advanced masters brochure

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Advanced Masters Brochure


2012 - 2013

I S A E , a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l p o s t - g r a d u a t e i n s t i t u t e


Welcome to ISAE

Crédits photos couverture recto et verso : Aude Lemarchand

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A word from the Director of Masters Programs

Are you looking for a high-level training, master’s degree or advanced master’s degree, to prepare you to enter the fascinating world of aeronautics and space? The Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE) can help you to make this project a reality.

ISAE is now a major world actor in the training of engineers and masters in aerospace, and the leader in Europe in number of graduates. The Institute’s reputation is not built just on its prestigious programs, the renown of its faculty staff or the excellence of its research, but also on the quality of its graduates, their technical and managerial skills, their ability to work in an advanced high-tech sector, their entrepreneurial spirit and their international openness.

Our programs are offered on the SUPAERO campus or at our educational partners’, chosen for their expertise. Classes are taught by permanent ISAE faculty staff and a unique network of several hundred affiliate professors from research centers and European aerospace companies.

Projects are an important part of our programs, whether they are performed in our research laboratories or within ISAE partner companies. In this way, we ensure that our students’ training is constantly evolving and always adapted to the needs of companies. Our “internship and careers” office assists each individual student in the construction of their professional plans and integration into the professional world.

Today, over one third of ISAE graduates are not French. On the SUPAERO campus, in the heart of the scientific complex of Toulouse, our 1,600 engineering, master’s, advanced master’s and PhD students are immersed in an international environment that is unique in Europe. Tomorrow they will be the leaders of the international aerospace industry. On the campus, they establish relationships developed afterwards within the worldwide ISAE graduate network, led by the alumni association.

We have a vision to offer you: an exciting life of excellence by choosing ISAE. We hope to share this goal with you by welcoming you to one of our programs at the beginning of the 2013 school year.

Didier Delorme Director of Masters programs





Welcome to ISAE


Masters of Science and Advanced Masters ................................................. 5

Masters of Science in EnglishMSc AMA Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics ................................... 6MSc AESS Master of Science in Aeronautical and Space Systems ........................................ 8MSc GNSS Master of Science in Global Navigation Satellite System .................................. 10ISAE research - oriented - education principles ............................................................................ 13

Advanced Masters in English Advanced Masters in aeronautical and space engineeringMS AMS Aeronautical Maintenance and Support .............................................................. 14MS ASAA Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness (with ENAC, Ecole de l’Air) .................... 16MS AMPAS Advanced Manufacturing Processes for Aeronautical Structures ....................... 18MS EMS Embedded Systems (with ENSEEIHT) ................................................................. 20MS HE Helicopter Engineering (with EUROCOPTER) ....................................................... 22MS SCS Space Communication Systems (with ENSEEIHT, TELECOM Bretagne,TELECOM SudParis) ................................. 24MS TAS Aero Aeronautical Engineering ..................................................................................... 26 Flight Test Engineering option ............................................................................. 28MS TAS Astro Space Systems Engineering .................................................................................. 30

Advanced Masters in management and in systems engineeringMS APM Aerospace Project Management (with Ecole de l’Air and ENAC) ...................... 32MS SEN Systems Engineering ........................................................................................... 34

Advanced Masters in French Mastères spécialisés en ingénierie aéronautique et spatialeMS IEVex Experimental Flight Test Engineering (with EPNER) ............................................ 36MS EAS Électronique et télécommunications aérospatiales ............................................. 38MS SAS Structures Aéronautiques et Spatiales ................................................................ 40MS SPA Systèmes de Propulsion Aérospatiale ................................................................. 42

Mastères spécialisés en management et en ingénierie financièreMS MGP Management de Grands Projets (avec HEC) ........................................................ 44MS IMF Ingénierie et Modèles de la Finance (avec ESC Toulouse et INSA) .................... 46

Useful information Origin and destination of ISAE Masters’ students ....................................................................... 48Common ISAE’s admission procedures ......................................................................................... 50ISAE in few words.......................................................................................................................... 52Toulouse, European capital of aeronautics and space ................................................................. 53

Contents Masters of Science and Advanced Masters

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Masters of Science and Advanced Masters

Master of Science (Master)Master of Science is a two-year degree undertaken after undergraduate studies, Bachelor’s degrees or equivalent. It provides higher qualification for employment or for further doctoral studies. The master is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in line with the Bologna process established in 1999 to harmonize the European higher education systems by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe. The two-year Masters of Science of ISAE are to be considered as innovative programs in science and technologies and are well-known amongst international Masters of Science worldwide. ISAE’s Masters aim to educate future engineers to respond effectively and rapidly to demanding needs of the aerospace industry. They are designed with a combination of lectures, tutorials, research project, assignments and master thesis performed in industrial environment or in ISAE’s laboratories.Fully taught in English, they are particularly suitable for students with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical, electrical, mechatronics, aeronautics or aerospace background. Interweaving the teaching of both masters, ISAE wishes several options to enable graduates envisaging their professional career with confidence in accordance with their wishes and interests.

Advanced Master (Mastère Spécialisé)The “Mastère Spécialisé” is a collective trademark owned by the «Conférence des Grandes Ecoles», given to specific training programs organized by one of the «Ecoles» that is a member of the Conference. The highly rigorous accreditation process ensures the outstanding excellence of the training programs over the course of the studies.Advanced Master is a one-year course of advanced studies, professionally-oriented, undertaken after master’s studies. Advanced Masters delivered by ISAE provide attendees with unique up-to-date knowledge and know-how in a specific domain for which aeronautics or space companies have a genuine need. Courses are given by specialists or experts from industry or state organisations completed by ISAE’s professors. ISAE’s Advanced Masters merge theoretical lectures, tutorials, case studies and personal projects to prepare attendees with aerospace system approaches. Being attentive to the aerospace global market needs, the worldwide enrolment of attendees with a wide range of qualifications, profiles, cultures and professional experiences offer an outstanding opportunity to develop international personal skills and strengthen employment capabilities after graduation.ISAE’s Advanced Masters allow students to acquire:

> in-depth and advanced knowledge in professional area, > dual competency, > professional skills related to an emerging function.

In the heart of the European aerospace pole, ISAE (from the merger of prostgraduate schools of engineering SUPAERO and ENSICA) has developed a wide set of master’s programs in aeronautics, space, embedded systems and management to provide global aerospace industry with high qualified engineers and managers.To satisfy the international demand in terms of junior and senior engineers and managers, ISAE offered two types of degrees: Master of Science and Advanced Master.

> Give aerospace passion reality through high standard training programs > Access to advanced research domains contributing to education in science and technology > Take advantages of ISAE’s well-known experts from industry or research centers > Strong and permanent exposure to European leading aerospace companies > Share international experience in the European aerospace capital > Access to the ISAE’s alumni network of 17000 graduates around the world

6 MAIn rEASonS to ChooSE An ISAE’S MAStEr


AimsThe Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics is a two-year course of study that allows students to develop a high level of competence in engineering science, current technology and design related to aeronautics and space. It aims at preparing students for careers in the aerospace industry and research in Europe and worldwide. The program consists of a total of 4 semesters of 30 ECTS each, ie 120 ECTS credits for the whole program. The MSc AMA starts with a first semester emphasizing aerospace engineering and control to prepare students to the majors to be selected for semesters two and three: «aerodynamics & fluid dynamics», «aeronautical structures» or «aircraft control». Five majors are offered in semester 3 covering the main domains of aircraft and space vehicle domains. Students have strong opportunities to develop scientific skills through research projects in ISAE’s laboratories and practical skills during internships in aerospace industry.

organizationhead of common program and gobal teaching coordination

> Prof. Didier DELORMEE-mail: didier.delorme@isae.frhead of program major Aerodynamics

> Prof. Emmanuel BENARDE-mail: emmanuel.benard@isae.frhead of program major Aircraft control

> Prof. Yves BRIEREE-mail: yves.briere@isae.frhead of program major Aeronautical structures

> Prof. Patrice LONGERE E-mail: patrice.longere@isae.frhead of program major Aeronautical engineering

> Prof. Didier DELORMEE-mail:

head of program major helicopter engineering > Prof. Frédéric LACHAUD

E-mail: frederic.lachaud@isae.frDuration of studies: Two year full timeBeginning of classes: September Location: ISAE, Campus SUPAERO and campus ENSICA for some coursesteaching language: English.

Pedagogical approachThe ISAE Master’s programs are designed with a combination of lectures, personal project and assignments and thesis projects to be performed in industrial environment or in ISAE’s laboratories. They are taught in English.Compliant with European higher education system, the MSc AMA is a two-year program with a total of 120 ECTS credits.The MSc AMA program includes three-semester academic session, in ISAE’s premises, provided by permanent professors and experts from aerospace industry bringing current knowledge and experience, including: lectures, tutorials, case study, personal project in laboratory and industrial visits.The last semester consists in master thesis to be performed in a company or a laboratory in the aerospace sector. After the project, students having obtained 120 credits under examination will be awarded the Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics from ISAE.

SyllabusSemester 1: 30 creditsCommon part - 105 h Mathematics: Foreign languages - structures standardisation - Matlab standardisationAerospace and mechanical engineering - 233 hAircraft structures - Aerodynamics 1- Propulsion - Control & avionics - Computer Aid Design - Vibrations & modal analysis - Flight dynamics - Applied Aerodynamics - Modelling of Aerostructures (MEF)

Semester 2: 30 credits Common part (320 h)Foreign languages - European cultures and Research Project in ISAE’s laboratories (250 h)Students have to select one major among:Major 1: Design - aerodynamics & fluid dynamics - 120 hSoftwares for computational fluid dynamics – Acoustics – Flight characteristics – Experimental approach in fluid mechanics

Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and AvionicsMSc AMA

Crédits photos : © Dassault Aviation - P. Bowen

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Major 2: Aircraft control - 119 hControl implementation – Flight characteristics- Aircraft control - guidance – NavigationMajor 3: Aeronautical structures -120 hMaterials for airframes – Calculating structures - Dimensioning structures – Design project

Semester 3: 30 creditsCommon part - 150 hForeign languages – Research Project in ISAE’s laboratories (100 h)Students have to select one major among:Major 1: Advanced fluid dynamics - 197 hTurbomachinery – Aeroelasticity – Turbomachinery 1: Advanced aerodynamics of turbomachines – Turbulence Aeroacoustics – Numerical fluid mechanics – Parallel Numerical programmingMajor 2: Flight control - Guidance - 179 hMultivariables systems – Optimal control – Estimation - Kalman filter – Control of flexible structures – Robust control - Space applications – Aircraft identificationMajor 3: Aerospace structures - 223 h Aircraft techniques – Helicopters – Flight dynamics - Propulsion – Quality – Dynamics of aeronautical and space structures – Advanced structural dynamics - Mechanics of materials and structures – Production and maintenance of aircraftMajor 4: Aeronautical engineering - 233 hAircraft techniques - Helicopters - Flight dynamics - Propulsion - Advanced structural dynamics Aeronautical engineering environnement - Mastery of aeronautical products - Aerodynamics - Materials for aerospace structures - CompositesMajor 5: helicopter engineering - 261 hHelicopter propulsion and motorization – Helicopter avionics – Arming - mission – Helicopter flights test- Certification –

Helicopter maintenance – Aerodynamics - Flight qualities - Performances – Helicopter dynamics - Helicopter construction materials & techniques – Systems - Prototypes - tests- production quality assurance

Semester 4 : 30 creditsStudents conduct a thesis in aeronautical industry or organisation, in France or abroad and supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The Master thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

Career opportunitiesToulouse is at the hub of the European aerospace industry, and accommodates leading European engineering and postgraduate institutions.The majority of graduates find positions in the aerospace industry (aircraft, engine and equipment manufacturers), and government agencies.They have senior positions in industry as researchers, experts, and heads of projects or managers.Several MSc AMA graduates are recruited for PhD studies at ISAE or other universities.

Companies recruiting our studentsAirbus, EADS, ALTRAN, Aeroconseil, Eurocopter, CNES, Sogeti High Tech, SAFRAN Snecma, EMBRAER (Brazil), Bombardier Aerospace (Canada) MECACHROME (Canada), Airbus China, AVIC (China) ASPECT RATIO ENGINEERING SERVICES GMBH (Germany), Eurocopter (Germany), MTU (Germany), SHELL (Netherland), University Technology Malaysia, National Defense University Malaysia, ALENIA (Italy) SINGAPORE TECHNOLOGIES AEROSPACE (Singapore),…



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two-year program organization

Year 1

September October November December January February March April May June

Semester 1Common core

Semester 2Common core, Major and research project

Year 2

September October November December January February March April May June July September

Semester 3Major and research project

Semester 4Masters thesis




Aims To support its steadily growing and to maintain business competitiveness, the global aerospace industry needs high qualified engineers or researchers to innovate to new technologies taking into account environmental constraints more and more demanding. Design complex aerospace systems involve multinational geographically disseminated teams of project managers or various experts working in collaborative environment through integrated development platform tools. The Master Aeronautical and Space Systems (AESS) is intended to educate graduate students in subjects relevant to these demanding challenges and needs of the industry. The MSc AESS is designed to be multidisciplinary preparing future engineers to easily and efficiently work on aeronautical systems, space systems and their applications or embedded systems, with emphasis on the complete life cycle of the system. With a large spectrum of knowledge the MSc AESS allows students to tackle various aspects from design to operations of systems either in a research organism or in an aerospace company in a multinational environment. The MSc AESS consists of a total of 4 semesters of 30 ECTS each, ie 120 ECTS credits for the whole program. The MSc AESS starts with a first semester emphasizing aerospace engineering fundamentals, and then continues toward two main majors during semester two: «Avionics» and «Aircraft control». During semester three students emphasize on one major in depth among four: major Aircraft Systems, major Embedded Systems, major Space Applications, major Space Systems.Students have strong opportunities to develop practical skills through personal research projects in ISAE’s laboratories and professional thesis during internships in aerospace industry.

organization heads of common program and gobal teaching coordination

> Prof. Janette CARDOSOE-mail:

> Prof. Michel BOUSQUETE-mail:

head of program major Aircraft Systems > Prof. Valérie BUDINGER

E-mail: valerie.budinger@isae.frhead of program major Embedded Systems

> Prof. Janette CARDOSOE-mail: head of Program major Space System

> Prof. Stéphanie LIZY-DESTREZE-mail: stephanie.lizy-destrez@isae.frhead of program major Space Applications

> Prof. Emmanuel ZENOU E-mail: emmanuel.zenou@isae.frDuration of studies: Two-year full timeBeginning of classes: September Location: ISAE, Campus SUPAEROteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachISAE Master’s programs are designed with a combination of lectures, personal project and assignments and thesis projects to be performed in industrial environment or in ISAE’s laboratories. Interweaving the teaching of our Masters, they offer several options enabling graduates to envisage their professional career with confidence in accordance with their wishes and interests. They are taught in English.

