altiris client management suite 7.1 from symantec user...

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Altiris™ Client ManagementSuite 7.1 from Symantec™User Guide

Altiris™ Client Management Suite 7.1 from Symantec™User Guide

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Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter 1 Introducing Client Management Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

About Client Management Suite ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Components of Client Management Suite ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10What's new in Client Management Suite 7.1 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Where to get more information .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 2 Using Power Scheme Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

About Power Scheme Task component ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Preparing target computers for power scheme management ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Installing the Power Scheme Task Plug-in ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Upgrading the Power Scheme Task Plug-in ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Uninstalling the Power Scheme Task Plug-in ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Collecting power scheme inventory data ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Creating a Power Scheme Task .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Editing and deploying power scheme settings ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Viewing power scheme inventory data ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25



Introducing ClientManagement Suite

This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About Client Management Suite

■ Components of Client Management Suite

■ What's new in Client Management Suite 7.1

■ Where to get more information

About Client Management SuiteClient Management Suite combines the necessary tools that help you deploy,manage, secure, and troubleshoot your desktop computers and laptop computersthroughout their entire lifecycle.

The solutions that are part of the Client Management Suite help you discover theresources in your network, and let you check their state. The reporting tools helpyou identify problems and take immediate action to fix them. ClientManagementSuite lets you automate time-consuming and redundant tasks to reduce the effortof managing your client systems.

Client Management Suite is a collection of solutions that run on the SymantecManagement Platform. The platform and solutions of the Client ManagementSuite provide the following key features:

■ Discovery and inventoryThe suite lets yougather comprehensive inventoryof all hardware and softwareon your client systems. The collected inventory data helps you optimizesoftware licenses and reduce the costs that are associated with operatingsystem deployments and software rollouts.


■ Imaging and deploymentThe suite lets you deploy standardized and hardware-independent images onyour managed computers. You can migrate to the latest operating system orhardware with fewer interruptions to users.

■ Software distribution and patch managementThe suite lets you control the software configurations of your client systems.Theautomatedpolicies for software andpatchmanagementhelp youdistributethe latest software and operating system updates. Software managementcapabilities let you ensure that the required software remains installed, isalways in a working state, and is correctly configured on the client systems.

■ Remote managementThe suite lets you troubleshoot and remediate client computers remotely. Youcan remote control your client systems with pcAnywhere technology, or useReal-Time System Manager techniques to fix the problems of users.

See “Components of Client Management Suite” on page 10.

See “Where to get more information” on page 15.

Components of Client Management SuiteClient Management Suite is a collection of solutions that run on the SymantecManagement Platform.

See “About Client Management Suite” on page 9.

Introducing Client Management SuiteComponents of Client Management Suite


Table 1-1 Components of Client Management Suite


Symantec Management Platform provides a set of servicesthat IT-related solutions can leverage. By leveraging theseservices, the solutions that are built on the platform canfocus on their unique tasks. They also can take advantageof themore general services that the platformprovides. Theplatform services also provide a high degree of consistencybetween the solutions, so that users do not need to learnmultiple product interfaces.

Symantec Management Platform includes the followingcomponents:

■ Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

■ Notification Server

■ Symantec Management Console

■ Symantec Management Agent for Windows

■ SymantecManagementAgent forUNIX, Linux, andMac

■ Network Discovery

■ Software Management Framework

■ Reports

Symantec ManagementPlatform

Deployment Solution helps to reduce the cost of deployingandmanaging servers, desktops, notebooks, and thin clientsfrom a centralized location in your environment. It offersoperating system deployment, configuration, personalitymigration of computers, and software deployment acrossdifferent hardware platforms and operating systems.

Deployment Solutionprovides integratedprovisioning, diskimaging, and personality migration from the SymantecManagement Console. Using Symantec Ghost™, you canperform initial computerdeploymentusing standard imagesand migrate user data or application settings to newcomputers.

