an analysis of english teacher’s strategies in

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TE. 161773











Submitted to fulfill one the requirements to obtain the Undergraduate Degree (S1)

in English Education


TE. 161773









Advisor I : Hilma Suryani, M.Pd

Advisor II : Faiqah Mahmudah, M.Pd

Address : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training the Islamic State

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

The dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

The Islamic State University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

In Jambi


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

After reading and making some necessary corrections, we agree that thesis

entitled “An Analysis of English Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading at

Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu” by Nopi Windi Lestari,

TE.161773, English Education Program is approved for thesis defense as partial

fulfillment of the requirements to obtain undergraduate degree (S1) at English

Education Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at The

Islamic State University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

So, we submit it in order to be received well. We appreciate your attention.

May this thesis be a great benefit for the religion and nation.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Advisor I

Hilma Suryani, M.Pd



Advisor I : Hilma Suryani, M.Pd

Advisor II : Faiqah Mahmudah, M.Pd

Address : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training the Islamic State

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

The dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

The Islamic State University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

In Jambi


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

After reading and making some necessary corrections, we agree that thesis

entitled “An Analysis of English Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading at

Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu” by Nopi Windi Lestari,

TE.161773, English Education Program is approved for thesis defense as partial

fulfillment of the requirements to obtain undergraduate degree (S1) at English

Education Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at The

Islamic State University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

So, we submit it in order to be received well. We appreciate your attention.

May this thesis be a great benefit for the religion and nation.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Advisor II

Faiqah Mahmudah, M.Pd





Alhamdulillah bini‟matitathimushaalihaat

Thanks to Allah subhanahuwata‟ala, The most Gracious, the most Merciful, the

Creator of the Universe for giving me the blessing and leading me, hence, I could

finally finish writing this thesis. Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu

„alaihiwasallam. His presence really change the world. Special thanks to :

My beloved parents, my father Mat Jumari and my mother

Ponikem.Who have given me endless love and encouraged me and never stop

prayed for my success now and in the future, always being with me and guiding

me to pass every challenge that I face, your prayers are really powerful.

All my family Basar, Tujir, Rohadi and Marlia Sunarti, who always

support me, especially my aunt Asridayani, S.S., M.Hum, who has given all her

kindness for this my success, that is very kind of you, may Allah Grant you


My greatest advisors Hilma Suryani, M.Pd and Faiqah Mahmudah,

M.Pd who have given me all the advised, suggestions and motivation to finish

this thesis.

My beloved sister Mailani Dwi Saputri, my KKN‟s Friend, “Konji

Family”, especially Rosalia Syafitri, Safitriani, and Reti Shintia, thank for

your support, motivation, and quality time to share happiness and sadness with me

and understand me, although we are sometime different think but you make know

what the meaning of true friendship.

My beloved best friends Nurlaila, Dea Roza Ayuningtias, Siti Naima,

Gilang Ramadhani and Muhammad Ishak thanks for your help, your support,

motivation, quality time to share knowledge and always besides me if I need help.

All my classmate from English Department batch 2016 especially Class

A, thank you for being my friends, thank you for your help, support, suggestions

and motivations for me in arranging this thesis.


The entire school apparatus Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh

Ulu especially to Mrs. Popy Maya Sari, M.Pd who guidance, motivation and

allowing me to research and all students thanks for your participant.

May Allah grant you all goodness. Aamiin Allahumma aamiin



Reading is very important

(Q.S: Al-alaq 1-5)

1. Read! In the name of your lord, who has created (all that exists),

2. Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood),

3. Read! And your lord is the most generous,

4. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen,

5. Has taught man that which he knew not.



Alhamdulillah, Firstly, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and

merciful, the lord of universe. Because of His blessings, the researcher could

finish this thesis as one of the requirement for S1 degree in English Education

Program of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad

SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.

The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not completed without the

help, advice and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this opportunity the

researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude to following parties for their


1. Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi Asy‟ari, MA., Ph.D Rector of the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadlillah, M.Pd, as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


3. Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd as the chief of English Education Program.

4. Hilma Suryani, M.Pd, as my first advisor and Faiqah Mahmudah, M.Pd as

my second advisor.

5. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The

State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. English teacher at Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu that

had helped me to finish this research.

It is expected that this thesis will give contribution to the Students of

English Education Program that will be English teacher in the future. Then, the

researcher realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect. For that reason,

the researcher hoped constructive critics and suggestion from readers for the

perfection of this thesis.


May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing to us. Aamiin Ya

Rabbal Alaamiin.

Jambi, 17 February 2021


Nopi Windi Lestari




Name : Nopi Windi Lestari

Department : English Department

Title : An Analysis Of English Teacher’s Strategies In Teaching

Reading At Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu

The aim of this research is to analyze the strategies used by teacher in

teaching reading at the eleventh grade students of the State Senior High School

Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu. The instrument of the research is the questions of the

interview. Based on the problem of the research, it is clear that this research is to

describe about strategies are used by the English teacher in teaching reading at the

eleventh grade students Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu. In this

research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative.

Then, the results of the research show that there are four strategies used by

the teacher in teaching reading comprehension. They are question-answer

relationship (QAR), generating question, recognizing story structure and

summarizing. Based on the results of the research above, the researcher can

conclude that in learning reading comprehension from the results of teacher

interview, the most strategy used by teacher in teaching reading is QAR because

this strategy is effective in learning reading comprehension and it can help

students understand to read the text easily. Therefore, this strategy provides good

feedback for the teacher in teaching reading at the Senior High School.

Keywords: Teachers Strategies, Teaching Reading



Nama : Nopi Windi Lestari

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Judul : Analisis Strategi Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Mengajar

Membaca di Sekolah Menengah Atas Jauharul Falah

Kumpuh Ulu

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi yang digunakan

guru dalam mengajar membaca pada siswa kelas XI Sekolah Menengah Atas

Negeri Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu. instrumen penelitian ini berupa soal-soal

wawancara. Berdasarkan masalah penelitian, maka jelas bahwa penelitian ini

adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang strategi yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa

inggris dalam pembelajaran membaca pada siswa kelas XI Sekolah Menengah

Atas Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan

deskriptif kualitatif .