SyllabusSemester 1: 30 credits (in English)Common part - 154 hMathematics - Foreign languages - Matlab standardization - MATLAB complements - Programming - System Programming - Modelling and simulation - System Engineering Aeronautical Engineering - 124 hAircraft and airframe architecture - Flight Dynamics - Aeronautical Thermopropulsion - Engines propulsion - Architecture of launch vehicles - Optimization - Architecture and Environment of Space Systems - Feedback control theory


Master of Science in Aeronautical and Space Systems

Crédits photos : © Dassault Aviation - DR

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Electronic Engineering - 131 hIntroduction to mathematical logic - Architecture and design of integrated electronics function - Sensors and measuring systems - Design and validation of discrete event systems - Data transmission - Avionics systems - Signal and Image processing

Semester 2: 30 credits Common part - 320 hForeign languages - European cultures and Research Project in ISAE’s laboratories (250 h)Students have to select one major among:Major 1: Avionics (Aircraft & Spacecraft onboard Systems) - 120 hAntenna and microwave engineering - Hardware and software co-design - Distributed and parallel computing - Network architecture and programming - Architecture and Environment of SpaceMajor 2: Flight control & Guidance- 119 hControl implementation – Flight characteristics- Aircraft control - guidance – Navigation

Semester 3: 30 creditsCommon part (200 h)Foreign languages – Research Project in ISAE’s laboratories (150 h)Students have to select one major among:Major 1 : Aircraft Systems stream - 250 hAircraft electrical network - Actuators for aeronautical applications - Actuators control- Electromagnetic compatibility - Airframe-linked systems - Avionics systems- Safety analysis- Avionics and systems trouble shooting maintenance - Computer Safety - Hybrid Systems - System Dependability - ConvertersMajor 2: Embedded Systems stream- 257 hAvionics - Real time language - Architecture description lan-guage - Real-time operating systems - Real-Time control of a space system - Certification - Electromagnetic compatibility - Estimation and Kalman filter - Avionics and data buses -Com-puter Safety - Hybrid Systems - System Dependability

Major 3: Space Applications stream (observation-tele-communication - navigations) - 255 hImage processing - Data Analysis and Model Learning - Mission Analysis - Image Chain - Remote Sensing - Image Sensors - RADAR - Stereovision & 3D - Satellite Communication Sytems - Air Interface Techniques - Satellite Navigation Systems - GNSS Signal Processing & Receiver Architectures - Oceanography, Meteo & Atmosphere - Cartography, GIS & DEM - Forests, Vegetation and Water Cycle - Telecom Applications - Navigation ApplicationsMajor 4: Space System stream - 246 hAdvanced control and applications - Satellites guidance and control - Launchers guidance and control - Space environment and effects - Mission analysis and orbital mechanics - Space communications systems - Space project and systems - Satellite electrical systems - Satellite engineering and design - Satellite thermal control systems - On board systems and data handling - Space projects economy - Space projects legal aspects

Semester 4 : 30 creditsStudents conduct a thesis in aerospace industry or research institution, in France or abroad and supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The Master thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

Career opportunitiesMSc AESS Graduates get positions in major aerospace industries or consulting companies (aircraft, spacecraft, engine, launcher, and engine), equipment manufacturers and government agencies, as researchers, experts, and heads of projects or managers.Several MSc AESS graduates are recruited for PhD studies at ISAE or other Universities.

Companies recruiting our studentsActavis, Altran, EADS Airbus, INRA, Sogeti High Tech, Valeo Engine Cooling, CNES, ESA/ESOC, ESA/ESTEC, BERTRANDT (Germany), Safran Engineering Services India Limited (India), General Electric (Indonesia), General Motors (Mexico), Faculty of Engineering - University of Ruhuna (Sri Lanka),…



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two-year program organization

Year 1

September October November December January February March April May June

Semester 1Common core

Semester 2Common core, Major and research project

Year 2

September October November December January February March April May June July September

Semester 3Major and research project

Semester 4Masters thesis




Scientific topicsSatellite-based Navigation and Space Telecommunications.

Aims Recently, GNSS has gained a lot of worldwilde interests due to a significant increase in applications using GPS for positioning (leisure, farming, aeronautics, location-based services, etc...). This international enthusiasm is confirmed by the worldwide development of other global and regional satellite-based navigation systems in Europe, US, China, Russia, India and Japan, creating a strong need for experts in this field. The objective of this MSc in GNSS is to provide students with advanced skills and knowledge in the field of GNSS and its related applications in order to prepare them for entering the highly dynamic GNSS and GNSS-related industry. In addition, students also get lectures in Space Telecommunications, as both fields are strongly complementary.

organization heads of program > EnAC: Anne-Christine ESCHERE-mail:> ISAE: Prof. Michel BOUSQUET

E-mail: michel.bousquet@isae.frDuration of studies: Two-year full timeBeginning of classes: September 2 periods: three academic semesters at ENAC & ISAE and one semester of in-company internship concluded by a written report and an oral dissertation in front of a jury Location: ENACteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachISAE-ENAC Master’s program is designed with a combination of lectures, tutorials, personal project and assignments and Master thesis project to be performed in industrial environment or in laboratories of ENAC or ISAE.

SyllabusSemester 1: 30 creditsFundamentals in mathematics - Fundamentals in signal processing and electromagnetism - Introduction to GNSS: conventional navigation, background, concepts and evolutions - Introduction to programming - System engineering, project management - Applied project

Master of Science in Global navigation Satellite System (ISAE-EnAC)


Crédits photos : ©Briot/THALES ALIENIA SPACE

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Semester 2: 30 creditsAdvanced signal processing - Antennas and propagation channels - GNSS II: positioning techniques, applications (civil aviation, precise positioning, scientific applications) - Hybridization between GNSS and other sensors - Introduction to telecom : networks’ architecture, typical modulations, mobile applications - Applied project

Semester 3: 30 creditsReceiver design for navigation and telecom. Users - Advanced telecom: coding, space applications, satellite payload - GNSS III: Future GNSSs, signal design, alternative positioning techniques (vision, etc...), applications (pedestrian, vehicle, UAV) - Management, team work, intellectual property, business in GNSS and telecom - Applied Project

Semester 4 : 30 creditsStudents conduct master thesis in aerospace industry or organisation, in France or abroad, supervised by tutors from the host organisation and ENAC or SAE. The Master thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

Career opportunitiesRecent studies have shown that there will be a lack of graduate students to fill the open positions in the GNSS industry in the near future. This MSc in GNSS will provide students with a head start in the evolving and growing market of satellite-based navigation and telecommunications. After completion of GNSS master, graduate students will have the ability to get engineer position in:

> large companies > SMEs, > governmental institutions, > international organizations, > research laboratories.

Selection and admissionSelection and admission are made by ENAC: selection is based on the examination of the application form and possible interviews.

Academic requirementsApplicants must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree, in the following areas:

> Completed Bachelor Degree in electrical or aerospace engineering or in mathematics, physics or equivalent

> Application fees: 67 € (non-refundable)Application is online on

For more information regarding entry requirements, contact:International DepartmentENAC - 7, avenue Édouard-Belin - CS 5400531055 Toulouse CEDEX 4 FranceContact: Michel CHAUVINe-mail: michel.chauvin@enac.frtuition fees 2013-2015:

> 14000 € for the two-year master program > European students: 8000€ (students graduated in the year

of enrolment or the year before, and with no professional experience).

ScholarshipsFor 2013 -2015 scholar year, the European GNSS Agency, GSA, offers 2 scholarships of 4000 euros for students meeting the following conditions:

> European citizen from 27 EU countries or from Switzerland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey,

> students from other nationalities registered during the 2012/2013 academic year in an University in same countries

Contact ENAC for more detailed information: or directly e-mail to Michel Chauvin

The Master of Science has received the support of the following GNSS-related industries and institutions:



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An European PartnershipsThe MSc GNSS has been initiated with a strong support of the European Commission and the European GNSS Agency (GSA) within 7th framework programme under grant agreement nbr. 248016, and with the following partners:

> Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications of the Universität der Bundeswehr München (Munich, Germany)

> Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy)


Masters of Science ISAE research - oriented - education principles

hUAn Qianjiao, China, Graduated in 2010 - MSc AMAAfter I got my bachelor degree at BUAA (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Aerospace), I heard that there is an opportunity of the AIRBUS scholarship program to study the Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics at ISAE. As ISAE is the best European school for aeronautics, I’m very grateful for AIRBUS and ISAE gave me this opportunity to make my dream come true. During the two years at ISAE, we had classes not only in technologies but also in lots of other domains, such as management, language and culture. More than half of the classes are given by professors who are come from the industrial companies, AIRBUS, CNES, ONERA, EUROCOPTER, etc. We learnt the knowledge by a more professional way with helps a lot in our future career. The internship which took place at the last semester gives us a great opportunity to link what we have learnt at school to what we are going to do as a job in the future. For me, I have performed a six months internship at AIRBUS France which is a precious chance to me and leads me to my future career. After this internship, I was recruited by SOGETI High Tech which is a subcontractor of AIRBUS and I’m working now on some projects of structure calculation on the AIRBUS family aircrafts. More over, this two years mater is an international program with students coming from all over the word. Here, we got the chance to know the different cultures and ways of thinking in different countries and we made great friendship which we will never forget».SUn Bin, China, teacher at an aeronautic University, Graduated in 2011 - MSc AMAWhy did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were your objectives ?I am a master student of MSc in Aerospace Engineering at ISAE, and I am specialized in Aeronautical Structures. Because I work at an aeronautic university in China, to be able to be a teacher I need to acquire a higher diploma and specifically in aeronautical structures, I choose to pursue the two-year engineering master degree in ISAE now.According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did ?First of all, I have learned a lot of associated courses about my future work such as structure mechanics, modeling analysis, CATIA, composite materials, acoustics and mechanics of laminated structures, calculation structures, landing gear, and so on. For the software part, I have obtained many experiences from workshops with SAMCEF, Patran/Nastran, CATIA,

MATLAB, and COMSOL. In addition, I have one year of research experience in Supaero participating in the study of the Effect of Heat Generation in a High Frequency Solicited Composite Beam, which combines the theory part I have learned and the practice. This research experience not only developed my professional knowledge but also enhanced my practical skills.Besides, I have finished my design project in ENSICA campus, which is about the center wing box conception project. I am in charge of the structure design in CATIA, detailed calculation of the loads and analysis of the fatigue life of the center wing box. I have learned a lot from this, and I know how to cooperate in team-work. And I think all of these mentioned above should be the strong assets of DNM AMA I have choosed.Which are your career plans ? To persue this master program is a crucial step in my future career. After the graduation, I will go back to China and try my best to be a good teacher in my university, and many thanks for ISAE to offer me profound knowledge and devoted attention.

Pau LAtorrE - Spain, engineer of Airbus - Graduated in 2012 - MSc AESSWhy did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were yourobjectives ?I chose ISAE because of its reputation as I knew that Supaero and ENSICA where among the top aerospace colleges in Europe. Also Toulouse is the center of the the aerospace community in Europe and so I regarded it as positive for my career prospects if I wanted to orientate my professional future in this field. My objectives, as my previous education was in another field of engineering, were to provide myself with a high-level formal education in aeronautics. This way I could migrate from telecom engineering to aerospace engineering and pursue a career in aviation which is my biggest passion.According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Masteryou did ?The stronger assets would be the strong ties to the aerospace industry in Toulouse, and the fact that many of the lecturers in the courses come from it. This means that you get to be taught by real-life engineers who are working in actual aerospace projects presently, and thus are not just devoted to academics as happens too often. Personally, I am specially attracted by the fact that many lecturers come from Airbus.Which are your career plans ?I wish to work for Airbus, if possible in flight test engineering.


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lishISAE research - oriented - education principles

ISAE is deeply committed in providing its students access to its research capabilities as well as its academic and industrial par-tnerships, covering the entire fields of aerospace engineering. From a research policy point of view, the double objective is to provide knowledge production as well as response to society and aerospace industrial needs. ISAE main research partners are onErA (the French Aerospace Lab.), LAAS-CnrS and oMP, the largest French laboratories in the engineering sciences and space sciences fields, respectively. ISAE is involved into long-term research and development agreements with the main Euro-pean aerospace companies: EADS (Astrium, Airbus, Eurocopter, IW), SAFRAN (Snecma, Turbomeca, Microturbo, Technofan), Thales Alenia Space, Rockwell-Collins, MBDA, Liebherr Aeros-pace. As a result of its commitment into aerospace higher educa-tion and research, ISAE is part of the management of the Aeros-pace Valley cluster (550 companies and education and research partners from Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées Regions).

ISAE scientific activities are organized into 4 training and research departments and one aerospace center.

> The department of aerodynamics, energetics and pro-pulsion (DAEP) develops its research activities on four axes: > turbulence, instabilities and numerical simulation > tur-bomachinery and propulsion > advanced aerodynamics and flow control > aerodynamics and propulsion of micro-air-vehi-cles. DAEP benefits from noteworthy experimental facilities as a large wind-tunnel (with an elliptic 2 x 3 m wide test section), a low-Reynolds number quiet wind-tunnel, a double-flux turbojet engine mounted on a fully instrumented test-bank, a centrifugal compressor, and a turbocharger test-bank. The department also relies on local computational means and on the largest French academic simulation facilities to carry out numerical simulations with commer-cial and research codes.

> The department of mechanical engineering, structures and materials is part of the Clément Ader Institute that gathers in a single laboratory all the research capabilities of the Midi-Pyrénées Region (UPS, INSA, ISAE, Mines Albi). ISAE profes-sors’ research is focused on > damage to composite materials in aerospace structures > fatigue of metal materials and struc-tures > dynamics of structures > advanced numerical methods for mechanics. Again ISAE strongly supports this research by developing and sustaining large facilities like a drop tower (200 kg, 10 m/s), a rapid impact bench (500 g, 200 m/s), hy-draulic fatigue machines, climatic chambers, modular frames for structure testing (wings…) and analysis and control means

(XRay spectrometer, nano-indenter, ultrasonic and radiogra-phic non-destructive testing, scanning electron microscopy).

> The electronics, optronics and signal department is or-ganized into 4 research groups: > microwaves and optronics for embedded systems > CMoS imagers performance impro-vement and design (CIMI Group) > signal, communication, antennas and navigation (SCAn Group) > space instrumen-tation (SSPA group). The environment comprises a set of optical and optronic characterization benches, a CMoS ima-ger design center, space telecommunication characterization and simulation benches. The CIMI group is involved into the EADS Astrium – ISAE chair CrIStAL with several world firsts in imager development for space applications. The SCAn group is part of the TeSA joint laboratory with Thalès Alenia Space, CNES and Rockwell Collins on Telecommuni-cations for Space and Aeronautics. The SSPA team has de-veloped a strong partnership with the 2 French largest space laboratories OMP and IPGP, and is the head of instrument development work packages in European and International projects in the frame of CNES, NASA and JAXA missions.

> The department of mathematics, computer sciences and control develop methods, techniques and tools that make it possible to understand, analyze, evaluate, control and design the functional and operational behavior and perfor-mances of complex systems. The MArS team (modeling and architecture of systems) is structured around three axes: > mathematical modeling and numerical simulation > critical system engineering > communication networks, this third axis being developed together with LAAS-CNRS and contributing to the TeSA joint laboratory. The ADIS team (control decision and interaction of systems) deals with > automatics and flight dynamics > autonomy and decision-making, including man-machine interfacing. Four platforms support this research: emulation and communi-cation networks, cooperative robotics, parallel and distri-buted computing, and embedded system engineering.

> Finally, the aerospace center (CAS) provides unique facili-ties such as a full flight simulator and a fleet of 10 aircraft dedicated to training, research and Flight test experi-ments. This center is hosting the research on man-machine interfacing.

All four departments and CAS support a Micro-aerial vehicle development program at an international level, on the basis of student projects, research and innovation projects, and interna-tional competitions.

