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Post on 09-Jul-2015






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    Bahasa MelayuAnalysis



    ANALISIS SOALAN 2008 -2012



    (Halis Azhan Mohd Hanafiah)KEMBARA AMIRA

    (Amer Hamzah L. Kadir)ZON 1: Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang,


    JUA(Deana Yusof )

    KONSERTO TERAKHIR(Abdullah Husain)

    ZON 2: Selangor, Wil. Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Wil. Persekutuan Putrajaya,

    Negeri Sembilan

    RENYAH(Gunawan Mohamad)


    (Abd Talib Hassan)

    ZON 3: Melaka, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan

    MELUNAS RINDU(Hartini Hamzah)

    KABUS DI PERBUKITAN(Muhamad Kholid Hamzah)

    ZON 4 : Johor, Sabah, Sarawak, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan

    TAHUN 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


    penerokaan angkasa lepas

    Tidur dari segi saintifik

    Faedah-faedah makan choklat

    Kepentingan bahasa


    Kepentingan bahasa


    Tahun Soalan (a) Soalan (b)

    Nov 2008 Dua sebab bahagian permulaan novel menarik minat anda

    Bandingkan persamaan dan perbezaan satu latar masyarakat dalam dua buah novel

    yang dipelajari

    Nov 2009 Ketabahan watak utama Nilai kasih-sayang berdasarkan dua buah novel

    Nov 2010 Sebab-sebab novel memberi kesedaranNilai keberanian berdasarkan dua buah

    novelNov 2011 Perwatakan watak utama PersoalanNov 2012 Latar masa Nilai kemanusiaan


    Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 [1103/1]

    Bahagian A[30 markah]

    [Masa dicadangkan 45 minit]

    Lihat gambar di bawah dengan teliti.Huraikan pendapat anda tentang tanggungjawab seseorang terhadap komuniti. Panjangnya huraian anda hendaklah antara 200 hingga 250

    patah perkataan.


    Bahagian B[100 markah]

    [Masa dicadangkan 1 jam 30 minit]

    Pilih satu daripada soalan di bawah dan tulis sebuah karangan yang panjangnya lebih daripada 350 patah perkataan.

    1. Generasi remaja hari ini didapati kurang berminat untuk menyertai aktiviti-aktiviti serta program keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan. Fenomena ini dikaitkan dengan kewujudan teknologi komunikasi.

    Tuliskan satu rencana yang lengkap bertajuk Mendekatkan Remaja dengan Program Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan melalui Teknologi Komunikasi.

    2. Unit beruniform sekolah anda telah mengadakan aktiviti perkhemahan di Taman Negara Pahang. Selaku setiausaha persatuan, anda diminta menulis laporan berkenaan aktiviti tersebut.

    Tulis laporan itu selengkapnya.

    3. Kesesakan lalulintas merupakan satu isu yang sering menghantui penduduk terutama di bandar-bandar besar. Salah satu usaha untuk mengatasinya ialah dengan meningkatkan keupayaan dan kecekapan sistem pengangkutan awam.

    Bincangkan usaha-usaha yang telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak yang bertanggungjawab untuk merealisasikan hasrat tersebut.

    4. Akhir-akhir ini isu kebanjiran buruh asing yang datang bekerja tanpa permit semakin serius dibincangkan kerana telah mengundang banyak masalah terutama yang melibatkan kegiatan jenayah. Pelbagai langkah dilakukan oleh kerajaan untuk menyekat kebanjiran kumpulan ini, namun banyak kekangan yang dihadapi.

    Huraikan kekangan-kekangan yang dihadapi oleh pihak kerajaan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut serta langkah-langkah untuk mengatasinya.

    5. Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan nilai murni kejujuran.

    Membantu golongan yang memerlukan Bergotong-royong meringankan beban

    Prihatin kepada yang kurang bernasib baik


    Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2 [1103/2]

    Soalan 1 : Rumusan [30 Markah]

    Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian buat satu rumusan berkenaan langkah-langkah untuk memartabatkan bahasa Melayu dan kekangan penggunaannya di Malaysia.

    Sejak beberapa dekad yang lalu, Malaysia telah melalui beberapa fasa pembangunan. Bermula daripada Dasar Ekonomi Baru, Dasar Pembangunan Negara, Dasar Wawasan Negara, dan mutakhir Model Ekonomi Baru. Namun hakikat yang menyedihkan, perkembangan dan penggunaan bahasa Melayu seolah-olah dipinggirkan daripada pakej pembangunan tersebut. Walaupun pembangunan negara berjaya membawa perubahan dari aspek sosiopolitik, sosioaekonomi, dan tuntutan masyarakat, namun bahasa Melayu masih tidak berubah walaupun suatu ketika dahulu pernah menjadi bahasa sarwajagat terhebat di Nusantara. Tuntutan ekonomi kapitalisme telah menghanyutkan perjuangan nasiolisme sehingga Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia yang suatu ketika dahulu menjadi pemangkin dalam memartabatkan bahasa Melayu kini sama seperti universiti lain di Malaysia. Era digital dan globalisasi tanpa sempadan menyaksikan bahasa Melayu terpaksa bersaing hebat dengan bahasa lain terutamanya bahasa Inggeris. Aplikasi dan dasar liberalisasi sejak 1980-an melihat penggunaan bahasa Inggeris semakin meluas dan bahasa Melayu pula seolah-olah perlu bersedia untuk diturunkan ke liang lahat. Melihat kepada senario yang berlaku pada hari ini, usaha bersepadu perlu dilakukan untuk mengembalikan semula semangat nasiolisme dan jati diri negara bangsa. Langkah pertama adalah dengan meletakkan keagungan bahasa dan sastera Melayu pada tempat selayaknya. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) yang mempunyai kematangan, sumber, kepakaran, dan kemampuan perlu melaksanakan hasrat ini tanpa membataskan sasaran terhad kepada sekolah kerajaan semata-mata. Sekolah-sekolah persendirian, sekolah Cina dan sekolah Tamil yang mempunyai silibus bahasa kebangsaan yang berbeza dengan sekolah kerajaan sepatutnya diberi perhatian yang lebih dalam memantapkan penggunaan bahasa Melayu. Dalam usaha negara mencapai status negara maju, adunan bahasa Kebangsaan dan jati diri bangsa perlu diacu serentak memandangkan usaha memartabatkan bahasa Melayu harus melalui satu anjakan paradigma. DBP sebagai badan induk yang bertanggungjawab perlu melipatgandakan promosi di segenap lapisan masyarakat, malah penglibatan semua kaum dalam usaha membudayakan bahasa Melayu perlu giat dijalankan bagi menyemai semangat dan rasa cinta terhadap bahasa Melayu kepada semua kaum Penubuhan Bahagian Pengembangan Bahasa Pelbagai Kaum yang dilakukan DBP merupakan satu langkah awal yang sungguh baik kerana usaha mengembangkan bahasa Melayu, khususnya kepada masyarakat bukan Melayu perlu diperhebatkan. Antara isu pertama yang perlu diselesaikan ialah menangani 20% daripada kanak-kanak yang ketinggalan dari segi literasi. Ukuran bagi kejayaan ini dinilai dengan melihat keyakinan ibu bapa sebagai penanda aras untuk menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah kerajaan dan bukan sekolah swasta. Satu Bahasa, Satu Malaysia yang dicetuskan oleh Perdana Menteri, Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak dilihat sebagai satu langkah yang meyakinkan untuk mengembalikan peranan Asia sebagai generasi dunia. Jepun sebagai contoh yang paling berjaya membentuk negaranya melalui acuan sendiri melalui budaya dan bahasa. Tidak mustahil Malaysia mampu mengikut langkah Jepun sekiranya rakyat berbilang bangsa di negara ini bersatu untuk memulihhara budaya bansa. Perlu ditegaskan bahawa bahasa Kebangsaan bukan milik mutlak DBP, tetapi milik bersama masyarakat Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia kerana bahasa adalah jiwa bangsa.

    (Dipetik daripada Bahasa Melayu Hak Rakyat Malaysia Dewan Masyarakat, September 2010)

    Soalan 2 : Pemahaman[35 markah]

    Soalan 2 (a) - Petikan Umum

    Berdasarkan petikan Soalan 1, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

    i. Berikan maksud mengembalikan peranan Asia. [2 markah]

    ii. Nyatakan faktor-faktor bahasa Melayu dipinggirkan [3 markah]

    iii. Cadangkan dua langkah untuk mermartabatkan bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah. [4 markah]


    Soalan 2 (b) - Petikan Prosa Moden

    Baca petikan cerpen di bawah dengan teliti dan kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri Abang tak mahu pergi kebun? Apa kata abang pergi sebelum abang jadi ahli korporat nanti, rayu Mikraj. Tak perlu! Israk mengayun kata-kata. Mengapa? Abang takut nyamuk? Agas? Atau seram dengan nyanyian cengkerik? Mengapa abang terlalu berlagak akhir-akhir ini? Suara Mikraj makin lama makin meninggi. Israk menarik nafas dalam-dalam, dan berkata, Mengapa kau terlalu menjaga tepi kain orang? Saya kasihan melihat Wah. Abang menghina, mengeji, menyakiti Wah. Paha kanan tercubit paha kiri turut berasa sakit. Abang sedar tak, Wah lebih tua daripada abang! Saya ajak pa dan ma bawa abang balik kampung semata-mata mahu abang mengenali Wah yang membela abang sejak berusia satu hari lagi. Abang tahu, Wah benar-benar terhiris sewaktu atuk Perth bawa abang lari. Sejak itu abang langsung tak mengenali Wah. Saya mahu abang belajar erti kepayahan, kekecewaan, dan ketabahan seorang wanita. Wah orangnya..., butir bicara Mikraj diiringi mutiara mata. Sudah hujan, perli Israk. Abang jangan terkejut kalau saya mampu membuatkan abang menangis nanti! Israk bersahaja. Dia mencapai gitarnya lalu lagu sumbang itu kembali beralun. Perasaan meluat mula bersarang dalam kalbu Mikraj. Kalau tersilap jolok, pasti terjolok sarang itu. Bahaya. Kalau bercakap dengan abang mesti ada kompromi, katanya, memandang tepat ke wajah Israk. Fikirannya di awang-awangan.