Kemudian, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada empat strategi yang

digunakan guru dalam mengajarkan pemahaman membaca. Mereka adalah

hubungan tanya jawab (QAR), menghasilkan pertanyaan, mengenali struktur

cerita dan meringkas. Berdasrkan hasil penelitian di atas, peneliti dapat

menyimpulkan bahwa dalam pembelajaran pemahaman membaca dari hasil

wawancara guru, strategi yang paling banyak digunakan guru dalam pengajaran

membaca adalah QAR karena strategi ini efektif dalam pembelajaran pemahaman

membaca dan dapat membantu siswa mengerti cara membuat teks dengan mudah.

Oleh karena itu, strategi ini memberikan umpan balik yang baik bagi guru dalam

mengajar membaca di Sekolah Menengah Atas.

Kata kunci : strategi guru, pengajaran membaca



TITLE PAGE........................................................................................................

THESIS APPROVAL ………………………………………………………… i

OFFICIAL NOTE .............................................................................................. ii

ORIGINALITY STATEMENT ....................................................................... iv

DEDICATION .................................................................................................... v

MOTTO.............................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ x

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. xi


A. Background of the Research .............................................................. 1

B. Focus of the Problem ......................................................................... 4

C. Formulation of the Problem ............................................................. 4

D. The Purpose of the Research .............................................................. 4

E. Significance of the Research .............................................................. 4


A. Definition of Reading ......................................................................... 6

B. Teaching Reading ............................................................................... 7

C. Teacher Strategy in Teaching Reading ............................................... 8

D. Relevant Studies ............................................................................... 12


A. Research Design ............................................................................... 15

B. Setting of the Research ..................................................................... 15


C. Subject of the Research ................................................................... 15

D. Sources of the Data ........................................................................... 15

E. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................... 16

F. Technique of Data Analysis .............................................................. 17

G. Trustworthiness ................................................................................ 18

H. Schedule of Research ...................................................................... 19


A. Research Findings………………………………………………….20

B. Discussion………………………………………………………….25


A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………29

B. Suggestions………………………………………………………...29








A. Background of the Research

Reading is the process of constructing and getting the meaning from the text

which the researcher read. Klingner (2007) said that reading comprehension is the

process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes

including word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency. It refers to the

ability in interpreting the word, understanding the meaning and the relationships

between ideas conveyed in a text. According to Harmer (2007), reading is useful

for language acquisition provide that student more or less understand what they

read, the more they read the better they get it. It can be said that reading is a

process that involves recognizing words, leading to the development of

comprehension and negotiates the meaning between the text and its reader.

Reading becomes an evolving interaction between the text and the background

knowledge of the reader. This is accomplished through use of strategies, both

cognitive and metacognitive. The essence of reading is comprehension. Reading

comprehension is process of readers combining information from a text, the

readers do not understand the text well and are not able to get the meaning from

the text. So, it can be said that in teaching reading, it needs strategies to

comprehend the meaning of the text.

Brown (2004) defined that fundamental of teaching strategies is to make

easier to implement a variety of teaching technique and methods. In teaching

strategies, there are many strategies that teacher can use when they are teaching,

such as reading. In other word, teaching strategies is a teacher plan in teaching for

a lesson which include structure, desire learner behavior, in terms of the goals of

instructions, and an outline of tactics necessary to implement the strategy.

In reading the text effectively, the teachers lead each student in the class in

order to be successful and proficient readers. It is supported by Slavin in Arrafi

(2019), effective instructions is not simple matter of one person with more

knowledge transmitting knowledge to another. The effective teacher do not use


only one specific technique and methods, but also the teacher needs many

strategies and skills to accommodate the learning styles for each individual

student in the class. The English teacher provide students to assess their learning

styles, strengths and weaknesses by reading and sharing in group and it can

enhance student‟s motivations to read the texts and enhance their academic

performance. The teacher also help the students to communicate or express their

thoughts, feeling and opinions in English. Some students are good in reading the

texts and also their score in academic. Some students know to read and pronoun

the words well and they can get the information and answer the questions easily. It

means that the teacher should have a plan as accurate as possible to get an

effective teaching and learning. Especially, to reach a good development in

teaching reading, teacher should create various teaching strategies to enhance

student‟s motivation to understand the texts easily. Teaching strategies in reading

comprehension are important in the learning process and could affect the students

reading comprehension.

To get student reading comprehension, the teacher needs strategies

effectively. Effective teacher is a teacher who has a deep understanding of

curriculum and has high quality instructions to increase student achievement for

all aspect. According to Allington (2002), effective teachers manage to produce

better achievement regardless of which curriculum materials, pedagogical

approach or reading program they use meanwhile. Then, Walls (2002) said that

effective teachers as appearing to have better developed schemata for classroom

teaching with strong links between subject matter and ways to teach it: to be more

effective teachers lesson planners and implementers, and yet be more flexible and

reflective in meeting student‟s needs and facilitating student social and academic


Based on the researcher interview with the English teacher at Senior High

School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu on preliminary observation. The researcher

found that in the school of Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu that

school use K13 curriculum and written in the standard competence in the syllabus

of the first year of senior high school, student are expected to be able to


comprehend the meaning of formal and informally text in the forms of Narrative,

Procedure, Descriptive, and Recount in daily life context. So, an ability to

comprehend the text is one should be mastered by the students in the first year of

senior high school. Based on K13 curriculum which are taught in the first

semester of the eleventh grade students. There are types of texts genre, they are

descriptive and recount. According to Priyana at al (2008), the purpose of recount

text is to document a series of event and evaluate their significance in some ways.

Then, recount text is a text which is taught in the eleventh grade students where is

content to inform the reader about something or sequence of events which

happened in the past time.

Based on the researcher interview with the English teacher at Senior High

School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu on preliminary observation. The researcher

found that the school has a good result in learning English. It is seen from their

achievement in some English competition. The researcher found that students got

some achievement related with English subject at Senior High School Jauharul

Falah. The students won 1st place in the English interpretation competition at the

regency level, and won several competitions such as English speech, trilingual

speech and writing essay. Therefore, it was found that most of the student or 85%

of them got good score in reading comprehension. It can been seen from their

quiz, mid test, the final test. When the teacher gives quiz, mid test, final test, the

student always got good score in their examinations. Jauharul Falah is one of

Islamic Boarding School uses two languages for communication. They are

Indonesian and English. The good ability of the students should be based on the

good strategy in teaching strategy by teacher. From the preliminary observation in

State Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu, the researcher found that,

English teacher at Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu teach reading

by having students read stories or sing in English. After that students are told to

explain the meaning of the story or song.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher interested in analyzing this

thesis because teaching reading is very important for the students understand and

comprehend the whole meaning of the text. So, the researcher takes this thesis


with entitled “An Analysis of English Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching

Reading at Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu”.

