air pollution from ships in danish harbours: feasibility ... · pdf fileair pollution from...

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Air Pollution from Ships in Danish Harbours: Feasibility Study

of Cold-ironing Technology in Copenhagen


Department of Naval, Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering



BALLINI FABIO Department of Naval, Electrical, Electronic and

Telecommunication Engineering (DITEN), University of Genoa,



Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention (IMO) and a number of EU

directives, principally Council Directive 1999/32/EC, set the

regulatory framework for the shipping industry and signature

member states, while at the same time limiting unilateral regulatory


This thesis has studied best-practice examples of unilateral emission

control in the North Sea and Baltic Sea region. The main study case

has been the Port of Copenhagen. To accommodate the growing

cruise traffic, a new cruise pier has been constructed that is

prepared for cold-ironing, a technology that allows vessels at berth

to use shore power rather than electricity generated by auxiliary


To assess the socio-economic impact of this technology, I applied an

advanced external air pollution evaluation model, studying emissions

from international shipping in the North Sea and Baltic Sea within

the specific timeframe of May-August 2012. My calculations

demonstrated that the total external health cost of emissions from

cruise ships at berth in Copenhagen within the 5-month timeframe

was €5,384,086. My calculations also showed that a scenario of 60%

of visiting cruise ships using shore power (i.e. approx. the total

capacity of the proposed cold ironing utility) would result in an


external health cost saving of NOx SO2 and PM emissions

respectively of €2,675,384, €28,535 and €175,590. My cost-benefit

analysis demonstrated that the external health costs would balance

the capital cost in harbour-side cold-ironing infrastructure in 10-15


The thesis also identified two prerequisites for the economic

feasibility of shore power in Copenhagen. Firstly, Denmark needs to

obtain an exemption from Community Directive (2003/96/EC),

Article 14(1)(c) to exempt vessels from paying local Danish

environmental tax on shore power. Secondly, a pool of major Baltic

destinations needs to be created to ensure that cold-ironing becomes

a benchmark incentive-based technology in the region with which to

reduce emissions in harbour environments.

Keywords: air pollution, cost-benefit analysis, ship exhaust

emissions, socio-economic impact, cost-effectiveness, cold-ironing

technologies, shore power, impact assessment, feasibility study,

external heath costs, investment cost, international maritime law,

incentive-based emissions reduction, abatement technology, market

penetration, pooling, business case.







1.1.STUDY BACKGROUND……………………………………………………………………………………………………1

1.2 AIM AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS…………………………………………………………………………………..3


2. THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK………………………………………………………………………………….7

2.1INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS…………………………………..………………………………………………….7

2.2 EU REGULATIONS…………………………….……………………………….………………………………………….14

2.3 REGULATIONS APPLYING TO DANISH PORTS…………..……………………………………………………18

2.3.1 POLICY TO REDUCE NOx EMISSION IN DENMARK………………............................19


2.5 NORWEGIAN NOx TAXATION AND SUBSIDIES………………………………………………………………23


2.7 PM TAX ON PORT EMISSIONS………………………………………………………………………………………29

2.8 DIFFERENTIATED PORT DUES……………………………………………………………………….………………30



3.1 COST OF NOX ABATEMENT TECHNOLOGY…………………………………………………..……………….36


3.2.1 WIFE ON DEMAND……………………………………………………………….………………………38


3.2.2 HUMID AIR MOTOR……………………………………………….…………..…………………………39

3.3 TREATMENT OF THE EXHAUST GAS……………………………………………….…………………………….39

3.3.1 SCRUBBER…………………………………………………………….……………..……………………….39

3.3.2 SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)…………………….………………….….………...40

3.3.3 EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION (EGR)……………………………………………………………41

3.3.4 LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG)………………………………………….…………..…………..43

4. COLD-IRONING TECHNOLOGIES ………………………….………………………….….……………………..47

4.1 COLD-IRONING TECHNOLOGY IN CRUISE SHIPS……………………..…………………………………….47


4.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION…………………………………………………………………….……….………….……….52

4.4 WORK BARGES AND LNG POWER BARGES…………………………………………………………..………53

4.5 COLD-IRONING AS RETROFIT………………………………………………..……………………………………..56

4.6 CURRENT COLD-IRONING MARKET SHARE…………………………….….…………………………………58

4.7 COLD-IRONING PENETRATION IN THE BALTIC SEA.………….……………….………………………….60


CLIMATE PLAN 2015…………………………………..……………………………………………………………….62

5.1 NORDIC ENERGY MIX…………………………………………………………………………….……………………62

5.2 DANISH ELECTRICITY SUPPLY…………………………………………………………………………….………..64

5.3. COPENHAGEN CLIMATE PLAN……………………………………………………………..…………………….65



6.1 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..68


6.3 DEFINITION OF THE SCENARIOS……………………………………………………………………………….….71


OF INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ……………………………………………………………..………………………76

6.5 EXTERNALITY COSTS PER KG EMISSION………………………………………………………………………..79


7.1 CRUISE INDUSTR………………….……………………………………………………………………………………...82

7.2TOTAL TRAFFIC ………………………………..……………………………………………………………………….….82

7.3 SIZE OF VESSELS…………………………………………………………………..……….……………………….…….84

7.4 COMPETITIVE POSITION ………………………………………………..…………………………………………...88

7.5 LOGISTICS…………………………………..……………………………………….…………………………………….…92

7.6 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT………………………………………………………………………………….……….93



AUXILIARY ENGINES…………………………………………………………………………………..……………….100


8.3 COLD-IRONING BUSINESS CASE …………………………..…………………………………………………….103


8.5 TOTAL EMISSIONS REDUCTION…………………………….….………………………………………………..108


8.6 EXTERNAL HEALTH COST ……………………………………………..…………………………………………..110

8.7. COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS (CBA)…………………………………………………..…………………………….116

9. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………………………..………..……………120

10 FUTURE WORK…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………126







I would like to thank my supervisor Associate Professor Riccardo Boz-

zo, the Department of Naval, Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunica-

tion Engineering, University of Genova, for his scientific support and

guidance during the work on this thesis. And I would also like to thank

Jørgen Brandt, Head of Section, and Helge R. Olesen, Senior Advisor, at

the Department of Environmental Science & DCE, Aarhus University,

for their scientific guidance and valuable advice.

I would like to thank Kirsten Ledgaard, Director of Planning, By &

Havn, for her help and assistance and Bengt Olof Jansson from Copen-

hagen Malmö Port for his valuable guidance.

I would also particularly like to thank Kristian Anders Hvass and Profes-

sor Niels Mygind, Department of International Economics and Manage-

ment, Copenhagen Business School, for their scientific guidance. And I

would also like to thank the Copenhagen Business School for hosting me

in Copenhagen during my fieldwork.

Finally, I would like to thank friends and colleagues at the department

who helped me by answering my many questions and for our inspiring





AE Auxiliary Engine

ATRS Air Transport Research Society

BaS-NoS Baltic Sea + North Sea (pertaining to EVA)

BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Council

CAFÉ Clean Air for Europe

CEEH Centre for Energy, Environment and Health

CH4 Methane

CO Carbon monoxide

CO2 Carbon dioxide

CO(NH2)2 Urea

CMP Copenhagen Malmö Port

CTM Chemical Transport Model

DEHM Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model

DKK Danish currency unit (kroner)

ECA Emission Control Areas

EEB European Environmental Bureau

EEDI Energy Efficiency Design Index

EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation

ENSO European Network of Transmission System Operators for


EPA Danish Environmental Protection Agency

EU The European Union

EVA External Valuation of Air Pollution Model

GAINS Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies

HAM Humid Air Motor

HVSC High-Voltage Shore Connections


IMDG Code International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

IMO The International Maritime Organization

IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control

ISO International Organization for Standardization

KBH2025 Copenhagen Climate Plan

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution

from MCR Maximum Continuous Rotation

MGO Marine Gas Oil

N2 Nitrogen

NaOH Caustic soda

NEC National Emission Ceilings

NECA Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Control Area

NH3 Ammonia

NOx Nitrogen Oxide

NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide

OECD/EEA Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/

European Economic Area

PM Particle Matter

R&D Research and Development

RAINS Regional Air Pollution INformation and Simulation

SECA Sulphur Emissions Control Area

SEEMP Energy Efficiency Management Plan

SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction

SOMO35 Sum of Ozone Means Over 35ppb

UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

VOC Volatile Organic Compounds

WHO Word Heath Organization


WiFE Water in Fuel Emulsion

YOLL Years of Lost Live





Projections indicate that without further regulatory action the continued

growth in emissions of SO2 and NOx from the maritime sector would

surpass that of all land-based sources in the EU by 2020. A wide range

of initiatives and regulatory measures have in recent years been adopted

to air pollution from land-based sources, including the CO2 emissions

trading scheme regulated by the European Emissions Trading Scheme.

Within shipping, Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention (IMO) and a

number of EU directives, principally Council Directive 1999/32/EC,

represent the regulatory framework for tackling the issue of reducing

exhaust gas emissions from ships. These regulatory measures set

minimum values and standards, requiring industry players and

authorities to take action, although at the same time limiting the options

of individual states to set out their own regulatory measures and

unilateral initiatives to reduce emissions from ships.

In 2015, the North Sea and Baltic Sea will become a Sulphur Emissions

Control Area (SECA) under the IMO, which will result in the reduction

of SO2 emissions from shipping. In 2016, the region is also expected to

become a Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Control Area (NECA) under the

IMO, which will target NOx emissions in the region, although the effect

will be incremental since the regulatory measures deal with engine

design and a near total renewal of the fleet would be required to achieve

the full potential benefit. With the introduction of the SECA, shipping

companies have been given the option of reducing exhaust emissions,


either by using marine fuels with a maximum content of 0.1% sulphur,

or by using abatement technologies. The overall reduction in NOx

emissions in the Baltic Sea and North Sea in the coming years will

therefore depend on the choice of technologies and investment strategies

that shipping companies make within the framework of SECA and

NECA requirements. In the light of these international regulatory

initiatives within shipping, the main political focus in the North Sea and

Baltic Sea region in relation to emissions control will in the coming

years no doubt shift to adopting measures that can further reduce NOx

and PM emissions.

This thesis will study some of the best-practice examples of unilateral

initiatives adopted within the region in relation to curbing NOx

emissions, including the mandatory Norwegian NOx tax introduced in

2003, which also applies to shipping, and the differentiated harbour dues

introduced in Sweden in 2002.

The core study case of this thesis represents a current example of the

range of challenges, legally and economically, that individual states in

the region experience when seeking to adopt unilateral initiatives to curb

exhaust emissions from shipping that have a direct impact on the health

and wellbeing of their citizens. The study case is the Port of

Copenhagen, Denmark, where over the past decade the considerable rise

in cruise ship holidaymaking in the North Sea and Baltic Sea has made

the Danish capital the region’s leading cruise ship hub. To accommodate

the rise in cruise ship traffic and reduce the local impact of ship exhaust

emissions in urban areas close to the harbour, the Copenhagen harbour

development company and port authority, By & Havn, has constructed a

new cruise pier, which is set to open in 2013, at some distance from

residential areas. In accordance with the city’s climate policy, the new


pier is prepared for the introduction of cold ironing, a technology that

allows vessels at berth to use shore power rather than rely on electricity

generated by their auxiliary engines.

This thesis will seek to assess the socio-economic benefit of introducing

cold ironing in Copenhagen based on a project for shore power

infrastructure proposed by the port operator, Copenhagen Malmö Port. I

will assess the socio-economic benefit of applying this technology in

Copenhagen by developing a cost-benefit analysis based on an advanced

model for local-scale air pollution valuation in addition to site-specific

data pertaining to the geographical parameter and timeframe of the

study. Furthermore, this thesis will seek to identify the legal framework

under international law that would allow Denmark and other nations in

the region to potentially adopt cold-ironing as a benchmark incentive-

based mechanism to reduce NOx and PM emissions from cruise ships in

harbour environments.


The aim of this thesis is to quantify the positive socio-economic benefit

of reducing airborne exhaust emissions from cruise ships hoteling in

Copenhagen by offering a cost-benefit analysis of the introduction of

cold-ironing technology at the city’s new cruise ship pier. The aim is

furthermore to identify the legal framework under international law that

would allow Denmark and other nations bordering the North Sea and

Baltic Sea to adopt cold-ironing as a benchmark incentive-based

mechanism to reduce NOx and PM emissions from cruise ships in

harbour environments.


To achieve these objectives I have pursued the following research


To which extent does current international and EU law give

leverage to unilateral initiatives to reduce NOx and PM emissions

from shipping?

Which best-practice, incentive-based mechanisms have been

applied in the North Sea and Baltic Sea region within a unilateral

framework to reduce NOx and PM emissions?

To which extent does best-practice abatement technology offer a

cost-effective solution to emission reduction?

What is the external health cost of NOx and PM emissions (€/kg) in

the context of the given geographical parameter and timeframe of

the study case using a benchmark model for air pollution


What is the socio-economic impact of exhaust emissions from

cruise ships hoteling in Copenhagen, based on 2012 data?

What is the cost-benefit to society of the implementation in the Port

of Copenhagen of the planned cold-ironing utility?

How could cold-ironing technology in the Port of Copenhagen be

developed as a benchmark incentive-based mechanism to reduce

emissions in harbour environments in the North Sea an Baltic Sea





This thesis adopts an interdisciplinary approach to research, drawing on

the scientific disciplines of chemistry, environmental science,

engineering, economy and law. The methodological approach is based

on quantitative research with a bottom-up approach to local-scale


To assess the external health cost of each individual compound of ship

exhaust emission in the Port of Copenhagen, I modified individual

standards in the applied External Valuation of Air Pollution Model

(EVA), an advanced model developed by the University of Aarhus. The

key advantage to this model, which tracks the impact pathway of

regional-scale air pollutant and chemical transportation, is that it can

account for the non-linear chemical transformations and feedback

mechanisms influencing air pollutants from a particular regional source

(in this case international shipping) within a given geographical region

(in this case the Baltic Sea and the North Sea) and within a given

timeframe (in this case May-August 2012). The model is based on local-

scale information from the Centre for Energy, Environment and Health,

CEEH. I furthermore modified the standard scenario of the EVA model

to focus on the specific harbour environment rather than the sea

environment (i.e. SNAP category BaS-NoS/15). In addition, I obtained

location-specific shipping data from 2012 from the Copenhagen Malmö

Port (CMP) and port authority on the basis of which I calculated the

average energy consumption of each vessel, etc. The data used for these

calculations was supplied by the port operator, Copenhagen Malmö Port

(CMP), and the city’s port authority.


I have assumed that auxiliary engines in port use fuel with a sulphur

level of 0.1% in compliance with current EU regulation. To calculate the

external cost of CO2 emissions I have assumed the rate of €0.02/kg

applied to rural areas in Denmark as cited by the Danish Ministry of

Transport. The PM emission factor is based on EU25 emissions data

from the RAINS model and EU25 electricity production data from the

EU report on Energy and Transport Trends to 2030.





The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from

Ships(1) (MARPOL) represents the main IMO Convention currently in

(1)The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes. The MARPOL Convention was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO. The Protocol of 1978 was adopted in response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-1977. As the 1973 MARPOL Convention had not yet entered into force, the 1978 MARPOL Protocol absorbed the parent Convention. The combined instrument entered into force on 2 October 1983. In 1997, a Protocol was adopted to amend the Convention and a new Annex VI was added which entered into force on 19 May 2005. MARPOL has been updated by amendments through the years. The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships - both accidental pollution and that from routine operations - and currently includes six technical Annexes. Special Areas with strict controls on operational discharges are included in most Annexes. The MARPOL Convention is divided into VI annex: Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil (entered into force 2 October 1983) covers prevention of pollution by oil from operational measures as well as from accidental discharges; the 1992 amendments to Annex I made it mandatory for new oil tankers to have double hulls and brought in a phase-in schedule for existing tankers to fit double hulls, which was subsequently revised in 2001 and 2003. Annex II Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (entered into force 2 October 1983): details the discharge criteria and measures for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk; some 250 substances were evaluated and included in the list appended to the Convention; the discharge of their residues is allowed only to reception facilities until certain concentrations and conditions (which vary with the category of substances) are complied with. In any case, no discharge of residues containing noxious substances is permitted within 12 miles of the nearest land. Annex III Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form (entered into force 1 July 1992), contains general requirements for the issuing of detailed standards on packing, marking, labelling, documentation, stowage, quantity limitations, exceptions and notifications. For the purpose of this Annex, “harmful substances” are those substances which are identified as marine pollutants in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) or which meet the criteria in the Appendix of Annex III.


force regarding the protection of the marine environment, representing

50% of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant fleets.

The MARPOL convention’s principle articles mainly deal with

jurisdiction and powers of enforcement and inspection. Six annexes

cover the various sources of pollution from ships and provide an

overarching framework for international objectives.

MARPOL Annex VI, also known as the ‘International Convention for

Prevention of Air Pollution by Ships’, has been adopted to control

exhaust emissions in international shipping. This Convention limits

sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from vessels

whereas volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter (PM)

and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are not presently subject to IMO


Annex IV Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships (entered into force 27 September 2003) contains requirements to control pollution of the sea by sewage; the discharge of sewage into the sea is prohibited, except when the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant or when the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved system at a distance of more than three nautical miles from the nearest land; sewage which is not comminuted or disinfected has to be discharged at a distance of more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land. In July 2011, IMO adopted the most recent amendments to MARPOL Annex IV, which entered into force on 1 January 2013. The amendments introduce the Baltic Sea as a special area under Annex IV and add new discharge requirements for passenger ships while in a special area. Annex V Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships (entered into force 31 December 1988): Deals with different types of garbage and specifies the distances from land and the manner in which they may be disposed of; the most important feature of the Annex is the complete ban imposed on the disposal into the sea of all forms of plastics. In July 2011, IMO adopted extensive amendments to Annex V that entered into force on 1 January 2013. The revised Annex V prohibits the discharge of all garbage into the sea, except as provided otherwise, under specific circumstances. Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (entered into force 19 May 2005): Sets limits on sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances; designated emission control areas set more stringent standards for SOx, NOx and particulate matter. In 2011, after extensive work and debate, IMO adopted ground-breaking mandatory technical and operational energy efficiency measures which will significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from ships; these measures were included in Annex VI entered into force on 1 January 2013.


The MARPOL Annex VI 2008 revision offers an estimated €15 to €34

billion reduction in external costs to the EU in improved public health

and reduced mortality. The cost estimates of implementing the revision

range from €2.6 to €11 billion. As such the revision offers benefits that

are 3 to 13 times greater than the cost(2).


MARPOL Annex VI regulates the emission of SO2 by prescribing limits

on fuel sulphur content, which significantly reduces particle emissions.

The sulphur content of a liquid fuel essentially determines the SO2

emissions released in the combustion of that fuel, i.e. the combustion of

low sulphur fuels leads to low levels of SO2 emissions. Equally, a

reduction of SO2 emissions can be achieved by using higher sulphur

fuels in combination with emission abatement methods.

The most significant changes to MARPOL Annex VI in the 2008

revision addressed SO2 pollution:

(1) A reduction from 1.5% by weight of the sulphur content of all marine

fuels used in SECAs:

– To 1% by 1 July 2010

– To 0.1% by 1 January 2015

(2) A reduction from 4.5% by weight of the sulphur content of all marine

fuels used globally outside of Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs),

i.e. the “global standard”.

– To 3.5% by 1 January 2012

(2)DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL, amending Directive 1999/32/EC as regards the sulphur content of marine fuels. Brussels, 15.7.2011; EC (2011) 919.


– To 0.5% by 1 January 2020, subject to review in 2018, with a pos-

sible delay to 2025

(3) Allowing access to a broad range of emission abatement methods

(“equivalents”), such as equipment, methods, procedures or alternative


Figure 1–Regulation timeline: sulphur marine fuels.

Source: Lloyd's Register EMEA


Annex VI of the MARPOL convention regulates NOx emissions from

large marine diesel engines as defined in the Tier I, Tier II and Tier III


The Tier I standards were defined in the 1997 version of Annex VI,

while the Tier II/III standards were introduced by the Annex VI


amendments adopted in 2008. Furthermore, the amendment defines two

sets of emission and fuel quality requirements: 1) global requirements,

and 2) more stringent requirements applicable to ships in Emission

Control Areas (ECAs).

The current Tier II standard is approx. 20% lower than Tier I, while the

Tier III standard is approx. 80% lower than Tier I.

The MARPOL Annex VI regulation for NOx applies to all diesel engines

of 130 kW or larger, implying that the limits are also binding for most

Auxiliary Engines (AE). Under the 2008 Annex VI amendments, Tier I

standards became applicable to existing engines installed on ships built

between 1 January 1990 and 31 December 1999, with a displacement of

≥ 90 litres per cylinder and rated output ≥ 5000 kW, subject to

availability of approved engine upgrade kit(3).

The following table shows the emission limits in the MARPOL


Table1 The MARPOL NOx emission limits (g NOx / kWh)


Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention provides an opportunity for

coastal states to designate part of the sea as an Emission Control Area

(ECA) in order to prevent or reduce the adverse impacts on human

(3)Source: DIESEL –

<130 130≤rpm2000 rpm≥2000

Tier I 2000 17 45*rpm -0,2 9,8

Tier II 2011 14,4 44*rpm -0,23 7,7

Tier III 2016 3,4 9*rpm -0,2 1,96

TIER From year g Nox / kWh

Engine revolvements per minute


health and the environment through measures that control exhaust

emissions. An ECA can cover NOx, SO2 or PM or all three types of

emissions. A Sulphur Emissions Control Area is called a SECA and a

Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Control Area is subsequently called a NECA.

The North Sea (including the English Channel) and the Baltic Sea have

been designated as SECAs.

Figure 2. Sulphur Emissions Control Area (SECAs) - Baltic and North Sea SECAs


A designated SECA area requires the use of fuel with low sulphur(4)

content. At present, fuel of a sulphur content not greater than 1% must

be used in the ECAs. In 2015, this limit will be lowered to 0.1% sulphur.

Low sulphur fuel must be used in main engines, Auxiliary Engines (AE)

(4) See Figure 1.


as well as auxiliary boilers. Furthermore, IMO has adopted a proposal

from the United States and Canada to jointly designate an Emission

Control Area (ECA) for specific US and Canadian coastal waters. The

proposed ECA area in North America would extend up to 200 nautical

miles from the coast(5).

Figure 3 shows the existing and potential Emission Control Areas worldwide

Source: Baltic Ports Organization Secretariat

Furthermore, the nations surrounding the Baltic Sea and the North Sea

are expected to introduce a NECA that will come into force in 2016.

However, if implemented, a hypothetical negative side effect of creating

the NECA could be that ship owners (including cruise ship owners)

respond by predominantly using ships built before 2016 in the NECAs.

