activities throughout aotearoa - … · activities throughout aotearoa (from south to north) ......

Post on 18-Jul-2018






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(from South to North)

GORE Event Name WEAAD Awareness Day - Gore

Date 15.6.2016

Start – Finish times 12pm – 3pm

Venue Gore Health

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience Staff, public

Any Additional Information Displays at Southern Health, Library, Banks,

Newspaper article

Contact No. for further info

DUNEDIN Event Name Learn the signs and break the silence. It’s Not OK

Date 15 June

Start – Finish times 8am until day end

Venue Otago Polytechnic

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience Otago Polytechnic students & staff whole campus

Any Additional Information Screening on the Polytech their computer system

throughout the day will be our message “Learn

the signs & Break the silence. It’s Not Ok”

Posters will be on display in common areas

throughout the campus.

Nursing students have been invited to spend

some time with an older person & post a selfie on

our Facebook page

Contact No. for further info

DUNEDIN Event Name Information Stall

Date Wednesday 15 June

Start – Finish times 10.00 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Venue Meridian Mall, Dunedin Central

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience General public

Contact No. for further info 03 4771040

DUNEDIN Event Name Static Displays

Date 15 June

Start – Finish times All day

Venue (i) Dunedin Public Hospital

(ii) Dunedin Central Police Station

(iii) Dunedin Work and Income office

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience Customers of these services and general public

Contact No. for further info 03 4771040

OAMARU Event Name World Elder Abuse Awareness Day:

Enduring Power of Attorney = Panel Discussion

Date 15-6-16

Start – Finish times 2 p.m.

Venue Blind Foundation Hall, Steward St, Oamaru

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience Public

Contact No. for further info Age Concern Oamaru 03 434 7008

TIMARU Event Name 1)Panel discussion on Care and Protection of older

people – Multi disciplinary panel includes a geriatrician, solicitor, council, police, a university professor

Date 15 June

Start – Finish times 1.30 pm – 3pm;

Venue DHB Education Centre

Free event or entry fee ($) Free event

Proposed Audience

all staff supporting older people – e.g. (DHB/NGO’s/RH/ Carers) ;

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info Geeta- 03 6885029 Family Works

TIMARU Event Name ‘Workshop to ensure financial safety of

vulnerable older people in our community’ – in conjunction with BNZ, Aoraki Positive Ageing Forum and Family Works.

Date 16th June;

Start – Finish times 1.30 pm – 3pm ;

Venue Harlequin Centre Church Street Timaru;

Free event or entry fee ($) Free event

Proposed Audience

Event 2 : 80 -100 people for vulnerable older people experiencing financial abuse or at risk of being abused

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info Geeta- 03 6885029 Family Works

TIMARU Event Name ‘It’s all about Respect ‘– Intergenerational event

involving Waimate Primary School children and Lister Home residents.

Date 16th June

Start – Finish times 1pm – 2.45pm

Venue Lister Home Waimate;

Free event or entry fee ($) Free event

Proposed Audience

30 school children who visit Lister Home residents four times in the year.

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info Geeta- 03 6885029 Family Works

TIMARU Event Name Displays all around South Canterbury – posters,

purple ribbons and balloons. Special events at the Day Centres.

Date All week

Start – Finish times


Free event or entry fee ($) Free event

Proposed Audience

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info Geeta- 03 6885029 Family Works

WESTPORT Event Name Enduring Power of Attorney Presentation

Date 15th June

Start – Finish times 10.30am

Venue Buller Reap Hall

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience


Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info 789-7659

NELSON Event Name “Recipe For Longevity. Is it worth it.” Prof

Mathew Parsons

Date 7/6/15

Start – Finish times 10am to 12am

Venue Saxton Field Pavilion, Richmond. NELSON

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience

Health workers, Govt and NGO’s working with the elderly. Members of public

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info Nelson Tasman Age Concern 03 5447624.

NELSON Event Name Wakefield Community, Keeping yourself safe


Date 13th June 2016

Start – Finish times 10am

Venue Wakefield community hall

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience Members of the public

Contact No. for further info Nelson Tasman Age concern

NELSON Event Name Age Concern Open Day.

Date 15/6/16

Start – Finish times 10am- 12am

Venue Age concern offices and adjoining Senior citizens hall, Richmond.

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience Members of the public and community partners.

Any Additional Information Purple theme day with decorations cakes etc. All staff present to assist.

Contact No. for further info Nelson Tasman A/C

NELSON Event Name Internet safety. Nationally recognised presenter,

John Parsons.

Date 17/6/16

Start – Finish times 10am- 12 noon

Venue Stoke Baptist Church

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience Elderly internet users and their families.

Contact No. for further info Nelson Tasman A/C.