B. Focus of the Problem

The researcher limits the problem on English teacher strategies in teaching

English focused on reading at the Eleventh grade of the State Senior High School

Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu.

C. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the research, the formulation question of the

study is “What are strategies used by the English teacher in teaching reading

comprehension at the eleventh grade of the State Senior High School Jauharul

Falah Kumpeh Ulu?”

D. The Purpose of the Research

After making the formulation of the research above, the researcher makes

the purpose of the research is to analyze the strategies used by teacher in teaching

reading at the eleventh grade of the State Senior High School Jauharul Falah

Kumpeh Ulu.

E. Significance of the Research.

In this thesis research, the significance of the research is expected to be able

to contribute to the theoretical and practical as follow:

1. Theoretically

The results of this study are expected to contribute and scientific contribution

to the development of scientific treasures and can contribute to the world of public

education, it is also expected to be used by future researcher as a benchmark for

improvement and perfection associated with practical applications.

2. Practical

a. For the students


The finding of the research can be used as a new reference to learn English,

especially reading. They can know kinds of teacher teaching strategies and they

can choose one of the strategies that use by the teachers to comprehend reading.

b. For English teachers

The findings are expected to be useful contribution that can be transferred to

learners based on their characteristics. By considering each student may employ

different strategies, the teacher can take one of the strategies in teaching reading

for comprehend to their students. Based on the statement above, teacher has to

have a strategy to make the student‟s ready to speak. By applying the correct

strategies in teaching and learning process.

c. For the next researchers

This thesis gives some contribution and information for next researchers

about strategies in reading used by the eleventh grade of Senior High School

Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu. The result of the research is expected to give some

contributions for students, teachers, and future researches.




A. Definition of Reading

Learning English is not something new for university students. They often

speak and write. In English, there are four skill be mastered by students: reading,

writing, speaking, and listening.

According to Spratt, Pulverness, and William (2005), reading is an

creativity in which readers respond to and make sense of a text being read

connected to their prior knowledge. The activity is done by the readers as they

want to get knowledge and information from the text. In the process of getting

knowledge and information, they readers try to connect what they read in the from

of written language to what they have already known about the text. Making sense

of a text is done by understanding meaning of words, sentences, and even a text.

Grabe (2009) states that reading is the process in which readers learn

something from what they read and involve it in academic context as a part of

education. Learning happens when there is a change in mind from an unknown

thing to the known one. As reading is include in learning, the readers try to grasp

the texts being read by synthesizing, interpreting, evaluating, and selecting the

important information.

Linse and Nunan (2005) state that reading is a fluent process of readers

combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build

meaning. It means that reading is a complex conscious and unconscious mental

process in which the reader uses a variety of strategies to reconstruct the meaning

that the author is assumed to have intended, based on data from the text and from

the reader‟s prior knowledge. Reading is a process of understanding written

language. Since reading is process, it start from viewing the linguistic surface

representation and ends with the certain ideas or meaning about the message

intended by the writer, thus reading combination perceptual process and cognitive



The most detailed one, Snow et al (2002), says that reading

comprehension as the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing

meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. They

classify that comprehension entails three elements: they are the reader

(considering with capacities, abilities, knowledge and experiences that a person

brings to the act of reading), the text (including printer text or electronic text) and

the activity (considering the purposes, process, and consequences associated with

the act of reading). Which is one of the four language skills, can be classified into

two types: initial reading, it is an effort made by those who have not been able to

read to learn reading (e.g., how to read the alphabets and combination of letters or

simple words) and reading comprehension, it is an activity aimed to understand

the messages of a particular text Brown (2000). Initial reading and reading

comprehension are the types of reading which have the advantage. Initial reading

very useful to use for the children who are learning to read English. For example

is how to read the alphabets while reading comprehension is understand the

message of the text fully. The researcher will use the reading in this research.

Based on the definition above, it can be conclude that reading is an

interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, a reader will use

his knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand what the text talk about. It

means that the reader tries to recognize the words. He or she meet in print and find

the meaning of the written text. So the reading brings a maximum of

understanding to the author‟s massage.

B. Teaching Reading

According to Sarjan (2017), teaching is a complex process, it does not only

give the information from the teacher to the students. There are many activities

that can be doing especially when the process of teaching and learning in the

classroom. Jeremy Harmer (2008), said that teaching is not an easy job, but it is

necessary one, and can be very rewarding when the teacher see our students

progress and know that we have helped to make it happen. It is true that some and

students can be difficult and stressful as times, but it also worth remembering that


it is best teaching can also be extremely enjoyable.

In the classroom, reading is one of ways to make the students understand in

teaching-learning process. Every student has different character, so the teacher is

expected to present some ways to make the student interesting to conduct their

lesson. The strategy of teaching reading which the teacher is present one of ways

in the classroom. The first is summarizing. Summarizing is how we take larger

selections of text and reduce them to their bare essentials : the gist, the key ideas,

the main points that are worth noting and remembering. Webster‟s calls a

summary the “general idea in brief form” it‟s distillation, condensation, or

reduction of a larger work into its primary notions (Sarjan,2017).

Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a

text, how to ignore irrelevant information, and how to integrate the central ideas in

a meaningful way. Teaching students to summarize improves their memory for

what is read. Summarization strategies can be used in almost every content area.

The second is questioning. Questioning is one of the most important dimensions

of teaching and learning. It gives tutors the chance to find out what students know

and understand, and it allows students to seek clarification and help. The third is

skimming. Skimming is aimed at getting quickly the main ideas and the purposes

of reading selection (Cahyono et al, 2011). The fourth is scanning. Scanning is

quick reading to find the general idea, scanning is quick reading to locate specific

information. From the statement above, it is clear that the strategies influence for

the students‟ learning in reading. So, it can be concluded that strategies is

important for students to learn reading.

C. Teacher Strategy in Teaching Reading

Teaching strategies can be defined as generalize plan for a lesson or a lesson

which includes structure, desire leaner behavior, in terms of the goals of

instruction, and an outline of tactics necessary to implement the strategy.

Faturrahman and Sutikno (2007) state that the strategy has an understanding of

outlines the direction to act in effort to achieve a predetermined goal in generally.