This could delay the renewal of the fleets operating in the NECAs, to the

disadvantage of public health and the environment. On the other hand, a

significant reduction of NOx emissions can be expected within

( 5 )


designated NECAs within a few years after the average lifetime of a ship

engine, which is 25 years(6) (C. Trozzi).

Table 2. Special areas under MARPOL (Annex VI)

Source: IMO (International Maritime Organization)

# Status of multilateral conventions and instruments in respect of which the International Maritime

Organization or its Secretary-General perform depositary or other functions as of 31 December 2002.



Projections indicate that without further regulatory action the continued

growth in emissions of SO2 and NOx from the maritime sector would

surpass total emissions of such pollutants from all land-based sources in

the EU by 2020(7).

The Council Directive 97/68/EC(8) was adopted with the aim of reducing

health and environmental effects from NOx, HC and PM emissions from

(6)Emission estimate methodology for maritime navigation, Carlo Trozzi, ( 7 )SEC (2005) 1133: Commissions Staff Working Paper accompanying the Communication on Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (COM(2005)446 final) and the Directive on Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe(COM(2005)447 final). (8)Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures


Baltic Sea (SOX) 26 September 1997 19 May 2005 19 May 2006

North Sea (SOX) 22 July 2005 22 November 2006 22 November 2007

North American (SOX, NOX and

PM) 26 March 2010 1 August 2011 1 August 2012

United States Caribbean Sea

ECA (SOX, NOX and PM) 26 July 2011 1 January 2013 1 January 2014


ships. In order to balance SO2 emissions from non-road mobile

machinery and road transport emissions, the directive offers an option

for member states to set stricter emission limits in special areas of inland

waterways. Such emission limits would be valid for all ships passing

through these inland waterways.

The European emission standards for new non-road diesel engines have

been structured as gradually more stringent tiers known as Stage I...IV


Stage I/II: The first European legislation to regulate emissions from non-

road (off-road) mobile equipment was promulgated on 16 December

1997(9). The regulations for non-road diesels were introduced in two

stages: Stage I implemented in 1999 and Stage II implemented from

2001 to 2004, depending on the engine power output. Engines used in

ships, railway locomotives, aircraft, and electricity generating sets were

not covered by the Stage I/II standards.

Stage III/IV. Stage III/IV emission standards for non-road engines

(including engines used in ships) were adopted by the European

Parliament on 21 April 2004(10

), and for agricultural and forestry

tractors on 21 February 2005(11


against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery. (9) Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament. (10) DIRECTIVE 2004/26/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 April 2004 amending Directive 97/68/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery (11)COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2005/13/EC of 21 February 2005 amending Directive 2000/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants by engines intended to power agricultural or


Stage III standards, which are further divided into Stages IIIA and

IIIB were phased in from 2006 to 2013, Stage IV enters into force in

2014. The Stage III/IV standards, in addition to the engine categories

regulated at Stage I/II, also cover railroad locomotive engines and

marine engines used for inland waterway vessels. Stage III/IV

legislation applies only to new vehicles and equipment; replacement

engines to be used in machinery already in use (except for railcar,

locomotive and inland waterway vessel propulsion engines) should

comply with the limit values that the engine to be replaced had to

meet when originally placed on the market.


Council Directive 1999/32/EC(12

) establishes limits on the maximum

sulphur content of gas oils, heavy fuel oil in land-based applications as

well as maximum sulphur content of marine fuels and serves as the EU

legal instrument to incorporate the sulphur provisions of the MARPOL

Annex VI.


Council Directive 2005/33/EC(13

) amends Council Directive

1999/32/EC. The new directive prescribed that a ship at berth must not

forestry tractors, and amending Annex I to Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors. (12)COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 1999/32/EC of 26 April 1999 relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels and amending Directive 93/12/EEC. (13)DIRECTIVE 2005/33/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 6 July 2005 amending Directive 1999/32/EC.


use marine fuel with a sulphur content exceeding 0.1%, a provision that

came into force on 1 January 2010. There were a few exemptions to the

0.1% sulphur cap, which included ships moored at berth for less than

two hours. This EU requirement nonetheless came into force 5 years

earlier than the IMO-standard 0.1% sulphur cap. The directive also

offered a strong operator compliance mechanism, while the MARPOL

Annex VI had no such enforcement mechanism. And furthermore, the

directive allows for a more limited range of equivalent emission

abatement methods compared to the revised MARPOL Annex VI.

However, on one issue the EU directive was less stringent than

MARPOL Annex VI However: Where the MARPOL Annex VI allowed

a maximum sulphur content of 1% in SECAs, the EU directive allowed

ships to use fuels with a sulphur content of up to 1.5%.


On 15 July 2011, the EU adopted a proposal for an amendment of

Council Directive 1999/32/EC(14

)to align the directive with the latest

IMO provisions on the sulphur content of marine fuels and adapt the

directive to the MARPOL Annex VI provisions on alternative

compliance methods. The adopted proposal furthermore maintains the

links between the stricter fuel standards in SECAs and the fuel

requirements for passenger ships on regular service and improves the

implementation of the directive by harmonising and strengthening

provisions for monitoring of compliance and reporting.

(14)See footnote 12.



Council Directive 1999/32/EC (amended by Council Directive

2005/33/EC) was implemented in Denmark by Statutory Order No. 1663

of 14 December 2006, which was later amended by Statutory Order No.

372 of 15 April 2011(15


International conventions and EU legislation limit Denmark’s options in

adopting tougher regulation on emissions from ships around Denmark.

Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea


) rules out emission charging of “innocent passage”, while

Article 26(17

) rules out distance-based emission charges for international

sea transport, even for those vessels calling at national ports. And

although international conventions provide an option for national

regulation of “innocent passage” for special environmental concerns(18


(15) (16) Article 24 “Duties of the coastal State” - Section 3, innocent passage in the territorial sea subsection a. rules applicable to all ships - 1. The coastal State shall not hamper the innocent passage of foreign ships through the territorial sea except in accordance with this Convention. In particular, in the application of this Convention or of any laws or regulations adopted in conformity with this Convention, the coastal State shall not: (a) impose requirements on foreign ships which have the practical effect of denying or impairing the right of innocent passage; or (b) discriminate in form or in fact against the ships of any State or against ships carrying cargoes to, from or on behalf of any State. 2. The coastal State shall give appropriate publicity to any danger to navigation, of which it has knowledge, within its territorial sea. (17)Article 26 “Charges which may be levied upon foreign ships” Section 3. innocent passage in the territorial sea subsection a. rules applicable to all ships - 1. No charge may be levied upon foreign ships by reason only of their passage through the territorial sea. 2. Charges may be levied upon a foreign ship passing through the territorial sea as payment only for specific services rendered to the ship. These charges shall be levied without discrimination. (18)UNCOLS Convention; Article 21 “Laws and regulations of the coastal State relating to innocent passage”, The coastal State may adopt laws and regulations, in conformity with the provisions of this Convention and other rules of international law, relating to innocent passage through the territorial sea, in respect of all or any of the following:[…]paragraph


it is not common practice for a country to do so, especially for ships not

calling at ports in the nation. In practice, this means that the Danish

authorities can only regulate exhaust gas emissions from ships calling at

Danish ports in accordance with EU directive 2005/33/EC(19

) and

MARPOL Convention Annex VI.

The SECA that takes effect in 2015 throughout the Baltic Sea and North

Sea does not include NOx emissions. Although 70% of NOx emissions in

the waters around Denmark are emitted by foreign-flagged ships that

never call at a Danish port, the only options for Danish legislators has

been to join other nations in the region and the EU to seek the

introduction of a NECA, which is expected to come into force in 2016.


Denmark levies a tax on emission of NO2-equivalents from


). The obligation to pay the tax covers emissions of NO2-

equivalents on Danish territory, including the territorial sea and the

Danish continental shelf area.

Large industrial units, for instance industrial processes with heavy

energy consumption, waste incineration plants and industry processes

emitting more than 200 tons NOx annually must measure NOx emissions.

In 2010, the tax rate was €680 per metric ton NOx emitted. The tax rate

will increase gradually reaching €730 per ton in 2015(21


(f): the preservation of the environment of the coastal State and the prevention, reduction and control of pollution thereof. (19) See footnote 13. (20) Act no. 472 af 17/06/2008, “Lov om afgift af kvælstofoxider”. (21) Danish Environmental Protection Agency; Environmental Project no. 1421, 2012.


In the absence of measurements of emissions to air of NO2-equivalents

during combustion, the estimated quantity of NO2-equivalents is

estimated relative to the quantity of goods delivered and consumed. The

Danish Ministry of Taxation may lay down rules for the metering and

rules for the measurement of NO2 emissions into the air.

The NOx tax is also applied to fuel used in the transport sector. However,

in the transport sector the tax is very small, approximately €1.56 per ton

fuel or approximately €0.026 per kg NOx. Sea transport is, in general,

exempt from the NOx tax, also large vessels with emissions above 200

metric tons of NOx annually(22




The nations around the Baltic Sea and North Sea are expected to

introduce a NECA in 2016, but since such a zone is basically about

engine efficiency standards it would take time before the benefits of

emissions reduction would materialise since the Tier III requirements

would only apply to new vessels. So studying the case of the cost-benefit

of a tradable emissions credit system is nonetheless relevant.

Despite the current woes of the international carbon emissions trading

system, which has resulted in low prices for CO2 quotas, market-based

instruments, such as the Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms(23

), including

credits for greenhouse gas reductions tradable permits, are often

considered an efficient measure with which to reduce emissions. Market-

(22)See previous footnote. (23)Haoran Pan, 2001. "The economics of Kyoto flexible mechanisms: a survey,"Energy, Transport and Environment Working Papers Series ete 0111, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum voor Economische Studiën, Energy, Transport and Environment.


based instruments such as emission charges or cap-and-trade systems

offer shipping companies a high level of freedom in responding to a

given regulation. Such a system would cover all NOx emissions from

ships registered in nations that are signatories to the treaty.

A baseline would need to be defined (i.e. geographical demarcation of

the NOx tax zone). A critical issue of the credit-based programme

concerns the setting up of a method for measurement of emission

savings and determining the initial level of emissions to avoid giving

credits to emission savings that would have occurred anyway. An

emission credit programme would furthermore require the development

of a reliable monitoring, reporting, and verification method. In order to

get a reasonably detailed system, parameters such as ship location, ship

engine characteristics, emissions factor, activity level and energy

consumption could be included. There would be a trade-off between the

cost and precision of the monitoring system and administrative costs will

increase with the complexity of systems. The efficiency of the credit-

based programme would also depend on the number of agents

participating in the market for credits. A limited number of actors in the

programme also limit the potential for emission reductions.

Nonetheless, an international NOx tradable emissions credit system

would encourage shipping companies to invest in NOx abatement

technology and speed up compliance with Tier III engine standards.

Estimates based on the current scenario (i.e. before the introduction of a

NECA in the Baltic Sea and North Sea in 2016) could, depending on the

applied technology, reduce NOx emissions in Denmark by up to 60-80%.

The potential reduction is estimated to be in the range of 60% to 80% of

total annual NOx emissions from national Danish sea transport,

corresponding to between 5,718 and 7,624 tons of NOx. The 5,718 tons


figure corresponds to 60% of the NOx emissions from national

navigation transport in Denmark and 4% of total NOx emissions in


The benefit to society of will be approx. €7.11 per kg NOx, in total

€40,661,211 for all 5,718 tons of NOx annually. Technologies applied

under this scheme would focus on exhaust gas recirculation (EGR),

water injection in turbo-charge-air (HAM) and selective catalytic

reduction (SCR). The average capital and operational cost of these three

technologies is €0.5179 per kg of NOx. Applying these technologies

would amount to a total cost of €2,916,180.

An additional cost of this measure would include monitoring and

inspection plus additional costs of setting up an organisation that can

facilitate emission trading. Furthermore, additional administrative

resources would initially be required to design the system and to find the

right level of credits to issue in the market. It is estimated that these costs

would amount to €2.5 million annually. The total value to the Danish

society would therefore be approx. €35,245,031 annually.

However, tradable credits may not be the best measure to reduce PM,

since there are only a few technologies available in addition to those

already applied in SECAs.

Table 3. Cost benefit from reducing NOX emissions by a tradable emission credits

Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency; Environmental Project no. 1421, 2012.

EU/Yeara) Benefit 40661211

b) Cost 2916180

c) Administration 2500000

Cost per kg NOx (B+C)/kg NOx 0,95

Cost benefit, a- b - c (Eur/Year) 35245031



Norway, which is not an EU member, levies a higher tax on NOx

emissions than Denmark, and unlike the Danish NOx tax, the Norwegian

NOx tax also applies to sea transport. The Norwegian NOx tax is

accrued to a NOx Fund that offers subsidies for NOx emissions reducing

measures in the shipping industry. All enterprises obligated to pay NOx

tax in Norway are eligible to join the Environmental Agreement

regardless of nationality. These enterprises may apply for support from

the NOx Fund to cover investments and operating costs. The NOx fund

subsidises investments with up to 80% of the actual cost(24


The Norwegian NOx tax is €2.21 per kg of NOx emissions (1 Jan 2011

tax rate, 2013 exchange rate)(25)

The Norwegian tax is based on measured

emissions or source-specific emission factors and energy consumption.

Calculation of emissions must represent ordinary and representative

operating conditions. If actual emission figures are not available, and if

source-specific emission factors based on fuel consumption have not

been determined, emissions are calculated according to the following:


rpm less than 200: 100 kg NOx per metric ton of fuel

200 rpm to 1,000 rpm: 70 kg NOx per metric ton of fuel

1,000 rpm to 1,500 rpm: 60 kg NOx per metric ton of fuel

1,500 rpm upwards: 55 kg NOx per metric ton of fuel

(24)See APPENDIX I for a more detailed list of subsidy limits in the Norwegian NOX fund. (25)Danish Environmental Protection Agency; Environmental Project no. 1421, 2012.



Turbines: 16g NOx per m3 LNG

Turbines: 25kg NOx per ton liquid energy fuel

Low NOx turbines: 1.8g NOx per m3 gas.

These NOX emission factors are on level with standard emission factors

of approx. 12g NOx/kWh for medium-speed engines and 17g NOx/kWh

for low-speed engines.

The tax covers:

Emissions from traffic in Norwegian territorial waters, i.e. sea ar-

eas around the Norwegian mainland as defined by Act No. 57 of

26 June 2003(26) concerning Norway’s territorial waters and ad-

joining areas.

Emissions from domestic traffic even if, in part, operating outside

Norwegian territorial waters. Domestic traffic is defined as traffic

between two Norwegian ports.

Norwegian registered vessels are liable to pay Norwegian NOx tax

when operating in waters where the distance to the Norwegian

coast (baseline) is less than 250 nautical miles.

Foreign owners based outside of Norway are liable to pay Norwe-

gian NOx tax through a representative registered for taxable traf-

fic. Upon arrival in Norway, the captain should notify the customs

authority of the representative that will pay the tax.

(26)Act No. 57 relating to Norway’s territorial waters and contiguous zone, 27 June 2003.



Direct foreign traffic, fishing and hunting in remote waters are ex-

empt from the Norwegian NOx tax.

Vessels in direct traffic between Norwegian and foreign ports are

exempt from tax for the entire voyage.

Emissions from sources that are encompassed by an environmen-

tal agreement with the Norwegian State on the implementation of

NOx-reducing measures in accordance with a predetermined envi-

ronmental target are exempt from the tax.



The overall purpose of fuel tax is to reduce fuel consumption. Denmark,

which is an EU member state, levies fuel taxes although sea transport is

exempted. All revenues from fuel tax in Denmark, including NOx and

CO2 taxes, accrue to the state. Unlike the Norwegian NOx taxation

programme, the Danish NOx taxation scheme does not include a state

subsidy programme and does not cover sea transport.

The question is whether the introduction of programme inspired by the

Norwegian example would be beneficial and feasible in the EU. One

EU-based example of a combined taxation and subsidy program is the

French NOx tax, which finances subsidies for land-based emissions-

reducing technologies. Stationary sources in France pay an NOx tax of


€53.60 per ton(27

). Of the total French NOx tax revenues, 75% are

earmarked for subsidies for emissions-reducing technologies and R&D.

All companies subject to the NOx tax are eligible to apply for the

subsidy. The subsidy rates are 15% for standard abatement technologies

and 30% for particularly innovative technologies with an additional 10%

subsidy for small and medium-sized companies.

In general, subsidies and state aid programmes are prohibited by EU


), although certain categories of aid are exempt. As a rule, the EU

should be notified of all public subsidies and the EU Commission then

assesses whether they can be exempt from prohibition. Common to EU

regulation is that public aid should be accessible to all companies. The

EU Commission distinguishes between three types of state aid:

Horizontal schemes: Horizontal schemes allow multiple compa-

nies across sectors to receive state subsidy designed to improve

the conditions for business by allowing support for e.g. R&D.

Sector schemes: Sector schemes exclusively address companies in

certain sectors. The transport sector is one of the major beneficiar-

ies of such schemes, including the ship building industries and au-


Regional aid schemes are designed to support regions with partic-

ular economic or employment problems.

(27)Source: OECD/EEA database on instruments used for environmental policy and natural resources management (28)Article 87 of the EC Treaty (ex Article 92), “Save as otherwise provided in this Treaty, any aid granted by a Member State or through State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods shall, insofar as it affects trade between Member States, be incompatible with the common market”.


Most Danish public aid (85%) supports horizontal schemes, while 14%

applies to specific sectors(29

). Regional aid only plays a very small part

in Denmark.

The Norwegian NOx Fund would probably comply with EU rules in the

following two aspects:

The combination of tax and funding in the Norwegian system is

balanced, meaning that the sector as a whole is not distorted.

The subsidy of NOx reducing equipment is open to all applicants

that pay the NOx tax. The scheme therefore does not favour specif-

ic sectors of the shipping industry.

There are in addition obvious benefits to a NOx taxation scheme

combined with state subsidies for abatement technologies:

The general increase in cost of NOx emissions is an incentive to

introduce NOx emissions reducing measures supported by the

NOx Fund

The program speeds up investment in NOx emissions reducing

measures in the shipping sector.

The NOx tax applies to all transport sectors and therefore does not

disadvantage shipping over road transport.

(29)Source: Danish Competition and Consumer Authority.


However, there may also be serious legal challenges and possible

financial drawbacks to seeking to introduce such a combined NOx tax

and state subsidy programme in the EU to cover sea transport:

Unless the national NOx tax and subsidy programme were to be

introduced on a purely voluntary basis the programme may be

challenged legally as a breech of Article 14(1)(c) of the Energy

Taxation Directive (2003/96/EC)30

that obliges EU member states

to exempt power produced on board a craft (including while at

berth in a port) from taxation.

If the NOx tax and subsidy programme were to be introduced on a

voluntary basis the incentive to stay outside the scheme may be

higher than the incentive to join the scheme.

The NOx tax could result in inefficient subsidy funding if subsi-

dised investment is made in areas that would have found sufficient

investment even without the scheme.

The system will require administrative funding and evaluation that

would incur an added cost to overall investment.

( 30 )COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003 restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity; Article 1 “In addition to the general provisions set out in Directive 92/12/EEC on exempt uses of taxable products, and without prejudice to other Community provisions, Member States shall exempt the following from taxation under conditions which they shall lay down for the purpose of ensuring the correct and straightforward application of such exemptions and of preventing any evasion, avoidance or abuse:[…] (c) energy products supplied for use as fuel for the purposes of navigation within Community waters (including fishing), other than private pleasure craft, and electricity produced on board a craft.



According to EPA(31

), PM emissions in Danish ports amount to approx.

57 tons annually. Approx. half of the ships calling at Danish ports are

national transport, while the rest is international transport.

Introducing a PM tax in Denmark would involve many of the same

issues as those regarding a NOx tax when it comes to quantifying

emissions. The tax would either be based on emission factors or actual,

measured emissions. However, when it comes to shipping, a PM tax may

not provide an incentive for companies to introduce measures to reduce

PM emissions. There are only three technologies that can be adopted to

reduce PM emissions:

To use gas rather than oil fuel. However, since one of the major

barriers to switching to gas is limited bunkering facilities a PM

emission tax would not necessarily constitute an incentive for the

shipping industry. Boosting bunkering facilities would require a

concerted international programme.

To install scrubbers. However, since the technologies related to

low-sulphur fuels are already an option for the shipping industry

when complying with the North Sea and the Baltic Sea SECAs to

be introduced in 2015, a PM tax would not represent an added in-

centive for the shipping industry to introduce scrubbers.

(31) Calculation made on “Danish Environmental Protection Agency; Environmental Project no. 1421, 2012” based on energy consumption from Work report No. 11, 2003, Emissions from ships at berth combined with new emission factors from national emission inventory.


To use shore power when docked. However, at present Article

14(1)(c) of the Energy Taxation Directive (2003/96/EC)(32


obliges EU member states to exempt electricity produced on board

a craft (including while at berth in a port) from taxation.

Notably, the health damage of PM emissions are higher in densely

populated areas(33

). Therefore, the hoteling of ships in ports signifies a

particular challenge. The emissions from AE-generated electricity in

Danish harbours amount to 20 tones of PM annually(34

). Manoeuvring

cannot be based on electricity from land.


) show that a PM tax of €100 per kg of PM could

nonetheless potentially shift 60% of the energy consumption by ships

from AEs to shore-based electricity, which would result in a

considerable reduction in PM emissions since PM emission from land-

based power stations is 85% lower per kWh than AE-generated power.


Another tool to promote the investment in technologies with low NOx

emission in the shipping industry in Denmark could be to introduce a

fee-bate system, which implies that differentiated port dues are paid by

vessels based on an environmental index, including emissions intensity

(32)See footnote 30, page 43. (33)Damage costs calculated by the Ministry of Transport, National Environmental Research Institute (2010). (34)Based on EPA, 2003, it is estimated that auxiliary engines use 109,000 MWh for light, air consumption etc. in Danish ports every year. This amount combined with average emission factors of NOX and PM of 12 g/kWh and 0.18 g/kWh respectively give the total emissions per annum. (35)Emissions from electricity production based on average electricity production according to the TEMA2000 model from Danish Ministry of Transport. Danish Environmental Protection Agency; Environmental Project no. 1421, 2012.


(e.g. g/kWh) and level (e.g. engine size). Port dues already generally

vary with regard to vessel class and size, the type of port, the frequency

of calls to port and the type of service offered.

A fee-bate system requires a certification scheme to be established to

ensure valid calculations of the environmental index to be used by port

authorities to levy differentiate port dues. Such certifications need to

build on the classifications of the EEDI Energy Efficiency Design


), which as of 2013 defines an upper limit for CO2 emissions per

transport unit (i.e. CO2 grams per metric ton of dead weight per nautical


The Swedish Maritime Administration introduced differentiated port

dues in 2002 to support the development and introduction of low NOx

emitting technologies, such as SCR and HAM. The Swedish

organisation is funded by “fairway dues” consisting of two parts: one

related to the size of the ship and one related to the tonnage of the cargo.

