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  • 8/12/2019 Adsiv Design Doc Pd


    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam(ASDiV)

    2009 - 2016

    Design Document


    10 D#$#%' 200

    Design Document

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016


    A* Anal+sis an, Strategic $onte t1 Country and Sector Issues 1

    2 Problem Analysis 33 Lessons Learned 124 Consistency with Existing Programs 12 !ationale "or AusAI# In$ol$ement 13

    &* rogram Description1 %oal and &b'ecti$es 132 (orm o" Aid Pro)osed 1*4 Program Structures and (eatures 1* Estimated Program +udget 34

    $* Implementation Arrangements1 ,anagement Arrangements and Structure 32 ,onitoring - E$aluation Pro)osals 433 Sustainability Issues 444 Cross.cutting #esign Issues 44 Critical !is/s and !is/ ,anagement Strategies 4


    10 #etailed Im)lementation as/s and Indicati$e Annual imetable 4*

    2 Scholarshi) Awardees Selection Se uence

    3 Eligibility Criteria and A))licant Pro"iles5 "or "irst two years 6

    4 Program ,anagement - Im)lementation Arrangements 7diagram8 3

    ,onitoring and E$aluation (ramewor/ 4

    !is/ ,atrix 9:

    6 Estimates o" Annual Inta/e ;umbers and graduate returns *:

    9 Position #escri)tions < erms o" !e"erence *1

    Design Document

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    Anne es . 12$ontracting Arrangements an, Design Development rocess

    Anne /$ontracting Arrangements

    * Sco)e o" ser$ices

    1: +asis o" Payment

    Design Development rocess

    11 erms o" !e"erence "or #esign

    12 List o" )eo)le consulted

    Design Document

    AusAID $hil, rotection olic+AusAI# has assessed this acti$ity as one that will not involve

    )ersonnel in wor/ing with children

    . ie )ersonnel em)loyed to wor/ in )ositions "unded in this acti$itywill not need to engage with or be in$ol$ed with children in order to"ul"ill the duties o" the )ositions0

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    %A VI# !A%

    Design Document

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    Acron+msACE Australian Centre "or Education and raining 7in =ietnam8A#S Australian #e$elo)ment Scholarshi)s )rogramALA Australian Leadershi) Awards 7Scholarshi)s "or )ost.%raduate #egrees8ALA( Australian Leadershi) (ellowshi)s 7short studies and )lacements8

    AS% Australian Scholarshi)s %rou) 7in AusAI#8AS,C AusAI# Scholarshi)s ,anagement Contractor AS#i= AusAI# Scholarshi)s "or #e$elo)ment in =ietnamA># Australian #ollar AusAI# Australian Agency "or International #e$elo)ment#EE?! 7Australian8 #e)artment o" Education@ Em)loyment and ?or/)lace !elations#CS #e$elo)ment Coo)eration Strategy 2::9.2:1EL English Language rainingE> Euro)ean >nion%o= %o$ernment o" =ietnam%PA %rade Point A$erageC,C o Chi ,inh City!# uman !esource #e$elo)mentIAP Introductory Academic ProgramIEL S International English Language esting SystemBSC Boint Selection CommitteePIs ey Per"ormance Indicators,#% ,illennium #e$elo)ment %oals,-E ,onitoring and E$aluation,&E ,inistry o" Education and raining 7o" =ietnam8&ASIS &nline Australian Scholarshi)s In"ormation System

    &+S &$erall +and ScorePCE Pre.course English 7in Australia8Ph# #octorate o" Philoso)hyPost AusAI# o""ice 7 anoi8PPI Priority Public Institutions 7%o$ernment o" =ietnam ,inistries8DAI Duality at Im)lementation 7AusAI# re$iew o" )rogress8!,I !oyal ,elbourne Institute o" echnologySI,&; Scholarshi)s In"ormation ,anagement &n.LineS, Scholarshi)s ,anager 7 eam Leader "or AS,C8SoS Sco)e o" Ser$icesES&L eachers o" English as a Second Language

    >S >nited States 7o" America8=E( =ietnam Education (oundation 7a >SA oriented scholarshi) )rogram8=%AC =ietnam %raduate "rom Australia Club 7alumni association8? & ?orld rade &rganisation

    ... ... ...

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    lossar+ of erms

    Alumnus/alumni re"ers to a %!A#>A E 0 Alumni are the target grou) "or )ost.award acti$itiesin =ietnam@ but may be targeted through Alumni Associations that include reci)ients o"other than AusAI# scholarshi)s@ and )ri$ate "ee.)aying students0

    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam (ASDiV is the name to denote the integratedmanagement a))roach "or the im)lementation o" both the Australian #e$elo)mentScholarshi)s and the Australian Leadershi) Awards )rograms in =ietnam0 It a))lies tothe ser$ices contract "or the )eriod 2::*.2:1 0

    Australian Scholarships !anagement "ontractor (AS!" is the name "or the contractedser$ices and the contractor to be a))ointed by AusAI# to manage the integratedscholarshi) )rogram during the )eriod o" 2::*.2:1 0 he contracted ser$ices willinclude )romotion@ recruitment o" a))licants@ selection o" candidates and )"ormation and training o" scholarshi) awardees@ and su))ort "or re.integration o"scholarshi) graduates on return to =ietnam0 hese "unctions are currently underta/en bya contractor /nown as the A#S Su))ort Contractor50 he ser$ices do not include

    )ro$ision o" English Language raining to candidates@ which will continue to be

    managed by a se)arate contractor in =ietnam0 he name AS,C is used throughout this#esign #ocument where re"erence is to the intended "uture contractor0 ?here re"erenceis to the contractor "or the )eriod 2::3.2::9 7the current contractor8 the name A#SSu))ort5 is used0

    #oint Selection "ommittee (#S" is the committee o" AusAI# and the %o$ernment o" =ietnam@re)resented by the ,inistry o" Education and raining 7,&E 8@ which selects theshortlist o" candidates and ma/es the "inal selection "or award o" scholarshi)s "or eachannual inta/e0

    Scholarship selection stages for ASDiV includes names used "or )ersons in the "ollowingse uential stagesF

    Applicant re"ers to any )erson submitting an a))lication "or a scholarshi) under the )rogram "or the AusAI# Scholarshi)s "or #e$elo)ment in =ietnam0

    "an$i$ate re"ers to an APPLICA; who has been selected "or the shortlist@ )rior tocon"irmation o" English language com)etence and to "inal selection by the Boint SelectionCommittee in =ietnam0

    A%ar$ee & re"ers to a CA;#I#A E who has been granted a scholarshi) under the AusAI#Scholarshi)s "or #e$elo)ment in =ietnam0

    Scholar . A?A!#EE studying in Australia0

    'ra$uate re"ers to an A?A!#EE who success"ully com)letes a course o" study throughan Australian uni$ersity and is conse uently awarded an Australian.recognised

    uali"ication0 )ceptional "ircumstances "an$i$ate a )erson "rom a )oor rural area or an ethnic community

    who is assessed as ha$ing a high )otential to ma/e e""ecti$e contributions to )o$ertyreduction in rural or ethnic communities@ and who is assessed as being able to gain entryto an undergraduate or )ost.graduate )rogram in Australia 7or in =ietnam under the"lexible deli$ery trials8@ but who is without any current English language ca)acity and isin need o" more intensi$e EL assistance to ta/e u) a scholarshi)0

    Design Document

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    A* Anal+sis an, Strategic $onte t

    A1 $ountr+ an, Sector Issues

    Since the launch o" =ietnam5s economic reno$ation )rocess 7 $oi moi 8 two decades ago@ the

    country has ex)erienced a$erage annual growth o" 6G0 Such growth has contributed to )o$erty reduction@ increased incomes and im)ro$ements in health@ education and other socialindicators0 As a result@ =ietnam today is a dynamic and changing society which has madeim)ressi$e )rogress in meeting or exceeding the ,illennium #e$elo)ment %oals@ althoughre$ersing the s)read o" I=

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    - Strategy &b'ecti$e F %o$ernment o" =ietnam im)ro$es management@ "inancing andcoordination o" the health sector 7,#%s 4@ and 8

    - Strategy &b'ecti$e F %o$ernment o" =ietnam identi"ies and )re)ares "or the new seto" de$elo)ment challenges associated with 2:1: middle income country status@ withthe su))ort o" de$elo)ment )artners 7,#% 98

    A1.2 Aid Policy Framework

    Australia5s aid )olicy "ramewor/ em)hasises the $alue o" well.targeted scholarshi)s with )ro)er gender balance as a highly e""ecti$e "orm o" aid that em)owers )eo)le "romde$elo)ing countries to dri$e their own national de$elo)ment and re"orm agendas based on anin"ormed understanding o" a de$elo)ed economy0 he $alue o" scholarshi)s is also seen as ameans "or in$esting in nation building by su))orting the de$elo)ment o" "uture leaders and

    building s/ills and /nowledge "or economic de$elo)ment as well as "ostering relationshi)s between Australia and )eo)le "rom the region0

    he Australian higher education sector has a good record o" inno$ati$e learning )rograms and"or internationaliHation o" learning )rograms designed to enhance the rele$ance o" modern

    higher education in the globalised economic and social en$ironment0 he uality o"Australian courses is recognised as internationally com)etiti$e and many Australian graduatesha$e achie$ed international recognition "or high academic and )ro"essional distinction0

    Since their ince)tion with the Colombo Plan@ Australian scholarshi)s ha$e enabled regional )artners to gain /nowledge "or social de$elo)ment@ economic integration and democraticre"orm0 he scholarshi)s ha$e enabled $aluable "riendshi)s and networ/s to be built withleaders in the region0 he $alue o" scholarshi)s is "urther re"lected in the decision to establishthe Australian Leadershi) Awards "ocused on de$elo)ing "uture leaders in the Asia.Paci"icregion0

    Australia has signi"icant )otential to contribute to =ietnam5s !# needs through its ex)ertise

    in the )ro$ision and management o" scholarshi)s and@ gi$en the uality o" its highereducation courses@ Australian institutions are highly regarded in =ietnam0 he Australianscholarshi)s )rogram is one o" the largest o" the international scholarshi) schemes a$ailablein =ietnam and "or many Australia is the )re"erred destination "or academic )lacement

    A1.3 AusAID c!olars!ips

    Australian scholarshi)s are a $ery im)ortant and well.recognised element o" Australia5s bilateral de$elo)ment coo)eration with =ietnam0 Since 1**2 more than 2@ :: =ietnamesestudents ha$e been trained in Australia with the su))ort o" Australian %o$ernmentscholarshi)s@ re)resenting an in$estment o" o$er A>#26: million0 +y aligning "ields o" studywith the ob'ecti$es o" the Australia.=ietnam #e$elo)ment Coo)eration Strategy@ scholarshi)sma/e an e""ecti$e contribution to de$elo)ment0

