r(n KJ ran

    4 . ? Gon$er G at e Go(l$ a&e $one i% e ... is Ga' in t e %orest. AJ Go(l$ lose @J loses J a$ lost KJ as lost

    46. =e Gas )(s' pa/king+ )e/a(se e ... t at nig t. AJ le%t @J a$ le%t J Gas lea&ing KJ Gill a&e le%t

    4!. No( ... a $ri&ing li/en/e %or t is jo). No(Hll onl' Gork in t e s op. AJ $onHt nee$ @J m(stnHt a&e J nee$nHt KJ a&enHt got

    4" =e Gorries too m(/ mone'

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    17. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    l. AJ AlGa's )e%ore starting 'o( s o(l$ / e/k 'o(r oil. J e%ore alGa's starting 'o( s o(l$ / e/k 'o(r oil. @J No( alGa's s o(l$ / e/k 'o(r oil )e%ore starting. KJ No( s o(l$ alGa's / e/k 'o(r oil )e%ore starting.

    2. IPetHs go %or a Galk.I ICo+ ... m' T programme t en.I AJ ?Hll a&e misse$ @J ?Hll miss J ?Hm to miss KJ ?Hll )e misse$

    3. I?H&e )een a&ing pro)lems Git m' stoma/ latel'.I AJ 'o(H&e )een a&ing @J 'o(H&e J 'o( a&e )een KJ a&e 'o(

    4. IPo&el' Geat er.I I...I AJ Nes+ t ereHs. @J ? t ink it so. J Nes+ it is+ isnHt itL KJ Co+ t ere isnHt.

    . IM at ... at 9 last nig tL ? rang t e )ell )(t no)o$' ansGere$ t e $oorI AJ Gere 'o( $oing @J a&e 'o( )een $oing J /o(l$ 'o( )e $oing KJ a$ 'o( $one

    6. ... )a)ies /r' at nig t.

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    13. Past 'ear er %at er Gas terri)l' (pset a)o(t er lea&ing t e

    /o(ntr'+ )(t noG eHs ... it. AJ got ro(n$ @J got o&er J got past KJ got (n$er

    14. e ... m' %a&o(rite a/tress. AJ as )een alGa's @ J is alGa's J as alGa's )een KJ ten$s )eing

    1 . ? /anHt )ear ... animals )eaten.

    AJ a&ing seen @J to a&e seen J seeing KJ see

    16. ? tol$ t em to sta'+ )(t ... o% t em le%t. AJ none @J a %eG J %eG KJ an'

    1!. =e Gante$ to %in$ o(t oG o%ten ... . AJ t e trains ran @J a&e t e trains r(n

    J $o t e trains r(n KJ r(n t e trains1". ? Gis 'o( ... talking. ? /anHt ear G at t e speaker is sa'ing. AJ Go(l$ stop @J Go(l$ a&e stoppe$ J stop KJ a$ )een stopping

    19. ?H$ )e intereste$ G at t e rate o% e / ange is. AJ knoGing J to knoG

    @J i% ? s o(l$ knoG

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    2!. ?n t e /o(rse o% an e / ange program a K(t/ girl sta'e$ ...

    (s %or a /o(ple o% Geeks. AJ at @J )' J Git KJ o&er

    2". Tim likes going %is ing an$ ... . AJ so am ? @J so go ? J so ? like KJ so $o ?

    29. #' ... )rot er is 4 'ears ... t an me.

    AJ el$er ol$er @J el$er el$er J ol$er more ol$ KJ ol$er U el$er

    30. #' mot er in laG+ almost 90+ still goes to t e air $resserHs e&er' Geek. AJ G i/ Hs J G ose @J t atHs KJ G oH s

    31. CoG ? ... G at a&ing a $og ... . AJ am seeing means @J see is meaning J see means KJ am seeing is meaning

    32. T e tea/ er Gante$ to %in$ o(t oG long ... is st($ents to/omplete t e task e a$ gi&en t em. AJ $oes it take @J as it taken J it took KJ Go(l$ it take

    33 e Gill pro)a)l' /ome (nless 'o( tell er not to

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    40. T e neG s opping /entre is )eing )(ilt on t e site o% t e ol$ t eatre.

