african elephant book for elizabeth

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Diet The African elephant is an herbivore and that means that they only eat plants.

When the rain season comes than the food that the elephants will eat are plants.

During the dry season than the food that they will eat is shrubs, twigs, bark,

flowers, fruit and they can also eat roots to they can also eat these foods at any

time of the year. The other food that these animals will eat is grass, leaves, fruit,

tree bark and they will also eat bamboo to. These animals will also eat crops like

bananas and sugarcane these items will be grown on farms that will be taken care

of by farmers. An adult elephant will eat about 300 to 400lbs of food in a day.

They can also eat about (136 kilograms) in a day as well. The elephants will spend

a lot of their time eating. A bull elephant will eat about 300-600 pounds (130-

260kg) of food at each day. The plants that the elephants eat will have to rip

them apart and to eat a tree bark they will have to push down the whole tree. All

two species of elephants are all plant eaters. There are some species that can eat

about 165 to 330 pounds (75 to 150 kilograms) in a single day this can be 4 to 6%

of the elephant’s body weight. They will normally spent 16 hours of their day

eating food. The type of food that the bush elephant will eat is grass and that also

means that they will eat sedges, flowering plants, leaves, shrubs and they will also

eat small – to – medium – size trees. These types of elephants are grazers. The

forest elephant is a blower which means that they will eat frugivorous and leaves

and they will also eat fruit, seeds, branches and the other food that they will eat is

tree bark. A adult elephant will eat about 225 kgs (496 lbs) of food in a day. These

animals can also drink about 50 gallons of water in a day. . If the African elephant

does not found any sign of water than it will start to dig up very deep holes by

using their trunk so that they can look for water. There are some holes that they

dig up can be seven feet deep. Lots of people think elephants know where to dig

if they need to find water this is being done by communication with other

elephants. The food that the bush elephant will eat anything that is on its habitat

and the foods that they will eat is proportions, herbs, tree bark and they can also

eat shrubbery leaves to.

Habitat/Range The African savannah elephants can be found on savannahs that are in 37

different countries that live in the southern part of the Sahara Desert. The African

forest elephant can be found in the rainforests that can be in the West and in

Central Africa. The type of habitats that the African elephants live on is grasslands

and on open woodlands. The African elephant can also be found on the tropical

grassland that is called a savanna and they can also be found in tropical

rainforests that is in Central Africa. The type of habitats that they can be found in

is on tropical and subtropical rainforests. The African elephant can be found on

the savannas and the wooded areas that are in Eastern, Southern and in Central

Africa. The African elephant lives on sub-Saharan Africa. There are some

subspecies like the forest elephant they can be found in the tropical forests that is

in Central Africa. The type of habitats that these animals can be found in forests,

grasslands, marches, scrub, and they can also be found on semi-desert areas. The

African elephant can be found in seven different countries that are in Africa and

those places are Zaire, Congo, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Sudan

and they can also be found in Tanzania to. The African elephant lives in many

different types of habitats and the habitats that they live on is open grasslands

and on dense forest. The African savanna elephant can be found on the dry open

plains and they can also live on open woodlands to. The African forest elephant

lives in thick tropical forests. Elephants are very strong animals. The elephants

that live in Africa they can live on scorching desert that is near chilly peaks

mountains that can be 1,000 ft (4.572m) high. These elephants can be found in

the rainforests of central and in West Africa. They can also live on sub-Saharan

Africa to.


Elephants are known to be the largest land mammal in the world. But the most

largest elephant is the African elephant. The weight of an adult African elephant is

12,000 – 14,000 lbs. The height of an African elephant is the largest elephant out

of all of the two species of elephants. A male elephant can weigh about 16,500

pounds (7.500 kilograms). That can be bigger than four cars. The most smallest

elephant is the African forest elephant. The African elephant can grow about 8

feet tall at the shoulder. A female will weigh about 8,000 pounds (3,600

kilograms) and the males can weigh about 15,000 pounds (6,800 kilograms). The

height of an African elephant is 8.2 to 13ft (2.5 to 4m) to the shoulder. elephant is

5,000 to 14,000lbs. (2.268 to 6,350 kg). The length of the African elephants head

and body is 5 to 7.5 m (16,4-24,6ft) the tail length is 1 and 1.5m . The tail length is

1 to 1.5 m (3.25-5ft. They can weight about 4 and 7 tonnes (3,9-6.9 tons). An

African elephant’s tail can grow about 11 feet tall and they can also weight about

13,000 pounds. The largest elephant has grown about 13 feet tall and they can

weigh about 24,000 pounds. The African elephant can grow about 3-4 m (10-13ft)

up to the shoulder. (20-24ft) the weight of these animals are 3200-6400 ft (6-7.