    Australian Development Scholarships F Australian de$elo)ment scholarshi)s were introducedin =ietnam in 1**9 as an im)ortant com)onent o" the bilateral )rogram that commenced in1**20 A#S account "or a))roximately 1 G 7or o$er A># 1 million8 o" the current =ietnam

    bilateral )rogram budget0 Scholarshi)s are o""ered "or )ost.graduate study in Australia at,asters or Ph# le$el0 he annual number o" A#S scholarshi)s "or =ietnam is currently 1 :@with 1 o" those scholarshi)s tagged "or Ph# study in 2:1:0

    Australian +ea$ership A%ar$s, Australian Leadershi) Awards 7ALA8 is a scholarshi)sinitiati$e which commenced in 2::60 ALAs target current and "uture leaders "rom the Asia.Paci"ic region "rom go$ernment@ business@ and industry or community sectors0 ALAScholarshi)s cater "or longer.term )ost.graduate study at masters or doctoral le$el and ALA(ellowshi)s "or short.term research@ study or )ro"essional attachments0 Since 2::6=ietnamese students ha$e won 41 ALA Scholarshi)s "or )ostgraduate study worth almostA># 6 million0

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    ther Australian Scholarships, Endea$our Awards are "unded and managed by the#e)artment o" Education@ Em)loyment and ?or/)lace !elations 7#EE?!80 Endea$ourAwards are a$ailable under "our broad categories to students "rom Euro)e and the Americasas well as the Asia.Paci"ic region@ including =ietnam0 he goal is to bring high achie$ingscholars@ researchers and )ro"essionals "rom around the world to Australia to underta/e

    shortni$ersity o"?ollongong and Carnegie ,ellon >ni$ersity in Adelaide0 Should this occur under theAS#i= contract )eriod a))ro)riate $ariations to contracts between AusAI# and rele$antcontractors will be made to re"lect any new or changed re uirements0

    A1." #armonisation wit! ot!er sc!olars!ip pro$rams

    he A#S )rogram is one o" the largest single )ro$iders o" scholarshi)s "or o$erseas study in=ietnam0 here are a number o" other )ro$iders o" scholarshi) and training o))ortunities@including ;ew Jealand@ Ba)an@ +ritain and other E> nations@ and >S.based )rograms such as(ulbright@ the (ord (oundation and the =ietnam Education (oundation 7=E(80 he demand"or o$erseas scholarshi)s is high and there is no issue o" o$erla) between the )rograms0Consultations re$ealed that some o" these )ro$iders@ es)ecially the (ord (oundation@ ha$edemonstrated success in recruiting "rom disad$antaged sectors o" =ietnamese society@ byF

    - relaxing the academic re uirements- )ro$iding substantial EL "or suitable candidates- targeting )romotion to )articular grou)s and

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    - ow can the scholarshi)s )rogram be more closely aligned with the Australia.=ietnam #e$elo)ment Coo)eration Strategy and res)ond more "lexibly to thee$ol$ing de$elo)ment needs o" =ietnamK

    A2.1 De%elopment Impact

    here is at )resent a lac/ o" in"ormation about the de$elo)ment im)act o" A#S globally andalso in =ietnam0 In =ietnam uantitati$e data are a$ailable about the numbers and sex o"a))licants@ awardees@ scholars and alumni@ but it is di""icult to /now whether A#S is reaching

    )oor and disad$antaged grou)s@ including ethnic minorities@ in =ietnamese society0(urthermore@ a$ailable data suggests that relati$ely "ew scholars are recruited "rom outsidethe two main metro)olitan areas@ anoi and C,C0 here is also a lac/ o" data@ eitheruantitati$e or ualitati$e@ to gauge the de$elo)ment im)act "rom the )ost.return wor/ o"graduates0

    he design team had ex)ected to be able to summarise statistics relating to A#S "roma$ailable in"ormation@ but this has not been )ossible as re)orting currently o""ers limiteddetail and lac/s clear di""erentiation about )artici)ation at di""erent stages 7e0g0 a))lication@

    shortlisting@ award o" scholarshi)s@ and re.integration into wor/ on graduation and return to=ietnam80 he main )oints@ howe$er@ a))ear to be the "ollowingF

    'en$er, since 2::1 the numbers o" "emale awardees ha$e exceeded the numbers o" males0As a result o" this@ "emale awardees now account "or 2G o" the total since 1**90

    .ural participation, the )ro)ortion o" anoi.based awardees in the PPI category is almost1::G@ at least in )art re"lecting the em)hasis on central go$ernment ministries0 he

    )ro)ortion o" anoi.based awardees o$erall@ i0e0 when &)en category is included@ has"luctuated between G and G o$er the )ast three years the )ro)ortion o" awardees "romthe two main metro)olitan areas has ne$er "allen below 6:G in this )eriod0

    +evel of stu$ , in the 2::9 inta/e@ only two awards "or Ph# study were made0 At this time

    only PPI a))licants were eligible "or this le$el o" study0 (or 2::*@ &)en category a))licantswere eligible "or Ph# study this change resulted in a higher number o" a))licants and alarger number o" awards@ with nine a))licants shortlisted "or Ph# study0

    he abo$e in"ormation is )rimarily related to in)uts to the )rogram0 here is a lac/ o" data@either uantitati$e or ualitati$e@ to gauge the de$elo)ment im)act o" graduates a"ter return0his situation re"lects the current goal and ob'ecti$es o" A#S in =ietnam0

    he A#S )rogram has long o""ered scholarshi)s to go$ernment o""icials in order to contributeto enhanced /nowledge and s/ills in )ublic administration in =ietnam0 In earlier )eriods o"the )rogram a))licants were selected "rom targeted go$ernment de)artments0 he means o"achie$ing the "irst ob'ecti$e o" the )rogram during the )eriod 2::3.2::9 7to de$elo) acritical mass5 o" trained scholars in selected /ey %o$ernment o" =ietnam institutions8 has

    been to select o""icials "rom 12 Priority Public Institutions0 o date@ only 23 scholars "romthis )eriod ha$e returned to =ietnam and so it may be )remature to comment on their im)act0E$aluati$e studies to assess the broader contribution being made by A#S %raduates in the

    )ublic administration ha$e not been underta/en0 It is howe$er worth commenting that@ whileA#S is a signi"icant scholarshi) )rogram@ critical mass5 in organisations is unde"ined@ and isunli/ely to be achie$ed through A#S alone there are a considerable number o" scholarshi)and other training o))ortunities a$ailable "or go$ernment o""icials in =ietnam0

    he second ob'ecti$e o" the 2::3.:9 )eriod "ocuses on highly talented indi$iduals5 and thisa))ears to ha$e been o)erationalised through the selection criteria@ which )lace considerableem)hasis on academic achie$ement a "ormal undergraduate degree with a minimum %radePoint A$erage o" 60: "or all sub'ects or@ "or a))licants with an o$erseas undergraduate degree@the highest grade )ossible achie$ed "or at least hal" graded sub'ects0 As a result@ these criteria

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    may ha$e an inhibiting e""ect on a))lication and selection0 In )articular@ the current criteriaa))ear to )ri$ilege

    - some disci)lines o$er others- academic o$er technical uni$ersities

    - anoi and C,C metro)olitan areas o$er non.metro)olitan )ro$incial and ruralareas

    In addition@ the English language )ro"iciency re uirement discriminates against a))licantswith limited access to EL o))ortunities either at school or in undergraduate courses@

    )articularly indi$iduals "rom lower socio.economic bac/grounds and

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    that@ where PPIs ha$e a "unctional and a))ro)riately targeted !# )lan@ there is im)ro$edli/elihood that a))ro)riate a))licants will be nominated and@ u)on returning "rom success"ulcom)letion o" their study in Australia@ will be de)loyed e""ecti$ely and with reasonably earlye""ect0 he current PPI "ocus is@ howe$er@ $ery much on central go$ernment greater em)hasisshould be )laced on building institutional ca)acity at )ro$incial go$ernment le$el in the next

    )hase0he design team was also as/ed to consider whether the right institutions are being targeted0As noted abo$e@ in the 2::3.:* )hase twel$e institutions ha$e been )artici)ating in the PPIcategory0

    It is considered the current mix o" ,inistries is generally a))ro)riate to the de$elo)ment )riorities in the #CS and the number o" around 12.13 is managemable0 he number o"scholarshi)s "or which a PPI is eligible ranges "rom three to eight@ and the )er"ormance o" thePPIs in terms o" honoring their agreements with AusAI# relating to the selection o"candidates and re.integration o" graduates into wor/ areas that uses new s/ills e""ecti$ely$aries "rom strong to )oor 20 Each PPI is in$ol$ed with the )rogram "or a three.year rolling5

    )eriod0 he )artici)ation o" agencies is re$iewed by AusAI# and the %o= at the end o" eachthree year )eriod0 In consultations with the %o= during the design )eriod AusAI# agreed toinclude one new Agency "or the next )eriod the Party Central &rganisation Committee0

    Accordingly the thirteen Agencies "or the "irst two years o" the AS#i= )rogram will beF

    - State +an/ o" =ietnam- ,inistry o" (inance- ,inistry o" In$estment and Planning- ,inistry o" Bustice- ,inistry o" Agriculture and !ural


    - o Chi ,inh ;ational Academy o" Politicsand Public Administration

    - ,inistry o" (oreign A""airs- ,inistry o" Industry and rade- ,inistry o" ealth- &""ice o" %o$ernment- ,inistry o" Education and raining- ,inistry o" ;atural !esources and

    En$ironment- Party Central &rganisation Committee


    It is considered@ howe$er@ that there would be ad$antages in introducing incenti$es "or well. )er"orming PPIs and establishing strategies "or ensuring greater )artici)ation o" theministries5 de)artmental counter)arts at )ro$incial le$el should be de$elo)ed0 7(urtherin"ormation on recommendations about these is in Part +080

    A2.3 'eaders!ip and De%elopment

    here is a growing recognition in AusAI# 7and other #e$elo)ment agencies8 that e""ecti$eleadershi) )lays an im)ortant role in trans"orming society and that su))orting current and"uture leaders has high )otential "or ma/ing an im)ortant di""erence to a country5s achie$ingits de$elo)ment goals0 his recognition has been embraced within the Australianscholarshi)s )rogram through the Australian Leadershi) Awards 7see 103 abo$e80 ALAScholarshi)s are "or those who currently hold@ or ha$e the )otential to assume@ leadershi)roles and can in"luence social and economic )olicy re"orm and de$elo)ment outcomes in theirown countries and in the region0 ?ithin the scholarshi)s )rogram ALA Scholarshi)s o""er a