Only the share related to the size of the ship is calculated relative to NOx

(36)The amendments to MARPOL Annex VI Regulations for the prevention of air pollution from ships, add a new chapter 4 to Annex VI on Regulations on energy efficiency for ships to make mandatory the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), for new ships, and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships. Other amendments to Annex VI add new definitions and the requirements for survey and certification, including the format for the International Energy Efficiency Certificate. The regulations apply to all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above and are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2013. However, under regulation 19, the Administration may waive the requirement for new ships of 400 gross tonnage and above from complying with the EEDI requirements. This waiver may not be applied to ships above 400 gross tonnage for which the building contract is placed four years after the entry into force date of chapter 4; the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of construction four years and six months after the entry into force; the delivery of which is after six years and six months after the entry into force; or in cases of the major conversion of a new or existing ship, four years after the entry into force date. The EEDI is a non-prescriptive, performance-based mechanism that leaves the choice of technologies to use in a specific ship design to the industry. As long as the required energy-efficiency level is attained, ship designers and builders would be free to use the most cost-efficient solutions for the ship to comply with the regulations. The SEEMP establishes a mechanism for operators to improve the energy efficiency of ships.


emissions to offer ships a rebate system starting progressively at 10

g/NOx per kWh. When the fee-bate system was introduced in Sweden in

2002, the general level of port fees was raised to keep revenues constant.

A fee-bate system offers a relatively cost-neutral tool with which to

encourage investment in environmentally friendly sea transport.

However, there are serious challenges and drawbacks to the system:

The potential effects of differentiated port dues will depend on the

number of ports participate in the program. If only a limited num-

ber of ports participate then there is a risk that ships with a low

environmental index will seek ports without differentiated port

dues rather than investing in abatement technology. A pool of har-

bours is therefore needed before the adopted measures can have a

beneficial impact.

There needs to be a substantial differentiation in port dues to en-

courage shipping companies to invest in abatement technology.

Existing port dues may be too low to enable sufficient differentia-

tion. In Sweden, 37 ships were registered in 2009 as low NOx

emission vessels. Almost all of these had been fitted with SCR

units that had been subsidised following a subsidy program in



Ships with high emissions may choose to take a detour rather than

seek the shortest travel route in order to save on port fees. This

may increase emission levels rather than curb them.

(37)Environmental Project no. 1421;page 98; Danish Environmental Protection Agency , 2012; Denmark.


The negotiating element of port dues means that vessels subject to

high fairway due may seek to negotiate a lower overall tariff and

port authorities may have a commercial interest in settling for

lower dues.



Large corporations that market themselves as environmentally friendly

also require that their suppliers also comply with their Corporate Social

Responsibility policies. It could therefore be argued that environmental

improvements could be effectively achieved through corporate and

consumer demand.

In consortium benchmarking, shipping companies commit voluntarily to

achieving an average emission rate, known as the benchmark.

Companies that are part of the consortium can then trade among

themselves to achieve the average rate (much like a credit-based


Setting the benchmark emission rate is a key element of the consortium

benchmark programme design. Benchmark rates based on inputs (e.g.

emissions per unit fuel) are the easiest to define, while benchmarks

based on outputs (e.g. emissions per kWh, transport service, etc.) may be

more difficult to quantify but would offer stronger incentives to reduce

emissions through a wide range of initiatives.


There are several obvious advantages to voluntary schemes:

Unlike a credit-based approach there is no need to establish and

certify a baseline emission rate in the case of benchmarking since

the benchmark rate effectively serves as the baseline.

Part of the administration and monitoring of the programme could

be handled by the consortium itself.

If appropriate penalties are applied, all consortium members will

have a vested interest in ensuring that they comply with require-


Voluntary schemes however also have their drawbacks and pitfalls:

Ships with low environmental indexes will have no incentive to

stay in the programme other than the threat of a perceived loss of

brand value, which may have only limited impact on their compet-

itive standing in the shipping industry.

The shipping industry could effectively fall into two categories,

both with inefficient investment strategies in relation to environ-

mental gain and competitive standing: On the one hand consorti-

um member companies that invest to improve already efficient

vessels with relatively little environmental gain in relation to in-

vestment. And on the other hand, non-consortium companies sail-

ing vessels with low environmental indexes in which they fail to

invest sufficiently although relatively large environmental gains

could be made with small investments.


Emissions reduction is incremental because the benchmark is set

too low and is only very gradually improved

Member companies pursue “green-washing”, i.e. give emphasis to

public relations and easy, highly visible environmental initiatives

with limited substance.




With the introduction of the SECA in the North Sea and Baltic Sea,

shipping companies will basically have three choices

To use low-sulphur (1.0%) fuel oil/MGO

To use heavy fuel oil (HFO) with abatement technology (either

technologies that prevent NOx from forming during combustion or

post-combustion technologies)

To use liquefied natural gas (LNG) or other fuel alternatives.

However, the SECA does not target emissions of NOx, which along with

other harmful compounds, such as VOC and PM, will continue to impact

the environment. However, abatement technologies also offer benefits in

the reduction of such emissions. See table 4 and 5.

Table 4. NOx reduction and cost effectiveness of abatement technology

Source: Bosh et. All (2009) NOX control methods

Table 4 shows the reduction in NOx emissions offered by two

abatement technologies described below. EGR + WiFE = a combination

of Exhaust Gas Recirculation and WiFE on Demand (75-80%). SCR =

Selective Catalyst Reduction (85-90%).


es Ship type



Operation and


( k€)

Fuel Cost

( k€)




Cost per NOX



Reduction NOX



(0,1% S)NEW 743 25 15 103 166 340 75 - 80; 50

SCR NEW 949 25 169 0 297 600 85 - 90


Table 5. Cost effectiveness of NOX reduction measured per €/ton

Source: data are in accordance with those reported in ENTEC (2005b), Rahai and Hefazi

(2006), Lovblad and Fridell (2006) and IIASA (2007).

Table 5 shows the reduction of NOx in €/tons of abatement technologies

described below. SCR inside SO2 ECA = Selective Catalyst Reduction

inside Sulphur Dioxide Emissions Control Area.



The formation of NOx can be prevented by lowering the temperature in

the combustion chamber either by emulsifying water in fuel prior to

injection (WiFE) or by charging the cylinder with humidified air

(HAM). NOx emissions reductions from these technologies vary from


Technologies Ship typeSmall Vessels


Medium Vessels


Large Vessels


Humid air

motorsNEW 255 222 188

Humid air

motorsRetrofit 291 274 250

SCR inside

SO2 ECANEW 517 419 379

SCR inside

SO2 ECARetrofit 583 469 422



WiFE on Demand (“Water in Fuel Emulsion on Demand”) is a fuel

emulsion technology that reduces NOx emissions by providing Water in

Fuel Emulsion (WiFE) “on demand”. When the water evaporates in the

combustion chamber the temperature is lowered and NOx emissions are



) show that 1% NOx reduction is obtained per 1% of added

water. A water-to-fuel-ratio of 30% can reduce NOx emissions by 30%

and PM by 60-90%. The maximum amount of water that can be added to

fuel depends on the engine load, but the maximum water-to-fuel-ratio is

50%, (= NOx reduction of 50%). A water content of 50% increases the

fuel consumption by approx. 2%.

Table 6. Total annual investment(39

) cost of WiFE retrofit in two-stroke engines(40


Source: Danish Ministry of the Environmental – Project n. 1421, 2012

(38)MAN Diesel and Turbo (2010): two-stroke engine emission reduction technology: state-of-the-art, cimac paper: 85. Apollonia Miola, Biagio Ciuffo, Emiliano Giovine, Marleen Marra; Regulating air emissions from ships: the state of the art on methodologies, technologies and policy options; page 57; European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability. November 2010. (39)Entec (2005): Service Contract on Ship Emissions: Assignment, Abatement and Market-based Instruments Task 2b – NOX Abatement (40)Note: Small, Medium and Large refer to the engine size.


Engine size (MCR, Kw) 3580 11420 28750

Investment (€/year) 14944 29791 60438

Operation and maintenance (€/year) 33190 108560 271000



Humid Air Motor (HAM) is an abatement technology that uses

evaporated seawater, which is injected into the combustion air to lower

the temperature peaks during the combustion process and thus reduce

NOx emissions. The NOx reduction potential is estimated to be up to

approx. 70-80%.(41

) (Eyring et al., 2005b)42



Some technologies rely on post-combustion treatment of the engine

exhaust gas to reduce NOx, in some cases reducing emissions up to 85-



A scrubber is a technology that effectively abates emissions by the use of

alkaline compounds to neutralise SO2 and remove acid gases from

engine exhaust emissions. The method uses seawater (or freshwater

mixed with caustic soda (NaOH)) as a “scrubbing” agent. The sludge is

then led to a tank where the water is filtered and circulated back into the

(41)On the precautionary principle, Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention forbids dis- charging waste into estuaries and enclosed ports. Air pollution from ships. A briefing document by: The European Environmental Bureau (EEB), The European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E), Seas At Risk (SAR), The Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain. (EEB, 2004). (42)Eyring, V., Kohler, H., Lauer, A., Lemper, B. (2005b). Emissions from international shipping: 2. Impact of future technologies on scenarios until 2050. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110.


sea (EEB, 2004). Scrubbers can reduce SOx by 99% and NOx (43

) and

PM by 85% without increasing CO2 emissions.

Figure 4 Capital cost and operational cost of scrubber

Source: Danish Ministry of Environmental (Project No. 1421, 2012)


Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is an abatement technology that

uses a catalyst to convert NOx into nitrogen and water by injecting

ammonia (NH3) or urea (CO(NH2)2) into the hot exhaust gas to react

with nitrogen oxides, resulting in the production of harmless nitrogen

(N2) and water. Reduction of NOx emissions may reach 90-95%.

However, to reach a 90% NOx reduction, approx. 15g of urea is

needed per kWh energy from the engine. Most common SCR

applications reduce NOx emissions slightly below the maximum

capacity (i.e. 85-90%) in order to limit ammonia emissions.

(43)A. Miola et al, 2010.


The technology requires significant space for the catalysts and the

storage of ammonia/ urea.

The following chart shows the costs(44

) of retrofitting SCR


Figure 5: Annual cost of SCR NOX reduction system

Source: Danish Ministry of Environmental (Project No. 1421, 2012)


Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) works by recirculating filtered and

cooled exhaust gas into the charge air to decrease the peak cylinder

temperature during combustion. The EGR technology reduces NOx by

35% (Entec, 2005b). EGR can also be combined with water injection

(WiFE), resulting in an approx. 70-80% reduction in NOx emissions.

However, PM emissions increase because of the reduced amount of

oxygen and longer burning time. And since exhaust gases contain

(44) MAN Diesel & Turbo (MAN, 2011) and (Entec, 2005).


gaseous sulphur species, a corrosion problem from sulphuric acid

formation is generated (EPA, 1999), which is why the technology is not

suited for marine diesel engines using heavy fuel oils.

Installing EGR technology in a Tier II engine results in an increased fuel

consumption of approx. 2%(45

). EGR can be used on new vessels to

comply with the IMO Tier III regulation from 2016 (at least for two-

stroke engines).

Figure 6: Cost of retrofitting EGR technology (MAN Diesel & Turbo (2009)).

Source: Danish Ministry of Environmental (Project No. 1421, 2012)

(45)Fitting EGR technology to a fuel-optimised Tier I engine gives an estimated fuel consumption that is 1% lower than a Tier II engine without EGR


Figure 7: Total annual cost of EGR NOx reduction

Source: Danish Ministry of Environmental (Project No. 1421, 2012)

Figure 7: Shows the difference in annual cost of EGR in relation to Tier

level of engine, mainly due to higher fuel consumption.


Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been converted

(temporarily) to liquid form for easy storage and transport. From an

emissions perspective, LNG is a very good alternative to heavy fuels.

Maintenance costs are low but investment costs are high.


Emissions of NOx are low: 1.42 grams(46

) per kWh.

(46)Department of shipping and marine technology Division of propulsion and maritime environment CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ISSN 1652-9189. Report No. 08:107 Göteborg, Sweden, 2008 Reduction of NOx and SOx in an emission market - a


Emissions of SOx are low: 0.00154(47

) grams per kWh sulphur,

which means LNG complies with the SECA restrictions.

Emissions of CO2 are relatively low: 75% reduction(48


The world supply of LNG is expected to increase between 2015-



LNG is approx. 8% cheaper per GJ compared to gas oil (Danish

Energy Agency (50


Price structures for LNG are generally locked under long-time


) yet tied to the oil price.

Maintenance costs are significantly lower compared with a diesel



Establishing LNG bunkering facilities, including LNG terminals

and a network of LNG supply ships, is costly. Currently, only a

few nations (e.g. Norway) offer a LNG network

Retrofitting is costly. The additional ship investment cost is DKK

40-100 million for retrofitting of a 2-20 MW LNG marine engine

snapshot of prospects and benefits for ships in the northern European SECA area; page 23; (47)See previous footnote. (48)See Table 4. (49)Reporting By Edward McAllister in New York and Oleg Vukmanovic in London. (50) Danish Energy Agency, 2011: Prerequisites for socio-economic analyses in the field of energy, April 2011 shows that natural gas is 40% cheaper compared to gas oil. When including a cost of €4.78/GJ for production and distribution of LNG the price difference is reduced to 8%. (51)The spot market has proven volatile in 2012/2013 due to high demand following natural disasters and power shortages.


(Environmental Protection Agency in Denmark(52

). Volume for

fuel storage is around 3-4 times higher than for storage of oil. The

relationship between engine size (MCR) and investment expendi-

ture is shown in Figure 7

The price of new ships with LNG propulsion typically has an add-

ed investment cost of 10-20% due53

to the LNG storage tanks, the

fuel piping system and additional safety measures. The additional

investment cost for a small 3,300kW LNG fuelled general cargo

ship is approx. US$ 3.6 million (DNV, 2011)

Figure 8. LNG retrofitting, total investment cost

Source: Danish Ministry of Environmental (Project No. 1421, 2012)

(52) With some technologies a methane slip is caused due to exhaust valves being open when the gas enters into the combustion chamber. (53)Shipbuilding cost may increase by 20-25% (DNV)23.


Table 7. Comparison of emissions from heavy fuel oil and LNG

Source: Danish Ministry of Environmental (Project No. 1421, 2012)

Table 7: Comparison of emissions from heavy fuel oil and LNG with a

HFO and a gas 50-bore MAN Diesel & Turbo ME-GI engine adapted to

LPG and LNG.




Emissions from ships can cause damage to the environment and health at

great distance from the source of pollution. However, emissions are es-

pecially harmful within the immediate environment, such as SOx NOx,

VOC, PM, CO, and N2O. Although SOx emissions are set to be signifi-

cantly reduced in the North Sea and Baltic Sea when the SECA is im-

plemented, emissions from ships will still pose a challenge to ports lo-

cated close to urban environments, such as in Copenhagen, not least in

the case of the hoteling of power consuming cruise vessels during turna-


One option in reducing ship emissions would be for ports to supply ves-

sels at berth with shore power from the national grid as an alternative to

generating electricity using on-board Auxiliary Engines (AE). Although

AEs can be combined with abatement technology to reduce harmful

emissions, there is no requirement to do so. Some shipping companies

and cruise operators may choose to use abatement technology, such as

scrubbers, to reduce SOx emissions when the SECA comes into force, a

technology that will also reduce other emissions including NOx. Howev-

er, harmful emissions from ships in port environments will still pose an

environmental problem.

Shore power (or cold-ironing) is a fully developed technology mainly

used by the US navy and when dry-docking vessels. In Europe, the

technology is used for ferry services in cities such as Gothenburg,


Rotterdam and Zeebrugge. The technology has only been implemented

for commercial use for cruise ships very few places in the world,

including California and Alaska. Shore power is known by a variety of

names, e.g. ‘cold ironing’ ‘shore-side power’, ‘high-voltage shore

connections (HVSC)’, ‘onshore power supply’ ‘shore-to-ship power’ and

‘alternative maritime power’. The term ‘cold-ironing’ derives from the

act of dry-docking a vessel, which involves shutting down all on-board

combustion, resulting in the vessel going ‘cold’.


Shore-side electricity supply can effectively reduce hazardous

emissions (e.g. SOx NOx, VOC, PM, CO, N2O, CH4) in the local

environment significantly.

Since power supplied from the national grid (i.e. from power

stations) is subject to stricter emissions control(54


) (including

(54)On 21 December 2007 the Commission adopted a Proposal for a Directive on industrial emissions. The Proposal recasts seven existing Directives related to industrial emissions into a single clear and coherent legislative instrument. The recast includes in particular the IPPC Directive. The IPPC Directive has been in place for over 10 years and the Commission has undertaken a 2 year review with all stakeholders to examine how it, and the related legislation on industrial emissions, can be improved to offer the highest level of protection for the environment and human health while simplifying the existing legislation and cutting unnecessary administrative costs. The results of this review have provided clear evidence of the need for action to be taken at a Community level. The IPPC Directive has recently been codified (Directive 2008/1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control). The codified act includes all the previous amendments to the Directive 96/61/EC and introduces some linguistic changes and adaptations (e.g. updating the number of legislation referred to in the text). The substance of Directive 96/61/EC has not been changed and the adopted new legal act is without prejudice to the new Proposal for a Directive on Industrial Emissions. (55)The overall aim of the LCP Directive is to reduce emissions of acidifying pollutants, particles, and ozone precursors. Control of emissions from large combustion plants - those whose rated thermal input is equal to or greater than 50 MW - plays an important


CO2) than power supplied from AEs, the overall level of exhaust

emissions form ships using shore power is reduced considerably.

Noise levels and vibration from AEs are eliminated. In close prox-

imity to the AEs, noise levels of 90-120 dB can be


)(Cooper 2004).

There are benefits to the health of cruise ship personnel and


Although vessels will always need AEs for emergency power

supply, also at sea, the operative running costs and capital

investment for these engines will be lower if the use of AEs is


Cruise ship labour costs tied to producing electricity using AEs

while at berth will be reduced.

role in the Union's efforts to combat acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone as part of the overall strategy to reduce air pollution. The LCP Directive entered into force on 27 November 2001. It replaced the old Directive on large combustion plants (Directive 88/609/EEC as amended by Directive 94/66/EC). The LCP Directive contains the following provisions: Plants licensed after 26 November 2002 have to comply with the (stricter) emission limit values for SO2, NOx and dust fixed in part B of the Annexes III to VII.; Plants licensed on or after 1 July 1987 and before 27 November 2002 have to comply with the (less strict) emission limit values fixed in part A of the Annexes III to VII. ; Significant emission reductions from "existing plants" (licensed before 1 July 1987) are required to be achieved by 1 January 2008: a) by individual compliance with the same emission limit values as established for the plants referred to in point 2 above or b) through a national emission reduction plan (NERP) that achieves overall reductions calculated on the basis of those emission limit values. The Commission considers that it is possible to adopt a "combined approach" (combination of points a) and b)) for these "existing plants". A NERP must address all three pollutants covered by the Directive for all the plants covered by the plan. (56)ENTEC (2005a).



Electricity powered by AEs is generally cheaper than land-based

electricity supply.

Electricity powered by AEs is exempt(57

)from national energy and

electricity tax within the EU. However, in 2011 the EU granted

exceptions to Germany(58

) and Sweden(59

) to allow these countries

to supply shore power at a reduced rate (i.e. without paying local

environmental energy taxes) as an incentive to shipping

companies to use shore power.

Considerable capital investment must be made in land-based

power supply utilities.

The international ISO standard for High Voltage Shore

Connections (HVSC) was adopted in 2012 (see chapter 5.2).

Existing technology on cruise ships with cold-ironing capability

often do not comply with the new standards.

Few cruise vessels are equipped with cold-ironing technology and

90% of those that are equipped with such technology use 60Hz

(57)Article 14(1)(c) of the Council Directive (2003/96/EC) (58)COM/2011/0302 final - NLE 2011/0133 / COUNCIL DECISION authorising Germany to apply a reduced rate of electricity tax to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port in accordance with Article 19 of Directive 2003/96/EC (59)COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 20 June 2011 authorising Sweden to apply a reduced rate of electricity tax to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port (‘shore-side electricity’) in accordance with Article 19 of Directive 2003/96/EC (2011/384/EU).


frequency (as opposed to the 50Hz European standard).

Converting 50Hz to 60Hz is costly(60


Shore power can only be supplied while vessels are at berth and

not while manoeuvring or during navigation. Port environments

would therefore still be subject to a certain level of emission.



The international standard (IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1:2012(E)(61

) for High

Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) systems applies to cold-ironing

technology on board vessels and the power utilities supplying the shore

power. This ISO standard has been adopted as Danish


)DS/ISO/IEC/IEEE 80005-1.

The standard applies to the design, installation and testing of HVSC

systems and addresses:

High-voltage shore distribution systems

Shore-to-ship connection and interface equipment


(60) Report on Shore Power for Cruise Ships, By & Havn and CMP 2012 . (61)IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1:2012(E) describes high voltage shore connection (HVSC) systems, on board the ship and on shore, to supply the ship with electrical power from shore. This standard is applicable to the design, installation and testing of HVSC systems and addresses: HV shore distribution systems; shore-to-ship connection and interface equipment; transformers/reactors; semiconductor/rotating convertors; ship distribution systems; and control, monitoring, interlocking and power management systems. It does not apply to the electrical power supply during docking periods, e.g. dry-docking and other out of service maintenance and repair. (62)Utility connections in port – Part 1: High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) Systems – General requirements. Danish Standards, Edition 1.0 2012-07.


Semiconductor/rotating converters

Distribution systems

Control, monitoring, interlocking and power management systems

The standard does not apply to shore power supplied during dry-docking

and out-of-service maintenance and repair.


1. A local sub-station transforms 20-100kV electricity supplied by

the national grid to 6-20kV.

2. Cables deliver the 6-20kV power to the port terminal.

3. Most vessels will require 60Hz power supply, which required

conversion from the 50Hz grid standard to 60Hz.

4. Electricity is distributed to the terminal via high-voltage cables63


5. For easy handling, cables are connected to the vessels using an

electro-mechanically powered cable reel system mounted on a reel

tower. A davit would be used to raise the cables to the vessel.

6. The cables are connected to an on-board socket.

(63)High-voltage cables can transport far more electricity than 400V cables of the same dimension. They are also more flexible and easier to use. The capital and maintenance cost is also lower. (Jiven 2004).