    (Dipetik daripada cerpen Israk oleh Erda Roslan khairi, dalam Harga Remaja, DBP)

    i. Apakah reaksi Israk apabila Mikraj mengajaknya ke kebun? [2 markah] ii. Berikan beberapa cadangan untuk mendekatkan golongan muda agar berminat untuk menyertai aktiviti-aktiviti yang melibatkan kegiatan kekeluargaan.

    [3 markah]

    iii. Nyatakan satu pengajaran yang terdapat dalam petikan, dan satu pengajaran lain yang terdapat dalam keseluruhan cerpen.

    [4 markah]

    Soalan 2 (c) Petikan Tradisional

    Baca petikan prosa tradisional di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

    Maka Tuan Puteri Seri Ratna Gemala Nehran pun tersenyum mendengar sembah bidadari itu. Maka ujar, tuan puteri, Kita telah bermain-main semalam tadi dengan biti-biti itu. Maka kita tidur lalu bermimpi hampir dinihari juga rasanya. Maka datang seekor naga maka dipagutnya pinggangku, tiada lekat pada tubuhku rasanya dan aku lihat rupa naga itu terlalu indah-indah sekali. Seketika kita berselimut bau bunga rasanya, dan bau bunga itu pun datang sekarang kepada hidungnya kita rasanya. Hatta maka naga itu pun melancar ke atas kemuncak mahligai ini. Maka ditelannya gemala yang di atas kemuncak mahligai ini. Sebab itulah mukaku pucat ini. Segala bidadari itu pun berdatang sembah seraya tertawa, Segera rupanya tuan puteri ini akan kahwin dengan paduka kakanda itu Raja Dewa Lela Mengerna itu. Tuan puteri pun tersenyum tunduk malu rupanya dan segala bidadari itu pun tertawa seraya ia berpantun demikian bunyinya: Burung bayan terbangnya tinggi, Terbang melayang berpangkat-pangkat; Jikalau malam termimpi-mimpi, Jika siang terlihat-lihat. Setelah tuan puteri mendengar pantun itu adalah muka tuan puteri itu antara masam dengan tiada berseri. Maka tuan puteri pun berkata kepada inangdanya, Hai inangda, bilamana kita akan pergi mandi ke Tasik Semendera Jin itu? Maka sembah inangdanya, Ya tuanku tuan puteri, esoklah kita akan pergi mandi.

    (Dipetik daripada cerita Hikayat Indera Nata dalam Antologi Harga Remaja DBP)

    i. Mengapakah muka bidadari pucat? [2 markah]

    ii. Nyatakan gambaran naga yang terdapat dalam mimpi bidadari seperti yang diceritakan kepada Tuan Puteri Seri Ratna Gemala Nehran? [3 markah] iii. Pada pendapat anda, apakah bekalan yang perlu ada dalam diri seseorang remaja untuk mengelakkan diri daripada diperdaya oleh orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab. [3 markah]


    Soalan 2 (d) GurindamBaca gurindam di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

    Gurindam 12 Fasal yang KeenamCahari olehmu akan sahabat,

    Yang boleh dijadikan ubat.

    Cahari olehmu akan guru,Yang boleh tahukan tiap seteru.

    Cahaya olehmu akan isteri,Yang boleh menyerahkan diri.

    Cahari olehmu akan kawan,Pilih segala orang setiawan.

    (Abu Hassan Sham (Penyelenggara) Puisi-puisi Raja Ali Haji,

    Dalam antologi Harga Remaja, 1993 DBP) i. Apakan yang dimaksudkan dengan: Cahari olehmu akan sahabat Yang boleh dijadikan ubat [3 markah]

    ii. Sahabat amat penting pada masa susah maupun senang. Cadangkan ciri-ciri yang perlu ada pada seseorang sahabat yang setia. [3 markah] iii. Nyatakan dua nilai yang terdapat dalam gurindam di atas. [3 markah]

    Soalan 3: Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Bahasa[30 markah]

    Jawab semua soalan.

    (a) Tulis satu ayat bagi setiap kata kerja di bawah ini untuk menunjukkan bahawa anda faham akan maksud dan penggunaannya. Anda boleh menambahkan imbuhan tetapi tidak boleh menggunakan perkata itu sebagai kata nama khas.

    i. tonton ii. tengokiii. keluar iv. terbitv. halus vi. teliti [6 markah]

    (b) Baca ayat di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian tentukan subjek dan predikat dalam ayat tanpa mengubah maksud asal.

    i. Melukis telah menjadi kegemarannya sejak kecil lagi.

    ii. Warna oren merupakan warna pilihan Hani untuk majlis perkahwinannya .

    iii. Ibu pejabat syarikat tersebut terletak di Labuan, Sabah. [6 markah]

    (c) Dalam setiap ayat di bawah terdapat satu kesalahan ejaan dan satu kesalahan penggunaan imbuhan. Senaraikan dan betulkan kesalahan-kesalahan itu. Bagi setiap ayat, anda tidak boleh menyenaraikan lebih daripada satu kesalahan ejaan dan satu kesalahan penggunaan imbuhan. Anda tidak perlu menyalin petikan itu semula.

    i. Kebanyakkan pengguna memilih untuk berbelanja di pusat membeli belah berbanding di kedai runcit.

    ii. Puan Halimah dan Encik Halim cadangan untuk menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan mereka di Hotel Kasturi pada hari Ahad nanti.

    iii. Di mana harus saya mengantungkan gambar pemandangan ini. Aqil bertanya kepada Irfan. [6 markah]


    Soalan 4: Novel[15 markah]

    Jawab soalan di bawah. Jawapan anda hendaklah berdasarkan novel-novel yang anda pelajari.

    (i) Azfa Hanani karya Halis Azhan Mohd Hanafiah(ii) Papa...(akhirnya kau tewas jua!) karya Deana Yusof(iii) Renyah karya Gunawan Mohamad(iv) Melunas Rindu karya Hartini Hamzah(v) Konserto Terakhir karya Abdullah Hussain(vi) Kabus di Perbukitan karya Muhamad Kholid Hamzah(vii) Kembara Amira karya Amer Hamzah L. Kadir(viii) Sutera Dalam Lukisan karya Abd. Talib Hassan

    (a) Watak utama banyak memaparkan nilai-nilai murni yang boleh dijadikan teladan oleh pembaca. Berdasarkan novel yang telah anda kaji, huraikan dua nilai murni yang terdapat pada watak utama.

    [7 markah]

    (b) Huraikan dua persoalan yang dikemukan oleh pengarang dalam novel yang anda kaji. [8 markah]


    (d) Dalam setiap ayat di bawah, terdapat satu kesalahan penggunaan kata atau istilah dan satu kesalahan tatabahasa. Senaraikan dan betulkan kesalahan-kesalahan itu. Bagi setiap ayat anda tidak boleh meyenaraikan lebih daripada satu kesalahan pengunaan kata atau istilah dan satu kesalahan tatabahasa. Anda tidak perlu menyalin ayat itu semula.

    i. Bendera-bendera yang berwarna-warni itu bertebaran di sepanjang jalan.

    ii. Masalah yang institusi pengajian tinggi hadapi adalah kekurangan pendapat yang cerdas.

    iii. Beliau sering diajak untuk membentangkan kertas kerja di dalam beberapa seminar. [6 markah]

    (e) Nyatakan maksud peribahasa di bawah ini.

    i. Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan

    ii. Tak lapuk dek hujan, tak lekang dek panas

    iii. Bermandi peluh [6 markah]




    Paper Section 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


    R 1

    A Directed Writing Article Report Informal letter Talk Informal letter

    B Continuous writing


    Descriptive/Narrative Descriptive Descriptive Descriptive

    Argumentative Argumentative Argumentative Argumentative DiscussionReflective Reflective Reflective Reflective ReflectiveNarrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative




    Descriptive/Narrative Descriptive/Narrative


    R 2


    Advertisement - 1 1 1 1Charts, Tables &

    Graphs 2 1 - 1

    Comic strips, Maps & Pictures 2 1 2 - 1

    Short Texts 4 5 5 4 4Notices & Signs - - - 2 2

    B Information Transfer

    Short passage Book review Poster Poster Descriptive

    Table & question Table & Question Graphic OrganiserGraphic

    Organiser Table

    C Comprehension & Summary Narrative Narrative Descriptive Narrative Narrative


    Poem If Monsoon History

    Theres Been a Death in

    the Opposite House

    In the Midst of Hardship Nature

    Short Story The Sound Machine The NecklaceThe Drovers

    Wife - -

    Novel Ending of the story

    Difficult decision made by a character

    Important incident in the


    Favourite part of the story

    Part of the story that make them angry


    English Paper 1 [1119/1]

    Time: One hour and forty-five minutesThis question paper consists of two sections : Section A and Section B. Answer both sections. You are advised to spend 45

    minutes on Section A and one hour on Section B.