    )ossible )athway "or to) achie$ing A#S graduates with a ,asters degree to )roceed to Ph#study with an Australian uni$ersity0

    he shorter.term ALA (ellowshi)s 7ALA(8 com)lement the longer term ALA Scholarshi)s

    by )ro$iding o))ortunities to senior o""icials who cannot lea$e their )ositions "or extended2 S , 72::98 Con"idential !e)ortF Per"ormance Assessment o" 11 Priority Public Institutions in 2::6

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    )eriods0 At )resent (ellowshi) a))lications are instigated by Australian ost &rganisations@and may not be directly "ocused on de$elo)ment in =ietnam0 o ensure a closer "it betweenthe (ellowshi)s@ leadershi) and the de$elo)ment "ocus o" the scholarshi)s )rogram@ AusAI#and the AS,C should wor/ together and ado)t a )ro.acti$e stance in bro/ering relationshi)s

    between =ietnamese and Australian organisations in order to encourage ALA( a))lications

    that are aligned to Australia.=ietnam bilateral )rogram )riority areas 7see 204 below8 andencouraging (ellowshi) a))lications that will allow those indi$iduals to meet their learningneeds0

    A2." - A more tar$eted approac! to en!ance ali$nment o( sc!olars!ips wit! t!e De%elopment Cooperation trate$y

    In order to achie$e greater de$elo)ment im)act@ a more targeted a))roach to "it with theAustralia.=ietnam #e$elo)ment Coo)eration Strategy should be ta/en than is currently thecase0 his a))lies to both categories0 o some extent targeting already occurs through the PPIcategory@ and this should be maintained with the )ro)ortion o" scholarshi)s remaining at leastat the current 4:G le$el0 In addition@ AusAI# should considerF

    -identi"ying and targeting certain )ro$inces "or a))lication and selection )ur)osesthese )ro$inces would be among the least de$elo)ed in =ietnam and may be targetedon a selecti$e basis@ on annual rotation across the )eriod i" a))ro)riate

    - identi"ying and targeting a limited number o" strategic ob'ecti$es to be met throughthe A#S )rogram@ which is only one o" the de$elo)ment tools a$ailable to AusAI#0

    In this res)ect it is worth noting the "ollowing Australia.=ietnam bilateral )rogram )riorities7as articulated in the )ro)osed 7currently being "inalised8 #e$elo)ment Coo)eration Strategy2::9.2:1 8F

    - accelerate growth by enhancing international economic integration enhancing rural water and sanitation enhancing disaster management and res)onses to climate change0

    - in$est in )eo)le by alle$iating ethnic minority )o$erty

    enhancing health sector management combating trans.national crime this re uires whole.o".Australian

    go$ernment engagement0

    - )romote modern go$ernance 7a cross.cutting issue80

    In order "or the )rogram to remain res)onsi$e to changing de$elo)ment needs@ the targeted )ro$inces and ob'ecti$es need not be "ixed "or the whole six years o" the new )hase inad$ance0 AusAI# will re$iew its targets on an annual basis to allow the )rogram to res)onda))ro)riately to new de$elo)ment initiati$es as they are launched0 ;otwithstanding this someo" the de$elo)ment )riority areas will continue to need@ and recei$e@ consistent attention o$era sustained )eriod0

    "hanges in applicant targeting for improve$ lin s to D"S priorit areas F %reater "lexibilityin the )rogram5s a))roaches to selection will enhance the )rogram5s de$elo)ment im)act0 At

    )resent the selection criteria "ocus almost entirely on a high %PA and on go$ernmentem)loyment@ which both )lay a )ower"ul role in determining who a))lies and who@ as aresult@ is selected0 o a large extent this situation ex)lains the current )re)onderance o"scholars "rom the two main metro)olitan areas0 here"ore@ it is necessary to introduce a morenuanced set o" selection a))roaches and criteria and to reconsider the way in which A#Sa))lication rounds are )romoted0 !ather than as/ing who do we want to selectK5 a"ter

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    a))lications are recei$ed@ the uestion should be who do we want to a))lyK5 be"orea))lication rounds are )romoted0 here"ore@ in order to recei$e a))lications "rom the desiredtarget grou)s@ AusAI# )ro)oses to ado)t a strategy "or using a))licant )ro"iles5@ whichdescribe the "eatures o" a))licants that are considered will more li/ely o""er the )otential toma/e clear contributions to de$elo)ment in =ietnam in the )riority areas@ and which can then

    o""er the o))ortunity to determine a number o" di""erent target grou)s and to de$elo) )romotion strategies and selection criteria a))ro)riate to each )ro"ile50 his would reduce theinhibiting e""ect o" the current selection criteria@ and allow AusAI# and the %o$ernment o"=ietnam to res)ond "lexibly to changes in the de$elo)ment en$ironment on an annual basis0Such a))licant )ro"iles could be ad'usted each year@ either adding new )ro"iles as newde$elo)ment challenges emerge@ or ma/ing ad'ustments to selection criteria o" existing

    )ro"iles as ex)erience might indicate0 he conce)t o" the A))licant Pro"iles5 is set out indetail at Annex 3 0

    A2.) A Flexi*le Pro$ram

    le)i ilit in Deliver !o$es F As well as considering changes to selection criteria@ the next )hase o" the scholarshi)s )rogram should ta/e account o" the changing nature o" educationaldeli$ery in the tertiary sector0 As exam)les o" these changes the "ollowing illustrati$eexam)les are suggestedF

    - Australian uni$ersities@ such as !,I @ deli$ering degree )rograms at cam)uses in=ietnam

    - sandwich5 )rograms@ with some courses being taught in =ietnam@ or by $isitingacademic sta""@ and some in Australia

    - )ost.graduate courses taught )rimarily in Australia but with a study

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    and su))orting Awardees with mobilisation0 here is no )ro.acti$e see/ing o" a))lications"rom )ersons in leadershi) or )otential leadershi) )ositions0 In addition o))ortunities "or=ietnamese in leadershi) )ositions to gain access to the bene"its "rom the ALA(s areim)eded because the A#S Su))ort Contractor has no sco)e o" ser$ice re uirement to assist

    )otential ALA( candidates 7due to )rogram rules re uiring Australian organisations or

    institutions ha$ing existing lin/s with =ietnam to initiate a )ro)osal "or a short )lacement )lan80 he leadershi) )rograms are su))orted in AusAI# because they o""er de$elo)ment bene"its@ and there is no a))arent reason that the contractor in =ietnam could not be tas/ed to )ro$ide a )ro.acti$e ser$ice to assist Australian and =ietnamese organisations to de$elo)"ellowshi) )lans that can ex)and the "ellowshi) o))ortunities a$ailable to =ietnamese0 A

    )ro.acti$e a))roach to increase )lacements o" =ietnamese in )lacements with Australianorganisations could still "it within the ALA( regional orientation and )riorities0

    (or this reason the next contract )eriod will be established with a Sco)e o" Ser$ices 7S&S8that allows "or more "lexible ser$ices and o)erating )rocedures and that su))orts a moreintegrated a))roach across the two AusAI# scholarshi) )rograms0 o re"lect this moreintegrated )rogram the name o" the )rogram will be changed to re"lect the broader "ocus

    "rom the A#S in =ietnam to the AusAI# Scholarshi)s "or #e$elo)ment in =ietnam7AS#i=8M30 7See more in Section C10 8

    A2.+ Pro$ram Contract ,ana$ement

    AusAI#5s A#S management has been externally contracted since 2::30 In =ietnam@ A#Smanagement has occurred under the A#S.Pre) Initiati$e 2::2 2:12 7Initiati$e ;o I;( 2380he )ur)ose o" the A#S Pre) Pro'ect is to )re)are A#S awardees "or tertiary study inAustralia through the )ro$ision o" intensi$e training and to )lace them ina))ro)riate courses with ongoing su))ort0

    he A#S Pre) Pro'ect is com)rised o" two /ey com)onentsF

    - ADS 3raining )ro$ides English Language raining to scholarshi)s candidates whoneed to im)ro$e their English )ro"iciency )rior to commencing study in Australia0

    - ADS Support )ro$ides administrati$e and course selection assistance to scholarshi)candidates )rior to their mobilisation to Australia and u)on their return to =ietnam0

    ?ithin the Australian scholarshi)s )rogram@ =ietnam is uni ue in ha$ing a two contractormodel "or )ro$ision o" A#S raining and A#S Su))ort 0 his model wor/s well in the contexto" the en$ironment in =ietnam "or ser$ices@ howe$er@ and it is considered there is no case "orchanging it at this time0 he two contracts are not aligned in com)leting dates@ and therewould be unnecessary disru)tion to ma/e change sim)ly "or the sa/e o" it0 owe$er it is

    )lanned that the timing o" the two contracts be gradually ad'usted so that they will com)leteat the same time either in 2:12 or in 2:1 0 his will then o""er the o)tion "or a )otential

    change to a single contractor model@ i" warranted@ at a later date 7more detail is below in Part+80 It was also determined during the design )re)aration that there was no added $alue in the"uture AS,C continuing a monitoring role in res)ect o" EL )ro$ision by the se)aratecontractor0 his con"uses the relationshi) between the two contractors and it also has thee""ect o" reducing the direct res)onsibility o" AusAI# "or its own contract su)er$ision0

    he Australian Scholarshi)s %rou) 7AS%8 in Canberra currently )ro$ides o$erarchingmanagement o" ALA scholarshi)s and "ellowshi)s0 owe$er@ in 2::6@ the sco)e o" A#SSu))ort was ex)anded to also include res)onsibility "or some su))ort "or ALA Scholarshi)s7i0e0 screening o" a))lications and student mobilisation8 and Carnegie ,ellon >ni$ersity and3 he design team noted that the name A#S@ "or the Australian #e$elo)ment Scholarshi)s5@ could initsel" be con"using@ in that it is )ossible to in"er that the )rogram is "or de$elo)ment in Australia rather

    than de$elo)ment in =ietnam 0 he use o" Australian5 in the name also could allow con"usion withthe other Australian scholarshi) )rograms )romoted extensi$ely in =ietnam@ namely the Endea$ourscholarshi)s and the )rogram to )romote Study in Australia5 "or "ee.)aying students0

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    Centre "or rans.national Crime Pre$ention 7?ollongong >ni$ersity8 awards 7c"0 103 abo$e80his res)onsibility will continue under the "uture AS,C contract0 Changes to the range o"scholarshi) )rograms to be co$ered may be altered "rom time to time as )olicy changes ornew )rograms emerge in AusAI#0

