aliens versus predator 3: large scale tactical combat · creative license here. this is especially...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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Aliens Versus Predator 3: Large Scale Tactical Combat

As written by Azimaith.

Winning the Game

The Games in AVP3 will be actual campaigns rather than simple battles. Basically a

certain campaign is chosen at the start and through the entire game you fight battles to

accumulate victory points. Here is how the points add up.

Killing an enemy predator: 5

Killing an enemy marine: 3

Killing an enemy alien runner: 1

Killing an enemy alien warrior: 3

Killing an enemy alien drone: 2

Killing an enemy alien Praetorian: 6

Destroying a light vehicle: 5

Destroying a medium vehicle: 8

Destroying a heavy vehicle: 12

Destroying an aircraft: 8

Capturing an important area and defending it throughout the entire battle (per area):


Obliterating an enemy base: 100

Capturing a host: 5

Rescuing a civilian: 3

Rescuing a fellow marine: 5

Rescuing a fellow marine and removing his chest burster(provided he had already

been implanted, you can only have one, if you save and remove the chest burster you

get 8 points not 13. With no chest burster you get only 5):8

Destroying an enemy sentry gun: 3

Hiving an enemy base: 100 (since aliens can't destroy bases)

Winning the battle: 250

Not being the loser in the battle but not the winner either: 100

Being the loser: 0

Minutes spent in hunt mode: 1 point per minute.

There are also things that reduce victory points. Here they are.

Team killing: -10

Destroying team equipment but not players: -5

Destroying your entire base through friendly fire: -200 (orbital bombardment can do


Leaving teammates cocooned: -2 per friendly.

Killing during hunt mode with a weapon greater than the foes: -1

Losing all points of importance: -10

Losing the commander: -100

Ending the battle with enemies in the hive: -3 per enemy.

Minutes spent in war mode: -2 a minute.

Battles will last 1 hour and 20 minutes each.

Graphical and Animation Notes

Throughout the other games we=ve always found the aliens somewhat lacking. From

the predalien in AvP that looked like a giant strawberry to the cheesy teeth in AvP2.

Here are some changes we really need.

The Models MUST be canonical, they must look like the movies, there is no room for

creative license here. This is especially true of the Dragon, which we see is really

nowhere near as tiny as it is depicted in AvP2

Aliens aren=t cats, they should not be animated as such.

Species HUD=s


Upper Left: Chat bar

Lower Left: Squad life/armor and information, enough for a full squad of 5.

Lower Right Ammunition Counter for current weapon, includes ammunition type and

secondary ammo.

Bottom Center: Health and Armor Factor plus armor wear.

Top Right: O'clock compass, shows which direction you are facing as well as

important voice macro information. (FYI O'clock as in, 12 being straight ahead and 6

being directly behind you.)


Upper Left: Chat Bar.

Lower Left: Hunting party vital stats: (Mainly trophies)

Bottom Center: Current Armor Factor and Health.

Bottom Right: Current heat level of weapons.

Top Right Current Trophy Count.


Upper Left: Chat Bar

Lower Left: Current Swarms health and information if they are carrying a captured


Bottom Center: Health plus icon on if your carrying a host.

Lower Right : Current Attack mode: Simultaneous or Individual.

Top Right: Queens current Pheromone alert and condition.

Basic Health Stats

Predator: H: 250 AF(Armor Factor): 60

USCM: H: 100 AF: Dependant on current AR, Can be as high as 100.

Alien: H: 100 AF:0

AF means Armor Factor and it will be explained next.

Using Armor Factors:

Armor factor is simply a semi-permanent deduction to damage. Factors reduce as

damage dealt overcomes damage reduction. All AF are of restricted location as well,

unarmored areas receive full damage. When damage overcomes AF the excess spill

reduces the armor by however much over the factor. Eg. Armor factor includes all

damage taken over ten seconds therefore if you are shot once with a gun that deals 10

damage you will not take any damage, however, if you are shot 10 times in ten

seconds with a gun that does the same you will definitely feel the damage. 80 damage

to Predator: 80-60=20. 60 AF-20 Spillover=40 remaining AF. Health remains

untouched. Certain damage types pierce AF or completely ignore it. All AF piercing

are denoted with an AP acronym in their description.

(note on fire damage: Fire damage does not deal with armor, it goes directly through

it though it does not damage it)

The Tactical Element

Perhaps shamelessly taken from HL mod Natural Selection AvP3 would include the

RTS element of the mod. Naturally purchasing the license would take some doing but

its possible.

All 3 species will use a commander to activate specific abilities that are vital to


Abilities will be detailed later.


Aliens: Queen

Predator: Elder Hunter

Marine: Dependant on mission.

Species Special Commander Abilities

Alien Queen:Commander Abilities

Build Section of Hive Here: Instructs a drone selected from a player listing to build a

section of hive at the designated location. This hive is completely normal in all ways

and simply provides two bonuses to aliens that will be detailed later.

Build Ambush section of hive here: This looks exactly like normal hive to all

players except those on the alien side, to them it shows an ambush symbol which

means they can hide themselves in the walls and become practically invisible to

anyone who comes through, even predators with UV on as the hive also emits the

same light.

Cocoon hosts here: Shows a way point to all drones on where to cocoon hosts.

Relocate me here: Shows a way point where the queen wants to be relocated too, she

can detach which will be explained next.

Detach from Egg Sac: The queen in times of duress can detach from her egg sac and

move about freely. Doing so destroys the egg sac however leaving her unable to make

more eggs until she is relocated. When she has found a large enough area drones can

reattach her to the ceiling and her egg sac will slowly grow back.

Block this area: Creates a way point where drones can build a hive wall of solid

resin to block entry.

Attack this Area: A queen can lay a way point indicating where an attack should be

held, it can also include text on the map.

Select warrior/drone/dragon ratio: The queen can select which ratio of drones,

runners (dragons) , and warriors she wants to have born. This will be a simple pie

chart type of thing.

Create Queen Egg: Allows the queen to lay a queen egg which can be used in the

creation of a Praetorian if there is already a queen present.

Authorize the consumption of live civilians: This allows the queen to authorize the

consumption of live hosts for more biomass. The consumption of dead hosts is

completely standard and does not hurt the hive in any way.

Pheremone Alert: The alien queen can issue an alert carried through pheremones to

all aliens. This not only alerts aliens to a specific group of intruders, it also paints

their location onto the alien hive-sight minimap, the more intruders, the higher the

pheremone level.

Predator Elder: Commander Abilities

Grant Equipment: The commander can grant equipment to hunters who meet the

trophy quota in hunt mode. In war mode they can give all the weapons they like to

anyone but these must be relinquished when war mode is turned off.

Declare War: Allows the use of the heavy predator arsenal allowing for insane

amounts of damage. No trophies are accrued in war mode, recruits are given every so

often. (one every 5 minutes.) All weapons are fair game.