ISAE master teaching is founded on research-education-interwoven policy in order to offer master’s students to participate in a wide variety of research opportunities throughout their master course and beyond.


Aeronautical Maintenance and SupportMS AMS

AimsThe global and booming aviation market is characterized by low volumes, highly complex products with long lifecycles and high values, governed by restrictive regulatory requirements, with constant safety concerns and with a huge growth in the aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul business (MRO). MRO plays a key role for defence and aviation industry encompassing a wide range of complex activities: engine overhaul, heavy checks, line maintenance, component maintenance, and major airframe modifications. Through regular maintenance, MRO ensures the continued airworthiness and operational safety of aircraft, and therefore the safety of passengers. Beyond, it ensures aircrafts meet the rigorous certification, safety, or standards set by international authorities such as ICAO, EASA and FAA. Today, the aviation industry is facing tremendous challenges. To compete, aviation companies in all segments must strengthen their ability to increase productivity and production rates with products and services that meet customer demands, with a focus on continuous critical assessment of cost and performance. So, the continued support for MRO is an intrinsic part of aeronautical and maintenance manager, including service lifecycle management, service organizations, configuration management, reducing costs and improving service quality.The objectives of the Master in Aeronautical Maintenance and Support are to provide students with up-to-date exposure to modern techniques and methods, know-how, regulations and standards applied in aviation industry, putting the emphasis on life cycle cost management making services more profitable, available and reliable.

The master MS AMS aims at providing a wide range of knowledge from engineering basics to management of maintenance organisation in the respect of international regulations within Integrated Logistics Support methods. Merging academic teachings, up-to-date ILS and Maintenance concepts delivered by experts from industry and authorities, it prepares attendees to face, successfully, the competitive and fast changing MRO worldwide business.With the Master in Aeronautical Maintenance and Support, ISAE has made a significant improvement to answer to the current needs of manufacturers, design offices and customers support departments, airlines, MRO and authorities. MS AMS is the only one in Europe which addresses both Maintenance and Integrated Logistics Support for civil and military aviation business in an integrated program.

organization head of Program: Didier DELORMEE-mail: didier.delorme@isae.frDuration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: SeptemberLocation: ISAE, Campus SUPAEROteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachFirst semester: academic session of courses from September to March.More than 500 h of lectures, tutorials, practical sessions, CAD, visits of industries (AIRBUS, Sabena Technics, Liebherr Aerospace, Air France, DGA, etc.).Second semester: students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and a professor from ISAE. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

teaching staffTeaching staff is composed of ISAE’s permanent professors and experts from aerospace and aviation industry with aeronautical industrial background (Airbus, Air-France, AIA, CEAT, EADS, Turboméca, Safran, EADS Sogerma, Sogitec, etc.) or from airworthiness authorities (Bureau Veritas, DGAC) related to maintenance vouch for the quality of teaching dispensed.

Crédits photos : AIRBUS S.A.S 2007 - photo by e*m company/H. GOUSSÉ,

AIRBUS S.A.S 2010 - photo by Chris WINDEYER

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SyllabusIntroducing Integrated Logistics Support concepts, definitions and tools, the MS AMS syllabus offers a comprehensive teaching program with 2 options: structure, avionics. Beyond the two options, the program makes a focus on ILS to meet requirements and interests of the aviation Industry.

Part 1 - Common program - 86 h

FundamentalsCAD, Sensors and measuring systems, Control, Thermo propulsion, Flight dynamics

Part 2 - Aircraft knowledge - 125 hAircraft and airframe architecture, Airframe-linked systems, Avionics systems, Data transmission, Engine propulsion

Part 3 - options

option 3.1: Structure majorComposites materials, Aeronautical materials, Fatigue, NDT

option 3.2: Avionics major Signal processing, Electrical engineering, Data transmission, Avionics systems, Automatic equipment tests

Part 4 - Maintenance and ILS (common program) - 363 hAeronautical Maintenance and Support Industry, ILS (military aircraft), Maintainability - Influence on design, Quality, Reliability – maintainability, Safety analysis, Maintenance methodology (military aircrafts), Engines and propulsion systems maintenance, Configuration Management, Customer support and services, Documentation, Ground Support Equipment, Air Law – Regulations, Operational Maintenance, Organisation of a maintenance department (airlines), Development and evolution of an aeronautical maintenance program, Managing a maintenance department (MRO, Airlines), Human factors and Safety management System, Avionics and systems trouble shooting maintenance, Help for onboard Maintenance, Recycling of aircrafts.

Career opportunities It is intended to students who envisage management position in aircraft manufacturers, airlines, and MRO organisations on civil market or military forces.

Companies recruiting our studentsAIRBUS, Aeroconseil, Liebherr Aerospace, Safran-Snecma, Safran-Turbomeca, Sogeti High Tech, Thales Aerospace, Thales Avionics, DGAC, Air france, Corsaifly, South Africa Airways, Denel (South Africa), SONAIR (Angola), Embraer (Brazil, Mecachrome (Canada), Lan Chile (Chili), COMAC (China), AVIC (China), Philotech Gmbh (Germany), Hal (India), Royal Air Maroc, Lot (Poland), PZL Swidnik (Poland), Portugal Air Force, Singapore Air Force, China Airlines (Taiwan), Taiwan Air Force, Tunisair, Sh&E: International air transport consultancy (USA).

Andrej SIMCEnKo, Lithuania, Graduated in 2011Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were yourobjectives ?I chose ISAE SM AMS because of two reasons: 1. Maintenance is much more interesting than manufacture, because work itself moves you towards new challenges every single day. Every day you experience something new, always trying to find new approaches to given tasks that might ease up the process, etc. - it’s motivating! 2. I have passion for aviation in general - I cannot imagine myself without it, and here in Toulouse, in the heart of European civil aviation I really feel like at home.According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did ?One of the strong key points is that people who gave us lectures were not just professors with theoretical knowledge, but simple guys who work on their subject that puts food on their table, and now they come to us, to transfer their knowledge gained not through reading endless number of books, but having valuable experience in their work domain.Which are your career plans ?Stay in France. I have my contract signed with company in Toulouse that manufactures ground support equipment and tooling for aircrafts. I think that it’s good start for my professional life because over here I’m seeing equipment that is dedicated to perform maintenance. But I’m sure, that if not for this master in ISAE, I would never been able to find something even close like this!



Aims Aircraft airworthiness must be considered as a coherent process running from the design of the aircraft to the monitoring of its technical condition in airline service. The Master in Aviation Safety – Aircraft Airworthiness covers both the technical aspects of certification and the legal and economic implications. This course has been designed to give future managers a broad understanding of the issues and priorities which, as far as aeronautical construction is concerned, have an international dimension.Air transport deregulation and the development of a global economy necessarily imply an increase in vigilance on behalf of both the regulatory authorities and the industry. Progress regarding safety has been constant. During the last 30 years, the accident rate per flight hour has been reduced by a factor of 10. This is becoming insufficient due to the considerable increase in traffic. Current trends should encourage us to make even more improvements, and this necessarily involves trainings. The Master in Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness will provide future operators with the key to success in times to come.

organization head of Program ISAE: Didier DELORMEE-mail: didier.delorme@isae.frhead of Program EnAC: Claude HAILLOTE-mail: claude.haillot@enac.frhead of Program école des officiers de l’Armée de l’Air : Lcl Sébastien FONTAINEDuration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: SeptemberLocation: ISAE, Campus SUPAERO : from September to November; ENAC : from December to February and École des Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air (Salon de Provence) : March.teaching language: English

Pedagogical approachFirst semester: academic session of 18 courses from September to March, provided by permanent professors of ISAE, ENAC & EA and experts from aerospace industry giving their current knowledge and experience, including: lectures, tutorials, Practical sessions, visits of industries (Airbus, CEAT, etc.).Second semester: students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE or ENAC. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

SyllabusPart 1: Aeronautical techniques and study of the aircraft - 8 courses at ISAE - 241 hThe flight envelopeStructural operating limitationsAeroplane architecture and stress calculationPropulsion Avionics part 1Avionics part 2Aircraft systemsQualification tests for civil aviation on board equipment and systemsPart 2: Air transport safety - 8 courses at EnAC - 300 hCertification in international air transportSafety of complex systemsOn-board softwareAir transport safety and human factorsQuality approval and conceptOperational proceduresMaintenance proceduresContinuing airworthiness

Part 3: Airworthiness at EA (Salon de Provence) - 60 hAirworthiness of governmental aircrafts

Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness(ISAE - EnAC - école des officiers de l’Armée de l’Air)


Crédits photos : © Airbus S.A.S. 2008 _ photo by exm company - H. GOUSSÉ,©

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Career opportunities This Master prepares students to various job either in aircraft manufacturers, or in civil aviation authorities and airlines: airworthiness inspectors, certification managers, airworthiness follow up, etc.

Companies recruiting our studentsAirbus, EADS, Aeroconseil, Eurocopter, Safran-Turbomeca, Safran-Snecma, Civil Aviation Authorities of Algeria, of South Africa, of China, of Colombia, of Malaysia, DGAC (Civil Aviation Authority of France), Malaysian Air Force, French Ministry of Defence, Venezuelan Ministry of Defence, Royal Air Force of Oman, Royal Jordanian Airforce, South Africa Airways, Embraer (Brazil), Hal (India), SONAIR (Angola), AVIC (China), COMAC (China),



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Prajyoth Krishna Mirajkar, new Zealand, Graduated in 2010Having completed my studies at the University of Sydney, I was in search of the next progression in my career to advance myself in the aeronautical domain.There was one course that clearly stood out from the other post-graduate opportunities that were available to me, and it was this Master in Aviation Safety and Aircraft Airworthiness. Safety and Airworthiness are the two most important concerns in the aviation industry today, and there is clearly a growing demand from industry for students who have undertaken this course. This master is shared by both ISAE and ENAC which are two of the most prestigious aeronautical universities with a solid reputation around the world. They are very well established and the fact that they are located in Toulouse at the epicentre of the aerospace industry gives them a superior advantage in terms of proximity and providing strong industry links. This also meant that most of our lecturers were industry experts in their given fields and everything we learnt was using real life examples in today’s aviation domain. The technical knowledge at ISAE and the certification competency at ENAC combined with visits to world leading manufacturing plants and firms provided the perfect balance to give us a well rounded approach to gain a high level of education in the

Masters program. I have proudly and successfully completed my Thesis in the Airworthiness Technical Directorate at Airbus, where I am currently employed. I highly recommend this Masters, it is the best decision I have taken to further my career and it has opened up a world of opportunities». Georges hESSLoEhL, France, Graduated in 2011Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were your objectives ?You can apply for the ASAA Master, even if you don’t have any aeronautical background. In my case I was about to choose a new development for my carrer, my secret wish was to come back to my intial passion. But of course you must be fascinated of aircraft !My objective was to join the exciting aeronautical industry, while remaining in a transverse activity, dealing with all of the aircraft systems.

According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did ?From my experience, the strong asset is the dual part of the training: half of the Mastere is to know how an aircraft works, and the second is how to deal with safety and airworthiness.

Which are your career plans ?My plan is to join the office of airworthiness of an aircraft manufacturer.



Advanced Manufacturing Processes for Aeronautical StructuresMS AMPAS

AimsThe Aeronautical industry market is facing a rapid and continuous increase worldwide as shown by the record breaking contracts recently signed by both Airbus and Boeing. These two industry leaders forecast an increase of close to 5% in activity over the next years and estimations indicate that the annual increase of large commercial airplanes will induce a doubling of the number of aircraft by 2030. Nearly sixty percent of the turnover is subcontracted all over the world and concerns mostly production and manufacturing activities. As a consequence most aeronautical subcontracting companies will have to increase their production rates but also to keep up to date with technological changes; moving from metallic processes toward composite materials processes. Moreover the aircraft manufacturers have changed their supply chain structure in the last years, and subcontractors are now required to manage more complex parts and to take over, on their own, the qualification processes.The Advanced Master course AMPAS, is designed by Mines Albi and ISAE with the support of aeronautical industry partners. It will give a specialization to master level students allowing them to take over high level responsibilities in airframe structure manufacturing plants. It is especially well suited to students who have followed general studies in mechanical engineering, material science or equivalent and who would like to gain a major chance to be recruited by aeronautical industry.

To reach this goal, AMPAS master students will develop: > general knowledge of flight dynamics constrains and

airframe design > knowledge and understanding of the airframe materials

and processes and their qualification constrains > knowledge, understanding and practice of the prevalent

processes for structural applications with either metallic or fiber reinforced thermoset composites materials

> ability to use state of the art simulation tools for definition and optimization of metallic sheet forming and RTM/infusion process

> knowledge of the aeronautical supply chain structure and their communication rules

> understanding of the aeronautic dedicated quality and management requirements

> knowledge and practice of lean manufacturing tools > ability to undertake manufacturing projects in an

international team environment > ability to communicate with written reports and by oral


organization heads of Program:

> Prof. Gerard BERNHART E-mail:

> Prof Catherine MABRU E-mail: catherine.mabru@isae.frDuration of studies: One year full time

Crédits photos : AIRBUS S.A.S 2012 - photo by exm company/P. Masclet

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Beginning of classes: SeptemberLocation: Mines Albi, Campus Jarlard, AlbiISAE, Campus SUPAERO, Toulouseteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachFirst semester: academic term of 450h and 45 credits, provided by permanent professors of Mines Albi and ISAE and expert practitioners from aerospace industry to bring current knowledge and experience. The teaching, balancing academic lessons with more applied practice, includes:

> lectures and exercises > process simulation sessions > laboratory sessions > practical sessions > industrial conferences > industrial and workshop visits > multidisciplinary project of 80h > written report and oral presentation

Second semester: Professional thesis in the aeronautical industry or in an academic research lab in collaboration with aeronautical industrial partners, in France or abroad. The duration is from 5 to 6 months and corresponds to 30 credits. Students are supervised by a tutor from the host organization and from Mines Albi or ISAE. Thesis is concluded by the preparation of a final report and an oral dissertation in front of a jury.

SyllabusThe academic course consists of 370 hours taught modules aiming to provide a deep knowledge of the three main material families used in airframe structures (i.e. aluminum, titanium and long fiber reinforced polymer composites) and their related forming routes in aeronautical industries.It is also devoted to gain knowledge in aircraft architecture, on aeronautical supply chain specificities, lean manufacturing and quality management requested to be able to take over technical and organizational responsibilities in industry.A team project (80 hours) will demonstrate the ability to address a aeronautical part processing following the theoretical and professional skills.