    A2. n$lis! 'an$ua$e /rainin$

    he current re uirements are that short.listed A#S a))licants are re uired to sit an IEL S testat a session arranged by AusAI# and to achie$e an o$erall band score 7&+S8 o" 40 0A))licants who achie$e or exceed an &+S o" 0: and with no 7!eading@ ?riting@Listening@ S)ea/ing8 below 0 in this test may be eligible "or early mobilisation tocommence their study in Australia0 All other selected a))licants are re uired to underta/e"ull.time English Language raining 7EL 8 in =ietnam@ at centres in either anoi or C,C0he amount o" EL is determined by the a))licant5s &+S@ with the structure o" the ) training )rogram shown in (igure 1 below0

    igure 1/ Structure of #nglish language training

    ,odule 1 o"

    academic English

    Entry "or &+S


    ,odule 2 o"academic English

    Entry "or &+S0:

    ,odule 3 o"academic English

    Entry "or all othercandidates

    ,odule o" IEL S )re)aration

    IEL S Placementest

    A#S awarded to those who achie$e &+S 0: with no below0

    here is )ro$ision "or u) to 2:: hours additional EL "or suitable candidates who are at ris/o" not reaching or who do not reach the re uired le$el at the IEL S )lacement test0 Allsuccess"ul candidates 7who ha$e not )re$iously studied at a ?estern uni$ersity8 alsounderta/e an institutionally.a))ro)riate course o" Pre.Course English 7PCE8 a"ter arri$al inAustralia0 owe$er@ while there is considerable English language su))ort )ro$ided toa))licants who reach an &+S o" 40 at the initial IEL S test@ there is no EL )ro$ided tocandidates who might otherwise be excellent but who lac/ English language )ro"iciency0 hisis considered a signi"icant constraint "or )otential a))licants "rom the )ro$inces@ and "romethnic minority grou)s0 I" Australian scholarshi)s are to success"ully reach these )otentiala))licants@ greater commitment to im)ro$ing their English language )ro"iciency is necessary0his will re uire the use o" enhanced su))ort ser$ices in =ietnam "or candidates "rom ruraland ethnic minority communities who may ha$e higher degrees o" need@ including access to alonger )eriod o" EL and academic )re)aredness training in =ietnam be"ore de)arture "orstudies in Australia0

    A#S raining is currently contracted to the Australian Centre "or Education and raining7ACE 80 his contract runs to Banuary 2::*@ and a recent re$iew 4 "ound that the )ro$ision o"EL ser$ices is satis"actory and should not be altered0 AusAI# has acce)ted thisrecommendation and the A#S raining contract is being extended u) to the end o" Banuary2:12 0 hat re$iew also recommended that the minimum score be raised . that candidatesshould achie$e a minimum &+S 40 %ith no su - an$ elo% 450 in the IEL S selection test

    be"ore admission0 his was based on a $iew that it was )re"erable to enable enteringcandidates to stay together as a cohort and because those coming in with une$en sub.band4 augen 72::98 !e$iew o" the =iet ;am A#S English Language raining Com)onent0

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    scores are more $ulnerable to "ailure0 owe$er@ new data a$ailable a"ter that re$iew@"ollowing com)letion o" the IEL S in August 2::9@ did not substantiate that une$en sub.bandscores a""ected "inal results 7some with lower scores on entry did better than somewith higher80 (urther the use o" a))licant )ro"iles5 is intended to allow "or a range o" Englishlanguage )ro"iciency at selection@ and greater "lexibility in res)onding to candidates5

    language learning needs0 here"ore the original entry score 7o" &+S 40 8 is being retained7exce)t "or exce)tional circumstance5 candidates details in Part +80 AusAI# has@ howe$er@decided to allow "or an additional module that will o""er the o))ortunity "or awardees to li"tEnglish )ro"iciency to the IEL S o" &+S 0 be"ore de)arture to Australia 7u) "rom &+S 80his is in recognition o" new )olicies in some Australian uni$ersities "or li"ting entryre uirements to IEL S &+S 0 7or higher80

    A2.0 Furt!er c!an$es to impro%e (lexi*ility

    (urther recommendations that are li/ely to im)ro$e the "lexibility and de$elo)ment im)act o"the )rogram areF

    - allow the )ossibility o" undergraduate study where a))ro)riate "or a )articular

    )ro"ile5 this should exist as an o)tion to im)ro$e )artici)ation "rom )ro$inces andethnic minorities

    - to include within a scholarshi) )ac/age some limited access to short wor/ )lacementsin Australia that are directly associated with understanding the a))lication o" new/nowledge in rele$ant de$elo)ment wor/ or return

    - allow ,asters scholars who are o""ered a Ph# )lace to acce)t it without beingre uired to return to =ietnam "or a minimum )eriod at the com)letion o" the "irst

    )ost.graduate degree

    - consider combining di""erent modes o" deli$ery@ such as a combination o" distanceand in.Australia study this recognises that technological de$elo)ments ha$e an

    im)act on educational deli$ery@ and o""ers a way o" maximising the numbers o"scholarshi)s awarded annually

    - in$estigate the integration o" the ALA scholarshi)s in the management and )romotiono" the A#S )rogram0

    It is recognised@ howe$er@ that some changes necessary "or im)ro$ing the "lexibility andde$elo)ment im)act o" the )rogram are de)endent on changes to the global scholarshi)s

    )rogram occurring0 ;e$ertheless most o" these recommendations "rom the design ha$e beenacce)ted and incor)orated into the design set out "urther in this document0

    A2. - !at success looks like

    A clearer "ocus on de$elo)ment im)acts and greater "lexibility in the )rogram im)lementation

    will increase the re)resentation o" awardees "rom targeted )ro$inces@ build the %o$ernment o"=ietnam5s ca)acity to reduce )o$erty )articularly among the rural )oor and ethnic minorities@allow an a))ro)riate res)onse to %o$ernment o" =ietnam5s stated !# needs@ and strengthenlin/s with AusAI#5s strategic ob'ecti$es0 Priority targeting in the selection o" scholarshi)swillF

    7i8 Increase the re)resentation 7within the total o" awardees o$er the )eriod8 o"F

    Initially this will be restricted to ,asters by coursewor/ in the &)en category@ and anyundergraduates@ who can underta/e it during semester brea/s and within the )eriod o" the scholarshi)award0 he e""ecti$eness and im)act on costs will be assessed as )art o" the two.year trail )eriod8

    his will a))ly only to scholars in Pro"ile 3 7See Annex 38 ie uni$ersity )ersonnel who will return to be acti$ely engaged in teaching and research in uni$ersities@ or underta/ing research in researchinstitutes0

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    )ersons who can contribute directly to the de$elo)ment o" the )oorest regionalareas

    )ersons studying "or Ph#s and Post.%raduate #i)lomas in >ni$ersity Educationwho will return to uni$ersity teaching and research careers in =ietnam

    )ersons studying tertiary uali"ications in teaching English as a second language7 ES&L8 in order to become teacher trainers0

    7ii8 ,aintain the re)resentation o" )ersons wor/ing in agreed Priority Public Institutions7PPIs8 at no less than 4:G o" the total scholarshi)s and leadershi) )lacementsawarded o$er the six year )eriod0

    his de)iction o" success has a considerably higher )ro)ortion o" awardees studying at Ph#le$el than is currently the case0 An increase in the number o" Ph# scholars would ha$e

    budgetary im)lications "or A#S@ as the course o" study "or a Ph# is longer than "or a ,asters0

    A4 "essons "earne,

    Lessons learned "rom re$iews o" the A#S )rogram in =ietnam@ and "rom the wor/ underta/en by the design team@ ha$e in"ormed the strategic direction and o)erational )rocesses "or thenext )hase0 hese includeF

    - scholarshi)s must )lay a su))ort role as )art o" AusAI#5s broader ca)acity building )rogram in =ietnam@ and closer lin/s need to be de$elo)ed between A#S and otherAusAI# acti$ities

    - the goals@ ob'ecti$es and targeting )rocesses o" the A#S )rogram in =ietnam mustalign with the Australia.=ietnam #e$elo)ment Coo)eration Strategy

    - current selection )rocesses are not necessarily consistent with identi"ying studentswith the best )otential to achie$e de$elo)ment im)act

    - a uni"orm set o" selection criteria )ri$ileges a))licants with a )articular )ro"ile@ anddisad$antages a))licants "rom sectors that AusAI# see/s to target

    - greater coo)eration between the A#S )rogram and other scholarshi) and trainingo))ortunities a$ailable in =ietnam through AusAI# or other donors can im)ro$ee""ecti$eness

    - other scholarshi) )ro$iders ha$e demonstrated that in$estment in EL can build thenumbers o" success"ul a))licants "rom )oor )ro$inces and ethnic minorities

    - graduates re uire greater su))ort a"ter return to ensure their reintegration into thewor/"orce u)on return and to "acilitate on.going )ro"essional de$elo)ment

    - monitoring and e$aluation needs to ensure that clear in"ormation about )er"ormanceat di""erent stages o" the annual cycle is )ro$ided@ so that meaning"ul analysis canta/e )lace0

    A5 $onsistenc+ ith # isting rograms

    he A#S )rogram is consistent with the broad AusAI# country )rogram in =ietnam in that itaims to su))ort de$elo)ment through )ro$ision o" access to o))ortunities "or higher learning0In )articular it su))orts enhancement o" =ietnam5s de$elo)ment by training o" )ersons in

    )ositions o" in"luence in %o$ernment who contribute to better go$ernance in macro.economic )olicy@ legislati$e )rograms and ser$ice deli$ery in =ietnam@ mainly through the PPI

    com)onent and the )rogram also contributes to de$elo)ment through the enhancing theo)eration o" the )ri$ate sector and ;%&s through the training o" )ersons under the o)en

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    com)onent0 owe$er the current )rogram is not tightly lin/ed to the more s)eci"icde$elo)ment ob'ecti$es in the #CS@ es)ecially to the ob'ecti$es "or )o$erty reduction0 he

    )ro)osed changes recommended in this #esign #ocument see/ to ma/e this targeting more"ocused and hence to bring the scholarshi)s )rograms closer to the other de$elo)ment

    )rograms and the )riorities o" the #CS0

    A7 'ationale for AusAID Involvement

    he award o" scholarshi)s to a))ro)riately selected candidates "or study at Australianinstitutions is one means by which Australia can contribute towards the human resource andeconomic de$elo)ment o" =ietnam0 As an element o" the bilateral )rogram@ it is consistentwith Australia5s aid )olicy "ramewor/ and through a))ro)riate targeting o" )otentiala))licants will allow the awarding o" scholarshi)s to indi$iduals wor/ing in "ields rele$ant tothe ob'ecti$es o" the Australia.=ietnam #e$elo)ment Coo)eration Strategy0 his in turn willassist =ietnam in achie$ing and consolidating its ,#% targets0