Declare Hunt: This is the default mode the predators start in. Weapons must match

the prey to gain victory points and trophies are gained. No vehicles in this mode and

new hunters come in only through trophy kills.

Heavy weapons are available to the hunter but they will gain neither trophies nor

victory points unless they are used against vehicles.

Challenge Leadership: While this isn=t something only a commander can do its

something that can happen to him. When a hunter has accumulated more trophies than

the elder hunter he can challenge him for leader ship in a duel. In this case weapons

deal non-lethal damage (imagine they are using blunted stuff) and if the leader loses

he must step down and the winner takes his place. No other species can do this,

predators are the only ones able to get rid of bad leadership. This also occurs if the

previous leader is killed, the two lesser hunters with the most trophies may duel for


Battle Hardened: Unlike the rest of his hunters the predator veteran hunter has

double the health and twice the damage of his lesser counterparts, though this does

not apply in a predator dominance duel it does apply when hunting. The predator

commander MUST maintain a high trophy count or he will most certainly be


Marine Commander Abilities

Unlike the previous species marines lose abilities as their commanders die in battle.

The Lieutenant has all the abilities and it becomes progressively fewer as the ranks

move down in absence of a higher up.

Form Squad: Allows a commander to place up to five members into a single squad,

this gives each of the squad members a constant indication on the O'clock compass of

each members location as well as on the map. This also shows the health of each

squad member in the squad health display. Minimum Ranking: Lance Corporal

Set Way point: Sets a way point visible on all USCM members map display. This

can be accompanied by text. If the team controls a mapping terminal there will be a

path automatically drawn for all members. Minimum Ranking: Lance Corporal

Set Patrol for Player: Sets two way points that appear only to a designated player.

Players names can be chosen through an Alphabetized listing. This will automatically

ignore all brackets however when alphabetizing to prevent clan names from

interfering with listing. Minimum Ranking: Sergeant

Specified Weapons Drop: The commander has the ability to set the percentages of

weapons coming down to best suit his troops. (Didn't mention this before but the

dropship comes down with mostly pulse rifles and flame throwers, the rest of the

weaponry is dropped in much smaller numbers) Minimum Ranking: Staff Sergeant

Request Vehicle Support: Provided you have enough civilians (15 for an additional

APC, 40 for a second Cheyenne Dropship, undecided for tanks) command on the ship

can send down vehicles. Minimum Ranking: Gunnery Sergeant

Request Orbital Bombardment: Obviously this doesn't work in facilities but there

will be plenty of outside space for it to blast away in plus it can damage enemy

structures. This has a 15 minute wait on each drop. Minimum Ranking: Master


Becoming a Commander for you Species

Aliens: At the beginning of the game one alien is voted to be the queen. As the

campaign progresses the aliens vote for their queen again. If the queen leaves mid

game a single queen egg is left behind and its up to the aliens to find a host for it.

Predators: During the first game of the campaign the predator who makes the first

kill and takes a trophy becomes the predator elder hunter, (this means when they first

start out they need to make at least one wrist blade kill and trophy or they won=t get a

leader until they do.) After challenges can proceed as the players desire them. If the

elder leaves in game the next highest level predator takes over, if there is not predator

of a higher level then the first to get a trophy will become elder.

Marines: Marines start at Pvt=s and more through the ranks as they accomplish

objectives. Only one marine starts the game as Lance corporal. Here=s how the rank=s


1: Private

2: Private First Class

3: Lance Corporal

4: Corporal

5: Sergeant

6: Staff Sergeant

7: Gunnery Sergeant

8: Master Sergeant

Unlike previous species, players do not lose rank unless they leave the game or die.

(Adding a lot more incentive for waiting for rescue in an alien hive and giving

predators added benefit for their slower style of killing.

In-Character Combat

Before I start I must give a lot of thanks to Tormod, who came up with the idea for

Predator hunting/stalking

Alien: Aliens have everything to gain by acting in character. Alien hives are made to

be excellent ambushing areas, they even boggle predator senses. As an alien you

simply aren=t going to be able to make it with a run and gun type of attitude, your

strikes must be calculated.

Predators: Predators are meant to be hunters, as hunters you will not be making the

most kills per second but will be able to make surgical strikes on specified targets.

While you will make victory points for simply killing your target with equal ranged

weapons you will get far more points for executing a slow stalking hunt. I=ve changed

a few points for predators in Tormod=s idea but the central idea remains the same.

Before kill:

Declare your target. (A simply point and click maneuver)

Get in close proximity to your enemy. You will receive a damage bonus the closer

you are.

You will lose your declared target if you kill another not declared.

Taunt your target, by using either a mimicked voice macro or a personal taunt voice

macro within hearing range. This only works twice.

Stalk your target, the longer you stalk the higher your points for killing it will


Kill your target with equal weaponry.

This means if you kill a target with a knife with a shoulder cannon you will get a

penalty, however, to prevent swift weapon changes the weapon the person carries

must have been out for at least one minute or it will not count against the predator.

The stalking bonus is calculated like this:

Original species VP value x half time stalked as long as its at least 2 minutes+5 points

per taunt of your target+.5 points per yard of proximity (they must be within 20 yards

to even start this addition) x 2 if you spend more than 1/3 of the time stalking

uncloaked in the case of a human+1 point for each frag the player has made .

After you kill with this hefty bonus you can receive even more victory points by

gathering the trophy in the traditional predator fashion.

For the complete unmodified version of Tormod=s idea, I will put it in the credits


Marines: As Vasquez herself said: We don=t leave our people behind! As a marine

you will reap considerable benefits from rescuing your allies who are captured by

aliens or aiding those who you notice are stalked by predators. Rescuing civilians,

capturing points of contention, and saving your friends from the clutches of aliens

will win you the game. As a marine you must also know when to retreat, this isn=t a

fragfest, if you die then your ranks go with you and you will have to earn them all


Supply Chains


Aliens must collect hosts, hosts function as both alien respawn "tickets" (imagine bf

1942) as well as a food source. To build hive structures aliens must consume hosts to

gain the raw biomass needed for such structures, when hosts are consumed by drones

they create supply points that can be used toward building. While chest bursted hosts

can be eaten they give less supply than live ones.


Predators have the simplest and possibly most difficult to sustain supply line. While

the predator ship contains all the supplies a predator would need the veteran hunter

will not (as in can not) award new weaponry to those who do not prove themselves,

they gain this through collecting trophies, a certain number of trophies is required for

certain items making it quite hard going in the beginning. When 10 trophies are

collected a new predator comes down to join the hunt. This acts as a ticket for the

predator respawn. Before you start wondering however, predators will not be easy to

kill at all making this a sustainable way to keep them going. Also as one predator kills

more the trophy price for weaponry reduces for him and raises for everyone else as

competition for kills becomes fierce. One exceptional hunter raises the bar for the



USCM must accrue "supply points" their supply chain is three fold, first, they have

the dropship landing pad, this allows for supplies to be shuttled down by dropship,

this provides armor and weapons that all the marines need. This can also drop new

vehicles for the marines. The second supply is electricity, electricity allows all non-

portable marine electronics to be run indefinately.(Terminals of all sorts to be detailed

later.) Finally the last supply source is civilians, when a marine rescues a civilian and

successfully brings him back to the dropship pad the marines are rewarded with new

recruits for a job well done. Killing civilians reduces recruits available. The recruits

are awarded on a 2 for 1 basis, two recruits for every civilian rescued.