25m) long. The females are a lot smaller than the males are do. The height of the

African elephant is 5-14 ft to the shoulder. The length of these animals is 30ft up

to the trunk down to the tail. The weight of the African elephant is 6,000 to

15,000lbs this is what the males weight about. Elephants is the largest land

animal in the world. The weight of an male elephant is 26.400 lb (12,000 kg) that

can reach the shoulder. The height of an elephant is 13.8 ft (2.5 to 4 m ) up to the

shoulder . The weight of an male elephant is 26,400 lb (12,000 kg), The height of

the shoulder is 13.8ft (4.2m) 3ft that is how tall an average male African elephant

will grow up to be. The largest land mammal on the planet is the African elephant.

The height of an male elephant is 3.3m up to the shoulder and the weight of

these animals is 6000kg that can be the same weight as 10 small cars.

Life Span The average life span for the African elephant is 70 years when they are in the

wild than they can live until their late 30’s and they can also live about 50 years in

the wild and they can also live have this life span when they are in captivity to.

When they are in the wild they can live about 60 years when they are in the wild.

When they are in a zoo than they can live about 60 years to. When they are in the

wild they can live about 55 to 60 years when they are in Africa. These animals live

a lot longer when they are in captivity and they can live about 80 years when they

are in captivity as well.

1 interesting fact The African elephant lives in a group that is called a herd. These herds are usually

the females and their young. Males do not live in these herds the moment that

the males are big enough than they will start to live all by themselves but

sometimes males will be in group that is all males. But most of the time that the

males will only join the herd with the female’s only it is time to mate. Every single

female elephant that is in the family are all mothers, daughters, aunts and

grandmas. These elephants will always stay together and the bonds between

them are vet strong. The jobs of the females is to help each other with raising

and protecting their young from danger. When the elephants are together than

they will do everything together and that includes traveling and feeding together.

A herd of elephants will normally walk about 50 yards (15 m) apart. The leader of

the herd is called a matriarch. The matriarch is usually the oldest and the most

experienced female out of all of females that is in the herd. The job of the leader

is to look for the best places to find food or water and is always on the lookout for

predators the order job that she does is to teach the youngers on how to behave

in the herd. There are some groups will just teach the matriach’s sisters and her

babies will do that to. When groups start coming way to big than the bonds will

start to split off but they will still have loose association. The males do not

normally live in a group. The moment that the male elephant gets big enough

than they will start to find food and protect themselves. There are some males

that will leave the herd that it was born in and they will form their very own

bachelor herds with other males. The males will only come into a group that has

females is to only have babies but this only happens at a short time. The African

elephants range can have about 2 or 24 animals that can be in this group. There

are some that can have even more than 50 animals that can be in this group to.

Elephants build strong bonds and they live in a matriarchal group that is called a

herd. A herd of elephants can have about 8 to 100 elephants can be in the herd

but it really depends on the family size. When a baby is born than the calf will be

raised and protected by every single female that is in the herd. When the males

get older than they will start to leave the family that they were born in they will

start to go on their own when they reach the ages of 12 to 15 years odd that will

be the time when they will start to go off on their own. After that is over than the

male elephant will start to live on their own or start a group that fall of males.

2 interesting fact Elephants will use their trucks to help them to do a lot of different things like

when they are in deep water a elephant can use its trucks as a snorkel. In the

elephants truck there are two nostrils that is on the end of the truck. The truck is

known to be an extension noise. The truck is not just used as an snorkel it can also

be used for food and water. Elephants will drink water by using their truck to suck

the water into it than the truck will curl towards the mouth and then they will

squirt water into the mouth. On the elephants truck there are to grasping

extensions that is right on the end of their truck and this will work just like a hand

will do. Some people will call those tips fingers because they act just like human

hands do. The elephant’s truck is their nose and also their upper lip. There are

about 8 muscles that can be found on both sides of the truck and they also have

150,000 muscles fascicle which is all over their truck The truck has no bones and