    &* rogram Description&1 rogram oal an, 38ectives

    &1*1 - xpandin$ t!e pool o( specialists (rom !i$!er learnin$

    In$estment in higher education returns economic de$elo)ment bene"its "ar in excess o" thecost o" the in$estment0 he )ri$ate returns to educational in$estments are signi"icant "or bothmen and women0 !esearch by the ?orld +an/ on the rates o" return "rom education in=ietnam shows that indi$iduals5 earnings increase on a$erage by an estimated 24G with eachadditional year o" education in a uni$ersity or college in =ietnam 6 0 hese higher wages and

    the )roducti$ity associated with additional education yield bene"its "or the community@ thewider society and the economy as well0 igher education generates s)ecialists@ )ro$ideshuman resources "or higher industrial and commercial de$elo)ment@ and "or teaching in theother sectors0 igher #egrees )ro$ide the new /nowledge that leads to im)ro$ed technicalca)ability@ which in turn builds economic com)etiti$eness in the globaliHed economy0 igherlearning also su))orts the betterment o" society through indi$iduals understanding o" thesocial and cultural systems o" =ietnam0 Stronger analytical s/ills built through )ost.graduatelearning contribute to the im)ro$ed )ublic sector management o" )olicy and ser$ices that"acilitate de$elo)ment0 Im)ro$ed ca)acity "or /nowledge generation through research o""erso))ortunities "or high.$alue added@ /nowledge intensi$e goods and ser$ices and )ri$ateenter)rises that ha$e the managerial ca)acity to "ind@ ada)t@ and ado)t modern@ u).to.datetechnology and sell so)histicated goods and ser$ices in global mar/ets0

    Australia see/s to su))ort =ietnam5s continuing economic de$elo)ment by assisting increating a greater )ool o" s)ecialists with the highest le$el o" education@ and to lin/ theac uisition and use o" new /nowledge to ma/ing contributions to areas o" economic andsocial de$elo)ment that are identi"ied in the Boint Australian.=ietnam #e$elo)mentCoo)eration Strategy 7#CS80 It is also a))ro)riate to o""er access to higher technical and

    )ro"essional learning that is not yet readily accessible "rom the =ietnam higher educationsystem0 Study in Australia o""ers an extension o" academic ex)erience by ex)osure tointernational academic methodology and learning resources and to o))ortunities "or6 wo )a)ers in the ?+ Policy !esearch ?or/ing Pa)er5 Series address the rate o" return oneducation in =ietnamF 7i8 Patrinos and ,oo/@ *aper o 2771 and 7ii8 ;ga ;guyet ;guyen@ *aper o

    2791 0 his latter )a)er analyses the 1**9 =ietnam Li$ing Standard Sur$ey and concludes that anindi$idual5s increases earnings on a$erage by 24G "rom e$ery additional year o" learning in auni$ersity or college0

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    engagement in internationalised academic networ/s that can o""er li"e.long bene"its "orsustaining learning and "or continuously u)dated )ro"essional )ractice0 hisinternationalisation is a "eature on modern academia worldwide@ and international scholarshi)o))ortunities are a /ey means "or =ietnam to )artici)ate in these mutually bene"icialacademic networ/s0

    In addition AusAI# has agreed that AS#i= will contribute to two %o= strategies that areintended to accelerate de$elo)ment in all )riority areas0 hese areF 7i8 im)ro$ing the ualityo" higher education )rograms in =ietnam by ex)anding the )ro)ortion o" uni$ersity teacherswho ha$e a Ph# and 7ii8 to ex)and the ca)acity "or English Language )ro"iciency in =ietnam

    by im)ro$ing the uality o" teaching o" ES&L )rograms@ through ex)anding the number o"ES&L teacher.trainers who ha$e )ost.graduate uali"ications in ES&L0 Scholarshi)s will

    be a$ailable to su))ort these strategies and a))licant )ro"iles ha$e been de$elo)ed to ensureinclusion o" a))ro)riate candidates "or selection0

    &1*2 - n!ancin$ 'eaders!ip Capacity

    AusAI# acce)ts the $alue o" strong leadershi) in contributing to de$elo)ment0 Accordingly

    AusAI# will use the AS#i= management su))ort ser$ices to o""er )ro.acti$e su))ort inidenti"ying )otential )artici)ants and host organisations in order to increase the number o"current and )otential leaders in =ietnam who can )artici)ate in the regional )rogram andreturn to ma/e enhanced contributions to =ietnam5s de$elo)ment in the identi"ied )riorityareas by using new leadershi) s/ills0

    &1*4 - oals and 4*5ecti%es

    he next )hase o" the AS#i= will@ there"ore@ )lace an increased "ocus on the way theAusAI# #e$elo)ment Scholarshi)s are used to@ "irst@ build a greater )ool o" higher educateds)ecialists@ and then on how new /nowledge and leadershi) s/ills are used to ma/econtributions to the "urther economic and social de$elo)ment o" =ietnam0 here"ore the goaland ob'ecti$es o" the )rogram are restructured and re.articulated as detailed in +ox 2 below0

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    &o 2

    In relation to the goals and ob'ecti$es@ it is noted that in AS#i= the

    I;P> S are the awardees selected and scholars underta/ing study or leadershi) )lacements

    &> P> S 9are regarded as the graduates com)leting the #egrees and being awardednew )ost.graduate uali"ications or success"ully com)leting a leadershi) )lacementand the

    &> C&,ES are deemed to be the returned graduates

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    under new a))roaches that are lin/ed more closely to the #CS )riorities0 he de$elo)mentim)act o" ha$ing access to more technical and )ro"essional ex)ertise can only be measuredo$er a longer time"rame@ )artly because the lead time to ac uire the new /nowledge through2.4 year scholarshi)s ta/es u) the bul/ o" the o)erating time"rame o" this )hase o" the

    )rogram@ and )artly because time is re uired "or new )ro"essionals to be in a )osition to

    in"luence )olicy and its im)lementation0 E$en more time is re uired "or de$elo)ment im)actsto emerge "rom contributions they may ma/e to )olicy or )rocesses0 here"ore@ while theAS#i= will "ocus more directly on de$elo)ment im)act than )re$ious a))roaches toscholarshi) management@ the s)eci"ic outcomes "rom the contract )eriod will be measured

    )rimarily in terms o" an intermediate outcome5 that o" graduates returning to wor/ in the )lanned )riority de$elo)ment areas and the reality o" their de)loying that /nowledge byactually wor/ing on issues that can be 'udged to be rele$ant to the de$elo)ment areas0owe$er the ,-E "ramewor/ "or AS#i= also includes the de$elo)ment and commencemento" a )rogrammed series o" tracer studies and case histories that are intended to build a longerterm body o" e$idence to in"orm an im)act analysis at an a))ro)riate time . years a"ter thecom)letion o" the AS#i= "irst )hase0 In this way AS#i= attem)ts to set u) a more use"ul"oundation "or the longer term e$aluation o" the de$elo)ment im)act o" scholarshi)s thanAusAI# has had to date "or the A#S )rogram@ which is a long term and continuingcommitment0

    &1*5 - Implementation /ar$ets

    3argets for selections from applicant profiles 6 In order to su))ort the achie$ement o" theob'ecti$es there will be targets "or selection by a))licant )ro"iles0 It is ex)ected that thesetargets will be achie$ed 'ointly by the AS,C managing the )rocesses "or selection@ andAusAI# and the %o= re)resentati$es ma/ing a))ro)riate choices o" awardees@ using thea))licant )ro"iles 7detailed at Anne 4 80 he targets are that@ o$er the )eriod@ awardees will

    be selected in a))roximately the "ollowing )ro)ortions o" the total *F

    7i8 a))roximately 3:G "rom locations and

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    7$8 A))roximately 32 Leadershi) (ellows return to )ositions that contribute to the#CS )riority de$elo)ment areas o" "acilitating =ietnam5s )artici)ation ininternational trade@ managing health systems to control emerging )andemicdisease and su))orting res)onses to en$ironment and climate change issues0

    3argets for 8uantum of scholarships a%ar$e$ - :e Inputs 6 he Inputs necessary toachie$e the AS#i= ob'ecti$es are the scholarshi)s@ ie awards made and scholars studying0here"ore the targets "or these in)uts are ex)ected to beF

    An annual a$erage o" a))roximately 1 7 AD sc!olars!ips awards o((ered "orstudies in Australia o$er years@ totalling u) to 7 A#S scholarshi)s o$er the

    )eriod )lus

    An annual a$erage o" 1) A'A sc!olars!ips @ totalling u) to 90 o$er the )eriod and

    An annual a$erage o" between "9-)9 leaders!ip Fellow places o((ered u) toa))roximately 427 )ersons o$er the )eriod0

    &1-7 - xpected 4utputs6

    he ob'ecti$es o" AS#i= are about =ietnam ha$ing access to a$$itional higher learningex)ertise@ ane)pan$e$ pool o" )ro"essional and technical ex)erts to su))ort ongoingde$elo)ment0 ,easuring achie$ement o" out)uts and the )otential "or how the out)uts leadto achie$ing outcomes in$ol$es assessing the uantum o" additionally0 +y the end o" 2:1a))roximately 9 9 indi$iduals who ha$e been selected under the new )rogram a))roachesare ex)ected to ha$e either graduated "rom an A#S or ALA scholarshi) or ha$e com)eted aleadershi) )lacement@ and returned to =ietnam and be de)loying their new s/ills in )riorityde$elo)ment areas0 hese should include

    a))roximately :: new graduates added to the stoc/ o" higher tertiary educated )ersonnel@ with 9 ex)ected to be A#S graduates and 32 to be ALA graduatesand

    a))roximately 2*: )ersons added to the stoc/ o" those with enhanced current or )otential leadershi) ca)ability0

    he di""erence between the estimated number o" scholars 7in)uts8 and returned graduates7out)uts8 is due to the a$erage two years "or ,asters and "our years "or Ph#s to underta/ethe studies@ and there"ore numbers o" awardees made in the last 2.4 years are deemed to belagging5 numbers not included in the total returned by the end o" the contract )eriod0 hiscount a))lies only to the scholars selected under the new AS#i= selection a))roaches@ thusonly to those commencing studies in the 2:1:

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    he )ro)ortion o" graduates and leadershi) (ellows "rom the 2:1:.1 AS#i= selectionswho are acti$ely ma/ing contributions 'udged to be su))orting de$elo)ment is as indicatedin each de$elo)ment areaF