Weapons, Equipment, Vehicles, and Special Abilities:

Alien Weapons:


ROF: 3

Damage: 20

Range: Point Blank

Bite: (Not head bite exactly)

ROF: 2

Damage: 35

Range: Point Blank

Tail: Does not auto aim nor stun.

ROF: 3

Damage: 25

Range: 2 Yards

Strike Teeth:


Damage: 40

Range: Point Blank.

Special Note: Strike teeth automatically intersperse themselves with bite attacks at

about a rate of 1 every 5 bites. If you bite at the enemies head however, the strike

teeth deploy automatically.

Alien Special Abilities:

Multiple Strikes: The aliens weapons are its own body therefore it can use all of its

attacks AT ONE TIME. This will be similar to the mauling of Dillon we see in A3.

All the attacks will be on the mouse so it will simply be a matter of mashing all the

buttons or toggling all attack. However, when all attacks are used at one time you are

very loud and very conspicuous, this is not at all recommended for sneak attacks, only

for head on battles.

Bound: By holding the space button for a second then releasing rather than tapping it

the alien will jump a long distance in the direction we are pointing, this does not deal

damage in any way, its simply for getting places fast.

Bash and Tear: When aliens come up against an object that can be broken but not

opened they can use the bash command. This basically does a very moviesque beating

down of the door. This is also the only way aliens can get into vehicles other than by

stowing away when the doors open. Bash will only affect light vehicles, tear instead

attempts to pry open the doors. As aliens (in this version) are stronger than any

species, it is only a matter of time before the door opens, however, you are very

vulnerable to attack in the same way as we see with the APC doors in aliens. Getting

splattered at such close range however is very likely to do severe acid damage to the

vehicle and occupants.

Acid Blood: Aliens all have acid blood, when you are killed you spray acid blood as

noted in the Acid Spray Range and Direction. Acid eats through armor dealing 10 AF

damage a second for 10 seconds. Should the owner of the armor not have enough to

overcome 100 AF damage the rest is carried over at 20 damage a second to health for

the remaining time.

Acid eats through vehicle hulls at double the rate dealing 20 AF damage a second for

20 seconds. The same rule applies for integrity as health but the integrity damage is

40 a second. This is one of the aliens biggest protections against vehicular smack


Charge: Aliens have a charge attack activated by tapping forward twice, while the

attack itself doesn? do damage it binds the one struck, (if they were struck straight on)

to the ground in the manner of the net allowing you to maul them quite a bit. Once

you charge you can stop by pressing back once, you pick up speed the longer you go.

If you charge for too long (10 seconds continuously) you take damage representing

strain to your body.

Grab: Grab attacks are modified claw attacks. To grab an enemy you must strike

from below, above, the rear, or the rear flanks. You can? grab from in front unless

you are targeting an unarmed person. When you grab you have two choices, you can

either score an automatic head bite by pressing the bite button or you can drag them

back to the hive and incapacitate them.

Cocoon: Only drones can cocoon hosts though any class may have captured them,

once cocooned the hosts are completely helpless and can decide to do one of two

things, they can either respawn leaving all the old gear and rank behind, or they can

wait for rescue. There is still a chance for survival even after impregnation as the

chest burster will not come out until it is needed as a new spawn. The oldest cocooned

burst first giving time for rescue. Drones can only cocoon in the hive.

Wall Walk: All aliens can walk on walls. Hopefully an improved wall walking code

will make it far smoother making it so every tiny surface does not make you turn all

over the place.

Consume Live Civilian: Allows a drone or warrior to eat a live civilian providing it

with essential biomass, provides more biomass than a dead civilian.

Consume Dead Civilian: Gives 50 biomass to the aliens which is used in hive

building, can only be eaten by drones or warriors. This is a standard practice and does

not hurt the hive in any way as they can? serve as hosts.

Darksight: In dark areas all surfaces are outlines with a whitish glow allowing aliens

to see where everything is in even pitch black darkness.

Pheremone Detection: Allows an alien to see predators in a green aura and marines

in a blue one. Aliens show up as red. Also leaves a faint trail on the ground if an

enemy has passed through there in the last 3 minutes.

Superior Hearing: Aliens can hear conversation, voice macros, heartbeats,

breathing, ect through walls in 3 dimensional sound allowing them to hear their

enemies from a distance.

Regeneration: Aliens no longer gain health through eating, they gain health through

going into hibernation mode, when hibernating the alien is unable to do anything but

sit, it will slowly regenerate health while waiting. If they do this in a hive wall the

regeneration rate doubles. When you uncoil it looks like how they did in the initial

Aliens ambush.

Predator Weaponry:

While predators have nowhere near the diverse arsenal of marines they have

formidable technology which allows them to fight in almost any situations. ROF is

considered how many times it can attack in 5 seconds. Cool down is how long it takes

for the weapon to cool off enough to use it again. Cool down is simply your ammo

capacity which happens to regenerate automatically. Critical how many shots in 1

minute it would take to over heat your weapon. Some predator weapons have ammo

but most do not. Trophy cost is simply the number of trophies needed to get the item

in hunt mode.

Wrist Blades:

ROF: 3

Damage: 40

Cool Down: N/A

Critical: N/A

Special Secondary Mode: Can be dual wielded. (That? right! Two pairs of wrist


Acid Splash Range and Damage: 2 feet behind.

Range: 1 Yard

Trophy Cost: 4


ROF: 2

Damage: 50

Cool Down: N/A

Critical: N/A

Special Secondary Mode: Fires one poison dart, affects only humans with a stun

effect. Dart ROF is 1, no damage. 12 darts.

Acid Splash Range and Damage: 2 feet backward

Range: 1.5 yards

Trophy Cost:5

Sword: (no we never saw one but wouldn? it be damn cool)

ROF: 4

Damage: 35

Cool Down: N/A

Critical: N/A

Special Secondary Mode: You can use two of these as well.

Acid Splash Range and Damage: directly behind wound, 3 feet.

Range: 1 yard.

Trophy Cost:5

Net Launcher:

ROF: 2

Damage: 2 a second until they escape. (on humans)

Cool Down: N/A

Critical: N/A

Special Secondary Mode: None

Acid Splash Range and Damage: None

Range: 40 yards.

Magazine: 4 nets.

Trophy Cost: 4

Plasma Caster:

ROF: 2

Damage: 60

Cool Down: 8

Critical: 10

Special Secondary Mode: None

Acid Splash Range and Damage: 180 degrees from point of impact, 8 feet.

