
Post on 07-Feb-2017






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Copywriter, digital content manager, web editor; proficient in CMS use; skilled in project management, stakeholder engagement, video and social media

Experience of large-scale content management projects in government, technology, education and banking sectors 07956 172407

ASSOCIATION FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS IN EUROPE Aug – Dec 2016 Digital Content Manager/Consultant

• Agile website relaunch project management using Episerver CMS, including integration with new Customer Relationship Marketing platform. Took over large-scale project after departure of predecessor and successfully achieved go live two months later. Worked closely with the website design and CRM agencies, AFME CRM manager and department heads to design and implement simple, strong and effective functionalities for the new website. This enabled us to migrate and present a large and diverse body of information imaginatively and effectively across desktop and mobile platforms. Sub-projects included: reorganisation of Reports page ( to champion the two main classes of AFME documents: Reports and Data; designing a comprehensive content plan to ensure department-specific documents displayed correctly on department landing pages and in Reports section; working with CRM manager and business to ensure full integration between website and CRM, such that individual department working group memberships displayed automatically on website; coordinating new payment processes between AFME’s US parent organisation and two separate payment provider organisations in the US and Europe via a series of conference calls

• Ownership/overview of all AFME’s online/offline channels: website; printed reports; membership newsletters (writing original content); AFME social media channels for LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube (including setting up, directing and editing videos)

• BAU copywriting, editing and uploading content for previous and relaunched websites – from uploading and scheduling urgent press releases and reports to transferring an entire document class, previously overlooked, from old to new website; building new pages and working with digital agency on necessary back-end functionality changes

• Member briefing calls – proactively sourcing new subjects for member-only audio briefing calls, featuring AFME and external experts; writing email invitations and reminders, as well as Powerpoint decks; live management of calls, including co-ordination of speakers from AFME’s London and Brussels offices, and phone-in questions from members

LLOYDS BANKING GROUP Mar – Aug 2016 Digital Copywriter

• Large and small-scale retail customer projects as part of digital copywriting team, comprising contractors and staff.

• Retail savings journey project – online user journey to allow customers to select and apply for the most appropriate Lloyds savings account for their needs. I developed the in-branch version of this journey – where a staff member sits with a customer and they enter the information together. This very stimulating project involved every aspect of Agile methodology – from participating in user testing in the test laboratory to live editing of pages, screens and messages in a ‘hothouse’ session involving the extended digital team and stakeholder owners. During the latter, I rewrote and originated new content on the spot, according to the stakeholders’ feedback, before following up and confirming changes afterwards. I worked on this project until point of go live

• Lloyds Basic Account EU applications – this project involved repurposing public website messaging for EU residents applying to open a Lloyds Basic Account. I arranged a series of one-to-one and group consultations and negotiated with stakeholders to fine-tune the required messaging and make the necessary changes to achieve the product owner’s objectives



Copywriter, digital content manager, web editor; proficient in CMS use; skilled in project management, stakeholder engagement, video and social media

Experience of large-scale content management projects in government, technology, education and banking sectors 07956 172407

UNIVERSITY OF EAST LONDON May 2015 – Jan 2016 Digital Content Writer

• Content writing and editing for large-scale university website migration project and postgraduate prospectus, comprising marketing

pages aimed at undergraduate recruitment for summer 2015 Clearing and Autumn/Winter postgraduate research recruitment. My initial project was a two-month project compressed, comprehensive overhaul of marketing pages, where I wrote new content, repurposed existing content and migrated it to a live website redesign on an Agile basis

• New content generation, including face to face interviews with senior academics and star PhD students for use in online profiles and case studies

• Academic schools – writing first-draft and repurposing content on research outputs of individual academic schools for later use in building microsites and postgraduate research courses such as UEL’s School of Business and Law PhD/MPhil

• BAU website management using Sitecore CMS in conjunction with team of developers


ASSOCIATION FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS IN EUROPE Oct 2013 – Mar 2015 Multimedia Content Officer

• Offline and online production of major series of reports on economic growth. Active participation in content meetings with senior

representatives of global financial institutions, managing £100K budget, proofreading, design, translation and printing processes

• Website content management: maintaining home page news carousel

• Social media management: Twitter (including live tweeting at events), LinkedIn updates, and video content editing

• Writing and publishing content: monthly member email newsletter, membership briefing calls, and AFME conferences

• Maintaining AFME corporate identity across existing and new brand assets, including development of new design templates for offline/online reports

