analysis of intonation between rejang and eglish in interrogative sentence

Post on 27-Apr-2015






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A. Background of Research

Language is one of the communication means of vital importance in

human life. With language one can propose and express feeling they,

communicating and interacted with where even also he present environment. Pass

human communication can submit brainchild or idea, propose opinion, And even

can develop sciences whom they have. These days language English at most used,

good in international communication also science area. proved with

1.500.000.000 or around 87 % earthling uses language.


In Indonesia, English obligatory foreign language is studied. this is proved

into school curriculum begins from elementary school to college. And even at

junior high school and senior high school is putted into to into national test. And

sometimes to apply a certain job in Indonesia, we must can English-speaking

tongue and article.

In Indonesia, regional language as a pride for nation that must at maintain

and preserved. one of the regional language exist in Indonesia language Rejang,

follow Richard Mcginn language Rejang that is unique, in his the watchfulness

submits language Rejang has emphasis by the end of word, for that necessary

watched over the existence. Especially language Rejang Curup very necessary at

preserve because Curup town very many mix with another terms and influenced

from language Curup itself city. Still very thick with language rejang curup

follow watchfulness Richard Mcginn which Dusun Sawah as sense of care that

regional language is important at guard, government Rejang Lebong put into

language rejang as a lesson in elementary school.

Every language has identity self. languages at has many differences in the

case of intonation, for example ”register”, that is distance between bottommost

tone and highest in intonation, in language one and other vary. For example,

register from intonation in French more ”small” than intonation in American

English, and American intonation more ”small ” than English British . or in

language same often register intonation women than register of man intonation

(J,W,N. Asas-asas linguistik.gadjah mada university press.2006: hal 57).

Intonation of vital importance in a act to say especially moment ask so that

we understand purpose from speaker , for example in what do you want sentence?

moment someone that ask to the friend. of course differ secretor intonation

moment interrogative sentence “ what do you want? ” if somebody asks to the

enemy. Example other moment we ask with opponent speaks different position

with us. We shall produce different intonation although question kind same.

moment between a ask to teacher" what now clock? " sure differ intonation

between a pupil with another pupil. in trade even also intonation very necessary,

with interrogative sentence wants to buy to what? if the intonation appropriate

influential to the purchase. so important intonation position in interrogative

sentence because will influence purpose and aim from speaker that ask

in English language, we are know some of interrogative sentences : yes-no

questions, Wh-Questions, tag questions, alternative questions, and rhetorical

questions1. All of interrogative sentences has grammatical respectively. And

every sentence has intonation aloof moment submit it.

in every language sure has intonation rule aloof moment ask and there is

with that sentence will produced to pass to act to say, in also language Rejang

Curup of course has also rule each. author finds phenomenon between english

there has intonation similarity with language rejang curup in WH-Question

Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Rejang Curup

Where do you, go? Lak Maipe, Ko ?( specific question )

. . . ’ . . ’

Based on the fact above the researcher want to preserve regional

language, as ancestor inheritance so that awake the authenticity with on

phenomenon. So from that is author wants to know furthermore about similarity

between language Rejang in another kind interrogative sentence intonation. of

course because condition and different culture between English and Rejang, will

evoke different language. also in the case of intonation, author besides want to

look for intonation similarity between language Rejang with also want to look for

difference both.

during study English approximately 9 year author experiences difficulty in

English interrogative sentence intonation pronunciation, and the reseacher during

approximately 6 year reside in region Curup author experiences difficulty to learn

intonation as according to use Rejang Curup . for that the reseacher decides to

know language interrogative sentence intonation Rejang Curup and English.

B. Question of the Research

Based on the background above, the writer gets some problems, they are :

1. What are similarities of intonation between English and Rejang in

interrogative sentences ?

2. What are the differences of intonation between English and Rejang in

interrogative sentences ?

C. The objective of the Research

In this case, the objective of the research are:

1. To describe what the similarities of intonation between English and Rejang in

interrogative sentences.

2. To describe what the differences of intonation between English and Rejang in

interrogative sentences.