Deployment Solution includes a 7.x version that runs onthe Symantec Management Platform and a license for thelatest 6.x version that can be installed separately.

Deployment Solution

11Introducing Client Management SuiteComponents of Client Management Suite

Table 1-1 Components of Client Management Suite (continued)


Inventory Solution lets you gather inventory data about thecomputers, users, operating systems, and installed softwareapplications in your environment. You can collect inventorydata from the computers that run Windows, UNIX, Linuxand Mac.

After you gather inventory data, you can analyze it usingpredefined or custom reports.

Inventory Solution

Inventory forNetworkDevices gathers inventory data fromthe devices that are not managed through the SymantecManagement Agent.

You can gather inventory on the devices that are alreadydiscovered and exist as resources in the ConfigurationManagement Database (CMDB).

Inventory for NetworkDevices

Out-of-Band Management component lets you discovercomputers with ASF, DASH, and Intel AMT in yourenvironment and configure them for out-of-bandmanagement.

Out-of-bandmanagement lets youmanage client computersregardless of the state of their power, operating system, ormanagement agents. You can remotely change the powerstate of the computer and collect hardware inventory. Youalso can perform other management tasks that normallywould require a visit to a client computer.

Out-of-band management

PatchManagement Solution for Linux lets you scanRedHatand Novell Linux computers for security vulnerabilities.The solution then reports on the findings and lets youautomate the download and distribution of needed errata,or software updates. The solution downloads the requiredpatches and provides wizards to help you deploy them.

Patch Management Solutionfor Linux

Patch Management Solution for Mac lets you scan Maccomputers for the updates that they require. The solutionthen reports on the findings and lets you automate thedownloading and distribution of needed updates. You candistribute all or some of the updates.

Patch Management Solutionfor Mac

Introducing Client Management SuiteComponents of Client Management Suite


Table 1-1 Components of Client Management Suite (continued)


Patch Management Solution for Windows lets you scanWindows computers for security vulnerabilities, and viewthe results of the scan. The system lets you automate thedownload and distribution of the security patches. You cancreate filters of the computers and apply the patch to thecomputers that need it.

Patch Management Solutionfor Windows

pcAnywhere Solution is a remote control solution. It letsyou manage computers, resolve help desk issues, andconnect to remote devices.

pcAnywhere Solution

ThePower SchemeTask component helps you discover andremotely configure the power settings of your Windowscomputers.

See “About Power Scheme Task component” on page 17.

Power Scheme Task

Real-TimeSystemManager provides youdetailed real-timeinformation about the managed computer, and lets youremotely perform different administrative tasks. You canrun the tasks immediately, or on a schedule.

Real-Time System Manager also lets you run some of themanagement tasks on a collection of computers.

Real-Time System Manager

Software Management Solution provides intelligent andbandwidth-sensitive distribution and management ofsoftware from a central Web console. It leverages theSoftware Catalog and Software Library to ensure that therequired software gets installed, remains installed, and runswithout interference from other software.

Software Management Solution supports softwarevirtualization technology, which lets you install softwareinto a virtual layer on the client computer.

Software Management Solution also lets users directlydownload and install approved software or request othersoftware.

Software ManagementSolution

13Introducing Client Management SuiteComponents of Client Management Suite

Table 1-1 Components of Client Management Suite (continued)


IT Analytics Solution software complements and expandsupon the traditional reporting that is offered inmost Altirissolutions. It brings exciting new features and capabilitiesto Notification Server because it incorporates multi-dimensional analysis and robust graphical reporting anddistribution features.

This functionality allows users to explore data on their own,without advanced knowledge of databases or third partyreporting tools. It empowers users to ask and answer theirown questions quickly, easily, and effectively.

Altiris IT Analytics Symantec Endpoint Protection Pack isalso included in this solution.

