alexandrou - euscreen annotation tool @euscreen mykonos

Post on 11-May-2015






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ICCS-NTUA IVML Research Partner

Annotation Environment


EUScreen Meeting

23-24, June 2010Mykonos Island, Greece

Annotation in the Digital Item Preservation Lifecycle

Digital Content Metadata Creation & Preservation Process

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

The Digital Item Annotation Space

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

Digital Item Import

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

REST-ful API for intercommunication and interoperability Future feature:

Multiple XSLT import functionality so as to support multiple types of metadata export

Digital Item Annotation

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

Digital Item Export

What? Descriptive metadata based on several XSLTs Support of ESE and EBU Core standards

Where? Intra-organization utilization Europeana

How? Utilization of OAI-PMH standard

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

Metadata Preservation (1 of 2)

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

Metadata Preservation (2 of 2)

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

Descriptive Metadata Metadata for the annotation of

the digital item Preservation Metadata

Metadata for the annotation of the metadata

Provenance Metadata Metadata for the description of

the source, the author, etc. of the metadata set

Annotation Environment Supportive Features

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

Wish List

Batch-processing Digital items groups creation Massive Editing

Value Normalization Pinpoint errors Statistics per value Massive correction

Theasurus Utilizing SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System)

Concept-driven Hierarchical (narrower and broader relations)

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

Thank you for your attention!

Annotation Environment, EUScreen Open Workshop, June 2010

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