In connection with teaching and learning, strategies can be interpreted as patterns


general activities of student teachers in the realization of teaching and learning

activities to achieve the goals outlined. According to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah

(2012), strategy is a method, whereas in general the strategy has an understanding

of an outline for acting in an effort to achieve a predetermined goal.

Therefore, teacher needs to have good strategy in teaching students, because

it can affect the students ability which is the goals outlined. That is why teacher

should become the professional one. As Mufarokah (2013) said in her book that

the teacher is one of the educational staff who is professionally-pedagogically a

great responsibility in the learning process towards the success of education,

especially the success of their students for their future.

A teacher has to implement a strategy so that his students will learn to read

and comprehend as well as possible. Brown (2004) said that there are two kinds

strategies in teaching reading. First kind is direct strategies or what are also called

cognitive strategies. These include a number of different ways of remembering

more effectively and of using all possible cognitive processes and compensating

knowledge. Second kind is indirect strategies which focus on some aspects, such

as organizing and evaluating learning, managing the emotions and learning from


Besides that, Duffy (2007) has mentioned some strategies for teaching

reading comprehension in the classroom. First, teaching of reading is knowledge

based. Thus, teachers are acquired to have knowledge related to the material so

that they can explain the material to their students. Therefore, a good teacher has

to prepare himself for it. Second, reading is a complex cognitive and linguistic

process. It involves decoding alphabetic symbols, drawing upon experiences and

language, and using strategies effectively to make meaning. The teacher has to

realize that reading is a multidimensional process. Third, learners are different,

either their ability or their behavior or both. Students have a variety of abilities,

especially for comprehending the meaning of a text. Therefore teacher need to

analyze the abilities of their students‟ in order to help themselves to manage the

classroom situation. The last strategy of Duffy is that teachers are informed


decision-maker who makes many instructional decisions every lesson. In order to

make instructional decisions that positively affect the reading achievements of the

students, teachers must be knowledgeable about the reading processes, effective

instruction, the diversity of communities they serve, and the expectations for the

teaching of reading as outlined in the curriculum.

According to Adler C.R (2001), reading comprehension ways are aware

plans-sets of steps that sensible readers use to create sense of text. Comprehension

strategy instruction helps students become purposeful, active readers who are up

to the mark of their own reading comprehension. Adler C.R making seven

strategies here appears to have affirm scientific basis for improving text


1. Monitoring comprehension

Students who are good at monitoring their comprehension knows when

they understand what they read and when they do not. They have strategies

to “fix” problems in their understanding as the problems arise.

2. Metacognition

Metacognition can be defined as “thinking about thinking”. Good

readers use metacognitive strategies to think about and have control over

their reading. Before reading, they might clarify their purpose for reading

and preview the text. During reading, they might monitor their

understanding, adjusting their reading speed to fit the difficulty of the text

and “fixing” any comprehension problems they have, after reading , they

check their understanding of what they read.

3. Graphic and semantic organizers

Graphic organizers illustrate concepts and relationships between

concepts in a text using diagrams. Graphic organizers are known by

different names, such as maps, webs, graphs, charts, frames, or clusters.

4. Answering questions

The Question-Answer Relationship strategy (QAR) encourages students


to learn how to answer questions better. Students are asked to indicate

whether the information they used to answer questions about the text was

textually explicit information (information that was directly stated in the

text), or information entirely from the student‟s own background


In this strategy, the teacher gives to the students one until two

questions. So the students answer that question. This question is about the

lesson that they have discuss. It‟s done by the teacher to know students

understand or not understand about the material. And its done in final

learning whit the teacher point one of student the answer that question. And

answer it by sits in chair each.

5. Generating questions

By generating questions, students become aware of whether they can

answer the questions and if they understand what they are reading. Students

learn to ask themselves questions that require them to combine from

different segments of text.

6. Recognizing story structure

In story structure instruction, students learn to identify the categories of

content (characters, setting, events, problem, and resolution). Often,

students learn to recognize story structure through the use of story maps.

Instruction in story structure improves students‟ comprehension.

7. Summarizing

Summarizing requires students to determine what is important in what

they are reading and to put it into their own words. Instruction in

summarizing helps students:

a. Identify or generate main ideas.

b. Connect the main or central ideas.

c. Eliminate unnecessary information.

d. Remember what they read.


From the definition above, the main point of reading is comprehension.

In addition, the readers should develop to get the main point from a text.

Acquiring the main point of reading passage is the most important idea for a

reader to develop comprehension of the text, because according to Lynne (2004),

getting the main idea makes reading more purposeful to make easy remembering

and helps to make the supporting details.

D. Relevant Studies

There are three relevant studies that the researcher takes about English

teachers‟ strategies in teaching English:

The first is the study by Sarjan (2016) by thesis entitled An Analysis on the

English Teachers Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension SMP 1 of

Wonomulyo. The problems of this research, what were the strategies of English

teacher in teaching reading comprehension at the Second Grade of Junior High

School 1 of Wonomulyo and how to implement of English teacher‟ strategies in

teaching reading comprehension at the Second Grade of Junior High School 1 of

Wonomulyo? The method of this research was qualitative research. The subject of

this research was English teacher in Junior High School 1 of Wonomulyo. The

instrument of this research were observation checklist and interview. The result of

the research found that two strategies that the teacher used, Scaffolding and QARs

(Question Answer Relationship), the teacher able to know how far their students

understand what the teacher has given to them. And the teacher able to know how

far understanding of the student doing the task after and the text and understand

what the content of the text.

The differences of his thesis with this thesis that is, in the research the

researcher used four strategies there are Question-Answer Relationship

,Generating Questioning, Recognizing Story Structure and Summarizing. while in

previous study the researcher used two strategies there are Question Answer

Relationship and Scaffolding. The similarity of this research focus on teacher

strategies, the researcher will analysis which one of the strategies above will used


by the English teacher in teaching reading comprehension.

The second is study from Rahmawati (2013) with the title Teacher

Strategies in Teaching English (A Case Study of Hearing Impaired Students

in SMPLB Prof. Dr. Sri Soedewi Masjchun Sofwan, S.H. Jambi). This study

was qualitative research with a case study approach. This research found that

students with hearing impairment is supposed to more focus in reading and

writing skills. It is because those skills is possible to do by them. Teacher

especially the English teacher needs strategy to teach them. In conclusion, there

some strategies that can used by teacher to teach students with hearing

impairment. There are advertising me, drama , story writing and making decision.