    Section A: Directed Writing(35 marks)

    As the head of the Students Disciplinary Board, you are very concerned over the increasing number of complaints filed by students about those who are involved in gangsterism in schools. Write an article for your school newsletter on how to prevent gangsterism in schools.

    Use the notes below to write your article.

    motivationaltalks campaigns recreationalactivities weekendactivities communitywork closemonitoringbyteachers regularspotchecks counsellingsessions peerobservation fines harshpunishment rewards

    When writing the article, you should remember:



    touseall the notes given

    thatyourreadersaremainlystudents Note: For your article, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points, and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.


    Section B: Continuous Writing(50 marks)

    Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.

    1 Describe a school activity that you have participated in.

    2 Tuition is it really necessary? Discuss.

    3 Write a story ending with Wait for me! Im coming too.

    4 Libraries no longer have a place in society.

    5 Traditions



    English Paper 2 [1119/2]

    Time: Two hours and fifteen minutesThe question paper consists of four sections: Section A. Section B, Section C and Section D. Answer all sections in this

    question paper. Questions in Section A have four options.

    1 The most suitable title for the tips above is A Beware of Strangers B Keeping Your Cash Safe C How to Use Public Transport D Protecting Yourself from Pickpockets

    2 According to the advertisement, Delights A prepares their own bread B has chefs from five different countries C charges RM25 for each plate of burger D import the patties from five different countries

    Section A(15 marks)



    3 The poem probably describes A a messy classroom B an untidy bedroom C a chaotic living room D a cluttered dining room

    4 What is the purpose of the notice? A to warn the public about the dangers of fire B to warn the public about potential fire hazards C to remind the public what to do in case of a fire D to inform the public about fire prevention methods












    5 Which of the following is true about the joke? A the boy answered the teacher correctly B the teacher did not understand the boys answer C the teacher was revising some Mathematics symbols D the teacher was trying to teach the students how to operate

    a DVD player

    6 Tigers are different from one another as A their body shape and size differ greatly B they have stripes on the sides of their body C the colour of their stripes differs in intensity D the stripes on the sides of their body do not form the same


    7 From the extract, we know that A fats in all chocolates are cholesterol free B eating chocolate can make someone feel less depressed C cocoa powder is the highest natural source for magnesium D calcium in cocoa powder will worsen the hypertension




    Section B(10 marks)

    Read the following information on the different fares and answer the questions that follow.

    Question 16 - 25Using the information given, write the most appropriate fares in the boxes below

    Questions 21 25Complete the sentences below using the information given.

    21 Joshua pays RM2 650 for a one-way ticket to Guangzhou because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    22 Marilyn paid RM149 for a one-way ticket to Brisbane but she must travel ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    23 The fares advertised exclude ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    24 Tom cannot get an offer ticket to Perth for Christmas because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    25 When Ana visits her pen-pal in Manila, she pays ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    International HongKongRM2200nowfromRM99oneway GuangzhouRM2650nowfromRM149oneway ShanghaiRM3709nowfromRM149oneway





    > >

    > >

    > >


    ASEAN JakartaRM1279nowfromRM50oneway ManilaRM1375nowfromRM10oneway PhuketRM747nowfromRM50oneway HanoiRM2200nowfromRM99oneway

    Description One-Way Fare16. May May and her parents are going to Hong Kong for a holiday. How much must they pay?


    17. Minh Ho wants to buy a ticket to Hanoi


    18. Rahim wants to buy a ticket to Perth


    19. Ari wants to buy a ticket to Phuket From20. Sassy wants to go to Shanghai From


    Section C(25 marks)

    1 Todays youth will be tomorrows leader. But the scenario of todays youth is a dismal one as they are plagued with so many social ills.

    2 Firstly, what are the social ills? An alarming large number of youths are involved in smoking, taking drugs and alcoholism. Many youths are destroying their future because they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Drink-driving, reckless driving and illegal racing have become popular pastimes for youths. AIDS and HIV are diseases that have surfaced with drug abuse. Young teenagers like to roam the city streets, especially at night. In school, they play truant and skip classes and are disruptive. They prefer to loiter around shopping complexes instead of studying. Teenagers under peer pressure also vandalise public property in order to gain acceptance of their peers. They form gangs and take part in violent fights and criminal activities. These are the various social ills that are plaguing the youths.

    3 What are the causes of this dreary situation? One of the factors responsible for the rise of ills among young children is parents. Parents play a pivotal role in the raising of their children and moulding their characters. However, due to the pursuit of material wealth and career advancement, parents have made their children feel neglected and unloved. Youths then turn to their friends and start to misbehave in order to get their parents attention.

    4 The deteriorating discipline in schools is a contributing factor. Schools are given limited power to wield the cane and mete out punishment to errant students. Schools have also becoming boring to many students. They find playing truant more interesting. Besides, the school curriculum does not put equal emphasis on instilling moral and religious principles as well as nurturing the intellect.

    5 Many children run away from poverty, broken families and abusive parents. An alarming number of youths are physically and mentally abused by their parents. Marital disharmony due to divorce, unemployment and financial problems contributes to family breaks-up and the children end up feeling lost and unloved. They leave the house and mix with the bad hats.

    6 Something must be done fast or our youths will ruin their future and become a destructive factor that will undermine nation building. Parents play a crucial role in bringing up their children. There should be communication between children and parents. Parents should keep track of their childrens friends and their movements. Daily discussions about schools, checking their exercise books and going on holiday together will go a long way in creating a strong emotional bond between children and their parents.

    7 Schools should play more caring role too. Teachers and counsellors play an important role in teaching discipline and imparting knowledge. They should collaborate with their students parents and let the parents know if their children misbehave, play truant or have problems. Cooperation between schools and parents is important to overcome many disciplinary problems. They should instil religious and moral values in youths so that they can think rationally and evaluate their actions correctly.

    8 The government also play an effective role in curbing social ills. The setting up Rakan Muda camps, summer camps and motivational camps can teach youths to be independent and constructive and encourage team spirit. These will contribute to multiracial integration and unity. A disciplined society can contribute to the development of the nature.

    9 To put it in a nutshell, the youths of today have to stand up, hold hands with other youths and rise to the challenge of becoming more productive and useful citizens.









    Questions 26 -31 are based on the following passage.


    26 From paragraph 2, (a) state one social ill those youths involved in. __________________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

    (b) state one disease associated with drug abuse. __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    27 From paragraph 3, give two reasons why parents neglect their children.

    Reason 1: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    Reason 2: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    28 From paragraph 4, give two reasons why are schools become boring to many students.

    Reason 1: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    Reason 2: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    29 From paragraph 5,

    (a) which phrase has the same meaning as escape? __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    (b) which phrase tells you that people who deliberately stir up problems? __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    30 From paragraph 7,

    (a) define the role of school counsellors. __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) explain why it is good for cooperation between schools and parents. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    31 Based on the passage given, write a summary of: socialillsfacebytodaysyouths theroleofparentsandschoolstohelptheyouths

    Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.

    Your summary must: beincontinuouswritingform(notinnoteform) usematerialsfrom line 3 to line 37 notbelongerthan130 words, including the 10 words given below

    Begin your summary as follows:

    Todays youths are plagued with so many social ills which

    (15 marks)


    Section D(20 marks)

    32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.





    (a) Which phrase in stanza 1 refers to the flute? _________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    (b) In stanza 1, (i) what is hidden in the flute? _______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    (ii) who uncovers it? _______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    (c) What do you think is a luxury for you as a student? Give a reason to support your answer. Luxury: ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    Reason: ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language. The Curse - Lee Su Ann

    Step By Wicked Step - Anne Fine

    Catch Us If You Can - Catherine MacPhail

    Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

    Based on the novel that you have read, describe an element of love that is shown in the novel. Support your answer with close reference from the text.