Radio interview & adverts

15-22 June

Interviews & adverts through week

Local radio Wairarapa community

Age Concern coffee mornings Martinborough, Featherston, Carterton & Masterton

Month of June

Various Various AC members Joint presentation

Presentation at Masterton Medical (MM) with lawyer (EPOA & EANP)

15 June 8 a.m. Masterton Medical practice site

Practice nurses & GPs at Masterton Medical

Resources for presentation to staff

Display at Wairarapa Hospital

15 June 1 week

Wairarapa Hospital

Wairarapa community & hospital staff

Display board, posters, badges & leaflets

Full page article in ‘Wairarapa News’

15 June One edition

Local paper Wairarapa community

Presentations at Violence Free Network meeting FOCUS (NASC), (Adults & Children) meeting

13 June 15 June

12 noon 1 pm FOCUS


Service providers

Display at ‘Work & Income’ Office

TBC Wairarapa community

Table, display board, posters, badges, leaflets

KAPITI Event Name WEAAD EXPO and Street Appeal

Date 15 June

Start – Finish times 9 am to 4 pm

Venue Expo in Coastlands Mall

Street Appeal in 13 locations in Paraparaumu.

Waikanae & Otaki

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience

Public, Carers and other community group


Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info AC Kapiti Coast 04 298 8879

LEVIN Event Name World Elder Abuse Awareness Day information


Date 15 June 2016

Start – Finish times 9am- 4pm

Venue Te Takarere (Community centre /library)

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience

All people coming into the library and those coming to view Matatirki display

Any Additional Information Also another article for the local paper

Contact No. for further info Dan Geraghty AC Horowhenua 06 367 2181

PALMERSTON NORTH Event Name World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2016


Date 15 of June 2016

Start – Finish times 11.30am – 1.30pm

Venue The Warehouse City Central – Palmerston North

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience

General Public & walk through traffic.

Any Additional Information ^ Staffed information & awareness raising booth. ^ Static display in 5 libraries for week. ^ Purple lighting on City Clock Tower ^ Posters/badges distributed to rest homes/GPs surgery’s ^ Newspaper article in local papers

Contact No. for further info 027 325 0510

WANGANUI Event Name Presentation

Date 16/06/2016

Start – Finish times afternoon

Venue Wanganui DHB

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience WDHB Violence Intervention Project Champions

Any Additional Information Publicity on WDHB intranet, website & Facebook

Elder Abuse Awareness Information distributed through community agencies, libraries, and display at Age Concern Wanganui office, website and Facebook

Contact No. for further info Age Concern Wanganui (06) 345 1799

WAIPUKURAU Event Name “Colouring-in” Competition Date 13-18th June Start – Finish times All week Venue Waipaukurau primary schools Free event or entry fee ($) free Proposed Audience Pupils of Waipukurau primary schools

Any Additional Information Four schools are participating incorporating the

colouring competition into their week activities.

These will be displayed in the Waipukurau Age

Concern windows, in time for the BBQ. The image is of older people working with young

people, and has a space at the bottom stating

"Older people/Kaumatua are special because..."

with room for children to add a statement. The purpose is to encourage children to talk

respectfully about the kaumatua in their

lives/communities. Contact No. for further info Brad (06) 870 9060


Date 18/06/2016

Start – Finish times 10am - 12pm

Venue Waipukurau Age Concern

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience Public

Any Additional Information This will be the finale of the Colouring-in

Competition The aim is to have generations mixing and talking

positively about 'Always respected. Never


Contact No. for further info Brad (06) 870 9060


WAIPUKURAU Event Name Radio discussion about Elder Abuse and Neglect

Date 15/06/2016

Start – Finish times

Venue Waipaukurau Central Radio

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience Public

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info Brad (06) 870 9060

NAPIER & FLAXMERE Event Name Education/public awareness discussion

Date 15/06/2016

Start – Finish times 10am; 12pm; 3pm

Venue Napier & Flaxmere

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience Public; members; professionals

Any Additional Information There are a variety of opportunities to speak

about EANP with groups throughout the week.

On the 15th there are three discussions arranged

at the times given above

Contact No. for further info Brad (06) 870 9060

NAPIER Event Name City Park Lights - Purple

Date 15-22/06/2016

Start – Finish times every night

Venue Napier - Possibly Hastings also

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience Public

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info Brad(06) 870 9060

FLAXMERE Event Name Kindergarten waiata

Date 15/06/2016

Start – Finish times 10am

Venue Flaxmere Age Concern

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience Public/members

Any Additional Information Children from the local kindergarten will wear

purple, and come to Age Concern Flaxmere and

sing for their raru, followed by some kai.

After the children leave there will be a discussion

about elder abuse and neglect prevention for all

adults present.

NEW PLYMOUTH Event Name EANP Presentation

Date 15/06/16

Start – Finish times 10am – 12pm

Venue Stratford District Council

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience


Any Additional Information Presentation also includes a talk from Gillian

Goble – Taranaki Age Concern.

