ِadjectives, adverbs and nouns - donutsdocshare01.docshare.tips/files/6978/69784728.pdf ·...

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Key words with idiomatic uses bad

عداء أو ضغينة بين شخصين أو عائلتين

كلم بذئ أو محظور أو ينطوي على شتائم

شخص يتصف بمزايا شخصية سيئة ، كاذب او محتال

فترة عصيبة

يكون مصنفا من قبل شخص ما في زمرة الفاسدين

يكف عن المحاولة لثبات عدم جدواها

يتدهور ، يسير من سيئ إلى أسوأ

في حالة مذرية أو سيئة جسديا أو نفسيا

من المؤسف

جيد نسبيا أو مقبول إلى حد ما ، ليس سيئة للغاية

Adjectives, adverbsand nouns

There's been bad blood between the two brother's ever since their father's death. He left moer to one son than to the other

No bad language in the classroom! If you must swear, save it until you're outside!

I'm so glad that Jerry has stopped going about with Mike Parsons. I heard that he had been in prison for stealing. In my opinion, he's a bad lot.

شخص ذو ميول إجرامية ويتسبب بالمشاكل أوالمتاعب للخرين

Take care, Lucie! That young man is bad news

All right, l admit that our marriage is going through a bad patch, but it isn't the first time and we're still togrther

If you don't get the essay finished, you'il be in your teacher's bad books again.

ينحرف إلى الجريمة ، ينتهي إلى وضع وخيم ،يصبخح عرضة للخزي أو العار (يقال في شخصيعيش حياته بطريقة منحرفة وغير قويمة

Harry was expelled from school for stealing and now he's been sacked from his very first job. He'll come to bad end if he's not careful.

يعامل شخصا بسوء وإجحاف ، يسبب معاناةلشخص ، يسئ معاملته

In my first job, I had a very difficult boss who gave me a really bad time

Jonathan started learning Geman three times, but he didn't make much progress. So now he's given it up as a bad job.

Business is going from bad to wores, we may have to close down

How's your father after his heary attack? 'In a bad way, actually. Making very little progress.'

It's too bad that you can't come to Peter's twenty first birthday party. We'll miss you.

يفعل أفضل ما بوسعه في وضع أو ظرف صعب ،يتعامل مع المصاعب بتفاؤل

Andrew didn't get a place at university, so he can't study maths after all. He'd decided to make the best of a bad job go into banking.

Hello Sue! How was the exam?' 'Oh, not too bad, thanks.'

يحقق مردودا ماديا جيدا في العمل ( خاصة في مجلتالفن أو الترفيه أو اللهو .. . إلخ) يصبح مشهورا

Liz is into the big time now - her latest album's been a grat success in the States

يبدو ذا شان لمجرد وجوده وسط اناس قليلي الشأن

شخص أو شيء يرتاح له المرء

شخص مبتهج ومبالغ ومغال

على مستوى عال أو كبير

يشجع شخصا بحماس واندفاع

متعال ، متكبر ، مختال

يكون معارضا كليا لشخص أو لشيء

الشخص الهم في مجموعة أو فريق . . الخ ، شخصيعتقد أنه الهم

Just because Dad's been prompted and is a big cheese at work, he seems to think he can boss us around at home too.

عظيم " ، " هائل " (يقال للسخرية و عندما يكون"( القائل غير متأثر أو مسرور بشيء ما

I got the job! I got the job!' 'Big dea! You were the only applicant, weren't you?

Bob prefers to be a big fish in a small pond, so he works for a small company with only fifteen employees

By the way, your new flat is a big hit with your parents. They think its perfect for you.

Graham says he has an uncle with a villa in Cannes and he'll take me there one day.' 'Well, don’t believe it. He's just a big mouth. Note also: have ~

شخص مهم ويتمتع بنفوذ وسلطة (ينطوي المعنى(على غرور و عنجهية لدى هذا الشخص

There's some big noise coming up from headquarters tomorrow, so we will have to get thingd tidied up in here.

كرم أو لطف من (فلن) " (يقال للسرخية لعتقاد"(القائل بأن العكس هو الصحيح

Uncle Harold sent me fifty pounds for my birthday.' That's a big of him- considering a millionaire.'

كلم ينطوي على تبجح وتباه ، كلم كبير و لكنهأجوف

I heard Mark telling Alex that he couldn't decide whether to buy a Jaguar or a Mercedes - all big talk, I'm sure. He'll keep his Ford Fiesta I bet.

Carol and Tony have invited over a hundred guests to their silver wedding party. They always do things in a big way.

George acted very well in the drama groups performance of an Inspector Calls. He was given a big hand every night

يتفوق ، يتألق (غالبا في عمله) ، يحقق لنفسه إسمامتألقا أو مدودا ماليا جيدا

His dream was to make it big in televisi - but it's still just a dream

Since Douglas got his novel published he's been altogether too big for his boots. It's time someone taught him a lesson.

I am dead against camping holidays. I can never sleep comfortably in a tent.

يتجاهل شخصا كليا

خائر القوى بعد عمل أو جهد شاق

سكران حتى الثمالة

في منتهى أو غاية السهولة

طريق مسدود ، أقصى مرحلة يمكن الوصول اليها

عمل ل مستقبل له أو يؤمل منه خيرا

في الوقت المحدد تماما

في منتهي الصواب ، محق تماما

سكون مطبق

يتحرك ببطء أو بصعوبة ، يكاد يتوقف

The loory came to a dead halt just in( يتوقف تماما (فطار أو سيارة . . الخfromt of the fallen child. Note also: stop dead. We almost had an accident this morning. A big van pulled out in front of our car and stopped dead ithout giving a signal.

What's wrong with Linda? She cut me dead in the bank this morning

We came out of the wood and found theمقابل . . ، تماما في مواجهةvillage we were looking for dead ahead of us.

أصبح طي النسيان ، عفا عليه الزمن ، اندثر ، انطفأذكره

No one talks about uncle Joe's prison sentence anymore. That's all dead and buried now.

You ought to have an early night - you look dead beat!

أمر مفروغ منه ، سيحدث ل محالة ، سيحقق(شخص) مراده بالتأكيد

Who do you think will win the cup?' 'Leeds United - it's a dead cert.'

I've never seen Simon in such a state. He was dead drunk.

I expected the maths test to be easy, but I couldn't do a single question

We took the first turning after the church, but the road was unfortunately a dead end that only led to a field Note:

Peter feeks that he's in a dead end job with his present firm. He's thinking of making a fresh start as free lance journalist.

In the European song contest there was( تعادل ( في سباق أو مباراة ... الخa dead heat for first place, so there were two winners.

شخص أو شيء ل ينفع في شيء ول يمكن العتمادعليه

It's no use asking Jack. He's a dead loos at maths

The train arrived dead on time, so we didn't have to wait a long on the platfrom.

Remember you told me that John was friendly with Alison Miller and I didn't believe you!. Well you were dead right, I saw them together yesterday.

There was a dead silence in the room as solicitor opened the envelop and prepared to read uncle Johan's last will and testament.

Unfortunately, I got stuck on the inside lane of the motor way and the traffic was dead slow for about fifty miles.

غارق فى نوم أو سبات عميق

تقيل جدا

شخص أو شيء لم يعد ضي نفع ، منسق

ينفخ في قربة مقطوعة ، يبدو جهوده أو وقته عبثا

بطارية فارغة

إنكار كلي ، رفض قطعي أو مطلق

يطرح شخصا أرضا بضربة يكيلها له

يسبب النهيار لشخص بإبلغه نبأ صاعق أو مفجع

l'll whisper. I don’t want to wake the children.' 'On, that's OK. Thery've been dead to the world for over an hour.

I can't possinly carry this suitcase. It's a dead weight

It's time we brought these files up to date. We will strat by throwing out all the dead wood.

I've been showing the new clerk how to use the computer but it's like flogging a dead horse. He simply cannot remember which keys to press.

يتربص بشخص ، يخطط لمهاجمته (بالكلمات أوبالنظرات العدائية . . ألخ.) ، يبذل محاولت واضحةليثير اهتمام شخص من الجنس الخر

Robet met a girl at Joe's party and made a dead set at her - without much luck, according to Joe.

I'm going on holiday with three otherلن يكون " ، لن أسمح بهذا إل على جثتي "boys this year, Day.' 'Over my dead body! You're coming on holiday with us.'

يرفض أمرا بشكل قطعي ل عتباره غير مقبول ( يقال(للتعبير عن النفور الشديد من أمر

What a terrulble clolor! I wouldn't seen dead in it. O Liz won't accept Barry's invitation to the disco, she doesn't like him - says she wouldn't be seen dead with him.

هذا آخر الكلم " (يستخدم إنهاء جدل أو بعد إصدار(أمر

You will go to Aunt Maud's with us for the weekend and that's flat.

We had plans to go to Canada to visit(قوضت أو انهارت (الخطةfriends, but they fell flat when father had to go into hospital

There is no wonder the engine won't start, you've got a flat battery

We made him a good offer, but he gave us a flat refusal

بكل طاقاته أو إمكانياته ، بقدر إمكانه ، بأسرع مابوسعه

I've been working flat out all day tring to get the last chapter of the book finished.

Soory we're late, we had a flat tyre onإطار (سيارة .. الخ ) فارغthe way here

في غضون دقيقتين ( للتعبير عن الدهشة من قصرالوقت الذي استغرقة أمر أو للتأكيد بأن المر ل(يستلزم وقتا طويل

When I told the children we were going to the park, they were ready in 10 seconds flat.

This man started making troubles in the pub. Job was very patient at first, but

when he insulted Joe's wife, Joe stood up and knocked him flat.

مرارا وتكرارا

طريق طويل

بكشل شبه أكيد

Mary is as good as gold most of the timeطفل ذو سلوك ممتاز

حافظ لوعده أو ملتزم بما يقول ، موثوق

يكون مصنفا من قبل شخص ما في زمرة الصالحين

يقع على عمل ممتع وذا مردود جيد

يعود بالنفع أو بالخير على شخص او على صحته

يسدي معروفا لشخص


يعامل شخصا بالمثل ، ينتقم أو يثأر منه

يبلغ شخصا بأمر بشكل صريح و مباشر وبدونمواربة ، يقول له شيئا بصريح العبارة

She told him flat that she had no intention of lending him any money.

He traveled in hndia a good deal when he was young

There were a good few people at the . . كثير من . . ، عدد كبير منconcert last night. More than we had expected.

How far is Wells from here?' 'Well it's a good way, actually. It will take you two hours.'

Mike as good as knows that he has passed his exam. He saw his professor and gave him broad smile and a wink.

Steve is as good as his word. If he said he'd help you, then he will

يشكل ميزة إضافية جيدة أخرى ، يصب في صالحشخص أو شيء

I'm considering taking a secertaeial course after my degree.' 'I think your're very wise.it will be all to the good.'

We bring our son up rather strictly, Lيكون (المر) في صالحهsuppose, and he doesn't always see that ti's for his own good.

يتمتع بالميزات الضرورية أو القدرات اللزمة لجلكذا

Is your old car still running ?' 'Oh yes, it's good for another 10 thousand niles yet.'

ليس لوحده أو بمفرده (في مأزق أو وضع حرج. .إلخ،) يكون في نفس وضع أشخاص آخرين ( يستخدملتشجيع شخص أو التخفيف عنه أو بداء التفاق معه(على أمر

I failed my driving test yesterday.' 'On well you're in good companyso did last week.'

Joanna has been in her teacher's good books since she started taking school more seriously and working hard.

Mrs. Bellamy pays Frank generously for the few jobs he does in her garden. Frank knows when he's on to a good thing.

Why don't you take a short holiday? It would do you good.

I like Henry. Just after war he did me a really good turn and l've never forgotten it.

Roseland's gone to Canada - for good. She's not coming back.

Sheila said a woman in the accounts department is always rude to her, but knowing Sheila I'm sure she gives her as good as she gets.

ينتقذ بلسان لذع

شخص ل حول له ول قوة ، ل يصلح لشيء

يا إلهي ، يا للسماء

يا للسف ، واحسرتاه

حمدا ل على الخلص

يتستمتع بوقته

ل يزال ساريا ، ليزال قائما

مبكر ، لديه وفرة من الوقت الفارغ

ليس هناك جدوى من عمل كذا أو قيمة لفعله

يحسن التصرف ، بنجح في الحصول على عمل جيد

يتأثر كثيرا بأمر مزعج

يعامل شخصيا بصرامة أو خشونة ، يقسو عليه

يواجه مشقة أو صعوبة فى أمر ما

A customer complained about one of the waiters, so the manageress came and gave him a good talking-to.

I never liked Carlos, he's a good for nothing

Good heavems! Its John. He's two days early. O Good God! He's dead.

Good grief! You'll never pass any exams if you can't do better work than this.

Thank goodness that's finished - and good riddence! I've never had such a tricky report to write.

I wasn't looking forward to the staff outing, but we all had a really good time

عاش عمرا مديدا ، استمتع (بالسطلة أو النفوذ أوالنجاح . . ) طويل

If Paul isn't re-elected chairman, he can't complain. After twelve years he's had a good innings.

If your invitation still holds good, l'd like to visit you this summer

We got to the theatre in good time, so we were able to have a sandwich before the play began.

It's a good job that flight was an hour... لحسن الحظ أن ، من الجيد أنlate, or we would have missed it.

It's no good phoning Peter. He's in Spain

Martin is a very ambitious young man. He's determined to make good, and l'm sure he will.

ينجز رحلة ( عادة في مركبة ) في وقت أسرع منالتوقع

It was pretty quite on the motor way, so we made a good time and arrived an hour early

يخسر المزيد من المال من جراء محاولته تعويض ماخسره سابقا

Douglas lost money on some foreign investments, so l suggested a good investment scheme in this country. But he said that he wasn't prepared to throw good money after bad.

مادام الوضع مواتيا ( يستخدم عندما يتوقعالقائل أن( يكون الوضع خلف ذلك فيما بعد

I haven't got a lot of work to do at the moment, so I'm taking a few days holiday while the going's good

The universities have been hard hit by the government cuts in spending.

I think Bill is being unnecessarily hard on his son. He won't allow him any of the freedoms and pleasures that other boys of his age have.

Could you name all the the states of the U.S.A.?' 'Well l'd be hard pressed to do it without preparation.'

كثير التذمر ، صعب الرضاء

واقع في عجز مالي

يصعب المر على نفسه ، يؤديه على أصعب وجه

قانون عام أو قاعدة تطبق بدون استثناء

عدا ونقدا

ضعيف السمع ، شبه أصم

مشكلة عويضة ، شخص صعب المراس

مشروبات ذات نسبة كحول عالية ، المسكرات القوية

يمر بتجربة قاسية

يتشدد في أمر ، ل يتسامح أو يهادن فيه

مرتفع المعنويات ، رائق المزاج

يتصرف بتعجرف وتعال

Our new teacher sets terrifically high standards and is very hard to please.

Come on John. If you are hard up again, l'll pay for lunch.

Nicole has a Fernch mother, so she's bilingual. I learnt French the hard way - years of irregular verbs at school.

يكون صعب المراس في تعاملته أو حريصا علىمصالحه الشخصية أو أرباحه

I think I can persuade Hwakins to accept our terms.' 'Don't be too sure. He drives a very hard bargain.'

Is the addition of '-s' in the third person singular present tense a hard and fast rule?

l've heard that Palmer pays all his bills in hard cash, ever if they're for thousands of pounds.

You'll have to speak up. Father's rather hard of hearing

قصة محزنة (يعتقد أنها كاذبة) يرويها شخص يبغيمال أو مساعدة أو تعاطفا

A man came to the door wanting money. He said he was out of work and his wife and children were ill. A real hard luck story

Is it a design fault that we can correct or not? Whatever is wrong, it's going to be a hard nut to crack.

Just a glass of white wine for me, please. No spirits - I can't take the hard stuff

Many families had a hard time of it during the war.

يتدلل ، يتظاهر كذبا باهتمام أقل مما يشعر به فعلتجاه شخص أو شيء

david hasn't said definitely whether he'll let us show his paintings at the exhibition.' 'Oh, playing hard to get, is he?

The government has taken a very hard line against strikers over the past few years.

يكون مستعدا لتحمل تبعات أمر أو مواجهة العقاب أواللوم بشدة

I shall be for the high jump if I make a mess of these export order froms again.

ترتفع معنوياته من جراء تناول مشروب كحولي أومخدر

Granddad won't drink Coke. He seems to think he'll get high on it.

You're in high spirits today.' 'Yes, l've just had some very good news.'

Partick's been on hs high horse ever since he won a scholarship to Oxford.

Diana's riding high at the moment. She's( يكون ناجحا في عمله ( خاصة في نظر الخرينjust been prompted and is expected to be made head of department within the year.

مهجور ، مهمل ، معزول

شخص مبالغ في طموحاته ومشاريعه

في كل مكان محتمل أو ممكن

يتصرف بطريقة متغطرسة أو متعالية أو فوقية

أزف الوقت ، آن الوان

يتمتع بدراية و معرفة جيدة بشيء

يقع فى مشاكل عويصة

موضوع حساس أو خطير أو مثير للجدل أو الحراج

يقطع علقته مع شخص فجأة

منطقة خطر أو عدم استقرار سياسي

منزعج أو متوتر

The car broke down, miles away from anywhere. A van took Barry to the next village to get help, so I Was left high and until he got back

Rosemary is trying for a job in the diplomatic service - but then she always was a high flyer.

Where on earth can the keys be? L've searched high and low for them!

Why is Roger so arrogant? What's he got to be so high and mighty about?

If the examination's next week, it's high time you started doing some work.

بأسلوب متعال ، بطريقة ل مباليه بآراء أو مساعرالخرين

Jan deals with everyone's complaints with very high hand. Some customers have complained about her.

يكون في وضع قلق و متوتر ( غالبا نظرا لضيق( الوقت المتاح لديه لنهاء عمل أو مهمة

Don't disturb Mum. Her train leaves in an hour and she's still packing so she's all hot and bothered.

Sarah was never too hot on science in school. Sho was better at languages.

You'll be in hot water when your father finds out what you've done to his car!

يكون محتارا أو مترددا في أمر ، يريده ساعة و ليريده أخرى

Have you decided whether or not to move house? 'Not yet. We're still blowing hot and cold.'

خط ساخن ، خط اتصال مباشر وسري بين شخصين(مهمين (كرئيسي دولة

Throughut the entire crisi there was a hot line between the two heads of state.

if this is a govermment cover - up, then it's a real hot potato and Fleet Street won't touch it! Note also:

When you are no longer useful to Ken, he'll drop you like a hot potato.

مركز مهم يتعرض فيه المرء للنتقاد و الهجوم ويكون عليه مواجهة أسئلة أو مواقف صعبة

As managing director of a chemical concern, I'm continually in the hot seat now that everyone is so worried about the environment.

I don't think I'd to be a jounalist, being sent around the globe to all the political hot spots.

The editor has just been told to cut her buget so she's rather hot under the collar this morning.

يصعب المور على شخص أو يضيق الخناق عليه

يكون ذا عون كبير في أمر

على المدى البعيد


لم يكن واردا قط ، كان محال

If I were you, I would treat Kenneth Marsden with a little more respect. If he doesn't like you, he's in a position to make it hot for you

أخيرا وبعد انتظار طويل (للتعبير عن الفوج أو(الخلص

I've been expecying a parcel to drive from the States for over three weeks. At long last, it has arrived.

النتيجة واحدة في نهاية المطاف ، النتيجة "أو الوضعسيكونم نفسه أيا كان قرار الشخص بشأن مما سيفعله

It's as broad as it's long. Taking your car to Spain is just as expensive as flying and renting a car when you're there.

يكون ناجحا وواعدا ، يضمن لنفسه مركزا أو عمللئقا ( يقال في شخص يبدو واعدا في صغره أو في( بداية حياته العملية

The new assistant manager seems to be a very bright young man. He should go a long way.

The money we won will go a long way towards paying for the new car.

نضجت أفكاره وتلم الكثير من أمور الحياة ، كسبخبرة شخصية أو مهنية . . ألخ

Margaret has come a long way since her divorce, she used to be very timid and reseved, but now she's comfident and resolute.

We've had to put a lot of work into the improvements on the house, but we're hoping that it will pay off in the long run

make sure that you fulfil the contract. It's important for our credibility in the long term.

خطاب مسترسل ، محادثات أو مفاوضات بطيئة أو(مسهبة (تستغرق وقتا طويل

What did you think of the headmaster's speech?' 'Not bad, but too long drawn out.'

تخمين في غير محله أو مفرط في التفاؤل ، محاولةمحكوم عليها بالفشل غالبا نظرا لنقص الدراية أوالعلم بأمر . . ألخ

Mary's disappeared. I know it's a long shot, but could she have gone to visit her cousin in Cornwall?

Trade has been very brisk tofay. We've never had such a good day.' 'You're right. We haven't, not by a long chalk.'

الحقائق الجوهرية لمسألة أو حدث أو وضع ، خلصةالمر

Brian has offered us three good reasons why we shouldn't transfer him to York, but the long and short od it is that he just doesn't want to go

ابن يشبه أباه أو ابنة تشبه أباها بشخصيته أو سلوكهأو طباعه

Young Ben is just as stubborn and short-sightes as his father.' 'Oh, yes he's certainly a ship off the old block.'

لسباب عاطفية تتصل بذكريات الماضي السارة ،إكراما لليام الخوالي

I spent my chilshood in Worcester. I'd like to go back there one dayfor old times sake.

شخص يتمتع بخبرة كبيرة وتجربة في مجال ما

ذو طراز قديم ، لم يعد مبتكرا أو عصريا

يكون فظا وغير ودود مع شخص

يشعر بضرورة السراع لقضاء الحاجة في الحمام


لديه مزاج حاد ، سريع وكثير الغضب

حب قديم ، شخص من الجنس الخر كان المرء قدأغرم به ذات يوم او في وقت ما من الماضي

David met Linda by chance in a restaurant yesterday. She's an old flame of his from their student days at Cambridge.

عجوز ضيق التفكير ل يفكر بطريقة عصرية أو يتميزبعقلية قديمة

You can call me an old fogey if you want, but I think that young people today are totally misguided.

I need someone to help me fix these shelves.' 'Well, ask Larry. He's an old hand in that sort of thing.

What did you think of the guest speaker's lecture? 'Well, quite honestly, most of it was old hat!

.Oh, by the way, I just saw the old man(كبير القوم (أب ، مدير شركة ، رئيس . . الخHe wants to see you in his office immediately.

التفكير أو المقاييس أو معايير السلوك التقليديةالقديمة ، المدرسة التلقيدية (مدرسة ذات أفكار أومعايير أو طريقة سلوك تقليدية قديمة ومتعارضة مع( الفكار . . العصرية

Our history professor is one of the old school. He expects us to be the same as students in his day.

طريق مختصر ، طريقه اقصر أو أسهل لسلوك طريقأو عمل شيء

Don't take the main road, it's too far. There is short cut behind the church and through the woods. O There are no short cuts to success in becoming a good doctor, just a lot of hard work and experience.

بمجرد إخطار أو إشعار صغير (يقصد به إشعار يقدممباشرة او قبل فترة قصيرة جدا من تنفيذ المطلوبفيه ، ويستخدم هذا الصطلح للتعبير عن استياء او(دهشة القائل من ضيق الوقت المتاح له للتنفيذ

You can't expect me to translate ten pages of a difficult contract at such short notice.

Have I done something wrong? Mrs. Bellamy was very short with me.

ينفذ ما لديه أو لم يعد لديه ما يكفي (من الوقت او( المال أو الطعام . . ألخ

We're running short of time, so we had better discuss the last two points on the agenda next week.

How embarrassing to be taken short in the middle of a speech!

يختصر أمرا ، ينهي أمرا قبل الوقت المتوقع أوالمقرر

We got an emergency call to say thet there had been an accifent in the favtory, so we had to cut the meeting short

يكون منقوصا أوضئيل أو مخيبا للمل ، ليس كما كانيرام أو يرجى أو يتوقع

The interview went very well, but the salary they offered me fell short of my expectations.

His name's Konrad Jackson, but everybody called him "Kojack" for short.

Fsther had a short temper, so I was seldom really naughty as a child.

باختصار ، بإيجار ، بكلمات قليلة

في شح ، متوفر بمقادير ضئيلة أو غير كافية

يتعامل مع أمر سرعة

يقاطع شخصا خلل حديثه لتصحيح خطأ في كلمه

شديد الغباء

يصبح ذا حسن بليد وغير متأثر بالنتقاد

في معمان أو خضم أمر

يبالغ أو يسرف في المديج أو النتقاد

برسعة وبأعداد أو كميات كبيرة

كثير و متوفر بشكل كبير

في السراء والضراء وفى كل الظروف

The weather was good, the hotel was first-rate and we had lots of fun. In short, the holiday was most emjoyable.

Hard workers seem to be in short supply in this department. Almost every one's taking a coffee break again.

What are you suggesting we do is little.. ليس إل . . ، ل أقل منshort of blackmail.

Are there many letters to answer?' 'Only three, so we will make short work of them.'

,This car pulled up short in front of meيوقف (السيارة .. الخ ) فجأةso I had to swerve and almost fell off my biccle!

The boss noted immediately that I was quoting the wrong figures and pulled me up short.

مختصر و مباشر وثيق الصلة بالموضوع ( ويمكن أنيكون مفاجئا ) ، في لب الموضوع

What sha had to say was short and to the point: She was not standing again for election.

They say he's capable of anything shortباستثناء كذا . . ، عدا عن عمل كذاof murder. O Short of throwing me out, he tried everything to get me to leave.

شخصان متوادان لهما نفس الهتمامات (المفيدة(غالبا

Les and Larry have been as thick as thieves for years. They had both have a large share in the industrial redevelopment project

If Gloria doesn't see through Jim's little scheme, she must be as thick as two short planks.

As a politician in the public ryr, you quickly learn to grow a thick skin.

We were in the thick of decorating the living room - buckets of paint and paste everywhere when our visitors from Chicago arrived, a week early!

John gave a good talk at the conference, but Dawson was piling it on thick when he spoke of an unforgettable experience.

Our advertising campaign has been a great success. Orders for the new products are coming in thick and fast.

If I were you, I would tale the job, Such good opportunities are not thick on the ground.

Jack and Bert went through thick and thin together in the war, and they've been great friends ever since.

هزيل جدا

يجازف ، يكون في وضع خطر أو حرج أو مقلقل

يختفي بدون أن يترك أثرا يذكر ، يتبخر في الهواء

من الفراغ ، من الهواء ، من ل شيء

عذر واه أو غير مقنع ، عذر أقبح من ذنب

قليل الشعر فى رأسه ، آخذ في الصلع

في ناهية المطاف ، بعد الخذ بكل العتبارات

ليس لديه ما يشغله ، لديه وقت فراغ كبير

الحالة السوأ ، أسوأ ما يمكن

ليست تلك نهاية العالم ، ليست كارثة الكوارث

يشئ فهم المقصود أو المغزى

يفقد السيطرة على نفسة ويثور غاضبا

في نهاية ، في آخر المطاف

Some people can eat as many fatty food and sweet things as they like and still be as thin as a rake.

Be careful, Bob. If you make any promises, your skating on thin ice. We don’t know yet whether we can guarantee these prices.

Wherever can my blue note book be? It can't have vanished into thin air.

The story told you about Roger didn't just come out of thin air. You know there's some truth in it, whethwr you want to believe it or not.

بداية أمر أو خطوة أولى تؤذن بالتطور إلى حدث كبيرأو خطير أو مشكلة أو فضيحة .. الخ

I have feeling that one incident in the factory is only the thin end of the wedge. The dissatisfaction among the workers is likely to lead to a major strike.

So you couldn't find your pen. Lsn't that a rather thin excise for not doing your homework?

I'm a bit thin on top already. I expect l'll be bald by the time l'm 35.

فترة من المصاعب تتميز بضعف في الصحة أو قلةالمال أو القلق . . ألخ

When Jack came out of prison, he had a pretty thin time. His wife had left him, he couldn't get work and no body was willing to pelp him.

Children ill, husband out of work, mother. فاض به ، أصبح نافذ الصبر أو فاقد المل . . الخin hospital - poor Annie's at the end of her tether.

I know Chris has his faults, but at the end of the day he's the only man who can do the job properly.

Judy feels at a loose end, now the term is over

I know some people talk a lot, but Marilyn is the end. She never stops!

If I didn't gey the job, it wouldn't be thw end of the world, l've got another offer.

No, no, I said exactly the opposite! It's just like lris to get hold of the wrong end of the stick.

When father heard that l'd given up physics, he went off at the deep end.

Ruth didn't want to chaair the committee, but in the end we were able to presuade her.

يرفض سماع موضوع أعيد مرارا وتكرارا

Bill studies four hours o n endباستمرارية وتواصل

عبثا ومن غير جدوى

يتدبر أمره بقدر ما لديه من مال أو بقدر ما يجنيه

يكون التالي في الدور

Attention! Printer not on line!

يحافظ على معنويات عالية حتى أثناء حزنه أو خيبةأمله

Bad luk. Steve, but keep your end up, there will be other opportunities.

وعد بشيء أفضل (كنجاح أو سعادة قادمة) بعد فترةعصيبة . . الخ ، بصيص نور في نهاية

After months of hard work and no income, there was light at the end of the tunnel, a small publisher had agreed to publish his first novel.

My husband was end of books on football. O There was no end of argument at the meeting last night

jeremy has no end of books on of booksالكثير من . . ، عدد ل ينتهي منon football. O There was no end of argument at the meeting last night.

النقطة التى يجب أن يتوقف عندها عمل أو علقةنظرا لعدم أمكانية الستمرار فيه أو بسبب عد جدواه

When Steven discovered that Dan was seeing another woman, she knew that it would mean the end of the line for their relationship.

He tried to convince his father that he was telling the truth, but it was all to no end. He didn't believe him.

How can any one make ends meet on a fifty pounds a week?

ينهي المهمات أو ينجز العمال الصغيرة التي يجبالبت فيها

I still have quite a few loose ends to tie up at the office before l go on holiday.

على طول الخط ، في كل نقطة أو مرحلة ، من كاناحية ، في كل الحوال

Since he stated paying more attention to his appearnce, he's been a success right down the line - got himself a good job and make lots of friends. O Jim needs our support. Tell him that we're with him all along the line.

Who's next in line for promotion in your department?

I'm sorry, but discos aren't exactly in myيكون موفقا مع ذوق شخص أو ميولة . . ألخline.

( . . تعمل / ل تعمل ( آلة أو جهازيتحكم بها / ل يتحكم بها (آلة . . ) عن طريق(informal) الكومبيوتر يعمل / ل يعمل كالمعتاد

Barry has just had six weeks' vacation, but he'll soon be back on line when he's had two or three days of office stress and routhine.

Your suggestions are out of line with myيعمل بتوافق أو انسجام / بعدم انسجام معfromer propsals. O The Minister was clearly not acting in line with party policy.

يكتب رسالة غير رسمية أو إشعارا لشخص

يكتشف معلومات عن شخص او شيئ

يعطى شخصا معلومات عن شخص او شيء

يجازف بشيء

يوافق على عمل شيء بدون شرط

عند مرحلة أو نقطة معينة في سياق أو تطورات أمر

على نمط شيء ، بنفس السلوب

يتصرف بطريقة عدائية مع الخرين ، يقول كلما غيرمنصف أو مهين أو فيه تظلم لشخص ، يتجاوز حدوداللباقة

Cliff, you are way out of line! That's both selfish and unreasonable. I think you owe Diane an apology.

خلصة المر ، المحصلة النهائية ، زيادة الكلم . .الخ .، المبلغ المترتب دفعه

No explations, please, just give me the bottom line. How much did we lose on the deal?

يقنع شخصا باللتزام أو التنفيذ بشيء أو التكليف معأمر ، يكلف شيئا مع غاية معينة

At first he did't agree with my way of organizing the business, but I managed to bring him into line. O she must bring her speech fully into line with company policy.

يختار الطريقة السهل أو القل على خطة أو اجراءاتمعينة

After the scandal, Joe took the line of least resistance and simply left the country.

يتفق مع شخص ، يوافق على خطة أو اجراءاتمعينة

I'm sure Damien will fall into line with us on the matter when he realizes how serious it is.

يضع حدا أو ضوابط لسلوكه أو سلوك الخرين ،يضع نهاية لشيء

l'll lend you another fifty pounds and no more. I have to draw the line somewhere.

Be sure to drop us a line and let us know your new address.

Can you get a line on Walker's whereabouts?' 'He hasn't reported to headquarters for two weeks.'

Get Trevor to give you a line a line on Daniels. He used to work with him in Scotland.

وسط طرفين أو مجموعتين متخاصمين متعرضا بذلكلخطر الذى من جراء صدامهما ، بي نارين ، بينالمطرقة والسندان

As both Joe's sister and Bill's wife, she was right in the line of fire whenever the two men quarreled.

The team manger was very dissatisifer( . . يقو شيئا (أمرا ، تهديدا ، رأياwith the discipline in the team. Then when two of us missed training, boy, did he lay it on the line!

Two years ago I laid my reputation on the line for him - and this is how he repays me.

The boss needs volunteers for our branch in Galsgow, but so far no one has signed on the dotted line.

The progress of a new project is rarely rapid. There's always a hitch somewhere along the line.

يتعامل بصرامة وتشدد مع شخص ، يتخذ خطا متشدداتجاه شيء

Some of the employees have produced bad work. The management will be taking a firmer line with them in future.

The book is written along the lines of his first novel, whivh is set in the Far East.

مسألة حياة أو موت ،ـ شيء بالغ الهمية ، أمر عاجل

يكون غير طبيعي أو مألوف

أيضا ، على السواء ، بنفس القدر

أمر خطير جدا ، ليس بالمر المضحك

مجرد وهم ، ليس حقيقة

متفق مع شخص على شيبء

يفقد صوابة ، يجن

يعود بذاكرته إلى شيء

يتخذ قرارا مختلفا أو خيارا آخر ، يغير رأيه

يثير أعصاب شخص أو غضبه

يكرس انتباهه أ وقدراته لحل أمر أو إنهاؤه

يخطيء بشأن . . ، يسيء فهم ما يقصده أو يريده أويرمي إليه شخص

No, that's not what l meant at all. I think we've got our lines crossed somewhere. L'll explain again.

يقرأ ما بين السطور ، يفهم أو يدرك أكثر مما تقولهالكلمات ، يدرك المعنى المقصود وراء الكلمات ، يكونلديه البصيرة لفهم ما هية أمر

She didn't tell me directly, but reading between the lines I think she intends to settle in Geneva.

Maureen has been working furiously to finish the designs all day - as if they were a matter of life or death.

بشكل متناسب مع ما يحدث بشكل طبيعي أواعتيادي ، كتسلسل أو تطور طبيعي أو منطقي

Most young married couples start a family as a matter of course. O To most young married couples, starting a family is a matter of course.

Patrick looked pale and tired. I knew something was the matter.

France makes over three million cars a year - so, for that matter, does Germany.

Bieing out of work these days is no laughing matter.

,No matter who phones, I'm not at homeليس مهما ما او من أو أين أو أي . . الخokay? O I must speak to her, so ask her to phone me, no matter how late it is.

سر ، نيه أو فكرة أو تخوف مخفي في أعماق شخصل بطلع عليه أحدا

John's worried about the stomach pains he often gets. I know what's at the back of his mind. He's afraid he has a serious illness.

But l'm sure that man's following us.' 'People often say that. It's all in the mind.'

My wife and I are of one mind about the education of children. We both believe they learn more at home than at school.

Frazer must be out of his mind to cancel the contract!

The name sounds familiar to me, but I just cam't call her face to mind.

Frances wanted to go to ltaly for a holiday, but now she's changes her mind and is going to Spain instead.

Perhaps Sandra would like to go to theتخطر له فكره . . ألخart exhibition with us. Shall we ask her?' 'Yes, the thought had crossoed my mind as well.'

For the last thime, turn that music down! It's driving me out of my mind.

If you really put ypur mind to iy, you cold have the letter writen in no time.

يكون مشوشا أو قلقا أو لديه الكثير مما يشغل باله

في خيال الشخص

يتذكر شخصا أو شيئا ، يبقيه في ذهنه

يركز على شيء

يعرف ما يريد أو يرمي بالضبط

انفراج كبير ، نهاية فتة من القلق والتوتر

يتخذ قرارا


يصرح علنا بما يشعر به

ل علقة له يموضع النقاش

يكون على وشك فعل شيء

I'm tired of Jack's excuses. The nextينتقد شخصا أو يبدي له رأيه الصريح بسلوكه . . الخtime he says he hasn't got time to help, I shall give him a pice of my mind!

يتردد في أمر ، يميل لعمل شيء ولكنه غير متأكد أنهسيعمله فعل ، لديه نية غير مؤكدة لعمل شيء

I've half a mind to tell Time's mother about his bad behaviour - but I don't really want to be punished.

يريد فعل شيء ويكون واثقا أنه سيفعله (خاصة عندما(يكون غاضبا

l've a good mind to call the waiter and send this food back to the kitchen. It's almost cold.

يتصرف م وحي نفسه ، لديه إرادة قوية ومستقلة ، ليمكن التأثير عليه بسهولة

You won't succeed in telling Roger what he ought or ought not to do - he has a mind of his own.

Janice is very quite these days. She must have something on her mind.

In my mind's eye I can still picture the house by the river where I spent my early childhood.

I'll keep you in mind when I want to sell my car. O Please bear in mind that l'd to have your decision by tomorrow.

The class is very restless because of the heat. The children can't keep their minds on their work.

Dick's always changing jobs. I don’t think he knows his own mind

Tom has just heard from the doctor that there will be no permanent damage to his leg from the accident. That's a great load off out minds.

Has Sally made up her mind which universities to apply to ?

التغلب على ضعف جسدي أو انزعاج أو مشقةبالرادة القوية

The last stage of any mountain climb is always a question of mind over matter.

Maggie said she would give me her new address, but it must have slipped her mind.

I know you don’t want to hurt anyone, but I think you ought to speak your mind.

يحول انتباهه أو انتباه شخص آخر عن التفكير فيشخص أو شيء أ وأمر مكرب

Let's go to town and see a film. It will help to take your mind off your troubles.

I'm sure Helen will like the present. I don’t think she deserves it - but then, that's beside the point.

I was just on the point of picking up the phone to ring hin\m when he walked in

مثال أو نمذج عن موضوع النقاش

في حقيقة المر ، في الواقع

يتحدث علنا وبشكل فج

مسألةة تزعج أو تضايق شخصا عند ذكرها

الحد القصى الذي ل يمكن تجاوزه

It's hard to believe that anyone would invest his entire savind\gs in such a risky enterorise.' 'Well, Jake Harding is a case in point. He did.'

يصل إلى أهم ما يريد قوله ، يصل إلى خلصة أو زبدةالكلم

That's all very interesting, I'm sure, but I do wish he'd get to the point.

يفهم ما يريد شخص التعبير عنه ، يفهم مراده أوقصده من وراء قوله شيء

Would you say that again please? I dodn't quite get your point.

يصبح غامضا أو مبهما أو متلبسا ، يبتعد عنالموضوع

James stated some interesting facts at first, but later he got off the point completely.

لديه فكرة أو حجة يقبلها الخرين كونها صادقة أوصالحة ... الخ

You've got a point there, Ken. It really would be better to do the easy bits first and leave the difficult bits until last

Chris may have told you that he had paid his debts, but in point of fact he dtill owes me four hundred pounds.

يذكر أو يشرح فكرته أو حجته بوضوح ، يوضحوجهة نظره

All right, Sharon, you've made your point. Now it's Mark's turn to tell us whay he thinks.

يحرص على فعل شيء أو يؤكد عليه لعتقاده بأهميتهالخاصة

I always make a point of remembering my friends birthdays.

Not to put too fine point on it, we think it's time you stopped being preoccupied with private problems and devoted more time to company matters.

نقطة اللعودة ، النقطة التي يستحيل عندها العودةلن عواقب ذلك ستكون أسوأ مما ستكون عليه فيحال المتابعة

We can't reverse our decision now or we'll lose the contract. We reached the point of no return when we offered unconditional guarantee.

I really don’t see the point of goivg by(يفهم المغزى أو الجدوى (من أمرtrain when it's just as cheap to fly.

When Sally comes, don’t mention Roger. He went on holiday on his own and it's a sore point with her.

يمضي أكثر من المعتاد في أمر أو يفعل أكثر منالمألوف

When it came to the salary increases, I had hoped the boos would stretch a point in my favor but he didn't. I got the same as everyone else.

At the auction, don’t go higher than ten thousand if you can avoid it, and remember that eleven is the sticking point.

أفضل ما يستطيع شخص فعله أو يلم به / آخر مايستطيع فعله أو يلم به ، أفضل / أسوأ مزايا شخص ،.نقاط قوة / ضعف شخص

If there's a word you can't spell, ask Jeff. Spelling is his strong point.

يتفهم ويقدر عذر شخص أو موقفه أو وجهة نظره

خلصة الكلم ، أهم ما يريد شخص قوله

والهم من ذلك

المطلوب تماما ، المطلوب بعينه

ليس مناسبا أو مقبول اجتماعيا

يري أ ويطلع شخصا على شيء مفيد أو مهم ل يعرفه

بالتأكيد ، بالطبع

يسير شيئا أو يشغله أو يفعله ، يحقق تقدما في أمر

I take your point about not wanting to risk futjer money on such a doubtful undertaking. O 'I'm not willing to risk further money.' 'Point taken, Fred. Neither am I.'

Yes, that's the whole point! If you cancel the holiday at short notice, you have to pay 50%!

You can speak to the bank manager(ما المغزى من ذلك ( حيث ل جدوى ذات أهمية ترجىagain, but what's the point? He's already said that they won't extend the loan.

Jane's idea is very good, and, what's more to the point, we can put it into practice without extra cost.

Look out, The cyclist!' 'Hell, that was aكاد أ يكون حادثا أو كارثة .. الخclose thing! Didn't see him.'

يفعل ما يريد بعيدا عن تأثير الخرين أو بدون تقيدبالنظمة و الضوابط ، يتصرف بحرية

The new assistant will have to learn that he can't just do his own thing here. There are regulations to comply with.

لمجرد سبب بسيط أو لسبب بعينه (غالبا للتمهيد(لشرح

I really don't think Lloyd is the right man for the job. For one thing, he's got no specialized knowledge of the problem, and for another he can't speak German.

لديه ميل أو محبة قوية / نفور قوي تجاه شخص أوشيء

Marjorie has a thing about Chinese food - she eats nothing else. O We were never allowed to have a cat as children. Mother had a thing about them.

How about a nice hot cup of tea to warm you up?' 'Oh, yes! That would be just the thing.

You'd better hurry up and change your colthes, Fred. It wouldn't be quite the thing to arrive at Searah's wedding wearing your gardening trousers.

Linda thinks she knows all about computers, but I bet I could teach her a thing or two.

Could you give me a lift to the library?' 'Sure thing! Hop in!'

شيء أو شخص لم يعد ذا أهمية ، أصبح جزءا منالماضي

Is Caeolyn still seeing Howard?' 'Goodness, no. That's been a thing of the past for months now.'

If there's going to be a June election, we'll have to get the election campaign under way by early May.

إلى حد ما ، إلى درجة معينة

?Cam I help you in any wayبأي طريقة ، بشكل أو بآخر

يسبب عرقلة أو إعاقة

يكون في حالة قلق و ضياع أو في وضع يائس

يصبح موضة قديمة ، لم يعد مطلوبا

The drugs are being smuggles intoعبر ممر أو طريق معين ) . مكنوع منBritain by way of London Airport. O What shall we do by way of surprise for Mother's birthday?

يحصل على مايريد رغم معارضة شخص أو أشخاصلذلك

Gerald says he's strict with his children, but they always seem to get their own way.

The bridge doesn't look safe. If you walkيتحطم ، ينهار . . الخno it, it will give way, I'm sure.

You shouldn't give way to all the child'sيستسلم لرغبات شخص أو طلباته . . الخwishes. You'll spoil him

يتصرف باستقللية أو من وحي نفسه ولو كان ذلكيتعارض مع نصائح الخرين

It's a watse of time giving Peter advice. He'll aleays go his own way in the end.

يفعل كل ما بوسعه للمساعدة حتى ولو كان شيئا غيرمستحب بالنسبة له

Our neighbours went out of their way to help us when we moved into the new house.

لدية شيء ساحر أو مستحب في شخصيته يجذبالخرين

Julia isn't really pretty, nut she has a way with her which is most appealing.

لديه موهبه في . . ، لديه دارية في التعامل معشخص أو شيء

Susan has a way with children. They love her. O Father has a way with flowers. Everyone admires his garden.

I know it was Ben's fault that he didn't win. But I feel sorry for him in a way.

I can't pull out of the deive. There's a big lorry in the way.

There won't be much in the way of traffic. . فيما يتعلق بـif you take the country roads.

Can I borrow your car over theمحال " غير مقبول تحت أي ظرف ، بالتأكيد لweekend?' 'No way!'

He's lost his job and can't pay the bills. On top of that his wife's left him. He simply doensn't know which way to turn any more.

Taper recorders have been on the way out for years. Most people bye cassetted recorders.

Temperatures are way above averageأبعد كثيرا ، أعلى / أخفض كثيرا . . الخfor the time of the year.

غير تقليدي أو مألوف كونه حديث جدا ، سابق لزمنه((ألسبة ، موسيقا ، فنون ، طراز حياة شخص. الخ

She's an artist - really way out, believe me! She makes sculpture out of bits of old cars.

يجني منفعة من شيئين متناقضين في واحد ، يكونمستفيدا في كل الحالتين

Miranda wants to have a child and carry on working as a journalist at the same time. I've told her that she can't have it both ways.

غير راغب بتعبير عاداته أ وآرائه الراسخة

بصيغة شفهية أو محكية

منذ البداية

يعطي وعدا لشخص

يخلف أ وينكث بوعده

يتحدث أو يناقش أمرا خاصا مع شخص

يحفظ وعده

بإيجاز ، بالمختصر المفيد

شخص يحترم كلمته ، يحفظ وعده

ل تخبر أحدا

ول كلمة بهذا الخصوص

!Thet's enough, now. Not anoter wordل تعلق بأي كلمة أخرى

التصريح أو التحذير أو العرض أو النصيحة الخيرة

يحسن وصعه أو سلوكه أو عاداته . . الخ ، يقويموقفه

Brian will have to mend his ways if he wants to run a successful business. He's too careless and irresponsible at the moment.

Aunt Lilian and Uncle Herbert go to Brighton every year on holiday. They are so set in their ways that they won't even consider going anywhere else.

الساليب (غالبا الغير رسمية) في إنجاز أو عمل شيءبنجاح

You're only allowed in here if you're a club member. Mary isn't one, of course, but she's got her ways and means.

Most old legends were handed down by word of mouth.

Neil and Gilert both joined thje company in 1977 and were rivals for a directorship from the word go.

I give you my word that I won't tell anyone

Steven said he would lend me the money, but he went backe on his word.

يقول الكلمة الخيرة (في نقاش . . الخ ) بدون أنيمنح أحد حق الرد أو العتراض عليه

Father always likes to have the last word in any discussion.

I'll have a word with my wife, and l'll tell you our secision tomorrow.

شخص أ وشركة أو صنف . . الخ . اسمه معروفللمل

Surely you've heard of Terry Wogan and his talk show! His name's a household word with British television niewers.

Melissa said she would try to get me a job with the agency. I hope she keeps her word.

What did she say? Will she ever forgive me?' 'Well, in a word, no.'

You can rely on Frank completely. He's a man of his word.

It's a secret! Now remember, mum's the word, ot it won't be a surprise.

Remember now, not a wors of this to your mother - it's going to be a surprise.

I'll give you three hundred pounds and that's my last word. Take it or leave it.

يتحدث عن شخص بطريقة تنطوي على مديح أومجاملة لجل تقديم المساعدة أو الدعم له أو لدفاععنه ، يزكى أو يوصي بشخص

I put in a good world for you with the manageress. She's going to give you a second chance.

حرفيا ، حرفا بحرف ، كلمة بكلمة

يكون على خلف او خصام مع شخص

يمجمج في الكلم ، ل يتحدث بوضوح أو بشكل مباشر

يلمح إليه تلميحا ، ل يشرح أو يذكر بصريح العبارة

يحمل مسؤوليات كبيرة

يفقد مركزه أو تتدهور أوضاعه الجتماعية أو المالية

يكون مفيدا جدا أو حيدا بالنسبة لشخص

ينجح في عمله ، يحسن وضعه الجتماعي أو المالي

يأخذ كلمه على محمل الجد ، بعتقد بأن شخصا يعنيما يقول او سينفذ ما يقول

When Henry said he was going to sell his car, I took him at his word and found him a buyer for it.

يصدق قول شخص رغم أنه ل يملك دليل على مايقوله

Penny says she's already paid me back. I can't remember whether she did not not, so l'll have to take her word for it.

It's clod in here.' 'God! That's not the(ذلك دون الحقيقة (للتعجبword for it! It's freezing.'

الحداث أو الفضل من نوعه ، الطراز الحدث ،الموضة أو الصيحة الخيرة

The dress is a Marcello model - it's the last word in tltalian fashion at the moment.

You can't translate word for word. It won't make sense. O He copied my essay word for word.

يحفظ حرفيا أ وتماما (مقطوعة ، قصيدة ، مقطع من(مسرحية

The childern have worked hard to learn their parts in the play. Most of them are already word perfect.

Pat's in a bad mood. She had words with her boyfriend again.

.The man has neither drive nor ambition(تذكر هذا " ل حظ أو تذكر ما أقول (يستخدم كتحذيرIf you employ him as a sales representative, you'll regret it. Mark my words!

Stop mincing your words and just tell me straight what you think of my idea.

Did Sue invite you to her party?' 'Well, not in so many words. But she did tell me that it's on Saturday.'

لم أعد أعرف ما أوقل ، (تعبري عن الصدمة أو(الدهشة أو النفعال

Words fail me! I wasn't expecting such a wonderful birthday surprise!

The boos looks as if he's carrying the world on his shoulders again this morning.

The Hammonds have certainly come down in the world since his company went bankrupt. The Jaguar's gone and the children aren't at a private school any more.

You need some fresh air and exercise. It would do you a world of good!

Deborah is chief consultant with an Amercian high-tech company. She's really got on in the world.

يرتقي إلى مركز اجتماعي أو مالي أفضل (ليس( بالضرورة نتيجة جهده أو قدراته الشخصية

Since Sarah married that rich industrialist, she's certainly gone up in the world.

إنه لعالم صغير (تعبير ع نالدهشة عند البقاء شخص(بأحد معارفه في مكان ل يتوفعه

Just imagine, I met Paul Hill in a taxi queue at Kennedy Airport. Small world, isn't it?

خبير أو مخصوم ، لديه خبرة بالشؤون العالمية

لن أو ل يكون تحت أي ظرف

مختلف كثيرا عن بعضهما البعض

رغم كل شيء

طوال الوقت ، منذ البداية حتى الن

كل الناس ، ماهب و دب

تقريبا ، يكاد أن

الذن بالمباشرة أو المتابعة ، الشعار بعدم الممانعة

بدون توقف ، بشكل مستمر

في كل الوقات سواء مبكرة أو متأخرة

الكل مشمول

Simon's a man of the world. He'll know whether or not this is a case for a lawyer.

I wouldn't leave you on your own for the world, so don’t afraid.

في مزاج سعيد (لنجاح أصابه) ، منتش بالنجاح أوالصحة الجيدة . . الخ

Alan's feeling on top of the world. He's just heard that he's won a prize for the most outstanding journalist of the year.

You wouldn't believe how different Jane Is from her sister. They are worlds apart.

بخلف المتوقع أو المفترض حدوثه (يأتي هذا التعبير(في مثل هذه الحالة في آخر لجملة عادة

I took my umbrella, but it didn't rain after all

Don’t be so harsh on Timmy. He's only a child, after all

يستخدم عادة في بداية الجملة لتقديم سبب أو حجةيتعين على المستمع أخذها بالعتبار. يقترن هذاالستخدام عادة بعبارت مثل : ينبغي أل ننس .. ، من(.المهم معرفة أن .. ، أعتقد أنه ينبغي

I think we should agree to lend John the money he needs. After all, he did help us two wouldn't listen to me.

I said all along that you shouldn't invest all your money in only one scheme, but you wouldn't listen to me.

Don't talk so loudly. There's no need for all and sundry to hear our business.

إذا لم يحدث ما هو غير متوقع أو لم يتعرض المرسوء الحظ

Good! So all being well we'll expect you on Sunday.

He was very curt and rather rude. He all but asked me to leave.

يتلقى أو يعطي شخصا إشارة أو تحذيرا أو تبيها (إلى(أن خطرا أ وشيئا مزعجا قد زال أو انحسر

When the doorbell rang, Barbara ran into next room, as she didn't want Tony to find her here. As soon as he had left, I gave her the all clear to come out.

We can start on the project as soon as we get the all clear from headquarters.

Steve is working hard to finish his novel. He's been sitting at his typewriter all day and every day for five weeks now.

I've been working all hours recently to get my new novel finished.

The staff outing will cost f6.50 per person, all in

منهك من الجهد البدني أو الرهاق

بأخ كل شيء في العتبار

عندما يحين الوقت المناسب ، في فرصة مواتية

شبعي جدا ، يثير الكثير من الهتمام والحماس

مع ذلك ، في أى حال

مضتمنا كل الشياء أو الشخاص ، الكل مسحوب

فوق ذلك ، إضافة إلى ذلك

لوقت متأخر ، حتى الصباح

يكون متحمسا جدا لمر ما او حريصا بقوة على شيء

يتملق أو يجامل شخصا بطريقة مبالغ فيها

After travelling two days and two nights, he was all in.

We didn't agree on every point, but all in all, we had a successful meeting.

I'm very anxious to hear what advice Jerry's lawyer gave him.' 'Well, I expect he'll tell us all in in good time.'

It must be all of 200 miles from here to(على القل (يستخدم في التوكيد على رقم أو مقدراColchester.

في كل مكان ، في كل ركن و زاوية من مكان (يستخدم(للتوكيد

What a mess! There were cartons piled up to the ceiling and books and parers all over the place. O so there you are! L've been looking for you all over the shop!

Surely you've heard of the pop-group Kings and Queens. They're all the rage!

I expect the specifications will be accourate, but l'll check them myself all the same.

How many names hav we got on the list?' 'Five hundred and sixty, all told.'

,if he offers to help us, all well and good(صحيح ، مقبول (للتعبير عن القبول بوضع معينbut don't ask him. O She spends weeks away from home, travelliing, That's all well and good if you haven't got children to look after.

The thieves stole money, jewellery, paintings, silver, fur coat and all!

There was a big party somewhere close by last night. Car doors were banging until all hours.

الغاية أو الهدف أو الهتمام أو الشيء الهم في تفكيرشخص أو حياته .. الخ

if resarch work really interests you, take the job, even though it's not well-paid. Money isn't the be-all and end-all in life. O Golf is Jack's be-all and end-all. It's all he ever tal;d about.

Did the boss approve your plan?' 'Oh, yes! She's all for it!' O Whatever you do with old car is your decisin, but I'm all for keeping it

نشاط محموم لمجموعة أشخاص ، عمل ينجز علىقدم و ساق

We're expecting an important trade delegation from China tomorrow, so it was all go at the office today.

مبهم ، صعب فهمه (أمور قانونية أو فنية دقيقة و( اصطلحات خاصة .. الخ

The lawyer quoted a lot of clauses and paragraphs, but l'm afraid that most of the information was all Greek to me.

When Jack realized that Mrs. Withers would be responsible for casting the main parts in the play, he was all over her.

يناسب أو يروق شخصا ، يكون مقبول لشخص

ل فرق بالنسبة له ، المر سيان عنده

For all his money, he's not erally happyبرغم

Where's Jane?' 'At home, for all l know.'

بأقصى جهد بدني ، بكل ما أوتي من قوة

يبذل أقصى ما بوسعه ، يكون مصمما على فعل شيء


يصل عمله أو مركزه او نجاحه إلى نهاية مفاجئة

يجد صعوبة كبيرة في عمل شيء

يقظ الفكر ، ذكي ، ل يسهل خداعه

Would you like to come to supper tonight?' 'Well, yes, if it's all right with your wife.'

Which date suits you better, the thirteenth or the fifteenth?' 'it's all the same to me. Either.'

يكون كما هو معروف عنه ، شخص يتصرف كما هومعهود منه أو كما يتوقع منه أن يتصرف

Everyone paid for a round of drinks except Tom.' 'I'm not surprised.That's Tom all over. He never gives anything away.'

Jack's coming back from the States nextل أبالي ، ل يبالي .. الخweek. Bob says for all he cares Jack can stay there a few months longer.

حسب معلوماتي (تعبير عن الجهل بالمر أو اللمبالة(به

When he saw the bull coming, he ran across the field for all he was worth and jumped over the gate.

jane's going all out to win a prize in the annual piano-playing competition. She's never practised so much!

How many coins have you got in your collection?' 'Three thousand two hundred in all.'

It's all up with Walters. The managing director has found out that he gave a rival firm confidential information.

يمكنك الحصول عليه لنني قد فرغت منه أو ل أريده( (لصعوبته أو إزعاحاته

Do you need these dictionaries any more?' 'No, no! They're all yours.' O I don’t want to be club treasurer any more, so if Ted wants the job, it's all his!

Employing extra staff is out of the question. It's all we can do to keep the shop in business.

يجد صعوبة في منع نفسه من عمل شيء (يأتي عادة(في حالة النفي

It was all she could do not to laugh, when she saw him in top hat and tails. It just wasn't his style.

if you think Barry won't notice what you've done, you're wrong. He's all there!

مختل عقليا ، تنقصة الخبرة العملية أ والقدرة علىالتمييز (يأتي عادة في حالة النفي و يستخدم في هذهالحالة أيضا على سبيل الدعابة

I hadn't been listening, so l gave a rather stupid answer. They must have thought I wasn't all there!

تعبير عن النزعاج أو المتعاض من قيام شخصيعتقد أنه غير مناسب او طائش

Hugh has sold his paintings to some dealer or ther in town, for only three thousands pounds!' 'No! Of all the fools! They were worth at least three times that much!

لدرجة كبيرة جدا ، كثيرا جدا

بطريقة ل مبالية أو مهلة ، كبفما اتفق

يستخدم أيضا لتذكير شخص بشيء

لماذا؟ كيف يمكن؟ هل حدث ذلك ؟

تعبير ع نالدهشة عند رؤية شخص كان مستبعدارؤيته أو حدث شيء كان مستبعدا حدوثه أو لن شيئا(يبد مناسبا أو لئقا . . ألخ

Guess who I met at the Frankurt Book Fair! Bill Parkinson, of all people! O Whwn I told Maggie that I had got engaged, she said, 'And the best of British luck!' Of all things to say!

I'm telling you once and for all. No, I(للمرة الوحيدة و الخيرة (يستخدم للتوكيدwon't lend you another fifty pounds!

بعد أخذ جميع الحقائق و التفاصيل و الجوانب المتعلقةبمسألة باإعتبار

You can compare old and new teaching methods as much as you want, but when all's said and done, it's the amount of work and effort put in by the students that really uounts.

I hear that Billy liked the present I sent him.' 'OH, and how!

johnny doesn't care what his homework looks like. He does it any old how.

ما رأيك بـ (تعبير يستخدم لتقديم اقتراح أو معرفة رأي(شخص بشيء

How about a cup of tea? O How about going to the theatre on Saturday?

You say you've never been drunk, but how about the time you had to sleep at Fred's because you couldn't walk home after his party?

How come there was no petrol in the tanl?

كيف تجرؤ (تعبير ع نالدهشة أو الضيف من وقاحةشخص أو صفاقته أو فظاظته .. الخ

How dare you speak to your mother like that?

تحية مهذبة يتبادلها الشخاص عند التعارف (ليعطي(عادة رد عليها

كيف يمكن ذلطك ؟ كيف يتفق أن ( هذا الصلح ليسسؤال بحد ذاته وإنما هو تعليق أو تعبير عن النزعاج(من تصرف شخص أو استنكاره

How is it that whenever I see James, he's always chatting instead of working?

كيف بحق السماء (تعبير يستخدم للتوكيد على الذهول(أو الدهشة أو الحيرة لمر .. الخ

How on earth could he have got up on the roof without a ladder? O How in the world could she have found out about our plans, when only you and I had the etails?

كيف بحق الجحيم يمكن أن (تعبير عن الضيق أو9الحنق أو الغضب . . الخ

How the hell am I supposed to know where Julia is? O How the heck do you expect me to have all the answers to your problems?

كيف تسير المور ؟ (تحية غير رسمة بين الصدقاء: يكون جوابها المتعارف عليه

Fine, thanks.' أو 'No too well')

لماذ؟ كيف؟ ما سبب (تعبير عن حيرة أو عدم فهم(المتحدث لمر

Wendy's just sold her car.' 'How's that? She's only had it four weeks!'

كما كان الوضع سابقا

ل استطيع تفسير أو فهم أو قبول كذا

ليس حال أن

المر سيان ، ليس هنالك فرق يذكر ، ل يهم

إتفقنا ، سأتصرف وفق رغبتك ، أقبل عرضك

كيف وجدت كذا؟ (تعبير عند مديح الشخص لخصلة أو(ميزة ما غالبا يتميز بها هو نفسه

How's that for puctuality? I said l'd be here by four, and it's four on the dot. O How about that for a good move? I'm better at chess than you thought, aren't I ?

it" كفاعل تعود على أو تشير إلى " الوضع بمجلمهوليس إلى شيء محدد ، وسوف يتضح المعنى من.خلل السياق

إجمال ، في ضوء الوضع الحالي (يرج هذا الصلح(عادة في بداية الجملة

How long will he hjave to stay in bed, doctor?' 'Well, as it is, a week at least, Mre. Thomas.'

George didn't want to sell the house, of course, but as it was, he had no choice.

قد يقول قائل في ذلك ، قد يصف أحدهم المر بهذاالشكل

The congress in Cannes was very relaxing, and my wife accompanied me, so it was rather like an extra holiday, as it were.

It beats me how anyone can act in such an irresponsible way. O it beats me why Virginia should say one thing and do another.

ل يمكن تحاشي المر ، إنه لمن سوء الحظ أن يكونالمر كذلك ولكن ل يمكن لخد تغييره (للتعبير عن(القبول بحقيقة مؤسفة .. الخ

How depressing! Rain every day of our holiday.' 'Well, it can't be helped. We'll just have to make the best of it.'

المطلوب هو فوق المستطاع أو أكثر مما يتوقعالحصول عليه من شخص

I need some help with these documents. I know it's asking a lot, but could you work overtime today and tomorrow?

هذه هي الحقاشق أو الحقائق التي كانت موجودة ، هذهة الوضع الن أو الوضع كما كان ، هكذا حدث المر((يستخدم كتمهيد لشرح وضع ما

How did you find out all these information?' 'Well, you see, it was like this. I met Jim Evans accidentally at Heathrow and he let it out that Simons is planning a visit to the German subsidiary in March, and..'

Marion refused to lend me her car. I don't know why, because it isn't as if I'm always wanting to borrow it - it's the first time I asked.

It's the same price whether you fly on a weekday or tha weekend, so it makes no odds which day you choose to travel on.

if you just peel the potatoes, l'll do all the rest.' 'Fair enough! It's a bargain!'

ذلك كثير (تعبير عن استياء شخص من مبالغة آخر(في سلوك أو طلب ما

It's a bit much, Peter, bringing six friends home to tea without asking first.

ليس عدل أو صوابا فعل كذا " ليست طريقة منصفةأو سلوكا سليما فعل كذا (للتعبير عن الشكوى من( سلوك شخص او تصرفه

It's a bit off to keep someone waiting for two hours. Why didn't you ring and say you would be late?

من المدهش أن ، إنه لمر عجيب أن

إنه جزء عادل ، أنت تستحق هذا


برأيي ، كما يبدو لي

يكون فائق النشاط و الحيوية او منهمكا في العمل

I forgot to lock the car and left it out all night. It's a wonder that it wasn't stolen.

كل التوقعات واردة ، ليس ممكنا التنبؤ بما يكون ، لأحد يمكنه أن يعرف كيف سيكون النتيجة

Who do you think will win the election?' 'At the moment, it's anybody's guess. The candidates all have equal chances.'

يجب أن نعود من حيث بدأنا (أي الى نقطة البداية)ونباشر ثانية (يقال عندما تثبت المخططات أوالتصماميم فشلها أو عندما تصبح غير صالحة(للستعمال لسبب أو لخر

The engine test failed, and it was obviously due to a design fault - so I'm afraid it's back to the drawing board.

المسألة جدية و تحتمل المزاح (يقال عادة في عمليقوم به شخص و يعتقد الخرون أنه سهل أو بسيط ..الخ) ، ليس المر مزاحا

It's no joke getting a piano up three flights of stairs, I can tell you! O I had to give a speech in fornt of fifty people - totally unprepared. It was certainly no joke.

Janet failed her exam yesterday.' 'Well, it serves her right. She never does any work.'

It's three minutes past two. The guest speaker is late.' 'Yes, so it seems

ههنا المرحلة الحرجة أو النقطة الحاسمة ( يقال قبل(حدوث شيء مهم أ وفور إنجاره . . الخ

Well, this is it. The race is due to start in a few minutes. So wish me luck!

السوء أننى كنت أعلم بأن (اصلح يستخدم للتعبيرعن أن المرء كان واع جدا أو عالما بالنتائج السلبية(مسبقا لمر قام به أو لمر قام به شخص آخر

I decided to dig up the garden yestersay. It took me hours - and did I know about it in the evening! I ached all over.

وكأننى ل اعرف ذلك (اصلح يستخدم للتعبير عن أنالمرء كان واع تماما لحقيقة قد تكون غير سارة أومؤسفة ، ويستخدم هذا التعبير ايضا على سبيل(الدعابة

Your teenage son is very popular with the girls, I hear.' 'And don't I know it! The telephone never stops ringing!'

Well, as l see it, it woud be best to talk to Clive before you come to a final decision.

يجلب المتاعب أو يتسبب فيس العقاب لنفسه أولشخص . . الخ

You're asking for it if you leave your car unlocked all nigt in the area.

Mother's been at it all day. I wish she's have a rest.

يعاود تصرفا معينا لطالما كان يلم عليه فيما مضي((للتعبير عن انزعاج المتحدث

I told you to stop biting your fingernails, but you're at it again.

يتم أمرا على أكمل وجه ، ينهي أمرا بشكل تام((يستخدم عادة كاقتراح ينطوي على الدعابة

You've only got ten more pages t oread. Why not read them now and have done with it?

يكون أسرع من غيره أو يكون الول بالقيام بالعمل أوإنهاؤه أو الول في كسب شيء

I was just going to take the last piece of chocolate cake, but another boy beat me to it.

ل يصدق أو يتقبل أمرا

يلم أو يعاقب

كفي مبالغة وتضخميا

إهدأ ، أمسك أعصابك

يضيق الوقت على نفسه

توقف ، كف عن ذلك

لجل الثارة أو التسلية التى يوفرها

إنهاء الحقيقة صدقت ذلك أم ل (يستخدم عند التحدث(عن حقيقة مثيرة للدهشة

I know I don't play football very well now, but believe it or not, at school I was the best player in the team.

اصطلح بريطاني دارج يستخدم للتعبير ع نالضيق(الشديد عند الوقوع في خطأ .. الخ

Blast it, l've spilled the red paint all over the floor!

يبدد أ ويفسد شيئا ، يضيع فرصة بسبب سوء إرادتهللمر ... الخ

You blew it, didn't you? I told you to wait and not to ask her until the time was right! O I didn't get the hapanese contract, so l've blown it for the moment, l'm afraid.

دعني من هذا ( تعبير عن الضيق عندما ل تجديطريقة أو تنفع حيلة في إنجاز أمر وخاصة عندما(يقرر المرء عدم المضي فيه

I've been been trying to repair this toaster, but can't do it. So blow it! L'll let George have a go.

What you're saying is a lie and won't buy it!

يقرر إيقاف شيء (غالبا نقاش) ويعتبر كل الشخصينأو الطرفين متعادلين

I don't want to continue the argument, so let's call it it quits and change the subject.

You'll catch it when your father sees the mess you've made with his tools.

Sheila has been coining iot since she(يسكب مال وفيرا (عادة بمبالغ أو دفعات صغيرةopened up her newspaper stand.

Come off it, Bruce! You caught five fish, not fifty!'

Cool it, Jim! We don't want any trouble in here

Are you sure you can have the report finished by tomorrow? Isn't the cutting it rather fine?

That's enough, boys, just cut it out before someone gets hurt!.

Damn it! That's the second time the(اللعنة (تعبير عن النزعاج أو الضيقvideo recorder hasn't worked. I'll have to get it repaired.

Thanks very much for posting my(ل عليك (عبارة مهذبة للرد على كلمة شكراletters.' 'Oh, don’t mention it. It was no trouble.

بهدوء ، على مهل (إصلح يقال عند ضرورة القيام(بشيء بهدوء وحرص

Remember, gently does it when you drive off. If you try to accelerate on thios ice, the wheels will just spin round.