    (15 marks)






    08 09 10 11 12 08 09 10 11 12



    1 Polygon I, II 7 6,7 7 7 7,82 Transformations I, II 9,10 9,10 9,10 9,10 10,11

    3 Trigonometry I 11

    4 Algebraic Expressions I,II,III 19 19 19 19

    5 Algebraic Formulae 21 20 20 21 21

    6 Algebraic Fractions 20 21 21 20 20

    7 Linear Equations 22 22 22 22 22 4 2 2 2 48 Indices 23 23,24 23,24 23,24 24,25

    9 Linear Inequalities 24 25 25 25 25,26 3

    10 Graph of Functions I

    11 Solid Geometry I,II,III 5 11 4 7 6

    12 Circles I,II 8 6 7 9 9

    13 Statistics I,II 25,26,27 26,27 26,27 26,27 27,28



    1 Standard Form 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

    2 Quadratic Expressions and Equations

    19 3 3 3 3 3

    3 Sets 29,30,31 29,30,31 29,30,31 29,30,31 31,32 1 1 1 1

    4 Mathematical Reasoning 6 7 5 5 5

    5 The Straight Line 32,33 32,33 32,33 32,33 33,34 10 5 6 6 76 Statistics III 29 14 16 14 14 14

    7 Probability I 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 35,36

    8 Circles III 8 8 8 8 9

    9 Trigonometry II 12,13 11,12,13 11,12,13 11,12,13 12,13

    10 Angles of Elevation and Depression

    15 15,16 15,16 15,16 15,16

    11 Lines and Planes in 3-Dimensions

    14 14 14 14 14 2 5 11 4 2



    1 Number Bases 5,6 4,5 5,6 5,6 5,6

    2 Graph of Functions II 28 28 28 28 30 13 1,12 12 12 123 Transformations III 12 15 13 13 13

    4 Matrices 39,40 39,40 39,40 39,40 39,40 11 9 8 8 115 Variations 36,37,40 36,37,40 36,37,40 36,37,38 37,38

    6 Gradient and Area under a Graph

    9 10 9 11 8

    7 Probability II 7 8 10 10 10

    8 Bearing 17 16 17 17 17

    9 Earth as a Sphere 18 17,18 18 18 18 15 13 15 16 1610 Plans and Elevations 16 16 16 15 15

    TOTAL 40 40 40 40 40 16 16 16 16 16


    Mathematic Paper 1 [1449/1]

    1 Round off 6.059 correct to two significant figures. A 6.05 C 6.1 B 6.06 D 6.0 2 State 0.0003008 in standard form A 3008 x 107 C 3008 x 10-7 B 3.008 x 104 D 3.008 x 10-4

    3 A cube with sides of 43 mm. Find its volume, in cm3, correct to three significant figures.

    A 80.0 C 79.50 B 79.5 D 79.500


    A 1.98 x 103 C 6.6 x 103 B 1.98 x 104 D 6.6 x 104

    5 101002 11112 =

    A 1012 C 10012 B 1112 D 10112

    6 What is the value of digit 3 in base five in the number 49 32810 ? A 1200 C 2200 B 2020 D 2220

    7 In Diagram 7, PQRST is a regular polygon. PUT is a straight line. VP = VU

    Find the value of x. A 36 C 60 B 54 D 72

    ( )=













    9 Diagram 9 shows a circle with centre O. LM and LN are tangents to the circle at points M and N respectively. Find the value of x.

    A 30 C 50 B 40 D 60

    10 In the diagram, the straight line PQ is the image of the line RS under a reflection.

    The axis of reflection is A x = 2 C y = 2 B x -axis D y-axis

    11 The point A (-5, 7) is the image of point A under a translation . Find the coordinates of point A

    A (3, 1) C (1, 3) B (-3,-1) D (-13, 13)



    Answer all questions 8 In Diagram 8, PQRTU is a regular pentagon and RST is a straight line. Find the value of m.

    A 36 C 65 B 58 D 72








    2 S














    2-4 4





    13 Diagram 13 shows the graph of y = sin x.

    The value of p is A 90 C 270 B 360 D 180

    14 Diagram 14, shows a pyramid PQRS. The horizontal base PQR is a right-angled triangle. Vertex P is vertically above S.

    Name the angle between the line PR and the plane PSQ. A C

    B D

    DIAGRAM 13

    DIAGRAM 14







    DIAGRAM 15

    DIAGRAM 12




    P QT

    20 y1213

    12 In Diagram 12, SPQ and PRU are right angle triangles. STQ and PTU are straight lines.

    It is given that cos yo = and PQ = QR . Calculate the length in cm, of PTU

    A 70.17 C 27.67 B 65.94 D 25.54

    15 In Diagram 15, Q and S are two points on a horizontal plane. R is the top of a vertical flagpole SR.

    The angle of elevation of R from Q is 520 . The distance between Q and S is 14 m. Calculate the height, in m, of flagpole RS.

    A 10.94 C 11.03 B 15.59 D 17.92

    16 Diagram 16 shows two towers on a horizontal plane

    P and Q are two points on the top of the towers as shown. R is a point vertically below Q. The angle of elevation of Q from P is 550 and the angle of elevation of R from P is 400. Calculate the distance, in m, from Q to R.

    A 10.58 C 15.53 B 35.34 D 29.50

    DIAGRAM 16





    17 In Diagram 17, P, Q and R are three points on a horizontal plane such that PR = RQ = QP

    Given that Q is due east of P, find the bearing of Q from R. A 330 C 120 B 150 D 060

    18 P and Q are two points on the surface of the earth and the latitude of P is 55N. Given that Q is located 15 south of P,

    find the latitude of Q. A 40 S C 40 N B 70 S D 70 N


    A C B D




    Q S





    31 Diagram 31 is an incomplete Venn diagram showing the number of elements in sets P, Q and R.

    It is given that the universal set and . Find .

    A 5 C 12 B 6 D 17

    P Q


    4 623 1 7DIAGRAM 31

    20 Express as a single fraction in its simplest from.

    21 Given that , express r in terms of p.

    22 Given that , calculate the value of a.

    23 Given that , find the value of x.

    24 Simplify

    25 Which of the following inequalities satisfy the simultaneous

    linear inequalities and ?

    26 List all the integers x which satisfy the inequality . A 3, 4 C 2, 3, 4 B 2, 3, 4, 5 D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    27 Table 27 is a frequency table which shows the scores of students in a test.

    Calculate the mean score of the students. A 11.36 C 10.36 B 9.36 D 9.17

    Score Frequency

    1-3 8

    4-6 9

    7-9 11

    10-12 16

    13-15 14

    16-18 12

    TABLE 27

    28 Diagram 28 is a pie chart showing how Adam uses his income each month. Adams income is RM3 500 per month. Adams savings is RM350 and he spends 40% of his income on miscellaneous.

    It is given that x : y = 2 : 3. Find the value of x. A 72 C 108 B 144 D 216

    29 Table 29 shows the frequency distribution of the scores obtained by a group of pupils in a game.

    If 2 is the modal score, the minimum value of k is A 6 C 10 B 9 D 11

    30 Which of the following graphs represents ?

    A C

    B D

    DIAGRAM 28

    TABLE 29

    ox Houseoy


    Car !0&)2!

    Score 1 2 3 4 5 6

    Frequency 6 k 9 9 8 6








    xJ Oy



    32 Diagram 32 is a Venn Diagram showing the universal set , set P, set Q and set R.

    Which region, A, B, C or D represents the set ?

    33 In Diagram 33, POR is a straight line and O is the origin.

    Find the gradient of POR.

    34 The gradient of the straight line is

    35 24 students in a class are computer club members. A student is chosen at random from the class. The probability of choosing a student who is not a computer club member is . Find the total number of students in the class

    A 32 C 40 B 36 D 72

    x y

    4 8

    25 20

    TABLE 38


    37 It is given that y varies inversely as the cube root of x and y = 6 when x =8. Calculate the value of x when y = 4.

    A 3 C 12 B 9 D 27

    38 Table 38 shows some values of the variables x and y such that y varies directly as the square root of x.Find the relationship between y and x.

    39 Given calculate the value of k . A -3 C 4 B -8 D 7

    40 Find the value of h and of k in the following matrix equation:

    DIAGRAM 32

    P Q






    DIAGRAM 33

    ( )5,3R





    Pass Fail

    Boys 8 4

    Girls 20 x

    TABLE 36

    36 Table 36 shows the result of a Mathematics test for a group of students.

    A student is chosen at random from the group. The probability of choosing a student who failed the test is . Find the value of x.

    A 1 B 3 C 4 D 5


    Mathematic Paper 2 [1449/2]

    Section A[52 marks]

    Answer all questions in this section.

    1 on the graph in the answer space, shade the region which satisfies the three inequalities 2y x 4, y 2x + 1 and y < 1. [3 marks] Answer :

    2 Diagram 2 shows a right prism with a horizontal rectangular base JKLM. Trapezium JKQP is the uniform cross-section of the prism. The rectangular surface QRLK is inclined. KL = 12cm, RS = 5cm and JP = 8cm

    Calculate the angle between the plane RSJ and the vertical plane RSML. [4 marks]

    Answer :

    !S! R!Q

    P!M! L!8 cm !




    8 cm

    12 cm



    3 Solve the quadratic equation [4 marks]

    Answer :

    4 Calculate the values of e and of f which satisfy the following simultaneous linear equations : [4 marks]


    5 (a) State whether the following sentence is a statement or a non-statement.

    All multiples of 2 are divisible by 4

    (b) Write down a true statement using both of the following statements: Statement 1 :

    Statement 2 :

    (c) Write down two implications based on the following sentence:

    y < x if and only if [4 marks]


    (a) ______________________________________________________________________________ (b) ______________________________________________________________________________

    (c) Implication I : _________________________________________________________________


    Implication II: _________________________________________________________________



    6 Diagram 6 shows a solid, formed by joining a cylinder to a right prism. Trapezium AFGB is the uniform cross-section of the prism. AB = BC = 9 cm. The height of the cylinder is 6 cm and its diameter is 7 cm. Calculate the volume, in cm3, of the combined solid.