Presentation is being supported / promoted

by the Stratford Positive Ageing Trust.

Contact No. for further info David Lloyd – Tui Ora Ltd – 06 7597303

NEW PLYMOUTH Event Name Manned display

Date 15/06/16

Start – Finish times 10am – 2pm

Venue Huatoki Plaza – Devon St, New Plymouth

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience


Any Additional Information Display is being supported by the Taranaki

Safer Community Trust

Contact No. for further info David Lloyd – Tui Ora Ltd – 06 7597303


Promotional flags flying

on Wairoa Bridge

Month of June N/A N/A N/A

Promotional information

distributed at

Kahungunu Executive

Kaumatua day.

31/05/2016 10am-


St Peters

Parish Hall

– Wairoa


Promotional information

distributed at Age

Concern morning tea.

07/06/2016 10am-






Promotional information

distributed to local

business and service


Month of June N/A N/A N/A

Promotion stand at

“Matariki Celebrations

Date to be


To be






Community Movie with

afternoon tea.

Dates to be


To be

confirmed Gaiety



To be


TAUPO Event Name Intergenerational Event

Date 15 June 2016

Start – Finish times 10 am - 12 noon

Venue Rotary House Story Place Taupo

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience

Older people. Volunteers, public

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info 07 3781199

KAWERAU Event Name Elder Abuse Awareness Day stalls Date 15th June 2017 Start – Finish times 9.00am – 4.00pm Venue Tarawera Court & 38 Newall St, Kawerau Free event or entry fee ($) No Costs Proposed Audience

Community Services – Rest Home- The Public and

Local Retailers. Any Additional Information Contact Persons Neville King, Hannabel Savage Contact No. for further info 073238025 - 0278171901

HAMILTON Event Name Quiz night

Date 16th June 2016

Start – Finish times 6.30-8.30pm

Venue Celebrating Age Centre

Free event or entry fee ($) 30.00 for a team of 6

Proposed Audience

Public , businesses, sports teams = Anyone that is up for a fun night!

Any Additional Information Nibbles and drinks

Contact No. for further info Ring Rosemary 07 838 2266

HAMILTON Event Name Health Expo Rauawaawa Trust

Date 13 June

Start – Finish times 11.10am-11.50am

Venue Rauawaawa Trust

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience

Kaumatua, Nurse Staff Whanau Ora

Any Additional Information Elder Abuse and WEAAD

Contact No. for further info 07 838 2266

TAURANGA Event Name WEEAD Bayfair- Information Stall

Date 15th June 2016

Start – Finish times 9am-6pm

Venue Bayfair Shopping Mall Tauranga

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience


Any Additional Information Balloons, badges, and giant knitting with the Knitting Ninjas

Contact No. for further info 07 578 2856


Date 15th June

Start – Finish times 9:30am till 1:00pm

Venue Manurewa RSA, Maich Rd, Auckland 2102

Free event or entry fee ($) Free; Lunch provided; RSVP for catering numbers

Proposed Audience

Public, Carers, community organisations and

those working with older people.

Any Additional Information Workshop discussions with the intention to

identify enablers and barriers for connection.

Isolation is one of the biggest risks for Elder

Abuse and Neglect.

Contact No. for further info Please RSVP by Wednesday 1st.June 2016 either

by phone 2794331 or email

AUCKLAND Event Name Information and awareness raising stalls

Date June 15th

Start – Finish times 10am-2pm

Venue Auckland Hospital and Waitakere Hospital

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience

Public and health professionals

Any Additional Information

Contact No. for further info

AUCKLAND Event Name Connecting with our Community Leaders

Date 15 June

Start – Finish times 5-7pm

Venue Age Concern Auckland

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience

Community leaders (local boards, DHBs, Police,

Services, etc)

Any Additional Information This evening is to connect with our communities

to tackle the issue of elder abuse and neglect

Contact No. for further info

AUCKLAND Event Name Elder Abuse Awareness talks to agencies and

community groups

Date During the week of 13-17 June 2016

Start – Finish times To be confirmed

Venue To be confirmed

Free event or entry fee ($) free

Proposed Audience

Agencies and community groups

Any Additional Information A group of 4 speakers will talk with groups,

including 2 EANP coordinators, Age Concern

Auckland’s CEO and Fieldworker.

Contact No. for further info Bookings can be processed via!elder-


NORTH SHORE Event Name Professional Forum: Elder Abuse & Neglect

Date Tuesday 14th June

Start – Finish times 10.30am-12noon

Venue Positive Ageing Centre, 7 The Strand, Takapuna

Free event or entry fee ($) Free

Proposed Audience

Professional Colleagues

Any Additional Information Guest Speaker: Jennie Michel

Contact No. for further info

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