ahas 09 tx yearbook - - american heroes air sho · event yearbook aircraft presentation austin...

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A Texas-sized “Thank You” to our Austin Event Team & sponsors who supported the American Heroes Air Show, part of the annual admission-free Texas Military Forces Open House at Camp Mabry in the heart of Austin, Texas.

Maj. Gen. John F. Nichols Texas Adjutant General

LTC John L. Davis Texas Military Forces - Camp Mabry Liaison

Wut “Tank” Tantaksinanukij Austin PD Kurt Rothert Austin PD Brian Johnson Volunteer, Event Advisor

James Paules Volunteer, Event Producer

The American Heroes Air Show is produced in communities across the

nation by volunteers with a passion for aviation, public safety and community


American Heroes Aviation Network, Inc.American Heroes Aviation Network, Inc.American Heroes Aviation Network, Inc.

Join us next year in Texas

Camp Mabry April 18 & 19, 2015

www.Heroes—Airshow .Com

2 0 1 4 A M E R I C A N H E R O E S

A I R S H O W At the


Event Year Book

United States Senator John Cornyn United States Senator John Cornyn United States Senator John Cornyn welcomes the citizenship welcomes the citizenship welcomes the citizenship candidates during the Naturalization Ceremony held at the Texas candidates during the Naturalization Ceremony held at the Texas candidates during the Naturalization Ceremony held at the Texas

Military Forces Open House / American Heroes Air Show on Military Forces Open House / American Heroes Air Show on Military Forces Open House / American Heroes Air Show on Saturday, April 26th Saturday, April 26th Saturday, April 26th

w w w . H e r o e s —A i r sh o w . C o m TX 2014 PG 2

Austin, Texas 2014 TXMF Open House & American Heroes Air Show

Event Yearbook Welcome & Event Opening

"On behalf of the more than 25,000 members of the Texas Mili-tary Forces, thank you for visiting with us at Camp Mabry dur-

ing our Open House weekend. This annual event allows us to strengthen our community partnerships, to honor past sacri-

fices and build capability for the future. It was also an opportunity to recognize those who selflessly serve in our

communities, state and nation." Texas Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. John. F. Nichols

Above, Texas Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. John F. Nichols welcomes the community during the Opening Ceremonies at historic Camp Mabry in the heart of Austin, Texas.

Right, Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell is seated prior to the Opening Ceremony with Mr. Rich-ard Overton ( right ) 108 year old Austin native and the oldest living WW II veteran.

Right , Austin Po-

lice Chief Art

Acevedo welcomes

the community

during Saturday’s

Opening Ceremony

w w w . H e r o e s —A I r sh o w . C o m TX 2014 PG 3

The American Heroes Aviation Network is proud to be an Affiliate member of HAI and participate in a mission to educate the community as to the value of helicopters’ service.

Austin, Texas 2014 TXMF Open House & American Heroes Air Show

Event Yearbook Aircraft Presentation

Austin PD—Air Operations on short final ap-proach to Camp Mabry

See more video of this rescue demo from TXMF + pix at: Facebook .com /Amer i canHeroesA i rShows

All photos on this page courtesy of Jose Fernandez

Above, the crew from Austin / Travis CO. STARFlight arrives at Camp Mabry in their Bell UH-1H “Huey” equipped for fire suppression work.

Austin PD—Air Operations EC-135 arrives at the American Heroes Air Show—Camp Mabry

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Austin, Texas 2014 TXMF Open House & American Heroes Air Show

Event Yearbook American Veterans Traveling Tribute

The AVTT team has been a

key part of our Texas event

for many years. AVTT

tours the nation with their

80% scale replica of the

Vietnam Memorial Wall to

remind communities the

true cost of Freedom. The

AVTT’s “Gold Dog Tags”

presentation delivers an

emotionally graphic view of

the cost of fighting the

global war on terror.

Contact Leah@AVTT.org to find out how you can schedule the Cost of Free-dom Tribute into your community

w w w . A V T T . o r g

Napalm MotorSports provides key financial and escort support to bring the AVTT team to Camp Mabry /

American Heroes Air Show

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Austin, Texas 2014 TXMF Open House & American Heroes Air Show Event Yearbook USCIS Naturalization Ceremony

For the fifth year it is our privi-lege to team up with the U.S.

Citizenship and Immigration Services—San Antonio FO to

host a special Naturalization Ceremony in front of the AVTT

replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall. Twenty two candi-dates—many active duty U.S.

Navy— from 12 different coun-tries of origin spent their first

day as U.S. Citizens at the American Heroes Air Show ...

Below from left: Ms. Ariel Herrera, Evan Herrera and Ms. Payton Keller after the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Evan and Ms. Herrera and Keller concluded the Naturalization Ceremony with the National Anthem.

