abusive relationship quiz

Post on 18-Jun-2015






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http://www.overcomebooks.com This relationship quiz will help you to identify whether you are in an abusive relationship or not. Many victims of domestic violence find themselves in abusive relationships and are not even aware of it. If you take this quiz and you realize that you are in an abusive relationship please visit http://www.overcomebooks.com/ebook-healthy-relationships/ to find out more about what you can do,


Abusive Relationship Quiz

Examination of Feelings in the Relationship

In order to determine if you are in an abusive relationship you need to examine your

relationship. First of all, you need to examine your feelings and how the relationship

makes you feel. Our feelings are an indicator of what is going on in our minds and

bodies. They give us important information about our emotional well-being.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you feel afraid of your partner? ____

Do you feel like there is no escape from the relationship?____

Do you feel trapped?____

Do you feel depressed?_____

Do you feel hopeless?_____

Do you feel alone?_____

Do you feel isolated from other people?_____

Do you feel helpless?____

Do you feel powerless?_____

Do feel angry at yourself?_____

Do you dislike yourself?_____

Do you feel self-hatred?______

Do you feel like a prisoner in your own home?___

Do feel angry most of the time?_____

Do you feel guilty about how your partner behaves?_____

Do you feel you are to blame for how your partner is treating you?____

If you have answered yes to five or more of these questions your relationship is

causing you a great deal of emotional pain and you are in an abusive relationship.

Examination of Your Behaviour

The way that you behave in a relationship is another indicator of whether you are in

an abusive relationship.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you try to please your partner all the time?____

Do you agree with everything your partner says to keep the peace?____

Have you given up your friendships to keep them happy?____

Do you give in to your partner’s demands to keep them from getting angry?____

Do you cry often?____

Do you keep what you feel inside?_____

Have you lost interest in how you look?_____

Do you tell your children to act a certain way to avoid your partner getting


Do you avoid expressing how you feel so as not to upset your partner?____

Have you given up your ambitions, dreams or goals in order to please your


Do you avoid expressing your opinion or views because your partner might disagree

with them?_____

Is your whole life based on pleasing your partner and keeping them happy?____

Have you kept yourself from pursuing a career because of your partner?_____

If you have answered yes to five or more of these questions your behaviour indicates

that you are in an abusive relationship.

Examination of your Partner’s Behaviour

Let us examine your partner's behaviour towards you.

Answer yes or no to the following questions:

Is your partner constantly criticizing you?____

Does your partner treat your opinion as if it is of little value?____

Does your partner ignore you when you are talking to them?____

Do they humiliate you in front of other people?___

Do they blame you for everything that goes wrong?____

Does your partner try to control everything you do?_____

Does your partner tell you what clothes to wear?____

Does your partner tell you who to talk to?_____

Does your partner keep you from seeing your family?____

Do they discourage you from having friends?_____

Does your partner hit you when they are angry?_____

Does your partner smash things when they are upset with you?_____

Does your partner encourage your children to disrespect you?_____

Do they try to turn your children against you?____

Does your partner try to get your children to participate in their abuse of you?____

Does your partner cheat on you?_____

Do they criticize your love making and sexual performance in bed?___

Is your partner very jealous?____

Is your partner obsessed with you?_____

Do they call you all hours of the day asking where you are?____

Does your partner call you names?____

Do they intimidate you by shouting at you and threatening violence?___

Does your partner switch from being cruel one minute to being nice in the same


Do they insist you give up friends and social activities to spend time with them?____

Does your partner force you to participate in sexual acts which are unpleasant or


Is your partner selfish in bed and does not consider your sexual needs?____

If you have answered yes to five or more of these questions it is likely that you are in

an abusive relationship.

This relationship quiz is a sample of the book How To Find The Right Person To Date

by Celia John. If you realize from taking this quiz that you are in an abusive

relationship and want to know what to do about it please visit


My book will give you practical guidance on how to find the right partner for you and

will also teach you how to detect an abuser before it’s too late.

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