aiaa northern ohio section council meeting kevin melcher chair, aiaa nos 2013.04.16

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AIAA Northern Ohio SectionCouncil Meeting

Kevin Melcher Chair, AIAA NOS2013.04.16

American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013


• Approvals Approve minutes from

3/26/2013 Council Meeting

•Discussion Revision to Bylaws 2013-2014 Council


• Accomplishments/Plans Treasurer’s Report Baseball Outing - Cornell Dist. Lecture/Dinner

Meetings – Gilland Communications – Wong 50th Anniversary – Csank Public Policy – Abbott Pre-University – Henson


American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

Revision to Bylaws – Decisions for Council (1/4)

Issue• The term “officer” is not

applied consistently in the NOS Bylaws and the AIAA Officers Manual. • In the AIAA Officers Manual,

several NOS “Titled Council Positions” are described as officers.

Recommendation• Recommend that we follow

existing bylaws which identify the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, and Past Chair as Section Officers.


Article 4

American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

Article 6

Revision to Bylaws – Decisions for Council (2/4)

Current Bylaws• State that council members

shall be elected annually.

Issue• Is this necessary, or is it

sufficient to elect officers and allow the Section Chair and/or Officers to appoint council members as required?

Recommendation• Recommend that officers be

elected annually• Recommend that other voting

council members be elected by the officers.• Council meetings be open to

all section members.


American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

Revision to Bylaws – Decisions for Council (3/4)

Current Bylaws“The council shall consist of not

less than four (including the officers) nor more than twelve elected members.”

Issues• Not all Council members may

be elected.• How many members should

council consist of?

Recommendation• Change “elected members” to

“voting members”• Pencil: The advantage of

limiting Council to 12 is that only 6 are necessary for a quorum (Art. 7, Sec. 7).


Article 5

American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

Revision to Bylaws – Decisions for Council (4/4)

Current Bylaws• Sec. 1 imposes a minimum on

the number of meetings NOS is required to hold each year –currently three (3).

Issue• AIAA Bylaws template

specifies four (4) meetings. • Which do we prefer?

Comment• Three dinner meetings and

the awards picnic meet this critera. Opening council meetings to the section members also meet the higher requirement

Recommendation• Change minimum number of

meeting to four (4) to match AIAA Bylaws. 6

Article 7

American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013


• Approvals Approve minutes from

3/26/2013 Council Meeting

•Discussion Revision to Bylaws 2013-2014 Council


• Accomplishments/Plans Treasurer’s Report Baseball Outing - Cornell Dist. Lecture/Dinner

Meetings – Gilland Communications – Wong 50th Anniversary – Csank Public Policy – Abbott Pre-University – Henson


American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

2013-2014 Council Positions – Interest-to-Date

2013-2014Council Position 2012-2013 Status Alt. Positions/CandidatesChair Melcher ContinueVice-Chair Gilland ContinueSecretary Litt ContinueTreasurer Cornell Continue Pastor interested in assistingPrior Year Chair Williams Vacate Fill with other past chair?Communications Wong ContinueHonors & Awards Pestak VacateIndustry Liaison Salay VacateMembership Swetky TBDPublic Policy Abbott ContinueTechnical Juhasz Continue Council-at-largeK-12 STEM Henson Vacate Pastor, Csank interestedUniversity Ibrahim VacateYoung Astronauts Day Kleinhenz Continue Could also take on STEM K-12Young Professionals Pastor-Barsi Vacate STEM K-12 or Assit. TreasurerCouncil-at-large Cash Vacate Still willing to be NOS resource Council-at-large Palaszewski Continue


American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

2013-2014 Council Positions – Plan for filling vacancies

• Chair to form committee to fill vacancies Includes officers Any other council members interested?

• Committee meets within two weeks Develop plan to fill vacancies Make assignments to identify/contact potential candidates for vacancies

• Committee presents proposed council members to current Council for approval during May meeting.

• 2013-2014 Council introduced during June 27 Awards Picnic


American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013


• Approvals Approve minutes from

3/26/2013 Council Meeting

•Discussion Revision to Bylaws 2013-2014 Council


• Accomplishments/Plans Treasurer’s Report Baseball Outing - Cornell Dist. Lecture/Dinner

Meetings – Gilland Communications – Wong 50th Anniversary – Csank Public Policy – Abbott Pre-University – Henson


American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

Treasurer’s Report (1/3)

Pending Expense Activity (through 3/5/13):

Pending Income/Expense Activity (through 4/12/13)Date Amount Budget Category Note

4/11/2013 ($ 705.00)Lunch/Dinner Programs

Check to Silver Service Catering, 4/11 Dinner Meeting

4/12/2013 $ 650.00 Deposit from cash & checks received from attendees of 4/11 Dinner Meeting

American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

Treasurer’s Report (2/3)

CategoryApproved Budget

2012-2013 2012-2013 Actual Costs

as of 4/12/13Remaining Budget

2012-2013Percent Spent

$4,058.38 $2,308.59 $1,749.79 56%Administrative $1,162.33 $892.31 $270.02 77%

Awards (ABS) $350.00 $0.00 $350.00 0%

Communication $137.00 $0.00 $137.00 0%

Lunch & Dinner Programs $860.00 $197.00 $663.00 17%

Industry $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Membership $649.05 $61.05 $588.00 9%

Pre-University $ (400.00) $340.35 $(740.35) -85%

Public Policy $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0%

Secretary $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Technical $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

University $500.00 $817.88 $ (317.88) 164%

Young Professionals $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 0%

American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013

Treasurer’s Report (3/3)

• Akron E-Week 2013 Confusion over AIAA participation How to move forward?


American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013


• Approvals Approve minutes from

3/26/2013 Council Meeting

•Discussion Revision to Bylaws 2013-2014 Council


• Accomplishments/Plans Treasurer’s Report Baseball Outing - Cornell Dist. Lecture/Dinner

Meetings – Gilland Communications – Wong 50th Anniversary – Csank Public Policy – Abbott Pre-University – Henson


American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNorthern Ohio Section Council, 4/16/2013


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