Local Austin news interviews a new U.S. Citizen at Camp Mabry

Above from left, Hon. Mark Lane, U.S. Magistrate Judge; Mark Cornyn, U.S. Senator—Texas; Joel A. Roos, Capt. U.S. Navy; Mike Martinez, Austin City Councilmember; Art Acevedo, Austin Police Chief; Don Allen, CEO—American Veterans’ Traveling Tribute and Eric Holman, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services—San Antonio

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Austin, Texas 2014 TXMF Open House & American Heroes Air Show Event Yearbook Missing in America Project / MIAP 2014 was our very first year to wel-come the Missing In America Project

to Camp Mabry. MIAP is a national non-profit whose mission is to

locate, identify and recover the aban-doned, cremated remains of U.S.

military Veterans and host a memorial service and appropriate internment for these American


w w w . M I A P . u s

It was an emotional scene as members of the Texas Military Forces stood at attention and rendered honors as the cremated remains of U.S. Veterans entered Camp Mabry.

Our thanks to Fred Salanti, MIAP Executive Director;

Linda Smith, National VP and Chap-lain Warren Wurzburger, Texas

Director and the entire MIAP team. Photos courtesy of Wut Tantaksinanukij

The beautiful hearse was provided by Steven Bradley with Greater Texas Livery


ww w . H e r o e s —A i r sh o w . C o m TX 2014 PG 7

The CODE3 Career Expo element of the American Heroes Air Show offers

free presentation space to public recruiting teams to educate the commu-

nity about careers in law enforcement, aviation, public safety, homeland

security and the military.

Austin, Texas 2014 TXMF Open House & American Heroes Air Show

Event Yearbook CODE3 Career Expo

Land at our Facebook page for more pix + videos ! Facebook.com/AmericanHeroesAirShows

The Austin P.D. Recruiting provides a demo with the K-9 team while Austin F.D. is on-scene with career info

w w w . H e r o e s — A i r s h o w .c o m TX 2014 PG 8

It was a full weekend of

American Heroes as enthu-siastic re-enactors staged

mock maneuvers from well-known military campaigns.

Complete with era accurate uniforms, vehicles and

weapons, these folks showed the guests what

American Heroes looked like 60 years ago.

Austin, Texas 2014 TXMF Open House & American Heroes Air Show

Event Yearbook Battle Re-enactments & Demonstrations

Jeff Hunt, Director

of the Texas Military

Forces Museum,

welcomes guests

and provides back-

ground and context

for the re-created

battles the guests

are about to be a

part of …

Te x a s M i l i t a r y Fo r c e s M u s e u m . o r g

Re-enactors render honors during the Missing In America Memorial Service Sunday morning at Camp Mabry.

w w w . H e r o e s —A I r sh o w . C o m 2014 TX PG 9

Austin, Texas 2014 TXMF OPEN HOUSE & American Heroes Air Show

Event Yearbook The HEROES Air Show Team

From left: TX Military Forces Adjutant General Maj. Gen. John F. Nichols; James Paules, Ashlee Earley, Texas State Representative Jose Menendez, Linda Smith and Chaplain Warren Wurzburger with the Missing In America Project.

Napalm Motorcycles rides in as one of our key legacy sponsors.

w w w . N a p a l m M o t o r S p o r t s . c o m

Left; Wut


nukij and Ms.

Laura Lopez,

Camp Mabry

PIO, take a

break during

the flight


Above, Founder and CEO of the Ameri-can Veterans’ Traveling Tribute, Don Allen [ seated ] with Brian Johnson during the Naturalization Ceremonies w w w .A V T T . o r g

Our thanks also to

LTC John L .

Davis and

Colonel David W.

Madden for their

outstanding work

on this admission-

free event.

Our sincere appreciation to Titus Runyan & the entire Napalm MotorSports team for their financial support again this year.

K e y 2 0 1 4 e v e n t t e a m i n c l u d e s [ L t o R ] C o r p o r a l W u t T a n t a k s i n a n u k i j , A u s t i n P D , . J a m e s P a u l e s , A m e r i c a n H e r o e s A v i a t i o n N e t w o r k ; L t . K u r t R o t h e r t , A u s t i n P D , B r i a n J o h n s o n

a n d S P O D e n n i s F a r r i s , A u s t i n P D .

w w w . H e r o e s — A I r sh o w . C o m TX 2014 PG 10

Austin, Texas 2014 American Heroes Air Show

Event Yearbook Final Notes

The American Heroes Air Show is the nation’s premier admission – free, helicopter-only aviation experi-ence produced by volunteers from coast-to-coast with a passion for aviation and public service. The American Heroes Air Show is produced by the Ameri-can Heroes Aviation Network Inc. A 501 c.3 non profit organization. Tax ID 38-3753041

The American Heroes Air Show event promise: Safety for guests, participants and volunteers will be first priority The American Heroes Air Show is admission free at all event sites. The Heroes Air Show will not be associated with organizations that

produce / distribute alcohol or tobacco products.

Across the country many of our fans with cameras and video equipment post their work on the internet. Jeff Lee with Live Air Show TV provides several exciting profiles of the Austin event on their website www.LiveAirShowTV.com

Go to www.dvidshub.net or www.Photobucket.com and search box for “CAMP MABRY“ several hundred pix are now up from various photographers that have visited our events from coast to coast. KXAN TV report on the Heroes event at Camp Mabry. KTBC / FOX TX report from Camp Mabry

Contact Information James D. Paules Jr. Mobile ( 818 ) 631-8132 Fax ( 818 ) 347-4577 Email: Jim @ Heroes-Airshow.com

Facebook .com /Amer i canHeroesA i rShows

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