no cartilage is not in them. The muscles that they have in their trucks can make

them very strong these animals can even push down trees and they can also pick

up a single straw that is how agile that the truck is. Elephants will also use their

trucks to grab, hold, pick up, reach, touch, pull, push and throw stuff. Elephants

will also use it to spray themselves so that they can give themselves a bath so that

they can be clean. The truck can also be used as a nose too and the truck has two

nostrils that is on the end that can suck up the air up to the long nasal passages

and right into the lungs. The truck of an elephant is a very long nose that can be

used for breathing, trumpeting, drinking they can also use their truck to grab

things especially food. The truck has about 100,000 different muscles that is how

many muscles that an elephant truck has on the end of their truck it has two

fingers that are used to grab things that are very small. The African elephant has

two fingers and the Asian elephant only has one finger that are on the end of

their truck.

3 interesting fact The ears of an African elephant are just like an air conditioner. When elephants

flip their ears which means that they are cooling themselves they normally do this

on a day that is hot. The blood that is in their ears that is in their blood that is in

their blood vessels will flow up to the elephants ears so that they can cool

themselves. The ears of the elephant can help cool them down from the African

heat sometimes when the heat gets out of control the other way on how they can

stay cool is that elephants will spray their whole skin with dust that is protective

coating. The size of the elephants ears is about (5 feet to 1.5 feet long). The

shaped of their ears looks like the continent of Africa. Their eats do not just help

them to have hear good they can also be used to lose heat that is when hot blood

will start to flow up to the surface of their skin. The type of places that elephants

live in is the type places that have very hot climates. When the body is in the sun

their skin will start to get hot very easily. Elephants will cool themselves by going

to watering holes they will also go to a river so that they can cool themselves to.

Elephants love to spend a lot of their time in the water sometimes they will rest in

it like an hour. They also like to cool down in mud to the mud helps them to

protect themselves from the sun just like we use sunblock that we use to protect

ourselves from the sun. The calves also like to throw water at each other to. The

most greatest predator that elephants face is humans when they are young they

are a lot easy to get killed by lions, crocodiles, leopards and they will also be killed

by hyenas to. When there is a day that is very hot than elephants will spent their

whole time in the shade so that they can stay cool. The skin of an baby elephant is

very sensitive when it comes to the sun. So to help the baby mother will stand

over the young and give it shade so that it can cool down. Their skin will start to

become more thicker when the calf gets older. Elephants use so many different

types of noises to talk to each other. Elephants can even make noises that a

human ear will not be able to hear. These sounds can come in handy when they

need to communicate with another elephant that can be very far away. When a

elephants stomach growls that means that they are welcoming a new elephant

into the herd. The other sounds that the elephant will make is these very loud

noises and they are rumbling, and growling noises these sounds are used to tell

other elephants that everything is okay. Elephants can talk to each other in lots

of different ways. They really have great sense of smell and they can also hear

very well to. They can also use these senses to talk to each other to. The

elephants can talk to each other in an elephant that can be heard over seven

miles (kilometers long) they will also use infrasound to talk to each other to. They

will use this to talk to an elephant that is close by. Elephants can also talk to each

other by to using body language to. A female elephant is called a cow and a male

elephant is called a bull. The ears of an elephant are just like flags when they are

showing that they are getting aggressive or dominance flattened back against the

head so that they can show submission and fear that is some of the ways that

elephants use their ears to talk to each other. They can also use their truck to talk

to each other to. When two elephants have not seen each other for a while they

will use their truck so that they can greet each other or to warn each other that

there is danger nearby they will swing her trucks forwards. The mother can talk to

her baby by touching them by using their trucks. Communicating is a very

important way on how elephants stay close with each other and to make sure

that all the members and the calves are safe from danger.

Responding A baby elephant is called a calf. The first meal that a baby elephant will have is

their mother’s milk just like any other mammal mother does. Baby elephants are

known to be very hairy and the size of an baby elephant is two and three feet tall.