Range: 60 yards.

Trophy Cost: 6

Special Note: The plasma caster will track the target on the screen to fit with head

tracking theme. The rounds however will NOT home in as we saw in AvP 2.


ROF: 1

Damage: Instantanous Death to all infantry.

Cool Down: N/A

Critical: N/A

Special Secondary Mode: None

Acid Splash Range and Damage: 360 degrees 4 feet. (you are slicing them in half.)

Range: 80 yards.

Trophy Cost: 8

Special Note: This does not home in on its target. It sets itself inline with the target,

fires, and continues on that straight path until it reaches its targets destination, if the

target has moved by then it makes a wide semicircle to either side and returns to your

hand. This never gets stuck in a wall, ever.

Predator Heavy Weapons:

Heavy Caster: Primarily used in war mode though it can be used whenever they like,

a huge shoulder braced cannon. (Think bazooka, not ten ton plasma caster)

ROF: 1

Damage: 200 AT 70%

Cool Down: 20

Critical: 3

Special Secondary Mode:

Acid Splash Range and Damage: 50 feet 360 degrees.

Range:1000 yards.

Trophy Cost: 8

Plasma Cannon: Primary Anti-Aircraft for predators.

ROF: 5

Damage: 40 AT 100% , burns for 3 seconds dealing an additional 20 normal damage

every second.

Cool Down: 10

Critical: 20

Special Secondary Mode: None

Acid Splash Range and Damage: None

Range:700 yards

Trophy Cost: 8

Special Notes: This hits with very low velocity and splatters all over the hulls of

ships, once there it begins to burn away the hull causing aggravated damage.

Predator Special Weapon Systems:

Self-Destruct: Predators may at any time self destruct, the entire process takes 5

seconds to start and once its started killing the predator will not accomplish anything

unless his wrist computer is destroyed through acid or explosives. The countdown

lasts 15 seconds.

ROF: 1

Damage: 250 100% AT, AP.

Cooldown: N/A

Critical: N/A

Acid Splash: N/A The blast vaporizes all the acid.

Range: 100 yards

Predator Equipment:

Cloaking Device: Looks EXACTLY like the movies. EXACTLY!

Turns off in water.

Medicomp: Has 2 full use charges, these heal him to full, after these uses are

exhausted the predator can use the medicomp to heal him to full very slowly. This

can? be used in combat. This item can be gained from the veteran hunter.

Surgical Kit: Used to remove gestating chestbursters from rescued hunters. Removal

can be done on the spot. This item must be received from the elder hunter.

Mask: Allows for three vision modes detailed in Special abilities.

Predator Special Abilities:

Climbing: Predators can scale vertical surfaces that are organic but not hived (trees

and such.)

Normal Vision mode: Normal vision for the predator is infrared, having a mask

filters out ambient heat making it much clearer.

Ultraviolet: Detects ultraviolet light which makes aliens stand out better in their

environment. This mode allows for alien tracking with a plasma caster.

Intensified Light: Simply boosts the ambient light level making it easier to see


Slow Fall: By using one claw you can slow your fall from high areas allowing you to

prevent falling damage. By using two claws you can actually scale inorganic non-

hived walls.

Tracking: All predators are master trackers. When you use the track ability all the

paths walked by enemies in the last ten minutes in your view are revealed, red for

aliens, blue for humans.

Predator Vehicles:

Personally, I don't like it when they name alien vehicles after human creations so I

will simply refer to them as what they would best equal in the human military until

someone comes up with predator tongue for them. Vehicles have a specific pre-war

trophy quota. Light tank and personel carriers require a cumulative of at least 25

trophies. Heavy requires at least 40 cumulative trophies, assault aircraft requires at

least a cumulative of 60 trophies.

Light Personnel Carrier:

Armament: 2 light plasma cannons with a 360 degree firing arc.

Integrity: 120

Armor: 150

1 pilot. 8 hunters, 1 gunner.

ROF: 20

Damage: 40 AP

Cooldown: 30

Critical 280

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 5 feet, 360 degrees.

Special Fire Mode: No really a fire mode but can cloak.

Top Speed: 80 MPH

Handling: Average.

Light Tank:

Integrity: 180

Armor: 200

Armament: One pilot. 1 kinetic driver (Acts like a massive physical blow)

ROF: 2

Damage: 80 AT 100%

Cooldown: 60

Critical: 11

Range: 800 Yards.

Acid Splash Range and Direction: None

Top Speed: 60 MPH

Handling: Excellent

Heavy Tank:

Integrity: 280

Armor: 240

Armament: One pilot, 1 gunner. 2 Kinetic Drivers, one heavy caster.

ROF for Kinetic Drivers: 2

Damage: 80 AT 100%

Cooldown: 60

Critical: 11

Range: 800 Yards

Acid Splash Range and Direction: None.

ROF For Heavy Caster: 1

Damage: 200 AT 70%

Cool Down: 20

Critical: 3

Special Secondary Mode:

Acid Splash Range and Damage: 50 feet 360 degrees.

Range:1000 yards.

Top Speed: 45 MPH

Handling: Average

Special Note: The two kinetic drivers are forward mounted and do not turn, they are

the pilots guns, the heavy caster is only for the gunner.

Assault Aircraft:

Integrity: 120

Armor: 60

Armament: 1 plasma cannon, plasma bomblets.

Top Speed: 120 MPH

Handling: Excellent.

ROF for plasma cannon: 5

Damage: 40 AT 100% , burns for 3 seconds dealing an additional 20 normal damage

every second.

Cool Down: 10

Critical: 20

Special Secondary Mode: None

Acid Splash Range and Damage: None

Range:700 yards

ROF for Plasma Bomblets: 3 (Drops ten bomblets each)

Damage: 20, burns for 3 seconds dealing 10 damage a second. (that? 20 EACH


Splash of 1 yard.

Cooldown: 70

Critical: 10

Special Secondary Mode: None.

Acid Splash Range and Damage: 7 feet, 360 degrees.

Range: Anything below you.

USCM Weapons:

Combat Knife: A standard combat Knife.

ROF: 5

Magazine: N/A

Damage: 30, will not pierce armor.

Special Fire Mode: None

Range: .5 yards.

M4A3 Semiautomatic Pistol: Fires both Hollow Point bullets as well as explosive

fragellants bullets.

ROF: 10 rounds.

Magazine Size: 16 rounds for Hollow points, 12 for fragellants.

Damage for Hollow Points: 25

Damage for Fragellants: 20 AP

Special Fire Mode: None

Acid Spray Direction and Range hollow point: 2 feet toward out of bullet entry point.

Acid Spray Direction and Range fragellant: 5 feet 180 degrees out of entry point.

Range: 100 yards.

VP70 Pistol: Fires 9mm rounds

ROF: 15 rounds.

Magazine Size: 20 9mm rounds.

Damage for 9mm rounds: 15

Special Fire Mode: Burst fire, fires 3 rounds in the time it takes to fire a single round.