يفض شجارا أو يحل نزاعا بمتابعة الحوار فيه والتفاهم بشأنه للنهاية

Don't interfere. Let them fight it out, then perhaps there will be some peace.

What made you drive so fast on a country road?' 'I just did it for the hell of it, I suppose. It was just unlucky that a policeman caught me.'

ل بأس عليك ، ل تهتم (غالبا يستخدم للرد على( ( اعتذار أو شكر

Thank you again for your time.' 'Forget it. It was nothing.'

يلم أو يعاقب

ينسق أفكاره و أعماله ليؤدي عمل بطريقة مرضية

يتوقف ع نالحديث في أمر ما أو عن فعل شيء ما

يعنف أو يلوم أو ينتقد بشدة

يمتدح أو يثني على شخص لعمل جيد أنجزه

يكون متميا أو ولهانا أو مغرما بشخص

يخفق في عمل شيء أو الحصول على ما يريد

إنس المر (يستخدم عند الضيق من عدم فهم شخص( لمر أو بطئه في الفهم .. الخ

What did you say I hav to do after l've put in the plug and switched on?' 'On, forget it! L'll do it myself!'

You said you wanted to play tennis this(يستخدم للتعبير عند عدم إمكانية القيام بأمر ماafternoon. Well, forget it! It's raining.

ذهب في إجازة قصيرة للترويج عن نفسه وتبديدمتاعبة ومشاكله المنزلية

We've had so much tourble with the business recently. We both feel that we need to get away from it all, so we're driving down to the coast for a few days.

You'll get from the from the teacher for not doing your homework again!

Ah! So that's what Robert is planning toيفهم أمرا ، يستشف خطة أو وضعا .. الخdo! Now I get it!

I didn't do very well in the audition. For some reason I just couldn't get it together.

Just give it a rest, Jan, We've heard all about your fantastic holiday now, and there's a lot of work to do.

I felt so sorry for the poor waiter who spilled the soup. The head waiter really gave it to him!

I must hand it to you, Mary. No one I lnow plays chess as well as you do.

ينجز عمل بحيوية ونشاط فائق ، يبالغ في فعلشيء ، يمضي أكثر مما ينبغي في فعل شيء

Paul really has been going it this wee;. He's spent over f400 on clothes!' 'I agree! That is going it a bit, isn't it?

ينجز عمل مهما من دون مساعدة أو دعم ، يأخذالمر على عاتقه

Tom and Peter wanted to open up a business together, but they quarrelled. So now Tom has decided to go it alone.

Hang it! l've forgotten to buy milk and(تبا (تعبير ع نالضيق والستياءnow the shops are closed! O You say you haven't even started to read the report. Hang it all, David! It's been on your desk for three weeks now!

Jerry met a Welsh firl on holiday and he's really got it badly this time! He visits her every weekend and spends hours on the phone.

يحصل علي امتيازات تضمن له النجاح أو المال أوالعيش الرغيد .. الخ

Mark is going to marry into a wealthy family, and his father - in - law is giving hiim voting shares in the company. So he's got it made!

يمتلك الميزات الشخصية أو الذكاء الذي يطلبة علم أومهمة معينة ، لديه ما يتطلبه المر

Martin Hasn't got what it takes for a job in management. He's too soft and lacks drive.

I'm afterid you've had it, Andrew. The job you wanted in personnel department has been given to someone else.

لم يعد نافعا أو لم يعد ذا قيمة

يرتبط بعلقة جنسية مع شخص

يتفاهم مع شخص أو يسعد بصحبته

ابتعد ، ابتعدوا ، انفضوا من هنا

أفهم أو أخمن أن


كف عن هذا ، توقف عن ذلك

يتعقب ملذات الحياة ، يعيش حياة سهلة

These shoes have had it, there are holes in the soles

لم يعد مرحبا به أو مفبول أو مستساغا من قبلشخص

jane has had it as far as I'm concemed. She's lied to me once too often!

يضمر شرا لشخص ، يكون مصمما على التسبببمشكلة لشخص أو للحاق الذى به رغبة بالنتقاممنه أو بسبب الكراهية الشديده له

Michael has had it in for Trevor ever since he deliberately tried to take over Muchael's share of the family busoness.

I heard that Tony is having it off with the girl in the flat below. Wonder if his wife has found out?

لم يجن منفعة أو ربحا يذكر من عمل أدارة أو جهدبذله ، لم يحقق تطورا ملموسا من الوقت الذياستثمره ، أضاع تعبه سدى

I've been working on the report all afternoon, but it's so difficult that I'm after I have little to show for it.

I'm sharing an office with a new man. Thankfully we seem to hit it off quite well.

,Hold it there, please, and a big smileتوقف (عن شيء) للحظة ، ابق حيث أنت ، ل تتحركeveryone! That will be the photo of the year!

Hey, you kids! Just hop it, will you? Can't you see we're busy?

كنت واثقا أن المر سيكون هكذا أو أن هذا ما سيحدث(يقال بعد أن يثبت ان شخصا كان محقا في توقعاته(بشأن شيء

You see? I knew it! At first Mike said he would come, but now he has just said that he can't come after all.

I take it that you intend to accept the invitation? O You are Miss Carter, I take it.

I asked you to pack a bag with what you need for the journey. Now jump to it, or we'll miss the train!

That's enogh, you kids! Knock it off and help me to clear up the mess in here!

ل تمض في (أمر) أكثر م نذلك ، ل تقل أو تفعل المزيد، توقف عند هذا الحد

I know you think James behaved very badly, but did apologize, so why not leave it at that?

ل يتابع في المر (يتركه حتى واو ينته بطريقة(مرضية

I think you should report the theft to the police.' 'No. He paid the money back and apologized, so lim preared to let it go at that.'

,I know you don’t want me to go with you( قبلت أم لم تقبل (للتعبري عن ل مبالة المتحدثbut I'm going - so you can like it or lump it!

Ted says he had terrific time when he visited his cousin in Canada. They did nothing but live it up for therr weeks.

تزعم ، يتحكم بشخص أو يسضعفه ، يتحدث بطريقةمتسلطة أو متغطرسة

Whenever we do things in a group, Jerry always tries to take charge. He loves to lord it over everybody.

ينجح ، يحقق مبتغاه

ينجز شيئا بسرعة


ليس إن كان بوسعه منع ذلك

توقف عن ذلك ، كف عن هذا

يكسب مال وفيرا وبسرعة

يتأكد من أن

كف عن الكلم ، إخرس

The court starts in half an hour. If we don’t leave now, we won't make it on time. O Elaine is hoping to make it to assistant manager within two years.

I have to phone Tom before we leave.' 'Well, make it snappy. We haven't much time.'

I told you to go to bed an hour ago! Now move it!

Gary said he's going to Rome next week - without his wife' 'I bet he won't. Not is she can help it!'

ها قد فعلت ذلك (فعلت شيئا سيتسبب الن في مكشلة(أو سيكون له عواقبه

Now you've done it! Why did you have to mention the party to Moira? Now she'll come with about ten of her weird friends.

قلها صراحة ، قل مباشرة ما تريد قوله ، أفصح عمايعتمل في فكرك

Out with it, Bill! I can see there's something you want to talk about.

Come on, Joe. Pack it in! We've had enough of your kokes, thank you!

يرتجل ، يتصرف بحسب الوضع و بدون خطةمحددة ، يفعل ما يراه مناسبا وقت حدوث المر

Have you preared what you're going to say at the interview tomorrow?' 'No, l'll just play it by ear this time.'

يتعامل مع وضع بهدوء و روية أو بدون ارتباك أوقلق . . الخ

When you talk to the boss, don’t start apologizing straightaway. Play it cool first and see how she reacts.

يأخذ جانب المان ، ل يغامر بشيء ل يضمن نتائجهحتى ولو كان في المجازفة نفع محتمل

It would be much cheaper to take the bus to the station, but if it's late we'll miss the train. Wouldn't it be better to play it safe and take a taxi?

Bill's coffee shop is a great success. He's raking it in.

يتحمل وضعا سيئا أو مزعجا ويصير ريثما يتحسنالوضع

Several small independent oil companies are having to ride it out until oil prices incease again.

يعيش أو ينام في محيط أو ظروف قاسية أو غيرمريحة

The boys have only a small tent and no modern camping equipment at all, but they are quite prepared to rough it for a few weeks.

يستمر في التأكيد أو التركيز على أمر مزعج لشخصآخر

I know what I did was stupid, and l've admitted it. But there's no need to keep rubbing it in. Why can't you forget about it?

We got caught in a heavy thunderstormيركض بشكل مفاجئ و سريع هربا من الخطر .. الخabout ten minutes from home, so we had run for it.

Don't worry, l'll see to it that the childred do their homework.

Just shut it for five minutes, Roy! Can't concentrate!

إنس المر ، ل ضرورة للحديث عنه او ذكره (كالشكر( أو العتذار .. الخ

I'm so sorry I didn't pick you up at the arranged time, but I got a phone call and…' 'Oh, skip it! It's all right. I took a bus.'

كف ع نالكلم في هذا الموضوع

إفعل ذلك بسرعة

يجد طريقو لكسب مال كثير ، يغتني

إقبل عرضي أو ارفضه

يتسبب بالتعب الشديد لشخص ، ينهكه

يحاول اقتناص كسب من شخص ، يتلعب

إنصافا للحقيقة ، الحق يقال

حذار ، انتبه

Peter, I'm tired of hearing you complain about your work. Just skip it, will you? If you don't li;ke it, look for another job.

يؤجل قرار حتى اليو مالتالي لكي يتسنى له الوقتالكافي للتفكير فيه بروية

We don't need an answer now. Sleep on it and tell us tomorrow.

I asked you to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Now snap to it!

The sons were trying to persuade their(يموت (يستخدم بتظرفfather to change his will in their favour. But the old chap snuffed it beforehand, so most of his money went to the woman he lived with.

It's five o'clock already. We'll have toيهرع ، يقود (سيارة) بشكل أسرعstep on it if we want to be there by six!

Within six months of opening up her health club, Maxine realized that she had struck it rich.

يتحمل الضغط أو اللم بإيجابية ، يصبر على النتقادأو على سلوك شيئ لشخص دون أن يكون لذلكانعكاسات ضارة على صحته البدنيه ـو النفسية

Janet's new job is very hectic with lots iof stress and trouble - but she can take it! O Please stop this criticism and nagging. I can't take it much longer!

يأخذ أمرا ببساطة ، يكون هادئا ، يفعل ببطء وثان ، لينزعج أو ينفعل

When Fred came out of hospital, the doctor advised him to take it easy for a few weeks. O All right, Ros! Take it easy! I didn't say I wouldn't help you.

Take it from me, the share price will dropصدقني ، إسمع نصيحتي ...... الخbefore Christmes. You should sell now.

Fifty pounds, and that's my last word. Take it or leave it!

Father's been digging in the garden. Now he's asleep. The digging seems to have taken it out of him.

يسيء لشخص ، يعاقب شخصا بشكل غير منصفبسبب غضبه أو استياءه أو متاعبه الشخصية .. الخ ،يفرغ غضبه في شخص بريء

I know you're furious about the affair at the club, but you shouldn't take it out on your family.

Two youths tried it on in the supermarket by changing the price label on a boottle of whisky.

You say Sarah has an annoying manner sometimes. She's damned nuisance, to put it mildly!

يريد مزيدا م نالكسب ل يستحقة أو ل مبرر له ، يريدالحصول على شيء مقابل ل شيء

He wants f15 an hour for painting the kitchec and all meals included as well.' 'Really! He wants jam on it, doesn't he?

Watch it with those eggs! They don’t look very safe on top of your shopping basket.

فقط حدد ما تريده أو تحتاجه أيا كان

بالضافة إلى لك ، أيضا

إن كان المر كذلك ، في تلك الحالة ، على هذه الحجال

Now watch it with the butcher. He's(خذ حزرك من (فلن) ، احترس من (فلنknown for giving people too little change.

The bookshop stocks hundreds of titles. You name it, they've got it! O I'm telling you, he'll do anything you want. You only have to name it.

أوفك تماما إنك محق (تعبير عن التفاق مع شخص(على ما قاله لتوه

The editor's in a bad mood today.' 'You said it! She's just given me back three articles to rewrite!.

She's a lawyer - and a very successful one at that.

وفوق ذلك (للتعبير عن الدهشة من أن شيئا كان على(نقيض ما كان يتوقع

Joun always says he has no money, but he's just bought a new car - and quite an expensive one at that!

The train leaves at 12. 15, not 13. 15!' 'Oh, no! At that rate we are going to miss it.'

عندما يخطر لى ذلك ، عندما أفكر في هذا المر (يقال(عندما يرغب المتحدث أن يضيف شيئا خطر بباله

I haven't heard from Brenda for weeks. Come to that, we haven't heard from any of the Walkers for quite some timem have we?

هراء ، كلم فارغ ، ل تقل هذا لي ( اصطلح يستخدمللتعبير عن الضيق بما قاله شخص لتوه أو عدم( تصديقه

I couldn't phone you because you were in Bristol.' 'Bon't give me that! You could have got the Bristol number from my secretary!'

لقد طفح الكيل ، لقد زاد المر عن حدة (اصطلحيستخدم للتعبير عن أن المتحدث قد نفذ ثبره من جراءازعاجات متعاقبة وأنه قد أصبح مستعدا لبداء غضبه(أو تفريغه

That does it! Jack's late again! If he can't be here on time, I'm not offering to drive him to work In my car any more!

Thet will do for the moment. If we need(ذلك يكفي (للتعبير عن اإكتفاء بما تم أو حدثmore sandwiches, we can make more later.

That will do, you boys! NO more fighting(يكفي (كأمر أو تحذيرin here!

إفهم المر كما يبدو لك ، فهمك كفاية (يستخدم كإجابةبضيق عن سؤال يوجهه شخص للقائل عند عدم رغبة(الخير باإذلء له بمعلومات يطلبها

"What were you and Janice whispeing when you thought I wasn't listening? What's the big secret?' 'Ah, now that would be telling, wouldn't it?

ذلك تقريبا كل ما في المر ، ذلك كل شيء زاد أمنقص ، لم يعد هنالك ما ينبغي فعله أو إضافته

Well, I think that's about it. We've discussed all the important points, so now we can take a vote.

ذلك ليس مشكلة (اصطلح يقال في آخر الكلم بنبرةمرتفعة للتعبير عن القبول بوضع لعدم وجود بديل(عنه

If Jack isn't in, we'll have to come home again, that's all.

ذلك كل ما في المر ، ليس المر أصعب مما قيل أومما يبدو عليه (يقال بعد ‘عطاء توضيح أو شرح ...(الخ

So when you've fed in all the data, you store it by pressing this key here, then 'S' for 'store'. That's all there is to it.

ها قد انتهينا

ذلكط ينهي الموضوع ، قد قضي المر

ذلك كل ما يمكن فعله (بعد التحدث عن وضع او شرح(قضية .. الخ

Well, if you need a lot of money fast, you'll have to sell the house. That's all there is to it.

ذلك يفسد المور ، ذلك يهدم ما تم بناؤه (الخطط أو(التطلعات

Oh no! That's done it! L've just dropped the mixer and broken it so I can't make a cake for the visitors. O Damn! That's torn it! I have to be in Manchester by lunchtime and l've just missed the train!

Onece l've passed the exam, I shall(ذلك مؤكد (يأتي هذا الصطلح عادة في نهاية الجملةnever open another book on Latin verbs, that's for sure!

إصلح (يستخدم بسخرية) للتعبير عن الرتياح /الستياء من ميزة أو صفة يتصف بها شخص أوشيء

Charles Maxwell? Now there's a gentleman for you from head to toe! O l gave Roy ten pounds and he didn't even say thank you! That's gratitude for you. O the car's going rusty already! That's quality for you!

Now we've put in all the ingredients and mixed them all well, so that's it. The mixture can go into the oven.

هذا هو الصواب (للتعبير بشكل ساخر عن أن المرعكس ذلك ، أي غير صحيح أو ينطوي على مجازفة(أو تصرف أحمق .. ألخ

That's it! Break all the other cups as well! Try to carry them all!

جيد ، ذلك صحيح (للتعبير عن الستيحان أو(التشجيع

That's it! If you continue like that, you'll soon be able to swim!

ذلك هو المطلبو (اصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عنالتشجيع لشخص أو عن الرضى عن إنجازته(وأفعاله

Yes, that's more like it! You've improved the designs a lot.

Jeff said he would show me how to put(يا للسخافة ، إنه لشيء مشحك (يستخدم بسخريهup the sahelves.' 'Jeff? That's ruch - he's never put up a shelf in his life!'

We thought Uncle Stan would invite us to his holiday apartment in Palma, but he didn't. So that's that! O He promised to be home berfore midnight, but he wasn't. So we simply forbade him to go out for a whole week, and that was that.

ذلك جيد " ذلك ما يحدث فعله (للتعبير عن الرصى أو(التشجيع

I'm going to tell Christine just what I thinl of her behaviour!' 'That's the ticket! Don't let her treat you like that!'

يعجبني هذا (اصطلح يستخدمه القائل للتعبير عنعكس ما يقول أو للتعبير عن الدهشة من وقاحة(شخص أو الستياء من سلوكه ... الخ

Well, l like that! That man at the fruit stall has put three bad peaches in the bag.

عليك فعل هذا (إصطلح يستخدم لتشجيع شخص عل(ىالقيام بما يخطط له

If the big boy starts trouble again, I shell hit him, even though l'm smaller!' 'That's right, son, you do that!'

مباشرة ، من فوره ، على الفور

تلك هي المشكلة ، تلك حقيقة المر ، تلك هي الحقائق

ليس هنالك أدنى شك

إفعل ذلك وسترى (يستخدم هذا الصلح أيضا للتحذير(من فعل شيء

I'm going to sell my roller-skates to a boy in my class.' 'Well, you do that, and l'll never buy you a present again!'

ها هو الحل ، هكذا يكتمل المر ، ها هي النتيجةالمرجوة (يستخدم كتعقب عند تعليم شخص كيف يقوم(بعمل شيء

Just put the plug in, turn the knob to 'On', press the start button and there you are! Easy!.

هيا ، تابع (يستخدم لتشجيع شخص على الستمار فيالمحاولة في عمل شيء رغم الصعوبات التي(تعترضه

Come on, Joe! Hang in there! You'll do it!

هاك ( إصطلح يقال بلهجة متحدية أو مزهوة بالنصرويرد في آخر الجملة أو الكلم للتوكيد على ثقةشخص بأنه كان اللضل أو بأنه كان محقا ، ويستخدم(هذا التعبير عادة من قبل الصغار

I asked the teacher. She said you were wrong and I was right, so there!

هكذا ه والحال أيضا (يستخدم عند تقديم فكرة أو(اقتراح إضافي لم اقاله شخص لتوه

If Spain was too hot for you last year, why not fo to ltaly for a change? But there again, in August it may be just as hot as in Spain.

I simply asked him whether the company needed any more civil egineers, and he offered me a job there and then.

You haven't done your homework, so(ل أعذار تقبل (لن المر أو الذنب واضح ولبس فبهyou can't go out to play. There are no buts about it!

I can't allow in non-members, l'm afraid. I'm so sorry, but there it is.

ليس المر بهذه البساطة ، المر أبعد من ذلك أو أكثرتعقيدا أو إشكال من ذلك

Jack said he had just been lucky in winning the music scholarship, but anybody knows that there is much more to it than that. O When you want to join the diplomatic service, it's not just a cese of applying and going for interview. There's a lot more to it than taht.

.Mandy's a very clever young womanإنه ليس فقط .. ، إنه اكثر من مجردThere's much more to her than she tells you.

There's no knowing when jack will beل يمكن معرفة أ والتأكيد او النبؤ بما سيحدث .. الخback at work after his accident. It could take a few months. O there's no telling what will happen if the opposition wins the next election.

م نالسهل الترعف عليه (شخص أو شيئ) ، ليسهناك التباس بشأنه ، ل يمكن السهو عنه

Yes, of course l'm sure it was Liam on the phone. There's no mistaking his lrish accent.

There is no question that Sue could do better at school if she worked harder. She's bright, but lazy.

ل يمكن إيقافه أو كبح جماحه

المر عار من الصحة ، لنه مجرد إشاعه

المر شهل ، ليس فيه صعوبه تذكر

Once Alf starts telling kokes, there's no stopping him. O When the children saw the table laden with birthday presents, there was no holding them!

ليس هناك طريقه أخرى او بديل أفضل ، ليس هنالكبد من ذلك (يستخدم للتعبير عن الخيبة والتسليم(بالمر عندما يضطر المتحدث للقيام بعمل ل يسره

There's nothing else for it - we'll have to cancel the holiday this year.

I've heard that the Freemans are moving to Glasgow.' 'So have l, but there's nothing in it, I'm sure.

ليس هنا ك ما يعادل (كذا) ، ليس هنالك ما هو(إصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عن أن شيئا يحدده القائل(هو أفضل من أي شيء آخر في رأيه

There's nothing like a comfortable chair and a good book to make you feel relaxed after a hard day at the office.

Working this machine very complicated, but there's nothing to it really.

ثمة ما يقال في ( إصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عن أنلمر أو بشيء منافعه وينصح به لسباب معينة قد ل(تكون واضحه تماما في حينه

There's something to be said for an off-season holiday - no traffic jaws, no crows, and cheaper hotel rates.

There you are, Mrs. Jones, your butter(هاك (اصطلح يقال عند إعطاء شيء لشخص يطلبهand your tomatoes. That will be F6.50 altogether.

يقال أيضا بلهجة المنتصر عندما يسمع القائل أ نلديه(قد ثبت صحته

The book says Goethe was born in 1749.' 'Well, There you are! I said so all along!'

ها أنت تعود إلى ما كنت عليه ، ها أنت تعود لتكرارما قلته أو ما فعلته مرارا (للتعبير عن أن الخرين قد(ضاقوا ذرعا بذل

There he goes again! All he can talk about it football!

ل أعرف الجواب على سؤالك ، أنت أدرى مني"بالمر

Do you know how many cars Britain produces a year?' 'No, l don't You've got me there.'

Did you have a good time?' 'We had a( جدا (للتأكيد الشديد أو النفي الشديدwonderful evening. It was over all too soon.' O No, Jerry won't lend you any money - we know him all too well! O l'd be only too pleased to help you.

يكون (الشخص ) أفضل من شخص آخر أو متفوقا(عليه (بالذكاء أو القوه .. ال خ

I tried to beat Charls at chess, but he was simply too much for me.

ايكون من الصعب التعامل معه او تدبر أمره (شخص( أو وضع ما

won't look after Nicky any more. He's a bit too much. He's cheeky and naughty al lthe time. O Glynn started doing an Open University course. But with a full-time job at the same time, it soon proved too much for him, so he gave it up

ليس فورا بالتأكيد ، ليس بالسرعة الكافية

متكبر ، يتصرف بطريقة متعالية

كل ما تبقي او من بقي ، وهكذا ، وما شابه

يحمل بطخيتين بيد واحدة ، ينشغل أو يرتبط بعدةأشياء مختلفة في آن واحد

Besides writing books, Oliver does translation Work and teaching. He's continually overworked because he simply has too many irons in the fire.

إنه لعمل شائن من (فلن) (إصطلح يستخدم للتعبير(عن الستياء من سلوك قالم به شخص

It's too bad of you to aquirt water at the neighbour's cat, Jimmy!

إنه لمن المؤسف خطأ (للتعبير عن موافقة المتحدث(أن المر فعل ولكن ل يمكن تبديله

It's just too bad that it hasn't stop raining all day. We wanted to play tennis. O it was just too bad that Jim fell ill the wee; we should have gone on holiday.

يستخدم أيضا للتعبير عن عدم التعاطف مع شخصلمر ما او لعدم السف علي ما حدث

If Teveor missed the lecture because he was too busy with his gir/driend, that's just too bad! I'm not going to give him my lecture notes!

Thet've arrived at last!' 'And none too soon!

صفة أو ظرف ) كثيرا أو جدا (يستخدم9ليس (+(هذا التعبير غالبا بشكل مناف لواقع المر

It's not too warm in here. In fact, it's freezing! O This chair is none too comfortable. O Hugh is never too punctual, In fact, he nearly always keeps us waiting.

Since Colin won the local chess championship he's become too big for his boots.

The van behind us is too close forقريبة جدا (سيارة) بشكل مثير للعصاب أو للخوفcomfort. L'd let him overtake if I were you.

مضحك جدا (غالبا وضع أو مشهد ما ... الخ ) ،مضحك أكثر مما تستطيع الكلمات التعبير عنه

So there was poor Tom holding the woman's parcels, with the poodle's lead wreapped round his legs and the poodle pulling in all directions, it was too funny for words!

جيد جدا (خبر أو مفاجأة سارة ... الخ ) لدرجة تكاد لتصدق

Janice is thrilled about the job offer in Rome. She still thinks it is too good to be true.

ل يستجيب التورط أو التدخل فيه لنه خطير أو مثيرللجدل الكثير ، التدخل فيه كاللعب بالنار

Noue of the daily newspapers ran te true story about the spy murder. At the time, Fleet Street obviously thought that the truth was too hot to handle.

جيد أكثر من المطولب أو اللزم ، جيد لدرجة مبالغفيها

We went to Tunisia for some sunshinem, but at 40 degrees in the shade it was almost too much of a good thing

عين الصواب (للتعبير عن الموافقة المطلقة عل ما( قاله شخص

The government has made so many changes, but nothing has been done to improve the educational system.' 'Too true! L agree!'

And l've also got to pay the grocer, the greengrocer, the baker, the newsagent and what have you.

لديه الميزات أو السمات الضرويرية لكي

لديه دراية بأمر أو خبرة في ه، يكون مخضرما

What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?

ما المر

ما يحاول شخص قوله ، ما يرمي إلبيه

وما إلى ذلك ، و أشياء أخرى من هذا القبيل أو علىشاكلة ذلك

There were cakes and biscuits and pastries and what not. O Johnny got so many birthday presents - cars snd books and games and toy soldiers and l don't know what.

فوق ذلك ÷ لذافة إلى ذلك (للتمهيد لقول فكرة أخرى)، وما هو أكثر م نذلك

The car is only three years old, and what's more, it's in excellent condition.

رغم أن هه المعلومة أو هذا الرأي قد ل يكون ذا قيمةذا قيمة تذكر أو قد ل يهم أحدا .. الخ

For what its worth, I heard today Cooper may be leaving the company.

احزر ماذا (إصطلح يستخدم للتقديم يعتقد المتحدث(أنها ستفاجئ المستمع

Guess what! Peter's passed his driving test at last!

I'm telling you, Simon has got what it takes to go right to the top - drive, vision and tenacity.

I know what, we'll pay Mum and Dad an(سأقول لك ماذا (للتقديم لقتراحunexpected visit this weekend! O l'll tell you what, June was at the lecture, so perhaps she'll lend you her notes.

Ask Jenny. She certainly knows what's what with antique furniture.

أم ماذا ؟ (صيغة مختصرة تأتي في نهاية الجملةللتعبير عن تساؤل لمتحدث عما يجب اتباعه من بين(خيارات متاحة

He asked me to contact him, but should I write or phone or call in at the main office personally, or what?

Let Brian be jealous if he pleases. So(ماذا يهم ؟ من يهتم (للتعببر عن اللمبالةwhat?

ذلك هو السبب ، ذلك كان سبب تصرف (شخص) أوردة فعله

The waiter looked dospleased.' 'Well, you didn't give him a very big tip, did you? That's what it was.

ما أدراك (اصطلح يستخدم للتعبير ع نالدهشة الكبيرةلمر لم يكن متوقعا أو محتمل ويقال في التعجب(وليس في صيغة الستفهام وبنغمة متهابطة

Mike's just got back from a yachting holiday in the Caribbean.' 'The Caribbean on his salary? Well, what do you know?'

What about going to see a film this(ما رأيك بــ (اصطلح يستخدم لتقديم اقتراحevening? O Wgat about a drink? O What about Nancy?

لماذ؟ لي سبب؟ ما المبرر (فقط في السئلة الواردة(بصيغة اليجاب

You gave the man a very black look. What for? O You just threw John's letter away! Now what did you do that for?

(ماذ تريد؟ (يقال غالبا بانزعاج أو ضيقYou look triubled, lan. What is it? Come on, you can tell me whatever it is.

بماذا يعنيك المر؟ لماذ تهتم بذلك؟ (للتعبير عن أن(المر ل يعني شخصا أو انه ل علقة له به

Why do you want to know how much Sylvia earns? What is it to you?

Fred talks in riddles! What's he driving at?

ما يقلق شخصا ، ما يثير أعصابة ، ما يزعحه أويعكر مزاجه

George is snapping at everyone today. What's eathing him, I wonder?

ما يلمح إليه بشخص أ ويرمي إليه

ماذا بشأن ؟ مذاا سيحدث لــ

بالخذ باإعتبار ، نظرا لـ

!What's up now? She's crying againما الموضوع ؟ ما المشكلة؟

What's he getting at? Is he saying that we won't be getting any salary increase after all? O I didn't realize at first what he was getting at, but then it suddenly struck me!

إصطلح يستخدم للتعبير ع نالدهشة والذهول(والمتعاص من سلوك شخص

Janet has taken all the dictionaries, and I need them. What does she think she's playing at? O Bob has borrowed money from five people. What's he playing at, I wonder?

ما يجعل (شخصا) يفكر أ ويعيش أو يتصرف بطريقةما ، ما أكثر ما يهم (شخصا) ، ما يجعل (شيئا ما )يعمل

I don’t understand Pul at all. U just can't work out what makes him tick. O You seem to know what makes New Uork tick - at least in the world of business and finance.

و ماذا بعد؟ (لصطلح يستخدم للتعبير ع نالدهشة أوالنزعاج من وقاحة شخص أو مما ينوي فعله أو مما(ينوي طلبه ... الخ

No, you can't have your mother's fur coat to dress up in! What next?

Janne knew that she was safe, but what of Jim, what of the childern, what of her parents?

ما المهم في المر ؟ (لصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عن ل(مباله القائل بالمر

Don’t forget that Friday is Uncle Alec's birthday.' Well, what of it? I've still got to go to Geneva.'

ما بحق الجحيم( إصطلح يستخدم بتعجب للتعبير عنالضيق أو الغضب وعن أن المتحدث ل يبالي بالمر

Oh, what the hell! I haven't got time to wash the floor, so Aunt Polly will have to see it dirty!

ماذا بحق الجحيم (إصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عن(غضب المتحدث

What the hell does Stephen think he's doing? Just look at this mess! O what the devil's all this shouting about? I'm trying to work!

what with the visitors and all the extra housework and cooking, I've had a very bust week.

ماذا يجري هنا؟ (إصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عن(الستنكار لما يجري أو كتحذير للتوقف عن شيء

What's all this then? You can't have your tea break in the boss's office, just because he isn't here today.

ما المغزى الكبير وراء ذلك؟ (إصطلح يستخدم(للتعبير عن انقد تصرف غير منطقي لشخص

I've just put all those books on the shelves and you've taken them all down again! What's the big idea?

ما الغاية أو الهدف او المكيدة التى يضمرها(شخص)؟

Max has been behaving very strangly towards me. What's his little game, I wonder?

ماذا تفعل ؟ ما الذى ما الذى يجري؟ (إصطلح(يستخدم للتعبير عن النزعاج مما يفعله شخص

Hey! What's the game? Those are my private papers!

ما الغاية أو ما المغى من ذلك ؟ لم كل هذا ؟ ما لزوم(كذا)؟

What's all this in aid of? Three packed suitcases? Where are you going? O What are these big boots in aid of? Are you cli,bing Everest?

What's yours, Harry? Another Whisky?


محطة سخرية أو انتقا

علقة جنسية جانبية لشخص متزوج

ماذا تحب أن تشرب؟ (يستخدم عندما يريد الشخص(أن يشتري مشروبا لشخص آخر

أتعرف لماذا؟ (إصطلح يستخدم للتقديم لكلم جاد أوهام أو لفكرة يريد القائل ان يأخذها المستمع بعين(العتبار

You know what? I Michael is jealous! That would explain his behaviour.

Chapter TwoIdioms withnouns andadjectives

شخخص أو شيء مختلف تماما عمن تم التطرق إليهأو التحدث عنه سبقا

I wasn't talking about Jeremy. I meant his brother.' 'Ah, now Rodney's way of soing business is quite another cup of tea.'

What Rawlings did wasn't really as wrong as the opposition would have people believe. It seems as id they just need an Aunbt Sally to take the public's attention away from other unethical dealings.

فكرة أو اقتراح يعرف الجميع أنه سيئ ولكنه يطرحعلى بساط البحث أو ينتقد لجل استخلص فكرة بناءةأو عبرة جيدة منه

Mark knows that his idea for fund-raising was not original or particularly good, but he meant it more or less as an Aunt Sally.

نجاح مفاجئ و غير مألوف أو متوقع يحرزة شخصمبتدئ خلل محلوتع أو تجاربه الولى لعمل أوممارسة شيء

Diane had never been bowling before, but she scored wvery time! Beginner's luck, I suppose.

مقبول (إصطلح يستخدم عن استحسان أو قبول(شخص لشخص أو لشيء

ichard's fot a new gir/friend.' 'I know, l/ve seen her, She's a bit of all right.'

Have you heard the rumour about Steve? They say he's got a bit on the side, but I don't believe it.

يكسب مال من عمل جانبي خارج عمله الساسي(inflroal)

We need someone to help at the race-course. Ask Jim if he's like to make a bit on the side.

مصيبة او حدث غير سعيد يتحول مصدر سعادة أوحسن طالع فيما بعد ، رب ضارة نافعة

Failing to get the job in Ednburgh was a blessing in disguise. If had gone to work there, I would never have had the travel opportunities that my present job offers me.

منغض في أمر ، شيء أو شخص يفسد وضعا أوترتيبا معيتا ، عقبة يطمح الشخص لزالتها

Ted's job is running very smoothly. He says the only blot on the landscape is the prospect of having Dawson for a boss next year.

مجرد لعب أطفال ، عمل أو مهمة سهلة جدا

مفخرة لشخص ، إنجاز يمكن للمرء التباهي به

وضع أ وقول ينشط الفكر ويوقظ البصيرة

شيء أو شخص يضفي البهجة على جو كئيب أووضع ممل

We're thoroughly emjoyoing having Betsy staying with us. She's so lively and interesting - a real breath of fresh air for my parents, who never go out or see a new face.

الهدوء الذي يسبق العاصفة ، فترة هدوء او جمودقبل فترة من نشاط محموم أو مشاكطل و متاعب تلوحفي الفق

No one would believe that there's going to be a general election in this country in six weeks' time. It's so quite. ''it's kust the calm before the storm. Once the campaigning starts, there'll be talk of nothing else.'

يبني) قصورا في الهواء ، يرسم خططا مستحيلةالتطبيق ، لديه مشاريع ل يمكن تنفيذها

Mandy is talking about taking a sailing holiday in the Caribbean next year. All castles in the air, of course; she'll never have enough money.

Persuading Jack to join us should be child's play compared with the tremendous difficulties we had in getting Sam to support us.

سحابة في الفق ، أمر أو خطب مهم على وشكالحدوث ، شيء غير سار يلوح في الفق

Sarah and Jim have oly been married a couple of weeks and already there's a cloud the horizon. Jim thinks he may lose his job.

أروقة أو دهاليز السلطة ، الماكن الرفيعة أوالحساسة في مراكز السلطة أو صنع القرار و حيث.تتصارع القوى المؤثرة فيا لحكم

You should read this book. It gives you tremendous insight into the corridors of power on Capitol Hill.

نصير الشيطان (شخص يندس متعمدا في صفوفالطرف المناوئ و ينفذ في العلن الجهة التي ينتميإليها ويدعمها في سره بغية التعرف على مواقفوذرائع خصومه وجس نبضهم قبل الكشف عن ولئه(الحقيقي

Everyone was outraged when Jefferson announced that he thought a merger of the two companies would be a good thing. No one realized at the time that he was simply plying the devil's advocate.

معاملة بالمثل ، معاملة لتلك التي تلقاها شخص منشخص آخر او عامل بها شخص شخصا آخر كقولنا""يجعله يشرب من نفس الكأس

Antony has been plotting to ruin Michael's good reputation in the company. It's someone gave him a dose of his own medicine!

نقطة في بحر ، مقدار صغير جدا قياسا إلى مقدار أكبربكثير

Mr. O'Neill donated two hundred pounds to our hospital charity. A very generous donation, but unfortately only a drop in the ocean - we need half a millinon.

Trevor has won a scholarship to Cambridge.' 'Oh, that's wonderful - certainly a feather in his cap!'

وضع إيجابي يستمر وقتا قصيرا ، جهد أو نجاحجزئي سرعان ما ينقلب إلى فشل ، حماس أو اندفاعمؤقت لشيء

Janet is thinking about a career in nursing. Her intentions seem to be serious, so we hope it's not going to be just another flash in the pan.

Thank you so much for your constructive criticism and suggestions. They have certainly give me food for thought.

طلقة اللسان او القدرة على القناع

شخص متعدد المهارات أو الخبرات

النقد الشديد الذي يؤدي إلى ردة فعل إيجابية

مهمة سهلة جدا ل تتطلب جهدا

وطأة الظروف ، تسلسل أو تعاقب للحداث اوللوضاع يفقد الشخص خثياراته او حريته في تحديدمجرى تصرفاته

Unfortunately, we had to sell the hose owing to force of circumstances. We desperately needed capital.

"Alan is hoping for a career in politics.' 'Well, he certainly has the gift of the gab.'

المعلومات او التفاصيل التي تقوي حجة شخص أوتدعم قيضة

Mr. Thomas decided that he would write a letter of complaint to the travel company, so he interviewed several of the other tourists in the hotel. Many of them were dissatisfied, which all added grist to his mill.

مكان يشعر المرء فيه بالترحيب أ ويشعر فيهبالسعادة او الراحة كما لو أنه في منزله

We enjoy visting Aunt Maud and Uncle Leonard. They're just like my parents, so their house is a home form home.

ميزة أضافية سارة أو مفيدة ولكنها ليست أساسية أوليست الكثر أهمية

The police didn't manage to trick the suspect into an admission of guilt, but that was only going to be the icing on the cake, anyway. They had enough evidence to charge him without a confession.

Why don't you let Joe do the electrical wiring in your new house? He say he would put in the heating as well, and tlie the bathroom.' 'That's

شخص يمارس أعمال كثيرة بدون أن يكون متميزا أومتفوقا في أي منها

الشخاص العصريون والفاعلون الذين يترحلون بكثرةإنجاز العمال ويعيشون حياة مترفة

Don't go to Cannes in the summer months for a family holiday - unless you

want to get with the jet set, of course! Note: a jetsetter.

الفضليات أو المسحوبيات في عالم العمالة أوالتوظيف ، نظام تأمين العمال جيدة الجر لشخاصمحسوبين على أصدقاء ذوي نفوذ او ذوي علقاتهامة

There won't be chance for young university graduates like me. It's usually kobe for the boys in government administration, isn't it?

Christopher's tutor told him that all the teaching staff were expecting him to fail his exams. That was a real kick in the pants for him. From then on he started to take his studies seriously.

Change the spark plugs? Of course I can do it myself! It's kids' stuff!

شريعة الغاب ، المبدأ القائل بان للقوى وأن الثبات اوالنجاح في وضع تنافسي سيكون من حظ القوى اوالقل مراعاة للخلقيات

It's all very well having a deree in business administration, but you don't learn the law of the jungle at university.

رجل الشارع ، المواطن العادي في بلد ما

المال المكتسب بدون أي جهد

شيء عديم النفع أو ربما ضار ل يفلع إل شخص مغفل

شخص يتصرف بدون الخذ باعتبارات أو أعرافمجموعته او محيطه ويفعل ما يريد بوحي من ذاتهوبصرف النظر عن التشريعات المتكوبة او غيرالمتكوبة ، شخص له قوانين الخاصة

You're wasting your time explaining business eyhics to Roger- he's a law unti himself and acts in any way he pleases.

محاولة تعتمد على الحظ أو تنطوي على مجازفة ،فكرة أو تخمين عشوائى يطله الشخص جزافا ويأملأن يكون صحيحا

His answer only a shot in the dark, but luckily it was correct.

أهون الشرين ، الخيار القل سوءا الفضل بين حليناو خيارين سيئين

Patricia decised that telling Tom a lie would be the lesser of two evils. She did't want to hurt him by telling him that her career was more important to her than he was.

نجم الحفل ، الشخص الذي يمثل مركز الجاذبية فيحفل .. الخ. لكونه الكثر حيوية أو ظروفا او إثارةللمرح بين الخرين

We had a good time at Penny's get-together. Of course, Mick was the life and soul of the party, as usual.

الحظ الجيد او السيىء كما تسوقه الصدفة والذي ليستطيع المكرء التأثير فيه ، مشيئة القدر

The Millers had a very effcient au-pair girl last year, but they aren't happy with this year's at all. It's the luck of the draw.

رجل الساعة ، الشخص الكثر شهرة أة إقبال لنجاح.أصابه أو لشيء يجعله محط إعجاب الخرين

Congratulations on your success! How does it feel to be the man of the hour?

The man in the street is extremely well informed on political issues.

All you have to do is to stand here and count the people coming into the store. Then write down the members per hour. It's ,oney for kam.

Bernie? Take drige? Never! He knows it's a mug's game.

مسمار في نعش شخص ، شيء سيئ يساهم فيإخفاقات شخص أو انهياره أو تدهور صحته

I'm trying to persuade my office colleague to stop smoking Every time he lights a cigarette, I tell him it's another nail in his coffin.

جوهر المسألة ، العامل المؤثر الساسي او العنصرالجوهري

Well, now let's talk about the pay you are offering. Money - that's the name of the game these days, isn't it?

دقائق المور ، التفاصيل الصغيرة ، التفاصيل العمليةالجوهرية لمر

Just give me the nuts and bilts of the consersion plans for the house and tell me what it will cost.

شخص حر ومستقبل بقرارته ويتدبر شؤون حياتهبمعزل عن تأثير الخرين

Why do you let Ralph push you around? I always thought you were your own man.

سلسلة من الكاذيب ، أشياء مضللة و منافيةللحقيقة ، محض افتراءات

Don't believe a word of it! The story's a pack of lies!

وعد في الهواء ، وعد بالفضل ل يؤمل تنفيذه

مهمة سهلة جدا يمكن أداؤها بنجاح مؤكد

الذرائع والحجج التي تكون في صالح قضية وضدها

النتيجة الطبيعية أو النطقة لوضع ما ، ما هو متوقعأو مألوف او معتاد في وضع معين

John has been banned from driving for six months, with a fifty-pound fine.' 'Well, when you're found guilty of dangerous driving, that's about par for the course, isn't it?

When the Prime Minister talks about reducing unemployment by fifty per cent within three months, everyone knows it's only a pie in the sky.

After the gang had successfully broken into three banks, it was a piece of cake to break into a few private houses

عماد أو أعمدة المجتمع ، الشخاص الذين يعتبرونالكثر موثوقية في المحافظة على القيم أخلقية والتقاليد الجتماعية أو دعمها نتيجة لمراكزهمالجتماعية أو طبيعة اعمالهم (كالمعلمين والطباء(والقضاة

Dr. lsaacs is surely sbove all suspicion of bribery. He's been regarded as a pillar of society in this town for over forty years.

Before we come to a decision, we need to hear the pros and cons of the matter.

الناس أو الفراد العاديين في منظمة أو مؤسسةوالذين ل يمتلكون مراكز خاصة أو حساسة

The rank and file are sefinitely influenced by a party's pre-election promises.

قانون عملي أثبت من خلل التجربة أنه أسلوب مفيدفي تقييم المور أو تقديرها بوجه عام و لكنه يمهلالتفاصيل الصغيرة أو كيفية التعامل مع المور الدقيقة

Are there any rules of thumb for English prepositions?

المور العادية اليومية او الروتينية ، الشياء المألوفةبطبيعتها ونوعيتها

What kind of goods does the new shop sell? Anything special?' 'No. Just the run of the mill, as far as I could see.'

أفراد المجتمع البرار ، الشخاص العاديين ذويالخلقيات و المثاليات العالية و المستقيمين فيسلوكياتهم

People who devote their free time to community or social work may rightfully be called the salt of the earth.

حصة من الكعكة ، حصة أو قسم من الربح أو الغنيمة.. الخ

When Richard realized that the partnership was more successful than had been expected, he demanded a larger slice of the cake.

حدث من الماشي ل يستحب إثرته ، أمر محرج أومخجل يبقى عادة طي الكتمان

A presidential candidate must have an immaculate past record, but most infuential families have a skeleton in the cupboard somewhere.

عصا في عجلة شخص ، عقائق لمخططات أو مشاريع.شخص و يسبب له انتكاسا أو تأخيرا

Jones didn’t expect any member of the boaed to challenge his authority. The votes against him certainly a spoke in his wheel.

ضربة حجر ، مسافة قصيرة

شيء غير متوقع ، مفاجأة أو تطور جديد

خطوة إلى المام أو في التجاه الصحيح ، تحسن أوتصرف يجعل الشخص أقرب إلى هدفه أو غايتهالنهائية

Jill wants to become a fashion designer everntually. She's just been offeref a place at the local art college, so I suppose that;s a step in the right direction.

شخص له آراء وأفكار ثابته أو جامدة و ل يمطمحللتقديم أو التغيير

Why won't you let your sons computerize the business, Mr. Thomas? Don't let it be said that you are a stick-in-the-mud.

We could visit the Railway Museum as well. According to this guidebook, it's only a stone's throw from here.

زوبعة في فنجان ، إثارة وجدل كبير يثار حول مسألةتافهة

The papers are full of some incident that took place at hthe Russian Embassy - probably just another storm in the teacup.

مخرز في الجنب ، شيء أـو شخص يكون مبعثاللزعاج أو المتاعب أو النفور لشخص آخر

The new associate has been a thorn in Patterson's flesh ever since he joined the company. Patterson thiought that three partners were enough.

غيض من فيض ، البداية او النذر اليسير من مشكلةأو أزمة تنطوي على متاعب أو مصاعب أكبر بكثير

This incident is just the tip of the iceberg. If you ask me, there's much more to come.

رجل يمكن العتماد عليه للمساعدة أو الحصول علىالراحة أو الدعم في أوقات الزمات والغم

Aunt Jessica was a real tower of strength when father died.

الساليب الجدى أو الفضل في أداء عمل ما والتييكتسبها المرء بالممارسة ، أسرار المهنة

Bob hasn't been in business very long and he often has troubles with suppliers. He needs someone to teach him the tricks of the trade.

There's Bill Davis on the phone for you.' 'That is a turn-up for the books. He swore I should never hear from him again.'

مؤشرات أو دللة على خطر محدق أو نحس أو بليةمقبلة

The steep drop in sales orders was recognized as the writing on the wall. The firm immediately began to diversify. Often : see/recoginze~

الختبار الكثر شدة وحمسا والذي يكشف إمكانياتشخص أو شيء وحقيقته بشكل قطعي

Jim thinks he is a shrewd businessman with a first-class product, but the acid test will come when he has to face up to Japanese high-tech competitors.

شخص أو قصة أو موضوع من ماضي شخص لم يعدمهما أو لم تعد تربط الشخص صلة به وبفضل غالباتناسيه (يستخدم الصطلح للشارة إلى خطأ فيالماضي أو قصة حب قديمة .. الخ

Bob doesn't like to talk about hiss first wife. He says that for him she's past history.

شخص يبدي النتقاد لشيء او يسدي النصح فيموضوع أو مجال ل يفقه فيه شيئا أو لم يكن بومأ قدعايشه أو خبره

Uncle Tom loves t otell the boys how to play cricket. He's real armchair expert.

If you enjoy armchair travelling, turn toالقراءة عن السفر و الترحالpage 14 and find yourself in Kingston, Jamaica.

شخص ل يحبذ التعامل معه بسبب الزعاجاتوالمخاطرة التي ينطوي عليها التعامل معه

If a Mr. Jack Evans phones, give me the call. He's an awkard customer and I like to deal with him personally.

موقع هامشي أو مركز ل يتيح للمرء فرصة تذكر فيإدارة أو تسير المور ، مركز ليس له أهمية أو تأثيرأو مسؤولية

Dick has been running the business for three months, but as soon as his father gets out of hospital, he'll be forced to take a back seat again.

راكب يسدي نصائح أو يبدي انتقادات ل مبرر لهاللسائق ، شخص فضولي أو متطفل يحاول التأثير فيالحداث أو القرارات الخاصة بالخرين بدون أن يمتلك.سلطة أو صلحيات لفعل ذلك

No back-seat dribers, thank you, Uncle Richard. We're perfectly capable of bringing up out children without your help.

العاملون في الظل ، مجموعة من الشخاص يقومونبأعمال هامة لصالح رموز او وجهاء القوم ولكنهمغير معروفين لدى العامة (العلماء أو الباحثين او( أعوان السياسيين .. الخ

It's the backroom boys who really run the country, not it's leader. Without their invaluable work, no important political decisions could be taken.

مركز قوة ، موقع متميز أو مركز خاص في الحفلالسياسي أو في مجال العمال أو في مفاوضات حيثيمكن من خلله للمرء أن يساوم ليضعف من موقفهخصومه

The students' protest against the new matriculation regulations was ineffective, because they had no real bargainig counter.

شيء مزعج يصعب قبوله (خيبة أمل أو هزيمة أو(لنتكاسة .. الخ

It was a very bitter pill for Gewn to swallow when Michael fell in love with her younger sister.

شارع ضيق وقصير مسدود في نهاية . شيء ل.مستقبل له ، عمل ل آفاق له

Tome thinkd the job of motor mechanics is a blind alley, as in ten years' time, all cars may be electronic and computer-driver!

موعد تم تحديده بين شخصين من كل الجنسين لمسيبق لهما أن تعارفا

Karen and Doug have been happily married for over ten years. Did you know that they met on a blind date?

عدم المقدرة على فهم أو تقبل أمر أو الحكم علىشخص أو شيء بموضوعية أو تعقل غالبا من جزاءالتحامل أو النجياز المسبق أو لقلة الدراية أو لضعفالرابطة العاطفية التي تربطه به

Brian has a blind spot as far as Sheila is concerned. She treats him abominably, but he accepts it all without question.

التسلية والثارة والفرص المرتبطة بحياة المدنالكبيرة

Valerie is starting a job in London next week. After village life in Scotiand, she's looking to the bright lights.

شعلة ذكاء ، شخص ذكي وحيوي وسريع الملحظة.طفل ألمعي وذكي

Anne gave an excellent talk, full of ideas and wit.' 'Yes, she was a particularly bright spark at school, too.'

مسألة ملحقة ، قضية أو موضوع يثار كثيرا ، مسألةأو مشكلة هامة تحتاج إلى حل سريع

The bank will definitley give us a loan, but the burniing question is, will they let us have as much as we need?

شخص يشبه شخصا آخر بشخصيته أو ميزاته إلىأبعد حد

You say your uncle's teaching you how to succeed in business, but haven't you noticed that he's turning you into a cold, calculating carbon copy of himself?

شيء يشبه شيئا آخر بتفاصيله أو شكلة إلى أبعد حد ،نسخة طبق الصل عنه

The two supermarket break-ins in Portsmouth Road were a carbon compy of the ones on Holnorn Road. Obviously the same gang was involved.

الصوت الحاسم أو الفاصل ، الصوت الذي يدلي بهآخر ناخب (صوت الرئيس في اجتماعيات العمالالرسمية .. الخ ) عندما تتساوى الصوات لصالحشيء مع الصوات ضده

That's four votes for, and four against. Kath, you have the casting vote.

بيان إيجابي يعطى من قبل مسؤول (بعد المتحان اوالتحقيق ،، الخ) ويتضمن إقرارا بأن شخصا في صحةجيدة أو شيئا في وضع مناسب (إضافة إلى استخدامهذا الصطلح للحديث عن صحة الشخص فهويستخدم عن مسلكه أو منهجه أو نزاهته .. الخ) ،بيان بحسن السلوك أو ببراءة الطرف .. الخ

The Justice Department examined the case thoroughly, but after finding nothing incriminating, gave the company a clean bill of health.

سجل نظيف لمسلك أو أعمال أو إنجازات شخص فيالماضي

Jacob's has been one of our most trusted workers. He's had a clean slate for over twenty years.

صفحة أو بداية جديدة أو نظيفة ، فرصة لنطلقةجديدة وتناسي أخطاء الماضي

Patrick was in trouible for stealing at scholl, but soon afterwards his family moved away, so he was able to start again with a clean sheet, at another school.

شخص يتباهي بإظهار تفوقة ويكون دوما مستعدالنتقاد أو تصويب الخرين

What's your opinion of the new man?' ' Well, if you ask me, he's a clever Dick'

مهرب ضيق من شيء مزعج (حادث أو خطر محدق(أو موت محقق أو هزيمة أو حرج

That was a cllose call! That van came speeding round the corner and didn't see me srossing the road! O 'Did Oliver pass his exam?' 'Yes, but it was a close shave and he knows it!'

سباق أو منافسة أو انتخاب .. الخ. تكون النتائج فيهمتقاربة جدا

As the election drew near, it became incrasingly clear that it would be very close-run thing.

موضوع يعرف عنه شخص أو الناس عامة القليل أول شيء البتة

I'm afraid nuclear physics is more or less a closed book to me

موضوع من الماضي ل ينبغي معاودة البحث فيهلمجرد أنه انتهي أو لم يعد مثيرا للهتمام

Patricia regards her first marriage as a closed book. She never mentions Rob and doesn't expect other people to mention him either.

تعاطف أو مواساة أو مساعدة ضئيلة أو شحيحةيتلقاها شخص عقب محنة ألمت به

When John lost his kob, it was cold comfort telling him that he was only one of five hundred.

القابلية على التأقلم مع الناس بأنواعهم وشتىطباقتهم ، مقدرة الشخص على أن يكون محبوبا أومقبول من قبل الخرين

Adams was asked to speak to the workers on the management's behalf, as he was regarded as having the common touch.

رجل عازب قرر الزواج لعدم قناعته بذلك من حيثالمبدأ ، رجل ل يتحمل زواجه نظرا لعاداته الراسخة.فيه واسلوب حياته المتفرد

Robert's a confirmed bachelor - unluke his brother who was married three times.

شخص واثق من نفسة يتظاهر بالبرود أمام الخرين ،شخص يحافظ على هدوئه و برودة أعصابة امامالضغوط والتوترات

The police know that Barker was a cool customer and thet he woiuld lie comvincingly in cpurt.

الحتياجات والمتع الحسية (طعام ، ملبس ، راحة( منزلية ... الخ

Rita refuses to go on a camping holiday. She insusts that she needs her creature comforts and little luxuries, especially on holiday.

شيء يقصد به الثارة والحماس (خبر أو حدث أوقصة أو منشور ... الخ) و كنه ل يعطي التأثيرالمطلوب

The story about the latest spy case turned out to be a damp squib. It couldn't be proved and was soon forgotten.

موضوع مختلف أو منفصل عما يتم بحثه . الخ ،وضع جديد مختلف تماما عن الوضع الرهن

Now that Mark has coting shares in the company and a seat on the board, it will be a whole new ball game in the boadroom. He will be able to influence all the boad's decisions.

Mary enjoys playing the piano for her(شيء مختلف تماما (أصعب او أكثر تعقيداown pleasure, but she says playing in the school concert will be a very different kettle of fish.

مأزق يتيح خيارين او طريقتين أو عملين ممكنينكلهما غير مستحب

The company's reorganization programme put Jim in a double bind. He could either choose an immediate transfer to Glasgow - which he didn’t want - or he could risk being trandferred to a place of the company's choice at a later, which he might like even less.

لغة محكية أو متكوبة غامشة أو مبهمة يصعب فهمهاوتبدو بل معنى

I'm sorry but I can't understand this leagal jargon. It's all double Dutch to me! O Mary's little boy is learning to talk now. He chats all day - mostly double Dutch, of course!

رأيين أو قولين أو طلبين متناقضين يقدمان في آنواحد فيما يخص شخصا أو شيئا مما يؤدي إلى ارتباكوتناقض في التصرفات (كأن يطلب شخص من آخر(عمل شيء و ذده في أن معا

As far as Jenny is conserned, there's a bit of double think on Mr. Baxter's part. On the one hand he asks her to represent the company at the annual tradc congress, but on the other he won't give her any authority inside the department.

شخص شكوك او ظنون ، شخص ل يصدق إل ما رآهبنفسه أو ما يمكن إثبات صحته بشكل قطعي

Hugh has always been something of a doubting Thomas. He won't believe what you say until you show him the letter to prove it.

شجاعة السكران ، الناتجة ن جراء تناول الكحول

فرصة جيدة لعمل شيء

طريقة الحياة المكرسة للمتع والترف

عربون ، دفعة جزئية تسدد عند عقد صفقة لشراءشيء أو عند تثبيت طلبية وذلك قبل أن يجوزالمشتري على البضاعة او يستلمها

We've made the sown payment on a new house. We're moving in next month!

اختبار او تجربة لمعرفة مدى نجاح أو فعالية شيء((مشروع أو آلة ... الخ

There were a few setbaks with new factory equipment, but on the dummy run everything went smoothly.

When Bob failed his exam for the second timr, he resorted to Dutch courage before he went home to break the news to his family.

مناسبة ترفيهية (تناول وجبة من الطعام أو حضورفيلم سينمائي .. الخ ) يدفع فيها كل شخص حصته مالتكلفة

It's very kind of Martin to invite us all to a celebration meal, but it will cost hom him too much, so let's make it a Dutch treat instead!

شخص تسهل مهاجمته أو يسهل اقتناص حقوقه نظرالوضعه الضعيف أو المكشوف

After his shattering political defeat, he was fair game in Fleet Street.

You've been given a fair crack of the whip, my boy, but you havent's proved to me that you are fully competent to run the business. So now it's your brother's turn.

صديق في أيام الرخاء ، شخص يتخلى عن صداقتهلشخص يمجرد أن تلم به المشاكل أو المصاعب

When Barry lost his job and was no longer able to lead an expensive social life, he discovered he discovered he had many fair weather friends.

صيغة أو صيحة مختلفة جدا (غالبا أفضل بكثير) منالشيء الذي تقارن به

Today's modern cookery books with their with their tempting illustrations are a far cry from the old-style cookery books od our grandmothers' days.

مال يكسب بسهولة وسرعة غالبا على حسابالخرين

Ben has never been opposed to making a fast buck, so l'm sure we can include him in the deal.

Simon looks tired and pale. All this fast living of the past months is beginning to show.

شخص سريع في لفت انتباه الجنس الخر وإقامةالصلت معه

We had only been in the disco about ten minutes and Paul was already surrounded by a group of girls. He's certainly a fast worker!

االفرصة الخيرة لكسب أو اللهو التي تسبق فترة منالنضباط واللتزام

Jason is getting married tomorrow, and his wife-to-be doesn't approve of him going to pubs with friends, he's meeting us in the Red Lion tonight for a final fling.

تعبير أو رأي صريح ل ينطوي على مجاملة يقال فيرجل مزهو بثبات باهظة الثمن ولكنها تعكس ذوقامبتذل وتتميز بألوان صارخة ومغالي فيها

We were having a quite drink at the bar when some flash Harry came in and started ordering champagne for everybody!

زيادة عابرة ، زيادة سريعة جدا يقوم بها المرء عادةوه وفي طريقه إلى مكان آخر أو في سياق قيامهبأعمال أخري

Hello, Rita, I can't stay long. I have a hairdresser's appointment, so this is just flying visit.

نتيجة بديهية وحتمية يسهل التنبؤ بها

تعاملت ل أخلقية ، قتل أو جرائم أو عنف

عما ناجح وفعال

With two of our best men injured, it was a foregone conclusion that the pther team would win the match.

At first the firl's death looked like suicide, but later the police began to suspct foul play.

زلة لسان ، خطأ غير متعمند أثناء الكلم يبدو وكانهيكشف الفكار او الرغبات أو النوايا الحقيقية

We're going to Brighton for a month in July. Sorry, l mean for a week, of course. That must have been a Freudian slip.

التعاملت وا لعمال التي تبدو مخلة و غير سليمة منالناحية الخلقية أو القانونية

Make sure you get a solicotor to ceck the contract before you sign it. I have the feeling the feeling that Parsons is up to some funny business.

اتفاق غير مكتوب أو موثق قائم على الثقة المتبادلةوحسن النوايا

When I bought the car from Trevor, we simply came to a gentleman's agreement. I didn't sign anything, and neither did he.

Kate is doing very well with her with her new bouti`ue. It's quite a going concern.

السعر الواقع ، التعرفة أو القيمة المعتادة أو المتعارفةعليها لخدمة ما أو لسلعة ما في زمن ما

Ask Judith if she'll do the translation for us, but tell her I want no favours - l'll pay the going rate.

منحة أو هبة مالية يتقاضاها موظف من رب عمله أوشركته عند تقاعده لقاء خدماته الجيدة

He received a golden handshake for forty years' faithful service to his company.

إصطلح يستخدم كرمز للمجتمع على النطاق المحلي: (غالبا في سياق الحديث السياسي) كما في المثلة

Grass root opinion. At grass lovel. At grass roots movement

مرحلة تخبط ، مرحلو من المشاكل أو المتاعب أوالمصاعب أو الخطاء التي تطرأ في بداية عمل أومشروع قبل أن يتم أو يستقر على وضع مناسب

Since the state was granted its independence four years ago, it has been going through a continual phase of growing pains.

الصحافة الصفراء ، الصحف والمجلت المختصة.بالكتابة عن الفضائح و الجرائم و الجنس .. الخ

If you want correct information read a serious newspaper, not the gutter press.

أوسط المور ، المنهج المعتدل في التعامل مع المورو البيعد عن التطرف أو المبالغة أو المغالة ، منهجالتعامل القائل بأن خير المور أوسطها

When Frances has an exam to take, she either studies day and night or does nothing at all. She can never find the happy medium.

ثلثة مكاسب أو نجاحات متعاقبة (غالبا في الرياضة(أو في لعبة ما .. الخ

Another tat trick, Peter. You're so lucky at card games! O Margaret does the tat trick! A third term of office for Britain's Premier!

المكاسب الغير مشروعة

يعامل شخصا بريق وعناية لكي ل يؤدي مشاعره

المسؤول عن الترشيد ، المسؤول المختص بإزالةالعناصر الغير لزمة أو الغير مرغوب فيها(كالمسؤول عن تخفيض عدد العاملين أو النفقات فيشركة) ، المسؤول عن تشويه سمعة الخصوم (فيعالم السياسة) العمل الذي يتميز بهذه الطبيعة

In an effort to reduce government spending, a hatchet man was employed to cut costs in several local government departments.

الطريق المسدود ، الوضع الذي يفقد فيه الشخصحرية اإختيار أو الذي يتعين عليه فيه أن يأخذ فقط ماعرض عليه أو أن ل يأخذ شيئا

The reorganization of the company left several workers with Hobson's shoic - a job at the new factory in Birmingham or on job at all.

تعاملت سرية وخسيسة ، عمل ما يجري في الظللنه مرفوض في العلن

I refuse to be involved in some hole and corner affair. Either we declare the new company under our own names of I want nothing to do with it.

نقد بناء ونزية ومؤلم غالبا ولكن يقصد به مساعدةالشخص المنتقد

You will have to learn to face up to a few home truths, my boy, before it's too late.

محكمة أو هيئة تحكيم غير متفقة بشان قرار او حكم ،برلمان ليس فيه أغلبية لحزب على آخر

The verdict in the murder trial will take longer than expected. There's a hung jury.

The politician was accused of having accumlated wealth through ill-gooten gains. There was a rumour that he had accepted bribed.

فترة من الطقس الحار والجاف تأتي في أواخرالخريف

After three months of continual bad weather, we had an Indian summer in September and October.

معلومات داخلية ، معلومات موثقة وصحيحةيستحصل عليها من شخص مطلع عليها (من خللطبيعة عمله .. الخ ) معلومات ل تتوفر للجميع

You are on the short list for the job at the bank. I know the manager secretary and she gave me some inside information.

سرقة أو جريمة داخلية يرتكبها موظف في مكانعمله أ وشخص له علقة بمكان العمل وليس غريباعنه

The police are interrogating all the bank staff. They are syre that the robbery was an inside job.

البرج العاجي ، طريقة الحياة البعيدة عن الواقع (غالبا(يتميز بها الفراد ذوي الرضية الكاديمية

If Des would only come down from his ivory tower now and again, he might save himself a lot of trouble. He hasn't filled in any tax forms for years.

عين الحسد ، التحامل الذي يبديه شخص مصمم علىالعثور على خطأ أو سبب لنتقاد غيره بسبب الغيرة أوالضغينة

Peter is always critial of Ben because he doesn't like him.He judges eveything Ben does with a jaundiced eye.

شخص يعتزم الترويج عن شخص آخر ولكنه يزيدهغما بدل ذلك

Don't let the neighbour in after the funeral. Mother has no need a job's comforter.

Now remember, Janice is very sensitive and needs treating with a kid gloves on occasion. So just be very careful what you say to her.

مشكلة معقدة أو عويضة يصعب حلها

إطراء أو مجاملة ودية مشكوك فيها أو مشبوهة

شخص قوي ونشيط ومفعم بالحيوية

سلوك يتسم بالهدوء ول يلف النظار أو النتباه

The advertisment must be only five lines lonf. Getting all these information into a little space will be a knotty problem.

الورقة الخيرة ، الرمق الخير ، آخر ما يمكن للمرءالدفاع به عن نفسه ، آخر مورد أو امتياز أو فرصةتتوفر له (في وضع حرج أو مسابقة أو جدل ) وذلكقبل هزيمته

The young minister was prepared to fight to the last ditch to defend his good name. O In a last-ditch attempt/effort to escape from the police dogs, the thief tried to climb a ten-foot high wall.

القشة التي قسمت ظهر البعير ، مشكلة إضافية أوعقبة أخرى تزيد المشاكل الحالية وطأة وتقيدا وتجعلالمرء في قمة الستفزاز

The children had been very badly behaved all afyernoon, but when they deliberatelu wimpe their sticky fingers on the freshly washed curtains, that was the last straw.

منبر نور ، شخص في مركز بارز ومحترم فيمجتمعه. حقل دراسي .. الخ

Mrs. Dobson has been a leading light in our local archeological society for years.

سؤال يحمل في طياته الجواب الذي يرتجيه أو يأمل بهالسائل

I know you will be making a generous donation to our hospial fund again, won't you Mr Pollard?' was her leading question. So I had to get out my cheque-book!

Phil said he had never seen anything quite like my paintings - a bit of a left-handed compliment, I thought.

Which presidential candidate will win the(تعادل (المشاركين في سباق أو في نقاشTV debate in your opinion?' 'I really don’t know. Lt's level pegging at the moment, I would say.'

Susan's always full of ebergy and enthusiasm in wvweyting she does. A real live wire.

سؤال مبطن أو ملغم يقصد به اليقاع بشخص لقولشيء أو غريب أو العتراف بأمر يؤخذ عليه أو يجينه

Where were you at the time of the break-in?' 'At 11.35 I was in bed.' replied the suspect. But the police didn’t know the time of the break-in, only the thief did. It was a loaded question.

ثرثرة ، حديث منفلت يتضمن كشفا للمعومات بدونحرص أو مبالة

Remember that the information you are dealing with is classified, so there must be no loose talk outside the office, not even to your wife. Have I made myself clear?

قضية خاسرة ، تصور أو مشروع ل يدعمه إل القلةمن الناس مما يؤدي إلى فشله

Sheila is trying to get everything in the neighbouhood to sign her petiton for an old people's home to be buit, but I think sge's supporting a lost cause again. She's only got twenty signatures so far.

It would be advisable to keep a low profile for a time, until this unpleasant scandal has died down.

شخص مخادع و خطير ومتوحش

هروب موفق من خطر أو حادثة أو مصيبة

الحقائق الساسية والعملية ، النقاط الهامة

مجموعة صغيرة في مجتمع تتميز بآرائها أوسلوكيتها المتطرفة

As always it was the lunatic fringe turned a peaceful demonstration into chaos.

شخص يقوم بالعمال المتفرقة التي يجب عملها فيمكتب ... الخ

They need a man Friday at Jeff's garage, to do everything from cleaning the tools and machines to making tea.

مشبوه ، شخص يراقب بريبة أو عدائية بسببفضيحة أو آثام أو أخطاء ارتكبها في الماضى

When the news leaked out that Jones had been in prison, he became a marked man in the neighbouhood.

شخص يعتمد عليه لجل الدعم المالي و لتسديد نفقاتاللهو بدون مقابل

I don't think Miriam really cares much about John. She just regards him as a convenient meal ticket.

الحلقة المفقودة ، شخص أو شيء يلزم لحل غموضأو مشكلة ليفسر أمرا أو وضعا مبهما

the police have made some progress in the murder case, but the motive for the crime is still the missing lik.