The dominant strategy is story writing because the students can explore their

feeling and wishing in written. This strategy works well because it is appropriate

to the students with hearing impairment‟s skill commonly.

From the explanation previous studies above, the researcher thinks that the

research has the differences with his thesis, this research the researcher focus on

teacher strategies in teaching reading at eleventh grade senior high school. While

in previous study the research found that students with hearing impairment is

supposed to more focus in reading and writing skills. The similarity was both, the

researcher used a descriptive qualitative research in teaching strategies reading


The last, the student from English Education Department Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training the State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN)

Tulungagung named Nurlaili (2014) with the title A Study on Teacher’s

Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Second Grade of

Student’s MTS Tarbiyatul Ulum Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar

Academic Year 2013/2014. This research discussed about the teacher‟s

strategies in teaching reading comprehension in second grade of MTs Tarbiyatul

Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar. Research method, the researcher used

descriptive qualitative research consisting of some data in the form of word,

phrase and sentences. It is used to describing something that is known to have


happened in the process of teaching activity. In conducting the research, the

researcher collected data through observation. Then the research interviewed the

English teacher to get more information. The subjects of this research were the

English teacher at MTs Tarbiyatul Ulum Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar. The

result showed that teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading comprehension is use

fourth strategy they are: memorizing strategy, question and answer strategy, game

and discussion strategy. With those strategies the students easily understand the

text of reading comprehension.

The differences of his thesis with this thesis that is, in the research the

researcher used fourth strategies there are Question-Answer Relationship

,Generating Questioning, Recognizing Story Structure and Summarizing. while in

previous study the researcher used fourth strategy they are: memorizing strategy,

question and answer strategy, game and discussion strategy. The similarity of this

research focus on teacher strategies, the researcher will analysis which one of the

strategies above will used by the English teacher in teaching reading





A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative, because it describes

the teacher‟s strategy with the environment exploring learning in teaching reading

to students‟ eleventh grade at Senior High School Jauharul falah Kumpeh Ulu.

The researcher select this method , because it convey a broader understanding of

the teacher and students‟ views on teacher‟s in teaching reading.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that descriptive qualitative

is analyzing about descriptive data that is collected in the field, by using

descriptive qualitative the researcher gets the answer about the environment

exploring learning‟s strategy applied by the teacher in teaching reading to

students‟ eleventh grade at Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu.

B. Setting of the Research

The research conducted in November 2020 at Senior High School Jauharul

Falah Kumpeh Ulu in Jambi.

C. Subject of the Research

In this research the researcher used purposive sampling to get the subject of

the research. Sugiyono (2010) defined that purposive sampling is a technique for

determining research samples with certain considerations that aim to make the

data obtained later be more representative. The subject of this research was a

teacher in Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu, especially English

teacher in eleventh grade. The researcher taken from the data by one teacher.

D. Sources of the Data

In this research the researcher takes the data from the teacher‟s strategy

through observation, and interview when the teacher as the subject applies the

strategies in teaching reading and students as the object in practicing learning


process. The sources of data in this study is teacher her as a person who applies

the strategies in teaching reading, student‟s interactions and situations process

when teacher uses the environment exploring teaching‟s strategy in teaching

reading and student‟s note, photos.

E. Technique of Data Collection

This research uses kinds of technique in collect the data. They are

observation, and interview. It can be seen in the explanation below:

1. Observation

The observation held four time meeting. The observation held in

November 2020. The researcher uses this technique to observe the

teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading comprehension for class XI IPS

also student‟s interactions process. The researcher comes and sits in the

class and writes the important points that the researcher kinds and also

uses the observation field to find out the teacher‟s strategies in teaching

reading at eleventh grade at Senior High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh


2. Interview

In this research, the researcher conducted semi-structured

interviews with participants to get some information that are needed for

this research. The participants in this research is the teacher in Senior

High School Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu. The interview is also used to

answer the formulation of the study, related to the objectives of the

teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading. The researcher used six questions

for interview. Semi-structured interview is used to collect data and the

researcher asks the teacher of eleventh grade class XI IPS. The interview

held in November 2020. The researcher started with general guiding

question based on formulation of these interviews conducted in

Indonesian language. Later the interview take shape as themes emerged

from the information given by the teacher and students.


F. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis. Using

the technique, the researcher collects, arranges and presents the data. The

qualitative method is a kind of research without using any calculation of statistic

procedures. The scheme above is the techniques in analyzing data by:

1. Data Reduction

During the field notes process, the data gains grow much and

complex. The data need to be reduced. Data reduction means to summarize,

to choose the points, to focus on teacher‟s strategies, in order to find the

answer. The researcher reduces from the whole data collected and gets the

more suitable the data would be analyzed.

2. Data Display

Data display was the second form of data analysis after the process of

selecting, simplifying, and organizing, raw data. In this research, the

researcher display carefully in the form of descriptive text. In displaying the

data, the formulation of research questions were taken to be considered by

the researcher in order to make the data displayed always suitable to the

research questions using Miles and Huberman theory. The data that

displayed here were the main data.

3. Conclusion/Verification

The conclusion needed to be verified for its credibility. Verification is

some program to check the researcher‟s carefulness and to the accurate data.

Taking conclusion is only the part of activity in though configuration. The

researcher begins to seek supporting information, then the reduction data,

presentation data, and the last was making conclusion. After reduced and

presented the data, the last step the researcher made the conclusion about

teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading the classroom.

G. Trustworthiness

In qualitative research, there is common technique usually used to check the

trustworthiness of the data. To get the trustworthiness in this research, more than


one instrument was used to collect the data. So, the researcher used triangulation

techniques. The purpose of triangulation is to processes in which various source

of data are collected. The variety of sources can refer to time, place, and person.

In the present study the sources of data referred to the teachers and students.

Methodological triangulation is a process in which various method are used to

measure the same unit. Methodological triangulation was done by employing

different method of collecting data, namely observation, and interview.


H. Schedule of Research

Table 3.1 Research of schedule

No Activities


Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb march

1 Preparation

2 Proposal Arrangement

3 Consultation of


4 Proposal seminar

5 Collecting data

6 Research improvement

7 Writing a thesis

8 Thesis examination




This chapter presents findings and discussion of research. The findings of

the research covers the analysis of teacher strategies in teaching reading and the

result of interview about the strategy in teaching reading process.

