ambrotype fb night20130222

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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1. AmbrotypeFacebook 2. Agenda Media Technology Labs Ambrotype Facebook 3. 4. G 5. R&D 6. MTL R&D 7. MTL 8. 9. 10. toC 11. 12. 1827 13. 200 14. 15. 10% 16. 20% 17. ... 18. Ambrotype = 19. Re-fetchingyour photos from theseserivices 20. Sort by dateAutomatically 21. Notify a photo of your memories daily= Serendipity 22. Communication 23. Make albumby Facerecognition 24. Makealbumby Geo 25. Make aGreeting Card 26. Make aGreeting Card 27. 28. Ambrotype: for your memories 29. AmbrotypeFacebook 30. Acritecture 31. AcritectureTitanium 32. AcritectureTitanium 33. AcritectureTitanium 34. Titanium: JSOS 35. Facebook1.Facebook2.3. 36. 1. Facebook 37. 1. Facebook 38. 1. Facebook Fb Token 39. 1. FacebookFb TokenFb Token 40. 1. FacebookFb TokenAm TokenFb Token 41. TitaniumFacebook Ti.Facebook!Ti.Facebook.appid = [YOUR APPID];// Permissions your app needsTi.Facebook.permissions = [publish_stream];Ti.Facebook.forceDialogAuth = false; //SSOTi.Facebook.addEventListener(login, function(e) {if (e.success) {var aToken = Ti.Facebook.accessToken;} else if (e.error) {alert(e.error);} else if (e.cancelled) {alert("Canceled");}});Ti.Facebook.authorize(); 42. TitaniumFacebook Ti.Facebook!Ti.Facebook.appid = [YOUR APPID];// Permissions your app needsTi.Facebook.permissions = [publish_stream];Ti.Facebook.forceDialogAuth = false; //SSOTi.Facebook.addEventListener(login, function(e) {if (e.success) {var aToken = Ti.Facebook.accessToken;} else if (e.error) {alert(e.error);} else if (e.cancelled) {alert("Canceled");}});Ti.Facebook.authorize(); 43. TitaniumFacebook Ti.Facebook!Ti.Facebook.appid = [YOUR APPID];// Permissions your app needsTi.Facebook.permissions = [publish_stream];Ti.Facebook.forceDialogAuth = false; //SSOTi.Facebook.addEventListener(login, function(e) {if (e.success) {var aToken = Ti.Facebook.accessToken;} else if (e.error) {alert(e.error);} else if (e.cancelled) {alert("Canceled");}});Ti.Facebook.authorize(); 44. TitaniumFacebook Ti.Facebook!Ti.Facebook.appid = [YOUR APPID];// Permissions your app needsTi.Facebook.permissions = [publish_stream];Ti.Facebook.forceDialogAuth = false; //SSOTi.Facebook.addEventListener(login, function(e) {if (e.success) {var aToken = Ti.Facebook.accessToken;} else if (e.error) {alert(e.error);} else if (e.cancelled) {alert("Canceled");}});Ti.Facebook.authorize(); 45. 2. 46. 2. GET 47. 2. GET 48. 2. 49. 2. 1. 50. 2. 1.2. 51. 2. 1.2.3. 52. 2. 1.2.3. 53. 2. 1.2.3. FQL 54. 2. 1.2.3. FQL 55. 2. 1.2.3. FQL 56. 2. FQL SELECT pid, caption, src, src_big, created, modified, place_id, link, src_small_width, src_small_height, src_big_width, src_big_height, object_id, like_info, comment_info FROM photo WHERE aid IN (SELECT aid FROM album WHERE owner=me()) Restfb( FacebookClient facebookClient = new DefaultFacebookClient("facebook"); List faceBookPhotos = facebookClient.executeQuery(SELECT_OWN_ALL_PHOTO S, JsonObject.class); 57. 3. 58. 3. Req 59. 3. URLReq 60. 3. URLReqAPI 61. 3. fbparams = new Parameter[] { Parameter.with("message", comment), Parameter.with("picture", pictureUrl), Parameter.with("link", url), Parameter.with("name", name), Parameter.with("privacy", "{"value":"" +perm+ ""}")};String publishMessageResponse = facebookClient.publish("me/feed", String.class, fbparams); 62. Facebookfeed 63. URL!?FQLURLDBURLNot Found Please Help Me! 64.

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