ما هب و دب ، مجموعة غير متجانسة من الشخاصمن فئات مختلفة في شخصياتها و سلوكياتهااهتماماتها .. الخ ، مجموعة من الشياء بماقسات أوأسعار أو أهميات متفاوتة

What kind people had lris invoted to her party?' 'Oh, the usual mixed bag. Everything from the man to the bohemian artist.'

شخص يجلب المتعة و يسر المرء للقائة شيء يسعدالمرء بالستحواذ عليه ول كنه يجلب معه أيضا شيئامن المتاعب أو الذية .. الخ. ، نعمة ونقمة في آن معا

Working in the city centre is really a mixed blessing. It's an advantage to be close to the shpos in a modern office, block, but the traffic and the noise are a real problem.

مهرب ضيق ، هروب حرج (من خطر أو شخص أوأمر مزعج) كاد أن يفشل

That was a narrow escape! I've been trying to avoid my neighbour all day, and I almost bumped into him in the lift!

Take a word of warning from me. Don’t deal with Bill Watson. He may seem friendly and fair at first, but underneath he's a nasty piece of work.

Aeroplanes seldom crash, but, because of bad working conditions of air traffic controllers in certain countries, apparently there are several near misses every month.

Cut all the background details. Let's get down to the nitty gritty of Webster's proposal.

شخص فضولي يريد معرفة كل ما يخص الخرينوالتدخل فيما ل يعينه

I have the feeling that the new nighbour will turn out to be a real Nosy Parker. So it's best not to get too friendly.

أعمال (عادة يدوية) أو صيانات أو مهمات صغيرةمتفرقة أو مختلفة

My husband's very good at doing odd jobs around the house and garden.

طائر يحلق خارج السرب (شخص أو شيء ل ينسجم(أو يتناسب مع أقرانه أو مجموعته

Charles seems to be something of an odd man out. He never joins in any of the social activities arranged by the club.

سر أصبح مشكوفا ولكن ل يزال يفترض أنه سر

ولع مؤقت أو مبة عابرة لشخص أو لشيء

تحر أو مخبر خاص

غصن زيتون (علمة أو رمز للرغبة في السلم أو( الصلح أو إنهاء العداء .. الخ

Political experts exoect at least one of the nations at war to enter negotiations carrying an olive branch.

قضية قانوينة أو مسألة يمكن التنبؤ بنتيجتها اونهايتها لعدم وجود شك في الحكم أو النتيجية التيستؤول إليها

It's an open and shut case, unfortunately. All the evidence is against Roberts. His defending counsel will have a very jhard time.

كتاب مفتوح (شخص صريح أو صادق أو شيء معلن(ل يكتنفه غموض أو تحيطة الرسية

Jerry's life is an open book. He's one of the most uncomplicated fellows that I know.

It's an open sevret that Philip and Jessica are engaged, but I shall pretend to be surprised when they tell me!

آخر تعليق أو انتقاد أو هجوم مؤذ يقوم به المرءمباشرة قبيل مغادرته

Milderd couldn't resist a parting shot as she opened the door to leave: 'Oh, and by the way, the job you wanted in the personnel department was offered to me!'

We don’t kike Roger's new girlfriend at all. Both Mark and I are hoping that she's just another of his passing ffancies.

تدرج السلطة أو التسلسل الهرمي ، نظام تدرج أوتسلسل الهمية للمسؤولين أو لصحاب النفوذ

Who do I go to get this signed? I'm new here, so I'm not familiar with the pecking order in the firm yet.

خطة أو منهج عمل سلس وخال من العوائق أوالمصاعب و يتميز بالسهولة و الوضوح

Now that she's mastered the major obstacle in her career, it should all be plain sailing from now on.

Teaching used to be regarded as a plumعمل سهل وجيد الجر ... الخjob, but nowadays it's very hard work.

Walker believed that his son was involved with criminals, so engaged a private eye to find out.

قضية يقصد منها الحتيال على شخص أو تجريمه أوإدانته ظلما

Don’t you see? It was all put-up job to discredit me. I know nothing about the stoln money!

شخص يصعب التعامل معه بسبب شخصيته أو طبيعتهأو موافقة الغير عادية أو الشاذة

Gergson is a bit of a queer customer, I suppose. He has no sense of humour at all.

خطة حمقاء أو عديمة الجدوى وغير واقعية علىالطلق

Paul has some quixotic plan to raise money for charity. He wants us to sponsor him for a parachute jump, but he's never been in an aeroplane in his life!

تخمين عشوائي يطلق جزافا ول يتوقع له أن يكونصحيحا أو في محله

I don't know the year, so lill have to take a randon shot at it. 1848?

We all think that Polly has been given a(معاملة فظة وغير منصفة (أخلقيا أو مالياraw deal, and that it is the dyty of the firm to find her anothet job in one of its branches.

تقدير او تخمين تقريبي

ميزة جيدة أو صفة حميدة لشخص تشفع لعيوبه

.William will probably give you a chequeمال يدفع نقدا (كاش) ، مال جاهز للدفع فوراHe harrdly ever has any ready money.

بديهة سريعة أو فطنة أو روح دعابة حاضرة ، القدرةعلى إعطاء تعليقات مناسبة أو طريفه بسرعة وفىالوقت المناسب

I've always envied people with a ready wit who always know just what to say and when.

موقع يمكن للمرء من خلله مراقبة أو اختبار مايجرى بوضوح

June is neing transferred to headquaerts for six months for management training, so she'll have a ringside seat.

شخص ينتقل بين أماكن كثيرة أو أعمال متعددة بدونأن يستمر طويل في أي منها

For years, Mike was a rolling stone - until he met Anne

نظارة وردية (النظر إلى الحياة أو الشخاص بمنظور(إيجابي أو مفرط في التفاؤل بشكل غير واقعي غالبا

Samantha looks at life through rose-coloured spectacles. She simply refuses to see problems.

ماسة خامية (شخص غير متعلم وخشن المظهر ولكنه(طيب القلب ويتمتع بسجايا وخصال حميدة

Jack may be a rough diamond, but he's honest and reliable and always willing to help.

Well, it's only a rough guess, but I'd say a caravan of that size would cost around fifteen thousand pounds.

We had better be prepared for a roughوقت ثعب / سهلpassage when we start up the business. We'll have large overtheads and a huge overrdraft to carry - and not many sales in the first few months.

فترة عصيبة ، فترة من المصاعب أو المتاعبالشخصية أو المالية ... الخ

Their marriage is going through a rough patch, true, but they are sensible enogh to sort matters out.

تجربة مؤلة ومريرة يخضع لها شخص ، إنتقادحاد ... الخ

The managing director sent for Maxwell and apparently gave him a very rough ride for losing the Japanese contract.

صدمة مزعجة ومفاجئة ، الحساس أو الشعورالمفاجئ بأن المور أسوأ مما كان يعتقد

I don't think Yvonne realizes just how precarius the sitation is. It will be a rude awakening for her when bank manager tells her that we are forced to sel lthe house.

عاطفة أو هاجس يسيطر على حياة الشخص أو(شخصية (الحب أو المال أو الشهوة لسلطة ... الخ

Peter's ruling passion ish is anbition. He wants to be the best in everyting he does.

رهان مضمون ، خيار ناجحه مؤكد ، يكون كم هومتوقع أن يكون

Put your money on Flying Lady in the 3.30 race. She's a pretty safe bet. O Kate is a safe bet for the protest march on Saturday. She's always taken part in marches in the past.

There's not much good to be said about Jason, but his saving grace is his deep affection for his little son.

مهارة أو مقدار عملية تكتسب بسهولة

شيء ضئيل القيمة أو الهمية

حوار تافه و غير مهم

شخص أو وضع ل يحتل الولوية من حيث الهمية أوالسلطة أو التأثير

I've been playing second fiddle to my brother for long enough. Now it's my turn to control the business.

When you've used to the computer a few more times, it will become second nature to you.

مستجدات ، أفكار طارئة تتعلق بموضوع و تؤديبالنتيجة إلى قرار أو رأي مختلف فيه

I hope yoy're not having second thoughts about the dance on Saturday. Please say you'll still be coming.

أساليب أو تعاملت ملتوية أو غير نزيهة في مجالالعمال

There are some sharp practices going on in the building trade. Infrtior building materials are sometimes used.

الحاسة السادسة (المقدرة على التنبؤ بالخطر وقوةالحدس أو رهافة الحس تجاه مختلف الناس وا(لوضاع

I saw an unattended parcel in the corner of the room, and a sixth sense told me that I should leave the building immediately. Could it have been a bomb?

الحد الدنى من عدد الموظفين اللزم لبقاء العملمستمرا أو الخدمات فعالة أثناء العطل و الجازات ...الخ

The firm doesn't close in Augst. We keep it open, if only with a skeleton staff.

I know it's small beer compared with your valuable collection, but do own an original Picasso sketch. O What you've seen today in the atelier is really only small potatoes. When Gina is working on a new collection, her ddress designs are superb.

الشخاص أو المجموعات التي ليس لها تأثير أواهمية كبيرة ، أصحاب العمال الصغيرة

Most public companies regard family businesses as small fry, no matter what their volume of business is.

تلك النصوص أو المقاطع من الوثائق القانونية التيتحتوي عادة على استثمناءات أو إشارات أو بنودهامة والتي يصعب قراءاتها ويمكن السهو عنها نظلالكتابتها بخط صغير

You meeting started off with the usual small talk which seemed to go on for ages.

The meeting started off with the usuall small talk which seemed to tgo on for ages.

شخص مختص أو بارع في الحسابات يمكنه بسهولةإقناع الخرين أو التلعب عليهم بالرقام ليفعلواأشياء في مصلحته

Don’t agree to let Joe look after your finances. He's a smooth operator and you may not realize what his real intention are until it's too late.

قرار أو حكم اعتباطي يتخذ بسرعة فيما يخص أمرانظرا لعدم توفر الوقت الكافي للتفكير فيه

Consider the matter very carefully. I don’t want a snap decision that you will regret later.

مسلسل تلفزيوني أو إذاعي واسع النتسار يعرضغالبا لسنوات ويدور حول حياة وثروات عائلة أومجتمع معين (مثل مسلس "دالس" أو "السللة(الحاكمة " .. الخ

الشبية التام

معاملة منصفة أخلقيا ، صفة عادلة ماليا

خيار أبسط أو أسهل ، أسلوب عمل بديع يعتبر أكثرسلسة أو قبول

Rebecca realized that if she stayed in her present job it eould be competing with an envious rival. Leaving the firm would probably be a soft option. O Pupils tend to regard music and art as soft options for school certificate examination purposes, but this is a mistaken belief.

مجاملة أو تملق يرمي المرء من ورائه للحصول علىما يريده من شخص

Remember, no soft with Uncle Eric. If he wants you to work for him, he'll offer you a job in any casy.

محبة أو نقطة ضعف خاصة لشخص تجاه شخص آخرأو شيء ما

You know that Uncle Bill has always had a soft sopt for you, so if you need advice of help, ask him. O Liz has always had a soft spot for animals. She does voluntary work for the Battersea Dogs' Home at the weekends.

شخص لديه استعداد لقراض أو بذل المال بدون أنيلحظ أنه يتسغل أو يغبن ... الخ

I feel sorry for Harry. His friends realize that he's a soft touch, so they invite him to the pub, knowing that he will pay for the drinks.

عنب حامض (إصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عن موقفشخص إزاء حظ أو ثرثة شخص آخر أو تجاه شيء ليستطيع الحصول عليه فيستصغره أو يستخف به أويقلل من أهميته

Robert said that he doesn't like Don's new Volve.' 'Well, that sounds like sour grapes to me. Robert would love a Volvo himself but he can't afford one.'

You can't mistake the fact that Jackie is Rosemary's daughter. She's the spitting image of her mother.

اختبار أو تدفيق عشوائى ، تحقيق أو تفتيش يجريبدون سابق إنذار او تحذير

If you follow thw green signs at Heathrow Airport, you won't have any trouble going through customs. They only do an occasional spot check.

Do you think the estate gave us a square deal when he sold our property?

وجبة رئيسية من الطعام الذي يحتوي على موادغذائية أسايسة

The poor man looked thin and pale, I thought he looked very much in need of a ssquare meal, so I invited him to have lunch with us.

شخص غير مناسب لمركز أو عمل يمارسه او غيرمنسجم مع محيطه .. ، شخص غير ملئم

Bernard used to be a research scientist before his institute had to close down. He got a part-time job teaching, but he's a square peg. He can't handle the children and obviously can't adopt to school life.

طرفة أو كلمة أو إشارة تثير لضحك دائما لدىمجموعة من الناس يحتفظون بمدلول أو مغزى خاصالها

I didn't understand why everyone started to laugh when I said 'cricket'. I later learned that it was a standing joke in the family.

شخص متأنق أو مختال أو مزهو بنفسه

منهج أو أسلوب مضمون أو موثوق النتائج

عمل أو مركز أو نجاح مرحلي يفسح الممجال لقفزةأفضل في مجال العمل أو في المستوى الجتماعي أو.التعليميى .. الخ

The pop group's tremendous success in America was an important stepping stone in their international career.

مشروب كحولي قوي يؤخذ عادة لتهدئة العصاب بعدسماع أخبار مزعجة

Well, after that shocking news I feel in need of a stiff drink.

حالة من ضبط النفس الشديد أو رباطة الجأش فيوجه المخاطر

When the doctor told Bill that his heart was in a critical state, he kept a stiff upper lip and replied with a smile: 'Then I suppose l'll have to take life a little more slowly, won't I?

حديث مكشوف و صريح أو جواب واضح وشفاف ..الخ

You said you wanted a straight answer, so l'll give you one. Yes, it was me whi told the police where you were hiding. O lt's time we had a straight talk about your duture, my boy.

إستفتاء أو استطلع غير رسمي للرأي لمعرفة موقفالناس من القضايا التي تحظى بالهتمام العام فيحينها

On election day a straw poll was taken outside six constituencies in London, and from those figures they were predicting strong Conservative gains.

Pete, now you're behaving like a stuffed shirt. Mr. Littleton may not be rich or influential, but that's no reason not to accept his invitation.

عجوز متصاب ، شخص غني و متقدم في العمريخطب ود امرأة صغيرة وببذل المال بسخاء لجلبانتباهها أو إثارة اهتمامها

No sugar daddies for Marilyn! She told Parkinson to get lost!

If you need a sure-fire method to improve the working morale of the staff, kust promise them more monery for better results.

بيان أو تصريح أو تقرير ينطوي على تعميم وشموليةوبغفل التفاصيل أو الستثناءات أو الحالتالخاصة ... الخ

Aren't you making a rather sweeping statement when you claim that private doctors use the same methods as calculating businessmen?

عمل فوق المستطاع ، مهمة يصعب إنجازها أو طلبيصعب تلبيه

That's rather a tall order, Ms. Lewis, I can have your car repaired tomorrow, but I really can't do it by this afternoon.

تقرير أو حكاية يصعب تصديقها لنها تبدو مستحيلةالحدوث أو غير واقعية

Don’t believe a word of what Nick told you about his adventre in Bamgkok. It sounds very much to me like another of his tall stories.

المصاعب والنكسات التي تبرز في بداية مشروع أوعمل والتى يتوقع أت تتضاءل مع مرور الزمن وازيادالخبرة

We can improve the new engine desihn; we don’t need to change it completely. tHe failure of the engine test was inly due to teething troubles.

استجواب أو استنطاق قاس و مكثف

العالم الثالث ، البلدان النامية

وضع صعب أو مربك أو محرج

الطبقة الرستقراطية ، الطبقة اإجتماعية العلى

l've give you time to recover from the shock of the accident before putting you through the third degree, but now I need some answers to some very important question

طرف ثالث (محايد غالبا) ، شخص آخر بالضافة إلىالثنين المعنيين بأمر

Now you say that car was damaged by is car. Was there a third party involved in the accident?

Several countries of the Third World are making definite progress on their way to economic imdependence.

I wish you hadn't told Chris about my plans to move house. It put me in a very tight spot when he asked me why I hadn't told him.

مزدحم (باص أو سيارة ... الخ) ، ليس فيه متسعكاف

Can all five of us get in your car"' 'Well, it will be a tight squeeze, but it's only for a short distance.'

شخص يحظي خطأ باحترام كبير أو تحتسب له معرفهاو سلطة غير جدير بها

Don't regard your professor as a little tin god. If you think he's mistaken, just tell him why you think so.

علية القوم ، الفئة الكثر استئثارا بالسلطة من الناسأو الرفع مستوى أو العلى مرتبة

It's obviously going to be an important occasion. All the top brass will be attending.

عامل أو عنصر مجهول يتعلق بأمر ول يمكن أخذه فيالحساب أو التنبؤ به مما يجعل المر منطويا علىمجازفة

I can say with certainty how five of the members will vote, but Stevens is an unknown quantity this time.

IN certain working situations, belonging to the upper crust can create more probkems than belonging to underprivileged classes.

اهتمام او ارتباط بمشروع ما بنطوي على مصلحةشخصي

Don't expect an unbiased opinion from Morgan. He has a vested interest in the project.

حلقة مفرغة ، وضع ل يمكن تبديله او تحويلة أوتحسينة لن السبب والمسبب للمشكلة يؤديان إلىبعضهما البعض

If you earn more, you have to pay more for things; if you have to pay more you want to earn more; so it's a vicious circle, unless wages and prices are frozen.

شخص يفسد بكأبته جوا بهيجا أو ل يندمج فياللهو معالخرين مما يقلل من بهجة و مرح الجمع

Matthew, don’t be such a wet blanket! Grab a glass and let me pour you some wine. Come and join in the fun!

تخيل المرء لشيء على انه حقيقة بسبب رغبتهالداخلية بأن يكون كذلك

That must be John, she thought as the telephone rang, knnowing full well that it was only wishful thinking on her part.

إفطار أو غداء أو عشاء عمل ، وجبة طعام يتباحثخللها الحصور في شؤون العمل

There are still a lot of details to discuss,so we are meeting for a working lunch at 12,30

حي يرزق

ولد وترعرع ، أمضى السنين الولى من حياتة

منشرح ورائق المزاج ، يعمل بخفة و حيوية

في الصباح الباكر جدا

منشرح و رائق المزاج و مفعم بالحيوية

بطريقة عادلة و منصفة

بالضبط ، تماما ومباشرة

قوي و لئق بدنيا

وديع ، خنوع ، غير صارم فيما يخص حقوقه

تقريبي ، غير دقيق

سليم ومعافى ، غير مصاب او مؤذى

شجر أو متضايق كليا من شخص أو شيء

Chapter Three Idiomatic pairs

I had a letter from Rod. He's still very much alive and kicking, working on an Australian sheep farm.

Born and bred in Yorkshire, she wrote novels containing much autobiographical detail and description of the Yorkshirs countryside.

Larry is a very bright and breezy sort of person. Everybody likes him.

Let's get up bright and early and set off at seven!

Sue must hhave had some good news. She's looking very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning.

محسوم ، مقرر ، مبوت فيه (ترتيبات ، خطط ،.آراء ... اله

Our holiday arrangements are all cut and dried. We're going to Crete for the last two weeks in Augst.

Let's seetele the bill for the damage fair and square. We were both at fault, so we'll both pay half.

He raised his fist and hit him fair and sqiare on the chin.

غير رسمي ، غير مقيد أو معني أو مبال بالعرافالجتماعية

I hope it won't be formal dress for dinner in the hotel-I like to be free and easy when I'm on holiday.

Grandfather was hale and hearty right up to his death at ninety-three.

مضمون النجاح ، أصبح في مأمن من الخفاق أو.الضياع ... الخ

If the team makes the next round, we'll be home and dry for the semi-finals.

Pur should have defended herself and told Lucy what she thinks of her, but she's too meek and mild.

I can't tell you how to use prepositions correctly, but I can give you a few rough nd ready rules.

After his three month's trip on foot through Africa, our son is glad to be back home safe and sound.

خفيف و رشيق ، مختصر ومفيد ، خال من التفاصيلالمملة والغير ضرورية (خطاب ، رسالة ، شرح ....الخ

Remember, no one wants to hear a long speech, so just keep it short and sweet.

I hope Sid doesn't start telling us about his adventure in Algiers again-I'm sick and tired of hearing about it.

يطيء أو مترو ولكن جيد ومتقن

نظيف و مرتب

مرح و لهو

أعمال صغيرة

لعب ومرح ، لهو وتسلية مفعمة بالحيوية

He doesn't rush things. He's a slow but sure worker and the end product is always worth waiting for.

How do you manage to keep your house spick and span with three children?

Valeire soon got tired of Malcilm'sمع كل أمتعته ، (مع) كل أغراضهbohemain way of life and moved out of the flat, bag and baggage.

It's a good summer course, but it isn't all beer and skittles. You'll have to do some work.

أشياء ضغيرة متنوعة ، أغراض شخص أو.حاجياته .. الخ

This looks like Mike's cigarette lighter. He's always leaving his bits and pieces luing around.

I shall be home late. I still have some bits and pieces to attend to at the office.

I didn't hear all they said, only bits and.رؤوس أفلم ، مقاطع صغيرة من حوار ... الخpieces, but it sounded as if they were dissatisfied with the organization as well.

إتفاق على .. (طعام ، إقامة في منزل خاص أو مضافة(صغيرة

I paid about f200 for the week, including petrol, board and lodging.

Bob puts his body and soul into his(الطاقة البدنية و الفكرية ، قلب وقالب (شخصcommunity work. He loves every minute of it.

قوت يومه. أساليب شخص في كسب المال او كسبالعيش

He paints only for pleasure. He earns his bread and butter as a photographer.

المباني و المرافق (خاصة المكرسة لغراض(الستثمار

Forget stocks and shares. Put your money into bricks and mortar.

يحدد مرجعا أو مصدرا دقيقا لشيء ذكره ، يستشهد.بنص قانوني أو تشريعي ... الخ

If there's anything you want to know about tax exemption, ask Jim. He knows all the details and he'll give you chapter and verse.

التبادل السريع والنشط للكلمات والفكار في حوار ...الخ

I've always emjoyed thet cut and thrust of a clever debate.

التكتيكات أو الساليب المميزة للهجوم وصد الهجو(بين المتنافسين (في السياسة أو العمال .. الخ

George was advised to retire early for health reasons, but he knew he would miss the cut and thrust of business competition too much.

بمقادير ضئيلة أو أعداد صغيرة. في اوقات غير.منتظمة

At three o'clock people started arriving in dribs and drabs, and by four o'clock the exhibition was crowded.

You'll enjoy summer school, but it won't all be fun and games.

يتجادل ، يتشاجر بصوت مرتفع وبعنف

يستخدم كل نفوذه ، يبذل كل ما بوسعه لعمل شيء

إجتياح علني وصاخب

نشاط محموم

أعذار وحجج

التفاصيل المعقدة التي يصعب غالبا شرحها وفهمها

حياة الشخص أو بقاؤه

في كل مكان وزاوية ور كن صغير

الشياء أو الدوات أو الحاجيات الصغيرة

العمال الصغيرة

متعة وتسلية (استخدام ساخر للتعبير عن متاعب(ومصاعب يواجهها شخص

You'll just missed all the fun and games, Kn's been trying to repair the kitchen tap and he's soaked us all through!

أخذ وعطاء ، تساهل ، تسوية ، حل وسط ، إستعدادالشخص لفعل ما يطلب منه بمرونة

With a bit of give and take from both parthners in a marriage, a wife and mother can also make a success of a job.

There was a dreadful argument iwn the room above. They were at it hammer and tongs for over an hour.

الذين يملكون المال والسطوة المتيازات والذين ليملكونها

In several countries there appear to be two kinds of justice - one for the haves and another for the have-nots.

The paremts and teachers are prepared to move heaven and earth to stop the kindergarten from being closed.

كليا أو بكل تقاصيله ، يصدق قصة وهمية بشكل كليوبحذافيرها أيا كانت

I didn't think he would believe my excuse, but he swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

رغم كل شيء ، طوعا أو كراهية ، بأي طريقة سواءكانت منصفة أم مجحفة

l'll get the money somehow, by hook or by crook.

There was a great hue and cry when it was announced that the factory would be reducing staff.

I hate big airports. It's all hustle and bustle.

No ifs and buts, just do the work and tell me when it’s finished.

The ins and outs of the work and tell me when it's finished.

The rescue team risked life and limb trying to get the three young climbers down the mountain.

Jack has decided to go and live with hisكل شيء ... الخdaughter in Portsmouth, so he's selling up here, lock, stock and barrel.

We talked man to man over an hour and(رجل لرجل (بشكل صريح و وديmanaged to clear up a lot of misunderstandings that there had been between us.

l've looked everywhere possible, searched every nook and cranny but can't find the ring.

l've almost finished packing, but there are still a few odds and ends in the bathroom that I have to put in.

There are still some odds and ends to tie up at the office before I go to Japan.

جزء ل يتجزأ

أوضاع قاسية او فاسدة ومحبطة وجدانيا أو عاطفيا

النجاحات وا لخفاقات أو الثارة والخيبة

أسباب أو دواعي أمر ، الغايات من وراء شيء

حينما ، كلما


إجمال ، بشكل عام

في كل مكان ، في كافة الرجاء

نادر أو قليل وفي فترات متباعدة

The recent radio and TV information progreammes on smoking are all part and parcel of a government campaign against it.

الصيانة السيئة أو التلف نتيجة لسوء الصيانة أوالهمال

What a pity that this lovely old house is just going torack and ruin.

تصرفات ل معني لها ، غير منطقية ، وضع غير مبرر.... الخ

Why should Wilson close down the store when it's making such profits? It's without rhyme or reason!

Spencer is a young idealist. I don't think he'll be able to stand up to the rough and tumble of the political arena for long.

هراء (إصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عن الرفق أو النبذ أوالستجان لحديث أو لفكار أو لمعتقدات سخيفة أو(غبية

They say that Bob's going to retire ion his sixtieth birthday.' 'Stuff and nonsense - he won't leave the company unless they carry him out!

I hear this is your first day on the newspaper. Wlcome to the thrills and spills of journalism!

وضع حرج ، قريب من النجاح قربه من الفشل ، بين.الحياة والموت ... الخ

Greg is in a critical state after the accident. They say it's touch and go.

الوقات الجيدة والسيئة ، لحظات السعادة والحزن أو.الفراح والتراح

There's no need to be so unhappy. Every relationship has its ups and downs.

تدهور الصحة من جراء ممارسات معينة. اهتراء أوتلف (الملبس أو الثاث ... الخ ) من جراء الستعمالاليومي

The material is very strong. It should stand lots of wear and tear.

مفاوضات معقدة في مجال السياسة أو العمال تتميزغالبا بالساليب الملتوية و الأخلقية

I don't understand the council's decision to make a nayure reserve into a property development area. Obviously a lot of wheelig and dealing has gone on.

For the present we must simply accept the new regulations, but we shall expect to be told the whys and wherefores very soon.

New cataloues will be sent to you from time to time, as and when they appear.

Jimmy''s got his pullover on back to front.

By and large, it's been a pretty good year for the local team.

l've hunted far and wide for those socuments and they're nowhere must have left them on the train.

We enjoy having Uncle Alex here, but unfortunately his visits are few and far between these days.

المهم في المر ، أهم ما في المر

هنا و هناك وفي كل مكان ، في أماكن كثيرة مختلفة

يدخل ويخرج مرارا وتكرارا

بوضوح تام

تقريبا ، بشكل تقديري ، عمليا

ليس كثيرا ، أحيانا ، من وقت لخر

بشكل متقطع ، عبر فترات غير منتظمة ، ليس دائما

ذهابا وإيابا ، جيئة وذهابا

تعافي ، تماثل للشفاء وأصبح في صحة جيدة

يتقلب في آراءه أو خططه أو رغباته كثيرا

First and foremost, the new sales orders will mean employing extra staff to deal with the extra work.

Could this bag belong to Roger?' 'Oh, yes, quite possibly. He leaves his stuff here, there and everywhere.

Colin wants to speak to you. He's been in and out all morning looking to see if you were in your office.

في كل مكان وبإفراط ومبالغة ، يمينا ويسارا وما بينذلك

There was this eccentric outside the town hall. He was handing out five-pound notes, left, right and centre! O He spends money left, right and centre.

It's a bad telephone line. Can you hear me?' 'Yes, loud clear!'

Is this the sort of design you were thinking of?' 'Yes, more or less.' O He more or less told me to start looking for another job.

غير مهم. ل علقة له بالمر من قيرب أو بعيد ، ليغير شيئا فيه

The fact that she's Lord Dunvale's daughter is neither here nor there. She'll lose here driving license, as woukd anyone else caught driving a car in that condition.

Do you still go to the theatre every week?' 'Only now and again, not as regularly as we used to.'

He's been working at the garage in his spare time on and off for five years now.

.Position understood. End of messageحول (إصطلح يستخدم عند انتهاء اتصال ل سلكيOver and out.

That poor man's very nervous, he's been walking to and for in the corridor for an hour. His wife's expecting twins!

Barry's much better now, thanks. He's up and about again.

يتصرف بتذلل وخنوع تجاه شخص (غالبا لحاجة له(عنده

I've asked him politely for his help. Surely he doesn't expect me to bow and scrape to him!

إما أن تبذل أقصي ما بوسعه أو يخفق نهائيا (عند(بذلك محاولة أخيرة أو لمرة واحدة

I do wish the boss wouldn't chop and change so much, I booked three flights for him today, but then he changed his mind and I had to cancel them all.

يوؤدي أعمال أو يؤمن ما بوسعه أو يخفق نهائيا((عند بذل محاولة أخيرة أو لمرة واحدة

Colin's taking a university entrance exam tomorrow. He knows it's do or die, so he has been working very hard.

يسامح ، يتناسى العداء والضغينه

إما أن يفلح أو يفشل ، إما أن ينجح أو يخفق

ينتظر ويرى ما يكون ، ينتظر بصبر

يؤدي أعمال أو يؤمن أشياء أو يقضي حوائج منتلقاء نفسه لشخص يستطيع القيام بها بنفسه

Mrs. Hollings is always complaining that her teenage son is very lazy, but he won't change as long as she's willing to fetch and carry for him.

This is the second time you've cheated Jim. I don't think he'll be prepared to forgive and forget again this time.

يأخذ و يعطي ، يتنازل ، يتساهل ، ينزع إلى التسويةأو الحل الوسط

If Barbara were prepared to give and take a little more, out relationsip would be much smoother.

يقاسي من شيء أو وضع مزعج ويتحمله بصبر ورضى

Our hotel eoom was over the disco. We couldn't get another room or another hotel, so we had to grin and bear it.

غير دقيق ، اعتباطي ، كيفما اتفق ، جيد أحيانا وسيئأخرى

How's Carol doing with new computer?' 'Well, at the moment it's very much a question of hit and miss, I'm afraid. She doesn't jnow all the commands yet.'

يغمغم ، يهمهم ، ل يعبر عما يشعر به بشكل مباشر أوصريح ، سكون مترددا بسبب الحيرة أو لعدم.استحسانه لشيء ما

When I asked him what he thought of my new designs, he just hummed and hawed.

يعيش المرء ويتعلم ، يصبح أكتر حكمة ورداية بتقدمالعمر

I trusted John and he cheated me. But you live and learn. I won't be so trusting with strangers next time.

يكون حليما ومتأنيا مع من يختلف معه في الراء أو.أسلوب الحياة ...الخ

There are some strange people in the flat above us, very bohemian in dress and behaviour. But l've told Sam it's a question of live and let live. They're probably very nice.

يفكر طويل فيما سيختاره بطريقة انتقائية مشجرةومزعجة

I'm afraid you won't be able to pick and choose. There's a trade fair in Frankfurt, so it’s a case of taking any hotel that has a vacant room.

يرغي ويزيد ، يتعرض أو يشتكي أو يتأفف بطريقةانفعالية و صاخبة

There was an old chap in the butcher's ranting and raving about the price of meat.

يبذل ما بوسعة لتوفير المال ، يقتصد في إنفاق الماللضآلة ما يمله منه

If we buy a house, we'll have to scrimp and scrape for the next twenty years.

It's sink or swim at the audition, Paul. You won't get another chance to act in a film with a big star.

.Eric's cery worried about his businessل ينام قرير العين بسبب القلق .. الخJoan says he tosses and turns for hours before he can get to sleep.

It's too early to say whether or not the plan will work. We'll just have to wait and sea.

يحتفل بتناول الطعام والشراب في مطعم (غالبا في(مناسبة خاصة

After the show we shall wine and dine at Annabel's. I've booked a table.

مرارا وتكرارا ، مرة تلو الخرى

إجمال ، بالنظر إلى المر بمجمله أو كله على بعضه

خطوة خطوة ، بخطوات صغيرة ، بالتدريج

بينما يمر الوقت ، مع مرور الزمن ، شيئا فشيئا

بالتدريج ، بمعدل بطيئ

يمضي قدما ، يتابع با توقف

بتكرار ، باستمرار

يتحرك بشكل دائري ، يبدو أو يلف

خطوة غخطوة ، ببطء و روية

بشكل كامل أ وشامل أو تام


I've told Henry again and again that he shouldn't smoke so much. He has a dreadful cough.

We didn't agree on all poits, but all in all, l'd sayu we had a successful meeting.

Don't try write the essay at one go. Do it bit by bit and think about it as you go along.

كشف أو تقرير يتضمن كل التفاصيل أو الحداث علىالوالي ، يحيط بكل شاردة وواردة

Sarah gave me a detailed account of the argument with her landlady - blow by blow.

By and by, I came to realize that my decision to leave home and go to work abroad had been the right one after all.

There are some children going from(يطرق كل البواب (في شارع أو حي ... الخdoor to door, collecting for the Boy Scouts.

How's your father after his heart attack?' 'Well, I suppose he's making progress, little by little/'

If toy are tired of hearing Grandfather's stories, tell him so! Otherwise he'll just go on and on.

We told him over and over again not to drive so fast o nhis motorbike.

I suddenly felt dizzy. Everything was goiing round and round in my head.

Don't try to learn everything at once. Take it step by step.

Emlyn is a Welshman, through and through.

How's business these days?' 'On the upيتحسن الوضع أو الحالة الصحية .... الخ-and-up at last, thanks/'

Chapter Four Idioms with prepositions

في صراع مع الوقت أو الزمن

يعمل في قطاع المحاماة

عن قرب ، عن كثب ، قريب جدا

The rumour that money was transferredمشروع ومعلن ، غير سري. شخص صالح ومستقيم illegally to Switzerland was not true. The bank trasfer was completely above board. O In business Ross is always above board, but they say that he can be unscrupulous in private life.

فوق التشبهات ، أرفع من أن يتهم بعمل شائن أومحظور

Surely you don't suspect Mr. Rogers of stealing the money? He's been a teacher here for yoars and is completely above suspicion.

يطال تأثيره الجميع بدون استثناء (عرض ما ، ارتفاعأو انخفاض في الجور أو السعار أو الضرائب ...(الخ

The 2% tax goes across the board, so everyone will benefit.

بطريقة غير مرضية ، غير مستوف حقه من الوقتوالعناية

Has Richard finished his French essay?' 'Well, yes, he's done it - after a fashion.'

بعد أوقات العمل الرسمية وفي الوقات السموحبهاعادة

Ted is careful not to serve drinks after hours. He would lose his pub license.

Paul's working against the clock. The report has to be out by Tuesday lunchtime.

يكون المر مزعجا لتعارضه مع رغبات شخص أومعايير سلوكه أو تناقضه معها

When Pam finds out that we have to work overtime next week, it will definitely go against the grain with her

على الرغم من المعارضة أو المحاذير أو الضررالشديد الذي يسببه أمر .. الخ

Mason knew that in trying to save his company from ruin he was fighting a losing battle, but he carried on against all odds.

Many of Simon's contemporaries have aleady established themselves in the City or at the Bar.

يبقي أو يوقف شخصا أو شيئا على بعد تجنبا لذاه أوحماية لنفسه منه

Keep those dogs at until I've jumped over the wall! O Williams can't pay his debtors. He won't be able to keep the bailiffs at bay for long.

تحت تصرف شخص او رهن إشارته مستعد لنفيذرغباته أو طلباته دائما

I don't mind your mother staying with us, but I won't be at her beck and call all day!

The insurance man climbed up the ladder onto the roof to inspect the damage at close quarters.

كل يتحدث عن أمر مختلف ، يسيئا فهم بعضهماالبعض

Just a momnet, I think we'er talking at cross purposes. I was referring to Jihn, not to his father.

شخصان اتو مجموعتان على عداء أو خصام

على الفور وبدون تأخير

مسترخ ، يشعر بالراحة وسط بيئه

دائما وفي كل خطوة يخطوها

كما تبدو المور على السطح أو كما تبدو ظاهرايا

بمجرد حركة أو إشارة واحدة

ممسك بزمام القيادة ، معهود له بالقيادة

ككل ، كوحدة ، كمجموعة

على خلف مع شخص ، ليس على وفاق معه

محتار ، غير قادر على تقرير ما يفعله أو كيف يفعله

أمام تقاطع طريق ، أمام منعطف هام حيث ينبغي اتخاذالقرار الحاسم في أمر

At forty, she found herself at a crossroads - should se risk giving up a dull but secure office job to go into full-time freelance journalism?

Thomas and his brother have been at daggers drawn for years. They have different ideas about the running of the family business.

Father wants to speak to you, so off you go, at the double!

يقوم بعمل من تلقاء نفسه وبمحض إرادته وبشكلفوري بدون دفع أو تحريض أو تحفيز

if you asked Celia to go with you to Athens, I know she would do so at the drop of a hat

Max is a good conversationalist. One always feels at ease in his company.

Valerie fimally managed to opem her own language school, although she had met with opposition at every turn.

I expect to make the journey at my ownعلى نفقته الخاصة / على نفقة شخص آخرexpense. O Bill does all his traveling at the company's expense, even when his wife accompanies him.

You can't take what Robin says at face value - there's always a catch somewhere, with some advantage in it for him.

You can't expect to pay off akk your debts at one feel swoop.

With Dr. Jacobs at the helm, we are expecting to make better progress with the appeal fund.

مستأنس ، مسترخ ، في جو حميمي ، متآلف مع.بصير بأمر

They gave us such a warm welcome that soon felt at home in their company. O l'm not really at home with Kandinsky, so I won't offer an opinitings.

The Prim Minister appealed to the nation at large on the subject of capital punishment.

The escaped prisoner is still at large andسجين) هارب أو مجرم طليقthought to be armed and dangerous.

بسرعته الذاتية الخاصة ، براحته ، بدون ضغطيمارس عليه

I'd be obliged if you would read the article at your leisure and let me have your opinion.

Roberts is always on loggerheads with one or other of the team.

Victoria is at a loss to know how best to deal with her teenage son. He doesn't respond to anything she says.

معقود اللسلن ، ل يعرف ما يقول (من جراء الدهشة(أو الصدمة ... الخ

He took me so much by surpise that I was at a loss for words.

فاتر ، يعوزه الهتمام أو الحماس أو النشاط

على خلف مع شخص ، ليس على وفاق معه

كحد أقصى ، على أبعد تقدير

The car will hold six at pinch

جاهز للستعمال

مرتبك أو مشوش أو غير واثق

متوقف ، ل يتحرك مطلقا

لفترة متواصلة من الزمن وبدون توقف

منذ نعومة أظفارة

حيثما أراد ، كما شاء

مضطرب أو منزعج جدا ، ل يعرف ما يفعله بعدئذ

سجين ، خلف القضبان

After the failure of the disarmament talks, relations betwenn the two countries were at a low ebb for months.

Why do we have to be at odds on this matter? Surely everyone is for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

I don't think John and Sarah will like city life after living in the country. ;'ll give them six months at the outide - then they'll be back in their country cottage

إن تحتم المر ، في حالة الضرورة القصوى ، إذااقتضت الظروف

مقابل ثمن ، لقاء ضرر أو أذى أو تضحية بالوقت أوالمال الجهد أو السعادة

Martin has reached the top in his career, but at a price. His health and his marriage are both ruined.

بشكل عشوائي أو اعتباطي ، كيفما اتف ، بدوناختيار أو نية مدروسة

She chose six books at random, and fortunately all made excellent reading.

She quickly entered the room with the rest of the journalists, pencil and notebook at the ready.

I thought I understood the principles of the theory, but now I realize that l/m all at sea after all.

Negotiations on arms reduction had been at standstill for months before the Geneva talks.

When working with a microscope, I find I can only concentrate fully for about two hours at a stretch. Then I need a break.

He had leamt about poverty and harrdship at a tender age, and consequently was never wasteful, even when rich and famous.

A good actor must be able to laugh and cry convincingly at will.

Falsely arrested and charged, in a strange country and all alone, Walker was truly at his wits' end.

He spent a couple of years behind bars as a youth but has since been a responsible member of society.

خلف أبواب موصدة ، منعزل ، مغلق ، بعيد عن وجود الصحفين أو عامة الناس

The preliminary hearing of the case was behind closed doors.

بعيدا عن النظار ، ل تطاله أنظار العامة ، ل علمللعامة به

There was endless activity behind the scenes days before the visit of the royal couple.

ليس جيدا

بشكل تدريجي ، رويدا رويدا ، بروية

بشكل متقطع ، في أوقات غير منتظمة

بخطى واسعة ، بشكل كبير و سريع

لنفس السبب ، متذرعا بالحجة نفسها

لو أنك تطلب ذلك فقط ، عند الطلب

بأطيب الوايا

طلبا للنجاة


ليس تحت أي ظرف

في رأيي

يضرب) تحت الحزام ، يقاتل أو يهاجم أو يخاصم بغبنو ظلم وبدون إنصاف وبدون إنصاف أو وجه حق

Unfortunately, politicians often hit below the belt to disredit their opponets.

Grandfather had been feeling a bit bwlow par for a few days before he was taken to hospital.

Max has been improving since he came out of hospital, if only by degrees.

The work on her new novel is going by fits and starts at the moment because she's writing a Tv script as well.

My English has improved by leaps and bounds since I startd using idioms.

كما يبدو الوضع أو المر ظاهريا ، بالحكم عليه منظاهره

By the look of it, John won't ne coming. He said he's be here by lunchtime and now it's two o'clock.

كما كان ينبغي أن يكون (المر أو الوضع أو(الظروف..) ، ذلك ما كان ينبغي ( وليس هذا

I know that by rights it's Jean who should have been given the credit for the success, as the idea was hers, not mine.

You believe that Britain nees a nuclear deterrent because it is a small country. By the same token, more than half the countries of the world should have nuclear weapons!

If you like this bracelet, it's yours for the asking.

When parents send their children to private boarding schools, they do it for the best, but young children often take a long time to adapt.

When the pony started to gallop, Ben lost the reins, so he threw his arms around its neck for dear life.

You don't have to give me the bracelet back. It's yours for keeps, if you'd like to have it.

لجل الثارة أو المتعة التي يجنيها من شيء أويوفرها شيئ

Is it really necessary to rewrite the whole of that report?' 'Well, you don’t think I'm doing it for kicks, do you?'

I wouldn't walk through that part of twon after dark - not for love nor money!

For my money, this is the best book od its kind on the market.

بدون دفع أو تحريض كثير

في اتجاهات أو أماكن أو مواضع متعددة ومختلفة

منذ البداية أو المراحل الولى

من موقعه أو زاويته

غير مقرر ، في وضع حرج أو متأرجح

في ورطة أو مأزق ، يواجه مصاعبا أو عقابا أو فشل

في أمان ، بعيد عن الخطر أو الشك

مرتاح ماديا

غير عالم بأمر أو بما يحدث

يمر بمصاعب كبيرة أو وضع خطير

For two pins, l'd tell Rogers that he can stuff his stupid job!

من اللف إلى الياء ، بشكل كامل و شامل ، م البدايةإلى النهاية

Mr. Charlton's a good teacher. The pupils like him, and he knows his subject from A to Z.

من الجلد إلى الجلد ، بشكل كامل وشامل لما بين دفتي((كتاب

The novel is so exciting that I read it from cover to cover in just two days.

Peggy has been moved from pillar to post by the company in the last four years. She's tired of never being in one place for more than a few months.

If you had been on the peojject from the scratch, you would realize just how much these successful results mean.

I know you don’t agree with Jenny's decision to leave college, and sign a recording contract, but try to look at it from where she's standing - it's her one chance to do what she really wants.

مجرد مخططات أو مشاريع لم يبت بها بعد ، لم تحددبعد

our plans to go to India are still very much up in the air. We probably won't have the cash.

في الجيب ، مضمون أو مؤكد النجاح ، منته أو مقررمسبقا لصالح شخص

We've don’t it! We've got a two million pound contract in the bag!

His future as a politician was in the balance. If he lost his election, he would have little chance of ever becoming a member of the paeliament.

بحسب رأي شخص أو تقديمه الخلقي أو اعتقادهالشخصي

I don't know how you judge the situation, but in my book, it's fraud!

Tomorrow we are running the critical engine test. If it doesn't perform this time, we'll all be in the cart.

Jones has an alibi for the time ;of the crime, so he's obviously in the clear

Fiona has lived in clover all her life. She soesn't know what work is!

The company sent Richard to the Stated at short notice and left his family in the dark as to whether the posying would be temporary or permanent.

In my opinion, it's a political cover-up. If you try to expose it, you'll find yourself in very deep waters with on one to pull you out.

مكتئب ، منحط المعنويات

في وضع صعب

بشكل مفاجئ وسريع جدا

مرتبك ، غير واثق م الحقائق ، في وصع ضبابي

يعمل بمنتهي الفعالية ، في أوج نشاطه

في مأزق ، يكون عرضة العقاب

بسرعة كبيرة ، على الفور

تحت الضواء ، في مركز الهتمام أو محط النظار

يكسب المال الوفير

بإيجاز ، بالمختصر المفيد

مرجح حدوثه أو وقوعه أو تحقيقه

What's wrong with Pete? He's been down in the dumps all day.

في وضع سار أو وسط أشخاص يمنحونه السعادةالكبيرة

Jack's in his element when he has someone's old car to tinker around with.

في وضع مضطرب أو صعب ، في حالة تخبط أوارتباك

You would be in a fine pickle of John weren't to help you to put the car engine back together again!

I'm in a bit of a fix - six unexpected people to dinner and nothing to eat in the house!

We told the doctor on the phone that we suspected a heart attack, and the ambulance was here in a flash.

بلحمه ود مه ، بشكل شخصي أو مسجد (ليس في(صورة أو رسم

I have a cousin in Australia. I've never seen her in the flesh, only in photographs.

في حالة من النفعال والضطراب (غالبا بسبب( مصاعب صغيرة غير متوقعة

Aunt Besty was in a flutter when we arrived. The dog had just knocked over a bucket of water in the kitchen.

The lecture left us all in a fog. The book said one thing and Professor Taylor said another.

When we arrived, the fashion show was alewady in full swing.

You'll be in hot water when your father finds out that toy've knocked the heads off his best roses.

Just excuse me a moment. I have to go out, but l'll be back in a jiffy.

مطلع ، عالم بالحقائق التي ل يعرفها إل ذوو العلقةالوطيدة بالمر

l'll ask the secretary what went on at the meething. It's her job to be in the know.

مركون جانيا بشكل مؤقت لعدم الحاجة له حاليا ، طيالنسيان حاليا

The decision on the new project is in limbo until market research studires have been commpleted and evaluated.

I'd hate to be a popstar, in the limelight all the time with on privacy.

June's really in the money now. Her computer sofware shop is very popular.

I don't need to know the contents of you speech in detail, so can't you put the main message in a nutshell for me?

Mark's goiong up to Glasgow tomorrow. He says tehre's a good job in the offing.

في العلن ، مكشوف للجميع ، معرو عموما ، ليسسريا

l've told the police everything and I feel relieved that my story is now in the open.

يستقطب الهتمام ، قيد التحضير

على طبيعة أو حقيقة ، مشكوف بكل سلبياته

في حالة من الرتباك والضطراب

في جهة منعزلة ونائبة من البلد

غارق في نوبة ضحك ل يمكن السيطرة عليها

قادم ، مقبل ، على وشك الحدوث

في وضع صعب على الصعيد المالي أو الشخصي

يعقب ، يتبع

في مظهر لئق بدنيا ، سليم و رشيق

بكش طوعي ، من تلقاء نفسه

ذو سمعة جيدة ، مشهور أو معروف جيدا

Oh good! It says in this magaxine that six new episodes of my favouruite TV series are in the pipeline.

The film is certainly realistic _ too much life in the raw, in fact.

في وضع رتيب أو روتيني ممل ، يعيش حياته بوتيرةمضجرة

Peggy feels she's in a rut and badly needs a change, so she's going to do vountary work overseas for a year.

في وضع أو ظروف صعب واحد ، واقع في نفسالمأزق

If the firm has to close sown, we'll be all in the same boat, whether manager or mechanic

في حالة من السادة الجمة ، يحلق في السماء منالسعادة

Barbara was in seventh heaven when Elton John gave her his autograph and talked to her for a few minutes.

Every statement he made was in stopعلى وفاق أو انسجام مع شخص أو شيء .. الخwith Conservative policy.

The boss is expecting and inspector from heasquarters this afternoon. He's been in a stew about it since yesterday.

Bert has bought himself a little cottage somewher out in the sticks. Much too lonely, if you ask me.

Ask Peter to tell you his joke about the woman with the poodle. He'll have you in stitches!

Ther'e a nuce surprise sfore for Jane when she gets home. Her brother is back from Nigeria.

مطلع على آخر التطورات ، منخرط أو متعايش بنشاطمع الحداث الجتماعية

If you want to know what's going on around tomw, ask Margaret. She's always in the swim.

Phil, l'm afraid I'm in a tight squeeze. Can you lend me fifty pounds?

There comes Joe laden with suitcases; wife and children in tow.

Staying in trim is much easier these days with low-calorie foods on the supermarket shelves.

He told her of his own accord that he had been married twice before.

Freddie is a piznist - well, a pianist of a(من النوع الرديء (برأي المتحدثkind. He can only play jazz.

His anbition was always to become a writer of note.

Win or Lose has been off the air forل تبث أو تذيع (إذاعة أو تلفزيون ، ل يبث أو يذاعyears, ever since the presenter died unexpectedly.

بعيد أو حائد عن الطرق أو المسالك المعتادة

بدون تحضير أو تفكير مسبق

خارج الحدود المسموح بها

خاطئ أو غير صحيح

ذكي ، يقظ وفظن ذهنيا

في وضع فعال ونشط ، في مستوى أداء عال

يشرب الكثير من الكحول ، يعاقر الخمر

بشكل مستقل ومنفرد ، بمبادرة شخصية من شخص ،بدون نصح أو مساعدة من الخرين

He set up the business entirely off his own bat. It was his idea, and his alone.

حائد عن جادة الصواب ، لديه الجواب أو الفكرة أوالتوجه الخاطئ

Dacid usually has some good ideas, but he's certainly off beam with this one. It will never work.

We found ourselves off the beaten track, miles from anywhere.

شاحب اللون ، يشعر بتوعك ، ل يبدو بحالة جيدة كعادته

Jan's been feeling a little off colour recently. Too much work, I suppose.

Can you tell me the figures from the last test run?' 'Well, not off the cuff, but I can give you the test report.'

.David's hitting all the balls into the netل يعمل (بدنينا أو علقيا ) بشكل جيد كالمعتادHe's defintely off from today.

Look at that sign. This part of the building is off limits for unauthorized personnel. Let's go.

مكان غير موجود او موضح على الخريطة . بعيد أوناء . ضئيل الهمية

Sheila's living sown in Cornwall, in a tiny little place way off the map. I can never remember its name.

I guessed at the answer, but unfortunately it was way off the mark.

يكون سريعا/ بيطئا في التصرف ، يستجيب بسرعة /ببطء

Peggy got her name on the list, but I didn't, ' 'Well, she was quicker oof the mark than you, wasn't she?'

جاهز الصنع (عادة ملبس) ومعروض في المحلت ،غير مصنوع خصيصا للزبون

Since Max is extremely tall, he finds it difficult to buy his suits off the peg.

مشوش ، مضطرب ، يتصرف بطريقة غير منطيقيةأو تقليدية

When his wife left him, Steve went completely off the rails. He stopped coming to work and joined a

معلومات تبلغ باإعتماد على الثقة ، معلومات غيررسمية

This is stricly off the record, but you are to be put in charge of manufacture in Scotland.

The radio servies Woman's Hour has(يذيع أو يذاع على الهواء (بث إذاعي أو تلفزيونيbeen on the air for years, and it's still popular.

عند أخذ جميع النقاط في الصالح والضد (اليجابية والسلبية ) في الحسبان

On balance, the team has ahd a pretty successful season.

It's a great advantage these days to be on the ball in money matters.

Luckily, there was a policeman on the(يقوم بأعمال دورية منتظمة في الطرق (شرطيbeat just round the corner, so he came to our help.

The company is obviously anxious to keep the investors' interest in the new shares on the boil intil they are finally put on the market.

Reic's obviouisly been on the bottle again. He's very unsteady on his feet.

بسعر متدن حتى ولو كانت النوعية رديئة

في الوقت المحدد بالضبط

يعمل جيدا جسديا و عقليا

غير مستعد أو جاهز وبالتالي في حالة سيئة

في العمل ، علي رأس عمله

يتقاعس عن العمل

نزية و حميم

يتحسن وضعه الصحي ، يتعافى من بعد مرض

Dr. Murphy is always on call, even at(تحت الطلب ، جاهز لداء واجبه (طبيب .. الخweekends.

have you heard the latest? It's on the( من المرجح (حدوثه أو وقوعهcards that a new art gallery is to be built in Birmingham.

يوبخ (عادة من قبل رئيسه أو شخص يمتلك سلطة(عليه ... الخ

Keith's in the manager's office. I expect he's on the carpet again for messing up another export order.

We traveled through the States from New York to San Francisco on the cheap, either by bus or hitching a ride.

Millions of unemployed workers haveيتلقى مساعدة (تعويض بطالة) من الدولةbeen on the dole for years.

l'll meet you at 12 on the dot. Don't forget.

قلق ، متوتر ، متكدر المزاج من جراء القلق أ,الخوف

Tom'es teribly on edge. He's waiting for his new passport to come by post. He's flying to Madrid tomorrow.

We've been through a tough periodفي بحبوحة مادية. في حالة استقرار عاطفيtrying to keep the business alive, but I'm glad to say that we'er back on an ever keel now.

Bob's the best chess player I know. You should see him when he's really on form.

عن طريق شبكة معلومات غير رسمية ، عن طريقتناقل الخبار من شخص لخر

How did you hear that Robson had resigned?' 'The usual source - on really on form.

Sorry about the mess, but you've caught us on the hop. We weren't expecting you until tomorrow.

على حساب أو نفقة المحل (الفندق أو الملهى) ، يقدممجانا للزبون

To celebrate Jim's birthday, drinks and refreshments are on the house tonight.

Nothing to eat, thanks. Not while I'm on the job.

Now remember, we want results to be proud of - no sleeping in the job this time!

The suggestion sound too good to be true. Are you quite sure that Andrew's on the level?

There have been several radio warnings(هارب ، طليق (سجين ، حيوان متوحش .. الخthat ther's a lion on the loose near the zoo.

يحاول كسب المال أو الربح أو أن يكون أكثر نجاحامن الخرين جاعل من ذلك أقصى طموحه

George never does anything a view to making money. He's continually on the make.

Harry was still quite ill when he came out of hospital, but thankfully he's on the mend now.

عالي الهمة ، مصمم على العمل جيدا

نشيط ، دائم الحركة أو التنقل من مكان لخر

عدا ونقدا ، دفعة مالية تسدد فورا


بدون ترتيب مسبق ، باإعتماد على الحظ

بشكل سري أو غير رسمي

في حالة ترقب مزعجة ، في حالة قلق أو توتر

يبدأ بالتعافي من علقة أو قصة حب غير سعيدة

يكون في حالة سفر وترجال

بكلفة متدنية أو مصاريف ضئيلة ، بقليل من المال

حاضر أو موجود في موضع الحادث أو وقت حدوثه

It's particularly important for new MPs to be continually on their mettle during the first parliamentary debates of the session.

Sine Joe was made redundant, he's been on the move up and down the country trying to dind work.

Our lanslady doesn't really trust students. She insists on cash on the nail on the first day of every month.

If you can't afford to pay the full price for the freezer now, why not get it no the never-never? Other people do.

We called round to see Joan on the off chance, and luckily we found her in.

متعادل أو متساو من حسث النوعية مع ... ، علىمستوى متواز مع

Marry's paintings really are quite good, but I wouldn't say they're on a par with yours.

لديه مشاغل أو مسؤوليات او مشاكل كثيرة يجبالتعامل معها ومتابعتها

I don't want to trouble Mike at the moment. I know he's got enough on his plate with the exhibition he's organizing.

Fred takes bets for a bookmaker. He's been making money on the quite that way for years.

Well, please don't leave me on the rack, doctor! What's wrong with me?

Jane was on the rebound when she met Tony. She didn't really love him and she should never have married him.

I'd hate Steve's Job. He's on the road six days a week.

في وضع حرج ، في مأزق جدي ، في حالة من(الخفاق (في زوجه أو عمله ... الخ

Their relationship has been on the rocks before, but it always survives.

,What's your drivk?' 'Whisky on the rocks(يؤخذ من قطع الجليد (مشروب كحوليplease.

Two of the escaped prisoners have(مطارد ، طريد (خاصة من قبل الشرطةbeen caught, but the third is still on the run.

Tom bought the business cheap and ran it on a shoestring for years before it started to show a profit.

كمصدر دخل إضافي (غالبا سري أو غير رسمي أو(معلن أو مصرح عنه لسلطات الضرائب

She's a secretary, but she does some hairdressing in the evenings on the side.

I remember when I was a boy smoking(بشكل متكتم أو سري (بغية التضليل أو التمويهschool was forbidden, but we used to do it on the sly in the lavatories.

Witih minutes of the shooting, the Standard had a reporter on the spot.

متوفر ، مستعد للعمل أو جاهز للستعمال

على نار ، في حالة من القلق والضطراب او الترقب

في موقف أو وضع متأرجح أو خطر


وحيدا ، بمفرده

مشغول ، لديه الكثير مما ينبغي عمله

على التوالي ، مرة تلو الخرى

في هيئة بدنية غير جيدة أو لئقة

We made him a good offer, but he(حال ، من فوره (وبدون توقف للتفكيرrefused it on the spot.

يضع شخصا في موقف صعب و غير مستعدلمواجهته

I know I'm putting you on the spot, but I need a decision now.

I've got six people coming to help us tomorrow, and three more on tap if we should need them.

لديه الجواب أو الفكرة الصحيحة أو السلوب المناسبفي التعامل مع مشكلة

It must be the spark plugs that need renewing. Yes, that's it. We're right on target this time.

Jim's been on tenterhooks all weeks, waiting to hear the results of his audition.

Remember that we're on thin ice with the maintenance contract. One wrong move and we loose it.

Ypu'd be surprised. You can get most thingd on tick these days.

يمتع نفسه بانطلق وبدون ضوابط ، يطلق العنان(لمراسته (يرقص ويشرب .. الخ

The last time we had real night on the tiles was when Aston Villa won the European Cup.

Well, I don't really want to come with you, but then I don't want to be left on my tod, either.

I've been on the trot all day with the wedding preparations.

What's wrong with Nicola? She's been late for rehearsals three days on the trot.

يمتنع ببطء أو بالتدريج وعبر فترة طويلة عن تناولالكحول

ll have orange juice, please. The doctor's put me on the wagon again!

Daddy's on the warpath, looking for aيتأهب أو يتحفز للتنفيس عن غضبه أو استيائه .. الخxulprit. Someone's pinched his gardening gloves.

منطقة أو مكان محظور دخوله أو غير مسموحالذهاب إليه

The club rooms are normally out of bounds for non-members, unless they are brought in as guests.

غير متفق أو منسجم مع طبيعة شخص أو سلوكهالمعتاد

Telling rude jokes is very out of character for Simon - unless he has been drinking, possibly.

على غير علم بأمر ، غير مشمول ، متروك خارجا ،مهمل أو منبوذ

We about a run in the park tomorrow before breakfast? It's the best thing when you're out of cond.

How about a run in the park tomorrow before breakfast? It's the best thing when you're out of condition.

فاقد الوعي ، بغظ في نوم عميق من جراء الرهاق أوالثمالة

He laid down on the bad and was out for the count within seconds.

في وضع أو موقف يصعب على الشخص التعامل معه.بسبب نقص الخبرة أو المقدرات .. الخ

The discussion took a rather philosophical turn, so I was soon out of my depth.

في وضع خطر لوحده

يزداد فقرا من جراء صفقة مالية فاشلة

بعيد المنال ، ل يمكن الوصول إليه أو الستحواذ عليه

في أسوأ أ أصعب جزء أو مرحلة من أمر

في أواسط أو خريف العمر

مغتط ، منتش ، فرح جدا بشيء

فوق السعر الطبيعي أو المعتاد

يتصرف بانفعال و بدون انضباط

يقوم بعمل جريء أو شجاع أو مبالغ فيه

No member of the club is likely to put himself out on a limb by voting against the merger.

فوق العادة ، غير معتاد أو مألوف ، متميز ، غيرتقليدي

What do you think of Fiona's paintings?' 'Well. They're something out of the ordinary, that's for sure.'

ملحظة.. الخ. في غير محلها أو غير ملئمة ، ليسفي الوسط أو المحيط المناسب

Peter's remark about archeologists wasting the country's money was quite out of place, I thought. O Don't you think that big cupboard looks rather out of place in such a small room?

Archie buys paintings at auctions, cleans them up and sells them. He's hardly ever out of pocket.

غير وارد ، ليمكن بحثه أو أخذه باإعتبار أو فيالحسبان

A new car is unfortunately out of the question this year.

The children will soon be back, so l'll put these tablets on top of the cupboard out of reach.

لم يعد ضمن المنافسة ، لم يعد له فرصة في المشاركةأو الفوز أو النجاح ... الخ

Of course, Black's inkury means he is now out of the running for a place in the Olympic team.

متوعك قليل ، متكدر ، ليس في حالته الصحية أوالمزاجية المعهودة

Brenda won't be comind along tonight. She's feeling a little out of sorts.

لم يعد له اتصال وثيق مع شخص أو علم بشخص أوشيء .. الخ

Not having much time for reading, I'm rather out of touch with modren novelists.

زال عنه الخطر ، أصبح في مأمن من المصاعب اوالمتاعب

Uncle Joe is still in the hospital but the doctor says he's out of the woods.

We've already run six out of the seven scheduled tests. The results are good, so I think we're over the hill now.

I suppose, to teenagers, anyone over thirty-five is over the hill.

when I showed Rita the tickets for the Rod Stwart concert, she was over the moon.

He does all his shopping at wxpensive boutiques. He believes that it's worth paying a bit over the moon.

The childrer went completely over the top when they saw their new bicycles.

Fashion designers have really gone over the top this season.

مجنون ، فاقد أعصابه

?How many tickets have we sold to dateحتى الن ، لغاية هذا الوقت

.He's a gentleman to the coreمن كل النواحي ، بشكل كلي

بإفراط ، بشكل كبير أو مبالغ به

بشكل كامل أو شامل قدر المكان

بشكل حرفي ، بشكل دقيق بكل تفاصيله

بالضبط ، بحذافيره

لقاء مبلغ كبير قدره كذا

مكتسب بالخبرة والتجربة العملية

هامسا لنفسه بحيث ل يكاد الخرين يسمعون ما يقول

تحت الشبهة

بشكل سري وغير قانوني

يتلقى علجا من طبيب

بجهوده أو مبادرته الخاصة ، بدون دعم أو مساعدة

تحت الشمس ، في كل أنحاء العالم


مخفي أو سري ، طي الكتمان ، غير مكشوف للعامة

That dreadful noise from the building site is enough to send anyone round the bend.

The headmistress is conscientious to a fault, and she expects the same of all of us.

My philosophy is to enjoy lift to the full and to regret nothing.

We carried out your instructions to the letter, but we couldn't find the

بمهارة طبيعية ، كما لو أنه كان يفعل هذا الشيءطوال حياته

Felicity can host a dinner party for over twenty guests as if to the manner born.

We saw a woman on TV who could imitate Mrs. Thatcher to a T.

You could, of course, hire a top model to show your new designs - to the tune of roughly two thousand dollars day.

Jack's got forty years as a building contractor under his belt. He could build you a house with his eyes closed.

He left in an angry mood, muttering and swearing under his breath.

Aithough the charge of espionage could not be proved, the affair put him under a cloud for several months.

There are laws against the copying of video tapes for commercial use, but a lot of it still gose on under the counter.

Mrs. Carson has serious heart trouble. She's been under the doctor for years.

There won't be room for us in Jeff's car, so we'll have to get there under our own steam.

Don't believe a word Angus tells you! He's the biggest story-teller under the sun.

Jill has a nasty cold and is generally feeling a bit under the weather at the moment.

Information about the new model was kept under wraps for months before it eventually leaked out.

متعرض بقوة

خطأ بخطأ ، كله خاطئ

متاح للجميع

في وضع بائس أو صعب

مستوف للمعايير المطلوبة ، جيد بما يكفي

مجنون ، مخبول

مطابق للماقيس أو المعايير المطلوبة أو المتوقعة

مفقود ، ضائع ، مبدد

ما يتمع به الشخص أو يتقنه بالضبط

يسبب إزعاجا بتصرف أخرق

يعد أو يعتبر أو يعادل أو يعني كذا

.The fish didn't agree with me. I feel illيناسب الوضع الصحي لشخص أو لجهازه الهضمي

يأخذ امرا أ وشيئا في الحسبان ، يخطط لشيء

The unions are up to arms again about the proposal to close down part of the production plant.

Jeremy, these statistics are completely up the creek. You've used the wrong computer program again.

The thought that the family estate would be up for grabs within the week fille her with nausea.

In Karachi I discovered that my luggage had been put on a wrong flight, so there I was up a gum tree with just a camera and my duty-free.

James is doing well at school. It's only in maths that he's not quite up to the mark.

Giles be up the pole if he expects me to finalize deals in Tokyo. Rio and Chicago all in one week!

If your work isn't up to scratch by April, there's no point in entering your name for the exam.

Over a thousand pounds up the spout. The wonder cure for rheumatism didn't work.

Here's an interesting book on old aircraft. Should be right up Robert's street.

Chapter Five Phrasal werbs

The children always start acting up when it's time to go ti bed. O The car's been acting up again thos week; l've been late to work everyday.

يتضخ ، ينجلي ، يتكشف ، يصبح له معنى ، يغدومنطقيا

When the police found a motive fr the murder, the facts of the case suddenly began to add up.

The new information adds up to very little, I'm afraid

We'll set off an hour earlier to allow for traffic jams and stops on the way.

يشأل عن أحوال شخص

يدعو شخصا للدخول إلى منزله

يعني بشخص او شيء ، يتدبر أمره ، يتعامل معه

ينسحب من اتفاقية او يتراجح عن تعهداته أو وعودة

يدعم شيئا باستكمال وسد النقص فيه

مدعم أو مستكمل لشيء

يعتمد على شخص أ وشيء ، يعول عليه

ل يتوقع أمرا ، يكون غير مستعد لمر

يتعقب شيئا ، يهدف للحصول على شيء يريده

يرد على انتقاد أة تأنيب بشكل فظ (خاصة لمعلم أو(أحد الوالدين ... الخ

Your teachers back is not the best way to make yourself popular with them.

يتحمل اللوم أو المسؤولية عن شيء ، يتحمل تبعاتأمر

If you drive that car without license, you'll have to answer for the consequences.

يبرر تصرفاته لشخص ، يشرح مبررات سلوكه مقرابقبوله لعقوبة محتملة

If you stay outuntil after midnight again you'll have to answer to your father!

I saw George yesterday. He asked after you and the children.

Don't leave Mrs. Parker standing in the cold, John. Ask her in!

يدعو شخصا إلى وجبة في مكان عام أو للذهاب إلىالمسرح أو إلى حفل راقص ... الخ

If you'd like to repay your neighbours for their help, why not ask them out?

A good salesman is always polite to customers, and he always attends to their requirements.

يسحجب كلمه أو اتهامه لعدم صحته أو عدم دقته ...الخ

Wilmott's statement could easily samage out reputation. We'll have to get him to back down.

You can't back out of a contract once you've signed it. O If you promised to help Sylvia with the organization of the conference, you can't back out now.

Will you back me up when I tell the story(يدعم شخص أو شيئا (ماديا أو معنوياto the police?

We could back up the lecture with video materials.

We could use these materials as a back-up to the lecture.

يدمر أو يخرب شيئا ، يبعث بتنظيم شيء أو يسئيءالتصرف به أ إرادته

Don't let Speakes handle your advertising campaign. He'll balls it all up for you! Note a balls-up.

Bill is banking on Jane to lend him the money he neess. O The forecast said it was going to be sunny at the weekend - but I wouldn't bank on it.

When Sheila offered to look after the neighbour's four children, she got more than she had bargained for.

Jack's after a promotion to head of department. O Jim visits his old uncle every week. He may be after the old man's money.

يحاول إقناع شخص عن طريق اللحاح أو الستمرارفي الشكوى

Jill wants her husband to stop smoking. He says she's continually at him.

