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June 20, 1985

BE IT REMEMBERED, That the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of

Higher Learning of the State of Mississippi met in regular session on

the Gulf Park Campus of the University of Southern Mississippi in Long

Beach, Mississippi, on Thursday, June 20, 1985, and pursuant to notice

in writing mailed by certified letter with return receipt requested

on June 7, 1985, to each and every member of said Board, said date

being at least five days prior to this June 20, 1985.

At the above named place there were present the following members to wit:

William H. Austin, Jr., Thomas D. Bourdeaux, Frank O. Crosthwait, Jr.,

Martha H. Gill, Bryce Griffis, Will A. Hickman, Charles C. Jacobs, Jr.,

William M. Jones, John R. Lovelace, Denton Rogers, Jr., Sidney L. Rushing,

George T. Watson, and Betty A. Williams.

The meeting was called to order by President Denton Rogers, Jr., and

opened with prayer by Mrs. Gill.

Executive Sessions

On motion by Mr. Bourdeaux, seconded by Mrs. Williams, the Board voted unani-

mously on Wednesday, June 19, 1985, that an executive session was necessary

to discuss personnel matters at Mississippi Valley State University andlegal matters.

On motion by Mr. Bourdeaux, seconded by Mrs. Williams, the Board voted unan-

imously to meet in executive session on Wednesday, June 19, 1985, todiscuss the above mentioned matters. The Board heard from Dr. Joe L.

Boyer, President of Mississippi Valley State University, information per-

taining to the credentials and experience of Mr. Lee Vance Jernigan, who wasrecommended by Dr. Boyer for the position of Chief Fiscal Officer. The

Board also heard from Mr. Ed D. Noble, Jr., Assistant Attorney General, whoreviewed the report of current litigation with the Board.

On motion by Mr. Crosthwait, seconded by Mr. Hickman, the Board voted unani-mously on Thursday, June 20, 1985, that an executive session was

necessary to discuss personnel matters at Mississippi Valley StateUniversity and legal matters.

On motion by Mr. Crosthwait, seconded by Mr. Griffis, the Board voted unan-

imously to meet in executive session on Thursday, June 20, 1985, to discuss

the above mentioned matters. There was continued discussion concerningDr. Joe L. Boyer's recommendation of Mr. Lee Vance Jernigan as Chief Fiscal

Officer at Mississippi Valley State University and continued discussion

with Mr. EdD. Noble, Jr., concerning current litigation. President DentonRogers, Jr., appointed a special committee to review the recommendation of

President Boyer and to report its findings to the Board at its July 18,1985, meeting. The persons appointed to this committee were Mr. Thomas D.

Bourdeaux, Chairman, Mr. William M. Jones, Mr. Sidney L. Rushing, andMr. George T. Watson.


Approvalof the May 16, 1985, Minutes

On motion by Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Jones, the minutes of theMay 16, 1985, meeting were approved.

Reports from Institutional Executive Officers

On motion by Mr. Rogers and duly seconded, the Board voted to hear reports

from the institutional executive officers who had matters to bring beforethe Board in open meeting on Wednesday, June 19, 1985.

Report of the Presidents' Council

Dr. Joe L. Boyer, Chairman of the Presidents' Council, had two items tobring to the Board from the Council:

1. Mr. Rufus T. Jones, Director of GovernmentalRelationsand Assis-tant Professor of Business Education at the University ofMississippi and Chairman of the Inter-Institutional Committee on

Fringe Benefits gave a report to the Council on leave policies for

university personnel. Dr. Boyer asked that Mr. Jones speak to theBoard on this matter, and requested that the Board approve the

proposed policy which was developed by the Inter-Institutional

Committee on Fringe Benefits.

The Board delayed consideration of the approval of this policy.

2. The Council continues to be concerned about the law passed by the

Legislature requiring that rebate money received from utility

companies be returned to the State Treasury since many utilitybills were paid by self-generated funds. The Board presently is

looking into this matter.