7. The electricity is then transformed from high voltage to 400V to

be used for on-board power supply. The preferable location for the

transformer is by the main switchboard in the engine room.

Figure 9 Overview of shore-side electricity connection

Source: Reproduced from ENTEC(2005a)


Increasingly, new port facilities are prepared for shore power, such as

those recently constructed in Rotterdam and Copenhagen. However,

some port environments, such as container ports, require gantry cranes,

which limits the options of installing cable reel towers on the pier. See

figure 10. LNG barges with power-generating capacity (6.6kV/11kV,

60Hz) are currently being tested in Hamburg (2012-13). The prototype is

developed by Carl Robert Eckelmann AG.

Advantages to barges in relation to conventional shore power:

Barges are flexible. In the case of power barges they can also sup-

ply electricity to ships in less accessible parts of ports or where

gantry cranes limit options for cable reel towers. In the case of the

Copenhagen cruise port, power barges could also supply shore


power to cruise ships calling on the city’s old cruise ship pier in

the inner harbour.

Power barges are monitored by remote control and the required

manpower would more or less be the same as with traditional

shore power.

Power barges supply LNG generated electricity with low emis-

sions (see Figure 10)

Disadvantages to barges in relation to conventional shore power:

At a unit price of €15 million(64

), the capital investment in power

barges may be higher than establishing traditional shore power fa-

cilities in new harbours.

The maximum capacity of projected LNG power barges is 7-


), which is below peak demand for large cruise ships.

Commercial operators may be seeking to introduce vessels with a

peak demand of 16MWh(66


Emissions reduction using power barges will in all scenarios be

higher than with conventional shore power supply.

Emissions reduction in the local environment will be higher than

conventional shore power

LNG powered barges will require LNG bunkering facilities67


relative close vicinity to the port and few such facilities are cur-

rently available in Europe.

(64)Deutsche Shiffahrts-Zeitung, THB Sonderbeilage, 31 August 2012. (65)Waterborne cold ironing for container vessels, DNV Academy 8 May 2012 (66)Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) 2012. (67)The seven Baltic ports that have agreed to promote the development of LNG bunkering infrastructure are: Aarhus, Helsingborg, Helsinki, Malmö-Copenhagen, Tallinn, Turku, Stockholm and Riga. The project was initiated by the Baltic Ports Organization (BPO) and half of the €4.8 million scheme will be financed by the


In the case of Copenhagen, using mobile LNG power plants may

not be consistent with the Copenhagen Climate Plan KBH2025,

which required existing power utilities using fossil fuel to switch

to CO2 neutral fuel.

Running time for LNG power barges is approx. 96 hours, which

means supplying cruise vessels that are hoteling over several days

will require a short interruption of power supply while barges are


Figure10. Docking arrangement with barge

Source: Reproduced from: ENTEC(2005a)

Figure 10 shows how a barge can be used instead of cable reel towers on

land. Shore-side electrical cables are connected to the cable reel on the

work barge, which is mounted on a turntable allowing it to swivel up to

60 degrees. The turntable can automatically adjust the tension to prevent

European Union TEN-T Transport Infrastructure Programme. BIMCO, Baltic LNG Bunkering to set global benchmark, 4 July 2012


sagging during tidal changes. A hydraulic boom to the deck of the ship

allows cables to be connected to the ship.


Retrofitting vessels with cold-ironing technology implies modifying

them to support high-voltage shore connections. Generally, cruise ves-

sels are designed with maximum space utilisation and with very limited

free space, especially close to the switchboard. Newer vessels are often

designed with reserve space for cold-ironing retrofitting. The age limit

for cold-ironing technology retrofitting for cruise ships is estimated at 12



Figure11. Cruise vessel engine rooms

Source: Copenhagen and Malmo Port (CMP).

(68)Copenhagen Malmo Port, 2012.


Figure 11 shows the engine rooms of a medium-size (B=32.2m) diesel

electric cruise vessel. A cubicle for plug-in shore cables must be mount-

ed on the ship’s side, which requires 1500mmx1600mmx2700mm

(BxDxH) of space. However, the allocated space on board the ship must

be larger than the cubicle to support servicing.

This requires a steel-to-steel space the size of three 800-frame lengths

(2400mm) and a width towards the centre of about 4000mm. A high-

voltage shore connection requires one additional incoming cubicle of an

estimated size of 800mmx1600mmx2200mm (BxDxH).

This additional type-tested cubicle must be connected to the main bus

bars of the switchboard with a compatible link secured against short cir-

cuit both mechanically and electrically.



The cruise industry is a global business and the vessels that call on

Copenhagen during the summer months operate in the Mediterranean,

the US East Coast and Caribbean during winter.

Figure 12. Distribution of cruise passengers worldwide in 2012.

Source: Copenhagen Malmo Port (CMP), 2011

Figure 12 shows the distribution of cruise vessels during summertime

(i.e. northern hemisphere). The Mediterranean is the principal area for

cruise holidays, followed by the Caribbean, the Baltic Sea and Alaska.

The Caribbean is busiest during winter months.

Currently, only harbours in North America (particularly California and

Alaska) offer cruise ship shore power. Cruise ships operating along the








1% 2%

Passengers July 2012



Australia and Pacific


Bermuda and America EastCoast





US and Canadian west coast, including Alaska, only have limited

operation in Europe, yet they have the highest market share for cold-

ironing technology since regulation in California requires cruise

operators to use shore power or use abatement technology.

Table 8.Cruise ship during the summer season 2012 with the cold iron capability.

Source: Copenhagen Malmo Port (CMP), 2012.

Table 9. The share of vessels in different operating areas that have cold-ironing


Source: Copenhagen Malmo Port (CMP), 2012.

Table 9 shows that Alaska is the leading area with an about 50% share of

cold-ironing vessels. The share of cruise ships operating in California

during the winter season that have cold ironing capability is 75%.

Cruise liner Vessels Gross tonnage Time along side

quay (h)

Energy consumption


Emerald Princess 113.561,00 143,00 1.430,00

Costa Deliziosa 92.720,00 9,00 90,00

Eurodam 86.273,00 79,00 790,00

Costa Luminosa 97.720,00 143,00 1.430,00

Arcadia 83.521,00 33,50 335,00

Caribbean Princess 112.894,00 19,00 190,00

Vessels % on number of

vessels % on GT % on passenger

11 42,3 52,1 52,3

0 0 0 0

3 15 28,9 27,1

4 9,3 16,1 16,5

2 5,4 17 14,2

1 11,1 11 11,8

1 2,8 4,2 4

5 4,7 9,4 9,4

11 27,3 34 30,8

0 0 0 0Other or not active

North Sea and North Atlantic

Bermuda and Nord America



California (winter)

Cold iroing istallation



Australia and Pacific




In the Baltic Sea and Mediterranean, no shore power cold-ironing facili-

ties for cruise ships currently exist but about 10-16%(69

) of the vessels

operating in these areas have cold-ironing capability. These vessels are

all rather new and large and in principle “designed to go anywhere”.

In total, 70 different cruise ships called on Copenhagen during the sum-

mer peak season (May-August) in 2012. Of these, only 6 had cold-

ironing capacity. These 6 ships made 38 calls on Copenhagen, which

represents 12% of total cruise ship calls (308) for summer season, and

spent a total of 426.5 hours in Copenhagen. Of the cruise ships operating

in the Baltic Sea, 60% (in relation to capacity) are new and large vessels

that could be retrofitted if shore power utilities were to be established in

Baltic ports.

However, if the switch to cold-ironing in harbours only relies on the re-

newal of the fleet with newer vessels with cold-ironing capacity, it will

take up to 20 years for 80% 70

of the fleet to be ready for cold-ironing.

(69)Data from Copenhagen Malmo Port, 2011. (70)Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) 2012.


Figure 13 The age of distribution of cruise vessels calling on Copenhagen.

Source: Copenhagen Malmö Port, 2011

Figure14 Statistical probability that a cruise vessel visiting Copenhagen has visited

the harbours in mention

Source: Copenhagen Malmö Port















Age of vessel (years)

Age of Baltic Cruise vessels (Copenhagen harbour)








) th

e v


el v


s o


r h




Statistical probability that a cruise vessel visiting Copenhagen has visited the harbours in mention




Cold-ironing technology allows ships to connect to the national grid

rather than use AE-generated electricity, which reduces emissions in the

port environment. However, the environmental benefit depends on the

source of power in the national grid.


In Scandinavia, electricity is traded across boarders. The Danish

electricity trade varies greatly and is influenced by price developments

on the Nordic wholesale electricity market, Nord Pool Spot(71

), which

includes Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Estonia. Trading also

takes place with Germany.

Energy supplied on the Nordic wholesale market is influenced by

variable factors:

Precipitation levels at hydropower stations in Norway and Sweden

The price of fuel

The price of CO2 quotas

Table 10. Production split of the Nordic Energy Mix

Source: Based on data from the ENTSO-E Statistical Yearbook 2011.

(71)Real time trading in Nord Pool Spot:


Class of energy sources TWh Share

1. Fossil energy source and peat (Natural gas, coal, oil, peat, non-renewable

waste and recycling fuels)56,1 14,90%

2. Renewable source of energy (Hydro power, biofuel, wind power, solar

power, renewable waste and recycling fuels)240.3 63.6%

3. Nuclear power 80.3 21.3%

4. Non identifiable 0.7 0.2%


Table 10 shows the production split of the Nordic Energy Mix.

Naturally, NOx and SO2 emissions result not only from thermal power

generation but also from some renewables, such as biomass and waste

incineration. But the overall mix has a strong component of renewables

and nuclear power that cause limited gaseous emissions. The largest

component of renewable energy is hydropower, which accounts for


) of all electricity generation in the Nordic Energy Mix.

Figure 15. Danish net export of electricity

Source: Energistatistik 2011, The Danish Energy Agency

Figure 15 shows the net export of electricity from Denmark. In 2011,

Denmark imported 4,7 PJ of electricity (4.3 PJ from Norway and 8.8PJ

from Sweden). Denmark was a net exporter of electricity to Germany of

8,3 PJ(73

). Green: total, Yellow: Germany. Red: Norway, Blue: Sweden.

(72)Nordic Production Split 2004-2011, Nord Pool Spot. (73) Nordic Production Split 2004-2011. Real time exports:



Despite the liberalised, open trading market for electricity, the major

component of Danish electricity supply comes from the country’s own

power stations. Power supply in Denmark has traditionally been thermal

but is now increasingly reliant on renewables. In 2012, 30% of


) generated in Denmark was wind power. The national

energy plan for Denmark(75

) calls for 50% of Danish electricity supply to

be wind power by 2020. In addition, all fossil fuels, also within

transport, are to be phased out by 2050. Energy production in Denmark

is nonetheless still comparatively more reliant on emissions-producing

sources than other contributors to the Nordic Energy Mix.

Figure16: The split of Danish power production in 2011

Source: Energistatistik 2011, The Danish Energy Agency

(74)Danish wind industry association. (75)Danish Energy Agreement, 22 March 2012.



Figure 16 shows the split of Danish power production in 2011 according

to source of fuel. Grey: coal, Violet: oil, Yellow: natural gas, Blue: wind

power, Green: other renewables.


The peak season for power production in Copenhagen is during the

winter when large amounts of heat are needed for urban district heating.

Excess electricity from heat generation is then generally exported. The

main cruise ship season (April-October with peak season in June) is

during a time of year with low Danish electricity production from

conventional power stations in general. Power production from offshore

wind power in Copenhagen peaks in October-December76 . In June,

wind energy totals 265MWh, in January it peaks at 560MWh.

Power production in Copenhagen is generally becoming greener. The

City of Copenhagen (i.e. the municipality) adopted an ambitious climate

plan in 200977, (revised in 2012 and entitled KBH2025), which aims to

make the city the world’s first “CO2 neutral city by 2025”. With pubic

investments of €360 million and private investments of €2.68-3.35

billion, the plan calls for the replacement of thermal power with

sustainable energy, including biomass, wind power, geothermal heating,

waste incineration and (to a limited extent) biogas from wastewater

treatment. To offset CO2 emissions generated by household gas

consumption (mainly for cooking) and traffic, etc., the city plans to

(76)Lynettens Vindkraft I/S . (77)In 2009, when the Copenhagen Climate Plan was adopted, 42% of the power and heating generated in the city was based on coal, while only 13% was based on wind power. CO2 emissions from power production alone accounted for 51% of total CO2

emissions in the city, while heating represented 26%. Transport represented 21%. Source: KBH2015


produce more CO2-neutral energy than it consumes. Traffic,

nonetheless, is also targeted with investments in public transport. In

relation to cruise ships, the plan includes requirements that all future

cruise port developments should be “prepared for cold-ironing”.

In 2012, the Copenhagen Climate Plan was ahead of schedule(78) and

within the next 5-7 years, the overall scenario of air emission in

Copenhagen is expected to change significantly. Not only will CO2

levels be diminished, other gaseous pollutants will also be reduced as a


Table 11 current emission levels of NOx and SO2 from Copenhagen power stations

in relation to the Nordic Energy Mix

Sources: 2011 annual environmental reports from Dong Energy, Vattenfall and

Amagerforbrændingen/Amager Ressourcecenter.

*The power stations are to remain in service as reserve stations

Table 11 shows the coefficient between power stations in Copenhagen

and the Nordic Power Mix in relation to SO2 /kWh and NOx/kWh. Based

on this data I have assumed that the emissions factor for the Nordic

Energy Mix is a valid measure for emissions from power generation for

(78)Copenhagen Climate Plan 2025, Københavns commune teknik- og miljøforv altningen

NameTotal output


Primary energy



energy sourceg NOx/kWh g SO2/kWh Operational changes

Svanemøllen 145 Gas Light fuel 0.85 0.0003 Closes in 2014*

H.C. Ørstedsværket 883 Gas Heavy/Light fuel 0.23 0.02Closes: Block 1: 2015*,

Block 2: 2023*

Avedøreværket 2199 Gas Biomass 0.19 0.06To convert to 100%

biomass. Date pending

Amagerværket 3754 Biomass Coal 0.17 0.038To convert to biomass.

Date pending

Amagerforbrændingen 3754 Household waste - 0.32 0.69

Will be replaced with a

state-of-and-art utility in


Average emissions 0.352 0.352

Nordic Energy Mix 0.32 0.07


the following reasons: 1) The largest contributor of SO2 emissions is the

waste incineration centre that does not produce power in any large scale.

2) the table does not include the city’s offshore wind farm and 3) The

main cruise season is during summer months where the import of cleaner

energy from other Scandinavian countries is generally high.





Air pollution is high on the international agenda. Consequently, the EU

and WHO (Word Heath Organization) provide directives and guidelines

regarding limit values to minimise the impact on human health (EU


); WHO 2006a(80


Urban outdoor air pollution is globally responsible for an estimated 1.4%

of premature deaths and 0.5% of disability-adjusted life years lost

(Ezzati et al., 2002(81

)). Studies furthermore indicate that PM is


) for increased mortality and morbidity. Approx. 3% of

adult deaths caused by cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and

approx. 5% of lung and trachea cancers are attributable to PM pollution

(Cohen et al., 2004, Schlesinger et al., 2006(83

)). In Denmark, approx.

3,000-4,000 people die prematurely annually due to atmospheric

pollution (Palmgren et al., 2005(84


(79)EU, 2008: Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe, 21 May 2008. (80)WHO, 2006a: WHO air quality guidelines for particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Global update 2005: Summary of risk assessment. Technical report, World Health Organisation, 2006. (81)Ezzati, et al., 360:1347–1360, 2002. (82)In addition, air pollution is associated with diabetes (Pearson et al., 2010), premature births (Ponce et al., 2005), life expectancy (Pope et al., 2009) and infant mortality (Woodruff et al., 2008). These associations have been demonstrated in both short-term (Maynard et al., 2007) and long-term epidemiological studies (Pelucchi et al., 2009) (83)Cohen, et al., 2004. (84)Palmgren, et al., 2005.


Among the tools used when seeking to optimise regulation strategies(85


and create effective policies addressing air pollution are valuation

models. Simulations of specific scenarios can be used to assess the cost-

benefit of a hypothetical reduction in emissions, for instance. Generally,

such valuations(86

) study emission concentrations calculated using a

Chemical Transport Model (CTM) that assumes a standardised linear

source-receptor relationship(87

) between emission changes and

subsequent changes in air pollution levels. Model-based valuations are

therefore rough approximations in relation to the real effect of emission


This study of health cost externalities of emissions from sea transport

adopts an alternative approach, which calculates the emission impacts

from every individual scenario without assuming linearity of the – in

reality – highly non-linear atmospheric chemistry. The model applied in

this study is the External Valuation of Air Pollution Model (EVA).

(85)Amann et al. (2005) and Watkiss et al. (2005) provide recent examples where they model the effects of implementing the EU Directives on atmospheric ozone and PM concentrations. They estimated that the annual external health costs of ozone and PM in the EU25 countries would amount to €276 - €790 billion annually (2000), which would be reduced by €87 - €181 billion annually if regulation was followed. (86)One example is the RAINS/GAINS system (Alcamo et al., 1990; Klassen et al., 2004), as used by Amann et al. (2005) and Watkiss et al. (2005). (87)A slightly more sophisticated approach has also been applied in RAINS, where the linearity assumption has been substituted for a piecewise linear relationship for PM, and for ozone the relationship may be parameterised using polynomials (Heyes et al., 1996).




The External Valuation of Air Pollution Model (EVA) is based on an

impact-pathway chain (e.g. Friedrich and Bickel, 2001(88

)) and consists

of a three-dimensional Eulerian model for regional-scale air pollutant

transport and chemical transformation, the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric

Model (DEHM(89

)) and a Gaussian Plume Model for local-scale air

pollutant transport. The geographic domain covered by DEHM is the

Northern Hemisphere, describing the intercontinental contributions

including higher-resolution nesting over Europe. To estimate the effect

of a specific emission source or sector and how specific emission

sources influence air pollution levels, emission inventories for the

specific sources as well natural emission sources are implemented. Using

a new “tagging” method, all scenarios are run individually without

assuming linear behaviour of atmospheric chemistry (i.e. without using

linear extra-/interpolation from standard reductions as for instance used

in the RAINS(90


) system (Alcamo et al., 1990(92

), Klassen et

(88)Friedrich R., and P. Bickel, 2001: Environmental External Costs of Transport. Springer, München, 2001. (89)The Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model (DEHM) developed by the Centre for Energy, Environment and Health (CEEH), is a three-dimensional, offline, large-scale, Eulerian, atmospheric chemistry transport (CTM) (Christensen, 1997; Christensen et al., 2004; Frohn 2004; Frohn et al., 2001; 2002; 2003; Brandt et al., 2001; 2003; 2007; 2009; Geels et al., 2002; 2004; 2007; Hansen et al., 2004; 2008a; 2008b; Hansen et al., 2011; Hedegaard et al., 2008; 2011) developed to study long-range transport of air pollution in the Northern Hemisphere and Europe. The model domain covers most of the Northern Hemisphere, discretised in a 96 × 96 horizontal grid using a polar stereographic projection. (90) Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation (RAINS) (91) Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS). The GAINS model in its present stage quantifies the potentials and costs of reducing the six greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PCF and SF6) for 43 regions in Europe. (92)Alcamo et al.,1990.


al., 2004(93

)). Using a comprehensive CTM to calculate the effects under

specific emission scenarios has the key advantage of accounting for non-

linear chemical transformations and feedback mechanisms influencing

air pollutants. Non-linearity in the source-receptor relationship is

particularly evident for certain atmospheric components, such as NOx,

VOC, ozone, PM, and NH3, in addition to SO2.

In order to obtain estimates of location-specific impacts and costs, the

EVA model has been specifically developed to couple the results from

air pollution models with detailed population data(94

)for Denmark

derived from different sources, including from literature and from costs

functions adapted to Danish conditions. Other components of the EVA

model are economic valuations of individual impacts and exposure

response functions adapted from Watkiss et al. (2005)(95

), which are

based on assessments from EU and WHO health experts. These health

cost estimates are converted to Danish price structures and local

preferences based on the methodology of Watkiss et al. (2005).


Wide-reaching measures have been undertaken in recent years to remove

harmful secondary inorganic particles (e.g. lead, benzene, and sulphur

from petrol and diesel fuels). Such actions have had a positive,

measurable and significant impact on air pollution levels.

(93 ) Klaassen, G., et al., 2004. (94)Denmark has a central registry detailing the addresses, gender and age of every resident in Denmark (the Central Person Register, CPR). For the European scale data was obtained from EUROSTAT 2000. (95)Watkiss, et al., 2005.


However, remote emission sources can also have significant – and

sometimes even greater impact – on human health and the environment

than local-scale emissions. Air pollution, including emissions from sea

transport and industry, can be transported in the atmosphere over

thousands of kilometres and harmful compounds, such as NOx, SO2 and

PM, can be produced by chemical reactions underway.

The EVA model allows us to focus on differentiated scenarios (or

“tags”) to estimate the external heath cost of emissions from specific

sources or sectors (SNAP categories) in specific regions within a given

year. The following scenarios developed using the EVA model seek to

answer two questions:

What is the present and future impact on human health and related

external costs in Europe and Denmark from ship traffic in the

Northern Hemisphere?

What is the present and future impact on human health and related

external costs in Europe and Denmark from ship traffic in the Bal-

tic Sea and the North Sea?

The scenarios (96

) take into account:

The region is where the emission sources are located, i.e. either

Denmark (DK), the whole Northern Hemispheric domain (All/all),

or the Baltic Sea and the North Sea (BaS-NoS).

The sectors are defined as 10 major SNAP categories of emis-

sions-producing sectors of human (anthropogenic) industry. See

(96) J. Brandt et al., 2011: Assessment of Health-Cost Externalities of Air Pollution at the National Level using the EVA Model System, CEEH Scientific Report No 3, Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series, March 2011, pp. 23.


table 2 (DK/1-DK/10). For this study, SNAP category 15 has been

added, which covers “ship traffic in the Northern Hemisphere”.

The EVA model generally includes “ship traffic in the Northern

Hemisphere” in SNAP category 8, i.e. “other mobile sources”. In

this study, SNAP category 8 is defined as “other mobile sources”

excluding “ship traffic in the Northern Hemisphere”). The catego-

ry (All/15)97

is relevant for the calculation of the external health

cost of all ship traffic in the Northern Hemisphere.

The emission year. The base emission year is 2000, which is also

the base year of many other studies (e.g. the CAFÉ(98

) studies)

and therefore makes it is easier to compare the results in this study

to that of other studies. Scenarios have also been developed for

2007, 2011 and 2020. These particular years are chosen in order to

study the impact of regulatory actions for sulphur emission reduc-

tion in the SECA areas. The European Commission has set a

number of emission reduction targets for 2020, including those de-

fined in the EU Thematic Strategy for Clean Air in Europe(99

) and

the NEC(100

) strategy. This study assumes that these emissions

ceilings will be implemented.