يلمس أ ويستعمل ما يخص شخصا آخر ، يتدخل فيخصوصاته

Where are all those chocolates that were in this box? Somebody's been at them.

يدرج أو يسجل إسمه في لئحة لغرض ما

يكون منقدا أو مناهضا لشخص أو شي

يكون مستحقا لشيء أو مرشحا للحصول عليه

يكون عالما بشيء أو له علقة به ، يشارك في أمر

يكون على علقة طيبة وحميمة مع شخص

يكون مزمعا او مخططا له أو لحدوثه

What's on at the Odeon this week?

ليس مقبول ، غير معقول أو منطقي

يتداوى ، يستطب

يتكلم باستمرار و إلحاح

نفذ ما لديه من شيء ، لم يبقي لديه شيء منه


The Smiths have been down for a council flat for over a year, but there's a long waiting list.

The critics are very down on Stevenson's new book, but I like it.

Barry's in for a nasty surprise - he's about to lose his job.

Whe's in on the plan apart from you and me?

Janet always makes sure she's in with the most influential people at the sailing club.

يكون شديد الهتمام بشيء أو مولعا به ، يكون المرمستحوذا عليه (عادة أحد مجالت المعرفة أو(الدراسات

How fascinating! I didn’t know you were into astronomy.

Janet had planned a meeting with Wilson for Friday morning, but I heard that he was ill, so I son't know whether the meeting will still be on.

(يقدم (عرض سينمائي أو مسرحي...الخ I'll give you twenty pounds for your old.(أقبل تحديك أو عرضك أو رهانك أو اقتراحك .. الخ

bike.' 'All right! You're on!' O 'How about a game of tennis this afternoon?' 'Okay! You're on.'

I can't possibly be expected to do my own work and yours as well. It's just not on!

After his accident, he was on painkillers for over a week, but he isn't on them now.

Fred's always on about some crazy plan of his to get rich quickly.

يقتفي أثر شخص أو شيء يلحقه ، يبحث عن شخصأو شيء و يوشك على العثور عليه. يكتشف شيئا

The police are on to the gang who did the supermarket break-ins. O An experienced reporter knows when he's on to a good story.

يضع أمرا بين عينيه ، يكون مصمما على شيء أويهدف مباشرة للحثول عليه

He's out for all he can get, whether it's money of favours.

We're out of sugar. O Don't ask me for any more help. I'm out of ideas.

Time's up! O The Prime Minister's second therm of office will be up in June.

يكون مجابها أو معترضا من قبل شخص او شيء ،يكون لديه من ينافسه

Sarah will be up against tough competitors in her new job. O David's up against a tricking problem with his latest computer program.

يتفهم شخصا

يدعم أو يشجع شخصا

يدعم أمرا ، يصادق عليه ، يؤكد على صحته

يكون صبورا أو حليما أو متسامحا مع شخص

يهدأ ، يصبح طي النسيان

ينفجر غضبا

يتطور المر إلى أزمة أو يثير أزمة

يقصر ، يختصر

يتخلص في أو يقتصر على

يكتم عواطفة ، يكظم غيظة ، يحتفظ بمشاعره لنفسه

ينتعش من بعد إخفاق أو مصاعب واجهها

يتوقف عن العمل لخلل ميكانيكي

ل يتوصل إى نتيجة ، يخفق ، ينقطع

يفعل شيئا أو يشارك في فعله (غالبا شيء غير(مستحب

It's very quite. I bet little Jummy's up to some mischief again! O Tony is very secretive about his whereabouts these days. I think he's up to something.

يكون ذا ميزات جيدة بما يكفي لــ .، يكون مؤهل أوفي مستوى كاف لعمل شيء

Ted wants to go to university, but his teachers don't think he's up to it.

Would you repeat that, please. I'm not with you.

We're all woth you one hundred per cent!

I hope you'll bear my story out when I tell it in court. O I'm afraid that my suspicions are bron out by the fact.

يفلح في التغلب على المصاعب ، يتماسك أو يحافظعلى قوته وتماسكه في الظروف العصبية

How is Mrs. Jones bearing up after her husband's tragic death?

If you'll just bear with me a little longer, madam, l've almost finished the demonstration.

The unpleasant affair has caused a lot of trouble, but it will all have blown over in a few weeks.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blow up at you in that way.

Some trouble has blown up at the factory. The workers are very dissatisfied.

The accident has been blown up in theيبالغ في أهمية شيء أو جديته أو خطورته ... الخpress just for publicity's sake.

.These prints would look great blown upيكبر أو يجسم صورة .. الخNote a blow-up: I'd like a blow-up of this for my study wall.

The report's too long. Can you boil it down to, say, ten pages?

The whole issue bolis dwon to the same old proble - how to fight inflation without lowering the standard of living.

Tell him exactly how unjust you think it akk is. Let him know your feelings. Don’t bootle them up.

Don’t worry about Matthew. He's been bankrupt twice before and he always bounces back.

Jan's car broke down again this moring,so she had to teak a bus.

Negotiations over the pay dispute have broken dwon again.

ينهار أو يفقد السيطرة على نفسه عاطفيا بسببالحزن أو بسبب صدمة تلقاها

Mrs. Roberts broke down completely when she heard the news of her husnand's accident.

يتداعى أو ينهار بسبب سوء صحته

يتعغلب على شيء أو يقهره

يحلل ، يختصر أو يلخص المر بــ

يقطاع حديثا

يقتحم بالقوة وبشكل غير مشروع

يساعد شخصا على التأقلم مع أمر ، يدرب شخصا

يتوقف ع نالكلم

يكف عن المتاعبة في أمر ، يضع نهاية مفاجئة له

يندلع ، يظهر أو يبدأ وينتشر بسرعة

يحقق اكتاشفا أو تقدما جوهريا

Mr. Hill had been overworked for some timme when he finally broke down and had to be rushed to hospital. Note a breakdown.

It will prove difficult for the management to brek down the union's resistance to the new scheme.

We can break down expenditure into three main factors - hardware, software, man-hours. Note a breakdown: Can you submit a breakdown of your expenses by tomorrow?

At meeyings, Rey always breaks in with some trivial matter and holds up the proceedings.

Burglarts broke in last night and stole over four hundred pounds. Npote a break-In: There's been a break-in at the college. A lot of video equipment is missing.

I'll give you an easy tasy firsy, to break you in gently.

Jackson had to breal off in the middle of his speech because of shouts of protest from the audience.

Shall we break off for lunch andيوقف عمله لجل فترة طعام أو راحة ... الخcontinue this afternoon?

Frank and Liz have broken off their engagement. O Negotiations have been broken off and are not expected to be resumed.

After only one year in prison, he brokeيلوذ بالفرار ، يحرر نفسه من السجن ...الخout and was on the run for several months. Note a break-out: There has been another prison break-out.

Fighting has broken out again on the border. Note an outbreak : There's been a second serious outbreak of food-poisoning.

Nuclear physicists claim to have broken through in several new aspects of the atom. Note a breakthrough: The medical profession feels confident that there will be a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer within the next few years.

يصل إلى النهاية

يتهي الدوام لجل العطلة المدرسية أو الصيفية

ينتهي علقة أو ارتباطا مع ضخص أو شيء

يتسبب بحدوث أمر ، يؤدي إلى شيئ

يتسبب بهزيمة شخص ، يطيح بــ

يقنع شخصا يتخفيض السعر الذي يطلبه لشيء

يقلل أو يقلص أو يخفض شيئا

يشرك شخصا في امر ، يستدعيه

يتقدم بشيء

يطلع شخصا على شيء ، يشركه في أمر

ينجز أمرا بنجاح أو إتقان

يتسبب بشيء ، يؤدي إلى شيء

يساعد شخصا على التغلب على الخجل

يتسبب بإضراب أو توقف عن العمل

ينشر او يسوق شيئا

People started to leave at 11 o'clock and the party finally broke up at midnight. Note a break-up: I was sorry to her of the break-up of Susan's marriage.

When does school break up for the summer vacation?

A fight started in the High Street last(يقمع شيئا ، يتوقف أمرا (غالبا بالقوةnight, so the police were called in to break it up.

He broke completely with his son when he found out that he was taking drugs. O We internd to beak with tradition and spend Christmas on Gran Canaria this year instead of at home.

The new engine has already brought about a large number of imporvements.

This scandal may well nring the government down at the next election.

After much argument, we managed to bring the car-dealer down to a price of f450

The government expenditure has been brought down radically by large defence cuts.

يعتقل شخصا ، يحتجز شخصا لستجوابه في قسمالشرطة

Constable Crowther has just brought a man in for disoederly conduct. The man's been brought in before for the same thing.

The legal situation is too complex. It's time we brought in an expert.

A new bill has been brought in against terrorism.

I think we should bring Julia in on the scheme. She's aleays full of good ideas.

The dinner party won't be an easy thing to organize but you can rely on Felicity to bring it off with her usual flair.

I often get bad headaches. I think it's concentrated reading over long periods that brings them on.

Carol was very shy before she met Peter. He's brought her out a lot

The union leader is threatening to bring his miners out again.

The same publisher is bringing out a new edition of lan Fleming's novels next year.

يطور أو ينمي

يعيد شخصا للوعي


يربي أو ينشئ شخصا

يطرح موضوعا للمناقشة ، يثير أمرا

يتجاهل شيئا أو يغفل أمرا ، يهمل شيئا لعدم أهميته

يطور ، يكثف

يقوي القدرات البدنية لشخص خاصة بعد المرض

يزيد من شهرة شخص عن طريق الكثار من امتداحه

ينمي شيئا ، يضخمه أو يوسعه بالتدريج

يقتل شخصا

يدخل بطريقة مفاجئة ومثيرة

يدفع مال لحماية مصالحه

It's difficult to bring out the exactيظعهر ، يعتبر عن .. ، يبدي بوضوحmeaning of certain English idioms in translation.

A good teacher brings out his pupils' individual talents.

Tom fainted, but the fresh air soon brought him round.

Michael didn't like our suggestion at first, but we soon brought him round to our way of thinking.

Alan's wife wife is French, so they are brining up their children to be bilingal. O I was brought up in Sussex.

Who brought this matter yp in the first place? O the question of higher membership fees was brought y\up at the last meeting.

I din't expect him to brush aside my idea in such a rude way.

يعدل معلوماته أو يوسع اطلعاته أو مهاراتهالسابقة ، يحسن شيئا

You'll have to brush up on your typing if you intend to get a part-time secretarial job.

Tension really buuls up firward the end of the nove!

The doctor says David is much better, but he now needs building up with vitamins and fresh air.

He's only an average perfrmer, but the critics have built him up to be a star of television. Note a buildup: the new television series was given a terrific buildyp by the popular press.

Mr. Green buit up his business from nothing.

Do you really believe that people who go around bumping others off deserve better themselves?

Get them to give a fixed price before youيرفع سعر شيء او يزيد مقداره أو عدده ... الخgive your name. Otherwise they might bump it up by a few hundred. O it was an editorial decision …………………… print run to 60.000.

Jeremy burst in with the wews that he had won a holiday for two in Paris.

The blackmailer will have to be bought off, or he will ruin our good name. O If you think you can buy me off, then you're wrong.

يشتري أعمال شخص أو كل أسهمه في شركة .. الخ.غالبا لجل الحصول على ميزات سلطوية أوسع لنفسه

We offered to buy him out at 2 above the market value. Note a buy-out: We don't simply want a controlling share. It must be a full buy-out, 100% or nothing

يشيترى كل المتوفر م نشيء

يرحل ، يغادر

يقوم يزيادرة قصيرة

يطلب أو يتطلب شخصا أو شيئا

يتوقف في مكان ما في طريقه الى مكان آخر

يلغي أمرا

يزور شخصا

يدعو شخصا للتحدث أو يطلب منه الكلم

يستدعي شخصا لداء الخدمة العسكرية

يحقق نجاحا في أمر ، يعالج أمرا بنجاح

يتابع في امر

يتشاحن ، يتجادل ، يثير هرجا ومرجا

هرج ومرج

ينجز شيئا أو يتصرف في أمر

ينفذ ، ينجز

يصبح شائعا أو شعبيا أو معتمدا عموما

Speculators have bought up the entire building land in this area.

I wish he'd buzz off and leave us alonne. I hate anyone looking over my shoulder when l'm trying to concetrate.

Don't go out. Jeff's calling by this evening.

I'll call for you on my way to theيأخذ شخصا أو شيئا في طريقه ... الخhairdresser's.

This position calls for a person of absolute integrity.

I'll call in at the video shop on the way to the post office.

If it rains the tennis match will have to be called off.

The agency said that a representative would call on us next week.

The chairman called on the guest speaker to address the gathering.

Jack wasn't called up until the war was nearly over. Note: a call-up

ياخذ بلب شخص ، يمل الشخص بالحماس والنفعالوالثارة

Lyn was completely carried away by the thought of a honeymoon in Hawaii.

The situation requires tact and diplomacy. If anyone can carry it off, Grace can.

Please carry on with your story - sorry I interrupted.

Mrs. Green was carrying on to her butcher about the poor quality of the steak.

There was such a carry-on when Edward was invited to stand for chairman and not Simon.

There were rumours that a junior..له علقة عاطفية .. الخ معminister was carrying on with his secretary - all untrue, of course.

Many experiments have been carried out in the field of adult second language acquisition.

The boss is in the States, but she left us with a long list of instructions to carry out.

يستغل وضعا (غالبا من الناحية المالية) ، يوجه شيئاأو وضعا بما يفيد مصلحته الخاصة

There are always plenty of competitors ready to cash in on a company's misfortune.

In the States, the idea of a lunch-break work-out at a fitness club soon caught on.

Paula is very bright. She catches on to.يفهم ، يستوعب وضعا ، يدرك تلميحا .. الخthings more quickly than most kids of her age.

يفحم شخصا ، يفوقة ذكاء أو حيلة

يطلع على آخر المستجدات

يسجل حضورة أو مغادرته

يتحرى عن خلفية او أرضية شخص أو ماضية

تقصى عن شخص أو شيء ، يتحرى عن صحة شيء

يقطاع شخصا أثناء حديثه

يساهم بمقدار صغير من المال

It's difficult to catch Moira out on a point of fact. She knows all the answers.

After two months away from home, there's a lot of local news to catch up on. O It's a 14-hour flight, so it will give me a chance to catch up with my reading.

ينعكس على شخص أو يؤثر عليه بشكل سلبي (تقدم(في السن ، مرض ، أخطاء وأعباء الماضي .. الخ

Charles looks continually worn out. I think his hectic life-style is beginning to catch up with him.

There's a funny nouse every time Iيبدل سرعة مركبة إلى سرعة أعلى / أدنىchange up into third gear.

يتحدث إلى شخص من الجنس الخر بتودد لكسب ثقتهورضاه

I run a mile from any salesman who starts to chat me up. O When I arrived at the disco, Nicola was being chatted up by a man of at least fpty!

You should chheck in at the flight-desk about an hour before take-off. O I'm sorry, sir, Mr. Carmichael checked out of the hotel about an hour ago Note: a check-in. There's Mike over there at the Alitalia check-in.

Will you check these names off as I readيضع إشارة "صح" بجانب بند في لئحةthem out, please?

I had him checked out. He's telling the truth. O She says she was with the CIA for five years. Check it out, will you?

We's better check up on him before we use him as a witness. O Check up on the figgures again before the article goes to press. Note:

-The doctor gave me a thorough check(فحص (عادة طبيup and couldn't find anything wrong with me.

يفكر مليا في شيء ، يتأمل فيه ، يأخذه وقته فيالبحث بأمر

I'll need some time to chew the matter over before I can give you an answer.

I did my best to explain the situation to them, but Robert kept chipping in with silly questions and comments.

I we all chip in with a pound or two, surely we'll have enough to buy a coffee-maker for the seminar room.

Mike's going to chuck his job in and goيترك العمل... الخ. يتوقف عن عمل شيءinto business with his brother.

يستخدم سلطته ليقاف شيء أو قمعه

يستفيد كل ما يملكه شخص من المال


يغادر ول يعود ، يغادر بسرعة

يرتب شيئا مهمل أو غير مرتب

يشرح عن طريق كشف الحقائق

يفسد شيئا أو أمرا ، يتصرف بامر على نحو سيء

يفهم بشكل واضح

يصادف شخصا أو شئا ، يقابله أو يجده بالصدفة

.Come along, we haven't got much timeأسرع

يصل ، يتواجد ، يتاح

يصطحب شخصا

?How's your new project coming alongيتطور ، يحقق تقدما

يحصل على شيء

يؤنب شخصا أو يعاقب

It's time the government clamped down on false claims for unemployment benefits. Note a clamp-down: There are a lot of health-conscious people who would welcome a clamp-down on cigarette advertising.

I'll have to buy a new car, it will clean me out completely.

What are they doing about cleaning upيزيل الوساخ ..الخ. عن شيء لجعله نظيفاthe iol spill? Note: a clean-up. After loosing about a million gallons of crude, the tanker company is now faing a massive clean-up in the North Sea.

I told the children to take their football and clear off.

Monica's cleared out with the kids. She was fed up with Clive's violence. O We'd better clear out of here as fast as we can. It's off limits.

يرتب شيئا ، يفرغ غرفة أو درجا ..الخ. من الشياءالغير ضرورية

Would you like to help me clear out the desk?

I hope that you're going to clear up that mess yourself!

Can we clear up the matter ourselves, or shall we call in the police?

Don't ask Jim to organize anything! He's had no experience an he'll cock it all up for you. Note: a cock-up. You made a real cock-up of the travel arrangements, didn't you?

Her speech was carefully prepared, but it didn't come across very well.

You'll never guess who I came across the other day. Our old maths teacher! O Where did you come across these old documents?

If the chance of being posted abroad ever comes along, take it.

We're going to a show. Why don't you come along?

A hob with such good prospects in not easy to come by in these times of high unempolyment.

The new traffic laws come down heavily on dangerous drivers.

Pleated skirts are coming in again this(يصبح عصريا (على الموضةseason.

يحتل مكانا أو مرتبة في سباق أو منافسة

يثبت أنه صالح أ ومفيد


.It was a good plan, but it didn't come offينجح او يفلح

يقع أو يسقط

.I've got a headache coming onيبدأ

ينمو ، يحقق تقدما أو تطورا

يبث في الذاعة او التلفزيون

يأتي لحقا

يضرب ع نالعمل

.Elizabeth's book came out last monthينشر ، يتوفر في السواق

ينتج ، يخرج

يأخذ مكانة في امتحان

يذاع علنا

يستعيد الوعي

يقوم يزيارة غير رسمية

يبددل موقفه ، يقتنع

يستعيد الوعي

يتعلق بـ

يبرز ، يظهر

يثار أو يتم بحثه

يفوز ، ينجح

Julia came in third in the in the 400 metres.

The plan sounds just fine, but where do I..يأخذ أ ويلعب دورا فيcome in?

Don't throw that big box away. It might come in handy for the move.

There was a lot of talk about a takeover, but it never came off.

Fred was riding his bike when he came off and hurt his leg.

My cabbages and onions are coming on nicely

My favourite today and David's coming on tomorrow with the luggage.

Julia's arriving today and David's coming on tomorrow with the luggage.

There's no chance of the police force coming out.

The photographs of the experiments came out very well.

Jonathan came out bottom in social studies and top in maths.

When is the news of their engagement comung out?

يأتي يتصرف أو يقول شيئا أو يكشف أمرا قد يثيرالدهشة

You never know whar children are going to come out with next.

Hilary fainted, but she soon came round in the fresh air.

Would you like to come round tomorrow evening?

Bob refused the job at first, but the soon came round when he heard how much money we were offering him.

When she came to, she found herself in a hospital bed.

How much did the bill for the car repairsيعادل (مبلغا من المال ... ) ، يخلص إلىcome to? O What it all comes to, is that he won't offer us his support in the election campaign.

Mandy's very good at painting and playing the violin, but when it comes to cooking meal she's hopeless.

Mary's been hoping to find work through the Job Centre, but nothing suitable has come up yet.

Dumping toxic waste is a matter that's always coming up these days.

If my number comes up in the lottery, it's champagne for everybody.

?Shall we count you in on the planيأخذ شخصا أو شيئا في الحسبان ، يشمله

يعتمد على شخص أو شيء

يستبعد شخصا أو شيئا ، ل يأخذه في الحسبان

يستجد ، يطرأ ، يحدث بشكل غير متوقع

يتراجع ، ينسحب

يقلل ، يخفض

يقتصد ، يقلص الستهلك

.I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut in lik thatيقطاع

ينعطف ، يلتف

يقطع اتصال هاتفيا

يعزل شخصا

يعزل شيئا

يقصي شخصا أو يهزمه

يتوقف ع نشيء ، يستغني ع نشيء

Marjorie usually comes up with someياتي بفكرة أو يتقدم باقتراح أو حل ..الخgood ideas.

What good excuse have you cooked up(يخترع أو يختلق (عذرا أو قصة .. الخfor not attending the committee meeting?

يهدأ ، تبرد أعصابه ، يصبح أقل غضبا أو عداء أوانفعال .. الخ

Jeff's furious. Just give him a few minutes to cool off.

You can always count on Mary to give sound advice. O We're counting on completing the research by Christmas

If the teip's going to cost over five hundred pounds, you'd bwtter count me out - I can't afford it.

I was scheduled to fly to L. A. tomorrow, but something unexpected has cropped up so David's going instead.

Max promised to come, but now he's cried off at the last moment.

If we don't cut back on expenenditure, the company will be faces with serious difficulties. Note: a cut-back.

Jim has cut down his calorie intake by half. O It's difficult to cut down on luxuries.

يقود (سيارة .. الخ) بعنف أمام سيارة أخرى أثناءتجاوزها لسيارته

I wish big lorries wouldn't cut in like that. It unnwrves me.

The police saw the suspect cut off down a dark lane and disappear into an empty building.

I got through to the right number, but then we were cut off.

The sown drifts and avalanches have cut several hundred holiday - makers off from the larder ski resorts.

If you don't pay the bill, they'll cut yourيقطع التيار الكهربائي أو الغاز أو خط الهاتف .. الخelectricity off.

The low-luing villages were cut off by flood water for several days.

I'm having therrible trouble with the.(يتوقف عن العمل (آلة أو جهاز ... الخengine. It keeps cutting out.

He's managed to cut out all competiton so far, so it looks as though he may win the chess championship.

Cut out bread and potatoes and you'll soon start to lose weinght. (often with it as object)

يتوقف عن عمل شيء غسر مستحب

يستبعد شيئا ، يقصيه

يضايق شخصا

يسبب إصابة أو جرحا لشخص

يحضر أو يجهز شيئا بسرعة

They deal in hi-fi and video equipment.

يتاجر مع شخص أو يتسوق من عنده

يعاقب شخصا ، يتخذ إجراء إزاءه

يتطرق إلى أمر أو يتعامل معه أو يجد له حل

يتضاءل ، يتناقص بحدة

يتحرق إلى شيء ، يتطلع إليه بلهفة وشوق

يحافظ على مأوى لنفسه

يحطم شخصا

يغش شخصا أو يتحايل عليه ، يحول بينه وبين شيء

ينهال على شخص بالضرب بشكل عنيف

يجدد شيئا

يريد ـو يحتاج شيئا ، ينتفع بشيء

We've had enough of that ridiculous talk, now just cut it out!

If you cut out paragraphs five and seven, the essay will be fine.

The bad news naturally cut him up a lot. O He was terribly cut up by his wife's death.

The car crash cut him up a bit he's fully recovered now.

I'll just dash off a few letters before lunch.

يتضح أو يكتشف له بعد فترة من الزمن (فكرة ،( حقيقة ما

Richard couldn't find his bicycle, and after he had looked everywhere for it, it dawned on him that it had been stolen.

يتاجر في .. ، يتعامل في .. ، يبيع و يشتري بــWe've been dealing with Leach Brothers for over six years now.

Richards has caused in enough trouble. Just leave him to me- I'll deal with him.

The book deal with the topic on pagesيعالج موضوعا ، يتناول مسألة أو قضية ... الخ35 to 48. O It's time we dealt with the question of what new laboratiry equipment we need.

My job is mainly to deal with customer complaints and enquiries.

Maureeen was furious about the matter at the time, but her anger soon died down after she had had more time to think about it.

After a busy in tomn. I'm usually dying for a rest with my feet up.

My grandparents have done for themselves for years.

If the bank forclose on the property, we'll be done for.

Don't throw that old shirt away. I'll cut it..يستخدم لــ .. ، ينفع لـup and it will do for cleaning rags.

I still think it was Williams who did me out of the promotion.

Pete has stopped going to football matches since he got done over by a gang of youthes.

Mrs. McDonald is having the old cottage done up.

يربط (ربطة الحذاء أو الزرار) ، يشد (السحاب ..(الخ

Do up your shoes or you'll fall over the laces.

I'm hot and tired, I could fo with a nice, cool drink. O Sue's car couldn't do with a good wash and polish.

يكون معنيا بشيء أو له علقة به

يتدبر أمره بدون شخص أو شيء

يستغني عن شيء ، ل يستلزم شخصا أو شيئا

The loory drew in and the driver got out.

يجتذب شخصا

يشجع شخصا على التخلص من خجله

يسحب مال من حسابه المصرفي

يطيل شيئا

ينتزع معلومات من شخص ل يرغب بإعطائها

The man drew up in front of the house.

.Draw the armchair up to the fireيضع كرسيه على مقرة من ، يسحبه إلى مقربة من

يضيع شيئا

يرتدي أفضل ثيابه أو زيا رسميا

يرتدي زيا تتكريا أو مزركشا

ينصت لشيء أو يراقبه بلهفة

Patricia's work has to do with computer application for chemical problems, I think.

Fiona has bought a personal computer. Now she says she can't imagine how she ever did without one.

I could do without Pamela coming tomorrow. I haven't really got time to see her.

The evenings are drawing in. It will soon(يدنو ، يقترب (بسبب قصر ساعات النهارbe winter.

The Bristol train drew in ten minutesيصل (القطار) إلى محطةlate.

(يقف إلى جانب الطريق (باص أو سيارة

Shoppers were drawn in by the special offers on wine and spirits.

As soon as January is over, the days(يطول (بسبب استطالة ساعات النهارbeigh to draw out noticeably.

We arrived at the platform just as the(يغادر (القطارtrain was drawing out.

The van drew out unexpectedly andتدخل (سيارة .. ) مجرى السير أو وسط الطريقalmost caused an accident.

Peter was rather shy when he left school, but when he stared work his colleagues soon drew him out.

I'm going to draw out all my saving to pay for the holiday.

Your speech is too short. Can't you draw it out a bit?

Johnny wouldn't tell us what really happened at school. We had to draw it out of hime slowly.

(تتوقف (سيارة

Has the agreement been drawn up by a lawyer? O It's a carefully drawn up report, accurate and clear.

يستخدم مخيلته ل ختلق قصة ، يدبر أمرا ، يخططلشيء .. الخ

Whatever wild scheme will Simon dream up next?

Is the reception is going to be informal, or do we need to dress up for it?

What are you dressing up as for the Charity Ball?

يحسن شيئا ، يجعلة يظهر أو يبدو بمظهر أو شكلأفضل

Your proposal is fine. Dress it up a bit and then submit it to the committee.

Mrs. Green drink in all the gossip and spreads it as fast as she can

يقوم يزيارة طارئة أو عرضية لشخص

يحضر شيئا أو يأخذه إلى مكان ما

يغظ في النوم

ينقص ، يقل ، يتضاءل

يتغيب ، يتوقف عن الحضور أو المشاركة

?Be darling and dry up for me, will youيجفف الصحون

يكون غير قادر على متابعة الحديث أو مواطلته

يكف عن الكلم

يخفض التوتر أو الضغط او السرعة

!Bob's new sports car just eats up petrolيستهلك أو يستنفذ مقدارا كبيرا من شيء

يحاول التعبير ع نشيء ، يرمي إلى شيء أو يقده أويعنيه

David doesn't explain things very well, but I Think I know what he's driving at.

Do drop by when you're in the area. O MY neighbour often drops in for a chat.

Where did these video tapes come from?' 'Jill dropped them by for you this afternoon.'

I had just dropped off when the telephone rang.

Sandra doesn't talk much about wanting to become a nurse anymore. Her interest must have dropped off. Note: a drop-off. There was a sudden drop-off in attendance at the cookery class when the new teacher took over.

Ask the bus driver to drop you off at theيسمح لشخص بالنزول من سيارة .. الخracecourse.

Frank started a cookery course but he dropped out after the first few sessions.

يشجع على شيء ويحصل عليه (دعم ، طلبات بيع ..(الخ

Frances is going to the States next week to drum up business for the new peoduct.

Poor old Arthur kept drying up in the middle of his speech, so he had to get out his notes.

Sharon talks about nothing but her disco friends all the time. I do wish she'd dry up!

His speech was too long. He dwelt too(يسهب ، يستغرق وقتا طويل في شيء (نقاش .. الخmuch on the school's achievements.

Political tension eased off slowly when the heads of the two nations began talks.

يمضي بوتيرة أبطأ ، يصبح أقل استعجال أو إلحاحا ،يهدأ

I'll be glad when the pressure of work has eased up a little. I'm working twelve hours a day and more.

The holiday in Canadren eat theirيستهلك ، يستنزف مقدارا كبيرا من المال ... الخvegetables up!

Make sure the children eat theirيتناول (طعاما) عن آخرةvegetables up!

يشجع أو يحث شخصا على فعل شيء ل ينبغي عليهفعله

Stop egging him to drink more! You can see he's had enough!

يواجه مشاكل أو مصاعب ، يواجه شخصا

.Paula's fallen for her new professorيكون مفتونا أو مغرما بشخص

يولع كثيرا بشيء

يخدع بتصديق شيء

يتعرف على شخص صدفة ويصادقة

ينخفض ، ينقص

يتراجع ، يتردى

يتشاجر مع شخص أو يكون على خصام معه

يفشل ، يخفق ، ل يرى النور

يشعر بالمقدار البدنية أو العقلية على عمل شيء

يبعد أ ويصد شخصا أو شيئا

If you don't show down, you'll end up inينتهي به المر إلى ... ، يختتم أمرا بـhospital. O I ended up by telling Penny the whole story, although that wasn't my intention.

Granddad just can't face up to the fact that he's too old to work any more.

يعول على .. ، يعود إلى شخص أو شيء طلبا للدعم ،يستخدم شخصا او شيئا كاحتياطي او ذخر له

We can always fall back on Bill to drive us to the the airport if we can't get anyone else. O Thank goodness we've got our savings to fall back on.

يكون متخلفا أو متاخرا في برنامج عمل أو أشياءينبغي أداؤها ... الخ

He's falling behind with the work on his book. It's more difficult than he thought.

Sally always falls for the most expensive dresses in the shop.

I wish my husband wouldn't fall for all this sales tak. He's just bought his third lawn-mower.

We fell in with some French tourists from the same hotel.

George will fall in with any suggestion..يوافق على .. ، يقبل بـ .. ، يمتثل لــthat involves having a good time.

Sales tend to fall of Just after Christmas. O Attendance at lectures fell off gradually towards the end of the course. Note: a fall-off. There was a gradual fall-off in attendance.

The service in this restaurant has been falling off for a long time.

Tommy is becoming quite a difficult child. He's always falling out with his friends.

The holiday plans fell through at the last minute owing to illness.

After three weeks in hospital, I don't feel up to decorating the house.

The police had a difficult job to fight off the reportes as the filmstar was getting into the car. The fans had to fough off too. O I'm trying to fight off a cold by taking Vitamin C every day.

يحل محل شخص أو يتولى مهامه مؤقتا ، يقوم بعملمؤقت كبديل عنه

The maths teacher is ill, so I'm filling in for a few weeks until she comes back

يدلي لشخص ببيانات أو معلومات أو تفاصيل عنشيء

Can you fill ,me in on Harrison's qualifications for the job?

يستكمل أمرا بمعلومات مدونة في استمارة أو بأوراقأو ثبوتات .. الخ

Plaese fill in all your particulars on this from.

ينهي بشيء

ينهي علقته أو صداقته مع شخص

يفرغ من استعمال شيء ، لم يع ديحتاج إليه

يتسع في الحيز المتاح

يتناسب او ينسجم او يتلءم مع شخص او شيء

يجد الوقت أو المجال لــ

يزود شخصا أو يجهزه بشيء

يزود شيئا أو يجهزه بشيء

يبث في أمر أو شيء ، يبث موعدا

يبث أو يربط أو يشبك شيئا

يزود شخصا بشيء أو يؤمنه له

يرتب شيئا

يركب شيئا

يتابع في أمر حتى آخره

يتابع أمرا ، يدعم شيئا بشيء أو يلحقه بشيء

يضيع الوقت ، يلهو ، يعبث

يتدخل في أمرا أو في شؤون شخص


You haven't finished this letter.' 'Oh, I'llيستكمل أمرا أو ينهيه. يستنفذ شيئاfinish it off after lunch.' O Has the last of the Spanish brandy been finidhed off yet?

Let's finish up with a chorus of 'Auld Lang Syne'!

The Butcher's overcharged me three times, so now l've finished with him.

When you've finished with the book, will pass it on to me?

The shelf is too small. The big books won't fit in.

that modern picture soesn't fit in with the antoique furniture. O David doesn't really fit in with the rest of the group; he's too musch of an individualist.

I hope the hairdresser can fit me in today. O The doctor can't fit in any more cisits this week.

Do you think Fred's Garage could fit me up with some new car tyres?

The laboratories have just been fitted up with new equipment.

Have you fixed on a date for the dinner party yet?

if you don't fix the top on properly, the juice will spil out.

Can you fix me up with a part-tume job in the supermarket?

l've fied up an appointment at the dentist's for Tuesday morning

Joe has fixe up a work-bench in his garden shed.

Robert is determined to follow his plan through. O If you follow the argument through to its logical conclusion, it means that what Jeff says is true.

We ought to follow up his suggestion, itيأخذ بــ .. ، يعمل بــ . . . يتقصى إلى مرحلة أبعدsounds reasonable.

The series is to be followed up by another programme on a similar theme. Not: a follow-up. His first novel was a great success, so now he's writing a follow-up.

If Kevin doesn't stop folling around he'll never pass his exams.

When Jake realized that Dan was fooling around with his girlfiend, there was a big fight.

Mary gets about all over Europe, even though she hasn't got a car



يبلغ شخصا بشيء ، يوضح أفكاره لشخص

يغادر ، يرحل

يتقدم ، يفلح ، يتدبر أمره

يتدرب أمر شيء برغم المصاعب

يتمتع بعلقة جيدة

ينتقد شخصا

يصل إلى شيء أو يطاله

يكتشف شيئا ، يستجلي أمرا

يقصد ، يرمي أو يملح إلى

يباشر العمل في شيء ، يهم بأمر

يفلت من التأنيب أو العقاب على شيء اقترفه

ينتقم من شخص

يتدبر أمرا ، يفلح فيه

يثير الغم أو النقباض لدى شخص

يتمكن من تدوين شيء

يبتلع شيئا

Old people can't get about very well in winter

News got about that the local radio station was closing down.

A good speaker can get his ideas across to his audience without much effort.

We must be getting now, or we'll be late for the cinema.

How are the builders getting along with your new hose? O How's Alec getting along in Canada?

How are you getting along while your wife's in Scotland? O The Robinsons only have a small pension, but they seem to get along all right.

Robin and the new assisatant aren't getting along at all well, I'm afraid.

She's always getting at her husband for not helping with the housework. O No names were mentioned, but we all kniw who was being got at.

يرشي شخصا ، يؤثر على شخص ليجعله يفعل مايريده منه

Someone has been trying to get at certain members of the jury.

Put the documennt somewhere where the children can't get at them.

The teuth of the case will be very difficult to get at.

What was Rosaline getting at with that strange remark about the money not being ours?

If the rain stopped, I could get at the garden. There's so much to do.

You shouldn't let her get away with telling lies. O He stole once before and got away with it, which means that he may do it again.

She'll get back at him for telling everybody her secret - that's for sure.

يتصل بشخص مرة أخرى فيما بعد (بخصوص(معلومات ... الخ

I don’t have the information you need just now, so I'll get back to you later.

If you want to speak a language well, you can't get by without mastering its idioms.

This miserable weather really gets me down.

Did you get the last sentence down or was I dictating too quockly?

This medicine is so bitter that it's an effort to get it down!

يباشر العمل أو الخوض جديا في شيء

.The rain can get in through this windowيدخل ـ يلج

?What time does your train get inيصل



يستدعي شخصا أو يطلبه

يحضر شيئا إلى الداخل

يقيم علقة طيبة مع شخص لجل منفعة يبتغيها

يرحل ، يبدأ رحلة

يترجل عن حصان ، ينزل من مركبة

يكف عن التكلم في أمر

يخلص شخصا من العقاب

ينتزع شيئا أو يزيله أو يخلعه

يرسل ، يبعث

يتعلم أو يحفظ بإتقان

يتودد إلى شخص من الجنس الخر من أول لقاء معه

? How's the broken leg getting onيحقق تقدما ، يتحسن

يتدبر أموره أو يفلح فيها

It's time you got down to your studies or the other students will leave you behind. O Calculus isn't difficult at all once you get down to it.

Do you think the Conservatives will get in again?

The school has a long waiting-list, so don't think our son will get in this year.

I can't fix this loose wiring myself, so I'll get an electrician in.

It's starting to rain. We ought to get the washing in .

James always tries to get in with influential people. That's why he's joined the riding club.

What time did you eventually manage to get off?

Dick was lucky, he got off with a warningيهرب من العقاب أو اللوم أو ينجو من الصابة ... الخand a small fine of fifty, pounds. O Alex crashed his car, but luckily he got off with only a few scratches.

She got off her horse and came over to talk to us. O The conductor will tell you where to get off the bus.

Can't we get off the subject of work for a change?

The lawyer got Smith off, but he wouldn't have got him off so easily if it hadn't been a first offence.

I can't get my boots off. They're too tight. O 'There's a stain on your shir.' 'I know. I couldn't get it off.

Please get these letters off by the afternoon post.

Jeremy's playing the king in the scool play, but he hasn't got his lines off properly yet.

Michael got off with a very pretty ltalian girl at Mike's party.

يرتب لقامة علقة بين شخص وشخص من الجنسالخر

Mark's always on his own. Can't his sister get him off with one of her girlfriends?

How's Tom getting on with his Dspanish course? O How would you get on without me? O Mr. Williams is getting on, he must be nearly seventy.

They get on well at work but not socially.

يتعقب شخصا أو يتحرى عنه

يتصل مع شخص ، يتشاور معه أو يراجعه

يتابع عمل شيء ، يحقق تقدما في شيء

يخرخ للتسلية

يغادر ، يفر

ينكشف ، يصبح معروفا ، يتسرب

ينزع شيئا أو يزيلة أو يخرجه

ينشر شيئا ، ينزله في السواق

يتحاشي شيئا ، يتهرب أو يتملص م فعل شيء

يكف أو ينقطع عن علقة عاطفية مع شخص

يتغلب على شيء صعب أو مزعج عادة

يتمم أو يستكمل شيئا

يلطف شخصا أو يتملقه ، يقنع شخصا

يتجنب شيئا أو يتهرب منه

يطلب شخصا أو يستدعيه

يتمتعان بعلقة طيبة. يستمعان بصحبة بعضهما الخر

The police have finally got on to the man who was blackmailing the politician.

I complained to the shop about the faulty washing-machine and they said they would get on to the manufacturers.

Turn the television off and get on with your homework.

You work too hard. You should get out a bit more.

When the fighting started, George thought it would be better to get out, so he came back to England.

The news has got out about the takeover, although it wasn't to become public until next month. O Don't let it get out that I knew about it!

The cork's stuck in the wine bottle. I can't get it out.

ينطق أو يتفوه بشيء برغم الصعوبة التي يجدها فيذلك

Mr. Clarke managed to get out an apology, but only he was undre pressure to do so.

The publishers hope to get a third edition out before Christmas.0

How many books can I get out at a(يستعير (من مكتبةtime?

Fred always gets out of doing the washing-up by saying he's busy in the garden

Andrew's married again now, but he never really got over his first wife.

Has Walter got over his financial difficulties yet?

I thought Jessica wouldn't get over the يتعافي من مرض او صدمة ... الخshock of losing all her money, but she's starting up in students.

Professor Wright knows his subject, but( ... يوصل أو ينقل (أفكارهhe's not very good at getting over his ideas to his students.

As soon as Brian gets his exams over, he's going on holiday.

Jenny's trying to get her father to buy her a horse!

It's no use trying to get round paying your income tax! O I'm sure the regulations could be got round if we studied them closely enough.

Get Tom round, if you need someone to fix the broken lawn-mower.

يوفر الوقت لشخص أو لشيء

يتدبر العبور أو المرور في

ينجح ، يتجاوز اختبارا

يتمكن من التصال هاتفيا

I got through the book in one eveningينهي أمرا ، يستكمله بنجاح

يستنفذ ، ينفق

يساعد شخصا على تجاوز امتحان

يتصل بشخص هاتفيا

يتسبب في قبول شيء أو إقراره

ينجح في إدخال أو تمرير شيء

يرشو شخصا ، يؤثر على شخص

يؤثر عاطفيا أو فكريا على شخص

.I'm not used to getting up earlyينهض من الفراش

Tehre's a strong wind getting up.

?Can you get me up at six tomorrowيستنهض شخصا من الفراش

يرتب أو ينظم شيئا

يصل إلى درجة أو مستوى شيء

يأخذ شيئا إلى مكان ، يرسل شخصا مع شيء إلىمكان ما

I'll get the video tape round to you by this evenint.

I can't get round to all the applicants now. Ask the last four to come back later. O I haven't got round to reading your essay yet, but I'll look at it this evening.

There's a hole in the fence where the dog gets through.

The exam was difficult. Not all candidates got through.

All the lines to Glasgow were engaged. I just couldn't get through.

His salary's quite high, but he's usually got through it by the middle of the month.

يلتهم كمية كبيرة من (الطعام) أو يحتسي مقدارا كبيرا(من (الشراب

Jimmy got through a big plate of spagheti and then asked for a second helping!

ينجح في التوصيل إلى تفاهم أو إقامة تواصل معشخص

Jan and I had a quarrel, and since then I just haven't been able to get through to her.

The teacher got all his pupils through without difficulty.

By the time the girl at reception had got me through to Blake's extension number, he's gone home.

It was the personnel manager who helped to get my transfer throught.

Alan always manages to get a double allowance of spirits thorughcustoms.

He should have been give a harsher sentence. Someone must have got to the judge.

It's that woman. She's getting to you, isn't she? O Don't let the strain get to you!

(يزداد (هبوب الرياح أو العاصفة

يلبس شخصا زيا رسميا أو مزركشا ، يلبسه زيا(تنكريا على هيئة (كذا

The children were got up in their best clothes for Granny's seventy-fifth birthday celebration. O We got Barry up as Long John Silver for the New Year's Eve Ball.

The students have got up a petiton against the building of nuclear power stations.

I hope to get up to a hundred words per minute for the shorthand exam..

ينشغل بشيء غير مستحي أو يتورط فيه

يخون او بخذل شخصا

.The bride was give away by her uncleيزف العروس في حفل الزاوج

يوزع شيئا مجانا

يستسلم ، يتنحى

يبلغ عن شيء

ينتهي ، يستفيد

يوزع شيئا

يعلن عن شيء

يفقد الهتمام ويقر بالهزيمة

يسلم شخصا أو يخونه

يكف عن انتظار شخص ، يقطع المل من حضوره

يتخلي عن شيء أو يتوقف عنه

يتنكر لمعتقدات أو مبادئ أو يتبرأ منها

يكرس الوقت لشيء

يتوقف عن شيء أو يقلع عنه أو عن تناوله

يكف عن المحاولة في شيء

يعم ، ينتشر

يتجول أو يتمشي

يرتدي بانتظام

Tim brought a dead mouse home yesterday.' 'Good grief! Whatever will he get up to next?'

Nobody knows l've done this, so please don't give me away!

Amanda didn't want her college books any more, so she gave them all away.

:Please don't give my secret away! Note( .. يشي ، يكشف (سراa give-away. The guilty look on his face was a real give-away.

You can't win the game now, so you may as well give in. O The rioters were at last forced to give in to the police.

Don't forget to give in your name, if you wish to be considered for membership.

His strength had almost give out when the resuers found him

We were ten miles from the next town(يتوقف عن العمل (آلة ، جهاز ... الخwhen the engine gave out!

The President's wife gave out flwers to the soldiers.

The list of winners was give out over the microphone.

Oh, I give up! I'm tired of trying to guess the right answer.

The knew he was a spy and a sense of duty fprced them to give him up to the authorities.

We had already given Don up, when suddenly he walked in!

يكف عن توقع الشفاء لشخص من مرض ، يمتلكهاليأس من حالته

The doctors had give the patient up, but he made a remarkable recovery.

I don't want to give my job up unless it's really necessary.

Will Ben have to give his religion up in ordes to marry Kathy?

All our weekends are give up to gardening.

if you gave up smoking, your health would improve a lot. Please give it up.

They've give up the search for further survivors of the wreck.

There's another rumour going about that the President is going to resign.

Teenage boys tend to go about in groups. (with in)

Fdoes Uncle Henry still to go about in those old army boots?

يتدبر أمرا أو يخوض فيه أو يعالجه أو يبادر إليه

!I'll go along with you there. You're rightيتفق مع شخص

يتجاوب مع شيء ، يأخذ بما يقترحه شخص

يقر بشيء أو يؤيده

يستقبل ، يرحب به

يفقد قيمته ، تتضاءل قيمته

يهاجم شخصا

يعجب بشخص أو ينجذب إليه

ينطبق أو يطبق على شخص ، يشمل شخصا

يحب شيئا

يباع مقابل مبلغ من المال

.Robin's going in for the 400 metresيتنافس في كذا

لديه اهتمام أو هواية في شيء

.Sylvia's going in for nusingيختار كمهنة له

يحقق في أمر ، يتأمل أو يتفكر في شيء

يذكر او يسرد شيئا بالتفاصيل

Can you help me with this maths problem? I don't quite know how to go about it.

يحاول اللحاق أو اللتحاق بشخص أو بشيء أو يسعىإليه أو يتعقبه

Paul's gone after another job, in Manchester. O They both went after the same gire.

Suggest putting the child in a private school. Maybe the parents would see sense and go along with it.

Do you go along with the idea of inherites titles?

يثق أ يعتقد بأن المر حق ، يصدر حكما من خلل كلمشخص

People around here must be very friendly - if you're anything to go by.

His speech went down very well with the audience.

The share index has gone down again by ten points. O The tone of the neighbourhood has gone down a lot since those new houses were buit.

Most of my colleagues have gone down( ... يصاب بكذا (مرضwith flu.

He went for the fat man with a knife. O The newspapers really went for him over the bad handling of the crisis, but he wasn't the only culprit.

It isn't that dark irls usually go for fair men.

Listen carefully, because this goes for you all.

I don't really go for modern art, the old masters appeal to me more.

يبل قصارى جهده للحصول على شيء أو بلوغه ،يجعله منه هدفا له

Janna is going for the tennis championship this year. O Catherine wants to make dancing her career, but she's unsure of herseif. So I told her to go for it.

How much did the house go for?' 'Actually, it went for far less than I had expected.'

Roald goes in for collecting antique weapons. O Public speaking? Goodness, no! I don’t go in for that sort of thing.

The solicitor said that he would go into the matter very thoroughly.

We haven't enough time to go into the history of the case, so perhaps you could summarize the main points.


Don't drink the milk, I think it's gone off.

يسوء ، يزداد سوء

يغط في النوم

يعطي مردودا أو نتيجة ، ينجح

يفقد ميله أو استساغته لشخص أو شيء

يتابع الكلم

يعاود ، يستكمل

يحدث ، يجري


يتذمر أو يتأفف من شخص أو يزجره

يتوقف عن كونه موضة أو صحية رائجة

يبلغ أو يرسل


يكرر شيئا أو أمرا

يتفحص شيئا أو يدقق فيه

يفتش شيئا

يشمل ، يقبل

يستنفذ شيئا أو يستهلكة

يفتش أو يتفحص شيئا

The bomb went off without warning, but luckily nobody was seriously hurt.

(يفسد (الطعام

The standard of his work has gone off over the last few weeks.

Dad's gone off in the chair. Don't wake him.

How did the meeting with Sutherland go off?' 'It went off rather well, actually.'

Jane had a niec boyrifend, but he must have gone off her because she hasn't seen him for a long time. O We've gone right off camping holidays. We're going to a hotel to a hotel this year.

I was tired of listening, but the just went on and on.

We'll stop there for today and go on with the reading tomorrow.

Will someone please explain to me what's going on here? Note: goings-on. There are some very strange goings-on in that house.

Patty was going on like a silly schoolgirl. O The way she went on, you would think she owned the company.

My last English teacher was very hard to please. Every day he went on at me about something ot other.

I hope plastic will sonn go out. They're not very comfortable.

Have all the wedding invitations gone out yet?

She went out to New Zealand about five years ago.

Could you go over the explanation once more, please?

Let's go over the figures again. O We went over the facts again and again, but we coulsn't find a solution.

The police went over his room three times, but found nothing.

I hear that the deal went through. Congratulations! O The Conservatives are trying to prevent the bill from going through.

How many pints of milk do you go through a week? O l've gone through too much money this week.

The customs went through all our luggage a lot during the war.

يناقش أو يراجع شيئا

يكمل شيئا أو يستكملة لخره

يزداد أو يرتفع سعره

سبني ، يشاد

يستهوي شخصا شيئا فشيئا

ينضج الشخص ، يصبح بالغا

يخلف أو يورث شيئا لشخص وفقا للتقاليد

يعطي شيئا لم يعد يحتاجة للخرين

يعمم امرا أو يوزع شيئا

يقدم أو يعرض شيئا على الخرين

To. A hand-out:

يتكسع ، يقف منتظرا

تردد في التقدم أو افقتراب

يتكل أو يتخلف فيم كان بعدما يغادره الخرين

يتمسك أو يحتقظ بشيء ، ل يبيعه أو يتخلى عنه

?Were's Dennis hanging out these daysيمضى وقته أو يقضى وقت فراغه

يقاسي اللم أو يعاني من المصاعب او الخسائر ...الخ

Most families went through all our luggage at the airport.

Shall we go through the details of the plan again?

The plan was very daring, and at the last minute I felt I couldn't go through with it.

Wines and spirits are going up again next week

There's a new hyermarket going up in town.

I didn't like the song at first, but it grows on you the more you hear it.

Your children are growing up very quickly now. Note: a grown-up. Chris is at the age when he likes to spend his time with grown-ups.

يناقش أمرا باستفاضة ولفترة طويلة حتى يتم ايجادحل له

The discussion went on until the early hors of the morning, but they managed to hammer out a soulution that would be acceptable to both parties.

These paintings have been handed to us through five generations.

These clothes have been handed down from Peter to his two younger brothers and they are still in good condition.

Will you help me to hand out the leaflest at the meeting?

Uncle Bill is good at handing out advice that nobody wants to listen

نشرة أو ورقة ... الخ. مكتوبة أو مطبوعةThat man has been haging about here for half an hour. What does he want. O Colin's not here at the moment, but if you hang around for a while you should him.

If you know the answer, say it. Don't hang back!

Janice and Tony hung behind after the lecture to talk to the guest speaker.

Hang on and I'll get help! O Just on a(ينتظر ، ينتظر (على الهاتفsecond and I'll tell Bob you're on the phone for him.

You shoukd hang on to those shares, they'll be going up again soo. O Wilson should should have retired years ago, but he's hanging on to his job.

يؤخر شخصا أو شيئا

يكتشف شيئا أو يقع على شيء بالصدفة

يمازح شخصا بقصة غير حقيقة او مبالغ فيها

يرتدي أو يلبس شيئا

يكون لدية ارتباط او التزام أو ترتيبات معينة

لديه دليل أو إثبات ضد شخص

يستاصل أو ينتزع شيئا

يناقش أو يتباحث فغي أمر حتى النهاية

يتهم شخصا بشيء

يتجنب شخصا أو يتحول عنه او يتملص منه

يتجنب شيئا أو يتحول عنه

تخطر له فكرة أو خطة جيدة أو جواب مناسب

I don't know what happened. She just(ينهي حديثا هاتفيا (بشكل مفاجئ عادةhung up in the middle of the conversation!

I'm sorry I'm late. I got hung up on the way here. O The heavy rain hung up the work on the building site for three weeks.

How do you like this jade ornament? I happened on it in a littlr side street in Bangkok.

يستدعي شخصا أو يستخدمه (في مكتبه أو منزله ...)، يدعو شخصا إلى منزله

I'm having the electrician in to fix these faulty switches. O We had the Robinsons in for supper last night.

Uncle Bruce said I would get a thousand pounds for my old car, but I know he was having me on.

Gloria had her fur coat on and it was much too warm.

Would you like to join us for supper this evening, or have you got something on already? O I'll come and see you as soon as I can, but I have a lot on at the moment.

The police can't arrest him because they haven't got anything on him.

Brenda's in hospital habing her tonsils out.

It's time you had the whole matter out with Ruth. Just tell each other the truth.

Mike's been had up for speeding again. HE was doing 65 miles an hour through the middle of Southampton.

The thife realized that the police were following him, but he succeeded in heading off at the junction.

يمنع شخصا من التحدث عن شيء أو يحول بينه وبينذلك

we tried our best to head Henry off the topic, because we knew he would accidentally reveal confidential information.

I knew he would try to head off awkward questions about his past. O I've been trying to head a cold off by taking hot lemon drinks.

يساعد شخصا في التغلب على ضائفة ، يدعمه مالياأو ينصحة أو يقرضه شيئا .. الخ

Chris and Debbie haven't got much money, but they've been helped out on occasions by Chris's father.

Brilliant, David! I think you've hit on the right answer!

يتردد ، يمسك أو يكبح أو يمنع نفسه

يتكتم على أمر أو يعتم عليه أو يخفيه

يمنع شخصا أو يرده أو يكبحه أو يصده بالقوة


يؤجل شيئا

يؤخر أو يوقف أو يعيق شخصا أو شيئا

يسرق شخصا بالكراه ، يهدده بالسلح بغية سرقته

.I don't hold with any kind of blood sportيستلطف أو يستسيغ شيئا


يصبح أكثر تشويقا أو إثارة

يعثر على شيء عن طريق البحث أو التدفيق

يخفي أمرا ، يتستر عليه ، يحول دون كشفة للخرين

I held back because I wasn't sure of the way he would react. O She was held back from teling him her ral opinion by the thought of losing her job.

Angela told me most of the facts of affair, but I think she's still holding something back long enogugh. They should be published.

If the rain holds off, we can play thennis(يتأخر أو يتباطأ (أحد عوامل الطقسthis afternnon.

The poliice had to hold off the fans when the rock group came out of their hotel. O The soldiers managed to hold off the enemy attack for three days.

Hold on until I fetch help! O If you jus hold on, I'll get the car and drive you home.

The tank's half full, but I don't think the(يكفي (لفترة من الزمنoil will hold out until Spring.

I hope the engine will hold out until we(يستمر بالعمل (شيء قديم أو تالفget to a garage.

يرفض عرضا ويتمسك بالحصول على عرض أفضلمنه

The union has been offered ten per cant, but the leagers are hlding out for twelve.

يرفض إخبار شخص بشيء ، يبقي المر كسر أمامشخص

If I thought you were holding out on me, I'd be very annoyed.

Can't we hold the matter over until the next meeting?

Sorry I'm late. I was held up by the traffic. Note: a hold-up. 'What's the hold-up?' 'There's probably been an accident.'

The robber held up four bank employess at gun-point and forced them to open the safe.

If you see that young rascal around here again, tell him to hop off before I get my hands on him!

The novel is boring at first, but it begins to hot up half way through and has a terrifi climax.

I managed to hung up that quotation I needed in the library.

They did their best to hush the whole affair up. O You can't hush it up for much longer. The money will be missed.

يحل أو يسوي أمرا

يتوقف عن القيام بعمل أو نشاط أو مزاولته

يضيفي بريقا أو تألقا على شيء أو يجعله أكثر حيوية

يشارك في شيء

يتطوع في القوات المسلحة

يقبل عرضا بحماس

ينتقد شخصا بعنف ، يغضب من شخص فجأة

يفقد توازنه ويسقط

يثابر أو يواظب على شيء

.It's best to keep in when it's so coldيبقي في المنزل

يبقي على علقة حميمة مع شخص

يستمر ، يتابع

يستمر في الحفاظ على شيء

يزعج أو يضايق أو ينتقد شخصا باستمرار

يبقي بعيدا عن أمر ، ل يتورط أو يتدخل فيه

How you managed to iron out your differences of opinion with Len? O There are few problems that cannot be ironed out, if people are prepared to talk about them.

Felicity got bored with modelling so she jacked it in and is trying to get a place at a training college.

The company made good profits thisيرفع السعر ، يزيد الراتب ... الخyear, so the wmployees are expecting to have their wages jacked up by a few per cent.

The colour scheme in this room is dull. It needs jazzing up a bit with some pictures and brighter curtains.

We're having fun! Why don't you join in? O Ask Celia is she wants to join in the game.

I never thought Matthew would join up, but he says he's always wanted to be a soldire.

Alice would jump at the chance of going to Egypt.

Nobody likes being jumped on for trivial matters. O Why did the boss suddenly jump on Veronica like that?

Patrick managed to climb out of the wrecked car. Then he keeled over and landed flat on his back.

يمارس ضغطا متواطل على شخص او يلح عليهلقناعه بشيء

You'll have to keep at him if you want your money back.

If you want to learn to play the piano well, you have to keep at it.

يعاقب تلميذا باحتجازه فيا لمدرسة لبعص الوقت بعدانتهاء الدوام

If we don't get the work finished properly, the whole class will be kept in.

يخزن شيئا في بيته ، يحتفظ بشيء كؤونة للستعماللحقا

We don't keep much beer in as we don't dribk it.

It's best to keep in with Mr. Parkinson. He's my bank manager!

Keep on until you reach the traffic lights and then left.

Will the Jacksons keep on the big house now that their last son has married and moved out?

I do wish you wouldn't keep on at me about the money I lost. It wans't intentional!

Brian, you keep out of this - it isn't your quarrel!

If this storm keeps up the crops will beيبقى (الطقس) ثابتا أو كما هوdestriyed.

يبقى مرحا ومبتهجا

يمنع شخصا من الذهاب للنوم

يحافظ على شيء

يجاري شخصا ، يبقي في نفس مستواه أو مركزه

يسافر أو يترحل ، يصاحب أو يخالط

.The workers usually knock off at sixيتوقف عن العمل

يقتل شخصا

يخفض شئيا من السعر

يكتب أو يصيغ أو يحرر شيئا بسرعة

يوقظ شخصا بالطرق على بابه

يتسبب له بالمرض من فرط العياء

يواجه أو يجابه بشيء

يثقل على شخص بشيء ل يريده

يستوعب شيئا ياستعداد وحماس

ينفق مال كثيرا على شيء

يفرض صحبته على شخص أو يلزمه

يعير انتباها لمر ، ينصب باهتمام لشيء

يستوعب أو يتعلم كيف يتعامل مع شيء

Her spirits lept up in spite of all her troubles.

It's late and I'm keeping you up, so I'll go now.

Their country house became too expensive to keep up. Note: the upkeep.

We've kept up our friendship for overيتابع أو يستمر في صداقة أو عمل أو دراسة .. الخtwenty years now. O I used to be quite good at French, but I didn't keep it up after school.

Are you keeping up with me or am I reading too fast?

Does Lioyd still knock about in that little red two-seater car of his? O I've seen Dobson's son knocing about with some dubious types.

يكلف شخصا مبلغا من المال ، يتسبب بخسارة ماديةله

That meal the other evening knocked me back thirty pounds.

In certain areas of the city at night, you're likely to get knocked off for no reason at all.

I'll knock you something off if off if you buy too

He earns his money writing short stories for women's journals. He can knock one off in a couple of hours.

Could you knock me up at seven, please?

Don't let Grandad do too much work in the garden. He'll knock himself up.

I'll knock up a few sandwiches. It won't(يحضر شيئا بسرعة (طعام غالباtake long.

I didn't expect that we would knock up against so many difficulties on the prject.

I've been landed with the confercnce organization!

The new pupil is very bright, she laps up any facts and information you give her.

At Christmas, Dad really lashes out on presents for the whole family.

Do you know why Sheila latched on to that weird crowd?

I managed to latch on to their remarks, but they didn't know that I was listening.

Betty didn't know how to use the computer at first, but she soon latched on just by watching.

يفصل شخصا مؤقتا لعدم توفر علم له

يتوقف عن عمل شيء غسر مستحب

يرتب أو ينظم شيئا

ينفق مبلغا كبيرا من المال

يحاول إقناع أو تشجيع شخص على شيء

يمهد الطريق لشيء ، يرمي إلى شيء

يخيب أمل شخص أو يخله

.We're letting fireworks off tonightيفجر أو يطلق شيئا

يفشي أمرا ، يكشفه بالتصريح عنه

يوجد العذر لشخص لمتناعه عن عمل ل يروقه

يبقي في السرير لوقت أطول من المعتاد

They lay a little aside every week forيدخر (المال) للمستقبلtheir old age.

I saw young Atkins laying into a boy(يهاجم شخصا بضراوة (بيديه أو بلسانهtwice his size in the school playground.

The car factory is having to lay people off again.

You know I don't l don't like people smoking in here. Can't you lay off it for once?

We can't move into the new house untilيوفر (خدمة) ، يؤمن شيئاthe electricity has been laid on.

Who's laying on the refreshments for the conference?

How much has already been laid out for books and teaching materials? Note: an outlay. The intital outlay for computer hardware wasn't as high as we had imagined.

their best toi lead people on to buy things that they don’t need

I know what he's leading up to. He wants you to lend him some money.

He won't let you doen. He's very reliable. Note: a let-down. I've had so many let-downs that I've stopped asing people ofr help.

يسامح شخصا أو يغفر له ، يسمح له بالفلت منالعقاب

I'll let you off this time, but don't fo it again!

You can tell me your secret. I promise that won't let on to anyone.

On the day of Phul's funeral I had a meeting in Bristol - so it let me out nucely!

I think the rain's beginning to let up at(ينقطع أو يقل ، يتناقص (نشاط أو ضغط عمل ... الخlast. O When Polly's doing a crossword, she never lest up unil she's found all the solutions. Note: a let-up.

You ought to line in tomorrow and catch up on your sleep. Note: a lie-in. There's nothing nicer than a Sunday morning lie-in!

يتسبب بقبول أو تناسي أو تجاهل شيء غير سار فيماضي شخص

We thought she would live down the humiliation of being asked to hand in her resignation.

يحافظ على ميزة (جيدة/سيئة) ، يكون على مستوىالظن به

We bought the car four years ago and it's certainly lived up to our expectations so far. O He was well known for squandering his money. In fact, he still lives up to his reputation.

يتفقد شخصا باتصال هاتفي أو بزيارة قصيره له

يحقق أو يبحث في أمر

يقف مكتوف اليدي ، يراقب بدون اليتاء بحركة

يبقي مترقيا أو يقظا ليرى أو يلحظ شخصا أو شيئا

يفحص أو شيئا

.The weather's looking up at lastيتحسن

يقوم يزيارة غير رسمية لشخص

يعجب بشخص ، يكون لديه انطباع جيد عنه

يعاني من جراء كونه أقل شهرة أو نجاحا من غيره

يتحرك مباشرة باتجاه شخص أو شيء

يعتني بشخص أو بشيء ، يكون مسؤول عن الحالةالجيدة لشخص أو شيء

If you want to go out, I'll look after the children for you. O Clive has always known how to look after his own interests.

يزدري شخصا او شيئا ، ينظر إلى شخص أو شيءبتعال

Edward is a snob who looks down on people with a working-class background. O But his views are certainly looked down on by his fellow students.

I'll look in on Francesca when I'm in Rome.

The police are looking into the matter very thoroughly.

oi couldn't just stand there looking on while the old lady struggled with her parcels, so I carried them for her.

I've always looked on lan as someoneينظر إلى شخص على أنه (كذا) ، يعتبره بــwith very special personal qualities.

Look out when you're crossing the mainانتبه" ، "إحذر"road!

I'll looke out for Mr. Pearson and give him your message. O I've just broken a glass, so look out for the pieces.

The manager is llooking over two new applications at the momrnt. Note: a looking-over. Those figures need a thorough looking-over. They're not accrate.

يعتمد أو يعول على شخص في المساعدة أوالتشجيع .. الخ

If Terry needs advice he aleays lookes to his mother.

We could look Walter and Barbara up when we're in Liverpool.

يبحث ع نشيء في قاموس أو خريطة أو جدولمواعيد ... الخ

I've got a timetable here so I'll look up the time of the next train.

Frank has always looked yp to his uncle, who's a delf-made man.

Many small traders lost out to the big supermarkets and simply closed their doors.

The dollar is low just now so you'll lose(يعاني من الخسارة (المالية عادةout on the exchange rate if you change your dollars into Deutschmarks.

When I entered the room, Claire made for me as if she had something urgent to tell me. O When the dog started to growl, the little boy made straight for the door and disappeared.

يساعد في تنمية أو تطوير شيء ، يكون ذا أثر طيبعلى شيء

A little more frinfliness from one's colleaues would cetainly make for a better working climate

يسرع بعيدا ، يلوذ بالفرار

يسرق شيئا

يتدبر أمره مع شخص ، يفلح في شيء

يفهم شخصا

يستطيع أن يقرأ أو يفك رموز شيء أو يفسره

يضع مكياجا على وجهه

Don't believe him He made that story upيخترع أو يختلق شيئا

يعوض عن شيء

يجهز الطعام أو يغلفه

يسد النقض ، يستكمل شيئا بتأمين ما ينقص منه

يعوض عن شيء

يعوض شخصا عن شيء

يضيع الوقت سدى ، يتلهي

يفسد شيئا ، يبعث الفوضى في شيء

يحذف أو يغفل شخصا أو شيئا

When the police arrived, the thief was making off down the road

The thief made off with the jewellry jewelry and the contents of the safe

How did Judy make out at the interview? O Hgoe's Scott making out with Sharon?

Marion's friendly one minute and cold as ice the next I just can't make her out

Would you make out the bill, please? O(يكتب أو يحرر (فاتورة أو شيكا ... الخAll cheques are to be made out to Global Enterpises

I can't make out his handeriting O Why did Robert say he would come if he had no intention of coming? I just can't make it out

For tax reasons, some people make(ينتقل ملكية شخص لشيء (استخدام قانونيtheir property over to their clidren long before they die

Deborah doesn't make up as heavily as she used to Not: Make-up

يضع المكياج على وجهه لجل عرض مسرحي أوتلفزيوني .. الخ

Sheila makes up the guests on the Wednesday night talk-show

How can he make up his losses in such a short time?

If you won't be here for lunch, the hotel will make you up a packed lunch

Won't you make up the total by contributing another five pounds?

I took yesterday afternoon off, so I'm working this evening to make up for it

يحاول استمالة أو كسب رشي شخص بإدخال السرورإلى نفسه

He seems to think that if he makes up to the womwn in the typing pool, they'll do his reports faster

Mlike had been away from home on business a lot recently He wants to make it up to his wife by taking her to Cannes for a week

Get on with your work and stop messing around

يؤذي مشاعر شخص بتجاهله أو بمعاملته بدوناكتراث

Either tell Gary you will buy his car or that you won't, but don’t mess him around like this

Roger came in form the garage with his best trousers messed up with oil Note: a mess-up There was a terrible mess-up with the flights

I can't find Kate on the lidt You've missed her out

لم يجرب شيء أو يختبره ، لم يستفيد منه

يشوش أو يربك شخصا ، يعقد أمرا أو شيئا

يورط شخصا في أمر

يتصرف بسرعة إزاء شيء

يفسح مجال لشخص في جلسته أو وقفته

يفسد شيئا ، يبعث الفوضى في شيء

يفكر في أمر مليا أو يتدارسه لوقت طويل

يفتش أو يبحث هنا وهناك ، يهتم بأشياء ل تعنية

يفقد تحفظة أو يتخلص من خجله

يباشر عمل أو تجارة

يتحدث بصراحة

Because Jeff has never taken part in a management training scheme, he feels that he has missed out on something

The teacher explained too much at one time and mixed us all up. O He mixed the story up so much that I couldn't follow it Note: a mix-up

Don't mix me up in this I want nothing to do with the matter

يستقر في .. ، يحوز على أو يمتلك (منزل او مكتبا ..(الخ

The new neighbours have just moved in next door

يحاصر شخصا أو يحيط به ، يضع شخصا في وضعصعب

His creditors moved in on him like a pack of wolves

The property has just been put on the market if you want it, you'd better move on this one, or you'll lose it

The Watsons couldn't keep up theيخلي منزل أو عقارا .. الخmonthly payments on their new house, so they had to move out

We'd better move up so that those people have more room.

يتعاون مع شخص ، يعمل مع شخص بروح منالمودة

If Dennis would muck in with the rest of us, he'd be much more popular around the office.