Report of the Agriculture and Forestry Committee

On motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded by Mr. Watson, the following report ofthe Agriculture and Forestry Committee was approved:

Mississippi State University:

1. Approve the request of Southland Royalty Company to advertise for

bids for an oil, gas, and mineral lease on certain lands in Monroe

County owned by the State of Mississippi for the use and benefitof Mississippi State University.

2. Approve the Consent Request submitted by Union Oil Company of

California, the holder of Leases No. 5-54-40-2682-75750 and

5-54-40-2682-75751 on property owned by the State of Mississippifor the use and benefit of Mississippi State University.

Reorganization of Union Oil Company will contribute to Union

Exploration Partners, Ltd., all production interests of Union Oil

Company. All outstanding obligations will be assumed by UnionExploration Partners, Ltd.

Report of the Athletics Committee

On motion by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mrs. Williams, the following report ofthe Athletics Committee was approved:

Jackson State University:

1. Approve recommendation for athletic personnel as submitted byDr. James A. Hefner.

Mississippi State University:

1. Approve recommendations for athletic personnel as submitted byDr. James D. McComas.


2. Confirm the appointment of Gerald A. Goodman as Assistant Coach,

Mississippi State University Football, effective June 15, 1985.

This appointment was approved by telephone poll.

University of Mississippi:

1. Approve recommendations for athletic personnel as submitted byDr. R. Gerald Turner.

Report of the Buildings Committee

On motion by Mr. Watson, seconded by Mr. Jones, the following report of theBuildings Committee was approved:

Alcorn State University:

1. Approve the request to award contracts to the low bidders for

SBC 101-109, Audio Visual Equipment, Division of Nursing, asfollows:

Interstate Companies of LouisianaBaton Rouge, Louisiana $348,034.24

Central School Supply CompanyJackson, Mississippi 492.22

Jasper Ewing & Sons, Inc.

Jackson, Mississippi 5,098.59

Total amount of these contracts is $353,625.05 and funds areavailable from House Bill 1151, Laws of 1984.

Delta State University:

1. Approve the request and request approval of the Bureau of

Building, Grounds and Real Property Management for Change Order

No.4 for GS 102-103, Roof Repairs, adding 240 calendar days tothe contract of Coatings Application & Waterproofing Company.

This change order does not alter the contract price.

Jackson State University:

1. Approve the plans and specifications for GS 103-095, President's

Home Renovations, and request approval of the Bureau of Building,

Grounds and Real Property Management. Funds are available fromSenate Bill 2982, Laws of 1983, in the amount of $18,000.00.

Mississippi State University:

1. Approve the request to award the contract to the low bidder,

Van Landingham Lumber Company, in the amount of $146,921.00 forFree Stall Facility, Phase I, Dairy Research Center. Funds are

available from the Mississippi Agricultural and ForestryExperiment Station budget.

2. Approve the contract documents and the request to advertise for

bids for GS 113-037, Scales & Plant Pathology and Weed ScienceRepairs, and request approval of the Bureau of Building, Grounds

and Real Property Management. Funds are_available from House Bill1151, Laws of 1984, in the amount of $87,000.00.

3. Approve the request that the land area surrounding the lake east

of the Shira Field House be designated as a park and be named inhonor of Coach W. D. Chadwick.

4. Approve the request that the R.O.T.C. building be named MiddletonHall in honor of General Troy H. Middleton, MSU class of 1909.


5. Approve the contract documents and the request to award. .

the contract to thelqw bidder, T. K. Sneed Construction Company,Columbus, Mississippi, in the amount of $89,796~00 for Cafeteria

Improvements. Funds are available from the Mississippi StateAuxiliary Services for this project in the amount of$224,921.00.

6. Approve the request to retain the firm of A. Neilson Martin &Associates, architects, to develop plans and specifications for

Research and Instructional Laboratories, Patterson Laboratory.Funds for this project are available from University sources inthe amount of $60,000.00.

7. Approve the request and request approval of the Bureau ofBuilding, Grounds and Real Property Management for the contract

documents for GS 105-187, 1985 Roofing Program. It is alsorequested that this project be advertised forbids. Funds are

available from Senate Bill 2982, Laws of 1983, in the amount of$271,000.00.