    7i8 in )ro$incial locations and

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    ma/es se)arate )olicies about )riorities "or targeting and selection@ and the range o" studycourses that are "unded@ so that they are aligned with the )riorities and situation in eachcountry0

    (or the A#S )rogram@ and the ALA scholarshi)s@ core "eatures include thatF

    he )rograms may be in uni$ersities or A(E colleges 7"or A#S only8@ and must leadto an award that is recognised in the Australian Duali"ications (ramewor/

    he award )rogram must be studied in an Australian institution@ to "oster theinternationalisation ad$antages and "uture lin/ages

    %raduates must return to their home country "or at least two years "ollowinggraduation

    Alumni associations are su))orted to "oster continuing sharing o" ex)eriences and"oster lin/ages@ and to su))ort "ollow.u) o" graduates "or e$aluation o" de$elo)mentim)acts0 12

    Im)lementing arrangements similarly ha$e a common core and o)tions "or $ariations to be

    tailored to meet the needs o" each country0 he common elements includeF he contracts with uni$ersities and A(Es "or tuition and associated in.Australia costs

    "or study are arranged and managed centrally by the Australian Scholarshi)s %rou)7AS%8 in Canberra@ while the selection and ) )re)aration@ monitoring o"scholars )rogress during studies@ and re.integration su))ort are managed "rom theAusAI# )ost@ and are usually outsourced to a managing contractor to im)lement0

    ,onitoring data collections and sur$eys "or e$aluation )ur)oses include a common seto" data to be collected to ensure the consistency o" in"ormation is a$ailable "or globale$aluation0

    English Language raining "or selected candidates is a$ailable as an extra "orm o" assistance

    in some countries0In =ietnam under the current )hase o" the )rogram the country )olicy is to only awardscholarshi)s "or )ost.graduate studies0 he identi"ication and selection o" candidates@

    )ro$ision o" English Language raining and other ) )re)aration@ and the )ro$ision o" su))ort on return and re.integration has been outsourced to a managingcontractor since 1**9@ and will continue to be managed by a contractor using traditional

    )ro'ect management a))roaches0 7see also below C180

    AusAI# 7 anoi Post8 manages the strategic )lanning and a))ro$al o" /ey as)ects o" thetargeting and selection o" candidates in a )artnershi) association with the %o$ernment o"=ietnam 7%o=8@ re)resented by the ,inistry o" Education and raining 7,&E 8 as thecounter)art authority0 Partnershi) Agreements are also established with the )riority PublicInstitutions@ re)resenting /ey %o= #e)artments0

    &4 rogram Structure an, eatures

    &3.1 - Pro$ram lements

    In =ietnam the )rogram has three distinct elementsF

    7i8 Selection an$ Support for Scholars . including )romoting the scholarshi)s@selecting and mobilising the awardees to Australia "or their study@ monitoring

    )rogress during study and su))orting their re.integration into wor/ on return a"tergraduation


    It is noted@ howe$er@ that while traditional )ractice has been to )romote study at Australianinstitutions in Australia@ changes in the modes o" educational deli$ery mean that AusAI# willunderta/e )ilots o" the )ossible use o" more "lexible modes o" deli$ery 7see A20 8

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    7ii8 3he provision of nglish +anguage 3raining . to those who need additionalassistance to gain the re uired IEL S score to be admitted to their chosen course o"study and

    7iii8 !onitoring an$ valuation - to assess the e""ecti$eness o" the )rogram incontributing to =ietnam5s de$elo)ment in the )riority areas o" the Australia.=ietnam C#S0

    Acti$ities to im)lement Element 7i8 and 7iii8 are the sub'ect o" this #esign #ocument and o"the )rocurement related to it0 Element 7ii8 is im)lemented in =ietnam under a se)aratecontract to a )ro$ider o" English Language raining0 here is a current contract "or theseser$ices@ and as such the acti$ities are not detailed in this #esign #ocument exce)t "or howthe two contractors will relate to and coordinate with each other0

    &3.2 - Features o( t!e lement 1 - election and upport (or c!olars


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    ES&L@ and #i)lomas o" Education@ all "ocusing on im)ro$ed research ca)ability andacademic teaching uality0

    to grant scholarshi)s in courses or "ields o" study where Australian uni$ersities cano""er academic $alue.added beyond what can be obtained in =ietnam@ including accessto course content or award le$els or international standards not yet a$ailable in=ietnam uni$ersities

    to ensure maintenance o" gender sensiti$ity and gender e uity in the a))roaches to )romotion o" the )rogram and to the identi"ication and selection o" awardees

    to ensure the im)lementing acti$ities are sensiti$e to the needs o" )eo)le with adisability and do not deter a))lications "rom or )re$ent awards being made toindi$iduals who ha$e a disability

    to maintain a high le$el o" trans)arency in the selection )rocess that is consistent withAusAI#5s Anti.Corru)tion Policy 7,arch 2::68@ and by ensuring that assessments areas ob'ecti$e and $eri"iable as )ossible0

    ;nder the new AS#i= there will be se)arate selection criteria "or each o" the agreeda))licant )ro"iles50 here are some common elements but also $ariations across the )ro"iles07see details in Annex 380 here are@ howe$er@ two core eligi ilit criteria that will a))lyacross all )ro"ilesF hese include that a))licants mustF

    ha$e met@ or be able to meet be"ore commencement o" the course@ the academic entry

    re uirements and English language le$els o" )ro"iciency set by the Australianuni$ersity "or the study )rogram a))lied "or and

    7"or those em)loyed by a PPI8@ be su))orted by their em)loyers and ha$e signed awritten agreement "or continuing em)loyment with the em)loyer "or a minimum o" 2years a"ter graduation 7noting that some PPIs re uire a longer )eriod o" continuingem)loyment80


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    with no )rior English language )ro"iciency0 his could also im)ro$e the degree to which theAS#i= is harmoniHed with other )ro$iders0


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    new s/ills0 he record o" graduates returning to em)loyment in the PPIs has been high 74 Go" traceable graduates o$er the last ten years are wor/ing in the )ublic sector80

    Public sector em)loyees are bonded to remain with their institution "or at least two years a"terreturn@ and are re uired to re)ay the cost o" the scholarshi) to the ,inistry i" they breach theunderta/ings and see/ wor/ outside the )ublic sector0 Anecdotal in"ormation o""ered duringthe design consultations indicates that some graduates do become "rustrated with the rigiditieso" the )ublic sector wor/ing en$ironment and the relati$ely low le$el o" )ay o" ci$il ser$ants@and do )re"er to )ay the bond rather than "orego the )ercei$ed better career o)tions that are

    becoming more common in the )ri$ate sector@ es)ecially with "oreign in$estment "irms0?hile these )articular issues are go$ernment.wide@ and beyond the control o" #e)artments@there are ways that ,inistries could im)ro$e the career )ros)ects "or graduates and the $alueto be obtained "rom retaining their ser$ices0

    Assessments "rom the A#S Su))ort contractor also indicate that some o" the current PPIs in=ietnam are less success"ul in e""ecti$e )lacement and use o" graduates5 s/ills on return0 Aconclusion is that this is in )art because the contractor is not resourced to o""er the ,inistriesadditional su))ort in the de$elo)ment and use o" !# )lans0 Lessons "rom the A#S

    )rogram in ,ongolia are noted that )rogram has access to a s)ecialist !# ad$iser whoo""ers #e)artments su))ort in the de$elo)ment o" e""ecti$e !# )lans that guide selection o"the right a))licants and their )lacements on return0 his has )ro$ed to be success"ul insu))orting the ca)acity building ob'ecti$es o" that )rogram and has been well recei$ed andregarded by the senior managers o" the %o$ernment o" ,ongolia0 he technical assistancehas also assisted in ensuring there is a "ully trans)arent )rocess "or nominating %o$ernmenta))licants0

    Accordingly AusAI# will )ro$ide "or the AS,C to ha$e additional resources in the next )hase to su))ort a more )ro.acti$e engagement with the PPIs@ both in the de$elo)ment andre$iew o" the !# )lans@ the counselling and ad$ising nominees on the de$elo)ment o"indi$idual career )lans that are lin/ed to the PPI !# )lan@ and in how they are used toensure the graduates are used e""ecti$ely to su))ort institutional de$elo)ment0 In addition the!# S)ecialist could also assist PPIs to identi"y a))ro)riate o))ortunities "or ALA(

    )lacements@ where the )lacements could com)lement the s/ills de$elo)ment strategies in the!# )lan o" the institution0

    Selection of **Is

    (rom the commencement o" the new AS#i= contract there will be 13 PPIs "or which )lacesare reser$ed in the )rogram0 7#etails are abo$e at Part 180 he inclusion o" PPIs isdetermined by agreement between AusAI# and the %o= during high.le$el annual strategydiscussions0 (rom time to time consideration is gi$en to whether to re$iew the com)ositiono" the list o" )riority institutions0 Criteria "or inclusion o" PPIs should be based onF

    Each institution5s ex)ected role in =ietnam5s medium

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    and ser$ices deli$ery li/ely to contribute to )o$erty reduction in )oorer )ro$inces@ rural areasand ethnic communities0

    3he pen "ategor

    he &)en category is used to accommodate all other a))licants0 he a))licant )ro"iles 7at

    Annex 3 8 ha$e been de$elo)ed to indicate the )riority grou)s to be targeted "or )lacementunder the &)en category0 A))roximately :G o" awardees will be in the o)en category@ andthere are also )lacement targets "or each )ro"ile5 grou)0 7See abo$e Part +18

    &3.3 ; C!an$es in Approac!es in Pro$ram Deli%ery.

    he core tas/s and the annual timelines "or the im)lementation o" Elements 1 and 3 o" theAS#i= the selection and su))ort "or Scholarshi) holders and the ,-E arrangements . areset out in detail at Annex 1. +elow is a summary o" core tas/s areas where guidance on thea))roaches or re uirements is a))ro)riate0 (or any )rocess not detailed below the AS,C isex)ected to use its own a))roaches to achie$e the ob'ecti$es@ and to ensure they are

    )ro"essional@ and cost.e""icient0

    &3.3.1 - ,ana$in$ t!e identi(ication o( Applicants.

