action plan to integrate gender in infrastructure in east african region mdb-sponsored regional...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Action Plan to Integrate Gender in Infrastructure in East African Region

MDB-Sponsored Regional Workshops to Mainstream Gender Equality in Infrastructure Policies and ProjectsAfrica Regional Workshop, Addis Ababa

Big number of participants, and gender-balanced representation, active participation of all (Ethiopia, Uganda,

Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Saudi Arabia)

Regional Action Plan

• Vision: Gender equality and empowerment of women in infrastructure in the East Africa Region

Through actions in the following areas:

• Policy level • Institutional level• Project level


Divided big group by sectors (transport, irrigation, energy, WATSAN)

Examined opportunities for collective regional AND national action

This report focuses on a set of common agreed actions to be taken and tools to be applied on the regional level

Urban Households by main mode of Human Waste Disposal (Kenya)

© World Bank

Policy Actions

Policy Actions• Regional gender audit of sector policies,

institutions, and screening of projects (gender resources (human and financial, and knowledge, e.g. guidelines) utilizing, where existing, regional platforms (eg AMCOW)

• Implementation of CEDAW and AMCOW (and national constitutions and policies… that are already in place)

© World Bank

Institutional Action

Institutional Action

• Establishing or strengthening gender focal point systems and developing linkages with MoG/Women’s affairs

• Developing a regional gender disaggregated database

• Considering including gender-related responsibilities in Performance Contracts

• Training of senior manager and feed back with lessons, learned from this workshop

• Monitoring and evaluation of existing strategic plans

© World Bank

Institutional Action (cont)• Increasing the human resource base

(especially women in infrastructure-related training), and seeking to integrate gender in curricula of technical education

• Affirmative action to allow more women to join infrastructure / technical courses

• Establish a virtual network of practitioners on gender and infrastructure

• Awareness creation among sector players

• Sub/Regional workshop in March 2012 to follow-up on this action plan

Project Action

Project Actions

• Awareness creation so that men to support women to benefit equitably from projects

• Integrating gender in bidding documents, considering earmarking funds for specific activities

• Undertake gender screening in AT LEAST one project in each sector per country

• Analysis of gender in value chain for projects in irrigation

• Gender-disaggregated data for results and evidence-based policy dialogue

Country AcvtivitiesIrrigation WatSan Transport Energy

Policy Equal access to land is needed Gender audit of WATSAN policies Policies in place – no need for action All countries have policiesGender audit of policies Countries not having policy to use

the audit to develop strategiesSaudi Arabia needs a policy Kenya did an audit, but others have not

– all countries should audit policies, perhaps combined

Gender audit still neededMinistry in charge of gender

Institutions Strengthening gender dept of ag ministries and developing linkages with MoG affairs

Baseline for water (Eth) – impact on women and men

Gender/cross-cutting issues officers exist (Rwanda, Ethiopia) but may need strengthened capacities

Awareness of senior-level managers for sensitization

Developing a gender disaggregated database

Building capacities for planningStrengthening M&E in Uganda and KenyaGender PC in Kenya

Guidelines available in some countries-should be available in all countries

Experience exchange on gender audit (eg Kenya), using existing guid4elines

Gender audit of institutions Gender audit of institutions to see gender-related gaps

Bringing stakeholders together, ministry, regulator, utilities, gender Energy Network

Exchange experiences Influencing private investors to commit resources

Capacity building Level-up countries that have not started gm (eg Ethiopia)Action-oriented case study research on impact on bringing energy, water, transportCapacity building of gender desksDeveloping strategies for gender desdksDeveloping tools and guidelinesImplementing policies and strategies (for those who have developed)Bring in other actors in the energy sector to develop policies for gm

Projects Gender screen projects Integrating gender in bidding documents Gender-disaggregated data on projectsMultiple uses of water Recruitment / train More women staff Identify projects to generate dataCapacity building along the value chain (incl post harvesting, market access, etc)

Affirmative action to allow more women in courses

Sub-regional training on all the tools we have been trained on here

Capacity building of wo/men Gender in curriculum Targeting girls for science-based training

Awareness campaign targeting men

Awareness creation among players, constructors, etc, engineers, how do they mainstream genderEarmark funds for gender in projects


• Nr of policy and institutional audits undertaken by 2012 March

• Nr of projects screened by gender by March 2012

• Nr of Performance Contracts integrating gender

• Number of countries with gender-disaggregated data

• Number of people trained on these tools

Thank you

Join us in East Africa towards Gender Equality in Infrastructure!

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