    AJ ar$l' @J a/t(all' J mont l' KJ %ormerl'

    41. R(r @ ristmas part' is alGa's ... . AJ great %(nn' @J great %(ns J a great %(n KJ great %(n

    42. ? a&enHt got ... Git m' /ar. AJ an' pro)lem @J t e pro)lems

    J an' pro)lems KJ pro)lem43. T e' Gere going to get engage$ ne t Geek )(t noG t e'H&e ... . AJ p(t it $oGn @J p(t it (p J p(t it aGa' KJ p(t it o%%

    44. T e'Hll (rt ... i% Ge $onHt stop t em %rom %ig ting. AJ one to anot er @J one t e ot er J ea/ ot er KJ ea/ t e ot er

    4 . T is tea/ er /an get along not onl' Git is st($ents )(t also Git ... parents. AJ t eirHs @J t eirs J t eir KJ t ere

    46. Me ... o(r neG /omp(ter %or t ree $a's G en it )roke $oGn. AJ a$ a$ @J a&e a$ J a&e KJ Gere a&ing

    4! Me /anHt sit in t e /ar (ntil t e rain

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    18. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. I#i/ ael st($ies at t e (ni&ersit'+ $oesnHt eLI IT atHs rig t+ .Y AJ e st($ies @J e $oesnHt J e $oes KJ e is

    2. I? Gon$er G at t e / il$ren .. + t ere is m(/ noise.I AJ /an )e $oing @J Go(l$ )e $oing J m(st )e $oing KJ s o(l$ )e $oing

    3. I? t ink t e'Hll get $i&or/e$.I I...I AJ Co+ ? $onHt t ink @J Co+ ? $onHt eit er. t e' GonHt. J Nes+ so $o ?. KJ Ceit er $o ?.

    4. I? am a%rai$ 'o(r omeGork is &er' m(/ like TomHs an$ 5eterHs.I I (t+ itHs not t e same as ... .I AJ t em @J t e' J t eirs KJ t eirHs

    . ... t e / il$ren to )e$ )' t e time 'o(r Gi%e arri&e$L AJ =a$ 'o( )een p(t @J Mere 'o( p(t J =a$ 'o( p(t KJ =a&e 'o( p(t

    6 /rossing t e @ annel+ Ge got into a terri)le storm

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    2". 5oor gran$%at er as )een in ospital %or 2 Geeks noG. ... eis )etter noGL AJ Ko 'o( t ink @J Are 'o( t inking J =a&e 'o( t o(g t KJ Ki$ 'o( t ink

    29. Agnes as lost er p(rse )(t s e opes it Gill t(rn ... some oG. AJ to @J in J )a/k KJ (p

    30. Kinner is rea$'. PetHs sit $oGn to t e ta)le+ ...L AJ s all Ge @J Gill Ge J let Ge KJ $o Ge

    31. Cone o% t e ... re%(se$ to %ill in t e F(estionnaire. AJ st($ents aske$ @J st($ents a&ing aske$ J asking st($ents KJ st($ents asking

    32. T is room nee$s ... (p. AJ ti$' @J to ti$' J ti$'ing KJ to )e ti$'ing

    33. T is letter ... poste$ 2 $a's ago. AJ as )een @J a$ )een J Gas KJ Gill a&e )een

    34. Cot ... mem)ers o% t e / oir Gere present at t e re earsals. AJ ea/ @J e&er'

    J all t e KJ t e G ole


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    41. ?tHs time 'o( ... earning 'o(r oGn li&ing. AJ starting @J Go(l$ a&e starte$ J Gill start KJ starte$

    42. T e s/ ool as / ange$ a lot ... ? le%t it 2 'ears ago. AJ )e%ore @J %rom J sin/e KJ a%ter

    43. M at ni/e apples O =oG ... in a kiloL

    AJ m(/ is @J m(/ are J man' are t ere KJ man' is

    44. 5oliti/ians sai$ people ... in )a$ o(sing /on$itions. AJ Gere not li&ing @J a$ not )een li&e$ J a&e not li&e$ KJ a&e not )een li&e$

    4 . ?Hm going to a part' Git 5eter. =e is /alling ... me at eig t so ? m(st )e rea$' t en. AJ at @J o(t J (p KJ %or

    46. Me ... to t at le/t(re. Me $i$nHt ear an't ing o% interest t ere. AJ o(g t not to go @J nee$nHt go J nee$nHt a&e gone KJ Go(l$nHt a&e gone

    4!. No( /an get o(t as soon as t e /ar ... . AJ stops @ J Gill stop

    J stoppe$ KJ is stopping


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    19. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. AJ M at $i$ e sa' oG m(/ it Go(l$ /ostL J =oG m(/ $i$ e sa' it a$ /ostL @J =oG m(/ e sai$ Go(l$ it /ostL KJ M at $i$ e sa' oG m(/ Gas it going to /ostL

    2. AJ Mas ing (p is t at ? ate $oing.

    J M at ? ate $oing is Gas ing (p. @J T at ? ate $oing is Gas ing (p. KJ ?tHs Gas ing (p G at ? ate $oing.

