all about car's exhaust system & muffler

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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All About Car's Exhaust & Muffler System

Car exhaust system is not the first thing when a owner looks for lower performance issues in vehicle. But yes, it's in the list of

diagnosing any problem by a professional.

Exhaust system is responsible for transporting and releasing the fuel burned harmful gases to environment by reducing or

neutralizing the harmful components.

There are many ways an exhaust system can become faulty but when you maintain it in a proper way it will last long.

Here are some symptoms that shows the exhaust system needs to be replaced or repaired.

When buzzing or a low rumbling sound comes from vehicle, then it's a tell-tale sign of exhaust problem.

:- Buzzing Sound from vehicle

When you ignore the first sign of problem and delays the repair work, it will cost you more in terms of expensive repair and

replacement of parts.

Sometimes your vehicle shows a sign of hesitation when you starts the vehicle.

:- Rattling sign from vehicle

When the vehicle rattles and doesn't move-- that's the first sign to take the vehicle to service point.

If you ignore the first sign, then it can malfunction the catalytic converter and make it faulty. It is an expensive part to replace.

When you notice a loss of power or vibration coming from steering wheel, food pedals and car seat, then make sure to first

visit the service point.

:- Engine Vibration

If the muffler damage size is a little bigger, then it produces a rumbling sound and that also causes more vibration.

Sometimes the exhaust and muffler problem can also increase the fuel use and it ultimately leads you to fill gas tank more

often than normal.

:- Decreased Fuel Efficiency

Maintaining the exhaust system :-

There are 2 types of muffler systems found – Disposable

& undisposable

But currently, most of the mufflers are un-disposable. It means you need to maintain it and if found damaged then only you

need to replace it as they are so expensive.

The steps to clean and maintain the exhaust system :-

:- Always clean the muffler as much as possible from the outside.

:- Also you can use dish-washing soap with warm water to wash the greasy material.

:- For re-instating the lost shine make sure to use a metal polisher.

Some other causes that can damage the exhaust system are :-

:- If you takes more short trips, then it increases the chances of corrosion, so its always advisable to take long trips sometimes.

:- There is a mechanical reason that affects the exhaust system failure--- the potholes and road debris can make the flexible

hanger fail.

:- it's always advisable to go for a full maintenance and servicing of your vehicle in routine basis.

Some tips to extend the life of exhaust system :-

:- Make sure to avoid driving over potholes and debris but if you go off road, then make sure to go for an undercarriage


Tips :- When you smell fuel odor coming from passenger compartment, check the vehicle by the help of a professional

mechanic as this leak can pave a way to accident.

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