    'eneral a%areness raising for program promotion an$ targete$ information for theapplication roun$s

    he AS,C will de$elo) a general awareness cam)aign@ with materials@ that willo""er recognition o" the AusAI# scholarshi)s "or de$elo)ment in =ietnam and )ro$ide

    )ositi$e human interest stories o" success"ul graduates and how they are hel)ing =ietnam5sde$elo)ment0 his awareness )rogram may be run nationally or locally@ using tele$ision@rele$ant websites@ and news)a)ers0 Elements o" it will also be incor)orated into the ) contacts and )romotion $isits at wor/sho)s@ and )ublic assemblies in communitiesthat are mounted "or the targeted in"ormation "or a))lication rounds0 In de$elo)ing thisawareness )rogram the AS,C will wor/ in close consultation with and su))ort the direction

    and strategy to be ad$ised by the AusAI# Public A""airs &""icer in anoi0 As an additional bene"it@ this cam)aign will assist in establishing the )restige o" Australian scholarshi)s in=ietnam0

    3argete$ promotion to fit applicant profiles

    he AS,C will de$elo) s)eci"ic )romotional material to "it the in"ormation needs to thea))licant )ro"iles@ es)ecially the hard to reach in rural and ethnic communities0 his )rogramo" in"ormation "or a))lication rounds will use more )ro.acti$e a))roaches@ including theo)tion "or )ersonal $isit to selected areas "or direct )resentations to rele$ant communities0he AS,C will engage alumni and

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    )ro$iding acti$e assistance to some intending a))licants who are "rom rural

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    ALA( a))lication instead 140 A )lan to reach at least the target number o" =ietnamese )artici)ating in ALA(s should be de$elo)ed at the commencement o" each selection round0

    &3.3.2 ; ,ana$in$ t!e election o( Awardees

    Supporting can$i$ates to ma e informe$ course selections

    >nder current )ractice in =ietnam the awardees are selected by a Boint Selection Committee7BSC8 consisting o" re)resentati$es o" AusAI# and ,&E 0 he BSC meets to selectcandidates "rom the a))licants 7the "irst shortlist80 he BSC then meets a second time toconsider a re)ort "rom the A#S Su))ort contractor@ which ma/es recommendations on the"inal selections once the IEL S score o" the candidates is a$ailable0 his is a two.ste)

    )rocessF "irst to select "ast.trac/ awardees 7those who do not need EL 8 and then later toselect the "inal grou) "or the inta/e "rom amongst those candidates who ha$e com)leted theEL course0 his )ractice o" using a BSC will continue under AS#i=@ as it su))orts theownershi)5 and assum)tion o" "inal res)onsibility o" the two /ey sta/eholders in the AS#i=

    the %o$ernment o" Australia@ re)resented by AusAI#@ and the go$ernment o" =ietnam@re)resented by ,&E 0 owe$er@ to im)lement the new more "lexible criteria associated with

    the a))licant )ro"iles the selection )rocess se uence will be ad'usted@ as set out below@ and inAnnex 1 7 able8@ and illustrated in Annex 2 7#iagram80

    he current )ractice in =ietnam o" selecting candidates "rom amongst the highest achie$ingundergraduates in =ietnam@ using a single %rade Point A$erage 7%PA8 o" 60: can be a barrierto the selection o" awardees "rom some o" the new )ro"iles@ "or which )rograms that do notre uire a %PA o" 6 at entry may be a better "it "or the de$elo)ment ob'ecti$es embedded inthe )ro"ile0 In )articular the use o" the single high %PA criterion is seen to be contributing tothe relati$ely low )ro)ortion o" awardees "rom )oor districts and ethnic communities0 oo$ercome this@ the new )hase o" the )rogram under AS#i= will a))ly a new core5 criterion that to be selected awardees must be able to meet the entry re uirements set by the Australianuni$ersity "or the course that is selected0 his includes the re uirements "or academic scores

    and English language )ro"iciency0he ado)tion o" this new criterion@ howe$er@ )resents a )otential challenge in the mid to laterstages o" the selection )rocess0 A))licants are to be shortlisted to become candidates

    based on their being associated with one o" the )ro"iles and@ within each )ro"ile@ based ontheir indi$idual ualities and moti$ations o""ering the best )otential to contribute to=ietnam5s de$elo)ment on their return home a"ter graduation0 A))licants are not re uired tos)eci"y a )articular course at a))lication@ but once shortlisted@ they will need to nominate one7or two8 )re"erred courses0 he courses they nominate are ta/en into account in the "inalselection by the BSC be"ore granting scholarshi) awards0 (or candidates to ma/e in"ormeddecisions about the courses that are both rele$ant to "it their "uture contribution tode$elo)ment in =ietnam and to "it their )ersonal academic abilities they need e""ecti$e

    in"ormation and a com)lete understanding o" the "ull range o" academic courses a$ailableacross all o" Australia5s uni$ersities0 1 In addition the BSC should be a))rised o" whether thecandidate will@ or will not@ meet the academic entry re uirements o" the course be"ore the

    14 Assistance "rom the AS,C in identi"ying and su))orting )otential candidates "or (ellowshi)s to "inds)onsoring ost &rganisations will not )reclude others "rom being se)arately nominated by Australianhost organisations0 owe$er all cases will be noti"ied to AusAI# anoi by AS% and they willsubse uently be included in )rogram statistics and uali"y to recei$e alumni assistance on return01 he design team heard claims that many candidates choose courses that may not be best suited "orthem based either on inade uate in"ormation or on )erce)tions that are not rele$ant to the candidate5sstudy needs0 Exam)les suggested includedF that the )ercei$ed general re)utation o" the uni$ersity ismore im)ortant to students but is o"ten ina))ro)riate "or the selected "ield that the )resence@ orabsence@ o" a critical word in the course nomenclature 7eg ban/ing and "inance8 a""ects course

    selection that )riority is gi$en to a city where there is an established community "rom =ietnam "romwhom they can gain cultural su))ort or on )ersonal recommendations o" "ormer graduates who mayha$e had di""erent needs and interests0

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    "inal awards are made0 ?ith the )ractice o" using the %PA o" 6 as the critical eligibilitycriterion the BSC could be certain that this was ade uate to meet any course selected@ but withthe new criterion based on )otential "or contributions to de$elo)ment this will no longer beimmediately ob$ious "or all candidates0

    o ensure that both the candidates and the BSC ha$e a))ro)riate in"ormation about eachcandidate5s ability to be admitted to the )re"erred course the AS#i= will ha$e access tosu))ort "rom academic ad$isers to assist the candidates and the BSC in the selection )rocess0he AS,C will engage two inde)endent Academic Ad$isers to su))ort the selection )rocess7see details in the )osition statement at Annex 980 he main duties o" the Academic Ad$isersin su))orting selection will be to counsel each candidate in the selection o" his

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    !anaging the selection process

    A "urther change in the )rocess is to be made to im)ro$e the )ros)ects "or ma/ing the mosta))ro)riate selections "or awards . that inter$iews "or candidates be ex)anded beyond that o"current )rocess@ whereby only Ph# candidates are inter$iewed0 his change in )rocess drawson lessons "rom other country A#S )rograms 7eg Indonesia8 and "rom other scholarshi)

    )rograms in =ietnam 7)articularly the (ulbright and the (ord (oundation8@ where allshortlisted candidates are inter$iewed0 he )ro)osed ex)ansion is based on an understandingthat inter$iews can allow "or more reliable screening and disco$ery o" in"ormation@ ex)loringin some de)th the in"ormation included by candidates in the )ersonal statements submittedwith their A))lication (orm@ in order to assess moti$ation and commitment o" a))licants andrein"orce the case "or how the new learning "rom com)leted scholarshi)s can enhance theindi$idual5s )otential contribution to "uture de$elo)ment0 his is ex)ected to be )articularlyim)ortant in the im)lementation o" the )ro)osed new "ocus on ma/ing the )rogram moreres)onsi$e to contributing to )o$erty reduction in )oor rural and ethnic communities0

    he resources re uired to im)lement a )rocess o" inter$iews "or each candidate will seeincreases in the o$erall costs o" the selection )rocess0 hese should be monitored andassessed "or cost e""ecti$eness@ gi$en the current record o" results o" )ast scholars0 Currentreturn rates are excellent@ and conducting inter$iews are not ex)ected to in"luence them0 he

    )otential im)act o" inter$iews on im)ro$ing de$elo)ment "ocus is un/nown@ but )resumed@and AusAI# has not had su""icient tools "or )ost.return monitoring o" )re$ious graduates too""er a baseline "or com)arison o" de$elo)ment outcomes with earlier )ractice0 he #esign"or AS#i= there"ore includes an interim strategy that the inter$iews be ex)anded to includeall Ph#s 7as current8@ )lus all candidates "or ,asters by research@ and to include all shortlistedcandidates in A))licant Pro"iles 1 and 2 7"ocusing on )o$erty reduction80 his is ex)ected toin$ol$e u) to a))roximately 9:.*: inter$iews each inta/e@ and will e$entually re)resenta))roximately hal" o" all awardees o$er the li"e o" the AS#i= contract0 his is to beim)lemented initially in the two year )ilot )eriod and will be re$iewed during the end.second

    year re$iew to determine i" it is e""ecti$e@ and cost e""icient@ and to ad$ise on whether thereare grounds to extend inter$iews to all candidates0

    he new )rocess to be im)lemented@ there"ore@ is that that a"ter the initial BSC shortlistingwhere candidates are identi"ied@ and a"ter each candidate has recei$ed assistance "rom theacademic ad$isers as indicated abo$e . each candidate in the inter$iew categories abo$e willthen be inter$iewed "ormally by an AS,C managed inter$iew )anel which will ma/erecommendations to the BSC0 he AS,C will establish an internal inter$iew )anel to conductthe inter$iews0 he )anel must ha$e at least three members@ and could includeF

    the AS,C ,anager 7mandatory8 chair A;#

    an inde)endent )erson@ who may be a res)ected local Australian scholarshi) graduate@

    7but may not be one o" the academic ad$isers8 &! an in$ited colleague "rom another o" the Scholarshi)s )rograms in =ietnam 7as )art o"

    the new a))roaches to harmoniHation between donors8 and

    a member o" ,&E or other %o= re)resentati$e 7o)tional@ de)ending on a$ailabilityo" %o$ernment sta""80

    It is im)ortant that the integrity o" the selection )rocess be sa"eguarded@ and the members o"the )anel 7other than the AS,C chair8 will not be identi"ied )ublicly0 he AS,C must ta/este)s to ensure there are no o))ortunities "or members to be )ressured by candidates0 (or thisreason the Academic Ad$isers@ who will be wor/ing closely with candidates in a counselingrole to su))ort a))ro)riate course selections may not be members on the )anel0

    he AS,C will ha$e "unds to )ay sitting "ees and Per #iems to the inde)endent member andto )ay Per #iem tra$eling and associated costs to any re)resentati$e o" the %o=0

