analysis; living in america by the sounds

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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analysis of camera angles, lighting etc from the music video for Living in America by the sounds. This is for my A2 media research


Note worthy shots and camera angles in ‘Living In America’ by The Sounds

(Apologies for the low quality of video)

• The video uses several scenes in which the screen is divided into 4 shots.• Mise-en-scene is used effectively as two of the shots are filmed through doors/windows/holes which frame the shot. This gives the band members a

halo of light and means that attention is focused on them.• The rule of thirds is used in all of them.

• These are all mid to long shots. This allows each band member to dance around and be seen with each of their instruments. This creates realism and

star image.

• Another quartered shot.• The window frames create leading lines on the bottom two shots.

• Mid to long shots again. One is reused.• This gives repeatability as you may wish to watch it 4 times to look at each

shot.• The same sort of setting is used and the shots are matched in colours and


• There is a pattern to the layout of these shots. Bottom left and top right are both long shots while top left and bottom left are mid shots. This engages the

audience as it looks nice.• The singer is given the most coverage as she is in two of the shots (there are 2

guitarists in the band). This is because she is the figurehead and the one with the most star image. She is also most desirable by the male fan base.

• The rule of thirds is used in all shots.

• In the top right the whole band is shown side by side. It fits in nicely with the part of the song the clip is shown (the ‘we’re not living in America’ x10 part) This advertises the band as a whole and adds to their star image. This might

be a good shot to add into my own music video.• There are two shots of the singer again. This gives us a more dynamic view of

the singer which is visually appealing.• In the bottom right we see the whole band performing, this balances with the

top left image.

• A long shot of the drummer and his drums.• Rule of thirds

• Low key lighting – the drummer, drums, and windows stand out.• This is a long shot which allows us to take in the surroundings and see the drummer in

action.• The setting links to decadence and the theme of neglect etc. of the lyrics

• Close ups of the main artist and singer. This advertises the artist and builds up her star image. It is a link between the visuals and the music and

gives realism.• Focus on subjects face

• Low key lighting, singers face is lit up. This gives her connotations of purity and goodness. This

perhaps also shows of her pretty features.• There is a need to have slightly different angles

for the close ups in order to make it visually appealing and to avoid repetitiveness.

• This is just a snippet of a shot but it’s a good idea. It just makes the video look better by adding in these alternative views. By giving us tiny details of

what is happening, like this, the video becomes more realistic.• This also connotes the passion of the singer as she is dancing.

• Rule of thirds is used again• I could put a shot like this into my video, if not of the artist’s feet then of

their arms or shoulders maybe

• This shot seems to be a convention of music videos for bands as I have seen other music videos with this shot in too.

• The drums frame the picture, which makes it look good.• The drummer’s body is in the centre and not conforming to the rule of thirds,

instead, his drumsticks and the drums themselves are the centre of attention.• Realism, star image, visual-sound link

• Another drummer shot, this time it’s a close up• This creates realism, star image and the link yet again.

• The rule of thirds is applied to the hands.• The lighting has the effect that the drumsticks, hands and drum are the brightest thing in the

shot. This makes them standout and have the effect s listed above.

• I thought it might be useful to compile all the shots of the band as a whole – this is the most frequently used area and layout used in the video.

• All of these shots work well together to make the video more interesting.• This just highlights the fact that I shall have to film the song multiple times at different

angles.• They all use the rule of thirds

• The low key, high contrast, and hard lighting connote the passion of the artist. It could also link to the negative lyrics.

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