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A Business Presentation

- Amar Dighe

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Ground Rules for your benefit Switch off your Cell phones please. We are not Salesmen, distributors or stockiest of any company.

So no buying-selling.

You might hear astounding figures, which may seem un-real. But allfigures are facts and verifiable through credible source.

Parts of the presentation may appear like a jig-saw puzzle. At theend all these will come together to form a beautiful picture.

 All your questions will be answered as the presentation proceedsand any un-answered questions should be addressed at the end.

This presentation is for your benefit, so listen to it very carefully. We’re not here to convince you, you have to convince yourself after 

this presentation as to why you want to be a part of this fantasticopportunity.

Have an open mind throughout the presentation and ENJOY !!!

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Points to cover 

The Concept (Principle & Analogy)

The Company and its objective.

Products and Services of the Company

Financially Viable Business Plan

Projections Plan of Action

Credibility (Business and Company)

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Concept – Principle of the Project







Consider two, 30 day calendar months

$1 $2 $4 $8 $16OPTION 1 OPTION 2

Total (End of 30 days)= US$ 30 Million

Total (End of 30 days)= US$ 1.07 Billion +

•  Albert Einstein has stated -8th Wonder of the World. Anything based on this Power of Duplication will rule the world.

• Good News……. 

This project is based on this Awesome POWER OF DUPLICATION

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Concept – Analogy of the Project

• Going to work today is like going to the river to collect buckets of water everyday

• Every Bucket has a hole irrespective of the size, which are our expenses.• The basic concept is to build a pipeline of money which will flow to you 

irrespective of you going to get it.• Whether WATER or MONEY, what makes sense TO CARRY BUCKETS or TO INSTALL A PIPELINE ???

• The pipeline is virtual but the money through this pipeline is absolutelyREAL.

• This pipeline of money coming to you will be laid through a company


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The Company

•The QI Group of Companies is a multinational conglomerate comprising a

dynamic group of 21 subsidiary companies

• Headquartered in Hong Kong, having registered and regional offices inMalaysia and Singapore and a wide range of subsidiary companies innearly 40 countries, a telecommunications arm in the United Kingdom andsubstantial investments in India, Sri Lanka and Middle East.

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The Company

Founded in the Year 1998, with a group of businessmen and investmentbankers from the European Union (EU) and the Association of SouthEast Asian Region (ASEAN)

Mission Statement …..R.Y.T.H.M - Raise Yourself  To Help Mankind.

For any person to Help Mankind, he has to be Financially Strong. Company’s definition of Financial Freedom = Earning and Saving

US$ 12,000 per day, day after day….for years to come. Company works for 5 days a week, like any other Multinational

Company does and the 52 weeks in the year, amounts to……. 

US$ 12,000 x 5 x 52

US$ 3.12 Millionevery year…year after year after year..

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The Products and Services For any company to function, it either launches aProduct or a Service

QNET offers a wide range of products and servicesranging from

- Luxury and Collectibles(Jewelry and Swiss Make Watches)- Education- Wellness- Premium Vacations

None are Hard Selling Products but carry great Value for Money

Lets consider any of the above….. Example PREMIUM VACATION

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The Products and ServicesConcept of Vacations worldwide

Only 5-10% of world population go on vacations regularly with family asthe rest 90-95% wish to go for vacations but cannot go due to cost factor.

Taking an example:What would you spend for accommodation alone for a vacation with your family for one week in a 3 star hotel anywhere in the world?

US$ 200 (Room Rate/night) x 2 (No. of Rooms) x 7 (No. of days)

= US$ 2800 (Total cost for a family for a week vacation annual)

In the next 10 years = US$ 30 - 35,000(Next 10yrs Considering inflation

and rise in the hospitality industry)

In the next 30 years = US$ 150 – 200,000

 Also people today are looking for - Better deals with Value for Money- Choice of Global destinations with world class resorts and Luxuries.- Convenience of Reservations with long Term Benefits and World-wide


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The Products and Services One of the numerous subsidiaries of QI group is Qlifestyles, which offers

great vacation options through its very own subsidiary,

Quest Vacation International (QVI)

QVI is headquartered in Singapore and has service and support offices all

over the world including Mumbai-India. QVI Club memberships offers Vacations for a family or group of 4 Adults in

any of the 6 Home resorts or the affiliated 1000+ resorts, Spas, Hotels,condominiums, boutique hotels across the globe in 4star+, 5star and 7star accommodation at US$ 20 – 30 per person per night, ONLY !!!! 