    Use . [4 marks]


    7 In diagram 7, O is the origin.

    The gradient of the line PQ is . Find,

    (a) the value of k. (b) the equation of the straight line QR.

    (c) the x-intercept of the straight line QR. [5 marks]

    yQ (k, 8)








    8 Diagram 8 shows the speed-time graph of a vehicle for a period of 15 seconds.


    Calculate the (a) distance traveled during the first 12 second. (b) value of v, if the rate of change of speed during the last 3 seconds is 5 ms-2. [6 marks]

    9 In diagram 9, LK is an arc of a circle with centre P and PQRS is an arc of a circle with centre O. PORL is a straight line.

    Given KOL = 600, PK = 21 cm and OP = 7 cm. Using , calculate

    a) the area , in cm2 of the shaded region b) the perimeter in cm, of the whole diagram. [7 marks]


    P O R LS





    10 Diagram 10 shows six labelled cards in two boxes, P and Q,

    A card is picked at random from box P and then a card is picked at random from box Q. By listing the sample of all the possible outcomes of the event, find the probability that

    (a) a card with an odd number and the card labelled J are picked,

    (b) a card with a number which is multiple of 2 or the card labelled H are picked. [5 marks] Answer:

    DIAGRAM 10

    11 (a) It is given that matrix M = and matrix such that .

    Find the values of p and q.

    (b) Using matrices, calculate the values of x and y that satisfy the following matrix equation:

    2x - 3y = 13 4x + y = 5 [7 marks]



    Section B[48 marks]

    Answer 4 questions from this section.

    12 (a) Complete Table 12 in the answer space for the equation by writing down the values of y when x = 1 and x = 2. [2 marks]

    (b) For this part of the question, use the graph paper provided. You may use a flexible curve. By using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the

    x-axis and 2 cm to 10 units on the y-axis, draw the graph of . [4 marks]

    (c) From your graph, find: (i) the value of y when x = 24, (ii) the value of x when y = 12 [2 marks]

    (d) Draw a suitable straight line on your graph to find all the values of x which satisfy the equation for . State these values of x. [4 marks] Answer :


    (b) Refer graph.

    (c) (i) y = _________________________________________________________________

    (ii) x = _________________________________________________________________

    (d) x = ________________________________________________________________________

    x -3 -2 -1 05 0.5 1 2 3y 533 8 32 32 16 -5.33

    TABLE 12


    Graph for question 12


    13 (a) The transformation R represents a 900 anticlockwise rotation about the center (3, 2). The transformation T represents a translation . State the coordinates of the image of the point (1, 1) under the following


    (i) R (ii) RT [3 marks]

    Answer: (a) (i)


    (b) Diagram 13 shows three quadrilateral EFGH, ABCD and OFJK on a Cartesian plane. EFGH is the image of ABCD under the transformation U and EJKO is the image of EFGH under the transformation V .

    Describe completely the transformation, (i) U, (ii) V. [6 marks]

    (c) Given that the shaded area is 120 unit2 , find the area of ABCD. [3 marks]

    Answer: (b) (i)



    DIAGRAM 13


    14 The data in the table shows the weight of 40 students in a class.

    60 45 50 56 66 51 44 46 54 47 53 48 49 49 48 65 52 50 51 51 52 52 42 51 41 54 46 54 56 60 58 39 53 59 58 63 47 64 43 59

    (a) Based on the data in the table above, complete the table provided in the answer space using 5 kg as the size of the class interval. [4 marks]

    (b) By using a scale of 2 cm to 5 kg on the x-axis and 2 cm to 5 students on the y-axis, draw an ogive for the data. [4 marks]

    (c) Based on the ogive in (b), i) Find the inter quartile range. ii) Briefly explain the meaning of the third quartile in the graph. [4 marks]

    Answer: (a)

    c) (i) _________________________________________________________________

    (ii) _________________________________________________________________


    ClassInterval FrequencyCumulativeFrequency

    30 3536 40

    41 45


    Graph for question 14


    15 (a) Diagram 15(i) shows a solid prism with rectangular base JKLM on a horizontal plane. ADEHJK is the uniform cross-section of the prism. The rectangles ABCD and AFGH are horizontal planes. AK, BI, CF, DE, GM and HJ are vertical edges. Draw to full scale, the plan of the solid.

    [3 marks]

    (b) A solid prism is joined to the prism in Diagram 15(i) at the vertical plane BCFGML to form a combined solid as shown in Diagram 15(ii). The trapezium MNRS is the uniform cross-section of the prism. TBL, SGM, RN and QP are vertical edges.

    Draw to full scale,

    (i) The elevation of the combined solid on a vertical plane parallel to KJ as viewed from X. [5 marks]

    (ii) The elevation of the combined solid on a vertical plane parallel to JMN as viewed from Y. [4 marks]

    DIAGRAM 15 (i)

    DIAGRAM 15 (ii)

    G(.- (



    3 cm

    4 cm

    5 cm

    3 cm

    2 cmL















    16 J (70S,37E), K and L are three points on the surface of the earth such that JK is the diameter of the parallel of latitude 70S. An aeroplane takes off from J and flies due east along its parallel of latitude until it reaches town K. Upon arrival in town K the plane

    changes its crew and flies back to J using the shortest distance measured along the surface of the earth. After refueling in J , the aeroplane is instructed to fly to town L which is located 5400 nautical miles due north of J.

    (a) Find the longitude of town K. [2 marks]

    (b) Find the latitude of town L. [3 marks]

    (c) Calculate the distance, in nautical miles, traveled by the plane,

    (i) From J to K , measured along the parallel latitude.

    (ii) From K back to J. [5 marks]

    (d) Calculate the average speed, in knots, for the whole journey of the plane if the time taken to reach L is 22 hours. [2 marks]

    Answer: (a)


    (c) (i)





    N o Tajuk

    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2TINGKATAN 4

    1 Kemunculan Tamadun awal dunia 1 5 2 2 1 2 1 22 Peningkatan tamadun 3 1 2 1 2 23 Tamadun Awal Asia Tenggara 2 2 3 3 2 2 14 Kemunculan Tamadun Islam

    dan perkembangan di Makkah 2 6 2 2 4 2 1 2

    5 Kerajaan Islam Madinah 2 2 1 2 2 36 Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam dan Sumbangannya 2 3 6 2 2 5 2 57 Islam di Asia Tenggara 2 2 2 2 3 28 Pembaharuan dan Pengaruh Islam di Malaysia

    Sebelum Kedatangan Barat 2 2 1 2 2 2 2

    9 Perkembangan di Eropah 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 610 Dasar British terhadap Ekonomi Negara 2 8 2 8 3 2 6 2

    TINGKATAN 51 Kemunculan dan Perkembangan Nasionalisme

    Di Asia Tenggara 3 2 1 2 7 3 3

    2 Nasionalisme di Malaysia sehingga Perang Dunia Kedua 1 7 3 7 4 7 2 4 2 7

    3 Kesedaran Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa 2 2 2 3 2 24 Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa Malaysia 3 3 2 3 2 2 8 3 85 Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa Merdeka 2 2 2 2 16 Pengukuhan Negara dan Bangsa Malaysia 2 4 2 2 3 47 Sistem Pemerintahan dan

    Pentadbiran Negara Malaysia 2 1 3 8 3 3 2

    8 Pembangunan dan Perpaduan untuk Kesejahteraan 2 8 1 9 4 2 29 Malaysia dalam kerjasama Antarabangsa 3 4 3 4 3 9 2 9 2 9

    JUMLAH 40 9 40 9 40 9 40 9 9

    K1 - Bilangan soalanK2 - No soalan




    Sejarah Kertas 1 [1249/1]Arahan:

    Jawab semua soalan yang diberikan. Soalan aneka pilihan sila jawab di bahagian yang telah disediakan manakala soalan struktur, perlu jawab dalam ruangan jawapan setiap soalan.

    1 Petempatan kekal merupakan satu ciri penting kemunculan tamadun

    Apakah unsur penting yang menentukan pemilihan sesuatu kawasan sebagai petempatan kekal dalam tamadun tersebut?

    A Kelangsungan bekalan makanan B Kewujudan sistem kepercayaan C Kepadatan penduduk D Keluasan tanah 2 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan tamadun Mesopotamia Mempunyai pintu gerbang pelbagai bentuk

    Apakah kepentingan pintu gerbang tersebut? A Lambang Kekayaan B Panduan laluan kapal C Sempadan empayar D Simbol keagamaan 3 Agora merupakan sebahagian daripada institusi polis dalam

    Tamadun Yunani.

    Apakah fungsi agora tersebut? A Kawasan pertanian C Tempat pertemuan rakyat B Pusat keagamaan D Tempat bangunan kerajaan 4 Mengapakah dilantik dua orang konsul dalam sistem

    pemerintahan republik Rom ? A Mengimbangi kuasa B Mematuhi dasar negara C Melicinkan pentadbiran D Meringankan beban tugas 5 Apakah bukti yang menunjukkan kerajaan Kedah Tua pernah

    menjadi sebuah pelabuhan entrepot A Tembikar Qing Pai B Candi di Lembah Bujang C Gendang Gangsa Dongson D Batu Besurat Terengganu 6 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan kemahiran masyarakat

    kerajaan maritim.