A. Research Finding

The researcher conducted the interview and observation techniques to

acquire data about the English teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading. The

researcher found there were four strategies used by the teacher in teaching

reading. They are QAR, generating Question, recognizing story structure and

summarizing. Those four strategies always used by teacher in each meeting.

a. Question-Answer Relationship (QAR)

Based on the observation, the first strategy which is used by the

teacher is Question-Answer Relationship (QAR).This strategy usually

uses by teacher because students seen happy and fun using QAR.

Before starting lessons, the teacher as usual greets students,

absent and brain storming about the subject. In this activity the students

repeat some subject that they have learned before. Furthermore, these

activities are divided into several steps. The steps used by the teacher

are first, students start by reading or ask students to listen to the text

read by the teacher. The second, teacher involve students in questioning

activities and monitor the extent to which students understand. And

then the teacher guides students during the questioning process and

encourages students involvement. The students seemed happy to use

QAR because they could make their own questions based on the text.

However, some students got confused but the teacher guided them and

then they could follow the rules. Sometimes students ask the teacher

what they should do next. Then the teacher provides feedback to the

students and allows discussion.

Based on the interview which is conducted by the researcher, the


teacher usually uses Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy in

teaching reading because the students are enthusiastic using this

strategy in learning. This strategy makes them easier to make questions

and answers and also make them easier to understand the text given.

“What is the most strategy you used in teaching reading? Answer :I

mostly used QAR. Because I use QAR to provoke students’ enthusiasm

in learning and make it easier for them to make questions and


In discussion, students was active to gave question and

answered the question. They concluded their answer and presented to

the front of class. In post activity the teacher repeat the learning and

what students got form the learning. And then the students about their

difficult and gave them the solving. Students can be more active in the

classroom and make new questions based on their own words after

using this strategy. Besides that, students also know the new

information from the text. From the results of interview and

observation, QAR is the strategy most often used in teaching reading.

Because with strategy students are free to express their opinions in front

the class.

b. Generating Questioning

Based on the observation, generating questioning are the second

strategy that researcher have discovered. In the pre activity the teacher

as usual gave students greeting, absent and brain storming about the

subject. In this activity the students repeat some subject that they have

learned before. Then the whole activity divided into some steps.

Students begin by reading the text.

The first step, the teacher introduced this strategy to the students,

and this step, the teacher finds clear main idea. The teacher tells the

students that some of the quotes have concise sentences that state the

main idea or essence of the paragraph. Then the teacher uses sample


quotes with clear main ideas, after which the teacher trains students to

identify and underline the main ideas.

Then, the teacher explains that the reader must first identify the

idea of the quote before they summarize the main idea of the quote, and

the teacher to use the sample quote with the main idea implied. After

that the teacher explains to students how to distinguish the main

information from the less important details. The teacher asks students to

practice these skills in student daily practice.

The next step is writing the core sentence. The teacher shows the

student a quote with an implied main idea. Then the teacher asks

students to circle the main idea and he gives an example of how to write

the main sentence that is built from the main idea. After that the teacher

asks students to practice these skills in students‟ daily exercises.

Entering the generating questions,

The teacher tells students that careful readers often make

questions about what they read to help them learn, then the teacher asks

students to make a list of words that can be used as questions, for

example what, who, where, when, why, and how. After that, the teacher

gives students practice using question-making strategies. Before the

learning process is complete the teacher repeats the lesson that has been

taught and then he asks students about the difficulties they are

experiencing and provides solutions.

Based on the interview, it can be concluded that this strategy is

used to encourage students to develop their learning skills and could

help students improve their critical and creative thinking skills when

students learn to ask questions about assigned texts. “How is the

process of your teaching in reading ?Answer : My process of teaching

reading is dependent on the material I teach., starting from reading the

text, looking for vocabulary that they don’t know, their meaning and

pronunciation and making questions from the text they read, then I ask

them to make a summary of the text they read.


Students can be more active in the classroom and more

understand about how to find main idea after using this strategy. They

also know about how to build a sentence in reading.

c. Recognizing Story Structure

Based on the observation, the third strategy is recognizing

structuring story. The types of recognizing structuring story used by

teacher is the story mapping. In the pre activity the teacher as usual

gave students greeting, absent and brain storming about the subject. In

this activity the students repeat some subject that they have learned

before. Then the whole activity divided into some steps. Students begin

by reading the text.

From the results of the first meeting field notes, the teacher began

learning by brainstorming students by asking about students‟

experiences of reading text and asking students to name the text titles

they read. Then the teacher explains the structure and elements of the

text. Here the teacher uses a story mapping strategy and explains the

process of implementing this strategy. The teacher must pay attention

to all students whether they are ready or not to start the lesson so that

students can pay attention to the explanation from the teacher. This

strategy is used by the teacher as a learning model so that students

understand the text more easily. But some students seem confused with

this strategy. At the second meeting, the teacher repeated the material

that had been taught in the first meeting. Here the teacher explains the

general structure and elements in the text. At this second meeting the

teacher attracted the attention of all students to pay attention to the

learning that was about to begin.

Based on the interview, in this strategy the teacher focus on story

mapping, because with story mapping , students understand the story

line more easily.“What is your reason in using some strategies in

teaching reading comprehension ?Answer :I used several strategies to


keep students from getting bored in class and to make them enjoy

learning to read”.

In the post activity the teacher repeat the learning and what

students got from the learning. After that, the teacher asked students

about their difficult and gave them solving.

d. Summarizing

Based on the observation, summarizing is the last strategy that

researcher have discovered. In the pre activity the teacher as usual gave

students greeting, absent and brain storming about the subject. In this

activity the students repeat some subject that they have learned before.

Then the whole activity divided into some steps. Students begin by

reading the text.

After that, the teacher asks students to read the text that has been

given by the teacher to find the topic of the text. Then the teacher asks

students to find the main idea in the text and asks students to look for

the main idea. Then the teacher asks students to reread the text and

make a summary of the text.

In making a summary, students must state the main idea of the

text in the first sentence and only include the most important

information. In this strategy many students ask the teacher because

they are confused about summarizing the text. Then the teacher

explains to the students and asks them to follow the method that has

been explained. This strategy is difficult enough that the teacher needs

time to repeat the method even more.

From the interview results, it can be concluded that in this

strategy the teacher trains students how to summarize good and

correct according to the rules. So that students do not have any

difficulty in summarizing. “How do you make students active in

classroom ?Answer : I changes the strategy every teaching”.