Which re-iterates my statement that the products are


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Product Value/Business Value

When you purchase a QVI product you basically get3 values

Value for Money Today(US$ 20 -30 per person/night in4/5/7 star destination !!!)

Value for Money Tomorrow attoday’s price (This price of vacationeven after 30 years is the same !!!)


THE BUSINESS VALUEEarning US$ 12,000 per day or US$ 3.12 Million every year (Which supersedes the other two Values above)

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Business Plan and Getting Started To begin the business your first step is

to purchase any product of your choicefrom the 100% Ecommerce companythrough the company’s websitewww.qnet.net, which is the secondlargest E-commerce portal in the world.

Just like opening a bank account where

you need an introducer, you need a valuable reference of a personalready in the business, to even purchase a product.  After you have taken his valuable reference, you purchase the

product which is shipped directly to you through an internationalreliable courier.

You don’t have to wait for the product to come to you. You may start

the business the very next minute of the purchase. You get a personal Identification number (IR ID) and an access to

your very own virtual office where you can track your transactionsevery second.

 You have just started a Multi-Million dollar global business andare a C.E.O of your own company!! 

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The Business Plan

• Every Product has points or BV (Business Volumes) attached.Some have 1500 BV, some 3000, 7000, 13000, 21000… 

• So depending on your potential you pick up any product worth any BV. Let consider you purchase a product of minimum 1500 BV and every person who you talk to, do

the same.• Every product sold under U (B,C,D…….N) you get US$ 56.23 accrued to your account. 

(can we consider US$ 50 for easy calculation purpose?)

• Every 2 people (1500 BV each) on the Left and Every 2 people (1500 BV each) on theright sold under you, you get a cash payout of US$ 225

• Technically 3000BV (Left) & 3000BV (Right) is US$ 225. This is a weekly payout. So

whatever sales happens on the Left and Right of your Organization you will be paid inSETS of 3000BVs and multiples of US$ 225

Points to Remember • Your Organization is divided

into Left and Right just as everythingin life is binary.

• So everyone is place either on the leftor on the right. There is no third placeavailable.

• So you give only two referencesdirectly and any number of references

indirectly 3000BV 3000BV= US$ 225









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Business Plan – Weekly PayoutWk Left Right Amount

1 1(1500BV)



2 2+1=3(4500BV)



3 4(1)(7500BV)



4 8+1=9(13500BV)



5 16(1)(25500)



6 32+1=33(49500)



The Binary Commission Payout:

Considering 1 week (7 days) as a unit of time where everyone gives their valuablereference to only 2 of their closest people.In 6 weeks you have an income of US$ 3,600 in week no. 6 i.e. NearlyUS$ 500 a day.

 As the number of people in your organizationare increasing, everyone giving their tworeferences also increase.For every direct reference you give to anynumber of people in your organizationyou are paid an extra direct referral retail

commission as per the product purchasedby that person.For Direct Referral Retail commissionplease ask the person who showed youthe plan.

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The Business Plan – The Maximum Payout  You will keep on getting the payout till you

reach a CAP US$ 12,000 a day. But this isfor business of 1500BV product you havepurchased. There is no limit on the number of BVs of products you can buy andeventually no limit on the number of businesses you can own.

 Anything earned extra will be forfeited to thecompany, i.e. the company will not pay you.

1500BV = US$ 3.12 million Max earning potential3000BV = US$ 6.24 million Max earning potential15000BV= US$ 31.2 million Max earning potential

NOMINATION FACILITY: Also you canNominate a beneficiary of your choice whowill receive continuous recurring incomeever after you.

What ever you earn extra and which is

forfeited goes to the RYTHM foundation. RYTHM foundation is the charitable

organization which help the people in naturaldisasters like the earthquake, tsunami,floods…. 