    Pada zaman kerajaan awal, masyarakat kerajaan maritim merupakan pelaut yang unggul di Asia Tenggara

    Mengapakah masyarakat tersebut mampu menjadi pelaut yang

    unggul? I Perebutan tanah jajahan II Mendapat galakan pemerintah III Memiliki kemahiran membina kapal layar IV Memiliki semangat menjalankan perdagangan jarak jauh

    A I dan II C II dan III B I dan IV D III dan IV

    7 Mengapakah dakwah Islamiah pada peringkat awal di Makkah dilakukan secara rahsia?

    I Tindakan itu adalah suatu strategi dalam penyebaran Islam

    II Ajaran Islam masih belum lengkap III Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan daripada diketahui oleh orang

    ramai IV Bilangan umat Islam masih kecil

    A I dan II C III dan IV B II dan IV D I dan IV 8 Senarai berikut merupakan individu yang telah memberikan

    sumbangan penting terhadap agama Islam.

    SitiKhadijah UmmuSalamah AisyahbintiAbuBakar Apakah sumbangan individu tersebut? A Membantu perjuangan Islam B Memperkukuhkan ekonomi Islam C Menyusun perundangan Islam D Menubuhkan pusat kegiatan Islam 9 Pada zaman pemerintahan Khulafa al-Rasyidin , seseorang

    khalifah dilantik melalui sistem syura. Apakah kebaikan sistem tersebut? A Meneruskan tradisi masyarakat Arab B Memastikan kesenambungan pemerintahan C Mendapat sokongan orang bukan Islam D Menjamin pemilihan pemimpin berkelayakan 10 Mengapakah Cordova dianggap penting kepada dunia Islam dan

    Eropah pada abad ke-10 M?

    I Pusat kebudayaan III Pusat penterjemahan II Pusat pertahanan IV Pusat pengajian tinggi

    A I dan II C II dan III B I dan IV D III dan IV

    11 Apakah sumbangan Ibn al-Nafis terhadap terhadap peradaban dunia?

    A Teori algebra C Teknik pembedahan B Perundangan D Penetapan hukum syarak 12 Apakah faktor yang mengakibatkan kemerosotan kuasa politik

    dan ekonomi Empayar Turki Uthmaniyah pada abad Ke-16? A Pertambahan penduduk yang pesat B Kebangkitan golongan monarki C Pengaruh pahlawan tentera D Kejatuhan ekonomi dunia


    14 Mengapakah Sultan Mansur Shah menghantar kitab al-Dur al-Manzum ke Samudera-Pasai?

    A Untuk dibahaskan C Untuk diterjemahkan B Sebagai mas kahwin D Sebagai tanda persahabatan 15 Perkara yang manakah menunjukkan kedatangan Islam ke Asia

    Tenggara mempengaruhi cara hidup masyarakat tempatan? A Amalan bersemah C Adat persandingan B Persaudaraan ummah D Cara bercucuk tanam 16 Pada tahun 1833, Akta kilang telah digubal bagi melindungi

    kepentingan pekerja di Britain.

    Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah berkaitan dengan akta tersebut?

    A Penggunaan mesin ditegah B Pengambilan buruh mahir dipertingkatkan C Melarang wanita bekerja di lombong arang batu D Melarang kanak-kanak bawah sembilan tahun bekerja


    Kesatuan Sekerja

    17 Merujuk kepada pernyataan di atas, apakah implikasinya kepada pekerja?

    A Kenaikan gaji disekat B Wanita dilarang bekerja C Pergaulan pekerja disekat D Eksploitasi pekerja dilarang 18 Bagaimanakah Akta Tanah Simpanan Melayu yang

    diperkenalkan oleh British pada 25 November 1913 memanfaatkan orang Melayu?

    A Memperkenalkan sistem perladangan B Mengekalkan hak milik C Mempelbagaikan jenis tanaman D Meneruskan ekonomi tradisional

    19 Apakah implikasi daripada sistem pendidikan di atas? A Pengasingan kaum B Sukatan pelajaran selaras C Pegawai kerajaan bertambah D Pengurusan tenaga pengajar mudah

    20 Pada tahun 1917, undang-undang perkhidmatan syarikat insurans telah mengasingkan insurans nyawa daripada insurans

    A kesihatan C kenderaan B kebakaran D perkhidmatan 21 Jadual berikut berkaitan dasar pendidikan Belanda di Indonesia

    Mengapakah Belanda mengasingkan sistem pendidikan tersebut?

    A Mengelak masalah pemberian bantuan B Menyekat penghijrahan penduduk C Memecah belah perpaduan penduduk D Menghapuskan amalan tradisi tempatan 22 Mengapakah corak gerakan nasionalisme di Asia Tenggara

    berubah daripada sederhana kepada radikal? A Sekatan pengaruh luar B Perjuangan tidak berkesan C Kekurangan sumber kewangan D Sokongan pemerintahan tempatan 23 Akhbar berikut digunakan oleh Kaum Muda sebagai wadah

    perjuangan mereka di Tanah Melayu pada 1930-an.

    Al-Imam Neracha Saudara

    Apakah isu yang dimuatkan oleh akhbar tersebut A Peranan golongan pembesar B Mengkritik kelemahan raja C Penghapusan amalan penghambaan D Menggalakkan pendidikan barat 24 Dialog berikut mungkin berlaku antara ahli Kaum Muda

    Mengpakah perkara tersebut berlaku? A Kekurangan kewangan B Sekatan undang-undang C Sikap dingin masyarakat D Kesukaran sistem perhubungan 25 Bagaimanakah Bismarck berjaya memenangi dan membangkit

    semangat rakyat Prussia di Medan peperangan? A Melaksanakan pelbagai taktik kotor B Melancarkan sistem kediktatoran C Mengadakan kerjasama dengan ahli D Menggunakan isu membenci kuasa asing

    Sistem pendidikan di Indonesia awal abad ke-19Bandar Anak golongan priyayi

    Kampung Anak orang kebanyakan

    AZMI : Kita tidak dapat bergerak dinegeri-negeriMelayuYUSUF : Ya,memangbetul

    13 Mengapakah undang-undang Islam sukar dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah Islam di Asia Tenggara?

    A Pembesar kurang memberi galakan B Mendapat tentangan daripada penduduk C Masih terikat dengan undang-undang adat D Perang saudara di kalangan pemimpin tempatan


    27 Rajah berikut berkaitan dengan negeri-negeri warisan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.

    Mengapakah negeri-negeri tersebut dianggap sebagai warisan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka?

    I Negeri naungan II Mengahwini kerabat diraja III Menggunakan gelaran sultan IV Sistem pembesar Empat Lipatan

    A I dan II C II dan III B I dan IV D III dan IV


    28 Apakah gesaan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu ( PBB) yang terkandung dalam piagam di atas?

    A Dasar liberalisasi B Amalan realpolitil C Dasar Dekolonisasi D Amalan monarki 29 Senarai berikut menerangkan pertubuhan yang ditubuhkan di

    Tanah Melayu selepas Perang Dunia Kedua

    AngkatanPemudaInsaf(API) AngkatanWanitaSedar(AWAS) BarisanTaniMalaya(BATAS) Apakah persamaan pendirian ahli pertubuhan tersebut? A Menyokong Malayan Union B Menyetujui pendidikan sekular C Menentang kemasukan imigran D Membubarkan Sistem Ahli 30 Apakah manfaat yang diperoleh orang Melayu melalui Perjanjian

    Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948? A Kedudukan istimewa dilindungi B Menentukan kerakyatan C Menguasai pentadbiran D Kebebasan berpolitik

    26 Apakah peranan Buapak dalam sistem pemerintahan yang berasaskan Adat Perpatih di Negeri Sembilan?

    I Menasihati Undang II Memilih Anak Buah III Mengetuai Perut IV Melantik Lembaga

    A I dan II C II dan III B I dan IV D III dan IV

    31 Mengapakah parti berikut ditubuhkan?

    A Menyekat pengaruh komunis B Mewujudkan perpaduan kaum C Mempertahankan hak peribumi D Mengurangkan pengaruh golongan radikal

    32 Mengapakah penyerahan tersebut ditentang oleh pemimpin dan persatuan kaum tempatan Sarawak?

    A Penentangan Majlis Negeri B Penipuan terhadap pembesar C Penghapusan hak istimewa peribumi D Percanggahan dengan Perlembagaan 1941

    33 Jawatankuasa berikut ditubuhkan pada bulan Julai 1961

    Apakah peranan jawatankuasa tersebut? A Merangka perlembagaan tersebut B Menetapkan tarikh pilihan raya umum C Menjelaskan tentang gagasan Malaysia D Merintis kerjasama pelbagai parti politik 34 Situasi berikut merujuk kepada masalah yang dihadapi oleh

    seorang rakyat Malaysia

    DisabitkandengankesalahanJenayaholehmahkamah Diisytiharkanmuflis Dalam sistem pilihan raya di Malaysia, individu tersebut tidak

    berhak A Membuang undi B Menganggotai parti politik C Menyediakan manifesto D Menjadi calon 35 Rajah di bawah menerangkan langkah kerjasama untuk

    memajukan ekonomi negara.