Acid Spray Direction and Range: 1 foot out of bullet entry point.

Range: 100 yards.

M41A1 Pulse Rifle: Fires 10mm Explosive Tipped armor piercing rounds.

ROF: 99 rounds

Magazine Size: 99 10mm rounds. AP (special note)

Damage for 10mm rounds: 18

Special Fire Mode: PN 30mm Pump Action Grenade Launcher. Detailed later.

Acid Spray Direction and Range: 6 feet 360 degrees (the aliens exploding here)

Range: 300 yards.

Special Note: Because of inconsistent ammo quality only 1 in 7 bullets will explode

after it penetrates armor making this AP every 7 bullets.

PN 30mm Grenade Launcher: Included only with the M41A1 Pulse Rifle. Fires

30mm Grenades of various types.

ROF: 2 rounds

Magazine size 4 grenades.

Grenade Types:

M40 HE: High Explosive grenade, damages everything within 2 yards. Explodes on

impact. Denoted by a red cap.

M38 HEAP: 1 yard splash damage directly in front of where it hits, AP. Explodes on

impact. Denoted by a green cap.

M51 Bouncing Fragmentation: 2 yard splash against everything within 2 yards,

bounces off of walls and can be used to kill around corners. Explodes after 5 seconds.

Denoted by a blue cap.

M60 White Phosphorous Incendiary: Explodes on impact releasing a cloud of thick

white smoke. All those in the cloud are set on fire burning for 5 seconds after the

explosion. Denoted by a white cap.

M72A1 Starshell: Fires extreme distances (200 yards) before it releases a parachute

and burns as a flare for 45 seconds. Denoted by an ?キon the cap.

Damage for M40 HE: 120 at point of impact, 80 thereafter.

Damage for for M38 HEAP: 110 at point of impact. 80 thereafter. AP

Damage for M51 Bouncing High Explosive: 120 at point of impact, 80 thereafter.

Damage for M60 White Phosphorous Incendiary: 20 at point of impact, 15 per second

every second thereafter.

Damage for M72A1 Starshell: N/A it? a flare for chrissakes.

Acid Spray Direction and Range for M40, M51: 20 feet, 360 degrees.

Acid Spray Direction and Range for M38: 15 feet directly in front of explosion.

No other grenades spray acid.

Range: (except for M72A1) 20 yards.

M56 Smartgun: Fires APEX rounds.

ROF: 120

Magazine Size: 240 rounds drum.

Damage for APEX rounds: 20 AP

Special Fire Mode: None

Acid Spray Direction and Range: 200 degrees originating from point of impact. 7


Range: 600 yards

Special Note: The smart gun uses IR to track enemy movements. Because its IR

aliens do not show up on this, however, predators do show up on IR and the gun will

track them quite accurately. Also note that you must find a tracking arm to fire this

gun and track your target, without one you are essentially in free mode and do not

track. This gun does not track unless the IR lens is engaged.

M240 Flamethrower: Fires a stream of ignited napalm.

ROF: N/A Constant.

Magazine Size: 20 seconds.

Damage for Napalm: 50(initial blast) per second for humans, 30 per second for

predators, and 20 per second for aliens.

Special Fire Mode: None.

Acid Spray Direction and Range: None.

Range: 10 yards.

M40 HE: Throws one M40 grenade.

ROF: 1

Magazine size: 10 grenade bandolier.

Exact same information except range as M40 HE launched grenade.

5 second delay fuse.

Range: 10 yards.

CN-20 Nerve Gas: A canister of Nerve Gas,

ROF: 1

Magazine Size: 7 Canister Bandolier

Damage: 5 a second to aliens and masked predators, plus 2 a second after they leave

the area for 10 seconds. 50 a second for unmasked predator=s and marines and 5 a

second for 10 seconds afterward unless treated by a medicomp or a medic.

5 Second delay fuse plus a 10 second release time.

Range: 10 yards throw, 25 yard dispersion.

Marine Heavy Weapons:

Here are the heavy weapons for the marine. Just so you know heres some information

on a new damage type that will be showing up. AT, or anti-tank weaponry is

specifically. These go directly past vehicle armor and deal damage to the core

equipment. AT damage will be a certain percentage of the total damage. The

percentage that is not AT damage will deal damage to armor thereby making the

vehicles armor factor weaker. Also AT may be a misnomer as this applies to all

vehicles and aircraft.

M5 Rocket propelled grenade: A shoulder launched Anti-bunker rocket launcher.

Fires one 60mm rocket.

ROF: 1

Magazine: 1, you can carry up to 3 rocket propelled grenades however.

Damage for 60mm rocket: 100, 2 yard splash.

Special fire mode: none

Acid Spray Direction and Range: 360 degrees, 20 feet.

Range: 900 yards.

M78 Phased Plasma Infantry Gun (PPIG)

ROF: 2

Magazine: 8

Damage for Phased Plasma Beam: 120, 60% AT

Special Fire Mode: Dazzle mode, allows for continuous firing for 4 seconds dealing

listed damage every second. After this the weapon is burnt out and useless.

Range: 500 yards.

Acid Splash Direction and Range: None.

M83 Shoulder-launched Active-Homing Disposable Anti-Tank Rocket (SADAR)

Fires 80mm Anti-Tank sabot.

ROF: 1

Magazine: 1 (its disposable, duh)

Damage for 80mm Anti-Tank sabot: 120, 90% AT

Special Fire Mode: Ten Seconds on fire launches a guided missile which tracks a

target until it runs out of fuel, 10 second burn time.

Range: 600 yards.

Acid Splash and Direction: 20 feet directly opposite of the side the sabot penetrates.

M112 Hyper-Velocity Intelligent Missile, Anti-Tank (HIMAT), 100mm EFP(

Explosive Fragment Penetrator)

ROF: 1

Magazine: 1

Damage for100mm EFP: 300 100% AT

Special Fire Mode: None

Special Notes: The HIMAT is an indirect fire weapon. The user sets up behind cover

with an APS-100 Fire Controller. (To be described in the equipment section.) When

fired missile is first propelled into the air by a relative weak starter charge. The initial

direction of the missile is irrelevant. It may point straight up into the sky. After flying

some 10 to 15 meters the missile turns in on the bearing to its final target. Then it

ignites the second stage of the motor, accelerating to about 1,700 yards/s in under one

second. This is hypersonic speed (Mach 4+) and a loud boom is audible when the

missile breaks the sound barrier. In the moment of hitting the target a penetration rod

made from hard tungsten alloy is accelerated further by an explosive charge. The

armor piercing rod then penetrates the target by its tremendous kinetic energy,

reducing armor effectiveness. Inside of armored vehicles the crew will die of sudden

overpressure, secondary fragments, or exploding ammunition and fuel.

Acid Splash and Direction: 30 feet 360 degrees.

SIM-99 Surface to Air Missile. 70mm missile.

