air pollution and its effect on the structure

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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ROLL NO.#75111003




Definition:It is a broad term applied to all the

physical, chemical, and biological agents

that may modify the natural

characteristics of the atmosphere and the


Air Pollution

• Air pollution results from human

activities such as burning fossil fuels

(oil, coal, and gasoline) to create

electricity and power automobiles,

and manufacture industrial products

such as chemicals and plastic.

• The air Pollutants are particulates,

HC, CO2, CO, NO, NO2, SO3 -- source

may be industrial, autos, etc.

Air pollution

• The increased carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere contributes to the warming

of the global climate, the so-called

"greenhouse effect."

• The increased Chlorofluoro-carbons in

the atmosphere has been depleting

stratospheric ozone.

The Atmosphere

• Major gases:

• 78.08% nitrogen

• 20.95% oxygen

• 0.93% argon

• 0.03% carbon dioxide

• trace amounts of water vapor (close to surface) 0.01% by volume near poles to 5% near equator and many others hydrogen, neon, helium, krypton, ozone and methane

Types of air pollutants:

Primary air pollutant Secondary air pollutant

• Primary: those emitted directly into the

air; e.g. sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon

monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO),

nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

• Secondary: those that form as a result

of a chemical reaction of the primary

pollutant with a natural component of the

environment.; e.g. some ozone, sulfuric

and nitric acids.

air pollution

Acid rain

Outdoor air pollution

Black carbon pollution.

Greenhouse effect

Ozone depletionIndoor air pollution

•Particulate pollution.

Causes and effects

Ozone layer in Stratosphere effected


Ozone depletion

Black carbon pollution

Temperature inversion:

Acid rain:

Indoor air pollution

Out door pollution

Contamination by


The effects of air pollution

• reduces visual range and atmospheric clarity, less contrast, less visibility

• CO, carbon monoxide, 90% natural, 10% from incomplete combustion, cigarettes, combines with hemoglobin and reduces bloods ability to carry oxygen. 150,000-350,000 deaths/yr

• damage to vegetation, including leaves, needles, fruit, growth rate, reproduction, hardiness.

The effects of air pollution

• degradation of vertebrate health, aquatic life, with impacts on respiration, bones, teeth, reproduction; increase lake acidity, decline in NPP

•Long term effects:

•Chronic respiratory diseases.

• Lung cancer.

•Heart diseases.

•Damage to the brain,nerves,liver or kidneys.

The effects of air pollution

• degradation of soil and water, when air pollutants settle, toxic metals in soil, soils leached

• deterioration of man-made structures, break down car paint, roofing; acid rain chemically dissolves marble statues and other building materials

Effect of air pollution on the structure:

• World Wonder Taj Mahal is Turning Brown Due to

Air Pollution

• Effects of Air Pollution on Materials, Including

Historic and Cultural Heritage Monuments

Pollution turning Taj Mahal

yellow: Study

• India's white marvel, the Taj Mahal, is slowly turning brownish-yellow because of air pollution, says an Indo-US study which also identifies the pollutants responsible for the effect.

It says Taj is changing colour due to deposition of dust and carbon-containing particles emitted in the burning of fossil fuels, biomass and garbage. The study confirms what has been suspected for long — that Agra's poor air quality is impacting India's most celebrated monument.

Air pollution turning

Charminar black

• HYDERABAD: The 400-

year-old Charminar - the

most recognizable symbol

of Hyderabad -and other

ancient monuments within

the 300 metre heritage zone

in the area are turning black

due to pollution and their

plasters are peeling off due

to constant vibrations

caused by passing vehicles,

is the considered opinion of

conservation architects and


Statue Turning Black From

Polluted Air : Acid Corrosion

Mars Liberty's Renewal

• About $230 million is

being spent to

renovate the Statue of

Liberty in New York

harbor, but when the

famous symbol of

freedom has its

coming out party July

4, one sign of aging

will still be there.

Delhi is most polluted city in the world in

PM2.5 concentrations.

Half of the top 20 most polluted cities were in

India, according to data

How to control air


• Maintaining a healthy distance between the industrial and residential areas.

• The chimneys should be constructed tall in size so that the emissions must be released higher up in the environment

• The sulphur must be removed after burning.

• The gasoline must have anti knocking agents..

• The mining area should be planted with trees.

How to control air pollution?

• The coal fuel should be replaced with gas fuel to control the air pollution.

• The automobiles must be designed with emission control system.

• The wastes must be removed and recycled in the industrial plants and refineries.

• Plants like pine and ribes need to be planted to metabolize the nitrogen oxides and other pollutants.

How to control air


• Timely servicing of the car helps to keep it

in a good condition, and also minimizes fuel


• Using public transportation helps to

prevent the air pollution

• Using alternative energy sources like solar

energy, hydroelectric energy, and wind


How to control air pollution?

A Single Solution…..

• Go green.

• Reduce


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