Part 1 - Aircraft, material and process basic scientific knowledgeFlight Dynamic 25h, 2 creditsStructure and Airframe Design 11h, 1 credit

Aluminum and titanium alloys 10h, 1 creditEpoxy and thermoplastic composites 10h, 1 creditAssembly processes 10h, 1 creditMaterial and processes qualification 10h, 1 credit NDT for metallic and composite materials 12h,1.5 creditsOptical techniques for assembly aid 12h,1.5 credits

Part 2 - Composite structure forming and machining processes Physical phenomena description and modelingrelated to thermoset based manufacturing 15h, 2credits Raw material and composite quality control 10h, 1 creditLCM/RTM processes 20h, 2 creditsAutoclave Vacuum Bagging(monolithic - sandwich)processes 17h, 2 creditsComposite material trimming, drilling and assembly 13h, 1 credit RTM/Infusion Simulation 25h, 2 credits

Part 3 - Metallic structure forming and machining processes Material behaviour and mechanical models 15h, 2 creditsCold and hot sheet forming processes 35h, 3 creditsSurface treatments 10h, 1 creditMetallic material machining 18h, 2 creditsSheet forming simulation 22h, 2 credits

Part 4 : Industrial organization and management Supply chain structure and organization 15h, 1 creditsMaterials management and Lean manufacturing 15h, 2 creditsSupply chain improvement and collaborative processes 15h, 2 creditsQuality management and tools 25h, 2 credits

Part 5 : Integrated team Project 80h, 8 credits

Career opportunities Advanced Manufacturing Processes for Aeronautical Structures Master course offers challenging career opportunities for young engineers or more experienced engineers, who require a postgraduate program to enhance and/or focus their technical and management skills towards aeronautical industry sector. Career opportunities are numerous and growing over the world, in Tier 1 and Tier 2 subcontracting companies, as well as in aircraft manufacturers, aeronautical maintenance companies. Graduated AMPAS students can find employments as process, industrialization, production, quality, research and innovation engineer, product, project and production manager, …


AimsEmbedded Systems are an essential aspect of our daily life, in all domains, from transport systems (aeronautics, space, road, rail and sea), to energy sectors and also to communication systems (e.g. smartphones). As part of the AeroSpace Valley, Toulouse has established itself as a strong place for the design of advanced criticial embedded systems. Toulouse has one of the greatest concentrations of Embedded Systems industry in Europe with the major aerospace and equipment manufacturers working either for the aeronautical, space or car industry, including Airbus, CNES, Astrium, Continental, Thales, etc. The Embedded Systems Master Program has been defined to provide the industry with well-trained engineers willing to participate in this challenging environment. The Embedded Systems Master Program is a one-year professional course, designed by the ENSEEIHT and ISAE partners, with the support of the embedded systems industry to prepare students to challenging projects in embedded systems for the aerospace domain.Aware of the real need for a multidisciplinary approach, the program prepares students with in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of the underlying technologies involved in embedded systems. The program focuses on both theoretical and concrete aspects. It aims at:

> developing competencies, at system level design for the engineering of Embedded-Systems, based on strong basics of complementary subjects: electronics, computer science, energy conversion and management, automatic control, telecommunications and networks,

> developing the system approach through integrated projects to Master specific methods and tools applied to the following domains: aeronautics, space, automobile or multimedia.

The training for this Master’s degree is multidisciplinary. It covers all hardware (electronics, energy), software (computer science, links with network, modeling, analysis and certification) and control issues of Embedded Systems within an integrated system based perspective.

organizationheads of Program:

> Prof Jérôme HUGUESE.mail:

> Prof. Jean-Luc SCHARBARGE-mail: jean-luc.scharbarg@enseeiht.frDuration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: SeptemberLocation: ISAE, campus SUPAERO and ENSEEIHTteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachFirst semester: an academic session of around 555 h, provided by permanent professors of ISAE and ENSEEIHT and experts from industry bringing current knowledge and experience, including: lectures, tutorials, and labs, a multidisciplinary project of 75 h that aims at integrating the academic session into an industrial case study.Second semester: students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE or ENSEEIHT. Thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

SyllabusEmbedded Systems require a collaborative training approach with a broad spectrum of knowledge, interweaving experts from all concerned fields: electronics, energy, science, networks and control systems. Hence, the academic session of the Master program consists of a 555-hour program covering the five disciplinary fields while focusing on the architectural aspect and a set of application-oriented lectures and seminars.

Initial Part - Standardisation - 25 hLaplace and Fourier Transformers, Transfer functions, frequency response, basic principles of stability, Analogic and digital electronic circuits, Distributed circuits and transmission wires, Physical principles of energy conversion, Computer based operations

Part 1 - Computer science - 47 hReal time language, Architecture description language, Real time operational systems

Part 2 - Control systems - 58,5 hDesign and Validation of DES, Feedback Control, Signal Processing

Embedded Systems(ISAE-EnSEEIht)


Crédits photos : © AIRBUS S.A.S 2011 - COMPUTER RENDERING BY FIXION-GWLNSD, Renault, Astrium/MastersFilm/2012

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Part 3 - Electronics - 72,25 hDigital representation of analog signal, Microprocessor and DSP architecture, Architecture and conception of digital integrated systems, Hardware and software co-design, Emission/Reception architecture

Part 4 - Energy - 63,25 hActuator and converter control, Electromechanical and static energy converters, Autonomous energetic systems, Embedded electrical networ

Part 5 - networks - 63 hEmbedded networks: an introduction, Specific buses and networks , Real time networks, Design and validation of real time protocols, Architecture of fault-tolerant buses

Part 6 - Embedded systems engineering - Applications - 104,5 hReal time control of a space system, Hybrid Systems, System Engineering, Real time control of a mechatronics system, Networked control systems

Part 7 - Embedded systems engineering - Courses - 95,75 hSystem Dependability, Certification, Computer Safety, Optimization, Electromagnetic compatibility, Mechatronics integration

Part 8 - ISAE Information system user - Introduction - 2,5 h

Part 9 - Multi-disciplinary project - 20 h

Career opportunitiesEmbedded Systems offer challenging career opportunities. The Master is designed either for young graduates or experienced engineers, who require a postgraduate program to enhance their technical and management skills. This Master concerns any industrial sectors where embedded systems are used: aeronautics, space, road, rail and sea, energy industry, communication systems, etc.Career opportunities in this area are numerous and are growing in a variety of large and small companies. This Embedded Systems Master qualifies students for employment as designers, developers, research engineers and project managers in design and development of innovative embedded systems.

Companies recruiting our studentsAccenture, Airbus, Altran, Astrium Space Transportation, Astek, Atos Origin, CS Communications & Systèmes, DCNS, Eurocopter, Motorola, Realix, Safran, Seditec, Sogeti High Tech, Sopra Group, ESA, EADS Military Air Systems (Germany), GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES (India), Indian AirForce, Philips R&D (Netherland),…



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Dimitrios Filis, Greece, Graduated in 2012Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master? What were your objectives?ISAE is a world class research and teaching Institute, offering high standards of education. Before studying there, I knew that I would have the great opportunity to deal with important Professors, share academic life with scientists from all over the world and live in Toulouse, which is the heart of Europe’s aerospace industry and also offers a wide variety of cultural activities and beautiful natural landscapes. Besides that, my undergraduate studies in Electrical and Computer Engineering sharpened my focus on the specific area and my diploma thesis in aircraft recognition and tracking, made real what I had imagined as a complete real-time embedded system. The combination of these two fields of computer science, software and hardware, was the most intriguing part of my undergraduate studies, and led my enthusiasm to learn in more detail how embedded systems work and how they are programmed in order to produce an embedded electronic device. In my opinion, in the intermediate level between hardware and software, lies the more fascinating field of computer science called embedded systems, which in terms of limitations, such as computational and electrical power, is the most challenging. Embedded systems are everywhere. Everyone, with or without knowledge, is using embedded systems every day. From digital televisions to mobile phones and from cars to household appliances, every embedded system is interesting. The complexity of these devices and the difficulties arising by their demands in efficiency and usability place them high in the technological achievements list of the 21st century. Their production spreads in a great range of markets, from the least to the most critical one, such as medical instruments. Only engineers with an integrated specialized background will be able to give efficient solutions. Consequently, I consider “Embedded Systems” to be one of the most enticing and compelling fields of study.

According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did?The fact that the program is supported by the embedded systems industry brings the advantage of gaining specialized knowledge on this field, while exploring and discovering new technologies and understanding the market demands with the direction of the industry experts. In that way the program offers numerous career opportunities, which will obviously benefit the job pursuit process. The industry placement during the second semester of the program gives the opportunity of learning in practice what was taught during the first semester by combining and applying the knowledge gained through the different projects and lab sessions at ISAE and at ENSEEIHT. Additionally, ISAE is a well-known “Grande École” with high admission standards caring not only about its students’ high technical skill level but also for promoting their multinational culture and spirit, and, in that way, contributing to a creative and dynamic work environment. In such an environment, where the exchange of ideas is cultivated and the share of experiences is fostered, the students have the opportunity to benefit from their valuable collaboration and to feel comfortable while enjoying their studies. Last but not least, life in Toulouse is really enjoyable. Toulouse, 4th largest city in France and 2nd in student population, offers a wide variety of different activities.(…)

Which are your career plans?(…) The combination of a highly appreciated diploma from ISAE and the experience gained through the 4 to 6-month industry placement plays an important role on the job pursuing process. Personally, the “Advanced Master in Embedded Systems” boosted the number of contacts I had for job interviews, and through the relationships I have built this whole year I have developed a strong network. This network ensures now a dynamic and successful career which is about to start in the near future.



AimsThe Master Helicopter Engineering is designed for graduates or professionals having a passion for this specific aircraft. Developed by ISAE and Eurocopter, global helicopter manufacturer and market leader, this 2-semester program provides high-level of engineering and technical competences for careers in helicopter business world. Unique worldwide, the Master Helicopter Engineering takes singular advantages from the marriage of the both teaching approaches that allows attendees well balanced mix acquisition of scientific and engineering knowledge, as well as techniques and technologies from the world leading company. This comprehensive program course starts with basic engineering knowledge in aeronautical design, then emphasizes on specific techniques, technologies or management aspect related to the design, certification and operations of civil or military helicopters.

organization head of Program: Prof. Frédéric LACHAUDE-mail: frederic.lachaud@isae.frDuration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: SeptemberLocation: ISAE, Campus SUPAERO from September to December, Eurocopter premises (Marignane) from January to Februaryteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachFirst semester: academic session of about 450 hours of teaching from September to March, provided by permanent professors of ISAE and experts from aerospace industry giving their current knowledge and experience, from the helicopter industry (Eurocopter, Safran/Turbomeca, Thales, etc.). Including: lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions.Second semester: students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

SyllabusISAE part 1 - General teaching- 114 hComputer-Aided Design (Catia & Cadence) - Aeronautical materials - Fatigue and aging of structures - Sensors and measuring systems - Automatic control engineering - Aeronautical Thermopropulsion - General Aircraft Technical Overview - Genaral Helicopter Overview

ISAE part 2 - helicopter Engineering - 200 h Resistance of materials and elasticity - Vibrations-Modal Analysis - Composites materials - Plates and shells - Structures mechanics - Acoustics - Helicopter propulsion and motorization - Helicopter avionics - Aming missions - Helicopter in-flight tests - Certification - Helicopter maintenance

helicopter Engineering(ISAE - Eurocopter)


Crédits photos © Eurocopter - Eric Raz, © Eurocopter - Patrick Penna

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EUroCoPtEr part 3 - organized at Eurocopter premises (Marignane) - 163 hAerodynamics -flight qualities- Performance – Helicopter dynamics – Helicopter construction materials and techniques –Systems – Prototypes – tests – Pproduction Qquality

Career opportunities This programme prepares attendees to a wide range of professional opportunities from design, certification and operations of civil and military aircraft in France and overseas.

Companies recruiting our studentsAltran, Eurocopter, Safran-Turbomeca, Thales, Gendarmerie Nationale, SONAIR (Angola), Helibras (Brazil), AVIC (China) HAL (India), Pawan Hans Helicopters ltd (India), Eurocopter Mexico, Air Force of Algeria, Navy of Brazil, Air Force of Chile, Air Force of India, Pakistan Army, Air Force of Tunisia.



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Alix AnDrIEU, France, Flight test engineer Eurocopter, Graduated in 2008During my graduate studies at aeronautical engineer school, my dream was to learn about helicopter however all lessons had been on airplane so I couldn’t have theoretical lessons on helicopter working. So I inquired about possible postgraduate courses in other engineering schools or universities and I found this Advanced Master in Europe at ISAE.After 5 years of study I wanted to start my first job but the Master was the only way to fill my wish to work in Helicopter industry. So I applied for and I could do it.Thanks to this Master I discovered the helicopter world. This Master gathers all fields regarding helicopter. That means materials, design, avionic, arming, aerodynamic, vibration, systems, flight performances, etc.One of the main assets of this Master is the involvement of Eurocopter. Parts of lectures are taught by engineers, providing me with their expertise, giving as well a perception of the working of company and different existing jobs.

Now I am working in this leader company of helicopter conception and manufacturing. I joined the flight test department after graduation in September 2008.After I have been studying this Master program for one year, I could say I feel being a better engineer than without do it».

Pierre CroZAt, France, Graduated in 2011Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were your objectives ?I applied to Helicopter Engineering specilized master programm in order to gain valuable knowledge on a wide range of domains related to helicopters. I choose especially ISAE mastère spécialisé courses because of its quality and upon advice of former student and people working at Eurocopter. According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did ?The fact that courses are teached directly by people coming from the industry, who can give feedback of their everyday experience.



Space Communication Systems (ISAE, EnSEEIht, télécom Bretagne, tELECoM SudParis)

AimsSince fifty years, satellite systems have demonstrated their excellence to collect and distribute data in a vast coverage area for the benefit of thousands of users. Within the global telecommunications industry, space communications display one of the most profitable businesses in permanent evolution. Companies of the sector, both system and service providers, are constantly looking for junior executives offering the expertise matching the specifics of space communications.The Space Communication Systems program is tailored to provide students with necessary and up-to-date knowledge for mastering different aspects of digital communications, signal processing, and networking applied to communication or navigation systems. Such systems are strategic in aeronautical or space applications.The program, is built upon on the following foundations:

> give a global approach of system design and analysis by taking into account the environments, the limitations and the constraints, the interfaces and the expected performances,

> develop expertise in the disciplines contributing to the design of these systems: signal processing, digital communications, networking, etc.

> acquire and master design and simulation tools and techniques of the field,

> get acquainted with the development of applications for the space, aeronautical and embedded-system domains.

organizationheads of Program:

> Prof. Marie-Laure BOUCHERET E-mail:

> Prof. Michel BOUSQUET E-mail:

> Prof. Laurent FRANCKE-mail: laurent.franck@telecom-bretagne.euDuration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: September

Location: Toulouse: ISAE, Campus SUPAERO and ENSEEIHT

Pedagogical approachFirst semester: academic session of around

500 hours, provided by ENSEEIHT, Télécom Bretagne and ISAE’s permanent professors and experts from the aerospace Industry bringing current knowledge and experience, including:

> lectures, tutorials, experimental and practical sessions, online exercises, practical works in team, simulation with MATLAB, OPNET, or specific software,

> 3 projects carried out in pairs for about 100 hours globally, > conferences, demonstrations in laboratory, experimenta-

tions on links, navigation receivers (GPS, etc.).Second semester: students have to conduct a professional thesis in the aerospace Industry or in a laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE, ENSEEIHT or Télécom Bretagne. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and a public defense.

SyllabusPart 1 - Project management - 20 h

Part 2 -Basics - 160 hSignal processing and source coding, Digital communications, Spread spectrum techniques, Coding applied to the satellite channel, Basics on networks, Network simulation tools, Antennas and microwaves components, Integrated electronics, Project

Part 3 - Systems and specific techniques - 180 hOrbits and satellites platforms, Radiofrequency links and propagation, Space communications systems, Navigation and localization systems by satellite, Communication and navigation satellite payload, Digital filters and processing, Communications digital receivers, Navigation digital receivers, Ground stations and terminals, Project


Crédits photos : CNES/NASA

24 25

Part 4 - Applications - 140 hSatellite based computer networks, Embedded-networks, Mobile communications and multimediaLegal and economic aspects, Overview of space systems applications, Project

Career opportunitiesThis Advanced Master in space communications systems offers students various junior executive positions in systems design leading to the management of projects in navigation and communications space systems sectors.