ROF: 1

Magazine: 1

Damage for 70mm missile: 80, 50% AT

Special Fire Mode: Tracking Missile, once lock on is achieved missile is fire and


Range: 1000 yards

Acid Splash and Direction: 360 degrees 15 feet.

Marine Equipment:

M-3 Armor Leg Segments: Provides AF of 20.

M-3 Rigid Armor Vest: Provides AF of 60.

M-10 Helmet: Provides AF of 20.

Halogen Lamp: Standard on all M-3 Rigid Armor Vests.

IR Lens: Standard on all M-10 Helmets.

Satchel: Provides a marine with extra ammo capacity.

Comm Tech Kit: Provides all the necessary tools to bypass doors and access locked

down computers.

Demolitions Kit: 10, 1 pound blocks of PLASTEX explosives. Contains with

necessary items for detonating them. Detonation range is unlimited outside and inside

is 300 yards.

PLASTEX can be attached to vehicles, walls, and doors.

PLASTEX explosives.

ROF: 1 (set up requires time)

Magazine: 10

Damage for 1 pound block of PLASTEX explosives: 70, 4 yard splash.

Special Fire Mode: Time Delay, 2 minute delay on explosion.

Range: 300 yards inside, unlimited outside.

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 360 degrees, 30 feet.

Hand Welder: Can seal and open doors dependant on which mode its in. Primary

cuts, secondary seals, good for ten minutes of continuous use. (Doors seal in 30

seconds, 2 feet of metal cut in ten seconds. This is 2 feet long, not two feet thick of


M-94 Flares: 10 flares in a package, they burn for ten minutes and are useful for

marking paths. Each player can be assigned a certain color if at all possible.

Motion Tracker: Detects moving objects at 30 meters. Can only be used in

conjunction with a weapon that can be wielded one handed. (pistols) accuracy suffers.

Medical Kit: Good for 5 uses when applied by untrained marines, good for unlimited

uses when used by a medic class.

Smartgun Harness: While wearing this the smart gun auto tracks unfriendly heat

signatures. With this one you can not use free mode on the smart gun. Also note that

aliens do not show up on IR and therefore would not be tracked.

APS-100 Fire Controller: Needed to operate the HIMAT, usually found with one

though not always.

Land Mines: Small simple landmines. They auto burrow into the ground making

deployment simply. Land mines detect IFF and will not fire on friendlies. When a

landmine is tripped it launches a fragmentation charge 3 feet into the air which then

explodes spraying fragments 2 yards. The stats are the exact same as the M40


Portable Fortification: Portable fortifications are essentially snap together walls

which block most ballistic weaponry and kinetic attacks. Can be set up in three forms,

Shoulder high wall, waist high wall, and total fortification. Shoulder high wall is

designed to allow soldiers to fire from behind while standing as well as prevent easy

access to the other side.

Waist high walls are designed for kneeling soldiers and soldiers firing from the hip.

(smart gunners) sentries can also fire over these. Total fortifications are essentially

complete walls that block passage through them, these fortifications have two kill

slots which can be fired through when kneeling. This provides the most cover as well

as the most limited LOS.

UA-571 Remote Sentry Weapons System: Essentially unmanned smart guns with

three different variants that will be decided when they are deployed. Unlike their

smart gun cousins sentry guns track aliens as they use a collection of different

sensors. Also note all sentry guns only turn 60 degrees.

UA-571-C Sentry Gun:

Health: 120

AF: 80

ROF: 300, fires only in 5 round bursts however.

Armament: 10mm Machine Gun

Magazine: 500 Rounds.

Damage for 10mm APEX rounds: 20 AP

Special Fire Mode: None

Range: 200 Yards (not bullet range, sensor detection range)

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 360 Degrees 10 feet.

UA-571-F Sentry Gun:

ROF: 2

Armament: 40mm Grenade Launcher.

Magazine: 50

Damage for M40 HE: 2 yard splash 120 at point of impact, 80 thereafter.

Special Fire Mode: None

Range: 20 Yards (detects and begins tracking at 200 yards however)

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 360 Degrees, 20 feet.

Marine Vehicles:

Integrity=Health, same basic thing.

Armor= Heavy armor in comparison to personal armor is impenetrable by anything

not in the heavy weapons listing until the AF is brought down by the non-AT damage

of an AV weapon. This means AP weapons will not pierce this armor nor will flame

weapons damage them at all.

Generic Weapon Stats:

Since I=m using some of the same caliber turrets on multiple vehicles ill just put their

stats here.

20mm gun:

ROF: 20

Damage: 25

Range: 400 yards.

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 40 degrees from point of impact, 10 feet.

35mm gun:

ROF: 30

Damage: 30

Range: 600 yards

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 180 Degrees from point of impact, 12 feet.

M577A Armored Personnel Carrier


Armor: 300 AF

Armament: One driver, 14 marines, also carries the commander, multiple APC=s can

be used so only one will have the commander though they could all support him

should he need to move. One double barreled 20mm turret with a firing arc of 90

degrees to the right. (It can fire straight forward or turn to the right 90 degrees, it>s

the small gun you see at the front corner.) One 35mm double barreled turret with a

firing arc of 360 degrees. To make things simple the APC will have unlimited ammo

for both cannons.

ROF for 20mm: 20

ROF for 35mm: 30

Top speed: 60 MPH

Handling: Excellent.

M22A3 Jackson Tank

Integrity: 180

Armor: 450 AF

Armament: Single 80mm (essentially fires SADAR) turret with a 340 degree firing

arc. (The back is blocked by its oversized engine.) Tank carries 120 rounds and is

crewed by two men, one gunner and one driver.

Damage for 80mm Anti-Tank sabot: 120, 90% AT.

Range: 600 yards.

Acid Splash and Direction: 20 feet directly opposite of the side the sabot penetrates.

Top Speed: 60MPH

Handling: Average.

M40 Ridgeway Heavy Tank:

Integrity: 240

Armor: 900 AF

Armament: 2 man tank, one driver and one gunner. 115mm gun with 360 arc, 35mm

turret with 180 degree arc.

Damage: 110 AT 60%

ROF: 5

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 20 feet in a line directly behind the point the sabot


Top Speed: 40MPH

Handling: Above Average.

UD-4L Cheyenne Utility Dropship

Integrity: 120

Armor: 120 AF

Armament: 2 man craft, one pilot and copilot (controls auto cannon and target

spotting). One Chin mounted auto cannon (conveniently infinite ammo) 240 degree

arc, Two 80mm HE rocket pods containing 8 rockets each, two 110mm HE rocket

pods containing 4 rockets each.

80mm HE Rocket stats:

Damage: 90 damage 4 yard splash.

ROF: 4 (for one pod, that means it can empty 4 rockets from both pods in 5 seconds.)

110mm HE rocket stats:

Damage: 250 splash 8 yards.

ROF: 2 (two pods mean every 5 seconds 4 rockets can be fired.)

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 360 degrees, 40 feet.