    Apakah kesan langkah tersebut? A Pembukaan tanah pertanian secara besar-besaran B Perkembangan pesat kemudahan asas C Peningkatan produktiviti sektor perkilangan D Penglibatan bumiputera dalam sektor perusahaan

    PARTI Parti Kemerdekaan MalayaPENGASAS DatoOnn bin Jaafar


    TARIKH PERISTIWA8 Februari 1946 Vyner Brooke menyerahkan Sarawak

    kepada kerajaan British


    Jawatankuasa Perunding Perpaduan Kaum Donald Stephens


    36 Kerajaan telah memperkenalkan program pembangunan in-situ melalui Dasar Pertanian Negara (DPN)

    Apakah tujuan program tersebut? A Membuka petempatan baru B Menambah peluang pekerjaan C Memperkemaskan sistem pemasaran D Memulihkan kawasan berproduktiviti rendah

    37 Jadual di atas menunjukkan perubahan dasar luar Malaysia Mengapakah berlaku perubahan dasar di atas? A Suasana aman di Vietnam B Bantuan pertahanan dari komanwel C Pengaruh Britain di Timur berkurangan D Perjanjian Inggeris-Tanah Melayu ditandatangani 38 Apakah faktor pembubaran Liga Bangsa? A Kemelesetan ekonomi dunia B Perluasan pengaruh komunis C Kegagalan menghalang peperangan D Pengisytiharan kemerdekaan kebanyakan negara

    39 Apakah masalah yang dihadapi oleh negara bekas tanah jajahan Barat selepas Perang Dunia kedua?

    I Membentuk kerajaan baru II Mewujudkan perpaduan ekonomi III Membangunkan sektor ekonomi IV Menghapuskan warisan penjajah A I, II dan III C I, III dan IV B I, II dan IV D II , III dan IV PersatuanNegara-negaraAsiaTenggara(ASA)-1961 PersatuanNegara-negaraAsiaTenggara (ASEAN)-1967 40 Kedua-dua pertubuhan di atas mempunyai matlamat yang sama

    iaitu A Menyelaraskan sistem pentadbiran B Mengadakan pakatan ketenteraan C Mewujudkan kebudayaan serantau D Menjalinkan kerjasama dalam pelbagai bidang


    DASAR LUAR MALAYSIASebelum 1971 Pro-BaratSelepas 1971 Berkecuali


    Sejarah Kertas 2 [1249/2]

    BAHAGIAN A( 40 markah)

    Jawab semua soalan

    1 Peningkatan ekonomi merupakan tulang belakang kemajuan sesebuah tamadun.

    a Nyatakan kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh tamadun India dan China

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] b Senaraikan dua sumbangan tamadun China dalam bidang pertanian

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] c Nyatakan 2 peranan sresthin dalam peningkatan ekonomi tamadun India

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] d Pada pandangan anda, mengapakah kemajuan ekonomi penting kepada sesebuah negara?

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] e Sebagai seorang pemimpin, bagaimanakah anda memajukan sektor pertanian negara

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]


    2 Rajah di bawah merujuk kepada kesan yang berlaku di Asia Tenggara akibat daripada pengaruh Islam

    Pengaruh Islam terhadap perkembangan ekonomi di Asia Tenggara --------------------> Mata wang

    a Apakah pengaruh Islam dalam aspek perdagangan di Asia Tenggara?

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] b Nyatakan ciri-ciri Islam yang terdapat pada mata wang di Asia Tenggara.

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] c Jelaskan peraturan-peraturan cukai yang dikenakan kepada pedagang dan orang asing di Melaka

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] d Berdasarkan pengetahuan sejarah anda, apakah yang akan terjadi sekirannya urusan perdagangan dijalankan tanpa menggunakan mata wang ?

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] e Malaysia merupakan sebuah kuasa perdagangan yang penting di Asia Tenggara. Pada Pendapat anda, apakah langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil bagi menjadikan negara kita terus unggul sebagai kuasa perdagangan terpenting di Asia Tenggara?

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]


    3 Gerakan Islah adalah satu gerakan yang menyarankan agar orang Islam memperbetulkan pandangan terhadap ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya. Gerakan ini dipelopori oleh Kaum Muda yang mendapat pendidikan aliran agama.

    a Namakan dua tokoh gerakan di atas

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

    b Berikan dua akhbar dan majalah yang menyebarkan idea gerakan tersebut

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

    c Apakah idea-idea yang diperjuangkan oleh gerakan ini?

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

    d Nyatakan halangan-halangan yang dihadapi oleh oleh Kaum Muda dalam perjuangan mereka?

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

    e Malaysia bercita-cita akan menjadi sebuah negara maju pada tahun 2020. Pada pendapat anda, apakah cabaran-cabaran yang mesti ditempoh bagi menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara maju.

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]



    Jun 1961 Tunku Abdul Rahman membuat lawatan ke Sabah dan SarawakMenerangkan matlamat penubuhan


    4 a Apakah langkah-langkah yang dijalankan untuk menjayakan pembentukan Malaysia?

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] b Senaraikan dua orang tokoh yang terlibat dalam Suruhanjaya Cobold i ________________________________________________________________________ ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

    c Nyatakan dua laporan hasil tinjauan pendapat yang dijalankan oleh Suruhanjaya Cobold i ________________________________________________________________________ ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] d Berikan dua cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh Suruhanjaya Cobbold i ________________________________________________________________________ ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah] e Berdasarkan pengkajian anda, mengapakah penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak menerima cadangan pembentukan Malaysia?

    i ________________________________________________________________________

    ii ________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]


    Bahagian B[ 60 markah ]

    Jawab mana-mana tiga soalan daripada bahagian ini 5 Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam di Madinah pada tahun 622M telah menimbulkan perasaan iri di kalangan orang Arab Quraisy

    a) Jelaskan strategi yang digunakan oleh Nabi Muhamad s.a.w untuk memperkukuhkan kedudukan negara Islam. [8 markah]

    b) Berdasarkan pengetahuan anda, nyatakan prinsip peperangan mengikut ajaran Islam [6 markah]

    c) Pada pendapat anda, apakah langkah yang sewajarnya anda lakukan untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. [6 markah]

    6 a) Apakah maksud Reformation. [2 markah]

    b) Apakah idea-idea penting yang diperjuangkan oleh Martin Luther? [6 markah]

    c) Jelaskan kesan-kesan Zaman Reformation terhadap Eropah. [12 markah]

    7 a) Masyarakat Melayu mula menggunakan sistem mata wang sejak zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka lagi. Jelaskan jenis mata wang yang digunakan di Tanah Melayu sejak zaman tersebut hingga awal abad ke 20. [6 markah]

    b) Kepesatan ekonomi Tanah Melayu telah membawa kepada penubuhan institusi kewangan. Terangkan perkembangan institusi kewangan di Tanah Melayu sehingga awal abad ke 20. [8 markah]

    c) Berdasarkan pengetahuan sejarah anda, apakah kesan pengenalan institusi kewangan ke atas ekonomi di negara kita ? [6 markah]

    Suruhanjaya Reid Mac 1956Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu Ogos 1957

    8 Maklumat berikut berkaitan dengan langkah ke arah mencapai kemerdekaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948

    a) Apakah isu yang menjadi perhatian Suruhanjaya Reid? [4 markah]

    b) Jelaskan isi kandungan Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1957. [8 markah]

    c) Sebagai rakyat PTM yang merdeka pada masa itu, nyatakan kepentingan yang diperolehi apabila termeterainya Perjanjian PTM 1957? [8 markah]


    10 Rajah berikut berkaitan dengan langkah-langkah kerajaan meningkatkan perpaduan di Malaysia

    a) Jelaskan langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan untuk memartabatkan bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan. [10 markah]

    b) Apakah kepentingan Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan ? [5 markah]

    c) Pada pendapat anda bagaimana aktiviti sukan menjadi alat perpaduan di Malaysia. [5 markah]

    11 a) Jelaskan matlamat penubuhan ASEAN [6 markah]

    b) Huraikan sumbangan dan peranan Malaysia dalam ASEAN [10 markah]

    c) Pada pengetahuan sejarah anda, apakah kelebihan dasar luar Malaysia yang berbaik-baik dengan semua negara ? [4 markah]


    9 Malaysia permerupakan sebuah negara yang melaksanakan pemerintahan bercorak Demokrasi. Pilihan raya aspek penting dalam sebuah negara Demokrasi. Pilihan raya membolehkan rakyat terlibat secara langsung dalam pemilihan pemimpin negara.

    a) Jelaskan proses pilihan raya [7 markah]

    b) i. Nyatakan syarat-syarat yang perlu dipatuhi oleh calon yang hendak bertanding dalam pilihan raya [4 markah]

    ii. Syarat-syarat untuk menjadi pengundi [4 markah]

    c) Pada pandangan anda, apakah kepentingan pilihan raya di Malaysia [5 markah]




    CHAPTER2008 2009 2010 2011 2012






    A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C1. Scientific Investigation2. Body Coordination 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 5 3 13. Heredity & Coordination 5 4 1 5 3 1 3

    4. Matter & Substances 4 1 4 5 1 4 4 15. Energy & Chemical Changes 4 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 1

    6. Nuclear Energy 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 17. Light, Color & Sight 3 1 5 1 3 1 5 3 18. Chemicals In Industry 3 - - - 2 - 1 - 2 - - 1 2 1 - 1 3 - - -NO. OF QUESTION

    FOR FORM 4 26 1 1 2 23 2 3 2 23 2 3 1 24 2 2 1 22 2 2 1

    9. Microorganisms and their Effects On Living Things

    5 1 4 1 5 1 1 3 1 5 1

    10. Nutrition & Food Production 3 1 4 2 1 2 1 4 1

    11. Preservation & Conservation of the Environment

    3 1 5 2 4 4 1

    12. Carbon Compound 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 3 113. Motion 5 1 4 1 5 1 5 1 5 114. Food Technology & Production 2 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 1

    15. Synthetic Materials In Industry 2 2 3 2 2 1

    16. Electronics & Information & Communication Technology

    2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3

    NO. OF QUESTION FOR FORM 5 24 3 4 1 27 2 2 1 27 4 5 3 26 2 3 2 28 2 3 2

    TOTAL 50 4 5 3 50 4 5 3 50 4 5 3 50 4 5 3 50 4 5 3


    Science Paper 1 [1511/1]This question paper consists of 50 questions. Each question is followed by four options A, B, Cand D.