(97) The simulations for 2007 and 2011 are based on emissions in the EMEP database (Mareckova et al., 2008) covering Europe for 2007. Figures for 2020 are based on NEC-II emissions. (98) Clean Air for Europe (CAFÉ). The objectives of CAFE are: to develop, collect and validate scientific information on the effects of air pollution (including validation of emission inventories, air quality assessment, projections, cost-effectiveness studies and integrated assessment modelling); to support the correct implementation and review the effectiveness of existing legislation and to develop new proposals as and when necessary; to ensure that the requisite measures are taken at the relevant level, and to develop structural links with the relevant policy areas. (99)The Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution in 2005 identified a number of key measures to be taken and has defined a set of interim objectives for the improvement of human health and the environment to be met by 2020. (100) DIRECTIVE 2001/81/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 October 2001 on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants.


Table12. Shows the health effects and economic valuation applicable for

Danish/European conditions currently included in the EVA model system.

Source: Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series – Roskilde 2011

National Emission Ceilings (NEC), which was amended in 2009 to include all 27 member states, sets upper limits for each country for the total emissions in 2010 of the four pollutants responsible for acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone pollution (SO2, Nox, VOC and ammonia). Member states are to decide on the specific measures to meet the emission ceiling (to be met by 2010). The directive furthermore required member states to develop national programmes by 2002 and revise these in 2006, if needed. Furthermore, member states are to report their emission inventories to the EEA and the European Commission for monitoring. The revision of the NEC Directive was identified as one of the key measures.

Health effects (compounds)Exposure-response coefficient


Valutation, Euros


Chronic Bronchitis (PM) 8.2E-5 cases/µgm-3

(adults) 52,962 per case

= 8.4E-4 days/µgm-3 (adults)

-3.46E-5 days/µgm-3 (adults)

-2.47E-4 days/µgm-3 (adults>65)

-8.42E-5 days/µgm-3


Congestive heart failure (PM) 3.09E-5 cases/µgm-3

Congestive heart failure (CO) 5.64E-7 cases/µgm-3

Lung cancer (PM) 1.26E-5 cases/µgm-3

21,152 per case

Respiratory (PM) 3.46E-6 cases/µgm-3

Respiratory (SO2) 2.04E-6 cases/µgm-3

Cerebrovascular (PM) 8.42E-6 cases/µgm-3 10,047 per case

Bronchodilator use (PM) 1.29E-1 cases/µgm-3 23 per case

Cough (PM) 4.46E-1 days/µgm-3 59 per day

Lower respiratory symptoms (PM) 1.72E-1 days/µgm-3 16 per day

Bronchodilator use (PM) 2.72E-1 cases/µgm-3 23 per case

Cough (PM) 2.8E-1 days/µgm-3 59 per day

Lower respiratory symptoms (PM) 1.01E-1 days/µgm-3 16 per day

Lead (Pb) (<1 year)* 1.3 points/µgm-3 24,967 per point

Mercury (Hg) (fosters)* 0.33 points/µgm-3

24,967 per point

Acute mortality (SO2) 7.85E-6 cases/µgm-3

Acute mortality (O3) 3.27E-6*SOMO35 cases/µgm-3

Chronic mortality (PM) 1.138E-3 YOLL /µgm-3

(>30 years) 77,199 per YOLL

Infant mortality (PM) 6.68E-6 cases/µgm-3 (> 9 months) 3,167,832 per case

2,111,888 per case


Asthma children (7.6 % < 16 years)

Asthma adults (5.9 % > 15 years)

Loss of IQ


7,931 per case

Restricted activity days (PM) 131 per day

16,409 per case

Hospital admission


PM = Particulate Matter

YOLL = Years of Lost Lives

SOMO35 (Sum of Ozone Means Over 35ppb) = the sum of means over 35ppb for the

daily maximum 8-hour values of ozone.

Table Table 13 Definition of the specific scenarios (or “tags”) in the model. Each

scenario is defined by a region and a SNAP category (first column), an emission

year (second column), a short description of the emissions of interest in the scenario

(column 3)

Source: Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series – Roskilde 2011

The North Sea (NoS) and Baltic Sea (BaS) are part of the Sulphur Emission Control

Areas (SECA).

Region/SNAP Emission year Emission scenario (or the "tag")


2000 Int. ship traffic for the year 2000, (S=2,7%)*, whole model

domain (EMEP=2000)


2007 Int. ship traffic for the year 2007, (S=1,5%)*, whole model

domain (EMEP=2006)


2011 Int. ship traffic for the year 2011, (S=1,0%)*, whole model

domain (EMEP=2016)


2020 Int. ship traffic for the year 2020, (S=0,1%)*, whole model

domain (EMEP=NEC-II)

Region/SNAP Emission year Emission scenario (or the "tag")


2000 Int. ship traffic for the year 2000, (S=2,7%)*, whole model

domain (EMEP=2000)


2007 Int. ship traffic for the year 2007, (S=1,5%)*, whole model

domain (EMEP=2006)


2011 Int. ship traffic for the year 2011, (S=1,0%)*, whole model

domain (EMEP=2016)


2020 Int. ship traffic for the year 2020, (S=0,1%)*, whole model

domain (EMEP=NEC-II)




Ship traffic in the Northern Hemisphere (scenario All/15) constitutes a

major impact on human health.

Table 14. Shows the estimated mortalities in Europe

Source: Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series – Roskilde 2011

Table 14 shows the estimated mortalities in Europe(101

) to be 49,000 (in

2000), increasing to 53,400 (in 2020) based on chronic YOLL divided

by the factor 10.6 given in the CAFE report, Watkiss et al., 2005(102


Calculations of annual external costs in Europe from sea transport are

(101)According to Corbett and Fischbeck (1997), pollution from international ship traffic causes roughly 60,000 mortalities annually worldwide. (102)A similar study for the USA performed by the US-EPA estimates 21,000 premature deaths with a related external cost of $47-$110 bn in the year 2020 (US-EPS, 2009).

Health impact

Year 2000 2007 2011 2020

Chronic Bronchitis 1.89E+04 1.51E+04 1.31E+04 1.23E+04

Restricted Activity Days 1.94E+07 1.55E+07 1.34E+07 1.26E+07

Respiratory Hospital Admissions 1.16E+03 8.82E+02 7.46E+02 6.60E+02

Cerebrovascular Hospital Admissions 2.43E+03 1.94E+03 1.68E+03 1.58E+03

Congestive Heart Failure 1.25E+03 1.00E+03 8.67E+02 8.14E+02

Lung Cancer 2.90E+03 2.32E+03 2.00E+03 1.88E+03

Bronchodilator Use Children 5.65E+05 4.51E+05 3.90E+05 3.67E+05

Bronchodilator Use Adults 3.71E+06 2.96E+06 2.56E+06 2.41E+06

Cough Children 1.95E+06 1.56E+06 1.35E+06 1.27E+06

Cough Adults 3.82E+06 3.05E+06 2.64E+06 2.48E+06

Lower Respiratory Symptoms Children7.53E+05 6.01E+05 5.20E+05 4.89E+05

Lower Respiratory Symptoms Adults 1.38E+06 1.10E+06 9.51E+05 8.94E+05

Acute YOLL 5.55E+02 2.40E+02 1.43E+02 2.51E+02

Chronic YOLL 2.16E+05 1.72E+05 1.49E+05 1.40E+05

Infant mortality 2.13E+01 1.70E+01 1.47E+01 1.38E+01

Number of cases in Europe


estimated to increase from €58.4 billion (2000) to €64.1 billion(103


annually in 2020. The temporary deviation in the upward trend of

increased ship traffic and subsequent increased health costs (2007-2011)

is most probably due to the introduction in 2015 of the SECAs in the

North Sea and Baltic Sea, which sees the sulphur content in fuel reduced

from 2.7% (2000) to 0.1% (from 2015)(104


The annual external health costs in Denmark related to all shipping

(table 15) is expected to decrease from €805 million (2000) to €484


) in 2020. This decrease is most probably the result of the

introduction of the SECA area.

Table 15 . Total number of health cases in Denmark related to ship emissions in the

Baltic and North Sea

Source: Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series – Roskilde 2011

(103 ) J. Brandt et al., 2011: Assessment of Health-Cost Externalities of Air Pollution at the National Level using the EVA Model System, CEEH Scientific Report No 3, Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series, March 2011, pp. 98. (104)Ibid refers to the work previously quoted. (105)Ibid refers to the work previously quoted.

Health impact

Year 2000 2007 2011 2020

Chronic Bronchitis 5.56E+02 4.33E+02 3.85E+02 3.35E+02

Restricted Activity Days 5.56E+05 4.42E+05 3.93E+05 3.43E+05

Respiratory Hospital Admissions 3.49E+01 2.57E+01 2.20E+01 1.77E+01

Cerebrovascular Hospital Admissions 7.01E+01 5.45E+01 4.85E+01 4.22E+01

Congestive Heart Failure 3.82E+01 2.97E+01 2.65E+01 2.31E+01

Lung Cancer 8.52E+01 6.62E+01 5.89E+01 5.13E+01

Bronchodilator Use Children 1.51E+04 1.71E+04 1.05E+04 9.10E+03

Bronchodilator Use Adults 1.09E+05 8.46E+04 7.53E+04 6.56E+04

Cough Children 5.21E+04 4.06E+04 3.61E+04 3.15E+04

Cough Adults 1.12E+05 8.71E+04 7.75E+04 6.75E+04

Lower Respiratory Symptoms Children3.34E+04 3.07E+04 2.98E+04 3.01E+04

Lower Respiratory Symptoms Adults 4.04E+04 3.14E+04 2.80E+04 2.43E+04

Acute YOLL 2.14E+01 9.91E+00 5.41E+00 3.05E+00

Chronic YOLL 5.95E+03 4.62E+03 4.11E+03 3.58E+03

Infant mortality 6.99E-01 5.44E-01 4.84E-01 4.21E-01

Number of cases in Denmark


Table 15 Total number of health cases in Denmark related to the impact

of emissions from ship traffic in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea

(scenario: BaS-NoS/15) for the four respective years.

The introduction of a SECA in the Baltic Sea and North Sea will have a

significant impact on emissions and external health costs in the region,

especially considering that shipping in this region is relatively large

compared to other regions of the world(106

). This especially applies to

the Danish straits that connect the North Sea with the Baltic Sea (the

Sound and the Great Belt).

The total annual health-related external cost in Europe from ship traffic

in the Baltic Sea and North Sea is estimated at €22 billion (2000), which

is set to fall to €14.1 billion annually in 2020 – a total reduction of 35%.

The impact on health is shown on tables 13 and 14. The health-related

external costs for Denmark of ship traffic in the Baltic Sea and the North

Sea is estimated at €627 million annually (2000), which is set to fall to

€357 million annually in 2020 (a total reduction of 43%). This

significant reduction in external health costs is most probably due to the

introduction of the SECA in the region. Nevertheless, the external health

impact from ship traffic in the North Sea and Baltic Sea SECA will

remain significant, not least due to NOx emissions, which are not

targeted by the introduction of the SECA.

(106)Ibid refers to the work previously quoted.



The external health costs per kg(107

)for each chemical compound for all

international ship traffic (scenario All/15) and ship traffic in the North

Sea and Baltic Sea (scenario BaS-NoS/15) are listed in table 15. The

listed kg unit prices for each compound vary according to the year of

emission and the characteristics associated with each sector/ scenario

(i.e. the relationship between the geographical distribution of emission

sources and the geographical distribution of the population affected by

the emissions).

Table 16: Cost per kg emission (in unit €/kg –C, -S, -N, or –PM2.5) for the 10 major

individual SNAP categories for Denmark (DK/1-DK/10)

Source: Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series – Roskilde 2011

Table 16 shows the cost per kg emission (in unit €/kg –C, -S, -N, or –

PM2.5) for the 10 major individual SNAP categories for Denmark

(DK/1-DK/10), for all emissions in Denmark (DK/all), for ship traffic in

the Northern Hemisphere (All/15), for ship traffic in the Baltic Sea and

(107)The cost per kg is used by the Centre for Energy, Environment and Health (CEEH) in energy optimization models Balmorel.


code Emission year CO [C] SO2[S] Nox [N] PM2,5

All/15 2000 -0,006 26,7 28,5 22,1

All/15 2007 -0,005 23,6 28,0 18,9

All/15 2011 -0,005 22,5 28,2 18,2

All/15 2020 -0,009 20,9 28,6 17,0

BaS-NoS/15 2000 0,001 39,0 31,7 35,0

BaS-NoS/15 2007 0,001 37,1 34,9 35,0

BaS-NoS/15 2011 0,001 34,4 35,9 35,0

BaS-NoS/15 2020 0,000 23,1 45,0 35,3


the North Sea (BaSNoS/15), and for all emissions in the Northern

Hemisphere from whatever source (All/all). For the latter three

categories, the calculations were carried out for four different emission


To calculate the cost per kg emission specifically related to cruise

vessels in Copenhagen, I have used a conversion factor to convert the

unit cost per kg S and N into SO2 and NOx.

The conversion factor between S and SO2 is (32+2*16)/32 = 2.

The conversion factor between N and NOx is (14+2*16)/14 =


Table 17: Externality cost per kg emission – €/kg – scenario All/15

Source: Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series – Roskilde 2011

Table 17 shows Externality cost per €/kg scenario in the Northern

Hemisphere (All/15). The conversion factor between S and SO2 is

(32+2*16)/32 = 2. The conversion factor between N and NOx is

(14+2*16)/14 = 3.2857

Region/SNAP codeEmission per

year SO2 [S] NOx [N] PM2.5

All/15 2000 26,7 28,5 22,1

All/15 2007 23,6 28 18,9

All/15 2011 22,5 28,2 18,2

All/15 2020 20,9 28,6 17

Table 1 -Externality cost per kg emission - Euros/kg

Region/SNAP codeEmission per

year SO2 [SO2] NOx [NO2] PM2.5

All/15 2000 13,35 8,67 22,1

All/15 2007 11,8 8,52 18,9

All/15 2011 11,25 8,58 18,2

All/15 2020 10,45 8,70 17

Table 2 -Externality cost per kg emission - Euros/kg


Table 18: Externality cost per kg emission – €/kg – scenario BaS-NoS/15

Source: Centre for Energy, Environment and Health Report series – Roskilde 2011

Table 18 shows Externality cost per €/kg scenario in the Baltic Sea and

North Sea (BaS-NoS/15). The conversion factor between S and SO2 is

(32+2*16)/32 = 2. The conversion factor between N and NOx is

(14+2*16)/14 = 3.2857

Region/SNAP codeEmission per

year SO2 [S] NOx [N] PM2.5

BaS-NoS/15 2000 39 31,7 22,1

BaS-NoS/15 2007 37,1 34,9 18,9

BaS-NoS/15 2011 34,4 35,9 18,2

BaS-NoS/15 2020 23,1 45 17

Table 1 -Externality cost per kg emission - Euros/kg

Region/SNAP codeEmission per

year SO2 [SO2] NOx [NO2] PM2.5

BaS-NoS/15 2000 19,5 9,65 35

BaS-NoS/15 2007 18,55 10,62 35

BaS-NoS/15 2011 17,2 10,93 35

BaS-NoS/15 2020 11,55 13,70 35,3

Table 2 -Externality cost per kg emission - Euros/kg





The cruise industry currently accounts for 5% of global tourism.

Internationally, the number of cruise ships has increased by 30% since

2006 and over the next few years the fleet is expected to grow by 5-10%


Europe has seen some of the biggest increases, but South America and

Asia are also experiencing strong growth.


Copenhagen has established itself as the main cruise gateway to the

Baltic Sea and Norway. The city’s leading position is reflected in the

total number of visiting vessels and passengers. Copenhagen is a major

turnaround port, i.e. receiving calls to port where passengers either begin

or terminate their cruise in the city. The number of turnarounds in

Copenhagen rose to 173 in 2012, up from 142 in 2010.


Figure 17.Growth of cruise traffic and cruise passengers in Copenhagen

Source: Copenhagen Malmo Port. (CMS)

Figure 17 shows the growth of cruise traffic and cruise passengers in

Copenhagen. The decline in 2010 was due to the economic crisis in

2009, which affected the cruise industry worldwide.

Growth in percentages:

Total passenger growth from 2005-2012 was 96% (i.e. 16% per


The rise in cruise vessels calling to port between 2005-2012 was

33% (i.e. 5% per annum).

The forecasted annual growth in Copenhagen for the next three

years is 5-10%, which is in tune with the international trend(108


(108)G.P. Wild and BREA for Copenhagen Cruise Network , 2012.

264 282 280 289 301 334


368 375 362

428 458

509 560

675 662

820 840











2004 2005 2206 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Crusie ship



The cruise season in Copenhagen runs from early April to late October.

In recent years, the season has also resumed temporarily for Christmas

cruises in December. In 2012, 6 cruise ships arrived in December, up

from 2 in 2011. In 2011, volumes were highest in June, which saw 93

arrivals, followed by July with 90 and August with 87.On the most

intensive day, Copenhagen welcomed a total of 30,000 cruise passengers

from 156 different countries(109

) to Copenhagen.


Globally, cruise vessels have grown in size in recent years. The biggest

cruise vessels operate in the Caribbean and the smallest in Asia and

Oceania. Baltic cruise vessels average 60,000 gross register tons (grt)

and have an average capacity of 1,700 passengers corresponding to the

worldwide average (see Figure 18 and Figure 19). New cruise vessels for

the northern European market have a capacity for around 3,000

passengers. For the Baltic Sea, there may be a commercial interest in

vessels with a capacity of up to 4,000 passengers. And larger vessels

generally also have a growing thirst for energy, averaging around 3kWh

per passenger.

(109)Among these approx. 27% were from Germany, 17% from the US/Canada, 13% from the UK, 10% from Spain, and 10% from Italy.


Figure 18 shows the size distribution of cruise vessels worldwide per gross register


Source: Copenhagen Malmo Port. (CMS)

Figure 19 shows the size distribution of cruise vessels worldwide per passengers

Source: Copenhagen Malmo Port. (CMS)













30679 41089









ss r



r ro


Average Cruise ship size

Gross register ton









1034 1192


2822 2808









Average Cruise ship size



Figure 20: The projected increase in size of new cruise vessels Northern Europe.

Source: Copenhagen Malmö Port (CPM).

Figure 20 shows the projected increase in size of new cruise vessels

Northern Europe operated by Aida Cruise and TUI Cruises.

Figure 21 shows the size distribution of cruise vessels visiting Copenhagen in 2011

and 2012 (number of call).

Source: Copenhagen Malmö Port (CPM).










500 501 to1000


















13 17






s p




Number of passengers

Copenhagen 2011 and 2012

Number of calls


Figure 21 shows the size distribution of cruise vessels visiting

Copenhagen in 2011 and 2012 (passengers).

Figure 22 Total number of passengers in relation to specific ship sizes

Source: Copenhagen Malmö Port (CPM).

Figure 22 shows the total number of passengers in relation to specific

ship sizes (501-1,000 passengers, etc.) in cruise ships visiting












500 501 to1000













21000 29000























l si


Number of passengers

Copenhagen 2011 and 2012

Passenger total


Figure 23: The increase in power demand (kWh) in relation to passenger load.

Source: Copenhagen Malmö Port (CPM).

Figure 23 show the typical Baltic cruise vessels carries 1,700 passengers

and the biggest approx. 3,000 passengers. The average power demand

for the large vessels is 8,000kWh and peak load is 14,000kWh. The

power supply per passenger is 2.67-4.67kWh (with the average around



Geographically, Copenhagen is well positioned as the cruise holiday

gateway to Norway and the Baltic Sea. However, maintaining the city’s

market share also depends on economic and other competitive factors.

y ~ 3 kW per passenger








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000



r (k


Passenger number

Cruise vessels


Key competitive parameters:

Copenhagen is the largest cruise hub in the Baltic Sea (passengers

and traffic)

Copenhagen is the main turnaround port for cruise ships in the


Copenhagen Airport is Scandinavia’s largest hub. The airport has

been awarded by the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) as

“Europe’s Most Efficient Airport” for the last seven years out of

nine, most recently in 2012

As an indicator of competitive standing, Copenhagen has been

hailed as “Europe’s Leading Cruise Port” by travel industry

players at the World Travel Awards in 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011,

and 2012.

Satisfaction among passengers and crewmembers with

Copenhagen as a tourist destination in 2011 was 95%, whereas


) expressed that their experience had exceeded

expectation. The overall satisfaction score in Copenhagen is

higher than the European average on all parameters

Key parameters that could threaten competitiveness:

Capacity problems at the Port of Copenhagen (however, with the

new cruise pier this is unlikely)

(110)G.P. Wild and BREA for Copenhagen Cruise Network , 2012


A fall in Baltic cruise tourism due to price hikes as a result of new

environmental regulation that may impact the cost of fuel (SECA)

or that may impact the cost of port dues or other overheads

Competition from ports in other Baltic cities offering a

competitive price structure and/or better infrastructure

Competition from Baltic ports in cities that are top-of-mind among

international travellers.

A loss of status at Copenhagen Airport as the Scandinavian

region’s major hub (e.g. competition from Berlin may change

travel pattern in Scandinavia)

Figure 24 shows passenger growth per year in the five most popular destinations in

the Baltic Sea.

Source: Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP)


Figure 24 shows the growth in cruise passengers between the 5 major

destinations in the Baltic Sea (1999-2009). Copenhagen welcomed

840,000 cruise passengers in 2012.

Figure 25: The correlation whereby a visiting cruise vessel is likely to have visited

another specific city in the Baltic Sea.

Source: Copenhagen Malmö Port

Figure 25 shows the correlation whereby a visiting cruise vessel in

Copenhagen is likely to have visited another specific city in the Baltic

Sea. Those with the highest percentage are likely to be among

Copenhagen’s greatest competitors as cruise hub. However, 27% of all

cruise passengers(111

) starting their Baltic Cruise in Copenhagen in 2012

came from Germany. So German harbours area also potential


(111)Copenhagen Malmö Port Annual Report 2011






100 91 86 82 75

35 29 28 28 23

16 13 12 12 12 7 5 5 5






) th

e v










Other harbours visited, counted on cruise vessels visiting Copenhagen


Tourist revenues from the cruise industry in Copenhagen have been

estimated at €113,5 million in 2012(112

). Adding to this, the cruise

industry generated a turnover of €79,35 million at the Port of

Copenhagen for fuel, water, repair services and other supplies. The

cruise industry accounts for a total of 2,045 jobs in the city.