In the post activity the teacher repeat the learning and what


students got from the learning. After that, the teacher asked students

about their difficult and gave them solving. But from this strategy, the

students can be more focus and consistent in reading. They also can

retell the story of the story of the text detail. Besides this strategy also

made them good in writing subject.

B. Discussion

In this sections, the researcher explains the results of the study. Based on

observations and interviews conducted by researcher at Senior High School

Jauharul Falah Kumpeh Ulu, especially in the eleventh grade with English

teachers about their strategies in teaching reading comprehension. The researcher

found that there are four strategies used by the teacher in teaching reading

comprehension they are Question-Answer Relationship (QAR), Generating

Questioning, Recognizing Story Structure, and summarizing.

a. Question-answer relationship (QAR)

Tompkins, (2006) said that QAR is considered suitable in

learning to understand the text because in the process of learning

students in guidance to focus more on the text. According to Raphael

(1986), Question-answer relationship (QAR) is a reading

comprehension strategy developed to clarify how students approach the

tasks of reading texts and answering questions. It encourages students

to be active, strategic readers of texts. QAR strategy shows the

relationship between questions and answers, how to search for

information in a text according to different types of question.QAR is the

first strategy found in the reading class applied by the teacher. This in

line with the study conducted by Sarjan (2007). In her study QAR is

strategy used to give material to the students in order the students was

easy to accept material that given by teacher. This strategies help the

teacher in teaching reading comprehension. With this strategy the

teacher able to know how far heir students understand what the teacher

has given to them. And in the stage the students not only read the


passage but also really understand what the content of the content. If the

students can answer the questions they have understood then they

understand the text., and if they cannot answer the questions then the

students do not understand the text. And also the teacher asks the

students to answer the questions related to the text, after which the

students write down the answers in their books. The teacher using this

strategy because the students must understand the reading text and the

students guided to more focus on the text.

b. Generating questioning

According to Palincsar and Brown (1984), generating questioning

is an important comprehension-fostering and self-regulatory cognitive

strategy. It is caused by the act of composing questions which focuses

the student‟s attention on content. It is involved concentrating on main

ideas while checking to see if content is understood. In this strategy the

teacher asks the students to identify the main idea of a quote first

before they make questions. Then the teacher adds discussion as one of

the advanced strategies in generating questions. In this strategy

students are divided into small groups. After that the teacher gives a

different topic for them to discuss with their respective groups. Then,

after the students finished discussing the teacher appointed one student

from each group for a presentation in front of the class while the other

groups gave comments. In this discussion students exchange ideas

about the topic.

This strategy is used to make it easier for students to make

questions. Generating Questioning is the second strategy found in the

reading class applied by the teacher. This in line with the study

conducted by Arrasul (2015). In his study Generating Questioning is a

strategy that involves requiring students to read a specific assignment,

create questions designed to elicit important information from the

passage, and answer their question. Asking students to create their own


questions about a reading passage encourages them to read more

actively and helps them to focus their attention on key ideas. The

questions should be in general, use question stems commonly referred

to as reporters‟ questions or known as WH-questions.

c. Recognizing story structure

Here the teacher uses a story mapping strategy and explains the

process of implementing this strategy, then the teacher explains the

general structures and elements in the text to the students. The teacher

must pay attention to all students whether they are ready or not to start

the lesson so that students can pay attention to the explanation from

the teacher. This strategy is used by the teacher as a learning model so

that students understand the text more easily. According to Johnson

(2008), this strategy can help students to improve their reading

comprehension by giving them a framework they can use to read a

story (Pertaining to Cohen, 2007). This strategy can guide the students

to make predictions about how they think the story. This strategy also

can help the students to learn how to think reflectively by creating

some questions about the story‟s setting, plot, characters, and so on.

Recognizing story structure strategy also can make the students

become comprehensive readers. They come in all shapes and sizes. In

the early stages of writing development, story maps help students

identify the main characters, setting, problem, and solution. This

strategy also educates the students to be aware of their surroundings

and be responsible with their work in a group.

d. Summarizing

And the last Summarizing. Summarizing helps the reader in all

reading text because the whole goal of any reading is to understand

the most important points. Pakzadian and Rasekh (2012) said that,

summarization is an effective learning strategy that can help students


to construct and retain a succinct summary of important propositions

from text. The teacher makes use of this strategy to learn reading

comprehension in class. In the strategy used by the teacher, the

teacher asks students to make a summary. In making a summary

students must state the main idea of the text in the first sentence and

include only the most important information, after which students

write the summary results in their book. This strategy is used to train

the extent of students‟ reading comprehension in understanding the

text. Summarizing is the last strategy found in the reading class

applied by the teacher. This in line with the study conducted by Huan

and Kim Ngan (2017). In his study summarizing strategy could help

them to retain information in the text and overcome the reading


The teacher uses several strategies in order to assist students in developing

the meaning contained in the reading text so that students understand the content

of the reading more easily. Based on description above, the researcher had

analysis that happened in the classroom during learning process. After the

researcher conducted the analysis during learning process, the researcher

concluded that the four strategies used by the teacher in teaching reading

comprehension in the XI of Senior High School Jauharul Falah made it easier for

students to understand English text in reading comprehension lessons. Therefore,

the researcher thinks that this research is clearly to describe about four strategies

used by the teacher in teaching reading comprehension namely QAR, Generating

Questioning, Recognizing Story Structure, and Summarizing. While the other

researcher in the previous study before, they used only two strategies in teaching

reading comprehension to the students namely QAR and scaffolding.




This chapter presents conclusion and suggestions related to what has

analyzed and discussed. It has correlate with the title “An Analysis of English

Teacher‟s Strategies

A. Conclusion

After getting the data and analyzing the finding and analyzing the results

or the data the researcher found that in learning reading comprehension the

teacher uses four learning strategies, they are: Question and answer relationship,

generating questions, recognizing story structure and summarizing. Based on the

research results, this strategy is effective in learning reading comprehension

because it can help students understand the text and students who have difficulty

reading will more easily understand your reading. This strategy provides good

feedback for the teacher in teaching reading at the Senior High School.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would offer some

suggestions are presented for students, English teacher and the next researcher.

1. Students

With the strategy‟s that use by the teacher, the students hope the

students more understand about reading comprehension and enjoy with

his lesson.

2. English teacher

This research can improve the quality of the English teacher in

teaching English. Teacher‟s strategies must be applied because this is

the teacher‟s way to determine learning goals during teaching learning


3. The next researcher

The researcher wishes that other researcher could conduct this


research in wider area. The next researcher can conduct the research

about the teacher strategies that used by an English teacher which

important in teaching and learning process. Therefore, that result will

be more advantageous and be applied in a larger area.