• Branding advice for internal stakeholders; editorial training/mentoring of colleagues; managing freelance teams


July – Oct 2013

• Including online feature writing for rail industry magazines Rail Engineer and RailStaff, including: Engineers at war and All for one (Alliancing in the rail industry – Rail Engineer, Nov 2013, pp56-58; PDF version available)


Copywriter, digital content manager, web editor; proficient in CMS use; skilled in project management, stakeholder engagement, video and social media

Experience of large-scale content management projects in government, technology, education and banking sectors 07956 172407

NETWORK RAIL May 2012 – June 2013 Internal Communications Writer

• Intranet: wrote, edited and published online news stories and weekly newsletter

• Monthly magazine: wrote features and coordinated design, including photoshoots

• London 2012: coordinated and wrote intranet news coverage, including video story on helicopter surveillance flight over the Olympic stadium


ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS AND LECTURERS Sept 2011 – Mar 2012 Publications Officer (maternity cover)

• News and feature writing for membership magazine

• Editing and uploading content using Tridion CMS


• Projects included pitching and writing freelance feature Brains, Bears and Bulls – the Neuroscience of Business to former financial website (now offline, but feature cited in International Psychoanalysis and; PDF version available)

THOMSON REUTERS Sept 2008 – Mar 2011 Senior Business Content Writer, Business Link

• Researched and wrote SME guides for UK Government websites Business Link, Directgov and UK Welcomes business

(now incorporated into GOV.UK)

• Uploaded and edited content on site using TeamSite CMS

• Issues covered included business finance, planning permission, transport, international trade, IT and agriculture

• Senior writer on project to produce joint Business Link and Directgov housing guides for landlords and tenants. This involved writing identical content for both websites, compatible with the tone of both

• Stakeholder liaison: worked closely with content managers and senior stakeholders to incorporate feedback into drafts

• Maintained house style and tone of voice for Business Link by acting as liaison between London and Yorkshire offices, and setting up a wiki of style points and useful information for writers and editors working across split sites


Copywriter, digital content manager, web editor; proficient in CMS use; skilled in project management, stakeholder engagement, video and social media

Experience of large-scale content management projects in government, technology, education and banking sectors 07956 172407

PILOTMAX (PR agency) Feb – Aug 2008 Account Manager

• Wrote press releases and PR strategies for clients, including The Royal Photographic Society and Kent bottled water suppliers Water for Work and Home, securing regular online and offline coverage

• Secured European media coverage for UK client at MIPCOM international entertainment market in Cannes

TUFFIN FERRABY TAYLOR LLP (building surveyor) Jan 2006 – Feb 2008 Communications Officer

• Wrote online and offline marketing materials, annual report, press releases, case studies and internal communications

• Managed website using content management system

• Event management for property industry educational and client events

REDHOUSE LANE (editorial consultancy) Sept 2003 – Dec 2005 Corporate Communications Writer

• Researched and wrote content for staff magazines, including the Foreign Office, Home Office, Tube Lines

(London Underground), British Airports Authority, British Gas, and the Royal Bank of Scotland

• Liaison with client stakeholders, including site visits and interviews with staff, from London Underground employees to government ministers and the Mayor of London

• Managed editorial production with in-house designers and external suppliers

HAYMARKET MEDIA GROUP Jan 2000 – Sept 2003 Production Editor: Classic FM & Conference & Incentive Travel magazines

• Production management, including scheduling, issue planning and printer liaison

• Sub-editing, picture research and supplier management

• Feature and editorial writing for magazine



Copywriter, digital content manager, web editor; proficient in CMS use; skilled in project management, stakeholder engagement, video and social media

Experience of large-scale content management projects in government, technology, education and banking sectors 07956 172407

REED BUSINESS INFORMATION Feb 1994 – March 1998 Sub-editor/Writer

• Medical writing and editing for healthcare titles Practice Nurse, Modern Midwife, and Doctor

BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION Nov 1992 – Jan 1994 Teletext Subtitler

ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS June 1990 – Oct 1992 Desk Editor

SKILLS Content management systems: including Episerver, Ektron, TeamSite, Tridion and Sitecore Software: Microsoft and Adobe packages, including Dreamweaver, Photoshop and InDesign; Silverpop mailing software; video editing Social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube

EDUCATION BSc (Hons) Environmental Biology, 2:2, Oxford Brookes University A-levels: Biology, Physics and Chemistry 7 O-levels, including: English, Mathematics, Biology and Physics

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