advocacy in child care final

Post on 01-Sep-2014






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Advocacy in Child Care

Presented By Nasim Khan

Tanvir Quader Delphine Yemowe

Yogeswary Premkumer


What is Homelessness?

Homelessness is a term given to any one in society having no stable and safe place to reside in, no place of comfort, or no roof over their head.

Our Advocacy StatementChildren are our future generation. They have the right to get good care. We believe that every child has the right to live in a secure, safe, warm, and healthy environment. Many children sleep on streets, in unhealthy places, in crowded rooms, or in vehicles. They should have a specific place to live where they can properly develop their physical, emotional, cognitive, social and behavioural developments. We believe that ECEs can take some action plans to support them solving the problems of homelessness for children. We want to create awareness among all stakeholders through presenting with comprehensive scenarios. 

Causes of Homelessness

PovertyGovernment PolicyThe housing marketLoss of jobCrises of government house


Personal risk factors: Mental illness Substance abuse Family violence Incarceration Foster care

Our Research Plan

•Who are the homeless?•What are the reasons for homelessness?•What are the impacts of this issue on children, family, and society?•What are the resources that can help to solve this problem?•How can ECEs help the homeless people?

What are the effects on Children?

Homeless children often get sicker than children living at homes.

Homeless children are often irregular at school attendance

Sometimes they are neglected and bullied by their peer

Continued…Academic performances of homeless

children are hampered by their poor cognitive development

Circumstances of homelessness, such as having no permanent address, declines school performances

Homeless children get poor scores on mathematics, reading, spelling, and vocabulary tests

•Homeless families experience general rejection or discrimination from other people, and face loss of usual relationships with the mainstream families•They experience reduced access to health care and dental services •Homeless parents struggle to get jobs, access to banking services, and access to communications technology•Keeping contacts is challenging without a stable location or mailing address

What are the effects on families?

•Homeless parents cannot provide appropriate support to their children and cannot meet basic needs of their family •Lack of childcare and employment opportunities cause frustration and reduction of energy for parenting •Homeless parents feel frustrated with inconsistent parenting results, and unpredictable consequences for negative behaviours or unfulfilled rewards for positive behaviours of their children

What are the effects on families?

How ECEs can help?

Supporting the parents with information about food, shelter, cloths etc.

Observing and understanding the children’s stress level

As educators, ECEs can be more patient to meet children’s need

ECEs need to make the environment trustworthy so that homeless children feel secured

Our ActionsWe arranged a baking sale in our college compound

to raise money for homeless people, and donated the collected money to homeless people through Neighbourhood Link

Secondly, we made flyers to create awareness among people. We put up these flyers in the college, and other public places. We, group members, distributed the flyers in our respective communities

Our third approach was to buy food and to donate to the homeless people. We donated at the homeless shelter called Dixon Hall at 2714 Danforth Ave.

Actions: Bake Sale

Distributing flyer

Posted flyer in different place

& donating dry food

Donating money for homeless people at

Neighborhood Link….

Breaking News…Street Needs Assessment 2013City of Toronto conducted a city-wide survey on

April 17, 2013.“The intent of the Street Needs Assessment is to

provide information and data that will be useful to policymakers looking to ensure that funding decisions reflect what homeless people say are the services they need to end their homelessness and remain in permanent housing.”

Questions and suggestions?

In your opinion, what is the main cause of homelessness at Canada?

How could we create awareness to help homeless people?

What do you think about the effect of homelessness on children?

How could we help homeless children as an ECE?

Our future action…Our team members eagerly want to do

volunteering for homeless people at neighborhood link after our exam

We’ll volunteer City of Toronto programs for homeless peoples and street needs

We’ll encourage our family to donate for homeless at their own capacity

About Homelessness: Everybody can make a








Thank You

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