The strike of the hotel staff certainly mucked our holiday up!

يبذل جهدا في تعليم شيء بأكمله والحاطة به((بسرعة غالبا

I have a chemistry exam tomorrow, so I'm mugging up on formulas tonight.

By the time the management has finally mulled over my peoposals, they'll no longer be up to date.

يستخدم القوة أو الساليب الملتوية للحصول لعى حصةمن شيء

I refuse to let that young upstart muscle in on my business.

يحاول جعل شخص يكشف شيئا محددا فيما يتعلقبنواياه

I tried my best, but I couldn't nail Harold down on a completion date.

يختزل ، يخفض عددا او مقدارا كبيرا إلى عدد أومقدار أصغر

There was a larg number of applicants for the job, but we've narrowed the list down to four.

I was just nodding off when the(يغط في النوم (خاصة على كرسي ... الخtelephone rang.

What's the nosing around here for? He has nothing to do wit our department.

Jill soon began to open out when she started work at the factory.

There's a new butcher opening up on Duke Street.

Jason taked around the matter for a few minutes, then he finally opened up and told me that Sarah had left him.

ينشأ أو يبرز

يقرر اإحجام أو المتناع عن القيام بأمر

يقر أو يعترف بشيء

يتوقف او يقلع عن الستمرار أو التمادي في شيء

يوقف العمل

يتوقف عن العمل

يتضاءل أو يتلشي أو يختفي تدريجيا

.Mr. Harvry passed on during the nightيموت ، يتوفي

يقلع عن فعل شيء ، يتجاوز أمرا

يبلغ شخصا بشيء ، يسلم شيئا لشخص

يغمى عليه

يهمل أو يتجاهل شيئا ، يتجنب موضوعا

يفلح ، يثبت جدواه أو نفعه

يشتري صمت شخص

يسدد ديونه لشخص

New opportunities for the company have opened up and they must not be neglected.

Now the club hasn't got a treasurer. Why did Bess opt out at the last minute?

If you own up to what you've done, the teacher may be lenient with you.

l've packed gambling in. I've been losing too much money.

Lucy has packed her new boyfriend inينهي علقة أو عمل ... الخalready. O Stewart is seriously consideng packing his job in and going aborad.

The workers on the building site packed up at two o'olock because of the rain.

We were going up a steep hill when the engine packed up

يخلط بين شخصين وشخص آخر أو شيء وشيء آخرنظرا للتشابه الكبير بينهما ، يظن أو يعتقد بالخطأ أن.شخصا هو فلن أو شيء هو كذا

You acent is excellent. You'd pass for and Englishman anytime. O lsabelle looks just like her younger sister, and she would pass for thirty easily.

Take this tablet and the pain should pass off within an hour.

يتقمص أو ينتحل شخصيته (كذا ..) ، يتمثل شخصا أوشيئا زورا

He passed his secretary off as his wife. O They pass the old portrait off as a family heirloom, just to impress. Actually, they got it at an auction!

يكون على غير علم بشيء ما ، يكون غير قادر علىإعطاء رد على سؤال ، يتجاوز سؤال

"Do you know Mercury's distance from the sun?' 'Sorry, I'll have to pass on that one.'

I thought of buying into the new hotel complex, but it's risky, so I think I'll pass on it after all.

There's no choir practive next week. Will you pass the message on? This note was passed on to me. It's for you.

Flora passed out because of the heat and the stuffy atmosphere.

Gerald never talks about his first wife. It's a subject he prefers to pass over.

The gamble on the stock exchange paid off after all! We're rich!

The blackmailer had to be paid off, but afterwards the police were informed.

Has Lawson paid off all his creditors yet?

ينتهي من تسديد الدفعات لجل شيء

يستقر بشخص من مجموعة لنتقاده

ينتقي شخصا أو شيئا من بين مجموعة

يستأنف ، يتابع ثانية

يجلب شخصا او يذهب لحضاره

يقيم تعارفا طارئا أو عرضيا مع شخص

يلوم شخصا ، يصحح له أو يصوبه

يقبض على شخص او يعتقله

?Where did you pick up your Russianيتعلم شيئا

يستحوذ على شيء أو يشتريه

يصاب بمرض بالعدوى

يجلب شيئا أو يذهب لحضارة

يعقد المر أو يفاقمه ، يجعله أسوأ ، يزيد الطين بلة

يحدد شيئا أو يصفه بحذافيره


يضجر أو يزعج شخصا

We've had to pay off another ten(يدفع مال لشخص و يفصله (عن العملemployees because there's no work for them.

We've just finished paying off the bank loan - what a relief!

They always pick on Tom when anything goes wrong.

Can you pick your brother ouy from that group of people? O have you picked out the photographs that you'd like to have?

We can pick up where we left off tomorrow.

Dad's been quite ill, but he's picking upيتحسن الوضع الصحي او العمل .. الخagain now. O Share prices have picked up recently. I'm glad to say.

I'll pick you up from the tennis club at six.

That's the girl Sam picked up at the disco.

I made a few mistakes in the claculations and the teacher picked me up for them.

The police picked up the man they were looking for just outside the town.

I picked up this coat in the sales for only forty pounds!

Influenza isn't as easy to pick up as most people tend to believe.

Did you pick up the clothes from the dry-cleaner's?

The news is bad enough - don't pile it on by telling me more!

يجعل شخصا يكشف شيئا محددا فيما يخص نواياه اوما يعرفه ع نشيء .. الخ

Jerry won't be pinned down. He only ever states very rough figures.

I can't pin down what it is that I don’t like about her.

Fred has been annoying me all day with his stupid remarks. In the end I told him to piss off.

He says he's so pissed off with his job at the factory that he'd take the first job anyone else offered him.

يتعاون في أمر ، يوافق على شيء .. الخ ، ياسر أويماشي شخصا أو شيئا

I'm sure Jackie will play along once we have made all the arrangements. O Play along with them to see what their intentions are.

يبقي شخصا منظرا في حيرة أو بدون اعلمه تحديدابأمر يهمه ، يلعب بأعصابه

They've played him along for long enough. It's time they rold him whether or not he'll get the loan.

يثير المتاعب أو الشغب

يجامل شخصا بغية نفع يرجوه

ينهي شيئا بسرعة

يحسن أو ينمق شيئا

!Not finished yet? Never mind. Press onيتابع جهوده

يفلح في إنجاز أو استكمال شيء بنجاح


يتعافى أو ينجو من مرض أو حادث خطير

يتعاونون ، يساعد بعظهم خطير

يستوقف شخصا ليعيطه تذيرا أو توبيخا

يطلب شيئا ، يحاول الحصول على شيء

يتابع ، يستمر

,If the press hadn't played it up so muchيقلل / يرفع من أهمية شيءthe affair would have been forgotten long ago.

I hope the children don't start playing up when the guests arrive.

Stop playing up to Miriam like that, Jim. It won't work.

يأخذ بفكره أو رأي أو خطة أو مشروع ...الخ. لفترة( .. معينة و بجدية غير كافي ، يلعب على وتر (كذا

I played with the idea of going to work abroad, buit I think I'd miss home too much.

It didn't take the childern ling to polish off the rest of the cream cake.

The content of the essay is fine. Just polish up the style a bit.

يلح في طلب شيء ، يطلبه بتكرار ، يضغط لجل( ..(كذا

The workers are pressing for 36-hour week.

يجس نبض شخص ، يحاول تبين أو استكشاف الحالةالنفسية او العاطفية لشخص أو الحالة العصبية(لمنافس في سباق .. الخ) بغية الستفادة من ذلك

The day before the big race, the two sailing crews did their best to psych each other out.

He pulled the deal off splendidly, as I knew he would.

The Tyne-Tees express pulled out atيغادر (القطار) ، يتحرك مبتعدا8.27 on the dot.

A lorry pulled out in front of me just as Iيخرج (الباص أو السيارة .. الخ) عن نسق السيرwas about to overtake.

I don’t like the latest deelopments in the plan, so I'm going to pull out before its too late.

The operation has weakened him, butيتحسن من بعد مرض او صدمة ... الخhe'll soon pull round now that he knows he's coming out of hospital soon.

The patient has very serious injuries, but we have hpoes that he will piull through.

If we all pull together by not selling any stock, we should be able to block this takeover bid.

The van pulled up in front of me, so I( .. يتوقف (بسيارته .. ) ، يوقف (سيارتهhad to brake suddenly.

The police pulled him up for overtaking on a bend.

The union leaders are pushing dor early retirement.

Well, I'll have to push off now so I'll seeيغادر (القطار) ، يتحرك مبتعداyou later at the club. O Push off, will you?

We're pushing on with our investigations as far as we can

يوفر مال

يأكل أو يشرب بكميات كبيرة

ينتقد شخصا أو يتحدث عنه بالسوء او يذمه

يقاطع بالكلم

يركب أو يثبت

يطلب أو يتطلب شيئا

يؤجل أو يؤخر شيئا

يسمح لراكب بالنزول من مركبة

يثبي شخصا عن شيء او يجعله يحجم عنه

يفقد شخصا تركيزة ، يشتت تفكيره

يبقي شخصا منتظرا لقرار

يزعج أو يضايق شخصا ، يحز في نفسه

يضرب شخصا ويفقده الوعي

يعمم أو ينشر شيئا

يخمد ألسنة اللهب

يخلع عضوا من الجسم

يلزم شخصا بأمر أو يفرضه عليه ، يكلفه بشيء ليريده لنفسه

They're pushing all the unpleasant, tiresome jobs on to the new clerk. It isn't fair.

Don't believe what you hear about Jimيعمم أو ينشر قصة أو يطلق إشاعة ... الخHoward. It's just a rumour that someone has put about.

Try to put your explanation axross asيعبر عن (أفكار أو رؤى ... الخ) أو ينقلهاsimply as possible, so that no one will have trouble with technical terminology.

He puts a little away every week for his grandchildren.

l've never seen anyone eat so much. He puts away a whole fried chicken and tow platefuls of chips!

April never gives her boss credit for anything. She's always putting him sown, altough he's a very competent man.

We put his rude manner down to his.يعزو شيئا لـ .. ، بفسر شيئا بــignorance of our British customs.

But object!' he put in, suddenly and unexpectedly.

I have to put in an hour's piano practiceيصرف أو يكرس الوقت او الجهد أو الهتمام .. الخevery day.

They can't plaster the walls until they've put the Christmas.

Most of the staff have put in for a wage-rise after Christmas.

The cricket match jas been put off until next Saturday.

Could you put me off at the hospital, please?

I wanted to see the new play at the Grand, but the newspaper review put me off.

I don't like music playing when I'm working. It puts me off.

He won't give me a deifnite answer. He keeps putting me off.

It isn't fair that I should be blamed for something I know nothing about. I feel very put out about the whole matter.

The other boxer put Alfred out in third round.

The police have put out an official descripition of three terrorists.

We just managed to put the flames out before any real damage was caused.

I put my shoulder out digging the garden.

يتسبب في خطأ أو نتيجة غير دقيقة لشيء

يصل أو يربط شخصا بخشص عبر الهاتف

ينهي أو يستكمل أو يعالج شيئا

يبيت لفترة قصيرة

يوفر السكن أو الماوى أو الضيافة لشخص

يسمي شخصا كمرشح في انتخاب

يشجع شخصا على فعل شيء

يبني أو يشيد شيئا

يرفع أو يزيد شيئا

يصبر على شيء ، يتحمل شيئا

يستفيد من شخص أو ستغله

يكشف جانبا معيبا أو مخجل من الماضي

يردد شيئا من الذاكرة أو يقرأ بسرعة وبطريقة تلقائية

يدعم إلمامه بموضوع ما بالقراءة والمطالعة عنه

يتوقع شيئا ، يدرجه في حساباته أو اعتباراته

يحصل على راحة تامة

That one little mistake has pt te whole calcuation out.

Can you please put me through to the complaints department?

I'd be glad if you could put the visa application through as soon as possible.

He always puts up at the Crown Hotel when he's in town.

We'd be glad to put you up for a few days if you'd like to stay.

The Conservatives are putting Ted up in the by-election.

Who put Steven up to the idea of selling his bicycle? O He was put up to it by his brother.

Another supermarket's been put up in Hill Street.

Everyone's expecting the government to put taxes up again.

Jenkin's put up a lot of money for the artيقدم مال أو جوائز .. الخ. كمساهمة ، يفرض مالgallery. O When the first loan had run out, he put up another thousand.

يدافع عن شيء ، يناصرة أو يدعمه ، يتقدم بشيءلخذه بالعتبار أو دراسته

Mr. Morgan is going to put another proposal at the meeting.

I can't put up with anyone telling me how to run my own house! O I've put up with her complaints long enough.

Don't let yourself be put upon by that lazy, selfish woman.

Why did they have to rake up those old stories? It was obviously very embarrassing for everyoue concerned.

When you're on stage, don't rattle your lines off as you did just now. Try putting some emotion into them.

يفسر شيئا خطأ ، يفهم أكثر مما قصد أو عني مما قيل، يحمل المر ما ل يتحمل

Pat's professor didn't say that anyone had failed the exam. She's reading more into his remarks than necessary.

يكتسب معرفة أو معلومات عن موضوع بالقراءة.عنه

I must read up what Roberts has written on the history of China.

He's going to read up on plant classification again before the exam.

I wasn't reconing on having such problems to deal with.

يقول شيئا من الذاكرة باسترسال (شعر ، لئحة ...(الخ

I was always good on history dates ar school. I could reel dozens of them off!

After the operation I shall need to rest up for a few weeks.

I'll have to ring off now, but I'll ring you(ينهي حديثا هاتفيا (بشكل مفاجئ عادةagain tomorrow.

ينهي أمرا بطريقة مرضية

يجمع الناس أو الشياء مع بعضها

يستقني أو يستبعد شخصا أو شيئا

يعثر على شخص أو شيء ، يقابل شخصا بالصجفة

يبدي اهتماما مكثفا بشخص

يلبي احتجاجات شخص ، يؤدي له ما يلزمه

يسيطر على خيال أو مزاج أو مشاعر شخص

يذم شخصا ، يتحدث عنه بالسوء أو ينتقده

يعتقل شخصا أو يأخذه إلى قسم اشلرطة

يغش أو يحتال على شخص ماليا ، يطلب منه شمنامرتفعا

Don't buy anything at that shop - I've been ripped off there a few times. Note: a rip - off. Did you hear how much the garage charged Ben for his car repairs? It was a rip - off!

Greg never says he's comung. He justيتوافد (الناس). يأتي بشكل عرضيrolls in when he feels like it.

,Since Fred opened up a business(يتدفق (المالmoney has been rolling in.

Time's rolling on. It will soon be(يمر (الوقتChristmast!

Oh, yes! Roll on Christmas! I need a(يأتي حال (عادة للتعبير عن رغبة المتحدث بذلكbreak.

Visitors have been rolling up in crowed.. يصل أو يتدفق (الناس، يأتون لرؤية كذاall day to see the exhibition.

Fiona has roped me in to serve theيقنع شخصا بتقديم المساعدة في مهمة أو عمل .. الخrefreshments at the golf club annual meeting.

Let's round off the evening with a snack and a drink over at my place.

Let's round up the whole group and ask them what they think about Bob's idea.

يؤثر على شخص أو يؤثر في موقفه أو مزاجه أوشخصيته عن طريق الحتكاك المستمر معه

Arthur's in very good mood today. Let's hope some of it rubs off on the other members of the group.

Anyone who has entered for the same copetition before is ruled out by the regulations. O These new facts ruleo ut the possibility of accident and suggest either suicide or murder.

Guess who I ran across this morning in town! Sally Bell! O We ran across these carvings in Jaipur.

He's always running after the girls in the typing pool. What's he trying to prove?

Jerry's a man who likes people running after him all the time.

Now you're letting your imagination run away with you. The situation wasn't all that dangerous.

يستهلك أو يستنفذ مقدرا كبيرا من شيء (مال ،(طاقة ، كهرباء ... الخ

I'm afrais the research programme is running away with the government loan.

يطرح (الباص أو السيارة ... الخ) شخصا أرضاويسبب له إصابة

My son was almost run down by a van this morning. Luckily, he only has a few brouises.

I wish jack wouldn't run his brother-in-law down the way he does. I thick he's jealous.

The police have run old Sam in again for being drunk and disorderly.

ينتج مادة مكتوبة بسرعة

يطبع أو ينسخ

ينقضي ، ينصرم

ينفذ ، ينتهي ، ينقضي

يستنفذ شيئا ، ل تبقي لديه ما يكفي منه

يتدرب أو يتمرن على شيء

يبحث في أمر أو يراجعه

يقرأ شيئا بسرعة

يستهلك ، يستنفذ

يخيط شيئا بسرعة

.She runs up bills everywhere in townيكدس ، يكوم


يتعامل مع قضية أو يعالجها ، ينظر في أمر

يحقق ، يبحث

يرافق شخصا إلى مكان المغادرة أو السفر

يروض ، يقود سيارة جديدة أو يشغل آلة حديثة بعنايةورفق ليعدها لستعمال الكامل

If you take care to run the engine in properly, the car will give you a lot of pleasure.

She's a remarkable writer. She can run off a novel in a week!

The minutes for last week's meeting are finished, but still have to run them off.

The contract runs out at the end of the year and will have to be renewed.

We had just reached the motorway when the petorl run out. O Only two weeks before the deadline. Time's running out!

We've run out of milk. You'll have to drink your tea without.

I'll just run over my speech again. I'd hate to forget it in the middle.

He can run through his lecture in his mind. Note: a run-through.

Just run through about ten gallons of petrol a week!

We run through about ten gallons of petrol a week!

I'm going to run some costumes up for the children's fancy-dress party.

يواجه أو يجابه بشخص أو شيء ، يصادف شخصا أوشيئا

Could you help mw with this computer program? I've run up against a few problems.

يندفع ، يقرر عمل شيء بسرعة بدون أخذ تباعته فيالحسبان

I wish Carl would show down his marriage plans. I think he's rushing into something that he may regret.

يدفع شخصا لعمل شيء بدون أخذ العواقب فيالحسبان

The estate agent tried to rush us into buying the house but it isn't a thing one can be rushed into.

There isn't much in the fridge, but I'mيحضر (طعاما عادة) بسرعة من أي شيء متوفرsure we can rustle up a snack or a few sandwiches.

I hope we can rustle up a bit more good will and support for our campaign.

يفسد أو يسيء تدبير أمر ، يتعامل مع أمر بشكلشيء أو غير مناسب

That fool Joe! He's screwed up all the arrangements. Didn't he screw up everything up last time, as well? Note: a screw-up. It's a fiasco! A total screw up!

We ought to see about a new car before the prices go up.

I took my complaint to the manager. He's going to see into it. O Yes, it's about time the matter was seen into.

Will you be there to see me off at the station?

.The digs soon saw the intruder offيقنع شخصا بالمغادرة خلفا لرغبته

يرافق شخصا إلى الباب أو إلى الخارج المكان

يشاهد شيئا حتى النهاية

يستمر أو يعيش حتى

يكتشف أو يستشف حقيقة أمر ينطجوي على خداع

يتجلد أو يتحلي بالصبر على شيء حتى النهاية

?Will you see to that customer, pleaseيلبي شخصا

ينظر في أمر أو يسويه

يصلح أو يرمم شيئا

نفذ ما لديه من شيء ، لم يعد لديه ما يبيعه منهه

يفشي بأسرار أو معلومات للمعارضين او المنافسين

I've sent away for the spring catalogue.

يدعو أو يستدعي شخصا

يهاجم شخصا بدنيا أو كلميا

يبدأ أو يباشر امرا

يؤخر شخصا أو يعيقه



ينطلق في رحلة أو يبدأ بها

I'll see you out, or you may get lost in the buliding.

It was a rotten film, but we decided to see it out because the tickets were so expensive.

I don't think these old boots will see the winter out.

Alison thinks I believe her story, but I can see through her. O I can see through his scheme. He won't cheat me so easily.

يقف إلى جانب شخص او يسانده خلل فترة عصيبةيمر بها

Do you think two hundred pounds will see him through, or should I give him more?

Now that we've spent so much timr planning the project, we'll have to see it through.

I hope you'll see to the matter immmediately.

The electrician's come to see to the faulty switches.

Sorry, but we've completely sold out od brown bread. Note: a sell-out. Moira's dress designs for the Lady Hamilton line have always been total sell-out.

Put under enough pressure, Gilbert could be persuaded to see out to our competitors, so we'd better watch him carefully.

يرسل في طلب شيء ، يطلب شيئا أو يشتريهبالمراسلة

The fever's getting worse. We ought to sent for a doctor.

When I revealed the true facts, he set about me in order to make my story look ridiculous.

As soon as she got home, she set about preparing lunch. O Please help me with this exercise. I don't know how to set about it.

This hold-up will set us back about three hours. Note. A set-back. The only major set-back to the trip was when the car caught fire!

The new house must have set him back a few thousand!

The winter has set in very early this year - snow in November.

Let's set off nice and early tomorrow, shall we?

يجعل شخصا يبدأ أو يباشر في

يتسبب بانفجار أو فرقعة شيء

يتسبب في بدء أو مباشرة او انطلق شيء

يهاجم شخصا

ينطلق لعمل شيء

?When did you set out on your journeyيبدأ رحلة

يباشر بنشاط ، يطلق العنان لنفسه

يستقر في عمل أو مهنة

يزود شخصا بالتسهيلت المطلوبة

يحسن صحة شخص

يصمم شخصا بذنب ، يتسبب في اتهامه ظلما

يقيم تعارفا طارئا أو عرضيا مع شخص

يؤسس ، ينشئ

يطرح أو يثير أو يطور أو يضع نظرية

يستقر ، يتزوج ويعيش حياة رتيبة

يستقر بشكل دائم

يستقر في جلسته ، يجلس بشكل مريح

يعكف أو ينكب على شيء أو يركز عليه

يكون مستعدا أو مهيأ لتقبل شيء

Don't mention the war or you'll. Set Grandfather off reminiscing for hours!

The children are setting fireworks off in the garden.

I accidentally pressed the button and set off the alarm!

يجمل شيئا ، يضفي عليه جمال ، يجعل شيئا يبدوجذابا

Ther red dress sets her blond hair off beautifully.

He was passing by the front door, when suddenly their dog set on him!

He set out to cut the grass, but he chatted to the neighbor for an hour instead.

She set to and finished cleaning the house within an hour. O When Billy sets to, he can eat more than his father!

He now intends setting up as a hairdresser in Portsmouth.

His father will set him up as a solicitor when he has all the necessary qualifications.

Take a holiday in the mountains. The fresh air will set you up and make you feel much better.

I know nothing about the stolen money. Don't you see? I've been set up!

He sets up a vegetable stall In the market on Saturday mornings.

The government has set up a committee to examoine the fishing industry.

He set up the theory ten years ago and scholars have been discussing it ever since.

Freeman set up a new time in the 800(يسجل رقما قياسيا جديديا (في لبعة رياضيةmetres.

Harry is 40 already. I don't thinl he'll ever settle down.

The Grants have lived in several [arts of England, but they'd like to settle down in Norfolk.

She settled doen in the crner with her knitting and turned on the radio.

I've been trying to read this bok all day, but somehow I can't settle down to it properly.

With my qualifications, I won't settle for a second-rate job.

يستقر في محيط جديد أو يتأقلم معه

يختار شيئا أو يستقر رأية عليه

يدفع لشخص ما يدين له به من المال

يتهرب من شخص أو شيء أو يتجنبه أو يتخلص منه

يصدم مشاعر شخص أو يسبب السى له

يعيد هيكلة أو تنظيم أو مجموعة أو منظمة

يصيح بصوت مرتفع ليغطي على حديث شخص

يستعرض إمكانية أو يتباهى بها امام الخرين

يعرض شخصا او شيئا بتباه

يظهر ، يتواجد

يحرج شخصا بتصرف سيء أمام الخرين


How's Richard setting in at his new school? O The new neighbours seem to have settled in quite well.

We couldn't decide where to go for a holiday, but we finally settled on Greece.

I owe you some monet for the drinks, so we'll settle up at lunchtime.

We got the whole deal sewn up and.ينهي أو يستكمل الترتيبات أو الصفقة او العقد .. الخpapers signed within a week.

يعيش مع شخص من الجنس الخر بدون رباط زوجيوبشكل مناف للعراف (اصطلح يستخدم للتعبير عن(استنكار المتحدث

She told me that her husband had left her and shacked up with some rich woman who calls hereself an artist.

The bank robbers tried desperately to shake off the pursuing police car. O I'm still trying to shake off a cold.

The news of her mother's death has shaken her up pretty badly.

Note: a shake-up. This departmewnt could do with a total shake-up if it's ever going to run smoothly.

يقارن بين أسعار عدة محلت قبل الشراء ، يقارن بينعروض عمل متاحة .. الخ

We shopped around for weeks before we dwcided on the bedroom furniture. O 'Has Adrian accepted any of the job offers he got?' 'No, not so far. He's still shopping around.'

The Labour candidate was shouted down by the angry crowd.

Laura always shows off with her knowledge of literature if she thinks she can impress anyone. Note: a show-off. Thomas is a terrible show-off on the golf course.

Angela 's showing off her new boyfriend to all her friends. O There's Jimmy - showing off his new computer games again.

Did Nicky show up at the party last night?

Pam's children showed her up in a restaurant by spilling fruit juice and food over the table.

There was a gas leak at the chemicalيغلق (معمل أو منجما .. الخ) . بشكل مؤقت أو دائمfactory, so the plant has been temporarily shut down. Note: a shut-down.

I wish Gloria would shut up - no one else has a chance to speak! O Just shut up, will you?

يسجل اسمه لدى سلطات رعاية العاطلين عن العملللحصول على معونة اجتماعية في حال عدم توفيرعمل له

If the glass factory has to close down, another three thousand workers will be signing on.

مفهوم أو مستوعب تماما ، يفهم أو يستوعب تماما

يكون خمول أو كسول

يحضر كمستمتع أو زاشر

يزجز أو يوبخ شخصا أو يوقفه عند حده

يتمسك بشيء ، ل يتركه أو يفرج عنه أو يبوخ به

.I sat up until midnight writing lettersيسهر ، يتأخر في الذهاب إلى النوم


يؤجل قرارا لليلة واحدة

يزل ، يرتكب خطأ

يكلم شخصا بحدة

يقبل بأمر بسرعة وبحماس

يتخلص من كآبته أو مزاجة العكر بسرعة

يأخذ أو يشترى شيئا باندفاع وبدون تردد

ينبذ شيئا ، ل يتعامل معه بجدية

The teacher explained it to me twice, but it still hasn't sunk in.

Tom's unfair. He just sits back and lets me do all the work.

يحل محل شخص ، يأخذ مكان شخص في اجتماع ...الخ

The chairman won't be here next week, so James will be sitting in for him.

When I was doing teaching practice, people often used to sit in on my lessons.

that new assistant us very self-opinionated. If someone doesn't sit on him soon, I will!

يتجاهل شيئا أو يضعه جانبا ، يعرقل أمرا بعدم قيامهبما يلزم إزاءه

I wrote a letter of complaint to my bank, but there's been no reply. I expect someone's just sitting on it an hoping I'll calm down.

Brian knows I need that information urgently but he's just sitting on it for some reason.

ل يأخذ دورا او مكانا (في نشاط اجتماعي .. الخ) ، ليشارك

Most people joined in the dancing. Only a few sat out.

Martina was falling asleep in the lecture, but she sat up when the test results were read out.

يريح نفسه من آثار الفراط في الطعام أو الشراببالنوم

Father ate too much at lunch, so now he's sleeping it off.

I can't give you a decision just now, but I'll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.

These figures aren't correct. I must have slipped up somewhere. Note: a slip-up. <ake sure you rehearse the entrances and ecits well. We can't afford a slip-up on stage.

يتاطأ أو يصبح أقل نشاطا ، تبطئ (السيارة) أوتتضاءل سرعتها

Gerald has slowed down considerably since his heart attack. O The lorry slowed down and stoopped at the traffic lights.

When I asked her a question, she just snappes at me!

I would snap at the chance of going to China for a year.

You're just feeling sorry for yourself. Why don't you snap out of it and think about your future?

This antique clock was a real bargain, so I snapped it up.

A year in research in Silicon Valley? It's an opportunity not to be sneezed at!

يتعلم شيئا أو يتلقفه بسهولة وحماس

يقنع شخصا بشيء عن طريق التودد إليه

يعاقب شخصا او يتولى أمره أو يوبخه

يتعامل مع شيء ، يسوي أمرا

يطيلي في أمد شيء ، يجعله يدوم طويل

يواجه شخصا أو شيئا أو يتصدى له بشجاعة

يسدد دينا لشخص

يصفي مسألة أو يسوي أمرا مع شخص

يكون صادفا وصريحا مع شخص

يقضي على شيء أو يقمعه

يكون موجودا ، وجاهزا للتدخل وقت الحاجة

يكون ظاهرا أو سهل الملحظة

The child is exceptionally gifed. I've never seen a child soak up knowledge so eagerly. O He soaks everthing up!

I have to soten dad up. I need another loan.

If you two don't leave thiis room cleaned up. I'll come over there and sort you out!

Have you sorted out all that trouble you had with the bank yet?

يحبس نبض شخص تجاه شيء ، يحاول معرفة موقفهمن شيء أو تقييمه له

He's an executive personnel consultant. We've asked him to sound Coburn out on whether he's likely to accept an offer from us.

يشرح أمرا بطريقة مبسطة جدا لشخص (مع شعورالفاعل بالضيق من ضعف قدرة هذا الشخص على(الفهم

He still hasn't understood what you mean. You'll have to spell it out for him.

How do you manage to spin your money out?

ينفق المال على شخص أو شيء بإسراف وبكثير مناللمبالة أحيانا

The Wilsons certainly splashed out on their daughter's wedding!

You'll have to square up to your responsibilities. You can't simply run away form them.

have you squared up with Alex for the meal and the petrol?

He said he's got a problem to square up with his nighbour.

I'll square with you, Kames. The board thinks you're too old for the position.

Everyting possible should be done to stamp up drug abuse.

يقف موقف المتفرج ، يكون حاضرا وشاهدا لمايحدث ولكن بدون اليتاء بتصرف

When the boy fell his bicycle couldn't up, two women went to help him, but most people just stood by.

There are usually a few ambulances standing by at pop festivals. Not: a stand-by.

يقف بجانب شخص ويؤازره أو يهون عليه وقتالشدة

She went through a difficult time after her illess, but she had good friends who stood by her.

يتخلى عن مركز أو فرصة ، يتنازل عن شيء لصالحالخرين

Johnson was asked to be chairman for the third time, but he stood down in favor of a younger club member.

يحل محل شخص ، يأخذ مكان شخص في اجتماع ...الخ

I didin't know you worked in this department.' 'I don't, I'm just standing in for a colleague.' Note: a stand-in. A stunt man is a stand-in for an actor.

Your red pullover stands out well in this photograph.

يكون مميزا بكشل واضح ، يبدو أفضل بشكل ملحوظ

يواجه شخصا أو يتصدى له بشجاعة

يقاوم أو يتحمل شيئا

يصمد أثناء الختبار أو المساءلة

يتدخل للمساعدة أو لمنع حدوث شيء

يزيد شيئا

يواظب أو يدوام على شيء

يكون مصمما أو مصرا على الحصول على شيء

يكون مخلصا أو مواليا لشخص

يتشبث بشيء ول يغيره

يدافع عن شخص أو يدعمه

يثير أو أمرا مزعجا

يقطع رحلته لوقت قصير

يقوم شيئا أو يسوي أمرا

Elizabeth's voice really stands out from the rest of the choir. She should consider singing professionally.

يقدم دعما معنويا لشخص ، يدافع عن شخص أوشيء

If any roung boys start to bully him, his friend always stands up for him.

If that big girl hits you, stand up to her and nit her back!

Some children's toys don't stand up to much knocking out.

Her story sounds convincing, but I don't think it will stand up to questioning in a court of law.

The police had tp step in to control an outbreak of rioting. O If my brother hadn't stepped in with a generous loan, we would have closed the business down.

The increased export demand will mean stepping production up considerably.

Tourists outside Buckingham palaceيبقي منتظرا ما يحدث أو من يأتي .. الخseem to think that if they stick around long enough, they might see a royal coming or going.

When he has work to do, he sticks at it until it's finished.

The strkers are stiking out for a higher bonus.

Andrew always sticks to his friend, no matter what happens.

Make sure you stick to the same story when questioned a second time.

You've got to learn to stick up trouble between Kate and Jakie.

Laura's always trying to stir up trouble between Kate and Jakie.

Shall we stop off in Coventy and visit the Harveys?

يتوقف أثناء رحلة طويلة في الطائرة لقضاء ليلة(واحدة عادة) في مكان ما

When we fly to Sydey, we usually stop over in Singapore. Note: a stopover.

We've had a bit of trouble at the factory, but the management and the union should be able to straighten it out.

يضلل شخصا يصدق لجعله يصدق شيئا ، يكونمخادعا في نواياه لفترة من الزمن ، يخفي نواياه.الحقيقية لبعض الوقت

Lynn doesn't care much for Luke. I have the feeling that she's just stringing him along until she finds someone else.

لديه رأي أو اعتقاد راسخ بشيء

يصدم شخصا أو يفاجئه ، ياخذه لعى حين غرة

يدون أو يكتب أو يسجل شيئا

يخدع أو يسغفل شخصا

يفهم أمرا أو يحيط به تماما ، يستوعبه

يراقب شيئا أو يتأمله

يوفر السكن لشخص

يترك على عجل

يقلد شخصا بغية التسلية أو التنذر

يخلع شيئا ، يزيل شيئا أو يلغيه

يعفي من الخدمة

!I took off three pounds last weekيتحخلص من الوزن الزائد باتباع الحمية

يأخذ إجازة أو استراحة من العمل

يستخدم شخصا أو يوظفه

يقبل بشخص كخصم أو غريم له

يكتشف نوايا شخص ، يكتشف ما يدور أو ما يخططله من خلف ظهره

He was planning to get me discredited so that he could take my job. But I sussed him out in tim. O Atkind wanted to get me teken off the project. Good job I sussed it out before it was too late.

Grandfather swerars by rum as the only medicine for a cold.

يتشتت انتباهه ، يتوقف عن النصات لشيء لعدماكتراثه به أو ضجره منه

The phonology lecture was boring, so I switched off half-way through.

The dreadful sight of the accident took me aback.

يشابه شخصا ، يكون له شخصية أو مظهر مشابه( .. لشخصية او مظهر شخص (كوالده

Margaret takes after her father in being storg-willed.

يسحب قول أو تصريحا أو ملحظة أو اتهاما أو انتقادا... الخ. مقرا بأنه لم يكن محقا أو منصفا أو مصيبا

I'm sorry that I called you an opprtunist, and I take it all back.

The policeman took down the names and addresses of the witnesses.

He's a clever talker but don't let him take you in. O I don't allow myself to be taken in by sales talk.

This book is difficult to take in, especially when you've tried. O What you say is unbelievable. I need a minute to take it all in!

I was too busy taking in the beautiful antique fumiture to notice who was in the room.

This dress id too bit at the waist. It(يضيق (ثوبا أو قميصا ... الخneeds taking in a little.

Mrs. Lawson is considering tajing in students next year. Sje's taken them in before.

Did the fight take off on time? Note: a(تقلع (الطائرةtake-off Yes, it was a smooth take-off.

Janet took off for Toronto as soon as term ended.

Bob's speciality at parties is taking politicians off. Note: a take-off. His take-offs are hilarious.

Take your cont off and sit down. O Why doesn't the government take the tax off unleaded petrol?

Some royal trains have been taken off, as there was no demand for them.

I took a week off in March and I'm taking Easter off, too.

Is the supermarket taking on any more assistants?

Will you take me on for a game of chess?

يكتسب أو يطور خاصية أو ميزة

يمتلك زمام السيطرة على شيء أو يستحوذ عليه

يميل إلى شخص أو ينجذب إليه

?How has Scott taken to his new scoolيميل إلى شيء أو ينجذب إليه

يعتاد على شيء

.This big bed takes up a lot of roomيحتل حيزا من مكان

يناقش شيئا أو يدقق فيه

Do you intend to take up the job offer?

يباشر مهماه أو عمله

يسائل شخصا عن شيء

يقبل شيئا ، يتكلف به أو يأخذه على عاتقه أو يتعهدبعمله

I really don't think I can take the work on at the moment. L've got too much to do. O is she willing to take on the responsibility?

His writing has taken on a very peculiar style in the past year.

Ted takes his mother out every.(يدعو شخصا إلى (مطعم أو منتزه .. الخweekend, usually for a ride in the country.

يدفع لجل (عقد أو رخصة) بسدد اشتراكا (لمجلة)يحصل على شيء لفترة محددة

I've taken out an annual subscruption for 'Time'.

I need something that will take out these(يزيل (الوساخ أو البقع .. الخink stains.

There are reports of allied aircraft having(يزيل ، يدمر (في سياق الستخدام بالمعنى العسكريtaken out a singificant nymber of enemy tanks.

يصب غضبه على شخص (بري عادة) يفرغ غضبه.من شيء على شخص ل ذنب له أول علقة له بالمر

I know you're furious about the affair at the office, but you shouldn't take you anger out on your family.

Henry's taken over the running of the family business from his father. Note: a takeover. There is talk of a company takeover, takeoverm, which is likely to affect the share prices.

I didn't take to our new editor at first, but now we're good friends. O Terry first took to Anne at school, when she was only fiteen.

if a person once takes to gambling, it's difficult to stop.

That skirt's too long - why don't you take(يقصر (ثوبا أو بنطال .. الخit up a bit?

That's an issue we ought to take up at the next meeting.

(يقبل (عرضا .. الخ Use blotting paper to take up the ink, not(يمتص (سائل

your shirt sleeve!

Patsy has taken up sky-diving at the(يبدأ بمزالة (هواية أو رياضة ... الخweekends.

When odes the new man take up his post? O She takes up her duties as representaive for this area next September.

She took up the story at the point where(يتابع (حكاية لم تنته بعدthe thief had just made his get-away on a motorbuke.

Linda took the speaker up on a few pounts that she didn't agree with.

يصادق شخصا ، يبقي على صحبته مع شخص

يسكت شخصا بالتحدث بطريقة تغطي على حديثه

يخاطب شخصا بطريقة متعالية أو مهيمنة

يقنع شخصا بالموافقة على شيء

يقنع شخصا بعدم فعل شيء

يقنع شخصا بفعل شيء كان يعارضه

يوبخ شخصا

له تأثير شيء على شخص

يتدارس شيئا أو يفكر فيه أو يأخذه في العتبار

يكون رأيا أو تقييما أو حكما على شيء

يتذكر شيئا

يعتني بشيء ، يأخذه في الحسبان

يفكر في إمكانية او احتمال شيء

?What do you think of my new suitكون لديه رأي في شيء أو تقييم له

يبتكر ، يستنبط ، يقترح

يدرس أمرا بعناية ، يقلب المر في عقله

يخترع ، يختلق

ينبذ شيئا أو يتخلص منه

He said he'd buy me a drink, so I took(يقبل (عرضا أو تحديا .. الخhim up on it and ordered a large brandy.

When Derek went to London, he took up with some very strange people in Soho.

Caroline is good at talking her opponents down.

The lecturer talks down to his first-year students as if they were children.

The salesman tried to talk me into buying a caravan.

I'd like to go camping, but my wife's trying to take me out of it.

I was against going to the opera, but Nancy eventually managed to talk me round.

The manageress told one of the waitresses off for making private telephone calls from the restaurant. But she didn't like being told off in front of the others, so she gave in her notice.

All this smoking and drinking will tell on his health in later life.

يشيء أو يخبر عن ذنب أو خطأ ارتكبه شخص((يستخدم عادة عند الحديث عن الطفال

Jimmy told on his brother for breaking the vase, so their mother punished them both.

We're thinking about buying a new car before prices go up.

Would you read through this report and tell me what you think about the style?

I know her face, but I can't think of her name.

John would like to have accepted a well-paid job in Alaska, but he had his family to think of, so he refused it.

I'd never think of asking someone to lend me so much money!

I'm trying to think of agood example to illustrate my point.

When you've thought things over, you'll probably realize that my advice is sensible.

Al's very good at thinking up excuses for not working.

Peter can't throw off his annoying habit of staring at people in buses. O l've been trying to throw off a cold for days.

يستعبد ، يرفض ، ينبذ

This electric fire throws out a lot of heat.

ينبذ شخصا أو ينهي علقته معه

يتقا ، يشعر بالغثيان

ينصرف عن شيء أو يتخلي عنه

يحد من حركة شخص أو يقيد حريته او سلوكه

يتطابق أو يتوافق أو ينسجم مع

يكمل تنظيم أو تحظير شيء

يتسبب في بدء شيء أو إثارة أمر ، يطلق شرارة كذا

يذكر شيئا أ ويتطرق إليه باقتضاب

The slightest inaccuracy will throw us يجعل شخصا يرتكب خطأ أو يؤدي به إلى ارتكاب خطأout in our calculations.

I considered the proposal to be fairly good, but it was thrown out by the Board immediately.

(يشع ، يصدر (حرارة أو ضوءا .. الخ

يعطي أو يبدي تلميحا أو تحذيرا أو اقتراحا بشكلعرضي أو غير مباشر

He refused to throw out even the slightest hint about his future plans. O The suggestion is brilliant and I'm sure we'll follow it. It was thrown out by Mark, by the way.

She threw him over for a tall, dark, handsome Arab.

When I think of all the injustice and intrigue that's going on, it makes me want to throw up!

He thew up a promising career in the diplomatic service to run a small farm in Wales.

يعيش أو يعمل برتابة و هدوء وبدون حدوث وقائع أوتطورات أو نجاحات هامة

And how are you these days, Alex?' 'Well, just ticking over, thanks.'

I don't want you to feel tied down by my presence - please go out whenever you like.

It all ties in very well with Miriam said, so it must be true. Note: a tie-in.

يبقي شخصا مشغول أو يستهلك كل وقته ، يقيده (في(عمل أو مهمة .. الخ

Organizing this international confernce is likely to tie Judith up for the rest of the summer. O I'll ring you from the office, if I'm not too tied up all day.

Are all the arrangements for Saturday tied up now?

يستثمر (مال) في مشروع طويل المد بحيث يصعبالنسحاب منه

He's tied all his money up in stocks and bonds and has no cash to pay his debts with.

Customs officers had been tipped off(يعلم شخصا بأمر مبيت أو يحذره منه (جريمة .. الخthat the drugs were due to be smuggled over the border, so they were on special alert. Note: a tip-off. The tax authorities got a tip-off that a certain percentage of the profits was not being declared.

An incident in the market-place touched off a riot and the police had to intervene.

The President only touched on the issue of taxation in his speech.

يقابض أو يبادل شيئا بشيء مقابل دفعة جزئية

يستفيد من شيء أو يخبي نفعا منه

يختلق قصة تنطوي على تهمة باطلة يلصقها شخص

يباشر الكل بنهم وشهية

ينبذ أو يرفض شخصا أو شيئا

يذهب إلى الفراش أو إلى النوم

يسلم شخصا للشرطة

يسلم شيئا

يتخلى عن شيء أو يتركه

يجعل شخصا يفقد اهتمامه بشيء أو ينفره منه

يهاجم شخصا ، ينتقد شخصا بقوة

يحسن مظهر شيء بإضاف أو تطبيق تعديلت طفيفةعليه ، يضفي لمسات بسيطة على شيء بطلله أو.تلميعه .. الخ

The kitchen needs touching up in few places, We'll put a bit of paint on this afternoon. O Your essay is quite good. Just touch it up a little with a few illustrations and quotations.

We'd like to trade in our video recorder for a new one with the latest improvements.

You'll always find someone who's willing to trade on your generosity and never offer any help in return.

يحاول عن عمد جعل شخص يكشف عن إهماله أوضعف معلوماته

In the interview, he tripped me up by asjing me what I thought about his book. I later discovered that he's never published one!

The lawyer was able to prove that the charge against his client had been trumped. O You're a fool if you believe such a trumped-up story!

يحاول تضليل شخص أو تمرير كذبة عليه لغاية فينفسه أو لمصلحة يبغيها

The woman tried it on with the policeman by saying she hadn't seen the traffic lights, but it didn't work. Note : a try-on.

What a delight to see hungry children tucking in like that!

We've had to run down four applications already, as they didn't have the necessary experience. O His book has been turned down by three publishers.

It's past midnight. Come on, time to turn in.

The youth was afraid that the supermarket manager would turn him in for stealing cigrettes.

Cassey is a hard-working student. She turns in two essays a week.

David has a part-time job at a garage but he's having to turn it in because they want to replace him with a full-time mechanic.

I always enjoyed French in school, but the advanced course in literature turned me right off it. O Men with long hair really turn me off!

يفرح شخصا أو يبعث الغبطة في نفسه ، يلهبمشاعره ، يجذب شخصا أو يثيره جنسيا

Orock music really turns me on. O I don't know what Stephanie sees in Earl, but she says nobody turns her on like he does!

He beat the dog so much that it turned on him. O Please take back that nasty remark! I refuse to be tured on by someone I hardly know!

ينتج ، يتضج

يتجمع ، يظهر ، يحضر

يفهم شخصا أو يكون فكرة عنه

يجمع تبرعات من الزملء أو الصدقاء

يهرول ، يمشي مسرعا

يتمني شيئا بدون أمل في الحصول عليه


ينهي شيئا بسرعة

يسدد دينيا بالعمل

ينجح أو يتطور بطريقة مرضية

يقوم بتمارين لياقة أو تمارين بدنية صحية

يحصي شيئا أو يعده

How did your bread-baking turn out? O We weren't looking forward to the outing, but it turned out to be really enjoyable.

The whole village turned out to watch the procession. Note: a turn-out. There was a good turn-out at the council meeting last night.

Shhh! You'll get us turned out of the(يحمل شخصا على مغادرة (مكانlibrary! O He was turned out of his lodgings for taking women visitors up to his room.

يقلق أو يزعج شخصا أو يثقل عليه (بالمصاعب أو( المسؤوليات او العباء أو المشاكل

Since Michael was prompted to plant manager at the chemical works, he's been continually weighed down with responsibility.

What's your new neighbour like?' 'Dtrange. We can't weigh him up at all.'

يأخذ شيئا بالعتبار بعناية قبل التصرف أو أخذ قرار ،يوزان أمرا

Are you taking the job in Kuwait?' 'Can't say yet. The pros and cons have to be weighed up.'

Claire's leaving to have her baby next week, so Sheila's whipping round to raise enough for a nice leaving-present. Note: a whi[-round. Who suggested a whip-round for the Boss's birthday?

Whip round to the corner shop and buy sliced loaf, will you?

I've reminded Treveor three times he still owes me money, but as far as he's concerned I can whistle for it.

You'll be able to wind down, now that all the election excitement is over.

Let's wind up the meeting. It's getting late. O Ok, that all over now. The case was wound up a year ago.

Bruce is digging the garden. He's trying(يتخلص من (الطاقة أو الوزن الزائدto work his Sunday lunch off.

I shall have worked my debts off at Joe's garage by Christmas. Then I can start saving my earnings.

يحاول التأثير على شخص عن طريق اللحاح عليهباستمرار

Jason has a holiday apartment on Mallorca. I'll work on him to let us have it for a fortnight in July.

Don't despair everything will work out all right in the end.

After working out at the fitess centre I fee like a new man! Note: a work-out. Health conscious people often start the day with an intensive work-out.

Have you worked out what I own you yet?

يبتكر أو يصنع شيئا

يفهم شيئا أو يجعل له معنى

.The car repairs work out at 165 poundsيعادل أو يكلف ملبغا من المال

يثير شيئا

يبني شيئا أو يوسعه

يصل إلى

ينهي شيئا أو يستكمله

يقيم شخصا تقييما سلبيا ، يعتبره سيئا

ينظر إلى شيء على أنه فاشل أو مخفق

يحرر كشفا أو تقريرا كامل بشيء

يبحث عن المتاعب ، يتصرف بشكل مثير للمشاكل

We must work out a marketing strategy as quickly as possible.

It's a very strange situation. I can't work it out.

Thake a brisk walk to work up a good apetite.

He's worked up a good business over the last five years.

The film's works up to an exciting climax.

I don't know at the time what he was(يتحضر لشرح أو يداء شيء (رغبة أو اقتراحworking up to. Then he asked me to move into his flat with him!

They're going to wrap up the negotiations this week.

He was written off by his family as a failure, so they were surprised when he passed all his exams and went to the university.

There seems to be no home of(يعتبر الدين ميتا (ل يمكن استردادهrecovering these debts. I think we can write them off.

يعتبر شيئا جهاز كهربائى .. الخ) غير ذي قيمة ، غيرجدير بالتصليح

The car was completely written off after the accident.

Note: write-off. The new comedy at the Grand Theatre is a complete write-off so don't waste money on tickets.

I've got a lot of lecture notes that need written up.

يراجع (فيلما أو مسرحية أو مقال ... الخ) لجل.النشر

Note: a write-up. I've been asked to a write-up of the play for a local newspaper.

Chapter SixVerbal idioms

يناقش أو يجادل في أمر تم القرار أو البث فيه وليمكن العودة عنه

There's on point arguing the toss now. It has already been decided that Jones will be sent to represent the company in Tokyo, not you.

Yoy're asking for trouble if you leav valuables on the front seat of your car.

يسئ فهم أمر أو افتراض شئ ، يتهم شخصا خطأ

ليس ابن المس ، يقظ ل يسهل خداعه

يكون نهاية لحياة شخص ، يعني النهاية له

يكون مثيرا للسخط والحنق الشديد

غر ، يفتقر إلى الخبرة الكافية ، طري العود

يحوم حول الموضوع

يجابهه بالمثل ، يحاربه بنفس سلحه

يبذل قصارى جهده ، يعمل أقصى ما بوسعه

يتقبل أمرا مزعجا بشجاعة

يكيل المديح لنفسه

If you think it was Penny who gave Mr. Evans the wrong information, then you're barking up the wrong tree. She wasn't even here when he rang.

If you believe Joe will believe such a stpid story, you're wrong, he wasn't born yesterday.

I wish Heff wouldn't drive so fast on his motor bike. If he ever fell off it would be curtains.

يكون أفضل من غيره أو في وضع او مستوى أفضلمن شخص ما او شيء ما

The new assistant seems to be extremely efficient. He's certainly a cut above the last one.

يتحرق شوقا إلى شيء ، ينتظر على أحر من الجمر ،ينتظر بفارغ الصبر

The children are dying for the summer holidays.

Well, Pamela really is the limit, I've bought two expensive concert tickets for Saturday, and now she says she's going to someone's party instead.

You're still new to the game and have a lot to lean. No one will expect you to become a first-class journalist overnigt.

المر ليس نزهة ، التجربة ليست بالسهولة التي يظنالمرء

The oral exam was no picnic. The professor asked me some very tricky questions.

Stop beating about the bush and tell me how much money you want to borrow!

I wouldn't let Waller cheat me like this. I'd try to beat him at his own game.

Joanne's a very good-natured girl. She'll bend over backwards to help her friends.

The bank has refused a fuether overdraft facility, so we'll have to bite on the bullt and sell the house.

يتصدى لما هو أكبر من طاقته أو إمكانياته ، يسعىلعمل ما ل طاقة له على عمله

Martin promised to get his book to the publisher by Septermber, but he's now realized that that he's bitten more than he can chew.

يسئ إلى نفسه ، وسمعته ، يضيع رصيده لدىالخرين

Joan has ever failed an exam in her life, but she thinks she'll blot her copybook when she takes her driving license next week.

Mark's been very successful and he makes sure that everyone knows about it. He's always blowing his own trumpet at the club.

يفقد صوابه ، ينفجر غضبا

يحصل كلفته أو رأسماله

يفتح آفاقا جديدة ، كيشف النقاب عن جوانب مظلمة

ينطق ، يباشر في

يزف نبا ، يبلغ خبرا مفرحا أو مزعجا

يجني المردود المناسب

يسلط الضوء على شيء ، يكتشف حقية أمر

يحمل شخصا على تبيري سلوك أو تصرف ما

يسلط الضوء على ، يكشف النقاب عن

يمضي في أمر ل عودة عنه ، يسلك طريق اللعودة

يسهر على عمله أو تحصيله لوقت متأخر من الليل

Sally will blow her top when she sees what's happened to her drawings. I've spilt coffee all over them!

يقضي على رصيدة أو ستنفذه ، يجعل شخصا يفقد كلما لديه من مال

Could you let me have ten pounds over the weekend - or will it break the bank.

Don't expect to get rich quick in this business. We'll be lucky to break even in the first three years.

Professor Orwell's latest research breaks fresh ground in the study of micro-eletronics.

We are hoping to break ground with the new office complex within the month.

يزيل التكلف أو الجمود ، يتجاوز الرسميات ، ليطلفالجواء

The guests don't know each other, but Philip's a wonderful host. He always knows how to break the ice and get people feeling relaxed.

I've crashed Steven's car - but I haven't broken the news to him yet.

Charles writs books that never seem to get published. It's Elizabeth who brings home the bacon with the agency she runs.

A month in prison really brought home to him just how stupid he had been to get involved with criminals.

Whoever is responsible for this damage will certainly be brought to book.

My conversation with Mark brought to light many things about Sarah That I hadn't realized before.

Keep your job and your flat. Don't bur your bridges here until you know for sure that you're going to stay in Canada.

I have some exams in six weeks, so I shall be burning the midnight oil quite often.

ينهي عداء أو خلفا سابقا ، يضع حدا لعداء قديم ،يعيد المياه إلى مجاريها

Surely the old quarrel is long forgotten! Why don't George and Harry bury the hatchet at last?

يدعو شخصا لتنفيذ تهديده او وعيده مع يقينه أنه لنيفعل

Ted keeps threatening to resign if we don't do things his way. Next time I shall call his bluff and accept his resignation.

Baxter's the big man right now, but heيتحكم في ... ، يوجه . ، يسيرwon't be calling the shots much longer if he loses the contract with General Dynamics.

ل يعير اهتماما لــ ، ل يحفل بــ

يلتزم بتحمل تبعات أمر ما ، يتحمل مسؤولية

يذهب أبعد مما ينبغي في أمر ، يبالغ في سلوك ما

ليس ذي أهمية تذكر ، ل وزن له أو تأثير

يغير نبرته ، يبدل رأيه

يقر بالحقيقة ، يعترف بالذنب

يواجه فشل أو إخفاقا مفاجئا أو حظا سيئا

يعود كسابق عهد ، يعود من حيث بدأ

يسمي الشياء باسمها ، يضع النقاط على الحروف ،يعبر عن رأيه في شخص على مسمع منه

Celia is used to calling a spade a spade. If she thinks you're stupid, she'll tell you.

Roger does exactly what he wants when he wants. He doesn't care a damn about what his employer thinks.

I won't support such a risky prokect this time and end up carrying the can again.

Mrs. Robins takes her son to the dentist's every two months. I think that's carrying thibgs a bit too far, don't you?

I'll try to put on a good word for you with the team captain, but I'm afraid what I say doesn't carry much weight these says.

يضبط شخصا في حالة تلبس ، يقبض عليه بالجرمالمشهود

She couldn't deny stealing the money, because she was caught in the act..We have to incorporate new technologies. We can't afford to be caught napping by our competitors.

يقتنص كسبا أو يجني منفعة من الخرين في غفلةمنهم

We have to incoporate new technologies. We can't afford to be caught napping by our competitors.

Richard suggested that we should modernize the house, but he soon changed his tune when he realized how much it would cost.

يكشف الحقائق لزالة الغموض واللتباس ، يصفيالجواء ، يتصارح

After all these rumours, I need to have a frank talk wiith Filbert to clear the air.

يتماشى مع الخرين أو يندمج معهم ، يمشي مع التيارلعتقاده بوجود منفعه في ذلك

You can see that the future lies in high-tech. It's time to climb on the bandwagon with the competitors, before it's too late.

يقيد شخصا ، يلجمه ، يعيقه أو يمنعه من القيام بعملما

Dixon has great improvement plans for the department, but the reduced budget will clip his wings considerably.

He decided to come clean and tell the police that he had given the gang inside information.

Mike has gambled and won in many occasions, but one of these days he'll come a cropper and lose evrything

ينزل من برحه العاجي ، يترجل من عليائة ، يصبحواقعيا ، يعي حقيقة الشياء ، يصحو من أحلمه

Helen had big ideas about a career in the army, but sh soon came down to earth when she failed the medical.

All my shares have dropped in the Stock Exchange, but I shall simply wait until things come full circle again.

يصبح نافعا من جديد أو صالحا للستعمال ثانية

ينال حق قدره ، يجني ما يستحق من التقدير والثناء

يبلغ السن القانوني

يخسر مسابقة أو منافسة أو مناظرة

يكسب ، يجني نفعا

يحين وقت اتخاذ القرار

يتبادل الراء مع شخص آخر

يكلف كثيرا من المال

يخوض منافسة كلمية مع شخص

يتودد إلى شخص بالفراط في مجاملته

Don't throw these old screwdrivers away. They might come in handy.

Ruth's artistic talent had never been taken seriously, but she came into her own when she went to art school.

When Max comes of age, he'll inherit his father's 55% share of the family business.

Paul isn't very pleased with himself. He hates coming off second best in arguments with his brother.

يبدي مشاعر مبالغا فيها ، يبالغ في رفع الرسميات معالخرين أو انتقاده لهم

I'm soryy I came on too strong. I know I shouldn't have said that - we've only just met.

The candidates all spoke pretty well, but Mrs. Fraser clearly came out on top with her brilliant argumentation.

يسيطر على مشكلة ، يعي أمرا ، يكتسب الدرايةاللزمة للتعامل مع وضع ما

It's time Alan got to grips with reality. If his work doesn't improve, he'll lose his job.

يتوصل إلى تسوية مع شخص ، يتأقلم مع أمر أويتقلبه كما هو ، يتصالح مع

After years of resentment following the unfair provisions of their father's will, Andrew has finally come to terms with his brother. O It took Penny a long time to come to terms with the fact that her fromer fiance left her and married her sister.

Nicola is going to have to choose between her boyfriend and her career. When it comes to the crunch, it's my bet that she'll choose her career.

John had big plans to work as a doctor(يخفق أو يفشل في تحقيق (خطة أو مشروع .. الخin a Third World country, but when he met Jim and marrried her, they all came unstuck.

I'd like to know what you think about Drabble's new book. Let's compare notes over coffee.

يزور في سجلت أو حسابات شركة بغية الكسبالشخصي

Apparently, he had been cooking the company's books for years to meet his gambling losses.

Have you seen Jogn's new car? It must have cost bomb!

يتدخل في طريقة إدارة شخص لعمله أو يعيق إدارتهلشؤون حياته بحرية

Peter's younger brother is moving into the same flat with him. Poor old Peter - it's sure to cramp his style.

I'm not afraid of Jackson, I've crossed swords with him in several occasions, both in and out of court.

It's use trying to curry favor with Miss Marshal I by bringing her flowers. She only appreciates hard work.

يتوقف عن إضاعة الوقت في الكلم الفارغ

ليس له تأثير على شخص

يعطي النتيجة المرجوة ، يؤدي عمل وفق المتطلبات

يختفي فجأة دون ان يعلم أحدا عن مكانه

يعيش حياة ناجحة ، ينجز عمل موفقا

يعمل ما يطلبم نه

يبذل قصارى جهده أو أقصى ما بوسعه لعمل شيء

يمارس خدعة قذرة على شخص ، يخونه

يعود بنفع كبير على شخص

يأخذ دور المضيف

يحاول بقدر المستطاع

Time's short, Can't we just cut the cackle and start on the important issues.

ينجز عمل بأقل كلفة أو جهد وأقصر وقت ، ليعيطهحقه من الجهد أو الوقت أو المال

It's not worth cutting corners in this prokect. We'll have to invest in the necessary hardware, no matter what it costs.

يضع نهاية لوضع سيء بأقل خسارة ممكنة قبل أنترتفع الخسائر الناجمة عنه

He's lost a lot on the low dollar exchange rate, but I advised him to cut his losses and exchange the rest of his money, before the dollar drops even further.

Janice's know-all attitude impresses the trainess, but it cuts no ice with the supervisor.

Don't make promises until you know for sure that you can deliver the goods.

يجلب المتاعب لنفسه ، يسبب الضرر لنفسه ، يحفرقبره بيده

If you go into partnership with Robson, you'll be digging your own grave. He's simply not reliable.

Apparently, he had lots of personal debts and was in trouble with the tax authorities, so he did a bunk overnight and hasn't been heard of since.

Charlotte's doing all right for herself. She's got a boutique in Edinburgh.

Raymond thought that he would be able to change everything once he got into Parliament, but he sonn realized that even in Westminster one has to fo as one is told.

يتحمل نصيبه من المسؤولية أو العمل أو التكاليف ..الخ

If we all do our bit, we'll soon have the place cleaned up again.

Max tried his damnedest to get into the team, but he just wasn't good enough.

Trevor did the dirty on Robin by telling the board of directors that it was he whop had given the unconditional guaratees.

A week's rest would do you a lot of good. O I felt like complaning to the manager, but I knew that it wouldn't do any good.

يحصل على الحقائق والمعلومات المطلوبة في متناولاليد

Yoy know all the the latest figures. I can see you've been doing your homework.

Who's going to do the honours and open the Champagne.

Alex says he'll do his level best to get us a good price for the old car.

يفقد صوابه ، يثور غضبا

يعمل بما يمليه العقل أو الخلق ، يفعل الصواب

يزور كل ما ستحق الزيارة في مدينة

يبذل كل ما بوسعه لنجاز العمل المطلوب

يفي بالغرض ، يؤدي المطلوب

يعطي نتائج مبهرة وغير متوقعة

ل يجد ضالته ، يخفق في الحصول على ما يريد

يتقشف ، يقتصد في النفاق ، يقنع بالقيلي

ل يأخذ بفكرة أو رأي أو اقتراح

سهل المنال ، يستحصل عليه بسهولة

أقل أو أسوأ مما يؤمل

يشعر بتدني مستوى المعيشة

The headmaster will do his nut when he finds out that someone has let the air out of his car tyres.

I hope we did the right thing in telling Judith the truth about Oliver. She had the right to know.

You need more than two or three days to do the sights in London.

يقوم بالعمل التمهيدي أو الساسي أو التحضيرياللزم قبل البدء بالعمل الكثر أهمية

There's a lot of spadework to be done before we can discuss the actual chapter contents of the book.

You've had all the help we can give you, so now it's up to you to do your stuff on the day and pass the exam.

You see, a bit of oil did the trick. The door doesn't squeak at all now.

Ed will come round and repair your washing-machine. He can do wonders with a set of tools!

Kate was obviously waiting for someone to offer to to lend her money, but she drew a blank.

If father loses his job, we shall certainly have to draw in our horns. No more expensive clothes and holidays.

يكون أنانيا أو حريصا على مصالحه أو رغاباته فيالمقام الول أثناء أدائه لعمل أو مهمة

Peter is usually fair in business dealings, but he certainly knows how to drive a hard bargain.

يقول أو يفعل شيئا بعيدا ع ناللياقة او شيئا مسبباللحرج

Valerie really dropped a clanger when she asked Bob why his wife wasn't with him.

يذكر أسماء لصحاب النفوذ أو علية القوم لليحاءبأنه على صلة بهم

If you want to widen your clientele, try dropping a few nmames. O Cynthia is a dreadful snob, She can't hold a simple conversation without name-dropping.

يكون مفيدا بما يكفي للتعويض عن إقامته عند شخصآخر

During his three weeks with us Roger certainly eaned his keep. He helped in the house every day.

The children suggested taking a camping holiday this year, but their parents wouldn't entertain the idea.

When Jane came to live in Colchester she had no trouble getting either a job or flat. Everything just fell into her lap.

We had been looing forward to the new comedy at the Queen Theatre, but it fell short our expectations.

Because of the rise in prices over the past months, people living on small pensions are feeling the pinch.

يخوض معركة

يتهرب من

يؤدي أو يخدم الغرض المطلوب

يتأقلم ، يعرف موقعه أو موطئ قدمية

يستعرض عضلته أو قوته لتحذير او تنبيه الخرين

يغضب ، يفقد صوابه بشكل مفاجئ

يتصرف أو يتحرك أو يعمل بسرعة

يدخل في الجد ، يبدأ في الحديث الجدي

ينتقم من شخص ، يرد له الذى

يضبط أمرا ، يصعه تحت السيطرة

يملك زمام نفسه ، يسيطر على مشاعره

يساهم في خطة أو مشروع بقصد البرح

The medical profession is still fighting a losing battle against cancer.

Michael always fights shy of taking difficult decisions. He prefers to leave the responsibility to others.

If you're looking for a bright, cheery T-shirt this one in red, yellow and orange should fill the bill.

When I walked out of the hotel lift it took me a while to find my bearings. All the corridors looked the same

The new headmaster has introduced a few changes that aren't very popular with the staff. He's obviously flexing his muscles.

I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have flown off the handle like that.

يظهر نفس اهتمامات أو ميول أو قدرات شخص ،يمشي على خطى شخص

Jenny's father was a professional artist and it looks as if she's following in his footsteps. Her paintings are superb.

When the City Bank lowered interestيحذو حذو .. ، يقلدrates, all the other banks soon followed suits.

يتصرف من وحي ذاته ، يثشبت برأيه ، يغتربإمكانياته

I admit that George is a good tennis-player, but he often gets above himself and tells others how to play.

It will take you longer than you think to paint the fence, so you'd better get craking.

يتوقف عن التعميم ويناقش التفاصيل الجوهرية والعملية

In Theoy the plan sounds good. But when you get down to brass tacks. It's too difficult to put into practice.

It's 7.30, so I suggest we get down to business. What's the first point on your list, Janet?

Terry blamed Ken for the accident that cost him his job, and he swore he would get even with him one day.

If the government doesn't get a grip on inflation soon, The country's economy will suffer.

After the dreadfule accident, Jim said he would never drive a car again, but he soon got a grip on himself.

When the company goes public I want to get in on the ground floor, so l've applied for a thousand shares.

يعود لدائه الفضل بعد فتره من الخمول أو أختلفالظروف ، يعود لوج نشاطه

Because of an injury, he hadn't played tennis for Three months. But once he was back in action, he soon got into his stride.


ل يؤدي إلى نتيجة ، ل يعطي مردودا

يجعله ينطلق أو يعمل بفاعلية ، يضعه قيد التنفيذ

يؤرق شخصا ، يثير أعصابه

ينظم أموره بالطريقة التي ترضيه أو تناسبه

يطرد من عمله

يثأر لنفسه ، يرد اعتباره


يستعيد السطرة على مشاعره ، يستجمع أحاسيسه

يشعر بالضيق أو يكون معكر المزاج طوال النهار

يوضح أمرا ، يضع أمرا في نصابه

يتغلب على شخص

إنصرف (يستخدم أيضا للتعبير عن رفض المتحدث(لشيء

Sorry to bother you but …' 'Get knotted, Roy! You can see I'm busy.' O Jekins asked me to clear away the mess but I told him to get stuffed. It wasn't me who made it.

We ought to get move on. The concert starts in half an hour.

I've been studying this diagram all morning, but I'm getting nowhere. It simply doesn't make sense. O All this talk will get us nowhere. Wel'll have to act. Note also: not get (someone anywhere) O Just talking about dieting won't get you anywhere.

Janet has this great idea of publishing a technical magazine for chidren, but she doubts that she'll get the plan off the ground.

I do wish Adrian wouldn't sing to himself all the time. It gets on my nerves when I'm trying to read.

.Work's been getting on top of me latelyيصبح (المر) فوق مقدرة الشخص على الحتمالI think I nedd a holiday.

يمتلك زمام السيطرة (في مهمة) ، يعالج أمرا بنجاح ،يضبطه ، يتجاوز أصعب مرحلة فيه

The extension to the house has caused a lot of dirt and upset, but thankfully we've got on top of it now.

It's time joe got his zct together at last and did something worthwhile with his life.

Paul get his cards for being rund to a customer.

Sam played rather a nasty trick on Jerry but Jerry's determined to get his own back.

If you want to come to the cinema with us, you'd bettwe get your skates on. We're leaving in five minutes.

Pat's been crying. Just give her a moment to get herself together. She'll be all right.

Bill obviously got out of bed on the wrong side. He's been grump all day.

Let's get this straight. It's my car and I shall decide who I lend it to, not you.

Exitement and curiosity got the better of him so he opened the birthday present two days before his birthday. O I'm not surprised that Barry soon got the better of Tom in the fight. He's a year older and much bigger.

يفهم المطلوب أو المقصود

يفهم المر بجلء ، تتضح الصورة لديه

يطرد من عمله ، تقطع العلقة معه

يفزع ، يخاف

ينجز مهمته أو يصل لمبتغاه ببطء وتؤدة وصبر

يتوصل إلى معرفة سبب أو تفسير وضع محير

I wouldn't worry if were you. If anyoneيطرد من عمله ، ينبذ ، يوقف عن عمله . يغلقgets the chop it will be the new man. O A few restaurants were given the chop by the Department of Health because thair kitchens did not come up to the required standards of hygiene.