Companies recruiting our studentsElectronics ant telecommunications companies: Alcatel, EADS, Thales, Safran, St MicroCommunications operators: Eutelsat, Hispasat, SES, TelespazioSpace agencies and research centers: CNES, DSNA, DLR, ESA, Algerian Space AgencyConsulting groups: M3 Systems, Altran, France Developpement Conseil, etc.



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Chunbang WU, China, Engineer, CASt, Graduated in 2011Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were your objectives ?ISAE is well known in areonutic and areospace field all over the world. It is CAST (China academy of space technology) recommends me choosing this school and applying for Advanced Master. My objectives were to improve my basic theory in Space Communication System and to enhance the tighten friendship with European company.

According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did ?In my study period, the deepest impression is that teachers have broad and profund knowledge, strong system concept and accurate logic, such as Professor Michel Bousquet. He provided many chances to visit the well-known areospace company and communicate with the experts.

Which are your career plans ? After going back to China, I will continue my work in CAST. I will use my knowledge learned from ISAE to the areospace program of China. I will become a general designer of satellite system.

VEnMAnI Daniel Philip, India, Graduated in 2010France, a land of Fashion and food, the land of TGV, is superior in its technology also. And that is the prime reason I opted for France as a destination to do my Masters Studies. France, being one of the leaders in wireless communications with Satellite Communications and Telecommunications, bearing major concerns like the EADS, Thales attracted me to pursue my Masters in Space Communication Systems. And, to its credit, ISAE is the best place to begin a career in communications, where in numerous research works are being carried out in domains like Ad-Hoc networks, Wireless Networks, Resource Allocation for satellite links, Radio engineering for satellite systems etc. ISAE, best known for its exclusive training for engineers in the field of Aeronautical Engineering, is no way inferior for Satellite communications as well. Best professors like Marie Laure Boucheret, Michel Bousquet, Laurent Franck are all known for excellent academic and research accomplishments in their respective field. World class Labs that are opened throughout the day, easy access to libraries and above all always-smiling and most willingly helpful staff will make the stay more pleasant. In short, I could conclude that «ISAE- Not so foreign!» to me, as I have all my motherland feelings inherited in it while studying there! Today, I find myself as a Doctoral Candidate with Orange Labs, thanks to ISAE!



Aims The advanced master TAS Aero program leads to a one-year professionally-oriented master’s degree with an emphasis on Aerospace Engineering (AE). For some students having a passion for flight testing, the master TAS Aero offers a Flight Test Engineering major (TAS Aero – FTE). The MS TAS Aero enables students to develop a high level of competence in engineering science, current technology, engineering design and management of aeronautical systems, or flight test performances. The TAS - Aero programs are highly multidisciplinary and aimed at developing engineering skills to easily enter the work world with great opportunities and significant chances of advancement on aeronautical projects, either in a research facility or in a company in a multinational environment.The programs are specially designed for students starting immediately after the completion of their master and for industrial employees who have enrolled through their companies’ continuing education programs.The TAS Aero curriculum includes a broad spectrum of subjects with the following objectives:

> to develop an integrated approach of the product design development, while acquiring necessary skills in the disciplines and techniques of the aeronautical sector,

> to facilitate work on multidisciplinary projects in aeronautics with a very practical approach,

> to develop skills in team building and team process at a multinational level,

> to develop project-management and programme management skills for international use,

> to understand the global economic environment of the aeronautical sector.

In 2011 we launched a new major in flight Test Engineering - TAS Aero FTE - which focuses on the issues facing aircraft and aircraft equipment manufacturers in the development and certification of new aircraft.This major TAS Aero FTE is particularly suitable for engineers with little or no prior expérience in the field and also for those already involved in auronautics who require further knowledge of the above concerns.Graduates of this master are capable of working in flight test department to contribute to various flight testing (certification tests, envelope expansion, performances, handling qualities and aircraft systems...)

organization heads of Program:

> Prof. Didier DELORME E-mail:

> Prof. Christian COLONGO (major FTE)E-mail:

> Prof. Jean-Marc MOSCHETTA («UAV systems» program)E-mail: jean-marc.moschetta@isae.frDuration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: SeptemberLocation: ISAE, Campus SUPAEROteaching language: English

Aeronautical Engineeringwith a Flight test Engineering option and an in-depth program on «UAV Systems»

MS tAS Aero

Crédits photos : © Dassault Aviation - E. de Malglaive

26 27

Pedagogical approachFirst semester: academic session of around 480h, provided by ISAE’s permanent professors and experts from aerospace industry bringing current knowledge and experience, including:

> lectures, exercises, > labs with Matlab, > engineering and design study seminars, > laboratory sessions, > written report and oral presentation, > practical sessions, > team work and team business game, > in-flight practical study and industrial visits (Airbus, CEAT, etc.).

Second semester: students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.Details in following pages

Career opportunitiesMore than 1100 students from 55 countries have been trained over the last 30 years and now work as research engineers, designers, project managers, program managers, and consultants, etc.

Companies recruiting our studentsAltran, Aeroconseil, EADS Airbus, EADS Eurocopter, EADS Astrium, ATR, Aéroconseil, C&D Aerospace, Arial industries, Dassault Aviation, Hurel Hispano/Aircelle, Labinal-Comecad, Latécoère, Mazeres Aviation, Sagem, Liebherr Aerospace, SAMP, SEGIME, ESA/ASTEC, CNES, DGA (French MoD), Brussels Airlines Fly (Belgium), Cenaero (Belgium), CTA (Brazil), Embraer (Brazil), Bombardier (Canada), AVIC (China), COMAC (China), Hal (India), Chilean Air Force, Indian Air Force, Mig (Russia), RUAG AEROSPACE (Switzerland), TUNIS AIR (Tunisia), Exa Corp (USA), Venezuela Air Force,,…



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Sabine MALtAVErnE, France, Graduated in 2009, is now working at Snecma located in Gennevilliers, as engineer.Why did you choose ISAE for your advanced master?«Only ISAE proposes an advanced master in aeronautics which relates to technical subjects rather than business. Master courses took place at the SUPAERO campus. This allows us to enjoy its famous status.What advice would you give to someone considering the course in order to succeed in their studies?»«To take into account all the courses, work on the exams given during the years before, work with people of the engineer cycle and resist to the stress». What has the course brought you, what have you gained through the master s’ course?«I improved my experience concerning general courses and I got a first theoretical teaching in the aeronautics field».Has the master TAS Aero helped you in your current or past job?«Of course.The advanced master is responsible for my presence in Eurocopter. In this company, my work begins rapidly because of helicopters’ courses that I followed at ISAE. I got self-confidence to propose ideas and guidelines in a project frame because of the many examples studied during advanced master. Furthermore, I can deal more easily with theoretical aspects».

Pierre MorEtto, France, test engineer in handling qualities for the A 400M program at SoGEtI, Graduated in 2012. Why did you choose ISAE and apply for the advanced master?I wanted to make a professional conversion in the aeronautical field. That’s why I chose ISAE, to make a training: With a high technical quality level, Meeting the needs of industrial groups, Adapted to their working methods.Then, taking into account my passion for flying and my interest for the technology, the choice of this advanced master was obvious.According to your experience, which are the strengths of the master you did?In the field of the flight test engineering, I think that this advanced master is the best choice.. Either the working methods or the technical skills taught, give the necessary background to start a job in this field. Moreover the high qualifying level of the lecturers insures an optimal efficiency of your learning in the flight test engineering.Which are your career plans?The main objective of this advanced master is to be involved in the flight test engineering, not as a flight test engineer but as a test engineer either specialized in the flight or ground test. I’ve been working in the flight test engineering related to the handling qualities since the end of the master. So now the main objective is to improve my technical knowledge in this field.


Starting from the academic year 2013, MS TAS aero students interested in the growing field of civilian or military Unmanned Aerial Systems can choose to attend an in-depth program on this topic.A 100-hour «UAV systems» program is proposed by ISAE in partnership with the French Air Force Academy (EOAA) and ENAC. This collaborative advanced training program is validated by a common certificate awarded by the three institutions.


Aeronautical Engineeringwith a Flight test Engineering option and an in-depth program on «UAV Systems»

MS tAS Aero

Detailed Program hour tAS Aero - AE tAS Aero - FtE

ISAE Information System User Introduction 2,50 X X


Structures standardisation 7,50 X

MATLAB standardisation 5,00 X X

Aircraft Structures 46,25 X X

Composites Standardisation 2,50 X X

Composites 18,75 X X

Modeling for aeronautical structures 21,25 X

Materials for Aerospace structures 22,50 X X

Computer Aided Design (CAD) 18,75 X X


Aircraft Techniques 28,75 X X

Flight Dynamics 1 33,75 X X

Flight Dynamics 2 22,50 X X

Helicopters 22,50 X X

Control and avionics 28,75 X X


Aerodynamics 1 23,75 X X

Aerodynamics 2 17,50 X X

Propulsion 26,25 X X


Aeronautical Engineering environnement 21,25 X

Mastery of Aeronautical Products 38,75 X

Integrated Team Project 23,75 X

Syllabus structure

28 29



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ELECtIVE LECtUrES : 1 of 2 to be choosen

Advanced Structural Dynamics 21,25 X

Propulsion 2 20,00 X

Aviation regulations CS/FAr 23 & 25 5,00 X

Flight test technics and methods 21,15 X

human factors in aeronautics 11,00 X

Flight test experimentation X Airplane

Flight test general presentation 6,15 X

Pitot static calibration, cruise performance 2,30 X TB20

Tower fly-by 2,30 X DR400

Climb performances 2,30 X DR400

Controllability Maneuverability 5,45 X TB20

Static and dynamic stability 1,15 X

Longitudinal static and dynamic stability 3,45 X TB20

Elevator force in maneuver, maneuvering stability 3,45 X TB20

Lateral and directional static and dynamic stability 3,45 X TB20

Lateral coefficients identification (telemetry) 1,25 X TB20

Engine failure 5,00 X CASA 212

Stall and spin 5,00 X TB20

Spin demonstration 3,45 X CAP 10

Spin demonstration (telemetry) 0,30 X PC7 Pilatus

Acceptance flight 4,45 X TB20

team project

Elaboration of a flight test program 15,00 X

Evaluation flight 1,30 X TB20

UAV systems : syllabusCoUrSE VoLUME InStItUtIonS PArtnErS

Introduction to UAV systems design and missions 25 h ISAE THALES

Payload and sensors for UAVs 15 h ISAE SAGEM

UAS Integration in airspace and airworthiness 15 h ENAC

UAS architecture and autonomy 20 h ENAC ONERA

UAV operations and human factors 25 h École de l’Air, Dassault


Aims The TAS Astro - Space Systems Engineering Advanced Master degree program is a one-year professional course of study. The TAS Astro Advanced Master allows students to develop a high level of competence in space science, space systems engineering and space project management . The TAS - Astro program is highly multidisciplinary and is aimed at developing engineering skills to easily enter the work world with great opportunities and significant chances of advancement on aerospace projects, either in a agency or in a company in a multinational environment. The program is designed for students starting immediately after the completion of their graduate degree and for industrial employees who have enrolled through their companies’ continuing education programs. The TAS Astro curriculum includes a broad spectrum of subjects with the following objectives:

> to develop specific skills applied to space sector, in design development, space systems engineering and management of space projects,

> to acquire high competences related to technical aspects, international economical and legal concerns of space projects.

organization head of Program: Prof. Stéphanie LIZY-DESTREZE-mail: Duration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: SeptemberLocation: ISAE, Campus SUPAEROteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachFirst semester: academic session of around 410h, provided by ISAE’s permanent professors and various experts bringing current knowledge and experience from research center (ONERA), Space agencies (CNES, ESA), or European aerospace industry (Thales Alenia Space, Astrium/Space Transportation, Astrium/Satellites, Safran/ SNECMA, etc.).

Space Systems EngineeringMS tAS Astro

Crédits photos : © Briot/THALES ALIENIA SPACE

30 31

This first semester includes: > lectures, exercises, labs, > engineering and design study seminars, > laboratory sessions, > written report and oral presentation, > practical sessions, team work and industrial visits.

Second semester: students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

Syllabusharmonisation A harmonization program can be offered to students in accordance with their initial education background, in particular in signal processing and automatic control

Part 1 - Missions and Systems - 170 hSpace environment and effectsMission analysis and orbital mechanicsSystem Dependability (SD)Satellite designSatellite based navigation and localization systemsDynamics and ControlDesign of Launchers & Space propulsion Space communications systemsSpace manned missions

Part 2 - Space projects environment - 120 hSpace project and systemsSpace project financial aspectsFinancial and legislation aspectsSpace projects legal aspects (complements)Aerospace Engineering EnvironmentStudy Case : systems Engineering of Space Systems (SESS)Integrate Team project

Part 3 - Satellites and Systems - 150 hReal time operational systemsReal time control of a space systemSatellite engineering and designAdvanced control and applicationsSatellites guidance and controlLaunchers guidance and controlSatellite electrical systemsOn board systems and data handlingSatellite thermal control systems

Part 4 - Conferences and seminars - 45 hVisits of companies: ASTRIUM/ST, EADS, CNES...

Career opportunities TAS Astro Advanced Master program leads students to technical employment either in international industries or in research centers in aerospace world. Current position are: Project Managers of space systems, Experts in industry or public research laboratories, or in Consulting and services companies, etc.

Companies recruiting our studentsAltran, EADS Astrium, EADS Apsys, Aéroconseil, Astek, Atos Origin, Bertin, Eutelsat, Eurilogic, GIST, Saipem, Seditec, Safran, Sopra Group, Transiciel, Thales Alenia Space, CNES, ESA, CTA (Brazil), Inpe (Brazil), DLR (Germany), Instituto Mexicano de Comunicaciones (Mexico). GTD Sistemas de Información (Spain), Hispasat (Spain), Aerospace Computing Inc/AMES (USA),…



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Mireia JoYA – Spain, Graduated in 2010The great quality of the ISAE’s master has helped me to shape my future the way I imagined. It has been a unique learning experience not only because of the numerous lecturers from different areas of the Space Industry we had but also because it brought me the opportunity to participate in a very interesting project at EADS Astrium. I will always remember with great pleasure the friendship I made with students from all over the world. After the master graduation I joined ALTRAN Toulouse as space thermal engineer».

Chloé DEFrEVILLE – France, Graduated in 2011Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were your objectives ?ISAE is the best engineering school in space domain and localized in Toulouse near the big space centers (CNES, Astrium, ONERA, Thales). The diplom is well recognized.According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did ?The multiplicity and exhaustivity of the studied fields, the high qualifications of our teachers and speakers coming from the best firms allover France, the subject of our class project and the involvement of nearly every studentWhich are your career plans ?Working on big space project like for the CNES.