8. Approve the request for an exception to the Board policy to par-

tially renovate Roberts Laundry utilizing the Physical Plant

Department. Purchase of equipment and materials will be by bid orfrom state contracts. Contract documents for asbestos removal

will be prepared by consultants, bid, and contracted. Funds are

available from auxiliary sources in the amount of $194,000.00.

9. Approve the request to approve Change Order Nos. 4 and 5 for

Contract B - Scott Field Expansion, Alterations & Additions to

Scott Field,.adding $8,516.00 to the contract of RentenbachConstructors, Inc.

Mississippi University for Women:

1. Approve the request to convert ten (10) existing combination

telephone trunks to dedicated direct inward dialing trunks.

Mississippi Valley State University:

1. Approve the request and request approval of the Bureau of

Building, Grounds and Real Property Management for Change Order

No.1 for GS 106-102, Compressor Replacement-Academic SkillsParlor, adding $27,191.00 to the contract of Mechanical Service

Company, Inc. Funds are available from Senate Bill 2992, Lawsof 1982, in the amount of $48,000.00.

University of Mississippi:

1. Approve the land exchange with Weyerhaeuser Company. The Land

Exchange Agreement was executed September 15, 1983. The appraisal

of the "Minnows, Inc.," property was in the amount of

$339,000.00, and the value of the property purchased for the

exchange is in the amount of $339,000.00. This transaction willcomplete the land exchange.

2. Approve the request to renew the lease for space in the LodgeBuilding in Goodman, Mississippi, for use by the ResearchInstitute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. All terms of the lease will

remain the same as last year except that the annual payment willincrease to $700.00 per month.

University of Mississippi Medical Center:

1. Approve the request and request approval of the Bureau of

Building, Grounds and Real Property Management of the contractdocuments for GS 109-118, Renovation of Patient Care Unit, 6-East.

Funds are available from Senate Bill 2996, Laws of 1982, in the

amount of $250,000.00.


2. Approve the request to award the contract to the lowUnited Roofing and Construction, Inc., in the.amountfor Reroofing of Student Apartments. Funds for this

be provided by the University Medical Center.

bidder,of $70,375.00project will

3. Approve the request to enter into a joint venture arrangement with

the Hospital Corporation of America for the construction,

equipping, and operation of a free-standing 39,000 square foot

building to be constructed adjacent to the Clinical Sciences

Building to replace the currently existing North Clinic. The

Hospital Corporation of America will completely fund the construc-tion and equipping of the facility and manage the day-to-day

operation. Also approve the proposal to enter into a long-termlease of University Medical Center property in order to accommodate

this joint venture. The final contract between the University of

Mississippi Medical Center and the Hospital Corporation of America

shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees.

4. Approve the request for Change Order No.3 for Mechanical Systems

Modifications for Energy Conservation adding $9,250.56 to the

contract of Ausie Westerfield Company, Inc. The University

Medical Center will provide funds for this change order.

University of Southern Mississippi:

1. Approve the contract documents and the request to advertise for

bids by the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real PropertyManagement for GS 108-098, Hardy Hall Window Replacement, Gulf

Park Campus. It is further requested that this project be adver-tised for bids. Funds are available from Senate Bill 2982, Laws

of 1983 in the amount of $156,000.00.



the request




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at 215 North

Thirty- irst Avenue, which consist of one house and a four-plex,

and at 07-209 North !hirty-second Avenue, which consist of twohouses nd a four-plex, for an agreed upon price of $190,000.00.

This amount is slightly below the average of three appraisals.Funds are available from University sources to finance thispurchase.


3. Approve the request and request approval of the Bureau ofBuilding, Grounds and Real Property Management of the contract

documents for GS 108-100, 1985 Roofing Program. It is further

requested that this project be advertised for.bids. Funds areavailable from Senate Bill 2982, Laws of 1983, in the amount of$200,000.00.

4. Approve the request for an exception to the Board policy to reno-

vate the old Kappa Alpha house as an office and light laboratory

facility using the Physical Plant Department. Purchase of equip-ment and materials will be by bid or from State Contract. Funds

are available from a research grant in the amount of $130,000.00.

