análisis abstract

Post on 24-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Master Profesor Jorge Sánchez

Año: 2014



Un estudio de Screening efectivo debe detectar una enfermedad mortal en un estadio temprano y curable, por lo tanto en el cáncer de mama debe aumentar la incidencia de cáncer detectado en estadios tempranos y disminuir la incidencia de cáncer que se presentan en estadios tardíos.


Se utilizaron datos del programa SEER (Survillaince, Epidemiology and End Results data) para examinar tendencias desde 1976 a 2008 en las incidencias del cáncer de mama desde 1976 a 2008 en mujeres de 40 años o mayores.

RESULTSEl screening mediante mamografía en los

EEUU ha logrado doblar el número de casos detectados de cáncer de mama en estadios tempranos cada año, mientras que los casos detectado en estadios tardíos decreció un 8%, por lo que se asume que sólo 8 de los casos detectados en un año evolucionarían a enfermedad avanzada, por lo que se da a entender que el cáncer de mama está sobrediagnosticado.


A pesar de la gran cantidad de casos detectados en estadios tempranos, la mamografía de screening reduce escasamente la tasa en la que se presentan mujeres afectadas por la enfermedad avanzada. Los resultados demuestran que el cáncer de mama estaría siendo sobrediagnosticado y que el screening sólo tendría un pequeño efecto en la reducción de la mortalidad por esta patología.



Movimiento retórico.

Función o propósito comunicativo Elemento léxico-gramatical.

Background Hacer generalizaciones sobre el tema. “...screening must detect life-threatening disease at an earlier, more curable stage…”

Methods Indicar sujetos o participantes “…among women 40 years of age or older.”

Indicar instrumentos. “We used Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data to examine trends…”

Indicar los métodos. “We used Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data to examine trends…”


Movimiento retórico. Función o propósito comunicativo Elemento léxico-gramatical.

Results Indicar los resultados. “…an absolute decrease of 8 cases per 100,000 women”

Comparar los resultados. “…a doubling in the number of cases of early-stage breast cancer that are detected each year, from 112 to 234 cases per 100,000 women — an absolute increase of 122 cases per 100,000 women. Concomitantly, the rate at which women present with late-stage cancer has decreased by 8%...”

Evaluar los resultados. “With the assumption of a constant underlying disease burden, only 8 of the 122 additional early-stage cancers diagnosed were expected to progress to advanced disease…”


Movimiento retórico. Función o propósito comunicativo Elemento léxico-gramatical.Conclussions Ofrecer una explicación general

sobre qué significan los resultados obtenidos.

“…screening mammography has only marginally reduced the rate at which women present with advanced cancer.”

“… we estimated that breast cancer was overdiagnosed…”

(Movimiento retórico RESULTS)

Indicar las implicaciones de los resultados del studio.

“…and that screening is having, at best, only a small effect on the rate of death from breast cancer.”


Movimiento retórico Función o propósito comunicativo.

Elemento léxico-gramatical.

1. Establecer el territorio.

1. Afirmar la centralidad

“ If the time of diagnosis of cancers that will progress to a late stage is advanced, then fewer cancers will be present at a late stage and the incidence of late-stage cancer will decrease.”

1. Hacer generalizaciones sobre el tema

“There are two prerequisites for screening to reduce the rade of death from cancer…”

1. Ocupar el nicho 1A- Esbozar los propósitos.

“We examined the temporal effects of mammography on the stage-specific incidence of breast cáncer…”

1B- Anunciar la presente investigación.

“We quantified the expected increase in the incidence of early-stage cancer and determined the extent to which this has led to a corresponding decrease in the incidence of late-stage cancer.”

MÉTODOSFunción Comunicativa.

Indicar procedimientos

-“We obtained trend data...”

- “Thus, our approach was simply to remove all excess incidence in previous years.”

Indicar métodos -“We used the direct method to adjust the incidence rates according to age in the U.S. standard population in the year 2000.”

- “We based our estimate of the current incidence of breast cancer on the 3-year period from 2006 through 2008.”

“To calculate the excess in the number of women whit a diagnosis of early-stage cáncer detected on screening, we multiplied the absolut increase in incidence observed…”

Indicar participantes del estudio

- “…stage-specific incidence of breast cancer among women 40 years of age or older.”

Indicar instrumentos

-“We obtained trend data from the National Health Interview Survey…”

-“We used SEER historic stage A as the foundation for our categorization or early-and late-stage cáncer.”

RESULTADOSFunción Comunicativa

Indica resultados “Regardless of the approach used, our estimate of overdiagnosed cancers attributable to mammography over the past 30 years involved more than 1 million women”

Compara resultados “The smaller decrease in cases of late-stage cancer (from 102 to 94 cases per 100,000 women — an absolute decrease of 8 cases per 100,000 women) largely reflects detection of fewer cases of regional disease”

Evalúa resultados “…also shows that there was a substantial concomitant increase in the incidence of early-stage breast cancer among these women. In addition, a small decrease is evident in the incidence of late-stage breast cancer.”

“…there was little change in breast-cancer incidence among women who generally did not have exposure to screening mammography — women younger than 40 years of age.”


Características Presenta datos representativos.

“If a constant underlying disease burden is assumed, only 8 of the 122 additional early diagnoses were destined to progress to advanced disease, implying a detection of 114 excess cases per 100.00 women .”

Las variables se evalúan de a una por vez.

“The variable pattern in late-stage cancer was virtually entirely attributable to changes in the incidence of regional (largely node-positive) disease. The incidence of distant (metastatic) disease, however, has remained unchanged.”

Los datos relevantes se encuentran graficados.

“Table 2 shows the effects of relaxing…”

Las estadísticas presentadas son significativas

The incidence of distant (metastatic) disease, however, has remained unchanged (95% CI for the annual percent change, −0.19 to 0.14).

DISCUSIÓNFunción comunicativa

Ofrece una explicación sobre qué significan los resultados.

“Our analysis suggests that whatever the mortality benefit, breast-cancer screening involved a substantial harm of excess detection of additional early-stage cancers that was not matched by a reduction in late-stage cancers…”

Características Indica resultados evaluativos

“Whereas the decrease in the rate of death from breast cancer was 28% among women 40 years of age or older, the concurrent rate decrease was 42% among women younger than 40 years of age”

Compara con otras investigaciones

“Furthermore, as noted by others, the small reduction in cases of late-stage cancer that has occurred has been confined to regional disease with an expected 5-year survival rate of 85% among women 40 years of age or older..”

DISCUSIÓNCarácterísticas Revisa

investigaciones previas

“…Among the nine randomized trials of mammography, the lone example of this is the 15 -year follow-up after the end of the Malmö Trial, which showed that about a quarter of mammographically detected cancers were overdiagnosed.”

Contrastar en las discusiones de resultados

“Unfortunately, however, the number of women in the United States who present with distant disease, only 25% of whom survive for 5 years,15 appears not to have been affected by screening.”

Aclara fortalezas del estudio

“Our investigation takes a different view, which might be considered the view from space(…) This broad view is the major strength of our study.”

Muestra limitaciones del estudio.

“Nevertheless, our analysis has several limitations. Overdiagnosis can never be directly observed and thus can only be inferred from that which is observed…”


Apuntes del curso ”Lectura comprensiva de textos científicos en inglés” del Master Prof. Jorge Sánchez.

Modelo C.A.R.S (Create a Research Space model)- John Swales (1990).

Programa SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program Turning Cancer Data Into Discovery of National Cancer Institute) :


•Matus de la Parra Macarena

•Martina Arrigo Ailín•Montenegro

Guadalupe•Villagra Ruth

•Zotelo Tamara

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