You500 a day

1,000 a day

5,000 a day

10,000 a day

Rs. 12,000 a day

,15,0000 a day

US$ 12,000x 5 x 52

US$ 3.12Million yr/yr 

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The Business PlanGetting started The HARD Way

• You start with a 1500 BV product, you get 3 Business centers• C, D, E, F, all Start with a 1500BV product each.• C(1500BV)+D(1500BV) = 3000BV i.e. LEFT VOLUMES

E(1500BV)+F(1500BV) = 3000BV i.e. RIGHT VOLUMES• THUS 2 people LEFT (C and D) and 2 people RIGHT (E and F),

the payout is US$ 225.• Technically 3000BV (LEFT) & 3000BV (RIGHT) = US$ 225







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The Business PlanGetting started The SMART Way

• You start with a 3000 BV product, you get 3 tracking centers• C, D, E, F, all Start with a 3000BV product each.• YOU-2 will earn C-3000BV Left & D-3000BV Right = Rs. 10,350

• YOU-3 will earn E-3000BV Left & F-3000BV Right = Rs. 10,350• YOU-1 will earn C+D-6000BV Left & E+F-6000BV Right = Rs. 20,700• So Total payout will be

YOU-1 = US$ 225+ YOU-2 = US$ 225+ YOU-3 = US$ 450

TOTAL = US$ 900







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The Business PlanWhich is the Best way to Start ??

HARD(1500BV Business Strategy) 

SMART(3000BV Business Strategy)

• Maximum Earning potentialUS$ 3.12 Million per Annum

• Maximum Earning potential

US$ 6.24 Millionper Annum


• Same time and Same Effor tPayout = US$ 225

• Same time and Same EffortPayout = US$ 900

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If you were to start any Traditional business like a factory or a Shopwhat is the investment you would have to make??

For a business with Net Profit of Rs. 14 Crores, if we were tocalculate backwards what is the investment a person had to make??

Net Profit - US$ 3 Million

Gross Profit - US$ 6 Million (Usually double i.e Taxes + expenses)

Turn Over - US$ 60 Million (Most Biz work on 10% GP margin)

Investment - US$ 10 Million (At least… depending on individual biz) 

 After investing US$ 10 million, a person hopes for achieving a NetProfit of US$ 3 Million, which depend on external factors like theStock Market remaining steady, the oil prices do not fluctuate, thereis NO further COMPETITION, etc…… 

But the Good News is……….. 

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Investment in this project is US$ 1,000,000

US$ 900 to 1,000 ONLY for a Net Profit of  

US$ 3.12 Million / Year Or   US$ 1,800 to 2,100 ONLY for a Net Profit of  

US$ 6.24 Million / Year As a Prudent Businessman

What do you see above????




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 Year %ageInt.

Returns(In US$)

1st Year 10% 100

2nd Year 10% 100

3rd Year 10% 100

4th Year 10% 100

5th Year 10% 100

Total 500

BANK (Dormant Investment)Vs

QNET (Active Multi-crore Business) Assuming a person having his lastUS$ 1,000, keeps in the Bank.Though the returns are very low,The returns on his investment are

US$ 500 in 5 years.

Principle amount: US$ 1,000


He purchases a product of 1500BV from QNET and works veryvery slow in the business. Insteadof giving valuable reference to 2 in

a week, he gives only 2 in a wholemonth. That’s very lazy.

Mths Nos. Mths Nos.

1 2 7 128

2 4 8 256

3 8 9 512

4 16 10 1024

5 32 11 2048

6 64 12 4096

Lets be More Lazy

Lets work on 99.5%Of a perfect scenario.That is 0.5% of 4096.

That’s only 20 in the Whole year.Not even 2 a month.

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QNET (Active Multi-Million $ Business)A Lazy Man’s Guide. 

 Year Nos. x Comm.(US$)

Total (US$) % Returns

1st 20 x 50 1,000 100%

2nd 200 x 50 10,000 1000%

3rd 2000 x 50 100,000 10,000%

4th 20000 x 50 1,000,000 1,00,000%

5th 200000 x 50 10,000,000You Get only US$ 3,120,000


US$ 6,880,000 is forfeited to thecompany. RHYTHM

• 1st Year you and your team only manage to have 20 in the whole year.• But your 20 say we’ll work only half as hard as you have worked and do only

10 each every year and so on every year onwards.