Report of the Finance Committee

On motion by Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Watson, the following report ofthe Finance Committee was approved:

Mississippi State University:

1. Approve an increase in the student health fee from $30.00 persemester to $32.00 per semester effective with the fall 1985semester.

University of Mississippi:

1. Approve request to charge a fee of $30.00 per enrollment in BISC 161

and BISC 163. The courses comprise the laboratory components of


BISC 160 (Biological Sciences I) and BISC 162 (Biological Sciences II),courses which serve the fulfillment of the core curriculum

requirements in the laboratory sciences. These courses replace

BISC 151 (Introduction to Biological Science Laboratory), whichwas used_for this purpose previously, and for which approval to

charge fees was granted by the Board at its May 17, 1984, meeting.

University of Southern Mississippi:

1. Approve request to make application to the United States

Department of Education for discounted prepayment of Series A-E of

the Federal College Housing Program bonds outstanding.

Total future payments through 2010 -

Discounted repayment value of outstanding bonds -$5,085,038.002,259,180.00

Payment to be made as follows:From current bond reserves -

To be borrowed from other university auxiliary cashbalances -



This request is in accordance with regulation applicable to

discounted prepayment of College Housing Program loans publishedin the July 17, 1984, Federal Register, page 29018.

All Institutions:

1. Approve operating budgets for FY 1985-86 including adjustments ofincreasing Capital Outlay - Other than Equipment for Jackson State

University and Mississippi State University in the amounts of

$66,654.00 for Jackson State University and $115,800.00 forMississippi State University. A summary of these budgets islisted below:


Alcorn State University - General 18,750,224

Delta State University - General 19,653,448

Jackson State University - General 33,624,244

Mississippi State University - General

College of Veterinary MedicineDegree-granting Off-campus Centers

Forest Products Utilization Laboratory

Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry ExperimentMississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program

Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service

Mississippi State Chemical LaboratoryWater Resources Research Institute








Mississippi University for Women - General 13,391,600

Mississippi Valley State University - General 14,598,078

University of Mississippi - GeneralDegree-granting Off-campus Center

Mississippi Law Research Institute

Mississippi Mineral Resources InstituteResearch Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

State Court Education Program



University of Mississippi

Academic Support

Auxiliary Enterprises

School of DentistrySchool of Health Related

School of Medicine

Medical Center:







School of NursingService Area

University Hospital




University of Southern Mississippi - General

Degree-granting Off-campus Centers



Gulf Coast Research Laboratory 5,792,293

Mississippi Research and Development Center 9,368,409

Board of Trustees:

Education & Research Center Buildings & Grounds DepartmentExecutive Office

Mississippi Guarantee Student Loan Agency

Mississippi Universities CenterStudent Financial Aid

University Press





GRAND TOTAL $621,967,312

Executive Office:

1. Approve escalation of the Mississippi Universities Center budget

for FY 1984-85 in the amount of $3,000.00 in the category of

Commodities. This increase will be used to purchase office

supplies to continue general administrative functions. This

increase will be funded from self-generated revenues.

2. Approve escalation of the FY 1985-86 Student Financial Aid budget

in the amount of $1,798.00 from self-generated funds in the

category of Personal Services to fund salary increases for FY 1985-86.

3. Approve allocation of one-third ($16,446.94) of Mr. J. L. Scott'ssalary for FY 1984-85 to the Education and Research Center

Buildings & Grounds Department. This charges maintenance of the

Education & Research Complex for the time and effort expended insupervising this function by Mr. Scott.

4. Approve monthly expenditures as submitted by Dr. E. E. Thrash.

5. Approve expenditures for the Graduate and Professional DegreeScholarship Program.

Report of the Legal Committee

On motion by Mr. Crosthwait, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, the following reportof the Legal Committee was approved:

Legal Reports:

1. Approve report "Approvals for Payments to be Made to Private LegalCounsel by Institutions" with the exception of the payment to

Fuselier, Ott, and McKee in the amount of $3,821.17. Approval ofthis invoice will be considered upon receipt of a more detailedbreakdown of charges.