    3. I=oG long ... imLI IR + %or a %eG 'ears+ ? t ink.I AJ a&e 'o( knoGn @J are 'o( knoGing J $o 'o( knoG KJ a&e 'o( )een knoGing

    4. I? ope #ar'Hll pass er e am.I I...I

    AJ Co+ ? $onHt t ink @J Co+ ? $onHt eit er. s e GonHt. J Nes+ so $o ?. KJ Ceit er $o ?.

    . IM ' $oes t is %is taste so strangeLI I? am a%rai$ ? ... it.I AJ a&e )(rnt @J )(rn J a$ )(rnt KJ Gas )(rning

    6. I@an 'o( tell me t e time pleaseLI I...I


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    13. A%ter t e /on/ert Ge Gent to o(r lo/al p() an$ or$ere$ a

    glass o% )eer... AJ e&er')o$' @J %or ea/ J ea/ KJ o(rsel%

    14. Tom ... at t e $entist at !.30+ )(t e $i$nHt arri&e )e%ore ". AJ m(st a&e )een @J m(st )e J s o(l$ a&e )een KJ Go(l$ a&e )een

    1 . KonHt $e/i$e (ntil 'o( ... t o(g t t ings o&er &er' /are%(ll'.

    AJ a&e @J $onHt a&e J Gill a&e KJ GonHt a&e

    16. Ea/ ... /ost \ 0 last 'ear. AJ o% t ese ga$gets @J o% o(r $e&i/e J instr(ments KJ eF(ipments

    1!. Ka&e is terri)l' laz'. =e ... . AJ ar$l' Gorks @J Gorks a great $eal J Gorks ar$ KJ Gorks nearl' not ing

    1". =e took ... mone' e /o(l$ %in$. AJ lot o% @J a %eG J t e G ole o% KJ all t e

    19. ? /anHt (n$erstan$ G ' it takes m' Gi%e ages to ... G ene&er Ge go o(t. AJ $ress o(t @J $ress on J get $resse$ KJ $ress ersel%


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    2!. ?Hm so sorr' %or m' gran$mot er. e s(%%ers ... a lot o% $iseases.

    AJ o% @J %rom J )' KJ %or

    2". ?H&e got some ti/kets %or t e %oot)all mat/ on (n$a'+ ? X$ like 'o( . AJ /ome Git me @J /oming Git me J to /ome Git me KJ to /oming Git me

    29. ?% ?H$ )een 'o(+ ? ... so impolite to people G o Gante$ to elp me. AJ GonHt )e @J a$nHt )een

    J GerenHt KJ Go(l$nHt a&e )een

    30. ? /o(l$ see a ... in t e all. AJ prett' small @J prett' ro(n$ small ta)le ro(n$ ta)le J small prett' KJ ro(n$ small prett' ta)le ro(n$ ta)le

    31. ?t is not Gort ... 'o(r $is Gas er. (' a neG one. AJ to repair @J repaire$ J repair KJ repairing

    32. No(r omeGork is %(ll ... mistakes. No( /o(l$ a&e $one )etter. AJ Git @J in J o% KJ )'

    33. #' g(ests ... G en ? got ome. AJ alrea$' arri&e @J a$ alrea$' arri&e$

    J a$ arri&e$ 'et KJ a&e alrea$' arri&e$


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    40. T e /ooking ... )' some)o$' else e&er' $a'.

    AJ is $oing @J )eing $one J is $one KJ is )eing $one

    41. T e porter aske$ ... t e $oor open %or me. AJ i% s o(l$ e lea&e @J s o(l$ e a&e le%t J i% e s o(l$ lea&e KJ i% $o ? Gant im to lea&e

    42. T is steak smells )a$. Me ... it aGa'. AJ a$ )etter t roG @J a$ to t roG J a$ rat er t roG KJ m(st a&e t roG

    43. Me Gent o(t %or a Galk ... t e )a$ Geat er. AJ in spite o% @J instea$ o% J alt o(g KJ e&en t o(g

    44. ? Gon$er G at ... at t is time ne t Geek. AJ Gill e )e $oing @J Gill e $oing J Gill e to $o KJ e Gill )e $oing

    4 . M ile t e' ... GeHll $o t e s opping. AJ are pla'ing @J Gill pla' J Gill a&e pla'e$ KJ Gill )e pla'ing