Having US$ 3.12 Million every year after 5 years working pathetically enough

money to get food on the table.

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What to do Next ??STEPS FOR SUCCESS

Join the Business QUICKLYBy Purchasing 1500 BV Product or 3000 BV Products from a range of products of Vacation, Wellness, Luxury Products, Telecommunication,etc…. 


- SOLITAIREThe fastest growing Team in India

- Solid infrastructure through Trainings and Presentations,Events, Promotions, Leadership Camps, lots more..

- Set Systems in Place

- Get Rich Sure Business not Get Rich quick Scheme- Learn from individuals you have been there and done it all andsucceed.

Give this wonderful opportunity to everyone you know. ( RYTHM) RETIRE AND ENJOY !!!!!

EARN(L) the business- The right way.

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1000 1000

2000x $50US$ 100,000

US$ 100,000


US$ 150,000

• “A” – Person who introduce you, “B” – You and“C” –  A friend of “A” 

• B starts at 12.00pm and C joins 1 min late• C is dynamic and has 2000 people under him

purchasing product of 1500BV in say 1 year’s time.He earns US$ 100,000

• Which goes to B for ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! 

• Say B is also very dynamic and whatever businessB does on the other side say 3000 people under him,all purchasing product of 1500BV, he earnsUS$ 150,000, C doesn’t get a sniff of that earnings as all that happens on the other side of B.

• Thus the only risk in this business is:• Start late or procrastinate, come many levels

below, unnecessary and give the benefit of  YOUR hard work to people who have joined a little earlier .

• THUS JOIN AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, NOTBLINDLY, only and only if you have convincedyourself that this opportunity can CHANGE YOUR




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How does the company sustain?? In the adjoining case the only person getting a

payout of US$ 225 (C+D=3000BV &E+F=3000BV)

So the company pays out US$ 225 but ithas sold 5 products (YOU, C,D,E,F) of 1500BV each, so the inflow to the company

is US$ 1,000 x 5 = US$ 5,000 The company maintains a healthy Inflow

against the outflow ratio. For any payout tohappen, the company has to sell products,which build on to the inflow of the company.

This the company is always cash rich to payyou your commissions at every levels at theend of every week.

 Any person earning more than US$ 12,000per day, the extra earning are forfeited andadds to the company’s inflow. 







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Company Credentials Started in 1998, the company in its first 4 years of operations has had a massive turnover in

2004 of US$ 267 million which has overtaken all Fortune 500 Companies like Microsoft,Infosys, Honda, Nike in their fourth year.

Due to the Noble mission statement R.Y.T.H.M many world organizations have tied-up withthe company for eg. The United Nations through its FAO programs, The FIFA, The OlympicCommittee, World Badminton Federation, The VATICAN, The Mecca-Madina Trust. In India-Tirupati Balaji trust, Siddhivinayak trust, Shirdi Sai Baba Foundation, The Art of Living

Foundation and many more…  Meeting President Musaveni of Uganda at CHOGM In Kampala The Commonwealth

Business Forum, held in conjunction with the Commonwealth Heads Government Meeting,promotes practices & policies for the enhancement of global trade & investment.

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Sports Endorsements

QI Ltd sponsored The Brazil National Football Teams

QNET Brand Ambassador Muthiah Murlidharan

QI Ltd is the official sponsor of the teamQI – MERITUS of the GP2,Formula 1 racing 

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS)

RYTHM: Raise Yourself To Help Mankind

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Make the best choice for your life!!

Your choices are:1. Completely decline the offer by saying a NO, Thanks!!

2. Buy the VALUE FOR MONEY PRODUCT and Enjoy theproduct alone.

3. Buy the product, enjoy the product and after liking theproduct refer it to your near and dear ones and MAKESOME MONEY.

4. Buy and Enjoy the product and work out the businessmodel professionally and MAKE MILLIONS OFDOLLARS


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Questions ?

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