To maintain its leading competitive position and to accommodate the

growth in overall traffic and size of cruise vessels, the Port of

Copenhagen development company, By & Havn, has constructed a new

1,100-meter cruise ship pier in Nordhavn (called Oceankaj). The new

pier is located at a distance from existing urban environments, although a

new urban district is planned on 1 million m2 of reclaimed land by

Nordhavn, which will eventually be home to 50,000 people when fully

developed in 2040. The new pier will replace cruise port facilities at

Orientbassinet and Kronløbsbassinet. Cruise ships will continue to call

on the city’s old cruise ship pier, Langelinie.

(112)G.P. Wild & BREA, February 2012.



Noise reduction was the principal motivation for the relocation of cruise

port activities from Orientbassinet and Kronløbsbassinet to the new

cruise pier, Oceankaj, according to the Environmental Impact


). The docklands by Orientbassinet and Kronløbsbassinet

are currently under development as a mixed-use urban district.

According to the report, the risk of air emissions reaching limit levels at

the cruise pier was negligible for the foreseeable future due to its

exposed position in the sea (the Sound) where winds generally carry

emissions eastward and due to the fact that urban development in the

area around Oceankaj will not commence before 10-15 years time. The

pier is nonetheless prepared for cold-ironing as required by the

Copenhagen Climate Plan, KBH2025.

An environmental study(114

) was carried out in 2004 at all of the city’s

cruise ship piers at the time, Orientbassinet, Kronløbsbassinet and

Langelinie. The aim was to assess the contribution to air pollution by

cruise ships at berth in Copenhagen. The main focus was NO2, SO2 and

PM10. In general, ozone levels limit the amount of NOX that can be con-

verted to NO2, which in terms of limit values is the compound of inter-

est. Atmospheric dispersion calculations were conducted using the

OML-Multi 5.03 model based on emissions data, technical data from

(113)Udvidelse af Københavns Nordhavn og ny krydstogtterminal VVM-redegørelse og miljøvurdering, the Danish Coastal Authority and the Municipality of Copenhagen, May 2009 (114)Valuering af krydstogskibes bidrag til luftforurening, The Danish Environmental Agency, 2005.


vessels, meteorological data, receptor height, and background emission

concentrations, etc.

The report findings:

In relation to NO2, cruise ships only contributed 10 μg/m3 to the

background value of 88 μg/m3 in relation to “the 19

th hour”, i.e.

below the limit value of 200 μg/m3(


In relation to annual average, cruise ships contributed 0.8 μg/m3 to

the background NO2 pollution of 23 μg/m3, i.e. below limit value

of 40 μg/m3.

No other emission particles exceeded EU limit values.

70% of the NOx emissions were nonetheless concentrated at 2


The report also noted the comparatively low annual contribution

of NOx from cruise ships (140 tons) in relation to total emissions

from all ships in the harbour (600 tons), from international ship-

ping (67,000 tons), from all road traffic in Copenhagen (30,000

tons) and from a local power station, Amagerværket (2,500 tons).

If a similar environmental study were to be conducted today, what fac-

tors may have changed?

Factors that may have increased the share of airborne emissions from

cruise ships in relation to other sources:

(115)EU directive (99/30/EC) sets a limit for NO2 that is based on hourly concentrations. The hourly concentration of NO2 is allowed to exceed a limit of 200 μg/m3 no more than 18 times a year.


While cruise traffic has risen at the Port of Copenhagen, cargo

traffic has fallen. The number of calls to port (including the rising

cruise traffic) has consistently fallen(116

). See Table 18 and Figure


Since the 2005 survey (using 2004 data) was carried out, the num-

ber of cruise passengers and turnarounds has doubled. See Figure


The size of cruise ships has risen and emissions are also to a cer-

tain extent made at a different height, which may impact NOx lev-

els at certain berths at Langelinie.

The comparative contribution of NOx and PM from cruise vessels

and other sources in Copenhagen may also have changed, e.g. the

local power station, Amagerværket, emitted 2,500 tons of NOx in

2004 (as cited in the report), but in 2011 the NOx emission from

the power station was 141 tons(117

), i.e. equalling the NOx emis-

sions from cruise ships in 2004.

Factors that may have decreased or left unchanged the comparative im-

pact of emissions from cruise ships at berth in the Copenhagen harbour:

The new cruise pier is located in the open at some distance from

the city centre where meteorological conditions (exposure to

wind) will mean lower concentrations of emissions. The new pier

mainly handles turnarounds.

Although NOx emissions from road traffic in Copenhagen has

fallen in recent years, NO2 emissions have not fallen comparative- (116)Statistics Denmark (2011) (117)The 2011 Environmental Report, Dong Energy.



), which may mean that the background air pollution level

may not have improved considerably.

Factors that may influence the share of airborne emissions from cruise

ships in relation to other sources in the near future:

Emissions from cruise ships in general may decrease after 2015 as

the result of the SECA.

With the introduction of the SECA, the overall background emis-

sion level may decrease after 2015.

New cruise vessels constructed after 2016 (with Tier III engines)

will emit less NOx.

The above factors indicate that although limit values in today’s scenario

are unlikely to be exceeded by emissions from cruise ships in Copenha-

gen, the contribution to overall emissions compared to other sources of

air pollution has probably risen.

Table 19.All in calls to port in Copenhagen and gross tonnage handling.

Year Total calls to port

(incl. cruise ships)

Cargo (1000 grt)

2011 2566 5584

2010 2635 5142

2009 2814 5760

2008 3295 7223

2007 3948 7279

Source: Statistics Denmark, 2011

(118)Air Quality Assessment of Clean Air Zones in Copenhagen, Aarhus University 2012.


Figure 26. All in calls to port in Copenhagen and gross tonnage handling

Source: Statistics Denmark, 2011

Table 19 and figure 26 show that despite the rise in cruise ship traffic the

overall traffic figures and gross tonnage handling for the Port of

Copenhagen has fallen in recent years.

Figure 27. NO2 concentration at Langelinie cruise ship pier in Copenhagen in

relation to the limit value of the “19th hour” (2004).

Source: Valuering af krydstogskibes bidrag til luftforurening, The Danish Environmental

Agency, 2005.


Figure 27 shows NO2 concentration at Langelinie in Copenhagen in

relation to the limit value of the “19th hour”. It shows emissions from

cruise ships in relation to urban background pollution, which is assumed

constant. The values all range between 98 and 101 μg/m3 (the limit value

is 101 μg/m3).

Figure 28 Map of Nordhavn in the Port of Copenhagen.


Map references

1 Oceankaj: Copenhagen’s new 1,100-meter cruise ship pier, which is prepared for

cold-ironing. Opens for the season in 2013. Terminal buildings will be completed in


2 Langelinie: Copenhagen’s classic cruise ship pier. The pier is not prepared for


3 Ferry terminal: connections to Oslo and Swinoujscie. The terminal is not prepared

for cold-ironing.

4 Orientbassinet/Kronløbsbassinet: Until 2012 used as cruise pier.

5 Aarhusgadekvarteret: (phase 1 in orange and phase II in yellow). Currently under

development as a mixed-use urban district.

6 Future urban district developed on reclaimed land

7 Frihavnen: mixed-use urban dockland development





The total costs for on-board generation of electricity depends on the

design of the power supply system and the fuel used. Adding to this are

capital investment and maintenance costs that vary depending on the

type of engine. These are in turn dependant on running hours per year

and age of the engine. Specific fuel consumption for engines using MD

is assumed to be: 217g/kWh(119


Figure 29: Coefficient of Rotterdam sport market for 0.1% sulphur MGO and the

Bunkerworld Index November 2012 – January 2013.

Source: 2013-02-02

(119)European Commission Directorate General Environment Service Contract on Ship Emissions: Assignment, Abatement and Market-based Instruments; page 33; Final Report August 2005 ENTEC, UK.


Figure 30 Bunker fuel prices (US$/ton) in Rotterdam for a running 6-month period.

Source: 2013-02-02

Figure 30 shows the 5-monthly average bunker price in Rotterdam from

Oct 2012 to Feb 2013 for 1.00% sulphur and 0.1% sulphur MGO.

Assuming an energy consumption of a hoteling cruise vessel is


) then 2.17 tons of fuel is needed. Using the current five-

monthly average oil price ($US946=€708.123)(121

) then the cost of

generating 10MWh is €1,536.63. One average call to port of 10 hours

amounts approximately to: €15,3 million.

The total consumption of all cruise vessels calling on Copenhagen

during the summer (308 vessels in 2012) amounts to €4.7 million.

(120)P. Ericsson, I. Fazlagic (2008) (121 )Bunker fuel price (USD/ton) in Rotterdam for a running 4 month period. Source Source: 2013-02-02 .





The electricity rate per kWh excluding VAT to be paid by cruise

operators is about DKK 1.40 kWh= 0.188 €/kWh according to CMP(122


Assuming an energy consumption of 10MWh then the consumption

price per hour is €1,880.00. An average 10-hour stay would amount to


The total consumption of all cruise vessels calling on Copenhagen

during the summer (308 vessels in 2012) would amount to €5,790,400 if

they used shore power.


A very interesting scenario, however, is if Denmark, like Sweden(123


and Germany(124

), were to be granted an exemption from Council

Directive (2003/96/EC), Article 14(1)(c) to exempt vessels from paying

environmental tax on energy consumption as an incentive for cruise

(122)Dong Energy, Denmark’s largest energy supplier, list their industry tariff as €0,167 DKK 1.25 on average. (123)SEE NOTE COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 20 June 2011 authorising Sweden to apply a reduced rate of electricity tax to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port (‘shore-side electricity’) in accordance with Article 19 of Directive 2003/96/EC (2011/384/EU) (124)COM/2011/0302 final - NLE 2011/0133 / COUNCIL DECISION authorising Germany to apply a reduced rate of electricity tax to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port (&quot;shore-side electricity&quot;) in accordance with Article 19 of Directive 2003/96/EC Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION authorising Germany to apply a reduced rate of electricity tax to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port (&quot;shore-side electricity&quot;) in accordance with Article 19 of Directive 2003/96/EC.


operators to use shore power. In this case, the electricity price would be

just DKK 0,60kWh(125

)= 0,08 €/kWh. Assuming an energy consumption

of 10MWh then the consumption price per hour is €880.

The total electricity consumption of all cruise vessels calling on

Copenhagen during the summer (308 vessels in 2012) would amount to


Table20. Electricity cost €/kWh

Electricity cost – market rate (€/kWh)

Electricity cost – excluding environmental tax


AE-power (MGO 0,1%) (€/kWh)

0.188 0.08 0.1537

Table 20 shows the price per €/kWh of market rate and reduced rate

electricity provided by cold-ironing and the price per €/kWh of AE-

generated power. The reduced rate requires exemption from Council

Directive (2003/96/EC), Article 14(1)(c)(126



The aim of environmental taxes is to create an incentive for consumers

and companies to make sustainable choices. However, the environmental

taxes levied on shore power have the opposite effect – dissuading cruise

operators from using shore power in favour of AE-generated power.

However, based on the assumption that Denmark could achieve an

exemption from Council Directive (2003/96/EC) Article 14(1)(c) to

exempt vessels from paying environmental tax on electricity (as is the

(125)Source: CMP, 2012.


case with Sweden and Germany) there could be a business case for

introducing cold-ironing in Copenhagen. This scenario would offer an

economic incentive to use shore power, even with today’s bunker price

for 0.1% sulphur MGO.

Table 21. Coefficient of electricity rates

Table 21 shows the total saving per year using cold-ironing in relation to

AE-generated power, provided Denmark is given an exemption from

Council Directive (2003/96/EC) Article 14(1)(c) to exempt vessels from

paying environmental tax on electricity

With the difference in price between AE-generated electricity and shore

power, a cruise vessel with an energy demand of 10MWh staying an

average 10 hours in Copenhagen a total of 10 times during the May -

August season would save €73,700 annually, excluding the savings on

manpower and maintenance of the AE. With this annual saving, the

payback time for retrofitting a cruise vessel (an average of €0.75 million

per cruise vessel) would be 10-12 years with an annual interest rate of

4%. This does not indicate a very good return on invest for cruise

Electricity cost

€/kWh Time pier (h)

Energy need per

berth (kW)

Avarage call

per year

Total saving cost

per year, per

vessels using cold


AE-power (MGO 0,1%)

(€/kWh) 0,1537 10 10000 10 € 153.700

Electricity cost –


environmental tax


0,08 10 10000 10 € 80.000

€ 73.700Cost per year using cold iroing


operators. But if 2 major cruise ship ports in the Baltic Sea were to

introduce shore power, the payback time would be 5.1 years.

Table 22. Total annual saving and payback time of retrofitting a vessel with cold-

ironing capability

Table 22 shows the total annual saving in electricity supply and total

payback time of retrofitting a vessel with cold-ironing capability if the

number of major cruise destinations offering shore power were to


To establish cold-ironing in the Port of Copenhagen on purely market

terms, the capital investment in land-based shore power infrastructure

must be paid for by levying a fee on shore power users. Based on the

assumption of almost full capacity supply of electricity of all cruise

vessels visiting the Oceankaj pier in Copenhagen (30MW x 20 hours/day

x 150 days in the May-August high season), a service fee of 0.027

€/kWh would be required to co-finance the shore-side facilities of

€36,800,000 (Table 36 ) in 16 years with a 4% interest rate. Even if

Copenhagen were the only city in the Baltic Region to offer shore power

the project would still be economically feasible. The fee of approx..

€0.027kWh would mean that the electricity price paid by vessels using

shore power would total €0.107, which is still cheaper than AE-

generated power and enough to finance retrofitting although more time

would be needed for cruise operators to recover their investment. But the

Capital cost Total saving cost

per year per port

Total saving cost

per year per 2

Total saving cost per

year per 3port

Total saving cost

per year per 4 port

Total saving cost

per year per 5

Ship cost retrofit

per vessels € 750.000 € 73.700 € 147.400 € 221.100 € 294.800 € 368.500

N° of year for

pay back10,2 5,1 3,4 2,5 2,0


more Baltic destinations to offer shore power, the greater the savings for

cruise operators.

Table 23 Coefficient of electricity rates (including fee to port to co-finance shore-

side facility)

Table 24. Total payback time of retrofitting a vessel with cold-ironing capability (fee

for co-financing port shore-power facility included).

Table 24 shows the total annual saving in electricity supply and total

payback time of retrofitting a vessel with cold-ironing capability if the

number of major cruise destinations offering shore power were to


Advantages to pooling:

If several major Baltic Sea destinations were to offer shore power

then for each additional member of the pool the economic feasibil-

ity of offering shore power increases

Electricity cost

€/kWh Time pier (h)

Energy need per

berth (kW)

Avarage call

per year

Total saving cost

per year

AE-power (MGO 0,1%)

(€/kWh) 0,1537 10 10000 10 € 153.700

Electricity cost –


environmental tax


0,107 10 10000 10 € 107.000

€ 46.700Total saving cost per year using cold iroing

Capital cost Total saving cost

per year per port

Total saving cost

per year per 2


Total saving cost per

year per 3port

Total saving cost

per year per 4 port

Total saving cost

per year per 5


Ship cost retrofit

per vessels € 750.000 € 46.700 € 93.400 € 140.100 € 186.800 € 233.500

N° of year for

pay back16,1 8,0 5,4 4,0 3,2


It would be a win-win-win situation for the environment and the

competitive standing of the cruise industry in the Baltic Sea and

the ports involved

It would speed up retrofitting in general and encourage other re-

gions and cities to follow the example

It would offer greater stability in pricing in a time where opera-

tional costs for cruise operators are rising due to rise in fuel costs

This business scenario is tentative since it would require the shore power

facility to run at almost full capacity and for cruise operators to retrofit

their vessels from year one. This would not be possible without a

concerted effort to establish a pool of Baltic Sea destinations offering

shore power.

Business case requirements:

For shore power to be a feasible option for cruise operators, elec-

tricity prices need to be exempt from environmental taxes

For shore power to be a feasible option for cruise operators several

major destinations in the Baltic Sea need to join Copenhagen in

introducing shore power.





Table 25: Emissions (g/kWh) from AE electricity in relation to emissions from the

Nordic Energy Mix











AE using 0.1%

sulphur MGO

645 13.2 0.2 0,3

Nordic Energy



426 0.32 0.07 0,03

Source: Copenhagen and Malmö Port (CMP), 2012.

Table 25 shows emissions (g/kWh) from AE electricity in relation to

emissions from Nordic Energy Mix.


The total emissions from the 70 cruise vessels (with a total of 308 calls)

visiting the Port of Copenhagen in the summer season of 2012 (May-

October) were approx. 408 tons of NOx, 4 tons of PM and 9 tons of SO2.

(127)ENTEC, (2005a).


Table 26: Total reduction of emissions in percentages if 100% of vessels visiting

Copenhagen (May-August) in 2012 had used shore power.

Table 26 shows the total emissions reduction (in percentages) if 100% of

vessels visiting Copenhagen (May-August) in 2012 had used shore

power (based on emission factors of the Nordic Energy Mix) rather than

AE-generated power 0.1% sulpher MGO).

Table 27 Total reduction of emissions (in percentages) if 60% of vessels visiting

Copenhagen (May-August) in 2012 used shore power.

SO2 (t) NOX (t) PM (t) CO2 (t)

Energy demand


Emissions from AEs using (0.1% sulphur

MGO) 6 418 10 2043 31674

Emission from shore power using Nord

Energy Mix 2 10 1 13493 31674

Difference 4 408 9 6937

Percentage 65% 98% 90% 34%

Energy demand

(MWh/season)SO2 (t) NOX (t) PM (t) CO2 (t)

Vessels using AE 31674 6,3 418,1 9,5 20429,5

Energy demand

(MWh/season)SO2 (t) NOX (t) PM (t) CO2 (t)

Vessels with shore power 19004 1,3 6,1 0,6 8095,8

Vessels with AE engines 12669 2,5 167,2 3,8 8171,8

TOTAL 31674 3,9 173,3 4,4 16267,6

DIFFERENCE 2 245 5 4162

PERCENTAGE 39 59 54 20

60% vessels adapted to shore power (based on Nordic Energy Mix). All others use AE-

generated power (0.1 sulphur MGO)

No shore power: all vessels use AE-generated power (0.1 sulphur MGO)


Figure 31. Shows the total reduction of emissions (in percentages) if 60% of vessels

visiting Copenhagen (May-August) in 2012 had used shore power (based on

emission factors of the Nordic Energy Mix) rather than AE-generated power.


The external health cost of providing shore power to cruise vessels in

Copenhagen is an important factor in establishing the socio-economic

impact of hazardous emissions. The benefit to society of using shore

power is substantial: €4,805,847 annually. Naturally, if 60% of vessels

used shore power, the socio-economic impact is less.

Table 28 External annual health cost benefit with 0% and 100% of cruise vessels

using cold-ironing.








SO2 (t) NOX (t) PM (t) CO2 (t)


59% 54%


Emission saving using cold iroing

Emission saving %

SO2 NOX PM CO2 Total

Emission Cost using AE

(0.1% sulphur MGO) € 73.166 € 4.569.755 € 332.574 € 408.591 € 5.384.086

Emission cost using shore power

(Nordic Energy Mix) € 25.608 € 110.782 € 33.257 € 269.860 € 439.507

Difference € 47.558 € 4.458.973 € 299.316 € 138.731

Percentage 65 98 90 34

Total external saving cost using cold iroing (Including the CO)

€ 4.805.847

€ 4.944.578

Total external saving cost using cold iroing


Table 28 shows the annual external health cost in percentages,

comparing the cost of emissions in €/tons from AE-generated power

(1.0% sulphur MGO) and from shore power (using the values of the

Nordic Energy Mix). The assumption is that all vessels either use shore

power or AE-generated power. The total cost of €4,805,847 excludes the

cost of CO2 emission and the total cost of €4,944,578 includes the cost

of CO2 emission.

Table 29 External health costs with 60% of vessels using shore power

Table 29 shows the external health cost in percentages, comparing the

cost of emissions in €/tons from AE-generated power (0.1% sulphur

MGO) and from shore power (using the values of the Nordic Energy

Mix). The assumptions are that all vessels either use AE-generated

power or that 60% of vessels use shore power. The total cost of €

2,966,747 includes the cost of CO2 emission and the total cost of

€ 2,883,508 excludes the cost of CO2 emission.

Vessels SO2 NOX PM CO2 Energy demand


Vessels using AE power€ 73.166,25 4569754,7 € 332.573,85 € 408.590,73 31,674


Vessels using shore

power€ 15.365 € 66.469 € 19.954 € 161.916 19004

Vessels using AE power € 29.266 € 1.827.902 € 133.030 € 163.436 12669

TOTAL € 44.631 € 1.894.371 € 152.984 € 325.352 31,674

DIFFERENCE € 28.535 € 2.675.384 € 179.590 € 83.238

PERCENTAGE 48 96 85 1

Total external saving cost using cold iroing

Total external saving cost using cold iroing (Including the CO)

60% vessels adapted to shore power (based on Nordic Energy Mix). All others use AE-generated

power (0.1 sulphur MGO)

€ 2.883.508

€ 2.966.747

No Facility for shore power. All vessels use AE-generated power (0.1 sulphur MGO)


Figure 32: External health cost where 60% of cruise vessels use shore power


From a business perspective, cruise operators would choose to use AE-

generated power over market rate shore power since the difference in

rate is 0.0343 €/kWh in favour of AE power. But if cruise operators had

to pay the external health cost per kWh the price difference would be

0.13 €/kWh in favour of shore power at regular market rate in Denmark.

The difference in rate between AE power (including added external

health cost) and shore power at reduced rate (without environmental tax)

is 0.23 €/kWh.

Naturally, all thermal electricity supply involves external health cost.

The added external health cost of AE power in this calculation is the













External cost

AE engine

Shore power


difference between the external health cost of the Nordic Energy Mix

and AE-generated power.

Table 30. Electricity cost €/kWh

Electricity cost – market

rate (€/kWh)

Electricity cost – excluding

environmental tax


AE-power (MGO

0,1%) (€/kWh)

€ 0.188 € 0.08 € 0.1537

Table 31 Added external health cost of using AE-generated power (€/kWh) in

relation to market rate and reduced market rate shore power


(MGO 0,1%)




health cost




added external

health cost


Difference between

AE power and market

rate including added

external health cost


Difference between

AE power and

reduced market

rate including

added external

health cost


€ 0.15 € 0.16 € 0.31 € 0.13 € 0.23


A popular cruise holiday in the region is a cruise of the Norwegian

fiords, such as the 7-day itinerary in Figure 33. To calculate the total

external health cost per passenger related to the power generated at berth

by Auxiliary Engine at these destinations I assumed that the electricity

consumption of each passenger is 3kWh. The time spent in harbour

during the entire cruise trip is 36.5 hours (= 28% of total duration of the

cruise), averaging 4.6 hours per day. The external health cost per


passenger averages €0.5 per hour spent at harbour, or €2.30 per day. The

total external health cost for the entire cruise trip is €19 per passenger.

