an unoriginal legacy - chapter 2.5, generation two

Post on 14-Jan-2015



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chapter 2.5 of my legacy :]


An Unoriginal Legacy

Chapter 2.5, Generation Two

I’m just going to point out that this chapter is a half chapter because Esme is still

heiress for this chapter. My one chapter = one generation plan didn’t really work out,

as Esme had the heir/heiress quite far along the chapter.

I’ve said too much… *shifty eyes*

Why hello, what do we have here? Esme telling the maid of her woes? This one done autonomously, but judging by how he seems

sincerely interested in it…

Let’s get flirting! :D

“Hey baby, how about we hang out and I can ride you like a bike?”

…xDD I love sim pick up lines, I honestly do.

He seems to like it though, so, let us carry on with the flirt spam!!! :D

“So, hun, what do you think of the little romance going on between miss Esme and that maid boy?”

“Bebz, I think it’s gonna end in disaster.”

“Why do you think that hun? o_o”

“Because relationships with service sims NEVER work out.”

“Good point…”

“Marry me?”



…she rebounds quickly.

“Why don’t we just get married straight away babe?”

“Your hair smells nice.”

“…right. So, you want to get married right here right now?”

“It’s a pretty colour.”

“Thanks, Geoffrey, dear, but you want to get married right now or


“Kk! :D”

MARRIAGE CONSUMATION TIME! :DOn a side note, Geoffrey broke the wonderful chain of first time baby try

successes, as he needed it to be done THREE times. Tut tut Geoff, learn to shoot your seed straight. :P

May I just add that the children in my legacy have the worst first word speech bubbles ever? I mean:

David: “Pleading for my job back! :D!”



My sims teach their children the strangest things =P

Also, I’ve set Geoffrey to go off and do inventing, because I want him to die a fiery death so I can have a ghost baby…

Is that bad? *shifty eyes*

I wondered how long it would be until Esme would do that.


Awww :[ That’s kinda cute in a sad way xD

Birthday time! The twins are both growing up :D

David Braddick:Couch Potato



Favourite Colour: Sea Foam

Favourite Music: Kids

Favourite Food: Grilled Cheese

Chris’s turn :D

Chris Braddick:Couch Potato



Favourite Colour: White

Favourite Music: Kids

Favourite Food: Cookies

Hey look! We have a new maid :DD He seems… happy.

“The bleach I used releases toxic fumes. x]”

…So you’re trying to kill them?


*fires maid*

Woops. >_>

Since the last fire we had put itself out, I decided to set up precautionary measures. Wait? You’re saying wooden tables means it’s MORE likely that

he’ll die? Oh well.

Oh, he survived.

*builds a pool*

Oh? This’ll kill him too? Good.

In other news, Esme’s bump is showing ^_^ Maybe I’ll like this baby more than it’s father *shrug*

Also, the first ghost so far has appeared :D Hi Zelda!

“Hi :D”

…am I the only one who finds a elder ghost playing with a doll house creepy?


Thanks, Grimmy ;]

“Just doing my job.”

Geoffrey was put underneath the table that Esme’ll be on, isn’t that

lovely? :D

..I’ve just realised all of Esme’s husbands have died when she’s

pregnant… pattern much? *shifty eyes*

Esme went to the spa because, A: She had a want for it, and B: I kinda felt sorry for her.

“Yeah you should be! You probably killed Archie too!”

…No, he killed himself. I just forgot to feed him.



And we decide to visit Lori, and what’s the first thing we see? A baby on the floor, and Lori yawning lazily. Lori, you’re a terrible mother.


Luckily, Ezra is a much better father.

Apparently, the baby is called Laurel. Which I find funny, considering her mother is called Lori *shifty eyes*

Also, as promised to Katie (KatieCat) I named, not a star, but a comet

after her :D Katie-21495. See? I keep my promises.

Ooh! Birthday tiemz! :D

David Braddick:Loner

Couch Potato



Chris Braddick:Couch Potato

Party Animal



And this is them after makeovers :] L to R:

Chris, David

Dayum, look at that baby weight. ESME!

“I know, I know, go work out T_T”

Good girl. :P

OMG. You’re ACTUALLY going into labour?! And I thought this pregnancy

would carry on forever. Pfft.

And the boys were SO much help during her birth xD

“You boys are hopeless. I’m going to the hospital, you stay home. I EXPECT A FULLY STANDING HOUSE WHEN I COME BACK.”