AimsAeronautical, Space and Defense business is, by nature, complex, innovative with high added value. Placed at the heart of political, economic, environmental and technological issues, in France, in Europe and worldwide, it requires a prospective vision from decision makers. It is based on specific industrial processes, characterized by long, costly and risky cycles (R & D, production, maintenance & support). Aerospace programs, either in civil or defence, are facing challenging concerns: competitiveness and high technologies development, global supply chain approaches, Government budget reduction, and internationalisation of resources. The development and industrialisation of new programs involves the collaboration of companies from many countries and cultures, several thousands engineers working in all regions around the world through IT platform and tools. In this context, project management in aerospace environment requires mastering a wide scope of knowledge, know-how and expertise adapted to the specific needs and issues of this challenging worldwide business.To answer to these concerns, ISAE, Ecole de l’Air and ENAC gather their expertises to develop the Aerospace Project Management (APM) advanced master.The professionally-oriented APM advanced Master provides students with an overview on military or civil international Aerospace industry and gives up-to-date skills, cutting-edge knowledge, and necessary competences for successfully leading Project or Program teams in global aerospace and defence industry.With an emphasis on operations, the program is designed to those beginning their career in management of projects or to professionals aiming at enhancing their competences for a fast career evolution. The program of the APM is taught, by experts or lecturers with extensive aerospace project experience, with a combination of formal presentations, in-class exercises, or study cases. The objectives of this practical approach are to provide students with current techniques and

tools in project management taking into account industrials, economical or legal specificities of the Aerospace business.

organization heads of Program:

> ISAE: Prof Philippe GIRARDE-mail:

> école des officiers de l’Armée de l’Air : Cdt Aymeric ROGERE-mail: aymeric.roger@intradef.gouv.frEnAC: Prof Nicolas PETEILH

> E-mail: nicolas.peteilh@enac.frDuration of studies: One year in full time or two years in part timeBeginning of classes: OctoberLocation: ISAE campus SUPAERO (Toulouse) and École des Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air (Salon de Provence) and ENAC (Toulouse) - Franceteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachThe comprehensive training program is organised into four teaching parts:

First part: overall overview of aerospace industry (60 hours)The first part provides the students with an in-depth overview of word-wide aeronautics and space industries enabling them to have an overall understanding of technologies, products, innovation and strategy stakes in the global civil and defence market.

Second part: methodology (200 hours)This part leads to a good understanding of Project management tools (WBS, planning, needs specification, etc).Models and Methods of Project management for Aerospace context with specificities for high stakes and long cycle programs.

third part: economic and financial (110 hours)This part leads to a good understanding of economical stakes for nations or industries and the role of politics.How to evaluate the cost of a long term program, the investment return hope, but also how to manage cost during development or manufacturing phase.

Aerospace Project Management(ISAE - école des officiers de l’Armée de l’Air - EnAC)


Crédits photos : © Airbus military 2010 - A400M at Farnborough, Aude Lemarchand

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Fourth part: knowledge management in multicultural team project (60 hours)This part underlines the necessity to integrate and federate competences around a common objective; how to motivate people for a long term project.How to integrate intercultural management within international Program to avoid conflicts and change resistance.In each of these parts the risks evaluation and control will be systematically underscored as well as Quality concepts and indicators dedicated to Aerospace context. During semester 2, students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE or Ecole de l’Air. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

teaching staffThe teaching staff is composed of professors, lecturers and consultants for ISAE and Ecole de l’Air (CReA). Several consultants, experts into project management are invited to deliver their knowledge from their own experience.On top of that many experts from industries, most of the time heads of aerospace programs will illustrate with parts of the courses.

Career opportunities APM advanced master Program leads students to integrate or to become Head of Aerospace program team. To conceive and pilot complex projects with permanent care of costs and risks control in Aerospace companies or in defense institutions.



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lishWichaya CADEnE, “A350-Powerplant recurring Cost

Manager” at Airbus, thailand, graduated in 2012I’ve heard a reputation that ISAE is the best aeronautic school in France and students who are graduated from this school are «cream of the cream». Graduating from this school is a preliminary guarantee in your capability before moving to professional career. This makes me believe that diploma from ISAE will strengthen my profile and makes my CV more interesting among thousands of candidates.My goal is to get a job in aerospace business but I’ve experience in automobile. I think advanced master in Aerospace Project Management is a key to open a door that I can walk straight into Aeronautic industrial businesses and knowledge in project management can be applied in all kinds of businesses.



AimsSystems Engineering is an interdisciplinary discipline of engineering combining all scienceses and technologies into integrated team from development, to design, up to operations and disposal of competitive and complex systems.Systems Engineering approach is the capacity to federate and control various, interweaving and complementary engineering activities. This approach goal is to deliver satisfying systems, on-time, within expected budget, with the level of quality and performances meeting requirements of an open and competitive market. Systems Engineering process implements technical processes (requirement engineering, design, integration, verification, validation, etc.) as well as project management processes, agreement processes and enterprise processes.The Systems Engineering Master degree program is a one-year professional course of study, designed in partnership with the industry. This program aims at providing worldwide industry with skilled professionals in Systems Engineering able to specify, design, deploy and maintain competitive and complex systems, fit to purpose, in various industrial sectors: space, aeronautics, air traffic control, land transport systems, maritime transport, health industry, energy, communication systems, etc.

organizationhead of Program: Prof. Jean-Charles CHAUDEMARE-mail: jean-charles.chaudemar@isae.frDuration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: SeptemberLocation: ISAE, Campus SUPAEROteaching language: English

Pedagogical approachThe one-year course is split into 2 semesters in ISAE premises - lectures, integrated team project, etc. - and 4-5 months of internship.First semester: academic session of around 560h, provided by ISAE’s permanent professors and experts from industry bringing current knowledge and experience, including: lectures, tutorials, industrial study cases. And 35h devoted to the coaching of the Integrated Team Project run all along the semester.Second semester: students have to conduct a professional thesis in aerospace industry or in laboratory, in France or abroad, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation in front of jury.

Syllabusteaching part (First semester) – 564 hPart 1: Academics (529h)Project Technical Management (PTM)Systems Engineering Introduction (SEI)Introduction to Space Systems (ISS)Systems Modelling and Analysis (SMA)Systems Engineering Data Technical Management (SEDTM)Systems Engineering and Human Factors (SEHF)Systems Dependability (SD)Systems Performance Assessment & Management (SPAM)Optimise, Decide, Justify, Verify & Validate: The essential system engineer toolbox (ODJVV)Requirement Engineering (RE)Systems Design and Architecture (SDA)Integrated Logistic Support (ILS)

Systems EngineeringMS SEn

Crédits photos : © Dassault Aviation - E. de Malglaive

34 35

Study Case : Systems Engineering and Certification of the A380 (A380)Study Case : Systems Engineering of Space Systems (SESS)Study case : Systems Engineering at Dassault Aviation (DAV)System of systems (SOS)

Part 2: Integrated team Project (ItP) 35h of coaching

Career opportunitiesFor Open-minded students with open mind, who want to achieve systemic vision, who do like working in integrated team, who like challenges, who are convinced that we can have fun while working, this Master will offer huge job opportunities in Systems Engineering.

Systems Engineering is now a real and permanent concern for any business players, from Major Governmental contractors, to equipment manufacturers, to prime contractor integrating systems, and services companies such as Airlines for instance. Systems Engineering jobs are characterized by many disciplines:

> multidisciplinary - mechanics, electronics, information technology, etc,

> strong interface with project management, > permanent concerns all along the life cycle of a system.

Need of Systems Architects is increasing for both industries developing, producing and maintaining large complex systems (aircraft, ships, military and defence systems, cars, etc.) and other industries developing and producing smaller high technology products (cameras, mobile phones, printers, computers, etc.). This Master program offers students great opportunity to join Engineering Team Systems within industries in different economic sectors.

Companies recruiting our studentsAltran, Dassault Aviation, EADS Airbus, EADS Cassidian, EADS Astrium, EGIS Avia, Arianespace, ALTEN, AKKA, Seditec, Hispano Suiza, Thales Alenia Space, INPE (Brazil), AVIC (China), COMAC (China), Thales China, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Thailand).



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tianjiao Li, China, Gratuated in 2010 I am working in Thales China as a PPC (Processing, Computing, Cognitive) Engineer in R&D (Research and Development) after graduated from SEN, one master of ISAE. I was so lucky to be accepted by ISAE, whose academic environment is so professional and the faculties are so responsible. In SEN, I learned the practical knowledge given by the professional teachers who have been for long years in the industry. The teachers are from each domain, who taught us by the easily understandable ways with their rich experience. All the topics were cutting edge in industry, which are innovative and interesting. Besides that, I loved so much of the atmosphere of SEN, where the friendships were very strong. People from different countries always helped each other and so many exotic dinners held by classmates enhanced my knowledge of international courtesy and custom. In SEN, I was getting more and more open-minded, active and motivated, which are the most important in one’s career». Gajendra KAShYAP, India, Consultant System Engineer at Altran technologies, Graduated in 2011Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master? What were your objectives?The main reason to choose ISAE was its location in the hub of aerospace industry in Europe and association with the

industry to provide subject lectures from industry experts which is unparallel. The other reasons are the composition of the course subjects themselves and the duration of the course which met my expectations very well. Coming with a significant and diverse experience in the aerospace industry in avionics and flight simulation, this course had everything I needed to move ahead. My objectives were to understand to elevate myself to the level of system engineer by acquiring the skills through this course and they have been met.According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did?The strong assets of the master course are the interaction with the people from industry, the experience they share on the subjects being taught. The biggest asset is that these people are not just teaching theory but giving a real perspective of the application of engineering to real problems to be solved when we work in the industry. It was easier to correlate with the experience.Which are your career plans ?I’m happy to share that I’ve found a job with Altran Technologies in Toulouse and I will be working as Consultant System Engineer with them on Airbus projects. In near future I would like to be a System Engineering Manager, so I think this is a good start.


InCoSE certification in ISAEAt the end of the first semester, all SEN students are encouraged to participate in a one-month complementary program in preparation for ASEP level of INCOSE (International Council on System Engineering) certification. INCOSE certification consists of an exam which has an international-recognized value to validate knowledge and skills in systems engineering.

*Associate Systems Engineering Professionnal


AimsUnder the aegis of the DGA, ISAE and EPNER joined their expertise setting up the first Master’s degree in Flight Test Engineering for pilots and engineers using the synergy of their recognized competences in aerospace education.EPNER is one of the world leader Flight Test School offering high-level courses for Flight Test Pilots and Flight Test Engineers. EPNER offers fixed wing and rotary wing courses for test pilots and engineers.ISAE and EPNER studied and developed a comprehensive program integrating their competencies and existing courses to provide EPNER flight test courses attendants with a Master’s degree Specialized in Experimental Flight Test Engineering of ISAE besides the EPNER qualification.The Experimental Flight Test Engineering Master is a 12-month course organized by ISAE and EPNER aiming at providing either Flight test Governmental organizations or Aircraft manufacturers with high-qualified test pilots and flight test engineers. Aware of the necessity to conduct flight tests program in close coordination between pilots and engineers, the original spirit of this program is to prepare pilots and engineers to work in integrated team. The objectives of the Master is to develop theoretical and applied skills of experienced pilots and engineers for the preparation, implementation and report of flight tests either of aircraft or complex embedded-systems, in the best safety conditions. After graduation, these skilled professionals are able to participate to civilian certification of new or modified aircraft, to aircraft or equipment development program, to military acceptance program, either fixed-wing or rotary-wing.

The course is split into two periods: > 2-month courses in basis sciences and French aeronautical

communication skills organised at ISAE-SUPAERO campus, in Toulouse,

> 10-month Experimental Flight Test course, for fixed wing or rotary wing for pilots and engineers, given at EPNER in Istres.

organizationhead of Program: Prof. Christian COLONGOE-mail: christian.colongo@isae.frDuration of studies: One year full timeBeginning of classes: End of JuneLocation: ISAE-SUPAERO campus and EPNER-Istresteaching language: French

Pedagogical approachAcademic session consists of around 450h of ground and simulators courses, provided by ISAE’s and EPNER permanent professors and experts from industry bringing current knowledge and experience. And around 110 flight hours on more than 20 airplanes for fixed-wing stream and 15 helicopters for the rotary-wing stream.All along the program, students conduct professional theses, assessment of aircrafts or embedded-systems. These theses are concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral dissertation.

SyllabusISAE part

International attendees

French attendees

Mathematics x x

Flight mechanics x x

Automatic control and aircraft control x x

Advanced aeronautical French and aeronautical phraseology


Aircraft preliminary design x

Human factors x

Experimental Flight test Engineering(ISAE, EPnEr - the French Flight test School)


Crédits photos : © AIRBUS 2005_photo by exm company/P. Masclet

© AIRBUS 2006_photo by exm company/P. Masclet

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EPnEr partSystem engineering introductionSafety of flight testsBasics of aerospace techniquesDocumentation, procedures applied in flight tests programsPerformances testsPropulsion testsHandling testsEmbedded-systems testsSpecific test (fixed-wind): flight envelop extension, certification, acceptance, assessment, etc.Specific test (fixed-wind): flight envelop extension, specific flights, synthesis activitiesProfessional thesis

Career opportunitiesThe Master intends to prepare skilled professionals, pilots or engineers for:

> Managers of flight tests implementation, fight envelop extension of aircraft or embedded-systems in close cooperation with design and development offices,

> Managers of flight tests centers.organisms recruiting our studentsFlight Test Centres, Air Force, Navy, Army, EADS Germany, BWB Germany, Airbus, Dassault, Eurocopter, ESA, Canadian Flight test center...

Admission procedureSelection and admission by the French Ministry of Defence, contact us for more detailed information.



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CPt Luca S. Parmitano, Air Force Italia, Graduated in 2009, selected by ESAI was selected by my government for this advanced master which is related to the EPNER test pilot school course. As the master is still taught in French, I wish give advice future students to learn french, it will help in learning the french culture, which in turn will help them to better understand the courses, even when they are in english. Plus, knowing the language will help them enjoy the beautiful city. Regarding my career, let’s say the master helped me get my future job: in September 2009, I joined the European Space Agency to start astronaut training».

American officer, Graduated in 2011Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were your objectives ?I came to ISAE as part of the MSIEVEX, associated with EPNER. My objectives were to work on mathematics, aviation, and aeronautical engineering subjects in French, in order to expand my knowledge of French engineering practice and begin my training as a Flight Test Engineer.According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did ?The greatest strength of the MSIEVEX program for me was the wealth of expertise available through our instructors and administrators, even in a short course like ours (only two months, during the summer). I am grateful that so many talented and knowledgeable professors dedicate their summer weeks to working with the MSIEVEX students. I also appreciate the inclusion of our Alliance professor and the French language course, because as a foreign student, having an excellent French teacher to complement the purely technical subjects was imperative.I will know more about the specific strengths of the ISAE MSIEVEX program working together with the Program A stage at EPNER after I have spent more time at EPNER!Which are your career plans ?I will return to the United States in September 2012 to work as a Flight Test Engineer (Rotary-Wing specialty). I will spend at least three years in a FTE-RW job, and then I will build on that experience as an engineer and a field grade officer in the US Air Force.


Crédits photos : © AIRBUS 2005_photo by exm company/P. Masclet

© AIRBUS 2006_photo by exm company/P. Masclet


objectifsFormer les spécialistes de la conception des systèmes électroniques et de télécommunications dans les domaines de l’aéronautique et de l’espace.Ces systèmes complexes mettent en œuvre des technologies de pointe.La grande diversité des sciences et techniques concernées impose de maîtriser une vaste palette de disciplines interagissant dans le développement de ces systèmes.

organisation de la formationChef de programme : Prof. José RADZIK Courriel : jose.radzik@isae.frDurée : un an à temps plein rentrée : début septembre Lieu : ISAE, Campus SUPAERO Langue : français mais certains cours sont dispensés en langue anglaise avec d’autres mastères de l’ISAE : les niveaux TOEFL 550 ou IBT 79 ou TOEIC 750 sont demandés comme pour les mastères en anglais.