The total health cost of all 2,550 passengers (max capacity) on board the

MSC Musica is €47,480.00 per cruise holiday.

Note that like many Baltic Sea and North Sea cruises, turnaround is in

Copenhagen, which means the ship spends time hoteling in Copenhagen

in-between departures while passengers disembark and new passengers

board. This extra time is not included in the calculation.

Figure 33 The MSC Musica Norwegian fiord cruise itinerary (map)

Source: MSC Crociere –



Year Built: 2006

Last Refurbished: NA

Gross Tonnage: 92,400 tons

Passenger Capacity: 2,550

Crew Size: 987

Table 32 The MSC Musica Norwegian fiord cruise itinerary (timetable)

Source: MSC Crociere –

Table 33The MSC Musica Norwegian fiord cruise itinerary timetable showing time

spent in harbour and navigation (hours).

Day Data Port Arrival Departure Activity Time harbour Time navigation

1 10/08/2013 Copenhagen 0 18 Docked 0 6

2 11/08/2013 Kiel 8 16 Docked 8 16

3 12/08/2013 At Sea 0 0 ... 0 24

4 13/08/2013 Hellesylt/Geiranger 9 17,30 Docked 8,5 15,5

5 14/08/2013 Bergen 9 18 Docked 9 15

6 15/08/2013 Stavanger 7 13 Docked 6 18

7 16/08/2013 Oslo 13 18 Docked 5 19

8 17/08/2013 Copenhagen 10,30 0 Docked 10,5

36,5 124


Table 34 Total external health cost per passenger per stay in harbour based on an

energy consumption of 3kWh per passenger


The socio-economic impact of exhaust emissions from cruise ships in the

Port of Copenhagen is substantial. A scenario of 60% of vessels calling

on Copenhagen in the summer season (May-August) using shore power

rather than AE-generated power would offer an external health cost

benefit to society of €4,944,578.00 annually. The total capital cost of

establishing a shore power utility in Copenhagen providing electricity to

three berths simultaneously as described in Table 30 is €36.866.548.

From a socio-economic perspective, this capital cost would be recovered

by saved health costs in 10-15 years. See table 31.

The full capacity of the proposed shore power utility on Oceankaj may

support more than 60% of the visiting vessels in relation to total

electricity consumption. But to offer all cruise ships visiting Copenhagen

shore power would naturally mean greater costs and it would therefore

require more time for the cost-benefit to balance.

Emission coeffient - AE

engine MGO (0,1%


Emission factor

per 3kWh


Emission factor per

3kWh passsenger


health cost


health cost

g/kwh g/kWh Kg/kWh Euro/kg Euro

645 1935 1,935 € 0,02 € 0,04

13,2 39,6 0,0396 € 10,93 € 0,43

0,2 0,6 0,0006 € 11,93 € 0,01

0,3 0,9 0,0009 € 35,00 € 0,03

€ 2,30







Total external cost per passenger


Table 35: Externality cost per kg emission – €/kg – scenario BaS-NoS/15

Table36 – Cost estimate of cold-ironing infrastructure at Oceankaj

Table 37: Cost benefit analysis of 60% of vessels using shore power

Primary supply systems,

switches, and meter incl.

technical room

DKK 2 million 268.120

Light building for shore

power systemDKK 25 million 3.351.504

Cabling (cable chains) on the

quay including three 20 MW

cable reel towers

DKK 21 million 2.815.264

Connection fee to the utility

company for 60 MW incl.

primary plant

DKK 40 million 5.362.407

Contingencies DKK 27 million 3.619.625

Total DKK 275 million 36.866.548

System deliverance


DKK 160 million 21.449.628

Cost of shore power utility

Shore-side cost (3 berths)

SOx emissions


NOx emissions


PM emissions


CO2 emissions


€36,866,547.84 2,5 244,8 5,1 4161,9

Total reduction of emission per season - 60% of vessels using

cold ironing


Table 38: Cost benefit of 60% of cruise vessels using shore power in the Port of

Copenhagen (summer season 2012).

Table 36 shows the cost benefit of 60% of cruise vessels using shore

power in the Port of Copenhagen during the summer season (May-

August). The totals in green (€) include the benefits without CO2

emissions and the totals in orange (€) include the benefit of CO2


Figure 34– Estimate total external health cost benefit of 60% of vessels using cold-


The total external health cost of all cruise vessels using AE-generated

power visiting Copenhagen during the summer season of 2012 amounted

to €5,384,086. Over a 20-year period, the total socio-economic external

health cost of the cruise industry in Copenhagen is €107,681,711.

Emission 1st Year 5th Year 10th Year 15th Year 20th Year

SO2 € 28.535 € 142.674 € 285.348 € 428.023 € 570.697

NOx € 2.675.384 € 13.376.918 € 26.753.837 € 40.130.755 € 53.507.674

PM € 179.590 € 897.949 € 1.795.899 € 2.693.848 € 3.591.798

TOTAL € 2.883.508 € 14.417.542 € 28.835.084 € 43.252.626 € 57.670.168

CO2 € 83.238 € 416.192 € 832.385 € 1.248.577 € 1.664.770

TOTAL € 2.966.747 € 14.833.734 € 29.667.469 € 44.501.203 € 59.334.938








1st Year 5th Year 10th Year 15th Year 20th Year






Table 39: External health cost of 100% of cruise vessels using AE-generated power

during the summer season of 2012

Table 38 shows the external health cost of all cruise vessels using AE-

generated power during the summer season. The totals in green (€)

include the benefits without CO2 emissions and the totals in orange (€)

include the benefit of CO2 reductions.

Figure 35External health cost of 100% of cruise vessels using AE-generated power

during the summer season of 2012

Emission 1st Year 5th Year 10th Year 15th Year 20th Year

SO2 73166,25 € 365.831 € 731.662 € 1.097.494 € 1.463.325

NOx 4569754,74 € 22.848.774 € 45.697.547 € 68.546.321 € 91.395.095

PM 332573,85 € 1.662.869 € 3.325.739 € 4.988.608 € 6.651.477

TOTAL € 4.975.495 € 24.877.474 € 49.754.948 € 74.632.423 € 99.509.897

CO2 408590,73 € 2.042.954 € 4.085.907 € 6.128.861 € 8.171.815

TOTAL € 5.384.086 € 26.920.428 € 53.840.856 € 80.761.284 € 107.681.711

€ 0

€ 10.000.000

€ 20.000.000

€ 30.000.000

€ 40.000.000

€ 50.000.000

€ 60.000.000

€ 70.000.000

€ 80.000.000

€ 90.000.000

1st Year 5th Year 10th Year 15th Year 20th Year







Airborne emissions from international shipping represent a rising

challenge, causing serious socio-economic impact and requiring

international regulation. Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention (IMO)

and a number of EU directives, principally Council Directive

1999/32/EC, set the regulatory framework for the shipping industry as

well as member states to the treaties and the European Union in tackling

the issue of ship engine exhaust emissions. These regulatory measures

set minimum values and standards, requiring industry players and

authorities to take action, although at the same time limiting the options

given to individual states to set out their own regulatory measures and

adopt new unilateral controls. In 2015, the North Sea and Baltic Sea will

become a Sulphur Emissions Control Area (SECA) under the IMO,

which will result in the reduction of SO2 emissions from shipping. In

2016, the region is also expected to become a Nitrogen Oxide Emissions

Control Area (NECA) under the IMO, which will target NOx emissions

in the region, although the effect will be decidedly incremental since the

NECA regulatory measures deal with engine design. It would therefore

require a near total renewal of the commercial fleet in the region to

achieve the full potential benefit of NOx emissions reduction. With the

introduction of the SECA, shipping companies have been given the

option of reducing SO2 emissions, either by using marine fuels with a

maximum content of 0.1% sulphur, or by using abatement technologies.

As demonstrated in this thesis, many abatement technologies not only

reduce SO2 emissions with up to 80-90%, as an added benefit they also

reduce other harmful airborne emissions, including NOX and PM. The

overall level of reduction in NOx and PM emissions in the Baltic Sea and


North Sea in the coming years will therefore depend on the choice of

technologies and investment strategies that shipping companies make

within the framework of SECA and NECA requirements. In the coming

years, the main political focus in the region will no doubt shift to further

measures in maritime NOx and PM emission control.

Within the current framework of international law, individual states have

limited options to take unilateral measures to curb NOx emissions from

shipping. This thesis has studied some of the best-practice examples,

including the mandatory Norwegian NOx tax introduced in 2003, which

also applies to shipping, but is nonetheless limited by a number of

exceptions due to legal constraints within international law, which render

this taxation instrument limited both in scope and impact. The

differentiated harbour dues introduced in Sweden in 2002 have also

proved too limited an incentive for shipping companies to invest in

abatement technology to reduce emissions.

The core of this thesis has been focused on a study case that represents

an example of the range of challenges, legally and economically, that

individual states experience when seeking to adopt unilateral initiatives

to curb harmful exhaust emissions from shipping. The study case has

been the Port of Copenhagen, Denmark, where over the past decade the

considerable rise in cruise ship holidaymaking in the North Sea and

Baltic Sea has made the Danish capital the region’s leading cruise ship

hub (passenger growth was 96% from 2004-2012). An environmental

impact assessment of the cruise ship industry in Copenhagen was

conducted in 2005, which found the overall exhaust emissions levels

from cruise ships to be well below EU limit values. Since this

assessment was conducted, wide-reaching measures have been

undertaken by the city of Copenhagen, by the Danish state and by the


EU in general to curb air pollution from land-based sources, a process

that is ongoing. In 2009, the city of Copenhagen adopted an ambitious

climate plan, KBH2025, and in 2012 the Danish government adopted an

Energy Agreement that calls for the phasing out of fossil fuels and a shift

within all energy producing and energy consuming sectors to renewable

energy by 2050. There is, therefore, a considerable level of political

readiness in Denmark to reduce airborne emissions. And although

exhaust emissions from cruise ship hoteling in the Port of Copenhagen

may seem a minor issue in context with overall emissions from

terrestrial, shipping and air traffic in general, the relative contribution of

exhaust emissions from the growing cruise ship industry in relation to

other sources is most probably on the rise. To accommodate the growing

cruise ship traffic and to reduce the local environmental impact in urban

areas close to the harbour, the Copenhagen harbour development

company, By & Havn, has constructed a new cruise ship pier at some

distance from urban environments; a project that is prepared for the

introduction of cold-ironing, a technology that aims to offer a

considerable reduction in airborne exhaust emissions by allowing ships

at berth to use shore power rather than power generated by Auxiliary

Engine (AE).

To assess the external health cost of each individual compound of ship

exhaust emission in the Port of Copenhagen, I modified individual

standards in the applied External Valuation of Air Pollution Model

(EVA), an advanced model developed by the University of Aarhus. The

key advantage to this model, which tracks the impact pathway of

regional-scale air pollutant and chemical transportation, is that it can

account for the non-linear chemical transformations and feedback

mechanisms influencing air pollutants from a particular regional source


(in this case international shipping) within a given geographical region

(in this case the Baltic Sea and the North Sea) and within a given

timeframe (in this case May-August 2012). The model is based on local-

scale information from the Centre for Energy, Environment and Health,

CEEH. I furthermore modified the standard scenario of the EVA model

to focus on the specific harbour environment rather than the sea

environment (i.e. SNAP category BaS-NoS/15). In addition, I obtained

location-specific shipping data from 2012 from the Copenhagen Malmö

Port (CMP) and port authority on the basis of which I calculated the

average energy consumption of each vessel, etc.

Based on the compiled data I have calculated the total external health

cost of emissions from cruise ships at berth in Copenhagen within this

the summer season (May-August 2012) to be €5,384,086.

Although cold-ironing is a fully developed technology it has a very low

penetration in the North Sea and Baltic Sea where few vessels have cold-

ironing capability and no ports offer shore power to cruise ships.

Globally, cold-ironing is only used commercially for cruise ships where

regulatory mechanisms specifically require companies to use this

technology. The capital cost of the projected shore power infrastructure

for the city’s new cruise ship pier, Oceankaj, amounts to €36.866.548.

My calculations show that the annual benefit in emissions reduction

based on a scenario of 60% of visiting cruise ships using shore power

rather than AE-generated power (i.e. approx. the total capacity of the

proposed shore power utility) is €2,675,384 in reduced NOx emissions,

€28,535 in reduced SO2 emissions and €175,590 in reduced PM

emissions (within the given 5-month timeframe). The cost-benefit of

introducing cold ironing at the pier would therefore in a socio-economic


perspective be considerable. The external health costs would balance the

capital cost in harbour-side infrastructure in 10-15 years.

To give an illustrative example of the socio-economic impact of

emissions from cruise ships at berth I calculated the external health cost

per passenger of AE power during a visit to one port in a specific holiday

itinerary (the average stay is 4.6 hours) to be €2.30. The total external

health cost of AE power generated at port for a cruise ship of 2,550

passengers making 7 calls of port on a North Sea cruise amounts to

€47,480.00 (Note this does not include the external health cost of

navigation, manoeuvring or the added time for hoteling during

turnaround in Copenhagen).

Cruise operators make business choices on the basis of cost and this also

applies to electricity supply. The cost of AE power is 18% cheaper than

shore power at regular electricity rate. However, if you add the external

health cost, the cost of AE power is more than 100% higher than shore

power at regular electricity rates.

In this thesis I have identified two prerequisites under which introducing

cold-ironing technology could tentatively become economically feasible

for both CMP and the region’s cruise operators. The first prerequisite

relates to international law. For the project to be economically feasible,

Denmark needs to obtain an exemption from Community Directive

(2003/96/EC), Article 14(1)(c) to exempt vessels from paying local

Danish environmental tax on electricity supplied from the national grid.

Such exemptions have already been granted to Germany and Sweden.

Generally, environmental taxes are created to encourage consumers and

companies to make sustainable choices but in the case of shore power,

Danish environmental taxes on electricity do the opposite by failing to

offer shipping companies an incentive to use environmentally friendly


shore power. If Denmark were to be exempt from the directive, the

subsequent lower electricity rate would give cruise companies an

economic incentive to invest in retrofitting their vessels for cold-ironing.

The second prerequisite pertains to the necessary critical mass. For cold-

ironing to become economically feasible for both cruise operators and

ports, a business model should be developed that encourages leading

Baltic Sea cruise destinations to join Copenhagen to create a pool of port

operators in the region introducing cold-ironing as a benchmark

incentive-based technology to reduce NOx and other harmful emissions

in harbour environments. As already mentioned, in the Baltic region only

Sweden and Germany are exempt from Community Directive

(2003/96/EC), Article 14(1)(c). But if this directive were to be amended

to offer incentives for shipping companies to use shore power in a wider

European context then a new regulatory framework would be established

with which to encourage sustainable growth in the cruise industry in

general to the benefit of the environment, public health and the wider




My future research on the issue of cold-ironing will be focused on the

further development of cost-benefit analyses in the Port of Copenhagen

and other Baltic destinations that could potentially be involved in the

development of a business plan for cold-ironing pooling. Furthermore, I

my research will focus on multi-criteria analysis of the cost-benefit of

LNG as an alternative maritime fuel.



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Baseline Analysis 2000 to 2020. Service Contract for Carrying out Cost-

Benefit Analysis of Air Quality Related Issues, in particular in the clean

Air for Europe (CAFE) ProgrammeApril 2005.

WHO (2006a): WHO air quality guidelines for particulate matter, ozone,

nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Global update 2005: Summary of

risk assessment. Technical report, World Health Organisation, 2006.

Woodruff, T. J., L. A. Darrow, and J. D. Parker, (2008), Air pollution

and post neonatal infant mortality in the United States, 1999–2002.

Environmental Health Perspectives, 116:110–115, 2008.


Zoi Nikopoulou (2008), Reduction of NOx and SOx in an emission

market -a snapshot of prospects and benefits for ships in the northern

European SECA area, Department of shipping and marine technology

Division of propulsion and maritime environment CHALMERS


08:107 ,Goteborg, Sweden.


Appendix 1 Cruise ship vessels –summer season 2012 (May – August)

Cruise liner VesselsNumber

of visit


tonnage Loa (m) Pass do pme kW






cy (Hz)




quay (h)







of all call

Emerald Princess 11 112894 289 3100 69205 DE 11 143 1001 3782 41602

Caribbean Princess 1 112894 19 133 3592 3592

Costa Fortuna 14 102587 3470 81 568 3470 48580

Grand Princess 3 107517 3300 47 329 3300 9900

Celebrity Eclipse 5 121878 304 2852 67200 DE 11 80 560 3129 15645

Azura 2 113651 289 3092 571108 DE 11 19 133 3096 6192

MSC Poesia 17 92409 294 2550 58000 DE 10 166 1159 3013 51221

MSC Magnifica 12 95128 3013 115 805 3013 36156

Costa Deliziosa 1 92720 294 2260 65000 DE 11 9 63 2826 2826

Costa Luminosa 13 97720 294 220 64000 DE 11 143 1001 2826 36738

Mein Schiff 2 4 76998 264 1922 28250 DN 7 60 40 281 2681 10724

Jewel of the Seas 8 90090 293 2110 50000 GDE 11 60 150 1048 2501 20008

Brilliance of the Seas 5 90090 53 371 2501 12505

Norwegian Sun 14 78309 259 1976 49212 DE 10 60 143 1004 2450 34300

Celebrity Constellation 6 90228 294 2044 50000 GDE 11 60 54 378 2450 14700

Vision of the Seas 6 78340 279 1998 50400 DE 7 50 350 2435 14610

Arcadia 4 83521 285 2064 51840 DE 11 34 235 2388 9552

AidaBlu 11 69203 252 2050 36000 DE 11 73 511 2192 24112

Aidasol 11 69203 251 2050 36000 DE 11 102 714 2174 23914

MSC Lirica 4 59058 35 242 2069 8276

Empress 8 48563 2020 104 725 2020 16160

Queen Victoria 2 90049 294 2014 63360 DE 11 19 133 2014 4028

Eurodam 8 86273 285 2108 64000 DE 11 79 553 2014 16112

Queen Elizabeth 2 90901 23 158 2014 4028

Aurora 3 76152 270 1878 58800 DE 7 60 28 193 1950 5850

Oriana 3 69153 260 1088 39750 DM 7 60 28 194 1928 5784

Costa neoRomantica 12 57150 109 760 1782 21384

MSC Opera 2 59058 9 63 1756 3512

Grand Mistral 12 47275 216 1196 31688 DE 7 140 978 1700 20400

Ryndam 2 55819 219 1260 34560 DE 7 20 139 1613 3226

Rotterdam 2 61849 234 1404 57600 DE 7 20 140 1404 2808

Artania 2 44588 231 1192 29160 DM 7 60 16 112 1260 2520

Marina 4 66000 252 1252 42000 DE 7 60 54 378 1260 5040

Aidacara 11 38351 193 1180 21720 DM 1 60 100 700 1230 13530

Balmoral 2 34242 188 1052 21300 DM 0 60 20 140 1230 2460

Thomson Spirit 1 33930 15 105 1224 1224

Crystal Symphony 4 50200 238 960 38880 DE 7 39 270 1010 4040

Braemar 1 19089 164 816 132 DM 0 60 10 70 929 929

Marco Polo 2 22086 176 850 15445 DM 16 112 922 1844

Costa Voyager 1 24430 10 70 836 836

Prinsendam 2 37845 204 756 21120 DM 0 60 19 133 835 1670

Ocean Princess 2 77489 824 26 182 824 1648

Ocean Countess 1 17856 164 846 15444 DM 0 60 9 63 800 800

Seven Seas Voyager 4 41500 207 706 23760 DE 7 60 53 371 730 2920

Adonia 1 30277 9 63 710 710

Discovery 2 20216 169 472 13240 DM 0 60 22 151 698 1396

Azamara Journey 2 30227 21 147 694 1388

Nautica 4 30300 181 702 19440 DE 7 60 47 330 684 2736

Columbus 2 3 30277 35 245 684 2052

Astor 1 20606 177 570 15400 DM 11 77 650 650

Black Watch 2 28668 206 828 14000 DM 0 60 24 168 589 1178

Boudicca 1 28372 206 874 14000 DM 0 60 9 63 536 536

Delphin 2 16124 21 147 470 940

Seabourn Sojourn 7 32000 198 450 23040 DE 7 60 70 491 450 3150

Quest for Adventure 2 18627 19 133 446 892

Europa 2 28437 199 408 21590 DE 7 60 22 154 408 816

Athena 2 16144 160 500 19826 DM 0 60 16 112 390 780

Silver Whisper 5 28258 186 388 15600 DM 64 445 388 1940

Kristina Katarina 1 12907 380 0 380 380

Minerva 1 12500 6 43 350 350

Fram 1 11647 114 272 7920 DE 1 9 63 328 328

Wind Surf 2 14745 312 11 78 312 624

Silver Cloud 3 16927 116 38 266 296 888

Le Boreal 3 10944 142 268 6400 DE 1 27 189 264 792

Seabourn Pride 3 9975 133 208 7280 DM 0 60 30 210 208 624

Star Flyer 6 2280 180 78 546 180 1080

Le Diamant 1 8282 8 53 165 165


Geographic Explorer1 6471 112 162 4708 DM 0 50 11 80 154 154

Clipper Odyssey 1 5218 103 120 5192 DM 0 60 7 46 128 128

Clipper Adventurer 2 5218 101 128 3496 DM 0 50 22 154 122 244

Island Sky 2 4200 91 228 3560 DM 0 60 14 95 114 228

SHIPS VISITING COPENAGHEN 2012 - Summer season (May- August)


Appendix 2- Cruise ship vessels 2012.


