analcanal upld

Post on 22-Jan-2018



Health & Medicine



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Case Scenarios32 year old male patient with 3 weeks h/o constipation, painful

defecation, passing pellet stools, minimal fresh bleeding P/R



40 yr female with painless rectal bleed, constipation, pruritus ani

for 4 weeks. Previous h/o some injection into anal canal,

details unknown.

Dx, Rx

60 yr male with painless fresh bleeding p/r, altered bowel habit

for 3 months


Invg, Rx


Topics: 1.Anorectal malformation

2.Pilonidal sinus

3.Fissure in ano


5.Anorectal abscess(Peri-anal abscess)

6.Fistula in ano

ANATOMY4 cm length

Levator to anal verge


ectoderm: squamous

dentate line

endoderm: columnar

Muscle coat:

external sphincter

internal sphincter

Intersphincteric space

Anorectal ring

PILONIDAL SINUSSepsis in natal cleft area or level of 1st coccyx segment

Sites: natal cleft, web space hand, axilla, umbilicus

Aetiopathogenesis: acquired

occupational – hair stylist, jeep drivers

hairy men in 20-30 yrs

Loose hairs from back ---- penetrate pits in natal cleft


Abscess cavity + tuft of hairs sinus tracts

C/F: recurrent infections, abscess, h/o I&Ds

Multiple sinus

Tender lump s/o abscess

Scars of prev surgery

Rx: 1.Conservative

- first mild attack

- Antiseptic wash

- hair removal

- Avoid prolonged driving (truckers)

2.Acute pilonidal infection

-Incision and drainage


-Hair removal

-Local hygiene

-Elective Surgery -- once infection controlled

a. Excision of cavity along with tracks, cavity heals by

secondary intention

b.Bascom technique: lateral incision to remove abscess

cavity, midline incision to remove pits.

c.Modified Limberg flap

FISSURE IN ANOAn anal fissure is a painful linear tear in the distal anal canal

Acute - < 6 weeks, mucosal tear

Chronic > 6 weeks, full thickness ulcer

Etiology: vicious cycle constipation passing

hard stool

painful mucosal tear straining at stool

defecation spasm of int. sphincter


Site: posterior midline (98%) poorly perfused

hypertonicity of sphincter

anterior (2%)

C/F: painful defecation

passing pellet stools

bleeding P/R minimal


O/E: Acute: painful P/R

spasm of int. Sphincter

Chronic: sentinel pile

indurated ulcer posterior midline,

sphincter fibres seen, spasm +

Atypical fissure in ano - away from midline

Crohn’s, HIV, SCC anal canal

Treatment: 1.conservative break the cycle

Relieve shpincter spasm diltiazem cream

GTN cream

botulinum toxin injection

Relieve pain Sitz bath

Relieve constipation Laxatives

Diet - high fibre diet, 3 L fluids

Surgical: 1.Lateral internal sphincterotomy

2.Manual anal dilatation(MAD)

HAEMORRHOIDSDefn: dilated venous saccules in anal cushions

Anal cushions – highly vascular tissue near dentate line

Sup.haemorrhoidal artery – vein plexus

Etiology: Primary Secondary


pelvic tumour

CCF, constipation

rectal cancer

Anorectal varices

Types: 1.Internal – above dentate line

covered by mucosa

2.External perianal area

covered by skin

3.Intero-external prolapsing internal piles

Position: 3, 7, 11’O clock in lithotomy position


Grading: 1st degree congested anal cushions

2nd degree prolapse, reduce spontaneously

3rd degree prolapse, manual reduction

4th degree permanent prolapsed piles

C/F: painless, bright red bleeding, ‘flash in pan’

pruritus ani

mucus discharge


Complications: anemia



1. conservative: Gr I- dietary

2.Sclerotherapy Gr II -5% phenol in almond oil


3.Banding Gr I, II

4.Haemorrhoidectomy Gr.III /IV

Cryosurgery, Stapled haemorrhoidectomy, Laser

ANORECTAL SEPSISDefn: pyogenic infection of anal glands in the inter-sphincteric

space, which later spreads to adjacent anatomical spaces.

Bacteriology: E.coli

Staph. aureus

Streptococcus, bacteroides

Risk factors: diabetic



Low –socioeconomic strata

Poor local hygiene

TYPES1. Perianal follicle, sebaceous gland, haematoma

2. Submucous infected fissure, laceration

3. Ischiorectal anal gland, perianal abscess, FB

4. Pelvirectal pelvic abscess

TREATMENTC/F: severe pain, very tender swelling

‘do not wait for fluctuation’

Incision and drainage


Ischiorectal abscess: diabetics

fever with chills

excruciating pain, sepsis

I&D by cruciate incision

FISTULA IN ANODefn: an abnormal communication between anal canal/rectum

and the perianal skin.

Etiopath: Majority arise from anal gland infection -------

abscess --- tracks into lumen and to exterior

Crohn’s disease, Ulc. Colitis



Gut flora in anorectal abscess suggestive of underlying fistula

ANATOMICAL CLASSIFICATIONAccording to position and relation to the sphincters(internal &


Superficial subcutaneous/submucous

Intersphincteric low anal fistula( 95% )


Suprasphincteric high fistula


Goodsall’s law

FISTULA IN ANOC/F: h/o anorectal abscess I & D

Recurrent perianal infection

O/E: external opening of fistula

Scars of previous Sx

DRE – track felt as induration

Proctoscopy – internal opening sometimes seen

Most important – relation of track to the anal sphincters

Invg: Fistulogram

MRI – best

Endoanal US

TREATMENTPrinciples: Laying open the track, heal by granulation tissue

Low anal fistula- below the anorectal ring Fistulotomy


High fistula - lower track laid open, a seton is passed thru upper

track and tightened over 3-4 weeks

Track is gradually divided along with the sphincters

Crohn’s – antibiotics, anti-TNF - infliximab

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