    Choose one correct answer for each question. Answer all the questions.

    1. The following information shows a step in the scientific method.


    What is the step ? A a variable. B a hypothesis. C a problem statement. D the aim of an experiment.

    2. The following statement shows some of the steps in a scientific method.

    J - Forming a conclusionK - Control the variablesL - Analyse and interpret dataM Identify the problem

    Which of the following is the correct sequence of the scientific method ?

    A J, K, L, M B K, M, L, J C M, K, L, J D M, L, K, J

    3. Diagram 1 show a type of nerve cell.

    What is the type of neurone shown in Diagram 1 ?

    A Relay neurone B Sensory neurone C Motor neurone D Middle neurone

    4. Which of the following actions is a reflex action ? I We can button our shirts without looking at buttons. II Blinking the eyes to avoid an object entering an eye. III Jumping up in pain on stepping on a sharp nail accidentally.

    A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II and III

    5. Diagram 2 shows the pathway of impulses in an action.



    What is P ? A Brain B Receptor C Hormones D Spinal cord

    6. The functions of the brain may be disturbed because of I injury of the brain II mental stress III malnutrition

    A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II and III

    7. Diagram 3 shows one of the endocrine glands in the body.

    What will happens to a person if his gland M secretes excessive hormones into the blood ?

    A The metabolic rate increases B The blood pressure increases C The salt level in the blood decreases D The glucose level in the blood decreases

    8. Diagram 4 shows the positions of some endocrine glands in the body.

    Which gland produced the hormones that sometimes known as the fight, flight or fright hormones?

    A P C R B Q D S







    Pituitary gland



    9. Withdrawal symptoms due to drugs include .. I diarrhea and shivering II having hallucination III pain in the abdomen and limbs

    A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II and III

    10. What is the harmful effect of taking alcoholic drinks excessively ? A Diarrhoea B Brain cancer C Liver cirrhosis D Sickle-cell anaemia

    11. Why is meiosis important to humans? A Increasing the number of cells B Injured organs can be repaired C For replacing dead or worn out cells D Number of chromosomes is maintained from generation to

    generation 12. An imbalance of hormones in women can .. I hinder the development of secondary sex characteristics II encourage pregnancy III cause foetal abortion

    A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II and III

    13. Diagram 5 shows the sex determination in humans.

    Which of the children are girls ? A U and V B U and W C V and W D V and X 14. Diagram 6 shows the process occurs in a cell division.




    What is the process shown in Diagram 6? A Mitosis B Meiosis II C Fertilisation D Crossing- over

    15. Diagram 7 shows the development after the fusion of sperm and ovum.

    Name the process of X and Y ?

    16. Encik Wahid and Puan Sarah has two sons. What is the probability that their third child will still be a boy?

    A 100% C 25% B 50% D 75%

    17. Which of the following atoms contains 11 protons, 11 electrons and 12 neutrons?

    18. Crystals can be obtained from a A. diluted solution B. miscible solution C. saturated solution D. concentrated solution

    19. Diagram 8 shows an incomplete Periodic Table.

    Element S is a .. A. gas B. metal C. non- metal D. transition element



    DIAGRAM 10

    DIAGRAM 11

    20. Diagram 9 is best to describes the process of ...

    A. evaporation B. condensation C. sublimation D. vaporization

    21. Diagram 10 shows the electrolysis of copper chloride solution using carbon electrodes as the anode and cathode.

    What will be obtained in electrodes X and Y ?

    22. Diagram 11 shows how radioactive radiations penetrate through different material. What are the radiations P, Q and R ?

    P Q R A. Alpha Beta Gamma B. Gamma Alpha Beta C. Beta Alpha Gamma D. Alpha Gamma Beta

    23. Diagram 12 shows the process of ...

    A. nuclear fusion B. nuclear fission C. nuclear decay D. nuclear effect

    24. Diagram 13 shows the process of formation of a rainbow.

    What are the processes involved? A. Refraction and diffraction. B. Diffraction and reflection C. Reflection and dispersion D. Scattering and refraction

    25 Diagram 14 shows the location of the object in front of a convex lens.

    The image formed by the lens is .. A. Real, upright and smaller than object. B. Real, inverted and larger than object C. Virtual, upright and is the same size as the object. D. Virtual, inverted and is the same size as the object.

    DIAGRAM 12

    DIAGRAM 13

    DIAGRAM 14



    DIAGRAM 15

    DIAGRAM 16

    26. Diagram 15 shows a pinhole camera

    Predict what will happen to the image on the screen if the pinhole is enlarged and the camera is brought closer to the object?

    A. The image becomes bigger and brighter but less clear. B. The image becomes bigger, brighter and clearer. C. The image becomes smaller but brighter and clearer D. The image becomes smaller, brighter but less clearer .

    27. Diagram 16 shows a beam of white light passing through a yellow and magenta filter.

    What colours are lights X and Y passing through the filters ?

    A B C D

    28. Colour is used by animals .. I. for growth II. as warning signals III. to attract the attention of their mates

    A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I,II and III

    29. Which of the following are the uses of colours in daily life ? I. traffic lights II. electrical wiring III. colour printing

    A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I,II and III

    X YYellow, red and green Green and red

    Red and green Cyan and redYellow, red and green Green and blue

    Red and green Cyan and blue

    31. Greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is caused by I. Respiration II. Transpiration III. Photosynthesis

    A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I,II and III

    29. Diagram 17 shows the structure of bronze.

    What are K and L ?

    A B C D

    32. Diagram 18 shows a situation in a river. Many fishs in a river died.

    Which of the following pollutants in the water are likely to have killed them ?

    I. Toxic waste II. Mercury III. Oil spill

    A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I,II and III

    DIAGRAM 17

    K LCopper ZincCopper TinCopper Aluminium

    Tin zinc

    DIAGRAM 18

    X Y



    33. Diagram 19 shows the life cycle of a female Aedes mosquito.

    Give a method to control the mosquito at stages Q. I. using chemicals. II. spreading oil over the surface of water III. using biological control such as rearing fish

    A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

    34. Which of the following can be treated by antifungal drugs? A. Ringworm B. Malaria C. Common cold D. Gonorrhoea

    35. A farmer observed symptoms as stated below on his crops.

    Veryfewflowersandfruits Darkgreenleaveswithredspotsonthem

    Which of the following macronutrients needs to be added to the soil?

    A. Nitrogen B. Sulphur C. Calcium D. Phosphorus

    36. Diagram 20 shows the roots of a long bean plant.

    How does the presence of root nodules benefit leguminous plants ?

    A. The root nodules provide shelter for nitrifying bacteria which are beneficial to the plants.

    B. More nitrates are available for the plants to synthesise proteins.

    C. Denitrification can occur more easily D. Putrefaction can occur more easily.

    DIAGRAM 19

    DIAGRAM 20

    37. Diagram 21 shows the carbon cycle.

    What are process X and Y ?

    X Y A. Respiration Respiration B. Respiration Decomposition C. Photosynthesis Respiration D. Photosynthesis Excretion

    37. Diagram 22 shows the symbol of recycling.

    What is the important of recycling? A. Reduce air pollution B. Increase economic resources C. Protect extinction of marine life D. Reduce the use of natural resources

    38. Which of the following are inorganic compounds? I. Alcohol II. Carbon dioxide III. Calcium carbonate

    A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

    39. The equation below shows a polymerisation process.

    What is polymer Z ?

    A. Rubber B. Starch C. Protein D. Polythene

    DIAGRAM 21

    DIAGRAM 22


    40. Without using a spark plug, how does a four-stroke diesel engine ignites its fuel?

    A. By friction B. By chemical reaction C. By using electrical energy D. By compressing the air in the cylinder to a very high

    pressure and temperature

    41. A car traveling on a straight road takes 5 s to increase its speed from 10 m/s to 50 m/s. What is its acceleration?

    A. 2 ms-2 B. 6 ms-2 C. 8 ms-2 D. 14 ms-2

    42. What are the factors affecting the pressure acting on a surface? I. Size II. Force III. Surface area

    A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

    43. The statement below explains how fresh milk is pre

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