2. Review report of current litigation.

Report of the Medical Affairs Committee

On motion by Dr. Lovelace, seconded by Mrs. Williams, the following report

of the Medical Affairs Committee was approved:

University of Mississippi Medical Center:

1. Approve perspnnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. R. GeraldTurner.


2. Approve sabbatical leave for Ms. Georgia Kay Lewis.

3. Approve request that the following faculty members be accorded the

distinction of being named to emeritus status as indicated, effec-tive July 1, 1985:

Dr. Hans-Karl Stauss, Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus

of Surgery, School of Medicine and Honorary Surgeon,University Hospital.

Dr. Walter H. Simmons, Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus

of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine and

Honorary Physician, University Hospital.

Dr. Clarence G. Sutherland, Clinical Associate Professor

Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine

and Honorary Physician, University Hospital.Dr. Blanche Lockard, Clinical Assistant Professor Emerita

of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine and

Honorary Physician, University Hospital.

Dr. Margaret B. Batson, Clinical Associate Professor Emerita

of Pediatrics, School of Medicine and Honorary Physician,

University Hospital.Dr. Rush E. Netterville, Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus

of Surgery, School of Medicine and Honorary Surgeon,University Hospital.

Dr. Louis L. Sulya, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry,University Medical Center.

Dr. Robert E.Blount, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, School

of Medicine, Dean Emeritus, University Medical Center and

Honorary Staff Member, University Hospital.

Dr. Charles C. Randall, Professor Emeritus of Microbiology,University Medical Center.

Dr. Thomas J. Brooks, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Preventive

Medicine, School of Medicine.

Dr. James F. Suess, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and HumanBehavior, School of Medicine.

Dr. Robert D. Sloan, Professor Emeritus of Radiology, Schoolof Medicine.

Dr. Donald T. Imrie, Professor Emeritus of Surgery (Orthopedics),

School of Medicine and Honorary Surgeon, University Hospital.

Dr. Godfrey E. Arnold, Professor Emeritus of Surgery(Otolaryngology), School of Medicine and Honorary Surgeon,

University Hospital.

4. Approve requests for foreign travel for Dr. Jan Bly, Dr. B. Rowe

Byers, Dr. Robert D. Currier, Dr. Dare Domico, Mrs. Catherine

Ellsaesser, Dr. Armin F. Haerer, Dr. James L. Hughes, Dr. Jimmy D.Miller, Dr. Norman Miller, Dr. Luis Quiroz, Dr. Robert R. Smith,

Dr. Martin H. Steinberg, Dr. Mehdi Tavassoli, Dr. Hobuyoshi

Yabuno, Dr. Cyril A. D'Cruz, Dr. I. K. Ho, and Dr. E. DavidCrawford.

Medical Education Loan Program:

1. Approve a three-year residency in Family Medicine at Baptist

Memorial Hospital/Healthplex in Memphis, Tennessee, for Timothy H.Geno, M.D., effective June 20, 1985.

2. Approve a three-year residency in Pediatrics at UniversityHospital in Jackson, Mississippi, for Deborah Tullos Lee, M.D.,

effective July 1, 1985.

3. Approve a one-year rotating internship at Carson City Osteopathic

Hospital in Carson City, Michigan, for Teresa J. Regan, D.O.,effective July 1, 1985.

4. Approve a three-year residency in Family Medicine at the Selma

Family Practice Center in Selma, Alabama, for Thomas GeraldRussell, Jr., M.D., effective July 1, 1985.


5. Approve a one-year rotating internship at Metropolitan General

Hospital in Pinellas Park~ Florida~ for Julius K. Speed~ D.O.~effective July 1, 1985.

6. Approve Union, Mississippi, as the practice location for Bernard

Gayle Harrell, D.O., effective July 8, 1985.

7. Approve Okolona, Mississippi~ as the practice location for Donald K.

Smith, D.O., effective July 1, 1985.

8. Approve Morton, Mississippi, as the practice location for Sidney J.

Dedeaux, D.O., effective July 15, 1985.