IT Analytics Solution

TheSymantecEndpointProtection IntegrationComponentcombines Symantec Endpoint Protection with your otherSymantec Management Platform solutions. You caninventory computers, update patches, deliver software, anddeploy new computers. You can also back up and restoreyour systems and data, manage DLP agents, manageSymantec Endpoint Protection clients. You cando thisworkfrom a single, Web-based Symantec Management Console.

Symantec EndpointProtection IntegrationComponent

TheenhancedSymantecManagementConsole views replacethe default console views through Symantec ManagementPlatform version 7.0 for computers and software. For tasksand policies, the enhanced views add drag-and-dropfunctionality. In addition, you cannowsearch the tree ratherthan drilling down to find specific tasks or policies.

The enhanced views are incorporated into the existingconsole. They let youmanage computers, software, jobs andtasks, and policies more efficiently with fewer clicks. Forexample, you cannowdrag policies onto computers to applythe policies to those computers. This action eliminatesmultiple steps that the previous console required toaccomplish the same thing.

Enhanced console views

What's new in Client Management Suite 7.1The7.1 release of ClientManagement Suite introduces the followingnew features:

■ Support for 64-bit operating systems.

Introducing Client Management SuiteWhat's new in Client Management Suite 7.1


■ Hierarchy improvements.You cannowcompile severalNotificationServers in to onehierarchy structure.It makes easier to manage large amounts of clients.

The updates include the enhancements, changes, or deprecations in the featuresthat existed in Client Management Suite 7.0.

Where to get more informationUse the following documentation resources to learn about and use this product.

Table 1-2 Documentation resources


The Product Support page, which is available at the following URL:

When you open your product's support page, look for theDocumentation link on the right side of the page.

Information about newfeatures and importantissues.

Release Notes

■ The Documentation Library, which is available in the SymantecManagement Console on the Help menu.

■ TheProductSupportpage,which is available at the followingURL:

When you open your product’s support page, look for theDocumentation link on the right side of the page.

Information about howto use this product,including detailedtechnical informationand instructions forperforming commontasks.

User Guide

The Documentation Library, which is available in the SymantecManagement Console on the Help menu.

Context-sensitive help is available for most screens in the SymantecManagement Console.

You can open context-sensitive help in the following ways:

■ The F1 key when the page is active.

■ The Context command, which is available in the SymantecManagement Console on the Help menu.

Information about howto use this product,including detailedtechnical informationand instructions forperforming commontasks.

Help is available at thesolution level and at thesuite level.

This information isavailable in HTML helpformat.


In addition to the product documentation, you can use the following resources tolearn about Symantec products.

15Introducing Client Management SuiteWhere to get more information

Table 1-3 Symantec product information resources

LocationDescriptionResource, incidents, andissues about Symantecproducts.

SymWISESupportKnowledgebase online resource thatcontains forums, articles,blogs, downloads, events,videos, groups, and ideasfor users of Symantecproducts.


Introducing Client Management SuiteWhere to get more information


Using Power Scheme Task

This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About Power Scheme Task component

■ Preparing target computers for power scheme management

■ Collecting power scheme inventory data

■ Creating a Power Scheme Task

■ Editing and deploying power scheme settings

■ Viewing power scheme inventory data

About Power Scheme Task componentThe Power Scheme Task component helps you discover and remotely configurethe power scheme settings of your Windows computers.

The Power Scheme Task component includes predefined tasks with differentpower scheme settings. According to your requirements, you can change thesettings of the predefined tasks, or you can create custom power schememanagement tasks.

When thepower schememanagement task runs, it creates and activates theAltirisPower Scheme on target computers.

See “Editing and deploying power scheme settings” on page 21.

ThePowerSchemeTask component is installed as apart of theClientManagementSuite.

The Power Scheme Task component requires that you install the Power SchemeTask Plug-in on your managed computers.

See “Installing the Power Scheme Task Plug-in” on page 19.


The Power Scheme Task that you run does not change the power schemes thatWindows or other applications install. It creates the Altiris Power Scheme withthe power scheme settings that you specify.

Table 2-1 Power Scheme Task features


You can edit and deploy different predefinedpower schemes.