Autocannon stats:

Damage: 20 AP

ROF: 30

Acid Splash Range and Direction: 90 degrees from point of impact, 15 feet.

Voice Macro=s


Voice Macros: All Alien voice macros will be different hisses. While less distinct

than predator macros they will be distinguishable without reading the chat bar.

Note that aliens also have a map of every hived bit of land on the entire level.

Furthermore all paths are always drawn for aliens to show their intimate knowledge

of their home.

Potential Host at my location: Creates facehugger icon way point on alien map.

Threat to the hive at my location: Creates a flashing red way point on the map.

Rally at this location: Creates a rally point for aliens to go to.

Enemy Vehicles at my location: Creates a vehicle marker at their location.

Follow me: Brings up an arrow on the players main screen of the player who was

under the cross hair of the macro user that points to the macro user.

Predator Spotted: Brings up predator icon on the map on the macro=ers location.

Human Spotted: Brings up a human icon on the map on the macro=ers location.

Help me with this door: Brings up a red flashing block on the door that the


crosshairs were over when he used the macro.

Exclamatory Voice Macros:

F1: Protect the queen! Shows a red line leading directly to the queen in the shortest

possible way. Shows a large red warning on all the players maps.

F2: Help! Shows a red line to the alien using the macro, this only works if you are

close by.

F3: Attack now! Shows a red letters on the characters screen saying: Attack now!

Predators Macros:

Kill (roar): Tells your hunting party of your successful kill.

First Sign (short rattling purr): tells your hunting party that you have found the

first sign

of your prey. (Details will be added later on predator special abilities like tracking.)

Prey approaching (raspy 3 clicks): tells your hunting party that prey will is near and

coming your way.

Enemy vehicle approaching purr: Informs that enemy armor is coming your way.

War Declared (single short roar): Informs all hunting party members that the hunt

is off and now its full scale combat. No restrictions on anything, this is when the

vehicles come out.

War Ended (2 purrs in succession): Informs all warriors that the war is over and the

hunt rules now apply, all vehicles must be returned.

Imitation Macros: Incredibly useful macros that mess with the enemies mind. All

imitation macros are three dimensional and have short range. When you use one (you

can replicate all the USCM ones) the enemy marines near you get the exact same

effect they would if their team mate had done so.

Taunt Macro=s: Predators have a variety of taunt macros available to them from

rattles and purrs to distorted versions of imitation macros.


Voice macros will be necessary for the new squad based aspect. This will include a

tracker voice macro.

Others will include:

Help at loc, see below.

Alien spotted at: loc (all users will have a map display activated by the C key.

Location will be highlighted with the appropriate species symbol)

Signal at (distance and direction. All USCM users will have an O=clock

directional compass.) This is a three dimensional sound which will only be heard a

certain distance from its source.

Rally at this location. (Though this way point will be visible on the map display

those who call the rally from a floor map terminal will have an automatic path drawn

for all USCM.

Need AV support. Creates a symbol calling for AV on map display.

Need AI support. Creates symbol calling for AI support.

Need AA support. Creates symbol calling for AA support.

Request Orbital Bombardment. Calls a fire-mission down from orbiting ship.

Exclamatory Voice Macros:

All these will be designated to a function key to each, this will prevent fumbling in

certain situations.

F1: Help! (Designated your general direction on the O=clock compass.

F2: Fire in the hole! (Shows flashing directional arrow on O=clock compass

designating nearest time delayed explosive.)

F3: Watch your fire! This will show a large warning in red to whomever on your

team damaged you last within a time of 60 seconds.

F4: Clear the firing line! Shows a yellow line designating the LOS of the macro

caller. Facilitates the use of heavy LOS type armament.

F5: Lay down suppressing fire! Shows a red block designating the area that needs

suppressing fire. This will be designated by the area the crosshair was on when the

macro was activated. This will be pointed to as a red arrow on the O=clock compass.

F6: Look out behind you! Binds quick spin to the E key for 10 seconds for all

nearby players. after the macro is called, after this the binding reverts to user settings.



Drone: Don=t let its name mislead you, its one tough hombre, this is the only alien

that can regularly build hive sections, cocoon prisoners, move eggs, and relocate the


Warrior: The smooth heads, these aliens have a +5 on all their damage (the previous

damage was all drones stats) and 100 health. They can jump farther than drones as

well. Warriors have limited hiving capabilities and can make hive sections at double

the normal cost.

Runners/Dragons: Much larger than the AvP2 runners, this one looks exactly like

the Alien3 dragon. No faster than the warrior running speed but faster in attacking

speed. All ROF=s are increased by one attack. This alien however, slower in bashing

down doors, unable to build anything and capture prisoners through it can drag

corpses into the hive for consumption of the other aliens.

Queen: The commander of the aliens, usually stuck in one spot unless she detaches

from her egg sac. Slow and unwieldy the queen is a poor fighter. She however, has a

buttload of health and is the core of the entire alien hive. Damage stats are double

what is listed but she is unable to use multiple strike and all her ROF=s are reduced by


Praetorians: Nascent queens, these are baby queens that are born with a tremendous

influx of resources. Hives may only have one praetorian at any one time. Praetorians

are born but they are also made. A praetorian will not automatically grow as other

aliens do, they must consume a 100 biomass as chest bursters to grow to full size, if

they die before this then it is wasted. Praetorians have double the health of a warrior,

can climb walls, head bite, and attack at the queens speed and damage. They stand 10

feet tall and tower over even predators. They have an AF of 60. No hive can have

more than one praetorian at any one time. If the queen dies the praetorian may fill her

position though the hive will still suffer the massive commander death penalty.

Predator Traits: All aliens can be born with predator traits if they are born of a

predator host. There will be no defined Apredator alien@ however aliens born of a

predator (including praetorians) will have a bonus 25 health and +5 to damage.


Classes for Predators: Unlike marine classes, predator classes are earned through

trophies rather than simply given. Each class can hold a certain amount of weapons

and have restrictions on weapons usable.

New Blood 0 trophies: First class, restricted to using the wrist blades only, its only

one trophy to the next level however.

Blooded: 1-5 Trophies: Restricted to using wrist blades (both double and single) and

the combistick.

Fledgling Hunter 6-10 trophies: Restricted to: Double wrist blades, combistick,

single sword, or plasma caster.

Hunter 11-15 trophies: Restricted to Double wrist blades, net launcher, combistick,

single sword, plasma caster, plasma cannon.

Experienced Hunter 16-20 trophies: Restricted to double wrist blades, net launcher,

combistick, double swords, plasma caster, plasma cannon, and disc.

Veteran Hunter Hunter: 20+:No restrictions

Elder Hunter: Can only achieve this class if they challenge for leadership. Gains all

Elder Hunter abilities and stats.

Note on the classes, as vehicles only appear in war mode any predator can use a

vehicle as a pilot or gunner.


