agora basic course: module 6. using scopus to search for articles

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Using Scopus to Search for Articles

Table of Contents • Background

• Access

• Search options

• Download and save citations

• Full-text access problem solving

• Using AGORA to search for articles

BackgroundScopus is a search tool developed by Elsevier with • a very large abstract and citation database of peer-

reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings

• has over 3 million records with 22,000 book titles and 5,000 publishers

• has been offered to a large majority of the R4L eligible institutions

• a percentage of the citations are available in AGORA; others (e.g. conference proceedings) are available on the Internet

Type in user name and password exactly as provided by your institution. Passwords are case-sensitive.

Click Sign In

Note: With the migration to a new authentication server (Jan 2014), we recommend use of Chrome or Mozilla. If you use

Internet Explorer, you will need to login twice.

If you are using Internet Explorer, repeat the Login process on this 2nd page and you will be redirected to

the AGORA Content page.

Access Scopus from the ‘Search inside AGORA full-text through database and

article searching’ list


Now displayed is the Browse databases list with the link to

Scopus (Elsevier)

Search Options

Search options include Article Title, Abstract, Keyword and more. Search can be limited to Date Range, Document Type

and Subject Areas. Search for maize production AND developing countries

The Document results total is 323 including citations for journal articles, books and international meeting

Scopus has the options to refine the search by

Year, Author Name, Subject Area

Other options include Document type, Source Title or Type, Language, Affiliation and Keyword

Note the Export and Download options. Check

the box for the citations

Now displayed is the Export option that allow you to download the checked citations to reference

management software programs and choose various information options

The Document Download Manager is displayed. Note the option to name the PDF

By checking the Subject Area(s) boxes, this search will be limited to

‘Agricultural and Biological Sciences’ and ‘Environmental Science’

The document results total is 214 citations.

Note the box that lists the terms of the search

Added to this search are the year limits for 2012, 2013 and 2014. The document

results total is 41 citations

The ‘Show abstract’ icon is activated for one of the

citations. There also is a ‘View at publisher’ option

Now displayed is an abstract for one of the citations. Open the

View at Publisher option

In PLOS one, the Regime Shift in Fertilizer…’ article has been opened. Besides the HTML

version, the article can be printed or downloaded as a PDF

This is the PDF version of the article

The Search history is displayed here – by clicking

on the Document search button. Note the links to all the

previous searches and the option to Combine queries

Via the link from Scopus, users are not able to access the full-text

version of this article

A second article has been opened via the View at Publisher option - from Bentham Science with

Reprint and ePrint options

For this article, there is not free access to the PDF version. Users are required to order the article. This article may be

available directly from AGORA

Using the Scopus list of citations, access the full-

text articles from the ‘Journals collections’ list

Displayed is the Advanced Search box

Scopus and Summon

When logged in to AGORA: Search inside AGORA full-text through database and article searching: - Summon:

- Scopus:

If not logged in to AGORA: - Summon pilot

ExercisesThis is the end of the AGORA Basic Course Module 6. Please complete the exercises for Module 6.

Then, please continue with AGORA Basic Course Module 7.1: E-journal, E-books and Internet Resources

Updated February 2015

Questions? Contact

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