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Field Note:

Day : Wednesday

Date : 11th November 2020

Note :

In the preliminary activity the teacher instills a polite and religious attitude

in students where the teacher says greetings before entering class. Then the

teacher appoints one of the students to lead the prayer. This activity is carried out

so that students get used to praying before starting lessons.

In the core activities the teacher tries to do memory for students, such as

asking about the material last week, then students answer questions from the

teacher. After that the teacher goes into the next material, namely reading

comprehension. The teacher begins the lesson by first reading the text properly

and correctly. Then the teacher appoints one of the students to read the text. The

strategy used by the teacher is QAR, where when students are finished reading the

text, the teacher asks about the vocabulary in the reading. Students seem to enjoy

using this strategy because they can make their own questions based on the text.

However some students look confused, but the teacher guides them so they can

follow the rules.



Day : Wednesday

Date : 18th November 2020

Note :

The teacher adds discussion as an advanced strategy in generating

questions. In this strategy students are divided into small groups, then the teacher

provides different topics for them to discuss with the groups. The teacher asks the

students to translate the text. Then the students discuss with their groups. After

they finish the discussion the teacher appoints one student from each group to

present the results of the discussion in front. While other groups gave comments.

In this strategy, students exchange ideas about the topic.



Day : Wednesday

Date : 25th November 2020

Note :

On the first meeting, the teacher began learning by brainstorming students

by asking about students‟ experiences of reading text and asking students to name

the text titles they read. Then the teacher explains the structure and elements of

the text. Here the teacher uses a story mapping strategy and explains the process

of implementing this strategy. The teacher must pay attention to all students

whether they are ready or not to start the lesson so that students can pay attention

to the explanation from the teacher. This strategy is used by the teacher as a

learning model so that students understand the text more easily. But some students

seem confused with this strategy. At the second meeting, the teacher repeated the

material that had been taught in the first meeting. Here the teacher explains the

general structure and elements in the text. At this second meeting the teacher

attracted the attention of all students to pay attention to the learning that was about

to begin.



Day : Wednesday

Date : 2nd December 2020

Note :

In summarizing the students must state the main idea of the text in the first

sentence and only include the most important information. In this strategy many

students ask the teacher because they are confused about summarizing the text.

Then the teacher explains to the students and asks them to follow the method that

has been explained. This strategy is difficult enough that the teacher needs time to

repeat the method even more.



Teacher Interview Questions Sheet

1. Do you have the difficulties in teaching reading?

2. How is the process of your teaching reading?

3. What is the most strategy you used in teaching reading?

4. What is your reason in using some strategies in teaching reading?

5. How do you make students active in classroom?

6. How does students reaction when you changed the strategies?


Lembar Pertanyaan Wawancara Guru

1. Apakah anda mengalami kesulitan dalam mengajar membaca?

2. bagaimana proses anda dalam mengajar membaca?

3. Strategi apa yang paling sering anda gunakan dalam mengajar membaca?

4. Apaalasan anda menggunakan beberapa strategi dalam mengajar


5. Bagaimana anda membuat siswa aktif dikelas?

6. Bagaimana reaksi siswa ketika anda mengubah strategi?



Teacher Interview Questions and Answers Sheet

1. Do you have the difficulties in teaching reading ?

Answer :No, because students pay attention to the material I am explaining

so that it makes them faster to understand the material.

2. How is the process of your teaching in reading ?

Answer : My process of teaching reading is dependent on the material I

teach., starting from reading the text, looking for vocabulary that they

don’t know, their meaning and pronunciation and making questions from

the text they read, then I ask them to make a summary of the text they read.

3. What the most strategy she used in teaching reading ?

Answer :I mostly used QAR. Because I use QAR to provoke students’

enthusiasm in learning and make it easier for them to make questions and


4. What is your reason in using some strategies in teaching reading

comprehension ?

Answer :I used several strategies to keep students from getting bored in

class and to make them enjoy learning to read.

5. How do you make students active in classroom ?

Answer :I changes the strategy every teaching

6. How students reaction when he changed the strategies ?

Answer :They feel energized and enjoy the class


Lembar Pertanyaan Guru dan Jawaban Wawancara Guru

1. Apakah anda mengalami kesulitan dalam mengajar membaca?

Jawaban : tidak, karena siswa memperhatikan materi yang saya jelaskan

sehingga membuat mereka lebih cepat memahami materi tersebut.

2. Bagaimana proses anda dalam mengajar membaca?

Jawaban : Proses saya mengajar membaca adalah tergantung dengan

materi yang saya ajarkan mulai dari membaca teks, mencari kosakata yang

tidak mereka ketahui artinya dan pengucapannya serta membuat

pertanyaan dari teks yang mereka baca, kemudian saya meminta mereka

membuat ringkasan dari teks yang mereka baca.

3. Strategi apa yang paling sering anda gunakan dalam mengajar membaca?

Jawaban : Saya kebanyakan menggunakan QAR. Karena saya

menggunakan QAR untuk memancing semangat siswa dalam belajar dan

memudahkan mereka dalam membuat pertanyaan dan jawaban.

4. Apa alasan anda menggunakan beberapa strategi dalam mengajar


Jawaban : Saya menggunakan beberapa strategi agar siswa tidak bosan

dalam kelas dan membuat mereka menikmati belajar dalam kelas


5. Bagaimana anda membuat siswa aktif dikelas?

Jawaban: Saya mengubah strategi setiap pengajaran

6. Bagaimana reaksi siswa ketika anda mengubah strategi?

Jawaban : Mereka merasa bersemangat dan menikmati kelas











Name : Nopi Windi Lestari

Place/Date of Birth : Purwobakti, 11 November 1997

Address : Lrg. Bambu Kuning Rt 11,Dusun

Purwobakti Kec. Bathin III, Kab.

Bungo, Jambi

Gender : Female

E-mail Address :

Phone Number : +6281272546397

Religion : Moslem

Educational Background:

No Level of Education Year of Graduated

1 SDN 112/II Dusun Purwobakti 2010

2 SMP N 2 Muaro Bungo 2013

3 SMA N 1 Muaro Bungo 2016

4 UIN STS Jambi 2021

Jambi, Mei 2021


Nopi Windi Lestari

TE. 161773

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