Combat Technician: Standard Combatant, carries a pulse rifle, welding torch, and a

4 M40 HE grenades. Full armor. Can be customized to carry M240 Flamethrower

instead of a pulse rifle.

Communication Tech: Carries a pulse rifle, motion tracker, comm tech kit, and full

armor. They are the only ones who can get into locked down terminals such as

mapping terminals which provide the team with several benefits.

Support: Carries M56 smart gun with an harness or can carry M240 flame thrower.

Carries 3 M40 HE grenades in hand grenade mode.

Medic: Carries medical kit, M240 flame thrower or M41A1 Pulse rifle. Half armor

(chest and helmet) If they have the benefit of a full medical facility they not only

automatically heal everyone in their presence but can surgically remove chestbursters

before they hatch from rescued comrades.

Engineering: Carries M41A1 pulse rifle and wears full armor, has a welding torch,

and can set up sentry guns. They carry a single portable fortification. They also can

maintain vehicles, drive power loaders to load dropships, and essentially do all the

busy work that needs doing.

Pilots/Drivers: This class drives all vehicles and pilots all VTOL. They carry a

M4A3 Semiautomatic Pistol and have a helmet.

Commander: Takes care of all RTS functions and controls all the aforementioned

command abilities. Carries a VP70 pistol and no armor. Protect him at all costs!

All characters can pick up any weapon but they will be restricted in their use by

current situations.

A pilot can grab an M41A1 Pulse rifle but can=t use it while strapped into the pilot

seat. Certain classes are restricted in what they can use due to simply technical

knowledge. Its assumed all classes go through basic training and can handle a pulse

rifle, both hand guns, m240 flame unit, hand grenades, and nerve gas. However,

certain equipment is specialized such as PLASTEX explosives or HIMAT=s weapon

systems. Many more are class specific but are not mentioned here. Every class can get

into full armor but those not trained for it will be slowed down. (Such as pilots)


Capturing Important Locations

While playing as a USCM you will be required to capture important locations such as

mapping terminals or high ground. These locations not only allow for forward bases

but also for several benefits to the players and mission objectives.

Heres a list of common important locations:

1: Mapping terminals: This allows the USCM players to use their minimaps to guide


2: Communication Arrays: Found at nearly every dropship landing pad, comm

arrays allow ranking marines to call down various pieces of support from orbit. Much

of the USCM=s commander abilities require comm arrays.

3: Generators: Generators are needed to power everything. Without generators your

base systems such as comm arrays go off line.

4: Bottlenecks: Various areas that allow attack from only specific directions are

highly useful to marines especially with engineers on their sides setting up portable


5: Medical Centers: These are required to remove chest bursters.

Capture clarification

When a person is captured and carried by an alien he is disarmed until he is

cocooned. At any time he may choose to respawn but will have all the penalties of

dying. While being carried the person captured will be able to see short flashes of

where he is, long enough to catch details that may lead to his rescue or the rescue of

others but not long enough to get a definitive map of where he is.

If you disconnect while captured you will have the same penalty as death and the

body will still be usable for the aliens. The team you join will lose one respawn as if

you had respawned if you reconnect to the same game.

When marines or predators fight their way into a hive they are perfectly able to

massacre anyone on the walls who is either not yet bursted yet respawned or not

respawned. Killing those who have not respawned will give you a message but no

penalty. The person killed however, will take normal respawn penalties.

Self-Destruct Clarifications

Self-Destruct will be bound to a hotkey but it won=t be easy to trigger to prevent

accidental self detonation.

When you self destruct you take a penalty in victory points equal to the percent of

health you are at. If you kill yourself at 100% health your team will suffer a massive

penalty but if you wait for near death such as 10% you will barely feel the victory

point burn. If used wisely, self-destruct can really help, if it kills enough enemies it

can actually be beneficial to your team.

Stat Saving

Your profile will have publicly listed stats on various aspects of game play such as:

1: Number of frags

2: Number of Deaths

3: Number of campaigns completed

4: Best campaign time

5: Favorite Class

6: Number of Self-Destructs

7: Number of each class and vehicle destroyed

8: Favorite weapon.

9: Number of captures

10: Number of successful predator stalks

Naturally this would be partitioned to each species and but this is the general gist of



Many thanks to Tormod, I never would have thought about rewarding In Character

playing without ya! Thanks for the idea. As I mentioned before I will have the

complete unaltered version of his idea at the end. He=s also added a lot of posts to the

complete ideas thread.

Thank you Skullsplitter for getting me off my ass so I could make the post readable.

Thank you Sadogoat for opening the AvP3 board

Thanks you Bumburster for informing me of possible exploitation by quickly

disconnecting and reconnecting to the game while captured.

Thanks to everyone else who posted on the complete idea thread: Boab/The Major

(glowy text!), Kindred, Leathality, ThE BiG MaN.

And finally, thanks to the people in the Biological and Cultural Thesis board who

inspired me to create this: Kimarhi Ronso(You know how many times I had to move the

H in kimarhi!!)/The Shrike, Vulcan Rotary Cannon,

Injektilo(Screen shot diety), Hissing-Sid, X1M43, Daemos, Renegade 2501 (Who pulled me out of

Rabid fanboy mode on more than one occasion),Bloody Sloth, Captain Disrupto, Dobermann Dru, and SM (yes, even though you keep

giving bishop conspiracy theories the smack-down).

I hope I didn=t miss anyone in this. Sorry that its longer than an Oscars acceptance


Tormod=s Original Predator Stalking Idea

The whole thing about the pred is wether the character shall be dumbed down or not

have frag like objectives. That is a main decision that affects most of the pred

gameplay and ability: In what way is he balanced?

Consider the following:

Before kill:

Declaration of target (point and click) then:

* Making no kills for one minute after declaration of target.

* Being within 20 meters of target for five seconds, ten seconds and twenty seconds

for different bonuses.

* Making sound within 30 meters of target (the pred's taunt). Five seconds reload

(before new taunt bonus). Max three.

* Watching declared target kill other units.

* Successfull target with laser.

* Mimic of voice.

The bonuses are cashed in when killing the target or deallocating the target (resulting

in a lesser bonus).


* Subdue bonus.

* Melee bonus.

* Melee on melee bonus (if the human draws a knife, the pred will jump at the chance

to get the bonus even if he originally intended to kill him with SC).

* The targets' frag count.

After kill:

* Ripping out spine and shout.

* Gathering trophy without killing anyone else in between (some bonus withheld until

this is accomplished). (It is still allowed to kill Aliens).

* Returning the trophy to ship. Or still having it when game is over (respawned pred

may still collect HIS trophies by locating his net from where he was killed). To run off

with a preds net is VERY risky business as it WILL kill you.

It would be nice with a hunting party gain.

The preds usage of SC on normal aliens is merely for survival. And he may still lose

the game even with the most kills. Many dishonorable kills should even make a pred a

valid target for his own comrades. His equipment are the trophies.

Wouldn't that balance the pred? It would certainly be incharacter.

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