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    he inter$iew )anel will )ro$ide a re)ort to the BSC0 he re)orts will include su""icient detailto allow the BSC to ma/e in"ormed decisions@ and must include assessments o" the reliabilityo" the in"ormation in the )ersonal statements@ an assessment o" each candidate5s moti$ation toma/e "uture contributions to de$elo)ment in the )riority areas0

    he AS,C will )ro$ide a secretariat su))ort to the BSC and in )articular will ensure that the )a)ers a$ailable to the BSC coordinate all in"ormation on each candidate0 he BSC will ha$eto ta/e account o" in"ormation "rom two sources@ theF

    Aca$emic A$visers . re)orting on the suitability o" the course selected to "it eachcandidates chosen area "or contributing to de$elo)ment and on the ade uacy o" thecandidates5 ability to meet the academic re uirements o" the nominated course

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    candidates who may )re"er the o))ortunity to underta/e their study 7or in most cases a )ortiono" it8 in =ietnam0 Awardees5 )artici)ation in the )ilots will be $oluntary@ and no measure o"

    )ressure may be a))lied to candidates to agree to )artici)ation0

    he AS,C must ensure that an assessment o" the Pilots is included in the ,-E Plan and isaddressed in each annual re)ort0

    &3.3." ; ni$ersity@ discussed abo$e at section 3020480 Inthese indi$idual cases the AS,C may a))ly to AusAI# "or the "unds necessary to su))ort theadditional assistance as may be necessary0 he o)tion to use a )ro$ider outside o" the ACEcontracted )ro$ider will be use"ul as in some cases it will be hel)"ul to ha$e the EL )ro$idedcloser to a candidate5s home than may be "easible under the ACE contract0 AusAI# willa))ro$e the "unds based on an estimate )ro$ide by the AS,C@ and the "unds will be )aid tothe AS,C to enable the s)ecial arrangements to be im)lemented0 It will be necessary "orAusAI# to ad'ust the )ro$ision o" the Sco)e o" Ser$ice in the English Language rainingcontract to accommodate the o)tion "or additional months o" training beyond the currentmaximum le$el0 his $ariation should also include the )ro$ision o" the enhanced re)ortingon each candidate5s )ro"iciency as recommended in the Buly 2::9 !e$iew re)ort on EL


    he AS,C is to be res)onsible "or the arrangements "or the candidates to underta/e there uired IEL S testing0 he AS,C will coordinate with the EL )ro$ider@ ACE @ and thenwill negotiate with the designated IEL S test )ro$ider s)eci"ying the numbers o" candidatesto be tested at each o" the two tests 7Selection and Placement8 and the timing and the "ees to

    be charged and monitor contract )er"ormance0

    (or both the Selection and Placement IEL S test@ the AS,C willF

    noti"y candidates about the time and )lace o" the test su))ly the test administrator with a list including contact details o" all candidates

    eligible to ta/e the test so that the administrator can send out sam)le test boo/lets ensure test results are sent to AusAI# and to the EL Contractor in a timely "ashion@


    Design Document *age 3:

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    )ro$ide a re)ort to AusAI# and to the EL contractor on the )er"ormance o" theIEL S ser$ices during the year0

    &3.3.) ; Deli%erin$ Pre-Departure upport er%ices

    Aca$emic preparation

    ?ith the exce)tional circumstances5 candidates 7noted abo$e8 it is ex)ected that there will besome limited numbers who will be see/ing to study at uni$ersity "or the "irst time 7ina))ro$ed undergraduate studies80 In addition to the extra time in English Language raining7as discussed abo$e8 it is ex)ected that some may also need access to more intensi$e or longer

    )re)aration "or academic study@ and "or li$ing in Australia0 In standard situations a )rogramo" u) to six wee/s "or academic )re)aration called the Introductory Academic ProgramM7IAP8 . is )ro$ided by the enrolling uni$ersity in Australia be"ore "ormal studies commence0(or exce)tional circumstances5 candidates@ the AS,C should in$estigate whethersu))lementary early )hases o" academic )re)aration )rograms might be )ro$ided moree""iciently and e""ecti$ely in =ietnam be"ore de)arture "or Australia and underta/ing thestandard IAP in Australia0 I" a))ro)riate su))liers who can o""er both /nowledge o"

    Australian study en$ironments and =ietnamese needs to ada)t to it can be identi"ied theAS,C should submit a )lan "or )rocurement o" a series o" short courses@ or "or )lacement o"indi$idual candidates into other existing courses on a one.o"" basis@ according to the mosta))ro)riate at the time0 Costs o" any such a))ro$ed IAP )rocurement in =ietnam will also beco$ered by the AusAI# under the $ariable elements o" the budget0 AusAI# will )ay the"unds into the o)erating account o" the AS,C on an as re uired5 basis0

    &3." ; ,onitorin$ o( students durin$ study

    here should be im)ro$ed monitoring o" candidates and scholars during study0 In =ietnamthe two contractors@ AS,C and A#S raining@ should coordinate a new student record thatidenti"ies strengths and wea/nesses@ and )otentially at ris/ students@ and ensure redress iso""ered as a))ro)riate 7see more on coordination below under Part C80 he AS,C willassume res)onsibility "or managing a close monitoring o" student )rogress while studying inAustralia0 o do this the AS,C will establish and maintain e""ecti$e liaison with theuni$ersities to collect data on student )rogress0 rac/ing in"ormation to be collected "romuni$ersities includes details o" scholars5 )rogress@ including details o"F de"errals extensionssus)ensions u)grades terminations and semester results0 #etails o" com)leted scholarshi)smust also be collected@ including in"ormation onF )ass

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    acti$ity "or the tracer studies0 See more detail below under )art C3 "or ,onitoring andE$aluation0

    'ra$uates? Access to e)ten$e$ support for aca$emic lin s an$ further assistance

    >nder AS#i= more em)hasis will be )laced on su))orting graduates during the "irst "ew

    years a"ter return@ to assist them to ca)italise on the s/ills and /nowledge gained "rom thestudy )rograms and to consolidate the maintenance o" )ro"essional lin/s with Australianinstitutions@ both o" which are ex)ected to contribute to enhancing sustainability o"de$elo)ment im)acts0

    %raduates will ha$e access to a discretionary "und o" u) to O ::: )er indi$idual o$er threeyears@ which may include in./ind "unding@ to use "or enhancement and sustaining lin/ages0he discretionary "unds will o""er new assistance to in$ivi$uals who demonstrate a need andability to use it wisely to enhance use o" s/ills "or de$elo)ment im)act0 he AS,C willresearch and suggest items "or su))ort@ but initially eligible ex)enditure "rom thediscretionary "unds may includeF

    ra$el costs to return to Australia or other rele$ant tra$el in the SE Asia !egion to

    attend )ro"essional wor/sho)s@ seminars@ con"erences in their "ield o" ex)ertise or toengage in "urther research acti$ities with "ormer su)er$isors or othermentors

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    Assistance to Alumni Associations5

    he maintenance o" "ollow.u) lin/ages with graduates o""ers o))ortunities to maximisede$elo)ment im)act on return0 AusAI#@ through the contractor@ su))orts an acti$e A#SAlumni Association0 here is also a se)arate@ broader based organisation@ the Vietnam'ra$uates from Australia "lu (V'A" which includes members "rom #EE?! Scholarshi)sand )ri$ate "ee.)aying students who ha$e studied in Australia 5 It is also noted that there is anew )ro)osal under trial by AS%@ Canberra@ "or a "uture im)lementation o" the AustralianScholarshi)s Alumni ;etwor/ 7ASA;80 he a))roach to su))orting alumni associations inAS#i= will be "urther in"ormed by the "indings o" current )ilot acti$ities being underta/en byAS%0 At that time there may be $alue in AusAI# re$iewing its su))ort "or alumniassociations and rationaliHe its su))ort arrangements0

    he current two alumni associations in =ietnam each ha$e a range o" methods and acti$itiesto /ee) in regular contact with graduates and to engage them in collecti$e acti$ities0 heassociations could be a $aluable asset in su))orting AusAI#5s desire to strengthen the "ollow.u) o" graduates and to use new tracer studies to im)ro$e the measurement o" de$elo)mentim)act0 7See more on this below in Part C380 %raduates consulted also indicated that e""ortsto /ee) in contact are $alued by them as a means o" maintaining contacts with Australianinstitutions and to nurture continuing )ro"essional access and de$elo)ment in their res)ecti$e"ields o" ex)ertise and wor/0 he AS#i= could o""er either the A#S alumni association orthe =%AC@ or both@ small grants to sustain an im)ro$ed networ/ o" graduates5 contacts and tomanage a range o" e$ents that "acilitate the networ/0 (unding su))ort would be assessed on acase by case basis on the basis o" merit o" )ro)osals0 Some exam)les o" such acti$ities couldincludeF

    &btaining and managing alumni su))ort in )romotion acti$ities and targeted )romotion "or a))lications

    Social e$ents to "oster ongoing lin/s and sharing o" ex)eriences o" re.integration

    between graduates ;ewsletters and )ro"essional seminars and wor/sho)s

    (unds the associations could use "or incenti$e awards to %raduates "or )ro$idingacti$e su))ort to the organised acti$ities 7eg Alumni o" the ear Awards80

    In addition it was noted that many graduates do not ha$e access to #egree Awardingceremonies "rom their uni$ersity@ usually because o" the AusAI# )olicy o" re uiring return to=ietnam within "i$e days o" com)letion o" "inal exams0 It was suggested by se$eral )eo)leconsulted that the Australian embassy could o""er a "orm o" o""icial recognition by hostinggraduation recognition ceremonies@ with the Ambassador and other go$ernment o" =ietnamo""icials in attendance0 Such ceremonies could be the occasion "or graduates to ma/e "irst

    contact with other graduates 7"rom their own cohort and "rom earlier years8 and with theAlumni association@ and thus could )lay a )art in "acilitating long.term sustained lin/s between graduates and Australia0

    It s )ro)osed that the AusAI# anoi &""ice should retain a small "und that could be used on acase by case basis to o""er additional assistance to sustain the alumni associations "or generalacti$ities and to commission their su))ort s)eci"ic "ollow.u) where a))ro)riate0 he amountrecommended is u) to OA1:@::: a year@ to res)ond to emerging local o))ortunities that areagreed to be o" $alue in su))orting the AS#i= acti$ities0 hese discretionary small grantswould be a))ro$ed by AusAI# anoi &""ice on a written a))lication "rom associations andwould need to be ac uitted0 hese "unds would be )aid to the associations $ia the AS,C0

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    AusAID Scholarships for Development in Vietnam 2009-2016

    &5 - #stimate, rogram &u,get : iming

    ;4515*rogram allocation

    otal estimates "or the cost o" the AS#i= is estimated to be u) to O1 201 million o$er the )eriod 2::*.2:1

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