06-04-2012 09:00 06-04-2012 18:00 Aidacara

13-04-2012 09:00 13-04-2012 18:00 Aidacara

20-04-2012 09:00 20-04-2012 18:00 Aidacara

22-04-2012 09:30 22-04-2012 19:00 Aidasol

26-04-2012 11:00 26-04-2012 18:00 Aidasol

27-04-2012 08:00 27-04-2012 18:00 MSC Lirica

27-04-2012 09:00 27-04-2012 18:00 Aidacara

30-04-2012 11:00 30-04-2012 18:00 Aidasol

01-05-2012 09:00 01-05-2012 18:00 Aidacara

04-05-2012 07:00 04-05-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

04-05-2012 09:00 04-05-2012 17:00 Aidacara

05-05-2012 10:30 05-05-2012 19:00 MSC Lirica

06-05-2012 07:55 06-05-2012 18:00 Mein Schiff 2

06-05-2012 08:00 06-05-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

06-05-2012 08:00 06-05-2012 18:00 Aurora

06-05-2012 12:00 06-05-2012 21:00 Fram

10-05-2012 11:00 10-05-2012 20:00 Aidasol

11-05-2012 09:00 11-05-2012 18:00 Aidacara

11-05-2012 09:00 11-05-2012 13:30 MSC Opera

12-05-2012 05:00 12-05-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

12-05-2012 07:30 12-05-2012 22:00 Empress

12-05-2012 08:00 12-05-2012 17:00 Queen Victoria

13-05-2012 07:00 13-05-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

13-05-2012 07:30 13-05-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

14-05-2012 08:00 14-05-2012 18:00 Le Boreal

14-05-2012 09:00 14-05-2012 17:00 Aidacara

14-05-2012 09:00 14-05-2012 21:30 Discovery

16-05-2012 08:00 16-05-2012 17:00 Costa Deliziosa

17-05-2012 08:00 17-05-2012 18:00 Grand Mistral

18-05-2012 10:00 18-05-2012 18:00 Aidacara

19-05-2012 08:00 19-05-2012 18:00 Mein Schiff 2

19-05-2012 09:30 19-05-2012 18:30 MSC Lirica

20-05-2012 08:00 20-05-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

21-05-2012 09:00 21-05-2012 17:00 Aidacara

21-05-2012 09:00 21-05-2012 13:30 MSC Opera

22-05-2012 07:00 22-05-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

22-05-2012 09:00 22-05-2012 18:00 Azura

23-05-2012 05:00 23-05-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

23-05-2012 08:00 23-05-2012 17:00 Eurodam

24-05-2012 08:00 24-05-2012 17:00 Quest for Adventure


24-05-2012 10:00 24-05-2012 17:00 Artania

24-05-2012 11:00 24-05-2012 20:00 Aidasol

25-05-2012 08:00 25-05-2012 17:00 Jewel of the Seas

25-05-2012 11:00 25-05-2012 19:00 Aidacara

26-05-2012 08:00 26-05-2012 22:00 Empress

26-05-2012 11:00 26-05-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

27-05-2012 08:00 27-05-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

27-05-2012 08:00 27-05-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

29-05-2012 07:00 29-05-2012 17:00 Jewel of the Seas

30-05-2012 07:00 30-05-2012 19:00 Silver Cloud

30-05-2012 08:00 30-05-2012 17:00 Celebrity Constellation

30-05-2012 08:00 30-05-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

30-05-2012 08:00 30-05-2012 18:00 Le Boreal

30-05-2012 09:00 30-05-2012 16:30 MSC Lirica

31-05-2012 07:00 31-05-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

31-05-2012 08:00 01-06-2012 18:00 Prinsendam

31-05-2012 09:00 31-05-2012 18:00 Adonia

01-06-2012 08:00 01-06-2012 18:00 Aidacara

02-06-2012 08:00 02-06-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

02-06-2012 08:00 02-06-2012 22:00 Star Flyer

02-06-2012 08:00 02-06-2012 18:00 Balmoral

02-06-2012 09:00 02-06-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

03-06-2012 05:00 03-06-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

03-06-2012 08:00 03-06-2012 18:00 Seabourn Sojourn

03-06-2012 08:00 03-06-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

03-06-2012 08:00 03-06-2012 17:00 Artania

03-06-2012 09:00 03-06-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

03-06-2012 11:00 03-06-2012 20:00 Aidasol

03-06-2012 12:40 03-06-2012 19:00 Minerva

04-06-2012 07:00 04-06-2012 00:19 Silver Whisper

04-06-2012 07:00 04-06-2012 16:30 Costa neoRomantica

04-06-2012 08:00 04-06-2012 17:00 Rotterdam

05-06-2012 08:00 05-06-2012 23:00 Aidacara

05-06-2012 09:00 06-06-2012 04:00 Grand Princess

05-06-2012 10:00 05-06-2012 23:00 Ocean Princess

06-06-2012 08:00 06-06-2012 20:00 Clipper Adventurer

06-06-2012 08:00 06-06-2012 18:00 Azura

06-06-2012 08:00 06-06-2012 23:59 Celebrity Eclipse

06-06-2012 08:00 06-06-2012 18:00 Mein Schiff 2

06-06-2012 09:30 06-06-2012 18:00 Arcadia

08-06-2012 08:00 09-06-2012 22:00 Nautica

08-06-2012 09:00 08-06-2012 18:00 Aidacara

08-06-2012 09:00 08-06-2012 15:00 Vision of the Seas


08-06-2012 09:00 08-06-2012 17:00 Marco Polo

09-06-2012 07:00 09-06-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

09-06-2012 08:00 09-06-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

09-06-2012 08:00 09-06-2012 22:00 Empress

09-06-2012 11:00 09-06-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

10-06-2012 07:00 10-06-2012 16:00 Jewel of the Seas

10-06-2012 08:00 10-06-2012 22:00 Star Flyer

10-06-2012 08:30 10-06-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

10-06-2012 09:00 10-06-2012 18:30 MSC Lirica

10-06-2012 09:00 10-06-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

11-06-2012 07:00 11-06-2012 17:00 Clipper Adventurer

11-06-2012 08:00 11-06-2012 17:00 Celebrity Constellation

11-06-2012 10:10 11-06-2012 20:00 Ryndam

12-06-2012 07:00 12-06-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

12-06-2012 09:00 13-06-2012 02:00 Azamara Journey

13-06-2012 08:00 13-06-2012 17:00 Oriana

13-06-2012 11:00 13-06-2012 20:00 Aidasol

14-06-2012 05:00 14-06-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

14-06-2012 07:00 14-06-2012 17:00 Eurodam

14-06-2012 08:00 14-06-2012 18:30 Delphin

14-06-2012 12:30 14-06-2012 20:00 Le Diamant

14-06-2012 15:30 14-06-2012 22:30 Le Boreal

15-06-2012 7:00:00 15-06-2012 17:00:00 Seabourn Sojourn

15-06-2012 08:00 15-06-2012 23:00 Thomson Spirit

15-06-2012 09:00 15-06-2012 15:00 Vision of the Seas

15-06-2012 09:00 15-06-2012 22:00 Queen Elizabeth

16-06-2012 07:00 16-06-2012 18:00 Grand Mistral

16-06-2012 08:00 16-06-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

16-06-2012 08:00 16-06-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

16-06-2012 08:00 16-06-2012 18:00 Star Flyer

17-06-2012 08:00 17-06-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

17-06-2012 08:30 17-06-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

17-06-2012 09:00 17-06-2012 17:00 Vision of the Seas

18-06-2012 07:00 18-06-2012 19:00 Silver Whisper

18-06-2012 07:00 18-06-2012 17:00 Costa Voyager

18-06-2012 07:00 18-06-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

18-06-2012 07:00 18-06-2012 18:00 Rotterdam

19-06-2012 08:00 19-06-2012 17:00 Crystal Symphony

19-06-2012 10:00 19-06-2012 23:59 Star Flyer

19-06-2012 11:00 19-06-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

20-06-2012 07:00 20-06-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

20-06-2012 08:00 20-06-2012 23:59 Celebrity Eclipse

21-06-2012 08:00 21-06-2012 21:00 Columbus 2


23-06-2012 07:00 23-06-2012 18:00 Silver Cloud

23-06-2012 07:00 23-06-2012 18:00 Grand Mistral

23-06-2012 08:00 23-06-2012 20:00 Empress

23-06-2012 08:00 23-06-2012 20:00 Europa

23-06-2012 08:00 23-06-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

23-06-2012 09:00 23-06-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

23-06-2012 09:30 23-06-2012 18:30 Oriana

23-06-2012 11:00 23-06-2012 20:00 Aidasol

24-06-2012 07:00 24-06-2012 17:00 Eurodam

24-06-2012 08:30 24-06-2012 20:00 Costa Fortuna

24-06-2012 09:00 24-06-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

25-06-2012 05:00 25-06-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

25-06-2012 07:00 25-06-2012 18:00 Seven Seas Voyager

26-06-2012 07:00 26-06-2012 17:00 Seabourn Pride

27-06-2012 07:00 27-06-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

28-06-2012 07:00 28-06-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

28-06-2012 08:00 28-06-2012 20:00 Nautica

29-06-2012 07:00 29-06-2012 17:00 Seabourn Sojourn

29-06-2012 11:00 29-06-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

30-06-2012 00:00 30-06-2012 21:00 Kristina Katarina

30-06-2012 07:00 30-06-2012 19:00 Grand Mistral

30-06-2012 07:45 30-06-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

30-06-2012 08:00 30-06-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

30-06-2012 13:00 30-06-2012 19:00 Athena

01-07-2012 08:00 01-07-2012 17:00 Discovery

01-07-2012 08:00 01-07-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

01-07-2012 08:30 01-07-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

02-07-2012 07:00 02-07-2012 19:00 Silver Whisper

02-07-2012 08:00 02-07-2012 22:00 Marina

03-07-2012 08:00 03-07-2012 18:00 Queen Victoria

03-07-2012 11:00 03-07-2012 20:00 Aidasol

04-07-2012 06:00 04-07-2012 17:00 Eurodam

04-07-2012 07:00 04-07-2012 16:00 Jewel of the Seas

04-07-2012 07:30 04-07-2012 17:00 Black Watch

04-07-2012 08:00 04-07-2012 23:59 Celebrity Eclipse

04-07-2012 09:00 05-07-2012 04:00 Caribbean Princess

04-07-2012 20:00 07-07-2012 23:59 Azamara Journey

05-07-2012 07:00 05-07-2012 16:00 Boudicca

05-07-2012 08:00 05-07-2012 13:00 Island Sky

05-07-2012 10:00 05-07-2012 23:00 Ocean Princess

06-07-2012 05:00 06-07-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

06-07-2012 07:00 06-07-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

06-07-2012 07:00 06-07-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun


06-07-2012 08:00 07-07-2012 17:00 Aurora

07-07-2012 07:00 07-07-2012 19:00 Grand Mistral

07-07-2012 08:00 09-07-2012 18:00 Crystal Symphony

07-07-2012 08:00 07-07-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

07-07-2012 08:00 07-07-2012 20:00 Empress

07-07-2012 09:00 07-07-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

08-07-2012 08:00 08-07-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

08-07-2012 08:00 08-07-2012 18:00 Mein Schiff 2

08-07-2012 08:00 08-07-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

09-07-2012 07:00 09-07-2012 18:00 Silver Whisper

09-07-2012 10:00 09-07-2012 20:00 Ryndam

09-07-2012 11:00 09-07-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

10-07-2012 07:00 10-07-2012 17:00 Seabourn Pride

10-07-2012 07:00 10-07-2012 22:00 Silver Cloud

10-07-2012 08:00 10-07-2012 17:00 Grand Princess

12-07-2012 05:30 12-07-2012 20:00 Seven Seas Voyager

13-07-2012 07:00 13-07-2012 17:00 Seabourn Sojourn

13-07-2012 11:00 13-07-2012 20:00 Aidasol

14-07-2012 06:00 14-07-2012 17:00 Eurodam

14-07-2012 07:00 14-07-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

14-07-2012 07:00 14-07-2012 20:00 Grand Mistral

14-07-2012 08:00 14-07-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

14-07-2012 08:45 14-07-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

15-07-2012 07:00 15-07-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

15-07-2012 08:15 15-07-2012 18:30 Costa Fortuna

15-07-2012 09:00 15-07-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

16-07-2012 07:00 16-07-2012 16:00 Jewel of the Seas

17-07-2012 05:00 17-07-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

17-07-2012 07:30 17-07-2012 17:00 Queen Elizabeth

17-07-2012 08:00 17-07-2012 17:00 Celebrity Constellation

19-07-2012 11:00 19-07-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

20-07-2012 09:00 20-07-2012 17:00 Arcadia

21-07-2012 05:00 21-07-2012 18:00 Grand Mistral

21-07-2012 07:45 21-07-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

21-07-2012 08:00 21-07-2012 20:00 Empress

21-07-2012 08:00 21-07-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

21-07-2012 13:00 22-07-2012 21:30 Island Sky

22-07-2012 07:00 22-07-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

22-07-2012 07:00 22-07-2012 22:00 Marina

22-07-2012 08:00 22-07-2012 18:30 Costa Fortuna

22-07-2012 08:00 22-07-2012 21:00 Columbus 2

22-07-2012 08:00 22-07-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

23-07-2012 11:00 23-07-2012 20:00 Aidasol


24-07-2012 05:45 24-07-2012 16:30 Eurodam

24-07-2012 07:00 24-07-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

27-07-2012 05:30 27-07-2012 12:00 Clipper Odyssey

27-07-2012 07:00 27-07-2012 17:00 Seabourn Sojourn

28-07-2012 04:30 28-07-2012 19:00 Grand Mistral

28-07-2012 05:00 28-07-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

28-07-2012 07:00 28-07-2012 16:00 Jewel of the Seas

28-07-2012 07:00 28-07-2012 17:00 Brilliance of the Seas

28-07-2012 08:00 28-07-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

28-07-2012 08:00 28-07-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

29-07-2012 05:30 29-07-2012 20:00 Seven Seas Voyager

29-07-2012 08:00 29-07-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

29-07-2012 08:00 29-07-2012 17:00 Celebrity Constellation

29-07-2012 08:00 29-07-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

29-07-2012 11:00 29-07-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

29-07-2012 14:00 30-07-2012 20:00 Wind Surf

30-07-2012 07:00 30-07-2012 18:00 Astor

30-07-2012 07:00 30-07-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

31-07-2012 08:00 31-07-2012 18:00 Balmoral

01-08-2012 08:00 01-08-2012 23:59 Celebrity Eclipse

02-08-2012 07:00 02-08-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

02-08-2012 08:00 03-08-2012 18:00 Crystal Symphony

02-08-2012 10:00 02-08-2012 20:00 Aidasol

04-08-2012 05:45 04-08-2012 17:00 Brilliance of the Seas

04-08-2012 07:00 04-08-2012 20:00 Empress

04-08-2012 07:45 04-08-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

04-08-2012 08:00 04-08-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

04-08-2012 08:30 04-08-2012 18:00 Grand Mistral

05-08-2012 07:30 05-08-2012 18:00 Costa Fortuna

05-08-2012 08:00 05-08-2012 17:00 Prinsendam

05-08-2012 08:00 05-08-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

06-08-2012 07:00 06-08-2012 17:00 Seabourn Sojourn

06-08-2012 09:00 06-08-2012 19:00 Athena

07-08-2012 07:00 07-08-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

07-08-2012 07:15 07-08-2012 17:00 Oriana

07-08-2012 09:30 07-08-2012 18:00 Aurora

07-08-2012 10:00 07-08-2012 22:00 Star Flyer

08-08-2012 05:00 08-08-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

08-08-2012 07:45 08-08-2012 17:00 Eurodam

08-08-2012 09:30 08-08-2012 17:30 Marco Polo

08-08-2012 11:00 08-08-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

09-08-2012 07:00 09-08-2012 16:00 Jewel of the Seas

09-08-2012 07:00 09-08-2012 17:00 Vision of the Seas


10-08-2012 08:00 10-08-2012 17:00 Celebrity Constellation

10-08-2012 08:00 10-08-2012 17:00 Nautica

11-08-2012 06:00 11-08-2012 17:00 Brilliance of the Seas

11-08-2012 07:00 11-08-2012 20:00 Grand Mistral

11-08-2012 07:00 11-08-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

11-08-2012 08:00 11-08-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

11-08-2012 08:00 11-08-2012 22:00 Marina

11-08-2012 09:00 11-08-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

12-08-2012 08:30 12-08-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

12-08-2012 09:00 12-08-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

12-08-2012 10:00 12-08-2012 20:00 Aidasol

14-08-2012 07:00 14-08-2012 18:00 Quest for Adventure

14-08-2012 08:00 14-08-2012 22:00 Star Flyer

15-08-2012 07:00 15-08-2012 20:00 Seven Seas Voyager

15-08-2012 07:00 15-08-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

15-08-2012 08:00 15-08-2012 17:00 Columbus 2

17-08-2012 09:00 17-08-2012 18:00 Ocean Countess

17-08-2012 13:00 17-08-2012 23:00 Braemar

18-08-2012 07:00 18-08-2012 17:00 Brilliance of the Seas

18-08-2012 08:00 18-08-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

18-08-2012 08:00 18-08-2012 20:00 Empress

18-08-2012 08:15 18-08-2012 18:00 Grand Mistral

18-08-2012 09:00 18-08-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

18-08-2012 10:20 18-08-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

19-08-2012 05:00 19-08-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

19-08-2012 08:30 19-08-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

19-08-2012 09:00 19-08-2012 17:00 Eurodam

19-08-2012 09:00 19-08-2012 17:00 Arcadia

20-08-2012 06:35 20-08-2012 18:00 Norwegian Sun

20-08-2012 06:50 20-08-2012 17:00 Seabourn Sojourn

21-08-2012 07:00 21-08-2012 16:00 Jewel of the Seas

21-08-2012 07:00 21-08-2012 17:00 Vision of the Seas

22-08-2012 08:00 22-08-2012 17:00 Celebrity Constellation

22-08-2012 10:00 22-08-2012 20:00 Aidasol

23-08-2012 07:00 23-08-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

23-08-2012 07:55 24-08-2012 13:00 Wind Surf

23-08-2012 08:25 23-08-2012 18:00 Crystal Symphony

24-08-2012 09:00 24-08-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

25-08-2012 06:15 25-08-2012 17:00 Brilliance of the Seas

25-08-2012 07:00 25-08-2012 18:00 Grand Mistral

25-08-2012 08:00 25-08-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

25-08-2012 08:00 25-08-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

26-08-2012 07:00 26-08-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia


26-08-2012 07:00 26-08-2012 17:00 Vision of the Seas

26-08-2012 08:00 26-08-2012 18:30 Delphin

26-08-2012 08:30 26-08-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

27-08-2012 07:00 27-08-2012 17:00 Seabourn Pride

27-08-2012 08:00 27-08-2012 18:00 Europa

27-08-2012 08:00 27-08-2012 17:00 Arcadia

28-08-2012 07:50 28-08-2012 20:00 Nautica

28-08-2012 09:00 29-08-2012 04:00 Grand Princess

28-08-2012 10:30 28-08-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

29-08-2012 05:00 29-08-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

29-08-2012 08:00 30-08-2012 00:05 Celebrity Eclipse

30-08-2012 05:00 30-08-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

30-08-2012 06:20 30-08-2012 18:00 Silver Whisper

30-08-2012 06:35 30-08-2012 18:00 National Geographic Explorer

30-08-2012 07:30 30-08-2012 22:00 Black Watch

30-08-2012 10:00 30-08-2012 18:00 Aidacara

31-08-2012 07:00 31-08-2012 18:00 Marina

31-08-2012 07:00 31-08-2012 16:00 Costa neoRomantica

01-09-2012 07:00 01-09-2012 17:00 Brilliance of the Seas

01-09-2012 08:00 01-09-2012 19:00 Costa Luminosa

01-09-2012 08:00 01-09-2012 20:00 Empress

01-09-2012 09:00 01-09-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

01-09-2012 09:00 01-09-2012 20:00 Deutschland

01-09-2012 10:00 01-09-2012 20:00 Aidasol

02-09-2012 07:30 02-09-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

02-09-2012 08:00 02-09-2012 17:00 Vision of the Seas

02-09-2012 08:00 02-09-2012 16:00 Seven Seas Voyager

02-09-2012 08:10 02-09-2012 19:00 Costa Fortuna

02-09-2012 12:15 02-09-2012 18:00 Astor

03-09-2012 10:00 03-09-2012 18:00 Aidacara

03-09-2012 10:00 03-09-2012 18:00 Celebrity Constellation

04-09-2012 08:00 04-09-2012 17:30 Oriana

04-09-2012 20:00 05-09-2012 18:00 Ocean Countess

05-09-2012 07:00 05-09-2012 18:00 Seabourn Sojourn

05-09-2012 08:00 05-09-2012 17:30 Hamburg

05-09-2012 09:30 05-09-2012 19:00 Aidasol

05-09-2012 13:30 05-09-2012 21:30 Discovery

06-09-2012 08:00 06-09-2012 18:00 Mein Schiff 2

06-09-2012 08:30 06-09-2012 17:00 Rotterdam

07-09-2012 07:00 07-09-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

07-09-2012 07:10 07-09-2012 17:00 Vision of the Seas

07-09-2012 07:35 07-09-2012 18:00 Aidasol

07-09-2012 08:00 07-09-2012 17:00 Nautica


07-09-2012 10:00 07-09-2012 18:00 Aidacara

07-09-2012 11:00 07-09-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

08-09-2012 07:00 08-09-2012 16:30 Brilliance of the Seas

08-09-2012 08:00 08-09-2012 18:00 Costa Luminosa

08-09-2012 08:00 08-09-2012 18:20 MSC Magnifica

09-09-2012 07:30 09-09-2012 18:00 MSC Poesia

10-09-2012 05:00 10-09-2012 18:00 Emerald Princess

13-09-2012 07:30 13-09-2012 13:30 Astor

14-09-2012 07:00 14-09-2012 17:00 Vision of the Seas

14-09-2012 09:00 14-09-2012 18:00 Aidacara

15-09-2012 06:30 15-09-2012 20:00 Empress

15-09-2012 06:45 15-09-2012 18:00 MSC Magnifica

15-09-2012 08:00 15-09-2012 19:30 Astor

16-09-2012 07:00 16-09-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

17-09-2012 10:35 17-09-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

21-09-2012 07:00 21-09-2012 18:30 National Geographic Explorer

21-09-2012 09:00 21-09-2012 18:00 Aidacara

21-09-2012 11:00 21-09-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

22-09-2012 07:30 22-09-2012 18:00 Black Watch

25-09-2012 08:00 25-09-2012 20:00 Nautica

25-09-2012 11:00 25-09-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

25-09-2012 12:30 25-09-2012 18:00 Marco Polo

28-09-2012 09:00 28-09-2012 18:00 Aidacara

29-09-2012 11:00 29-09-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

30-09-2012 07:00 30-09-2012 17:00 Norwegian Sun

01-10-2012 08:00 01-10-2012 18:00 AidaBlu

03-10-2012 07:00 03-10-2012 14:00 Braemar

05-10-2012 09:00 05-10-2012 18:00 Aidacara

08-10-2012 09:00 08-10-2012 17:00 Aidacara

10-10-2012 09:00 10-10-2012 16:00 Aidacara

15-11-2012 08:30 16-11-2012 15:00 Sorolla

25-11-2012 08:30 25-11-2012 18:00 Black Watch

08-12-2012 17:00 09-12-2012 17:00 Oriana

16-12-2012 10:00 16-12-2012 22:30 Queen Victoria

16-12-2012 12:30 16-12-2012 22:00 Amadea

17-12-2012 09:00 17-12-2012 18:00 Balmoral

26-12-2012 08:20 26-12-2012 23:59 Oceana


Appendix 3: The Norwegian NOX Fund

From 1.1.2011 the NOX Fund may grant according to the following

support rates:

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