“Yes mum *eye roll*”

Meet Hunter, he’s a Neurotic Slob :P (loads of boys this gen, it’s like the

game is balancing out for the amount of girls last gen.)

Birthday time! (again!) Hunter is going first :D

Esme is also growing up. x_x

Hunter Braddick:Neurotic


Favourite Colour: Spiceberry

Favourite Music: Pop

Favourite Food: Tri-Tip Steak


“Yeah, well you died, so >_>”

Why do my daughters always own me? x_x

He pulls the cutest faces x]]]] If I was a girl, I would totally squee right now.SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

…his first word was “Love heart,” so he’s probably going to be a

heartbreaker. Especially with those faces he makes.SQUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey look! It’s me! :O Hi SimMe! Why the trunks?

“The swimming pools in the afterlife are AWESOME x}}}”

Oh. xD

And since Esme isn’t afraid of ghosts, she decided to catch SimMe up on all

the latest goss :P

I’m guessing you want a quick spare update, no? Well this is Felicia, Isabella’s adopted daughter, she is currently dating Dobson Cune (one

of the members of one of those random move in families.)

And this is Laurel, Lori and Ezra’s daughter. She’s very pretty, but kinda boyish looking due to her haircut & clothes. :] Orson, Summer and Autumn are still

rooming with each other, and only Autumn is in a relationship.

“Boys, stop grinding against each other, it looks wrong.”

“Yes mum. -.-”

Oh, hello Archie ó_o… hmmm. HEY ESME!

I really want a ghost baby, okay? >_<

I heard baby jingles *eyebrow lift* Straight shooter as always, Archie ;]

And with that, Archie disappeared into yellow mist and flowed

through the walls… =x=

I had lost Hunter in all the chaos *coughcough[GhostWoohoo]coughcough* and I found him playing with the dollhouse in front of his mothers old

husband’s grave. -.- /facepalm

I now have Lori watching kids TV and listening to Kids music constantly to increase the chances of GHOST BABY x]!!!!

“Hmm… this show… it is very… mind opening… and… clever…”

Dude, it’s a social bunny, a ballerina and a plantsim skipping around a farm.

Soon enough, it’s time for birthdays, so now Hunter is aging into a child :]

Hunter Braddick:Neurotic



That better be ghost baby puke Esme! >:[

“*puke* Shut *puke* Up *puke* For *puke* Gods *puke* Sake! *puke*”

No. :P

Look at little Hunter, strutting his stuff and pulling cool faces.SQUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ve sent Hunter to the invention table, not to kill him, but because I REALLYREALLYREALLYREALLY want a time machine xD

Of course, I get a fire when I DON’T want it -.-

“Did my son just run past me with his butt on fire?”

Yep, pretty much.

“Oh, okay then.”

Sim parents :’]

Just thought that I’d skip to the next day, you don’t really need to see Hunter in the shower dousing his bottom, do you? :P And in other news, Esme’s

bump has shown. It is veryveryveryvery small.

Ooh! Twin birthdays! :o

Chris Braddick:Couch Potato

Party Animal



Hopeless Romantic

David Braddick:Loner

Couch Potato



Hopeless Romantic

This is the twins after their makeovers. And yes, David has a Mohican. It’s just I’m running out of unique hairs and SOMEONE had to get it… so…


They also both got jobs in the military. :]

Also, Chris met Mara, they hooked up. I think it’s because they’re both in stripes.

Later that night, Mara and Chris shared their first kiss.

Then they got engaged, god these sims move fast in relationships xD

Then they got married :P

Then Mara got made over…

And then they moved to a quaint little beach house :]

When the TV broke, David set his eyes on the repair woman, one Bettina Wilder.

After a hell of a lot of flirting, they got married.

Bettina got a makeover. We had a maid dress in the wardrobe, I really wanted to use it. Sue me :P

And Hunter had his teen birthday :DD

Hunter Braddick:Neurotic




Bettina had also recently consummated her marriage to David. Gen 4 is

on the way! :D

Esme went into labour while painting…

And gave birth to healthy twin boys, Theo (the ghost toddler) and Ethan! (name suggestions from the

awesome Peedieprincess on ^_^ Theo will be our Generation 3 heir, and that chapter will be

up soon :] One more slide

Just thought you would be interested, this is teenaged Laurel, the daughter of Lori and Ezra :] She’s pretty, and even pulls off having nearly no

hair! :D Happy simming!


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