يعتاد على اداء أمر يتطلب حركة بدنية او مهارةمعينة

Skiing isn't as easy as it looks, but you should get the feel of it within a few days.

Robert's been struggling algebraيمتلك / يفقد المقدرة على أداء عمل بالشكل المطلوبproblems. He still hasn't get the hang of them. O There are a few things that you never really lose the hang of, once you've learnt them. For example, driving a car or typing.

When Jack asked me for some money a second time, I pretended not to hear. I think he got the message because he didn't ask again.

Now let me get the picture clear, You're going to be away from the 21st to the 28th June and from 7th to the 13th of July. Is that right?

He used to play in an orchestra, but he soon got the push because he stopped going to rehearsals. Also: give someone~: She soon gave him the push when she found out that he had been involved in a robbery.

They were about the break into the house but when a burglar alarm went on unexpectedly the get they wind up and ran away. O The burglar alarm put the wind up them.

How's the work on the new dictionary coming along?' 'Quite well. Thanks. We're getting there.'

يصل إلى الخطوؤ الولى في خطة أو مشروع أوينجزها

I doubt that John will ever reach first base with his plan to make a film. He hasn't even done any research.

يبدأ بمعالجة مشكلة او التعامل مع وضع معين بواقعيةوإيجابية

It's time Peter got to grips with reality. He still thinks school is just a place to meet one's friends.

John has been acting very strangely recently. His parents don't know what's worong, but they are determned to get to the bottom of it.

يتوصل بالصدفة أو بطريقة سرية إلى أخبار اومعلومات ل ينبغي أن يعرفها ، يشتم رائحة شيء

Make sure that Jack doesn't get wind of the plan. If he does it will spoil the surprise for him.

يخطء في فهم شخص من وراء قول أو تصرف ما

يسء فهم حقيقة أمر ما

يشعر شخصا بالخوف أو عدم الطمأنينة

يقر بأمر لصالح شخص ، ينصفه في الحكم عليه

يمنح شخصا امتيازا آخر ، يعطيه السبقية عليه

يكشف الخطة أو اللعبة

يعيش شخصا في الجحيم ، يتسبب له بأوقات عصيبة

يحاول القيام بشيء رغم عدم التأكد من نجاحه

يعمل أو يؤمن كل ما عمله أو تأمينه

يصبح غير مرغوب او مطلوب

يعلم بما ينوي شخص عمله ، يعرف سبب تصرفشخص ما

Ben often said he felt sick in school and asked to be excused. But the teacher soon got wise to him, because it was always before the maths lesson.

Don't get me wrong on this. I'm not rejecting your idea because I don't like it. I just don't think it's practical.

The newspaper article has got it wrong.That wasn't how the accident happened at all.

Please don't talk about the mured case. It gives me the creeps every time I think about it.

Harry may be lazy or somethimes unreliable, but to give him his due, he is always willing to help.

She's written TV scripts befpre, so her experience naturally gives her the edge over newcomers to television writing.

We were planning to take Mother on a surprise holiday to Spain, but unfortunately she found the booking form so that gave the game away.

The pain in my back really gave me hell for three days.

يضع شخصا أمام تحد كبير ، يجعل المنافسة صعبةعليه

William expects to win the tennis tournament. I suppose he will, but all the competitors are determined to give him a good run for his money.

A young boy had been stealing applesيهرب من خشص (بالخدعة ) ، يفلت منهfrom the farmer's orchard. The farmer caught him, but the boy was able to give him the dlip.

يجعل شخصا يعتقد أو يصدق شيئا عن طريق إحاطتهبالغموض

I was given to understand that I would be offered the job of club treasurer, not secretary. There was no mention of Jack waiting to be treasurer as will.

I've never skied before, but I'm willing to give it a try.

يعبر عن مشاعره بحرية (خاصة مشاعر الغضب) ،يطلق العنان لغضبة

I couldn't restrain my anger any longer, I simoly had had to give vent to it.

We're redecorating the house- new tiles in the bathroom and kitchen, new wallpapers and carpets throughout. We're giving the full works.

If those sandwiches are going begging, we'd better finish them.

The car broke down and couldn't be(تتوقف (الخطط أو الترتيبات ... الخrepaired for ten days, so the holiday arrangements had to go by the board.

يؤدي عمل بنشاط فائق

يتعل ، يتوقف عن العمل

زار او تعرف على بلدان كثيرة

يحقق نجاحا باهرا على صعيد العمل

ينهار صحيا ، تتدهو حالته البندنية أو العقلية

يتهدم ، ينهار

The new train set went down very wellيمتدح ، يرحب به / ينتقد ، ل يجد أذنا صاغيةwith the children. They were thrilled. O His suggestion went down badly with the club members No one wanted to pay higher membership fees.

,We stayed at this hotel four years ago(يتدهور ، يتراجع (من حيث المواصفقات أو الميزاتbut it's certainly gone downhill since then.

Sue was going great guns on the tennis court. She's improved a lot since the last time I saw her play.

Bob paid for the meal for both families(يتحمل المصاريف مناصفة (مع شخصand Ken went halves with him later.

The printer's gone haywire. It's churning(ل يعمل بشكل صحيح (جهاز أو اجارة ... الخout paper with nothing on it.

يتسرع في القول أو الفعل أو الحكم على ... ، يخفقمن جراء سوء العداء او التسرع

Don't say anything to Williams. There's no point going off at half cock before we are sure of our facts and have a strong argument against him.

The electric kettle won't work. First there was a funny smell, then it just went phut.

ينحرف فجأة عن الموضوع الرئيسي إلى موضوعآخر

His talk was good, but half way through he went off at the tangent and consequently the audience became restless.

Apparently Helen has really been places. She tells some incredible stories about her the adventures.

Barbara worked for a small newspaper, but she really started to go places when she joined a TV station. Now she's got her own foreign news propgramme.

For years Littletons was a small privateتطرح (شركة) أسهما للبيع لللعمومcompany. Then they invested and expanded and finally went public two years ago.

When you tell father that you're leavingيستشيط غضبا. يفرط في القلقuniversity to become a pop singer he'll go spare.

When he came out of prison he sworeيثوب (المجرم) ، يتحول إلى رجل مستقيمhe would go straight, but nobody would give him a job.

فلتذهب إلى الجحيم (اصلح يستخدم للتعبير عن(الرفض الكلي لشخص أو لكلباته او اقتراحاته

Jack wanted to borrow my car again. Last time he borrowed it he smashed a headlight, so I told him to go to hell.

After the shock of the accident, he just went to pieces. He didn't know what had happened or where he was.

After his wife's death, Mr. Plamer let the house go to pot.

ينهار ، يصبح في حالة ميئوس منها

يستكمل فعل شيء ، يمضي إلى آخر الشوط

يعرقل او يوقف

يعلق ، يوضع على لئحة اإنتظار

يستمتع إلى أبعد الحدود

ليس لديه أدنى فكرة عن شيء ما

لدية كل مايريد ، تجري المور بما يشتهي

يمنح الولوية او الفرصة لشراء شيء قبل سواه

تناول مقدارا كبيرا من الخمر

يتفانى في امر ، يبذل جهدا مضنيا ومجديا في امر ماإرضاء للخرين

Liz really went to town on the buffet. All the guests said the food was excellent.

Several small companies always go to the wall in a time of recession.

If you're buying a new dress, why don't you go to the whole hog and buy coat, shoes annf handbag as well.

John was making good progress with his book, but then his computer broke down, so that really gummed up the works.

Our plans for the extension to the house are hanging fire until the builder comes out of hospital.

The garden party was a great success. The children especially had themselves a ball.

I don't speak Spanish, so I'm afraid I haven't got a clue about what he's telling us.

I'm going to have a go at repairing the(يحاول عمل شيء (يدلي بدلوه في امرcar myself. O I've never tried to hang wallpaper before, but I'm willing to have a crack at it.

يكون فائق الجرأة في طلب ما يريد او في التعالمل معالخرين ، ل يخجل من كلمته

She's got a never - wanting to borrow more money when she hasn't paid back the ten pounds she owes me yet. O She had the nerve to tell me that I wasn't bringing my children up properly.

لديه خبرة كبيرة في الشؤون العالمية او الجتماعية ،لديه لقات إجتماعية هامة ، لديه معرفة ببلدان كثيرة

What do you know about Charles Fraser?' 'Quite a bit. He's certainly been around.'

Jane's got a nice surpriose coming toعلى وشك مواجهة حدث سار أو (نادرا) غير سارher when she gets home. There's a letter telling her that she's won first prize in a competition. O He's got a shock coming to him when he finds out that he's bottom of the class in the French test.

يهتم بشخص من الجنس الخر . يخطط للستيلءعلى شيء بالسر

Paul has been promised that part of Macbeth but Harry has designs on it, too. So Paul will have to watch out.

I son't understand why Jack wants to go to live in Canada when he's got everything going for him in this country.

Joe might be selling his car and if he does, l've got first refusal.

Brian's rather quite usually, but when he's had a few he becomes very much.

لديه ما يبدده من المال من دون طائل

يبدي رأيه في شيء

يكون مفرطا في الهتمام بشخص من الجنس الخر

يتعلق بشخص او شيء

لديه معلومات سرية ، يضمر خطة سرية

يكون نبيها ويقظا او عالما بما يجري

لدية عمل أو مهمة صعبة ينبغي مواجهتها

لديه مشاعر متضاربة إزاء ب\القيام بعمل ما ،تتجاذبه الفكاربصدد القدام على شيء

Janet has miexe feelings about leaving home. On the one hand she wants to go to collrge, but on the other hand she'll miss her parents and her friends very much.

Why does Peter need two cars?' 'He doesn't, but he alwayshad money to burn.'

What are you looking for? You've got no( .. ليس لدية الحق بالتصرف في كذا (أمر ل يعنيهbusiness going through my papers like that.

How about a new lawnmower, sir?' 'No(ليس له حاجة في (شيءthanks, I've got no call for one. I haven't got a garden.' O If everyone could repair their own cars, there would be less call for good car mechanics.

ليس له صلة أو تعامل مع شخص او علقة بشيء ،غير معني بشخص أو شيء

The students from the engineering faculty have no truck with the art students from the college next door.

يكون مشغول بشيء ما ، لديه شيء ما مخطط للقيامبه ، لديه ما يقوم به او يفعله

Gina is giving a talk on Greece for the Local Archaeology Society next week.' 'I'm not surprised. She always has something on the go.

We should ask grandfather what he thinks about us buying a caravan. You know he likes to have his say in everything.

لديه/ ليس لديه ما يقوله او ما يبرز به سلوكه (عادة(بصيغة النفي

When the teacher asked Jimmy why he hasn't done his homework again, he didn't have much to asy for himself.

لدية القوة أو الجرأة أو الشجاعة اللزمة لعمل شيء((عادة في صيغة النفي

Why did Bob let himself get involved in a break-in?' 'I suppose it was because he didn't have the guts to say No.'

He's got the hots for you. Surely you must have noticed!

What are you talking about? Has it got to do with me again?. O Jeff wants to talk to you. It's to do with looking after the house while he's on holiday.

Barry's looking pleased about something. I expect he's got a surprise up his sleeve again.

Susan's always has her wits about her when she's playing chess. She never misses a good move.

I'm looking after the neighbours' children this week.' 'All four of them? Well, you've certainly got your work cut out.'

يحتل العناوين الرئيسية في الصحف او وسائل العلم

يصيب نجاحا غير متوقع ف شيء يدر المال غالبا

يبدأ رحلة عن طريق البر

يثور فجاة من الغضب

يحتفظ بعمل او يظب عليه لوقت طويل

يتولى امر شيء العناية به فى غياب شخص


يفعل شيئا قبل أوانه

يقف في أول الطابو ، يقفز فوق دوره

يرافق شصخأ أو يمكث معه لفتره

يخفى أمرا عن الخرين

يبقى على اتصال مع شخص

I see the royals have hit the headlines again this moming. Another baby for the pricess.

I think the group have really hit the jackpot this time. Their new record is already in the charts.

If you want to be Detroit by lunchtime, we ought ti hit the road by 7.30 at the latest.

Mother hit the roof when I told her I didn't want to go to the university.

Roger can't hold down a job for longer than three months. He's too careless and lazy.

We have to go to Bristol unexpectedly, but mother will be at home holding the fort until we get back.

يحافظ على مركزه او مستواه رغم الصعوباتوالعقابات

Barbarar is able to hold her own in any argument. O foreign competition is very tough. We may not be able to hold our own in the market for much longer.

يكون قادراص على الصمود في تحقيق أو اختيار(ياتي عادة في صيغة النفي بمعنى يكون ضيفا أو(واهيا؟

He new that his alibi didn't hold warter. He couldn't prove to the police that he had been in bed asleep.

Don't forget the appointment. Put a not near the telephone to jogyour memory.

A baby already? They've only been married a few months. That's what I call jumping the gun'.

That man junped the queue. How did you manage to keep your cool.

I'm going to the theatre on Saturday.' 'Do you mind if I keep you company? I haven't been to the theathre for ages.

يسيطر على / يفقد السيطرة على غضبة ، يكظم /بنفث غيظه

that man made me so furious. How did you manage to keep your cool.

Charles won a lot of money, but he tried to keep it dark from his friends because he knew they would want to borrow from him.Also: keep someone in the dark about something. O Charles kept us all in dark about his win.

ل يتقرب من (الخرين) ، ل يتواصل مع (الناس) اوينأوي بنفسه عنهم

The people next door moved in over a year ago, but we hardly know them. They keep their distance.

When the Parkers moved to Cornwall, they said they wouls keep in touch, but unfortunately we've had no news of them.

ل يقيم علقات اجتامعية ، ينطوي على نفسه

يكون مضيافا

يجاري شخصا

يتابع تحركات شخص او نشاطاته

يثير مشكلة أو جدل مزعجا حول شيء

يكون أكثر حكمة او وعيا

يعرف شيئا جيدا ، يعلفه تمام المعرفة

يقيم وضعا بشكل صحيح ، يقدر أمرا بحكمة و دراية

يكون مضطربا او مشوشا من كثرة المشاغل

You had better keep on the right side ofيبقي إلى جانب شخص (يسانده) ، ل يزعجه او يخذلهyour father, or he'll cut your pocket money.

Roger ought to go out more and make some friends. I think he keeps himself to himself too much.

Jill and Brian keep open house. I'm sure they won't mind letting you stay the night when you're in London.

You'll have to work harder if you want to keep pace with the rest of the pupils.

يبقي شخصا على اطلع او علم بآخر الخبار اوالمعلومات أو التطورات

There's no more news about jack at the moment, but I'll keep you posted.

Ruth thinks that her son may be getting into bad company. But it's difficult keeping tabs on a ninteen-year-old.

If you want to save money, you'll have toيمارس ضبطا صارما / تراخيا على شخص او شيءkeep a tighter rein on your spending.

يحافظ على مظهره بغية إخفاء ما ل يري ان عرفالخرين

It's difficult to keep up appearance for long when you lose your job and have little money.

يتنافس مع جيرانه أو أصدقائه في المعايير المادية ،يريد أن يكون له ما لغيره من المور المادية ، يجاري((ماديا

It used to be a new car. Now it's a personal computer and a sauna if you want to keep up with the Joneses.

I'm sorry I forgot to phone you, but I don't think it's anything to kick up a fuss about.

You're ten years old. You should know better than to let a small child play with a fragile toy.

Thomas has been learning his part for the school play in a month's time. He knows it inside out already.

يعرف او يتقن او اختصاصه ، يعرف كيف يفعل شيئابإتقان

When it comes to care repairs, David certainly knows his onions.

يعرف / يتعلم كيف يشغل (جهاتزا او آلة .. الخ) أوكيف يتم عمل شيء ما

Miss Robertson is new to school, so she doesn't know the ropes yet. Show her round and tell her all about us, Sarah.

Mark, you know the score. Do you think we should accept Ben's offer of not?

يكون عارفا بما يراد منه ، يعرف مركزه او تقييمهلدى شخص

There's one good thing about Maggie. She says what she thinks. You always jnow where you stand with her.

I have so much work to do at present that I don't know whether I'm coming or going.

يؤكد أمرا عن طريق التكرار او الستطراد في شرحه

يضحك فى سره

ل يثير اهتمام شخص أو مبالته

يترك أثرا في شخص أو شيء لزمن طويل

يترك شخصا ليحل مشاكله بنفسه

يكون مناسبا تماما لشيء

يهمل نفسه أو مظهره ، يجعل حياته وعمله يتدهوران

يجعل شيئا في ووضع مترد او مزر

يحرر شخصااب أو يعفيه من اللتزام بعمل شيء

All right, Jeff. You have made it perfectly clear why you don't want to help Jim. There's no need to labour the point.

Two of the boys had been nasty to Jimmy, so he laughed up his could run the country better than the prime minister.

يقوم شيئا بنبرة سلطوية ، يخبر الخرين ما يجبفعله

Father loves to lay down the law on political issues. He thinks he could run the country better than the prime minister.

يسبب المتاعب او المصاعبات لشخص بسببمرواغته

The suspect know that the police were following him and he certainly led them a dance before he was arrested.

I'm sorry, but Jeff's bad luck story leaves me cold. It was all his own fault.

John lived in America for twenty years before returning to England and the American way of life has certainly left its mark on him.

يتفوق على شخص بشكل ساحق ، يمتاز عن شيءبفارق كبير

Kate is by far the best pupil in mathematics. She leaves all others standing.

For a child to become independent, you have to leave him to his own devices now and again.

يترك الوضع كما هو او المور تحري في مجراها مندون ان يتدخل

Bill and Tony have had a minor disagreement. I'd like to talk to them about it, but I suppose it's best to lave well alone.

The novel would lend itself very well to a TV mini-series.

يكون منطلقا او إباحيا في التعبير عن متعه ، ل يضبطمشاعره

Brian really let himself go at Mike's party. He was singing, dancing and telling jokes and generally having a good time.

Andrew hardly ever shaves or changes his clothes these days. Why is he letting himself go like that?

The garden next door is in a terrible state. The neighbours have just let it go.

It's my turn to wash the dishes, but dad said he would ley me off the hook today because I have a lot of homework.

ينفث الطاقة الزائدة ، يفرغ شحناته العصبية ، يهدئتوتره

Why is Dad shouting at everyone today?' 'Don't worry. He's just letting off steam.'

يختبئ ويترقب

ينظر إلى شخص شزرا ، ينظر إليه بغضب

يفقد سيطرته او فهمه تدريجيا

يفقد أعصابه

يخفق في فهم شيء حتى نهايته

يفقد مهارته او قدرته في مهمة ما

يكسب مال طائل من عمل ما

يكون بمثابة تغيير محبب للرتابة او للروتين

يحقق نجاحا في عمل شيء

يقضي وقتا طويل في عمل شيء

يفسد أمرا ، يؤدي عمل على نحو رديء

The police found no trace of the escaped convict. He's obviously lying low somewhhere until he thinks it is safe.

يتابع نجاحه من دون النظر إلى الخلف أو السف علىشيء مضى

Since David completed a course in computer science at the Open University he's never looked back.

when Peter looked daggers at me, I realized that my remark must have embarrassed him in front of his guests.

ينظر إلى الجانب المضيء المظلم من شيء ، ينتظرإلى مشكلة بإيجابية / بسلبية

Let's look on the cheerful side, shall we? The situation may not be as serious as we think.

When Grandfather rwalized that he was beginning to lose his grip, he sold his car and began using public transport.

I like driving on quite roads, but I lose my never in heavy city traffic.

We lost the thread of his argment because he didn't express himseif clearly.

He used to be an excellent barrister, but because he lost a prominent murder case he felt that he was losing his touch.

When we saw the bull charging towards(يركض بشكل مفاجئ (هاربا من الخطرus, we had to make a bolt for the stone wall at one end of the field.

Fred's making a bomb with his video shop.

Let's drive to the coast at the weekend. It would make a nice change.

يهرع مسرعا بشكل مفاجئ يلحق شيئا في الوقتالمناسب

The bus id just leaving. If we make a dash for it, we might be able to jump on.

robin has opened a café in the High Street. He's hoping that he will make a go of it.

Don's been washing and polishing his car for two hours. He always makes a meal of it.

I'm afraid we made a mess of tiling the kitchen. It's more difficult than it book. O The index to the book was very long and I made a hash of it at first.

يجعل من الحبة قبة ، يبالغ في أعتبار شيء بالغالصعوبة او الجدية ، يحمل المور فوق طاقتها

Ron's mark wasn't meant to insult you. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

يغادر ، يباشر مهمة

يصبح معروفا بإنجازاته ، يحقق لنفسه اسما متألقا

يتحدث او يجادل بصوت مرتفع في مكان عام

يتصرف بحرية كما لو كان في منزله

يحصل على الدرجة المطلوبة

يتطور ، يتقدم

يهول امرا ، يجده صعبا او متعبا

يهون المر ، يستخف به ، يقلل من صعوبة شيء

يهزم شخصا بسهولة ، يظهر تفوقه عليه بيسر

يعني ما يقول ، يكون جادا وثابت العزم فى نواياه

يتوصل إلى تسوية او حل وسط مع شخص

يواجه نده ، ينافس شخصا ذو إمكانيات مساوية

ل يتدخل في شؤونالخرين

It's been a lovely evening, but we really ought to make a move. It's late.

Maxwell made a name for himself as a physicist at an early age.

Two hotel guests were making a scene in the hotel lobby. It was most embarrassing for the manager.

The youth was obviously sorry that he.يعوض شخصا عن ضرر او لصابة او إهانة .. الخhad stolen the money and was willing to make amends.

I do hope you'll enjoy your stay with us. Please make yourself at home.

يتدبر أمره بشيء او يقنع نفسه به رغم انه ليسبالمستوى او المواصفات المطلوبة

Peter's scool trousers are too short for him, but he'll have to make do with them until the end of term.

Peter would like to go to unviersity, but his teachers don't think he'll make the grade.

I've been trying to order these pilese piles of papers but I'm not making much headway at present.

Dacid's trying to put up a shelf. I thought it was a simple job, but he seems to be making heavy weather of it.

A heart attack is always serious. Father shouldn't make light of it as he does.

Forbes made mincemeat of Fuller in the TV debate. He brought forward a much better argument.

يثبت وجوده ، يستخدم نفوذه او قوة شخصيته للتحكمبمشيئة شخص

The children are getting rather boisterous. It's time we adults made our presence felt.

يتوارى عن النظار لكي ل يكتشف امره او لعتقادهبان اللباقة تقتضي ذلك

When the headmaster appeared, the boys who had broken the window quickly made themselves scarce.

يثبت شيئا (إدانة مجرم) ، يجعل الخرين يصدقونشيئا عن شخص او ضده حتى لو كان محض افتراء

It's one thing accusing Roberts of blackmail, but its another making it stick in a court of law.

We thought Patick was joking when he talked of taking the matter to court, but he means business. He has already contacted his lawyer.

I won't buy you a new bicycle but I'll meet you half-way. You put in your savings and I'll pay the rest.

Bill has had no difficulty beating all the other players in the chess tournament, but I think he's met his match in Charlotte.

Pat asked me how much I earned, so I told her to mind her ow business.

يفوت فرصة سانحة

يغادر غير راض او مستاء

يتملص من المسؤوليه او يلقيها على شخص

ينتقد او يغلط شيئا بدون طائل

يتحرش بقصد الشجار

يعيد بناء ما تم هدمه ، يضع المور في نصابها

يهزم شخصا في اللحظة الخيرة

يتعامل بحكمة مع امر بغية منفعة يجنيها

يجازف بشيء أو يدمره

يتصرف إلى حد ما حسب الصول

يأتي الثاني في الهمية بعد شخص

يتعامل باستقامة وإنصاف مع شخص

يلعب بالنار ، يورط نفسه في وضع خطير

يستخدم كل إمكاناته وسلطته لبلوغ هدفه

It's too late to send in an application from now. The closing date was the 30th of Spetember. You've missed the boat, I'm afraid.

يضع حدا لمر غير مستحب منذ البداية ، يقتضى عليهفي المهد

We caught our thirteen-year-old smoking, so we decided to nip it in the bud there and then.

She didn't like the job, so after three months packed her bags.

Don't try to pass the buck, Simon. It was your decision and yours alone, so now it's your responsibility.

it's easy to pick holes in our method, but can you suggest a better way of doing it?

A man at the bar was tryong to pick a quarrle by saying insulting things about foreigners, so we left.

After a strike it takes weeks to pick up the pieces and get production back to normal again.

Opinion polls showed the Labour candidate to be leading, but on election day he was pipped at the post by the Conservative candidate.

If Brigg's won't play ball and give us the(يساير شخصا او يتجاوب معه (احيانا على مضضinformation, we'll have to find someone else who will.

If David plays his cards right, he can become become editor of the newspaper within two years.

Cathy works too hard and doesn't get enough sleep. She's playing havoc with her health.

Trevor, you've got to play the game. You can't promise to do something and then pretend you know nothing about it.

Matthew always felt that he played second fiddle to his younger brother who was more intelligent and more successful than he was.

Can we rely on Williams? IS he playing straight or is he trying to cheat us?

Judith's negotiating with two publishers at the same time for the same book. She's plying with fire.

Robert's need a large amount of money as soon as possible and he's pulling out all the stope to get it.

يدعم إنجازاته بالمزيد من العمل الجاد

ينجز نصيه من العمل ، يساهم بقدر مساهمة الخرين

يعول كثيرا على استمرار محالفة الحظ الجيد له

يستقر في مكان

يرتب وضعه بشكل جيد قبل أن ينتقد وضع الخرين

يقضي على نجاح شخص او سمعته او مستقبلةالمهني .. الخ

The higher you climb up the ladder of success, the more rivals you have who are likely to pull the plaug on you.

ينتقد بلطف أو بشكل اقل حدة مما يمكنه مراعاة(للمجاملة او اللياقة .. الخ. (غالبا في صيغة النفي

He said my novel showed promise. He liked the style and the story - line, and he wasn't pulling his punches just to be kind.

يستخدم مركزه العالي لكسب منفعة او الفوز بامتياز..ما

He's a memmber of Parliament and he often pulls rank to get what he wants.

You'll have to pull your socks up and practice moreif you intend to enter for the piano competition.

يستخدم نفوذه او علقاته بغية تحقيق النفع لنفسه اولخرين

I've applied for a job at the hospital. Hugh knows someone on the hospital board so he's going tp ypull a few strings for me.

We'll have to pull your socks up and pratice more if you intend to enter for the piano competition.

you're pushing your luck, Frank. You've backed the wnning horse twice, but you can't expect to win a third time.

I think Michael intend putting down roots here. He's looking for a job and a house.

Before you tell me how t run my life. I would advise you to put your own house in order.

يحضر مناسبة اجتماعية بدافع من الحساس بالواجبأو لثبات تواده فقط

I don't want to go to the club party, but as chairman I feel I ought to put in an appearance.

يعلم شخصا عن التفاصيل وضع ما ، يضعه في صورةالوضع

Who are Jones and fellows? What have they got to do with our plan? Would someone plase put me in the picture?

ينتقد شخصا أو يصححة لمبالغته في ثقة بنفسه ،يوقفه عند حده

One of the pupils was becoming incerasingly aggressive until the teacher decided to put him to his place.

the winning song put all others in theيتفوق بشكل كبير على شخص أو شيء ... ، يهمشهshade.

يجعل شيئا معروفا لدى الناس ، يرزه ، يمنحه اسماأو مكانة

it was the new product that put the company on the map. No one had ever heard of them before.

يتدخل او يحشر بنفسه في أمور شخص أو يحاولالتاثير في شؤونه

I admit that I did put my oar in, but in the end it was frank's own decision to move here.

The murderer managed to put the police(يضلل شخصا (بتسليمه معلومات خاطئه .. الخoff the scent by incriminating someone else.

يعطي أهمية لنفسه بغية التأثير في الخرين

يحذر شخصا أو ينبهه إلى ضرورة التيقظ

يدمر أو يفسد شيئا بشكل نهائي

يصحح معلومات او معتقدات خاطئة

Roger certainly put on airs in the television interview. He gave the impression of being arroant and self-opinionated.

Roumers that he was to be ooverthrown put thw President on his guard.

يعامل شخصا على أنه أكثر تفوقا بسماته الشخصية أوقدراته أو معرفته أو أخلقياته ، يعامله وكأنه معصومعن الخطأ

The students tend tp put their professor on a pedestal. They accept everything she says without question.

يختبر ردة فعل شخص ، يجس نبصه (بسماع رأيه أو(توجيه أسئلة دقيقة

Don't ask Graham outright if he's prepared to support your campaign. Put out fellers first. Talk to his friends and co-workers.

My neighbour's lawn-mower and his noisy children soon put paid to my quite Saturday afternoon in the gardern.

يعيق أو يمنع شخصا من تحقيق تقدم ، يضع لهالعصي في العجلت

The government grant for our research project should be approved within the month, unless anyone puts a spoke in our whee!

يرفس شخصا وهو ملقى على الرض ، يهاجم شخصاأو يعامله بطريقة مجحفة

First the landlord put up the rent. Then he really put the boot in by selling the property and turning the family out.

Just to set the record straight, it was my brother who smashed the car, not me.

يضغط على شخص لفعل شيء أو للمتناع عن فعله((عادة باستخدام القوة البدنية

When the gang rezlided that one of their members was withholding information, they put the scews on him to tell them what he know.

يكون واثقا من نجاح شخص أو حدوث شيء .. الخ. ،يراهن عليه

I'm putting my money on David. Chris plays just as well. But in a tournament David has the stronger nerves. O Labour will win the next election. You can put your money on it.

sjack had plans to go skiing, but heيدمر أو يفشل عمل أو خطة .. الخbroke his leg a week before, so that put the tine lid on his holiday.

يحاول إيجاد حل أو فكرة مناسشبة ، يتفكر في أمر اويتأمل فيه

It isn't an easy problem to solve. We'll have to put our think ing caps on.

يختبر إمكانيات شخص أو ما يمكنه عمله (في عمل(جديد .. الخ

The idea of the seminar is to put the junior teachers through their paces.

يخضع شخصا لتجربة غير سارة (بتصعيب الختبار(أو فرض معايير صعبة عليه

they cerrainly put me through the mill at the oral examination. They asked some extremely tricky questions.

يثير إزعاجا كبيرا ، يعترض أو يشتكي بغضب وصوتمرتفع ، يقيم الدنيا ويقعدها

My father raised hell when I told him that I had decided to spend all my svings on a motor-bike.

يبدو مألوفا ، يذكر بشكل ضعيف بشخص أو بشيء

يسير أو يدير المور أو يضبطها

يتصرف بغشب ، يتصرف بطريقة غير متوازنة

يكف عن إضاعة وقته في حديث ل يؤثر في مستمعيه

يعتبر التصرف مناسبا أو نافعا

يسبب إزعاجا أو ضجيجا كبيرا بالتصفيق أو الضحك.أو الصياح بغضب .. الخ

The audience loved the comedian at the theatre last night. They really raised the roof.

يستمتع بفترة من السكتراحة أو السترخاء كمكافأةعلى إنجاز قدمه

I've finihed the trsanslation at last, but I can't afford to rest on my laurels because I have another one to do before Friday.

Her name rings a bill. I've probably read one of her novels at some day.

يتصدى لوضع بشكل مناسب وعلى نحو \غير متوقع ،يرتقي إلى مستوى المسؤولية في امر

When the guest speaker fell ill. Mary was asked to give a talk at short notice. Everyone agreed that she rose to the occasion very well.

We were all happy with the progress ofيسفد حدثا او مناسبة سارة أو وضعا مرضيا ... الخour work until Murray rocked the boat by persuading some of us to do it differently.

يشمر عن ساعديه ، يجهز نفسه للقيام بعمل ، يهمبعمل شيء

If your teacher wants the french essay written by tomorrw, it's time you rolled up your sleeves.

It's Mum who rules the roost in our house, but she always asks dad what he thinks.

تتكرر أو تتواتر (صفة خلفية أو موهبة أو ميزة فيالشخصية .. الخ) عبر الجيال المتعاقبة حتى تصبحسمة م نسمات العائلة

The children are all very musical, as are the parents and grandparents. It runs in the family.

When the teacher went into the classroom the children were running root, throwing books and running ever the desks.

A major pharmaceutical concern is still(يتحمل أو يتقبل الهجوم (العادل) أو النقد (البناءrunning the gauntlet aften one of its most popular drugs was taken off the market.

يتصرف بالطريقة المتوقعة أو المرجوة منه ، يحدثما هو متوقع

The firm is running true to form again. Delivery is six weeks later.

يخلص نفسه أو غيره من الخطر أو الفشل أو النتقادأو العقاب .. الخ

The teacher know that it was Tom who had torn the book, and the boy managed to save his bacon by admitting straightaqay.

No one is lidtning to your advice, so you might just as wll save your breath.

يخبر الخرين بما يخطط له أو ينوي قوله ، يبديبرأيه للخرين

Not now Him. You'll have the chance to say your piece later at the meeting.

Mr. Perry wouldn't sign our petition. He obviously doesn't see fit to support our cause.

ينتظر إلى شخص أو شيء نظرة جديدة ، يغير رأيهبشخص أو بشيء

a long talk with Kate's teacher helped us to see our child in a different light.

يدرك الصواب ، يتحصقق من أنه كان على خطأ

يستبعد شخصا ، يمنعه من التدخل في أمور ل تعنيه

يهيء الجواء لشيء ، يمهد الطريق له

ينتظر ما سيحدث بصبر ، يراقب ما سيحدث من مكانه

Some of the men wanted to strike but when the union leafder explained that the time was wrong they saw the light.

يكون متواضعا في تقييمه لنفسه أو لخبراته أو قدراته، يحط من قدر نفسه

I've warned Barbara not to sell herself short at the interview tomorrow.

A pipil was trying to listen in on a private conversation in the staff room, but the headmistress soon sent him about this business.

يطلب من شخص البتعاد ، يطرد شخصا من عمله((عادة بغضب أو على وجه السرعة

If he comes here again asking for money, send him packing

It will serve you right if your toys get(يكون جزار عادل لشخص (لعمل اقرفهbroken. You shouldn't leave them lying around for people to step on.

يضع شيئا نصب عينيه ، ينوي تحقيق شيء أو عملهاو الحصول عليه

She's set her sights on becoming the first lady president of the U.S.A.

يدير شيئا ، يبعث الحركة فيه (كعمل ما أو حوار ...(الخ

It was a junior reporter who set the ball rolling. He suspected a cover-up story and informed the editor, who then ordered a full investigation.

يضبط الشرعة او المعدل أو المعيار الذي يحاولالخرين اتباعه. يأخذ بزمام المبادرة في منافسة

The good pupils usually set the pace in a mixed ability class. O We are expecting our new designs to set the pace in fashion for the coming winter season.

Compromise on both sides had set the scene for peaceful and constructive talks between the two nations.

ينتقم من شخص على (إساءة .. الخ) تلقاها منه فيمامضى ، يصفي حسابه معه

When Brewstyer came out of prison he said he had a score to settle with the man who had put him there.

يكشف عن شخصيته الحقيقية أو عن نواياه أو خططه((الشريرة عادة

We thought Ed was our friend, but he showed his true colours when we needed his help and he didn't give it.

يبقي على الحياد (في حوار ... الخ) ، يبقي مجما عناتخاذ قرار بشأن الخيارات المتوفرة

No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities are still sitting on the fence.

When the air traffic controllers were on strike we had no choice but to sit tight at the airport and wait.

يشرح نفسه بنفسه ، واضح إلى درجة ل يحتاج معهاإلى المزيد من الشرح

The new teaching method is a great success. The results speak for themselves.

يكشف طبيعة المر بجلء ، يبرهن على شيء بشكلكاف

The fact the team won every game of the season speaks voumes for their trainer.

يفشي سرا خبرا او معلومات قبل الوان

يوسع أو يطور فعالياته أو اهتماماته بشكل أكبر

يبقى في مكانه

يتابع في عمل أو منافسة حتى النهاية

يكون ذا عزم وتصميم ، ليؤثر في وجهة نظره شيء

يخلق شيئا سارا من شيء غير سار

The father showes the children the present for their mother's birthday and asked them not to spill the beans.

After his successful novel he's thinking of spreading his wings and writing for television as well.

تتوفر ل هفرصة كبيرة / ضعيفة لعمل شيء أو إحرازشيء

With such good exam results she stands an excellent chance of getting a place at university.

Whatever you do, make sure you stand.(يحافظ على مركزه أو يصونه (في نقاش ... الخyour ground in the discussion. We can't afford a change of policy.

يولي اهتمام كبيرا بقواعد السلوك الجتماعي(اليتكيت) ، يكون مفرطا في مراعاة الرسميات

Don't stand on cermony with him just because he has a title. He's no different from the rest of us.

يكون قدرا على مجاراة الخرين أو على مواكبةمستواهم

I was put in a Spanish class with intermediate students, but as a beginner I couldn't stand the pace.

If he makes a mistake now he stands toيكون على شوك تحقيق شيء / فقدان شيء ... الخlose a lot of money.

These dictionaries have to stay put, They are for reference and not for borrowing.

Louise is finding the hospital training very strenuous. She's not sure that she'll be able to stay the course.

يسرق الضواء ، يحظى باهتمام أو استحسان أكبر منالخرين

Don't let Mark steal the show when it was you who did all the work You prepared the talk, so why not give it yourself?

يتجنب شخصا أو شيئا خشية المتاعب أو المخاطر أوالزعاجات الذي قد يجلبها

if I were you, I would steer clear of fatty and spicy foods until your stomach's better.

يحصد نتائج أعماله لوحده ، يعاني من نتائج حماقاتهبدون مساعدة من الخرين

David has no one to play with today. It's his own fault for quarreling with his friends and it will do him good to stew in his ownn juice.

If Mary thinks she's right she'll stick to her guns no matter what anyone else tells her.

يفعل كل ما يلزم لبلوغ غايته حتى بطرق غيرمشروعة أو غير أخلقية أو محفوظة بالمخاطر...الخ. ل يردعه رادع عن بلوغ مراده

Don't trust Wilson. He's the sort of person who'll stick at nothing to win.

يكون موفقا أو محظوظا بالعثور عما يبحث عنه أوعما يحتاج

I struck lucky in the winter sales. I was looking for a coat and found just what I wanted.

Some airlones are puttong up their prices, but to sugar the pill they are offering an imporved in-flight service.

يخبيب ظنه في شخص أو شيء

يرجي موافقته على أمر إلى وقت لحق

يستغل ضعف شخص لينال ما يريد منه

يستفيد من الفرص أو التسهيلت المتاحة

يسيء فهم نوايا شخص أو تصرفه الغير لئق

يعتبر المر أو معروفا حتى لو لم يتم بيانه صراحة

يعطي انطباعا عظيما ، يثري شجة كبيرة

يغش شخصا أو يخدعه في امور مالية

يبدي التقدير إنجازات شخص

تكون (الترتيبات او الخطط ... الخ) مناسبة لشخصتماما أو متفقة ممع تطلعاته

The tour includes a lot of visit to museums, which will suit Beth down to the ground. Looking round museums is her favourite pastime.

It's a political scandal and the oppositionيخفي أو يتناسي شيئا يجلب العار او المتاعب .. الخwon't let the government simply sweep it under the carpet.

يسبح مع / ضد التيار ، يماشي / يعارض التوجهاتالعامة

In politics, it's somethimes wiser to swim with the tide than than to take an individual course.

Granny will take a diim view of your not going to see her on her birtday.

يفهم تلميحا ، يفهم ما قصد أو قيل بشكل غير مباشر(كاقتراح أو نصيحة) ويتصرف وفقه

All right, David, I can take a hint that big yawn menat that you're tired and you want me to leave.

يتقبل الداعبة أو المزاح ، ل يأخذها على محمل الجد ،يقبلها بروح رياضية

I can take a jokm but I don't think that putting salt in my coffee instead od sugar is very funny.

يقتفي الثر الحسن لشخص ، يمشي على خطاه ،يقتدي به

Peter's working hard at school, but unfortunately I can't say the same for his sister. I wish you would take a leaf out of Peter's book.

Come on, I'll buy your lunch.' 'Thanks, not today, but I'll take a rain check on it.'

A lot of door-to-door salesmen take advantages of old people and sell them things that they don't need.

A lot of students on the course took advantage of the language laboratory in their free time.

I didn't have time to ask Mrs. Bates in when she called this morning. I hope she didn't take amiss.

You will all have heard why Mr. Bacter can't be with us today, so we'll take it as read and start the meeting.

The latest designs from ltaly have taken the fashion world by storm.

يضع حدا لتطاول أو كبيراء شخص مفرط في الثقةبنفسه ، يوقفه عند حده

The new assistant walks round the building as if he owns the place, telling people how to do their jobs. He needs taking down a peg.

Don't buy a second hand TV from Sam. He'll probably take you for a ride and sell you one that's faulty.

they adopted 13-year-old and did an excellent job of bringing him up. I have to take my hat off to them.

يتعامل مع مشكلة أو مصاعب بهدوء وبدون جهد كبير

يسبب أذى كبيرا

يرفض قبول اعتراض أو رفض شخص لشيء ما

يختار من بضع احتمالت

يبدو وكأنه قد أصبح حقيقة ملموسة

يدعم أو ينجاز إلى الطرفين في نقاش أو جدوال

من الصعب تحقيقه أو وضعه قيد العمل

يتخذ الخطوات المناسبة لعمل او إنجاز شيء

يقف متوجها بكلمه للجمهور

يقلع عن التردد ويحزم أمره على فعل شيء

When Susan changed scools she found that she was behind in few subjects, but she took it all in her stride and soon caught up on the work.

Ghe's worked outside in all kinds of weather all his life and now it seems to be taking it's toll of his health.

يبدي استياء أو عدم ترحيبه بشخص أو شيء ما ،ليبدي رحابة صدر معه

Bob won't take kindly to Andrew's words of advice. He doesn't like people interfering and telling him what to do.

يتصرف بطريقة غير متعقلة أو غير حكيمة أو غيرلئقة

He spent all his redundancy pay on a Rolls Royce! He must have take leave of his senses.

يتقل النقد أو المعاملة الغير منصفة بدون اعتراض ،يتقبل بصدر رحب

That's slander! Dodson can't expect me to take this lying down. I shall see my lawyer immediately.

I've told her twice that I can't lend her my car, but she still keeps asking. She simpy won't take no for an answer.

You can have one of these books for just 1 pound, so take your pick.

يقبل كل ما يحصل عليه بدون أن يعرف مقدما إن كانجيدا او سيئا

When you go abroad as an au pair you usually have to take pot luck with the family you get.

The books is beginning to take shape. She's already drafed two or three chapters.

I know John and I aren't the best of friends, but I didn't accept him to take side with my biggest rival.

Building up a business out of nothing wasn't easy. It took a lot of doing.

Several cases of stealing have been reported, so the headmasters took necessary steps to put an end to it.

,I've often had difficult pupils to deal with(يمثل النموذج الوضح لـت (ميزة سلبيةbut for laziness young Smith really takes the biscuit.

Everyone had been looking forward to Jane's speech, so we all clapped when she was asked to take the floor.

يكشف النقاب عن (معلومات كانت تعتبر سرية أو(خاصة

Yesterday the Prime Minister took the lid of her plans for a cabinet shake-up.

Sharon has been thinking about foing to work in the States. At last she's taken the plunge and has applied for a visa and work permit.

يضع حدا لغرور وتباهي شخص بشكل مفاجئ

ينتقد شخصا أو يطيح به بمهارة في جدال أو عمل

يلوم شخصا على خطأ أو فعل شنيع ارتكبه

يجعله بنفق الكثير من المال عن طريق الحيلة

يحمي شخصا أو يتولى أمره أو يقوده

يتحدث بجهل أو بطريقة ل مبالية

ينتقد شخصا بعنف ، بيدي له رأيه بسلوكه بصراحة

يعيد النظر في فعل شيء

يفعل شيئا بدون تردد

يثور من الغضب

يقيم حفل

ينسحب ، يتعرف بالهزيمة ويقلع عن المحاولة ثانية

يكون مستعدا للتعامل مع الرديء والحسن ، يتقبلالمر بحلوه ومره

As an actor you can be a success one day and forgotten the next. You have to be prepared to take the rough with the soomth.

Trevor used to boast about being the best player in the chess club until a new member - a boy of fiftenn - beat him. That certainly took the wind out of hid sails.

I didn't have a chance in debate. Peter is such a clever talker and he simply took me to pieces.

It's the first mistake I've made and I didn't expect to be taken to tas; for it. Is Mrs. Morphy always so intolerant!

She's thirty years younger than him and has no serious intrntions. We've warned him that she'll take him to the cleaners.

Barr seems to have taken the new pipil under his wing. He's introducing him to his friends and showing him around the school.

What he said was nonsense. He was talking through his hat again.

يلقن شخصا درسا ، يقوم سلوك شخص بمعاقبته أوتعريضة لتجربة قاسية

You were testing the cat again and this time she scratched you. That will teach you a lesson.

The next time she comes in here poking her nose my personal affairs, I shall tell her where to get off.

I almost asked Susan to the party, but I thought better of it and didn't say anything. I don't think she wouls want to come.

If I had the chance of going to Australia, I wouldn't think twice about it.

Mother will throw a fit when she sees what I've done to her car.

We're throwing a party for Ken on Saturday to celebrate his retum from Nigeria.

يبدي رغبة في الخوض في منافسة أو في ترشيح.لنتخاب .. الخ

So far there is no liberal candidate for the constituency. Political observers are wondering who is going to throw his hat into the ring.

He's failed his driving test three times and I have the feeling that he's going to China completely threw me off my balance.

يستخدم سلطته أو مركزه بطريقة متغطرسة

يشد حزامه ، يتقشف

يحل أو يحسم مسألة معلقة

يفكر بفكرة بدون أن تكون لديه النية الجدية لتطبيقها

يكون صديقا يعتمد عليه فى الشدائد

ينتظر دوره

يربك أو يصدم شخصا بحيث يجعله ل يعرف كيفيرد ، يفقده توازنه

I was expecting a transfer to Glasgow, but the nesw that I am to be sent to China completely threw me off my balance.

يلوم شخصا لعدم أداره عمل بطريقة صحيحة أوتتناسب مع النظمة

This time he threw the book at me for not showing him the report before I sent it to head office. Usually he doesn't want the trouble of having to read them.

If Barnes starts throwing his weight around in here again. I'll ask him to leave. He may be chairman of the council but in my pub he's just a customer.

When Mother lose her job we all had to tighten our belts and manage on Father's small wage.

The fact that Miller was willing to travel abroad tipped the scales in his favor. The other applizant was just as suitable but he wanted a home-based job.

Betty has been toying with the idea of joining the army, but I don't think she will.

يغير سلوكه وآراءه كليا نحو الفضل ، يفتح صفحةجديدية

Since Ted came out of prison he has turned over a new leaf. He's determined to lead a better life.

يجتاز المرحلة الصعب والشد خطورة في شيء ،يجتاز المنعطف الشد صعوبة

Father was critically ill after the heart attack, but he's turned the corrner now.

يقلب الوضاع بشكل معاكس بحيث يفقد خصمهالميزات اليجابية التي كانت في صالحه

Roger once refused to help Mike financially, so when the tables were turned after Roger had lost all his money. Mike didn't help him.

You once turned up trumps for me when I needed support, so I shall do the same for you now.

يفسد خطة كانت قد أعدت بشكل جيد ، يضيع ماأحرزه من تقدم

Threr are six jobs to do and six helpers to do them, so if anyone else volunteers, say no, or it will ipset the applecart.

You can't make an appointment with the docter on Fridays. You just go to his surgery and wait your turn.

غير مبال أو مهتم أو معني بما يخص وضع شخص ،يتجاهل متاعب شخص

If you're out of work and down on your luck most of your former friends just don't want to know.

ينشر غسيلة القدذر ، يكشف السرار أو الفضائحالعائلية أمام المل

We must allow this matter to be taken to court. The last thing we want to do is wash our dirty linen in public.

ينجو من محنة ، يتغلب على أزمة

يهزم شخصا بسهولة كبيرة

يقوم العواج ويبدأ من جديد ، يتناسي أخطاء الماضي


شخص كثير العمل و يتنقل بسرعة بين مهة وأخرى

تستحوذ على تفكيره دئاما فكرة أو شيء معين

يهرع باتجاه شيء سالكا أقصر الطرق وأسرعها

يرصد خطاه ، يكون متيقظا في أفعاله وسلوكه لكييتجنب الووقع في الخطأ أو المشاكل أو المخاطر

The robbers are likely to be armed, so you had better tell the men to watch their step, constable.

Industry has been badly hot by the recession. Several small firms are still trying to weather the storm.

What a terrible game! Our players hadn't got a chance. The visiting team wiped the floor with them.

Smith and Walker had been rivals for years, but when Smith's daughter married walker's son they decided to wipe the slate clean and become friends.

يصنع المعجزات ، به أثر نافع جدا ، يعطي نتائجإيجابية جدا

You need a rest and some fresh air. A weekend by the sea would do wonders. O This new cream is supposed to work miracles on your skin.

Chapter Seven verbal with key words from special categories

يقتنع شخصا بعمل ما يريده منه عن طريق اللحاحفيا لطلب أو السؤال بشكل مزعج

The police badgered the suspect with question after question until eventually he told them what they wanted to know.

ياكل القسط الكبر من الطعام تاركا النذر اليسيرللخرين

Henry loves buffet lunches, so I expcet he'll make a beast of himself again.

شخص يعمل بجد وبهمة و يحرص على إنجاز ماعليه م العمل بسرعة وعدم التأجيل

I've packed my suitcase already.' 'You are an eager beaver. You're not going on holiday until the end of next week'.

Jenny's a real busy bee today. She's been rushing around all morning.

Sarah has a been in her bonnet about only eating health foods. Wherever she's invited, she takes her own things to eat.

When we arrived at the hotel, the children made a bee-line for the swimming-pool.

الفضل ، الكثر إثارة لعجاب

شخص غريب الطوار له طريقه حياة وسلوك غريبين

شخص أو شيء ينذر رؤيته

يزعج او يضايق شخصا

يقرر مواجهة مسألة بدل من التهرب منها

يشعر بانزعاج في معدته نتيجة للتوتر العصبي


يعيش حياة حافلة بالشجار والخلفات

يكون لديه حيز ضيق جدا للتحرك

يكون في وضع ميئوس منه ، ليس لديه أدنى فرصة

I know Phil is quiite good-looking, but I wish he wouldn't admire himself in the mirror so much. He obniously thinks he's the bee's kness!

شخص ينهض من الفراش مبكرا أو يبدأ علمه قبلالخرين

father's always been an earlly bird. He gets up at six o'clock every morning - even on Sundays.

شخص يفضل قضاء أوقات فراغه وممارسة نشاطاتهالجتماعية في المنزل

isabel always says 'some other time' when l ask her out. Doesn't she like me or us is she just a home bird?

شخص يفضل مصاحبة المقربين فقط و له علقاتاجتماعية قليلة

Harry has been a real lone bird since he lost his wife in a plane crash. He never accepts our invitations to dinner.

The old chap who lives in the little hut on the beach seems to be a real odd bird.

You are a rare bird in these parts! I haven't seen you here for at least five years.

If we climb the tower, we'll have a bird'sنظرة أو مسح شامل لمكان أو شيء ... الخeye view of the town.

I need a book that gives a bird's-eye.دراسة موجزة عن موضوع ... الخview of modern European sculpture.

Joe keeps on bugging me about letting him take my car nect week. I must have told him ten times that he can't have it.

She decided to take the bull by the horns and tell her boss that she wasn't prepared to do overtime so often without extra pay.

I'm expecting an important letter. I get butterflies in my stomach waiting for the postman every morning.

You've got half an hour before choir pratice. Why don't you take a cat nep if you're tired?

The couple in the flat above lead a real cat-and-dog life. I can hear them shouting at each other day and night.

We were planning a surprise party for( يكشف سرا (عادة من دون قصد أو نيةMargaret, but she walked in on our discussion, so of course that rather let the cat out od the bag.

But you can't possibly live and work in this timy flat. There isn't enough room to swing a cat.

Faced with such tough competition, Billy doesn't stand a cat in hell's chance of winning the art prize.

يهطل المطر بغزارة شديدة

لم يعد صغيرا

الزاويا لمثنية لصفحات كتاب

منهك من شدة التعب

يلعب شخصا لعبة القط والفأر ، يبقيه في حالة منالشك وعدم اليقين ، يلعب بأعصابه

I have the feeling that Mandy is playing cat and mouse with William. She doesn't really want him but she won't let him go.

يقول أو يفعل شيئا يتسبب بإثارة المشاكل أو الزعاجأو الجدل

We had worked out a precise schedule for the work. Then Bill put the cat among the pigeons by saying he might take that week off.

Shall we go?' 'Not just yet. It's raining cats and dogs at the moment.'

How old is Mrs. Griffin?' 'Well, she's no chicken, that's for sure.'

مبلغ ضئيل من المال أو دفعة صغيرة جدا (خاصة(بالقياس إلى مبالغ أخرى

Government grants for education are chicken feed compared with the sums spent on sefence.

يجين ، يتراجع عن المشاركة في خطة أو نشاط من(جراء الخوف (خاصة في المرحلة الخطيرة من المر

I'm not convinced that David is fully prepared to eisk half his capital on this deal. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't chivken out before long.

يستبق أمرا قبل حدوثه ، يكون مفرطا في التفاؤل أوالثقة بشأن أمر مستقبلي

lris is planning how to spend her first salary cheque before she even gets the job' 'That's typical of lris - counting her chickens again.'

قصة أو شرح أو عذر يصعب تصديقه ، تسلسل مبالغبه للحداث

Sam was late again this morning. This time he had some cock-and-bull srory about having to take a woman with her poodle to see a cet.

If you're waiting for John to pay you(يطيل النتظار (أحيانا لحدث ل يتحمل وقوعهback the five pounds, you can wait till the cows come home. He has a way of forgetting these things.

دموع التسامح ، دموع غير صادقة تذرف فقط للتأثيرفي الخرين

Sylvia seemed very upset at her father-in-law funeral.' 'No, they were crocodile tears. She never liked the old man.,

This library book must be good. It's dog-eared, so it's obviously been borrowed plenty of times.

شخص يمنع الخرين بأنانية من استعمال شيء أوالستمتاع به أو الفادة منه حتى و ولو لم يكن بوسعهاستعماله او الستمتاع به شخصا

Uncle Stan is a real dog in the manger with his weekend house. He doesn't use it himself any more, nut he never offers it to other members of the family.

The docor's been on call all night. He must be dog tired but he still taking surgery this morning.

متزعم (شخص أو يلد ... الخ) يعتبر القوى أو الكثرنفوذا أو تفوقا على أقرانه

Why should one country want to be top dog over the rest of the world?

حياة تتميز بالروتين القاتم والقلق والمتاعب مع فرصضئيلة للمتع والحرية

Being unemployed with little chance of getting work is a dog's life.

يجعل حياة شخص حافلة بالمصاعب والزعاجات

سنوات طويلة جدا

متبلد الحساس أو المشاعر

لدية مشاغل أخرى أو شؤون أكثر أهمية ليرعاها

يقظ وشديد الحذر ، ل يسهل خداعه

شخص شديد التوخوف والهدوء

Maude leads Herbert a dog's life - he does all the homework and shopping after work because she's always at some party or social function.

ينزلق ببطء إلى وضع بالغ السوء (خاصة على(الصعيد القتصادي

When Mark inherited a lot of money, he went abroad somewhere and just let his business here got to the dogs.

ل يتدخل فيما لن يعود عليه بما يرضيه ، يتجنب كرقول أو حدث يمكن له أن يثير مشكلة

Don't ever mention the subject of Uncle Ben's first wife when Julia's here. It's best to let sleeping dogs lie.

At first I didn't recognize Sam when he stopped me in the street, because I hadn't seen him for donkey's years.

يقوم بالجانب الكثر رتابة أو أقل أهمية من عمل أومهمة وغالبا العمل الذي يتطلب جهدا بدنيا

Don't offer to help Bob. He'll sit back and let you do all the donkey work.

شخص فاشل يحتاج للعون ، مؤسسة فاشلة ينبغيتقديم العون لها ، حاكم أو مسؤول يمارس مهامه فيفترة انتقالية قبل تولي سلفه زمام السلطة

Helen's boutique started off very well, but after theinitial enthusiasm it seems to be developing into something of a lame duck.

شخص ضعيف وتسهيل مهاجمته (يصبح في وضعيجعله عرضة للهجوم) ، شيء هش وسريع العطب

Jones had stated several times that the government would not devalue the pound, so when they did, Jones was a sitting duck. He had to resign.

Harold said nothing at all when I told him about Sally's misfortume. He's a real cold fish.

شخص يشعر بالضيق وعدم التياح وسط صحبة لميألفها او أماكن ل يعرفها

I din't know anyone at the oarty and felt like a fish out of water among all Jane's art college friends.

Stuiart and Nighel wanted me to join them for a drink, but as I had an appointment with my bank manager about a lona, I told them that I had other fish to fry.

مصاعب أو أمور مزعجة تفسد المتعه والحساسبالرتياح أو تحول دونها

After the exams, we had a great clebration party. The only fly in the ointment was that Patrick's hadn't passed.

ل يؤذى ذبابة ، شخص أو حيوان بالغ اللطف وطيبالطبع

Grandfather's often grumpy and short-tempered, but he wouldn't hurt a fly.

How's the new secretary?' 'Fantastic, she's running the office already. There are no flies on Miss Evans!

When Diane first came here she couldn't say boo to a goose, but she's now one of our most critical and independent teachers.

يفسد خطط شخص أو يبدد فرصه في الفوز ... الخ.((غالبا بنية مسبقة

Lawson was trying to take away one of our best customers by undercutting our prices. But then his suppliers couldn't guarantee delivery, so that cooked his goose.

شخص يستعمل لتطبيق تجربة عليه

حفل مسائي للنساء ل يدعى إليه الرجال

يتصرف أو يلعب بعربدة أو بطريقة مثيرة للضجيج

ينهض من فراشه مبكرا جدا

حصة السد ، القسط الكبر والفضل

سلوك مخادع أو متلعب أو حتياطي

يفسد أمرا أو يؤديه بطريقة سيئة

بحث أو تفتيش غير مجد أو ليس لخ فرصة بلوغغايته

I think Ted's sent me on a wild goose chase looking for his pipe. L bet it's in his pocket.

We want to try out a new language teaching method, so we need some volunteer guinea pigs.

I hear Sue has invited you and John over on Saturday.' 'No, just me - it's another of Sue's famous hen parties!'

يراهن على الحصان الخاسر ، يدعم الشخص الخطأ أوالغير مناسب

Simeon backed the wrong horse from the start. He favoured Hart but it was Robins who won the election.

شخص متكتم على مخططاته أو نشاطاته أومشاعره ... الخ

Asquith didn't tell any of the office staff why he had been absent for a month, but then he's always been a drk horse.

شخص يمتلك مقدرات و إمكانيات أكبر مما يدبديه اومما يعرف عنه

I din't know Pat could play the piano. Just listn. She's a real dark horse!

Okay, you boys! Stop horsing around and get your homework finished. O The horseplay soon stopped when the manager walked in.

معلومات أو أخبار تم الحصول عليها مباشرة منمصدر موثوق أو من الشخص الكثر معرفة بالمر أوالمفوض بإعطاء معلومات بشأنه

Are you sure that all office staff are getting a 5% rise?' 'Yes, l got it straight from the horse's mouth. The Managing director himself told me.'

يتذبذب أو يبدل رأيه أو موقفه في منتصف الطريق ،يبدل ولءه

Don't count on Alf's support. He says he's with you now, but he often changes horses in mid-stream.

يصبر ، ينتظر أو ببطء من سرعته ، يتمعن فيتصرفاته بحرص أكثر (يستخدم هذا الصلح عادة في("صيغة المر كما في قولنا "رويدك

Darling, just hold your horses with this guest-list. If we invite all these people to the wedding, we won't have enough money to buy the ring.

أشياء يجب استخدمها لما أعدت له. أعمال معينهبنيغي إنجازها فقط من قبل المؤهلين أو المختصينبالقيام بها

Tell Tom I'm sorry I can't let him do the job. This time it's strictly horses for courses. We need a qualified heating engineer, not a plunber.

We'll have to be up with the lark tomorrow morning. The flight leaves at 8.15.

The father died without leaving a will, and since one of the sons was abroad at the tim, the other simply took the lion's share of the property for himself.

The tax office had a lot of questions about Frank's declared profits. They obviously thought there was some monkey business going on.

Don't ask Ken Williams to secorate your living-room. He may be cheap, but he made a real pig's ear of our bedroom.

يشي بشخص إلى الشرطة أو إلى مسؤول

يشتم رائحة شيء مريب أو أمر ينطوي على أذية

يتم أو يجري ببطء شديد

يتحدث بجدية وصراحة مع شخص

يمتع نفسه إلى أقصى حد

يوفر م ايكفي من المال إعادلة نفسه وعائلته

لدية رصيد جيد وكاف في حسابه المصرفي

يوم شؤم صادف فيه حدث أمر محزن أو مزعج

Jeff's having money problems and Iمسؤولية شخص ، أمر يخصه أو يعنيه ... الخthingk he expects me to help him out.' 'Well, that's certainly not your pigeon. You're his ex-wife now.'

Simpson was confident that his aprt in the robbery would never be discovered, but one of the other robbers retted on him when they were arrested.

الستماتة في السعي للتوفق على الخرين (في مجال(العمل أو المظهر الجتماعي ... الخ

Many young prople refuse to join rat race of modern society and become drop-outs, living a simple life on some remote island.

The children had planned to play a trick on the teacher, but because the class was so quite and attentive he smelt a rat.

You'll never get the essay written on time at this rate! You're going at a snail's pace!

أمسية تقام قبل الزفاف يحضرها أو يدعى إليها الرجالفقط

Remember, no wives! It's strictly a stag party!

I thought we were meeting to talk, but you've brought your wife with you.' 'Yes, I consult her on all business matters, so I want her to apperove the deal.'

Billy invited ten children to his birthday party. They had a whale of a time and it took me hours to clean up the mess.

ذئب في جلد خروف ، شخص يتظاهر بالمودة ليخفينواياه الغير طيبة و أنانيته

Be way of George Blackburn. Although he's always offering to help I have the feeling that he may be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

In areas of high unemployment, thousands are fighting to keep the wolf from the door.

I've paid off my overrdraft and it's a good feeling to be in the black again.

لدية كدكات في جسده من جراء حادث أو عراك ....الخ

Poor Liz took a few falls on her skiing holiday - she's black and blue!

The day of the Channel ferry disaster was certainly ablack day for all the famillies concerned.

نوع من الجليد الذي يتواجد فيا لطريق وتصعب رؤيتهوهو بذلك يعتبر خطيرا

There was a whole series of traffic accidents on the bridge due to black ice.

يكون في حالة عدو وفاق مع شخص

ليس بالسوء الذي يعتقدة الخرين

ينحدر طمن سللة ملكية أو عائلة أرستقراطية

عامل يدوي أو عامل عادي في معمل

سيختفي فجأة وبشكل غير متوقع دون ان يترك أثرا

نادرا جدا

لئحة سوداء ، لئحة بأسماء أشخاص يعتبرونخطرين أو غير مرغوب فيهم ... الخ

He knows that his name is on the black list, so he may try to enter the country using a false passport. O He was blacklisted by the authorities.

When I remarked that some people letنظرة غضب أو كراهية أو استياء ... الخthe others do all the work, Paul obviously thought I meant him, because he gave me a black look.

نقطة سوداء ، سجل بسوء سلوك شخص أو سوءتصرفاته ... الخ

Jackson failed to finalize an importyant contract in Chicago. He wasn't asked to resign but it was certainly a black mark against him.

شخص ذو سلوك مسيئ لعائلته أو المجموعة التيينتمي إليها

Alex started taking drugs at college, failed his exams and has been jobless for the past three years. He's certainly the black sheep of the Spencer family.

I think I'll keep out of the boss's way today. I'm in her black books for upsetting a client.

شيء موثق أو مكتوب باليد أو مطبوع (يستخدم عادة(للشعاع بالتزام أو تعهد قانوني

He promised me a film contract in Hollywood but I'll only believe it when I see it in black and whitr.

Most of the laboratory staff that Professor Murray is every diffcult to work with, but I don't think he's half as black as he's painted.

Scott is trying to trace his ancestry. His mother told him that generations ago there was blue blood in the family.

It isn't only the blue-collar workers who have been hit by unemployment. There are no office jobe either.

شخص أو طفل يتمتع بمكانة خاصة لدى شخص آخروتكون كل أخطاءه مغفورة لديه

Brian was always jealous of his younger brother, because he knew that Tim was their mother's blue-eyed boy.

There has been a considerable rise inفيلم خلعي أو إباحي ... الخthe production of blue movies since viseo recorders came on the market.

The news of her brother's illness came(مفاجأة أو صدمة (عادة غير سارةlike a bolt from the blue, as she had spoken to him on the phone only the day before.

Do you remember Walter Smith, the fellow who vanished into the blue with half a million of the firm's money?

Do you still go to art exhibitions?' 'Only once in a blue moon, I'm afraid. No time any more.'

بشكل مفاجئ أو غير متوقع

بجهد كبير و متواصل ولكن من دون جدوى

مخلص لحزب المحافظين و له آراء وقيم تقليدية

بارع فى تنسيق الحدائق أو النباتات

يشبت شعره

يحمر وجهه من شدة الحرج أو الغضب

يقبض على شخص متلبسا أو في الجرم المشهود

Rosalind's ex-husband has turned up agin out of the blue, saying he wants her to give him a second chance.

يصيح رافضا أو معترضا بصوت مرتفع ، يثير هرجاومرجا

If the management doesn't agree to the union's propsals this time, the workers will start to scream blue murder!

I've talked to Jim till I'm blue in the face about smoking, but he has no intrntion of giving up.

We all know how Simon will vote in the election. He's always been a true blue.

يكون سائجا أو سريع الثقة بالخرين أو سهل الخداعمن جراء الخبرة الضعيفة. يكون حديث لعهد بأمر أومستجدا فيه

When I joined this company as a junior clerk ten years ago, I was as green as grass. But I've learnt a lot since then.

حزام أخضر ، شريط من الحقول أو الغابات يحيطبمدينة أو بلدة

The planning committee is firmly oppsed to any building in the green belt.

يعطي الضوء الخضر ، يمنح القبول أو الموافقة علىالقيام بشيء

The budget has been approved, so we've got the green light to order the new scientific equipment for the department.

شديد الحسد لشخص ، يشعر بالحسد نتيجة حدوثشيء

When Cathy hears that the boss is going to make you her personal assistant and not her, she'll be green with envy!

Maadge can get anythign to grow - she's really got green fingers!

When Wilson heard that 55% of his company's shares had been bought up by his rival, he turned grey overnight.

I've got a mathematical problem for you.العقل أو الذكاء او القدرات الذهنية ... الخto use your grey matter on.

The teacher paid Janice a compliment on her essay and she turned as red as a beetroot.

يكون حسابة المصرفي خاويا أو مدينا للمصرفبالمال

Bill can't handle money. He's been in the red as long as I've known him.

I caught young Jimmy and his friend red-handed smoking behind the garden shed.

يزيل الشكليات

يفقد صوابه أو يثور غاضبا بشكل مفاجئ

كذبة بيضاء ، كذبة غير مؤذبة

الرئيس أو المدير المباشر لشخص

رمز أو إشارة إلى الترحيب أو الهتمام الخاص بزائرمهم

Our rich Uncle Herbert is coming to visit us tomorrow from the States. We haven't seen him for years, so Mum will be rolling out the red carpet. O there's a Japanese trade delegation expected tomorrw and the boss is giving them the full red-carpet treatment.

مسألة غير مهمة أو بعيدة الصلة عن موضوع تحشرفي نقاش لتحويل النتباه عن الموضوع الساسي أو.عن الحقيقة ... الخ

Make sure Matthew answers all our complaints at the meeting. Don't let him confuse you with any red herrings.

مناسبة هامة أو سعيدة يتطلع إليها المرء أو يترنمبذكراها

The day we moved into our newly built house was a red letter day for the wole family.

إجراءات وشكليات إدارية أو بيروقراطية تعيق حركةالشخاص وسير العمال

I hate applying for visas. For some countries there's so much red tape involved.

I think that a lot of the official red tape could be cut so that we could get our contracts out more quickly.

When mother saw the mess that Peter's friends had made in the living-room, she simply saw red and threw them all out.

شديد الشحوب من الخوف أو الصدمة أو المرض ...الخ

When terry read the telegram he went as white as a sheet.

For years Bill was a mechanic, but he(عامل أو عمل مكتبي (غير يدويwas given a with-collar job when his heallth trouble started.

I don't want to go to Steve's party, so I'll tell him I won't be in town until late on that evening. A little white lie is better than hurting his feelings.

Max is very selfish. With him, it's look(نفس المرء أو ذاته (تركيزة الناني المفرط على ذاتهafter number one and let the rest of the world go to hell.

My number one is in Japan for three weeks, so I'm in charge until he gets back.

