agrosol products season 2016-2017

Post on 07-Feb-2017






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Agrosol Products

Season 2016-2017

Agrosol Products

In Agrosol every new season stars with an annual planning in order to have the better organization. This season we have decided that our

star products are going to be the original ones that we have every year in our greenhouses: different varieties of



Tomato is certainly one of the most consumed fruits in the world. Originally from South America, it belongs to the same family than potatoes, tobacco or aubergine.Tomato came to Spain between the 16th and 18th centuries and then it was consumed raw or with salt, oil and black pepper.


In Agrosol this season we are cultivating 3 varieties of tomatoes:

• Piccolo• Baby Plum • Vine tomato

Piccolo and Baby Plum are snack tomatoes that we cultivate because like to our clients, a healthy snack, a perfect accompaniment to a meal or even for the decoration of the dishes.


Pepper is a vegetable from the area of Mexico, Bolivia and Peru and come to Europe with Colon in the 15th century. Known as chili by

indigenas, in Spain the cultivation starts in the 16th century. Pepper was a total revolution then, changing the culinary habits because of

its unique flavour.


In Agrosol this season we have 3 varieties of pepper:

• California• Ramiro Rojo• Sweet Bite

California and Ramiro Rojo are sweets and have a big size, with different colors as green, yellow, orange and red. Sweet Bite is a small pepper that we sell as a snack and can be red or yellow.


Cucumber is a vegetable from subtropical regions in the south of Asia.In India cucumber has been cultivated from over 3.000 years. Today

this vegetable is cultivated too in Europe and North America, being the fourth vegetable more produced in the world after tomato, cabbage

and onion.


This season in Agrosol we have 2 varieties of cucumber:

• Dutch• Midi

Dutch cucumber is very popular because of its flavour and lack of bitterness. Midi is smaller, which make it easier to consume and also to keep.

More products

Apart from our three star products this season: tomato, pepper and cucumber, throughout the year you can also find other products like:

• Courgette• Aubergine• Crimson Sweet

Watermelon• Melon

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