Méthode pédagogiquePremier semestre : environ 500 heures d’enseignement dispensées de septembre à avril dans les locaux de l’ISAE par les professeurs permanents de l’ISAE et des experts du milieu professionnel, comprenant :

> cours magistraux, bureaux d’études, travaux pratiques et expérimentaux sur CAO, exercices corrigés sur la toile, travail en équipe, simulations sur MATLAB, OPNET, COSSAP, ...

> conférences, démonstrations en laboratoire, expérimentations sur liaisons et modems numériques à fibres optiques, récepteurs de navigation (GPS, ...),

> projet de conception système, rédaction de rapports de synthèse.

Second semestre : réalisation d’une thèse professionnelle en entreprise, en laboratoire, en France ou à l’étranger d’une durée de quatre à six mois, validée par la soutenance.

électronique et télécommunications aérospatialesMS EAS

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Programme d’enseignementApproche et conception système - 105 hOptimisation combinatoireMaîtrise des risques et sûreté de fonctionnementEnvironnement spatial et effetsSystèmes spatiaux et conception des satellitesAspects juridiques et économiques

Fondamentaux - 90 hTraitement du signalTélécommunications spatialesCommunications numériques (cours en anglais)Liaisons radiofréquencesFonctions microndesSystèmes électroniques et architectures numériques - 70 hArchitectures de traitement numériqueSpécification et conception de systèmes numériquesRécepteurs numériques de télécommunications (cours en anglais)Récepteurs de navigation et hybridation (cours en anglais)

réseaux de communications - 70 hRéseaux et protocoles de communicationRéseaux de communication par satellites Internet et services multimédia par satellitesCommunication multimédia

Systèmes et applications spatiales - 60 hSystèmes de communications spatialesSystèmes de navigation et de localisation par satellite (cours en anglais)Imagerie spatialeProjet en équipe intégrée dont l’objectif est de mettre en pratique toutes les dimensions d’un projet : composante technique, gestion de projet et gestion d’équipe.

Perspectives professionnellesLes diplômés accèdent à des postes d’ingénieurs développement et de conception-système dans l’industrie électronique et des télécommunications en France et à l’étranger, dans les centres de recherche et agences, ainsi qu’au sein de sociétés de service d’ingénierie.

Les entreprises qui recrutent nos étudiantsEADS Astrium, Airbus, Altran Groupe, Transiciel, Astek, Ausy, Esterel Technologies, CETE, Motorola, M3Systems, Nortel Networks SA, Sagem, Thales Alenia Space, Seditec, ESA, CNES, DGA, Armée de terre, France Telecom, Marine Nationale, Aeroconseil Iberia, (Spain), Tietronix Software, Inc. (USA),...



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Pauline Dixon, Great Britain, Graduated in 2012Why did you choose ISAE and apply for the advanced master «Electronique et télécommunications aérospatiales» ? I chose ISAE partly beause of its reputation in the space domain, and also because of the quality of its teaching. I chose the MS «Electronique et télécommunications aérospatiales» as this Advanced Master matched most closely my interests, and the fact it is mostly taught in French appealed to me as French is not my mother tongue and I wanted to improve my technical French.According to your experience, which are the strenghts of the master you did ? This Master covers a broad spectrum of subjects, with a good mix of lectures and practical work. The quality of the teaching is very high, with a significant percentage of the lecturers being professionals working in the industry who communicate not only the state-of-the-art but also their passion for their respective fields.Which are your career plans ?I am currently applying for posts in the signal processing discipline, confident that the skills I have acquired this year, both through the taught courses and the placement in industry, will enable me to further my career in the aerospace industry.



objectifsDans un contexte compétitif international croissant où la recherche de matériaux nouveaux associée à l’optimisation des méthodes de calcul des structures, leur certification statistiques, dynamique et thermique sont des atouts majeurs pour les architectes industriels du secteur des aéronefs et spatioanefs, ce mastère offre, aux ingénieurs destinés aux métiers en conception, en recherche et développement, en certification, ou aux essais et qualification, une culture approfondie et multidisciplinaire en génie mécanique appliqué aux structures. Ce mastère constitue une référence en la matière.L’enseignement vise à développer une expertise au calcul numérique des structures les plus avancées, une connaissance des matériaux ainsi que sur leurs interférences avec l’environnement (notamment les charges et interactions fluides-structures). La dynamique des structures souples, la modélisation et le contrôle des éléments structuraux complexes constituent le noyau central des enseignements de ce mastère. Les objectifs du mastère spécialisé sont de :

> former des spécialistes dans le domaine de la conception, optimisation et certification des structures légères,

> maîtriser les méthodes de modélisation et d’analyse des structures d’aéronefs et de véhicules spatiaux dans le contexte industriel.

oganisation de la formationChef de programme : Prof. Yves GOURINATCourriel : Durée : un an à temps pleinrentrée : début septembre Lieu : ISAE, Campus SUPAERO Langue : français mais certains cours sont dispensés en langue anglaise avec d’autres mastères de l’ISAE : les niveaux TOEFL 550 ou IBT 79 ou TOEIC 750 sont demandés comme pour les mastères en anglais.

Méthode pédagogiquePremier semestre : environ 400 heures d’enseignement dispensées de septembre à avril dans les locaux de l’ISAE par les professeurs permanents de l’ISAE et des experts ou professionnels apportant les dernières connaissances de l’industrie dont : cours magistraux, bureaux d’études, travaux pratiques, simulations numériques, CAO, séances en laboratoire, visites industrielles.

Structures aéronautiques et spatialesMS SAS

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Second semestre : réalisation d’une thèse professionnelle en entreprise, en laboratoire, en France ou à l’étranger d’une durée de quatre à six mois, validée par la soutenance.

Programme d’enseignementharmonisation et accès informatique - 31 hHarmonisation Mécanique du vol, Harmonisation Structures, Harmonisation Structures – Coques, Harmonisation Aérodynamique, Harmonisation Matlab, Accès système informatique ISAE

Enseignements académiques - 378 hStratégie de développement des avions civils, Efforts aérodynamiques sur une structure, Charges Avion, Hélicoptères (cours en anglais), Commande active des structures flexibles, Calcul de structures par éléments finis, Matériaux structuraux - matériaux composites, Structure des missiles et des lanceurs, Aéroélasticité, Caractérisation expérimentale des matériaux, Dynamique des structures avancées (Anglais), Conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO), Modélisation des structures composites, Capteurs, Structure des aéronefs, Architecture et structures des lanceurs

Projet en équipe Intégrée – 24 h Intégrer toutes les dimensions d’un projet : composante technique, gestion de projet et gestion d’équipe

Perspectives professionnellesPlus de cent ingénieurs ont été formés à cette spécialisation unique dans l’enseignement supérieur français.Ils occupent aujourd’hui des fonctions d’ingénieurs-recherche ou d’ingénieurs de conception dans des entreprises internationales des secteurs aéronautique, spatial ou du génie mécanique.

Les entreprises qui recrutent nos étudiantsAltran, Astek, EADS Airbus, EADS Eurocopter, EADS Socata, Aéroconseil, Aerazur, ASSYSTEM Etudes, ATKINS, AXS Analyse de Structures, Air France, Bertrandt SA, Dassault Aviation, Dassault Falcon Jet, PSA, Latécoère, Renault, Seditec, Segula, Sodern, Sagem, SAFRAN Snecma, Snecma Propulsion Solide, SAFRAN, Messier, SAFRAN Turboméca, Transiciel, Safran Engineering Services, SEGIME, Sogeti High Tech, Thales, ESA/Astec, Thales Alenia Space, Renault, Clairis Technologies, DLR (Germany),…



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roberto G. MAnJArrEZ GArDUno, Mexico, Graduated in 2009I chose ISAE because I know that is one of the best aerospace engineering schools not only in France, in Europe and also around the world. In fact, I have spoken also with professors and engineers of other institutions and they agree that ISAE is the best higher institution of aeronautics studies in Europe for studies and research.During the one-year study, I have learnt really a lot of things, not only academic, also about the life. The most important thing is to know that we are able to do a lot of things working more, to have more patience and confidence thanks to the strong support of ISAE’s professors».

Pierre GAMBIEr, France, Graduated in 2011Why did you choose ISAE and apply for our master ? What were your objectives ?My previous school was a general engineering school. Although it gave me a good overview of the engineering world, it left me a taste of unaccomplishment in the field I liked : structure.I came out of my previous enginnering degree with a pretty good file and recommandations, so I applied for the master’s

degrees at ISAE with the objectives of acquiring more technical and specialised knowledge on aerospace structure and gain a recognise expertise in this field.According to your experience, which are the strong assets of the Master you did ?The first strongest asset of the SAS master is the uniqueness and quality of the teaching and the teachers. We had access to the knowledge of former or current renown industrial specialists in each topic we studied, turning each lesson into very a special moment where we could learn from the very best !!The second storngest assets of the SAS master and of all the ISAE master’s is the renown of the school. Having ISAE on a resume really makes a difference in the recruitment process, and the expertise we gain during the formation is really recognised by the recruitersWhich are your career plans ?Working in airbus in the Structure engineering field. Currently I’m starting to work as an Aircraft Stress Solution Engineer for the A350 XWB program, supporting the use of new Finite Element Model softwares.



objectifsFormer des spécialistes moteurs - concepteurs et utilisateurs de turbomachines aéronautiques et terrestres, de moteurs d’engins spatiaux - ayant une solide formation en énergétique générale et sachant adopter une approche systèmes complexes.Acquérir des connaissances approfondies en aérothermique et technologie de tous les systèmes propulsifs (turboréacteurs, turbines à gaz, statoréacteurs, moteurs fusées, moteurs à combustion interne).

organisation de la formationChef de programme : Prof. Jérémie GRESSIERCourriel : jeremie.gressier@isae.frDurée : un an à temps pleinrentrée : début septembre Lieu : ISAE, Campus SUPAERO

Systèmes de propulsion aérospatialeMS SPA

Crédits photos : © Michel Chauvin,

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Méthode pédagogiquePremier semestre : environ 400 heures d’enseignement dispensées de septembre à avril dans les locaux de l’ISAE par les professeurs permanents de l’ISAE et par des experts et professionnels apportant les dernières connaissances de l’industrie dont : cours magistraux, bureaux d’études, travaux pratiques, visites de sites industriels, travail en équipe.Second semestre : réalisation d’une thèse professionnelle en entreprise, en laboratoire, en France ou à l’étranger d’une durée de quatre à six mois, validée par la soutenance.

Programme d’enseignementSystèmes énergétiques - 125 hThermodynamique, Cycles et performances des turbines à gaz et moteurs à piston, Intégration des systèmes de propulsion, Système moteur à piston, Énergie et environnement, Énergie nucléaire, piles à combustible, Mécatronique

Approfondissement «propulsion» - 255 hAérothermique, Ecoulements diphasiques et combustion, Aéro-acoustique, Aérodynamique des turbomachines, Structures

des machines en rotation, Matériaux moteur, Régulation des turbomachines, Propulsion chimique, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Projet long moteur, Conférences approfondissement

Projet en équipe intégrée - 23 hIntégrer toutes les dimensions d’un projet : composante technique, gestion de projet et gestion d’équipe

Perspectives professionnellesLa plupart des ingénieurs issus du mastère spécialisé occupent des postes de cadres supérieurs chez les motoristes ou avionneurs du secteur aéronautique et spatial, au sein de SSII ou encore dans le domaine de l’énergétique générale auprès d’entreprises publiques et privées.

Les entreprises qui recrutent nos étudiantsEADS Airbus, Aéroconseil, Altran, ALSTOM POWER, Seditec, Safran, SAFRAN Snecma, SAFRAN Turboméca, SEGIME, SOGETI High Tech, Transiciel, Astek, Sagem, Thales, DGA SPAe, CEPR SACLAY, SNPE, ESA, Alcatel, DAHER LHOTELLIER, HUREL HISPANO, MATIS BENELUX, NUMECA INTERNATIONAL (Belgique),…



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objectifsLa recherche de chefs de projet par les entreprises connaît un essor fulgurant depuis quelques années. Pour répondre à cette demande sur le marché de l’emploi, l’ISAE et le Groupe HEC ont associé leurs compétences complémentaires et reconnues internationalement pour former des chefs de projet. Le management de projet a pour principe de fédérer sur un objectif bien identifié, pour une durée déterminée et dans le respect de coût préétabli, une équipe d’experts et des ressources qui apportent leurs compétences spécifiques. Les managers de projets doivent posséder une bonne compréhension et une maîtrise de disciplines très variées comme les techniques et technologies mises en œuvre, le marketing, la finance, les achats, la stratégie d’entreprise, le management de l’innovation, les ressources humaines, le team building mais aussi la qualité, les techniques de planification, la gestion des risques, les choix d’investissement, ... L’ISAE et HEC mobilisent leurs experts pour offrir cette formation de haut niveau académique et opérationnelle à des étudiants d’origines diverses et complémentaires, avec une forte orientation internationale.

Les objectifs du mastère MGP sont : > acquérir une spécialisation de haut niveau, académique

et opérationnelle portant à la fois sur l’ingénierie et le management du projet,

> maîtriser les fondements, méthodes et pratiques de management de projets dans un environnement international,

> faciliter l’insertion professionnelle par des rencontres avec les entreprises françaises et étrangères, au travers d’un projet de création d’entreprise, de la mission menée en temps partiel pendant la scolarité et du stage de fin d’études en entreprise validé par une thèse professionnelle.

organisation de la formationChefs de programme

> Prof. Philippe GIRARD Courriel :

> Prof. Sihem JOUINICourriel : Durée : une année à temps pleinrentrée : septembreLieu : ISAE, Campus SUPAERO (Toulouse) et HEC (Paris).Langue : française mais certains cours sont dispensés en langue anglaise ; une bonne maîtrise de l’anglais est donc demandée.

Méthode pédagogiqueLes fondamentaux de la gestion de projets et économie : huit mois d’enseignement intensif d’environ 600 heures de travail effectuées en salle de classe, en septembre à HEC, d’octobre à décembre à l’ISAE et de janvier à avril à HEC.

Cours magistraux > Travaux dirigés > Études de cas individuelles et en groupe > Débats, conférences et séminaires > Études de cas informatisées sur tableurs > Visites de sites industriels ou de projets en cours de

réalisation > Projets de création d’entreprise de quatre mois (étude de

cas générale présentée devant un jury de professionnels) > Projet de cinq mois, réalisé partiellement en entreprise

sous forme de missions > Stage en entreprise d’une durée de quatre mois minimum,

validé par la soutenance d’une thèse professionnelle

Management de Grands Projets(ISAE, hEC)


Crédits photo : © Eiffage CEVM / Foster + Partners /Daniel Jamme

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Programme d’enseignementLe programme est constitué de douze modules, certains pouvant être dispensés en anglais.

trois axes verticauxLe projetStructure projet – Connaître les bases du management de projet et les outils de simulation (conduite de projet, analyse des risques, planification, …) – Coûts et financement – Évaluation et techniques de chiffrage, ingénierie financière internationale, marketing et action commerciale, ... – Team building – Techniques de constitution et de motivation des équipes de projet.L’entrepriseEnvironnement projet – Comprendre les fondamentaux du monde de l’entreprise et la manière dont l’entreprise intègre le projet (gestion de production, management de la qualité,…) – Comptabilité et gestion – Analyse comptable et financière, comptabilité analytique budgétaire – Ressources humaines – Réglementation du travail, sous-traitance, expatriation, techniques de négociation, de motivation et d’argumentation.L’internationalDroit des affaires – Comprendre et maîtriser la spécificité des projets de dimension internationale – Économie mondiale – Connaître les financements et les possibilités de couverture des risques des investissements à l’étranger – Management interculturel – Prendre en compte la dimension interculturelle dans le monde des affaires.

trois axes horizontauxStructurer et définirLes grands principes de la décomposition díun projet en tâches élémentaires : organigramme technique, WBS, phasage, outils de planification, ... – Élaboration d’un cahier des charges, d’une spécification technique, ...Chiffrer et financerEstimation des coûts, simulation de rentabilité et financements possibles de projets.Manager et négocierRecrutement et délégation, motivation d’une équipe et outils de communication.