The gestation period for a female elephant is 22 months and almost for 2 years. A

mother elephant will only give birth to only one calf. The mating season for an

elephant is in every four months that can happen in anytime of the year. After the

male and the female are done mating than they will start to go their own ways a

baby elephant will be born in about 22 months. That is also the gestation period

for these animals to. The weight of an baby elephant 100kgs (22 lbs) and they can

stand about 90 cms (35 inches ) high. In about a few days the moment that it is

born then it will be able to join the herd when the calf is about 6 months old than

they will start to eat solid food at this time they will still continue to drink its

mothers milk are until the calf is about 5 years old. The elephant is known to have

the longest pregnancy than any other mammal on earth. The pregnancy of an

elephant is 22 months. A female will only give birth to only just one baby in about

2 or 4 years. The is first born can weigh about 200 pounds (91 kilograms) and

they can stand about 3 feet ( 1 meter) tall. After the female is done mating with

the male than the female will be pregnant about 22 months. A female elephant

will only give birth to only one baby at a time. The name for a baby elephant is

called a calf. The newborn elephant has red hair that is on of top their head and

on their back to. They will start to lose their hair when they get older. The first

food that an baby elephant will eat is its mothers milk they do this for the first

three years of their lives. Then after those three years are over then they will start

to eat normal elephant food like plants and grass. They will also learn how to act

in the herd so that they will fit in with the adults that is in the herd. The best

season for elephants to mate is really during the rainy season. The gestation

period for a elephant is 22 months. A female elephant will only give birth to one

calf. A baby elephant will weigh about 200-250 lbs this is the weight that they are

when they are born. The truck of an baby elephant has no muscle tone in it. The

elephant will suckle in about a month. The baby will start to control its truck by

seven months. The size of an baby elephant is 26 to 42 inches (66 to 107

centimeters) tall up to the shoulder.

Survival Status A lot elephants are facing one of the greatest threats and that is the loss of their

habitat and they are also facing climate change to. This is a problem because if

the place that they live in gets to hot or too dry than it will harm the baby

elephants. The other problem that elephants are facing is that there are so many

people that live on their habitat and people are taking over their habitat. The

other problem that elephants are facing is that people are killing them for their

tusks so that they can make ivory out of them. But people do not need ivory they

seem to just want it so that they can make jewelry, piano keys, and to make

different types of decorations. Elephants are being poached for their beautiful

ivory tucks. If people keep on counting to destroy elephant’s habitats then the

future of elephants of will be gone forever and it will harm their future. In the

year of the late 1800 there were about 27 millions of elephants that lived in

Africa. When the hunter has the African ivory then it will get send to India. The

population of the African elephant started to go down to 10 million elephants in

the year of 1850. Elephants are not just getting killed for ivory they are also being

killed for sport to. During the year of 1850 this was the time that elephants start

to lose their homes by people. In the years of 1860 to 1930 poachers started to

kill 25,000 to 100,000 elephants in every single year. The most places that will

usually get a lot of ivory is in the United States and in Europe so that they can

make piano keys out of them. In the year of 1970 the time of ivory had a whole

new different period and a whole lot busy period. This was the time when the

ivory trade had started to become a law. But there is a big problem because

poachers are still killing elephants for ivory they have killed thousands of

elephants so far (A poacher is a type of hunter that will kill an animal that is

protected by law.) The reason why they kill these beautiful animals is for their

own selfish reasons. In 1980 poachers have killed about 80,000 elephants every

single year. Then the next year was 20,000 elephants were killed by poachers. If

this counties then largest land mammal will be gone forever and we will only see

an elephant in a book. The most biggest threat for elephants is that they are being

killed for ivory. With all this hunting that is going on this leads a threat for the

elephant’s population and their future. But elephants are known to be protected

species on every counter of the world.

Message from Author We must do something to help and to save these amazing animals. These animals

need all the help that that they can get. Elephants have the right to continue

living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a

place in nature to. This is a really big planet that is filled with wonders and

discoveries that are just waiting to be found. We have to make this planet a safe

place for use and for the other creatures that we share it with. This is our

beautiful home and it deserves to have a second change to live on for the next

generation to come on this planet. There will be a big, bright and beautiful future

that is what will happen if we try to protect our planet. If we find a way to project

our planet than our world and our home will be a much happier and a much

cleaner place to live in. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God

made animals for a reason just like he made us. That is what I know about the

African elephant and other animals that live on this planet to. Together we can

make a difference in this beautiful plane that we all share. Thank you so much for

doing your part. With you reading and enjoying this book. You are helping your

favorite animal and its survival in the wild. Without your support and love and

respect your favorite animal will have a chance to make a comeback. This is a

huge thank you for helping these animals and everything else that has to do with

nature. Nature it is very important because without nature our planet will not be

so beautiful and full of wonder that can open a person’s eyes to world that they

never had imagined. Nature thanks you for your support.

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