analysing double page spreads

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Analysing the double page spreads of four different music magazines.


Franceska Toci



Franceska Toci

Franceska Toci

This image takes up one page and is effective because those that recognise the artist will read on and those that don’t can just simple skip it. The colour is in black and white to enhance the blue colour used in the text on the following page. The artist has an ear ring in which is not stereotypical of a male but also displays that the magazine is classic rock. As well as this, the artist is wearing a suit jacket with a t-shirt to also show the reader this. A tattoo on his face is made visible to enable us to see that he lives like a rock star as he simply doesn’t care what others think of him. The face the artist is looking up towards the light is symbolic of many things and it’s almost as if he’s telling a story with his face alone. This then ties in well with the text on the second page of the double page spread.

Franceska Toci

This has been used to show readers that there is an exclusive interview which will make them stop flipping the pages and read.

Personally I think it’s important to know who wrote the interview and took the image of the artist because they become recognised for there work although I do think you would only have to do this if they are well known so you gain more readers.

A short introduction has been used mentioning names of other artists in bold to attract readers as it could be gossip or stuff they didn’t know about the other artists. Aaron Neville’s name is in blue to show significance and also show that he is the one being interviewed.

Franceska Toci

The text begins with a large Y and this is a stereotypical convention of a magazine and some story books. Capital letters are used for the first line and this is done to excite the reader. The text is informal in places where quotes are used as colloquial language is used saying ‘Ya know’ however, the rest of the text used is formal. It is also very factual and provides the reader with facts as well as opinions. The opinion of Marvis Staples is emphasised amongst the text and this possibly done because she is of more significance and is more known. A sub heading is used that’s in bold addressing his album and this is to display the start of the interview.

Franceska Toci

Franceska Toci

The colours black and yellow clearly stand out and contrast well with each other. The fact a question mark has been used after the third fun suggests that the artists live a daring lifestyle.

The artists are summarised in this text and the layout looks somewhat clumsy by this is done by purpose to show that the artists are clumsy and sort of out of control. It is clear to the reader that the text written will be comedic because there are references to ‘the last piece of sausage’ and a ‘pie fight’ which also ties in with the image well.

Franceska Toci

The text begins with a large W and a full capital lock first row, which is a stereotypical convention of a magazine. A smaller T is used to show a new topic is being discussed so that the text is split up and it’s not all written in a large chunk. The language used has swearing in it so this suggests that mature content is used throughout the whole magazine. The informal language allows the readers to understand easily and have a laugh whilst reading it. This is effective because it allows the reader to build personal relationships as well as being a diversion to their everyday lives. The white text contrasts well with the black background making it stand out more and look more appealing.

Franceska Toci

The image shows the artists having fun and enjoying themselves. It also suggests that they feel like they are clowns and their role is to make their fans/ the readers of the magazine laugh. Each personality is displayed clearly in the image as well, the first artist is laughing showing he has a good sense of humour; the second looks sad showing that he is sensitive and somewhat emotional; the third looks crazy like he’s the most daring of the group and the fourth is the one who looks like he doesn’t really want to be there showing he is moody. Readers can build personal identities from these.

Franceska Toci

Franceska Toci

We instantly notice the blue ‘M’ as it looks interesting and stands out against the black and white. A large F has been used which again, is stereotypical of magazine conventions. A quote is emphasised as it is a different size and font than the rest of the text and readers that feel as if they relate and have built personal identities with the quote will like this and continue reading the rest of the text. Dates are used throughout the text and this is surveillance as it provides the reader with information about the artist. On the left hand side an interesting facts that fans probably didn’t know about the artist is mentioned this is to create a balance between the formality of the text and the less formal and more informal magazine.

Franceska Toci

The image used shows the band doing something like the Beatles did on the zebra crossing on the zebra crossing suggesting that they are the next big thing since them. Stereotypically, the boys brag about a lot of girl and this is made evident in the text on the bottom left of the page but the text is still more about the music side than anything else. In the second image, it shows one of the artists playing a saxophone and this shows that they want to mix up instruments and create a new sound.

Franceska Toci

To use up the left over space on the pages, a top 25 tracks list has been used and this follows through on the following pages. This is interesting and a good idea because it keeps readers up to date with current trends and also looks good. The layout is crisp and clearly organised which shows the neatness of the magazine and it also adds some colour. The black background contrasts well with the white text and this bottom part contrasts with the above part of the magazine playing with the readers eyes a little bit as they wont be sure what to look at first.

Franceska Toci

Franceska Toci

These two artists are clearly in the rock genre. They stereotypically have the long curly hair and are unshaved, they also look like they didn’t make an effort for the shot as they are not dressed up but this could have been done to show the readers that they are no better than them even though they are famous. It could be done because they are referred to as ‘kings’ I the mast head and they don’t want their fans to think that they are superior so they turned it down a notch. The guitars are an important part of the image and it displays that they have passion for music as many music artists pose without their instruments but that could be to emphasise that the text is mainly on music life and not personal life.

Franceska Toci

The black highlight makes the text instantly stand out to the reader and be their first focus. It is clear that the article will be mainly on their music life and only slightly on personal life because only music is mentioned in this summary. First person has been used to make it more believable and controversial which also intrigues the reader and temps them into reading the rest of the text.

Franceska Toci

I think that the text is quiet boring in this magazine and that could be due to the magazine having more of a formal theme. The ‘There’ is bold in this magazine as a pose to it being just a single letter that’s made bigger like in other magazine but this still looks good. The text is almost as if the writer is trying to tell a story with it to keep the reader intrigued throughout. The music career of the artists is being played to the reader it’s a build up into the juicy parts of the text which will probably be on the following page as shown by the three arrows.

Franceska Toci

The position of the masthead is not stereotypical as you would not expect to see it on the bottom of the page but it is so bold and clear that the positioning doesn’t take away from it’s significance. The two artists are being referred to as ‘Kings’ which suggests that they have done many influential things when it comes to music. This also shows us that they have a large fan base as people worship them. The colours used are gold with black on the bottom and this is done to show a crown as there is reference to a king and also to the black could be displaying hair which the crown sits on. These colours add a sense of imagery and imagination.

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