Perspectives professionnellesLe MS Management de Grands Projets ouvre des carrières passionnantes vers des métiers porteurs de perspectives d’avenir prometteuses :

> chef de projets, > ingénieur d’affaires /commercial, > consultant, > responsable logistique / production / exploitation, > ingénieurs d’études, > acheteurs.

Les entreprises qui recrutent nos étudiantsABYLSEN, Accenture, Advancy, Aeroconseil, Air France, Air Liquide, Amgen (USA), AREVA, AXA, BearingPoint, BMI SYSTEM, Bombardier Transport, Bolloré, Bouygues Bâtiment, Capgemini Consulting, Chryso, Cofathec Projis, Costamagna Distribution, CVA (Maroc), CYLAD Consulting, Deltaplus (Chine), EADS Airbus, EADS Astrium Services, Ernst & Young, Framtome, Ge Energy Products Europe, ERDF GrDF, General Electric/Energy division, Goodrich, GreenAffair, Laboratoires Genévrier, Laboratoires Servier, Le Club des Créateurs de Beauté, L’Oreal, Masaï, Michelin, MI-GSO, Natixis, Procter & Gamble, PSA Peugeot Citroen, PSA Peugeot Citroen (Buenos Aires), Renault, S2E Consulting, Saacke, Seditec, SAFRAN Snecma, Société Générale, Total, Schneider electric, ThyssenKrupp Ascenseurs, 7M Consulting,…

Procédure d’admissionSélections et admissions organisées par hEC: www.hec . f r / M as t e r es - Spec ia l i ses / P r og r ammes/Management-de-Grands-Projets/AdmissionContactez nous pour tout renseignement complémentaire.



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Yannick Le Gleut, France, Diplômé en 2006, secrétaire coordinateur exécutif à la Vice Présidence des Achats renault nissan «Le mastère spécialisé MGP m’a permis d’accéder rapidement à des responsabilités plus importantes pour me positionner par la suite dans un vivier à potentiels. En poste chez Renault à la Direction Achats depuis 2007, j’ai successivement exercé les fonction d’acheteur, coordinateur projets et exerce aujourd’hui la fonction de sécrétaire -coordinateur exécutif à la Vice Présidence des Achats Renault Nissan (RNPO)».

Vincent Dreux, France, Diplômé en 2006, Investment manager chez Klépierre«Le corps professoral et les intervenants sont des attraits indéniables dans le choix de la formation. Concernant le mastère MGP, il est unique par le ragard croisé offert par les deux écoles de premier rang qui le portent»



objectifsLe programme du mastère IMF est le fruit d’un partenariat unique entre deux écoles d’ingénieurs et une école de commerce dont la Finance est un des points d’excellence avec un laboratoire de recherche de réputation internationale sur le domaine. En réponse à une forte demande des établissements financiers pour ce type de qualification, ce mastère centré sur les mathématiques financières et la finance quantitative a pour objectifs de :

> former des spécialistes de la Finance en donnant un poids très significatif aux composantes suivantes : mathématiques de la finance, économétrie et informatique,

> acquérir une aptitude à la modélisation et la formalisation appuyée sur une véritable compréhension des enjeux et des mécanismes financiers,

> maîtriser les mathématiques de la Finance, l’économétrie et l’informatique, notamment à travers le développement de projets et l’élaboration de modèles de décision, d’analyse et d’évaluation.

organisation de la formationChefs de programme

> Prof. Laurent GERMAINCourriel :

> Prof. Jean-Claude GABILLONCourriel :

> Prof. Benoît TRUONG-VANCourriel : benoit.Truong-Van@gmm.insa-tlse.frDurée : une année à temps pleinrentrée : mi septembreLieu : ISAE, Campus de Rangueil et ESC ToulouseLangue : français mais certains cours sont dispensés en langue anglaise ; une bonne maîtrise de l’anglais est donc demandée.

Méthode pédagogiquePremier semestre : environ 450 heures d’enseignement pédagogique répartis durant huit mois sur les sites de l’ISAE et de l’École Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse. Les enseignements comprennent :

> cours magistraux, > enseignements dirigés, > études de cas individuelles et en groupe, > débats, conférences et séminaires, > travail sur tableurs, > analyses d’articles, > simulation sur ordinateur, > bureaux d’études sur machines, > étude de dossier d’application financière, > présentation d’articles par des étudiants.

Second semestre : réalisation d’une thèse professionnelle en entreprise, en France ou à l’étranger d’une durée de quatre à six mois, et validée par la soutenance.

Ingénierie et modèles de la financeavec ESC toulouse et InSA toulouse


Crédits photos : © Stasys Eidiejus -, Phovoir

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Programme d’enseignementLe programme est constitué de vingt-quatre modules spécialisés :Finance d’entrepriseAnalyse et prévision financièreMacro-économie financièreFinance empiriqueÉvaluation des entreprisesFusions et acquisitionsTechniques financières internationalesGestion de portefeuillesGestion des risques bancairesTaux et produits dérivés de tauxRisque de crédit et produits dérivés de créditIntroduction aux processus stochastiques en temps continuMéthode informatiqueCalcul stochastique pour la financeÉvaluation et couverture des produits dérivésRésolution numérique des EDP pour la financeÉconométrie des séries temporelles et modèles ARCH en financeStatistique des processus en financeMéthodes neuronales et applications financièresMicrostructure et organisation des marchésGestion des risques de l’entrepriseFinance de l’entreprise approfondieRisques financiersGestion des risques bancaires

Perspectives professionnellesLe mastère “ingénierie et modèles de la finance” vise les emplois offerts par les établissements financiers qui exigent une double compétence : une aptitude à la modélisation et à la formalisation ainsi qu’une bonne compréhension des mécanismes financiers essentiels.

Les entreprises qui recrutent nos étudiantsBNP Paribas, le Crédit Agricole, HSBC, la Société Générale, UBS, la Deutsh Bank, Banque Palatine, …

Procédure d’admissionSélections et admissions organisées par toulouse Business School: nous pour tout renseignement complémentaire.



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trois questions à hervé Boco, Département risk Management chez AXA - promotion 2004 Professeur Boco, quel est à votre avis le point fort du mastère ?«La principale qualité du mastère ingénierie et modèles de la finance est l’alliance entre mathématiques financières, revue exhaustive des différents produits financiers et expertise de l’entreprise d’un point de vue comptable et investissement. La polyvalence, avec notamment la gestion des risques, permet d’aborder tous les métiers de la finance et de l’assurance».Cette formation vous a-t-elle permis de vous insérer facilement dans la vie active ?«La société qui m’a recruté s’est montrée très intéressée par les propositions novatrices que je pouvais apporter dans la gestion des risques techniques (évaluation mathématique du montant plausible des sinistres) et dans la gestion des process (amélioration du traitement des tâches)».Si vous deviez recommander cette formation à un ami, que lui diriez-vous ?«Qu’elle ouvre à une grande panoplie de métiers possibles tels que recherche financière, audit, trading, gestion de projet, etc. et qu’elle présente l’avantage auprès des entreprises d’associer le nom de trois écoles prestigieuses».



origin & destination of ISAE Masters’ students

origin of master’s international students in 2012

France41 %

Europe21 %

Asia26 %

North America5 %

Latin America3 %

Africa3 % Middle East

1 %


5 %

> A worldwide recruitment

Source: recruitment 2012 ISAE

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A network of 17 000 alumniPresent in 67 countries around the word, this network gathers all graduates of ISAE education programs (SUPEARO engineers, ENSICA engineers, Advanced Masters, Masters of Science and PhD students of ISAE)It is a great link between future and past graduates and covers all the business and industrial

An «Internships and careers» departmentThanks to the close links with its network of industrial partners, ISAE «Internships and careers» department assists students in their internships seeking and employment placement.Furthermore “Internships and careers» department makes professional integration surveys yearly.


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Business area Position


5 %

Aeronautics, Space & Defense Industry

54 %

Teaching research9 %

Energy4 %


9 %

Other19 %

R&D, scientific and technical studies

51 %Other25%

Project management, sales, business

engineering9 %

Design studies - consulting15 %

> Large job opportunities

> Useful tools to make easier professional integration and all along the career

Source: ISAE job placement survey graduates 2011

> Fast Insertion into the professional world 90% of graduates find a job within 4 months after graduation and more than half before the end of their program.


Masters of Science Academic requirementsApplicants must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree, in the following areas:> MSc AMA: Bachelor in aerospace or mechatronics or mechanical engineering > MSc AESS: Bachelor in aerospace or mechatronics or physics or electrical or telecommunications engineering or

instrumentation technology> MSc GnSS: Bachelor in electrical engineering or mathematics or physics

tuition fees 2013-2015: > MSc AMA and MSc AESS:

•14 000 € for the two-year master program•8000€forEuropeanstudents(studentsgraduatedintheyearofenrolmentortheyearbefore,andwithno

professional experience).> MSc GnSS enrollment with ENAC

Advanced Masters Academic requirementsApplicants must have a Master degree, or an equivalent degree in science or engineering or management (only for advanced masters in management), or a bachelor degree with 3 years of professional experience at least.

tuition fees 2013:EU out of EU

reduced tuition fees1 tuition fees reduced tuition fees2 tuition fees3

AMS 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

ASAA 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

AMPAS 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

EMS 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

HE 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

SEN 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

TAS Aero 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

TAS Astro 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

EAS 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

SAS 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

SPA 7 000 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤

TAS Aero FTE 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤ 18 000 ¤ 18 000 ¤

APM 8 000 ¤ 15 000 ¤ 15 000 ¤ 18 000 ¤

SCS 6 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 12 500 ¤ 18 000 ¤1 for students graduated in the year of enrollment or the year before and with no professional experience2 for individual applicants3 fees for public agencies and private companies available upon request from Philippe Galaup at:, Head of recruitment and Contractual Relations

Possibility of studies funding by the Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council for French and UE unemployed applicants.> MS MGP: 17 500 € (enrollment with HEC)> MS IMF: 14 000 € (enrollment with Toulouse Business School)

Common ISAE’s admission procedures

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Selection and admission

Admission to ISAE’s master at:

Selection and admission are made by an admission committee: > possible interviews can be organized if necessary

Deadlines for application: > several admission committees scheduled from February to July 2013, see schedule on our website:

Application fees: > 67 € (non-refundable)

Language requirements for Masters in EnglishLanguage qualification requested:

> TOEFL (Paper-based): 550, > TOEFL (IBT): 79, > TOEIC: 750, > IELTS: 6.0, > CAE Cambridge, …

Language requirements for Masters in FrenchLanguage qualification requested: score C1-Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Your contacts at ISAE > Philippe GALAUP, Head of recruitment and

Contractual Relations Phone : +33 (5) 61 33 80 27> Laurence BALLArIn, Senior Admission Advisor Phone :+33 (5) 61 33 80 22> Marie GUIBBAL, Senior Admission Advisor Phone : +33 (5) 61 33 80 28


ISAE in few words toulouse, European capital of aeronautics and spacepace

The “Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace” (ISAE) was created in 2007 from the merger of the two prestigious French postgraduate schools of engineering, SUPAERO and ENSICA. Today, ISAE, is a world-class higher institute for aerospace engineering education and research. Nowadays with a student corpus of over 1500, ISAE is one of Europe’s largest Aerospace Institute offering graduates and postgraduates programs. Yearly, ISAE awards around 20% of master’s degrees in Europe in aeronautics and space field. ISAE develops its worldwide reputation on the prestige of its master’s programs, the fame of its teaching staff, or the excellence of its research but also on the high-value of its graduates, their skills in engineering or management, as well, their capacity to evolve within a very high-technology environment, their enterprising mind and international opening.

Key figures > 2 Graduate Engineering Programs:

SUPAERO and ENSICA > 15 Advanced Masters including 9 in English > 3 Masters of Science > 5 Research Masters > 6 PhD Programs > 1500 students (1300 masters and 200 PhDs more or less) > 160 international cooperation opportunities

50 academic and research partnerships

Identity cardname: Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE)Founded in 2007 - as the result of the merging of SUPAERO (1909) and ENSICA (1945)Legal Status: Public Institution of higher education and researchtrustees: DIrection Générale de l’Armement (DGA) [French Defence Procurement] - Ministry of DefenseEndorsements and awards: CTI agreement of the two Graduate Programs, Conference des ‘Grandes Écoles’, for postgraduate Advanced Masters Ministry of Higher Education and Research for Masters of ScienceStaff: 420 permanent staff

two campuses close to all conveniencesThe two campuses are located in the very heart of Toulouse. This means that students can very easily balance studies, social life, sports and leisure activities from day to day.

the SUPAEro campus > Nearly 1,000 students on a 22-hectare campus that runs alongside the Canal du Midi, > extensive sports facilities: swimming pool, tennis courts, squash courts, gymnasium, sports pitches, climbing wall; the banks

of the Canal du Midi are just a short stroll away, > student residences: 500 places on the campus; on-site catering.

the EnSICA campus > Located close to the centre of Toulouse and accessible in less than five minutes by metro, > nearly 500 students on an eight-hectare campus, > extensive sports facilities: tennis courts, gymnasium, sports pitches; the banks of the Canal du Midi are just a short stroll

away, > student residences: more than 350 places on the campus; on-site catering.



Toulouse, European capital of aeronautics and space is the 2nd student city in France, outside Paris. The ISAE is established in Toulouse, the European capital of aeronautics and space: Europe’s leading capital for aeronautical activities, also No. 1 in space activities and 2nd world-wide. More than 30,000 people work at 600 establishments linked to the aerospace sector.Toulouse has more than 700,000 inhabitants and over 110,000 students: 4th largest French city, 2nd largest French university city (except Paris).

Lively cityLiving in the heart of the city and the Midi-Pyrénées region enables students to appreciate this unique environment which you can enjoy while preparing your future.On the cultural and festive side, Toulouse, its art of living, its museums, theatres, festivals, cinemas, without forgetting its pubs and night clubs, are easily accessible by public transport. Student life in the «pink city» is particularly rich in events and attractions.Toulouse also means football at the city stadium and rugby at Ernest Vallon stadium, which regularly host major international events.

Between seaside and mountainsLiving in Toulouse, France’s fourth largest city, you will also benefit from a privileged environment between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as being close to the Pyrenees ski resorts.

> 1h30 from the Mediterranean, > 2h30 from the seaside, > 1h30 from the Pyrenees, > 1/2h from the countryside of south-west France

toulouse, European capital of aeronautics and spacepace


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