Special Medical Education Loan Program:

1. Approve a one-year internship at Wyman Park Hospital in Baltimore,Maryland, for Timothy D. Watts, M.D., effective July 1, 1985.

2. Approve a one-year internship at Greenville Memorial Hospital inGreenville, South Carolina, for John Howard Douglas, III, M.D.~

effective July 1, 1985.

3. Approve a four-year residency in Diagnostic Radiology at the

University of Mississippi Medical Center for Ronald Warren

Gatewood, M.D., effective July 1, 1985.

Report of the Research Committee

On motion by Mr. Rushing~ seconded by Mrs. Williams, the following reportof the Research Committee was approved:

Gulf Coast Research Laboratory:

1. Approve request for foreign travel for Dr. Stuart G. POSSe

Mississippi Research and Development Center:

1. Approve changes in staffing plan as submitted by Dr. Jim W.Meredith.

2. Approve the following contracts and agreements:


Edward Coleman~ $2,640.00.Josephine Ashcraft, $2,640.00.

Della Thomas, $2,640.00.

Bryan McNair, $2,400.00.Pam Fuquay, $2,640.00.

Mississippi State University,Mississippi State University,Martha Ray, $2,880.00.

Rhonda Cooper, $2,640.00.



3. Approve request for foreign travel for Dr. Jim W. Meredith.

Report of the Instruction, Administration, and Policy Committee

On motion by Mr. Bourdeaux, seconded by Mrs. Williams, the following report

of the Instruction, Administration, and Policy Committee was approved:

Alcorn State University:

1. Approve personnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. WalterWashington.

2. Approve requests for foreign travel for Dr. Esther Glover,

Dr. Willie Fred Jackson, Dr. O. P. Vadhwa, and Mrs. PromilaVadhwa.


Delta State University:

1.Approve personnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. Kent Wyatt.

2. Approve the appointment of Ms. Karen Anita Saucier as Dean of

the School of Nursing and Associate Professor of Nursing, effec-tive July 15, 1985, with an annual salary of $44,100.00.

3. Approve degrees conferred at the Spring Commencement exercises

held on May 5, 1985.

4. Approve request for foreign travel for Miss Leslie Toombs.

Jackson State University:

1. Approve personnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. James A.Hefner.

2. Approve request to establish the following new position:

Assistant Professor of Music and Acting Manager of Opera/South,

effective July 1, 1985, with an annual salary of $28,117.00.

3. Accept the resignation of Dr. James Perkins, Dean, School of

Science and Technology, and Professor of Chemistry, effectiveJune 30, 1985.

4. Accept the resignation of Dr. F. C. Richardson, Vice President for

Academic Affairs and Professor of Botany, effective June 30, 1985.

5. Approve a change in status for Dr. Joseph A. Cameron from

Professor of Biology to Acting Dean of the School of Science and

Technology and Professor of Biology, effective May 20, 1985, with

a change in salary from a nine-month salary of $30,793.00 to atwelve-month salary of $44,000.00.

6. Approve requests for foreign travel for Dr. Grover Barnes,

Mrs. Luce Douyon, and Dr. Lonnie Crosby.

7. Approve the reorganization of the School of Education, effectiveJuly 1, 1985, as follows:

Eliminate the Department of Early Childhood, ElementaryEducation and Reading.

Change the name of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction

to the Department of Administration, Curriculum and Instructionand Media.

Transfer degree programs from the Department of Early Childhood,Elementary Education and Reading to the Department of Adminis-tration, Curriculum and Instruction and Media.

8. Approve request to merge the Department of English and the

Department of Modern Foreign Languages into the Department of

English and Modern Foreign Languages, effective July 1, 1985.additional funds will be required to accomplish this merger.


9. Approve request to offer the following off-campus courses inMcComb which is outside the fifty-mile radius during the summerand fall terms of 1985:

CSC 501CSC 502CSC 503

Computer Literacy for Teachers I

Computer Literacy for Teachers II

Computer Literacy for Teachers III

10. Item of Information: The Accrediting Council on Education in

Journalism and Mass Communications approved accreditation for the


Department of Mass Communications and its print journalism and

broadcast sequences.