I've promised my family that when myيحالفه الحظ ، يكسب مال ... الخnumber comes up we'll go on a long holiday.

When the rest of the gang find out that it(يكون عرضة لمر سيء (وفاة أو عقوبة ... الخwas Ted who told the police about the burglary, his number will be up!

في فترة مضت

يكون مسنجما أو مشتركا بآرائه مع شخص

شديد الحماس لشيء

لدية الكثير من الشراب ليحتسيه

يكون مزيجا من

الشخص الذي يتبع شخصا آخر في سلم السلطة أوالمؤولية ، مرؤوسه أو تابعه المباشر

Mr. Walker couldn't attend to our order personally, but his number two looked after us.

الشخص الذي يحتل نفس المنزلة أو المركز الموازيلمركز شخص آخر في مجموعة أو شركة أو منظمةأخرى ، نظيره في مجموعة أخرى

io headed the British team and worked closely together with my opposite number from the Japanese team.

At one time I used to play tennis quite a lot. Now I go jogging instead - it's cheaper.

العودة إلى نقطة الصفر ، يعود إلى نقطة البدايةبسبب الفشل أو أختلف الظروف ... الخ

The construction plans were very near completion, but then the customer changed his mind on some major aspects. So now it's back to square one.

Ed and Sheila are never at one with each other, no matter what the subject of discussion is.

يكسب ميزة أو تقدما على شخص ، يتجاوزه بسببمعرفته لمور أكثر ... الخ

You'll be one up on the rest of us if you know the answer to this problem!

I really don't think we should go on(لسبب واحد (من مجموعة أسبابholiday this year. For one thing we can't afford it.

My grandfather was a great one for horse-racing. He sued to take me with him to the track evry week when I was a boy.

As soon as John arrived, it was obvious that he had already had one over the eight.

I don't thingk many people will be able toأنا / أنت / هو ... الخ. على سبيل المثالcome on that date. I for one will be in Madrid.

Since Harry's wife died, he's been mother and father rolled up into one for his children.

المر سيان بالنسبة (لي / لك / له .. الخ) ، ليسهنالك فرق

Shall we go to the coast or to the country?' 'It's all one to me - as long as we go somewhere!'

Please don't lose it. The book's out of(الشخص أو لشيء الوحيد (يستخدم للتوكيدprint and that's ,my one and only copy.

هذا جديد بالنسبة لي (شيء مدهش أو غير معروف(مسبقا

Did you know that Jenkins used to be in the army before he came to work here?' 'Not really? That's certainly a new one on me!'

I suddenly realized that the woman I had(نفس الشخص او الشيء بالضبط (يستخدم للتوكيدspoken to on the telephone and the woman now addressing me must be on and the same person.

شخص يتمتع بميزات ممتازة ويندر وجوده

استعراض موسيقي لليلة واحدة فقط

علقة جنسية عارضة لليلة واحدة فقط

قريبا ، ذات يوم مقبل ، عما قريب ، ليس ببعيد

يوم صعب ل تسير المور فيه على ما يرام

الكثير من الشراب الكحولي

يخدع شخصا أو يتسبب له بضرر أو بغدر به

ذات يوم في المستقبل البعيد جدا (يقال عن شيء ل(يتوقع حدوثه

Ian's 43 now. Do you think he'll ever get married?' 'He might - one fine day.'

كأس آخر من الشراب يحتسيه شخص قبل المغادرةإلى المنزل أو الذهاب في رحلة بالسيارة

How about one for the road?' 'No, thanks, I never drink more than one beer when I'm driving.'

تغيير يستخدم للتأكيد بأن ما يلي سيكون (أسوأ جدا اوأصعب جدا أو أفصل بكثير .. الخ) مما يثم الحديثعنه

We had one hell of a time at Joe's party. O That sure is one hell of a story!

شيء غير سار يحل بشخص يستحقه (صدمة أليمة أومفاجأة مزعجة ...الخ) ، كيد يرتد إلى نحر صاحبه

Terry had been scheming to get promotion for months, so it was one of the eye for him when Brian was made head of department instead.

I couldn't have managed without my neighbour when I was ill. She's one in a thousand.

When on tour, many performers find the dtrain of one-night stands difficult to endure.

The thought that this chance meeting night turn out to be just another one-night stand stopped him taking further interest in the girl at the bar.

شخص يتم ضمه وقبوله في فريق علم أو خليةاجتماعية كواحد من المجموعة ول يعامل كدخيل أوغريب

When Alfred stared work at the factory, some of the workers gave him a hard time. It took months before he became one of the boys.

Harry drives too fast in my opinion. One of these days he'll end up in a hospital.

Today was just one of thos e days. I lost my keys, broke three cups and forgot a dental appointment.

فرصة ضائعة أو مفقودة ، شخص أو شيء كان للمرءمعه تجربة فاشلة أو مخفقة فيما مضي و يزال يذكرها

Do you remember Pat Jones from our college days?' 'Of course I do. She wouldn't have anything to do with you.She was the one that got away, so to speak!'

No More drinks for Jim! He looks as if he's had one too many already!

Just watch out for Ken Robinson. He'll pull a fast one on you if you give him half chance.

كأس واحدة من الخمر يؤخذ قبل المباشرة بعمل أوامر

Have you got time for a quick one before you go home?

Jenny says she's still in two minds aboutيكون حائزا بين أمرين أو فكرتين .. الخgoing to Jeff's engagement party. On the one hand, she wants to show him there are no hard feelings, but on the other, her presence might embarrass Mary.

بسرعة كبيرة وبدون صعوبات

فرصتين أو محاولتين لعمل شيء

يحبو على يديه و ركبتيه

في حالة ارتباك أو اضطراب أو فوضى

.The bad news really knocked him for sixله تأثير كبير على مشاعر شخص

شبع موتا ، ماتو دفن

عقاب جسدي ، ست ضربات بالعصا

غالبا ، في معظم الحيان

ذو حدين ، يمكن أ نيعطي تأثيرين أو نتيجتينمتعاكسين

Vanessa unreasonbly said that she didn't want Paul going off in the evenings with his friends. But that cuts two ways - Paul now expects Vanessa to give up her evening classes to stay at home with him.

Roger was very rude to us. For two pinsبدون حجاة لقناع (من تلقاء نفسه). على وشك أنI could have hit him on the nose.

لديه بديل أو خيار آخر أو إمكانية ثانية في حال فشلالولى

When Patrick became a professional tennis-player he opened up a sports shop so that he would have two strings to his bow.

You needn't change your jacket. I'll sew the button on for you. I'll have it sone in two shakes!

يخمن بشكل منطقي وصحيح ، يستنتج شيئا من خللالمعلومات أو الحقائق المتاحة

If you're not at home and not at work, Liz will put two and two togethet\r and guess that you're here.

Gilbert was given his own department once, but he failed to show the managerial skills. And one thing is certain - he won't be given two bites at the cherry.

شائع جدا ، متوفر بسهولة وبكميات كبيرة وعليه فهوضئيل القيمة

Routine jobs like that are two a penny, so don't worry about not getting it.

المهارات الثلث الرئيسية التي يتعلمها المرء في(المدرسة (القراءة والكتابة والحساب

Primary education concentrates on the three Rs as the basis for learning all other subjectcts.

The children love to have Uncle Albert on all fours playing donkey with them.

We moved into the house last week, so everything is at sixes and sevens.

يهزم خصمه بشكل كامل أو يفوز عليه فوزا ساحقا فيكل مسابقة أو منافسة

Who do you think will win the tennis finals?' 'Walters. He should knock Johnson for six!'

Old Sam Gates! He's been six feet under for twenty years now!'

Parents were very strict two gengerations ago. When Grandfather was a boy, it was six of the best for doing practically nothing at all!

شخص أ وشيء يستقطب الكثير من الهتمام أو يروجكثيرا لفترة قصيرة ثم ينسى

She was an actress who made one brilliant film and then just disappeared. A real nine days' wonder.

Judith thinks she knows everything about computers and doesn't hesuitate to let everyone know. The trouble is, nine times out of ten, she's right!

سعيد جدا ، في مزاج متألق

لبسا أفصل ثيابه

أغلب الظن ، على الرجح

يتحدث بسرعة لفترة طويلة وبدون انقطاع

يجرب شيئا ليرى إن كان يناسبه أو يسره

كله على بعضه ، بشكل كامل وشامل

ر يترجح أو يعطي أو يتناول قيد أنملة

عمل روتيني في مكتب أو متجر ... الخ ، عقليةروتينية ... الخ

Being a doctor is very hard work, but at least you don't develop a nine-to-five mentality.

Felicity has been offered a contract with a modelling agency in New yourk, so of course she's on cloud nine.

It was quite a fromal occasion. Everyone was dresses up to the nines.

It's four o'clock already. Ten to one, Paul will be late again.

Aunt Madge is coming this afternoon. She talks ninereen to the dozen and usually exhausts us all.

Father was tired after kunch, so he's just(قيولة قصيرة (عادة ل تؤخذ في السريرtaking a forty winks in his chair.

تخمين (على ال{جح) ليس في محلة ، فرصة ضعيفةل يؤمل لها النجاح غالبا

Paula has just disappeared. No one knows where she is.' 'Well, I suppose it's a hundred to one shot, buit what about ringing Scott in San Francisco to see if she's flown over this week instead of next?'

الكثير من العمال التي ينبغي عملها أو الماكن التيينبغي زيارتها أو الناس الذين يبغي رؤيتهم ...(الخ( يستخدم للشارة إلى كثرة المشاغل و اللتزامات

Why don't you come out to supper with us this evening?' 'Sorry, I'd love to, but h have a thousand and one things to attend to at home.'

يقلل من أهمية شخص أو إمكانياته إلى دون ما يسعىهذا الشخهص لليحاء به للخرين ، يقلل من أهميةأمر أو صعوبته إلى دون ما يعتقد عموما ، يضعهضمن حجمه الحقيقي

Charles has become very arrogant since he was asked to give a radio interview. He needs cutting down to size. O I don't think the problem is all that serious really, once it's cut down to size by comparing staistics.

هذا هو فحوى المر ، ذلك وصف عادل أو منصفللوضع أو المشكلة أو المسألة ... الخ

So that's about the size of it. Now I've told you what the problem is, perhaps you can help us.

Jill' not really settled in her new job. I think she's just trying it for size until something more exciting turns up. O 'What are you doing sitting in the boss's chair?' 'Just trying it for size!'

Now try this for size! It's our most(يستخدم هذا التعبير أيضا للدعابةexpensive 12-cylined model!

Richard has excellent manners. He's every inch a gentleman.

We need a compromise if we are going to solve this matter amicably, but Peter's is sticking to his point of view. He won't yield an inch. O The window is stuck. I've been tugging at it for ages, but it won't give an inch.

يرى أو يفهم شيئا بالغ الوضوح

يمكن ملحظته أو تمييزه بسهولة

يثرثر بسرعة وبسشكل متواصل

يكلف شخصا المال الكثير

ستجنب أن يكون ودودا مه شخص ، يبقيه بعيدا عنه

بطيب خاطر ، بتحمس

يثير غضب شخص

قاب قوسين أو أدنى من فعل شيء ، على وشك فعلشيء

I was within an inch of being killed today. Some idiot on a motorbike didn't see me crossing the road!

يحلم أحلم اليقظة ، يفكر في شيء آخر بدل منالتفكير في الوضع الراهن ، يشرد بعيدا بذهنه

James, I asked you if you'd like some tea. Didn't you hear me?' 'Oh I'm sorry, June, I was miles away.'

يتوارى بسرعة لتجنب شخص ، يهرب من شيءمزعج

When I mentioned the washing-up, everyone seemed to run a mile O She's terrified of snakes. She'd run a mile if she ever saw one.

Dered is crazy about Vanessa. He's never told anyone, but you can see it mile off.

Mark is extremely telented. His painting stick out a mile from those of the rest of the class.

Most men would say that women talk a lot, but Harry beats the lot. He can talk a mile a minute.

It must have cost Fred an arm and a leg to send all three children to private schools.

يكون مستعدا لبذل تضحية كبيرة لعمل شيء أوللحصول على شيء

Most of the pupils in my class would give their right arm to have a car of their own.

The new man is one of thoes over-friendly types. Everybody's trying to keep him at arm's length.

شيء (كالمال غالبا) يكون له تأثير مؤقت في تنشيطأو ترحيك وضع ما ، شيء يعود بالخير على شخص

If out company gets the Russian order, it will be a real shot in the arm for us. O I feel so much better after hearing the exciting news. That's just the shot in the arm that I needed!

يلوي ذراع شخص ، يقنعه بلطف بعمل شيء (بدوناستعمال القوة أو أساليب غير منصفة ، ويستخدم هذا(التعبير على سبيل الدعابة

Would you like another piece of cream cake?' 'Well, it you twisted my arm I suppose I could eat another piece.'

Thank you so mush for the brohures. Bob will welcom them with open arms.

من وراء ظهر شخص ، في غيابه أو بدون عمله أوموافقته

The matter was discussed behind my back. I had no say in it.

يستكمل الجزء الصعب أو الكبر من مهمة أو علم ...الخ

It's a very big garden to plan, but we hope to break the back of the work before the cold weather starts.

Mandy is so tiresome these days. She gets my back up every time I see her!

يترك شخصا في سلم ، يتوقف عن إزعاجه

يكون في وضع صعب وملزما بالدفاع عن نفسه

يهنيء نفسه ، يشعر بالسرور من نفسه

يسعى للنتقام من خشص أو الثأر منه بقسوة

يغلي دمه ، يستشيط غضبا

موضوع جدل أو خلف مستمر

Look, just get off my back, will you! I've got work to do.

Steve's got his back to the wall with everyone against him. He'll fight in any way he can to save his good name.

That's an excellent piece of work, Mary, you can certainly pat yourself on the back.

If you really put your back into it, you'll(يقوم بعمل بهمة وجد (بدنيا أو عقلياhave the work finished in on time!

يتخلص من شخص أو شيء كان سجلب المتاعب أوالزعاج ... الخ

If we work hard all next week, we'll soon see the back of this job. O I'll be glad to see the back of Mrs. Hawkins. She loves wasting my time!

يطعن شخص في ظهرة ، يخون صديقا كان ل يتوقعذلك منه

Don't trust Charles. He's the sort of person who's likely to stab you in the back when it suits him.

يدير ظهره لمن يطلب مساعدته ، يرفض تقديمالمساعدة عند طلبها منه

I've never liked Susan very much, but I can't turn my back on hher when she's in trouble.

ذو شخصية أو إ{ادة ضعيفة ول يتمتع بروح قتالية أوجسورة

Jeremy has backbone! If he had, he wouldn't let the company manager trat him like that!

Wher's Clive? Jacobs is after his blood for undercutting prices.

يولد ولديه كفاءة أو ملكة أو موهبة طبيعية ، يسريالشيء في دمه

Horses are in his blood. He's an excellent horseman, like his father.

يثير غضب شخص ، يجعل الدم يتدفق في وجهه منشدة الغيظ

What's a nasty thing to say. That's the sort of remark that really gets my blood up.

بأعصاب ودم بارد ، بطريقة محسوبة ومدرسة ،بهدوء

How can I remain her friend after she lied to me like that in cold blood?

تعبير يستخدم للتعبير عن استحالة شيء أو اليأسمنه ويستخدم عادة عند المحاولة للحصول عل(ىشيء م نشخص ل يرغب بمنحه

Gerald has owed me fifrty pounds for over a year now. I've asked him for it on several occasions, but it's like trying to get blood out of a stone.

دم جديد ، شخص جديد في منظمة أو مؤسسة يتوقعمنه إدخال أفكار جديدة أو تجديدات ما

This company has been run in the same way for over twenty years. What it need is some new blood.

It makes my blood boils to thibk that he's taken all the praise for my work!

يتجمد الدم في عروقه ، يشعر بالكتئاب أو الفجيعة أوالبؤس أو الذعر

The pictures of the massacre made my blood run cold!

Trade unions are a bone of contention in our family. My father says they have too much power and I don't think tey have enough.

كسول بطبعه

الحقائق الساسية المتعلقة بأمر

يفكر باستمرار وبشكل متواصل بشخص أو شيء

يفكر مليا ليجاد حل لمشكلة أو لتذكر شيء

تخطر بباله فكرة أو اقتراح جيد على نحو مفاجئ

يععزف على آلة موسيقية بشكل سماعي

He's intelligent enough to fo the job but he won't because he's bone idle.

يدرس موضوعا أو أمرا هاما بجد ، يعرف كل مايتعلق بأمر ما

You ought to bone up on differentail calculus before the exam. There's sure tio be a question on it.

Where's Janet? I've got a bone to pick(لديه ما يشتكي منه أو سبب للستياء ( من شخصwith her. She gave me some wrong information.

يقول أو يفعل شيئا بصراحة أو وضوح وبدون تردد أومداهنة حتى ولو كان ل يبعث على الرضى

I'll make no bones about it - I think Pearson would make a better job of being chairman than you.

طرفة أو أغنية أو ملحظة مؤذية للمشاعر لكونهاسوقية أو فاشحة أو تتعلق بخصوصيات شخص

When Ken's had a drink or two, he starts singing songs that are a bit near the bone - I'm warning you!

I'm not intersted in the details, just give me the bare bones.

Kate met a boy called Gordon in the lift and she's had him on the brain ever since. She talks of nothing else!

بنات الفكار ، الختراع أو الفكرة الذكية التي يأملالمرء كسبا من وراءها

If this suggestion is put into practice, let it be remembered that it was Henry's brain-child, not the boss's!

يكتشف ما يعرفه شخص أو يفكر فيه بخصوص شيءوذلك بطرح أسئلة حول الموضوع

John, I need to pick your brain about computer software before the meeting.

I've been recking my brains all day to remember the name of the agency that Sheila recommended.

Read out the clue to the crossword once again. I've just a brainwave. I think I know the answer.

يقول أو يتعرف بأمر غير سار كا نيريد العتراف بهمنذ زمن طويل ، يزيجه عن صدره

Tell him it was your fault. You'll fell a lot better when you've got it off your chest.

يخفي المعلومات عن نشاطاته الشخصية أو خططه أونواياه

Philips says nothing about progress on the X37 project. He's playing his cards close to his chest this time.

يطعي إشعارا بفصله أو طرجه من عمله (عادة بسبب(خطأ ارتكبه

If the new mechaic can't do a simple repair job better than this, he'll soon be out his ear!

Catherine's very musical. She plays everything by ear.

يرتجل ، يتصرف بوجي الظروف ، يتصرف بمايتناسب مع الوضع وبدون تخطيط مسبق ، يقول أويفعل أفضل ما يمكن قوله أو فعله في حينه

Have you prepared what you've going to say at the interview tomorrow?' 'No. I'll play it by ear this time.'

يدير أذنا صماء للنتقادات أ والشكاوي ..الخ،يتجاهلها بالتظاهر بعدم سماع ما يقال بشأنها

I told Mark to stop parking his car in fornt of our drive, but he just turned a deaf ear to it.

يكشل قريب أو ملصق لشخص

الجهد البدني المبذول لنجاز عمل أو مهمة

يلقي نظرة على شيء ، يجيل النظر فيه

يلفت انتباه شخص ، يجعله يلحظ شيئا

سار للعين

يكون كله آذان صاغية ، ينصت بانتباه و اهتمامللخبار أو المعلومات التي يمكن أن تكون في صالحه

Howard was all ears when I told hom that I had some complimentary theatre tickets for Saturday.

يكون غارقا حتى أنيه في شيء ، يكون منهمكا إلى.أقصى حد في عمل ... الخ

I would help you at any other time, but at the moment I'm up to my ears in work.

I asked the women in my office to smokتنبذ (النصيحة أو الطلب ... الخ) ، ل تلقى أنا صاغيةoutside because of my cough, but my request fell on deaf ears.

يتصنت ويجمع المعلومات عما يحدث وعما يحتملحدوثه

When you're at the comference, remember to keep you ears close to the ground. Perhaps you can find out what our competitors are planning.

ساذج وقليل الخبرة (عادة بسبب صغر السن أو عدم(النضج أو ضعف الخبرة

In your fisr job, older colleagues automaically think you're still wet behind the rars and seldom take you seriously.

When doing translation work, it's imperative to have a good dictioary at one's elbow. O I don't need you at my elbow telling me how to do my job, thank you.

If you want to get that mud off your car, you'll have to put a bit more elbow grease into it.

حيز كاف من المكان للتحرك ، حرية الحركة الكافيةالمتاحة لشخص لستخدام قدراته ومتابعة اهتماماته

Working on the tight budget of a university physics department doesn't give you much elbow room.

Would you cast an eye over these designs and tell what you think?

If you could catch the waiter's eye, I'd like some more wine.

I love your clour scheme in this room. It's very easy on the eye.

يتمتع بذوق سليم أو قدرة مميزة على تقييم أمر (كأمر(يتعلق بالموضة أو اللوان ... الخ

Kate's apartment is very attractive. She obviously has an eye for colour and furnishings.

يضع عينه على شيء ، يريد أو يرغب بشراء شيءأو الستحواذ عليه

Don's got his eye on a Volvo 740 Turbo. O Larry had his eye on our new assistant, but she told him that she's not interested.

يتطلع إلى فرصة لدعم مصالحه أو كسب مزيد منالمال أو تحسين وضعه ... الخ

Simon has found favor with the managing director's wife. He's obviusly got an eye to the main chance.

يراقب شخصا أو شيئا بعناية و استمرار ، يعتني بشخص أو شيء في غياب صاحب العلقة به

Maureen had to go to the doctor's, so I kept an eye on the children for her. O Would you like us to keep an eye on your house when you're on holiday?

انتكاسة أو خسارة أو هزيمة مفاجئة وغير متوقعة

لغاية أو هدف معين

يبكي بحرقة ، يبكي كثيرا

يكون شديد الحذر أو يلحظ كل ما يدور حوله

يراقب بانتباه ، يبقى يقظا

تلتقس وجهة نظره مع وجهه نظر شخص فيما يتعلقبامر ، يكون لديه رأي مطابق لرأيه

There are a few matters that Pat and I don't see eye to eye on, but we agree basically on most things.

The Consevatives are calling an early election because they are expecting to win. It will be a real smack in the eye if they don't!

يكون الشخص أو الوضع أكثر تعقيدا مما يبدو في(الظاهر ، يكون ، أكثر من مجرد (كذا

Bob's bank manger wants to see him. Bob says that it's about a trivial matter but I think there's more to it than meets the eye. O Sally seems to be a very quite, timid kind of girl, but I bet tehre's more to her than meets the eye.

يغض الطرف عن شيء ، يتعامى عن أمر ، يتجاهله ،يتظاهر بعدم العلم به

The boss knows that we ofen waste time chatting, but she just turns a blind eye to it.

They bought a big house, with an eye to letting rooms to students later on.

I didn't say much to Clive on the(وجا لوجه (في حوار أو عراك ... الخtelephone - it's best to talk about the matter eyeball to eyeball. See also: face to face.

The children were all eyes when I(ينظر بانتباه واهتمام (عادة إلى شيء سارbrought in the birthday cake with six candles.

I stopped in at Mary's, but I didn't stay.يكون منهمكا جدا في عمل أو مشكلة .. الخlong as she was obviously up to the eyeballs.

Just imagine, she took the money out of(في وجود شخص أو أمام عينيه (يستخدم للتوكيدthe cash-register before my very eyes and never said a word!

ل يستطيع رفع نظره عن شخص أو شيء ، يكونمنجذبا له ، يجد متعة في النظر إليه شيء

Roger saw this lovely Chinese girl in a restaurant. He couldn't take his eyes off her all through the meal.

Little Susie cried her eyes out when her pet hamster died.

يؤدي عمل بعينين مغمضتين ، يؤديه بسهولة فائقةوبدون أي جهد أو ارتباك

The new photocopier is easy to work. When you've done it once, you can do it with your eyes closed.

يباشر في أمر رغم علمه بأنه ينطوي على.مصاعب ... الخ

W all warned Paula against buying such an old house so she went into it with her eyes open.

Our teacher knows everything that's going on in the classroom. She must have eyes in the back of her head!

لم تقع عليه علينا الشخص (تعتبير يستخدمه الشخص(للتأكيد بأنه لم ير شخصا أو شيئا

Did you know the man who stopped to give you a life?' 'No, I had never set eyes on him before!

Keep your eyes peeled for Jacobs. I don't want hin't want him to come in and find me looking in his papers.

يخدع شخصا بالكذب عليه فيما يخص نواياه الحقيقية

وجها لوجه ، يكونا معا ، بوجود كليهما

ينتظر إليه أ ويظهر بمظهر مغفل

يظهر اهتماما (عادة غير جدي) بشخص من الجنسالخر بالنظر إليه بطريقة فيها استدراج

Pet doesn't remember how much he paid for the things he bought because he was too busy making eyes at the shop assistant.

يكون منجذبا لشخص او مهتما بشيء معين دونسواه

Since Elonor met Mark, she only had eyes for him. O Trevor needs a new car. The troubkle, he only has eyes for the new Porsche!

يفتح عينه على الحقيقة ، يكشف لشخص حقيقة(غالبا الغير سارة) المتعلقة بشخص آخر أو شيء

Janet wouldn't believe that Ted was seeing another girl, so it really opened her eyes when she saw him with her in a bistro.

You've managed tp pull the wool over many people's eyes, but it won't work with me. I know you too well.

يكون واضحا أو ملحوظا بسهولة للغير ولكنه غيرواضح بالنسبة لصاحب الشأن

Can't you see? He's in love with you! It's starting you in the face!

تخفيق أو تفسد (الخطط أو الترتيبات..) نتيجة حدثأو وضع مزعج و غير متوقع

The deal just blew up in my face. Simpson reneged on all we had previously agreed on.

The atmosphere was tense when the two rival leaders came face to face.

He was in big trouble with the taxيواجه نقدا أو عقابا .. الخ ، يتعامل مع وضع مزعجauthorities and his business was on the rocks, so he simply disappeared rather than face the music.

ينبذ أو يتحدى أويعارض شيئا مقبول عموما بشكل(متعقل (كآراء أو قرارات أو حقائق

She's the sort of woman who opposes everything on principle and loves to fly in the face of conventions.

At the Annula general Meeting, the chirman quoted last year's sales figures by mistake and didn't even realize it. He certanly had egg on his face!

في وجه (كذا ... ) ، بوجود مصاعب أو مخاطر أو فيمواجهتها

Father taught us to remain clam in the face of danger, but it isn't always easy.

ل يضحك حتى ولو كان هناك ما يثير الضحك ، يكتمضحكته ، يخفي سروره

I could hardly keep a straight face when father's spectacles fell off the ond of his nose in the middle of his speech.

يفقد مبرراته للضحك بسبب مفاجأة مزعجة .. الخ ،تنقلب سعادته إلى خيبة

Jonh was amused when he heard that the TV company is sending Tom to the Middle East and not him. But he'll laugh on the other side of his face when he finds out that he's nbeing sent to Belfast.

دعنا نكون صادقين" / "دعنا نعترف بالحقيقة"لنفسا" ، "لنواجه المر

We all know that Willimas is difficult to work with and some of us would be happier without him, but let's face it, he's the best man for the job.

يراق كاء وجهه ، يهاب أو يفقد احترام الخرين

ظاهريا ، كما يبدو وفقا للحقائق المتوفرة

يطل بوجههه ، يظهر ، يحضر ، يتواجد

ينبذ الكسل ويبدأ بممارسة النشاط

One of the worst things that can happen to a political leader is for him to lose face.

On the face of it, it would seem that the market research was successful, but has it really answered the essntial questions?

يتظاهر بأن المر على مايرام ، يبدي شجاعة في وقتعصيب

How is Linda coping after her divorce?' 'Well, she feels terribly lonely and depressed, but she manages to put a brave face on it most of the time.'

After all the trouble you have caused. I don't know how you dare show your face here again!

صفعة على الوجه ، هزيمة أو خيبة أمل أو رفضمفاجئ

Jessica was sure that she would be askd to represent the company at the conference, so it was a real slap in the face for her when Patricia waas asked to go.

Tell Jone to get his finger out and help us with this machine instead of looking on and telling us how not to reapir it!

له إصبع في كل شيء ،يكون ذا تجربة أو خبرة في(عدة مجالت أو أمور (غالبا بدافع النتقاع الشخصي

Jim's on the board of three companies, chairman of the local planning committee, and a school governor. He makes sure he's got a finger in every pie.

له معرفة بآخر تطورات أمر ، مطلع على آخرالمستجدات فيما يخص شيء

If you want to know what's happening on the social scene, akk Jan. She has her finger on the pulse and can tell you who's going to be where.

Don't you dare lay a finger on Him! Fight(يمسك بشخص (عادة بقصد إيذائه بدنياwith boys of your own size!

يضع يده على المر ، يحدده او يتعرف عليه ، يكتشف(شيئا (كأن يكتشف أين الخلل وسبيه

There's something about Wlison that makes me suspect that he's not telling the truth, but I can't quite put my dinger on what it is.

يشير إلى شخص بإصبع التهام ، يشيء به أو يبلغ( ... (كمجرم هارب

The police would never have caught the murderer, if a fromer accomplice hadn't pointed the finger at him.

يحرك شخصا كالخاتم في إصبعه ، يجعله تحتسيطرته أو يستغله

I expect Dad will let Peter borrow the car again on Sunday. He can twist him round his little finger.

له يدان خرقاوان (غالبا بسبب عصبية المزاج أو عدم(التركيز

I'm sorry I spilled your coffee. I'm all fingers and thumbs this morning because I've got a job interview after lunch.

يحرق أصابعه ، يواجه الذى (خاصة ماديا) بسببالندفاع العمى أو اللمبالة .... الخ

David is going into partnership with a man he hardly knows. If he's not careful, he's likely to get his fingers burnt!

يأمل حظا جيدا في مواجههة مشكلة أو عقبة

يتصرف بطياشة أو يرتكب أخطاء

I'm taking my driving test this afternoon.' 'Oh, good! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.'

يبذل جهدا بدنيا شاقا ولفترة طويلة (غالبا بسبب(الحاجة الماسة للمال

Since her husband died, Mrs. Smith worked her fingers to the bone to provide for her four children.

لدية معرفة شاملة أو إلمام كبير بموضوع أو خبرةجيدة بعمل

l've never seen anyone using a computer as efficiently as Marion. She's certainly got it at her fingertips.

When I was in need for a job, I asked(الوضع أصبح معكوسا الن (غالبا لصالح المتحدثWilfred to help me and he refused. Now the boot's on the other foot. He needs a job and has asked me for help.

يدفع مال (غالبا على مضض) أو يسدد دفعة عنشخص آخر

In the middle of the meal Joe left in a rash, leaving me to to foot the bill!

I'm sory for that silly remark. I hardlyيبدأ بداية موفقة / غير موفقة مع شخص أو شيءknow you and I don't want us to get off on the wrong foot.

يكون على علقة بفريقين أو جهتين لهما أفكار أوغايات متضاربة ومتعاكسة

Jill can't make up her mind which political to join, so at the moment she still has a foot in both camps.

يضع قدمة على عتبة شيء ، يؤمن مدخل أو يجعلنفسه معروفا لدى شخص أو جماعة ... الخ

Stone is trying to get a business contract with General Computers. According to his secretary, he's already got his foot in the door.

بالتأكيد غير صحيح (تعبير عن عدم موافقة شخص(على ما يذكره شخص آخر

Paul said he was working yesterday evening so he couldn't come.' 'Working my foot! Janet saw him with a firl in a disco!'

Be very careful mustn't set a foot wrong, or we'll lose th order.

يبذل أقصى ما بوسعه أو يتصرف بأسرع ما يمكن ....الخ

If Patrick wants to pass his exam, he'll have to put his nest foot forward. There are only three weeks to go.

يكون صارما في اعتراضه أو احتجاجه ، يؤكد علىمشيئته الخاصة ، يثبت وجوده

The children were getting out of control, until the teacher put his foot down and made them al lsit in their places.

ينطق أو يتصرف بحماقة أو بطريقة غير لبقة أومحرجة أو عدائية ... الخ ، يزل أو يخطئ

I put my foot in it when I said I didn't like Joan's new painting. Uncle Norman had given it to her and he was sitting beside me.

Barbara hated Blackpool. She said sheيطأ مكانا بقدمه ، يذهب إليه أو يزوره .... الخwouldn't be sorry of she never set foot in the place again.

يقع على قدميه ، ينجو من وضع صعب أو مزعجبسلم

Don't worry about ken. He may have lost hos job, but he'll probably get something even better. Kan aleays falls on his feet!

يعرف موطئ قدميه ، يبدأ إمكانياته أو يصبح واثقا منفسه

The new girl seems very bright. I'm sure she'll be an asset to the firm, once she found her feet.

يكون متعقل واقعيا وعمليا

بجهد شخصا بالعمل أو يسرع وتيرة عمله

إهدأ ، ل تغضب

يجعل شعر رأسه يقف ، بخيف أو يرعب شخصا

بشكل مباشر

في متناول اليد ، قريب

يتوقف عن شيئ أو ينسحب من شيء (خطة .. الخ)لخوفه م العواقب

The plammed never took place. Fred's accomplice got cold feet and Fred couldn't do it on his own.

يقف على قدميه من جديد ، يتعافى بعد فترة منالمصاعب أو الخفاق أو القلق على شؤون

Mark was very kind to Jill and the children. He helped her a lot after her diveorce, until she got back on her feet.

I loike Tom. He's no dreamer. He's got both feet firmlu on the ground.

يسحب البساط من تحت قدمي شخص ، يوقف دعمهأو مساعدته له فجأة وبشكل مفاجئ

Our research project is founded by private industry. If any of the companies involved decided to pull the rug from under our feet, we can't possibly continue.

It was hectic in the offic today. Mr. Parsons rushed us all off our feet. O The hospital is under-staffed. The nurese are always rushed off their feet.

يستطيع تخليص شوكه بيديه ، يكون معتمدا علىنفسه ومتمتعا باستقلليته أو قادرا على الدفاع عننفسه بدون مساعدة من أحد

Don't worry so much about Betty. At 19, she's perfectly able to stand on her own two feet.

I'm sorry I broke the vase. But keep you jair on! It isn't the end of the world!

يسترخي ، يستمع ، يحصل على فتره من السترخاءبعد فترة من السلوك المنتظم والمنضبط

The conference is over now and it all went very well. So you can let your hair down and relax.

My uncle is a detective with the Criminal investigation Department. Some of the crimes he tells me about make my hair stand on end!

ليبدي خوفا ، يبقى هادئا في مواجهة المخاطر أوالصدمات

When Barry was accosted by three youths with a knife, he didn't turn a hair.

I came within a hair's breadth of beingعلى وشك أن .. أو على حافةkilled this morning. I ran across the road behind a bus.

يحث عن أو يتجادل بشأن خلفات صغيرة أو تفاصيلليست ذا صامة بالمر

Let's not argue about whether we sold eleven million two hundred thousand newspapers or eleven million three thousand. That's splitting hairs. The fact is, we haven't sold enough!

who gave you that information about David?' 'i got it at first hand, David told me himself.'

I haven't got the books at hand, but I can get them for you ny this afternoon.

يكون مقيدا أو غير قادر على التصرف

ينتقد بشدة ، يلوم أو يهدد

بشكل سريع وخارج عن نطاق السيطرة

ليس له يد في أمر ل علقة له به

تحت السيطرة ، يكون متكفل به

بديل أو احتياطي

يبقي على ممارسته لمر

يكون على علقة وطيدة مع شخص أو متعاونا بشكلمتضافر معه أو يسعى معه إلى نفس الهدف ... الخ

Apparently, the American and British secret devices were hand in glove on the latest espionage case.

I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help you. I'm bound hand and foot bu the bank's rules.

He had a strong disagreement with theخنوع أو ذليل . بطريقة ذليلةboss and gave in his notice. The next morning, he went back cap in hand and asked for his job back.

You needn't come the heavy hand with me! You're just as much to blame for this mess as I am!

شخص ذكي او ماهر في عمل أو مهمة ما أو خبيربوضع معين

Ron is quite a dab hand at repairing electrical things. Let him have a look at tour spin-drier.

ينام على يد شخص ، يكون تحت سيطرته أو خاضعالمشيئته

The boys love their new teacher. She has them eathing out of her hand already and they do whatever she tells them.

يجبر شخصا على التصرف او اتخذا قرار بشكل أسرعمما كان يرغب

Couldn't you force his hand - tell him your company is insisting on a decision immediately?

تكون له اليد العليا في أمر ، يحرز تقدما على شخصأو شيء ويحقق مركز قوة لنفسه

If you once let Henry get the upper hand in an argument you won't have a chance to put forward your point of view.

يمد يد العون لشخص ، يساعده بشكل ملموس (في(حمل شيء أو نقله ... الخ

You'll have to vhange the tyre. I'll give you a hand if you like.

The school concert went very smoothly(يصفق لشخص (عادة بعد عرض أو خطاب جيدand the headmistress asked the parents to give all the children a really big hand.

يطلق يد شخص في أمر ، يعطيه الذن بالتصرف كمايشاء

I'll give you a free hand in the running of the business, if you are prepared to take on the responsibility.

Share prices were dropping and Scott found himself losing money hand over fist.

يكون ذا شأن أو يكون معنيا بأمر أو مسؤول عنشيء يتم إنجازه

The colour scheme is excellent. Didn't Mark have a hand in the decorating?

If it's blackmail you're thinking about, I want no hand in it.

The work is well in hand and should be finished in a few days.

When we've paid all the bills, we shall still have about three hundred pounds in hand.

Joan doesn't teach full time now but she stands in for colleagues, so that she can keep her hand in.

فورا وبدون تفكير أو تحضير

خارج عن السيطرة

يعمل بجد وجهد كبيرين

الساعد اليمن لشخص ، أقرب مساعديه

يطلع الخرين على نواياه أو خططه أو وضعه

يتدخل ، يتولى المر

يتحكم بشخص أو شيء ،يتعامل مع أمر أو شخص

في متناول اليد

ل تلمس

يكون مشغول جدا ، لديه عمل أو مسؤوليات كثيرة

يفوز بسهولة وثقة

يعيش من يده إلى فمه ، يعيش بدون أن يوفر أيمال ، ينفق المال فور حصوله عليه

Ken won't suddenly start saving money when he's been living hand to mouth all his life?

Can you tell me Jeff's new address?' 'Not off hand, but here's my address book.'

If the strike situation down at the shipyard gets out of jhand, we shall lose some impoortant orders.

When Paul inherited jhis father's business he did very littlr work for the first six months. But as soon as her put his hand to the plough, he made a big success of it.

Maurice has been the headmaster's right hand man for years.

If only Richards would show hand, we would know better how to deal with ths situation.

يحسن وضعه أو وضع شخص آخر أو يدعمه أويمنحه حرية التصرف

It would certainly strengthen Mark's hand, if he knew that he had the entire teaching staff behind him.

Jan was asked to take a hand in the arrangements for the Charity Ball, as no one else seemed to have much time.

Tom's teenge son is causing a lot of trouble in school. It's time his father took him in hand.

I needed to look up some Spanish words, but unfortunately I didn't have my dictionary to hand.

يلحق أو يرعى شؤون شخص يستطيع ملحقتها أورعايتها بنفسه ، يبقى رهن إشارته

I son't mind Nancy coming to visit, but she always expects us to wait on her hand and foot.

صعب التحكم به أو توجيهه بسبب عناده أو تفردشخصيته

Margaret visited me yesterday with her four-year-old, What a handful he is!

Hands off those chocolates! They're mine!

I'd love to help you, but I have my hands full with the fashion show at the moment.

يفعل تماما ما يريده شخص (منافس أو خصم) أنيفعله (عادة دون أن يشعر بذلك) ، يكون لعبة بيديه

Don't complain to the boss that Henderson has given you too much work to do. Don't you see, that would be playing into his hands? Henderson wants the boss to think that you are not competent ebpugh to handle it all.

Why don't you challenge Jeff to a game of tennis? He thinks he can beat you hands down, but I think he's worng.

صعب فهمه على شخص ، فوق مستوى فهمه

يفقد عقله ، يفكر بطريقة غير واقعية

يتأزم المر

بشكل كلي ، من رأسه إلى أخمص قدميه

يكون قويا في الحساب

لديه مقدرات عملية كبيرة وقدرة على التمييز

يكون حالما أو بيعدا عن أرض الواقع او مثاليا

يكون متعقل و واقعيا وحذرا

متفوق بمهارته أو قدراته أو ذكائه

غائض كليا ، من رأسه حتى أخمص قدميه

يبقى هادئا أو غير خائف

يبقي متحررا من المصاعب والمتاعب أو الديون

I'm sorry but all these technical details are above my hed. Can't you simplify them for me?

If Mr. Green expects the whole department to do overtime on head, she's going to move back to her parents.

Mark is a genteman from head to toe. O She must have meales. She's covered in spots from head to toe.

Mark is a gentleman from head to toe. O she must have measles. She's covered in spots from head to toe.

يكون مقنعا بأمر ، يعتبره حقيقيا أو ممكن الحدوث فيحين كونه خلف ذلك

Grandfather has got it into his head that someone's stealing the cabbages out of his garden.

يجعل المرء يشعر بأهميته أو يصبح مغرورا أو مفرطا( في ثقته بنفسه (كالمديج أو النجاح أو المال

Lynn ahs become so arrogant since she was made chife buter. it's really gone to her ead!

Can you help with these account?' 'I don't think so, I never had a head for figures.'

يحصل على أفضلية أو ميزة على الخرين( .. (منافسيه

Janette has a head start on us all for the job in Paris because she's bilingual.

Philip has a good head on his shoulders. He should do well in whatever trade he chooses.

Even though Luke is a poet and an idealist, he certainly hasn't got his head in the clouds.

Debbie is thinking about opening a secretarial agency. I think she will make a success of it because she's certainly got her head screwed on the right way.

Catherine is a highly gifed child. She seems to be head and shoulders above most of the others in the class.

Jim met this Swedish fitl on a study trip and fell head over heels in love with her.

Just keep a cool head in the examination tomorrow and you should bee all right.

If we can manage to keep our heads above water in the first year, the boutique should start to make a profit in the second.

خائف أو فاقد السيطرة على أعصابه ، يتصرفبارتباك

The boy fell into the river, his friend just lost his head and ran away.

يتحدث طوال الوقت أو يثرثر لوقت طويل

يثرثر بكلم فارغ

يستخدم عقله أو ذكاؤه أو قدراته على التمييز

في جوهره ، بطبيعته

يحطم قلب شخص ، يسبب له الحزن أو التعاسة

عن ظهر قلب ، غيبا ، من الذاكرة

نبيل ، لطيف ، كريم جدا

يكون طيبا وحسن النوايا

يفهم أمرا محيرا او مربكا ... الخ (عادة في صيغةالنفي) ، يعرف رأس الشيء من ذيله

This pupil's essay is so full of mistakes that I can't make a head or tail of it.

يقترح شيئا على شخص ويجلعه يعمل التفكير فيشيء ، يثب أفكارا في رأسه

Someone's been putting ideas into Ammda's head about becoming actress. It's all she talks about.

يجازف بتعريض نفسه للخفاق أو الهزيمة أو.النتقاد ... الخ. ، يخاطر بإسمه ومركزه ... الخ

I was willing to put my head on the block for you a year ago, but you've been lazy and inefficient, so you can fight your own battles with the management now!

I sometimes pretend not to be at home when the neighbour calls. He talks his head off for hours!

Don't take what Uncle Ben says too seriously. He sometimes talks through the back of his head.

Don't keep asking others how to do things! Use your head!

يتشاور ، يفكر مع الخرين بحل مشكلة أو البحث عنفكرة مناسبة

This may be a tricky problem to solve. Why don't we put our heads together on it?

النوع من الشخاص الذين يحبهم المرء أو يستسيغهمأكثر من الخرين بسبب تطابق أذواقهم أو تفكيرهم معذوقه وتفكيره

Ah, so you enjoy a good drop of claret, too. You're a man after my own heart.

Tom may put on a tough act, but he's a romantic at heart.

If Jimmy has to change schools and leave his best friend, it will break his heart.

We have to learn all these dates by heart.

يظهر أو يكون لديه قدرا من المراعاة أو المشاعر أوالشفقة

Oh, Miss. Have a heart! The school team's playing an important match after school and we want to watch, so we can't do the essay for tomorrow!

Mrs. Brown may seem grumpy and bad-tempered sometimes, but deep down she has a heart of gold.

Herbert has a rough extrior, but he has his heart in the place.

لديه القسوة أو الفظاظة أو الوقاحة الكافية لعمل شيء((عادة في صيغة النفي

After Benny had tried so hard with his painting, the teacher didn't have the heart to tell him that it just wasn't good enough to be entered for the competition.

حديث من القلب للقلب ، حديث صريح وشخصي يتميز(بالثقة بالمتبادلة (عادة بين صديقين .. الخ

Sheila's feeling very depressed at the moment. We had a heart to heart talk about her problems yesterday.

يصبح يائسا أو قانطا

يتحرق أو يتشوق جدا لمر

يالقدر الذي يتمنى ، إلى الحد الذي يشتهي

يطوع شخصا أو يضعة تحت السيطرة

ينتظر ، يترك منتظرا

يهرب ، يلوذ بالفرار

في صميم قلبه ، في أعماق المرء أو مشاعره أوأحاسيسه الداخلية

Dick says that he doesn't mind at all if the baby is another boy, but I know that in his heart of hearts he's hoping for a daughter.

Diana has had so many job refusals that she's beginning to lose heart.

ل يشعر بحماس قوي لشيء ، ليس لديه الحافز الكافيلفعل شسيء

It's no use expecting Tim to do well at languages when he's much more interested in science subjects. He tries to write good essays, but his heart simply isn't in it.

يقفز قلبه في صدره ، يشعر بالضطراب أو الخوففجأة إن لم تسر المور كما كان يتوقع

My heart was in my mouth when Professor Black started to read out the examination results.

Jill has set heart on a holiday in Greece, so she's saving hard.

There will be lots food and wine, so we'll be able to eat and drink to our hearts content.

تعود إليه مالثقة ، يستعيد شجاعته وقوته بعد خيبة أوإخفاق ... الخ

Being made redundant has hit Max very hard, but he'll have to take heart and start looking for a new job.

يكون مفرطا في التأثير أو القلق أو الحساسية تجاه(شيء (كخيبة أمل أو إخفاق أو انتقاد

Angela's very upset about something her teacher said about her work. IT was probably just a casual remark that didn't mean much, but she takes everything to heart.

نقطة شعف في شخص ل يعرفها الكثيرون ويمكن أنتكون مدمرة إن إكتشف ، عيب في نظام أو هيئة ...الخ

Everyon has an Achilles's heel somewhere, and with Roberta it's her jealousy - her sister is head of a highly successful advertising agency.

رث ، رديء ، مهترىء (تعبير يستخدم لوصف مظهر(شخص أو لباسه

A man came to the door today looking very down at heel. I gave him some work to do in the garden and paid him generously for it.

Young William is becoming increasingly arrogant and self-assertive. It's time he was brought to heel.

The interviewer hadn't arrived, so the secretary kept the four of us cooling our heels in the corridor for two hours!

The two suspicious-looking men standing the jeweller's shop took to their heels when the police car drew up.

When Martin first joined the company Iيساعد شخصا على النجاح ... الخnotived his talents, and it was me who gave him the leg he needed.

يتمشى قليل ليحرك أو يمرن قدميه

ينتقد أو يلم أو يعاقب بعنف لعمل اقترفه

شخص مزعج أو عمل ل يستحب أداؤه

يكون بارعا في تبين أو استكشاف الشياء

ليس لديه فرصة (في نقاش .. الخ) بسبب ضعفموقفه ، يكون غير قادر على الدفاع عن نفسه إوإقناع الخرين ، ليس لديه حجة

If a defendant changes his mind and pleads innocent after he has already plead guilty, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

يسخر من شخص (على سبيل الدعابة) بجعله يصدقشيئا غير صحيح

Of course Uncle John doesn't want his present back. He was only pulling your leg.

يكون في حالة أو وضع مترد أو على حافة النهيار أوالدمار أو الموت

I don't think there's much we can do about repairing the television. After fifteen years, it's on its last legs.

After such a lengthy discussion, I feel that I need to stretch my legs. Would you like to join in the garden?

Jones was furious when he entered the(بمذلة أو انكسار (كحال كلب بعدما يضربmanager's office, but he ledft with his tail between his legs. He had been mistaken.

يكونا في وضع جيد و متكافئ ، يكونا متساويان فيسباق

After the lates opinion poll, it would seem that the Labour and the Consevative candidates are neck and neck.

يكون مشغول أو منهمكا تماما (بعمل أو مشكلة ...(الخ

I would come and see you this week, but I'm up to the neck in paperwork, so I'll come next Saturday.

يدق عنقه ، يودي بنفسه إلى التهلكة أو يسبب إصابةلنفسه من جراء قيامه بعمل خطير أو إقدامه علىمجازفة

Roger goes nuch too fast on his skate-board. He'll break his neck one of these days!

يؤدي عمل بسرعة كبيرة لكي ينجزه في الوقتالمحدد

The taxi-driver almost broke his neck trying to get us to the airport in time!

يتصيد أخطاء شخص ، يراقبه عن كثب ، يشرف عليهأو يدقق في عمله أو سلوكه أو أفعاله (عادة بغية(العثور على ثغرات لنتقاده

I shall be so glad to get out of this office and not have Mason breathing down my neck nay more.

You'll get it in the neck when the headmaster finds out that it was you who broke the window.

Rita is much a pain in the neck these days. All she talks about is her trip to Australia. O I shall be glad when we've finished checking these figures. They're a pain in the neck.

يخاطر بقول أو فعل شيء أو حشر نفسه فيما قد يجلبالمتاععب او اللوم له

I don't think that Joan and Kevin are doing the right thing, sending a seven-year-old to boarding school, but it isn't my place to stivk my neck out and tell them so.

Henry must have a good nose for antiques. When this table's polished up, it will be worth at least five times what he paid for it.

يبقى يعبدا عن المشاكل أو المخالفات الجنائية

يعمل بجد وبدون توقف

يبدي ازدراءه لشخص أو لشيء ، يعتبره وضيعا

يدفع مال في شيء أكثر مما يستحق

قريب جدا ، سهل الملحظة ، أمام العينين

يعمل بجد ونشاط

بصدق ، بدون إخفاء شيء

ل يسبب إزعاجا أو إرباكا أو تأثيرا على شخص

يزعج أو يضايق شخصا

يقوم بحركة مفاجئة و ل إرادية

He's aleady serced a three-month sentence for house-breaking. If he doesn't keep his nose clean, he'll soon be in prison again!

You'll have to keep your nose to the grindstone if you intend to finish all this paperwork before you go on holiay.

يقود شخصا ، يؤثر عليه عليه لجعله يفعل ما يريد ،يتحكم بتصرفاته

The workers determined not to let the management lead them by the nose. They want more than just promises.

Simon's a dreaful snob. He looks down his nose at colleagues who don't have an acadmic background.

This is a lovly apartment.' 'Maybe, but we're paying through the nose for it.'

ينبذ شيئا لعتقاده بأنه ليس بالجودة الكافية ، يشيحبوجهه عنه

When Sally heard that these children's clothes are second-hand she turned her nose up at them.

Where are the scissors? I can't find them anywhere.' 'They're right there under your nose!.

يهمل شخصا أو يتجاهله ، يعامله بجفاء أو ببرودوبطريقة غير ودودة

I don't know why Rita's giving me the cold shoulder. Have I offended her?

You'll never be a success if you don't put your shoulder to the whee!

يتواصل أو يتلزم أو يحتك اجتماعيا مع شخص (غالبا(من طيفة أو مستوى مختلف

Since Miriam got the job with the Tv company, she often rubs shouldres with famous names.

شخص ينصت إلى مشاكل الخرين بتفهم وتعاطفورحابة صدر

If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'll always have time to listen.

Are you sure that Frank was being honest?' 'Yes, This came straight from the shoulder.'

Why should you worry if Andrew won't take your advice? It woll be no skin off your nose if he doesn't get the job. It's his worry!

Did Bran pass his exam?' 'Yes, heبالكاد ، بشق النفس ... الخpassed, but only by the skin of his teeth!' O We arrived late at the airport, but thankfully we caught the flight - if only by the skin of our teeth!

I know that the nasty argument with Jack has upset you, but don't let him get under your skin!

I suddenly heard a loud bang and nearly jumped out of my skin.

يلتزم بالسياسات العامة و التقليدية لحزبه

يكون على وشك تذكر شيء بدون ان يفلح في ذلك

يندم فورا على ما نطق به

يحفظ لسانه ، يصمت ، يبقى هادئا

زلة لسان ، خطأ أثناء الكلم

يحرض على الثرثرة أو اللغو

يشعر بالرغبة أو الميل لتناول الحلويات

They got caught in a thunderstorm andمبتل تماما من المطر .. الخfinally arrived home drenched to the skin.

يبقى يقظا وحذرا ومستعدا لمواجهة أمر او وضعصعب

Vanessa knew that she would have to be on her toes at the interview, as there were another twelve well-qualified applicants for the position.

بنضبط ، يفعل ما يطلب منه أو يتوقع منه ، يطيعالوامر

The teacher is not usually strict with his pupils, but even the most high-spirited boys know when they have to toe the line.

Although Sanders did not agree with party policy on the issue of arms trading, he knew that when the vote was taken he would have to toe the party line.

يسيء إلى شخص أو يؤدي مشاعره أو يحول بينه(وبين ما يريد (غالبا من دون قصد

I hope I didn't tread on anyone's toes when I said that solicitors earned far too much money. O If no one els wants to be club treasurer. I'll volunteer. But I don't want to tread on anyone's toes.

Whatever is that man's name? It's on the tip of my tongue!

I din't realize that Sandra was listening when I told you I had seen her boy-friend with another girl. I could have bitten my tongue off.

I could have told my neighbour whose ball broke his kitchen window, but I thought it best to hold my tongue.

I'm so sorry for calling you 'Murray'. It was just a slip of the tongue.

لم يقصد بع المعنى الجدي أو الحرفي ، قيل على سبيلالمزاح

So many of Peter's remarks are tongue in cheek, that one hardly knows when he's being serious.

Christine's brother from Australia has come to live with her. No one in the cillage knew that she had a brother, so his arrival with six suitcases certainly set tongues wagging.

يحارب بأسنانه وأظافره ، يحارب بضراوة وقوةوتصميم كبير

Henny is excellent in the court room. He'll fight tooth and nail for a defeant if he believes him to be innocent.

Aunt Martha will love those caramels. She's always had a sweet tooth.

مجهز كليا بالسلحة أو الدوات او التجهيزاتاللزمة ... الخ

We left for a weekend's camping armed to the teeth with pots and pans, tins and tents, raincoats and runner boots!

ضجر جدا من شيء مزعج أو ممل

يطلق الكاذيب جزافا وبدون خجل

كل يوم ، يوم تلو الخر

في كل يوم وبدون تغيير أو استثناء

لجل وقت أو حدث عصيب ماديا في المستقبل

في هذذا الزمن ، في هذه اليام

يخطو خطواته الولى في تعليم أو أكتساب الخبرة فيأمر بسيط

A young barrister has to cut his teeth on strightforward civil law cases. He doesn't deal with criminal law until he has more experience.

I'm fed up to the teeth with this routine work. I need a challenge.

How's the physics revision going?' 'IT's(يبذل جهدا كبيرا في (عمل أو تعلم شيءtoo early to say. I haven't really got my teeth into it yet.'

He was lying through his teeth when he told the police he didn't know Bill Carter. I've seen them talking together.

ted thinks he's a crack tennis player, but(دائما ، في أي وقت (يستخدم للتوكيدI could beat him any day of the week!

يقرر التوقف عن عمل شيء أو إنهاء نقاش لعتقادهبأن الوقت قد حان لذلك

We've made good progress with painting the kitchen today, so we'll call it a day and continue tomorrow.

School's very boring this term. We do the same things day after day.

Walter wears those same old trousers day in day out. It's time he bought some new ones.

The older you get, the more you begin to think about saving for a rainy day.

The press will have a field day whenيكون مسرورا جدا بمناسبة او حدث ... الخthey get hold of this story.

كان له أيامه ، لم يعد رائجا أو مطلوبا أو علىالموضة

At the rate that office work is being computerized, typewriters will soon have had their day.

In this day and age, you really don't expect to meet someone who still believes that children should be seen and not heard.

يقضي اليوم بكاملة ففي ممارسة نشاط شخصي ،يقوم بعمل ممتع طوال اليوم

After our morning shopping, we decided to stay in town for lunch and make a day of it.

يسعد شخصا بمبادرة أو إشارة تبعث السرور ، يدخلالسرور إلى نفسه

Old Mrs. Miller got a letter from her niece this morning. She read it over again and again - it really made her day.

يسمي أو يحدد يوم إقامة حفل الزفاف أو حدث خاصآخر

Denise and Martin are getting married, but they haven't named the day yet.

ليس لديه أي وقت يضيعه

مؤخرا ، منذ بضعة أيام

في وقت ما في المستقبل

يكون لديه روتين يومي عادي أو ممل

الساعات القلئل بعد منتصف الليل

يكون يوم حظ أو سعادة أو يوم شؤم وسوء بالنسبةلشخص

I've got found 50 pence, and the boss has given me the afternoon off - it must be my day today! O IT certainly wasn't Ted's day yesterday - he was late to work, lost his glasses and then hit his thumb with a hammer!

Come on, children. Off to school! You haven't got all day!

يوم ل يقوم المرء فيه بعمله على الوجه الفضل لسببما

I did terribly in my driving lesson, it really was one of my off days.

اإجراء أو السلوك المألوف والمعتاد ، الطريقةالمتعارف عليها عموما لعمل أشياء معينة

IN many shops and restaurants, payment by credit card is the order of the day.

You'll never guess who I bumped into the other day! Barbara Daniels.

I'd like to hitch-hike around Malaysia some day.

في مثل هذ االيوم من السبوع القادم ، في فترةأسبوع بالضبط

This day week we shall be relaxing under the Jamaican sun!

.It's ten years to this day that we met(بالضبط (لتحديد وقت أو تاريخRemember?

The game started badly and er were twoيحقق نصرا أو نجاحا ، يكسب مباراة ... الخgoals sown, but in the end we carried the day with four goals to three.

كان أفضل حال فيما مضى (يقال في أشياء قديمة أومعطلة أو في شخص كا نأكثر غنى أو قوة أو(سعادة ... الخ

Palmer has certainly seen better days, before he was made redundant he was departmental manger somewhere.

أصبحت أيامه معدودة ، سوف يستغني عنه قريبا(لنه لم يعد نافعا أو مرغوبا به بسبب خطأ ارتكبه أو(بسبب مشيئة شخص ذو نفوذ

Since he coted against the merger with Glaxto and wouldn't support the takever bid for Dunlow, I suspect that his days on the board are numbered.

في آخر وقت ممكن قبل فوات الوان ، في اللحظةالخيرة

The management was able to work out a compromise with the union at the eleventh hour, so a strike was averted.

When does your flight to Tokyo(في وقت غير مناسب أو موات (إما مبكرا أو متأخراconnect?' 'At some unearthy hour- 5:30 a.m. I think.'

عند تمام كل ساعة (في ساعة الواحدة تماما او الثانية(تماما .. الخ

The first bus leaves at six o'clock and then on the hour.

Mrs. Morris will only let rooms to students who keep regular hours.

We had a good night out and didn't get home until the small hours.

يتأخر بقيامه بعمل حتى اللحظة الخيرة أو حتى آخروقت أو فرصة ، حتى ولو كان يمكنه عمله في وقتأبكر

Michael knew that he had a dental appointment this aftrnoon, but he left the house at the very last minute.

يكون لديه القوت الكافي أو المجال لعمل شيء

بسرعة كبيرة وبدون صعوبات

منشغل عن نفسه بأمور غيره

.I'll ring you the minute that he arrivesحامل ، فورا عندما

بالضبط ، في الوقت المحدد

الحداث أو الخير ، ما استجدد من أمور

بمجرد إشعار صغير أو آني ، بسرعة كبيرة

حال ، خلل ثوان أو دقائق قليلة

ياندفاع ، بدون تردد للتفكير ، بشكل عفوي

يخرج إلى سهرة

I'll get you tte information as soon as l've got a minute.

Hold on and I'll be with you in half a minute

I've been busy all day. I haven't had a minute to call my own.

Jack arrives every morning at the same time - 8.20, to the minute.

And now over to our reporter Jim Dale in Paris for up-to-the minute news on the Prime Minister's visit.

You can't expect me to pack my bags and jump on a flight to New York at a moment's notice!

The guest speaker hasn't arrived yet, but we're expecting him at any moment. Ah! Here he is now!

The trip to Poole wasn't planned. I went there on the spur of the moment when I heard that my brother was there.

لديه لحظات أو أوقات من النجاح أو السعادة أفضلمن المعتاد

Barry isn't usually very good around the house, but he does have his moments. Yesterday he repaired a leak! O The course on management skills was rather boring but it had its moments, I admit.

يوقف نشاطا أو عمل معينا في وقت متأخر منالسماء أو الليل

well, I haven't finished filling in these tax froms, but I'm tired, so I'm going to call it a night and continue with them tomorrow.

I feel like a change. We haven't had a night out for months.

,Did the patient have a good nightينام نوما هنيئا / مضطرباnurse?

hOw about a night cap, Paul? Whiskyمشروب (غلبا كحولي) يأخذ قبل الذهاب للنومand soda?

أمسية مسلية أو سهرة يقضيها المرءمع الخرين فيمطعم أو مكان عام ... الخ

After winning the match, a few of the team decided to have a night on the town.

إبن الليل ، شخص يحب السهر خارجا في لنه يشعربأنه أكثر صحوا في الليل منه في النهار

When he was at university Andy was a night owl, but that all changed with his first job.

يأتي في الوقت المناسب لعمل شيء ، يأتي مبكرابشكل كاف إنجاز عمل

I've made some tea. You're just in time for a cup.

يكون في عجلة من أمره ، لديه القليل من الوقت ،وقته مضغوط

Sorry I can't stop for a chat. I'm extremely pressed for time at the moment.

ينتظر فرصة سائحة بصبر

يقضي حكما في السجن ، يكون سجنيا

من وقت لخر ، ليس دائما ، أحيانا

يعيش حياة مريحة بدون قلق أو عمل شاق

للتو ، قبل فوات الوان

بسرعة كبيرة ، حال

بعدما يمر وقت معين ، في حينه ، في أوانه

آن أوانه ، حان وقته مسبقا

الن هو الوقت المثل لعمل شيء ، آن الوان

Jeff's job doesn't offer any prospects of promootion, so he's just biding his time there until he finds something better.

أكبر من عمره ، عبقري ذو تفكير أو قدرات تفوققدرات أقرانه أو المحيطين به

People like Columbus, Galileo and Einstein were all born before their time.

يماطل ، يحاول الحصول على وقت أكثر من المتاح أوالمتوفر أو المسموح به قبل أن يحدث شيء

Tell the back we have got some new orders and that we shall soon be able to pay off the loan. Anything to buy time and stop them foreclosing!

He's had a difficult life. He even did time once for fiddling the company's books.

وقت أو توقيت مناسب (يستخدم هذ االتعبير بشكل(ساخر للتعبير عن أن الوقت غير مناسب

Oh, before I forget, I've found you a customer for your old car. He'll pay you f750.' 'Now's a fine time to tell me. I sold it yesterday for f600!'

حاليا ، في الوقت الحاضر ريثما يحدث شيء أ ويتمترتيب أمر ... الخ

We haven't hires any permanenr staff yet. For the time being, we have a few part-time secretaries.

Pat and Ray visit us from time to time, but we don't get to Yarmouth very often.

Mark married into a very rich family, so he doesn't need to work and generally has a very easy timr of it.

يحصل على الكثير من التسلية أو على تجربة ممتعةوسارة

We took the children to Disnyland and they had the time of their lives!

We got on the platform in the nick of time, just as the guard was blowing his whistle!

The heel's come off my shoe.' 'No problem, this glue will stick it back on in no time at all.'

بتأن ، بدون سرعة ، عندما يصبح مستعدا للقيامبشيء ، يأخذ فرصته الكافية من الوقت

There's no rush for the translation. Just do it in your own good time.

Marion's fiance has broken off their engagement. She's very upset at the moment, but she';; feel better in time.

Here's the bus.' 'About time, too! It's ten minutes late and my feet are freezing!'

This clock was given to us as a wessing(تظهر الوقت بدقة / ل تظهره بدقة (يقال في الساعةpresent twenty years ago, and it still keeps perfect time.

يقتل الوقت ، بقوم بعمل غير نافع أو ممل لمضي وقتافي النتظار بسرعة أكبر

The only time I read magazines is in doctors' waiting rooms to kill time.

If you need some new skis, now's your time, Look, they're all reduced.

مرارا وتكرارا ، بشكل متكررا ، عدة مرات

انتهى الوقت ، ليس مسموحا بأي وقت إضافي

في أفضل أو أحسن الحوال

أحيانا ، في بعض الوقات

أقراع أو أصلع تمامامتسخ كأيدي طفل أو وجهه أو ثيابه

وقح ، عديم الحياء ، ثفقأسمر البشرة من جراء التعرض للشمس

يلعب بالوقت ، يستخدم خطأ أو تكتيات لكسب الوقتقبل أن يكون ملزما بعمل شيء

Don't believe Marsden's story of having to consult his partner before guaranteeing a delivery date - he's only playing for time!

يضبط اليقاع ، يغني أو يعزف بشكل منضبط معاليقاع

Don't ask Ed to join the group - he can't play in time!

يأخذ وقته ، ل يسرع ، يقوم بعمل شيء بتأن ورويةوبالبطء اللزم

Just calm down, take your time and tell me exactly what happened.

I've told Ben time and time again not to stick his chawing gum under the table.

Time's up now, so put down your pens and pass your papers to the front.

My French isn't very good at the best of times, but it's hopeless when I have to speak it unexpectedly on the telephone.

I enjoy life as a bachelor, but I suppose I do get a bit lonely at times.

قديم أو بال (يقال في طراز تفكير أو أفكار أو أزياء ...(الخ

Aunt Maggie dresses a bit behind the times. She won't wear modern fabrics and fashions.