See “Editing and deploying power schemesettings” on page 21.

The Power Scheme Task that you run does notchange thepower schemes thatWindowsor otherapplications install. It creates the Altiris PowerScheme with the power scheme settings that youspecify.

Edit and deploy power schemes.

You can create custom power schememanagement tasks, andyou can specify thepowerscheme settings according to your requirements.

See “Creating a Power Scheme Task” on page 21.

Create power scheme managementtasks.

You can collect information about the powerscheme settings that are currently active on yourWindows computers.

See “Collecting power scheme inventory data”on page 20.

Inventory power schemes on clientcomputers.

You can use a predefined report to see the powerscheme settings that are currently active on yourWindows computers.

See “Viewing power scheme inventory data”on page 22.

View power schemes data.

Preparing target computers for power schememanagement

To run power the scheme management tasks, you must install the Power SchemeTask Plug-in on the target computers. The Power Scheme Task Plug-in lets youconfigure the power scheme settings on your managed Windows computers. ThePower Scheme Task Plug-in also lets you collect information about the powerscheme settings that are currently in use on the managed computers.

Using Power Scheme TaskPreparing target computers for power scheme management


The Power Scheme Task Plug-in works with the Symantec Management Agent toperform the power scheme management tasks.

See “About Power Scheme Task component” on page 17.

Installing the Power Scheme Task Plug-inThe Power Scheme Task Plug-in lets you configure the power scheme settings onyourmanagedWindows computers. The agent installation process can take sometime to start, depending on the update intervals that you set for the SymantecManagement Agent.

See “About Power Scheme Task component” on page 17.

To install the Power Scheme Task Plug-in

1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Actions menu, clickAgents/Plug-ins > Rollout Agents/Plug-ins.

2 In the left pane, click Power Scheme > Power Scheme Task Plug-in Install.

3 In the right pane, make any wanted changes.

For more information about policy configuration options, press F1 or clickHelp > Context.

4 Turn on the policy.

At the upper right of the page, click the colored circle, and then click On.

5 Click Save changes.

Upgrading the Power Scheme Task Plug-inIf you upgrade from a previous version of the ClientManagement Suite, youmustalso upgrade the Power SchemeTask Plug-in to the latest version. To upgrade thePower Scheme Task Plug-in, you must turn on the upgrade policy.

See “About Power Scheme Task component” on page 17.

To upgrade the Power Scheme Task Plug-in

1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Actions menu, clickAgents/Plug-ins > Rollout Agents/Plug-ins.

2 In the left pane, clickPowerScheme>PowerSchemeTaskPlug-inUpgrade.

3 In the right pane, make any wanted changes.

For more information about policy configuration options, press F1 or clickHelp > Context.

19Using Power Scheme TaskPreparing target computers for power scheme management

4 Turn on the policy.

At the upper right of the page, click the colored circle, and then click On.

5 Click Save changes.

Uninstalling the Power Scheme Task Plug-inIf you do not perform the power scheme management tasks on your computersover an extendedperiod of time, you canuninstall the Power SchemeTaskPlug-in.Uninstalling theunused agents helps to eliminate theunnecessarynetwork traffic.Touninstall thePower SchemeTaskPlug-in, youmust turn on theuninstall policy.

Note: Before you uninstall the Power Scheme Task Plug-in, make sure that youturn off the Power Scheme Task Plug-in Install policy.

See “About Power Scheme Task component” on page 17.

See “Installing the Power Scheme Task Plug-in” on page 19.

To uninstall the Power Scheme Task Plug-in

1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Actions menu, clickAgents/Plug-ins > Rollout Agents/Plug-ins.

2 In the left pane, clickPowerScheme>PowerSchemeTaskPlug-inUninstall.

3 In the right pane, make any wanted changes.

For more information about policy configuration options, press F1 or clickHelp > Context.

4 Turn on the policy.

At the upper right of the page, click the colored circle, and then click On.

