alexe's top 10 sights to see in colombia

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Mantaraya Travel's travel advisor Alex Maier shares some of her top things to see in Colombia.


Alex´s top 15 sights to see in


Mantaraya Travel´s Alex Maier shares some of her

top Colombian travel spots

1. Mirror, mirror… the perfectly still waters of the Amazon river in the very south of Colombia, bordering with Brazil and Peru.

2. Bogota by night from Monserrate – the lights never go out in this capital city of 8 Million people.

3. Coffee fincas in Colombia´s coffee zone. Here’s one really good one in Quindio: San Alberto. Some of the best coffee I´ve ever tasted!

4. The colorful fruit stalls of the Caribbean coast. The variety of fruit (and their prices…) is one of my favorite things about Colombia! Buen provecho!

5. The lonely beaches of Providencia, with the absolute tranquility of the Caribbean. I love this island!

6. The highest palm trees in the world in Valle de Cocora in Quindio. These incredible trees (measuring up to 70 metres high) grow in a beautiful valley, which is best explored by horse.

7. The Las Lajas cathedral in Nariño: a very famous and sacred cathedral in the middle of a canyon… what´s not to like?

8. The incredibly diverse landscape of the Purace National Park, which seems like the energy source of the world! I saw all kinds of colors, rivers, volcanos, sulfur springs, rainforest etc. in just one park.

9. Brilliant birds! Colombia´s biodiversity is one of the most impressive on the planet, especially the number of birds and butterflies.

10. The seven colored sea of San Andres island, with its striking white sandy beaches and its perfect Caribbean feeling.

11. A waterfall in San Gil, as I rappelled down it! This is a great place for adventure sports: rappelling, paragliding, rafting, cave tours, hiking and much more!

12. A sunset over the tranquil waters of Santa Marta on Colombia’s Caribbean Coast.

13. The main plaza in Villa de Leyva, apparently the biggest in Colombia. This beautiful colonial town surrounded by mountains is the perfect weekend get-away from Bogota.

14. Tayrona National Park on the Caribbean Coast, alongside Santa Marta´s Sierra Nevada - just beautiful!

15. And finally – the historic center of Cartagena, complete with balconies, flowers and colorful houses.

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