يجاري الزمن ، يكيف تفكيره أو أسلوب حياته ...الخ ، بما يتناسب مع المعايير أو المقاييس العصريةالحديثة

Mother doesn't think think that people should live together if they're not married. She just hasn't moved with the times.

chapter Eight Idioms with comarisons

داكن أو معتم جدا كالقار (غرفة ، سرداب ،(شارع غير مضاء

(ضعيف النظر (يستخدم للدعابة

منهمك ومشغول بأعمال أو نشاطات أو مهماتمتعددة (غالبا ذات طبيعة ممتعة

نظيف ومرتب جدا ، ل يحمل أو يحوي غبارا اوأوساخ غرفة ، بيت

أصم تماما يستخدم على سبيل الداعبةذا مظهر أو شخصية أو مزاج مختلف جدا

سكران أو مخمور جداجاف تماما ، ل يحتوي أي رطوبة

في وضع طبيعي ، فعال ، شغال

مفعم بالحيوية ، نبيه ، يقظ ، صاحوديع إنسان او حيوان كالحمل

جشع ، شره كالخنزير

بشكله أو بحجمه أو بهيئتهخفيف الوزن كالريشة

تعيس ، متعكر المزاجقريب جدا

واضح ، جلي كضوء النهار ، سهل الملحظةأو الفهم وضع معين ، شمكلة ، نوايا شخص


واضح تماما المقصود به هو العكس ذلك ،يستخدم هذا التعبير على سبيل السخرية للتعبيرعن أمر غير واضح ، ل يسهل فهمه ، شرح ،


بارد جدا كالجليد يستعمل فى وصف الشياء أوالمواد أو أيدى الشخص أو جو غرفة ... الخ

هاديء ومسيطر كالثعلب ، صاحب كيد ، يخططفى السر أو حافلة السر لمصالحه الشخصية

ماكر ، خبيث كالثعلب ، صاحب كيد ، يخطط فيالسر لمصالحه الشخصية

سهل عمله أو إيجاد حل له مهمه ، مشكلةصغيرة

مسطح تماما ، منسبط ، مفلطح سطح شيء ،إطار سيارة ... شيء ل يثير الهتمام المتوقع

نكته سخيفة ، حدث اجتماعي تافه ، مفاجأة...مخيبة للمال

في وضع أو مزاج ل مبال وهادئ وخال منالمنغصات

صلب ، قادر على تحمل الكثير بدون إحساس ،قاس في تعامله مع الخرين

متشابهان في الشكل كثيرا كحبتين في قرنالبازلء

شاذ ، غريب الطار ، ذو سلوك غير عاديلدرجة الختلل في العقل ، متوحش كالرنب


مغتبط ، سعيد جدا بشيءسريع جدا بحركاته أو تفكيره ، سريع كالبرق

منطو وخجول بطبعه ، هادئ و ليثير ضجيجا

ذكي أو سريع البديهة أو فطن

مخلص تماما ، موثوق ويعتمد عليه

ضعيف جسديا بع دالمرض

بطريقة غاضبة وانفعالية و عصبية

شخص كهمل ، شيء قديم جدا ، يستخدم فيوصف قصة أو حكاية يعرفها الجميع مسبقا

بديهي ، جلي ، يمكن تخمينه ، ل يغفل عنه ،ظاهر كالنف في وجه الشخص

شخص يقوم بشؤونه في أوقات محددةومنتظمة أو يمكن العتماد عليه ، شيء أو

حدث يحدث دائما في الوقات المتوقعة اوالمخطط لها

يتمتع بصحة جيدة كما في الحوال العادية ، فيأحسن أحواله الجسديه و العاطفية

آمن ومستقر ، ل يرجح انهياره (يقال في أينوع من البنيات. ل يحتمل ضياعه أو تسببه

...بخسارة ، مجازفة في العمل ، اسثمار معين

موثوق ، يعتمد عليه في حالة طوارئ ... ،... صارم ، يقف بأمان على قدمين ، سلم

حقيقي ول شك فيه ، يستخدم للتأكيد على صحةشيء وعدم وجود شك فيه

صعب قضمه ومضغه لحم ، شخص قويالبنيه ، بليد وغير حساس للنتقاد أو الشتيمة ،

ل يمكن ايذاؤه أو الساؤة إليه بسهولة

دافئ كالصابع عندما تكون مكسية جيدا فيالشتاء ، غرفة ممتعة بدفئها

شاحب الوجه من جراء صدمة أو خوف أو منجراء المرض

أهوج أو أخرق أو بدون إحساس مرهفيتناسب مع رهافة أو دقة وضع أو محيط معين

متقلقل وعضبي ، غير قادر على الجلوسبهدوء أو المحافظة على السكون

يبدو مسرورا أو مزهوا بنفسه

بسرعة وطاقة عالتينيغظ بسرعة في نوم عميق

فورا وبسرعة وطاقة عاليتين

لديه شهية طيبة ويأكل كميات كبيرةيختلفان ويتجادلن بعنف وبشكل متكرر

ينطلق بسرعة كبيرة ، قطار أو سيارةيسير بسرعة وانسياب عداء ، سيارة

بليد ، قليل الحساس ، ل يتأثر بالنقد أو اإهانة

مبتل كثيرا من المطر ، خاصة شعر الشخص

مهمل ، مهلهل ، قذر

يركض بسرعة كبيرةتغني بنبرة واضحة وعالية ، مطربة

يرتجف أ ويرتعش من البرد أو الخوفينام نوما عميقا وغير هادئ

يدخن كمية كبيرة من السجائر

ببذر ، يسرف في النفاق ، عادة على المسرات

يبحث عن شيء صغير أو تصعب رؤيته فيكومة من الشياء الغير مرتبة

يثير الغضب ، مناقشة حادة ، جدل ، فيموضوع معين

ل يترك أثرا ، ليس له تاثير او وقع (يقال في(النصيحة التي ل يؤخذ بها

يلوم أو ينتقد شخصا بعنف وحدة ، ينهال عليبالتقريع

يشرب مقادير كبيرة من المشروبات الكحوليةخاصة البيرة

صديقانن متوادان ومنسجمان ومسرورانبمصاحبة بعضهما الخر. يحقق تقدما سريعا

في عمل أو مهمة

يبتسم ابتسامة عريضة أو يكشر بارتياح كما لوأنه مغتبط جدا أو يعرف سشرا

لديه ذاكرة ممتازة خاصة فيما يتعلق بأمورحدثت منذ زمن بعيد

لدية ذاكرة ضعيفة ، ينسي بسرعة في أغلبالحيان

يكون مألوفا أو معروفا تماما بالنسبة له(مكان ، موضوع

يستخدم الشتائم بتكراريسبح بسهولة وسرعة

يعامل شخصا بازدراء وبدون الخذ بمشاعره

يراقب ما يفعله شخص بدقة وبطريقة منتقدة

يعمل بجد وحيوية ومثابرة

تنتشر بسرعة في كل مكان ، الخبار ،الشائعات

يعتاد على امر جديد أو يألفه ويستمتع بهبسهولة وسرعة (عمل أو مهمة جديدة ، مهارة

جديدة ينبغي تعلمها

يظهر بشكل متكرر في فترات معينة ، يقال فيشخص غير مرحب به يصل دائما بشكل غير

متوقع وبدون دعوة

bad blood:

bad language:

a bad lot

bad news:

a bad patch

be in someone's bad books:

come to bad end:

give something up as a bad job:

go from bad to worse:

in a bad way:

(it's/that's) too bad:

make the best of a bad job:

not (so/too) bad (informal):


give someone/have a vad/hard time:

be/get into/hit the big time (informal):

a/the big cheese (informal):

big dea! (informal):

a big fish in a little/small pond:

a big hit :

a big mouth (informal):

a big noise/shot:

big of someone (informal):

big talk/words:

in a bad way:

give someone a big hand :

make it big (slang):

too big for ones boots :

Deadbe dead against


come to a dead halt:

cut someone dead:

dead ahead/in front:

dead and buried/gone:

dead beat/tired:

dead cert (slang) certainty:

dead drunk:

dead easy:

a dead end:

A dead end job:

a dead heat :

a dead loss (informal):

dead on time :

dead right (informal):

a dead silnce :

dead skow:

dead to the world:

a dead weight:

dead wood:

flog a dead horse (insormal):

make a dead set at someone:

over my dead body (informal):

Flatand thet's flat:

flat flat :

flat battery :

flat denial/refusal, ect.:

flat out (with go/run/work ect.):

flat tyre :

knock somwone flat:

wouldn't be seen dead (doing something, etc.) (informal):

in two minutes eyc. Flat (informal):

The dreadful news knocked us flat:

tell someone flat:

Gooda good dael:

a good few/many ( + pliral noun):

a good way

as good as :

as good as gold :

as good as one's word:

be (all) to the good:

be for one's own good:

be good for (+ noun):

be in good company:

be in someone's good books:

be on to a good thing (informal):

do someone good :

do someone a good turn :

for good :

give ( someone) as good as one gets:

good for nothing:

good grief!:

good riddance! (informal):

have a good time :

have had a good innings:

hold good :

in good time :

it's good job (that . . . . ):

make good :

make good time :

throw good money after bad :

while the going's good :

Hardbe hard hit :

be hard on someone :

give someone a good taljing - to/telling - off:

good God/gracious/heavens/Lord!:

it's no/not much good doing something :

be hard pressed (to do something):

be hard to please :

be hard up :

(do something) the hard way:

drive a hard bargain :

a hard and fast rule :

hard cash :

hard of hearing :

a hard luck story :

a hard/tough nut to crack :

the hard stuff :

have a hard time (of it )

play hard to get :

take a hard line :

Highbe for the high jump informal):

be/get high (on somerhing) :

be in high spirits :

be/get on one's high horse :

be riding high :

high and dry :

high flyer :

high and low (with look, search) :

high and mighty :


be hot on something (informal):

be in/get into hot water :

blow hot cold (informal):

a hot line:

a hot potato (informal):

drop someone like a hot potato :

the hot seat :

a hot spo :

hot under the collar :

its high time ( one did something) :

with a high hand, in a high-handed fashion/manner:

be (all) hot and bothered (informal):

Longat long last :

be as broad as it's long :

go a long way :

have come a long way:

in the long run :

in the long term

long deawn out :

a long shot :

not by a long chalk (informal)

the long and the short of it :

Old chip off/of the old block :

for old times' sake :

make it hot for someone (informal):

go a long way towards (doing) something :

an old flame :

an old fogey :

an old hand (at something) :

old hat :

the old man

the old school :

Shorta short cut :

at short nootice :

be short with someone :

be/run short of (something) :

be taken short :

cut something short :

for short :

have a short temper :

fall short of one's hopes/expectations :

in short :

in short supply :

little/nothing short of . . . :

Make short work of something :

short and to the point :

Thickas thick as thieves :

as thick as two short planks :

have/grow a thick skin :

lay / pile it on thick :

thick and fast :

thick on the ground :

through thick and thin :

pull something / someone up short :

short of something/doing something :

in the thick of it/of doing something :

Thinas thin as rake :

be skating on thin ice :

disappear/vanish into thin air:

out of thin air :

the thin end of the wedge :

a thin excuse :

thin on top :

a thin time :


at the end of one's tether :

at the end of the day :

at a loose end :

be the end :

go off (at) the deep end :

in the end :

(not) be the end of the world (for someone):

get hold of the wrong end of the stick :

keep one's end up :

light the end of the tunnel ;

never hear the end of it :

on end of :

on end :

the end of the line/road:

to no end :

make (both) end meet :

tie/clear up loose ends:

lineall along/right down the line :

be (next) in line for something :

be in one's line :

be off/on line :

be/do something in/out of line (with something) :

be/get/stop out of line :

the bootom line :

drop someone a line :

get a line on someone/something:

in the line of fire :

lay it on the line (informal) :

lay something on the line :

sing on the dotted line :

somewhere along the line :

along/on the line of something :

bring someone / something into line :

choose / follow / take the line of least resistance :

come / fall into line with someone / something :

draw the line at something / somewhere :

give someine a line on someone/something :

take a firm/hard/strong line (with someone) (on/over something) :

get one's lines/wires crossed :

read between the lines :

mattera matter of life and/or death :

(as) a matter of course :

be the matter :

for the matter :

no laughing matter :


be (all) in the mind :

be of one/of the same mind :

be out of one's mind :

call/bring something to mind :

cross someone's mind :

drive someone out of his mind :

no matter what/who/where/which etc :

a the back of one's/someone's mind :

change one's mind (about something/someone) :

give/put/set one's mind to something :

have half a mind to do something :

have a mind of one's own :

in one's/the mind's eye :

keep one's mind on something :

know one's (won) mind :

make up one's mind :

mind over matter :

slip one's mind :

speak one's mind :

pointbe beside the point :

give someone a piece of one's mind :

have a good mind to do something :

have something/a lot/enough etc. on one's mind :

keep/bear someone/something in mind :

a load/weight off one's/someone's mind :

take one's/someone's mind off someone/something :

be on the point of doing something :

a case in point :

come/get to/reach the point :

get the/someone's point :

get/wander off the point :

have (got) a point :

in point of fact :

make one's point :

make a point of doing something :

not to put too fine a point on it :

the point of no retyrn :

a sore point (with someone) :

stretch a point :

the sticking point :

one's strong/weak point:

see the point (of/in doing something)

take someone's point :

that's the (whole) point :

what's the point?

(what's) more to the point :

thinga close/nera thing

do one's (own) thing (informal) :

for one thing:

just the thing :

not quite the thing :

sure thing! (informal) :

a thing of the past

waybe/get something under way :

Have (got) a thing about something/someone :

show/teach/tell someone a thing or two :

by way of something :

get/have one's own way :

give way :

go one's own way :

have a way with one :

in a way/in some ways :

in any way :

in the way :

in the way of something :

no way ! (exclamtion) :

not know which way to turn :

on the way out :

way out (informal) :

have it both ways :

go out of one's way to do something :

have a way with someone/something :

way ahead/behind/above/below etc :

mend one's ways :

set in one's ways :

ways and means :

wordby word of mouth :

from the word go :

give someone one's word :

go back on one's word :

have the last word :

have a word with someone :

a household word :

keep one's word :

in a word :

a man/woman of his/her word :

mum's the word!

not a word :

not another word :

one's last word :

put in a good word for someone:

take someone at his word :

take someone's word for it :

that's not the word for it :

the last word (in something) :

word for word :

word perfect :

have word (with someone) :

mark my words! :

mince (one's) words :

not in so many words :

words fail me ! :


come down in the world :

do someone a world of good :

get on in the world :

go up in the world :

(it's a ) small world :

carry the world on one's shoulders :

a man/woman of the world :

not for the world :

on top of the world :

worlds apart :


after all :

all along :

all and sundry :

all being well :

all but :

the all clear :

all day and every day :

all hours :

all in :

all in all :

all in good time :

all of :

all over the place/shop/show :

all the rage :

all the same :

all told :

all well and good :

and all :

at/tilll/until all hours :

one's/the be-all and end-all :

be all go :

be all Greek to someone :

be all over someone (informal)

be all for something/all for doing something :

be all right with someone :

be all the same to someone :

be someone all over (informal)

for all + noun :

for all l ect. Care :

for all l, he, they etc. know :

for all one is worth :

go all out (to do something) :

in all :

it's all up with someone :

(it's/they're) all yours etc :

(not) all there (informal) :

it's all someone can do (not) to do something :

of all the fools etc./foolish rtc. Thing to do!:

of all people/things/places:

once and for all :

when all is said and done :

howand how !

any old how :

how about ?

how come .. (informal):

how dare you/they etc :

how do you do ?

how is it that

how on earth ? How in the world ?

how's that? (informal) :

how in/the hell?/how the heck? (informal)

how's it going? How are things going?

it (as subject)

as it is :

as it was :

as it were :

it can't be helped :

it is/was like this :

it isn't/it's not as if :

it makes no odds

it's a bargain!

it's a bit much (informal)

it's a bit off (informal) :

how's that for/how about that for . . . + noun?

it beats me (how, why etc) (informal)

it is asking/expecting a lot (of someone) :

it's a wonder (that) :

it's anyone's/anybody's guess:

it's back to the drawing board :

it serves you etc. right :

so it seems :

tis is it :

it (as object)

and did I know about it ! :

and don't I know it ! :

as I see it :

be asking for it :

be at it :

be/have done with it :

beat someone to it :

it's/it was no joke (doing something) :

believe it or not :

blast it (informal)

blow it (informal)

blow it !:

(not) buy it (slang) :

call it quits (informal) :

catch it (informal) :

come off it! (informal)

cool it (slang)

cut it fine :

cut it out! (informal) :

dame it!/drat it! :

don't mention it :

easy/gently does it :

fight it out :

for the hell of it (informal):

forget it! :

cion it in/be coining it in (informal) :

get away from it all (informal):

get it (informal)

get it together (informal)

give it a rest (informal)

give it to someone (informal)

go it (informal)

go it alone :

hang it (all)!:

have got it badly (informal)

have got it made (informal)

have got what it takes :

have had it (informal)

give/hand it to someone (with have to/must):

have it in for someone (informal)

have it off with someone (slang):

hit it off (with someone) (informal)

hold to! (informal)

hop it! (informal)

I know it!:

I take it (that) :

jump to it: (informal)

knock it off! (slang)

leave it at that :

let it go (at that):

like it or lump it (informal):

live it up :

lord it (over someone):

have something/nothing/little/not much etc. to show for it :

make it :

make it snappy :

move it! (skang)

not if l ect. Can help it :

now you've done it! (informal)

out with it :

pack it in! (informal)

play it by ear :

play it cool (informal)

play it safe :

rake it in (informal)

ride it out :

rough it :

rub it in :

run for it :

see to it that :

shut it!

skip it :

sleep on it :

snap to it (informal)

snuff it (informal) :

stop on it (informal)

strike it rich:

take it:

take it easy (informal)

take it form me :

take it or leave it :

taky it out of someone :

take it out on someone :

try it on :

to put it mildly :

want jam on it :

watch it! (informal)

watch it with someone

you name it :

you said it!

thatat that (informal)

at that rate

come to that

don't give me that! (informal):

that does it! (informal)

that will do :

that would be telling :

that's about it :"

that's all :

that's all there is to it :

that's done/orn it! (informal)

that's for sure :

that's it :

that's more like it !:

that's rich! (informal)

(and/so) ;that's that :

that's the ticket ! (informal)

well, l likle that! (informal)

you do that!:

tat's/there's + noun for you (informal)

therean there you are!

hang (on) in there! (informal)

so there!:

there again :

there and then :

there are no buts about it :

(but) there it is :

there is no question :

there is (a bit/a lot/much) more to it than that :

there is (much/a lot) more to someone than:

there is no knowing/telling what/when/where ect :

there is no mistaking someone/something:

there is nothing in it :

there's nothing to it :

there is something to be said for

there you are :

you've got me there (informal)

tooall/only too + adjective/adverb :

there is no stopping/holding someone :

there is nothing (else) for it (informal)

there is nothing like (a) + noun (for doing something/to do


there you go/he goes etc. again! (informal) :

be/prove (a bit) too much (for someone) :

it's too bad of someone :

it's/that's just too bad :

none too soon etc.:

too big for one's boots (GB):

too close for comfort :

too funn for words:

too good to true :

too hot to handle (informal)

too much of a good thing :

too true!

Whatand/or what have you (informal)

have (got) too many irons in the fire :

not/none/never too . . .+ adjective/adverb:

and what's more:

for what it's worth:

guess what (informal)

have (got) what it takes :

know what's what :

or what (informal):

so what ? (informal)

that's what it is/was:

(well) what do you know?

what about …:

what for?/what (…)for?

what is it?

what is it to you?

what is someone driving at?

what is eating someone?

and what not/and I don't know what:

I know what/l'll tell you what (informal) :

what is someone getting at?

what next?

what of . . . . .?

what of it?

what the hell! (iformal):

what with :

what's all this (then)? (ingormal):

what's this big idea? (informal)

what's the game? (informal):

what'sp up? (informal)

what is someone playing at? (informal)

what makes someone/something tick (informal)

what the hell/heck/devil?(informal):

what's someone's (little) game? (informal)

what's this/something in aid of? (informal)

what's yours?

you know what?

Noun phrasesanother of tea:

an Aunt Sally:

beginner's luck:

a bit of all right (slang):

a bit on the side (slang):

a blessing in disguise:

a blot on the landscape :

Chapter Two Idioms withnouns and adjectives

a breath of fresh air :

the calm before the storm :

castles in the air (usually build~):

vhild's play :

a could on the horizon :

the corridors of power :

a/th devil's advocate :

a drop in the ocean :

a feather in one's cap :

a flash in the pan :

food for thought :

a dose/taste of one's own medicine :

force of circumstances :

the gift of the gab :

grist to/for someone's mill :

a home from home :

the icing on the cake :

a jack of all trades :

the jet set :

jobs for the boys (informal) :

a kick in the pants :

kids' stuff :

the law of the jungle :

Note: A jack of all trades (but master of none)

a law unto one self :

a leap/shot in the dark:

the lesser of two evils :

the life and soul (of the party):

the luck of the draw :

the man of the hour :

the man in the street :

money for jam/old rope :

a mug's game :

a nail in someone's coffin :

the name of the game :

the nuts and bolts (of something) :

one's own man :

a pack of lies :

par for the course (informal):

pie in the sky :

a piece of cake :

a pillar/the pillars of society :

the pros and cons :

the rank and file :

a rule of thumb :

the run of the mill :

the salt of the earth:

a shars/slice of cake :

a skeleton in the cupboard :

a spoke in someone's wheel :

a step in the right direction :

a stick-in-the-mud :

a stone's throw :

a storm in the teacup :

the tip of the iceberg :

a tower of strength :

the tricks of the trade :

a turn-up for the book(s)

the writing on the wall :

adjective + noun

the acid test :

ancient/past history :

an armchair critic/expert ect :

a thorn in the flesh/someone's side :

Armchair travel :

an awkward/tough customer :

a back seat :

a back -seat driver :

(the) backroom boys :

a bargaining counter :

a blind alley :

a blind date :

a/one's blind spot :

the bright lights :

a bright spark :

the burning question :

a bitter pill (for someone) (to swallow)

the casting vote :

a clean bill of health :

a clean slate/sheet :

a clever dick/a smart alec (k) :

a close call/shave/thing:

a close-run thing :

a closed book :

cold comfort :

a carbon copy (for someone/something)

the common touch :

a confirmed bachelor :

a cool customer :

creature comforts :

a damp squib :

a different/a whole new ball game :

a different kettle of fish :

double Dutch :

(a) double think :

a doubting Thomas :

a double bind (usually be in/find himself in/put someone in ~ )

a down payment :

a dry/dummy run :

Dutch courage :

a Dutch treat :

easy/fair game :

a fair crack of the whip :

a fair weather friend :

a far cry (form something).

a fast/quick buck :

fast living :

a fast worker :

a final/last fling :

a flash Harry :

a flying visit :

a foregone conclusion :

foul play :

a Freudian slip :

a going concern :

the going rate :

a golden handshake :

(the) grass roots :

growing pains :

the gutter press :

a/the happy medium :

a/the hat trick (often do the~):

funny business (often be up to some ~ )

a gentleman's agreement (Usually come to ~

a hatchet man/job :

hobson's choice :

home truths :

a hung jury/parliament:

ill-gotten gains :

an indial summer :

insude information :

an inside job :

an/one's ivory tower :

a jaundiced eye :

a job's comforter :

a hole and corner business/affair etc:

kid gloves (usually treat/handle someone with ~ ) :

a knotty probkem :

the lest ditch :

the last straw :

a leading light :

a leading question

a left - handed compliment :

level pegging :

a live wire :

a loaded question :

loose talk :

a lost cause :

a low profile (usually keeo ~ ) :

the lunatic fringe :

a man/girl Friday :

a marked man :

a meal ticket :

the missing link :

a/the miexd bag/bunch/lot :

a mixed blessing :

a narrow escape :

a nasty piece of work :

a near miss/thing

the nitty gritty :

a Nosy Parker :

odd jobs :

an/the odd man out :

an open and shut case :

an open book :

an open secret :

a parting shot :

a passing fancy :

a/the pecking order :

plain sailing :

a plum job etc :

a private eye :

a put-up job :

a queer customer/fish :

a random shot (Often take ~ )

a raw deal :

an olive branch (usually carry/hold out ~ )

a quixotic project/plan/scheme etc.:

ready money :

a ready wit :

a ringside seat :

a rolling stone :

a rough diamond :

a rough guess :

a rough/smooth passage :

a rude awakening :

a/one's ruling passiion :

a safe bet :

a saving grace :

rose-cloured spectacles (usually look at life/see things through ~ ) :

a rough patch (Usually go through ~ ) :

a rough ride (Usually give someone ~):

second nature :

second thoughts :

sharp practice (s):

a/the/one's sixth sense :

a skeleton staff :

small beer/potatoes (informal):

small fry :

the small print :

small talk :

a smooth operator :

a snap secision/judgement:

a soap opera :

a second (Usually play ~ to someone ):

a soft option :

soft sopap (informal)

a soft spot :

a soft touch :

sour grapes :

a square deal :

a square meal :

a square peg (in a round hole )

a standing joke :

the spitting image (of something/someone)

a spot check (usually do/carry out ~):

a stepping stone :

a stiff drink :

a straw poll/vote :

a stuffed shirt :

a sugar daddy :

a sure-fire method/way/solution:

a sweeping statement :

a tall order :

a tall story:

teething troubles :

a stiff upper lip (usually have/keep/maintain~):

a straight answer/talk (usually give someone/ask for/want ~ ):

a third party :

the Third World :

a tight spot/corner:

a tight squeeze :

a (little) tin god:

(the) top brass (informal)

an unknown quantity :

(the) upper crust :

a vested intrest :

a vicious circle :

a wet blanket :

wishful thinking:

a working berakfast/lunch/dinner :

the third degree (suually give someone/put someone through ~ )


Idiomatic pairs 3Pairs of adjectives

alive and kicking (informal)

born and bred :

bright and breezy :

bright and early :

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed :

cut and dried:

fair and square (informal)

free and easy :

hale and hearty :

home and dry :

meek and mild :

rough and ready :

safe and sound :

short and sweet :

sick and tired (informal) :

slow but sure :

spick and span :

Pairs of nounsbag and baggage :

bits and pieces :

board and lodging :

body and soul :

one's bread and butter :

bricks and mortar :

the cut and thrust :

by/in dribs and drabs :

fun and games :

beer and skittles (ofetn in the phrase life isn ot all beer and


chapter and verse (usually give ~ (for something):

give and take :

the haves and the have-nots :

by hook or by crook :

a hue and cry :

hustle and bustle :

ifs and buts :

the ins and outs :

lock, stock and barrel :

man to man (as in talk ~) :

odds and ends :

hammer and tongs (Usually be/go at it ~ )

heaven and eath (usually mpve ~ (to do something):

hook, line and sinker (usually swallow/fall for something ~ ):

life and limb (as in risk/escape with ~) :

every nook and cranny (as in search ~ )

part and parcel :

rack and ruin (as in fo to ~) :

without rhyme or reason :

the rough and tumble :

stuff and nonsense :

the thrills and spills :

touch and go :

ups and downs :

wear and tear :

wheeling and dealing :

the whys and wherefores :

Pairs of adverbsas and when

back to front :

by and large :

far and wide :

few and far between :

first and formost :

here, there and everywhere :

in and out :

left, right and centre :

lound and clear :

more or less :

neither here nor there :

now and again/then :

on and off/off and on :

over and out :

to and fro :

up and about:

Pairs of verbs

bow and scrape :

chop and change :

do or die:

fetch and carry :

forgive and forget :

gove and take :

grin and bear it (informal)

hit and miss:

hum and haw:

you live and learn:

live and let live :

pick and choose :

rant and rave :

scrimp and save/scrape:

sink or swim:

toss and turn:

wait and see:

wine and dine:

identical pairsagain and again :

all in all :

bit by bit:

blow by blow:

by and by:

from door to door:

little by little :

on nad on (usually go~)

over and over (again)

round and round (often go ~ )

step by step :

through and through :

on the up-and-up :

Idioms with Preopsitions


abov board :

above suspicion :

acrossacross the board:

afterafter a fashion :

after hours :

againstagainst the clock :

against all/the odds:

at at the Bar :

at someone's beck and call :

at close quarters :

against the grain (usually be/go ~ (with someone):

at bay (usually keep/hold someone/something ~) :

at cross purposes (especially be/ralk/argue ~) :

at a/the crossrosads:

at daggers drawn :

at the double :

at the drop of a hat :

at (one's) ease :

at every turn :

at face value :

at one fell swoop :

at the helm :

at large :

at one's leisure :

at loggerheads (with someone) :

at a loss (to do something)

at a loss for words :

at one's (own)/someone's expense:

at home (with someone, in/on/with something):

at a low ebb :

at odds :

at the outside :

at a pinch/push :

at a price :

at random :

at the ready :

(all) at sea :

at a standstill:

at a stretch :

at a tender age :

at will :

at one's end :

behindbehind bars :

behind closed doors:

behind the scenes :


below the belt (usually hit ~ )

below par :

byby degrees :

by/in fits and starts :

by/in leaps and bounds :

by the look of it/things :

by rights :

by the same token :


for the best :

for dear life :

for keeps :

for kicks (informal)

not for love nor money :

for my money (informal)

for the asking (usually in be someone's/can have something ~ )


for two pins (informal) :

fromfrom A to Z :

from cover to cover :

from pillar to post :

from scratch (informal):

in(up) in the air :

in the bag (informal)

in the balance :

in someone's book :

in the cart (informal)

in the clear :

in clover (usually be/live ~)

in deep water (s)

from wher one/someone is standing :

in the dark (especially be/leave someone ~ )

(down) in the dumps :

in one's element :

in a fine/pretty pickle:

in a fix/scrape (informal)

in a flash :

in the flesh:

in a flutter :

in a fog

in full swing :

in hot water :

in a jiffy (informal)

in the know :

in limbo :

in the limelight :

in the money :

in a nutshell :

in the offing :

(out) in the open :

in the pipeline :

in the raw (usually life, nature)

in a rut :

in the same boat (as someine)

in seventh heaven :

in step (with someone/something):

in a stew (informal)

(out) in the sticks :

in stitches :

in store :

in the swim :

in a tight squeeze :

in two :

in trim :

ofof one's own accord :

of note (formal) :

offoff the air :

of a kind/sort, of sorts (follows a noun):

off one's own bat (informal)

off beam (informal)

off the beaten track :

off colour :

off the cuff :

off form :

off limites:

off the map :

(way) off the mark:

be quick/slow :

off the peg:

off the record :

onon the air :

on balance :

on the ball (informal)

on the beat :

on the boil :

on the bottle :

off the rails (especially go ~) (informal)

on call :

on the cards :

on the carpet (informal)

on the cheap (informal)

on the dole (informal)

on the dot :

on edge :

on an even keel :

on form :

on/over the grapevine :

on the house :

on the job :

sleep/lie down ~ :

on the level :

on the loose :

on the make (informal)

on the mend :

on the hop (especially catch someone ~)

on the move :

on the never (-never) (informal)

on the off chance :

on a par with :

on the quiet :

on the rack (informal) :

on the rebound :

on the road :

on the rocks (informal)

on the run :

on a shoestring :

on the side (informal)

on the sly :

on the spot :

on one's mettle (usually be/put someone ~ )

on the nail (often pay (cash) ~) (informal)

on one's plate (usually have (got) a lot/enough/too much ~ )

put someone ~ :

on tap :

on ttarget :

on tenterhooks :

on thin ice (especially be/skate ~ )

on tick (informal)

on one's tod (ingormal)

on yhe trot :

on the wagon (informal)

on the warpath :

outout of bounds :

out of character :

out in the cold (usually be left ~ )

out of condition :

out for the count :

out of one's depth :

on the tiles (informal) usually a night ~ )

out on a limb :

out of the ordinary :

out of place :

out of pocket :

out of the questiopn :

out of reach :

out of the running :

out of sorts :

out of touch :

out of the wood (s) :

Overover the hill :

over the moon :

over the odder (informal)


over the top (informal) (especially be/go ~ ) :

toto date :

to the core :

to a fault :

to the full :

to the letter :

to a T/tee :

to the tune of (informal) :

underunder one's belt :

under one's breath :

under a cloud :

under the counter :

under the doctor :

under one's own steam :

under the weather :

round the bend/twist (especially be/drive/send someone ~ )

to the manner born (especially as/as if ~)

under the sun (used with superlative for emphasis):

under wraps (especially keep something/stay ~ )

upup in arms :

up the creek (informal)

up a gum tree (ingormal)

up to the mark :

up to the pole (informal) :

up the spout (informal)

up someone's street (informal)

Phrasal verbs 5

Phrasal verbsact up (informal)

add up

add up to somwthing :

agree with someone

allow for something :

up for grabs (informal) (especially be ~ ):

up to scratch (especially be/come/bring something ~)

answer (someone) back:

answer for something :

answer to someone :

ask after someone :

ask someone in

ask someone out:

attend t osomeone/something:

back down :

back out (of something):

back someone/something up:

a back up/back up (as adjective)

balls something up (slang, taboo):

bank on someone/something :

(not) bargain for something :

be after something :

be at someone (informal)

be at something (informal)

be down for something :

be in for something (informal)

be in on something :

ne into something (informal)

be on :

you're on (informal)

not be on

be on something :

be out for something (informal)

be out of something:

be up :

be down on someone/something (informal)

be (well) in with someone (informal)

be on about someone/somethiong (informal)

be on to someone/something (informal)

be up against someonr/something (inforaml)

be up to something :

be with someone :

bear something out :

bear up :

bear with someone :

blow over (informal):

blow up :

blow something up :

boil something down (informal)

boild down to something:

bottle something up (informal)

boumce back :

break down:

break something down:

break in :

break someone in :

break off :

break something off:

break out:

break through :

break up

break something up :

break with someone/something:

bring something about:

bring someone down:

bring something down:

bring someone in:

bring something in :

bring someone in on something:

bring soemthing off (informal)

bring something on :

bring someone out:

nring something out:

bring someone round :

bring someone up :

Bring something up :

brush something aside:

brush up (on) something:

build up :

build someone up :

build something up:

bump someone off (informal)

bimp something up (informal)

bump something up (informal)

burst in:

buy someone off:

buy someone out:

buy something up:

buzz off (informal)

call by:

call for someone/something:

call in :

call something off :

call on someone:

call someone up

carry someone away:

carry something off:

carry on :

Not: a carry-on :

carry siomething out :

cash in (on something) (informal)

catch on (informal)

catch on (to something)

catch someone out:

catch up (on/with something)

catch up with someone :

change down/up

chat someone up (informal)

check in/out:

check something off:

check someone/something out :

check up on someone/something:

a check-up:

chew something over (informal)

chip in (with smething) (informal)

chucl something in (informal)

clamp down (on something)

clean someone out (informal)

clean something up :

clear off (informal)

clear out (informal)

clear something out :

clear something up :

cock something up (slang, taboo)

come across :

come axross someone/something:

come along

come by something

come down on someone:

come in :

Not: come in useful/handy :

come off :

come on :

come out:

come round :

come to :

come to something :

come up :

come out with something (informal)

come up with something :

cook something up :

cool off (informal)

count someone/something in :

count on someon/something:

count someone/something out:

crop up :

cry off (informal)

cut back (on) something:

cut down (on) something :

cut in :

cut off :

cut someone off :

cut something off :

cut out :

cut someone out (informal)

cut something out :

cut saomeone up (informal) :

dash something off :

dawn on someone :

deal in something :

deal with someone :

deal with something :

die down :

die for something (informal)

do for someone :

do for something (informal)

do someone over (slang)

do something up :

do someone out of something (informal)

do with something (informal) (sued with could)

do without someone/something :

draw in :

draw someone in :

draw out :

draw someone out :

draw something out :

draw up :

draw something up :

dream something up :

dress up :

dress something up :

drink something in (inforal)

drive at something :

drop by/in/over/ round :

drop off :

drop someone off :

drop out :

drum something up :

dry up :

dwell on something :

ease off :

ease up :

eat into something :

eat something up :

egg someone on (informal)

drop something by/in/off/over/round :

end up (informal)

face up to something/someone:

fall back on someone/something:

fall behind (with something):

fall for someone :

fall something :

fall on with someone :

fall in with something :

fall off :

fall the (with someone) (informal) :

fall through (informal)

feel up to something :

fight someone/something off :

fill in :

fill someone in :

fill something in/out:

finish something off :

finsih off/up with something :

finish with someone (informal)

finish with something :

fit in :

fit in with someon/something :

fit someone/somethoing in :

fit someone up with something :

fit something up with something:

fix on something (informal)

fix on something on :

fix something up (informal)

follow something up :

get about :

fix someone up with somethiong (informal)

foll around (wqith someon/something) (informal)

get along (informal)

get at someone (informal)

get at something :

get away with something :

get back at someone :

get back to someone :

get by :

get someone down :

get something down :

get something avross to someone :

get sown to something :

get in

get someone in :

get in with someone (informal)

get off

get off something :

get someone off :

get something off :

get off with someone (informal)

get on :

get someone off with someone (informal)

get on to someone :

get on with something :

get out (informal)

get something out :

get out of something :

get over someone :

get over something :

get something over :

get round someone :

get round something :

get someone round :

get something round :

get round to someone/something :

get through :

get through something :

get through to someone :

get someone through :

get something through :

get to someine (informal)

get up:

get someone up :

get something up :

get up to something :

give someone away :

give something away :

give in :

give something in :

give out :

give something out :

give up :

give someone up:

give something up :

give up something :

go about :

go about something :

go after someone/something :

go by someone/something :

go down :

go doen with something :

go for someone :

go for something :

go in for something :

go into something :

go along with someone/something :

go off:

go off someone/something :

go on :

go on at someone (informal)

go out :

go over something :

go through :

go through something :

go therough with something :

go up :

grow on someone :

grow up :

hammer something out :

hand something down :

hand something out :

hang about/around (informal)

hang back :

hang behind :

hang on (informal)

hang on to something :

hang out (informal)

hang up (informal)

happen on/upon something :

have someone in :

have someone on :

have (got) something on :

have something out :

head someone off :

head someon off something :

head something off :

help someone out :

hit on something (inforaml)

hang someone/something up (informal) (often passive) :

have (got) aomething on someone (informal)

have something out (with someone) (informal)

have someone up for something (informal)

hold back :

hold something back :

hold off :

hold someone/something off :

hold on :

hold out :

hold out for something :

hold out on someone (informal)

hold something over :

hold someone/something up :

hold with something :

hop off (informal)

hot up (informal)

hunt somathing up :

hush something up :

iron something out :

jack something in (informal)

jack something up (informal)

jazz something up (informal)

hoin in (something)

join up :

jump on sometone (informal)

jump on someone (informal)

keel over

keep at someone :

keep at something :

keep in :

keep someone in :

keep something in :

keep in with someone :

keep on :

keep something on :

keep out of something :

keep up :

keep on at someone (for/about something) (inforaml) :

keep someone up :

keep something up :

keep up something :

keep up with someone :

knock someone back (informal)

knock off (informal)

knock someone off (sang)

knock something off :

knock someone up (GB)

knock something up (informal)

lap something up (informal)

lash out (on something) (informal)

latch on to someone (informal)

latch on to something :

knock about (with someone) (infromal)

knock up against something (informal)

land someone with something (often passive) (informal)

lay something aside :

lay into someone (informal)

lay someone off :

lay off someething (informal)

lay something on :

lay out something :

lead someone on :

lead up to something :

let someone down :

let someone off :

let something off :

let on (informal) :

let someone out (informal):

let up :

lin in :

live up to something :

live somethoing down (usually negative):

look after someone/something :

look in (on someone)

look into something :

look on :

look on someone :

look out :

look out (for someone/something):

look over someone/something :

look to someone (for something):

look up :

look someone up :

look something up :

look up to someone :

lose out (to someone) (informal)

lose out on something (informal)

make for someone/something :

make for something :

look down on someone/something :

make off :

make off with something :

make someone out :

make something out :

make up :

make someone up :

make something up :

make up for something :

make up to someone :

make something up to someone :

mess about/around :

mess someone about/around :

mess something up :

miss someone/something out :

make out (with someone/something)

make something over to someone :

miss out on something (informal) :

mix so,eone/something up :

mix someone up in something :

move in :

move on someone :

move on something (inforaml):

move out :

move up :

muck something up (inforaml):

mug up on something (inforaml):

mull something over :

nail someone down :

nd off

nose about/around (inforaml):

open out :

open up :

muck in (with someone) (inforaml):

muscles in on something (inforaml):

narrow something down (to something):

opt out (of something ):

own up (to something )

pack something in (inforaml):

pack up (inforaml):

pass for someone/something :

pass off :

pass on (inforaml):

pass on something :

pass something on :

pass out :

pass over something :

pay off (inforaml):

pay someone off (inforaml):

pass someone/something off as someone/something :

pay something off :

pick on someone (inforaml):

pick someone/something out :

pick up :

pick someone up :

pick somethig up :

pile something on (inforaml):

pin someone down :

pin something down :

piss off (slang, taboo) :

piss someone off :

play someone along (inforaml):

play along (with someone/soething)

play something down/up:

play up (inforaml):

play up to someone (inforaml):

play with something :

polish something off:

polish something up :

press for something :

press on :

psych someone out (inforaml):

pull something :

pull out :

pull round :

pull through :

pull together :

pull up :

pull someone up (informal):

push for something :

push off (informal):

push on :

put something about:

put something across:

put something away:

put someone down (informal):

put in :

put something in :

put in for something :

put something off :

put someone off :

put someone out :

put something out :

push something on for someone (informal):

put something down to something :

put someone through :

put something through :

put up :

put someone up :

put someone up to something :

put something up :

put up something :

rake something up (informal):

rattle something off :

read something into something :

read something up :

read up on something :

recon on something:

reel something off:

rest up :

ring off :

put up with someone/something (informal):

put upon someone (usually passive):

rip someone off (informal):

roll in :

roll on :

roll up :

rope someone in (informal):

round something off :

round someone/something up :

rub off on someone :

rule someone/something out :

run across someone/something :

run after someone:

run away with someone :

run away with something :

run someone down/over:

run someone in :

run something in :

run something off :

run out :

run out of something :

run over something :

run through something :

run something up :

rush into something :

rush someone into something :

rustle something up :

screw something up (informal):

see about something :

see into something :

see someone off :

run up against someone/something :

see someone out :

see something out :

see through someone/something :

see someone through :

see something through :

see to someone :

see to something :

sell out (of something):

sell out to someone (informal):

send awat for something :

send for someone :

send about someone :

set about something :

set someone back :

set in :

set off :

set someone off :

set something off :

set on someone :

set out :

set to :

set someone up :

set something up :

settle down :

settle down to something :

sellte for something :

settle in :

settle on something :

settle up (with someone):

sew something up (informal) :

shack up with someone (slang) :

shake someone/something off :

shake someone up :

shake someone/something up:

shop around (for something):

shout someone down :

show off :

show someone/something off :

show up :

show someone up :

shut something down :

shut up :

sign on :

shink in :

sit back :

sit in for someone :

sit in something :

sit on someone (informal) :

sit on something (informal) :

sit out :

sit up :

sleep something off :

sleep on something :

slip up :

slow down :

snap at someone :

snap at something :

snap out of something :

snap something up :

sneeze at something (usually negative):

soak somethging up:

soften someone up

sort someone out :

sort something out :

spell something out (informal) :

spin something out :

sdquare up with someone:

square with someone :

stamp something out :

stand by:

stand by someone:

stand down:

stand in for someone :

stand out:

sound someone out (on/about something):

splash out on someone/something :

square up to someone/something :

square something up with someone :

stand out from something :

stand up for someone/something:

stand up to someone :

stand up to something :

step in :

step something up :

stick around (informal):

stick at something :

stick out for something :

stick to someone :

stick to something :

stick up for someone :

stir something up :

stop off :

stop over :

straighten something out :

string someone along :

swear by something (informal):

switch off :

take someone aback :

take after someone :

take something back :

take something down:

take someone in :

take something in :

take in someone :

take off :

take someone off :

take something off :

take someone on:

sus someone/something out (informal):

take something on :

take on something :

take someone out :

take something out :

take something out on someone :

take to someone :

take to something :

take something up :

take up something :

take someone up on something :

take something over (from someone):

take up with someone :

talk someone down:

talk down to someone :

talk someone into something:

talk someone out of something :

talk someone round :

tell someone off :

tell on someone :

think about something :

think of something :

think somethiong over:

think something up:

throw something off :

throw someone out :

throw something out :

throw out something :

throw someone over :

throw up :

throw something up:

tick over (informal):

tie someone down:

tie in with (something):

tie someone up (often passive)

tie something up:

tip someone of (informal):

touch something off :

touch on/upon something :

touch something up :

trade something in :

trade on something :

trip someone up :

trump up something :

tuck in :

turn someone/something down:

turn in (informal):

turn someone in (informal):

turn something in :

turn someone on (informal):

turn on someone :

try something/it on (with someone) (informal):

turn someone off (something) (informal):

turn out :

turn someone out (of somewhere):

Weigh someone down :

Weigh someone up :

Weigh something up :

Whip around (informal):

Whistle for something (informal):

Wind down :

Wind something up :

Work something off :

Work on someone :

Work out :

Work something out :

Work out at something:

Work something up :

Work up to something :

Wrap something up :

Write someone off :

Weite something off :

Write something up :

Verbal idioms 6

argue the toss :

ask/look for trouble

(not) be born yesterday:

bet he (absolute) limit (informal):

be new to the game :

be no picnic (informal):

beat about the bush :

beat someone at his own game:

bite on the bullet:

bite off more than one can chew :

blot one's copybook :

blow one's own trumpet :

bark/be barking up the wrong tree :

be/mean curtains (for someone) (informal):

be a cut above someone/something :

be dying for something/to do something :

bend/lean/fall over backwards (to do something):

blow one's top :

break the bank :

break even :

break fresh/new ground :

break ground with something :

break the ice :

break the news :

bring home the bacen (informal):

bring someone to book :

bring something to tlight :

burn one's boats/bridges :

burn the midnight oil :

burey the hatchet :

call someone's bluff :

call the shots :

bring something home to someone :

call a spade a spade :

(not) care/give a damn (informal):

carry the can (for someone) :

carry (some/little/no etc) weight :

catch someone in the act :

change one's tune :

clear the air :

clip someone's wings :

come clean :

come a cropper (informal):

come down to earth :

come/go full circle :

carry something/it/things (a bit/rather) too far :

catch someone napping (informal):

climb/jump/get on the bandwgon (informal):

come in handy (informal):

come into one's own :

come of age :

come off second best :

some on (too) strong (informal):

come out on top :

come/get to grips with something

come to the crunch (informal):

come unsck :

compare notes :

cook the books (informal):

cramp someone's style (informal):

cross swords (with someone) :

curry favor (with someone)

come to terms with someone / something :

cost a bomb/a packet/the earth (informal):

cut the cackle (informal):

cut a corner/corners :

cut one's losses :

deliver the goods (informal):

dig one's own grave (informal):

do a bunk (informal):

do all right for oneself (informal):

do as/what one is told :

do one's bit :

do one's homework (informal):

do the honours :

cut no ice/not cut much ice (with someone) :

do/try one's damnedest (to do something):

do the dirty on someone (informal):

do (someone/something) (some/no/ a lot of etc) good :

do one's level best (to do something) :

do one's nut (informal):

do the right thing :

do the sights :

do the spadwork :

do one's stuff (informal):

do the trick/job :

draw a blank :

draw in one's horns :

drive a hard bargain :

drop a brick/clanger (informal):

drop names :

earn one's keep :

fall into one's/someone's lap :

fall/come short of something :

fell the pinch :

do wonders/miracles (with something) :

(not) entertain the idea/thouht/suggestion etc.,

fight a losing battle :

fight shy of (doing) something :

fill/fit the bill:

find/get one's bearings :

fiex one's muscles :

fly off the handle (informal):

follow in someone's footsteps :

fllow suit :

get/be above oneself:

get cracking/weaving (informal):

get down to business :

get even (with someone)

get a grip on something :

get a grip/hold on oneself:

get into one's stride :

get down to brass tacks (informal):

get/come in on the ground floor (informal):

get a move on (informal):

get (someone) nowhere (informal):

get (something) off the ground :

get on someone's nerves :

get on top of someone :

get on top of something :

get one's act together (informal):

get one's own back (informal):

get one's skates on (informal):

get oneself together :

get something straight :

get the better of someone :

get knotted/lost/stuffed (Slang, often an exclamtion) :

get one's cards (slang)/ the sack (informal):

get out of bed (on) the wrong sid (informal):

get the chop (Slang) :

get the feel of something :

get/lose the hang of something :

get the message (informal):

get the picture clear :

get the push (Slang)

get the wind (informal):

get there (informal):

get to the bottom of something :

get wind of something :

get to/reach/make first base (with something) (informal):

get/come to grips with something :

get someone wrong (informal):

get something/it wrong (informal):

give someone his due :

give someone hell (informal):

give someone the slip (informal):

give something a try :

give vent to something :

go begging :

go by the board :

get/be wise to someone/something :

give someone the creeps (informal):

give someone an/the edge (over/on someone) :

give the game/show away (informal):

give someone a (good) run for his money (informal):

give someone to understand that … :

give someone/something the (full/whole) works (informal):

go downhill :

go great guns (informal):

go halves (with someone) :

go haywire (informal):

go off at half cock (informal):

go phut :

go/fly off at a tangent :

go places (informal):

go public:

go spare (slang);

go straight (informal):

go to hell (informal):

go to pieces :

go to pot (informal):

go down well/badly etc. (with someone):

go to the wall :

go the whole hog :

gum up the works (informal):

hang firs:

have (oneself) a ball (informal):

have (got) a neve (informal):

have been around (informal):

have (got) (the) first refusal:

have had a few:

go to town (on something) (informal):

not have (got) a clue (about something) (informal):

have a go/crack/bash (at something) (informal):

have (got) something coming to one (informal):

have (got) designs on/upon someone/something (informal):

have (got) everything/a lot going for one (informal):

have a/one's say (in something):

have (got) one's wits about one:

have (got) miexed feelings about someone/(doing) something:

have (got) money to burn (informal):

have (got) no businness fdoing something (informal):

have (ogot) no/not much/more/less call for


have no truck with someone/something (informal):

have (got) something on the go (informal):

have (got) something/nothing/not much etc. to say for oneself:

have (got) the guts to do something (informal):

have (got) the hots for someone (Slang):

have (got) to do with/be to do with someone/something:

have (got) something up one's eleev (informal):

have (got) one's wits cut cut (informal):

hit the headlines :

hit the jackpot :

hit the road (informal):

hit the roof/ceiling:

hold down a job:

hold the fort (informal):

hold one's own:

hold water (informal):

jog someone's memory:

jump the gun (informal):

jump the queue :

keep someone company:

keep/lose one's cool :

keep one's distance :

keep in touch (with someone):

keep something dark (from someone):

keep oneself to oneself:

keep open house:

keep someone posted :

keep tabs on somone (informal):

keep up appearane :

keep up with the Joneses :

know/learn the ropes (informal):

know the score (informal):

know the score (informal):

keep on the right side of someone (informal):

keep pace with someone/something :

keep a tigh/loose rein someone/something :

kick up a fuss/row (about something) (informal):

jknow better (than to do something):

know something inside out/backwards:

know one's onions/stuff (informal):

not know whether one is coming or going (informal):

labour the point:

laugh up one's sleeve (informal):

lay down the law (informal):

lead someone a dance (informal):

leave someone cold (informal):

leave ewll alone :

lend itself to something :

let oneself go :

let something go :

let off steam (informal):

leave one's (on something/someone):

leave someone/something standing (informal):

leave someone to his own devices :

let someone off the hook (informal):

lie low :

not/never look back :

lose one's gip :

loseone's nerve:

lose the thread of something :

lose one's touch :

make a bomb (slang):

make a change (from something)

make a meal o something :

makea mountain out of a molehill:

look daggers at someone (informal):

look on the cheerful/dark etc. side :

make a bolt for something/it (informal):

make a dash for something/it (informal):

make a go of (doing) something (informal):

make a mess/hash of something (informal):

make a move (informal):

make a name for oneself :

make a scen (informal):

make oneself at home :

make the grade (informal):

make (little/on etc.) headway:

make light of something :

make one's pressence felt :

make oneself scarce (informal):

make something stick (informal):

mean business :

meet someone half-way:

meet one's match :

mind one's own business :

make amends (to someoone) (for something) :

make do (with something) (informal):

make heavy weather of (doing) something :

make micemeat of someone/something :

miss the boat :

nip something in the bud:

pack one's bags (informal):

pass the buck :

pick onles in something :

pick a quarrel/fight :

pick up the pieces :

pip someone at the post :

play havoc with something :

play second fiddle to someone :

play with fire :

pull out all the stops (informal):

play ball (with someone) (informal):

play one's cards well/right (informal):

play the game/by the rules (informal):

play straight (with someone) (informal):

pull the plyg on someone (slang) :

pull one's punches (informal):

pull rank (on someone) :

pull one's socks up (informal):

pull one's weight :

push one's luck (informal):

put down roots :

put one's (own) house in order:

put in an appearance (informal):

put one's oar in (informal):

put someone off the scent :

pull (a few/the etc.) string (informal):

put someone in the picture (informal):

put someone in his (proper) place (informal):

put someone/something in the shade (informal):

put something on the map (informal):

put on airs :

put someone on his guard :

put out (one's) feelers (informal):

put paid to something (informal):

put the boot in (slang) :

put/set the record straight :

put someone through his paces:

put someone through the mill:

raise hell (informal):

put/set someome on a pedestal (informal):

put a spoke in someone's wheel (informal):

put the screws on someone (slang:

put one's money on someone/something (informal):

put the tin lid o nsomething (informal):

put one's thinking cap on (informal):

raise the roof (informal):

rest on one's laurels :

ring a (familiar/faint etc.) bell :

rise to the occasion :

rock the boat :

roll up one's sleeves (informal):

rule the roost (informal):

run in the family:

run riot:

run true to form:

save one's breath (informal):

say one's piece (informal):

see fit (to do something):

run the gauntlet (of someone/something):

save one's/someone's bacon (informal):

see someone/something in a different/better etc. light:

see the light (informal):

sell oneself short :

send someone packing (informal):

serve someone right (informal):

set one's sights on something :

set the pace :

set the scene for something :

sit on the fence (informal):

sit tight:

speak for itself/themselves:

sens someone about his business :

set/start/get the ball rolling (informal):

settle a score (with soomeone) (informal):

show one's true colours (informal):

speak volumes (for someone/something) (informal):

spill the beans (informal):

spread one's wings :

stand/hold one's ground :

stand on ceremony:

stand the pace :

stay put:

stay/survive/last the course:

steal the show :

stew in one's own juice (informal):

stick to one's guns (informal):

stop/stick at nothing :

strike lucky ;

sugar/sweeten the pill:

stand a (fair/good/poor etc.) chance of something :

stand to gain/win/lose etc. (something):

steer clear of someone/something :

take a hint :

take a joke :

take advantge of someone :

take advantage of something :

take something amiss:

take something as read :

take someon/something by stoem:

take someone for a ride (informal):

siuit someone (right) down to the ground :

sweep/brush something under the carpet (informal):

swing/gp with/against the tide/current:

take a dim/poor view of someone/something (informal):

take a leaf out of someone's book :

take/have a rian check (on/for something) (informal):

take someone down a peg (or two) (informal):

take one's hat off to someone (informal):

take somethingi n one's stride :

take its toll (of something):

take leave of one's senses :

take one's pick (informal):

take pot luck (informal):

take shape :

take sides (with someone):

take the biscuti (informal):

take the fllor :

take the plunge (informal):

not take kindly to someone/something :

take something lying down (informal):

not take no for an answer (informal):

take some/a lot of doing (informal):

take (the) (necessary/appropate, etc) steps (to do something):

take the lid off something (informal):

take someone under one's wing:

teach someone a lesson :

think better of something :

throw a fit (informal):

throw a party (for someone):

Throw one's hat into the ring:

throw in the towel (informal):

take the rough with the smooth (informal):

take the wind out of someone's sails (informal):

take someone/something to bit/pices:

take someone to task (for something)

take someone to the cleaners (slang):

talk through (the top of) one's hat (informal):

tell someone where to get off (informal):

(not) think twice about doing something :

throw someone off (his) balance :

throw ones weight about/around:

tighten one's belt (informal):

tip the balance/scales:

toy with an idea :

turn over a new leaf:

turn the corner:

turn the tables (on someone):

turn up/out trumps (informal):

upset the applecart :

wait one's turn:

not want to know (informal):

throw the book (of rules) at someone (informal):

wash one's dirty linen in piblic (informal):

watch/mind one's step (informal):

weather/ride the storm:

wipe thw slate clean :

work/do wonders/miracles:

Animalsbadger someone :

make a beast/pig of oneself:

an eager beaver :

a busy bee:

make a bee-line for something :

wipe the floor with someone (informal):

Idioms with key words from special categories

have a bee in one's bonnet (about something):

the bee's knees (informal):

an early bird :

a home bird :

a lone bird/wolf:

an odd bird/fish:

a rare bird:

a bird's-eye view (of something):

bug someone (informal):

take the bull by the horns :

have butterflies in one's stomach:

a cat nap:

lead a cat-and-dog life:

let the cat out of the bag:

not be/have (enough) room to swing a cat:

not have (got) stand a cat in hell's chance (of doing something):

rain/pour cats and dogs:

be no chicken (informal):

chicken feed :

a cock-and-bull story:

wait till the cows come home:

crocodile tears:

dog ears:

a dog in the manger:

dog tried:

top dpg:

a dog's life:

play cat and mouse with someone, play a cat-and-mouse game:

put/set the cat among the pigeons:

chicken out (of doing something) (informal):

count one's chickens (before they hatch):

lead/give someone a dog's life:

go to the dogs:

let sleeping dogs lie:

donkey's years:

do the donkey work:

a lame duck:

a sitting duck:

a cold fish :

a fish out of water:

have other fish to fry:

a fly in the ointment:

no harm/hurt a fly:

can't/won't say boo to a goose:

cook someone's goose:

there are no flies on someone (informal):

a wild goose chase:

a guinea pig:

a hen paety/night:

back the wrong horse:

a dark horse:

horse about/around:

(straight) for the hore's mouth:

change hores in mid-stream:

hold one's horses:

(it's) horses for courses:

be up with the lark:

the lione's share of something:

mankey business/tricks:

make a pig's ear (out) of something:

someone's pigeon (informal):

rat (on someone) (slang):

the rat race:

smell a rat (informal):

at a snail's pace:

a stsg party/night:

talk turkey (informal):

have a whale of a time:

a wolf on sheep's clothing:

kep the wolf from the door:


be in the black:

black and blue:

black ice:

a black day (for someone/something):

a black list:

a black look:

a black mark:

a/the black sheep (of the family):

in someone's black books:

in black and white:

blue(have) blue blood:

a blue-collar worker/job etc.:

a/the blue-eyed boy:

a blue film/movie etc.:

a bolt from the blue :

once in a blue moon:

not as/so black as one/it is painted:

disappear/vanish/go off into the blue:

out of the blue :

till one is blue in the face:

a true blue (GB):

greenbe green (informal):

a green belt:

give someone/get the green light:

green with envy:

have (got) green fingers:

greygo/turn grey:

grey matter:

redbe/go/turn as red as a beetroot:

be in the red:

scream/cry blue murder (informal):

(catch someone/be caught) red-handed:

the red carpet:

a red herring:

a red letter day:

red tape:

see red:

whiteas white as a sheet/ghost:

a white-collar worker/job etc.:

a (little) white lie:

Numbernumber one:

the/one's number one:

one's (lucky) number comes up:

one's number is up:

Numers, size, measurement

one's number two:

one's opposite number:

oneat one time:

back to square one:

be at one with someoen:

for one thing:

a great one for something :

have one over the eight:

I/you/someone etc. for one:

IT's all one (to me/him etc.) :

my/his etc./the one and only:

a new one on me etc. (informal):

one and the same:

be/get on up on someone (informal):

(all) in one, (all) rolled (up) in/into/one:

one fine day:

one for the road (informal):

one in a thousand/million:

a one-night stand:

one of the boys:

one of these days:

one of those days:

the one that got away (informal):

one too many:

a quick one:


one hell/heck of a + (noun) (informal):

one in the eye for someone (informal):

pull a fast one (on someone) (iformal)

be in two minds (about something):

cut both/two ways:

for two pins (informal):

put two and two together:

two bites of/at the cherry:

two/ten a peeny:

three etc.the three Rs:

on all fours :

at sixes and sevens:

knock someone for six (informal):

six feet under (humorous):

six of the best:

a nine days' wonder:

nine times out of ten:

have (got) two strings/a second string to one's bow:

in two shakes (of a lamb's tail) (informal):

on cloud nine (informal):

dressed up to the nines :

ten to one:

forty winks:

a hundred to one shot/chance:


try it/his/that for size!

inchevery inch a + noun:

not budge/give/yield an ich:

a nine-to-five job/attitude/mentality etc.:

nineteen to the dozen (usually talk/chat~)

a hundred/thousand/million and one:

cut someone/something down to size:

That's about the size of it (informal):

milebe miles away:

run a mile:

see something a ,ile off:

stand/stick out a mile:

talk a mile minute:

Parts of the bofyarm

give one's right arm:

a short in the arm:

twist someone's arm:

with open arms:

backbehind someone's back:

break the back of something :

within an inch of doing something:

cost someone an arm and a leg (informal):

keep/hold someone at arm's length:

get/put someone's back up (informal):

get off someone's back (informal):

pat onseslf on the back:

put one's back into something:

see the back of something:

stab someone in the back:

turn one's back on someone:

have no backbone:


be in someone's blood:

get someone's blood up:

in cold blood:

new blood:

bonea bone of contention:

have one's back to/against the wall:

be after/be out for/want (someone's) blood:

like getting blood from/out of a stone:

one's blood boils, it makes one's blood boil:

one's blood runs cold/freezes, it makes one's blood run cold:

bone idle:

bone up on something :

the bare bones (of something):


one's brain-child:

pick someone's brain (s)

have a brainwave:

chestget something off one's chest:

earbe out on one's ear (informal):

play by ear:

play it by ear:

turn a deaf ear to something:

have (got) a bone to pick (with someone):

make no bones about (doing) something:

near the bone/knuckle (a joke, song, remark)

have (got) someone/something on the brain:

rack one's brain (s) (about something):

play/hold/keep one's cards close to one's chest:

be all ears:

fall on deaf ears:

wet behind the ears:

elbowat one's/someone's elbow:

elbow grease:

elbow room:


catch soemone's eye:

easy on the eye:

have (got) an eye for something:

be up to one's ears (in something):

keep one's ear (s) (close) to the ground:

cast/run an/one's eye over something:

have (got) an eye on something/someone:

have (got) an eye to/on/for the main chance:

keep an eye on something/someone:

a smack in the eye:

turn a blind eye to something:

with an eye to (doing) something:

eyeball t oeyeball:

be/become/seem all eyes:

cry one's eyes out:

keep one's eyes skinned/peeled:

see eye to eye (with someone) (on something)

there's more to something/someone than meets

the eye:

be up to the/one's eyes/eyeballs (in something):

before/under someone's (very) eyes:

cannot/can hardly take one's eyes off someone/something:

do something with one's eyes closed:

go into something with one's eyes open:

have (got) eyes in the back of one's head:

have never set eyes on someone/something:

make eyes at someone:

open someone's eyes:

facebe staring someone in the face:

blow up in someone's face:

face to face:

face the music:

have egg on one's face:

In the face of something:

keep a straight face:

let's face it:

only have eyes for someone/something:

pull the wool over someone's eyes:

fly in the face of someone/something:

laugh on the other side of one's face:

lose face:

on the face of it:

put a blod/brave face on it:

show one's face:

a slap in the face:


have (got) a finger in every pie:

lay a finger on someone:

lay/put one's finger on something:

all fingers and thumbs:

get one's fingers burnt:

get/pull one's finger out (informal):

have (got) keep one's finger on the pulse (of something):

point the finger at someon (informal):

twist someone round one's (little) finger:

work one's fingers to the bone:

foot, feet,the boot is on the other foot:

foot the bill

have (goot) a foot in both camps:

have (got) a/one's foot in the door:

my foot!:

put/set a foot wrong:

put one's best foot forward:

put one's foot down:

put one's foot in it:

set foot in/on somewhere:

fall/land on one's feet:

fell/find one's feet:

keep one's finger crossed (for someone):

have (got) something at one's fingertips:

get/start off on the right/worng foot:

get cold feet:

get (back) on one's feet:

run/rush someone off his/her feet:

stand on one's own (two) feet:

hairkeep your hair on!:

let one's hair down:

not turn a hair:

by/within a hair's breadth:

spit hsirs:

handat first hand:

at hand :

have (got) both one's feet on the ground:

pull the carpet/rug (out) from under someone's feet:

mark someone's hair curl/stand on end:

be hand in glove with someone:

bound/tied hand and foot:

cap in hand:

a dab hand (at something):

force someone's hand:

gain/get the upper hand:

give/lend someone a hand:

give someone a big/good hand:

hand over fist:

have/take a hand in something:

in hand :

keep one's hand in:

come the heavy hand (with someone):

eat/feed out of someone's hand (s):

give someone/have (got) a free hand (in something):

have/take/want no hand in something:

live (from) hand to mouth:

off hand:

out of hand:

put one's hand to the plough:

someone's right hand (man):

show/reveal one's hand:

strengthen one's/someone's hand:

take a hand (in something):

take something/someone in hand:

to hand:

wait on someone hand and foot:

be (quite) a handful:

hands off!:

have one's hands full:

play into someone's hands:

win/beat someone hands down:

headabove/over someone's head:

be/go off one's head (informal):

come to a head:

from head to toe:

get something into one's head:

go to one's/someone's head:

have a (good) head for figures:

have (got) a head start:

head over heels:

keep one's head/a cool head:

keep one's head above water:

lose one's head:

have (got) a good head on one''s shoulders:

have (got) one's head in the clouds:

have (got) one's head screwed on the right way (informal):

head and shoulders above someone:

make head or tail of something:

put/lay one's head on the block:

talk one's/someone's head off:

use one's head:

put our/your/their heads together:

heartafter one's own heart:

at heart:

break someone's heart:

by heart:

have a heart!:

have a heart of gold:

have one's heart in the right place:

have the heart (to do something):

a heart to heart (talk):

put something (e.g.an idea) into someone's head:

talk through the back of one's head:

in one's heart of hearts:

lose heart:

one's heart is not in it:

one's heart is in one's mouth:

set one's heart on something:

to one's heart's content:

take heart:

take something to haeart:

heela/one's Achilles' heel:

down at heel:

bring someone to heel:

cool/kick one's heels:

take to one's heels:

leggive someone a leg up:

not have (got) a leg to stand on :

pull someone's leg:

be on its/one's last legs:

stretch one's legs:

with one's tail between one's legs:

neckbe neck and neck:

break one's neck:

breath down someone's neck:

get it in the neck (inforlam):

a pain in the neck :

stick one's neck out:


be up to the/one's neck in something:

have (got) a (good) nose for something:

keep one's nose clean (informal):

keep one's nose to the grinstone:

lead someone by the nose:

pay through the nose:

turn one's nose up at something:

under one's nose:

shouldergive someone the cold shoulder:

put one's shoulder to the wheel:

rub shoulders with someone:

a shoulder to cry on :

straight from the shoulder:


by the skin of one's teeth:

get under someome's skin:

jump out of one's skin:

look down one's nose at something/someone:

be no skin of someeone's nose (informal):

soaked/drenched to the skin:

toebe/keep on one's toes:

toe the line:

toe the party line:

tread/step on someone's toes:


bite one's tongue off:

hold one's tongue:

a slip the tongue:

tongue in cheek:

set tongues wagging:

tooth, teethfight tooth and nail:

have (got) a sweet tooth:

armed to the teeth:

be/have (got) something on the tip of one's tongue:

cut one's teeth on something:

get one's teeth into something:

lie through one's teeth (informal):


any day (of the week):

call it a day:

day after day:

day in day out:

for a rainy day:

have a field day:

have had its/their day:

in this day and age:

make a day of something:

make someone's day:

name the day:

fed up to the (back) teeth (informal):

(not) be someone's day:

not have (got) all day:

an off day :

the order of the day:

the other day:

some day:

this day week:

to a/the/this day:

win/carry the day:

have seen better days:

hourAt the eleventh hour:

at an/some unearthly hour:

on the hour:

keep regular/good/bad hours:

the small hours (of the morning):


ione's/someone's days are numbered:

(do something) at the (very) last minute:

have (got) a minute:

in (half) a minute:

the minute (that):

to the minute:

up-to-the minute (adjective):

momentat a moment's notice:

at any moment:

on the spur of the moment:

have one's moments:

nightcall it a night:

have a night out:

have a good/bad night:

a night cap:

a night on the town:

a night owl:

Timebe in time (for something):

be pressed for time:

(not) have (got) a minute to call one's own:

bide one's time:

born before one's time:

buy time:

do/serve time:

a fine time (to do something):

for the time being:

form time to time:

have an easy time od it (informal)

have time of one's life:

in the nick of time:

in no time (at all):

in someone's own (good) time:

in time:

(it's) about time:

keep good/perfect/bad time:

kill time:

now's the/your time:

play for time:

sing/play in time:

time's up:

at the best of times:

at time:

behind the times:

keep up/move with times:

Comparisons with as …. As

as bald as a coot

as black as coal/soot:

as black as pitch:

as blind as a bat:

as bold as brass:

as brown as a berry:

as busy as a bee:

as clean as a new pin:

take one's time (over/about something):

time after time/time and (time) again:

Idioms with comparisons 8

as clear as crytal/day (light):

as clear as mud (informal):

as cold as ice:

as cool as a cucmber:

as cunning as a foX:

as def as a post:

as d as chalk and/from cheese:

as drunk as a lord/newt:

as dry as a lord/newt:

as easy as ABC/pie/anyrhing:

as fit as a fiddle:

as flat as a pancake:

as fresh as a daisy:

as gentle as a lamb:

as greedy as a pig:

as hard as nails:

as large as life:

as light as a feather:

as like as two peas (in a pod):

as mad as a hatter/a March hare:

as miserable as sin:

as near as dammit (informal):

as happy as a king/lark/ the day is long:

as old as the hills:

as plain as the nose on your face:

as pleased as Punch:

as quick as lightening/a flash:

as quite as a mouse:

as regular as clockwork:

as right as rain:

as safe as houses:

as sharp as a needle/racor:

as steady as a rock:

as tough as leather/old boots:

as true as steel:

as warm as toast:

as weak as a baby/kitten:

as white as a sheet/chalk:

Comparisons with like

(be) like a bear with a sore head:

(be) like a bull in a china shop:

(be) like a cat on lot bricks:

as sure/true as I'm sitting/standing here:

(be off) like the clappers:

be out like a light:

be like a red rag to a bull:

(be off/back/in etc.) like a shot:

(be) like water off a duck's back:

drink like a fish:

eat like a horse:

fight like cat and dog:

fit like a glove:

get on like a house on fire:

go like a bomb:

go like the wind:

grin like a Cheshire cat:

have (get) a hide like rhinoceros:

have (got) a memory like a sieve:

look like a drowend rat:

run like a hare/deer:

sing like a bird/lark/nightingale:

shake/tremble like a leaf:

sleep like a log:

smoke like a chimney:

spend money like water:

(be) like the cat that stole the cream:

be like looking for a needle in a haystack:

come down on someone like a ton of bricks:

know something like the back of one's hand:

look like something the cat dragged/brought in:

spread like wildfire:

swear like a trooper:

swim like a fish:

treat somone like dirt:

watch someone like a hawk:

work like a Trojan:

take to something like a duck to water:

turn up/keep turning up like a bad penny:

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