11. Item of Information: The Commission on Accreditation has approved

accreditation for the Department of Social Work for a full seven-

year cycle.

Mississippi State University:

1. Approve personnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. James D.McComas.

2. Approve sabbatical leave for Daniel D. Bennett, Harry A. Jacobson,

Charles E. Parks, William R. Fox, and Barry William Jones.

3. Approve request that the following faculty members be accorded the

distinction of being named to emeritus status as indicated:

Dr. Boris J. Stojanovic, Professor Emeritus of Enology and

Microbiology and Head Emeritus of the A. B. McKay Food and

Enology Laboratory upon his retirement, effective July 1, 1985.

Dr. H. Dean Bunch, Professor Emeritus of Agronomy and Director

Emeritus of International Programs upon his retirement inOctober 1985.

Dr. W. W. Neel, Professor Emeritus of Entomology upon hisretirement, effective July 1, 1985.

Dr. James D. Lancaster, Distinguished Professor Emeritus ofAgronomy upon his retirement, effective July 1, 1985.

Professor Edward W. Custer, Professor Emeritus of Dairy Scienceupon his retirement, effective May 31, 1985.

Dr. Ernestine Rainey, Professor Emerita of Curriculum and

Instruction upon her retirement, effective May 15, 1985.

4. Approve request for permission to transfer the viticulture and

enology curriculum from the Department of Horticulture to the Food

Science and Human Nutrition Department, effective July 1, 1985.

5. Approve requests for foreign travel for Dr. Louis H. Bluhm,

Dr. Warren C. Couvillion, Dr. James C. Delouche, Dr. H. Daniel

Embree, Dr. Luther B. Epting, Dr. Giovanni B. Giglioni, Dr. Lynn M.Gourley, Dr. Dale A. Krane, Mr. Michael K. Lane, Dr. Mariano

Lopez, Professor Charles E. Parks, Dr. Michael Peterson, Dr. Henry N.

Pitre, Mr. Constantinos A. Vassiliadis, Dr. Z. U. A. Warsi,

Dr. Nancy D. Hargrove, Ms. Pauline Pearson-Stamps, Dr. George P.

Mullendore, Mr. Edward A. Buckner, Sr., and Dr. James R. Chatham.

Mississippi University for Women:

1. Approve personnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. James W.Strobel.

2. Item of Information: For entry into the teacher education programat Mississippi University for Women, any student with an ACT score

of less than 18 must take all parts of the COMP examination.

Minimum scores will remain as currently established for allinstitutions. Also, each student must achieve at least a "c"

in Education 250, Introduction to Teaching.

3. Approve request to reinstate the Bachelor of Science degree inEnglish (CIP 230101).


Mississippi Valley State University:

1. Approve personnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. Joe L.


2. Delay until the July 18, 1985, meeting, consideration of the

appointment of Lee Vance Jernigan as Chief Fiscal Officer.

3. Approve the appointment of Deirdre R. Mayes as Comptroller, effec-

tive July 1, 1985. Salary recommendation is included in the1985-86 budget.

4. Approve the appointment of Alfred S. Smith as Dean of AcademicAffairs, effective July 1, 1985. Salary recommendation isincluded in the 1985-86 budget.

5. Accept the resignation of Finley Horton as Chief Fiscal Officer,

effective June 30, 1985.

6. Approve the proposed new academic organization chart, effective

July 1, 1985.

University of Mississippi:

1. Approve personnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. R. GeraldTurner.

2. Approve request that Mr. Rufus T. Jones be accorded the distinc-tion of being named Director Emeritus of Governmental Relationsand Assistant Professor Emeritus of Business Education upon his

retirement, effective June 30, 1985.

3. Approve requests for foreign travel for Dr. Joe H. Murrey, Jr.,

Dr. Maurice R. Eftink, Dr. Chester L. Quarles, Dr. Robert J.

Beebe, Dr. C. W. R. Gispen, Dr. H. Bailey Ward, and Dr. Mary AnnConnell.

