aga spring meeting_bwm_mobile_landscape_04-03-13

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Mobile Website Landscape

Small Screen, Big Opportunity

Communications and Marketing Spring Meeting Presentation

Suresh John, Director of Marketing

Blue Water Media


Blue Water Media Proprietary


• Blue Water Media Overview

• The Mobile Landscape

• Mobile Website Fundamentals

• Mobile Website Trends

• Questions

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Blue Water Media Overview

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Blue Water Media Overview

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• Blue Water Media is an award-winning information technology, web design, and interactive marketing agency. By leveraging cutting-edge web design techniques, flexible open source software applications, emerging technologies, and integrated marketing campaigns, we offer a turnkey approach to attaining online success.

Founded in 2001

Offices in DC/NY/San Francisco

Currently have clientele in Federal Government,

Fortune 500, Non-Profit Organizations

92% rate of retention

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Blue Water Media – 360º Digital Services

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Blue Water Media Proprietary

Blue Water Media – Partial Client List

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Professional Services




We proudly serve a wide range of clients spanning a number of industries

The Mobile Landscape

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Mobile Utilization is Growing Rapidly

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• Mobile has experienced massive growth in recent years There are 6.8 billion people on the planet and 5.1 billion of them now own a cell phone. (Search Engine Watch)

By the end of 2013, there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people. (Source: Cisco, 2013)

Before 2015, its projected that mobile internet usage will overtake the desktop. (Microsoft Tag)

• Mobile is now almost 40 percent of time spent online. In addition Maps, Music, Weather and Social Networking are categories where people spend more time with mobile than on the PC. It’s probably only a year or so away that the above chart looks much more 50/50 or even 60/40 in favor of mobile. (ComScore)

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Re-imagination of Computing Devices

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Blue Water Media Proprietary

Re-imagination of User Interfaces

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Blue Water Media Proprietary

The Mobile User Mindset

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• Mobile users are highly accessible and active across the web, and they have little patience for a poorly optimized mobile site.

91% of all US citizens have their mobile device within reach 24/7. (SMS Marketing) 

Up to 30% of all email opens come from mobile devices. (Google Mobile Playbook)

Every day more than half of mobile social networkers access social content from their mobile devices. (Google Mobile Playbook)

One 1 out of 4 mobile users consume video content daily. (Google Mobile Playbook)

57% of people won’t recommend a company with a sub-par mobile site and 40% will visit a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience.  (Google Mobile Playbook)

• However, businesses and advertisers have been slow to capitalize on mobile growth Only 9% of websites were optimized for mobile in 2012. (Mongoose Metrics)

When it comes to ad spending versus time spent, mobile is the most imbalanced medium out there (It represents 1% of ad spend and 23% of time spent). (Google Mobile Playbook)

• THUS mobile represents a huge untapped opportunity!

Mobile Website Fundamentals

Blue Water Media Proprietary

The Mobile User Experience

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• Users expect mobile websites to load in under five seconds according to the survey findings. However even five seconds is a long time. The general proposition is: the faster the better.

• Creating mobile user experiences that delight users forces us to rethink a lot of what we have taken for granted so far with desktop design.

• This graphic illustrates specific design and usability elements that people want from mobile sites.

• Dissecting the mobile user experience into its key components gives us a conceptual framework for building and evaluating good mobile experiences

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Anatomy of a Mobile Website

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Blue Water Media Proprietary

5 Crucial Mobile Questions ExecutivesShould Be Asking

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1. How does mobile change our value proposition? Deeply consider what your consumers want from mobile, and then proceeded to deliver it.

Benchmark against what others are doing in your industry.

2. How does mobile impact our digital destinations? #1 priority is to have a mobile website. 57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with

a poor mobile site, and 40% have turned to a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience. Optimize your mobile site based on what you learn from user interactions

3. Is our organization adapting to mobile? Assign a mobile champion in your company and empower them with a cross functional task

force. Make mobile a metric in your management dashboard. Review mobile stat KPI’s.

4. How should our marketing adapt to mobile? Take 5 minutes today and search for your brand in mobile as a consumer would and discuss

these results with your marketing department.

5. How should I invest in mobile? Based on performance KPI’s, if users are visiting your websites using mobile devices, it is time to

allocate that same budget percentage to mobile.

Mobile Website Trends

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Responsive Web Design

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• A great mobile strategy option in 2013 is to have a strong web strategy with a focus on Responsive Design as part of the foundation.

• Responsive websites layout and function appropriately at any resolution be at a PC, tablet, or mobile phone.  Responsive websites auto calibrate according to screen resolution/browser dimensions.  Benefits of responsive web design include:

Responsive web design enhances user experience Responsive web design reduces total cost of ownership Responsive web design is great for SEO

• According to Mashable, 2013 will be the year of responsive web design. As Responsive websites become more mainstream companies need to consider whether they are the right way to meet their audience in a mobile setting.

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Responsive Example - Disney

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Mobile PhonePC/Web Tablet

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Responsive Example - Starbucks

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Mobile PhonePC/Web Tablet

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Responsive Example - Microsoft

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Mobile PhonePC/Web Tablet

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Responsive Example - USwitch

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Mobile PhonePC/Web Tablet

Blue Water Media Proprietary

Other Mobile Website Trends

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• Localized and Personalized Mobile Experiences Since there are multiple mechanisms (IP targeting, WiFi triangulation technology, location-as-a-

service solutions, user-supplied location information, cookies, location-based proximity networks, or GPS) to identify a users location when accessing a mobile website from a mobile device, organizations can now develop functionality and content very specific to a local geography or locality creating a personalized experience without having the need for a user to login

• Mobile/mCommerce will grow substantially On Black Friday, internet shoppers broke numerous records as internet sales exceeded $1 billion

for the first time in history. An estimated 24% of sales made via the internet on Black Friday are thought to have been via traffic from mobile devices.

• Apps may rule the mobile landscape now, but not for long Currently native apps for smartphones and tablets almost always trump websites designed for

mobile devices because they can tap into devices’ native capabilities for a seamless experience. However, most experts agree HTML5 is eventually the way of the future and should flip the perspective.

• The convergence of SoLoMo There is strong indications that Social, Local, and Mobile elements will converge into a great

website experience for mobile users


Blue Water Media Proprietary

Want more info about Mobile Websites?

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Chris Forhan, VP of Sales

Blue Water Media


Suresh John, Director of Marketing

Blue Water Media


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