    46. e Gas e&er't ing ... :o n as alGa's Gis e$ %or imsel%. AJ t at @J G at J G i/ KJ G o

    4! No( s o(l$ a&e %ol$e$ t e s eets


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    20. TESZT

    $lassza ki a %el&es megoldst'

    1. #' %at er ... s()s/ri)e ta t e CeGsGeek. AJ sai$ to me @J s(ggests me to J s(ggeste$ t at ? KJ en/o(rage$ me

    2. I?% 'o( Gant to $ri&e a /ar+ $o 'o( ... an international $ri&ing li/en/eLI AJ nee$ @J o(g t to

    J m(st KJ a&e to

    3. ... er p otos is &er' goo$. AJ E&er' @J All J All o% KJ Ea/ o%

    4. T is is t e %irst time t at is paintings ... in =(ngar'. AJ a&e e i)ite$ @J a&e )een e i)ite$ J e i)ite$ KJ Gere e i)ite$

    . ? m(st ring ... noG+ m' )oss is /oming. AJ @J o%% J (p KJ on

    6. ?Hll sen$ 'o( a /a)le as soon as ? ... t ere. AJ s all get @J get J Gill a&e got KJ Gill get


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    14. ... Gin$oGs are (s(all' ma$e o% ... glass.

    AJ @J t e J t e t e KJ t e

    1 . R(r neG /ar /ost %ar ... t an t e ol$ one. AJ most @J m(/ J more KJ man' more

    16. Ko 'o( ... e&er' springL AJ a&e /leane$ 'o(r /oat @J get /leane$ 'o(r /oat J a&e 'o(r /oat /leane$ KJ make 'o(r /oat /leane$

    1!. ? am so (nl(/k'. ? )o(g t a /ar ... engine GonHt start. AJ G ose @J t at J KJ G i/

    1". Ci/k Gas ... t at e $i$nHt get a promotion. AJ m(/ $isappointing@J aG%(ll' $isappointing J terri)le $isappointe$ KJ )itterl' $isappointe$

    19. ... Gas #rs. mit G o /ame late. AJ M o @J ?t J T ere KJ T is

    20. ... as a/ ie&e$ great res(lts in s/ien/e. AJ T e man @J T e men J #an KJ #en

    21 ? /anHt li&e 'o(


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    29. #' %at er tol$ me ;a' again. AJ not to meet J not meet

    @J $onHt meet KJ not meeting

    30. ?% t ere Gere no pri/e rises+ Ge ... so m(/ mone' on %oo$. AJ Go(l$nHt a&e to spen$ @J GonHt a&e to spen$ J Go(l$nHt nee$ spen$ KJ s o(l$nHt spent

    31.T e it/ iker Gante$ to get ... t e /ar+ so t e $ri stoppe$. AJ on @J o(t J o(t o% KJ o%%

    32. M en t e /(stomer entere$ t e s op+ t e s op assistantsan$ no)o$' pai$ an' attention to im. AJ Gere / atting @J / atte$ J a$ / atte$ KJ a&e / atte$

    33. ? /an ... Gell Git m' /olleag(es+ alt o(g t e' are m(/ ol$er t an ? am. AJ get ro(n$ @J get on J get t ro(g KJ get aGa'

    34. Me Gere looking at ... Gas a strong toGer some /ent(ries ago. AJ it @J G at J t at KJ G i/

    3 ?tHs no (se to learn to ski+ j(st )' Gat/ ing ot er people sk ng


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    42. T ere is a plane G i/ ... #ilan in 20 min(tes.

    AJ arri&es @J arri&es to J lea&es to KJ lea&es %or

    43. T e' in&ite$ all t eir %rien$s to t e Ge$$ing part'+ )(t ar$l' ... t(rne$ (p. AJ some people @J someone J an'one KJ e&er'one

    44. e ... /ooke$ an$ ser&e$ t e $is es. AJ neit er @J )ot J eit er KJ or

    4 . T e )ank /lerk aske$ me ... . AJ i% sign m' name @J G et er sign m' name J signing m' name KJ to sign m' name

    46. ?t Gas m' )irt $a' 'ester$a' an$ s e $i$nHt ... p one me. AJ still @J e&en J alrea$' KJ else

    4!. I=oG $i$ e go to Pon$onLI I... t e /ompan'Hs /ar.I AJ ?n @J Rn J Mit KJ ' .

    4". e ... er a(nt sin/e er (n/le $ie$. AJ $i$nHt &isit @J asnHt &isite$ J &isits KJ Gants to &isit

    49 ? t ink m' /re$it /ar$s Git me in /ase ? Gant to )(' somet ing


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