D. The significance of the Research

Directly, the results of the research could give valuable information about :

a. The similarities of intonation between English and Rejang in interrogative


b. The differences of intonation between English and Rejang in interrogative


Indirectly, this research hopefully would be useful for

a. Teachers of English who teach English. They can know what are intonation of

interrogative sentences is appropriate with rules of English language and also

appropriate with condition.

b. Student who learn English the researcher hope this research will be get

knowledge about to produce interrogative sentences.

c. And for other researcher can be additional information to make their further

research better.

d. And also for the writer, this study can make her to master the interrogative

sentences of both languages and can enhance her knowledge about linguistic.

E. Delimitation of the Research

Delimitation of the research only focuses on similarities and difference of

intonation between English and Rejang in interrogative sentences. Especially

Rejang part Curup that is rice field village region based on watchfulness Richard

Mcginn, Dusun Sawah that still thick language use rejang curup. Author

compares language Rejang curup with English general that worn whole world.

F. Operational Definition

Before discussing the idea of this research further, in this sub chapter, the

writer tries to define several key term are used in the discussion. The pointed to

be made in the operational definitions are contrastive analysis, intonation,

English, Rejang, and interrogative sentences

1. Analysis

A resolution of anything, whether an object of the senses or of the intellect,

into its constituent or original elements ; an examination of the component

parts of a subject, each separately, as the words which compose a sentence,

the tones of a tune, or the simple propositions which enter into an argument. It

is opposed to synthesis.

2. Intonation

Intonation is rise and fall of the voice in speaking. Intonation is often

described, somewhat impressionistically, as a matter of ‘musical feature’ or

speech ‘tone or melodies’ (O’ Connor and arold 1973, p. 1)

3. English

The main language that people speak in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia,

and some other countries.

4. Rejang

Language rejang language that used at regency rejang lebong, regency

bengkulu north, regency lebong, and regency kepahiang ; all belong in area

provinsi bengkulu, Indonesia.


G. Methodology of research

a. Kind of the research

The method used in writing this thesis was a descriptive method. As Subana

and sudrajat (2001 : 89) states that :

Descriptive method explained the data which have correlation with fact,

situation, variable and phenomenon which happened when the researches

were made and present it naturally. The form which is research can be a

behavior and the perspective which phenomenon now. The relation between

variable (correlative), the contras between two condition or more.

The steps taken in doing this study are presented below :

a) Reading about linguistics books to be analyzed especially about intonation

in English.

b) Transcribe conversation that contain language interrogative sentence

intonation Rejang Curup, taken from DUSUN SAWAH.

c) Learning some previous studies that analyzed the same topic.

d) Contrasting English intonation with Rejang in interrogative sentences to

find out :

The similarities

The differences

e) Drawing conclusions

b. Population and sample

Population from watchfulness DUSUN SAWAH region because follow.

RICHARD MCGINN this region is that stills thick language rejang curup.

And about sample

Taken around 10 person adult consist mans and woman

c. Technique for collecting the data

In collecting the data, the writer used some techniques :

a) Observation

Here researcher uses observation method, in this case researcher wears

library reseach and field research. in this watchfulness is researcher keeps

off direct (non participant) and method that used method corrects reading.

b) Interview

Interview informanuntuk memeinta data that need.

b. Technique for analyzing the data

After collecting the data , the writer begins to analyzed and study the data

by following steps :

1) The data collect are presented dealing with the objectives of the


2) The data are analyzed based on the method of the study in other to

get the similarities and the differences of intonation in interrogative

sentences between English and Rejang.

3) The writer takes some conclusions on the data analysis of

intonation in interrogative sentences English and Rejang.

H. Organization of the Research

The systematic of this research is as follow;

1. Chapter one is the introduction to the research it tells about background of

the research, problem of the research, objective of the research, operational

definition, significance of the research, and organization of the research.

2. Chapter two will cover some theoretical foundation on translating and

interrogative sentence structure in English and Indonesian

3. Chapter three tells about methodology of the research.

4. Chapter four tells about the research and findings

5. Chapter five tells about conclusion and suggestion.

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