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Post on 16-Mar-2021






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I • Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

I . . A~ve~isement _No.: 04/PL/N~RC/2019-20 Dated~ ~/03/2020 . Applications are mvited from mterested candidates for the one position of Consultant m the lpepartment of ,Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh under NHRC funded Research Project. 1\roject Title: Analysis of Trends and Patterns of Deaths in Prison and in Police Custody:

I !An Analytical Study of Such Deaths in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and

, Delhi 11 I Name of the Post

No. of Post Primary duties Responsibilities



' ' . ' '

Research ConsuJtant 01 (One) 1

Under the direct ~upervision of the Principle Investigator, the fese~ch Consultant will be responsib. le for crducting project based activities as listed below: : 1 Assist in Litera e Review:

• Help colle t textual material from journals, syml.nal p per presentatiqns magazines, newspape s and reports ~ertinent to the r~search q estion. The refere11ce material to itlclude st tutocy provisi9ns of national and hlternatio al level relating to custodial vlolence d cases of Su~reme Court( High Clourt ~~ atioral Humar Rights I Commissi n. . I

• A'ualyses, ynthesizes, anld critically 9valuate the identi ed materiai to ~ite a review of

I ' ;\,.,ti I , literature · ving a clear p~cture of the !state of : . lclowledg on the subjecti I , 2, Desi~ data col ection instrum:ents: As applicable to the research me hodology, the r esearch co1


sultant will help develop ata collection 'nstruments 3. Collection of p mary data:

• C~llect pri ary data from; jails, policd stc:i-tions an lockups thou~h a questior1 aires administer d to the autho ities

• "Interaction "th the famil"es ofvictimr of -custodial d aths.

4. Collection of se ondary data: • Study the r levant case fil s and colla e

informatio on the circumrtances oft e death of the victi s

11 Collect rele ant data from the publish d reports oft e Governmen agencies n ely, N~tional Po ice Commissip11:, Nationa Cnmes Rec rd Bureau, Ml.mstry of H me Affairs etc. I

5. Analysis of data/nformaiton: Help establis the kinds, modes of vi{ence pre~alen~ in police c stody, factors responsible or such violence and the rofile of;icitims likely to be subject to ~uch extraj~dicioal action. i I

( Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Advertisement No.: 04/PL!NHRC/2019-20 Dated 17/03/2020

Essential of Educational I

Qualifications and Skills I I

Essential Work Experience

Maximum Age Limit Remuneration Emoluments Duration of the Post


6, Report Drafting: Help draft the final reports to be submitted to NHRC.

Master degree in Social Sciences/Humanities with minimum 55% marks. Resourcefulness . and ability to work proactively; ability to complete tasks independently, efficiently, and in a timely manner; and the ability to work effectively in I the field. Operational knowledge of SPSS, and Ms~Suites. Work, experience of more than 10-15 years on reputed

• I projects. I 54 Years / Rs. 50,000/-co soliClated per month

I '

Six Months I

Eligible candidates may apply b~ submittJg an ap licat~on along 1with detail~d C~ through ,

email ;, ~~i-/ at I nhlc ro· ect u2019 The last date for. 1• '° I receipt of applicat~q_~ and qetaile~ 1~ 31s.t of Ma ch 2020. C<A~- ~· ~. ~1.~~ ,, ~ \ Note: ~V' ot?1L"~9'v°' 1~~-4 wi.~ , C...'f ~I LL :/h~ P lu"'·£T~»

1. Candidates should appear [for interv~ew alon with t1he~ original certifi9ates and other ~1 1:S-=+-relevant documents. : I ' I ; ~ \ 2. The short-listed candidates will be i~ormed throvgh email /regarding t~e venue, date


. 1

and time of the interview. i / · · ! 1

3. No TA/DA is admissible for attending the int rview. I i 4. The decision of the selectiPn commi}tee will e fillai. 1 s1 I

-H~ J~~~() I

~ohammad Aslam Akbar J. A. S ed ~ l Assistant Professor Assistant Profi ssor Principal Investigator, NHRC Research Project' Co-Investigat r, NHRC R search Project Department of Political Science, Department o English, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002 ', ligarh Musr Universi , Aligarh-202002

D . . b . ·1· , I 1stri ut1on: J

1. The Dean, Flo Socia}iSci~nces . I 2. The De'an Student W lf~e (DSW) 3. All the chairpersons, De~artment of Studies, Flo Social Scienc s 4. The Joint Registrar (Sele(Ction Committee-NT/A ademics) I

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