University of Southern Mississippi:

1. Approve personnel recommendations as submitted by Dr. Aubrey K.Lucas.

2. Approve sabbatical leave for Francis E. Devine, Linwood E. Orange,Angela Sue Ball, William M. Odom, Robert W. Wales, William K.

Scarborough, Richard H. Bowers, Michael H. DeArmey, William H.

Hatcher, Richard L. Conville, Jr., and Charles H. Tardy.

3. Approve request to establish the following new position:

Assistant Professor, Department of Library Science, School

of Library Service, effective May 1, 1985, with an annual salary

of $12,500.00.

4. Approve request that the following faculty members be accorded

the distinction of being named to emeritus status as indicated,

effective May 31, 1985:

John C. Berry, Associate Professor Emeritus of Educational

Leadership and Research.

John E. Wallace, Associate Professor Emeritus of History.

5. Approve requests for foreign travel for Doris P. Bradley, Etoile

DuBard, Robert W. Herrington, Tim W. Hudson, Maureen K. Martin,Blaine Quarnstrom, Sanna Towns, Allene Vaden, and Shirley Jones.


Universities Center:

1. Delay consideration of the plans of Dr. John A. Peoples, Jr.,

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, to retire until heis certain of the retirement date.

Executive Office:

1. Approve personnel recommendation as submitted by Dr. E. E.Thrash.

Graduate and Professional Degree Scholarship Program:

1. Approve the addition of the Bachelor of Science degree in

Perfusion Technology as an eligible field of study under theGraduate and Professional Degree Scholarship Program.


On motion by Mr. Hickman, seconded by Mr. Watson, the Board authorized theappropriate resolution to be written expressing appreciation to and com-

mending Mr. Rufus T. Jones, Director of Governmental Relations and

Assistant Professor of Business Education at the University of Mississippiand Chairman of the Inter-Institutional Committee on Fringe Benefits, for

his thirty-five years of service to the University of Mississippi and

higher education throughout Mississippi. (SEE EXHIBIT A.)

Expression of Appreciation

The members of the Board of Trustees expressed their appreciation to

Dr. Harold D. Howse and the staff of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory and

to Dr. Aubrey K. Lucas and the staff of the Gulf Park Campus of theUniversity of Southern Mississippi for having the Board meet on their cam-

puses and for making the Board's visit to the Gulf Coast such an enjoyableone.

There being no further business, adjournment was ordered.






WHEREAS,upon the retirement of Rufus T. Jones, Director of

Governmental Relations and Assistant Professor of Business Education at the

University of Mississippi and Chairman of the Inter-Institutional Committee

on Fringe Benefits, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher

Learning recalls his reliable and untiring assistance to the Board for the

betterment of all the universities in Mississippi; and

WHEREAS,as liaison he helped the Board secure legislative

appropriations and prepare a health and life insurance bill which, as

signed into law, for the first time provided employees of the institutions

of higher learning with a statewide insurance program; and

WHEREAS,he has served the University of Mississippi long and

loyally, providing valuable service for thirty-five years; and

WHEREAS,he was instrumental in the establishment of the

University of Mississippi Foundation, served as its first secretary, and

secured contributions for the University; and

WHEREAS,through his dedication and influence as Director of

Development, contributions for which he was directly responsible increased

from $2.6 million given in the first year 1973-74 to $11.7 million given in

1981-82, his last year in that position; and

WHEREAS,while he was Director of Development and Secretary of

the University of Mississippi Foundation, the Chancellor's Trust, a giving

program, was established and grew to have 113 members under his leadership;

NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RES9LVED,that the Board of Trustees of

State Institutions of Higher Learning of the State of Mississippi hereby

commendsRufus T. Jones for his accomplishments, honors him upon his retire-

ment, and expresses appreciation for his service to the University of

Mississippi and to higher education in Mississippi since 1950;

BE IT FURTHERRESOLVED,that this resolution be spread upon the

minutes of the Board of Trustees and that a copy of this resolution be for-

warded to Rufus T. Jones.

Adopted this twentieth day of June, 1985.


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