5 Click Save changes.

Collecting power scheme inventory dataThe Power Scheme Inventory task lets you collect power scheme settingsinventory from managed computers.

See “About Power Scheme Task component” on page 17.

To perform this task, you must install the Power Scheme Task Plug-in on thetarget computers.

See “Installing the Power Scheme Task Plug-in” on page 19.

Using Power Scheme TaskCollecting power scheme inventory data


After you run the inventory task, you can use the predefined report to view thecollected power scheme settings data.

See “Viewing power scheme inventory data” on page 22.

To collect power scheme inventory data

1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Manage menu, click Jobs andTasks.

2 In the left pane, click SystemJobsandTasks>PowerSchemeTasks>PowerScheme Inventory.

3 Select the target computers and run or schedule the task.

Creating a Power Scheme TaskYou can create custompower schememanagement tasks, and you can specify thepower scheme settings according to your requirements.

See “About Power Scheme Task component” on page 17.

For more information, see the topic about creating a task in the SymantecManagement Platform Help.

To create a Power Scheme Task

1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Manage menu, click Jobs andTasks.

2 In the left pane, click System Jobs and Tasks.

3 Right-click the Power Scheme Tasks folder, and then click New > Task.

4 In the Create New Task dialog box, in the left pane, click Power SchemeSettings Task.

5 In the right pane, specify the power scheme settings.

6 Click Ok.

Editing and deploying power scheme settingsPower Scheme Tasks let you create and activate different power scheme settingson your managed Windows computers.

See “About Power Scheme Task component” on page 17.

To perform the power scheme management tasks, you must install the PowerScheme Task Plug-in on target computers.

See “Installing the Power Scheme Task Plug-in” on page 19.

21Using Power Scheme TaskCreating a Power Scheme Task

When you select the target computers, be mindful that only one power schemecanbe active ona computer at a time.Whenyou runmore thanonePowerSchemeTask on a target computer, the task that runs last sets the active power scheme.For example, you may run the Always On Power Scheme task on all yourcomputers. Later, you can run the Portable/Laptop Power Scheme task on yournotebook computers.

Note: The power scheme that the specified Power Scheme Task creates andactivates, is always named Altiris Power Scheme on the target computers. Forexample, when you run Always On Power Scheme task, the created and activatedpower scheme is named Altiris Power Scheme on the target computers.

For more information, see the topic about running a task in the SymantecManagement Platform Help.

To edit and deploy power scheme settings

1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Manage menu, click Jobs andTasks.

2 In the left pane, click System Jobs and Tasks > Power Scheme Tasks.

3 Select a Power Scheme Task that you want to run.

4 (Optional) In the right pane, configure the power scheme settings.

5 Click Save changes.

6 Select the target computers and run or schedule the task.

Viewing power scheme inventory dataYou can use a predefined report to view the power scheme inventory data. Thereport lets you see the power scheme settings that are active on the clientcomputers.

To collect the power scheme inventory data, you must run the Power SchemeInventory task on target computers.

See “Collecting power scheme inventory data” on page 20.

Using Power Scheme TaskViewing power scheme inventory data


To view power scheme inventory data

1 In the Symantec Management Console, on the Reports menu, click AllReports.

2 In the left pane, click Power Scheme > Power Scheme Settings.

For more information, see the topics about using reports in the SymantecManagement Platform Help.

23Using Power Scheme TaskViewing power scheme inventory data

Using Power Scheme TaskViewing power scheme inventory data


CClient Management Suite

about 9components 10

context-sensitive help 15

Ddocumentation 15


context-sensitive 15

Ppower scheme management

preparing managed computers 18power scheme settings

deploying 21editing 21inventory 20inventory data 22report 22

Power Scheme Taskabout 17creating 21features 17Power Scheme Task Plug-in 18settings 21

Power Scheme Task Plug-ininstalling 19uninstalling 20upgrading 19

RRelease Notes 15


top related